Pharm 4 Study Guide

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  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    Chapters 47 & 48

    Review non-pharmacological measures for diarrhea andconstipation


    • Clear liquids

    • Oral solutions (Gatorade, pedialyte

    • !" ele#trolyte solutions

    • $%' diet (ananas, ri#e, applesau#e, toastConstipation 

    • Diet ()!G) *!$E%

    • +ater

    • Exer#ise

    • %outine oel haits

    Know about promethazine (Phenergan) MOA common usesreactions side e!ects

    • Phenothiazine antiemeti#

    • Side e-e#ts moderate sedation, hypotension, EPS, C.Se-e#ts, mild anti#holiner/i# symptoms (dry mouth, urinaryretention, #onstipation

    • !t is relati0ely 1ree 1rom EPS at the loer antiemeti# doses

    • Common uses #hemotherapy, pre op, post op

    • 2O inhiits #hemore#eptor tri//er 3one

    "raveler#s $iarrhea• #ute diarrhea

    o sually #aused y E5 #oli

    o *luoroquinolone antiioti#s

    o !modium

    o Can e redu#ed y drin6in/ ottled ater, ashin/

    1ruit, and eatin/ #oo6ed 0e/etale5 2eats should e#oo6ed until they are ell done5

    %ul& 'aatives

    • Psyllium (2etamu#il


     asors ater into intestines, in#reases ul6 andperistalsis ith results in 89 hours

    • 2ix in /lass o1 ater or :ui#e, stir and drin6 immediately,

    1olloed y /lass o1 ater

    • Side e-e#ts adominal #ramps, ex#ess laxati0e; ."D,


    Peptic lcer $isease (P$)

  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    • .on pharma#olo/i#al treatment measures

    o 0oid toa##o, al#ohol, and hot, spi#y, and /reasy

    1oodso  'a6e any .S!Ds ith 1ood or de#rease dosa/e

    o Sit upri/ht hile eatin/ and at least ttin/ #lothin/

    o !1 o0erei/h, lose ei/ht

    • Common Causes

    o )5 pylori is the ? #ause o1 pepti# ul#ers

    o 2e#hani#al, /eneti#, en0ironmental

    o .S!Ds and steroids

    o Stress ul#er, 1olloin/ a #riti#al situation

    • 2edi#al treatment

    o )istamine 9 lo#6ers

    @anta#, Pep#id, xid, 'a/ameto PP!s (proton pump inhiitors

    Prilose#, pre0a#id, protonix

    Chapters 4= & 4

    Know commonl* used drugs+ %enadr*l Pseudoephedrine$etromethorphan

    • Diphenhydramine ($enadryl

    o 2O Competes ith histamine 1or re#eptor sites

    pre0entin/ a histamine response5 %edu#es nasopharyn/ealse#retions, it#hin/, snee3in/

    o ses 'reats a#ute and aller/i# rhinitis, antitussi0e

    o Patient sa1ety points #ontraindi#ated in a#ute asthma

    atta#6, se0ere li0er disease, narro an/le /lau#oma,urinary retention

    !n#reases C.S depression ith al#ohol and other C.S

    depressants, a0oid use o1 2O!s Side e-e#ts Drosiness, dry mouth, di33iness,

    lurred 0isions, hee3in/, photosensiti0ity, urinaryretention, #onstipation, G! distress, lood dys#rasias

    • Pseudoephedrine (Suda1ed

    o 2O stimulates alpha adrener/i# re#eptors, produ#es

    nasal 0aso#onstri#tion, shrin6s nasal mu#ous memranes,redu#es nasal se#retion, reound nasal #on/estion

    o ses sed primarily 1or aller/i# rhinitis hay 1e0er and

    a#ute #ory3a

  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    o Patient sa1ety points Caution patients to use 1or

  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    • Mucom*st 2u#olyti#

    o ique>es and loosens thi#6 mu#ous se#retions

    o dminister A minutes a1ter a ron#hodilator

    o S)OD .O' $E 2!HED +!') O')E% D%GS

    o lso an antidote 1or a#etaminophen (/i0e orally or dilute in

    so1t drin6 or :ui#e• .nhaled gluticocorticoids

    o  antiinammatory e-e#t

    o  .ot help1ul in treatin/ a se0ere asthma atta#6

    o 2ay ta6e 4 ee6s 1or an inhaled steroid to rea#h its 1ull


    ,hapters /0 12 3 14

    ,ommonl* used antibiotics

      Amoicillin  %road spectrum penicillino /ainst /rampositi0e and /ramne/ati0e

    o Che#6otain #ulture and sensiti0ity e1ore dru/s are /i0en

    o ssess renal 1xn, esp in older adults

    o 2onitor 1or leedin/

    o 2O.!'O% COSEI D%!.G ')E *!%S' DOSE

    o !n#rease uids

    o  'a6e hour e1ore or 9 hours a1ter meals

    o $road spe#trum PC.s may de#rease e-e#ti0eness o1 oral

    #ontra#epti0es5o Consider sa1ety issues  hypersensiti0ity and


      Azithrom*cin  Macrolideso @ithromax (rand name

    o .O' G!"E. !2, only Oral or !"

    o $inds to A=S riosomal suunits and inhibits protein

    synthesiso $road spe#tum

    o Uses moderatetose0ere in1e#tions

    %espiratory  G! tra#t


    so1t tissue


    o Treats

     my#oplasmal pneumonia

     e/ionnaireJs disease

  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    o  Side efects

     'innitus, ototoxi#ity

    G! distress



    o  Dru/ intera#tions

    e0els o1 ar1arin, theophylline, and #arama3epine

    in#rease Erythromy#in le0els in#rease ith u#ona3ole and

    6eto#ona3ole KKKK%!SL O* SDDE. C%D!C DE')!.C%ESESKKKK

    3ithromy#in le0els may e redu#ed y anta#ids

    o  .ursin/ inter0entions

    C&S e1ore therapy

    2onitor li0er en3ymes and 1or SS o1 :aundi#e

    d0ise pt to ta6e 1ull re/imen  'a6e hour e1ore or 9 hours a1ter meals 1ull /lass

    o1 ater  'a6e anta#ids 9 hours e1ore or 9 hours a1ter

    medi#ation Pt #ould de0elop #on:un#iti0is hile usin/

    a3ithromy#in, donJt ear #onta#t lenses hile ta6in/ %eport ss o1 super in1e#tion

     'a6e on#e daily

    %eprt onset o1 loose stools or diarrhea,

    pseudomemranous #olitis should e ruled out

    •  %o#ephin  Cephalosporins, road spe#trum (e-e#ti0e a/ainst/ram positi0e and /ram ne/ati0e

    o Side e-e#ts pruritus, G! distress

    +ith hi/h doses in#reased leedin/, sei3ures

    KKKKK.EP)%O'OH!C!'IKKKKK assess renal 1xn

    o Dru/ intera#tions  l#ohol KK!2PO%'.' 'EC)!.G

    PO!.'KK 2ay #ause ushin/, di33iness, heada#he, nausea,

    0omitin/, mus#ular #rampso !nter0entions assess 1or aller/y

    Per1orm C&S e1ore therapy (#ulture and sensiti0ity ssess li0er and renal 1xn

    dminister !" o0er

  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    •  'etra#y#line

    o 2O inhiits protein synthesis

    o $road spe#trum

    o *i/hts )5 pylori

    o  'reats a#ne (oral, topi#al

    o $a#terial resistan#eo %oute oral, !2, !"

    o Side e-e#ts


    Dis#oloration o1 permanent teeth KKdo not /i0e to

    #hildren youn/er than 8 or to omen in the lasttrimesterKK

    Stomatitis, G! distress

    Pseudomemranous #olitis

    $lood dys#rasia

    Super in1e#tion C.S toxi#ity, hepatoxi#ity

    .ephrotoxi#ity in hi/h doses

    o d0erse e-e#ts

    G! disturan#e

    i0er 1ailure


    Deposition o1 dru/ in ones and teeth

    "O!D !. P%EG..CI


    o !ntera#tions

    2il6 produ#ts and anta#ids

    Oral #ontra#epti0es

    Di/oxin asorption is in#reased, leadin/ to toxi#ity

    o !nter0entions


    hour e1ore or 9 hours a1ter meals

    2onitor 6idney and li0er 1xn

    Edu#ate omen o1 #hild earin/ a/e aout side

    e-e#ts terato/eni# e-e#t Store out o1 li/htheat

    se suns#reen se e-e#ti0e oral hy/iene to pre0ent stomatitis

    (mouth ul#ers se a a#6 up method 1or irth #ontrol i1 ta6in/ oral


  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    •  Gentami#in

    o mino/ly#oside  2a:or toxi# e-e#ts o1 amino/ly#osides

    are ototoxi#ity and nephrotoxi#ityo .ursin/ inter0entions 

    Che#6 C&S

    2onitor renal 1xn, hearin/ loss, alan#e se suns#reen photosensiti0ity

    2onitor 1or super in1e#tion

    2onitor pea6 and trou/h le0els

    • Pea6 A8m#/ml

    •  'rou/h =5A9m#/ml

    2onitor !&Os

    !1 uid inta6e is not restri#ted, en#oura/e pt to

    in#rease uids

    •  $a#trim

    o  'rimethoprimsul1amethoxa3oleo Syner/isti# e-e#t oth dru/s to/ether in one #ompound

    #ause a#terial resistan#e to de0elop mu#h more sloly5o sed 1or urinary, intestinal, and loer respiratory tra#t

    in1e#tions5 Otitis media, prostatitis and /onorrhea5 lsoused to pre0ent Pneumo#ysitis #arinii in patients ith !DS

    o Side e-e#tsd0erse rea#tions

    2oderate rashes






    KKK/ranulo#ytosis, aplasti# anemia

    KKKller/i# myo#arditis

    • !*E ')%E'E.!.G CO.D!'!O.S

    o .ursin/ inter0entions

    dminister ith 1ull /lass o1 ater hour e1ore or 9

    hours a1ter meals !n#rease uid inta6e

    2onitor 1or sore throat, ruisin/, leedin/

    C$C Superin1e#tion

    Do not ta6e ith anta#ids

    0oid dire#t sunli/ht

    Can in#rease hypo/ly#emi# e-e#t ith oral

    antidiaeti# dru/s !n#reases anti#oa/ulant e-e#t ith ar1arin

  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    Chapters A & A9

    Review ,onditions

    • 5*poth*roidismDe#rease in thyroid hormone se#retion

    o Chara#teri3ed y $rady#ardia, ei/ht /ain, extreme

    1ati/ue, hair loss, #old intoleran#e, thi#6 ton/ue, slospee#h

    o 2yxedema dult

    o Cretinism #hild

    • 5*perth*roidism !n#rease in #ir#ulatin/ '4 and '< le0els

    o Gra0es disease and hyperthyroidism #aused y hyper

    1un#tion o1 the thyroid /land5o Chara#teri3ed y ta#hy#ardia, palpitations, ex#essi0e

    perspiration, heat intoleran#e, ner0ousness, irritaility,ul/in/ eyes, ei/ht loss

    • $iabetes insipidus )i/h urinary output

    o lo le0els o1 D)

    o )ypernatremia

    o Dehydrated

    o ose too mu#h uid

    o Presents ith ex#essi0e thirst

    • 5*poparoth*roidism  P') de>#ien#y, 0itamin D de>#ien#y,renal impairment, diureti# therapy, hypo#al#emia KKK

    • 5*perparoth*roidism 2ali/nan#ies o1 the parathyroid /landso E#topi# P') hormone se#retion 1rom lun/ #an#er

    o Prolon/ed immoility, durin/ hi#h #al#ium is lost 1rom


    Review6• Pituitar* gland nterior and posterior

    o nterior 

    Groth hormone  tar/ets tissues and one (no

    /land  'S) 'hryotropin thyroid stimulatin/ hormone

    tar/et /land is the thyroid C')  stimulates the release o1 #ortisol,

    aldosterone, and andro/en 1rom the adrenal #ortexo Posterior



    • "h*roid gland re/ulates protein synthesis, en3yme a#ti0ity,stimulates mito#hondrial oxidation

  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    o  'hyroxine ('4

    o  'riiodothyronine ('

  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    o  'ea#h pt ho to #he#6 lood /lu#ose

    o  'ea#h pt ho to administer insulin

    o 2ust #he#6 insulin dose ith another nurse i1 in an

    inpatient settin/o  'ea#h 1amily memers to administer /lu#a/on y in:e#tion

    i1 pt has a hypo/ly#emi# episode"*pes of insulin

    • Rapid acting (clear) onset o1 a#tion AA minutes

    o Pea6

  • 8/17/2019 Pharm 4 Study Guide


    Pharm Exam 4 Study Guide

    o #tions are to enhan#e insulin se#retion, in#rease eta#ell

    responsi0eness, suppress /lu#a/on se#retion, slo /astri#emptyin/, and redu#e 1ood inta6e

    o Gi0en 0ia pen in:e#tion

    •  Glimeperide and Glu#otrol

    o Se#ond /eneration sul1onylureaso sed to treat type 9 diaetes

    o Stimulate pan#reati# eta #ells to se#rete more insulin

    •  Glu#a/on

    o )yper/ly#emi# dru/

    o )yper/ly#emi# hormone se#reted y the alpha #ells o1 the

    islets o1 an/erhanso !n#reases lood su/ar y stimulatin/ /ly#o/enolysis

    o sed to treat insulinindu#ed hypo/ly#emia hen other

    methods o1 pro0idin/ /lu#ose are not a0ailaleo

    Parenteral use (su, !2, !"

    8ursing interventions for oral antidiabetics dminister ith 1ood to de#rease G! upset

    2onitor $G le0els

    d0ise pt that hypo/ly#emi# episodes may o##ur, esp ith

    sul1onyreas  'ea#h pt ss o1 hypo and hyper/ly#emia

     'ea#h pt aout #omplian#e to li1estyle #han/es

     'ea#h pt to report side e-e#ts ."D and rash

    Caution pt not to drin6 al#ohol

    Explain use o1 oran/e :ui#e, hard #andy, su/ar #ontainin/ drin6shen hypo/ly#emi# rea#tions e/in