@EdsentialH_WB www.edsential.com Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity “Pupils with better health and wellbeing are likely to achieve better academically. A positive association exists between academic attainment and physical activity levels of pupils” Public Health England, 2014 “The teaching support was excellent... The modelling of the games was invaluable as I now feel confident to go on and teach them myself“ Jennie McCombs, PE Subject Leader, Well Lane Primary Do you know what high Quality PE looks like? Our team of teachers will ensure the delivery of high quality PE through curriculum delivery or staff professional development. PE or Sport? Our team will deliver a Curriculum that maximises the power of Physical Education to impact upon whole school improvement, through progressive lessons that focus on social and emotional skills and competencies, physical literacy, healthy active lifestyles, cognitive skills and teamwork. What we can do? Our team have experience of changing whole school approaches towards PE, Sport and Physical Activity, leading to exceptional provision. Our support does not start and finish at the beginning and end of the lesson, but includes regular guidance and advice for school staff, pupil voice data and measurable impact.

Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity · 2017-09-07 · Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity “Pupils with better health and wellbeing are likely to achieve

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Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity

“Pupils with better health and wellbeing are likely to achieve better academically. A positive association exists between academic attainment and physical activity levels of pupils” Public Health England, 2014

“The teaching support was excellent... The modelling of the games was invaluable as I now feel confident to go on and teach them myself“Jennie McCombs, PE Subject Leader, Well Lane Primary

Do you know what high Quality PE looks like? Our team of teachers will ensure the delivery of high quality PE through curriculum delivery or staff professional development.

PE or Sport? Our team will deliver a Curriculum that maximises the power of Physical Education to impact upon whole school improvement, through progressive lessons that focus on social and emotional skills and competencies, physical literacy, healthy active lifestyles, cognitive skills and teamwork.

What we can do? Our team have experience of changing whole school approaches towards PE, Sport and Physical Activity, leading to exceptional provision. Our support does not start and finish at the beginning and end of the lesson, but includes regular guidance and advice for school staff, pupil voice data and measurable impact.


High Quality PE Curriculum Support and Professional Development: To include half day support with class teachers in a targeted area of the national curriculum for PE. Opportunities to observe, team teach, discuss and plan, focussing on teaching physical, social and emotional aspects of the National Curriculum for PE.

Primary PE Subject Leader Support Programme: Support for Primary PE Subject Leaders in their role. Including; audits, action plans, learning walks and observations, curriculum planning, PE and sport premium guidance, PE policy writing and healthy schools status.

Staff Training Inset: Bespoke whole school staff training delivered by our team of specialists. This includes curriculum development, creating a healthy school ethos, subject specific practical’s (Dance, Gymnastics, etc), assessment in primary PE and teaching high quality physical education.

Online Professional Development Opportunities: Save on the costs of supply cover with a series of online based CPD solutions. Learn what a high quality PE lesson looks like, how to teach a forward role and how to link dance to school thematic focuses. Includes weekly live forum and blog.

Training and Professional Development: A series of training opportunities for subject leaders, teaching staff, school leaders and Governors.

PE and Sport Audit/Health Check: What is your schools current position in relation to the provision of PE, Sport and Physical Activity? Do you know where to focus the additional PE and Sports Premium? We offer support through a process of self-evaluation, target setting, action planning and intervention. Also includes pupil voice, staff discussions, learning walks and general observations. A report will be written outlining the key summary of findings.


Breakfast and After school clubs: Our specialist coaches/teachers provide expert delivery in alternative and traditional activities as part of out of school hours learning.

F2 and KS1 Festivals: By making use of a combination of traditional and alternative activities, we will engage your youngest children in physical activity and sport. Activities include karate, dance, beach activities, footgolf and tennis. All activities delivered at a local venue.

Personal Best - Physical Education and Physical Activity Interventions: Targeted support for groups of young people using the focus of achieving their own personal best to engage, motivate and inspire them to fully participate in Physical Education and Sport and become more physically literate. Groups can include those who struggle to engage in the PE curriculum due to a lack of physical fitness, confidence or self-esteem, a negative attitude towards PE or behaviour in PE.

Family Engagement – After school physical activity sessions: This programme of physical activity sessions in Zumba, child friendly circuits or Soccercise are aimed at children and their parents with a view to increasing the enjoyment of physical activity, leading to sustained participation.

Family Engagement – Cooking and Nutrition Sessions: These after school cooking and nutrition sessions will enable pupils and their parents to discover how to adopt a healthy and balanced diet and how they can cook and prepare meals together.

Premium after school coaching – Elite GB Athlete: Inspire young people in your school with high quality coaching sessions from an elite GB athlete.

Family Activity Programme: This programme focuses on developing relationships that will impact on the whole family. By engaging families in regular, positive, active play in school and home environments, they will play and learn together while supporting children to develop the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, school and life.


6 weeks (basic) £70012 weeks (standard & premium) £1400

1 half day per term in school £400

Twilight £150Half day £200Full day £300

Online subscription for 2017/2018 £350

Twilight £30Half day £50Full day £100

As required £500

1hr/week 1 x½ term (basic & standard) £2202 x½ terms (premium) £440

½ day Festivals each 2 x ½ days (basic) £1704 x ½ days (standard) per6 x ½ days (premium) ½ day

6 consecutive half day sessions £600

1hr/week1 x ½ term £250

1hr/week for 6 weeks £700

1hr/week1 x ½ term £600

1 session per week for 6 weeks £650


1 x comp per term £200

Unlimited N/A

Half Day Training £175

1hr/week1 x½ term (basic & standard) £3002 x½ terms (premium) £600

Hourly £50Half day £125Full day £250

½ day £320

Whole year £4000

½ day per week for 6 weeks £800

Costs on request £500-£1000

½ day £3750Full day £7500


Virtual Competitions: Designed to increase pupils experience of competitive activities, Edsential organised challenges are completed within school (level 1 competition) with scores and results compared with those of other schools.

KS1 and KS2 Competitions: This includes access to a range of competitions in both traditional and alternative activities, the focus being on participation to allow all pupils and schools (irrespective of experience, size or ability) to take part. This is also ideal for smaller schools who struggle to enter more formal competitions or for schools who wish to provide opportunities for more children to compete. PLEASE NOTE: This service is only available for standard and premium


Active Playground and Play Leader Training: Playground and Leadership Training for staff and young leaders. This includes developing communication, determination, responsibility and self-esteem, as well as increasing physical activity levels on the playground at lunch and break times.

Karate: High quality sessions before and after school designed to engage and inspire pupils and attract a new audience to your schools after hours’ programme. The development of resilience, self-esteem, determination and discipline, Physical strength and fitness are key components of the programme. Includes a pre-programme assembly to promote.


Consultancy: Bespoke one to one support in a range of areas, including action planning, self-review, audit, guidance on use of the PE and Sport Premium, learning walks and observation, new Healthy Schools criteria and Ofsted preparation.

Inspirational visits and assemblies – GB Olympians: Raise the prolife of PE and Sport, excite staff and young people and celebrate achievements with a visit from an elite GB Olympian. The visit will include a school assembly, Q&A session, opportunities for photographs and a half day physical activity workshop.

Subject Leadership: A member of our team will take the role of PE and Sport Subject Leader for your school. This can include audits and action planning, PE and Sport Premium planning and evidencing, learning walks, staff CPD, Governors reports, organisation of extra curricular activities (after school clubs and competitions) and applications for awards.

Curriculum Enrichment: Raise your students’ attainment in English and Maths through outdoor experiences. Use your own school’s great outdoors as the stimulus to inspire learners to achieve more in their core subjects. Our bespoke on-site activities will also help to promote self-confidence, teamwork and leadership amongst your students.

School Sports Week: Let the Edsential team plan and deliver your School Sports Week. The week will be individually tailored to your needs and can include aspects of the following; alternative activities delivered during the day, assemblies, parents activity, staff twilight and delivery from local clubs.

High Quality Physical Education: Edsential will provide qualified teachers as replacement teachers for PPA, management time or similar. Includes the use of the Edsential Scheme of Work and Assessment Tool.


CostsServices included in the Premium Service (£5500)Services included in the Standard Service (£3850)Services included in the Basic Service (£1750)If you wish to purchase individual services, the prices are below:

To book any of the services listed:Visit www.edsential.comTel: 084556576315E-mail: [email protected]

How to book“In the space of 4 years our school has been transformed from a school where the pupils didn’t enjoy PE and Sport to 100% of pupils regularly taking part in physical activity, improved attendance and attitudes to learning”. Martin McGovern, PE Subject Leader, St Joseph’s, Wallasey (Merseyside PE and Sport School of The Year Nominee 2015 and 2016)



accessible creativityteam work





PUPILSinspiredmotivated successful

resilient positiveinclusivecollaboration

independent TEACHERSenthuse motivate


Suggested use of funding includes: • PE curriculum teaching support• Training for existing staff including subject leaders• New activities that encourage participation from a wider range of pupils• Targeted after school and breakfast clubs for the least active pupils• Increased competitive opportunities• Engage the least active (including their parents)• Enhance the school swimming programme through additional swimming services• Use PE and Physical Activity to enhance the delivery of other curriculum areas

You should not use your funding to cover planning preparation and assessment (PPA) or to teach the minimum requirement of the PE National Curriculum (this includes school swimming).

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. Funding should be used to develop or add to the current provision of PE, Sport and Physical Activity, ensuring lasting improvements that will benefit pupils in future years.

PE and Sport Premium


Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity, kick-starting healthy active lifestyles

The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

A broader range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Increased participation in competitive sport



PE - “Planned Progressive Learning for ALL. ‘Learning to move and moving to learn”.Sport - “Structured Learning Outside the curriculum, building upon learning in PE”.Physical Activity - “Any form of movement using energy. Play, travel, PE, Sport, daily active routines”.