PM Insights THE ILX TEAM PROJECT PROFESSIONALS VALUE WORK/LIFE BALANCE OVER PAY & CAREER PROGRESSION? Dear Colleague, Welcome to December’s PM Insights issue. This month we take inspiration from Richard Branson who reminds us that a company is people. We then look at a recent survey by ILX Recruitment and find out what a project manager’s top priority is when considering a new job. As part of the ILX Group , ILX Recruitment offers interim, contract and permanent solutions across the Project Management Office within the private and public sectors. Due to ILX Recruitment ’s unrivalled access to ILX’s assessment and learning tools for project and programme management, they are well equipped to recruit / source the right people to help clients achieve their organisational goals. If you missed our webinar discussing how PRINCE2 enables you to be a successful Project Manager and explained what makes a project successful and why they fail. You can still watch the recording here. You have the right project management team, good. Now how to manage it? Read our leadership management tips here. On the eve of the New Year we focus on the third set of locks project – The Panama Canal Expansion – one of the world’s largest infrastructure projects will be completed by April 2016. Watch the video released by The Panama Canal Authority here. 6 TH EDITION – DECEMBER 2015 A recent survey by ILX Recruitment reveals that work/life balance is the top consideration among project managers and PMOs looking to change jobs. When asked to specify what was most important when looking for a new job 46% of respondents said that work/life balance was top of their list. In fact, a higher salary (13%) was rated as one of the least important factors, behind career progression (26%) and a good working environment (15%). “A company is people... employees want to know... am I being listened to or am I a cog in the wheel? People really need to feel wanted.” Richard Branson THIS MONTH IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT? World’s megaproject: PANAMA CANAL EXPANSION Around the world, gigantic engineering and infrastructure projects are opening up or are closing in on their completion, one of them is near to be completed – The Panama Canal Expansion . Nearly 102 years after its first opening, in August 1914, the expansion is on course to be operational by April, 2016.The deeper and wider canal TOOLS & TEMPLATES How to manage a Project Team? Look behind every successful sports team and you’ll find a great manager. Look behind a top project team and you’ll find a great project manager. So how do you become an effective and motivating project manager? Read our leadership management tips here AN INSIGHT INTO PRINCE2? Did you miss out our latest webinar, our PRINCE2 expert Cyril Caulkin gave us a comprehensive understanding of how PRINCE2 enables you to be successful and explained what makes a project successful and why projects fail. Watch the video here The ILX TEAM T eam I L X T h e Louise Capone , Head of ILX Recruitment , commented “The results aren’t that surprising. With the current skills shortage in the project management and PMO market, employers are increasingly finding that an attractive salary and benefits package just isn’t enough to attract and retain the best talent. Employees want to be respected by their employers and a good work- life balance is an excellent way to show that you value your employees as people – not just as a means to an end.” Traditionally, the UK doesn’t compare well to its European neighbours when it comes to work/life balance, with fewer bank holidays and some of the longest working hours on the continent. So we’ve put together our top three tips for taking control of your work/balance: aRemember, productivity is not the same as number of hours worked. If you’ve been skipping sleep to get things finished the chances are that you’re not working very efficiently and tasks will be taking you a lot longer than they would if you were well rested. The Mental Health Foundation has some excellent advice on “working smarter, not longer”. aLeave your work at work . Make a to-do list for tomorrow at the end of each day and leave it at work. aManage expectations . You don’t have to react to everything instantly. Save this for when something is actually time sensitive and urgent. This is self-reinforcing, if people don’t expect you to reply at all hours, you’ll feel less pressure to do so. Lay some clear ground rules such as; “If it’s really urgent, call me, but I won’t be checking my emails tonight” . This sets expectations and leaves you free to switch off. with 2 new sets of locks is intended to double his capacity. This large infrastructure project has carved out a new 3.8 mile channel and required 4.4 million cubic meters of concrete, cost $5.25 billion and last for 9 years (originally slated to last 7 or 8 years). Watch the video released by The Panama Canal Authority below showing the canal expansion project now 95 percent complete. Watch the video here From the entire team at ILX, we wish you happy holidays a prosperous New Year. We look forward working with you in 2016. Happy New Year. For more project management news and career hints and tips follow ILX Recruitment on Linkedin and Twitter. If you’re looking for the best project talent and would like to discuss your recruitment needs please get in touch on 020 7378 5478 or email me [email protected] PRINCE2 ® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. AXELOS ® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. PRINCE ® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. PRINCE2 Agile™ is a trademark of Axelos Limited. The APMG-International Agile Project Management and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited. AgilePM is a Registered Trade Mark of Dynamic Systems Development Method Limited. APMG-International AgilePM is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited. Progility PLC trading as ILX Group plc. Registered Office: 4th Floor, 15 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1BW. Registered Company No. 03525870 “I AM STILL LEARNING” Olympia, London – Visit our stand Q8 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER 3-4 February 2016 learning technologies OUR NEW CLASSROOM LOCATIONS Dublin, Manchester, Aberdeen & Newcastle RECRUITMENT RECRUITMENT RECRUITMENT [email protected] www.ilxgroup.com London +44 (0) 1270 611 600 Sydney +61 13 0045 9459 Auckland +64 9 363 9777 New York +1 212-618-1261 Dubai +971 (0) 4 362 4295 Mumbai +91 11 42885508 · · · · ·

PM Insights - ILX Group · AN INSIGHT INTO PRINCE2? Did you miss out our latest webinar, our PRINCE2 expert Cyril Caulkin gave us a comprehensive understanding of how PRINCE2 enables

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Page 1: PM Insights - ILX Group · AN INSIGHT INTO PRINCE2? Did you miss out our latest webinar, our PRINCE2 expert Cyril Caulkin gave us a comprehensive understanding of how PRINCE2 enables

PM InsightsT H E I L X T E A M


Dear Colleague,

Welcome to December’s PM Insights issue.

This month we take inspiration from Richard Branson who reminds us that a company is people.

We then look at a recent survey by ILX Recruitment and find out what a project manager’s top priority is when considering a new job. As part of the ILX Group, ILX Recruitment offers interim, contract and permanent solutions across the Project Management Office within the private and public sectors. Due to ILX Recruitment’s unrivalled access to ILX’s assessment and learning tools for project and programme management, they are well equipped to recruit / source the right people to help clients achieve their organisational goals.

If you missed our webinar discussing how PRINCE2 enables you to be a successful Project Manager and explained what makes a project successful and why they fail. You can still watch the recording here.

You have the right project management team, good. Now how to manage it? Read our leadership management tips here.

On the eve of the New Year we focus on the third set of locks project – The Panama Canal Expansion – one of the world’s largest infrastructure projects will be completed by April 2016. Watch the video released by The Panama Canal Authority here.


A recent survey by ILX Recruitment reveals that work/life balance is the top consideration among project managers and PMOs looking to change jobs. When asked to specify what was most important when looking for a new job 46% of respondents said that work/life balance was top of their list. In fact, a higher salary (13%) was rated as one of the least important factors, behind career progression (26%) and a good working environment (15%).

“A c o m p a n y i s p e o p l e . . . e m p l o y e e s w a n t t o k n o w. . . a m I b e i n g l i s t e n e d t o o r a m I a c o g i n t h e w h e e l ? P e o p l e r e a l l y n e e d t o f e e l w a n t e d .”

R i c h a r d B r a n s o n


World’s megaproject: PANAMA CANAL EXPANSIONAround the world, gigantic engineering and infrastructure projects are opening up or are closing in on their completion, one of them is near to be completed – The Panama Canal Expansion. Nearly 102 years after its first opening, in August 1914, the expansion is on course to be operational by April , 2016.The deeper and wider canal


How to manage a Project Team?Look behind every successful sports team and you’l l f ind a great manager. Look behind a top project team and you’l l f ind a great project manager. So how do you become an effective and motivating project manager?

Read our leadership management t ips here


Did you miss out our latest webinar, our PRINCE2 expert Cyril Caulkin gave us a comprehensive understanding of how PRINCE2 enables you to be successful and explained what makes a project successful and why projects fail.

Watch the v ideo here


TeamILX The

Louise Capone, Head of ILX Recruitment, commented “The results aren’t that surprising. With the current skills shortage in the project management and PMO market, employers are increasingly finding that an attractive salary and benefits package just isn’t enough to attract and retain the best talent. Employees want to be respected by their employers and a good work-life balance is an excellent way to show that you value your employees as people – not just as a means to an end.”

Traditionally, the UK doesn’t compare well to its European neighbours when it comes to work/life balance, with fewer bank holidays and some of the longest working hours on the continent. So we’ve put together our top three tips for taking control of your work/balance:

aRemember, productivity is not the same as number of hours worked. If you’ve been skipping sleep to get things finished the chances are that you’re not working very efficiently and tasks will be taking you a lot longer than they would if you were well rested. The Mental Health Foundation has some excellent advice on “working smarter, not longer”.

aLeave your work at work. Make a to-do list for tomorrow at the end of each day and leave it at work.

aManage expectations. You don’t have to react to everything instantly. Save this for when something is actually time sensitive and urgent. This is self-reinforcing, if people don’t expect you to reply at all hours, you’ll feel less pressure to do so. Lay some clear ground rules such as; “If it’s really urgent, call me, but I won’t be checking my emails tonight”. This sets expectations and leaves you free to switch off.

with 2 new sets of locks is intended to double his capacity. This large infrastructure project has carved out a new 3.8 mile channel and required 4.4 mill ion cubic meters of concrete, cost $5.25 bil l ion and last for 9 years (originally slated to last 7 or 8 years). Watch the video released by The Panama Canal Authority below showing the canal expansion project now 95 percent complete.

Watch the v ideo here

From the entire team at ILX, we wish you happy holidays a prosperous New Year. We look forward working with you in 2016.

Happy New Year.

For more project management news and career hints and tips follow ILX Recruitment on Linkedin and Twitter.

If you’re looking for the best project talent and would like to discuss your recruitment needs please get in touch on 020 7378 5478 or email me [email protected]

PRINCE2® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. AXELOS® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. PRINCE® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. PRINCE2 Agile™ is a trademark of Axelos Limited. The APMG-International Agile Project Management and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited. AgilePM is a Registered Trade Mark of Dynamic Systems Development Method Limited. APMG-International AgilePM is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited. Progility PLC trading as ILX Group plc. Registered Office: 4th Floor, 15 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1BW. Registered Company No. 03525870

“ I A M S T I L L L E A R N I N G ”

Olympia, London – Visit our stand Q8CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

3-4 February 2016


O U R N E W C L A S S R O O M L O C AT I O N SDublin, Manchester, Aberdeen & Newcastle


contactus@i lxgroup.com www. i lxgroup.com

L o n d o n +44 (0) 1270 611 600

S y d n e y +61 13 0045 9459

A u c k l a n d+64 9 363 9777

N e w Y o r k +1 212-618-1261

D u b a i +971 (0) 4 362 4295

M u m b a i +91 11 42885508

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