Portage Path Behavioral Health 2017 Annual Report

Portage Path Behavioral Health · Portage Path WeLComes neW President! With the retirement of Tim Morgan at the beginning of 2017, Tracy Davis Yaeger, Ph.D., took over as President

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Page 1: Portage Path Behavioral Health · Portage Path WeLComes neW President! With the retirement of Tim Morgan at the beginning of 2017, Tracy Davis Yaeger, Ph.D., took over as President

Portage Path Behavioral Health 2017 Annual Report

Page 2: Portage Path Behavioral Health · Portage Path WeLComes neW President! With the retirement of Tim Morgan at the beginning of 2017, Tracy Davis Yaeger, Ph.D., took over as President


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Chairman’s LetterPortage Path Welcomes New PresidentChanges in the Board of TrusteesMaggie Carroll Smith Advocacy AwardClient Profile2017 Service AwardsNursing ScholarshipSociety of Distinguished PhysiciansSupport HotlineMedicaid Behavioral Health RedesignZero Suicide InitiativePathwaysCrossroadsCreative CopingPortage Path Emergency Services (PES)The Gold StandardDeveloping the Resources Our Clients NeedClient ProfileKJ’s 5K for Mental Health & Animal Rescue2017 Statistics at a Glance2017 Donor List

Page 3: Portage Path Behavioral Health · Portage Path WeLComes neW President! With the retirement of Tim Morgan at the beginning of 2017, Tracy Davis Yaeger, Ph.D., took over as President

Chairman’s LetterWith a new President, Tracy Yaeger, P.h.D. and the promotions of Phil Heislman to Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Candace Pallante, R.N., LSW to Vice President of Psychiatric Emergency Services, and Sean Blake, LPCC-S to Vice President of Outpatient Services, 2017 was a year of great change at Portage Path. Our new leadership joins with our Medical Director Dr. Jeff Moore to provide the experience, passion, knowledge and skillsets Portage Path needs to direct it in the coming years. We are fortunate to have the ability to “raise our own,” thus making the transition seamless to the organization and to our clients.

2017 brought some daunting external challenges to the Northern Ohio behavioral health arena: Ohio’s Medicaid Behavioral Health Redesign, uncertainty over the future of the Affordable Care Act, additional Medicaid changes that will require building new relationships with Managed Care Organizations, requirements for integrated care, a severe and widespread shortage of nurses and psychiatrists, growing need for dual diagnosis services, and an ever-increasing demand for Portage Path’s services.

The changes we have made over the past year have created a better environment for all the lives touched by Portage Path. Every year, this organization helps more than 10,000 local people recover from mental illness and substance abuse problems; providing better environments for themselves, their families, and of course, our community. Portage Path will continue to bring more dedication, more resources, more tools, more training, and the most up-to-date professional practices to bear on the behavioral health issues of Summit County.

Portage Path, its Board, Officers and our whole team wish to thank the Summit County community for its support. We are excellent stewards of our fiduciary responsibilities while providing top notch care. We have increased productivity in our practices and have made ourselves “bigger”, “faster”, “stronger” in our delivery, while holding budgets and expenditures constant.

With the crescendo in demand for behavioral health services in our communities, Portage Path’s mission is more important than ever before.

We will continue to need the support of our community in the years to come, but for now, on behalf of all at Portage Path, and all whom we serve, allow me to simply say:

“Thank you.”

James GableChair, Portage Path Behavioral Health Board of Trustees


Page 4: Portage Path Behavioral Health · Portage Path WeLComes neW President! With the retirement of Tim Morgan at the beginning of 2017, Tracy Davis Yaeger, Ph.D., took over as President

Portage Path WeLComes neW President!With the retirement of Tim Morgan at the beginning of 2017, Tracy Davis Yaeger, Ph.D., took over as President of the 46 year-old agency. Dr. Yaeger brings 27 years of experience to the job, with over two decades as Portage Path’s Vice President of Clinical Services. She originally joined Portage Path as a psychologist after completing a research-based fellowship.

Dr. Yaeger came into the Presidency with firm institutional knowledge, and experience both as a practitioner and an administrator. She also started her tenure with the knowledge that serious external challenges awaited: Ohio’s Behavioral Health Redesign, uncertainty over the future of the Affordable Care Act, upcoming Medicaid changes that will likely require new relationships with Managed Care Organizations, requirements for integrated care, and increasing demand for Portage Path’s services.

To meet these challenges, Dr. Yaeger is committed to continuing to instill hope in our clients, and leading them along the path to recovery. She is focused on building the basis for strong future finances, continuing the strong governance function of the Portage Path board, building partnerships in the community, fostering the compassionate professionalism and quality care our clients need, and ensuring that Portage Path continues to be a leader in the use of evidence-based practices which help our clients recover and live their best lives.

Changes in the Board of trustees


2017 was a tremendous year of change for Portage Path’s Board of Trustees. We were deeply saddened by the loss of Attorney John Solomon, who was a valuable advisor and advocate for Portage Path and our clients for many years. He will be missed by all who knew him, but Portage Path will continue forward stronger for the guidance and words of wisdom he bestowed over the years.

We were blessed in 2017 to appoint Dr. R. William McCue, a recently retired orthopedic surgeon, to our Board of Trustees.

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Maggie Carroll Smith Advocacy AwardIn September, Vice President of Psychiatric Emergency Services, Candy Pallante, RN, LSW was awarded the Maggie Carroll Smith Advocacy Award by the County of Summit ADM Board. Mr. Joel Testa, prior year’s awardee, presented the award.

Maggie Carroll Smith was the founding President of NAMI of Summit County. Nominees of this award have demonstrated exceptional compassion for people in recovery and have served as a results-focused agent of change. Candy received the award for her willingness to do whatever it takes for clients to be safe, and treated with dignity and respect. Congratulations to Candy on being the recipient of this notable award.


soCiety of distinguished PhysiCians

The Akron General Society of Distinguished Physicians inducted Portage Path Vice President and Medical Director Dr. Jeffrey Moore in 2017. This prestigious honor is bestowed only upon those physicians who have demonstrated significant contributions in the areas of service to the hospital, education, research, client care and the community. Portage Path is blessed to have Dr. Moore here to serve our clients with his wisdom and dedication.

suPPort hotLine

Portage Path’s 24 hour free, confidential telephone support hotline continued its 50 year history of helping callers in crisis. Many callers are struggling with suicidal thoughts, on both the local line and through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network, which routes local callers to Portage Path’s Support Hotline. Community Volunteers and local university students give generously of their time and skill to offer callers a listening ear when they are in need.

Mr. Joel Testa presents Candy Pallante with her award.

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nursing sChoLarshiPJim Tudhope, PMHNP – BC, Director of Portage Path’s Medication Clinic, was the recipient of the Margaret Clark Morgan Foundation’s (now known as Peg’s Foundation) DNP Scholar Award. Jim will be receiving this scholarship for the next two years as he pursues his Doctorate in Nursing Practice. Congratulations to Jim on the tremendous award and thanks to Peg’s Foundation for supporting mental health and recovery!

Portage Path is committed to removing barriers to treatment. As part of that committment, we continue our partnership with AxessPointe Community Health Center and Genoa Pharmacy to offer clients a convenient one-stop-shop experience when it comes to their heath and treatment.

AxessPointe services include annual immunizations, adult and pediatric care, physicals and health screenings, Medicare and Medicaid assistance, vision and hearing testing, gynecology and family planning, podiatry referrals and more. To make an appointment with Axess Pointe, call 866-975-9188.

Genoa provides pharmacy services inside our Akron location allowing clients to fill their prescriptions immediately following their appointments. With an in-house pharmacy, clients can have all of their medications filled out at the same location, avoid long waits, recieve refills, get customized medication packaging, and take care of all healthcare needs under one roof. To contact Genoa Pharmacy, call 330-253-3600.

in-house med CLiniC & PharmaCy

grouP treatmentIn 2017, Portage Path was able to offer over 25 different types of groups, including Creative Coping, Survivors, and Crossroads. These groups helped almost 2,000 clients open up, trust and learn to manage their symptoms day to day so that they can lead more stable lives.

Group therapy is a dynamic series of meaningful interactions among participants which can help altar behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. Group therapy can take many different forms such as a psychoeducational group where the participant is learning specific information or a processing group where the participant is gaining insight from past experiences. Group therapy is as effective, if not more effective than individual therapy and provides participants with a safe environment to learn and explore new ways of interacting, form safe relationships with other group members, and to learn from the facilitator.


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CLient ProfiLeJamie

Crossroads CLient

“I was into cocaine and alcohol and I started showing a lot of signs of anger and resentment. I just wanted to hurt people, and I have a lot of reasons why.

I drove by Portage Path knowing it could help me and so I came in. As I came to group, I realized how they correlate with one another. It’s a dual diagnosis program that I believe is so beneficial in understanding the mental and the addiction part of it – that one feeds off of the other and there’s really no way to treat one without the other.

Crossroads for me saved my life and got me to understand the educational part and not what people tell you. The stigma is that you can just quit or that you can just shrug off depression, but they require treatment. Understanding that it’s a mental illness now for me makes it treatable and understandable and helps me to focus on my future now. Each day gives me more clarity and more understanding of each side of the mental and the substance abuse disorder and I’m just so appreciative and thankful for this group and for Portage Path. It was my last resort and the help that I needed.”

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2017 serviCe aWardsOn May 18, 2017, staff and Portage Path Trustees gathered to celebrate service milestones with awards to employees. President Dr. Tracy Yaeger thanked each employee for their years of service by sharing a brief story of each one, and expressed gratitude on behalf of the thousands of people that have been helped by Portage Path over the years.

Receiving Awards for five years of service were Carrie Price, LPCC-S, and Karen Ward, RN. With ten years of service were Audra Baker, Chanelle Copeland, Andrea Reddest, LISW-S, and Timothy Riley, LPCC-S.

Receiving acknowledgement of fifteen years of service were Letha Bell and Christine Gossard. Twenty-year awardees were Kathleen Cockfield, PMHCNS-BC, Cynthia Seibel Lormer, PhD, Candace Pallante, RN, LSW, and Steven Sharrock.

Those having provided 25 years of service were Judith Corcelli, PMHCMS-BC, James Crouse, Quita McCalister, Laura Shilling, and Linda Walters.

Portage Path has a dedicated, loyal staff of warm professionals, as demonstrated by their longevity and continued service to those in need in the Akron and Summit County community.

The recipients of the 2017 Milestone Service Awards pose for a photo. 7

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mediCaid BehavioraL heaLth redesign

Like a journey on any path, much of our work at Portage Path involves responding and adapting to the on-the-ground conditions. Our financial department, led by Jessica Bahry, Director of Accounting, members of our financial team Allison Steiner and Donald Davis, and Quality Improvement Director Adam Kulesza spent much of 2017 looking ahead to 2018, and preparing for the changes we knew would affect approximately 70% of our client population: Ohio’s Medicaid Behavioral Health Redesign.

Working closely with the ADM Board and our Executive Team, they recommended changes to billing and clinical operations that were necessary to minimize negative impacts to our finances and client care. The team worked together to:

* Modify group sessions to increase participation and reduce costs.

* Transition Crossroads to Behavioral Health Day Treatment standards.

* Adjust admissions process to make intake more efficient and effective while mitigating potential losses due to changed billing criteria.

* Transition billing and progress notes to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

* Modify our mental health day treatment to increase programming while decreasing cost.

Through the hard work of Jessica, her team and the clinical staff, the initially expected loss of nearly 20% was mitigated to approximately 2 - 5% of outpatient billings. The team accomplished this all while carrying their normal work load, and processing an average of 8,600 claims per month.

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Zero suiCide initiative

The workgroup is currently implementing post-discharge follow-up calls to Psychiatric Emergency Services (PES) clients and additional caring contacts for outpatient clients at risk for suicide to increase clients’ connection to treatment, especially during transitions in level of care.

Zero Suicide is agency wide, and involves team members at all levels. For example, the Customer Service team participated in basic Zero Suicide/Crisis Intervention training with Barb Medlock, R.N. in March and May 2017. Barb identified the mission of Zero Suicide, how to be aware, and resources in the community to share with those in crisis. Many members of the Customer Service team also participated in the ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) that was offered through the Summit County Zero Suicide Coalition. This important training provided skills enabling the team to handle crisis situations until clinical help can arrive. Not only does this training provide skills to help our clients, it can also be implemented with any one in crisis in any environment, helping us to do our part in the community to reduce suicides.

In 2017, our Zero Suicide workgroup participated in a bi-monthly Zero Suicide Community of Practice group. The group brought together Zero Suicide implementation teams with organizations from around Ohio who took part in the Zero Suicide Academy to learn and share ideas. In January, all staff completed a workforce survey that assessed self-perception of their knowledge and comfort interacting with clients who may be at risk for suicide. Based on survey results, the agency is training staff in best-practice models such as Collaborative Assesment and Management of Suicidology (CAMS), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Suicide and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST). A 2-year implementation for agency-wide Zero Suicide framework was developed incorporating key components of the framework.

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PathWaysOur Pathways program saw a shift this year with the new leadership of Carrie Price, LPCC-S. Pathways is a dynamic group environment incorporating different types of evidence-based treatment interventions. These include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy to target underlying symptoms of different mental illnesses. Taking an approach that symptoms indicate something more complex allows Pathways to treat such complicated illnesses as trauma, suicidality, anxiety, depression, addiction, and bipolar while empowering the client to take ownership of their experiences. Using group therapy, Pathways helps clients learn about and shift unhelpful perspectives, thought patterns, and increase emotional stability through their narrative retelling of personal experiences in a safe and supportive environment.

Pathways has been well received by clients, who provide feedback which is used to strengthen the program. Some comments from recent clients:

“Portage Path & Pathways is an anchor for the boat of life. It is a stabilizing, reflective, thoughtful, and safe place to learn how to heal.”

“No matter where you are in life, Pathways is life changing. Everyone can benefit from it.”

“Pathways goes so in depth…I have learned so much about myself and it has changed my life. Feeling my emotions, the good and the bad is

awesome and so worth the hard work!”

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Crossroads2017 saw the continued expansion of Portage Path’s Crossroads Program. This dual diagnosis program saw growth in the number of referred clients who were struggling with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. In our continued efforts to provide solid integrated treatment, client response continued to be favorable and plans were implemented to further expand the program. Crossroads will include an Intensive Outpatient Program. 2018 will see additional fine tuning, and a planned application for dual certification from the State of Ohio. Philanthropic funding for the program has come from Robert Cooper, the Dominion Energy Foundation, the Key Bank Foundation, the H.A. Flannery Family and the James R. Flannery Family Fund of the Akron Community Foundation.

Creative CoPingIn 2017, the creative Coping Group provided 501 services to its 71 attending clients. These clients decorated a beautiful fall tree created by therapist Kristen Krivach, LPCC. Each client was given a leaf to design and to note some of the burdens they wish to drop on their path to recovery. The tree’s theme embodies the message of fall – to let things go as the seasons of life change and look forward to what the next season brings.

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Portage Path PsyChiatriC emergenCy serviCes (Pes)Our PES Team continues to provide 24 hour crisis stabilization, emergency evaluation, and probate investigation services for local people in need. As in other years, PES was visited often in the past year by professionals from around the country in order to learn about our model of crisis care. The caring professionals on our PES Team are also frequently asked to help train others around the state. For example, last year PES Team members presented at a Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) in Columbus, Ohio, sponsored by The Criminal Justice Coordinating Center of Excellence.

The goal of the training was to help increase effectiveness of coordination at the county level. There are eight core elements of an effective CIT program, one of which is an emergency service such as PES which ideally provides CIT officers with the ability to quickly transfer custody of a mental health client in an efficient and professional manner, which allows the officers to return to the community more quickly.

PES also participated in a week-long national emergency training as part of an integrated emergency management course. Team members worked alongside of County Executive Ilene Shapiro and other officials from around the county to learn how cyberattacks can be orchestrated and how they may be handled effectively in Summit County. Behavioral Health is integrated in all aspects of emergency management, and Portage Path continues to be a leader in that area, thanks to our team at PES.

Psychiatric Emergency Services10 Penfield AvenueAkron, OH 44310330-762-6110

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the goLd standardIn 2017, Portage Path’s accreditation through the Join Commission was once again renewed after intensive unannounced inspections and a thorough review of all policies, practices and programs. The Joint Commission is an independent non-profit that intends to ensure that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings. In pursuit of that vision, they have established strict accreditation guidelines and work nation-wide helping hospitals and clinics to continuously improve. Joint Commission accreditation and certification is recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting the highest standards of care and practice. Portage Path is proud to have been continuously accredited by the Joint Commission since 1993.


deveLoPing the resourCes our CLients needSeeing that our clients could benefit from greater resources, and that our traditional funding sources were becoming more tenuous, in late 2016 the Portage Path board made a commitment to fundraising. In May of 2017, Portage Path hired its first Director of Development, Eddie Dengg in order to build relationships in the community, raise funds to help Portage Path’s clients recover and live healthy, productive lives, and to help Portage Path grow, innovate, and tell its story in order to bring more resources to bear on our mission. In the first partial year, the development program increased donors from less than 50 in 2016 to over 170 in 2017, and philanthropic funding increased by 400 percent. We believe donors are

responding so well because Portage Path has a strong positive impact on our 10,000 annual clients, and that impact is an important part of making Akron and Summit County a stronger community.

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CLient ProfiLeLanCe Q.

Lance went the first 30 years of his life not knowing that the negative feelings and emotions he often experienced had a name. At 30 years old, his mental health issues began to really take a toll on is life after his band broke up and he got divorced.“I was seeing a psychologist at the time I had an episode – I got into an altercation at work. I called my psychologist and he told me to check into St. Thomas.” Lance spent a night in St. Thomas, and participated in a 2 week group program there, with no results. He spent the next 15 years going from doctor to doctor, pill to pill, never really figuring out what the problem was. “It wasn’t until I had quit my job and had no health insurance that I was recommended Portage Path by my doctor at the time.” In 2013, Lance started seeing Dr. Phil Scozzaro at Portage Path. “I finally found someone that knew what was going on and wasn’t just going to throw pills at me. I was at a dead end in my life and when I came here. They got me the right medication and diagnosed me with Clinical Depression and PTSD.” Lance had experienced physical and mental abuse from his brothers and other family members as a child, followed by depressive episodes in his teens. Dr. Scozzaro suggested that Lance try Pathways, a 13 week intensive program providing a safe, structured environment where individuals can build essential life and problem-solving skills, improve treatment readiness, and regain a sense of hopefulness for the future. “The changes were night and day. They understand you. It was a really humbling and grounding experience. I felt like I was in the right place.” After completing Pathways, Lance continued to work in the position he had held for 22 years in construction – a field he had never really wanted to be in in the first place. His treatment allowed him to make substantial progress, but he was still afraid to make the leap into another career he might really enjoy. He knew he needed to make more changes to get his life right. Now at age 51, Lance is learning how to cope and understand his mental illness. He has taken control of his life after attending the Pathways program for the second time. “I am finding out that I have a co-dependent personality. I would do what everybody told me to do, and never what I wanted to do. I stuck with it for 22 years, but I decided I am not going back.” Lance made the big decision to go back to school at the age of 51, just in the week prior to this interview. He hopes to earn a degree in a mechanical and creative field, possibly drafting or working with CAD (computer-aided design). “I am going to do it this time for me and not for other people. I admit, I’ve been a problem. I could go back, try and get a job in construction, but it’s not anywhere I want to be. I was always afraid to make that decision.” “I am learning to give myself credit for my accomplishments and not see everything in black and white. You either win or you’re a failure – that’s the mentality I grew up with and I am working on finding the gray.” As for his advice to others in his shoes: “You get what you put into it. I know on day one there isn’t a whole lot of hope. But that hope will come to you. They will make you believe that you CAN change your life. You CAN change your thoughts. You just have to apply yourself, dig deep, and be patient with yourself.” “I always feel better after talking to Dr. Phil. Even if I am not doing great at that moment, he reminds me of the bigger picture. I definitely recommend this place to friends that express their mental difficulties to me. All of the help I have gotten – it worked! They know what they’re doing.” Lance has taken control and is rebuilding his own life after finding renewed hope at Portage Path. His goal is to get into a new career and continue to make his mental health a priority. In addition to taking care of himself, he is doing his part to help eliminate the stigma of mental illness by sharing his story.


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KJ’s 5K for mentaL heaLth & animaL resCueKJ’s 5k for Mental Health and Animal Rescue was created in 2017 by Shari Kennedy after the loss of her son KJ to suicide, and Chris Campos, a co-worker of KJ’s at Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems. The event raises awareness of mental illness, suicide prevention, and the treatment available. Because KJ loved animals, the 5k also included a dog walk, which many find to be therapeutic as well. On October 7, 2017, nearly 500 people participated at Portage Lakes State Park to support the cause and learn about local mental health resources that help people every day here in Northeast Ohio. The event, through the generosity of the participants, 40 individual donors, presenting sponsor Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems, and nearly two dozen other sponsors, raised over $23,000. The second annual KJ’s 5k was on October 6, 2018.

For more information about KJ and the 5K, or to register for the 2019 race, please visit us at: www.portagepath.org/kjs5k/

Photography by Ernie Aranyosi, Portage Path Trustee.15

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2017 statistiCs & finaniaLs at a gLanCe (unaudited)

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2017 donations to PPBh$10,000 or moreThe H.A. Flannery Family and James R. Flannery Family Fund of Akron Community Foundation

$5,000 - $9,999Betty V. and John M. Jacobson FoundationKenneth L. Calhoun Charitable TrustMeggitt Aircraft Braking SystemsIndividual Participants in KJ’s 5k for Mental Health and Animal Rescue

$1,500 - $4,999Summit County ADM BoardAtNet PlusThe Dominion Energy FoundationThe Fedeli GroupGenoaThe Gertrude F. Orr Trust Advised Fund of Akron Community FoundationLloyd L. & Louise K. Smith Memorial FoundationMedical Mutual of OhioPNC Foundation

$500 - $1,499The Alpha GroupErnest AranyosiSean M. BlakeBober, Markey, FedorovichRobert B. CooperEddie DenggSarah Beth EmbergerJim GableDiane GilgerPhillip HeislmanThe Howland Memorial Fund, in Honor of Michael SweeneyKlein’s Pharmacy and Orthopedic AppliancesLA Office Solutions

MABS Women in LeadershipMary & Dr. George L. Demetros Charitable Trust, in Memory of John W. SolomonDr. & Mrs. R. William McCue, Jr.Dr. Jeffrey L. MooreCandace S. PallanteRadius Hospitality Management, LLCSeibertKeck Insurance PartnersTerry & Gale SeikelStar Printing Co, IncSummit County Executive Ilene Shapiro’s Department of Job and Family ServicesThe Laura R. & Lucian Q. Moffitt FoundationW. Paul Mills and Thora J. Mills Memorial FoundationTony & Leila VespoliTracy Davis Yaeger, Ph.D.John Zoilo

$250 - $499A&A Vending Co Inc.Gloria AntonukDonald BosshartThomas BrachnaAnonymousCardinal MaintenanceCommunity Support ServicesDavid L. FeltnerThe Guardian Life Insurance Company of AmericaKennedy Roofing Specialists, Inc.John & Sheri KennedyKristi L. PielstickThe Plate-All Metal CompanyDale A. RutherStaples AdvantageStinnett, Padrutt, & AranyosiWayne and Linda Slack

Donations received between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017


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$100 - $249Akron Hash House HarriersASPIESAyers InsuranceBahry & Associates, Inc.Jessica L. BahryAnonymousMrs. William Brideweser, in Memory of William B. Brideweser M.D.Lori and Steven CainAnonymousPauline Crouse ChaseCoca Cola ConsolidatedCoit ServicesMelissa M. ConleyAnonymousSteven CoxMuriel K. DavisJoy Spencer-DeZordoChristine C. GossardDebra HagartySteven HeislmanDavid K. HornerChristopher J. KarmanKelly KennedyFred & Shellie KillingerAnonymousCynthia A. LormorBlaine F. MuehlbauerAnonymousRory & Dedee O’NeilJay Porter, in Memory of John W. SolomonRonald A. RettGloria J. RodgersRoss & Heather LicataSandra Selby

Carla SibleySandra & Richey SmithSteve & Barb StrayerYuan-Hua N. ThakoreMarguerite & Scott TremelinThe Final CoatAnonymousVorys, Sater, Seymour & PeaseDon & Sheri Walters

Up to $100AnonymousAnonymousDiane M. BahryJenna BeckerChristina D BradleyJosephine BrookhartLinda CaldwellChristopher CamposJanet M. CiotolaJulie ConradCourtney DawsonRussell DuPlainTim & Lori EastgateMegan EverettJon A. FiumeBrenda & Michael FormbergBerit ForsythFrank & Anna McHoodKevin GrigsbyBarbara HarpMary HoskingDanielle HowerHaley HuberShilpa Jagannath

Lauren JakubowskiJAS Construction & Management Inc.Charlton JohnsErnie KemppelJames & Maureen Kovach, In Memory of Jack SitesSam KuleszaIrish KuwatchJeffrey LeHewPaty LimniatiMichelle LocherMelissa LyonsBrent MaloneJohn R. McMillanJolene MillerLinda MillerKyle MingerDenise M. NashSarah NelsonAnonymousJon PaggettCarrie M. PriceMatthew S. RagonBryson RajendranAnonymousPhilip P. ScozzaroLucas ShadroskyEdward ShafferTim ShovlinCheryl L. ShumakerCharlie SickafooseRoseann S. SikorskyJoshua SinesTracy SkinnerAdriana SmithPhil Smith

Alexander SpaldingAllison SteinerJessie SvetTim & Pam FitzwaterJulia Klein VovkoLinda M. WaltersBrendan WyattJan WyattSheryl YankovichCarmen YunkerFarhana Zaman

18If your name has been omitted or listed incorrectly, please contact Eddie Dengg at 330.253.3100 ext. 1115 or at [email protected]

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Executive Team

Tracy D Yaeger, Ph.D.President

Phillip HeislmanSenior Vice President

Jeffrey Moore, M.D.Vice President and Medical Director

Sean Blake, LPCC-SVice President of Clinical Services

Candace Pallante, RN, LSWVice President of Psychiatric Emergency Services

2017 Board of Trustees

Jim GableTelecommunications Sales Executive, RetiredChair

John ZoiloAkron Children’s Hospital Foundation, RetiredVice-Chair

Sarah Beth EmbergerGoodyear/Veyance, RetiredTreasurer

Carla SibleyAkron Public SchoolsSecretary

Ernest Aranyosi, C.P.A.Stinnett, Padrutt & Aranyosi Co., Retired

Donald Bosshart Ed.D.National Center for the Evaluation of Residency Programs, Retired

David FeltnerOhio Edison, Retired

Diane GilgerKey Private Bank

John SolomonVorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease LLP

Ralph William McCue M.D.Crystal Clinic, Retired



Portage Path Behavioral Health

Portage Path Behavioral Health340 S. Broadway St.Akron, OH 44308