Poster and magazine analysis

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Page 2: Poster and magazine analysis

The image is an extreme close up of the eye and a hand coming out of it. A extreme close up shows extreme detail and you would need a specific reason to get this close. The eye can represent clairvoyance, omniscience, and/or a gateway into the soul. Other qualities that eyes are commonly associated with are: intelligence, light, vigilance, moral conscience, and truth. Looking someone in the eye is a western custom of honesty. In this way covering of the eyes, by wearing a helmet, sunglasses, etc, can mean mystery, not seeing the complete truth or deceit.

The title ‘THE EYE’ has some relevance to the human eye because the word ‘EYE’ is in bold which relates to the pupil of the eye and the word ‘THE’ is the outline of the pupil. The use of the colour black, as black is associated with death, evil and mystery. Black is a mysterious colour associated with fear and the unknown (black holes). Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth.

The extreme close up of the eye, the iris is a brown colour. The brown represents solidness, relliable, brown is the colour of earth and is abundant in nature. Light brown implies genuineness.

It shows the right hand coming out of the eye, that could represent that something or someone is trapped and they are trying to escape.

The background of the poster is the skin but it has been edited to make it look like it’s glowing.

In the bottom right hand side corner, there is the ‘Lionsgate’ logo. Lionsgate are known for making the film ‘The Hunger games 2’ which is the studios highest grossing film.

There is information about the producers and people involved in the making of the film. The production logo makes loyal audience members want to go and see the film because they know it’s a big budget and high quality film.

The leading actresses name ‘Jessica Alba’ is above the movie title. She is a well- known actress who has appeared in Fantastic 4. Throughout the poster all of the text colour is black but ‘Jessica Alba’ is in red this could symbolize her strength, power and determination in the film who could save the day.

On this film poster they haven’t included the release date and a tagline, this could because they want to challenge the odes and conventions of film posters.

Page 3: Poster and magazine analysis

There is information about the producers and people involved in the making of the film. The production logo makes loyal audience members want to go and see the film because they know it’s a big budget and high quality film.

On the poster there is two websites; the distributors website (Magnet) and the films website. This promotes the film and encourages the audience to visit the website to find out more information.

In the bottom right hand side corner, there is the ‘Magnet’ logo. Magnet have distributed well known films such as Monsters.

The quote is used to further encourage audiences to go and watch the film. Within the quote the word ‘Terrifying’ stands out because they have purposely made that word bigger to show the audience this is a frightening film. Also the quote is in red which represents danger. In contrast to the person who said the quote is in white. The colour white is to be considered the colour of perfection. This is telling the audience that everyone should go and watch the film.

The tagline ‘Fear revisited’, as this is a sequel this is telling the audience to expect more than the first film.

The image is an close up of a face. A close up is useful for showing detail. A close up of a person emphasizes their emotional state. The feature of the image that really stands out is the red eye, which looks like that person is recording and they could be possessed. Also the colour of the eye is red which means danger and stay away. Looking closely at the image there is feint lines going across this could mean that someone is watching and recording them. On the face there is a glow/ light this could represent the opening of a dark beginning. Some features of the face have characteristics such as it only shows half of the nose that represents that half of the power has disappeared and it only includes one eye which means that the person has no authority.

As the background of the poster is black it diminishes readability and makes it more eye catching with the red and white fonts. This poster does not include a release date.

The title stands out as it is in white also the title has been sliced randomly this implies that this film has a serious killer.

Page 4: Poster and magazine analysis

There is information about the producers and people involved in the making of the film. The production logo makes loyal audience members want to go and see the film because they know it’s a big budget and high quality film.

The movie release date is April 1st. April means to open and hope for the future. This is ironic because the house is opening its doors to this boy and the outcome will be catastrophic.

The website is also provieded for the audience if they want to find out more information about the film.

The tagline for the poster is small in the way it is presented. The tagline ‘it’s not the house that’s haunted’. The tagline gives the audience a thrilling sense of the film. The tagline relates to Barthes Enigma theory as the audience want to solve the mystery and therefore will go and watch the film. The tagline plays on societies stereotypes as children are stereotyped to be innocent but this film challenges those stereotypes.

The title of the film stands out clearly as it is mostly in a strong white colour against a dark background. The style of the title is also unique as part of the title is red. The connotations of red are danger and blood. This suggests to the audience that the film has a dangerous dark side to it. The word Insidious means 'Intended to entrap' which gives a clue to what the film is about.

‘From the makers of Paranormal activity and saw’. This is placed in the middle of the poster and will catch the audience eye. Paranormal Activity and Saw were hugely successful films, the audience from those two films will go and watch this film because they know it would have a big budget which means it will be a high quality film.

The main image on this poster is a sinister looking boy in front of an old big house. The big old house in the background is a typical convention of a horror film. The sinister looking boy goes against the average codes and conventions of a young boy as young boys are perceived as being ‘good’. This could relate to Claude’s theory of binary oppositions as the boy is opposite to normal boys. This could draw an audience to the film as the audience want to know why he’s different.

The main image has a short depth of field as the boy is in focus and the house is out of focus. This gives a subtle hint to what the film is about. The main focus of the poster is the boy and not the house, which is unusual for a horror film as most of them take place in a big old house. This will draw in a bigger audience as they will believe it is different to other horror films they have seen.

Also, inside the boys eye, the word insidious is written there. This could suggest to the audience that something supernatural is wrong with the boy. I think this will draw an audience as I find films with supernatural children is are scary as it is opposite to what they are perceived to be.

Page 5: Poster and magazine analysis

In this instance the barcode is positioned on the bottom left hand corner. A barcode is necessary for it to be scanned in the shops.

The banner is at the top of the magazine ‘the dark knight world exclusive’ is in white which stands out against the black background.

In this issue the ‘Empire’ masthead is traditional as they always put the person in the image infront of the masthead to symbolize the authority and power. They traditionally put the date and price in the middle of the letter ‘M’ and in this issue its in white which stands out against the background. The Empire website is underneath the ‘E’ and is in red, also it is a small text size. In comparison to the magazine the audience will see the website and the date/price last.

This is Empires unique feature to tell the audience what special article is included in this issue. The use of the white and black stand out against the green, which will catch the audience eye.

The extra cover line encourages the audience to buy the magazine as it shows them what’s included inside. It follows the house style of green and white. Magazines traditionally have a left side third but this issue challenges but putting it on the bottom right hand side corner.

The main cover line ‘meet the joker’ is giving the audience to find out more information about the nemesis, usually magazines would include feature to meet the good guy. The font of the main cover line is going with the circus theme. This creates more excitement for the film as the audience are introduced to all the characters, as Empire done a issue on Batman. The cover line underneath ‘He’s a cold blooded, mass murdering clown’ gives the audience a sense of what his intentions are. This is further imposed by the font of that extra cover line, it is portrayed that the Joker himself has written it.

The establishing shot of the Joker shows the audience what the joker looks like. The Jokers costume sets the house style of the Empire magazine. The Joker’s make up and sinister smile show his evil intentions. The direct eye contact attract the readers so they can be immersed in the magazine.

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In this instance the barcode is positioned on the right hand side in the middle. A barcode is necessary for it to be scanned in the shops.

This is telling the reader that there is other editions to collect. Which increases the Tron Legacy franchise.

This is telling the readers what else is included in the issue. By positioning it on the right it is challenging the codes and conventions of magazines as it is should be placed on the left side third. Also all the headlines are in yellow to attract the audiences eye. The use of the colour white stands out against the background.

In all Empire issues the person is in front of the masthead but in this occasion the masthead is in front this could represent her importance as she has part of the background, meaning that’s where she belongs. The date and price are traditionally placed in the middle of the ‘M’.

The banner is at the top of the magazine because when it is placed on the shelves in the shop this is will attract the audience eye and it is using the font of the title ‘Tron Legacy’. It is also telling the audience that this film will be in 3D which will attract more audience and this film is really good as it is the event of the year.

Instead of writing Empires website, Empire have wrote ‘Magazine of the year’ this is to attract more audiences.

The image is a mid shot. The actresses hair, outline of her eye and her costume are black. This is symbolizing her power, mystery and strength. Also the black denotes strength and authority. As her iris is blue it symbolizes her trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence and intelligence. The background gives the audience a glimpse of what the film is like (sci-fi).

The magazine also shows that it’s up to date with the latest events such as the Oscars. It shows the audience that is you purchase the magazine you can read about a mixture of films and celebrities who were at the Oscars.

The magazine layout is based on the ‘Tron legacy’ title. Underneath the magazine is also promoting itself as ‘ the ultimate guide’ which implies that Empire magazine have a high knowledge of the latest films.

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In this instance the barcode is positioned on the bottom left hand corner. A barcode is necessary for it to be scanned in the shops.

In this issue the left side third is placed traditionally. Within the left side third they have done a separate house style of (white and gold). The white stands out against the black. It is important that the done it in white as that will attract the audience eye. Underneath they have used the colour gold to breakout the text.

In this issue they have broken the codes and conventions of the ‘Empire’ masthead by adding fire. Fire is the bringer of destruction, the symbolism of chaos and war. Fire burns everything, bringing nothing but ruin. This would attract the audiences eye as it is different from Empires usual masthead. Traditionally the colour of the price and date is white but in this issue it is red.

The magazines website is traditionally underneath the ‘E’, if the audience want to find out more information about the magazine or any other issues.

The plug is Empires unique feature that is included in the magazine. Stereotypically this issue could be aimed at male gender due to the plug ‘40 movies that will get you sex’. The word ‘sex’ is a bigger size than the rest of the words to attract the audiences eye.

There is an additional plug that will attract ‘Hellboy 1’ audiences as there is a sneak preview of the film. The yellow background against the black text stands out and will attract the audiences eye.

The ‘First look!’ shows the audience that this is the first magazine to include a sneak preview which will increase the sales of the magazine. The tagline ‘You and whose golden army?’ this includes the reader and the use of the words ‘Golden army’ represent that the character is strong enough to beat an army. The movie title stands out against the red background.

The rosary beads shown on Hellboy's wrist gives the audience a possible narrative to the film. This is contrasting the thought of religion will hell. Additionally, it shows that Hellboy may actually be the antagonist rather that the protagonist that the name “Hellboy” stereotypically suggests.

The colour scheme of the magazine is mainly red to match the colour of the character on the front cover.