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Leonardo was a famous artist who painted different kind of paintings, such as The Mona Lisa, his self portrait and many more paintings! He died at the age of 67 because of arthritis. He was born on 15th of April 10.30pm 1542. He had loads of mums and dads so most of his childhood was with is grandma and grandad. He died on 1619 and left the painting Monalisa unfinished because he didn't get to finish it. Leonardo means Leo of Vinci village because he was born in a town called Vinci!

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The Monalisa is Leonardo Da Vinci’s most famous painting in the history of art. Leonardo Da Vinci left the painting unfinished because he died. He gave it to the king of France and now it hangs at the Louvre in Paris. The Monalisa is a sad painting but you can see a little bit of a smile. People say her eyes follow you and they do!

The Mona LisaPainted in 1503

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The Monalisa Vitruvian Man His self portrait The last supper The Adoration of the Magi

Can YOU guess which ones which?

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Leonardo Da Vinci wasn't just an artist he was a sculptor and inventor! He sketched the first paddle boat, first motorcar, first repeating rifle, fist tank, first aeroplane and first parachute!

His first sketch of a parachute

His first sketch of atank

His first sketch of apaddleboat

His first sketch of aaeroplane

His first sketch of a repeating rifle

His first sketch of a motorcar

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I hope you enjoyed my

presentation of Leonardo Da
