The Power of the Human Touch By: Arturo Martinez This is a picture taken in September of 2006, when I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. It is a type of cancer that affects both adults and children however, the emotional experience differs between the two.


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The Power of the Human Touch By: Arturo Martinez

This is a picture taken in September of 2006, when I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. It is a type of cancer that affects both adults and children however, the emotional

experience differs between the two.

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This is a picture of my sister and I on Christmas Eve of 2006. Coincidentally, my grandfather and I both fought Lymphoma in the same year. I was a freshman in high school and he was sixty one years old. My grandfather received treatment on the 3rd floor with the adults, while I received

chemotherapy on the 6th floor with the pediatric patients.

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6th Floor - Children Oncology

There are usually many instances in which patient doctor interaction is taking place.

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• There are plenty of activities for children to choose from. This is only one part of the room which does not include the 6 recliners, the flat

screen TV, video games, and an image of a sunset painted on the walls.

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3rd Floor – Adult Oncology

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There is more of a “get in and get out” attitude. You feel like “a product in a factory” according to my grandfather, a person diagnosed with the

same form of cancer as me but received his treatment as an adult.

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Survival Rates

Adults = 31%69.1% Versus

Children = 0%84.1%

38.1% versus 84.1% increase(46% difference!)

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Emotions have an effect on the immune system, one that is many

times overlooked.

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Positive emotions are associated with approach related behaviors. This means that your body connects these positive emotions with meeting other people and as a

result, prepares the immune system accordingly (strengthens it).

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Technology has allowed adult oncologists to be even less interactive than in the past. Machines

can do almost anything.

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Also, improvements in space design allow doctors to fit more patients into the room at once. At the same time, these advances help the oncology offices

to bring in more money. Doctors can help out more people while making more money, what is the harm in that?

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Many times, doctors overlook the importance of creating a positiveenvironment for their patients. Cancer is already an extremely tough physical struggle,

why make it even more emotional than it already is?

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How can this positive environment be created?

Doctors can team up with organizations that can organize events like a picnic for example, to help get

the patients’ minds off of the disease for a little while.

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Also, any simple conversation can help patients cope with the disease that much better, regardless of what is is about and making them feel as though you truly care about their health. Creating this positive environment is extremely important, and

although these interactions may take only an extra few minutes a day, they can make a major difference in helping to save lives.

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References • Slides 1, 2, 4, 6 - pictures taken by the family of Arturo Martinez• Slide 3 - Genes, Nicholas. Doctor Blackman with a pediatric patient. Digital image. Medscape. 20 Mar. 2007. Web. 12 Nov.

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