Profile & Project Details-1

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  • 7/31/2019 Profile & Project Details-1

    1/12Work that Speaks

    N asik Resident ial Pr oject

    Name: ABC Associat es

    Dat e of I ncorporat ion 1995

    Const it ut ion Pr ivate Limit ed Company

    Business Act ivit y Builders and Developers

    H ist ory and Backgr ound of t he Company

    We are Nasik' s leading r eal est at e and proper t y developer company of f er ing mix

    of premium and af f or dable r esident ial proj ect s, building wor ld class homes wit h

    super ior specif icat ions, bet t er amenit ies and cr eat ing cont emporar y lif est ylessince 1995. Wit h ar ound 500 happy homes built , over 25 t op-of -t he- line pr oj ect s

    complet ed in t he past 16 years and having const r uct ed over 5,00,000 sq.f t of area,

    t he group has maint ained it s st unning success graph. The company has won

    prest igious Best Building of t he year 2007-09 f or one of t heir r esident ial

    proj ect f r om Builders Associat ion of I ndia, Nasik Cent re.

    We aim t o deliver t he best and Work t hat speaks is t he dir ect ing f or ce behind

    t he whole ABC Associat es philosophy. The combinat ion of pr ime locat ion, aest het ic

    appeal, f unct ional design, opt imum use of space and excellence of const r uct ion wit h

    an af f ordable pr ice is t he hallmar k of ABC Associat es "VALUE FOR MONEY"

    proposit ion and a f act or t hat has a mult iplying ef f ect on every cr eat ion t ill dat e

    made by us.

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    PromotersMr. Hemant & Mr. Akshay

    Mr . Hemant and Mr . Akshay, bot h f ounding dir ector of t he company, are

    ent r epr eneur s and visionary par excellence. Mr . Hemant , age 39 years and Mr .Akshay, age 38 years ar e young and energet ic, Engineers (Civil) f r om Pune

    Univer sit y passed in 1996 and have experience of more t han one decade in r eal

    est at e business. I t has been primar ily because of t heir vision, determinat ion,

    dedicat ion and unt ir ing ef f or t s t hat t he company has achieved present height s and

    st at us and is growing & expanding f ast . St ar t ing as small ent r epreneur , t hey have

    demonst rat ed t hat r esult s can be achieved if one backs resolve wit h purpose. The

    most ext r aordinar y achievement under t heir st ewar dship is t hat deadlines and

    commit ment s have been honour ed and t his has been possible because of t heirr emarkable knack of inking even t he minut est of det ails while planning a proj ect .

    M I S SI O N , V I S I O N , BELI EFS

    Our logo Flying Bir d symbolizes t he st r ong urge t o succeed by moving t owards

    hor izon f r om dar kness t owar ds light . Our et hics, vision and belief s can be

    enumerated as f ollows:

    Pr of essionalism

    Having t he knowledge and t r aining f or a bet t er underst anding of t he customerand t he kind of housing solut ion t hey need

    To r espect cust omer s t ime and needs while f ocusing on sales Doing what we saykeeping commit ment s and deliver ing on promises

    Forwar d t hinking

    Finding ref r eshingly dif f erent ways t o service our customers Developing newer and innovat ive solut ions while at t he same t ime of f er ing value

    f or money f or our customers

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    Empat het ic

    Being sensit ive t o t he needs of cust omers, bef ore, dur ing and af t er t hepur chase process

    Keeping a keen eye on t he changing dynamics of t he market , ant icipat ing t r endsand changes and act ing on t hem


    Being energet ic and involved wit h our client s Being engaged and excit ed about our business and what it can do f or our


    Adapt t o changing mar ket dynamics wit h our f r esh approach t o t he businessOur Corporat e Philosophy and Guiding Pr inciples ar e t hat t he bluepr int s of

    buildings should not be made in isolat ion but in harmony wit h t he needs, dreams and

    aspir at ions of t hose who will inhabit t hem. On our pat h t o growth, we not only

    promise exquisit e homes t o our cust omers but also endeavor t o gain t heir t r ust

    t hr ough Qualit y, Beaut y, Commit ment and Dedicat ion.

    We believe t hat prof essionally managed t echnology, dr iven wit h r ight ideas,

    innovat ions and act ions always br ing in t he desir ed growt h. Accordingly, we are

    roar ing t o capt ur e diver se f r ont iers and impr int achievement s int o our success

    st or y.

    This is what we stand for.

    This is what you can depend upon.

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    Par t ner s in t he Pr oject

    Mr. San jeev

    Mr . Sanjeev is a colossal name in t he Aut omobile and Tr ansport indust r y having

    dealership of Marut i Aut omot ives, t ur nover Rs.450 Cr . and Tat a Mot or s t urnoverRs.800 Cr . spread all over Mahar asht ra. Mr . Sanjeev has around 22 % share in

    t r anspor t at ion of vehicles manuf act ured in I ndia.

    M r . N a r a y a n

    Mr . Nar ayan is a Mumbai based one of t he leading cont r act or & developer wit h vast

    exper ience f r om previous 30 years of ser vice t o t he const r uct ion indust r y in

    developing various t ypes of Building Project s.

    Leading r eal est at e companies like Rust omj ee Gr oup, Ekt a Group, Vir ani Group,

    Rajesh Builders and Lokhandwala Const r uct ion f r om Mumbai have enrolled Mr .

    Narayans organizat ion f or car r ying out all civil const r uct ion and proj ect s.

    Cr eat ivit y and Adapt abil it y are t he key words of his or ganizat ion. He believes in

    t he pr incipal t hat advancement and using new t echnologies on a day t o day basis

    mot ivat es us in achieving t he dream of st aying as leaders f or years t o come.

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    The Pr oject Locat ion

    Locat ion

    2 minut es f r om t he Cent re of t he Nasik cit y i.e. Cent r e Bus St and (Thakkers

    BuzzR) and Mumbai Naka, Biggest Malls in Nasik is j ust 3 minut es away

    J ust besides one of t he premium r esident ial proj ect built in Nasik and elit e area in


    Locat ion Map

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    Pr oject Over view

    This Proj ect is one of t he most prest igious and ambit ious proj ect s of t he company.

    This proj ect will complet ely be an int egrat ed one wit h all t he f acilit ies one needs

    and aspires t o enj oy a comf or t able lif e-st yle.

    Spread over 6 acres of land, t he pr oj ect will be well equipped t o f ulf ill every needof it s discerning buyer s. 2 , 3, 4, 4 BHK apar t ment s will f or m cor e of t he

    development . Landscaped areas, Temple, Clubhouse, Swimming Pool, Jogging Track,

    Play Par k and Fit ness Cent er et c. f acilit ies will f orm integral par t of t he proj ect .

    Besides, t he pr oj ect is locat ed at such a place f r om wher e one can reach wit hin 3

    minut es t o t he cit ys biggest Malls, Mult iplexes, Schools, Colleges and Hospit als.

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    A t t r act ions & A menit ies

    Attract ions

    Grand Ent r ance Wat er f eat ure f ocal element Det ail f eat ure paving Two r ows of t r ees def ining pat h Monument sculptural f eat ure Designer lobby Children Play Ar ea/ Garden Yoga/ Medit at ion Space Temple Swimming pool Clubhouse J ogging Track Fit ness Cent er Amphit heat re I nt ercom Connect ivit y Fir e f ight ing syst em Power back up f or li f t and common areasAmenit ies / Specif icat ions

    2 BHK, 3 BHK, 4 BHK

    Premium qualit y Ceramic t ile dado f ull in height Marble / Gr anit e st one f ascia f or door openings Wash basins wit h marble / granit e count er or wit h pedest al Whit e Pr emium quali t y sanit ar y ware J aquar or equivalent qualit y CP f it t ings Single lever hot and cold mix er wit h overhead shower Concealed plumbing Cockroach prevent ive t r ap

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    Vit r if ied t iles & Laminat ed wooden f loor ing f or mast er bedroom Decor at ive ceramic t iles f or t er r aces Kit chen Conf igurat ion Kit chen plat f orm wit h gr anit e t op and premium S. S. sink Ceramic t ile dado up t o lint el above t he plat f orm Provision f or f ixing of wat er pur if ier

    Kit chen Conf igur at ion

    Kit chen plat f or m wit h gr anit e t op and premium S. S. sink Ceramic t ile dado up t o lint el above t he plat f or m Provision f or f ixing of wat er pur if ier Piped GasElectricals

    Concealed f ir e resist ant , high qualit y copper wir ing Ample light point s wit h Roma or equivalent modular swit ches TV point in living and mast er bedroom Telephone point in living & mast er bed room

    AC point in mast er - and childr en' s - bedroom Provision f or exhaust f an in kit chen and t oilet sUt ilit y Ar ea

    Washing ar r angement wit h wat er line Ceramic t ile dado up t o 7 f t . in height I nlet -out let provision f or washing machineDoor s and W indows

    Flush door wit h bot h side laminat e Premium qualit y f ixt ur es Thr ee t r ack powder coat ed aluminum sliding windows wit h mosquit o net

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    I nt er nal Finish & Plant

    I nt ernal walls f inished wit h smoot h coat ing of gypsum / POP Smoot h sur f aces wit h acrylic paint f inish

    4 BHK Toilets

    I t alian marble dado upto 8 f t . in height Marble st one f ascia f or door openings Count er basin wit h I t alian mar ble f inish High qualit y sanit ar y ware Grohe / Roca or equivalent quali t y CP f it t ings

    Single lever hot and cold mix er wit h overhead shower Concealed plumbing Cockroach prevent ive t r apFlooring

    Premium impor t ed f loor ing & wooden f loor ing f or mast er bedroom Decor at ive vit r if ied t iles and ar t if icial lawn f or t er r aces

    Kit chen Conf igur at ion

    Kit chen plat f or m wit h gr anit e / mar ble t op S.S. kit chen single bowl sink wit h drain board Vit r if ied t ile dado up t o 7 f t . in height Provision f or f ixing of wat er pur if ierElectricals

    Concealed f ir e resist ant high qualit y copper wir ing

    Ample light point s wit h high qualit y modular swit ches TV point in living and mast er bedroom Telephone point in living & mast er bedroom Cent ralised AC f or t ot al apar t ment Provision f or exhaust f an in kit chen and t oilet s

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    Ut ilit y Ar ea

    Washing ar r angement wit h wat er line Vit r if ied t ile dado up t o 7 f t . height I nlet -out let provision f or washing machine and dishwasher

    Door s and W indows

    Modular door s wit h veneer f inish Powder coat ed aluminum sliding windows wit h mosquit o mesh Premium qualit y f ixt ur es

    I nt er nal F inish and Paint

    I nt ernal walls f inished wit h smoot h coat ing gypsum/ POP Smoot h sur f aces wit h acr ylic f inish and some walls wit h wall pape

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    W hy N asik

    The Nasik cit y has a t r emendous gr owt h pot ent ial t hough not f ully r ecognized yet .

    Due t o f our lane road connect ivit y t hrough Mumbai-Agra Highway, Nasik is j ust a 3

    hour dr ive f r om Mumbai and is recognized as one of t he cit y amongst golden

    t r iangle in Mahar asht ra. Nasik has emerged as most sought out dest inat ion af t er

    Mumbai and Pune. Nasik is pref er r ed as Second home away f r om home. Nasik is

    16t h f astest gr owing cit y in t he wor ld and 3rd f astest growing cit y in I ndia ahead

    of Delhi, Pune, Jaipur, Bangalore, Ahmedabad et c. according t o a r ecent sur vey.

    Nasik known f or it s soot hing at mosphere and it s religious signif icance in Hindu

    myt hology is also called as Napa Valley of I ndia because of var ious vineyards and is

    f amous as Wine Capit al of I ndia. Nasik is a place where our count r y mint s it s money

    (I ndian Secur it y Press). The Ar t illery Cent re and Hindust an Aer onaut ics Limit ed

    are t wo huge def ense proj ect s t hat Nasikit es are proud of . I n and ar ound Nasik

    t here are 6 sizeable indust r ial est ablishment s (Audyogik Vasahat i). The growing

    indust r ies, upcoming SEZ (I ndiabulls) at Sinnar, increasing numbers of luxury and

    business class hot els, int ernat ional schools and colleges, emergence of I T has made

    t ot al t urn around in t he gr owth pace of Nasik cit y gr abbing at t ent ion of

    I nf r ast r uct ure development companies and invest or s.

    Recent ly many new group housing pr oject s have been int r oduced by Real Est ate

    companies like Peninsula Gr oup, Paranj ape Schemes, Amit Ent erpr ises, Ekt a Gr oup,

    Mait r ya Gr oup, Sanklecha Const ruct ions, Jaykumar Real Est at es, Karda Gr oup,

    Samraat , Nandan Buildcon and many more in Nasik t arget ed at middle, upper and

    r ich class and are f et ching good r esponse f r om t he local r esident s, invest or s,

    NRI s et c. People f or esee over all development , br ight f ut ur e and growth of

    invest ment in Nasik.

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    Other Real Est ate Players

    Baf na Builder s and Developer s

    Anant h J ayant i Developers

    Samraat Gr oup

    Sahayadr i Builders and Developers (Kalant r i Group)

    Peninsula Gr oup

    Edge over other Real Est ate Player s

    Quali t y workmanship Locat ion of t he Pr oj ect Proven t r ack record in t he cit y Acclaimed const r uct ion Technically Quali f ied Promot ersDetails of Land

    Sr . no. N ame of t he Owner T ot al area ( in Hectar e) T ot al Ar ea ( in Acre)

    1 Eelias Marshall D Souza

    2 Richard M D Souza 3.05 Hect are 7.50 acre

    3 Nancy A. D Souza

    4 Helen R. Lima

    Out of t he t ot al 7.50 acre land, 6 acre land will be acquir ed f or t his pr oj ect .

    Fur t her , t he land is mort gaged wit h Rupee Bank of I ndia Rs. 10 Cr ., Nasik Peoples

    Co-Operat ive Bank Rs. 3 Cr ., Nasik Road Devlali Vyapar i Co-operat ive Bank Rs. 1.50

    Cr .

    Accor ding t o t he discussion wit h t he owner of t he land, t he t ot al out st anding

    amount t o t he af oresaid banks including int erest is around Rs. 48 Cr .

    St atement of Pur posePresent ly r eal est ate is enjoying f ast development s is Nasik. The demand of

    premium space has wit nessed a robust growt h and f or a pr oj ect like our s, t he

    locat ional advantage wil l play a game changing role in t he Nasiks Real Est at e

    sect or . The t ot al durat ion of t he proj ect being 3 3 years, is most ambit ious

    proj ect t he promot er s are looking f orward.