PSY 620P February 3, 2015. er/c_c/PSY620/psy620spr15Messinger.htm

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  • PSY 620P February 3, 2015
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  • er/c_c/PSY620/psy620spr15Messinger.htm er/c_c/PSY620/psy620spr15Messinger.htm
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  • Developmental Neuroscience Methods Direct vs. indirect assessment Brain Development Pre- and Postnatal development Differential growth rates and individual differences (see Shaw et al., 2006) Activity-dependent differentiation Functional effects of specialization Plasticity
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  • Direct Assessments EEG/ERP Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Indirect Assessments Marker Tasks
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  • Baseline/Resting EEG Ongoing EEG-- summation of all electrical activity occurring in the brain at a given moment Frequency distributions -- indicators of state (sleep/wake) and trait (arousal) marker
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  • EEG data is time- locked to a specific stimulus or event and then averaged Averaging allows filtering of unrelated/background EEG
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  • Activity-dependent specialization Face Processing example N170 to faces becomes specialized for upright faces by 12 months; prior to that elicited to inverted and upright (de Haan et al., 2002; Halit et al., 2003)
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  • Uses magnet and radio waves to image bodily tissues Structural Functional
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  • IQ group and change in cortical thickness (Shaw et al., 2006)
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  • Superior minus average intelligence groups (Shaw et al., 2006)
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  • More distributed pattern of activation in children vs. adults during face matching task (functional) From Passarotti et al., 2003
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  • Right fronto-insular cortex (rFIC) is a component of a salience network (SN) mediating interactions between large-scale brain networks involved in externally oriented attention [central executive network (CEN)] and internally oriented cognition [default mode network (DMN)]. The causal influence of the rFIC on nodes of the SN and CEN was greater in adults than children.
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  • Figure 2. Determination of task-responsive network and hierarchical partitioning to form three levels of functional hierarchy. (A) We determine group-level GLM random effects contrasts of lexical minus fixation trials (task- positive) and fixation minus lexical trials (task- negative) to define two functional systems encompassing task-responsive brain regions. Voxels within these regions are coarse-grained to 66666 mm3 ROIs to form the highest-resolution units of our network, called nodes. Time series of hemodynamic response are extracted from these nodes and are pairwise cross-correlated to define a weighted connectivity matrix for all subjects. (B) Schematic illustration and dendrogram of hierarchical partitioning. All nodes are pooled together and iteratively partitioned using modularity-based clustering algorithms to form a hierarchical network of relations. Each group on a higher level is partitioned to yield subgroups on the next lower level. Three levels of partitioning are defined, with various numbers of groups on each level: 2 systems, 9 blocks, and 33 clusters. (C) Matrix of Fishers Z-transformed correlation coefficients averaged over all subjects. Nodes are ordered to keep clusters, blocks, and systems contiguous. Colored bars and dendrogram along the sides indicate group membership of nodes at all three levels and correspond to those from (B). (D) Categorization of link type depends on the lowest level at which the two associated nodes are classified in the same group; i.e. same cluster (cluster links, brown), same block but different clusters (block links, tan), same system but different blocks (system links, beige), or between systems (cross links, white). Colored bars illustrate the partition of nodes into different groups at the three levels, similar to (B) and (C), but the specific groupings in (D) are conceptual only and do not represent real data doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059204.g002
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  • Infrared light illuminates tissue and activity below skin Wavelengths of light scatter in tissue and are absorbed differently depending on oxygen level (= activity)
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  • Figure 4. A single near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) channel over prefrontal cortex from Nakano et al. (2009) showing decreasing activations in 3 blocks of 5 trials to a speech category, following by recovery to a novel speech category (orange) in the 4th block but not to a no-change control group (green). Hb haemoglobin. From Prefrontal Cortical Involvement in Young Infants Analysis of Novelty, by T. Nakano, H. Watanabe, F. Homae, and G. Taga, 2009, Cerebral Cortex, 19, pp. 455463. Copyright 2009 by permission of Oxford University Press.
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  • From Nelson, 1999
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  • Bloom, Nelson, & Lazerson, 2001 (1:49)
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  • Increasing differentiation of areas of cortex Infant is born during height of brain development Tertiary sulci develop from 1 month before to 12 months after birth 1:20-2:19 structural view
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  • neurulationstraight forward 1:49 detailed, no words didactic
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  • From Bloom, Nelson, & Lazerson, 2001
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  • Many elements of initial neural migration specified genetically By 20 weeks gestation, 100 billion neurons! n 50,000 500,000 neurons per minute Neurons follow path of glial cells outward from ventricles To form 6 layers of cortex
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  • Neuron migration Neuron migration Radial migration (glial guidance) and somal translocation f/nn0201-143-S1.mpg f/nn0201-143-S1.mpg Typical and Atypical BH0&feature=related BH0&feature=related neurite outgrowth
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  • General pattern of brain development genetically specified By 20 weeks, most neurons present 3rd - 16th prenatal week most crucial At 8 weeks, head is half of fetus But specific connections depend on generic growth processes and sensory-motor stimulation Trillions of connections still forming Trimming of these connections is developmental task
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  • Once in place, synapses are overproduced somewhat haphazardly 1 year old has 150% more synapses than adult These are pruned (diminish) during development Repetition of sensory-motor patterns create more specific set of experience dependent synaptic linkages
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  • Like a growing forest
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  • Does increasingc omplexity asymptote?
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  • 15,000 synapses for every cortical neuron 1.8 million per second in first 2 years! Cerebral cortex triples in thickness in 1 st year Sensory and motor neurons must extend to correct brain are and form correct synapses This quantity of information cannot be genetically micro-managed Edelman
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  • Postnatal Development Differentiation of cerebral cortex Synaptic density growth curves
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  • See Thompson- Schill et al. (2009) for interesting Discussion of benefits of Protracted PFC development
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  • (Pascalis, de Haan, & Nelson, 2002)
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  • Extent of plasticity depends on age at injury, site of damage, skill area Early injury ( < 6 mos) to either hemisphere affects language competence, rapid improvements by 5 yrs with compensatory activation (Stiles et al., 2001) Greater spatial impairments with effects differing on hemispheric damage Sleeper effects
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  • - Examples of functional regressions Face perception (Pascalis, de Haan, & Nelson, 2002) By 9 months lose ability to discriminate monkey faces as well as human faces Phonemic discrimination (Werker & Polka, 1993) Young infants discriminate all phonetic contrasts (regardless of native language) but only up until 12 months of age
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  • Differentiation of Cerebral Cortex Reflection of innate modularity or experience- dependent processes? Adults tend to have similar functions housed within same regions of cortex Does this imply innateness? Likely a combination of both Generic large scale regions with functional specialization dependent on activity
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  • Similar patterns of cortical expansion between infants and adults as between macaque monkeys and adults The pattern of human evolutionary expansion is remarkably similar to the pattern of human postnatal expansion (Hill et al., 2010) Bell
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  • Postnatal cortical surface expansion. Hill J et al. PNAS 2010;107:13135-13140 2010 by National Academy of Sciences Fig. 1. Postnatal cortical surface expansion. Maps of postnatal cortical surface expansion on the standard mesh average inflated term infant surfaces for both hemispheres, shown in lateral (A), medial (B), dorsal (C), and ventral (D) views. The absolute expansion scale indicates how many times larger the surface area of a given region is in adulthood relative to that regions area at term. The relative expansion scale indicates the difference in proportion of total surface area at term birth and adulthood.
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  • (A) Map of regional evolutionary cortical expansion between an adult macaque and the average human adult PALS-B12 atlas (right hemisphere only). Evolution expansion scale indicates how many times larger the surface area is in humans relative to the corresponding area in the macaque. (B) Map of human postnatal cortical expansion (combined left and right hemispheres) for comparison. (C) Correlation map comparing postnatal to evolutionary cortical surface expansion.