FOX 30 YE.VIts IVK IHVi: SOLD COUNTRY PROPERTY OHLY. Catalog fri-i> to lntendinfr huyrrn! Owners, wishing to sell, call or write! Phillip* _ Well*. H9S Tribune Building. N. T. To Let for Business Purposes. onyfmk>t OFFICES. LOW RENT. TEMPLE COURT S to 9 Recliman Street. 110 to 123 Nnw.au Street. RULAND & WHITING CO., Agent, ON PREMISES. t The SLATER STUDIOS, 7 FORTY-SBCOND ST. WEST. One Suite (2 Koonu) To Let. Apply JANITOR, on Premises. JOaIOO 2-STORT BRICK FACTORY BUILDING. 221 dfc anc 223 BulUvan-st., Brooklyn; several underground tajiks h:M .'•'.> (boiler) H. }'. steam available: 200 feel fpntn oity dock and New-York Dork Company's terminal tracks; s.'or; haul to Hamilton-aye. ferry. For tfrms aprly to J. H. \\ T ILI>IAMii & CO.. 150 Hatnll- lon-ave., Hro'Kiyn. FOR OUTSIDE SPEINKLER SYSTEM. T_e buiJdlns; will accommodate not only seamen, but enrlnrers. officer* and captains as w«l, . re'.vs £far.vf ar.v number can be shlppsd free cf bonus, and we hope that the new ine-Jtution will put an end to tbe desri.-al "crimps" who prey on the poor eaJJort out of a Job. It will put an end to the impoeltions of boarding ___tors. who get a half month's pay from every .f,-! they chip. When th« new sailors' horn* is oompleted men will be shipped free ef change and they will receive all of their pay. minus, of course, the consulate's fee of 25 cents for shipping and <_BCharcing. Tbere is r.o port In the world except New-Tork _cd Brooklyn, where these "crimpers" and board- Inp-m—sters are nllo—ed to exist. We hope to tccoramodnte about fix hundred men in the pro- poeed home, each man hsring a '.uMc'.e' or room to himself. A ewimming tank. cluj rooms, i.orary. readiriK room and the thousand <-.:her details that gn wi-'i the equipment of a gr^at Institution of this kind »i!! be put in." The wcrk la to be c"or.c solely by the American 6««njen"e Friwiii Boelety Tne Beamaa's Chrifltian Bo^le^v will aid the former In whatever way it can as both f.re Crsendly and are working in a cemmen cause, na—ifly, the uplifting of American aMacven. £_ IVorh Will Be Begun in Spring on West-st. Site. Wen* will be be«OT n«rt sprir-g In this city on \u25a0what is tatftiM!«J to be tbe flnert sailors' home in the ircrld. The Ajnertcan Seanwn's Friend Society ha« on band 1750.000. end is at liberty to sp*nd any part of It on the proposed home. The site, the pur- chAS« of which wsjb exclusively reported In The Tribune Fewral days ajro. Is a plot 652 by: US feat. at Jan« ard W«t sts.. which cr*t JTO.OOO. The plans of many sailers* homes In various parts of the wor.d wll! be carefully considered, and an endeavor vnll be ra_d« to use the beat features of each The p'.sn of the eleepintr rooms for Eallors In "JacJc's? Palace." In London, has been favorably ccnMdered by the cemmittee of the American Bea- ir>er. c Friend Society, xrhlch has the management «f the new horn- In hand, and ItIs expected that it trtll «el«et Trtthln a few weeJcs a reprefentatlve to visit the sailors' homes. in London. Liverpool and ilontreal. .»».&. Henry H. Roberts, shJrplng master of the Bea- mt_'n •hnßTlan Aneocls.ion. who has foUowed the rea for fourteen years and who is now en*s«ed In work of independent shipping for eallors at the a-soolatlon. eald yesterday that the new sallon- home In this city wOuid be a stror.g weapon atrsinst the F-.arei. of "crimps" as well aa an Institution for the svHTtIBC of American seamen. Mr. Roberts, who Is elated oxtr the prospect of the home, said yesterday: Unfurnished Apartments to Let. 1418 PROSPECT AYE. Exceptionally fine aparunentH. 6 large light rooms and bath stum heat, hot water; near Rapid Transit Station. One month free. Hent $23.00-$;5.00. JANITOR "1 JT'T-161 EAST 31ST-ST. Two handsome apartments J-O I six rooms and rath. $40-»4B. WFST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 42.1-st.. bet—»en .V^and «th aye..-The Rev. ANTHONY H EVAXS. D D. Pastor, preaches at 11 a m. and •< p. rr- WEST PREBBTTERIAN CHTKCH. jiiiljiibsMW and V»th-«.-n*v. H. H. STEBBTNS. IV D. A^t_f Paste-, preaches at 11 and v UNIVERSITY PLACE PRESBYTERIAN CHUP.CH. rorrer of 10th-«t Public worsl i«-mr>rrow at 11 •- m. and X p m. The Pastor. R^v. __OROE ALEXANDER, D D. ' wITI rreach. T.H-rr."rrow '-e.i-f; the first &abbar>. In' the re* year. irrament of the LortTi 3upr<-x will r* observe* at the morning sstilf.s WessMsiaa «f»en!n* »frvl«-e at fi o'clock. >T PAULS METTHOUIST EPISCOP.VI* CHURCH. West F.nd-ave. and V.th-!*. Rer r;K"K<:F:P. ECKMAN. D. D.. Psstor. 11 a M "A NEW YEAR FEAST." J J p' m— "THE MAN WITH A rHOOtssisilf 1 Prayer service Wednesday eventng - o'clock. §l>th St Subway Station adtoinlng the 0...-ah. Bsojte's "Creation." evenlnir s«rvte«. THT: EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE WEEK OF PRAYER. Ma-r-!e Cullesiats Clmrrt. r>th-a\e. Bnl CSth-**.. Monday. .Tar.-iary l- a . Inclusive, at 4 o'cioci. THF I ADIES' ••HRI--TIAN CNION will, as heretta fore hold" a Devotional Service on ea<-h day nf UjejWseH r,« Prayer in the r'-ap'l of tha Co!l-gtat«. ' horek. 3t*'.- nvt> and 4Sth-st.. t 11 a m All lail»s are cordle,.:- Invited. "" 20 ceTit* per lloe. SOCIETY FOR rrHICAL CtTUtUf^ IQsBMH Ha_ 67th-Bt.. 7th-*v Sundsy momln* 11:15 o'c4Jek, speaal Xew Yenr'ii «x»rclses. Addr««i«« by II:. LESLIn SPRAfSI'K. Mr. PERCIVAL CHUBB. Dr. JOHN Lt%v_l JOY EIJ,IOTT. Mrs. ANNA OARLIN SPENCER. wlVi closlnr remarks by Dr. FELIX. ADLER. EOUTII CHI" RCH. Mad! ion aad BSUv-es> ' »:4S— Cblktreo's ssnrlos. 11 MornJn«r serrln 4 Afternoon eerrlc*. R«v. FRANCI3 BROWN. D X>.. willprea^L 3T. A.N'I'RBWS. sth-«v<.. ana 127U>-«t, Lerox-ave. suhwav to 12Sth-et. NEW TEAR' 9 DAY. Dr VAN* DE ATER will preerh gjl 11 a. ra. era "T^t Rl«h» Rosd. and 8 p. ni lopeclal iluslc Serrles). an "What. Is Tour Lifer* R»-- Mr LASHER nrfweae* a . Children's senlcs at 4 p. ro. Stra.-.sj'ers «ralcoa«. ST. ANDREWS METHODI3T F.PISCOI__ CHUItCH. 7Hth-st., est of OoTjmbns-av*. REV. ANDREW GILLIES. Senrl-ws at 11 a. r_ and 8 p. ra. ST. BARTHOLfXMEWS CWUHCH. Madisor—_»•\u25a0».. corner 44th-st- Th« R*v. LEIOHTON PARKS. D. D.. Recess, 0 a. m. Holy 'omwuiilnn. 11 a. m. Hoi Communion and sermon. 2:JS p. m. Sunday schoo!. 4 p. m. Even-Song and iMidrees. Anthem: "Llk* Bltrer I-atnp«." Bsrr.*>y. Rec»«r will preach at th»> momlr.« service, the Very R«v. I»ean BOBBINS Even-Sonr j?T. OEOKGE'g CHURCH. Stuyve-ant SojsaSSj Hrr. TT. R. RAINSFORD. D. P. Rsctor r.!fht . Serri-^ New year> Er« at 11 o'clock fWl«w#d by IMr Cbs»- mum-r. at 12 -r. Th« Rev JOHN H. MELLISH. Rector of H.'.y Trlr.ltr Church. Br-^lvn. will speak. All tuts free, t>oors W|u closed at 11.30 p. m. ST. JAMES CaVHCm, Madl»on-ave. and 71s*-sV ? a tt.. Ho!y OoSßSSMatssi. V> p.. m.. Mocmtag? Prayer. »_„ - 11 8 tn.. Holy Communion and Sermon DT BISHC? COURTNEY. . - ._* Bp. m.. Evenir* Service and S»nr ion by Ret. J CAIRKS. BT. MAtlK'f*. Mgh-St, ard 3.1-a»e.. R«». Dr. TT. P.ATTEN. Rector. Holy Communion. 9 a. m : Holy Ccm- munlon and Sermon «r"ep»Utlon of Christmas Vuslc). t\ a. m. Service of Ancient Chnntmas CaroU r«p«a.t«l hr r?Quest, p. m PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL ''Hfßi'H OP THK. HOLY FAtTH Eti^t 16<Jth and Trintfy aye.. Mr^rx Borou;h. —Bishop QUEER will preach at 11 o'clock. RUTGERS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Broadway and "3d Street. Rev ROBERT MACKENZIE. D. D.. Pastor. "will preach at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Weekly Services Wednesday evening a* « SCOTCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Ooth-»t. and Cen- tral Park West.— Hey. DAVID 'J WYLIE, D. D., Pastor; Rev. JOHN E. TRIPLETT. Assistant. Services 11 a. m. and R t> m. Ol.n FII'.ST PBESBTTEHIAN HU'RrH. r.th aye.. 11th to 12th sts Paturday 11-12 p. m . Watch Night Chora] Service. Pr DUFFIELP Will prescß on SoadST. 11 a. m —"A Light Ahead. " 4: SO p. m —"A Family Tr»e MANHATTAN CONGREGATIONAL (W'RfTl. Br «" a " way and 70th-st.. H. A. STIMSON, D. D.. Pastor.—bun- day services 11 a. m. and 8 p. nr MEMORIAL IiAPTIST. Washington Houa c South. •- BD WARI> JUDSON. Pastor, will t»rearh. 10:45 and T.3»- METBOPOUTAN TEMPLE, %J*£ Bsv. RO.I"RT BAONKI.L. Pastor. Pa«tor preacheF 10:4S: Rev V V ROS3. T. 4.". Attractive, services every night All seats free. Tn-ni(?h:. Wew Tear's Concert. 8. Watch nlrht service. |6:SQ OLD KASHIONEK MEETIN'J3 STEPHEN MKRRITT PUILPIN' 5. Bth- ave. and 10th St. EVERY PT'NDAV THREE BIG MKF.T!N<;> ?teph"n. 11 a m.. .H p. tn Mr RADCUrFE. •9- \u25a0 gpedsi smalc Corn* MADISON AVENUE REFORMED CHURCH, comer 57th-st— Rev. ABBOTT E. KITTREDGE. Pastor; Rev. WM. BYRON FOR3U3H. Junior Pastor Dr. KITT- REDOE wUJ preach at 11 a. m. upon "Th» Closing and th» Openlnc Year." and the Lord's Supper will be cele- brated at the dOSS, Dr. FORBUSH will preach a N-w Year's se.rmoa at 8 p. m. Watch meeting this Saturday tvtnlnß in lecture room at 11 o'clock. MADISON SQUARE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Ai.ntison-.WH. and --Jth-st., Rev. CHAPJ^Eb H. I'ARKHURST. D. D. Pastor. Rev. WILLIAM W. COE. \u25a0 Asslatant Minister. (sabbath Services, 11 a. m. and S p. tn. Dr. FARKtIITRST will preach In the morning \u25a0 and Mr. COE In th» evening Ulblo school for adults and children in the Chapel, an.l Dr. WILBKRT W. WHITE tpeclal course, of Bible Lessons In th» lecture Ikion), 10 a. tn. 20 rents p«r line. HARLEM PRBSn-TBIU AN CnnRCH. Madi.on-ave, and •125th-«t R«' OLO-ASS M LtIXAN.- [>. D ' Liverpool? "n*. ** 'prtach. . S«rvlc«. 11 a. m. and •* p. m. . MADISON AVENIT, RAPTIST CHURCH, coc 81st-st. 11 a m.—--The Need at a Revival." . Bp, m "The Point of View." . y;' Rev. Gco. I.Pentecost, D. D., Preacher. Special services every nliht the coming week. P C roria»ct*<l by DR. PENTECOST. YOUNG MKN SPECIALLY -WELCOME. MADISON AVENUE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, corner HOth-st. . Rev. WALLAfK MACMULLEN. D. D.. Pastor- 11 «. rn.—l'r«»' hln* by the Pastor. fol|-»wed by rrrvlc* of Holy Communion. ' Bp. m.— Preaching oy th« Pastor. . . , Sunday school et 8:30 a. m. Midweek service Wednesday at 8 p. m. MADISON AVENUE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, northeast corner 73d-st.. R*v. HOWARD AONKW JOHN- bTON. D. U. Pastor, will prtach II a. in.. o p. m. Mor •!»!>\u25a0 praise pervtce. Proposals. FIFTH AVENUE PRESm'TERIAN CHURCH FIFTH AVENUE ANI> 55TH STREET. MINISTER. REV. J. ROSS STEVENSON. D. D., Rev. GEORGE H TRULL. Assistant. Pervlcen on Jan. l*t. at 11 a. m. and 4:30 p. tn. Dr. HTEVENSON'B MorningTopic will "Behold. Now 1 ." Afternoon Topic: "A Ufa Worthy of tho Gospel. The Hlfcle School meets at 9:3ft a- m. The Wednerday Evaning Servica commences at 8:15. Strangers ar« cordlaliy Invited. riFTH CHURCH OF CHRIST. .SCIENTIST. 228-230 Went 45th -St.- Services. 11 a. m.. 8 p. m. Wednesday evening. 8. Heading room open dally. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. H<'IENTI3T. Central Park West and J;dth-st. Christian Science service Sundays at 11 1 a. m. ana. \u25a0 r.. m. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Healing rmmi cpen dally from 10 to 6. FOURTH AVENUE PRF.ShFteRTAN- CHURCH . esr- ner 22d-Bt.— R'v WALTER DUNCAN CHAN AN. ]\u25a0>. D., Pastor, preaches 11 a. m. and 8 p m. GRACE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCR. West KUth-et., Rev. c. S. TIPPLE. d. p Y .Fj- BI S^T7 -First Love. First Wo ks"; 8 P- m.. "Life s Spit waters. T™ l^ «.3t> Watch Nißht Meetlnsr. BpwM servless will l»> held every evening ru>xt w^ek. except Mon.lay Hnd Saturday. msPFI. TAIJE RNA Kth-ave. and 44th-st.— Rev. AH "iMpeov pVea-h-s 10:30 c. m Evnnlng se^-lce Week of PrayerJeEinrang Monday .t^W «^T|» D^ WVW V F^T^f^nTotheVs win preach during week. Watch NlKht. service tegius at 1«> P- m \u25a0«\- F TROY. Addresses by Ilev. W. F. MEMI.NG-K. Rev. A. B. SIMPSON and others. EIGHTEENTH STREET M. E. CHURCH, near Bth aye. REV. ARTHUR JAMIESON. Pastor. Momlng servtes, 11; evening, 8. Kvenlng subject. "A New face at the Door." 20 rents per line. " CHtRCH OF ZION AND' ST TIMOTHT. 834 \V .•..«! B7th-st. Rector. Rev. UENKY LUBECK. D. C. L. Holy Communion oa. m. . Morning Prayer. Holy 'ommunlon. Preacher. the Rector " °,c,c ock Choral Litany; Preacher, iciev."r>Y.' RUSHTON. - Sp.m. COLLBOIATE CUUHai. \ 2d-av«. and 7th-st. R«v. JOHN G. KAGO. D. P.. Minister, will preach at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. COLLEGIATE (MARBLE) <-HirRCH. &th-av>. and El'th-st. Rev. DAVID JA3. UI'RRCI*L. D. D. Mlnli-ter. will preach at 11 a. m. and bp. tn. . # . Morning: Th- Old Year— "Speed the Partlr.e QSMSI a Th» N«w Year "Welcome the. Coming Guest. COLLEGIATE CHURCH. sth-ave.. and 4SS*h-st. Rev. DONALD SAGE MACK AY. D. D.. Minister. will preach at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. Morning: "What Ajb Living For? A N«w Tear's Question." Eve.nlng: "The. Turn of tl.« Ros-d. What IJes D«yond7 A New Year's Vrospert " COLLE3GIAI"E i-HI'RCH, Went End-aye. nnd 77th-«t.' Rev. HENRY EVERTSON COBB. I' D.. Minister Rev. EDWARD H. COB, D. D.. will preach 11 a. m. Rtv. HEHMA.V C. WEBER. 8 p. tn. COLLKGIATC REFORMED CHURCH. Harlem R»v J. ELMKNDORK. I). D.. Senior Pastor. FIRST CHURCH. 121st-f«.. near 3<l-av*>.—Pastor. P.»v. RKNJAMJN E. DICKHAUT. Serrtesa at 11 a. m. and N.i'. m. Preachinc by th« Pastor. LENOX AVENUE CHI?KCH, corner 129d-st.— Rev. EDGA.R TILTON, Jr.. D. D. Services at 11 a. m. an.l 8 p. in. Preaching bf tho Pastor. The Christmas rmu»ic will »* repeated. WORK WANTED. DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WAXTID. TOU.ET ABTICIJKS, \u25a0sis ELECTROPI^\TER— Expert dip cli^lnp. ormolu, gold ttchlng: i^est results In elec- troiiatlng. zinc hollow ware and noveltiea. ha* executive, ablllt'es E., V.2 Columbus- ave. Vale. COACHMAN— CHAMBERMAID, *c— married cc ip!c; man as \u25a0 bnsaA; wlf<» as ch»mterni.-*ld ar..l wai'.Vf-as: N-.th -.iior- oughly competent anil r*llat>>;Itrtctlj tsio- perate- very best references. HARVEY. Tribune Uptown Otac* 1.3 M Crcadway. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE Bureau of Supplies an.l Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, I), C. until 10 o'clock A. M.. Jannary 31. 1906 and publicly orierj»;<l Immediately thereafter, to fur- nish at the Navy Yu.rd. New York, N. V.. IWO.wO yatis (about) blue r.ar.npi. heavy quality. f>4 Inches «rlde; 300.- <*»> yards fsbout) unbleached '-otton drill, l.'»S Inches wide, an'i tiO.OOiJ (about) silk neckerchiefs. Blank pr.«- posals will be furslsbed upon application to the Navy Pay Ottice. New York. H. T. B. HAKUIS, Paymaster General. VT. S. N. ENGlNEEß.— ExperiencM \u25a0sacfctnls*; Isrsl class refcrencf-s. 323 SM-st.. Brooklyn. GROOM. By youn« mar.. IS. In prlvata taraily: \u25a0.-•. or country: % r x>l refer«ace. J. M i*.. J2S East 4Sth-»t. FIREMAN or HN^tNEKR - -K.lght vurs exp<?rlen-e. Call or addrMS FRANK ri"RTI« 821 Myrtle-aye.. Brooklyn. O \'-HMAN or SECOND MAN —Single. I carefn] 'n \u25a0 - peat a] tarai - lUble; Itj or n - rel r Ptbj-av*. gEALED PROPOSALS IN DUPLICATE will be received at the offlc» of the Commissioner of Immigration, Ellia Island. N. V.. until 2 o'clook p. m.. Thursday, January 12, 1905. an;i then opened, for re- moving and ereotini? certain partitions, laying certain wooden floors, outtlnjr a doorway, etc. Particulars to conditions and limitations governing bidders can be had upon application to WII.MA.M WILLIAMS, Com- mirsloner \u25a0 f Immigration. Ellin I'land. N Y. GENTLEMAN, thlrty-eieht years' experi- eiv» ir lar«« contracting company, have personal acquaintance with »rcSlt«cts ani business people, would like nianigershlD rr representative cool compsnr. BOND. Trlhune Office. It 1* Favored at Conference Commissioner Oakley Takes Part In. OcminlsfJoner Oakley of the Department of Wa- ter Eupp!y, Gaa and Oectridty. bad a conference yesterday with the engineers of the various de- partments and seme representatives of Insurance interests to dipcusp th*> outside «i>rink'.ir.K syetftn Jt Is proposed to adopt In conne.-^k>n with the new Jiigb pressure water «yetem for fire protection. The new zn&lnr. Commissioner Oakley said. will be In operation within a yoer. After discussion It wns agTee«l that the sense of the meeting was In favor of tho outside 6prlnkler \u25a0yetem. The Insurance men held that the property owner \u25a0braid Install the plant, paying for the cost by the reduction in his n-.8-urance rates, and that the city should furnish the water free. For the ia«» automatic \u25a0 rinUera Uiey held that the prof.- «>riy owjit-r should pay for the Installation and for the water us»>d. One sp^t-kirr believed that a •cfaeir.e coul be evolved by a py?tem of sprinklers cy which the Pte« Department could Isolate any part of the city where a fire threatened. COIACIIMAX. By jooas man: nndsrstand" .\u25a0jr.. of am h.->r?e, and carnasea: M»* of reference, from last employer^ whf. c»a \? seen Call or addrM*. JOHNSOK. .'-\u25a0 Thi rne-st-. Jersey City. Religions Notices. CUTS OFF SON'S WIFE'S CHILDREN. IWANT WORK.— Touna man. a**d 1». to make himself useful In a wholes* fcust- nfss hous» at any kind of work; wintneaad strong- fcood reference: Uvinr with parent*. Address J. F. WIND. I7li Ivarl st «_O\CHMAN. English: SSBIIM, prlva:» family requiring competent. #ober.^ "-\u25a0 cla;«s servant; city references. KIN -\u25a0- West End-aye. JANITOR -Kv man and w'.fe; no family THOMAS BARTON. 231 Eaat 4M-st •>\u25a0 <3 Is so harir'.rs:. we taste H to be sure It properly made. Accept no counter- felt of similar name. Dr L. A. Sayre said lo a lady of the haut-ton (a patient): "As you ladles will use them, t recommend •C<)URACr>'i- CREAM' us the least harm- ful of all the skin preparations." Kor aale by all Druggl.-U and Fancy Goods Dealers iv 'h> I . S.. I'anada anc Europe. i OFFICE FI'RNT«I"KE. ROLL TOP OFFICK ! FURNITURE < In great varitty| oi etylo and j price. T. r,. SELLEW. j 11l Fulton St. COACHMAN— married: private family: sr,b«r. romp-etent: ars: r'.as* ?er vant; neisoaal city tslsr—cs. KINO. -1- Wert End-ay(». JANITOR, mnrried. 27 years, In first class apartment house; understands st--am neat and all small repairs Address G. BL, W Columbia Place. Brooklyn COACHSIAX. .'."> tnartl»d. Pr»»;e«an'. without children; thoroughly competent In every respect; careful city driver: -x- perione^d riler:references written and per- -yi.i; Ity or country. WILLIAM. TrtNm* rm.'*n Ofr!.-. 1.3tJ4 Broadway. MASSAGE.— Wsseill. practical In mas- sage, gyrr.nr.Fti-.-B ami water '-ure: will come to house. Address. BARUCH, 351 East ThlrJ-st. MACHINIST, ag«-d 2.">; Experienced on (t*ar cutting and milling rnaohlne trork: wOl call. A. B RATMOSP. Lakewood. N. J. COACHMAN and GARDEKEit-BI mid.!* axed •'»--•! undtntasdi '.are of horses, milk poultri: a Brsl rlass workman. A*. dress R. SJIIiH. 475 P--irl-St. OFFICE ASSISTANT OR CUERJC— years' exprlence; reference. l»AVir>- SON. 103 W««t U'lst-3t. PACKER or PORTER- By married man (34) ; good packer: experienced In «3ry- go da; jtood reference?. FRED. aASSERT. 450 Shcpar^-aT*., Brwiiiyn. C. \RIT'BNER. *c S:n«le. riUIHMC,Nor»h of Ireland; i,iirJ-:ner. care'aV.-r. store- Eteeper; seaside- cottages or gentlt s country vlaee; experienced la all tranche* STEVENSON. l-*>l South Sth-st.. Brooklyn. MOI'SEMAN tnan. -f>. willtr.^ a" ' obliging, not afraid of hard work: city or country. E. REILLT. 123 East 1"-'- st.. . t --\u25a0.'\u25a0 r>ORTf->R By youn? colored man, or any kind cf work ?ood references 001 of city. JACKSON. 221 East 127th-st. OI."TIX>OR or INTiOOR MORK—By man. 30; strictly temperate; care horsr^ cow3. -hicltenf. attend furr.ares; $li> rr>ontir%^<vxl references. IP.WIN'S BITKHA". TT Wcs llth-st. .'* rr.j" son, ntnnsrj H. Chadwlck, ihall have filed belorc me, leavinz surviving rae lawful issue by ar.v n_rr: .. which he may hereafter contract, said ie»u«» oh»'l taks i>cr gtirpas the share which my ton, Stanley H. Chadwick, would have taken if living; but I expresaiy direct that the children of my son's present '.viie. Florence Archer Chad- wlcli. si::i\l in r.o event, bo entitled to reodvs any *he.re of my estate. i The pro\-!slon la saplatoed by tha fact that there j ww e<-'rr.»- <lorr.<'">T!(; troable between Stanley Chad- 1 \u25a0wick and his artfe. In which Dr. Chadwick's sym- puhies nf.rc w:th his son Dr. J. W. Ctadwick's Will Shows Feeling Against Panghter-in-law. Ajccorfiinic to Bm will of the Rev. Dr. John White Chadwlck. pastor of the Secor; 1 Cn ttartao ChJr< Brookim, fJed in the orTl<-f! ot the Kir.^s County Surrop&tc yesterday, his entire estate goes to Annio H. Cbadvick, the •widow. The real *-:aT»- is Mttmated at JT.O'tC'. and the personal property at "not morn than J10.0M." One parafrrar'h of tUa will reads: JAPANESE seek* position as genera Tror«- T in l-.a ,-h-lor \u25a0iisulliwnl cr small fam- ily: prefers countr>-; understands cooXir.?: ifood ' reference. i=T"GT. 17 Concord-s* . Brooklyn. rRIVATF. SECRETARY or -^nf.iential clerk, Btenosraphej and typewriter; sev- eral years' experience; r y reference. J P.. 420 West llPth-st. JAPANESE) honest, younn: butler or plain cook; vranTsi posit I n in sma'.l family; hep-» country. HART. 17 Ccncoru-st.. Brooklyr. PAINTER. Py jrOOBI man; German-Amer- ican: steady position ; refcreccc CHARLES STEINHRKCIIER. 333 Enst 04th-st. MAN and WIFE. Trosfworthj competent, youn?: wifei, »\u25a0>\u25a0': plain cook. chamN*-- maM; huslan butler. lioiuwniTi; tak- "\u25a0 rH together, except laundry: ssiall family adults; citj or ooar ry; personal r»;er-->--« BUDINGTON. aaa >st Wth-st. DRESSMAKING AND MILXINERY. 547 FIFTH AVB.. Oppoclta Waldorf-Attorta. Specialist en WAISTS AND TEA GOWNS. MODERATE PRICES. BENJAMIN FOX. RELIAbLE PA-.VNBROKER. Established 1878. T2 Bth-a"e.. r.ear 14th-st. Offera bl bargains In seal and P*"!" lamb Jackets, tux*, muffs and boas, also big bargains In fine diamond*, watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed . DRESSMAKER. -First das* dressmaker. late with one of the fading h.-.usfs. wants a few encasements by the day: coats a \u25a0peoialty. Address X: K-. 7 Prr>spect Fine?. DRESSMAKING.— Latest designs; all work guaranteed; children 3 parmenls. GUIi- FIN. 107 West 1 th-st. ' \u25a0 ARE YOU seeking lovely evening sVWm original costumes, perfect rttlnc ta.lor made suits, style. charming effects? ERN'EaTINB. 18* West 20th -at EMTLOYSIENT AGENCIES. iT a RARTNjBLOIMEy'S " EMPIjOTMBNT Bt'REAf. 211 East 421 -st.— First class domestics are supplied also managing housekeepers, ma- trons. governe«*es. tutors. &c. _^__^^^_ 11ELP WANTED. \u25a0JSJBS WANTED Experi- enced advertising can- vassers for special "feat- ure; prominent paper. Address H., Box 15, Tribune Office. ANY INTEI.LJGFNT PERSON may corn $50 to $100 monthly corresponding I->r newspapert; $•'• a column for work In apare time. No canvasslnc Send ,(?f Particu- lars NORTHERN PRESS SYNDICATE. Lockport. N. Y. ______ COMMERCIAL TR»VEI._ERS -You can add to your Income very easily and with- out any aetr'.rrent to your r*BUlar duties. Address Box 3.455. Boston. REAL ESTATK. Experi«nced. rc.«ponsibl« man would ciw his whola tim<! to rcan- asemT.i of an estate; best references: cash 6?eurlty rr bond. J. P.. -420 West lHth-st. SECOND MAN - Ry r*i!iH*Hol!and roar.: in private family; will \u25a0ak" htaastt sr»r- erally u«efal: capaUe and sob.»r: c'.'y -x- c»l!-nt references. A. ZOP.N. J-14 River-st . Hobo* SALESMAN ana BOOKKEEPER.— By ex- perienced travelling salesman lo r«liu!i>l<! novelties-. 5 years withlarge manufacturing company. Address J. G. A.. Box 210. N*w- hurvport. Mass. USEFUL MAN V.y German: sins!-; pr:- vate country atoe*; ';nde-><tani J horse*. smrdenlna, poultry, etc. . ref»re?:ces. AJ- •ir»ss WTUUA9I MADOERY. 9 C^.a•^am S.|uar». WE WANT MKN T<> ITU s<*> htith crad- p stttons: comp»t«nl «ale»- m<=n. executive, clerical or technical mer. should call— write. HAPGOOI'S (Inc.). Sulto .108. 300 Broadway, N. "V- TRAKSZiATOR and INTERPRETER in Flrnlsh. Swedish and Ensllnh. Address CUSTAF SEPPI. 80 ColnsnMa Place. Brooklm. UStSFCI. MAN" By coTored n:aa: eight years' ref^reno*. CHARLES, Bex .- : Ry», N. y. TOOi. AND DIE MAKER.— AIso experi- enced on in"rera! machine work; steady i«->jirion B. B. M'EL.VQ*iY.«2» Flathush- a- <\u25a0 , Brooklyn. WANTED Experienced' readlns notice advertising canvassers: must- have ex- cellent references: comn.lsslor.a- Address X. X.. Box 2. Tribune OJT.ce. . OLD TTJSN HALL BUEI7S DOWN. pell Known. Building of College Point Is I Destroyed Loss About $25,000 College Point's oil Tnm Hal! -p-as destroyrd. by ire ye»terdar. and several other buildings wer» 'amnged. Willis Mitchell, a Dteer f.r«-man. at- ach*. i to liescua Hook et -j Ladder Company, of rioshlng. voui tfarova from the truck while en the IPS 7 to the fire and received s'Jch, injuries that h.- ! irtll be cosflned to tha FhnhJßC Hr.splal for at 'least a wetlc. v .<- Bre Btarted from a pot of fat : sveTtu.rr.ing in the kltcben of the-olii hall, and it «prea^ ia;;;d.y. Bt-lore it was under control at le&yt J2o.'oJ ilsmage tras> done. Ad.ion! \u25a0 »v: a r.gs wmt savex] by fbe volunteer lire tighter* o" Coll< *r Point. hi'e.-toi.e and ri-sh- injß. Kstnv lost.es wMch met in 'h old Turn Ha,l •vUI euSer as a risnilt of yTesjerdajr's rire. Tt ••-• bttlifljlg which was aest;oytd w;is"the scene of many exclticg happen.njrs In tfce hl3tor>* of College J-OlEt WOKH WA>TKIJ. WATCHMAN or rARETAKER.— SingIe. 34: Ensilsh: coo^ r»r.t»r and handy with toola: architec-ts' and builders' referenc«3. WAIN". Wri*h'. Iloufe. Bensoa-sve., Bath Bss USEFUL MAN - Cutler, valet, hcus-irork- •t: Armenian Protestant: s-.-fv.'c French and En.tUsh thnrouarhly; compe- tent, experienced: leadir <r families: best cf isferraces r> KASBAR, 238 East 4Oth-f. Mole AUDITING, systematizing account M^iks. fro anywhero United States: books opened closed; profit and loss balance sheets ' audited: perfect system Intro- duced. Postofflce Box 569. 'Vorxi; MAN. with knowi^Cfc-e r>( ster.o 3 - rnphy and typewriting, desires j*rmar.er.t pcsitlon; wllllnr and obliging. J. LYONS, 517 Kant Sflth-st. RARE HONOR FOR SECRETARY TAFT. Cincinnati, Dec. Tbs Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce has given William H. Taft. 6«-oreiary of "War. the rare, honor of a unanimous election by Sts board of dliectors <;-\u25a0\u25a0 an honorary life member. The only o:h<v- lostaaos of the kind was the elec- tion vnarE a£o of Senator Pendleton to the i-ame aetal)».rßh3p. VALET—Dy thoroughly cotnp«rent French valet !n private farrl'r. or to « K»Titleman: hishcsl •\u25a0-*--- to charac- ter and sobriety. Address R. RODRIGUEZ. IS Hlcks-st.. Brocklyr.. v.m.ft By young colored atan, i" very oMiginp and considerate; fl-st class r»fe- - ence. Ar;li A. S.. 3S F"ioet-!>t.. Brook lyr ACCOUNTS audited; Individuals instructed; reasonable, rates; «-tßhte«?n y«arß' experi- ence- nlcht an.l Sunday work a specialty. A N FELLOWS. Aciountant. 2W Arlinf- ton-ave.. Brooklyn. TOUNG MAN, 2i). str.-. . can us<» tool*, two y»ar»' experience as helper to me- chanic, wants steady soaitlon at »ny wrk fHARLES QUALATTNE. 222 Bowery. AITKK. frc. Youns; colored -IS 22: waiter experlenoeii: or to travel trii^ pertleman: fairly cdacated; f.ireiiner: t»'- «r*nce9. *\u25a0)» Carlton-ave.. Brooklyn. TOt'NQ MAN". American, married: thor- "iighly understand* th* a.r.> \u25a0•' caul* and h'Tse*. on s»ntleman's pla.» rwo years" referenen from last place. HLIYKN*. 621» Wen lM*th TOVNQ Irishman^ 24. 'ately '.in><i. in --tH - hie or hou*p. with private '.irr.t!> . cltv or country. MURRAY. l«l \\>»t 66th-st. ATTBXI>ANT to surgeon or In private hos- pital or private patient, by American, 3S; hest references. BDWARD TRAVIS. 53 Bedford-st. WAITER. Ac. Toons colored man sj w.itter or c««k. MASON. 2tio v.' 61st-«r BOOKKKKI'ER. ma-i i 23». ol good family an-1 appearance; spoaks Ensllan and French: good v<*rnnan; »vi-n years' ex- perience in bookkeeping, cashier and all uneful •->!"• •• work. S. BONOMOLO. 170 Unlon-st.. UrooKlyn. SCIENCE CONVENTION ENDS. Ffclia ( se*pfcl&. Dec. 30.—The I illimillllll of the >.raerlc«>n A*por:rti"n for the Advancement of Bclence practically ended with to-day's sessions. *Ta-ix»orrcw the peaeral body will hold a meeting to transact rontiiM business, but the presentation a.\.<l «ilscuesior. of papers terminated to-ciii.y. The gen- •ral organisation m*t thin rnornirjgr in tlie chapel of tK« Univeraily of Peoneylvania, ajid after a brief iiusintsß ee«s!cn tbt various eectione and affiliated EodctJea h an tfceir rawtlng*. XVraale. COOK.- CHAMKRRMAIO «r'J WAIT7?E39. -Wajfi $20-!Zt. city or country. Mu>«. vT.AONFR'S EMPLCVJIENT XGEXCT. *:>: «th-av«.. i«w..n 29tl> and SOtlt sta. YOt'N,-, MAN. 2»>. in \u25a0ho* Of pfl|t«; under- ytands plan.", details an.! traclnjr; L«od N?nch. also marhlno hand and stalrbuilder G. D. M.. care, Benn«-t. 101 tlth-ave. l^mx Hranch. N. J. COOK. Fro««-erar.t: wlHir.tc to assist Sina- \u25a0!•> uiulers'an.ls h»r busuteaa; thorough in all >rarche3; excellrnt referenc*": city or countrj-. S. U.. Mrs. Collier. 1^ "West -'Cd-st. nOOKKEETER.— By vcitna; man (23), of good famllv ard appearnnce; In some Im- portant store; nr^aka English and French; Rood penman; s*»«n years' experience* In bookkeeping, enshier and all useful office, work Sv CONOMOL.O. 170 Unlon-st.. Brooklyn .\u25a0 . YOIING marrle.l. man wants position at anyttv.nK: not afruld of hard work PBTRR bai.i.ktti. 40 Orand-st. COOK waitress, s»sM (iml seamstress; b«*| ,-...» rr lli«» I—\RSON"S "Cmvloym*r.t Otfto'J; :3 W«« SSI st. TeL 3.«>«i-Madi- tcn Scjuare. WORK « '.> TED. liOOKKEEPER. 28; .thorou«hlv oonnpeter.t double entry mercantlln bookeeper te«k.' place of any kind: E.,b«r. industrious: At references. BENNETT. 38 Cooper-st. Brooklyn. lVmalc. COMPANIOX' or \u25a0rUate secretary •« a lady, hy jroanaj lady ol ra&ncment and "ducntlon: wllMiik- to travel {». t, i--v th-Rt.. Brooklyn COOK. Tv":ir-c t-i ;o To <.*av.forn:»i. Waab- r.cton or TnBlD In el'y. personcl oltr reference : COOi»in« tv lr« £*v .L-o *c- repr«J. Call jny •..:rt. s." t ' ;.. i.e. J< floor. BOY. 18; thrw years' otjl.ee and one year's high solif'Ol »xr*>ri«nc*; permnnfnt posi- tion; can typewrite, etc ; best reference*; sa'aiy, $7. I'RUENT. .West 125th.-st. HORSES KILLED BY HOLIDAY FEEDING. Chicago, Dec. Mora than en« hundred horses Jn Chic-u-o Mrs victims of the fact that Christmas cmk this year on Bnoday and wea followed by a holiday. The animals, dropping kuddenly in their areck' under streas of work, have died from spinal \u25a0aaaalyssa or aten ehot to end their snffsrlnc. Arofjria la '" \u25a0 bnloal trouble, resultinc from two mnasouUvi days o' Uwttr In th»- stable and the eat ins of i).* working day -tioii of oats and corn. Tfcla fc-.^irp of pram and the Idleness of tho ciurcais :r..tnn ftable for forty-eight hours resulted J ? the j-asc-lar ?yj=Urns gorg-lng with blood beyond ablJty ot the heart and blood vessels to contro' tO«">K '•\u25a0'''•• n-» washing. >!is» PETERSON, i;i Eift .TJ'-.-t BRIGHT young iran. .In broker's .iffli-f; b«g| r«f«t«nc«; »fl week. JAMES 'MULr- VIHIIJ.. 17 West (Hid- st. .... <"O.\CH.— l'rofesslorial aJI around athlct« as roach In a cf)ll«s» .'or athletic club GEORQE HROWN. 357 7th- ave.. Brooklyn DESIGNER. Tounit »om«n icr>auate of class tn dc-fOgnlns. Ooopvr Institute as actlMtaia to dent^ner r>f any interior '.iec- oratlon; especially fam:'. ar with Orleatsi >t]Uss Addr«»s I* C. B . Box 153 Mun- roo. N. T •-»:\u25a0\u25a0': Cl.EßK.—Toitnf man •as c>rk In .i.'t-l iMp»d 22; bent references. Address W. T I.AN(J 1"6» <;re*nwlch-av*. DDMPANIOK i.« riadj or ml?!«. t>- yrurs X !r! . wlllire »".trave!; ixinr.f knowledge ri F-«-n \u25a0•> and -\u25a0..\u25a0>. neatly; understard* •n^ni.-nr'rs:. facjal msssa^e and halrdre! I*ln^:1*- ln^: ureful In any position n,>; :rer.!al. \i- <Srcs-» Mlvs MAKIE. «» 5!-a>#. UOVERKESS 1.-i-^v win highly rtfon menri SwtM nursery trovernens- teaches Fr»n«h an<l tirrman. CaJI 10 to U «•>•« •"• to rt. 131 East. ltHh-st. CI,ERK or ÜBSOTJL MAN.J-Rj- yonnr man Os>. In ortlce- best of ref»>r#n. r s as to liOtt*St> ar.it sobriety. . AiJ>lr»s« Ml'l^. 'AHKY. -£H Wilt 4St.h-!<t. ' CARfENTBIt.— Bj n.an. 33; by <tay or con- tract; 12 veors' reference. <'AKI'K\TEH 471 \\>M I^ftth-•t. . * QUEBTION WHERE D. W. EISHOP LIVED. The qucFtirr. whether David y.\ Bishop, w-;,o left c. lznz<; estate, is a •-. \u25a0•:.,':, o f New-Tork State. has ba 1 b before the Surrogate's C-jurt for over a. year. and Barrocslfl Fitzgerald announced yester- day tbat he would appoint a referee to pa.-s on It. ll r. Hsbop owned mudi property •:. this State, and i»r. sppraittr was uppolntej to ascertain the ctxacrunt on which t'., Jr-hentance tax might be collected. The point •was made that Mr Bishop »'«• I^} a r «: '' :Oe " 1 cf New- York, but the Hpprais^r ruleo Uit:t be was. .ir.d sul,mstted a r^ort to this e£«=ct. The State T'.ier appUed to Burrocat. Flts*er to «mfina me appraiser's report but the fiurropai* holds that the case must be decided <>nly after «\-tdfcnc* has U;en submitted to prove his \u25a0SSBBCI DHBIOKEB on cloaks and suits;- thonmch- ly experienced on shirt- wulvii. wi]l»n« to start on small »alary. STEIN-liLkii 551 East Psth-st. STKNOGUA»»I!I2H «n.l SINGLE KSTKY CI^BIUC ity .\u25a0,.ini>f>t«'rii younic lady; "*' i r*!tabl«- ttrm;one- v«ir'> » lswr» tn com mlfiilen hoiiaf. nalary m-»lerate. H SCHKN./K M WSSI ISHk-Sl STEXOGRAf'Jinn . sad TYPEWKITER.— •First claj>A. .ueut ao<l n-curat». can d»^ k>i,i stencil -work; s«!a.r>. fs to $10. Ai.ir-s» Mlfs M.. Bo* 37. Tribune « iffl>-«. ItAHCBI'SC.- Doctor's reference; patients tr«»te<! at honv of sal 2*2 tsa»t 1171 «t.. grouni.noor. tlifht. N-l! \u25a0». DKUGGIRT REL.lEK— V\'edreiiaay, Thur»- dsv. Friday .-pen. A<Jdre«» C R. sa -*raltj--it.. Fluthlnt. .':'')\u25a0 I'MgrE VAUDEVTXXJ) ARTIST. Uiv. will enlertntn for Sunday eoncsfta, •!.\u25a0>. talk*, I'lubs. aocletir*: nr» wwiSiOl«nus< <n>nitr ' r.»:\.(tv ETHEU.YN (iAHDMJK 1| u«.i la-.j-Ht . . EI.KVATOn UV.NNER. lly younjf colortd « man: flntt-class references. \VILJvI.\^ \,i>"\ WaatilnKton-ave., llronx. * ' " >OMK-»TU Mil\llo\-. UAMKI). BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS FILED. "l-t-et. n c, lfiflft a of lst-av«. 60x102.2; Harrl« MBiijelbautn and Fisher Lrewine loan to gaul Walknateln . }22 000 Coilere-uve atvl 142.3 fit n c comw. 75x300; the '"o-iimonwfh.!th M'irtfr'aKe Company loans lo -;•\u25a0\u25a0:»\u25a0•• A O'Ruurke 56 OOr) Of -dyke-ave, \u25a0 3TK) ft c- cf M-st, 2txlO'>; Martin F-hrenk*l*ni l<"*n« to Rllznbeth A «»•>« ... 21 \(tn 12Mh-»:. v B, 2O ft \u2666• of Sth-av<-, BOxlW.ll : Van Nordeq Tru»i COnipasy I'jiat to Ju^-j^U bilvtr- AN INVESTMENT DEAL IN FULTON-ST. Isaa»: E. TVakemaa and f. S. Mocre have sold for Zocuettis 1^ Btll to a Mr. DlclMßsOsi for ipvestrasnt Ko. Of l^u!ton-M. It <s a eeven etory. fireproof esssPSJ^w^ a lot 2<:i[ * feet - fcetwe * n Dodte OJcott rectnUy bought No. S7 Fulton-st and an adjolr.lng parc'-l. No. Hi Ann-st., on whiSi they wtU *rect 4 building for tneir own occupancy! \u25a0'. BEEKMAN-ST. BUILDING SOLD. Danforth L. Jones & Co., dealtti in cardboard have bo-jght from tki estate of John 11. Downey £*?^J*V k ? 1! " 1 - sl * fiv « s^'ry building on a lot *~xJk:t£ZxfZ.z f-et. betwtec Nassau and Wlilitlm Ma. Tho ouyers occupy tl*« l/uil<Jii,3. AUCTION SALES YESTERDAY. By B«b*rt a Shetmar.: M liSth-Bt. \u25a0 c 210 ft o cf Vr.oi-i-.<. SzM.ll: t> *tory bk ten h: W H ItUßch an<l *!.o if-: M Kosentbal *t al; linwsml, MAP nttye; H Barker, ref; omt due. $2».0m 18; taxes, «-tc tbl2; to S ltuioiuorrT for t'.'7.Coo. THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. Klr.jrabridr*— ave, c p. 182 ft r. of lWth-st. two •• rj ii!..k <Iw*;r,ng- home. 222Hx«5; Antonio 'Hii'nc, owner; Adam *i riecher. architect . $POOO REPORTED LEABEB. T. Sherwood Boyd has Irnsod twr> floors, com- prising 13,0T0 square feet. Jn the new building at Nos. 2(5 and 2K Bleecker-st.. to the Royal Tailors, of Chicago. Robert R. Ralr.ey has leased \u25a0 - * twenty-first floor and part of the twentieth floor at No. 42 Broadway to the American Bridge Company for a term of venrs. The lease covem about 17,000 square feet of srac«!. Collins A Colllro have made the following leases: No. 48 West tleventh-st., for Miss Isabella M. Hawley to P»rcy H. Brundage; No. 13S East Thlr- ty-scv^mh-st., for V.'illiam Floyd to Edward Ban- ford: No. 10 WV-et Forty-ninth -St., for Mr*. Julia C. Hammond to Drs. Henry S. Norris and Edward H. Bronson: No. 12S East Sixtv-first-st., for Mrs. Mnry J. Perkins to "vViliinm A. Prime; No. f.« wv.«<t Fiftieth-st.. for G. Willett Van Nest to Dr. St. Clair Smith; No. 44 East Sixty-stxth-at., with Hor- ace 8. Ely & Co. for the Farmers' Loan and Tru.-V Company to Mrs. Pauline E. Henry; No. 64 East Fifty-flfth-st.. for William A. Buehler to S. Fred- eric Mills; No. 272 West Ei^hty-slxth-st.. for Charles T. B;»rney to Mrs. Grace B. Wahl; No. 71 East Fiiiy -second -St., for John L. Martin to Dr. ixlward i^ivin?;ston Hunt; No 228 West Fifty- etghth-st., for Mrs Josephine Lovell to Miss Ber- tha Thayrr: No. U' East Blxty-secoitd-st., to Dr Charles G. Miller; No. 113 East Sixty-flfth-st., for Mrs. Larimore Worden to Mr«. Mary Hitchcock No. 132 East Slxty-fourth-st.. for Mrs Helen M Warner to Miss M. A. Colgan; No. 61 East Sixtieth- st., to Mrs. M. B. B Langzettel; No. ?2 Ea«t Sev. enty-flfth-st.. corner of Park-avo... to Oscar Van Bernuth; No. 1C East Seventy-flfth-st., to Miss An- riie I>eary: No. IS East Beventy-flfth-st., to A. J. 1 >itt^nho<>f(-r; >?o. 21 East Sevnty-fourth-st for F. do R. Wlssmnn to Mrs. A. Weeks: No,- H4-i4« Madlson-ave.. with Albert B. Ashforth to Miss E B. <Jraham. TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Bernard Bmyth & Botu have fold to the Realty Mortgage Company a lot on the north side of One- hundred-and-twenty-second-st., 125 feet west of Amsterdam-aye.. which pives the buyer a plot 150 x M.ll feet, at the northwest corner of Amsterdam- ave. an4 Ona-hundred-and-twenty-eecond-st. Mrs. George T. BMss Ja th buyer of a plot 45x100.6 feet, on the north side of Slxty-elgtath-st., 255 feet east of Flfth-ave., sold recently by Whitt-houso & Torter frr Jchn J. Emery. The firm of Lionel Proelich has sold for Moses Arndstein & Bon one of a row of five story flat- houses, each K.6xlM feet, now being erected oTi the north side of One-hundrtd-and-fortieth-nt. between St. Ann's and Cypress ayes. Max J. Klein and Ignatz Roth hay« bought from Kug ac M. Hawkins, us trustee, the plot 50x100 ft.et. on the east side of Belmont-ave,, 232.2 feet south o* Pe.;*.iii-ave. and a s.miiar plot on the «a.st c.do of the avenue. 282 feet south of Pelham-ave. A hhatzkin <i- Bona sold to I. Kossofsky a plot. f->x.<V. feet, on the Fou.h s.c'e of Bartholdl-st.. e.SL or White Plaine-ave.; to Samuel Bavthansky, a plot Irix'i'iv feet, on the oast pfde of Second-aye., 25 feet south of Two-hundred-an \u25a0i-ihtrtii th-st. C. i>. Coultaer has sold Nos. 7 and 9 Gouverneur Place. No. 573 R'b ns-ave.. No. 185 Beach-aye., four Mory dcubl fiaihouses; aiso. No. £61 East One-hun- cred-r.nd-eii-hte.h-st.. a two family dwellingnouse. (\u25a0n lot L'sal4O ftet; No. 2,011 Crjtor.a-tve.. a one- family dwelling h'use. on lot iS>xlO> feet; No. 2.163 Crotona-ave., a two family dw«»Il ni? house on lot 25xK0 feet; No. 1,040 Eisniere Place, a two etory hoiise; No. B6 Tinton-ave.. a two-family dweMijj? house, on lot 25x101 feet; No. 2.272 Bathgate-ave,; a thrae-etory dweil>ng hou^e. on plot 3'xij feet, nnd 2,i62 Ba'hgau-ave., a three-story dwejling house, o:i j>iot 40x113 feet. Richard H. Jackman has sold In conjunction with K<iv.ar<l Silk, the plot 60x100 on the south aid* of One-hundred-and-trirtv-third-st.. 157 feet east of Riverside Drive, for T. F. Gregg, lo a client for Im- j>roverr:er.t. Joseph P. Day has coW for the, Combined Secuii- tiea Company the four-story brick building, No. 74 East Kourth-st, known as McKinley Hall, on lot 26x93.1. Thi? property wae to have been sold by Mr. Day at auction on Thursday next. Julius H. Haas has sold to Bej.ale Wolts the flve- Btory double flathouse No. 3,076 Park-aye. Mrs. J: iia Levy la the buyer of G66 Columbus-aye. P J. Wo'd has sold the northeast corner of Arthur-aye. and Oak Tree Place, 25xSO; also the southwest oorr.er Lincoln I'iace a:id Grand-aye . 25x109, with bulldinr: also the plot. 6uxlW, on the north side of Tremont-ave., j."2 feet west of ICar- mlon-ave.; also the building on lot 30x85 feet south of One-hundred-atid-els'hty-thlrd-st. Simon & Wallach have sold for Hoffman Brothers to Klein & Klein the plot, SOx23<\ in One-hundred- and-flfty-ntcth-«t, Eaple and Caldwell-aves. and for Klfin & Klein to Hoffman Brothers. 1657 Lex- Ington-ave.. a nve-story flathouse on lot 16.8x70. The Owners' Realty Company has sold, from the plans, for the Fleiechman Realty Company the five story flathouse Ht the northeast corner or Eijrhth- av«. and One-hur.dred-and-forty-seventh-st., on a plot 45x100 feet. Sol. Freidus has resold for Robert Arnsteln No 2,16s Flfth-ave., a fly* story tlniele flathouse, on a lot ISxIW feet. P. C. Eckhardt has so)d for C. Gold No. fig Am- st^rdam-ave., a five story flathouse, on a lot 15x100 fe^t. The Northwestern Realty Company has sold to John Mulvey one of the tive six Rt<>ry apartment houses, each 40x99.11 feet, now being erected on the south fide of One-hundred-and-forty-fourth-st. near Seventh-aye. Clara and Delia Max have «old Na GO East One- hundr«»d-and-t\v«ntieth-st., a five story tlatnouse, on a lot ISxlOO.ll feet. Qroasman & P.i«son have bought from the Henry "ftaxtt a plot. 37.6x102 feet, on the south aide of Eiffhty-second'St., 135 feftt eaet of Avenue A whlrh will be improved with a. six story tenement house. Henry J. Leist was the broker. i'hiiilijs & Bsmuels ha-ve sold for Julia D. Tom- back Mo. 1.503 Park-aye' a live story flathouse ou a lut 2SxIW feet. THE BROOK CLUB PLANS. McKim. Mead & White, architects, have- filed \u25a0with Buildings Superintendent Hopper plans for the remodelling of the four story and basement pri- vate dwelling at No. 7 Eai>t Fortieth-st., Into a clubhouse for th» Brook Club, of which Center Hitchcock is president, and vvliicb. has outgrown Its present home at No. 6 East Thlrty-nfth-st. The property wap recently sold. At that time it was reported In The Tribune that it had been bought he a home for the Brook Club. The propoeed new q"arters . e et well back beyond the street building H ie. The buildinphas a i5-foot frontage and a depth cf 65 f* et. with a reir exten- sion. This extpr.sicn srHl ho removed and a new front extension erected; a part o* which will be constructed as h. Ir-.ttlred veranda porch 'vlth an i-.irnanion.tal t?l-i(-s dome. The i>res.»nt fa<;adi» of the building will be removed ani a new one of colonial design built. The first floor of the recon- structed buHilinE nill he fitted as> a reading room, with a c&fe in the rear, opening off a hall th-.- width of the building. On the second floor will be the writing; and committee rooms and also n ctrd room. The upper floors-- are to be finished as sleeping quarters, with b&ihs. The cost of the necessary Improvements is estimated at $lf>. l BUY AN UPTOWN BLOCK. Alexander Henschel and "William R, Lowe & Co. have sold for Mary O. Ptnckney and other persons the triangular block bounded by Bighth-avr.. Ma- comb's Dam Road, One.-htindr«d-an'l-fiftiPth and One-h'.indred-and-fifty-srst sts . to Kle!n & Jackson. The block has frontag-es of 173 foci in E'ghth-avv *X 3 feet in Maiomb'p Dam Road and 'Jl fe<t .n One- hundrcd-and-fifty-flrEt-st. It was acqulrfd by the sellers in ISO. The Romona Apartment House Bought hy It. M. O'Neil. Deals In choice improved Manhattan property were the feature of the market yesterday. One of the leading transactions of that type was the Bale by Joho F. "Whalen of tho Bomona apartment house Nob. 108 and 110 West One-hundred-and- thlrd-st.. 43xl<X> feet, to H. M. O'Neil. M. Eosar l-itzgibbon was tlie broker. Thero was a n-nori yesterday that No. Lvi i^uiton- Ft a four story building extending through to No. 46 Ann-st.. 20xUS.3x; invgular. had been sold. FOUR IMPORTANT TITLE TRANSFERS. James J. Raymond took title yesterday to No. F73 to 579 Broadway and No. IS East Eighteenth-st.. northwest corner of Elghtecnth-st.. from Jacob li. Schiff. 1 . Oliver H. P. Belmont and other persons took title to No. 7 East Fortleth-et and Nob. 10 and 12 East Forty-flrst-st. The Brook Club will occupy tho Kortieth-st. building:. Plans for tho remodelline of the building far that r>un>ose were filed yesterday. The United Engineering Society took title yester- day to No. 25 to 33 West Thirty-nlnth-st. from Rob- ert A. Franks, for $541,3*). The Heights Club took title yesterday to a parcel 25xiuO feet on the. west side of St. Xicholas-ave., 4S.U feet north of One-hundred-and-forty-slxth-sU. from Louise Bergrmajin, for iIO.COi). PHYSICIAN SELLS TO AN INVESTOR. Wctmore. & M.-ipil! have, sold for Dr. Inslee H. Barry Xos. 839 and 6Sl,' Third-aye.. a four story bunding-, with basement and sub-basement, on a lot 60x110 feet. Tf-.e property, which Is occupied by ono tenant, has been purcnased for Investment. 'OMIWMON to el.Vtly lady. by your.? woman; light n..<useho'l Jut!**. K. R- 1: \ 123 Gtadttonc. N. J. .\u0084_ ; \u25a0 'HM D'S NUllSt-:—Hv mi.l.lle j.ced w>ir»r: un>lersti«n-1» boftt* fe^d'.ns. v'.ll'nc lo around: best o!tv t*'ftfm« 321 East lCl»t. DAY'S WORK. -By Norwegian lavK: «.ul tf tk« <Hv it work at hotr.f; Ens!l?^ !lr.eii. embmt.ici-y. rtbN^n work: Hwdtngtf v^f'i art! alt kinds «>f fenther stttch.r.* Cj'.l Mr«. BEHR, •at HarrUon st.. Br»kl\n. HOCSEKECPEB r r.\r,KTAKti! of «\u2666»\u25a0 tlt»^-on'!» country place, by ••\u25a0rtv-ss) Proffstar.t widow. '3fl : n.» !».-umcrar.ivs; «* rerirnrel. corr.re:«r.t an,! re!*sKr: !* SI .'iS»S rvfrrenr*!.. Address v f W. Trlt<ua« '«-»-" to»n Oflce. i.s»'» (troadway. LADY'S MAirTriwluat coined WOO *^L or ll;Tht housework In fa?: good r*'*^" ence; tall. K. "I.U.L. t>7 West t-'A-**- Nmsn and SKA MSTRESS. Protejtaat: Wtlllßg lo assut chamUrmmJ. faar yt*" re:>-. city f.r .-ountry. M. A.. JftSE her. irj W-at 23a-»t. Ttlll— . I.W*- O*** i*» -_ XI.*RSK~^-I-ii[r«~of invalid lady a«4 l*\ [rwsssiie tr«atm»! App!y -^- »•\u25a0 - Dw 3'^Us:. \u25a0 -— SEAMSTRESS. —Nest; nil.lr«a'S C^t-a r»(l'tln« aji.s r^nsvaxing Z*t* Jf - WOLLSCHL-VEGER, 11 Irving P**«f» COACHMAN. Uv *losle -terman; ntyllsli. cartful drtver; Miitit appearance; \.:> tidy;,strictly sohor; ' «cotimnlca| 'imnuge.-. hlchly recommenled: city or cumury. HENDOHF. Tribune Uptown O&w*. i.a«* Uroodway. M^l- BVTJ.BR OR VALJPT by Japanese stu- ' dent' where he c6uM have. t'tna to »t tend) high . sjchool: \u25a0mall salary: city or country MYAKE. 'I7 Concor«i-st Brook- lyn. «,\ -' !•"' «Jj DOARD A>D ROOMS. 72D-ST 33~WEST. D<»sir3 ble rooms, with board: references exihanged. EI^EGANTIA' furnished apartments: pri- vate baths; ir.ciadinK meal?. $1"> weekly; two, $25 weekly. VAN RENSSELAEK, 19 East llth-st., near -aye. ST. ALBANB. 1EAST SIST-ST. Kcoms. tlng'.ii. en suite, with prtv«t» tat*is; doctor'u omce: dining room parlor floor: electric ltR-ht: excellent ta.bl» bnara. G6 WEST a»TH-ST.—Large, light, beautiful rooms, furnished or unfurnished: every modern convenience: reasonable. Rine 3d bell. FURNISHED ROOM for one. or two gentle- men. 1, IKK Fultm . r.far Bedford-aye., Brooklyn. 2d flat. PRIVATE FAMILY; gentlemen preferred: 13>> West 121'th-st. . Dvenient to subws^, elevated or surface lines. IWTH-ST.. 120 WEST. Furnished room to let to gentleman; h°ated; private famt'y; near 1, nnl subway stations 140TH-ST.; 31« WEST.— Nirely furnished rooms: eoccellent table; "L" station. 43D-ST.. 13 PI\ST. opposite Hotel Manhat- tan. Two pleasant, small rooms, J4 and Jfi. to acceptable, permanent tenants 3STH-ST.. 146 EAST.--P«'sira6l» sunny lart;e and hal rooms; excellent tabte; r.eiafhh'»ih''f'«l vet'ne.i; accessible: reftrem?es. BUSINESS CHANCES. WAMTED^fA IPAKTCfIiEB In an e?tabl'«he<l printing business-. in- ! vestigation solicited. Address C. BIRNS. i owner and manr.g«r of the Fine Art Co., ! 114 and 11*> Shermnn-&t.. Chicago. 111. . , "— | CARPET CUEAMNG. s, & l w. willlSiiT SSS W. i4T!n! ST. coTu^ 3 , 9 CARPET CLEANING. EstabllaheJ 1875. IM.V.(SAiIPET(BIiPAIIBIBf|fiIBai Oldest. I^arßcst. Most Modern, 437 AN1 43«i WEST 45TH-ST. Tel. 311—3Sth-«l. Established 1857. W. H. JORDAN. EDWIN LENTZ. CAREFUL CAKPE" CLEANING CO.— Cleans by compressed air. iteam, hand or on floor. l.f-SO Broadway. 421 East 4!>th-Ht. CUK .<- tm.\Nl>r. Tel 132— S^th. BI LI.IARD AND POOL TABLKf. UA.NUFACTURKHB rt biilUrrl unit t>oo: | tables. htsh grad* bowling al!»y build- »r»: lowest prirea UAKX BKOB. Ii ' t.'nion Son»" MACHINEUV. _ AT REDUCED PIUCEti SOO »fond hand »ood and iron working machines; fully suaranteed; machinery bougM and ex- "hanged OWf*. T*. Xt' rv SO 1 Madlion-»t TYPEWMRITINC. TYPEWRITERS. All makes nold. rented, repaired. exchanged: reliable service. GORMAN. 79 Nassau-st. Telephone 2740 Cortlnndt. I.O**T. LOST. nankbook" No. &3A.851, "~ Hank lor Savings, 2.50 4th-ave.. New-York. Pay- ment stopped. I'lease return book to bank. I.OST OR STOLEN Bankbook No. 820.370 of the German Savings Bank in th«« City of Nsw-Tork, corner 4th-ave. and 14th-*t.. Issued to Rob«rtl Julie Gnam. All i*r»ons are cautioned cxalnst negotiating the same. If not returned to the bunk on tho 13th day of J&nuary, 1005. a duplicate will be Isiiaed. —Passbook No. »7.niH. Isnuud by the. Inntitutton for the Savings of Merchants' Clerks. The- finder will pleas* return It to the bank. No. 20 lulon Squar»-. BANKBOOK No. 4f.'3.r.434 f .'3.r.43 «f the Union Ulm« Bavlnrs Institution is missing. Any per- non having a claim to it Is hereby called upon to resent tlw sanirt within ten days or submtt to having said panslxKik cancelled and a new one ie»u#d. ADVERtTsERS* FHEK aIEKESNaCR BERVICE Advertisements for The« Trlbuno will be received at regular ratec •« any American District MeKsengrr Ornce. tn the city until 5 p. m and forwarded ti> the Publlcat!n n Omca without i-h»r(i for 'messenger servlc*. \u25a0-• . , .. 'ivtl.ilflilENTa ar(i ••übacnptlons f..r Tlie "iribun* received st th«-'r fntom-n Ofilee. No. 1.8«4 Hroa«lw»y. between aotn and 37th st*. until 9 o'cloc*. p, m. Adver- tisements received at the' folltiwlngbranch o;l\i-.» at regular offlc* rate.» 'until H o'rlooii p. m.. vli. . 234 Kth-u,v«. r a. c. «ir.. U3d-st. 1.% a ay*.. cor. 12th-iit.; B2 Cost I4th-«l 257 \\V»t 42d tt . between 7th nnd Bth avm '• •MS West l'jrsth-et.- I.3SS 3d \u25a0«•.. Utu«eii 78th and 7"t.h »t». :. 1,026 "il-avn.. rirar UUt- it.: I.fOS l:K aye. near «'th,«t. . IS7 Ea>t ll»th si.: "M Tr-niont-»v«. ; liTiO Sd-uv». n»ar i:»i-it.: ,VS« 3i-av«.; 210 Ulcrcker.ti.; 323 £letck«r-M. . -. < Hi' RCH OF THE PURITANS. 130th-st., near 6th- ave. - Rev. CHARLES J. YOUNG. D. D., Pastor. Ser- \l«.eß 11 a. m. ana Hp. m Cordial welcome. CHUnCH OF ST. MAKY TUB VIRGIN.— Lnw mafiws, 7:30, 8:15, 0. Sf.hmn niaad and fcermon (Rector), 10:45. Evensong , 4. froo—ions. Clirlstma« music rei>eate.d. CHURCH OF THE TRANSFIGURATION, 3 Kai<t Sftth- tt. <ommun|on»: 7. H and It. Mozart's Mass (OrchestfWJ and ii mil. 10:30. Kv<-iin"i.is (Orchestra) Qooiiod's Maf- r.m-.at. 'I.vo Ai.Ui'.-Di*. i •'«MGk. Sermon, B^. m> CHURCH OF THE MB39IAH (Unitarian). . 34th-st.. oofner l"ark-»ve. Services. 11 a. m. Dr. BAVAGR will prearh. Subject, "A il&ppy New Y«ar." Communion after services. Sunday school. 10 o'clock. In Chapel. Entrance nn Park-aye. CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION, Sixth Avenue .'ir:: Tw-ntlrth Street. I:-- HBM'.V MOTTKT, D. D., Rector. New Year's Day Services: 7 j ,o A. M. Holy Communion. f»:3<t A. M. Children*!" Service 11:00 A. M. Service and Pennon. 12:0«> M. Holy Communion 4:00 p. M. &rvice and Sermon. s:(ro P. M Service and Bstoj >n Tc-day, S p. m., a Benrica of t'< rnmemnratlon of the departed in th« year r^ist Commencing at 11:45 p. m., a Watcb-Nighl Bervloi, followed b| the Holy Communion at the oossmencafnant of the ytar 1005. CHURCH OF TH*3 INCARNATION. Madison- aye. and 35th-st.— Hev W. M. GROSVENOK. D. I• . Rertor. 8 and" lt» a. in., Holy Communloa 11 a. m, Morning I'rayer. f-»rir.on and Hojy Communion; 4 p 18., Kvtning Pruyer and Address. \u25a0 * .. CALVARY BAPTIST OKURCU, West STth-st. Dr. SIACARTHCR, mornlnc nnd evening. Evening. "The Church ajid Dr. Lyman Abbott latest Creed. ' CALVARY METHODIST BPISCOPAIi CHURCH, 128th-st. and 7th-ave. Rev. l>r. CHAHLBS L. GOODELL, Pej-tor. Communion at 10:4.'> A. M. Preaching at 7:45 P. M. Elvenlng nubject. "The Ref;i«r»> of the Family." Prayer Service Wednesday, 45. Cordial W lcome. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHI RCH, "*A>st B7th-at.. b«tw»en Broadway and Tth-ave.. Rev. WILTON MERLE SMITH. D. I.. Pastor: JOSEPH TAYLORBRITAN. As- siHant. Dr. SMITH preacli»s morning and evening. fab- bath school, 3p. m. Christian Endeavor, Monday ever.injs fct 8. Devotional meeting, Wednesday evening- at 8. All welcome. CHRIST CHUnCH. Broadway and 71bt-Bt.—Rev. G. A. BTRONG Rector Ser.-ices. 8, 11 and 4. Rector preaches. 8 P. m.. Mr. WATEUHOUSE. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION. Sth-ave. and 10th-pt.. Rr-v PERCY BTICKNE-Y GRANT. Hector. Morning service sj I sermon, 11 n. m. (Rector). Musical service. 4 p. m. "F^stlva] T«i Deum." Sullivan. Rev. WALTER E. CLIFTON SMITH. E>venln« service and sermon, S p. m. (RootorJ. Watch night service to night at 11 o'clock CHURCH OF THE DIVINE PATERNITY, Centra] Park West and 7fith-£t. FRANK OLIVER HALL. L>. D.. Pastor, will pr»-a<-h at 11 a m.. "Rtmfrabfr A Sr-rmon for th« Old Year." h p. m . "Anticipate -A Sermon for the New Year" Christmas music repeated. CHURCH OF THE HEAVENLY REST. Flftli Ay rue, above 45th Street. Ttev. I). PARKER MORGAN, D. I. Rector. New Year's Ev« Wat'-.'mlKlu Barvlca, 11 p. m. Preacher. K»v. ARTHUR H. JUDOE. M. A. Sunday, Ba. m., Holy Communion. 11 a. m.. Mornlns Pr»v. "preacher the Rector fe p. m.. Ev»nlns Prayer, Preacher. Rev. C. A. BROWN BRICK CHURCH, Bth-ave. , corner 37th -st. Ministers, R»v. WILLIAMK. RICHARDS, D. T\. Rev. SHEPHERD KNAPP On Sunday. January 1. Dr RICHARDS willpreach at n a. m. and 4 p. m. Sacrament of th>> lord's Supper at close of the morning service. Mr. KNAPP will preach ft rhoral Evening; Service at 8. Cantata, "The M ssage of the Btar " Seats free Sunday School at l':4r< a. m. Jl«r'i Bible ("lass, 0:45 a. m. Women's BlUo Class, at 10 a. m. Wednesday Evening Service at 8 Vesper Service Friday at •< p. m. BROADWAY TABERNACLE, Mendelssohn Hail, lit* West 40th-et Rev C. X JEFFERSON. D. D.. Pastor Rev C H- SEYMOUR, U. D. Associate Pastor. TO-NIGHT. 11 P M WATCH NIGHT SERVICE. S-:-rrrnn by Dr JEFFERSON. Sunday the Pastor will preach 11 a. m.. 8 p. nv Prayer meeting Wednesday Evening, at 8 p. m CALVARY CHT"Rr*H, 4TH-AVE. AND 21PT-ST. REV. J. LEWIS PARKS, B. T. D.. RECTOR. 11 a. m.. Morning Service nivj Fo'-mnn. 7:40 p. m , Orgun recital (LACEY BAKER). 8 p m. Evensong. AT FIFTH AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. 6-8 W( Bt 40th-st., Rev. R. TV JOHNSTON. D. D.. Paator. Public worship, with preaching by tr.<- I'astor, at 11 a. m. an<l 8 p. m. BIBLE IIOOL. 9:4T. A. M. Toun Women's Ism led by Dr W. B. BAINBRIDGE. Young: Men's Class led by Mr. J. D. ROCKEFELLER. Jr. AT LF.NOX AVENUE UNITARIAN CHURCH, corner 121*t-»t.—Rev. MERLE PT. <:. WRIGHT, Factor. will preach at 11. Sundaj school, : 4 a. m. BAPTIST CHURCH OP THE EPIPHANY. Madison-aye.' corner C4th-st. REV. J. F. ELPER. P. D.. willpreach on Sunday ar 11 n m. and 8 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday evening. BLOOMINGDALE REFORMED CHURCH. Broadway and 68th-st.'; Rev. WU. C. 6TINSON, Minister.—Sunday, 11 a. m., "Man Outgrowing His Systems": R p. m., "The, Renewal of Youth." Christmas music repeated. ALL SOULS 1 (UNITARIAN). 4th-ave., 2<>th-st Rev. THOMAS R. sl,li'EK, Pastor. "God «f the New Year," subject Pastor' 1 sermon. Communion service aft°r sermon. Services 11 a. m. All cordially invited. 20 cents per line. ALL ANGELS* CHURCH. West End-aye. and Slst-at.. Rev. S. DeLANCEY TOWNBEND, D. D.. Rector. Koiy Communion, b a. m. . Holy Communion and ser- mon by th« Rector. 11 a. m. ; choral evensong, 4 p. m. Mrangt r welcome. ALL BOUIC' CHURCH. Madlson-ave and Mth-st— Rev. S D. M* CONN D. !>. Rector. Rev. CHARLES II BABO>''K. D. D.. will preach at 11 a. m. Special musical service at 4:30 " tn. Rev. CORNELIUS I". SMITH. D. D-. will preach. NEW-YORK DULY TRIBUNE, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 81 1004. Religious Notices. Religious Notices. Religious Notices. LARGE WEST SIDE DEAL PLAX SAILORS' TTOME. *nn and Bernard London 22.000 Went End-a\-e and S2d-st. » c corner. 1012x100: Abraham Boehm nnd Lewis Coon loan to Wlllet .- ' Realty Company . .' :.. ll.V>«0 140th-st. n a, 200 ft c of I^nox aye. 125x00.1 1: Flmon Uhlfelder and Abrnham IVelnberK loan to Rosalia Mcll 23.000 140th-a*. n s. 200 ft c of Lenox-ave. 125x90.11: the City Mortgage Company loans to Ronall.v M-ll - •••• no.wo 133«!-st. n b, W»O ft xr of Amstenlam-ave, W>x (•9.11; New- York Mortgage an.l Security Company lrans to Chnrles Laudin and Nathan Stamm.... "9 Brooklyn Property for Sale. ON THE 1 111.1. S SKIKTINO riCTURKSQUE ILVSHING itAV v * Beautiful East Elmhurst HALF HOUR FROM HERALD SQUARE. Lots with every city improvement at $375 on ea»v monthly payn-.ents W1' ( l be worth $1,000 each within two year*, on completion of Penn- rylvanla tunne) and Black ivvll's Island bridge. Colonial cottaerea ready to occupy on payment Of $400. Hend n Postal Cnnl fnr Circular i»nd Yli»w». BANKERS' I.AM> ANl> MORTGAGK CO.. 887 MANHATTAN AYE. BROOKLYN. Coinitry Pro pert?/ for Sale. 12 ~f 5-iH isli|i S o A SKIN OF BEAUTY^ IS A JUI ™ti- DR. T. FELIX QoY^WI£S ORIEOTAI. CREAM OK MAGICAL. BEACTIFIEK Removes ia n , PlmpltrM, Freckles, M ntn t h Pat.'h<*«, Hash and SUla ais- \u25a0 i."". nnd every Hcm- l;h on beauty, and tle- f.ee de- tictlon. It lias stood the test of VMTtT

Religious PLAX SAILORS' TTOME. DEAL Will...FOX 30 YE.VIts IVK IHVi:SOLD COUNTRY PROPERTY OHLY. Catalog fri-i>to lntendinfr huyrrn! Owners, wishing to sell, call or write! Phillip*

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    COUNTRY PROPERTY OHLY.Catalog fri-i> to lntendinfr huyrrn!Owners, wishing to sell, call or write!Phillip* _ Well*. H9S Tribune Building. N. T.

    To Let for Business Purposes.onyfmk>t OFFICES. LOW RENT.

    TEMPLE COURTS to 9 Recliman Street.110 to 123 Nnw.au Street.



    One Suite (2 Koonu) To Let.Apply JANITOR, on Premises.

    JOaIOO 2-STORT BRICK FACTORY BUILDING. 221dfc anc 223 BulUvan-st., Brooklyn; several undergroundtajiks h:M .'•'.> (boiler) H. }'. steam available: 200feel fpntn oity dock and New-York Dork Company'sterminal tracks; s.'or; haul to Hamilton-aye. ferry.For tfrms aprly to J. H. \\TILI>IAMii& CO.. 150 Hatnll-lon-ave., Hro'Kiyn.


    T_e buiJdlns; will accommodate not only seamen,but enrlnrers. officer* and captains as

    w«l, . re'.vs£far.vf ar.v number can be shlppsd free cf bonus, andwe hope that the new ine-Jtution will put an endto tbe desri.-al "crimps" who prey on the pooreaJJort out of a Job.It will put an end to the impoeltions of boarding

    ___tors. who get a half month's pay from every—.f,-! they chip. When th« new sailors' horn* is

    oompleted men will be shipped free ef change andthey will receive all of their pay. minus, of course,the consulate's fee of 25 cents for shipping andrrow at 11

    •- m.and X p m. The Pastor. R^v. __OROE ALEXANDER,D D.

    'wITI rreach. T.H-rr."rrow '-e.i-f; the first &abbar>.

    In' the re* year. irrament of the LortTi 3upr Er« at 11 o'clock fWl«w#d by IMrCbs»-mum-r. at 12 -r. Th« Rev JOHN H. MELLISH.Rectorof H.'.y Trlr.ltr Church. Br-^lvn. will speak. All tutsfree, t>oors W|u b« closed at 11.30 p. m.

    • ST. JAMES CaVHCm, Madl»on-ave. and 71s*-sV? a tt.. Ho!y OoSßSSMatssi.V> p.. m.. Mocmtag? Prayer. »_„

    -11 8 tn.. Holy Communion and Sermon DT BISHC?

    COURTNEY. . - ._*Bp. m.. Evenir* Service and S»nrion by Ret. J CAIRKS.BT. MAtlK'f*. Mgh-St, ard 3.1-a»e.. R«». Dr. t» TT.

    P.ATTEN. Rector.—

    Holy Communion. 9 a. m :Holy Ccm-munlon and Sermon «r"ep»Utlon of Christmas Vuslc). t\a. m. Service of Ancient Chnntmas CaroU r«p«a.t«l hrr?Quest,

    •p. m


    Ol.n FII'.ST PBESBTTEHIAN HU'RrH.r.th aye.. 11th to 12th sts

    Paturday 11-12 p. m. Watch Night Chora] Service.Pr DUFFIELP Will prescß on SoadST.

    11 a. m —"A Light Ahead."

    4:SO p. m —"A Family Tr»e


    way and 70th-st.. H. A. STIMSON, D. D.. Pastor.—bun-day services 11 a. m. and 8 p. nr

    MEMORIAL IiAPTIST.Washington Houa c South.•-BD

    WARI> JUDSON. Pastor, will t»rearh. 10:45 and T.3»-


    Pa«tor preacheF 10:4S: Rev V V ROS3. T.4.".Attractive, services every night All seats free.

    Tn-ni(?h:. Wew Tear's Concert. 8.Watch nlrht service. |6:SQ


    Bth- ave. and 10th St.EVERY PT'NDAV THREE BIG MKF.T!N

    ?teph"n. 11 a m.. .H p. tnMr RADCUrFE. •9- \u25a0

    gpedsi smalc Corn*

    MADISON AVENUE REFORMED CHURCH, comer57th-st— Rev. ABBOTT E. KITTREDGE. Pastor; Rev.WM. BYRON FOR3U3H. Junior Pastor Dr. KITT-REDOE wUJ preach at 11 a. m. upon "Th» Closing andth» Openlnc Year." and the Lord's Supper will be cele-brated at the dOSS, Dr. FORBUSH will preach a N-wYear's se.rmoa at 8 p. m. Watch meeting this Saturdaytvtnlnß in lecture room at 11 o'clock.


    Rev. CHAPJ^Eb H. I'ARKHURST. D. D. Pastor.Rev. WILLIAM W. COE. \u25a0 Asslatant Minister.

    (sabbath Services, 11 a. m. and S p. tn.Dr. FARKtIITRST willpreach In the morning

    \u25a0 and Mr. COE In th» eveningUlblo school for adults and children

    in the Chapel, an.l Dr. WILBKRT W. WHITEtpeclal course, of Bible Lessons In th»

    lecture Ikion), 10 a. tn.

    20 rents p«r line.

    HARLEM PRBSn-TBIUAN CnnRCH. Madi.on-ave,and •125th-«t R«' OLO-ASS M LtIXAN.-[>. D

    ' „Liverpool? "n*. ** 'prtach. . S«rvlc«. 11 a. m. and •*p. m. .MADISON AVENIT,RAPTIST CHURCH, coc 81st-st.

    11 a m.— --The Need at a Revival.". Bp, m "The Point of View." . y;'Rev. Gco. I.Pentecost, D.D., Preacher.

    Special services every nliht the coming week.P C roria»ct* 55TH STREET.



    Pervlcen on Jan. l*t.at 11 a. m. and 4:30 p. tn.Dr. HTEVENSON'B MorningTopic willb«

    "Behold. Now 1."Afternoon Topic: "A Ufa Worthy of tho Gospel.

    The Hlfcle School meets at 9:3ft a- m.The Wednerday Evaning Servica commences at 8:15.

    Strangers ar« cordlaliy Invited.

    riFTH CHURCH OF CHRIST. .SCIENTIST. 228-230Went 45th -St.- Services. 11 a. m.. 8 p. m. Wednesdayevening. 8. Heading room open dally.