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    India Exam s, Events, Press Releases, Education

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    H O M E A B O U T A D D / S U B M I T P R E S S R E L E A S E F R E E I N D I A I N T E R N A T I O N A L C O N T A C T / I N V I T E U S J O B N E T SP L A C E M E N TC O N S U L T A N T SD I R E C T O R Y

    P R I V A C Y S U B S C R I B E



    Heres a list of some of the worlds great personalities who have made their

    mark in several areas -

    Ab dul Rehm an Tun ku (1903-73) The Malaysian statesman who

    negotiated with the British for the independence of Malaysia. He was the first

    Prime Minister of the country.

    Abraham Lincoln (1809-65) The 16th President of the U.s., he

    succeeded in abolishhing slavery. He was re-elected as President in 1864 and

    assassinated by John Wilkes Booth in 1865.

    Abu -Bakr (9573-634) Abu-Bakr was a leading general of Prophet

    Mohammed and was the first Caliph of the Muslim empire and ruled from

    632 AD. He made Islam a political and military force in Arabia.

    Abul Faza l (1561-16020) The author of Ain-i-Akbari and Akbar Nama. He

    was the celebrated Mughal court poet, and Prime Minister during Akbars


    Abdul Ghaffa r Kha n (1890-1988) also called Frontier Gandhi because

    he organised the people of the North-West Frontier Province (NWEP) of

    undivided India 9now merged with Pakistan)on Gandhian principles. He was

    a staunch Congress man who called himself a soldier of the freedom struggle.

    His admirers called ah him Badshah Khan. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna

    in 1987.

    Adolf H itler (1889-1945) The Austrian-born German dictator who

    influenced the course of history in the 20th century. He served in the

    German Army inWorld War I. He laer founded the Nazi party and became

    chancellor in 1933. He pushed the countries of the world into World War II

    in which five million people lost their lives. In 1939 his troops invaded

    Poland causing the outbreak of World War II, and in 1945 German faced

    total defeat. He married his mistress, Eva Braun, in April 1945 and the next

    day they were said to have committed suicide.

    Aesop (600 BC) The Greek author of Aesops Fables which are moral tales

    with animal protagonists. The famous tale The Tortoise and the Hare was

    his creation.

    Akbar (1542-1605) the greatest Mughal Emperor of India who reigned

    from 1556 (see section on Indian History ). Alberuni, the famous Arab

    historian who visited India along with the armies of Mahmud of Ghazni.

    Alfonso, de Albuquerque Founder of the Portuguese empire in the east,

    he conquered Goa in 1510.

    Alexan der the Grea t (356-323 BC) King of Macedonia (Greece), who

    conquered most of Aisa Minor and defeated Porus (India)in 327 BC. A

    mutiny in his army prevented him from advancing further into India and he

    died in 323 BC.

    Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) The scottish-American scientist

    who invented the telephone in 1876.

    Andre Marie Amper e (1775-1836) A french scientist who formulated

    Amperes Law. The 5.1 unit of electric current is named after him.

    Alighieri Dan te (1265-1321) Italian poet, author of Divina Commedia, a

    philosophical poem telling the story of an imaginary journey through Hell.

    He also wrote love poems which were collected under the title La Vita Nuova.

    Alexande r Fleming (1881-1955) The Scottish bacteriologist who

    discovered pencillin in 1928. He, however could not isolate it. This was later

    achieved by Florey and Chain with whom he shared the Nobel prize in

    medicine in 1945.

    Albert Einstein (1879-1955) One of the most illustrious scientists of the

    20th century. He was born in 1879 at Ulma in Germany and completed his

    education in Switzerland. He made the revolutionary discovery of the

    Theory of Relativity in 1905, which established his reputation among the

    physicists of Europe. In 1921 he was awarded the noble prize in physics. He

    died in USA on April 18,1955.

    Alfred Lor d Tennyson (1802-92) Englands poet laureate from 1850

    till his death. Author of In Memoriam, a poem of great beauty and depth of


    Aladdin Khilji Ruled north India between 1296-1316. He was the strongest

    ruler of the Khilji dynasty and during his reign the Muslims progressed

    towards the narmada river into the Deccan.

    Ang Dorjee A Nepalese sherpa, who climbed Mt Everest in 1984 with the

    first Indian woman Bachendri Pal. He has the distinction of having climbed

    Mt Everest twice without the use of oxyzen.

    Archim edes (287-212 BC) The Greek scientist and mathematician known

    for his discovery of the unique principle of buoyancy. Also discovered and

    analysed the principle of lever and invented the Archimedes screw to raise


    Arthur Hol ly Compton American scientist noted for his research on x-

    rays, he won the Nobel prize in 1927.

    Aryabhatta (476-520) The Indian astronomer who attended the court of

    Chandragupta Vikramaditya. Indias first satellite is named after him.

    Ashok a, the Great (264-228 BC) Grandson of Chandragupta, Ashoka

    was a great empoeror of India. After the battle of Kalinga, he renounced

    violence and embraced Buddhism.

    Aurobindo Ghosh An exponent of Indian nationalism, philosopher, poet

    and saint. His famous works include Life Divine and Essays on the Gita.

    Babur (1483-1530) Founder of the Mughal empire in India, he conquered

    the throne of Delhi after thefirst battle of panipat and ruled for about four

    years (1526-1530).

    Bana Bhatt Noted sanskrit scholar and court poet of Harshavardhana who

    wrote Kadambari and Harsha Charit.

    Bahad ur Shah Zafar (1807-1862) The last ruler of the Mughal dynasty.

    He fought against the British in the first war of Indian independence in 1857.

    After his defeat, the British exiled him to Rangoon.

    Bannerjee, W.C. The first President of the Indian National Congress.

    Bankim Chandr a Chatterjee Author of Vande Mataram, the national

    song of india taken from his work Anand Math. He was a celebrated Bengali


    Bairam Khan He was Akbars uncle and also his tutor and was known as


    Bachendri Pal First Indian woman and fifth woman in the world to scale Mt

    Everest on May 23, 1984 along with two male members Lhatoo Dorjee and

    Sherpa Sardar Ang Dorjee.

    Bartholomew Diaz (1450-1500) A portuguse navigator who was the first

    European to sail round the Cape of Good Hope (the southern tip of theafrican continent).

    Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) U.S. statesman who promoted the

    american Declaration of Independence (1776) and worked on drafting the

    Coustitution of America.

    Begum Akhtar The ghazal queen of India who died in 1974. She was

    awarded the Padma Bhushan posthumously in 1975.

    Bhaskara I An astronomer of the 7th century, a contemporary of

    Brahmagupta. Indias second satellite is named after him.

    Bhaskara II Mahematician and astronomer of the 12th century. His name is

    also associated with Indias third satellite.

    Bhagat Singh A patriot and revolutionary, known as Shahid-e-azam, who

    along with Sukh Dev and Raj Guru became a martyr on March 23,1931.

    Bhaskaracharya The greatest astronomer who lived in the 12th century.

    He wrote Sidhanta-Siromani in 1150.

    B.R. Ambedk ar (1893-1956) Father of the Indian Constitution, he was

    also a well-known jurist.

    Caption Jam es cook (1728-79) The great British explorer and navigator.

    He travelled to New Zealand and Eastern Australia from 1768-71 in his ship

    Endeavour. On his second voyage he reahed the Antarctica circle and

    discovered the Hawaiian Island on his third voyage. He also wrote the classic

    work Voyage Round the World.

    Charan singh The Lok Dal leader who was Prime Minister of India in 1979.

    Changez Khan The Mongol conqueror who came to India during the reign

    of IItutmish (1210-36).

    Chandergupta II (vikramaditya) A brave emperor of the Gupta dynasty

    during whose reign art and literature flourished; the era was known as the

    Golden Age of the Guptas.

    Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) Great British comedian, film actor, director,

    producer and composer. His wistful Hollywood comedies are loved the world


    Charles Dicken s (1812-1870) An English novelist whose famous works

    include David Copperfield, Oliver Twist, and Great Expectations.

    Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1445-1533) A pioneer of the Bhakti movement

    in Bengali; a devotee of Lord Krishna.

    Chanakya Also known as Kautilya, he was the writer of the famed treatise

    Arthashastra, a book on statecraft. He was the Prime Minister during

    Chandragupta Mauryas reign.

    Chandr agupta Maur ya (321-298 BC) Founder of the Mauryan Dynasty

    in India, and spread his empire beyond India. Kautilya (Chanakya) was his


    Charles Robert Dar win (1809-82) The British naturalist who put

    forward his theory of evolution based on natural selection. He studied fossilsand diverse plants and animal life during his voyage (1831-36) around south

    America and the Pacific. His works On the Origin of Species (1859) and

    Descent of Man (1871), revolutionised mans knowledge of evolution.

    Christian Hu ygens (1629-16950) Dutch mathematician and physicist

    renowned for evolving the wave theory of light. He invented the pendulum

    clock basd on Galileos theory (1580). He also discovered the rings of Saturn

    and its fourth satellite.

    Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Italian explorer, the first modern

    European to discover America in 1492. He reached Bahamas (1492)and

    discovered Puerto Rico and Jamaica. In 1498-1500 he reached Trinidad and

    South America.

    Cho u-en-Lai (1898-1976) Chinese revolutionary and Prime Minister from

    1949-1958, who was instrumental in bringing China into world diplomacy. He

    played key role in nearly every major political and diplomatic event or crisis

    involving China till his death in 1976.

    Chatrapati shivaji Born in 1627, a military genius, shivaji was the last Hindu

    King who partly succeeded in establishing Hindu Swaraj. He fought many

    battles against Aurangzeb and was successful in destabilising the Mughal

    empire in India.

    Lord Curzon (1895-1925) Viceroy of India during 1889-1905, he became

    a prominent figure after the First World War.

    Lord Cor nwa llis (1738-1805) The British statesman who commanded the

    British Army in South Carolina during the War of American Independence in

    1781. He was Governor-General of India for two terms and is well known for

    his land reforms.

    C.F. Andrews A British missionary and close associate of Mahatma Gandhi

    who came to India in 1904 and devoted himself to Indias freedom struggle.

    He came to be known as Deena-Bandhu.

    Cleopatra(69-30 BC) Queen of Egypt noted for her beauty. She wasdaughter of Ptolemy XI of Egypt and succeeded as queen in 51 BC.

    Dara Shikho Eldest son of Shahjahan, he was killed by his brother

    Aurangzeb who usurped their fathers throne.

    Dhanvantari An Indian physician who attended the court of Chandragupta


    Dhyan Chand (1905-1979) A great hockey players. He captained the Indian

    hockey team which won a gold medal in the historic 1936 Berlin Olympics.

    He scored 101 goals at the Olympic games and 300 goals in other

    international matches and his record is still unbroken. It earned him the title,

    Hockey Wizard.

    Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969) Us general and President

    between 1953 and 1961. In 1950 he was made supreme commander of NATO

    but resigned when he won the presidential electrions of 1952. He won his

    second term in 1956.

    Edwar d Morgan Forster (1879-1970) Famous British writer who has

    written numerous books on India. Author of Where Angels Fear to Tread, A

    Room with a View, Howards End and Passage of India.

    Edwar d Jenner (1749-1823) The english physician and surgeon whodeveloped the small poxvaccine.

    Epicur us (342-270 BC) A Greek philosopher who founded Epicurean

    philosophy, which describes a life of indulgent pleasure seeking, because it

    leads to happiness.

    Euclid (3 50-300 BC) Greek mathematician, his important contribution

    was the use of deductive principles of logic as the basic of geometry. He

    propounded many geometrical theorems.

    Fa-hien The first Buddhist pilgrim of China to visit India during the reign of

    Chandragupta Vikramaditya.

    Faiz Ahmed Faiz A revolutionary Urdu poet of Pakistan. He died in 1984.

    Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) The Portuguese navigator who crossed

    the ocean which he named Pacific, reaching the Marianas and the Philippines.

    Firdausi APersian poet, well-known for his epic Shahnama.

    Floren ce Nightingale (1820-1920) Also known as the Lady with the

    lamp. She was a devoted British nurse who reformed the nursing profession

    and was the first woman to receive the Other of Merit (1907).

    Francois Bernier The French traveller whon served as physician to

    Aurangzeb during his stay in India.

    Franc is Xavier (1506-1552) The Spanish missionary who preached in

    Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the East and converted thousands to

    Christianity. He lived in goa between 1540 and 1552.

    Frances Marie Arovet de Voltaire ( 1697-1778 ) French writer and

    philosopher. His philosophy made a significant impact on prevailing ideas

    which led to the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789.

    Gabriel Daniel Fahrenh eit ( 1686 1736 ) German physicist and

    resident of Holland, he developed the Mercury thermomete in 1714 and later

    devised its temperature scale.

    Galileo ( 1564-1642) The Italian astronomer, who developed the telescope

    and discovered four satellites of Jupiter, His belief that Copernicus was right

    to advocate that the sun is the centre of universe led to his persecution,

    While dying he said Bur it earth does move. He also discovered that the

    movement of the pendulum produces a regular time measurement. The

    pendulum clock was later invented by Hoygens.

    Gautam Budha ( 563-483 BC) Founder of Buddhism, born in Lumbini

    village near Nepal, he was the son of Sudhodana, king of Kapilvastu in Nepal.

    He renounced the world and later came to be known as the Buddha.

    Geoffrey Chau cer ( 1342-1400) The English poet who is considered the

    father of English Poetry. His famous works include The Book of Dutches 9

    1369) and Canterbury Tales ( a collection of stories)

    George W ashington ( 1732-1799 ) the American general who led the

    revolt against the British and declared Ameican independence. He became

    the first President of USA.

    Dr George B, Kisitiakowsky. A chemist and professor at Harvard who

    worked on the first atomic bomb and later strongly advocated the daimler

    Moror Company in 1890 which built the first Mercedes.

    Govind B allabh Pant ( 1887-1961) Veteran Congress leader, he was Chief

    Minister of UP and later Union Home Minister, He was awarded the Bharat

    Ratna in 1958.

    Guru Tegh Bahadur Son of Guru Hargobind, and the ninth Guru of the

    Sikhs., He was executed by Aurangzeb when he refused to embrace Islam.

    Guru Nanak ( 1469 1538 ) Founder of the Sikh religion, born in

    Nankana Sahib, now located in Pakistan; he was a contemporary of the

    Mughal ruler Akbar.

    Guru Gobind Singh ( 1666 1708 ) The 10th and the last Guru of the

    Skh who spent a major part of his life fighting the muslims. He founded the

    Khalsa the inner council of the Sikhs in 1699. He is said to be the author of

    Dasam Granth.

    Gugeliemo M arconi ( 1874-1937) Italian physicist who invented the

    radio and wireless system. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with

    Ferdinand Braun of Germany in 1909 for the development of the wireless.

    Henry Kissinger US foreign policy advisor, born in Germany, he fled from

    the Nazis to live in US. Under President Nixon he remained Secretary of

    State. He helped to negotiate the Vietnam issue ( 1973). He shared the

    Bonel Prize for Peace ( 1973) along with North Vietnam s negotiator Le Duc


    Henr y Miller ( 1891-1980) Controversial American novelist, author of

    Tropic of Cancer ( 1931) and Tropic of Capricorn ( 1935) which were

    published in Paris but banned in US until the 60s because of their frank

    sexual themes.

    Homer ( 9th century BC ) The Greek poet considered to be the author of

    the classic epics The lliad and The Odyssey which rank among the mostprecious treasures in world literature.

    Sir Hum phry Davy ( 1778 1828 ) A renowned British chemist who

    invented the safety lamp for miners. He also discovered the anaesthetic

    properties of nitrous oxide ( laughing gas); the fact the chlorine is an element

    and that diamonds are a form of carbon.

    Ibn Batuta A great scholar and traveller from South Africa who visited

    India in 1333 AD during the reign of Mohammed Tuglaq and wrote a

    chronicle on him. He spent eight years in India on his way to China.

    Sir isaac Newton( 1642-1727) English mathematician and physicist,

    famous for his discovery of the law of Gravitation and three Laws of


    James Pr escort Jou le ( 1818-89) The British physicist who was the

    first to measure the mechanical equivalent of heat; unit of which has been

    named after him.

    Jam es W att ( 1736-1819 ) The Scottish instrument maker who turned to

    make high pressure steam engines.

    Jam shedji Tata ( 1813-1904) Founder of the Tata Iron and Steel

    Company one of the largest integrated steelworkds in the world. He also

    founded the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore and built the Taj Hotel

    in Bombay.

    Jacque s Charles ( 1764-1823 ) A French physicist, known for his Charles

    Law and Gay-Lussacs Law of Gases.

    Jayaprakash Narayan Also known as Loknayak he formed the Janata

    Party and defeated the Congress party in 1977. He was conferred the

    Rashtra Bhushan in 1977.

    Jaya Deva Lived in the 12th century and is the author of Gita Govinda.The book is a noble work of lyrical poetryand described the love of Lord

    Krishna and his beloved Radha, their separation and reunion.

    John M ilton ( 1608-74) English poet. He wrote a poem in support of

    free press Aeropagitica ( 1644 ) and essays Tenure of Kings and

    Magistrates ( 1649). His epic poem Paradise Los was published in 10

    volumes in 1667 and in 12 volumes in 1674. Paradise Regained and Samson

    Agonisters were his other major works published in 1671. He was totally

    blind for a good many years of his life.

    John keats ( 1795-1821) An English poet whose works include La Belle

    Dame sans marci, Endymion ( A thing of beauty is a joy forever). The Eve of

    St Agnes and Ode to a Nightingale.

    John o f Arc ( 1412-31) French girl, also known as the Maid of Orleans. She

    led the French resistance that forced the English to raise the siege of Orleans

    ( 1429) At the age of 17 she led an army of 12,000 to Rheims and persuaded

    Charles. VII to go there to be crowned as king of France. She was ultimately

    captured and sold to the English ( 1430) by Burgundians and was burned at

    the stake in Roven.

    John Dalton ( 1766 1844) English chemist who postulated the Atomic

    theory and defined atomic weight. Also famous for Daltons law-thepressure of a mixture of gases is the sum of partial pressure of the

    components of the mixture.

    John Lo gie Baird ( 1888-1946) The Scottish television pioneer, who

    invented the TV in 1926.

    Julius Caesar ( 100-44 BC ) Roman general and statesman who invaded

    Britain and returned to Rome as a popular hero. He fell in love with

    Clepatra the Egyptian queen who followed him to Rome. He was given a

    mandate by the people to rule as Caesar and was worshipped as a god in his

    lifetime. However, he was murdered by a group of trusted friends led by


    John F kenn edy ( 1917-1963) One of the most popular Presidents of

    US He was the first Roman Catholic President and the youngest Ameican to

    be elected to the office of President of the US. He wrote several books

    why England Slept and Profile in Courage are his two most famous books. He

    was assassinated on Nov 23, 1963.

    Kabirdas Hindi poet who was one of the gretest exponents of the Bhakti

    movement, a socia-religious movement. He believed in the equality of all

    religions and unity of Hindus and Muslims.

    Kaka Saheb Kalekar Philosopher and educationist he was Vice

    Chancellor of Gujarat, University and one of the oldest disciples of Gandhiji.

    He died on aug 21, 1991 at the age of 96 . He authored more than 120 books

    in Gujarati, Marathi, Hindi and English.

    Kalhana A Kashmiri Poet of the 11th century and author of Rajatarangini the

    book describes the history of Kashmir up to the 10th century.

    Kema l Ataturk ( 1881 1938 ) The reformed and builder of modern


    Kanishka The greatest king of Kushan dynasty ( 120-162 AD.) He was a great

    conqueror but later became a follower of Buddha. He was the only ruler of

    India whose territory extended up to Central Asia.

    Karl Marx ( 1818-83) A German journalist and philosopher who

    propounded the doctrine of Communism also known as Marxism. He is the

    author od Das Kapital.

    K.M. Munshi A great writer, educationist and consitutional law expert he

    played an active role in Indias freedom struggle.

    Kub lai Khan ( 1216-1294) A Mongolian emperor who conquered most of

    Asia. He was the grandson of Chengiz Khan.

    Lakshmibai of Jhansi. The ruler of Jhansi, she was a great warrior ofIndia and took part in the first war of independence in 1857 ( Indian Mutiny)

    Lal Bahadu r Shastri ( 1904-1966) Indian statesman, who succeeded

    Pandit Nehru as the second Prime Minister of India ( 1964-66). He signed

    the Tashkent Agreement with Ayub Khan, for a ceasefire between India and

    Pakistan. Also known as Man of Peace He died in Tashkent on

    January1, 1966 a few hours after he had signed the Indo-Pak accord.

    leonardo Da vinci ( 1452-1519). The great Italian painter, sculptor and

    architect who has been described as a universal genius of the

    Renaissance. His masterpiece Monalist brought him great fame, The

    Cena Ultima ( The last Supper ) is also one of his better known paintings.

    He also excelled as an inventr, mathematician, engineer, naturalist and

    anatomist, In anatomy, he learnt about the working of the body by

    dessecting more than 30 corpses. He also created moulds of organs such

    as the heart, lungs and the womb.

    Leo Tols tey ( 1828-1910) A great Russian literary figure. Mahatma Gandhi

    was greatly influenced by his works which include Anna Karenina, War &

    Peace, etc.

    Leon Trotsky ( 1979-1940) Russian revolutionary one of the leaders

    of the Bolshevist revolution; he was assassinated in 1940 when he was in exilein Mexico.

    Louis Pasteu r ( 1822-1895) The French scientist who discovered that

    germs exist and are the cause of infection. The technique of pasteurising

    milk is named after him. He also conducted research in areas of hydrophobia,

    bacteriology, cholera, etc..

    Louis B raille ( 1809-1852) French inventor of the Braille system ( raised

    point lettering) a system of writing and printing for the blind. He himself

    became blind at the age of 3 and became a teacher for the blind in1828.

    Marco Polo ( 1254-1323) The Italian traveller, who was the first European

    to visit China. He also journeyed to India, and other countries of the Far

    East and published records of his travels.

    Mercus Jon ius Bru tus ( 85-82 BC) Roman governor and principal

    assassin of julius Caesar.

    Mahakavi Kalidas Indias greatest Hindi poet and dramatist, who lived

    during the reign of Chandragupta Vikramaditya. His famous works works are

    Shakuntala, Raghuvansha, Meghdoot and Kumara Sambhava.

    Madam Marie Curie (1867-1934) Madam Curie was the only person tohave won two Nobel Prizes. A polish chemist known for her discovery of

    radium 91898) Along with her husband Pierre Curie, a French scientist, she

    caried out research in radioactivity and was awarded the Nobel Prize in

    physics in 1903. After her husbands death she continued her research and in

    1911 was awarded the second Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her discovery of

    radium and polonium.

    Mathew Arn old (1822-1888) A famous English poet and critic. Some of

    his famous poems are Sohrab and Rustum and Scholar Gypsy.

    Mar tin Luther Kin g (1929-68) The Black American Clergyman and civil

    rights leader. He led the non-voilent movement to obtain full civil rights for

    American Negroes and was awarded the Noble Prize for Peace in 1964. He

    was assassinated on April 5,1968 by a white fanatic.

    Mahavira (599-527BC) Born in Kundagram near Vaishali (Bihar), he was

    an apostle of non-voilence, who preached the observance of chastity,

    penance, contemplation and self-mortification. He achieved enlightenment

    under a sala tree. Jainism became a major religion under his influence.

    Madan M ohan Ma laviya (1861-1946) A prominent lawyer of Allahabad,

    he also founded the Banaras Hindu University. He was a President of Indian

    National Congress, and an Indian delegate to the Round Table Conference in


    Manu Regarded as the ancient law giver of India and author of Manu Smriti.

    Marshal Tito (1892-1980) Ex-President of Yugolavia. He was leader of the

    partisan forces which fought successfully against German occupation. He was

    made President of Yugoslavia for life in 1963.

    Megasthenes The Greek ambassador in the court of Chandragupta Maurya,

    who was sent by Seleucus. He wrote a detailed account of India in his work


    Michael Far aday (1791-1867) The British scientist who discoveredelectromagnetism. He also discovered benzene, liquid gases and optical glass.

    In 1841 he discovered the induction of electric current which led to the

    invention of the electric motor. He also contributed to the development of


    Mira Behn (1892-1982) An English woman named Madeleine Slade, who

    became Ghandhijis disciple and was dedicated to India and to Ghandhijis


    Moham med Bin tughlaq (1325-1351) Alearned Sultan of Delhi who was

    well-known for his profound ideas and poor administrative capabilities. He

    tried to shift his capital from Delhi to Devagiri in Deccan. When he found that

    his subjects did not approve of the idea, he re-shifted to Delhi.

    Mohammed Neguid The first president of Egypt, he was put under house

    arrest in 1954 by Abdel Gamel Nasser for 17 years. Later President Anwar

    Sadat freed him in 1971.

    Montessor i, Maria (1870-1952) Italian educationist and founder of the

    montessori system of education that stresses development of a childs own

    initiative and natural abilities, especially through practical play and

    individual guidance rather than through strict control.

    Moham med Ali Jinnah (1879-1948) Founder of the separate muslim

    state of pakistan. He was the president of the Muslim League for years and

    after partition of India, became the first Governor-General of Pakistan in


    Lord Mountbatten Britains supreme Allied Commander in South-East

    Asia during World War II, he became the last Viceroy of India. He declared

    India a free nation and became the first Governor-General of independent


    Munshi Pr emchand (1880-19370) A well-known author of Hindi novels

    and short stories which gave him international fame.

    Nargis Dutt First lady of the Indian screen to have been nominated to the

    Rajya Sabha. She was a recipient of the Padmashri and is well known for her

    film Mother India.

    Napolean B onapar te (1769-1821) French sttesmn, king of Frnce (1769-

    97), the most brillint generl of his time, he won series of splendid victories

    against England , Russia and Austria in 1805. He was defeated in the Battle of

    Waterloo in June 1815 and exiled to St Helena, where he died in 1821.

    Nicolus Coper nicus (1473-1553) Polish stronomer known for his

    discovery of the hevenly bodies and his theory that they move round the sun

    and that the sun is the centre of the universe.

    Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1658) A follower of Joseph Stalin.When

    Stalin died he became the first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and

    was Prime Minister during 1958-64. He died in 1971.

    Oliver Crom well (1599-1658) The English soldier and statesman who

    established a commonwealth in Britain nd became its haed with the title

    Loed Protector. He ruled the country for five years between 1653 and


    Panini Well known Hindu sage and Sanskrit grammarain, he belonged to the

    Vedic era and authored Ashtadhyayi.

    Porus A Hindu king of Punjab, who fought against the Greek invader,

    Alexander, when the latter invaded India and nearly defeated him. Alexander

    admired his gallantry and returned his kingdom to him.

    Pulakes in II (608-642 A.D.) The most powerful ruler of the Chalukyan

    dynasty that ruled the Deccan.

    Pythagora s (582-500 BC) A Greek philosopher, theologian and

    mathematician (especially geometry). Though his famous theorem was

    previously known, he was the first to prove its universal validity.

    Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) Queen Elizabeth I of England (1558-

    1603) was the daughter of Henry VIII. Her reign saw the thought provoking

    development of literature, William Shakespeare lived during her time.

    Ran jit Singhji (1780-1839) A Sikh prince of Punjab, he captured lahore in

    1799 and proclaimed himself Maharaja. He wrested control of Punjab from

    the Afghans and Pathans and earned the title Lion of Punjab.

    Raja Ram moh an Roy (1774-18330) The social reformer who tried to

    eradicate sati, pardah and child marriage; also advocated widow re-marriage

    and womens education. He was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj.

    Rabindranath Tagore Noble Prize winners

    Rene FranckPresident of the International Hockey Federation for 17

    years. He died in 1983.

    Robert Wilhelm Bunsen (1811-1899) A German scientist who invented

    the Bunsen burner.

    Robe rt Boyle (1627-1691) An Irish chemist, famous for his Boyle s Law ofGases.

    Robert Clive (1725-1774) He came to India as a clerk in the East India

    company. He became commander-in-Chief and fought against the French in

    India. He defeated Siraj-ud-Daulah in the Battle of Plassey in 1757. Later he

    ruled India as Governor (1765) and ultimately committed suicide in 1774.

    Roger B acon (1214-94) English scientist, encyclopaedist, philosopher and

    invertor of the magnifying glass and gunpowder.

    Rudo lf Diesel (1858-1931) A German engineer who invented the diesel

    engine in 1893.

    Rudyard Kipling (1865-

    1936) English writer, whose

    famous works include: Tales

    From the Hills, The Light

    That Failed, Jungle Book,

    Barrack Room Ballads, Kim,

    Just-so Stories, puck of

    Pooks Hill. He was awarded

    the Nobel Prize for

    Literature in 1907 which he

    later returned.

    Saro jini Naidu (1879-1948) Also called the Nightingale of India, she

    was a great poetess in the English language. She partucipated in Indias

    freedom struggle and became president of the Indian National Congress in

    1925 and the first woman governor of a state (UP).

    Swam i Dayanand Sara swati (1824-1883) Founder of the Arya Samaj

    and author of Satyarth Prakash. He is well-known for his opposition of

    various social taboos.

    Samudra gupta (330-375 AD) Son and successor of Chandragupta I; apowerful and able Hindu king, he was also known as Indias Napolean.

    Shah jahan (1592-1666) Moghul emperor of India, brought the Moghul

    empire to its golden age. A great patron of art, architecture and literature, he

    built the Taj Mahal, in memory of his beloved Mumtaz Mahal. He was

    deposed by his son Aurangzeb and imprisoned in Agra.

    Shankaracharya (born 788 Ad) One of the greatest Hindu reformers

    who revived the Hindu religion and successfully threw back the tide of

    Budbism and Jainism. He was a founder of the Advaitic philosophy.

    Sher Shah Suri Ruled India between 1540 and 1545. The first Muslim king

    who paid special attention to administrative reforms. The Grand Trunk Road

    was constructed during his rule. He also introduced currency in India.

    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) A renowned Austrian psychologist who

    developed the theory of psychoanalysis. He published The Interpretation of

    dreams and The Ego and the Id.

    Sir Syed Ah me d (1817-1898) An educationist and reformer of the

    Muslim community in India. He established the M.A.O. College at Aligarh in

    1975 which later became the Aligarh Muslim University.

    Sohrab Modi The Grand Old Man of Indian Cinema and winner of the Dada

    saheb Phalke Award in 1978, he produced Indias first technicolour film

    Jhansi Ki Rani in the early50s. Another film, Mirza Ghalib, was the first

    Hindi film to receive the Presidents Gold Medal In 1955. He died In 1984.

    Stalin (1879-1953) Soviet statesman and architect of the former USSR, he

    became premier in 1941 and triumphed as a leader during World War II. An

    active revolutionary leader from the age of 17, he took part in the civil war

    and rose to become an outstanding figure in soviet Russia

    Sunga Pushyamitra Brahmin commander-in-chief of the last Mauryan

    King Brihadratha. He killed his master and founded the Sunga dynasty.

    S.S. Bhatnagar (1894-1955) An Indian scientist remembered for his

    outstanding work as an administrator.

    Sun Yat Sen (1866-1925) The founder and the first president of the

    Chinese republic in 1912. In 1905 Sun Yat Sen founded the China

    Revolutionary League in Europe and Japan and played a prominent part in

    the revolution of 1911.

    Tansen A great exponent of Indian classical music. He was one of the nine

    gems in the court of Akbar.

    Tantiya Tope One of the heroes of the War of Indian independence in

    1857, he was a brave Commander of Nana Sahib s forces.

    Tarabai of Gwalior resisted the attempts of Lord Ellenborough to annex

    Gwalior. She was the thirteen-year old widow of Jankoji Scindia who died in


    Tenzing NorgayIndian mountaineer; the first to conquer Mt Everest on

    May 29, 1953 along with Sir Edmund Hillary. He was awarded the Padma

    Bhushan in 1959.

    Thom as Alva Edison (1847-1931) Us born inventor with more than1300 US and foreign patents to his credit for his inventions; most of them

    concerned with electricity. Some of his important inventions are: The

    incandescent lamps, phonograph (Gramophone), carbon telephone

    transmitters, microphone, etc.

    Thom as A ddison (1793-1860) The British physician known for his study

    of what is now known as Addisons Disease and for his works on ductless


    Timu r (1336-1405) Head of the Chaghta Truks. He was a powerful warrior

    and a plunderer known for the Sack of Delhi (indiscriminate massacre and

    plunder) during his invasion of India in 1398 AD.

    Todar M al (1556-1605) One of the nine gems and revenue minister in the

    court of Akbar, known for his reforms in policies of land revenue.

    Tulsidas Was a great Hindi poet, Hindu religious preacher and known for

    his work, Ramachandaritamanas, which pepicts the life of Lord Rama.

    Valmiki A celebrated Sanskrit poet of ancient India, the author of the


    Varahmihira A distinguished astronomer, mathematician and philosopher of

    early times. He was one of the nine gems in the court of King Vikramaditya(Chandragupta II).

    Vasco de Gama (1470-1524) The portuguese explorer who made the first

    voyage from Europe round Africa to the East and reached Calicut (India) in


    Vikramaditya He was the greatest emperor of the Gupta dynasty. His reign

    constitutes the most glorious chapter of Indian history, when art and

    literature flourished.

    V.V.Giri The third Vice-President (1967-1969) and the fourth President of

    India (1969-Acting).He was a recipient of the Bharat Ratna (1975). He died


    Vijayalakshmi Pandit Sister of Jawaharlal Nehru, she was the first woman

    minister of an Indian state (UP). She holds the distinction of being the first

    woman to become President of thev UN General Assembly and first Indian

    woman ambassador to Moscow.

    Swam i Vivekanand (1863-1902) A disciple of Ramakrishna Paramhansa,

    he championed the greatness of Vedantic philosophy. His famous talk at the

    Chicago Conference of World Religions in 1893 made the Westerners realise

    the greatness of Hindustan for the first time. He established the Ramakrishna

    Mission, in the memory of his guru Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa (1836-


    Ved Vyas A great Sanakrit scholar, who wrote the Mahabharata, one of the

    most revered texts of the Hindus.

    Vladimir Illich Lenin (1870-1924) Also known as Nikolai Lenin, he was

    a Russian revolutionary leader who was exiled to Siberia in 1895 where he

    continued to guide the revolutionary struggle of the Russian people. In 1898

    he created a new party, the Bolshevik party, to bring about the communist

    revolution in Russia. On November 7,1917, a new socialist government was

    formed under the leadingship of Lenin.

    W alt Disney (1901-66) A merican film producer famous for his cartoon

    characters, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

    Wood row Wilson (1856-1924) He was President of America During

    World War I. He become famous for his 14 points and played a noteble part

    in the setting up of the League of Nations.

    Will iam W ordsw orth(1770-1850) The English poet whose famous

    works include The Prelude, Intimations on Immortality, The Recluse, The

    Solitary Reaper, etc.

    Sir W inston Chur chil l (1874-1965) British statesman and war leader,

    who was Prime Minister during World War II. His pulication The Second

    World War (in 6 volumes), became very famous and earned him the Nobel

    Prize in 1953. He resigned as Prime Minister in 1955 and published his major

    work, A History of the English Speaking People.

    William Cr ooks (1832-1919) The British chemist and physicist who

    discovered the element thallium in 1861 and invented the radiometer. He

    also pioneered research on Cathode rays.

    Will iam Thom pson K elvin (1824-1907) A British physicist, who put

    forward the idea of an absolute measurement of temperature and invented

    the Kelvin scale of temperature.

    Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835) Governor- General of India,

    famous for the sati reforms and suppression of human sacrifice. He also

    introduced English education in India.

    William Sha kespear e (1564-1616) English dramatist and poet,

    considered the greatest literary figure in English literature. He was born as

    Stratford-on-Avon, the son of a tradesman. He married Anne Hathaway in

    1582. His first play was Henry VI and his first major poem Venus and Adonis.

    Yur i Gagarin (1934-68) A Russian cosmonaut. In 1961 he become the first

    man to travel in space. He complated one revolution around the earth and it

    took him 89.34 minutes to do so. He also holds the record of being the first

    person to fly at such a great height, (340 Km from the earth).

    Ved Vyas A great Sanskrit scholar, who wrote the Mahabharata, one of the

    most revered texts of the Hindus.

    Vladimir Illich Lenin (1870-1924) Also known as Nikolai Lenin, he was

    a Russian revolutionary leader who was exiled to Siberia in 1895 where he

    continued to guide the revolutionary struggle of the Russian people. In 1898

    he created a new party, the Bolshevik party, to bring about the communist

    revolution in Russia. On November 7,1917, a new socialist government was

    formed under the leadingship of Lenin.

    Z..A. Bhutto (1928-79) President of Pakistan in 1971 and subsequently

    Prime Minister of Pakistan. He was deposed by an army coup led by Zia-ul-

    Haq and executed in 1979.

    Zakir Hussain He was the third President of India, and died in office on

    May 3,1969. He was also Indias second Vice-President from 1962-1967.

    Zoroaster A celebrated Persian prophet and religious leader who lived inthe 7th century BC. He is the founder of Zoroastrianism whose followers are

    the parsees who settled in India.



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