e University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Town Documents Maine Government Documents 1889 Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year Ending Feb. 23, 1889 Carmel (Me.) Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/towndocs is Report is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Town Documents by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Repository Citation Carmel (Me.), "Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year Ending Feb. 23, 1889" (1889). Maine Town Documents. 7125. hps://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/towndocs/7125

Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year

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Page 1: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year

The University of MaineDigitalCommons@UMaine

Maine Town Documents Maine Government Documents


Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel forthe Year Ending Feb. 23, 1889Carmel (Me.)

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This Report is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Town Documents byan authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Repository CitationCarmel (Me.), "Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year Ending Feb. 23, 1889" (1889). Maine Town Documents. 7125.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/towndocs/7125

Page 2: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year
Page 3: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year


o<ICOFFEE~ Is the llest in the W orl(l for the

price. TRY IT.



Bangor, Ma.ine.


$2.00 Per Day. ·

Page 4: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year

Report of the Selectmen for the ~Municipal Year 1888.


\Ve submit for your examination the fol1owing statement of the finan­cial operations of your town from Febuary 25, 1888, to February 23, 1889.

VAI-'UA'l'ION AND TAX. Val nation of resident real estate,

.. ~• non-resident real estate, '' H resident personal '· h H non-resident H H

Tax a.t .012, r:rotal valuation,

255 polls at $2.00 each,

Total tax, The following amounts were assessed:

For support of schools, H H poor,

repairs on town farm bulldings contingent expenses, memorial services, roads and bridges, Stntc tax, County tax, Over layings,

'l1otal assessment,


Amount undrawn last year, ·' rai8ed for support of schools, ' raised for support of poor, u raised for repairs on 'fown farm buildings, " raised for contingent expenses, '' raised memorial services, " raised for roads and bridges, H raised in school district No. 6, " of Ovcrlayings,

$3,251 59 510 ()()

$3,761 59

" highway deficiencies for 1887, Ueceived fro1n Hampden for support of R. M. Mallory,

" of Benevolent Lodge, Hall rent for 1887,

$199~32G 26,620 44,142



$976 00 600 00 100 00 300 00

20 00 500 00 803 39 421 93 40 27

8.3,761 59

81,917 30 976 00 600 00 100 QO 300 00

20 00 500 00 52 17 40 27 37 09 16 89 15 00

Page 5: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year


Ueceived interest on Town School fund, " F;Upplemcntar~ tax for 1888, "' of Amasa S. Garlnnd for his hi_ghway tax for 1888, '' School fund nnd mill tax for ltiSS, " for sales from Town farm, •' for rent. of Town IIall, " for rent of Hearse. '' for trucking l>y Supt. of fn.r1n, " from C. F. 1\imbull for board at farm,


l'nid School Dist. No. 6, for support of schools, for support of poor,

revairs on 'l,own farm bui1t1ings, repairs on roads and bridges, contingent expenses,

on Cemetary and Hearse acct.

Balance undrawn,

DE'I1AII"ED srr A'l'EMENrr.

Amount undrawn last year, Granted by the Town. Interest 011 town school fund.


:State school fund and mill tax for 1888,

Amount expendPd this year, Balance undrawn,


Poon. Amount undra wn last year,

granted by the town, granted to rP,pafr town farm bulldings,

Sales from town farm as follows : 5 bbls. vinegar, 1 gal. vlnegnr, 19 lambs, 10 lbs. fre~h pork, 117 11-12 dox. eggs. 15 quarts seed ouious, 51 3-4 pomuls butter, 61 3-lG bu. oats. 412 bu. pens and oats, 72 lbs. wool, @ 27c, 1 lb. rolls,

$ 44 00 1,751 89

799 04 100 00 255 GG 507 15 39 22

$1.751 89 ·710 95

84nl 2G 600 00 100 00

24 25 20

52 25 80

18 89 75

11 67 24 47 5 15

19 71 60

64 00 2 00

11 23 G:H 23 302 00

17 50 i$ 00

20 50

$5.60G 38

$3,49G 96 2,109 42

$791 61 9i6 00

64 00 631 23

82,462 84

82,462 84

Page 6: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year

10 pnirs stockings, 4 calves, · 1 pelt, l spruce tree, 12 4-15 bu. wheat, Apples, 7 chickens, 184 lbs. old Iron, 2 pigs. 10 feet bnrk, 10 bu. Y. J1J. beans,


6 cords spool wood, 'l1rucking lJy 8npt. farm, C. F. J{imbnll paid for board nt farm, Hecclvcd from Hampden for SllJlport R. 1\1. Mallory

& family,


Paid C. J.J. Haines for services of boar, James M. \Vait for 10 bu. J>Otatoes, C. I". llnines for mnnure, M. Moriarty for ten bu. J>Otatoes, }~lisha Brown for manure, for range arad tank for farm\ for stove pipe, Sarah Jackson for use of house, for meadow grass. for cnsket for fl. N. Spratt, tor digging grave for H. N. Spratt, for driving hearse for B. N. Spratt, R. W. Spencer and wife for superintending town farm, H. \V. 8haw services of bull, for lal>0r on farm, for killing hogs, for 4 cider bbf s.

for stove am.1 pipe for farm, lor repairs on mowing machine and rake, for beef for farm, for food for tramps, cleanin~ clock etc. }~ben KelJier for blacksmithmg, n. W. Smith manufacturing cider, C. W. Johnson for supplies furnished fRrm. D. C .• John~ou •\ "' H

Simpson & 'Vhitten ., u u JJ. G. )lurch for repairin~ boots for paupers, G. N. Miller for bJack~n11thing for fnrm,

4 00 21 52

iO 6 00

15 33 26 60 2 00

4G 6 00 8 i5

31 00 21 00

20 50

16 89

s 1 50 7 00

12 00 7 00

14 00 34 68 1 01 4 00 3 00

12 50 3 00 1 00

200 00 2 00 3 50 1 50 4 40

12 68 5 40 6 38 ] 98 3 01 5 92

112 40 112 34 141 79

1 45 5 i6

88 Benj. Uobinson for carding- wool. S. W. Otis, 1\1. D. for medical attendance at farm, 5 00

Cost ot poor on farm : Paid Simpson & \Vbitten for suppllcs furnished

U. M. MalJory. for care of tramp and medical attendance,

$7 79 9 00

$1,470 85

$ 72i 0

Page 7: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year


Paid Eunice Clark for care of Ewell Horn, Town of Sydney for aid furnished

Alden Smith, S. \V. Otis, M. D. for me<lical attendance on

R. M. Mallory, Town of Benton for supplies furnisl1ed

John R. Green and family, tor supplies furnished Arthur Phillips

and family, S. M. Otis M. D. for medical attendance to

Arthur Phillips daughter,

Cost of poor not on farm,

Total cost of poor Paid for repairs on town farm bull<llngs,

~J'otal amt. e.."ltpended, Amount undra wn,

CONTINGENT ACCOUN'f. .Amount undrawn last year,

granted by the town. for memorial services.

Overlayings, Highway C1e1lclencies, Rent of Masonic Hall, A. S. Garland paid on highway tax for 1888, Supplementary tax for 1888, Rent of 'l'own Hall,

CONTRA. Paid Paul Ruggles for servlces as constable.

Davis & Bailey, counsel fees in case Benjamin Roblnaon vs. the town,

Peleg Bradford, Treas. of G. H. Ruggles Post tor memorial services,

for order stamp, costs tn case Benjamin Robinson,

vs. Carmel, In settlement, interest on town school tum.I, C. S. Dunton for sawing lumber. D. Bugbee & Co. for books, abatement of 1886 tax,

U U 1887 H

h '· 1888 ,, Peleg Bradford for collectlng 1887 tax, 1>eJeg Bradford for services as constable, tor surveyors books, postage and exprcssage, L. S. McI~aughlln for services as moilerntor, A lonze 'l'llton " auditor,

6 28

23 00

2 00

6 00

7 89

10 00

71 96

$799 04 100 00

$899 04 571 81

$1,470 85

8645 14 300 00

20 00 40 27 37 09 10 oo 11 23

2 00 17 50

$1 ,088 23

1 50

3 00

20 00 3 05

62 85 64 00 6 14 8 00

11 18 21 88 3 26

87 55 7 50 4 74 2 00 1 50

Page 8: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year


Paid Ji. F. J:T()pkins Services treasurer, G. E. Dodge H truant omccr, \\T. 11. Corliss " s. S. Committee, s. 'v. Otis ·' ·• L. S. :McLaughlin " ·' },. ~L Simpson for services as 8elect men Alfred Get.ch ell " " " L. s. McLaughlin " u

Bnl:mce nndrawn,

15 00 3 00

20 00 Hi 00 17 25 50 00 45 00 33 75


Amount undrawn last year, received for use of Hearse,


]'aid J. A. Smith for varnishing and repairing Hearse,

for rcpail's on hearse house,

A mo nut overdrawn,

$20 20 3 00

$2i 00 12 22


A mouut expended by town.


Paid for labor on .Ivish road. C. },. J{imball for labor on road, kni vcs and rcpnirs on road machine . for plow for higJ1way, for Juhor in tlarhes M. Hobinson district,

" Damascus district, for plank for .Mallory bridge. repairs 011 south county road, J>lank and timl>ere for horsebnck bridge, for buildillg 11,elker bridge. plank aud nails for briclges, housing road machine, striugers for 'Vhiting bridge.

u '• Asa \Yhiting bridge,

Bu lance undra wn,

21 00 1 00

26 40 IG 00 4 Bi

16 00 12 (;2 95 OG 26 5fi 20 00 6 54 1 00 6 ')-

-t> 2 87

SCHOOL DI~TRICT NO. 6, ACCOU :r·r. A mount grauted by the district, Ovcrlay1ugs,

850 00 2 17

$;)07 15 581 08

$1088 23

$32 29

$39 22 6 93

8500 00

$255 66 244 34

8500 00

$52 17

Page 9: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year

.Amount expenclml, undra wu,




Due for orders drnwn aml uot returned,, for schools, for colle<~ting 1888 tnx, school district No. Ut for town school fmu1,

ASBE'rS. Balance due on 'J'r~nsurer'!o\ a<'ct .. of 1888, Amount due from llon,,volm1t Lodge,

town school fnncJ

Assets over liabilities, lfospectfully submitted,

$44 00 8 17

$424 52 710 !);J

112 00 8 17

lGOO 00

2,fi33 94 15 uo


652 17

$~,855 64

--- $4,148 O.J $1,~03 30

F. M. Hl?tlPSON. ALFUED Gi.J'l'CilELL, I~. ti. McLAUGHLIN, } Selectmen

of Carmel.

J hnve exnmincd the within report and tind it correct.

ALONZO TJL'l'O.N, Auditor.

Page 10: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year

J as. Mooney & Co. 32 lVIAIN STllEET, - _8 .t\.NGOR.

When you are in Bangor, call and see our Large Line of

Din11_er Sets, Tea Sets, Hanging Lamps & Silver Plated Ware.

1Ve carry the largest stock in tlte Oity and you will .find our prices

the lowe~t.


Bo3rs, clon't use Tobacco. It's no

use to. say anything to tl1e 111en who J1a.,re lea1~ned, only t() advisf~ thelll

to select g'oocl g~oocls, w hicl1 may be done f1·olll this Jist,



'-Spot Cash"

"Our Own"

}.,OR S1'IOiilNG.

"E. & W."

"Toney" "Sweet Lavender"

Seal of Havana Cigar makes a mild smoke.

Page 11: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year

• ~ .---:--~. ···""} "'•""• ~ •••• •:4!, . _.: : . ~ .. ~-:-: . ~: :; •••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••• ::.~


PH OTOG RAP HER. r-irst .. [labf> Werk ~ene at Reasonable Priaes.


. . . . · ......................... ............ ~ .................. ~.:-:;;--.. . .. . 4'---

Page 12: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year

Diamonds, Watches,

Jewelry, At the Lowest


~anufacturers of All Kinds

of Gold Jewelry

to Order. ~--_._...... ___.,__..,_.__, ..................... ~ ..

We have a Large Stock, and will sell at Less Prices than other dealers.

Examine our Goods Before Purchasing Elsewhere!

24- ~f.&4I1V STREET, Successors to e --

CHAS. HA.LE & CO. ••t:• .. f ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rogers & Bros.'

Plated Ware


Reduced Prices.

.,,,...,_ L .... ,....,,_...,~-"............,._~ .. ................. _._......__ - ,,.. - ... ,...,

Watch Repairing

and Engraving

at Short Notice, and

Warranted . . . .. . . . . . . . -...... .

Page 13: Report of Selectmen for the Town of Carmel for the Year