Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of

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Page 1: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of
Page 2: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of

DISCLAIMERAll exercises are examples only for educational purposes only and this isnot a program or plan you should specifically follow. Rudy Mawer Consulting LLC and associated programs, websites and businesses are not responsible for any health issues or injuries that occur from using these exercises. Seek medical advice and approval before beginning and new exercise regime. By using these exercises you waiver all rights to legal claims for damages or personal injuries that may occur by following theseworkouts, exercises or advice.

WARNING: this is an extreme protocol and, while I’ve never witnessed adverse side e�ects beyond the normal side e�ects you would expect with a calorie restricted diet, this should only be performed with a doctor’s approval. It should not be performed if you have any form of illness, are sick, get light-headed, are not used to extreme calorie restriction, are new to exercise and fitness or have any form of eating disorder or other related issue.

Page 3: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of



I’m super excited, but also slightly nervous to share this with the world. It’s been one of my secret tricks for years that I’ve used to turn heads with Hollywood celebs, elite athletes, cover models and more.

Now a�er months (if not years) of debate, I’m ready to hand it right over to you, so you can use it to kick-start your momentum and weight loss journey, or simply lean out a little before the pool or for a special occasion.

But, before we dive in, it’s important to fully explain what this is and what this mini program is not.

As the name suggests, it’s a 48-hour, rapid and aggressive kick-start protocol to help you drop water, clear our your digestive system, reduce bloat, feel more energised, boost fat burning hormones and generally look noticeably leaner in just two days! This is also great to use before attacking your longer term, sustainable weight loss plan.

Personally, I’ve done this dozens of time and regularly do it once a month a�er travelling or a�er a weekend of eating out in restaurants etc., as it helps me get back on track and generally feel awesome!

Now this is very important…

This is NOT a long-term plan, nor should you perform this back-to-back or follow it if you have any form of illness, health condition or dietary restriction / food disorder etc.

Ok, so now that is out of the way and we are all on the same page, I will dive into the actual protocol that is super simple, yet also super e�ective!


Page 4: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of



DAY 1 - AM

• Consume 200mg ca�eine or 2 cups of strong black co�ee.• Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of ice cold water with ½ fresh lemon squeezed in**.• Take 1x 520mg Dandelion Root Supplement.• No food, this is a fasted period to activate fat burning hormones. • Perform 5 minutes of HIIT at home; this could be jump squats, push-ups, bodyweight squats, burpees. Complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, rest periods should be no longer than 30 seconds. Or hit the gym if you train in the AM*.

*If you train fully in the AM, consume 1x whey protein shake before the gym, then fast until lunch. **Continue to consume water all morning as needed until lunch.


• Consume another 200mg ca�eine or 2 cups of strong black co�ee.• Consume 1x CAPLABS Detox and Cleanse.• Consume 2 scoops of whey protein or similar protein powder mixed with unsweetened almond milk or milk.• Consume one piece of fruit, such as an apple.

Page 5: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of




• Consume 200mg ca�eine, 1x CAPLABS Green Tea & 1x 520mg Dandelion Root Supplement.• Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of ice cold water with ½ fresh lemon squeezed in.• Perform 2 sets of 1 minute Density Squats. To complete this, set a timer for one minute and complete as many squats as possible. Repeat a second time. • Consume one high protein smoothie from my recipe book.


• Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of ice cold water with ½ fresh lemon squeezed in.• Take 1x 520mg Dandelion Root Supplement.• Consume 50 grams of high quality, lean protein. Can be meat, fish or other veg options that are low carb. • Consume 3-4 cups of leafy greens with balsamic dressing and 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar.• Consume 2 scoops of whey protein or similar protein powder mixed with unsweetened almond milk or milk.• 30 minutes a�er or before dinner, perform 4 HIIT sprints using method of choice.

Page 6: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of



DAY 2 - AM

• Consume 200mg ca�eine or 2 cups of strong black co�ee + 1x CAPLABS Green Tea.• Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of ice cold water with ½ fresh lemon squeezed in **.• Take 1x 520mg Dandelion Root Supplement.• No food, this is a fasted period to activate fat burning hormones. • Perform 10 minutes of HIIT at home; this could be jump squats, push-ups, bodyweight squats, burpees. Complete as many as you can in 5 minutes, rest periods should be no longer than 30 seconds. Or hit the gym if you train in the AM*.

*If you train fully in the AM, consume 1x whey protein shake before the gym then fast until lunch. **Continue to consume water all morning as needed until lunch.


• Consume another 200mg ca�eine.• Consume 1x CAPLABS Green Tea.• Consume 1x CAPLABS Detox and Cleanse.• Consume 2 scoops of whey protein or similar protein powder mixed with water.• Consume 3-4 cups of leafy greens with balsamic dressing and 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar.

Page 7: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of




• Consume 200mg ca�eine, 1x CAPLABS Green Tea & 1x 520mg Dandelion Root Supplement.• Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of ice cold water with ½ fresh lemon squeezed in.• Perform 4 sets of 1 minute Density Squats. To complete this, set a timer for one minute and complete as many squats as possible. Repeat three more times.• Consume one high protein smoothie from my recipe book.


• Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of ice cold water with ½ fresh lemon squeezed in.• Take 1x 520mg Dandelion Root Supplement.• Consume 50 grams of high quality, lean protein. Can be meat, fish or other veg options that are low carb. • Consume 3-4 cups of leafy greens with balsamic dressing and 1 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar.• Consume 2 scoops of whey protein or similar protein powder mixed with unsweetened almond milk or milk.• 30 minutes before or a�er dinner, perform 4 HIIT sprints using method of choice.

Page 8: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of


A�er years of experimentation with this protocol, I’ve finally locked down the best possible practices if you’re looking to drastically change your physique in as little as two days. Further, this is also a fantastic starting point if you’re looking to kick-start weight loss.

Keep in mind however; this protocol is not for the fainthearted. In order to drastically change your body in as little as two days, you’ll need to work hard, manipulate body water and restrict carbs. If you feel you’re up to it, continue reading to understand why I’ve designed this program the way I have.


First of all, you’ll be significantly reducing your food intake, to around 25-40% of normal intake. Typically I would never suggest this; however, because it’s only over the course of two days, doing so is not too much of a concern.

By drastically reducing calorie intake such as this, you’ll shock your body into dropping as much weight as possible in a short amount of time. This calorie reduction combined with upregulated fat metabolism (more on this next) and the incorporation of HIIT is a sure-fire way to drop body fat quickly.



Page 9: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of




For these two days, you’ll be fasting throughout the morning. I do this for two reasons. Firstly, fasting allows you to consume significantly fewer calories throughout the day with relative ease.

Secondly, fasting like this increases the amount of fat released from fat cells and increases the amount of fat being burned for energy. It’s literally a win-win situation (1, 2)!

Additionally, it’s a decent starting point if you’re looking to continue with some form of intermittent fasting throughout a whole diet period.


The supplements in this protocol include ca�eine, green tea, dandelion root, my detox and cleanse supplement and apple cider vinegar.

I’ve chosen these supplements and ingredients specifically as they are optimized to help you drop body fat and water weight with ease. Throughout the course of these two days, you’ll take these supplements religiously, alongside staying hydrated for optimal fat metabolism and water/bloat reduction.

Page 10: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of




I’m a firm believer in this protocol. HIIT, when performed correctly, increases your metabolic rate for hours and hours a�er you’ve finished exercising. This means that throughout these two days, you’ll not only be in a prime position to drop fat, but, by completing HIIT workouts, you’ll ensure that you’re constantly burning fat and calories (3, 4, 5).


Throughout these two days, you’ll be significantly reducing the amount of food you’re eating, sticking to just protein shakes, lean protein and leafy green vegetables. If you hadn’t already noticed, carbs are also restricted during this time.

While carbohydrates are important, they also cause your body to hold onto water. Significantly reducing carbohydrate intake forces excess water to be excreted, potentially improving your physique and overall definition.

Don’t worry though, once you finish this 48-hour kick-start, you’ll be able to consume carbs again.

Page 11: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of




Even though I’ve followed this protocol myself, it goes without saying that you need to be careful and use this protocol in a safe manner. With drastic reductions of food intake and intense exercise, fatigue can set in quickly.

If at any time during this program you feel light-headed, nauseous or just don’t feel good, stop immediately and eat food.

Please recognize that no one-o� or special occasion is worth sacrificing your health and well-being for. Therefore, if you experience any issues and need to stop, this is a sign that you need to spend more time preparing in the future.

Remember to be smart and place your overall health above all else.

Page 12: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of




In the morning of Day 1 & 3, you can take photos and measurements to monitor progress. Of course, changes in photos may be a little harder to see, but trust me, you will see noticeable results in the mirror and feel significantly better when you consider the short time frame of this kick-start plan.

Like any measurements/photos in my other plans, I recommend getting this done, as soon as you wake up and a�er using the bathroom. Take side and front photos, along with scale weight, stomach and hip measurements.

In just 48 hours, I’ve seen people drop as much as 10LB; of course, a lot of this is water and digestive bulk, but simply moving around with 10LB less can make you feel instantly better – as, a�er all, that’s around 5-10% of an individual’s bodyweight. Along with the weight drop, I’ve also seen considerable di�erences in visual appearance, especially around the stomach!


People o�en ask if they can extend the diet beyond two days. The first time you are performing this protocol, my answer is NO. If you have performed long-term fasting and are already familiar with very low calorie diets, you could try this protocol for 3-4 days in the future (a�er a few weeks back on maintenance).

This diet is not designed for long-term or regular use; it’s a one-time kick-start plan that should be used on special occasions only. I wouldn’t advise doing this more than once per month.

Page 13: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of




So, now that you know my secret and understand why it works, what are you waiting for?! Get started today and, in a few days’ time, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the dream physique you desire!

Page 14: Rudy's Private 48 Hour Kick Start Protocol... 48 HOUR KICK START PROTOCOL DAY 1 - AM • Consume 200mg ca˚eine or 2 cups of strong black co˚ee. • Sip on around 20oz or 500ml of




• Jensen, M. D., Haymond, M. W., Gerich, J. E., Cryer, P. E., & Miles, J. M. (1987). Lipolysis during fasting. Decreased suppression by insulin and increased stimulation by epinephrine. The Journal of clinical investigation, 79(1), 207-213.• Heilbronn, L. K., Smith, S. R., Martin, C. K., Anton, S. D., & Ravussin, E. (2005). Alternate-day fasting in nonobese subjects: e�ects on body weight, body composition, and energy metabolism. The American Journal of Clini-cal Nutrition, 81(1), 69-73.• Tremblay, A., Simoneau, J. A., & Bouchard, C. (1994). Impact of exer-cise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. Metabo-lism, 43(7), 814-818.• Bracken RM, Linnane DM, Brooks S (2009)Plasma catecholamine and epinephrine responses to brief intermittent maximal intensity exercise. Amino Acids. 36: 209-217.• Trapp, E. G., Chisholm, D. J., Freund, J., & Boutcher, S. H. (2008). The e�ects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women. International journal of obesity, 32(4), 684-691.