Legend: Bold – Absent CENTRAL BOARD MEETING MVP 217 & 218 27 APRIL 2012 Agenda: Time Start: 18:06 Time End: 21:23 1) Approval of Minutes (5 mins) c/o Cate Sison 2) SOSE CB Appointment (5 mins) 3) Appointment of CB Chairs (10 mins) c/o Gio Alejo 4) Emergency Budget Hearing (30 mins) a. OP (15 mins) c/o Betty Caronongan b. OSG (15 mins) c/o Cate Sison 5) CB CIP and Parliamentary Procedures (30 mins) c/o Cate Sison 6) OrSem Baunan (15 mins) c/o Jenica Dizon 7) InTACT (15 mins) c/o Barce Barcelon 8) Tricycle Rates (20 minutes) 9) Corona Impeachment issue (20 mins) c/o Gio Alejo 10) SM Blue Residences and SM Baguio (20 mins) c/o Gio Alejo Attendance/People in the Meeting: Gio Alejo Jiggy Villamin* Felix Mintu 2 President SOH Chairperson 3 SOH CB Rep Ian Agatep Tata Babaran* Arsenio Armas Vice President SOSE Chairperson 2 SOH OIC CB Rep Cate Sison Toni Potenciano* Nicole dela Cruz Secretary-General SOSS Chairperson 4 SOSE CB Rep Billie Dumaliang 1 Alvin Yllana Barce Barcelon Finance Officer 4 JGSOM CB Rep 3 SOSE CB Rep Office of the Secretary-General Room 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de Manila University 0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]


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Minutes of the April 27, 2012 meeting

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Page 1: SANGGU1213_042712_MINUTES_CB

Legend: Bold – AbsentUnderlined –


Agenda:Time Start: 18:06Time End: 21:23

1) Approval of Minutes (5 mins) c/o Cate Sison2) SOSE CB Appointment (5 mins)3) Appointment of CB Chairs (10 mins) c/o Gio Alejo4) Emergency Budget Hearing (30 mins)

a. OP (15 mins) c/o Betty Carononganb. OSG (15 mins) c/o Cate Sison

5) CB CIP and Parliamentary Procedures (30 mins) c/o Cate Sison6) OrSem Baunan (15 mins) c/o Jenica Dizon7) InTACT (15 mins) c/o Barce Barcelon8) Tricycle Rates (20 minutes)9) Corona Impeachment issue (20 mins) c/o Gio Alejo10) SM Blue Residences and SM Baguio (20 mins) c/o Gio Alejo

Attendance/People in the Meeting:Gio Alejo Jiggy Villamin* Felix Mintu 2 President SOH Chairperson 3 SOH CB Rep

Ian Agatep Tata Babaran* Arsenio ArmasVice President SOSE Chairperson 2 SOH OIC CB Rep

Cate Sison Toni Potenciano* Nicole dela CruzSecretary-General SOSS Chairperson 4 SOSE CB Rep

Billie Dumaliang1 Alvin Yllana Barce BarcelonFinance Officer 4 JGSOM CB Rep 3 SOSE CB Rep

Gigi de Villa Joben Odulio IC San PedroCOA President 3 JGSOM CB Rep 4 SOSS CB Rep

Kat Tuason Ryan Yu Louis de JesusARSA President 2 JGSOM CB Rep 3 SOSS CB Rep

Fara Supetran* AJ Elicaño Polo Martinez3

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

Page 2: SANGGU1213_042712_MINUTES_CB

JGSOM Chairperson

4 SOH CB Rep 2 SOSS CB Rep

*Observer StatusProxied by 1Tin Andujare, 2Nick Lucero, and 3Louis de Jesus, respectively

Others Attendees:Sam Co, 3 SOH Executive OfficerJenica DizonBetty Caronongan, Office of the President Chief-of-Staff

Cam Mamaril, 3 SOSE Executive OfficerLiang Borlagdan, Department of Internal Affairs chair


National Anthem was led by Barce Barcelon, followed by a prayer led by Tin Andujare.

Motion to amend the agenda and tackle the “OrSem Baunan” agenda before the Emergency Budget Hearing was made by Nicole dela Cruz, and was seconded by Louis de Jesus. There were no objections from the Board.

Motion to approve agenda was made by Nicole dela Cruz, and was seconded by AJ Elicaño. There were no objections from the Board.

The motion was voted on by the Board via Viva voce and passed unanimously.

1) Approval of Minutes (5 mins) c/o Cate Sison

Time start: 18:12• Run through of the 042012 CB Joint Session was made by Cate Sison• Elicaño and Lucero pointed out minimal grammatical errors in the

minutes.• Dela Cruz: I know Cate already told me about the minutes that I

commented on earlier in our groups, but I would like to point out that what I said was to not follow the House of Representatives format and to present all sides of the Corona Impeachment.

o Sison: Noted.

Motion to approve the April 20, 2012 minutes of the meeting was made by AJ Elicaño, and was seconded by Ryan Yu. There were no objections from the Board.

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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The motion was voted on by a show of hands and passed unanimously.

2) SOSE CB Appointment (5 mins) c/o Nicole dela CruzTime start: 18:18

There is a lack of a Central Board representative for the sophomore batch, and the EXECOM and the School Board, having outweighed all the pros and cons of the situation, has decided that they would like for Michael Tobias to be appointed as Officer-in-Charge Central Board representative of the sophomore batch.

The Board requests for Michael Tobias to introduce himself and explain why he should be apopinted the OIC CB Rep, and what his plans are as CB Rep.

Tobias: It occurred to me that not having CB will mean that my batchmates won’t have someone to speak out for them. I want to be that somebody who’s there for my batchmates, and I want to be that someone to have their voices heard.

Alejo: Are you aware of the responsibilities?o Tobias: Yes.

De Jesus: Do you have a platform? What are your plans? What would you like to do?

o Tobias: In all honestly, I haven’t really thought about my platform. I simply want to be of service to the student body, to help my batch mates, and to hear their concerns and pass them on to the CB

Lucero: If you’ve noticed, during the elections, your batch was far from reaching the quota. Quota was 50%+1, and yet your batch was below 50%. How will you convince a lot of your batch mates to vote during the freshman elections? Networking should be important here.

o Tobias: I’m a member of two organizations. I feel that I can use that to my advantage, especially those from my school, and I can tell them to tell their block mates to vote and participate in the upcoming elections.

Odulio: If there’s an OIC CB, is there also an OIC Exec?o Alejo: Yes

Motion to approve the appointment of Michael Xavier C. Tobias, elected Block X Representative, as Officer-in-Charge Central Board representative of the School of Science and Engineering until the Freshmen Elections was

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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made by Ryan Yu, and was seconded by Nick Lucero. No objections were made by the Board.

The motion was voted on by a show of hands and passed unanimously.

3) Appointment of CB Chairs (10 mins) c/o Gio AlejoTime start: 18:23

Alejo reads off of the Central Board Committee Chairpersons Appointment Act 2012 Central Board Committee Chairperson*

Committee on Academic Affairs (CAA)

Ryan Carl Y. Yu

Committee on Extra-curricular Affairs (CEA)

Felix Raphael G. Mintu

Committee on Administrative Services (CAS)

Alvin Jonathan P. Yllana

Committee on Formation Services (CFS)

Joben Mariz J. Odulio

Committee on Ways and Means (CWM)

Billie Crystal G. Dumaliang

Committee on Rules (CoR) Antonio Rafael N. ElicañoCommittee on Constitutional Review (CCR)

Francis Ian L. Agatep

Committee on Socio-Political Affairs (CSPA)

Raphael Niccolo L. Martinez

*As stated from the proposed resolution

Motion to amend the Central Board Committee Chairpersons Appointment Act 2012 to include the phrase “As often as necessary” after the phrase “at least once every two weeks” was made by AJ Elicaño, and was seconded by Nicole dela Cruz. There were no objections from the Board.

San Pedro: change the chairmanship of CSPA from Polo to Louis please. We discussed it among ourselves and we decided that Louis will be the chair.

Yllana: What is the rationale of putting Polo there instead of Louis?

o Alejo: CSPA was not able to give me the name of who they wanted to be the chairperson so I placed Polo there because of seniority.

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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Motion to change chairmanship of the Committee on Socio-Political Affairs from Raphael Niccolo L. Martinez to David Louis Augustus B. de Jesus was made by IC San Pedro, and was seconded by Nick Lucero. There were no objections from the Board.

Motion to approve the Central Board Committee Chairpersons Appointment Act 2012 with the amendments was made by AJ Elicaño, and was seconded by Nicole dela Cruz. There were no objections from the Board.

The motion was voted on by a show of hands and passed unanimously.

4) OrSem Baunan c/o Jenica DizonTime start: 18:28

Dizon: What we want to propose is the renewal of baunan sponsorship. We want you guys to think of it not only as a sponsorship, but as a service to the freshmen. Aside from this, it’s also aligned with the thrust of Fr. Jett Villarin regarding the environment and development. There’s about 3150 people, including the volunteers.

o Baunan: P20 * 3150 students = P60,000o Sanggunian Stickers: P5 * 3150 students = P15,000o Utensils: P6 * 3150 students = P14,400

Yu: What are the utensils?o Dizon: Metal spoon and forks, if you are open to it. OrSem

usually pays for the loss of the utensils for the students. Maybe Sanggu could sponsor 500-1000 pairs? Since we already sent the letters for OrSem, we can’t assure that the students will have utensils even if we tell them through social networks. Are you willing to compromise?

Odulio: Are you sure of the computations? Because P20 * 3150 isn’t equal to P60, 000

o Dizon: P60, 000 is the estimated cost. It’s not exact. Andujare: Have you instructed the freshmen to bring utensils?

o Dizon: No, not yet. Nick: I’m concerned with the stickers because they are not a

necessity, for me.o Dizon: Is this the total amount of the stickers? Are they too

big?o Yu: Are there any cheaper ones?

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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Dizon: So do you want the sticker to be smaller? Or, what do you propose as a reasonable price? The last year’s budget for stickers was P15000 also and it was approved. There were also no utensils so they rented out utensils from caterers.

o Alejo: What do we put on the sticker? Dizon: Sanggu logo, if you want.

o Sison: My concern regarding the stickers is that last year, the sticker was given late. So the students were asked to stick it themselves and as a result, most of them threw it away

o Yu: Last year, Ian was my TnT and he really made sure that we stuck the stickers on our baunans. If he wasn’t watching me, I wouldn’t have put the sticker on it.

Dizon: And you guys don’t need ito de Jesus: And cost will go up by P15000, simply because of

the stickers. Is there another way to bring down the cost? Dizon: Okay, so we’ll just take out the stickers.

Supetran: What if some students forget to bring their baunan again? Will they restock? Is that part of the budget?

o Dizon: We will be strict on the implementation of bringing the baunans.

Supetran: and as for the caterers, they won’t bring extra utensils?o dela Cruz: What was done last year? Is there a way to avoid

paying for the baunans of the volunteers because they’re already students. Is it okay if we ask the volunteers to bring their own baunans?

o Yu: Let’s invest on the utensils. If we ask them to return the utensils, we can use it next year.

Dizon: are you also asking if we can do this for the baunan?

Yu: Yes. Lucero: maybe we can layout the scheme on how the utensils can

be returned as to prevent any loss of utensils.o Dizon: I can’t answer that right now. But we will do a lot to

make sure that there is a scheme to be followed. Supetran: Will asking the volunteers to bring their own baunan

and utensils affect your system?o Dizon: I can’t answer that right now.

de Jesus: Can we postpone the vote for today?

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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Alejo: What happened to the baunans of the OrSem volunteers last year?

o Dizon: They were given to the volunteers to keep, just like the freshmen.

Alejo: Are you fine with the removal of stickers?o (majority): yes

Andujare: Regarding the utensils, if we buy a whole bunch of utensils, then we have to buy new ones for all the losses for the following year. Also, with regard to the storage of these utensils, it’s unlikely that they will still be okay for use one year later. What if we rent the utensils, and just pay for the loss?

o Co: The issue of the utensils is the fact that the caterers had problems. And they were fighting over the utensils on who owns what.

Motion to extend for 3 minutes was made by Alvin Yllana, and was seconded by Barce Barcelon. There were no objections from the Board.

Alejo: Those are the concerns, Jenica will bring this up and tell us next week. I’ll subtract the budget of stickers, and utensils.

Yu: How much would you need for the utensils? Maybe it’s best if you can assume how many freshmen will not be able to bring their own utensils?

o Dizon: We will disseminate as much as possible to the freshmen to bring their own utensils. Would you rather rent the utensils? We can rent, so if ever 1000. And ask the volunteers to bring their own baunan.

o Yllana: I’m still weighing out service and students. Are we just cutting costs or should we repay them by giving them baunans, as service to the volunteers?

Motion to extend for 3 minutes was made by Joben Odulio, and was seconded by Tin Andujare. There were no objections from the Board.

Elicaño: As much as we want to give all the services in the world to the people, we can’t due to budget. It’s a good reward, but we can’t.

Andujare: Regarding to the utensils, as much as possible, we should just rent the utensils. If we buy them, we will have a problem storing them. As for the volunteers, we should provide baunans because they volunteered, it could serve an incentive.

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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o Dizon: who is going to pay the fees for the renting of utensils? Are you guys willing to pay the cost?

o Alejo: Yes, we are.

5) Budget Hearing – OP & OSG (30 mins)Time start: 18:51

A. Office of the President c/o Betty Caronongan Venue: Ateneo Date: May 12-13, 2012 Caronongan: We are asking for a total of P28, 560 because we

don’t know where to get our funds and this activity is for you guys and your constituents. We are asking for budget for lunch, snacks, and dinner because it will end on 9:30pm on day 1. When we asked Gio how many people will be able to come, 42 people responded. So, we are only asking for a budget that will cater to 42 people. For the next day, we are asking for budget for breakfast and lunch. Part of the budget is also for lodging in the ISO. Everything follows the cap cost. Aside from this, our supplier is Aling Celia for all the food.

Yllana: What snacks are going to be served? Because I feel we don’t need snacks. And, Sanggu still has to pay for it.

o Alejo: it’s your decision but it’s pancit. Dela Cruz: You said we only had 1 snack, but there are 2 written in

the Budget Proposal.o Caronongan: The reason why you have a snack on day 2 is

because you guys won’t have dinner anymore, so we opted to have snacks.

Dela Cruz: Do we ask Aling Celia for paper plates? Sayang sa containers, sayang sa environment.

o Alejo: We can ask for glass plates instead.o De Villa: In COA, what we do is bring our own Baunans and

tumblers. We can do that too. de Jesus: Can we not have snacks? That’s an additional P1680 cost.

Let’s just remove it.o Lucero: pros, if we pay for snacks ourselves, we can cut

costs. Elicaño: I agree. Alejo: Shall we remove the snacks?

Majority agree Tuason: Can dormers opt to stay in their dorms?

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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o Alejo: Yes. We reserved 3 rooms, where 10 people can fit and we’re maximizing those rooms.

Motion to approve the Office of the President’s P25,200 Budget along with the changes was made by Ryan Yu, and was seconded by AJ Elicaño. There were no objections from the Board.

The motion was voted on by a show of hands and passed unanimously.

B. Office of the Secretary-General c/o Cate Sison These are the immediate needs of the Central Board. Ring binders – for Sanggunian 2012-2013: all files of the CB will be

compiled here for easy transitioning next year. Expandable long folders – It’s more practical and efficient

compared to the normal, flat folders Photocopying expenses – I’m assuming we will need 8 sheets per

meeting * 20 people * 4 CB meeting days during the summer * 0.70php, which is the cost of photocopying

Sticker paper – for naming folders, and all properties of Sanggu Cardboard – for the division of the ring binders Overtime pay for last CB meeting since we were in the Soc. Sci

Conference room, so that’s 200php * 3 hours, so 600php Reimbursement for the long clear envelopes for CB use. Alejo: Any questions for Cate?

o Agatep: Do you have a label gun? Sison: I can borrow my dad’s.

Motion to approve the Office of the Secretary-General’s P1,387.30 budget was made by Ryan Yu, and was seconded by Ian Agatep. There were no objections from the Board.

6) CB CIP and Parliamentary Procedures (30 mins) c/o Cate SisonTime start: 19:11

Section 6: Regarding Leave of Absenceo Elicaño: Isn’t this the CB CIP? So why does it say ‘the

members of Sanggu?’ Sison: I really do not know. I phrased this after last

year’s CIP. I’m guessing that it’s because the CB is the legislative body so we can mandate these things?

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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Yu: Does anyone know the logic behind this? Elicaño: Having it in CB CIP means we are entitled to

not work during summer time. Lucero: We need to consider if the admin imposed

rules that the Sanggu moratorium follows are. You might want to check it.

Alejo: It is patterned after the senate and congress within a real government wherein they have a mandated moratorium.

Elicaño: The rationale is that because the semester is over, you’re giving the rest time.

Potenciano: I guess we can agree as a whole CB, remove the “mandated LOA”.

Sison: Maybe the Sanggu before us did this because we’re not officially students from the break.

Yu: But that doesn’t mean that we have to stop working. It doesn’t make sense that it’s illegal to work.

Dela Cruz: and if we follow the 1st,and 2nd sentence, it doesn’t make sense either

Potenciano: Enrolled or not, you are still an officer. The other reason why I want to remove the “mandatory” part is so that everyone can help during the OrSem planning of the school board.

Motion to approve Section 7 read as “Each officer may take a maximum of 14 days of leave during their semestral break and the break between the summer semester and the first semester” was made by Ryan Yu, and was seconded by Nicole dela Cruz. There were no objections from the Board.

Section 19: Provisions on Emergency CB Meetingso Yllana: isn’t it weird to force people to go during emergency

CB meetings? Alejo: valid point.

o Barcelon: So if I don’t go to the emergency meeting, and it’s an unexcused absence, what is the punishment?

Alejo: It’s a cut. Yllana: That’s why I’m contending it is because

it is an emergency.

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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o Lucero: The problem I see here is not a matter of going, but of priority. Are we for the individual CB members, or for the institution? The CB CIP serves the Sanggunian and not the CB Rep. How much, though, are we willing to give?

o Lucero: Are there cases wherein the quota was not reached during an emergency meeting?

Alejo: Yes, like Concon. o Yu: Right now, the most flexible thing to do is to require it

because people would not go. It should be a duty. I’m saying it with the confidence that if we can’t go, then we really can’t.

Motion to divide the house on whether emergency meetings should be mandatory or not was made by AJ Elicaño, and was seconded by Arse Armas.

Votes needed to pass: 50%+1 (definition of simple majority as stated in the 2005 Constitution)NOT REQUIRED - 8 REQUIRED – 7Ian AgatepGigi de VillaKat TuasonJoben OdulioRyan YuBarce BarcelonAJ ElicañoIC San Pedro

Billie Dumaliang*Cate SisonAlvin YllanaNicole dela CruzFelix Mintu*Louis de JesusPolo Martinez*

*Proxied by Tin Andujare, Nick Lucero, and Louis de Jesus, respectively.

The paragraph is retained.

De Jesus: Can we go back to Section 12? What is the rationale of not giving an OIC CB Representative a vote?

o Yu: No mandate to do so. De Jesus: But are they not elected representatives? They’re elected

block or course reps.o Yu: They were elected by their specific constituencies, namely

their block or course, which is only a fraction of the whole constituency of a CB rep.

De Jesus: So we’re going to strip a certain constituency of a vote?o Yllana: When they vote you for a block rep, they only vote you

have is for a block rep, not a CB.

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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o Lucero: “power is non-transferrable.” Block reps were elected as block reps not as a CB rep

De Jesus: are they still allowed to participate in committees?o (majority: Yes

Elicaño: COA has appointments in their CB, do they get a vote?o De Villa: The appointed CB members can vote, but before they

are appointed, they usually have to go through a rigorous appointment process to evaluate the person’s plans and competency to be a part of the CB.

Motion to extend for 10 minutes was made by IC San Pedro, and was seconded by Ryan Yu. There were no objections from the Board.

San Pedro: For me, the OIC CB Reps should have a vote at least until the freshmen elections

o Lucero: The fact is, it is the fault of the constituencies because they didn’t vote and they didn’t reach quota.

San Pedro: As elected reps, we are given the power to make decisions for the constituents. Those constituents also need a voice.

o Lucero: As far as voices go, the fact that they didn’t vote is already their choice not to participate. We don’t have the power to make that decision because we don’t go through normal processes. The COMELEC and SJC give the voting powers, and unless recognized by them, then the votes are not valid.

o Yu: Technically, you can say anything you want. I think being a voice shouldn’t be a problem because you can do anything. My issue is, if we’re going to allow giving votes to the appointed CB reps, we’re encouraging the student’s not to vote. But I get Nick and Gigi’s point. We can retain that but maybe we should make a process that these OIC CB reps can go through so that everyone has a vote.

o Dela Cruz: We [CB] represent our own constituencies. Who am I to say that another constituency can have a vote?

De Jesus: Final clarification, what if example there is some freak accident and there are only 3 CB reps left. What happens then? Or what if there are no elected officers?

o Sison: There is no Sanggu CB.o Alejo: These are things we are trying to fix in the new


Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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Motion to divide the house on whether to remove or retain the phrase in Section 12 “save for their inability to vote” was made by Louis de Jesus, and was seconded by Arse Armas.

REMOVE - 5 RETAIN – 10Gigi de VillaKat TuasonIC San PedroLouis de JesusPolo Martinez*

Ian AgatepBillie Dumaliang**Cate SisonAlvin YllanaJoben OdulioRyan YuNicole dela CruzBarce BarcelonAJ ElicañoFelix Mintu**

*Proxied by Louis de Jesus**Proxied by Tin Andujare, and Nick Lucero, respectively.

Section 12 is retained.

Section 25: Regarding absences of proxies, excused and unexcused.o Barcelon: If I’m late or absent, does the board deliberate if I’m

excused? Sison: The President and Secretary-General deliberates if

you’re excused.

Motion to extend for 10 minutes was made by Ian Agatep, and was seconded by Tin Andujare. There were no objections from the Board.

Andujare: Why should the Central Board decide if they should approve [the proxies’] reason for absence? Shouldn’t that be the duty of the President and Secretary General? What if we put that in the agenda of the CB, what would that do with the flow?

Ryan: If, for example, the proxy falls asleep and he/she presents to the board that he/she fell asleep, and the board finds this unacceptable, does the officer get penalized?

o Alejo: The lateness of the proxy will be reflected in the officer’s attendance.

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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Motion to amend Section 25 to make the validity of a proxy’s reason for tardiness or absence to be decided on by the Secretary-General and the President was made by Barce Barcelon, and was seconded by Tin Andujare.

YES - 14 NO – 1Ian AgatepBillie Dumaliang*Cate SisonGigi de VillaKat TuasonAlvin YllanaJoben OdulioRyan YuNicole dela CruzBarce BarcelonAJ ElicañoIC San PedroLouis de JesusPolo Martinez*

Felix Mintu**

*Proxied by Tin Andujare, and Louis de Jesus, respectively.**Proxied by Nick Lucero

Motion is approved.

Motion to extend for 5 minutes was made by Gigi de Villa, and was seconded by Nicole dela Cruz. There were no objections from the board.

De Villa: Can we discuss first about the committees? For CEA, based on the description in the CIP, there is a question from the CB [of COA]. First, question of redundancy. Quoting from the CIP: “This standing committee will handle all initiatives… include but not limited to … student activities, athletics, community life at dormitories, unaccredited organizations… and student rights issues related to extracurricular activities.” COA is already taking the initiative of helping organizations; Community life at the dormitories, ARSA does this already; Next, the scholar’s council and Gabay—You don’t need to be part of Gabay to avail of their services. Gabay’s sector is the scholars’ community. What are the needs that Gabay can’t provide? Is having this committee the right response? [Regarding DECA:] Based on the 2nd page of the resolution, it will engage in non-policy-related concerns and services for independent student organizations but

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]

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LiOns is already a services-giving body for the unaccredited organizations. I think that this is just an added layer of bureaucracy. should it be CEA or LiOns who will give the service? Second, a question of capacity. From the minutes last year, it was mentioned that it will serve as a “gateway to different needs, e.g. accreditation, crafting of the constitution.” This year, LiOns will be having a stronger tie-up with Ateneo CODE. Last week, I had a meeting with a SAMAHAN officer to link them up to other organizations. Given these, is Sanggu the best body to provide these services?

o Elicaño: Part of the rationale was precisely so that we could not be doing that anymore. [Push for a CEA that’s more policy-based rather than having both executive and legislative functions]

Motion to extend for 5 minutes was made by IC San Pedro, and was seconded by Alvin Yllana. There were no objections from the board.

o Alejo: The difference is that the department [DECA] was created toward the end of last year and is for the executive functions of CEA. The committee, CEA, has been here ever since. It’s really the arm of Sanggunian that is tasked to communicate and coordinate with COA, in terms of the issues that are raised. The existence of the committee is not in question.

De Villa: The CEA description is too broad. It states that CEA will handle “all policy initiatives”

o Lucero: COA is not part of this CIP. It isn’t the right of Sanggu to override your power. We understand that it has a redundancy.

o De Villa: I’m okay with CEA as long as we edit the description.o Agatep: The word “all” throws us off. But basically CEA is there

to mainly handle concerns [regarding those issues.] Potenciano: Can CEA give an example of the policy initiatives that

they handle? How about the issue on community and life at the dorms?

o Lucero: The Sannggu committee will handle the responsibilities with the respective sectors. We handled concerns such as the guard issue. We coordinated with ARSA regarding that.

Elicaño: PMS Reviews and registration issue of athletes. Potenciano: The issue I see here is, we are saying that we are strictly

a coordinating body?

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Motion to extend for 5 minutes was made by IC San Pedro, and was seconded by Ryan Yu. There were no objections from the board.

Nick: No, it doesn’t coordinate exclusively. The CB is accessible to them. So their [COA] policy initiative is not CEA, but to their respective orgs.

Elicaño: One thing we also have to take into consideration is that these committee descriptions were formed 3 years ago during the Rob Roque administration. So this was written at a time when CEA was catering to the unaccredited organizations.

o Potenciano: Is that [the description] still relevant then? If we continue to have these committee descriptions, I’m afraid that this might be an unnecessarily layer.

o De Villa: I think this is something that we can work on throughout the year. Maybe we can have a levelling off session between the CEA and COA CB.

Alejo: Which I think that [the current] description will allow us to have that relationship.

o Potenciano: The said description is okay for now.

Motion to amend section 44 regarding the Committee on Extra-Curricular Affairs description from “handle all policy initiatives regarding” to “handle policy initiatives in coordination with respective sectors” was made by Ian Agatep, and was seconded by Ryan Yu. There were no objections from the board.

Motion to extend for 5 minutes was made by Ian Agatep, and was seconded by Nicole dela Cruz. There were no objections from the board.

Section 60: Written and Oral Reports to the Boardo Dela Cruz: Who should recommend an oral report because it’s

not stated there. Alejo: Committee Representative

Motion to amend section 60 and add the phrase “and if recommended by the Committee representative” was made by Nicole dela Cruz, and was seconded by Barce Barcelon. There were no objections from the board.

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Motion to approve the Central Board Code of Internal Procedures 2012-2013 was made by Ryan Yu, and was seconded by Nicole dela Cruz. There were no objections from the board.

The motion was voted on by a show of hands and passed unanimously.

7) InTACT (15 mins) c/o Barce BarcelonTime start: 20:20

May 2 – IntACT will be holding their program planning. Sir JC Capuno invited Sanggu to join in the crafting so that we have a say.

Last year, the connection between Sanggu and InTACT was lost and when Sanggu approached InTACT in the middle of the year, they couldn’t do anything anymore because the module was already fixed. Now, they’re inviting us to be their partners. Joben and I [Barce] want to ask the board on how they would like Sanggu to be involved. We would lke to get recommendations.

Yu: Last year, Fr. Jett approached us. He was supposed to give a talk on his vision of the first term, and Sanggu was supposed to present to the freshmen the Magna Carta, and ASCC.

Barcelon: We could go into getting more students involved, tie up with COA to promote getting involved.

o Alejo: This is very much inclined with our thrust. Dela Cruz: When I consulted, it would be nice if we had 1 activity hour

so that the freshmen can get together by schools. The most important thing is, presenting Sanggu will get people interested to run for office. Freshmen are usually unaware and uninformed of elections and filing for candidacy until people are already running.

o Barcelon: Didn’t we do this last OrSem?o Alejo: We did, but all we just talked about was the basic

structure.o Potenciano: I like the idea. It’s a nice suggestion if we have the

activity hour by schools. Dela Cruz: That’s what I envisioned, school specific. Yu: I’m all for the idea but it is a logistical nightmare.

Dela Cruz: We should do this before RecWeek, so that students don’t have orgs yet.

o Barcelon: Students complain that events of InTACT go beyond school hours. So we could integrate it through the intact sessions?

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Sison: When I was a freshman, they talked to us in 4-6 blocks per session in Escaler Hall.

o Dela Cruz: If we do that, it would also be hard for us. It’s hard to introduce the whole Sanggu within an hour.

o Agatep: Brief backgrounder. Logistically, it’s a concern, but they can do enough within an hour. The major concern, though, is to focus on the content, what we say shouldn’t be redundant with what we will say in OrSem.

Yu: Nicole’s concern is that students don’t listen. It is the task of the student facilitator to introduce who is this “Sanggu” that’s telling us these messages. The best idea is to be there and present Sanggu ourselves.

o Dela Cruz: My constituent suggested that if you bring more people, they feel more of a part of Sanggu.

De Villa: It’s very simple if I was a freshman, “Why is there a Sanggu”? It’s been a problem in the past that students don’t know understand the relevance of Sanggu. Let’s start with the fresh breed of students. After the session, I might not remember all of the departments of Sanggu but what I will remember is that if I need help, I can always go to Sanggu. How do we also want to introduce Sanggu? For COA this year, we try to show that it isn’t just a council but it’s also a community. Maybe we can do that for Sanggu as well.

o Barcelon: In High School, [Our] Sanggu would go to a class and talk about it. I don’t know how effective it was. We can have a module crafted by Sanggu, Loyola Schools Edition and include in there the message we want to give to the freshmen.

Barcelon: Any other suggestions?o Alejo: We should grab this opportunity since it was Sir JC who

approached us. De Jesus: Can we include a session where we can have socio-political

awareness? Yu: Tie up with ASCC as well since they need help with promotions. Dela Cruz: Can we get their [IntACT] input if it’s better if it could be a

big/small event?o Barcelon: We’ll report it.

8) Tricycle Rates (20 minutes)Time start: 20:36

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Alejo: There have been many complaints about the tricycle rates. There have been a lot of cases where the rates are not being followed.

o Elicaño: We should create FAQ’s on what exceptions exist or don’t exist.

o Dela Cruz: We should also invest in signs. We may be stingy in budget, but it’s our duty. We will post them along Gonzaga and tricycle terminals.

o Alvin: Even though it’s rush hour, the tricycle rates are still 22php. We should promote a campaign. We should encourage people to take tricycles together.

Alejo: We’ll get the main responsibility. Since many people commute, people should be aware.

o Mamaril: From experience, trike matrixes are hidden. They should be properly posted. Also, some trike drivers will purposely not wear shoes so that they won’t be able take students inside the Ateneo. They even charge students P30 when it’s raining. Ayaw ko na makipag-away kay kuya sa 3 pesos na yun, kasi nakakawala ng beauty. Tricycle drivers tend to think that we’re kuripot/thrifty. Can we talk to the TODA and tell them that tricycle drivers should change this attitude?

Sison: We should make efforts on how to empower the students. Many students complain that they don’t want to fight with the drivers because it’s too much of a hassle, it’s stressful, and they pity the drivers. They’re not really empowered to pay 22php.

Dela Cruz: What are we going to do about this? Are these rates applicable during the summer?

o Alvin: Yes, it is also applicable during the summer. Also, for Cam [Mamaril] they have the right to reject us; we cannot force them to take us to Ateneo.

Alejo: what should we do?o Sison: One, we should make sure that every driver has the

tricycle rate and a trike regulation unit which is like their proper identification because some only have their ID pictures and we can’t complain if we don’t know the trike drivers’ name.

De Villa: In case I want to report someone, who do I text?o Yllana: CB rep, then they will forward complaints to us

De Villa: There should be only one number people will text and report drivers to. Then drivers should have an appropriate penalty.

Alejo: There should also be feedback

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De Villa: So that students will be encouraged to text and report any complaints.

Yu: We should make giant online signs that say how much we should pay, and post the document on where to report problems.

Andujare: We should remind people who ride the trike. When we empower students to pay the correct amount, we should also include the habit of looking at the trike’s plate number. Tarps should be by the terminal and online.

o IC: What do we say, so that students are encouraged to share trikes?

o Yllana: If students shared trikes, the cost is less. Also, we should encourage them on taking the number of the trikes not only for the complaints but also in case of lost items.

Dela Cruz: Is there anything that we can say now to our constituents to start?

o Alejo: I want us to make a resolution, highlighting the tricycle rates. And we can use these as promos.

Dela Cruz: Our resolution takes a week, so they will continue paying P25 for one week?

Alejo: You’re saying to do something now.o Nicole: A simple message, as a reminder

from Sanggu.o Yu: So that it’s simple and fast, we can make an Online FAQ.

We should have a soft copy. Alejo: Let’s post that.

o Dela Cruz: And we just have to remind them that it also applies during the summer.

Alejo: Can you make a template so that everyone is saying the same thing?

Alejo reiterates the action plan and suggestions. Alejo: Since we are lacking time, we can opt to continue discussing

the next two topics, or opt to change the agenda.

Motion to divide the house on whether to discuss Corona Impeachment or the SM Blue Residences and SM Baguio issue was made by AJ Elicaño, and was seconded by Ryan Yu. There were no objections from the Board.

CORONA IMPEACHMENT - SM BLUE and SM BAGUIO - Joben OdulioNicole dela Cruz

Ian AgatepBillie Dumaliang**

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IC San PedroLouis de JesusPolo Martinez*

Cate SisonGigi de VillaKat TuasonAlvin YllanaRyan YuBarce BarcelonAJ ElicañoFelix Mintu**

*Proxied by Louis de Jesus**Proxied by Tin Andujare and Nick Lucero, respectively.

9) SM Blue Residences and SM Baguio (20 mins) c/o Gio AlejoTime start: 20:48

Alejo: We’re suing the councilors because of the exception they granted to the SM Blue Residences after suspending the parliamentary procedures. The response or counter of the councilors is that they approved to suspending it because they lacked time. In terms of due consultation, they were arguing the consultation we were asking for can only be applicable if there is a change in the zoning restrictions but this is not a change in the zoning ordinance but only an exception. The ombudsman will determine if the case is still worthy/not to be approved.

Dela Cruz: When we said that they did not follow due process, what is due process?

o Alejo: Public consultation and building permits. De Jesus: Shouldn’t there be a third party rule?

o Alejo: There was an ‘external’ corporation that did the consultation, but the thing is, they were sort of another branch of SM.

IC: To whom are we asking for consultation? SM or government? Both?

o Alejo: both Yu: Even if they suspended the necessary rules, does that mean that

they can’t break former rules? They aren’t a special case?o Alejo: Even if a building has only 15 floors, there is still an

exeption, that’s what their argument is. Alejo: With the issue of SM Baguio, their main argument is that the

land was their private property. o Yllana: The mayor said that the land wasn’t the private property

of SM.

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o Dela Cruz: If it was a government-owned land, they would have issued a building property. What could we do with this, since there is a case that’s going on?

o Alejo: Wait for the decision, and then we will raise an issue, make a stand.

Yllana: Do they have evidence, signatures of people they’ve talked about?

Alejo: I leave this up to us.

Motion to extend for 10 minutes was made by Nicole dela Cruz, and was seconded by Barce Barcelon. There were no objections from the Board.

Elicaño: On long-term point, a lot of these issues come up when there is no time for us to do anything. There has to be a way that we can look at this sooner so that we can be able to respond.

o Alejo: We need a kind of framework on social issues.o Yllana: It’s a good idea but it’s difficult.

Alejo: It’s not to pre-empt things that will happen, but to act quickly if ever anything happens.

Dela Cruz: If we’re going to craft the statement, I suggest that since we went to the bottom-line thing, one way to prevent situations like this is to tell the government not to sell their lands.

o Alejo: We now have to become more watchful on how the city government would act. Have a formal framework to make solutions for situations like this

o Elicaño: We can look at the framework of task forces of last year.

o Alejo: Not only look at the externals, but also the Internals. Also, look at these things yourselves, and raise it up to the CB.

De Villa: We should be more proactive, there are too many issues. Maybe we can make a campaign for good governance.

o Agatep: This will come in on how we can really help on the task forces. What issues to handle.

o Alejo: Make a stand that is crafted by our constituents.

Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Louis de Jesus, and was seconded by Tin Andujare. There were no objections from the Board.

Prepared By:

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Beatrice Victoria M. SisonOSG SecretariatSanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila

Noted By:

Catherine Therese M. SisonSecretary – GeneralSanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manila

Office of the Secretary-GeneralRoom 200 MVP Student Leadership Center, Ateneo de

Manila University0917 – 8172283 | [email protected]