SAP Business Process FI

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  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Business Process FI

    Organization structure

    Crompton Greaves Limited (CGL)

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    The Organization Structure of CGL to e mapped in S!Pas e"o#$

    Opearting Concen $ CGL

    Contro""ing area $ CGL

    Compan% $ CGL

    Compan% Code $ CGL

    Credit Contro" !rea $ CGL

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Business !rea $

    &ach 'anafacturing division and mareting ranches are to edefined as separate usiness area

    Current"% the #ho"e usiness of CGL is running on five differentservers

    !"" 'anafacturing *ivisions and mareting ranches asindependent company Codes

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    /endor 'aster *ata

    Vendor Account Group /endor 'aster for Loca" /endor import vendor

    onetime /endor I*T /endor and SSI /endorsemp"o%ees /endor

    No range

    &0terna" ,o range #i"" e continued1

    Reconciliation Accounts

    Separate reconci"ation !ccounts #i"" e maintained forthe fo""o#ing$

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Sundr% Creditors (*omestic ) !2C$ Loca"vendors Service vendors one time /endors

    Sundr% Creditors(Foreign)!2c $ Import vendors

    Sundr% Creditors (SSI ) !2C $ SSI /endors

    Sundr% Creditors (&mp"o%ess !2c)$ &mp"o%ess

    Sundr% Creditors (I*T) !2C $ I*T /endors

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Vendor Master Creation

    For the purchasing vendor co""ection of purchase re"ateddata of the ne# vendor #i"" e the responsii"it% of thepurchasing department #ho #i"" for#ard that in the pre3defined temp"ate to the Finance1 The Financedepartment #i"" create such vendor master using

    transaction code 4567891 ,on3purchasing vendors (nothaving an% purchasing data) #i"" e created direct"% %the Finance using the transaction code 4F67891

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Chart of !ccounts $ Si03digit GL codes #i"" emaintained1 The chart of accounts #i"" accommodate a""the items necessar% for FI and CO1 The fina" "ist #i"" ecircu"ated in due time to the "ocations

    Financial Statement Version$ T#o separate financia"statement versions #i"" e designed in S!P as perprescried format of Schedule VI and US GAA1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Genera" *ata !s a corporate Po"ic% On"% ans #i"" e

    accepted as a"ternate pa%ee for vendors

    Purchasing *ata Separate Purchasing Organization for

    purchasing and Su contracting

    I, Compan% Code *ata 4service vendor for!ccount group this fie"d shou"d e mentionedas mandator%

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    /endor Invoice

    Incoming invoice for services "ie Ta0ifreight courier annua" 'aintaince Contracts te"ephonei""s .ater e"ectricit% "ega" dues #i"" e

    ooed direct"% in FI Service ta0 needs to e posted manua""% inseparate Genera" Ledger Code 1*etai"ed in there"event BBP

    'ention !ppropriate 4Pa%ment Terms costcenter usiness !rea Te0t information descrienature of pa%ment etc1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    For Sa"es Ta0 to e automatica""%ca"cu"ated % the s%stem appropriate"% '' route is recommended in "ieu of FI

    *irect invoice1

    In case of direct FI invoice posting for

    services service ta0 ca"cu"ation andposting #i"" e done manua""% #ithseparate GL Line item1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Credit 'emo (*eit note to vendor)

    Faci"it% is given to print this document

    ca""ed ad:ustment deit note to Finance


    Standard format #i"" e designed for

    printing of such deit notes

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Logistic invoice verification

    81 !fter CCI (Goods -eceipt *ocument) is prepared %*+- Section it #i"" e sent to the Finance department1The finance person #i"" oo the "iai"it% to vendoraccount thru the ne# transaction for Logistics Invoice/erification ('I-O)1 Invoice verification for goods2supp"ies2 services2 assets2 etc #i"" e done thru thistransaction1

    ;1 The same #i"" a"so e used to post credit memo(

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  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    ? Sa"es ta0 code = #i"" e copied from there"evant purchase Order1 The sa"es ta0set3off amount #i"" e automatica""%

    posted ased on the ta0 code1

    @ In case of Logistics Invoice verification

    the pa%ment term defau"ted from the PO#i"" not e a""o#ed to e changed %defining 4transaction variant91

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Transaction Code is F3A1 The document t%pe for this transaction #i"" e

    *AD and the specia" GL indicator DFD1

    Input For "ining *P re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    For do#n pa%ments re"ating to other

    services (not eing routed thru '' route)

    the respective department or the Finance

    #i"" create *P -e

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    !o"n ayment

    !o"n payments "ill +e made on the +asis of !re#uests, Finance department "ill see the list of !Re#uests every day in the system and decide on

    their payments, -he do"n payment re#uests can +edisplayed through the report on vendor line items

    -ransaction Code is S.A/R.01234325 6 /ist ofVendor /ine Items


    Apart from other selection parameters% need toindicate against (Noted Items)

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    !utomatic Pa%ment

    Transaction Code for manua" posting is F887

    For automatic pa%ment the document t%pe #i"" e 9D(assigned % the s%stem ased on configuration)1

    The programmed processes the do#n pa%mentre

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    *o#n pa%ment re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    C"earing of *o#n pa%ments$

    Post .ith C"earing = Posting Fina" Pa%ment

    (a"ance amount) % c"earing Open Invoice +

    Open *o#n Pa%ments Situation = sa% one *P #as made of -s 8771

    Then Invoice received of -s ;771 ,o# the

    invoice is eing paid (a"ance -s 877) a"ong

    #ith c"earing the *P1 This is possi"e in oth =

    4manua" pa%ment9 and 4automatic pa%ment9

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    Transaction Code is F3?>

    Input For open item se"ection se"ect oth =

    standard open items as #e"" as Sp" GL


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    !utomatic Pa%ment$

    Transaction Code is F887

    The automatic pa%ment program c"earsthe do#n pa%ment and pa%s open items

    du"% reduced % the do#n pa%ment1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Specification in the configuration of 4!utomatic

    Pa%ment Programme9 3

    If the automatic pa%ment program is to c"ear the

    do#n pa%ments the specia" G2L indicators muste specified in the compan% code specifications

    for the pa%ment program1 If this is done the

    s%stem automatica""% sets a pa%ment "oc

    #hen a do#n pa%ment is posted1 This "ocindicator prevents the do#n pa%ments from

    eing c"eared straight a#a%

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    B% cance"ing the "oc indicator #ith the

    document change function the do#n pa%ment

    can e re"eased for c"earing1 ! due date for the

    do#n pa%ment can a"so e enteredE thisspecifies from #hich date the pa%ment program

    can then c"ear the do#n pa%ment1 The pa%ment

    program c"ears % sutracting the do#n

    pa%ment amount from the corresponding invoiceamounts and pa%s the difference1 The program

    c"ears the do#n pa%ment automatica""%1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Account Clearing < Clearing $pen Invoices = $pen !o"n ayments"ith the vendor

    Situation> !o"n ayment made of Rs 322, -hen% Invoice received ofRs 322, No"% +oth should +e cleared against each other

    -his can +e carried out +oth manually and through automatic clearing


    Manual Clearing Transaction code is F3AA Se"ect the vendor a2c Se"ect oth 4norma" open items9 and 4Sp" GL indicator 3 !9

    S%stem sho#s the "ist of a"" 4norma" open items9 and 4*o#n Pa%ments = not%et c"eared9 Se"ect appropriate items and post1

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  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    It is then important to c"ear this transferred

    amount #hen the invoice is paid either

    manua""% or automatica""%1 o#ever un"ie

    c"earing severa" postings are re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Bi"" of &0change 3 Pa%a"es

    urchase $rder

    PO #i"" e created fo""o#ing the norma" process% the 'ateria"s department1

    /etter $f Credit

    !dditiona""% Letter of Credit #i"" e opened andgiven to the vendor1 The LC register

    maintenance tracing of LC amount etc1 needto e continued as eing done present"%(manua""%)1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Goods Receipt

    G- #i"" e posted fo""o#ing the norma" process1

    Vendor Invoice

    On receipt of invoices from the vendor the postingneeds to e carried out in the norma" #a%1 Invoice cane coming from '' thru Logistics Invoice /erification('I-O) or can e direct"% ooed in FI (F3A>2 FB@7)1

    &0pense !2c or G-2I- C"g1 !2c *r1 A7 /endor (Sundr% Creditors) !2c >8

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Acceptance of $B aya+le On issue of BO& to the vendor the

    posting #i"" e carried for 4BO& Pa%ment9

    (F3A7)1 This c"ears the pa%a"e to thevendor1

    /endor (Sundr% Creditors) !2c ;?

    /endor (BO& 3 Pa%a"e) !2c >.

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Three separate specia" GL indicators #i"" e

    defined for the fo""o#ing$

    BO& against LC

    BO& against Corporate Bi"" *iscounting Scheme BO&

    !gainst each of the aove t#o separate Specia"

    GL accounts #i"" e maintained = one for SSIand another for norma" vendors1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    ayment Against $B aya+le On receiving an advice for pa%ment against

    the BO& Pa%a"e outgoing pa%ment #i"" eposted1 .hen !utomatic pa%ment program or a

    manua" pa%ment (F3?>) is e0ecuted processingthe BO& pa%a"e the s%stem deits (c"ears) theBO& Sp" GL "iai"it% in the vendor account andcredits the an account1

    /endor (BO& 3 Pa%a"e) !2c ;. Ban !2c ?7

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    'anua" Outgoing Pa%ment

    $utgoing ayments 6 Manual

    To effect the outgoing pa%ment use the Transaction CodeF3?>1 Pa%ments #i"" e made strict"% as per 4pa%mentterms9 agreed #ith the vendor1 ,orma""% pa%ment termsare predetermined at /endor master creation stage1

    o#ever faci"it% #i"" e given to change this at the time ofcreation of Purchase Order1

    !t the time of 4Logistics invoice verification9 ('I-O) s%stemcopies pa%ment term from purchase order in open "ineitems of vendor1 o#ever in the standard s%stem it ispossi"e to change this1 If re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    In case of vendor invoices ooed

    direct"% in FI the pa%ment term is

    defau"ted from the vendor master and

    can e changed if re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Che#ue rinting

    In CGL che

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Individua""% = Suse

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    rint Form

    Printing format needs to e standardized

    and used % a"" the "ocations1

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    !utomatic Outgoing Pa%ment

    !utomatic pa%ment faci"it% #i"" e used in


    Standard procedure #i"" e fo""o#ed

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    Ban 'asters + Ban


    Initial Accounting For an;ing -ransactions>

    Baning transactions #i"" e done through

    reconci"iation accounts1 !"" che

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Su+se#uent osting to house +an;accounts>

    !fter receiving the an statements from the

    an either dai"% or other#ise the entries #i"" eshifted from reconci"iation accounts to the housean GL account1 !"" pa%ments and receiptsactua""% deited and credited % the an are toe shifted from reconci"iation accounts to housean GL account1 So a"" the amounts remainingpending in the reconci"iation accounts areconsidered as un3reconci"ed entries1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    'anua" Ban Statement (FF@)$ This functiona"it% #i"" eused to manua""% enter an account statementsreceived from the an1 Statement entr% is usua""% a t#o3step process 3 first %ou enter the account "ine items in

    the s%stem and in the second step is to post the "ineitems %ou have entered1 The account assignment variantcan e changed at an% time during processing1 Nou cana"so enter more than one va"ue in an accountassignment fie"d1 The s%stem high"ights account

    assignment fie"ds for #hich %ou do this1 In the manua"an statement function %ou can create up to t#opostings for each "ine item1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    ! an account posting (for e0amp"e deit

    an account and credit an c"earing


    ! su "edger posting (for e0amp"e deit

    an c"earing account and credit customer

    account #ith c"earing)

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Posting #i"" e carried out % running atch inputsession1

    Blectronic an; Statement$ Fo""o#ing procedure needto e fo""o#ed for entering data contained in e"ectronicaccount statements1 Processing a"#a%s taes p"ace inthree stages1

    First each fi"e is transferred (in the re"evant accountstatement format) to the an data storage1

    The data that is used to derive the c"earing informationfrom unstructured information is then interpreted1 This

    c"earing information is stored in an data storage1 Batch input sessions are then created or the account

    statements are posted direct"%1

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    To ensure statements are posted proper"%certain re

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    &0terna" transactions #i"" e assigned to a

    posting ru"e so that the s%stem can post them1

    If during data import the program encounters

    an unno#n e0terna" usiness transactioncode it terminates after the entire account

    statement is imported and outputs a "ist of the

    missing entries1 The missing e0terna"

    transactions must then e entered1 Nou thenrestart the report1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Un6reconciled Bntries>

    *ai"%2 periodic ana"%sis of items pending in

    the fo""o#ing GL reconci"iation accounts is


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    !"" the pending entries #hich remains un3shifted from reconci"iation account tohouse an GL account and other direct

    entries avai"a"e in an statements utnot appearing in the reconci"iationaccounts are re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Interest Calculation>

    Since our house an account is a simi"ar

    an statement #ith va"ue dates the same

    can e used for ca"cu"ation of interestever% month ased on #hich provision

    can e ooed1 For detai" refer to FI;>1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Pett% Cash 'anagement

    Location #ise separate 4Pett% cash :ourna"9

    #i"" e created1

    Separate pett% cash GL accounts #i"" e

    created for each cash :ourna"1

    Separate document t%pe for each cash

    :ourna" #i"" e maintained a"ong #ith

    different numer ranges for each suchdocument t%pe1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Posting pett% cash transactions #i"" ecarried out thru transaction code FBC1 Inthe sing"e screen it #i"" e possi"e to

    enter disp"a% and change cashtransaction documents1 In the samescreen the s%stem automatica""%ca"cu"ates and disp"a%s the opening and

    c"osing a"ances and the receipts andpa%ments tota"s1 Fo""o#ing options areavai"a"e

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    &ntering saving and posting cash :ourna"entries$ It is possi"e to save cash :ourna" entries"oca""% in the cash :ourna"1 The s%stem a"soca"cu"ates the a"ances1 The cash :ourna" entries

    saved is then posted to the genera" "edger1 For acash :ourna" document %ou can carr% out COaccount assignments and have ta0es inc"uding#ithho"ding ta0es ca"cu"ated % the s%stem #ith

    reference to usiness transactions taingaccount of ta0 :urisdiction codes1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    !part from defining cash :ourna" usiness

    transactions in Customizing it is a"so if

    necessar% possi"e to define a ne# usiness

    transaction #hi"e maing entries in the cash:ourna"1

    *isp"a%ing fo""o#3on documents arising for the

    cash :ourna" entries posted1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Printing the cash :ourna" entries posted in the

    given time period1 ere se"ect the print form

    as defined in Customizing1

    *e"eting cash :ourna" entries saved if theuser has the appropriate authorization1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    *isp"a%ing a"" cash :ourna" documents that

    have een de"eted #ithin a specific time


    Changing the cash :ourna"

    *ai"% reconci"iation of Cash oo$ Through

    S!P it #i"" e possi"e on dai"% asis to

    ana"%ze Pett% Cash !ccount and reconci"e

    oo a"ance to ph%sica" a"ance

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Fi0ed !sset

    Asset Class In CGL the asset c"asses #i"" e created

    for each va"uation parameter (depreciation

    rate)1 Separate asset c"ass #i"" e created for

    Lo# /a"ue !ssets

    Separate asset c"asses #i"" e maintainedto represent assets under construction inui"dings p"ant and machiner% etc1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Separate asset c"asses #i"" e created forIntangi"e !ssets as #e""1

    /easehold assets < hen CG/ is the lesseeDthe assets "ould +e represented in the Asset

    Management only if it is a financial lease,Such leasehold assets "ill +e capitaliEed inthe +oo;s of CG/ follo"ing AS 3, In additionto the capitaliEation value% other parametersli;e the period of lease% interest rate%fre#uency of installment payment and thefirst date of installment payment "ill also +emaintained in the asset master record,

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    Based on this information the e

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Account !etermination

    In CGL separate account determinations #i"" e

    maintained for each t%pe of assets eeping in

    mind the schedu"e3/I format1 The gross "ocand accumu"ated depreciation #i"" e posted to

    different GL a2cs for each t%pe of assets1

    o#ever *epreciation &0pense !2c Loss2 Gain

    on Sa"e of !sset !2c #i"" e used as common fora"" the asset c"asses1

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    !epreciation Areas

    In CGL fo""o#ing depreciation areas #i""

    e created for different va"uation


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  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    The net oo va"ue in oth the

    depreciation areas #i"" a"#a%s e positive

    Both the depreciation areas #i"" support

    oth ordinar% and unp"anned depreciation1

    The ma0imum va"ue for "o# va"ue assets

    #ou"d e -s ?777 and the rounding

    princip"e for !PC #ou"d e commercia"rounding

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Both the depreciation areas #i"" e

    managed in I,-

    Both the depreciation areas #i"" use the

    same fisca" period i1e1 !pri" to 'arch1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Company)s Act !epreciation Area> In S!P separate depreciation area #i"" e created for

    Compan%9s act depreciation1 This depreciation area #i""have parameters as specified aove1 The compan%9sdepreciation area #i"" post to the genera" "edger on"ine1

    Separate depreciation e%s #i"" e defined for differentusefu" "ives for SL' method of depreciation and .*/method of depreciation1 These depreciation e%s arethen defau"ted in the asset c"asses for the compan%9s actdepreciation area1 *epreciation area for Compan%9s act

    #i"" e used to manage assets gross "oc anddepreciation va"ues as per the Indian compan%9s act1 Thefo""o#ing parameters #i"" e specified for thisdepreciation area in CGL$

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    depreciation area in CG/>


    T%peOrdinar% *epreciation;*epreciation'ethodSL' + .*/ 3 oth>*epreciation-ateStated percentagesACurrenc%I,-?Sa"vageva"ue conditions?Q (-e 8 for L/!s)@pdation ofGenera" LedgerOn"inePeriodicit% for Posting toGenera" Ledger'onth"%JConditions for ,et Boo/a"ue!"#a%s PositiveFisca" Near !pri" 3 'arch

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    87-ounding of *epreciation'aintain ; p"aces ofdecima"s88*epreciation for !c

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Income -a Act !epreciation Area> In S!P separate deprecation area #i"" e created for Income Ta0

    depreciation1 Income Ta0 depreciation is managed in a separatedepreciation area to tae care of ta0 reporting and otherca"cu"ations1 This depreciation (as per Income Ta0) shou"d econsidered for ca"cu"ation of deferred ta0 asset2"iai"it%1

    *epreciation area for Income Ta0 #i"" e used to manage assetsgross "oc and depreciation va"ues as per the re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    In addition the fo""o#ing configurations #ou"dhave to e done$

    Group assets #i"" e created for ever% IncomeTa0 "oc depreciation rate1 The income ta0

    depreciation area #i"" e deactivated in the otherasset c"asses1

    The fisca" %ear of the Income Ta0 depreciationarea #i"" have a same fisca" %ear variant = !pri"to 'arch1

    !epreciation ;eys "ill +e created for incometa depreciation6 !V "ith statedpercentage

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Separate screen "a%out ru"es #i"" e

    created for the income ta0 depreciation

    area1 This screen "a%out ru"e #i"" have the

    group asset fie"d mandator% Period contro"s #ou"d have to e set up

    for the income ta0 depreciation area

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    The fo""o#ing parameters are specified for the Income Ta0 depreciation areafor CGL

    S" ,oParameter-e

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Asset Ac#uisitions Bternal Ac#uisition

    Create F!!P and get the approva" from themanagement (Outside S!P)1 Create Interna" Order #ith

    F!!P numer1 -ecord the sanctioned udget amounttherein1

    Create Purchase Order #ith account assignment to thatInterna" Order1 ere use the dumm% materia" codecreated for the re"evant chapter I*1

    Post goods receipt ('IGO) in t#o3steps 87> and 87?1 !tthe time of 87? -G;>C Part I #i"" e updated #ith the

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    !sset Procurement &0pense !2c *r(Interna" Order)

    To G-2I- C"g !2c The C Part II1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Logistics Invoice /erification ('I-O)

    G-2I- C"g !2c *r1

    C&,/!T C"g1 !2c *r1

    To /endor !2c On capita"ization date create an asset under

    the appropriate asset c"ass and sett"e the

    interna" order (6OJJ) to 4!sset9 as fo""o#s

    !sset !2c *r1

    To !sset Procurement &0pense !2c

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  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


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    In6house !evelopment

    Create F!!P and get the approva" from the

    management (Outside S!P)1 Create Interna"

    Order #ith F!!P numer1 -ecord the sanctionedudget amount therein1

    For a"" the procurements Create Purchase Orders #ith account assignment to

    that Interna" Order1 ere use the dumm% materia"codes created for the re"evant chapter I*s1

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    Post goods receipt ('IGO) in t#o3steps 87> and87?1 !t the time of 87? -G;>C Part I #i"" eupdated #ith the

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    Capture &0cise Invoice (8I&5)

    C&,/!T -eceiva"e a2c *r1

    C&,/!T On o"d !2c *r1

    To C&,/!T C"g1 !2c It #i"" update the -G;>C Part II1

    Logistics Invoice /erification ('I-O)

    G-2I- C"g !2c *r1

    C&,/!T C"g1 !2c *r1

    To /endor !2c

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    &0penses #hich have een accumu"atedin the interna" order ut are not to ecapita"ized #i"" e charged off1

    At the period end% if the constructionprocess is still on% settle the internalorder &*$00' to (Asset UnderConstruction) as follo"s

    AuC AHc !r, -o Asset rocurement Bpense AHc

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  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Credit 'emo$ In CGL credit memos can e posted ifthere is an% correction on the purchase cost in thesupp"ier9s invoice or if there has een an% errors incapita"ization1 To that e0tent a portion of the asset ma%need to get de3capita"ized1


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    Post Capita"ization (In the Previous Fisca"Near)$ !s per CGL9s re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    The process f"o# #i"" e as e"o#$ Create F!*P and get the approva" from

    the management (Outside S!P)1 Create

    Interna" Order #ith F!*P numer1 -ecordthe e0pected rea"ization amount therein1

    ere use the dumm% materia" codecreated for the re"evant chapter I* ringthe

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Create a Sa"es Order #ith that materia" and mentionthat Interna" Order in the "ine item1

    -etirement Posting$ Create de"iver% against the sa"esorder1 It #i"" update the

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    *ifference 3 #i"" go to Gain2 Loss on Sa"e of!sset !2cD

    -evenue Posting$ Create Bi""ing against the

    sa"es order1 Fo""o#ing FI document #i"" eposted$

    Customer !2c *r1

    To Sa"e of !sset !2c

    To CST2 LST Pa%a"e !2c

    To C&,/!T -ecovered On Sa"e Of !sset !2c

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Create Outgoing &0cise Invoice (8II,)

    C&,/!T Paid On Sa"e Of !sset !2c *r1

    To C&,/!T Pa%a"e !2c

    This is simi"ar to sa"e of manufactured


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Retirement of Assets ithout Revenue < Scrap -etirement of !sset #ithout revenue is deemed as

    scrapping of !sset1 The division2 ranch o#ning theasset #i"" create the F!*P (Fi0ed !sset *isposa"Proposa") and after getting due approva" notif% the assetmanagement person regarding the asset code numer

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    The process f"o# #i"" e as e"o#$ -etirement Posting$ The asset retirement posting #i"" e

    done in 4!sset 'anagement9 #ith transaction code!B!/,1 ere mention the dates asset numer and thetransaction t%pe ;771 !s a resu"t fo""o#ing FI document#i"" e posted$

    !ccumu"ated *epreciation !2c *r1

    To !sset !2c

    *ifference 3 #i"" go to Loss on Scrap of !sset !2cD

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Asset -ransfers Inter Cost Center Asset -ransfers> In CG/%

    assets may +e transferred from one costcenter to another, After transfer% the

    depreciation epense should get +oo;ed tothe ne" cost center, If the transfer is "ithint"o cost centers +ut "ithin the same+usiness area &divisionH +ranch'% only the

    cost center data in the asset master recordneeds to +e changed, In SA% cost centersare assigned at the asset master level,

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    .hen an asset is ph%sica""% moved from onecost center to another the cost centerassignment for that asset have to e changed1The cost center fie"d in the asset master data is

    a time dependent fie"d1 .henever there is achange in cost center the user has to e% in thene# cost center in the asset master record1Such change of the cost center imp"ies that thedepreciation e0pense on the asset is no#

    ooed to the ne# cost center1 The depreciationooed in the ear"ier cost center remains assuch1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    !epreciation osting Boo depreciation #i"" e posted automatica""% to the genera" "edger

    at the end of ever% month ased on the rates and other depreciationterms maintained in the asset master record1 It #i"" e possi"e toe0ecute mu"tip"e repeat runs for depreciation posting in an% givenperiod1 In the repeat runs the s%stem #ou"d not post depreciation

    t#ice ut on"% pic up additiona" data to e posted1 Thedepreciation e0pense #i"" get ooed to the cost center2 usinessarea of the assets1 In CGL unp"anned depreciation ma% e re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    C"osing Procedure

    It is recommended to carr% out a"" the c"osing activities inCGL as discussed aove so as to e0tract fina" accounts

    from the s%stem1 For

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Interest Ca"cu"ation

    Interest $n an;s $verdrafts Considering the specific re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Interest !e+it Notes -o Customers For!elayed ayments

    Considering the specific re

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Fore0 'anagement

    Imports and Bports> Imports$

    Import Purchase orders #i"" e raised on"% in foreign


    Goods receipt #i"" e recorded at the rate prevai"ing

    on the date of Bi"" of &ntr%1

    /endors #i"" e sett"ed using the an rate e0isting on

    the pa%ment date1 The e0change difference et#een

    the BO& rate and the rate at #hich pa%ment is made

    #i"" e accounted for as FO-&5 gain 2 "oss1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Assets urchase in Foreign Currency> &0change differences arising on

    repa%ment2 period end reva"uation of

    "iai"ities incurred for the purposes ofac

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Maintaining Bchange Rate -ype> Fo""o#ing 4e0change rate t%pes9 #i"" e

    maintained in CGL$

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    Maintaining Bchange Rates> The e0change rates #i"" e regu"ar"% updated in the s%stem so as

    to ena"e the s%stem to Trans"ate foreign currenc% amounts #hen posting a foreign

    currenc% document

    Chec the deviation of e0change rate entered manua""% *etermine the gain and "oss from e0change rate differences #hi"e

    sett"ing open items in foreign currenc% -eva"uate open items in foreign currenc% and the foreign

    currenc% a"ance sheet accounts at the period end1

  • 8/9/2019 SAP Business Process FI


    The e0change rates are defined % period(va"id from)1 &0change rates are entered

    using the OBOJ transaction1 This screen

    is used for manua" entr% of the differente0change rates1 &0change rates must e

    entered for a"" e0change rate t%pes1

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