Sylvia Burian <[email protected]> Chadashot 5.10.13 - Parshat Bamidbar [email protected] <[email protected]> Fri, May 10, 2013 at 1:02 PM To: [email protected] CHADASHOT Shabbat Parshat Bamidbar May 10, 2013 Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5773 Candle Lighting: 7:43 pm Havdalah: 8:46 pm Click here for PDF version of the Chadashot A MESSAGE FROM RABBI KRAUSS Dear Parents, As we begin ספר במדברas well as the שלשת ימי הגבלהleading up to Shavuot, this Shabbat is a good me to focus on individual and community. The counng that took place in this week's Parsha reflects the sancty of every individual. Mazal Tov To Dassi (AC Faculty) and Meir Lewis on the birth of a daughter, Danielle Aviva. Mazal Tov to siblings Tani (4), Liam (2), Liviah (K) and Ronen (Daycare). To Michael (MS Faculty) and Rivka Ribalt on the birth of a SAR Academy Mail - Chadashot 5.10.13 - Parshat Bamidbar https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=e6a71dc6c6&view=pt&sear... 1 of 23 5/10/2013 1:17 PM

SAR Academy Mail - Chadashot 5.10.13 - Parshat Bamidbar...2013/05/10  · three midrashim about Matan Torah, felt that the program led her in the direc on of Shavuot. Ayelet Bar-David

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  • Sylvia Burian

    Chadashot 5.10.13 - Parshat Bamidbar

    [email protected] Fri, May 10, 2013 at 1:02 PM

    To: [email protected]

    CHADASHOT Shabbat Parshat Bamidbar

    May 10, 2013 Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5773

    Candle Lighting: 7:43 pm Havdalah: 8:46 pm

    Click here for PDF version of the Chadashot


    Dear Parents,

    As we begin ספר במדבר as well as the שלשת

    leading up to Shavuot, this Shabbat ימי הגבלה

    is a good �me to focus on

    individual and community. The

    coun�ng that took place in

    this week's Parsha reflects the

    sanc�ty of every individual.

    Mazal Tov

    To Dassi (AC Faculty) and Meir

    Lewis on the birth of a

    daughter, Danielle Aviva.

    Mazal Tov to siblings Tani (4),

    Liam (2), Liviah (K) and Ronen


    To Michael (MS Faculty) and

    Rivka Ribalt on the birth of a

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    1 of 23 5/10/2013 1:17 PM

  • The unity of Har Sinai, represented by ויחן שם

    represents the importance of those ,ישראל

    individuals joining together as a community.

    The desire and the need to balance these

    ideals is a constant challenge. How do we

    follow our individual dreams, while remaining

    connected to, and responsible for, the

    community around us? What happens when

    our communal obliga�ons don't seem to

    mesh with our individual needs? I encourage

    you to reflect on some of these ques�ons at

    your Shabbat tables this weekend.

    Thank you to our Fi3h grade team for an

    amazing trip to Greenkill this week. Thank

    you to our First grade team for the crea�ve

    intergenera�onal math fair. Thank you to our

    en�re faculty for bringing the spirit of

    Yerushalayim to our school in such

    meaningful ways this week.

    Shabbat Shalom and Chag Shavuot Sameach,

    Rabbi Binyamin Krauss


    To Malkey Rosensa3 on her

    recent Bat Mitzvah.

    To Avi Roth on his recent Bar



    First Grade Math Fair

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  • The annual first grade Math Fair was held on Tuesday, May 7. The fes�vi�es started

    in the lunchroom with the children performing two of their favorite math songs,

    the Doubles Song and Ten and Something More. The children wore adorable �es

    and bows that were decorated with number facts and sentences expressing their

    love for math. Then, the children with their parents par�cipated in three different

    workshops which took place in the first and fi3h grade areas. The areas were

    decorated to reflect the excitement for numbers. The beau�ful number bond

    bu;erflies, fact family houses and huge numerals hanging from the ceiling were all

    created by the first graders. The workshops included various games and math

    topics that were taught within the classroom. The children (and parents) were

    challenged to employ math thinking skills to par�cipate in the mostly child-

    generated games at the various sta�ons. Parents had an opportunity to purchase

    some fun math games to con�nue the learning at home. The first grade team

    would like to thank Morah Marci Kirshner for her dedica�on and incredible

    organiza�on of the Math Fair. A special thank you to Ann Goldhirsch and Barry

    Love, Erica and Ephraim Edelman and Jill and Ami Goldfein for sponsoring this

    wonderful event. Click here to see more pictures.

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    3 of 23 5/10/2013 1:17 PM

  • Yom Yerushalayim @ SAR

    The day began with a fes�ve Hallel on the steps followed by

    special grade-wide programming. Here is a glimpse of how

    the SAR Academy marked Yom Yerushalayim…

    Morah Gaby Shares her Memories with Kitah Gimel

    On Yom Yerushalayim, Morah Gaby visited Kitah Gimel to share her her personal

    memories of the Six Day War. Morah Gaby began by reminding the class that when

    they were in Kitah Alef, they asked "Morah Gaby, were you in Egypt when we were

    slaves?" and she explained to them that no, she was not. Then they asked, "Morah

    Gaby, were you in Israel in 1948?" and she explained that no, she was not. But,

    when they asked "Morah Gaby, were you in Israel when we got the Kotel back?",

    she proudly explained that yes, she was in Israel for that incredible miracle.

    Morah Gaby told the class that since so many Israeli men were serving in the army

    during that �me that teenagers had to help with important jobs. Morah Gaby

    helped deliver the mail! She explained that at first it seemed impossible that Israel

    would ever be a;acked. In school, they even sang songs about how our enemies

    would stay far away from Israel. But, then Israel was a;acked by three very large

    countries all at once. Morah Gaby remembers going to school on the first day of

    the war and everyone was talking about the ba;le. In Israel, everyone knows

    someone who is serving in the army. By the �me the first day of the war was over,

    Morah Gaby said that she realized she was living through a miracle. The Israelis had

    destroyed the en�re Egyp�an Air Force. Morah Gaby explained that it did not

    ma;er if you were very religious and davened every day or if you were not

    religious and never davened, she said that throughout the war every single Israeli

    was discussing the great miracles that Hashem was doing for Am Yisrael. With tears

    in her eyes, Morah Gaby told the the third graders that she s�ll gets goosebumps

    when she hears a recording of the announcement that came over the radio when

    the Israeli Paratroopers reached the Kotel: "Har HaBayit BeYadeinu!"

    Morah Gaby, Thanks for taking the �me to come to Kitah Gimel, We all got

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  • goosebumps listening to your story!

    Thoughts on Yerushalayim

    First graders created a s�cky board in honor of Yom Yerushalayim. The students

    posted pictures, thoughts, facts and personal stories related to Yerushalayim and

    shared their posts with the class in school. Click here and here to see the


    Sixth Grade's Virtual Tour of Jerusalem

    To celebrate Yom Yerushalayim, the students in the sixth grade researched

    important places and landmarks in Jerusalem and created 'tourism flyers.' Any

    passers-by could learn about the landmarks by picking up a flyer inside the folder

    and addi�onally, use their digital devices to scan the embedded QR codes and

    watch a short commercial produced by the students. Come visit our Jerusalem

    Tourism Center near the sixth grade to learn all about these interes�ng places!

    Second Grade Recreates Yerushalayim

    The second grade displayed their ar�s�c

    ability and crea�vity this week! In honor of

    Yom Yerushalayim, the children painted a

    mural, and recreated buildings and other

    landmarks in Yerushalayim. Please come by

    and see the Knesset Menorah, Migdal David

    and the Kotel!

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  • Junior High Lunch & Learn

    On Yom Yerushalayim, the junior high par�cipated in a Lunch & Learn program.

    Students learned in small groups and discussed the pasuk "V'liyerushalaim ir'cha".

    Later in the a3ernoon, grades 1-5 par�cipated in a Yom Yerushalayim sing-a-long

    with Chazan Shim Craimer. Everyone truly felt the importance and uniqueness of

    this special day.

    The 5th Grade Goes Camping!

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  • With wonderful weather and fantas�c facili�es, the 5th grade had an amazing �me

    at Greenkill Nature Center. The students par�cipated in team building exercises, a

    campfire, a night awareness hike, and climbing. Everyone had a great �me and

    enjoyed the many outdoor ac�vi�es.

    A Day at the Museum

    As part of their study of Na�ve Americans, the 3rd grade traveled to the Museum

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  • of Natural History. In the Eastern Woodland and Plains Indian rooms, the children

    went on a scavenger hunt to find and then sketch various ar�facts.

    As they marveled at the realis�c exhibits of Indian life, they couldn’t help but think

    about their own dioramas that they had created back at SAR. The Natural History

    dioramas were full of rich details and showed an in-depth understanding of Indian

    culture. Likewise the children’s dioramas were a true tour de force. Below are two

    SAR dioramas. Pre;y professional, wouldn’t you say?

    The 6th Grade Visits YU & Drisha

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  • In prepara�on for Shavuot, the 6th grade boys traveled to Yeshiva University to

    learn Torah with Yeshiva students in the Beit Midrash of Rabbi Baruch Simon, one

    of the Roshei Yeshiva of Yeshiva University. In addi�on, the boys had a unique

    opportunity to meet and hear from President Richard Joel and Rabbi Yona Reiss,

    the dean of RIETS. Rabbi Reiss then took the boys on a walk through the main

    Yeshiva Beit Midrash. The boys were treated for a pizza lunch as a fun treat.


    6th grade girls had the special opportunity of visi�ng The Drisha Ins�tute for some

    pre-Shavuot learning. The students saw the Beit Midrash, which looks out onto the

    streets of Manha;an, learned in groups and heard shiurim from two educators,

    Wendy Amsellem and Jon Kelsen. A3erwards, they enjoyed a delicious pizza lunch

    and heard some words of Torah from Rabbi Silber, Founder and Dean of Drisha and

    father of our very own 6th grader Shelomzion! Abby Fisher, whose group learned

    three midrashim about Matan Torah, felt that the program led her in the direc�on

    of Shavuot. Ayelet Bar-David remarked, "I felt like I was in a community where

    people learn...and it was fun!" Jamie Feder thought that it was a bit of a new way

    to experience learning. Talia Kronisch and Avital Schwartz agreed that it was cool to

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  • have a different learning experience in a new Beit Midrash and with different

    teachers. "We had a longer chavruta session than we do in school so the learning

    felt different. It was an experience that we felt we can't just get anywhere and it

    was special to see it can happen in some places." The students were able to see

    that learning can be strong and vibrant and con�nuous throughout one's life. What

    a great message for ourselves and our students as we ready ourselves to reaffirm

    our commitment to Kabbalat Ha-Torah on this Chag Ha-shavuot!

    Monkeying Around With the Second Grade

    Last week the Second Grade took a trip to the Bronx Aoo as part of their

    Endangered Animal unit of study. They visited the Congo Gorilla exhibit and

    studied the diet, habitat and reasons why gorillas and animals of the rainforest are

    endangered. It was a beau�ful day and everyone enjoyed ea�ng lunch outside as

    well as the extra �me they had to visit the monkeys in Madagascar and the seals!

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  • 4’s at the Library

    The N4 weekly visit to the library affords the

    children an opportunity for language and cogni�ve

    development in a friendly open environment. Under

    Morah Beth Braunstein’s professional guidance,

    students are encouraged to make their own book

    selec�ons. They may choose from fic�on and

    nonfic�on age appropriate choices which support

    their interests and learning styles. Story �me is an

    essen�al part of their experience in library. Reading aloud to children is the most

    important interven�on for developing their literary skills and awareness. This

    experience increases vocabulary, reinforces familiar words and helps them

    understand the reading process.

    Exposure to quality illustra�ons in picture books enables the children to make

    inferences about the story through the pictures and develop an apprecia�on of

    ar�s�c styles. Throughout the year N4 classes have been exposed to a variety of

    authors and illustrators such as Mo Willems, Eileen Christelow, Marcus Pfister, Leo

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  • Lionni and Nancy Carlson. The reading of the” Rainbow Fish” series was combined

    with a study of what lives in the ocean. Parental support in returning your child’s

    book each week is appreciated so students can enjoy the excitement of selec�ng a

    new one!

    Mother's Day Treats

    Mrs. Stavsky’s 8th grade cooking elec�ve prepared mother’s day gi3 bags for senior

    ci�zens to be distributed by Ni� Minkove and the Bronx Jewish Community


    Brown Bag Seminars

    This week Howard Jonas, founder and chairman of IDT Corpora�on led a Brown

    Bag Seminar for our second to fourth graders.

    The Brown Bag Seminar en�tled, "ON A ROLL: OR HOW A KID FROM THE BRONX


    crowd of second, third, and fourth graders.

    How did a kid from the Bronx start with hot dogs and wind up making a fortune?

    How does business work and how do you turn a good idea into a profitable

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  • endeavor? Howard Jonas revolu�onized telecommunica�ons technology with a

    smart idea and pioneered an en�rely new industry. It all began with a hot dog

    stand. The children listened with interest and excitement about the challenges and

    strategies in having a successful hot dog stand and about Howard's subsequent

    inven�ons that changed the world of technology. Maybe one day, some of our

    students who a;ended the Brown Bag Seminar will be the next business

    entrepreneurs and pioneers!

    Kol Hakavod!

    Congratula�ons to 7th grader Hadas Spivack on being named the WINNER of The

    Siegelbaum Literary and Visual Arts Compe��on. Dassi entered the compe��on

    with her original poem and won first place!

    Breaking Through

    Father always told me never to be an Upstander.

    He told me, “Never say anything, or do anything.

    Because you never can tell what might happen. You never know if you

    Can get hurt, or get involved in something you might not want to be a part of.”

    He made me promise, swear, cross my heart and hope to die, that if I was

    Ever in a situa&on that I had the choice to be a Bystander or an Upstander,

    I’d choose the first.

    Mother always told me not to be a Bystander.

    She told me, “Say something, do something, anything,

    Because it will hurt more if you don’t. All bullies are cowards.” Whenever she

    Said this she got this look in her eyes. Like she had an opportunity before

    To be an Upstander but she chose to be a Bystander.

    I looked right back at her, staring her in the face, and promised.

    The evening of November 9th

    was the night that changed my life forever.

    The night was s&ll and calm and there wasn’t a sound to be heard.

    I went for a walk and ended up on Straβe Nietzche at 10:55.

    The evening of November 9th

    was the night that changed my life forever.

    The night was still and calm and there wasn’t a sound to be heard.

    I went for a walk and ended up on Straβe Nietzche at 10:55.

    We had recently go2en a new Chancellor, he’s passing new laws constantly picking on Jews.

    They can’t own stores, sit on park benches, and have to wear these sad looking yellow stars.

    I do what my father told me; nothing. I don’t go to mee&ngs against him, or pass out fliers,

    I don’t make speeches, or write to the paper.

    We had recently gotten a new Chancellor, he’s passing new laws constantly

    picking on Jews. They can’t own stores, sit on park benches, and have to

    wear these sad looking yellow stars. I go to meetings against him, passing out

    fliers, making speeches, and writing to the paper. Unlike what my neighbor does.

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  • The night was s&ll and calm and there wasn’t a sound to be heard un&l I heard the

    Noise of breaking glass at Old Kleinman’s store.

    I saw a crowd surrounding the store,

    I took a look around and slipped quietly into the crowd.

    The night was still and calm, and I hadn’t heard a sound, but I saw a crowd

    of people surrounding Old Kleinman’s store. I rushed over and looked

    Around at the faces of the bystanders, wondering if I would see anyone I knew.

    By chance I saw my neighbor, standing there, not doing anything like usual.

    I looked towards the store and saw Kleinman being forced out of his store by a

    Nazi soldier. I started to take a step forward but then froze.

    I saw Kleinman being forced out of the store and expected someone to step up and

    help him, but no one did.

    I took a deep breath and my feet led me forward.

    I could hear my father telling me never to be an Upstander, but I realized that’s exactly

    what I was becoming.

    “Stop”, I ordered the soldiers. “Leave him alone, he’s done nothing wrong.”

    “Stay out of this sir, you don’t want to be involved.” They told me.

    “That’s what my father said”

    I saw my neighbor step up and order the soldiers to stop.

    The soldiers disregarded

    him and told him to back off, but he didn’t; he stood up tall and proud and

    bossed them around so much that the soldiers let Kleinman go.

    The whole crowd gasped and watched as ha and Kleinman

    slowly walked away. I remembered my mother’s words,

    “All bullies are cowards.”

    Father. What would he say of me now? Now that I had broken the only promise

    he had ever wanted me to keep?

    Shame flooded through me.

    But I suddenly, I knew the truth, father was wrong.

    Had I not said anything t o help that man, I would have hated myself…

    As I started walking home, the guilt followed.

    It cut like a knife’s blade against my chest.

    I couldn’t believe that I had frozen, stood there and done nothing.

    My neighbor, who was known for doing nothing, had done something!

    Something I promised my mother I would do.

    What would she think of me now?

    She was right though, doing nothing hurts more than anything

    in the whole world. Now I know for next time66Do something.


    This week we celebrated Yom Yerushalyim; a whole day dedicated to

    Jerusalem. Why do you think Jerusalem is the only city in Eretz Yisrael

    that has its own holiday?

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    7th grader Gavriel Margolies Sco; recently celebrated his bar mitzvah in Kansas

    City, Kansas so that his grandmother, who lives in a long term care facility there,

    could a;end. Click here to read the ar�cle which ran in the Kansas City Jewish

    Chronicle. When asked why he chose to have his bar mitzvah in Kansas instead of

    in New York, Gavriel said “I love my family, I knew my grandma wouldn’t be able to

    come to New York, and I wanted to celebrate with my family. That’s why I’m here.”

    “On Pesach, Shavuot, and Succot we do “Aliya Laregel”. It means to walk

    up to the Beit Hamikdash which is in Jerusalem. That mitzvah can’t be

    done in any other city in the world, so it deserves its own holiday.”

    - Jonathan Thomas 3Z


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  • “The Beit Hamikdash was there, so that's where Hashem is the


    - Samantha Horowitz 5X


    Parshat Bamidbar by Rebecca Hyman and Tamara


    In this week’s parsha, Parshat Bamidbar, we read about

    the Jew’s travels through the desert.

    In the first Pasukim of the parsha, Hashem commands

    Moshe to count the Jewish people.

    Q: Why is it necessary for Moshe to count Bnei Yisrael at this �me?

    A: The Malbim provides an answer to this ques�on. When Bnei Yisrael enter the

    promised land, the land will be divided among the different tribes. It is important

    to know the number of people, in order to determine the amount of land each

    tribe must be given. If each tribe is given the exact amount of land that they need,

    no tribe can be jealous of the amount of land another tribe has been given.

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  • From this we learn that Hashem does not only think about His own needs, he also

    thinks about comfort of the people of Bnei Yisrael. Hashem wants his crea�ons to

    all be happy. We can relate Hashem's ac�ons in our own life. We should use

    Hashem's strategy of being sensi�ve to everyone’s needs and trying to make

    everyone happy making everyone feel equal and included with our friends family

    and Jewish community.

    Shabbat Shalom.

    “It's one of the only cities in the Torah, and it's where we gave

    korbanot on holidays so if any city should get a holiday itself, it's

    fitting for Jerusalem to be it.”

    -Moshe Wolff and Micah Gentin 6W



    Please support the SAR Shavuot Campaign, a vital source of annual funding for scholarship funds and

    programming. Visit the site to contribute, view the donor scroll, and support SAR's vibrant Torah study,

    challenging general studies, a culture of learning and support for Medinat Yisrael.

    “People from every religion all around the world congregate in

    Jerusalem to daven. It's special to everyone.”

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  • - Leah Maayan 5X


    What a week it was for the 6th grade S�ng; 2 Playoff games, 2

    victories! First it was a home game in the quarterfinals against

    RPRY. The game was controlled early by the S�ng following a great

    first quarter surge to a 12-2 lead. However, RPRY fought back and

    kept it close throughout most of the game. However, geVng

    contribu�ons from every member of the team, SAR was moving onto the Semi

    Finals against YNJ, following an impressive 20 point victory.

    Against YNJ, SAR got out to a lead in the first quarter leading by as much as 5.

    However, YNJ was determined to play well on their home court and came storming

    back to take an 6 point lead into the half. A3er regrouping at hal3ime, the S�ng

    put on quite a run in the second half, led by great defense and shoo�ng from the

    guards, and excellent rebounding from the forwards. As the fourth quarter

    progressed, instead of geVng ra;led by the crowd around them, the S�ng showed

    a lot of poise by holding onto the lead, hiVng their foul shots, and earning a hard

    fought spot in the championship game a3er this thrilling 12 point victory!

    Next up; Moriah! Details TBA... GO STING!!

    “Even though we lost the Beit Hamikdash, we still have the Kotel in

    Yerushalayim to remind us to do Mitzvot, so we can get another Beit

    Hamikdash. That makes the city Kadosh and very important to us!”

    -Maya Hammerman 2Y



    MAY 2013

    Tuesday, May 14th – Erev Shavuot – Early Dismissal – 1:15 ELC;

    1:30 AC

    Wednesday, May 15th – Thursday, May 16th – Shavuot – No

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  • Sessions

    Tuesday, May 21st – 6th Grade Matan Bat Mitzvah Program

    Wednesday, May 22nd – Thursday, May 23rd – 7th Grade Trip to Boston

    Friday, May 24th – 7th Grade – No Sessions

    Monday, May 27th – Memorial Day – No Sessions

    Tuesday, May 28th – Academy Staff Mee�ngs – Early Dismissal – 3:00 ELC; 3:15 AC

    Wednesday, May 29th- Blood drive - Click here for more details & to register

    Thursday, May 30th – 8th Grade Last Day of Classes

    Wednesday, June 5th - 3rd Grade Rashi Breakfast. Click here to be a program


    Wednesday, June 5th – Thursday June 6th – 6th Grade trip to Camp Monroe

    Tuesday, June 11th - 5th Grade Intergenera�onal Day

    Wednesday, June 12th - 8th Grade Gradua�on

    Monday, June 17th - 8th Grade Gradua�on Party

    “The Romans captured it from the Jews so we lost it, and when we won

    it back we were so happy that now we have a holiday to celebrate.”

    - Eliana Fromer 1Z


    YIOZ to host Dr. David Fishman

    On Shabbat, May 11, at 4:00 pm, Young Israel Ohab Zedek is featuring a talk, in

    Yiddish, by Dr. David Fishman on the topic, From Vilna to the Bronx: The Life and

    Work of Chaim Grade, at the home of Eli and Rivka Ivri, who are sponsoring the

    lecture in the memory of their parents. The address is 5300 Arlington Avenue,

    between 252 and 254 St. Light refreshments will be served.

    Dr. Fishman, who is professor of Jewish History at the Jewish Theological Seminary,

    specializes in the history of Vilna, and knew Grade personally. (In fact, Grade gave

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  • one of the Sheva Brachot at his wedding.)

    Bikkurim Campaign

    Itching to bring bikkurim this Shavuot? Join CSAIR's Children's Bikkurim campaign

    and donate your new and/or well kept children's toys, books and games to help

    replenish the synagogue's stock. Dona�ons may be brought to the CSAIR office

    any�me. All children who bring dona�ons in person on Sunday, May 12 from

    9-10am or 7:30-8:30pm will receive a special thank you surprise.

    Toys/games for all ages are appreciated. Please make sure to bring Shabbat

    appropriate toys that do not require ba;eries. Monetary dona�ons are also


    Feel free to email Stephanie Ives [email protected] if you have any


    CSAIR Shoe Collec&on

    The Sisterhood of the Conserva�ve Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale is

    collec�ng as a fundraiser men's, women's and children's gently used shoes and

    sneakers to be distributed to people who might otherwise not be able to have

    them. Please leave contribu�ons in the collec�on box in the lower lobby of the

    Shul located at 475 W 250 Street. The box will be available Sundays through

    Fridays. Any ques�ons please contact Roz Samuels at [email protected] or Sharon

    Hyman at sharonlhyman@ gmail.com

    Riverdale Spring fes&val

    Sunday, May 19th, 12:00- 4:00

    Riverdale Avenue 258th & 259th Streets


    3rd Annual GiD of Life Basketball Tournament

    Junior Tournament: (6th-8th grade)

    Senior Tournament: High School and up

    All proceeds go to Gi3 of Life Founda�on, bone marrow founda�on. Gi3ofLife.org

    INCENTIVE: Dona�ng to a very deserving cause, Having fun �me, PRIZE FOR

    WINNING TEAM (either shoes or donated cash prize) Every individual team gets

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  • unique jerseys!

    Ar�cles about previous years’ tournaments can be found


    newsid=175 andh;p://www.gi3oflife.org/public/news.aspx?news_id=152 .

    WHEN: SUNDAY, MAY 19th

    JUNIOR Tournament - 9:00AM


    AGE: Junior Tournament (6th-8th grade)

    Senior Tournament High School and up

    $150 Minimum dona�on per team

    Sign up: �nyurl.com/signmeup13 QUESTIONS: [email protected]

    Memorial Day Event

    The Council of Young Jewish Presidents and the Jewish Community Rela�ons

    Council of New York present the 6th Annual Jewish Community Memorial Day


    Wednesday, May 22, 2013, The Jewish Center, 131 West 86th Street, NYC, Doors

    open at 6:30pm, Ceremony starts at 7:00pm

    Beverly Wolfer-Nerenberg (SAR parent) will be speaking at the program,

    "Reflec�ons on my brother, Major Stuart Adam Wolfer".

    SAR is a sponsor of this event. For more informa�on, click here to see flyer.

    Riverdale Jewish Center's 59th Anniversary Dinner

    Sunday evening, June 2, 2013 ,Riverdale Jewish Center,3700 Independence Avenue

    Dinner 6:00pm Program 7:30pm


    Guests of Honor

    Ruthie & Chazzan Shimon Craimer

    The Miriam Schonfeld Hering Community Service Award

    Daniel Hammerman

    Young Leadership Award

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  • Sheryl & Josh Dubin

    Dinner Website: www.rjcdinner.org

    New For this Summer!

    A 1-week day camp program combining high-quality sports instruc�on with the

    best of Ramah. Loca�on: Schechter Westchester Upper School, 555 West

    Hartsdale Avenue, Hartsdale, NY. Dates: July 29 - August 2

    At Ramah Sport, campers entering 3rd through 8th grade will grow learn, develop,

    and hone sports skills through instruc�on, drills and compe��ve play, all in an

    environment where Judaism, Jewish values, and Hebrew language are integral to

    daily ac�vi�es.

    Facili�es include beau�ful outdoor athle�c fields, a full size gymnasium and a

    variety of indoor air-condi�oned spaces. Enroll now!

    For more informa�on please contact Rena Sichel Rosen, Camp Director, at

    [email protected] or (914) 295-2405, or visit www.RamahSport.org

    Achva Summer Programs

    Achva, the signature youth division of Young Israel, has been running quality travel

    programs for Modern Orthodox teens since 1981. Programs combine amazing

    travel, a kosher environment and great kids to make for a summer that par�cipants

    will remember forever. Achva's programs include Achva East for post 8th graders,

    Achva West for post 9th graders and Achva Israel and Alaska/Hawaii for post 10th

    graders. For more informa�on about all our programs, please go to


    Camp Slapshots

    The premier sports day camp in New Jersey, is entering its 11th summer. Located

    on the Yeshivat Noam campus in Paramus, New Jersey, our 2 indoor gyms for

    hockey, 3 outdoor full courts for basketball, and a large grass field for flag football,

    will help make Camp Slapshots 2013 a memorable summer. With compe��ve

    games of hockey and basketball, innova�ve clinics, compe��ve games, exci�ng

    contests, amazing tournaments, learning groups and much more! There are 3

    sessions for boys going into 3rd-8th grades (Jr. division for 3rd-5th and Sr. division

    for 6th-8th):

    1) Monday, July 29th – Friday, August 2nd

    2) Monday, August 5th – Friday, August 9th

    3) Monday, August 12th- Friday, August 16th

    For more informa�on and to download the applica�on please visit

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  • www.campslapshots.com

    Note: All Submissions to the Community Events section are due to [email protected] the Tuesday prior to publication

    in copy ready format. The Chadashot reserves the right to further edit submissions due to space constraints.

    SAR ACADEMY~Jesselson Campus~655 West 254th Street~Riverdale, NY 10471


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