URJ BIENNIAL 2017 PROGRAM GUIDE 157 SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH 7:00 am–12:00 am Convention Center Open 7:30 am–2:00 pm Check-In Registration Check-in and Credential Pick-Up Meetings & Receptions 7:30 am–2:00 pm Solution Center Open Registration Visit the Solution Center to get answers to your questions about Hallway the program, room changes, disabilities accommodations, general logistics, local attractions, and restaurants. 8:30 am–9:45 am Torah Study Breakfasts In honor of the 50-year anniversary of the Eisendrath Legislative Assistants Program, all study sessions will be led by former Legislative Assistants who have since become rabbis. Ballroom C The Loneliness Of Joseph: What One Person’s Story Can Teach Us About Suffering and Empathy As a child and teenager, it seems that everywhere he goes, Joseph is an outsider. For this reason, his story (and the accompanying commentaries) have a lot to teach us about the challenges of growing up and how we might be more compassionate to those in our midst who are suffering. Rabbi Marc Katz Associate Rabbi, Congregation Beth Elohim (Brooklyn, NY) 312 Go Down Joseph: Joseph’s Descent to Egypt and the Rise of Our People How is the story of Joseph’s journey from Canaan to Egypt a key piece in the development of Israelite peoplehood and identity? Together, we will explore the ways Parashat Vayeishev fits into the larger narrative of the Torah and can teach us spiritual lessons today. Rabbi Ana Bonnheim Director, Founders’ Fellowship, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (Charlotte, NC) 207 Anatomy of a Hero: Leah, Judah, and Tamar What makes a hero or heroine? Judah seems an unlikely hero. Joseph’s brothers hate him, but it is Judah who suggests selling him into slavery. After that he is deceitful with Tamar his daughter- in-law. Over time Judah changes. Seventeen years later Benjamin is threaten with slavery when the brothers go to Egypt to buy food— it is Judah who comes to his defense. We will explore Judah’s evolution and the roots of heroism. Rabbi Darryl Crystal Interim Rabbi, Congregation Emanu El (Redlands, CA)

SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH...Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne,

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Page 1: SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH...Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne,



7:00 am–12:00 am Convention Center Open

7:30 am–2:00 pm Check-In

Registration Check-in and Credential Pick-Up

Meetings & Receptions

7:30 am–2:00 pm Solution Center Open

Registration Visit the Solution Center to get answers to your questions aboutHallway the program, room changes, disabilities accommodations, general

logistics, local attractions, and restaurants.

8:30 am–9:45 am Torah Study Breakfasts

In honor of the 50-year anniversary of the Eisendrath Legislative Assistants Program, all study sessions will be led by former Legislative Assistants who have since become rabbis.

Ballroom C The Loneliness Of Joseph: What One Person’s Story Can Teach Us About Suffering and Empathy

As a child and teenager, it seems that everywhere he goes, Joseph is an outsider. For this reason, his story (and the accompanying commentaries) have a lot to teach us about the challenges of growing up and how we might be more compassionate to those in our midst who are suffering.Rabbi Marc Katz Associate Rabbi, Congregation Beth Elohim (Brooklyn, NY)

312 Go Down Joseph: Joseph’s Descent to Egypt and the Rise of Our People

How is the story of Joseph’s journey from Canaan to Egypt a key piece in the development of Israelite peoplehood and identity? Together, we will explore the ways Parashat Vayeishev fits into the larger narrative of the Torah and can teach us spiritual lessons today.

Rabbi Ana Bonnheim Director, Founders’ Fellowship, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (Charlotte, NC)

207 Anatomy of a Hero: Leah, Judah, and Tamar

What makes a hero or heroine? Judah seems an unlikely hero. Joseph’s brothers hate him, but it is Judah who suggests selling him into slavery. After that he is deceitful with Tamar his daughter-in-law. Over time Judah changes. Seventeen years later Benjamin is threaten with slavery when the brothers go to Egypt to buy food—it is Judah who comes to his defense. We will explore Judah’s evolution and the roots of heroism.

Rabbi Darryl Crystal Interim Rabbi, Congregation Emanu El (Redlands, CA)

Page 2: SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH...Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne,



8:30 am–9:45 am Torah Study Breakfasts

304 “How Shall We Profit from Killing our Brother?” (Genesis 37:26)—Judah’s question about Joseph

As Joseph’s brothers move to kill him, Judah’s rhetorical question saves Joseph’s life: “How shall we benefit from killing him?” The commentators take this question seriously: If Judah and hisbrothers had seen a clear benefit, would they have gone through with the murder? How does this question help us think about what we owe one another today?

Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne, PA)

208 Judah and Tamar: Truth, Justice, Teshuva and the Future

The story of Juda and Tamar is a story we often just pass over, but in reality it is one of the transformational stories of the book of Genesis, because it brings to life different ways of pursuing and reaching justice. Join us to explore these biblical characters, each of whom, in a distinct way, has a hand in teaching us how to bring about the messianic era.

Rabbi Leah Lewis Rabbi, Temple Menorah (Rendondo Beach, CA)

Rabbi Andrew Straus Rabbi, Temple Adat Elohim (Thousand Oaks, CA)

Ballroom A Vayeishev: Women, Power & Sex in the Bible (Honoring 10 years of The Torah: A Woman’s Commentary)

Parashat Vayeishev contains two challenging depictions of women, Tamar and Potiphar’s wife, who each use sex and deception to attain their goals. Are these examples of women’s power, or actually reflections of their lack of power in ancient society? The group will explore classical commentary and midrash about these women, consider their commonalities and differences, and together discuss the lessons we might glean from this Biblical text about women’s agency in today’s world.

Rabbi Lea Mühlstein Associate Rabbi, Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagoge (London, UK)

Rabbi Marla Feldman Executive Director, Women of Reform Judaism

Page 3: SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH...Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne,



8:30 am–9:45 am Torah Study Breakfasts

302 Joseph and His Brothers: What it Means to be a Holy Person

The story of Joseph is not just a story of a dysfunctional family and sibling rivalry. It is a story of personal growth and transformation. Our study this morning will explore the intersections between Joseph and the teachings of the holiness code in Parashat Kedoshim and will help us explore how each of us, personally, in families, and in community, can rise to the challenge–“Kedoshim T’hyu–You shall be holy.”

Rabbi Dan Levin Senior Rabbi, Temple Beth El of Boca Raton (Boca Raton, FL)

210 Can We Resist Everything But Temptation? A Scientific Exploration of Joseph’s Willpower

Money. Food. Sex. Three things we struggle with when it comes exercising willpower. In this week’s portion, Joseph struggles with resisting temptation as Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce him. What does the latest science say about how we can exercise more willpower? Is it a limited resource, or can it be replenished? And how can we try to make better and more ethical decisions when faced with temptation?

Rabbi Geoffrey Mitelman Founding Director, Sinai and Synapses (New York, NY)

309 Dreams of Abundance and Scarcity: Pharaoh’s Power, Joseph’s Vision, and Climate Justice

In an age when we are dealing more and more frequently with the consequences of climate change, from stronger hurricanes to longer wildfire seasons, what can we learn from Joseph’s response to an ancient climate crisis? For example, the Joseph story shows us the importance of planning for resiliency. But the Torah also highlights how economic disparities grew as the drought continued. Come, learn and be inspired to work for climate justice.

Rabbi Daniel J. Swartz Rabbi, Temple Hesed (Scranton, PA)

Page 4: SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH...Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne,



8:30 am–9:45 am Torah Study Breakfasts

313 “What Are You Searching For?” (How Joseph’s story points towards knowing what we want out of life.)

Joseph had dreams of his future, but his life’s path was far from certain. How would he get where he wanted to go? A chance encounter and a key question helped him focus on what was truly important. Can the same be true for us?

Rabbi David Widzer Rabbi, Temple Beth El of Northern Valley (Closter, NJ)

310 Tamar and Joseph: Two Models for Activism

Parashat Vayeishev offers two different models of activism in the stories of Tamar and Joseph. Together we will explore these biblical narratives and look for insights and inspiration for our own work as social justice advocates facing the challenges of today.

Rabbi Erin Glazer Senior Engagement Officer, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger (Washington, DC)

306 Encounters: Unexpected Moments That Change History and Destiny and Us

A chance encounter on a dusty road. But if Joseph had not met the “ish” (Man? Angel? Devil? God?) he wouldn’t have found his broth-ers, or come to Egypt. There would be no Exodus, no Sinai. When were those times for you, what has been your journey? And what about the journeys of the “Dreamers” of today? How can we learn from our history and best “be there”—for others, and for ourselves.

Rabbi Bonnie Margulis Board President, Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice (Madison, WI)

Rabbi Michael Feshbach Rabbi, The Hebrew Congregation of St. Thomas (St. Thomas, VI)

308 Dreaming About Luck, Destiny and Faith

The story of Joseph reminds us of the fascinating relationship between luck, fate and divine providence. In our conversation, we’ll look at these themes in Joseph’s journey in order to see its possible relevance in our daily lives.

Rabbi Eric Linder Rabbi, Congregation Children of Israel (Athens, GA)

Page 5: SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH...Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne,



8:30 am–9:45 am Torah Study Breakfasts

311 Vayeishev: Family Therapy with God’s Help:Joseph and His Brothers

Therapists, healers, dream interpreters and role players-- come explore this dysfunctional family! We need your insights, intuitions and vision to unravel the early narcissistic behavior of youngJoseph and the rather unsettling and no doubt fratricidaltendencies of some of Joseph’s brothers. Help us understand both Reuben’s somewhat altruistic response and Judah’s leadership brilliance in attempting to keep their young Joseph alive. We also need some help in intuiting God’s role in this meta-drama!

Rabbi Warren Stone Rabbi, Temple Emanuel (Kensington, MD)

202 A Close Read of Genesis Chapter 37 with interpretations from Rashi to Prof. Jon Levenson

Join as we look at the family dynamics between Joseph and his brothers in light of later Israelite tribal history. There are traditions that honor Reuben and ones that honor Judah. We will ask why the text that has come down to us allows for so many contradictory elements. We will hear answers by commentators from Rashi to Levenson. Finally, we will ask “does the synthesis strengthen our faith or challenge it?”

Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker Rabbi, Mount Zion Temple (St. Paul, MN)

204 Fail Once, Fail Better: Judah, Joseph, Tamar, and Potiphar’s Wife

Join as we ask what these stories teach us about gender, power, and authority: about the ethics of failure, responsibility, and owning up to one’s mistakes?

Juliana S. Karol Rabbinic Intern, Congregation Rodeph Sholom (New York, NY)

Rabbi Sari Laufer Rabbi, Stephen Wise Temple (Los Angeles, CA)

8:30 am–9:30 am Worship/Breakfast

203 Family Shabbat Experience

Join in a Family Shabbat journey that will have you and your children (infant to 7 year olds) giggling at the antics of a “Shabbat bear,” enthusiastically raising hands to share ideas for Tikkun Olam, and quietly sending healing prayers to those in need. Award-Winning Children’s Music Composer-Performer-Educator Ellen Allard will spin her Shabbat magic through interactive music, prayers, stories, and movement experiences for the ultimate Shabbat Morning Experience for families with young children!

Ellen Allard Musician and Educator

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10:00 am–12:30 pm

Auditorium & Hall C

Our Shabbat morning worship will elevate for us the joy of Shabbat and connect us to our commitment to faith, community and justice. This worship will help us continue to move through Shabbat through learning from our Torah text, moments of reflection and joy, and opportunities to connect more deeply to one another.

Rabbi Peter Berg Rabbi, The Temple (Atlanta, GA)

D’var Torah: Rabbi Rick Jacobs President, Union for Reform Judaism

Cantor Leslie Niren Associate Cantor, Temple Emanu-El (Dallas, TX)

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1:00 pm–3:30 pm Shabbat Lunch Sessions

304 Reimagining Jewish-Muslim Relations

Two eminent scholars and activists will provide insights into how the Jewish and Muslim communities view one another and pro-pose steps for building mutual trust and even alliances.

Host: Mark Sunshine President, Temple Beth El (Boca Raton, FL)

Imam Abdullah Antepli Senior Fellow, Duke Office of Civic Engagement, Duke University (Durham, NC); Senior Fellow, Jewish-Muslim Relations, Shalom Hartman Institute

Rabbi Reuven Firestone Regenstein Professor in Medieval Judaism and Islam, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

210 Five Secrets to Cultivating Wonder and Imagination in Our Children and Families

Join revolutionary educator and performance artist, Shira Kline of ShirLaLa, in an interactive, musical, heart-filled exploration on how to help children and families cultivate mindfulness and soulfulness in their lives. In our ever-evolving, tech-driven, multi-tasking lives, learn how the simplicity of noticing, thanking, and sharing can help us live in the moment, jumping from the mundane to the sacred. Discover how we can infuse our lives with Jewish practice and draw upon these essential ingredients: shehechiyanu (newness), sh’ma (quiet), b’racha (gratitude), tzedakah (compassion), and Torah (story).

Host: Michael Blumenthal Congregation B’nai Israel (Bridgeport, CT)

Shira Kline Musician; Founding Ritual Leader and Director of Worship and Family Education, Lab/Shul

312 How We Gather: How Millennials Are Building Community

Millennials are disaffiliating more quickly from religious institutions than ever before. So where are they going? Join Casper ter Kuile and Angie Thurston to learn about the new landscape of communities being built by millennials to live lives of purpose and meaning. Casper and Angie are Harvard Divinity School Ministry Innovation Fellows and have co-written two reports that highlight the work happening in this arena. Casper and Angie also serves as On Being Fellows, supporting the popular radio program hosted by Krista Tippett.

Angie Thurston Ministry Innovation Fellow, Harvard Divinity School (Cambridge, MA)

Casper ter Kuile Ministry Innovation Fellow, Harvard Divinity School (Cambridge, MA)

Page 8: SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH...Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne,



Marriott–Salon E Whose Wall Is It Anyway?

Anat Hoffman, Executive Director of the Israel Religious Action Center, a founding member and Chairperson of Women of the Wall and a leading activist in the struggle for civil rights, Jewish pluralism, and women’s equality in Israel, will address the questions: Who has taken the keys to Judaism’s holiest site and what can we do to get them back? Discover the heroes and heroines at the forefront of the ongoing struggle for religious pluralism in Israel, and get an insider’s perspective on their methods, victories, and defeats.

Host: David Astrove President, Washington Hebrew Congregation (Washington, DC)

Anat Hoffman Executive Director, Israel Religious Action Center (Jerusalem, Israel)

302 Eat Well, Do Right

What moves someone to write a cookbook or open a restaurant? Israeli-born Chef Michael Solomonov and business partner Steven Cook are authors of the two-time James Beard Award winning cookbook, Zahav, about their signature cooking, best recognized by their near ten-year old pioneering Israeli restaurant Zahav, and a Jewish deli-inspired luncheonette, Rooster Soup Co., which has become a vehicle for tikkun olam (repairing the world) by giving its profits to Philadelphia’s homeless and food-insecure population. Chef Tina Wasserman will moderate a conversation to consider the distinct ideas at the center of their culinary mission: what exactly is Israeli cuisine? And, can real social change happen when the interests of for-profit companies and philanthropic organizations are united in addressing common problems?

Host: Barri Waltcher Temple Shaaray Tefila (New York, NY)

Steve Cook Co-Founder, CookNSolo Restaurant Partners;Co-Author, “Zahav: A World of Israeli Cooking”

Michael Solomonov Co-Founder, CookNSolo Restaurant Partners; Executive Chef, Zahav (Philadelphia, PA); 2017 James Beard Award, “Outstanding Chef”

Tina Wasserman Chef, Author, “Entree to Judaism”

1:00 pm–3:30 pm Shabbat Lunch Sessions

Hall D It Takes Two–An ACC Cantors’ Concert of Duets

Enjoy a beautiful musical tapestry through a variety of genres in celebration of partnership and community through harmony. Enjoy an incredible cast of ACC cantors representing the very best in Jewish music as they draw from many genres to bring you a meaningful and joyful Shabbat experience.

Host: Pam Scheer President, Temple Beth Shalom (New Albany, OH)

Page 9: SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH...Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne,



1:00 pm–3:30 pm Shabbat Lunch Sessions

313 Determining Jewish Identity: Who Decides Anyway?

When teaching about Jews and Judaism, which voices are included and which ones are left out? Do we reinforce dominant perspectives? Do we make sure to include those on the margins? Do we aim to deliver firm answers or leave people with questions?

Host: Lauren Schlezinger President, Peninsula Temple Sholom, Burlingame, CA

Aaron Hahn Tapper Mae and Benjamin Swig Professor in Jewish Studies, University of San Francisco; Author, “Judaisms: A Twenty-First-Century Introduction to Jews and Jewish Identities”

309 Tikkun Olam in Our Day: Insights of a Celebrated Social Entrepreneur and Innovator

Jonathan Greenblatt, the outspoken national director of the Anti-Defamation League and former advisor to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, will share his insights as a leading social entrepreneur and innovation expert into how we can most effectively confront increasing anti-Semitism and defend civil rights in an era of changing political and technological realities.

Host: Bruce Ives President, Congregation Beth Am (Los Altos Hills, CA)

Jonathan Greenblatt CEO and National Director, Anti-Defamation League (New York, NY)

310 The Gefilte Manifesto: A New Wave of Jewish Cuisine

From holidays to delis, the foods of Eastern European Jews tell a beautiful story of Jewish life. And yet, these foods were being forgotten by the younger generation. Jeffrey Yoskowitz and Liz Alpern penned a manifesto and spent five years researching and cooking, looking back to Eastern Europe and to the Lower East Side to glean kitchen wisdom from generations past. Their work is dedicated to reclaiming time-honored techniques and ingredients to produce dishes that will make you rethink all you thought you knew about traditional cooking. Jeffrey and Liz will paint a picture of the past, present, and future of Ashkenazi cuisine, and they’ll share wisdom gleaned during their whirlwind travels tocommunities across the world and the Jewish food renaissance they saw afoot.

Host: Maxine Klein President, Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Tzedek (Chester, CT)

Jeffrey Yoskowitz Chief Pickler and Co-Owner, The Gefilteria(Brooklyn, NY)

Liz Alpern Co-Owner, The Gefilteria (Brooklyn, NY)

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1:00 pm–3:30 pm Shabbat Lunch Sessions

306 Everything is in It: How Our Calendar Can Open a Jewish Life

Journalist Abigail Pogrebin was galvanized by the grim findings of the Pew Foundation’s 2013 study, which found that Jews don’t find their identity in religion; maybe, she mused, that’s because they haven’t looked there. She set about to research, observe, and chronicle every Jewish holiday on the calendar—without skipping one festival or fast. A much-expanded version of her popular series for the Forward, her book, My Jewish Year: 18 Holidays, One Won-dering Jew, chronicles what she learned from traveling to diverse spiritual communities and from interviews with over 50 rabbis rep-resenting the spectrum of worship. She uncovered layers of mean-ing which made each holiday urgent, and felt indelibly changed as a parent, wife, friend, citizen, Jewish communal leader, and most profoundly, as a Jew.

Host: David Simon Congregation Beth Or (Maple Glen, PA)

Abigail Pogrebin Author “My Jewish Year: 18 Holidays, One Wondering Jew;” President, Central Synagogue (New York, NY)

Ballroom B Change is the Only Constant: Jewish Life Now

For thirty years, Anita Diamant’s six guidebooks have been go-to resources for liberal Jews, recommended by clergy and given as gifts by friends and family. While researching and revising her books about conversion, weddings, and mourning, she was struck by the nature and rate of change in Jewish life. Diamant will talk about what she discovered, and what it might mean for the future.

Melissa Zieve President, Bolton Street Synagogue, Baltimore, MD

Anita Diamant Author, “The Jewish Wedding Now”

207 The First Love Story

Six-time bestselling author Bruce Feiler will take us on a revelatory journey across four continents and 4,000 years as we explore the subject of his latest book, The First Love Story: Adam, Eve, and Us. Learn how Adam and Eve introduced the idea of love into the world and how they continue to shape our deepest feelings about relationships, togetherness, and social cohesion.

Bruce Feiler Author, “The First Love Story: Adam, Eve, and Us”

Page 11: SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH...Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne,



1:00 pm–3:30 pm Shabbat Lunch Sessions

208 Sacred Music: Inspiring Pluralistic, ProgressiveSpirituality in Israel

Or Zohar, a Reform rabbi who is a 5th generation Sabra from an Orthodox background, and Feliza Zohar, an Asian American and Jew-by-choice singer-songwriter and artist, will demonstrate how they use music to promote progressive Judaism in Israel and around the world. In this session, they will explore how their intersecting identities -- Galilean, Israeli, American, Reform, Spiritual, Kabbalistic, Progressive, former Orthodox, formerTel Avivians, parents of 4 and partners in life, among other things —are reflected in their music.

(This session is co-sponsored by Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) and ARZA.)

Host: Nora Abrahamer President, Temple Sinai, Brookline, MA

Rabbi Or Zohar Rabbi, Kiryat Tivon & Misgav Regional Council (Tel Aviv)

Feliza Bascara-Zohar Voice Movement Artist-Therapist (Tel Aviv)

Ballroom A Wondering Jews in a Changing America

Professor Jonathan Sarna, one of the leading authorities on American Jewish history, religion and life, will share his insights on the most pressing and perplexing issues confronting Jews in a changing America.

Host: Marcy Harris President, Westchester Reform Temple (Scarsdale, NY)

Jonathan Sarna Professor & Braun Chair in American Jewish History, Brandeis University (Waltham, MA); Author, “American Judaism: A History”

Ballroom C How We Can Build the Jewish Future That Might Have Been

Join Dan Libenson, founder of the Institute for the Next Jewish Future and co-host of the Judaism Unbound podcast, as he lays out strategies to radically reimagine Jewish life in the 21st century, based on his research and efforts to build a theory of “Jewish disruptive innovation.”

Host: Tracy Friend Co-President, Congregation B’nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim, Deerfield, IL

Dan Libenson President, Judaism Unbound/Institute for the Next Jewish Future; Host, Judaism Unbound Podcast

Page 12: SATURDAY, DEC 9 FAITH...Rabbi David Segal Reform Texas Organizing Advisor, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism Rabbi Beth Kalisch Rabbi, Beth David Reform Congregation (Gladwyne,



Marriott–Salon G Freud, Ritual and God: Making Sense of Modern Prayer

Funny thing about public prayer: more than anyone else, Jews of antiquity invented it; and more than anyone else, Jews in modernity distrust it. Jews build synagogues but then don’t come; we pray less than any other group in the western world. It’s just a ritual, critics say, and besides, there is no God, so no one’s lis-tening! Come, visit the great Jewish critics of all time; they are not all wrong—but even for atheists, as it turns out, public prayer has its point. Why indeed do we pray? Why is ritual so important? And why are so many leading synagogues known first and foremost for transformed and transformative public worship?

Host: Rosie Zweiback President, Temple Israel (Omaha, NE)

Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman The Barbara and Stephen Friedman Professor of Liturgy, Worship and Ritual, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

102 Shabbat Lunch and Learn for Teens

The URJ Kutz Camp is sponsoring a picnic-style Beit Midrash atthe convention center—open only to teens. This active learningprogram happens weekly at Kutz and is always a favorite. Teens will choose from more than 10 different short and focusedlearning opportunities with some of our Movement’s mostdynamic teachers.

1:00 pm–3:30 pm Shabbat Lunch Sessions

311 How Women in the Rabbinate Have Changed Jewish Life: Three Personal Perspectives

Marking the 45th anniversary of women in the rabbinate, a panel representing three “generations” of women ordained by the Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion, will reflect on how the ordination of women has influenced Jewish spirituality and practice, and how the demands of their “sacred calling” have affected their personal lives.

(This session is sponsored by Women of Reform Judaism and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, publisher of The Sacred Calling: Four Decades of Women in the Rabbinate.)

Host: Ed Royal President, Temple Israel (West Bloomfield, MI) Rabbi Sally Priesand Rabbi Emerita, Monmouth Reform Temple

(Tinton Falls, NJ) Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr Editor/Author, “The Sacred

Calling: Four Decades of Women in the Rabbinate”Rabbi Leah Berkowitz Rabbi, Vassar Temple (Poughkeepsie, NY)

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3:45 pm–5:15 pm Meetings & Receptions

300 Religious Action Center Leadership Reception

Join the RAC and the CSA to celebrate the work of tikkun olam, honor the Fain Award winners’ congregational social justice work, and thank our generous donors for their support. (Invitation only)

4:00 pm–5:30 pm Film Screening: In Search of Israel Cuisine

204 Seen through the eyes of award winning chef Michael Solomonov, this film documents how, over the past 30 years, Israel has gone from having no fine food to a food scene that is world renowned.In it, Solomonov visits the vibrant restaurants of Tel Aviv, must-experience Jerusalem destinations and organic kitchens off the beaten track, sampling from remarkable food traditions as diverse as Moroccan, Persian, Lebanese, French, Italian and Russian.

Roger Sherman President, Florentine Films (New York, NY)

4:00 pm–8:00 pm High School Offsite

Boston Harbor Cruise

Join more than 100 Jewish teen leaders for an exclusive night out on Boston Harbor–including a boat party with dinner and a DJ. We will return in time for the Biennial’s evening programming.

4:00 pm–5:00 pm Shabbat Afternoon

Hall D Nava Tehila Concert

The Nava Tehila ensemble from Jerusalem invites you to a musical prayer concert, where we will journey on the wings of Shabbat through original music, chanting and guided meditations. Together, we will have the opportunity to rest in the moment, connect to ourselves, to community and fill our hearts with gratitude and joy.

Nava Tehila Musicians

4:00 pm–5:30 pm Live Recording of the Radio Show and Podcast “On Being with Krista Tippett”

203 Join the audience as Peabody Award-winning broadcaster and best-selling author Krista Tippett talks with Imam Abdullah Antepli and Rabbi Sarah Bassin about their pioneering work in building bridges of understanding between Muslims and Jews.

Imam Abdullah Antepli Senior Fellow, Duke Office of CivicEngagement, Duke University (Durham, NC); Senior Fellow on Jewish Relations, Shalom Hartman Institute

Rabbi Sarah Bassin Associate Rabbi, Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills, CA)

Krista Tippett Executive Producer/Host, “On Being”

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5:30 pm–6:00 pm Exhibit Hall

Exhibit Hall– Havdalah in the Exhibit Hall

URJ Central Say a sweet goodbye to Shabbat with an informal Havdalah in the Exhibit Hall. Gather at URJ Central to sing together with your friends and many of the musicians you’ve heard perform throughout Biennial. The Exhibit Hall will reopen for business at the conclusion of Havdalah.

Peri Smilow Singer/Songwriter

6:00 pm–8:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open

Exhibit Hall URJ Central Open

URJ Central is your gateway to all things URJ, at Biennial and beyond. URJ staff are also available for one-on-one conversations, including special opportunities for leaders of small congregations.

7:30 pm–11:30 pm Solution Center Open

Visit the Solution Center to get answers to your questions about the program, room changes, general logistics, local attractions, and restaurants.

Photo: URJ Jacobs Camp

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8:30–10:00 PM


Tonight is special.

We begin with a special Havdalah service created and led by someone we can count on to deliver memorable moments – songwriter, musician, and our teacher, Dan Nichols.

Then, in partnership with WGBH (Boston’s PBS station), we will present A Night of Light, a program being taped tonight to air as a Hanukkah special on PBS stations nationwide in December 2018. This star-studded program will illustrate and highlight the ideas of Hanukkah as a call for more social justice and compassion in the world.

Through songs, stories, and video we will present a lighthearted look at the themes and traditions of the holiday, as well as its central message for our time: the need to bring more light into a world that is too-often dark.

Hanukkah is a story of belief, of empowerment, standing up for your rights, and redemption. In this evening, we will put the “Festival of Lights” in a new light, a light that reflects the world in which we live today. Never in our lifetime has the world needed more light. Hanukkah gives us the chance to consider our role in that world, and to rededicate ourselves to making a difference as Jewish global citizens and in our communities.

The evening will conclude with a look at back at the Biennial 2017, and a first look at plans for Biennial 2019 in Chicago.

A Night of Light promises to be a night to remember.

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10:15 pm–11:30 pm Late Night

210 Jewish Plays Project

The Jewish Plays Project (JPP) puts bold, progressive Jewish conversations on world stages, invests emerging artists in their Jewish identity, and engages Jewish communities in the vetting, selecting and championing of new voices. Tonight, JPP brings live theater to the Biennial in the form of two new and exciting short plays that focus on Jewish themes. Directed by David Winitsky and featuring a cast of our Movement’s most recognizable faces, this event is not to be missed!

Hosted by Jo-Ellen Unger, Director, URJ 6 Points Creative Arts Academy (West Chester, PA)

JRR Stage New Voices Showcase Concert

Hosted by Brian Mitchell Director, URJ 6 Points Sports Academy West

Elana Jagoda Kaye Musician

Joe Buchanan Musician

Abbie Strauss Musician

Chava Mirel Musician

10:15 pm–11:30 pm Meetings & Receptions

109 Friends of Bill W

10:30 pm–12:00 am Exhibit Hall

Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Re-opens

Photo courtesy Jaime Friedman, Temple Emanu-El, Marblehead, MA

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7:00 am–2:00 pm Convention Center Open


7:30 am–12:00 pm Credential Pick-Up

7:30 am–12:00 pm Solution Center Open

Visit the Solution Center to get answers to your questions aboutthe program, room changes, general logistics, local attractions, and restaurants.


8:00 am–8:45 am A Liturgical Siyum—Concluding Worship Service313 for the 74th Biennial

Themes, melodies and memories from the Biennial will weavethemselves through the liturgy of the final Shacharit service. The prayer leaders will aim to capture the take-aways, transcendent moments of the 2017 Biennial.

Rabbi Jack Romberg Rabbi, Temple Israel (Tallahassee, FL)

Cantor Lisa Segal Cantor, Temple Beth Sholom (Miami Beach, FL)

Meetings & Receptions

8:00 am–9:30 am Kutz Camp Stakeholders Meeting

Marriott Salon C & D The gathering of the Kutz Camp Council, Capital CampaignCommittee, and our generous supporters. Hear updates about the summer program and progress on Leading the Jewish Future:The Campaign for Kutz.

9:00 am–12:00 pm WUPJ Executive Board Meeting

Marriott Salon B The quarterly meeting of representatives of 7 World Union regions will examine issues facing Progressive Judaism around the world. Focus of the meeting will be new emerging communities, Youth camping programs in 11 countries, and updates on new Rabbinic training programs in Moscow and Buenos Aires. Open to all Biennial attendees. Key leaders— lay and professional—from all 7 regions are expected to be in attendance.


9:00 am–10:30 AM College Track Closing Breakfast

303 Open to College Track participants. As the Biennial draws to a close, we’ll reflect on our time together and explore ways that we can impact our campuses going forward.

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9:00–10:30 AM

Meet with other congregational leaders who are local to you. Share what you have learned and what you are thinking for your congregation at the conclusion of a packed and transformative week. Network with other leaders and find potential partners for collaboration.

Room 103South Florida CommunityWest Florida CommunityNorth Florida Community

Room 104Lake Erie Community KY-IN-OH Community Michigan Community

Room 107Canada Community

Room 108Southwest CommunityRocky Mountain Community

Room 109Shalom Y’all CommunitySoutheast Conference of Congregations

Room 111Hudson River CommunityNorth Central NJ Community

Room 201NENNYNE CommunityUpstate NY Community

Room 202Westchester-Greenwich CommunitySouthern New England/Western MA Community

Room 203New York City CommunityGreater Long Island Community

Room 204Los Angeles CommunitySo So Cal Community

Room 205North Texas CommunitySouth Texas Community

Room 206San Francisco Bay Area CommunityCentral Valley CA CommunityPacific Northwest Community

Room 207DC-MD-VA CommunityThe Carolinas Community

Room 208Philadelphia Tri-State CommunityWestern PA/West VA CommunityUpper Midwest Community

Room 209IA, NE, KS, MO CommunityMO-IL CommunityChicagoland Community

Room 210 Eastern MA and Rhode Island Community

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Exhibit Hall

10:00 am–2:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open

URJ Central Open

URJ Central is your gateway to all things URJ, at Biennial and beyond. URJ staff are also available for one-on-one conversations, including special opportunities for leaders of small congregations.

10:30 am - 11:30 am Small Congregations Office Hours

URJ Central Share what you’re learning at Biennial and process how to apply it in a small congregation setting.

Merry Lugasy Small Congregations Director, Union forReform Judaism


The Biennial Leadership thanks the URJ North American Events professionals for their outstanding work in making this Biennial a reality: Liz Grumbacher Director Isaac Nuell Assistant Director Danielle Caserta Senior Sourcing Manage Rachel Stuart Senior Meeting Planner Rachel Lyons Events Administrator

We want to express our deep appreciation to the URJ staff team who provided such important leadership in the process of planning our Learning Sessions: Isaac Nuell North American Events Team; Overall Coordinator Lisa Lieberman Barzilai Strengthening Congregations Cara Fisher RAC/Tikun Olam Erica Santiago & Michelle Shapiro Abraham Youth Ilyssa Parker Audacious Hospitality Our thanks, also, to Helayne Friedland, Deborah Goldberg, and Jill Peltzman for their outstanding design for this Program Book and convention center signage.


We note with great sadness the sudden passing of our friend Jeff Brody, whose videos told the story of our Movement. Jeff’s creativity, passion and artistic vision were a key part of the Biennial program for twenty years. We are both heartbroken and proud that the 2017 Biennial will have a chance to see the last videos he worked on. His work for the Movement was not to the Biennial; he wrote, produced and directed a number of camp videos, as well as for NFTY and the Religious Action Center. We send our condolences to his family. We share their loss. May his memory be for a blessing.

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11:00 am–2:30 pm Israel Engagement Symposium (Pre-registration Required)


This Israel Engagement Symposium represents an exciting collaboration between ARZA, the URJ, the IMPJ and the Shalom Hartman Institute and symposium is built on the premise that engagement with Israel is essential to what it means to be a Reform Jew.

11:00 am–12:15 pm iEngage: Deepening and Expanding the Conversation 50 Years310 Since ‘67 (Track 1)

For lead facilitators from congregations enrolled in the Shalom Hartman Institute’s iEngage Active Learning Network, which requires teaching the 8-session iEngage video course and participation in 3 webinars. This track will train leadership teams to implement the latest SHI iEngage Video Lecture Series for use in adult education.

Rabbi Lauren Berkun, Director of Rabbinic and Synagogue Programs for the Shalom Hartman Institute of North AmericaRabbi Reuven Greenvald, Director of Israel Engagement, Union for Reform Judaism

11:00 am–12:15 pm Navigating the Place of Israel Conversation in Your Congregation (Track 2)

309 This track, sponsored by ARZA, will assemble congregational leaders to learn more about the divisions and disagreements about Israel, and to outline practical steps that congregations can take to create civil and constructive dialogue. Explore practical ways to strengthen Israel engagement through case study analysis.

Peri Smilow, Director of Program and Engagement, ARZA Dr. Dov Waxman, Northeastern University Professor of Political

Science, International Affairs and Israel Studies, and author of Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict Over Israel,

Rabbi Joshua Weinberg, President, ARZA

11:00 am–12:15 pm Working Hand-in-Hand with Reform Israelis (Track 3)

311 In this track, leaders from the IMPJ along with ARZA and the URJ will share insights and updates about advances in our efforts in areas of vital concern in Israel. Learn programmatic approaches to strengthen your congregation through connection to the Israeli Reform Movement’s successful models of people-to-people engagement (including youth), as well as ways to become more involved in the work of expanding religious pluralism in Israel.Rabbi Gilad Kariv, President, Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism (IMPJ) (Jerusalem, Israel)Rabbi Noa Sattath, Director, Israel Religious Action Center (Jerusalem, Israel)


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Israel Engagement Symposium (Pre-registration Required)

12:30 pm–1:15 pm Book Launch Lunch

312 To celebrate a valuable new collection of essays about what Israel means to Reform Jews today, the CCAR will share insights into its new book, “A Fragile Dialogue: New Voices of Liberal Zionism.”

Rabbi Lauren Berkun, Director of Rabbinic and Synagogue Programs for the Shalom Hartman Institute of North AmericaRabbi Reuven Greenvald, Director of Israel Engagement, Union for Reform JudaismPeri Smilow, Director of Program and Engagement, ARZADr. Dov Waxman, Professor of Political Science, International Affairs and Israel Studies, Northeastern University; Author, “Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict Over Israel”Rabbi Joshua Weinberg, President, ARZARabbi Gilad Kariv, President, Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism (IMPJ) (Jerusalem, Israel)Rabbi Noa Sattath, Director, Israel Religious Action Center (Jerusalem, Israel)Rabbi Michael Marmur, Provost, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of ReligionLiya Rechtman, Harvard Divinity School (Somerville, MA)Rabbi Hara Person, Publisher and Director of CCAR Press; CCAR Director of Strategic Communications

Rabbi John Rosove, Senior Rabbi, Temple Israel of Hollywood (Los Angeles, CA); National Chairman, ARZA

1:30pm–2:30pm To finish our day together, Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem will be speaking on “Six Days That Shaped 50 Years.”

Rabbi Donniel Hartman, President, Shalom Hartman Institute (Jerusalem, Israel)

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11:00 am–3:00 pm Baby Boomers Symposium (Pre-registration Required)


Hynes 302

Our institutions are only slowly getting prepared for the type of programming, engagement, and relationships that Boomers seek and expect.

We need to share the message and the urgency for our Reform movement to address this constituency’s unmet needs and place them on our shared national agenda. In fact, as Boomers represent the largest cohort of Jewish adults, our growth and vitality as a Movement and as a community depend on it. We need a new conversation about aging.

Join us for a day of learning with experts in the field of Baby Boomer engagement, featuring the work of congregations participating in the URJ Engaging Baby Boomers Community of Practice.

(This session is co-sponsored by Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ) and Men of Reform Judaism (MRJ), and Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism (ECE-RJ).)

Rabbi Richard Address, Director and Founder, Jewish Sacred AgingAmy Asin, Vice President for Strengthening Congregations, Union for Reform JudaismMarc Freedman, CEO & President, Encore.orgDr. Frank Friedman, Temple Israel (Boston, MA)Rabbi Laura Geller, Rabbi Emerita, Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills, CA)Stuart Himmelfarb, Chief Executive Officer, B3: The Jewish Boomer Platform, Inc.Rabbi Marion Lev-Cohen, Rabbi for Community Engagement, Central Synagogue (New York, NY)Jeanne Lovy, Vice President, JCC Greater Boston (Newton, MA)Susan Ridker, Temple Israel (Boston, MA)Beth Steinhorn, President, VQ Volunteer StrategiesDr. Linda Thal, Educator, Author, “Wise Aging: Living with Joy, Resilience and Spirit”Julie Unger, 50s and 60s Coordinator, Temple Israel (Boston, MA)Julie Vanek, Director, Jewish Learning Connections, CombinedJewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston