Scb Project Paper

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  • 8/9/2019 Scb Project Paper



  • 8/9/2019 Scb Project Paper


    1.0 Introduction

    1.1 Origin of the Report

    This project is a requirement of BBA Program and includes

    experiences during preparing this project. This report is about the

    Credit Card er!ices of tandard Chartered Ban" in Bangladesh.

    #ere the project contains di$erent s%stem& program& process& features

    and bene'ts of Credit Card.

    tandard Chartered Ban" is a multinational ban" and started its

    business in Bangladesh in ()*+ ,ith a branch in Chittagong. Toda% it

    has (+ branches and AT/s in di$erent important places of this

    countr%. tandard Chartered Ban" is the pioneer issuer of Credit Card

    in Bangladesh and it is also pioneer acquirer of Credit Card in

    Bangladesh. It acquires credit card since ()++ and started issuing

    credit cards from the %ear ())0. Toda% it has in total approximatel%

    (11&111 credit cards in the mar"et ,ith approximatel% *111


      1.2 Objectives

    The main objecti!es of this project to stud% the customer ser!ices

    pro!ided b% the Credit Card er!ices of tandard Chartered Ban" in

    this countr%. Along ,ith this the objecti!es of this stud% ,ere as


    i3 To stud% the product - Credit Card

    ii3 To stud% about the Credit Card customer ser!ice

    iii3 To re!eal the limitations of the current Credit Card

    i!3 To suggest possible ,a%s to o!ercome the limitations.

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    (.(. 7imitations7imitations

    7ac" of comprehension of the respondents ,as the major

    problem that created man% confusions regarding !eri'cation of 

    conceptual question.

    imitation of time ,as one of the most important factors that

    shortened the present stud%. 5ue to time limitation man% aspect

    could not b% discussed in the present stud%.

    !on'dentialit% of data ,as another important barrier that ,as

    confronted during the conduct of this stud%. 8!er% organi9ation

    has their o,n secrec% that is not re!ealed to others. :hile

    collecting data on tandard Chartered Ban"& personnel did not

    disclose enough information for the sa"e of con'dentialit% of the


    R ush hours and business ,as another reason that acts as an

    obstacle ,hile gathering data.

    "he 'nding of the sur!e% is based on emplo%ee;s response in

    di$erent tandard Chartered branches located in 5ha"a Cit%

    onl%. The results ma% not re

  • 8/9/2019 Scb Project Paper


    :hich card is popular in Bangladesh& its interest rate and the social

    impact of Credit Card. 4ifth part is conclusion and recommendation.

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    2.0 S"#$%#R% !R"'R'% (#$) 

    tandard Chartered Ban" >CB3 is an international ban"& ,hichprimaril% focuses its acti!ities in Asia& Africa& and /iddle 8ast. This

    ban" pla%s an in!igorating role in lin"ing the ,orld;s de!eloped

    economies ,ith emerging mar"ets and pro!ides personal ban"ing&

    corporate ba"ing& institutional ban"ing consumer 'nance and

    custodial ser!ices. The act of the ban" is to pro!ide the most e$icient&

    consistent and timel% ser!ices and to be the ban" of choice in its

    principal territories.

    CB is a multinational ban" and 'nancial ser!ices group that is

    incorporated in the ?.@. ,ith a unique international net,or". It no,

    spans in the de!eloped and emerging economies of the ,orld& after

    been built o!er (1 %ears.

    The group operates through more than =11 o$ices in o!er *+

    countries and has o!er &111 people managing assets of o!er *0

    billion pounds. In asset si9e the group ,as ran"ed )*th in the ,orld in

    ())0. The group has its long past histor% sho,ing its huge gro,th


    2.1 St*nd*rd !h*rtered in (*ngl*desh

    The Chartered Ban" opened its operation in Chittagong in ()*0 that

    ,as& at that time the eastern region of the ne,l% created Pa"istan.

    The branch opened mainl% to facilitate the post ,ar re-establishment

    and expansion in outh 8ast Asia. The ban" opened its 'rst branch in

    5ha"a in ()== and shifted it;s headquarter from Chittagong to 5ha"a

    after the birth of the Republic of Bangladesh in ()0( the ban" 

    increasingl% in!ested in people& technolog% and premises as its

    business gre, in relation to the countr%;s thri!ing econom%. 8xtensi!e

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    "no,ledge of the mar"et and essential expertise in ,ide 'nancial

    ser!ices underline CB;s strength to build business opportunities and

    institutional clients at home and abroad. Continuous upgrading of 

    technolog% and control s%stem has enabled the ban" to o$er ne,

    ser!ices& ,hich include unique AT/ and Phone Ban"ing on a *-hour




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    3.0 !redit !*rd3.0 !redit !*rd

    3.1 +h*t is * !redit !*rd ,3.1 +h*t is * !redit !*rd ,

     A plastic card issued b% a ban"& li"e tandard Chartered Ban" or b%

    other 'nancial institutions. It is also "no,n as plastic mone%. The

    credit cards are personali9ed to the user bear the user name&

    photograph and signature and are magneti9ed ,ith unique cardnumber.

    Credit card allo,s cardholder mainl% to bu% goods and ser!ices for

    the retailers or shops ta"e cash ad!ances from AT/s or branches pa%

    their utilit% bills.

    6n purchasing goods and ser!ices for the selected shops& called

    merchants& retailers are paid directl% b% the ban"& less a ser!ice


    Card holder recei!es monthl% statements from the credit card unit of Card holder recei!es monthl% statements from the credit card unit of 

    the ban"& ,hich ma% be paid in full ,ithin a certain number of da%sthe ban"& ,hich ma% be paid in full ,ithin a certain number of da%s

    ,ith no interest charged. Card holders ma% ma"e a speci'ed,ith no interest charged. Card holders ma% ma"e a speci'ed

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    minimum pa%ment >t%picall% of the outstanding3 and pa% interestminimum pa%ment >t%picall% of the outstanding3 and pa% interest

    on the outstanding balances.on the outstanding balances.

    Credit Card allo,s customers to enjo% re!ol!ing credit as repaidCredit Card allo,s customers to enjo% re!ol!ing credit as repaid

    amounts can be redra,n up to the allocated limit of the credit card.amounts can be redra,n up to the allocated limit of the credit card.

    In modern time in most of the countries Credit Cards are !ie,ed as aIn modern time in most of the countries Credit Cards are !ie,ed as a

    prime pa%ment instrument& a safer substitute for pa%ment instrument& a safer substitute for cash.

     3.2 &istoric*l (*c-ground

    In toda%s econom%& the pa%ment s%stem has come a long ,a% since

    the da%s of barter. The concept of cards or plastic mone% ,as 'rst

    introduced b% :estern ?nion in the ?nited tates in ()(*. The s%stem

    ,as !er% ,ell appreciated b% e!er%one and began to spread out in

    other contexts also. In ()*& eneral Petroleum Corporation of 

    California introduced their o,n fuel card to be used at their oil

    stations all o!er the countr%. This ga!e their customers the pri!ilege of 

    bu%ing gas from all the general petroleum outlets ,ith this card

    instead of using cash mone%.

    The popularit% of card encouraged the ban"s to introduce this product

    to their customers. Ban" credit card ,as 'rst introduced in the ?Ain () b% the 4ran"lin Dational Ban". But the rising cur!e of the

    credit card popularit% started in the later half of the =1s. ()1s

    ,itnessed introduction of tra!el E entertainment cards such as 5iners

    club& American 8xpress and Carte Blanche. The incident that

    triggered the constitution of the 5iners Club is quite fascinating. The

    founder of 5iner Club Robert /cnmara once experienced

    entertaining guests at a De, For" restaurant. This incident ga!e birth

    to the idea of charge cards.

    Barcla%s Ban" of the ?@ introduced Barcla%card in ()==. This ,as

    follo,ed b% Access Credit Card launched jointl% b% 7lo%ds Ban"&

    /idland Ban"& Dational :estminster& :illiams E l%ns and the ro%al

    ban" of cotland.

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    Tra!el and entertainment cards are used as a method of pa%ment onl%

    and not considered as credit cards. In ()+& American 8xpress

    introduced their corporate cards ,hich has toda% become the most

    ,idel% used charge card in the ,orld. Consequentl% in ()== /aster

    charge E Ban" Amricard >,hich later came to be "no,n as

    /asterCard3 and in ()00 GIA ,ere born. Both /asterCard

    international and GIA international are scheme operators ,ho

    operate all around the ,orld through a ,ide range of established

    ban"s li"e Citiban"& #ong @ong hanghai Ban" and ADH rindla%s

    Ban"& tandard Chartered Ban" etc.

    3.3 "ypes of !*rd

    The basic underl%ing h%pothesis of plastic cards is that a cardholder

    can use that card as a medium of pa%ment at di$erent points of sales

    >P63 in the place of cash currenc%& in a standard situation& e!er%

    transaction through cards in!ol!es three parties. The% are

    >(3 Cardholder

    >3 The card issuing ban"

    >3 The merchant. #ere the card issuing ban" acts as an intermediar% bet,een the card

    holder and the merchant.

    There are se!eral cards being used around the ,orld. The main

    Categories ha!e been discussed in the proceeding sectionJ

    3.3.1 !redit c*rd

    Credit card as a substitute for cash or cheque and ser!ices is

    becoming increasingl% popular ,ith public since its introduction in the

    mar"et. lobal acceptabilit% is the sign for the success of credit card.

    It pro!ides t,o aspects of ban"ing function togetherJ the transmission

    of pa%ment and granting of credit. The s%stem is mutuall% attracti!e

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    to parties in!ol!ed in credit card operation-card holder& merchant and


     A credit card has a limit on the amount the cardholder can spend on

    it2 but at the same time it has the ad!antage of re!ol!ing credit. B%

    de'nition& KA Credit Card is a card ,hich allo,s the cardholder to pa%

    for goods and ser!ices or dra, cash& up to a predetermined card

    spending limit and enables him to pa% o$ the outstanding balance

    o!er from one statement to another. This charge co!ers the ban"s

    expenses of carr%ing unclear debit balances in the cardholders


    3.3.2 is* *nd M*ster!*rd !redit c*rds

     Gisa and /asterCard are t,o scheme operators ,ho operate all o!er

    the ,orld through established ban"s li"e #BC& tandard Chartered

    Ban"& Citiban" etc. A ,orld ,ide "no,n brand li"e GIA or /aster

    Card is a !er% good example of strategic branding of ser!ices. ?se of a

    single brand all o!er the ,orld helps the users or cardholders b%

    allo,ing them to deri!e maximum utilit% from their cards.

     As a scheme operator GIAM /asterCard ,or"s as a lin"age bet,een the

    card issuing ban" and the card ser!icing ban" here the card ser!icing ban" 

    is a member of the scheme operators curtail and it pro!ides di$erent

    establishments in its localit%.

    3.3.3 !h*rge c*rds

    Charge card is a card ,hich allo,s the card holder to purchase goods

    or ser!ices in a st%le similar to credit cards but ,ithout the pro!ision

    of deferred pa%ments. The outstanding balance o,ing at the end of 

    each billing c%cle must be cleared in full b% pa%ment ,ithin due date

    ,hich is usuall% is da%s from statement date. Charge cards do not

    ha!e spending or credit limits but the issuer normall% establishes a

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    spending pattern based on the cardholders usage !olumes and

    in!estigations abnormall% excessi!e of large transactions. 8xamples of 

    charge cards include American 8xpress& 5iners club E NCB cards.

    3.3.4 %ebit !*rd

     A debit card is issued b% a ban" to its account holders against a

    minimum le!el of deposit in their account. Then after regular inter!als

    >usuall% 1 da%s3 the transaction amount is debited from the

    customers account along ,ith the ser!ice charge.

    3.4 "he !redit !*rd "r*ns*ction /rocess

    :hen a transaction through credit card is initiated& it in!ol!es four parties

    and the% areJ

    Credit card holder Card issuer Ban" 

     Acquirer Ban" 


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    igure 1 "r*ns*ction /rocess of !redit !*rd

    The merchant is a business establishment ,hich has the facilities to

    accept credit card as a form of pa%ment for goods and ser!ices. To

    ha!e this facilit% the merchant needs to formali9e an agreement ,ith

    a ban" ,hich is called the acquirer ban". 4or scheme operators li"e

     GIA or /asterCard& ,ho operate ,orld ,ide through a number of 

    member ban"s the acquirer ban" and the card issuer ban" are usuall%

    t,o di$erent ones.

     A credit card transaction is accepted b% a participating merchant on

    the basis of either recei!ing a !oice or electronic authori9ation or if the transaction is under a certain !alue >

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    This authori9ation also protects the merchant from accepting lost or

    stolen card being presented b% an% person other than the cardholders.

    In technicall% ad!anced countries& this authori9ation is done

    electronicall% ,ith the help of electronic de!ices.

     After this transaction bet,een the cardholder and the merchant has

    ta"en place& the merchant obtains compensation from the acquirer

    ban" amount less a certain ser!ice charge and claims compensation

    from the card issuer ban" through the scheme operator.

    The issuing of a credit card in!ol!es the creation of a credit

    relationship bet,een the issuer and the cardholder. The issuer ,ill

    perform a series of in!estigations to establish the reliabilit% of the

    customer before pro!iding a credit limit and a card. The cardholder

    ,ill recei!e a statement of

    transactions from the issuer on a regular basis& ,hich ma% include

    cash ad!ances& sales and

    interest charges and request a minimum pa%ment of the balance

    outstanding. A similar process is follo,ed ,hen an acquirer ban" selects an

    establishment for becoming a merchant. The establishments past

    business records& 'nancial performance& and ban";s recommendation

    along& ,ith man% more details are scrutini9ed before choosing it as a

    merchant and pro!iding it ,ith the necessar% logistic and bac"up

    support to accept cards.

    3. -ey benets of St*nd*rd !h*rtered !redit c*rds

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     +ide #ccept*nce

    tandard Chartered Ban" issues both GIA and /asterCard Credit

    Cards& the t,o ,idel% accepted cards. o& the customers can bu%

    an%thing from clothes to meals in exclusi!e restaurants to airline

    tic"ets to hospital bills. An% outlet that accepts Gisa or /asterCard

    ,ill entertain our cardholders.

    The% ha!e >CB3 at present& agreements ,ith 11 merchants all o!er

    Bangladesh. But their cards are accepted in almost *11 outlets. The

    number is gro,ing e!er%da%.

    Substitute of !*sh

    it is the primar% bene't of credit card. Through cards one can bu%

    almost an% thing on credit ,ithin the credit-limit. Therefore people

    can go for their desired products and ser!ice and not bother ,hether

    the% are carr%ing enough cash ,ith them or ha!e enough cash in their

    ban" account. It enhances the purchasing po,er of the customer and

    gi!es them opportunit% to shop an% time as the% li"e.



    Customers do not need to carr% cash to purchase goods and ser!ices.

    Through credit card customer can settle hisMher dues to obtain credit in

    shops& hotels& restaurants& petrol stations& etc.

    Supple5ent*ry !*rd

    tandard Chartered credit card holder can enjo% the con!enience of 

    supplementar% card for cardholders spouse& children o!er (+ %ears of 

    age or an% famil% members or friends. Cardholder can set the

    spending limit of cardholder choice& ,hich ,ill be the maximum

    amount that the supplementar% cardholder can spend in one billing

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    c%cle. A supplementar% cardholder can enjo% all the bene'ts that onl%

    cardholder can.

    '5ergency $eed

    In cases of emergenc%& cardholders can get instant cash ad!ances up

    1 of card limit from an% of their AT/s * hours in a da%. ince

    non-account holder also can be a credit card holder& so non-account

    holder also can use their AT/ through credit card.


    Cardholders can pa% their utilit% bills through the Auto Bills Pa%

    cheme. Customers no longer ha!e to stand in long queues of the

    ban" pa% utilit% bills.

    Insur*nce !over*ge

    Cardholders enjo% free an% accidental death insurance co!erage.

    /oreo!er under the afet% Det insurance scheme& in case of death or

    total permanent disabilit%& the ban" ,ai!es the total outstanding on

    the card.

    Inst*ll5ent o*n f*cility Customers can con!ert speci'c purchases into installment loans

    through the InstaBu% scheme. Cardholders can bu% merchandise and

    pa% them at a lo,er interest rate than most unsecured loans in the

    mar"et. /oreo!er in certain special campaign& customers are o$ered

    H8R6 interest rates loan facilit% for certain products.

    6ifts *nd Re7*rds

    Cards ha!e an ongoing re,ards campaign ,here customers get

    di$erent gifts based on the Treasure Points that the% get on their

    purchases of di$erent goods. Besides that Cards al,a%s ha!e some

    sort of campaign or other going on.

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    3.8.!redit i5it

    !*rd "ype #5ount/aster M Gisa Card>7ocal3

    B5T (1&111 B5T )1&111

    old /aster Card >7ocal3 B5T (11&111 B5T *11&111Platinum /aster Card>7ocal3

    B5T *11&111 +11&111

     Gisa il!er ?Q 11 ?Q *&11 Gisa old ?Q &111 ?Q 1&111

      "*ble 3

    3.6.6 Debt Burden Ratio0<

    3.8.= Secured !*rd >oc*l ? Int@lA

    " B0<

    3.8.C (usiness 'Distence >for self9e5ployed onlyA

    1 :e*r E oc*l

    3.8.B Mini5u5 Rep*y5ent >1 d*ys *fter the

    st*te5ent d*teA

    oc*l E &igher of < ? (%" 00

    Intern*tion*l E &igher of < ? ;SF 10.

    3.= 6ener*l diGerences bet7een gold H silver c*rd

    oc*l *nd Intern*tion*l c*rds

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    3.=.1 6old c*rd *nd Silver c*rdsold Cards are for people ,ith a higher le!el of income and ,ith

    auent lifest%les. ome of the attribute di$erences of the gold and

    sil!er cards are&

    !riteri* 6old


    Silver !*rd

    /inimum monthl%


    B5T &111 B5T (1&111

    /inimum Credit 7imit B5T (11&111 B5T (1&111/aximum Credit 7imit B5T 11&111 B5T )1&111

     Annual 4ees >Primar%


    B5T 11 B5T (01

     Annual 4ees



    B5T (&111 B5T 11

    Card Replacement 4ee&


    Replacement 4ee& 6!er-


    Charge E 7ate Pa%ment


    >Per c%cle3

    B5T (& 11MCard S GAT B5T +11MCard S GAT

    "*ble 4


    4ees and charges are subject to frequent changes to adjust ,ith

    mar"et condition and business priorities.

    3.=.2 oc*l *nd Intern*tion*l c*rdsome of the attributable di$erences of the 7ocal and International cards are& 

    Intern*tion*l !*rds oc*l !*rds

    ;se Can be used outside

    Bangladesh for Purchases

    To be used onl% in

    Bangladesh for

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    other currencies. Purchases onl% in

    B5TSecurity  Issued against the

    deposits of an Account

    or an 8xport Retention

    Ouota Account.

      Issued full%



    Charges are all in ?5. Charges are in B5T

    ;s*ge If used locall% then

    customers are a$ected b%

    the currenc% con!ersion

    rate. As cards bills aresettled against foreign

    currenc% Accounts.Oper*tor   GIA onl% GIA and /asterCard



    3.C %iGerent types of St*nd*rd !h*rtered !redit !*rdsJ

    3.C.1 oc*l !*rd/asterCard old

    /asterCard il!er

     Gisa il!er

    3.C.2 Intern*tion*l !*rd Gisa il!er

     Gisa old 

    3.C.3 !*rds *lso c*n be used in (*ngl*desh

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    /asterCard il!er

     /aster Card old

     /aster Card Platinum

     Gisa il!er

    3.C.4 !ric-et !*rd There is no di$erence in Gisa il!er and

    /asterCard il!er from tandard Chartered point of !ie,. 6nl% is that

    some retailers accept Gisa ,hile some accept /asterCard depending

    on the acquiring membership respecti!e retail shops holds. The

    merchants of tandard Chartered accept both GIA and /asterCard.

    The tandard Chartered Cric"et Card is the latest edition to thetandard Chartered famil% of Cards. This is an exciting !alue-pac"ed

    o$er that has the ,hole to,n buKKing. or  e!er% Ta"a spend b% the

    cardholders CB ,ill donate a portion of that amount to the cric"et

    de!elopment fund. :hene!er Bangladesh ,ins a Test or an 65I& CB

    ,ill double the re,ard points on the purchases made b% the Cric"et

    Cardholders in the next ( da%s of the victory. !ric-et cardholders

    ,ill get discounts at di$erent sports stores. The 'rst fe, successful

    applicants ,ill be gi!en a special Cric"et benets. "he  abo!e-

    mentioned bene'ts are the special bene'ts that are exclusi!e to the

    Cric"et Card. Beside that& Cric"et Card holders ,ill get all the usual

    bene'ts of a credit card including re,ards program& afet% Det&

    InstaBu%& Auto bills Pa% etc.

    3.B &o7 do the #uto (ills p*y  Syste5 7or-, Auto Bills pa% is a simple method of pa%ing utilit% bills. Cardholders

    ,ho enroll into the scheme don;t ha!e to stand in line at di$erent

    ban"s or other collection o$ices. Currentl% there are ) ser!ice

    pro!ides under the scheme.

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    3.B.1 e*tures *nd #dv*nt*ge There are some features

    and ad!antages of Auto billspa%.The areJ

    #assle free transaction


    8as% trac"ing

    imple and eas% to appl%.

    3.B.2 /*rticip*ting Merch*nts

    /obile Phone rameen Phone& A"tel&Cit%cell& Blin" 

    IP Accesstel& Agni& B67Cable TGJ Prisms 5igital?tilit% Compan% 5esa& 5esco

      "*ble 8

    CB cardholders& ,ho are also customers of these utilit% companies&

    can issue a standing order& through ,hich their bills ,ill be

    automaticall% paid& in full& at the respecti!e billing date. The pa%ment

    of the bill is subject to the a!ailable credit in the credit limit of the


    If there is insu$icient credit to meet the bill amount& the billing

    compan% informs the cardholder that his Auto Bills pa% has been

    declined and he needs to pa% in the bill through other channels.It is

    possible for a cardholder to pa% the bills of more than ( utilit% or or

    more bills of the same utilit% can be paid through the same card.

    /eaning ( person can pa% his and other;s bills as ,ell.

    3.B3 I5port*nt /oints



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    3.10 Card cheque

    CB 'rst introduces cheque against credit cards. A cardholder can

    issue a cheque for the total limit of the card if the amount is a!ailable.

    The cheque is account pa%ee. The card holder is charged onl% ( of 

    the amount and can enjo% a max. 6f * da%s and min.( da%s interest

    free period >I the pre!ious month is totall% paid3.

    3.10.1 e*tures *nd #dv*nt*geJ

    :ider Acceptance

    4lexible Transaction

    /ore Con!enience

    afe and ecure

     Additional Card Cheque for upplementar% Card holder


    3.10.2 ees *nd !h*rgesJ

    (. card Cheque Boo" 4ees2

      B5T (11 for 7ea!es Cheque Boo"

    B5T (1 for (1 7ea!es Cheque Boo" 

    . Card Cheque Prossing 4ees2

    (.11 of the Card Cheque transaction amount.

    3.10.3 I5port*nt /ointsJ

    ?sage Area

    ?sage 7imit


    Time 7ine to get the Cheque Boo" 

    7ost Cheque M Cheque Boo" 

    Re,ard Point

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    3.11 '9S"#"'M'$"

    3.11.1 +h*t is '9S"#"'M'$",

    The subscriber of e- statement ,ill be able to recei!e their monthl%

    statements through e-mail. This is an alternati!e of printed statement.

    Through e-statement& Credit Card statement can be recei!ed

    an%,here in the ,orld. This program has been launched from (



    3.11.2 e*tures *nd #dv*nt*ge

    4ast& eas% and hassle free.

    Do charge.

    /ultiple emailing facilities.

    Increases securit% and con'dentialit%.

    #assle free enrollment.

    3.11.3 '9St*te5ent Subscription /rocedure

    The customer ,ill 'll out the application form and it ,ill be

    collected b% the sales executi!es.

    The sales executi!es ,ill submit the form to the Portfolio o$icer.

    The application form ,ill be processed b% the operations


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    6nce e-statement is acti!ated& the customer ,ill immediatel%

    recei!e a :87C6/8 /essage >email3 con'rming the receipt of 

    the completed e-statement application form.

    The monthl% Credit Card e-statement ,ill be in P54 format&

    ,hich can be !ie,ed b% Acrobat Reader.

    If customer does not ha!e Acrobat Reader& it can be do,nloaded

    from ,,, for free.

    3.12 &o7 co5e Inst*buy  is such * big hit,

    InstaBu% is the ne, scheme of tandard Chartered Credit Cards.This is an

    installment plan ,here CB Credit Card #olders can transfer their

    purchases to the

    installment loan account and repa% in 8qual /onthl% installment


    3.12.1 e*tures *nd (enets Abilit% to ma"e high !olume purchase.Do further credit appro!al or documents require.Do opening fee.Con!enience to pa%bac" in =&(&(+&* or = months onInstallments.Re,ards points earned on all Instabu%.8njo% 1 interest rate for purchase from particular merchants.

    3.12.2 I5port*nt /oints Galid onl% in 7ocal cards.Can transfer more than one transaction to Instabu% plan.Transaction amount has to be more than B5T 11.


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    3.12.3 Rep*y5ent f*ctor 

    Months /*y5ent *ctor Monthly Inst*ll5ent

      = (.1+*+ B5T (&**=  ( (.(=) B5T 0+1  (+ (.* B5T 0  * (.)1 B5T **=  1 (.*+ B5T +1  = (.1+ B5T

    "*ble =

    3.13 +h*t is S*fety $et ,It is an insurance Co!erage safeguarding tandard Chartered Ta"a

    Cardholders against life; uncertainties. In case of 5eath or an%

    Permanent Total 5isabilit%& card outstanding ,ill be ,ai!ed b% the

    ban". This program has been launched from (st Nune&11.

    3.13.1 e*tures *nd #dv*nt*gein*nci*l security in ti5es of need

    In case of total permanent disabilit% or death& the total outstanding on

    the credit card ,ill be ,ai!ed& ,ithout causing an% incon!enience of 

    lo!ed ones.

     ery no5in*l 5onthly ch*rge

    6nl% 1. of the last credit card statement balance. 4or instance&T@.

    (111 outstanding ,ill ha!e a charge of onl% T@. ..It ,ill be charged

    to the account on the (st da% of each month.

    ree cover*ge for tr*ns*ctions on supple5ent*ry c*rd

    ince all supplementar% card transactions are charged to the primar%

    card holder;s account& afet% net also co!ers supplementar% card

    holder transaction.

    ree t7o 5onths tri*l period

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    4irst t,o months& afet% Det can be enjo%ed absolutel% free of charge.

      tatement ,ill sho, Kafet% Det Insurance chargeL.

      5uring trial period& there ,ill be another reser!e transaction.

     #uto5*tic *nd h*ssle free enroll5ent

    Do forms ha!e to be 'lled.

    If no call recei!ed ,ithin the 'rst t,o months& card holders ,ill

    continue to bene't from afet% Det.

    If protection is not preferred& card holders ,ill call them and request

    for de-enrollment.

    3.13.2 I5port*nt /oints

    ree tri*l period

    4or existing clientsJ next months.

    4or ne, card holdersJ months after hisMher card issued.

    Insur*nce !l*i5

     After the incident card holder can call them or ,rite to them& and

    necessar% papers ,ill be sent to the card holders for claming the



     As ,ith an% other insurance polic%& restrictions and disclaimers ,ill appl%.

    uggest reading of terms and conditions.

    Insur*nce !o5p*ny 

    To be disclosed onl% if customer requests. American 7ife Insurance

    Compan% >Alico Bangladesh3& a compan% of repute has been operation

    since ().

    3.13.3 S*fety $et !l*i5 /rocedure

    Cardholder;s famil% ,ill contact Customer er!ice-CAs ,illinform the famil% o send an application claming afet% net

    Insurance and also inform the famil% that death certi'cate and

    other documents ,ill be required for processing the claim. The

    ban" ,ill contact them later regarding the documents required.

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    P?77U er!iceJ

    Through pull ser!ice& the customer ,ill be able to access Credit

    CardMAccount;s pre!ious da%;s outstanding b% t%ping a pre-de'ned

    @e%,ord >CAR5 for Credit Card and ACC for Account;s.3 ,ith a * digit

    PID as a message in the mobile phone and then send the message to


    imple and Con!enientJ

    :ith / ban"ing& customer does not ha!e to ,ait for the statements

    to arri!e through mail or call up at Cards Call Centers. / ban"ing

    ,ill pro!ide *- hour access to the "e% 'nancial information of Credit


    3.14.3 SMS (*n-ing Subscription /rocedureJ

    To sing up for / ban"ing& the customer needs to 'll-out /

    ban"ing form.

    The customer ,ill 'll out the application form b% pro!iding a *

    digit Pin.

    The sales executi!es ,ill collect and submit the form to the

    Portfolio 6$icer.

    The application form ,ill be processed b% the operations


    CB ,ill require 0 ,or"ing da%s to acti!ate the ser!ice.

    3.14.4 I5port*nt /oints of SMS (*n-ing

    In case of Ban" Account& CB ,ill accept application forms

    signed b% the authori9ed signatories of the account onl%. In case

    of Credit Cards ,ill accept application forms signed b% the

    PRI/ARF cardholder onl%.

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    The accountholderMCardholder is solel% responsible to ensure

    the possession of the /obil phoneMConnection assigned to /

    ban"ing ser!ice to maintain the con'dentialit% of hisMher

    'nancial information.

    / ban"ing er!ice shall remain e$ecti!e until other,ise

    ad!ised in ,riting b% the AccountholderMCardholder& ,hich

    should reach the Ban" at least one ,ee" the next statement is


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    3.1 +h*t is the Re7*rd /rogr*5, #nd ho7 

    does it 7or- 

    The Re,ards Program of the Credit at CB is a scheme to ma"e thecredit card experience more exciting for the cardholders.

    In this program& Cardholders accumulate Treasure Points for the

    Purchase on their credit cards. 4or e!er% T@. 1 of purchaseCardholders ,ill accumulate ( Treasure Point. Through the treasure

    points& cardholders ,ill be entitled to exclusi!e gifts or !ouchers from

    selected merchant establishments across the countr%.

    The Treasure Points necessar% for a speci'c gift is gi!en in the

    boo"let that each customer recei!es along ,ith his credit card.

    8xisting customers ,ere mailed the boo"let at the start of the

    campaign. The boo"lets are also a!ailable& in limited numbers& at the


    The customers ha!e no fear of an% portion loss here. In other ,ords& if 

    someone purchases T@. 1 at month;s end& he gets (1 points for the

    T@. 11 and the T@. 1 is held and ,ill be added to next month;s

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    point;s accumulation. o& customers get points for e!er% Ta"a that

    the% purchase on their CB Credit Card.

    8ach month;s statement includes the points accumulated b% the

    customer till date. o customers can trac" their point;s accumulation.

    Customers can redeem their Treasur% Points for pri9es& b% either

    'lling in a re,ards cheque or b% calling in at a gi!en number. :ithin a

    ,ee" the Re,ard release Goucher ,ill be sent to the customers.

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    PART I

    4.1 Popular Cards in BANGLAD!"#

     CB has !arious t%pes of 7ocal as ,ell as International Credit Cards.

     Among the Credit Cards& /aster Card is more popular no, a da%&

    because of the merchant >P& A@T87& CITFC877& B7& etc3 out let.

    Pre!iousl% !isa Card ,as popular. But no, /aster card old& /aster

    Card il!er& /aster card Platinum are more popular in Bangladesh.

    4.$ %nterest rate in Ban&ladesh#

     The interest rate charge for Credit Card is . monthl% and .1+dail%.

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    4.3 Custo'er de'and (or Credit Card in Ban&ladesh#

    Credit Card has a tremendous demand in Bangladesh2 especiall% CB

    Credit Card. CB has (11&111 customers of Primar% Card and(1&111 customers for upplementar% card. 8!er% da% the% are

    increasing their customer in a numerous ,a%. 11 to *11 customers

    the% are retaining e!er%da%.

    4.4 !ocial %'pact o( Credit Card#

    6ur countr% has become more de!eloped than before. De,

    technologies are using in man% sector. 8arning pro't is not onl%

    concern of the business2 the% also thin" about the customer

    satisfaction. 7i"e other sector pri!ate ban"s are also concern of 

    customer satisfaction. o& for the sa"e of the customer pri!ate ban"s

    introduced Credit Card in Bangladesh.

    /aximum pri!ate ban"s use on-line ban"ing s%stem. Credit Card is

    one of part of 6n-line s%stem. There is also another t%pe of card&

    ,hich is AT/ card. Both the card got the same popularit% in

    Bangladesh. B% the Credit Card the card holder can purchase

    an%thing form there ,here the Credit Card is allo,ed. Credit Card

    holder also can dra, cash but onl% from the Credit Card booth. There

    is limit speci'cation that& up to that amount& the card holder can


    Credit Card is nothing but ta"ing short term loan from ban"s. Thecard holder does not need to go to ban"s to ta"e the loan.

    Do, a da%& the Credit Card is so popular in Bangladesh& that

    maximum account holders are using it. Customer li"e to use it

    because& it reduces the ris" of carr%ing cash all the time. Credit Card

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    s%stem is changing the !ie, of ban"ing s%stem. People of Bangladesh

    are no, loo"ing for easier and faster ban"ing s%stem for mone%

    transaction and for ta"ing loans. afet% is another reason of carr%ing

    Credit Card instead of carr%ing cash. The concept of Credit Card

    changed the thin"ing pattern of the people.

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    .1 Conclusion:

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    CB ban" is still regarded as a reliable ban" and the gro,ing

    number of its customers indicates its acceptance among clients. It

    is !er% common statistical sa%ing that it is times costl% to get ane, customer than retaining the customer. It is also noted that

    getting a credit card and closing it is expensi!e. In both cases a

    number of time consuming steps ha!e to be ta"en from the ban" 

    and the customer. ince CB has been able to increase the number

    of card holders& it no, should ta"e care on the matter of pro!iding

    qualit% of ser!ice.

    The !arious s%stems of a Credit Card for customer ser!ice are a

    positi!e mo!e to,ards greater qualit% ser!ice. But the ban" needs

    to o!ercome the lac" of internal co-ordination bet,een the

    departments. To "eep up the ser!ice qualit%& the ser!ice pro!iders

    need regular moti!ations. The customers should also be

    enlightened regarding the ser!ices of Credit Card and more

    ad!ertisement is a must to boost the Ban"s reputation.

    It is !er% true that the most of the customers do not hesitate to

    expression CB as a better than other ban". But it should be

    considered that the customers ha!e !er% fe, choices of ban"s ,ith

    ,hich the% can actuall% compare the online ser!ice of CB. The

    nationali9ed ban"s of Bangladesh alread% ha!e earned a bad

    reputation in ser!ing customers. Again among the foreign pri!ate

    ban"s li"e #BC& A/8V is the ban"s that ha!e ,idened operation

    li"e CB. 6ther pri!ate ban"s ha!e limited operation in limited

    locations. The local ban"s ha!e recentl% focused their attention tocustomer ser!ice& satisfaction and also Credit Card er!ice.

    /oreo!er there are a good number of pri!ate ban"s that are

    coming into the competition soon. Therefore it is better for CB not

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    to let the situation be ,orst and should emphasi9e on ser!ing

    customers e$ecti!el% and e$icientl% to ensure better ser!ice.

    6.1  Recommendation:

    The customer should be encouraged b% o$ering ne,

    bene'ts to retain the Credit Card holders.

    Pro!iding an authori9ation for a card is to sanction an

    unsecured loan. There are fraud issues related to it.

    ometimes the agent has to ta"e appro!al from the

    merchant di!ision to pro!ide authori9ation. ince

    authori9ations are a !ital ser!ice pro!ide& t he merchant

    di!ision should be more accessible in terms of issuing

    Credit Cards.

    The customer needs to be encouraged to use the CB

    Credit Card. pecial campaigns could be launched for the

    purpose. CB should also be moti!ated to encourage for

    more customers. The Credit Card needs more ad!ertising

    and campaigns to encourage customers.

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    7.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY*nd*rdch*rtered.co5

    in*nci*l Report 03040 of S!(

    Md. I5r*n #li  /roduct Service OGicer  !usto5er Service #ssur*nce %ept.  &*di Mension (r*nch S!(.

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