SchoolCommunity News Number: 15 Date: 27th May 2015 Tucker Road, Bentleigh Primary School - No: 4687 16 Tucker Road Bentleigh 3204 P.O. Box 1341 Moorabbin 3189 Phone: 9557 2044 Fax: 9557 2181 Web Site: http:/www.tuckerroad.vic.edu.au Email:tucker.rd.bentleigh.ps@ edumail.vic.gov.au DATES TO DIARY 2015 Thursday 28th May SRC Casual Day Wednesday 10th June Walkathon (1.15-3.00pm) Monday 8th June Queen’s Birthday School Holiday Tuesday 16th June PFA Meeting 7.30pm Bentleigh RSL Friday 26th June Last Day of Term 2 2.30pm Dismissal Reports sent home School Camp Dates for 2015 Year 5 Camp Wednesday 3rd-5th June Sovereign Hill Year 4 Camp Wednesday 18th-Friday 20th November Maldon Students nominated for the Student of the Week award for the 25th May 2015 were: Leo Mesenich Omer Getz Angus Boag Jack Wein Maddie Hyde Aaron Huang Jade Knight Chiara Garufi-Byrne Hannah Metzke Charley Smith Zac Culvenor Alexander Batsis Sava Zvedeniuk Trinity Taylor Isabella Craig Brennan Lardgver Nicole Chen Kate Hartwig Ian Castro Ashley Curry Emma Abraham Eloise Taylor Emma Schlosser Yash Lakhera Noam Barel Ned Brabner All of Grade 3/4B Charley Smith Joni Deriboklou Notis Korkoneas Sebastian Grinberg Newsletter Term 2- week 7 2015 Education Week - Open Night All of the classrooms were open for viewing last Thursday evening and the place was packed as parents, grandparents and the children made their way through each school building and around the ‘Arts’ trail. The musical performances were amazing and showcased the talents of our students in the Performing Arts area- it was standing room only! The Art work that radiated in every corridor as you walked through the ‘Art Trail’ of student work revealed the very creative talents and the great enjoyment of Visual Arts shown by our students at TRBPS. The Science displays in the school hall showcased another area of the curriculum which the students greatly enjoy. Thank you to the entire staff for preparing their classrooms with amazing student work displays for the community to enjoy at this Education Evening event. Thank you once again to our talented ‘Arts Team’ for all of the magnificent displays around the school and the music performances that were organised for the community to enjoy. Thank you to the PE team for the videos depicting the outstanding PE/Sports program we have at TRBPS as well to the Signora’ s Oro and Kitson for the displays of work being completed as part of the LOTE program. Thank you to the children for their persistence and hard work over the past term and a half - TRBPS students and teachers sure do have talent!!! District Cross Country This event took place at Karkarook Park and congratulations to all of the children who participated and represented TRBPS. Thank you to the teachers and volunteers who assisted with the event. A special thank you is extended to Mr Jeremey Taylor, for the thorough preparation and implementation of the cross country event. Once again, I thank the TRBPS parents who attended the cross country to support the children that were competing at this event. Well done to the children who represented TRBPS! The TRBPS 60 th Birthday Celebration Many past and present students and teachers attended this event last Sunday in the SOL centre in recognition of the school’s 60 th Anniversary. Guest speakers included Mr Stan Oakley and Mr James Ireson. There were several past students who attended from the school’s first year of operation in 1954. Thank you to the wonderfully generous and talented FACEs team who organised the various display boards showing maps and photos etc., that helped represent a timeline in the school’s history. Thank you also to the same team for the decorations and thoughtful afternoon tea. Thank you to the staff that also assisted with this afternoon event. A ‘special’ thank you is extended to Mrs Kim Denholm–Jones, for the striking 60 th Birthday cake; it tasted as good as it looked! It was great to see many school community members (past and present) who made their way to the school to chat and reminisce about their time spent at Tucker Road and to highlight and commend the great community spirit that makes Tucker Road PS so unique! Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) A new government initiative has been introduced to support eligible families with a payment of $125 to help meet the cost of school activities. Applications close for the CSEF close on 26 June. Applications forms are available from the office. Refer to the notice, later in the newsletter. Changes to OSHC fees – Rainbow House Just a quick message to let the school community know that Rainbow House – Camp Australia - fees will be increasing in-line with CPI and the release of the Government Federal Budget. They will be sending out more information about this in their newsletter or you can check their website at www.campaustralia.com.au

SchoolCommunity News - Tucker Rd Bentleigh PS...2015/05/27  · SchoolCommunity News Number: 15 Date: 27th May 2015 Tucker Road, Bentleigh Primary School - No: 4687 16 Tucker Road

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Number: 15 Date: 27th May 2015

Tucker Road, Bentleigh Primary School -

No: 4687

16 Tucker Road Bentleigh 3204

P.O. Box 1341 Moorabbin 3189

Phone: 9557 2044

Fax: 9557 2181

Web Site:





Thursday 28th May

SRC Casual Day

Wednesday 10th June

Walkathon (1.15-3.00pm)

Monday 8th June

Queen’s Birthday School


Tuesday 16th June

PFA Meeting 7.30pm

Bentleigh RSL

Friday 26th June

Last Day of Term 2

2.30pm Dismissal

Reports sent home

School Camp Dates for 2015

Year 5 Camp

Wednesday 3rd-5th June

Sovereign Hill

Year 4 Camp

Wednesday 18th-Friday 20th November


Students nominated for the Student

of the Week award for the 25th May 2015


Leo Mesenich Omer Getz

Angus Boag Jack Wein

Maddie Hyde Aaron Huang

Jade Knight Chiara Garufi-Byrne

Hannah Metzke Charley Smith

Zac Culvenor Alexander Batsis

Sava Zvedeniuk Trinity Taylor

Isabella Craig Brennan Lardgver

Nicole Chen Kate Hartwig

Ian Castro Ashley Curry

Emma Abraham Eloise Taylor

Emma Schlosser Yash Lakhera

Noam Barel Ned Brabner

All of Grade 3/4B Charley Smith

Joni Deriboklou Notis Korkoneas

Sebastian Grinberg

Newsletter Term 2- week 7 2015

Education Week - Open Night All of the classrooms were open for viewing last Thursday evening and the place was

packed as parents, grandparents and the children made their way through each school

building and around the ‘Arts’ trail. The musical performances were amazing and

showcased the talents of our students in the Performing Arts area- it was standing

room only! The Art work that radiated in every corridor as you walked through the

‘Art Trail’ of student work revealed the very creative talents and the great enjoyment

of Visual Arts shown by our students at TRBPS. The Science displays in the school

hall showcased another area of the curriculum which the students greatly enjoy. Thank

you to the entire staff for preparing their classrooms with amazing student work

displays for the community to enjoy at this Education Evening event. Thank you once

again to our talented ‘Arts Team’ for all of the magnificent displays around the school

and the music performances that were organised for the community to enjoy. Thank

you to the PE team for the videos depicting the outstanding PE/Sports program we

have at TRBPS as well to the Signora’ s Oro and Kitson for the displays of work being

completed as part of the LOTE program. Thank you to the children for their

persistence and hard work over the past term and a half - TRBPS students and teachers

sure do have talent!!!

District Cross Country This event took place at Karkarook Park and congratulations to all of the children who

participated and represented TRBPS. Thank you to the teachers and volunteers who

assisted with the event. A special thank you is extended to Mr Jeremey Taylor, for the

thorough preparation and implementation of the cross country event. Once again, I

thank the TRBPS parents who attended the cross country to support the children that

were competing at this event. Well done to the children who represented TRBPS!

The TRBPS 60th

Birthday Celebration Many past and present students and teachers attended this event last Sunday in the

SOL centre in recognition of the school’s 60th Anniversary. Guest speakers included

Mr Stan Oakley and Mr James Ireson. There were several past students who attended

from the school’s first year of operation in 1954. Thank you to the wonderfully

generous and talented FACEs team who organised the various display boards showing

maps and photos etc., that helped represent a timeline in the school’s history. Thank

you also to the same team for the decorations and thoughtful afternoon tea. Thank you

to the staff that also assisted with this afternoon event. A ‘special’ thank you is

extended to Mrs Kim Denholm–Jones, for the striking 60th Birthday cake; it tasted as

good as it looked! It was great to see many school community members (past and

present) who made their way to the school to chat and reminisce about their time spent

at Tucker Road and to highlight and commend the great community spirit that makes

Tucker Road PS so unique!

Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) A new government initiative has been introduced to support eligible families with a

payment of $125 to help meet the cost of school activities. Applications close for the

CSEF close on 26 June. Applications forms are available from the office. Refer to the

notice, later in the newsletter.

Changes to OSHC fees – Rainbow House Just a quick message to let the school community know that Rainbow House – Camp

Australia - fees will be increasing in-line with CPI and the release of the Government

Federal Budget. They will be sending out more information about this in their

newsletter or you can check their website at www.campaustralia.com.au

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Canteen News


Orders are to be written clearly on a

lunch bag in blue, black or red ink, any

other marker is difficult to read. Please

do not sticky tape lunch bags up. A

reminder to enclose .10 cents for a bag

if an envelope is used.




Canteen Roster Thursday 28th May

Kylie Brkic Help Needed

Tuesday 2nd June

Nelle Johnston Zuhra Balic (10.30)

Thursday 4th June

Shirley Mandy Griffiths

Tuesday 9th June

Kate Wengier Yovitz Bell

Thursday 11th June

Maria Verginis Carmela

Tuesday 16th June

Anna Lake

Thursday 18th June

Adeline Raymer Natalia Tripp

Tuesday 23rd June

Alzira Redfern (11.30) Kerri Collins

Thursday 25th June

Kylie Brkic Dianne Anton

Tuesday 14th July

Nelle Johnston

Thursday 16th July

Maria Verginis Carmela

Tuesday 21st July

This week I’d like to share a heartfelt letter about one of our ‘budding’

Scientists… I thought it would be lovely for you and the dedicated teachers of Tucker Road Bentleigh

Primary School to hear this story. Last night, our son William Blyth of Grade 3K attended

his very first lecture.

One given by an astronaut no less!

Dr Sandra "Sandy" Magnus, aerospace engineer and astronaut spoke at RMIT at a public

lecture organised by the AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics).

Dr Magnus flew five missions for NASA including the final flight of the Space Shuttle

program (STS-135). She holds multiple degrees in Physics, Electrical Engineering and

Aerospace Engineering, plus a Masters and a PhD.

Retired from the astronaut program, she is now Executive Director of the American

Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).

Being a keen science fan and lover of maths, it occurred to me there could be no better

way to further encourage William’s love of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and

Maths) than going to see and hear an astronaut speak. William was planning on asking her

a question at the end & presenting her with this letter and drawing he made for her. (see

photo attached)

But I could tell he was a bit nervous about being the only kid in the room, so I thought he

might not go through with it. But that’s ok…We both listened for about an hour and a half

as she described her adventures aboard the Space Shuttle and the International Space

Station, including discussion involving experiments that are always happening at the ISS.

A couple of hundred people (mostly engineers, scientists, lecturers and students) are

packed into an RMIT lecture theatre and at the end of her lecture, the call for questions

goes up.

William's hand shoots straight up, and he *waves it around* (!)

Dr Cees Bill (RMIT Aerospace Engineering lecturer) comes over with the microphone to

give to William and our little boy asks the very first question of the Q&A session:

"Um, Sandy, I play this very accurate space simulation game called Kerbal Space Program

and it’s very tricky to dock spacecraft. Being an astronaut, can you give me some

strategies to make it easier for me to dock?"

9-year-old William gets A ROUND OF APPLAUSE from the audience! I'm so proud that

I actually start tearing up and I pat him on the back. Sandy is blown away and says "I have

never got a question about orbital mechanics from a kid before"

My heart swells :)

She then goes on to describe to William the exact mechanics of how the Space Shuttle

approaches the ISS and docks with it. Meanwhile William is smiling from ear to ear, both

dimples cute as ever.

After the Q&A, we go up to Sandy and William presents her with the letter and drawing

he'd made and she tells him he asked the best question. He positively beams!

We take a photo of course (also attached).

And then a few engineering students come up to William saying how he asked the best

question and they discuss Kerbal Space Program with him! Of course, we are so proud of

him. The courage and confidence he displayed to ask the first question in a room full of

quite clever grown-ups was very impressive. I think the way our young people grow up is

a direct reflection of the investment we all make in them. Parents, of course, have a huge

part to play in that.

But I also feel that the time, effort, and love of teaching that the teachers at TRBPS display

every day and that we have been lucky enough to experience has also contributed to the

happy, confident and clever young man William is becoming. This was clearly reflected

last night in the way he conducted himself.

So, thank you, and please pass on our thanks to William’s teachers past, present and

future, especially Lucy McNair (Prep), Karen Burgess (Grade 1), June Gaffney (Grade 2)

and Karen once again this year in Grade 3.

Have a great week!

Robyn Farnell

Principal - TRBPS

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HELPERS NEEDED Wednesday 10th June 1.30-3.30pm

A minimum of 25 volunteer parents are needed to assist with marking off the

number of laps completed by each participant and to assist with tallying at the end

of the day. If you can assist please complete the form below and return it to the

school by Tuesday 2nd June. A reply will be forwarded designating the class

group and role etc.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKATHON HELPER - reply

Yes I can assist with tallying during the Tucker Road Walkathon on Wednesday

10th June from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Parent’s Name: ___________________________________

Name of Child/Children: ____________________________________

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A couple of weeks ago the understandings the Prep and Year 1/2 teams were focussing on through their Term 2 topics were

published. This week we are sharing the Year 3/4 topic understandings.


Living things depend on each other and their environment to survive.

Plants have life cycles


We grow plants to keep ourselves healthy

Healthy eating habits helps make us healthy

Design, Technology & Creativity

We can use different materials to create models

Personal Learning

It is important to participate in discussions

Interpersonal Development

Teams work collaboratively


We can use digital cameras to record plant growth


We can make predictions before conducting an experiment

We reflect on what we have learnt

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Australian Animal Protection Society

This is the last week the 1/2 area will be collecting your old sheets, towels and blankets for the Australian Animal

Protection Society. Thank you for all the donations to date.

The 1/2 Team

ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS A reminder that money for the Entertainment

Books is due. If you DO NOT wish to

purchase the book please return the book to

the office ASAP. Should you require any

additional books please contact the office and

they will be sent home.


Congratulations to all our grade 3-6 runners who competed in the House Cross Country last week. The sun came out and with smiles all around the athletes ran over the challenging course of 1 or 2km, with each runner who crossed the

line scoring points for their house. A BIG well done to everyone who achieved their goal, whatever that may have been.

The top 8 in each race qualified to represent the school in the District Cross Country event, held on Tuesday at

Karkarook Park.

As seen in the large group photo, Tucker Road was successful on the day taking the District Shield. Congratulations to

the team on a great overall performance.

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Parents And Friends Association


NEXT MEETING - Tuesday evening 16th

June 7:30pm - Note, this is an EVEN-ING Meeting to be held at Bentleigh RSL:7.30pm. If you are unable to come to our Monday morning groups, this is the opportunity to see and hear how we do what we do. And have your say! We are looking forward to seeing as many new faces as possible

Molly Dene Pie Orders arriving 23rd June. Yummy pies for Winter are on their way! Please contact a PFA Member or Georgina Heenan if you are able to help hand out the orders that afternoon. Thank you, Parents’ and Friends’ Association

REMINDER!!! Tucker Rd PFA has launched into Social Media. We now have Facebook Group. The Facebook Group is a closed group – for current financial members to interact, share ideas and receive notices. Get the news first. Make your way to Facebook now! Tucker Rd PFA Members. Updated regularly. Join now!!

Walk- A-Thon! Wednesday 10th

June Parents Friends and Siblings are invited to join the 2015 Walkers from 1.30pm -3.00pm and participate in the spirit of the occasion. At the completion of the event, the PFA hands out Icy-Poles to all students. It’s a fun reward to finish off the event! A pre-emptive thank you to the parents who have volunteered to hand out this much sort after item!

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