Slot Grammar Slot Grammar A specific type of Dependency Grammar Kurt Eberle October 26 2017 1 / 50

Slot Grammar - A specific type of Dependency Grammarsfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~keberle/NLPTools/slides/slotgram.pdfSlot Grammar Slot Grammar A specific type of Dependency Grammar Kurt

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Page 1: Slot Grammar - A specific type of Dependency Grammarsfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~keberle/NLPTools/slides/slotgram.pdfSlot Grammar Slot Grammar A specific type of Dependency Grammar Kurt

Slot Grammar

Slot GrammarA specific type of Dependency Grammar

Kurt Eberle

October 26 2017

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Slot Grammar


Slot GrammarBackgroundDesignLiteratureDependency TreesTwo Level AnalysisRealization

Data Structures and ParsingLexiconGrammar

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Slot Grammar


Slot GrammarBackgroundDesignLiteratureDependency TreesTwo Level AnalysisRealization

Data Structures and ParsingLexiconGrammar

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Slot Grammar


HistoryI A version of Dependency GrammarI Michael McCordI from the eighties onI IBM Thomas J. Watson Research CenterI IBM research centers EuropeI Spinoff companies: Synthema (IT), linguatec, lingenio (DE)I projects:

Logic based Machine Translation (LMT),Deep analysis in Watson question answering system

I Grammars for many languages. . . ESG, GSG, FSG, . . . Italian,Spanish, Danish, Hebrew, Arabian, .̇.

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I Design closely related to implementation issuesI Implementation in PrologI . . . and later in C

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Slot Grammar



I Own set of fine-grained dependency relationsclassified into

I subcategorized argument slotssubj, obj, auxcomp, nobj, . . .

I free modifier slotsvadv, vsubconj, ndet, nadj, . . .

I lexicalized theoryI passivization rule, . . .

I Exptraposition handlingI . . .

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LiteratureMcCord 1980 Slot Grammars

Computational Linguistics, vol. 6, pp. 31-43.McCord 1982 Using Slots and Modifiers in Logic Grammars for Natural Language

Artificial Intelligence, vol. 18, pp. 327-367.McCord 1989 Design of LMT: A Prolog-based Machine Translation System

Computational Linguistics, vol. 15, pp. 33-52.McCord 1989 A New Version of Slot Grammar

Research Report RC 14506, IBM Research Division, Yorktown HeightsMcCord 1990 Slot Grammar: A System for Simpler Construction of Practical Natural

Language Grammarsin: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Natural Language andLogic, Springer, London

McCord 2006 The Slot Grammar Lexical FormalismResearch Report RC 23977, IBM Research Division, Yorktown Heights

McCord, Cavalli-Sforza 2007 An Arabic Slot Grammar ParserProceedings of the 5th Workshop on Important Unresolved Matters,pp. 81-88,Prague, Czech Republic

McCord 2010 Using Slot GrammarResearch Report RC 23978, IBM Research Division, Yorktown Heights

McCord, Murdock, Boguraev 2012 Deep Parsing in WatsonIBM J. RES. & DEV. VOL. 56 NO. 3/4 7 / 50

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Dependency Trees

Dependency TreesExample (’Watson Tree’)

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Slot Grammar

Dependency Trees

Dependency Trees

Tree visualization:I 90 ◦ rotation, left-to-right = top-to-bottomI 4 ’columns’:

I dependency relationsI labels (slots)I node descriptions (predicates),I node descriptions (morphosyntactic and semantic features)

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Slot Grammar

Dependency Trees

Dependency Trees’Columns’:

I slotsI slot names

arguments (1-pl): subj, obj, comp, auxcomp, pred, objprep, . . .modifiers (0-pl): lconj, rconj, vadv, ndet, nrel, . . .

I slot fillersn (nominal), a (adjectival), en (participle),binf (bare infinitive), p (prepositional), . . .

I word ’predicates’I word reading

(optionally with link to the corresponding word sense in thelexicon)

I ’functional’/semantic arguments(positions of the corresponding (head) words)

I node descriptions10 / 50

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Slot Grammar

Dependency Trees

Dependency Trees

’Columns’:I slotsI word ’predicates’I node descriptions

I morphosyntactic features(PoS + subclassifyication + agreement) noun cn pl, verb vfinpres pl, . . .

I semantic types physobj artf, sta, neg, . . .

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Dependency Trees

Dependency Trees

Example (LMT Tree’)

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Two Level Analysis

Two Level AnalysisI syntactic levelI ’functional’ semantic level

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Slot Grammar

Two Level Analysis

Two Level AnalysisExample: Passive Voice’Deep’ and ’Surface’ Structure

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Two Level Analysis

Two Level Analysis

used for . . .control phenomena

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Slot Grammar

Two Level Analysis

Two Level Analysisused for . . .control phenomena: subject control vs object control

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Slot Grammar

Two Level Analysis

Two Level Analysisused for . . .control phenomena in extended auxiliary structures (with/withoutpassive)

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Slot Grammar

Two Level Analysis

Two Level Analysis

used for . . .(local and long-distance) extraposition

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Slot Grammar

Two Level Analysis

Two Level Analysisused for . . .combining extraposition and control

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Two Level Analysis

Two Level Analysis

used for . . .extraposition over several levels

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Slot Grammar

Two Level Analysis

Two Level Analysis

used for . . .extraposition over several levels + passivization . . .

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Slot Grammar

Two Level Analysis

Two Level Analysis

used for . . .coordination (scope and re-entrancy) . . .

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Slot Grammar

Two Level Analysis

Two Level Analysis

used for . . . extraposition and coordination . . .

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I lexicon and grammarI data structuresI parsing

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Data Structures and ParsingI words (’wframe’)I phrasesI parser turns lexical words into phrases and combines these

phrases to phrases representing substrings of the sentenceI only one type of phrase:

’categorial’ differences expressed by PoS-type and bydifferent/differently instantiated lists of argumentssaturated phrases: list of subcategorized arguments completelyinstantiated

I modular composition (using filler rules, extraposition rules,coordination rules, ordering constraints . . . )

I extraposition done via a second list consisting of locally notrealized and (presumably) extraposed elements

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Parse Results

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I lexical entriesI lexical rules

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I Lexicondifferent formats

I (Prolog) data base with word records (using defaults, seebelow: ’Watson’-version)

I Relational data base with tables for different types of lexicalinformation

→ morphological analysis→ wframe: interface to grammar

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Slot Grammar-words (’Watson’-version)Word < PoS SlotFrame SynDescrs SemDescrs

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Slot Grammar-words

ambiguities represented by alternative descriptions

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Slot Grammar-wordsI Word < PoS SlotFrame SynDescrs SemDescrsI PoS : v, n, adj, adv, . . .I SlotFrame: [SlotNameOb(Opts) : SLConds, . . . ]I Ob = obligatory (=1) / optional (∅): ex: (obj1(n) vs obj(n))I Opts = n | v | p(. . . ) . . . (PoS of filler)I SynDescrs = Boolean combination of syntactic types (ss, so,

attr, . . . )I SemDescr = conjunction of semantic types (sent obj &

artefact)I SLConds = Boolean combination of semantic types,

SynDescrs, WordDescrs

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Syntactic Types

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Semantic Types


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Relational Database

LMT/Lingenio version

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Relational Database’Secondary’ Table (built from ’primary tables, used duringmorphological analysis)

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Relational Database

’Secondary’ Table (built from ’primary tables, used duringmorphological analysis)

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Morphological Analysis

Result (= input to syntactic analysis)I type informationI wframe representation:


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Morphological Analysis

Result (= input to syntactic analysis)

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Lexical rules→ applied in morphological analysis

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Slot Grammar phrase compositionDifferent types of rules (stored in modules)

I declaration of adjunctsI Slot filler rulesI or-slot rulesI slot ordering rulesI declaration of obligatory slotsI extraposition rulesI coordination rulesI punctuation rulesI evaluation rules

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Slot Grammar-composition

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Slot Grammar-composition

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Slot Grammar-composition

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Slot Grammar-extraposition

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Slot Grammar-extraposition

I Declaration of extraposer slots(extraposer(obj) :- Conds.)

I Extraposition rules

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Slot Grammar-extraposition


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Weighting of rules

Evaluation RulesSlot +++ Val (:- Conds)

obj( ) +++ 3.

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