IN WHICH IS MERGED THE PLAINFIELD DAILY PRESS 12 PAGES AVERAGE l>\ll.y CIRCr- 7,905 PLA13F1ELD, SEWaBRSBV, Tl EHDAY. MArt( H IS. 1917. PEIOE TWO CEHTS SMINCK'S PLANS ARE PRESENTED Tcfc Research and Adviiory Commission of Cause of East End Floods SUGGESTS A ,) ni.-'ii of Engineer to »eTi» . Tnmbto It'^-(im- -.unmlHHloa to MHJJ the I*r<ii>osltlon r^uBciiman Charles 8. Smtnck, o tfc« HW"Ward, appeared before thi Bssearcti tind .Advisory Commlsslo] la the Mayor's office last ulght, afarcd arguments fi CALKINS NOT AGAINST ARMORY RDN¥08i'S TALK EXCITES COMMENT Ha. Not Enthused Over Prop- Tells Women's Club Assem- oiition Because of Increas- . ed Cost of Government blyraen Not Supposed to Think for Themselves e poi- ' .connection i •(35,000 frot opposed to lh Ibe 1 purpose of ;h« Hood aitua.ti.in in Mayor Calkins, when asked this.! Special to Ctmrler News: morning 11 he was opposed to the| Trenton, March li,—St. .UDdl approprlatlDi. »IB.OOO for an. uictans have reao +t u. .-.. armory for Company K, the local io r lhe remarks rn.de by Amnblyiun —"Usatlon, to be used In ; William N. liunyonj of Culon county, th an., appropriation of before tye Women's! Club of Hoboken, the Stale and (20,000 | lhe other evi-ning iom-enitn* bis 1m- 'ty, »w: ipressloHB «f the Legislature "and State! state that 1 am not politics. Mr. |Iunyon!s comments are «t ' U project. It Is true ! more than ordinary interest by reason : that I havf no) expressed myself eo- •>: ibe fact that h^ la a member ot i thuslastlcally about It for the reason (the majority party in tin? State at lhe that we shall probably, have in-, present ilMe, was Itrjpublican I cade i of creased expenses in- our schools an<1' the House in tbe session of 19)5-, fa-ia other branches ol the government.! twice been defeated as an Independent which the people mt:.t meet In thel O. O. p. candidate f«r Speaker, and Is annual t»T le»j. -. I regarded as one of the ablest men In '•I should like to see an armory i the Legislature^ erected for the Iocs;), military com-) "Every Assemblyman goes to Tren-1 &any. becitiise 1 consider it an asset | ton an idealist," declared Uunyon be-i to the t-nium unity, bttt It should al- fore the Women's Clitti." but it Is bard j ways be borne In nftnd'tbat these I to kick MRS. CEO. MEGREW HOSTESS AT TEA Second ol Series to be Given at The Rookery From 4 to 6 o'Clock This Afternoon BUSY SESSION OF SCOOT COUNCIL HOPE TO AVOID BREAK BETWEEN BROTHERHOODS AND RAILROADS •i'..w:i ... !• Washington, Marclv |3.—The United States Board of ro minutes 'Mediatiori and Conciliatiolj, \vhich failed to prevent an open ijSa'3Sa"oi°.!"(i'"B<SXoS »'l ' jreacl1 between the Big Fpur Brotherhoods and the railroads uneijica, wa« ieid ; at Scout Vart-l last April, will make a final effort to reach an agreement in !Etej^,."t*P.*i5,155'°S ! he P re *»« recurrence bf the controversy. Jporge T. Woore waifa appointed "*•••- . Cooke. Mra; < V. tterbufy aid; Mrs. Mrs C i THINK WAR NAY END JULY 1 Van Bo.keriik »»H Ml,. Roger, 9m- 11^,, ..'nrovai al III entire council I - WulUnStoji. Match 1S_A m<f- »«-oatlon, oreiklo. .uoo.nlr nnoir * alieraoon io': Mr. »n4 Mr,! » ", m ,|v, Jtho II D,,<!« •> •»«« »<»• "">' »• M««S>«I In •»• i»«K«M Mraln; .oa jrowln, be- f^l _. ' . i..- . . ' ' ^ ^ . . *fcoAHn _ / H..i. . «._!_ »__ A, . lint" Ihlll Hnll^il* nl.tn n_ _.hlr hfs repi irtei-s to. Trw Ibe ealt end and Tht eomoiUsion taking t eoasidcratloa with i HMM ftbatlDi thi CBI Engineer TJi Is not appropriation? mean additional &nd while our people may he pe fectly willing to assume the cost. Is Incumbent upon ttte to see that' ever ^ fcroup there are certain men you th«> government is maintained at the c * n absolutely depend on, they are 'highest posaibh, degree of etBclency; {n" 1 * 11 ? m *">"> «>• *n>«JI counties: j f Ibe itarne according io suppoaed to ibtnk tor bltnsclf. F * re granted through' "the boss. was enjrij r-rl by about eev- [jr-nve SU4BU. This fs the second | wor», outlined t by Miss Van BosKerck, the first ^OOp& Has worked iug a collection of palotlnK by j- collrw o( his j-eniai aas Lie. j Mlsa V»a Boakcrck ! sen i from neo(1( iDSforins T^ie Rookery to IM.Can Ttw afiouta ol Trooni 18'were H Ijropriate setting fair each ejftlbi-i, eterti ln mlDu|i]»a> of the c b'ut within thiirttf-twq minutes fi Mr. Johanieii, m aa informal talk tbe time the call left headquan the oiienlhg of tbe exhlbiiTon, Troop 18 in full linlform fad eqi de clear the difference between a m^ati sported with: 100'per « rtralt thaf. Is flnurtied with pslnt ln attftndance and the Stontm* rh.i having the appearance :ln chu-fte This wass the linrt tl *-itti v (* w » oE diplomats and officials to- overwhelming victory, such as would for]diiy. •' ', torco a strictly military peace, they thel "' " i " inereasiiinjl} 1 acute food aftua- believe.point to an early end of hoe-. wnajtlon in all the warring nmiona, par- tllitles. " is tieulnrly among the. Central Powers, It Is now believed here lhati Presf- nat- » growing Unrest among the l>e*ple, dent Wilson's auggested "peaca -ity.jltidiiated by tbe dissatisfaction a»n- witnout victory," will result in ftfet, rom Ifested toward the Entente Cabinet*; and possibly not later than July 1. mpkti' id and i It hai Ube i :the i KAISER'S RELATIVE HERE ARRESTED IN PLOT Ry United PTCM; Philadelphia., March 13.—The pl( [KM Mr. SmlDfk was accompanied by ai 10 "*' 11 •Mseotative of the Baat End Civic \ Moclailon. When Mr. Sminrk had | dsked his argumeni, Oeorge g. |»«»e™» incrw aT president of ihe comtntosion. I ">•* ***"** » matter and aseured. Mr. iProposltion ii make a wry , Hue engineering companies In Hs.ni- i burg. ; FUchcr's daughter :» tbe wtt« of ilreroents are. ed for ! • not li •when, there ar. um which tend. -. and area tbofte I'Hnglj when that a. «xm a. a report Mr CUy e.plMned tha MOD has Just been O W •HI the rally ^prerta.es the grarlly of tne|'^ b ^ the Income. •ttDalloa complained ot by tfa« peo- i Pl, of ths eut end. and that It would j POLISH BAND NOW d dy • * soim ; _...,-1M upon him, lor there chana for tboee who 7 ' fannerty bowed to him. Mr Huilyon nsld honest m«n going to ih« Legislature discover that rhVy must gfve somethlafc In order le obtain anything. He 'declared (wm»r Governor Fielder. Democratic, bander Geran and Secn-lary of State Martin are "square men thougti on tbe other side of the fence." Mr. Runyon poked fun ai the Republican RHPI delegation wbotn be described u being without a rudder since the' «eath of tbelr mtnled to:cwrer up de-.the state of preparedness In which! N«vy Tard, which hai J u .u \ , . . . , ! \ thvr *?** found. Tnis troop Is COii-j.uit^ in B , ^ wrests minent about the Americ ss i s I ba* feniaae- , especisllj Mr. iDuffy ftnnoa&crd tbe claesAti caine known that Adelbert Fischer, first aid whlrh wire being con-l ODe 0 , tn0MI arretted. Is not onlj * Ijy ,^naint a xt t Tmtt it H I , t , . ^^ > ^^^* *** »..«^-^.-. ^-.. • ^^v*». •— •,<» ^«.j^ (- m>->i^ ir UaV/ueCte^Vho^ld'^ oMlcU1 Ot0W ° TtM ^W^t.mm- «nDJ, : In whom he has confldvnee and then ,of tbm Beml-annna! r in*pectlon of '- ' __^™__ t»gge«t a remedy H It has had an opportunity t< Uto-thp matter and determine what Sbeaw be done. Mr. sminck said: "Tke problem of> Hood waters '. Iron (ireen "and teda* brooks bas T*>ed Plalnfleld aud North Plsinlleld for »ny years. No lUed plan bas ,,.„,m i thiC iT«r been agreed upon to remedy , Bei^Oo,,, «!,. ,ronh,e. The C.y Is without . ^ ^ ^ . 0 ..' Mliry it is now tip 1 ' ****** Mnn>A_ 1^*™ ONE YEAROLD DENTISTS' CONCERT ; The membert of tbe loeml Polish Band held Its 1r«t acnivvr»an T <"elr- bratlop onSaturday ereolnr st John o>: III Sobteakl Hall. K»M Second street. Bian ;leilek. the Instructor, was knowi EASTER MONDAY NIGHT •cfraiD from critlolstti, right : palsiUit i VlllliM U enok^ for 're with tbe Kdlth nuber Trio. ! Williams bus W i Ibe Unite* state* for many shoe ' ot the Sobieskl aoi-iel 1B hon thine sii'niM be done by engaging flW serilii-s of a consulting engineer tosogsps! a practical relief and " "'T^^'were *pe«*e« of :eongratu-. h ' latory nature and a Collation w u f« If it 1st said that no cure |s pos- vpd OnApri | j < t h the.band will _ - M Is the only engineering ho|d R d a o ^ - ad ^ ^ ^ Day tbe metroKolilan district )berp w)>( fte a ^, enlor j»j » r <aa« aeiifa solution. 'th Dn>»entatloi The nt» city hall ia suppoaed t o | tne V r "'^ a " 1 " 0 U tbe formii d far raauy sabltatloa playwl '. year*. Tiiere Is probaMy no other mat* Among, the Bora 1 < singer who has given! no many eoi-j beautiful horse- J certs ID tbt* country- Votally. Mr. WlM ted by the senior mem-jliains ri>preF.enl* the id>iil singe l DYNAMITE HOUSE IN EtVEKE tLOT Home at George Ellecks at "^ Stirling is Blown NO STRIKE IN CASE OF WAR SAY BROTHERHOODS n United Press: - > however, that a strike will not 1 :he ipatrql leaders' cliift whi'h le being; organised toL improve: tbe efficiency iot the boy of-j «cers. " h Mr,, pwlfy announced the reglsUa-j tlon and reorganisation of'Troop B, r : —.-— ••'• ' • j . Th , « «... Flrat Pr»brt,rt.» cb«nk.|M«> «"«» "aay »MtoBb, t**' 1 ,i!TS J?-W,U,^K ™u"™T(. »"."i"~™ wit* Harold Imnninu U Scoutmaster | Big Brotherhood leaWers that In ewe Thilrsday; and then make a doter- Tr-x.pl WMone of tie. «rst troop*|«f war no fttrllce will be called oh*lje mined «ttort to reach some agree- organized In thin city »nd had MIta gleiu . rallroBd ByslPnlB o( the Oo «,- ment. The letter doe8 not mention leader at different tirties. Secretary try _ , Jn a ]e , t?r rrom thf brtttlWr- any strike-orders to be ueedlh event EL, Boats and Sfcout Commli-; holjdgf wh , ch cached White Ho^Uf the Thursdaj- meeting falls: This A. V. Searin*. Jr. In the re-to&li.w every aCBurtinVe was Kiven strike order. It is «afd. nets Saturday tatlon of thfl trbop many of that KiUjoad trainmen will "itand nlghi M tbe tint* for starting a "Brtf- the older members! ftave returned, by ;thfl Pr( . Bidebt in ev«uit of actmal grewilve sirfke" to begin on Easter* ITICB A far deepPr ititefest In scout— liostiJltles '" ^-"^ h.nrAiao ^,—• •*..*J^ v^.ajB —n^ —nv^,^ J <J. -*• I lag than hereto' ..N'o promise was made roads and spread to others. ice is lly of a beautiful andi iiality, find he delivers] the trreatrst posaibM | id lintelllgence.: Onp of bl tirring irobJexc I of the Polish < (Continued of a greater Plain >n page two) TKPPKR-S FUG PRESENTED TO CRAIGpjEA LODGE jw»« lyl'KMMi THIS « 1IKK ow.,Th«rmd»T, and Friday ntHl'nerj opening days at »*OT«I, front street, where 1 be. a splendid array of smartlv-'trimmed bats'on exhibition. .Miss .Lillian Rogers, who is now st tbe head of this department, hasac- qulred varied expert?n eiing of Cmlselca Lodge, •B of Scotia, WM held last t-vg- •ing ID exempt Firemen's haJI, Pars know, v-heu Grand Chief Daughter Hrl Andrew Wallace, of Jeraey City. •M Chief Robtirt Bailer, of Clan Mac- kewte. .coke. They were followed by ^~ m i ~ F ~p*irain oi \ h i .tc *••* Cai*f Robert Murray who toresent- ; " ' " a Sue American fisg to Chief Daugb- j , Mr of the PlBinfleld Branch. Mrs. An- , P.-T. SOTIETS 1 TO MBET * «nm Petri. . tor tbe lodge. Mr. Hurray ' INti ll; II tn Making the presentation called wU , b e( o ol r residents I this Bandffl tofifi tier like; »lgh I -raiders of'. lhe Kentucky h|l)B. five men i.siirdiy rtyiianuu d tbe botne of Ueorge &llecfc.t, [ the Oreat S*aimp, SlieckB (old the;' authorities. Tttey returtiid later, '.<" said. an4 demanded that be quit the section onpain of death. : Ellecka tojrf tils story to Just the Peace Karmbijd A. Attend, who is- ; sued a warraat for five men named by Ellecks. who is a badhelor. fifty-eisht i yearR old, said Hi It before the second j "vtEit from trien lifli.nl eeut u-.s •.• a Miss Camereii.,thirly: years old, wBwJl liad been keeping houst for bim. --'I Is at lh« home ojf Bllc«ks' sister. 'Three of lhe THUS nami-tl in Bllecks' * boys. C>UTlng tlie .paFtt luooth tbe fo!U>*i;ia merit badR^fi have been, 1!. flfst aid, Sremaishln, plumbltkg. RELIEF NEEDED FOR I i TORNADO SUFFERERS molher. Comtulsalo&er It. A. Bat- . lard^and six Jurors made a report la Common Pileae Court. No. S. adjudg- iiifi bfm inB&ne. AD order haa been issued placing. Tho w In custody of £t. Preas,: Mary's Hospital, wher* he had beea t, lad., March 13-—Pood, ' confined aince Ws attempt at dul.-ide. r clothing and m«ney for lhe relief at 1 , Tl1 *' mo *j° » k»« Thaw declared ': , insane ID pennijlv-finia was started the victims- of the tornado W&l«ih ,„ order ( J hlise hlm ^ tQ an destroyed morp than $l,u00.frOB asylum ln (this, State, and escaae ' worth of property, and killed nlnr- trial 1n NewYork, on the charge of * teen persons in this tstr alone, was'having beaten Fred Gump, Jr ot ! needed today, i '• • ; {Kansas Clt*.' : Tjiree Dersons are ; »UU missing, [ and twenty-five are ln hospitals, , iously Injured. ' Two children to Klizab^th Io Hoi iplaint a what i believed their •'^DIRECTOR OF BELGIAN £? h 2 j RELIEFOTFFOR EUROPE •MAtry to respect tbe flag and all for ' . rttth it stands. « Al the close of the meeting the lodge j *< «W |olned by Clan Mackenzie mid a <t •Mai hour «ua passed and refrts'i- " •Mia wer- served. HARKED IMPROVEMENT FOLLOWS TRANSFUSION All members of the 7&rent-Teach Association of the Washlngt hool are requested by 'the prest- snt. Mrs. B. F. TaJlMny, to t e at e Kfgh school at 2 o'clqck loraor- i fow afternoon andatfend the meet" Ing- at wbich the Rev."'/Franklin K. I Mathlews. of New Tork, will speak. " wbb ;sre itcjised by him ,"hat 1: ure Jacob, Charlt-s and Harry i on. William T»»i«>r'*nd WlHlani l:dgar. Ellecks iald he believed all worU-d on thtmt Swmiap. Henry iTroop a save «n eihlbltioti last nipht y i n n v V TUAW 1C tl tbpy at ElteabMb : and when r>O.it Duns- " i U V R I IV. IClAfT ID : . . . . ADJUDGED I N S A N E ' ^ "° e T."*,L,r By UDlt«d. Press: New York;. March 11,—-Herbert Hoovar, director-general ot Iseion'- [or Relief in Belgli | enunciation thai •Hrhe.' clear and dimin riea his work. frluj Mrs. Wbltn •nave, wbp tafctt U -Mll NSpOOdlDg ],' BCHIXESS MEK'» ASSOCIATION TO»H»BirtbW MCiQT e. of South t blood tranB- Hoapltal. la to the treat- >f Tins IK.ll. Me hold an adjourned meeting nen's Hall. 109 Park avenue, i ow night. H. E. Kel,iner. of t [shed , credit Reporting Company i with the result (hat his bearers und isund every syllable. I Mr. Williams comes here April 9, | under lhe direction of the Plntnfleld Dental Society. Advance, tickets can be secured from any df^tlst. These can be eicbanged tor restrve seats at th« Ideal Music Store. 16* East Front street on and after Saturday, March tion of (bp 1J la all a n tmt. Ah- •••• in-.n in the condl- tlenl. irt <tf blood waa trans- the first half-pint liad Bfjrw Fraiee recovered. iake an address. , I o u I.Kit TAI^KB « The n»Ut»D.al criB:a and piepared- ness were topics touched, upon Sat- urday flight by former CoagressiDaii Charles N Fowler, at the Btth an- nual dinner of romp^nxF. Second Infantry. N. O. N. J... M Elte-J»th. The dinner »wh * AMERICAN MOTORS CORPORATION ELECTION; ; in of- city,. SKIHT FACTOBV broke out yesterday ho 16tt of Levy"*. Watchung a Several changes were tiif-x* and headR of dep the annual meeting ol tl Motors Corporation of r»s held yesterday. Joseph iody waa appointed produc- nager and will have entire it the manufacturing opera- . __d the plant on West Front rere; Lieutenant Btreet He succeeds Johi C. Spiers, Martin, Of th*- [ f()rtnerlj' gh-tifral manager^ w%0 IB no tected with the corpora- . charge some fifty-five members. Other BPM# , Colonel William Ve J^ , ^Becorid Infantry staff; Major. Conrad ,i onge r » 1 Hall commanding the Ue.tUl.on of Ulon. npany F is a unit; Captain J The officers elated foilthe rnsu- mas ot tbe United States |^ng years are as follows: i President. { rence; Henry• l&eh. Jr.. aKs'illfam Howard It<iople;| vlce*Presi-| OZ' the s iotnpaay, iflent. L«wls Chevrolet; ^^e-cretary, , $ Julian V. Wler, (proctor W. Hausl; t: which Compai 'J. J Thorn : De,fei menbi : f o( TO OUR READERS . jipttioocd utioe had'meant ~to him. h rfii a 15'Biniit« impromptu talk' ju .n the Boy Scout \ movement. Bj UDited Press) '' r "K Ichwoit for him tme Keartfest ap-| Ptm&delphU, '• March I3.-^Harry;1 f use any sucker at tile campaign K. Thaw was adjudged insane iod«J-, ; p per,had yet re«elvpd.: Dy alienlsti -who; examined hini iii p itnor.E IIIOBP present f»^rp L. M.tfle sanity inquiry started by liia t< ik. Mt- Barlow." ;Mi". Hosmer. [ - , Hew developments in relief in 4elgfun; and northern e causjed htmto drop his im- n can^palgn for financial sup- n the United States and baa- >e, Bond. Hubbi . Best. AUTO RODS BREAK, THREE ARE WJURED MEN'S CLUB TO HEAR BOROUGH PRINCIPAL The regular «*on .^e Men'g Club of <11 avenue Presbyteriai PROSPECTIVE BRIDES GUESTS OFMISS COOPER tltly meeting of whil •lurniii^ home jn ifter H) i* close of drtVlqs o n Wat- Gr.iii<:vi'".i av- he radiator rods ;evenlng &t S:.lB;o'elo< lAlberi Barley of,the 1 ;Scboel win eatertaln t 'jbers and their fronds 1 i Illustrated with thirty ue, tbe borough, roke and the auto purLly ove urned. Mi#. Uhrhahn•] WB.B' drlvti he ms^hino and all mntrn) of it wi ost with thje breaking or t|ie rods. pxprtaulon ot friendship Torrn- embflrs ot the Korullmo Ho. •ch,, North-i clety - ol * blc *' tb *y ire ******* <"><» Principal Cooper, ot Park avenue, gave a delight- mgii 'High tui social fuijctlon at her home last , h _ , night for mud. Annie SmltH, of Nether- Club mem- ^ (av( , nup . Mlog Ru|h Wear ot i a lecture. |^park avenue ^ nd MlBfi i{Uth Sadler, at averns of-" L'nique faiofs with appropriate sen- fthrpp proapcctt^e .brides. MIBB Sadler, nd her parents, who liaw b»en real- tblB uiij for some tlme.iwtll ._iove io \VI!kcs-B«rrt. Ps_, ot which Mace sb« will be married. Th« The JungQDbund of thp Gjerman It«^ 'ormed Chutch, North Hsinfleld. wl.ll neet at plgbt o'clock ihlB evening in fee church, i - ' I ' . I —-Player ;plano party sarr.fires player witlilcabm 117S cash; Ion st . _ Daughters; hns bee* placed : on sale at Gstirs BocJt Shop, on Park avenue. This Is a• booh or triad and | reliable receipts, everyone of them. having been proved, by the various j members of the circle. . - I The i book contains receipts tor i soups,! nab. meats, pies, puddings; I all ki'ndB of bread 1 and cakes, and n ire copy of it.should ^e In every house- e$t hold, especially 'In tbese timed of Stl high' prices, for it. coutaiDH recelp)B l,i i that will help the cai-pful hbueettlle tie ' ;izing. ' s. KDMIN;DS TO PREACH IX HEA\'«SLV REST CHURCH The Rev. Dr| Charles C. RduiuRda, ofcssur of t^eek testament , ex- *sls In lhe ! General Theuloglcal •»iHm'i|r* J*l., ("IlllTl^ll (if (llfl V Jlarcb 1*. 1I1T cloudy tonight & rob * b, P rtJn AVKRAGK DAILY CIRCV I.ATION LAST WIKK BUCK’S PLANS ARE PRESENTED AGAINST ARPIORY T* Research and Advisory Onmission of Cause of East End Floods ir i *" Washington, March- 13.'—The United State# Wmu es Mediation and Conciliation, which failed to prevent £ ££!& o! brMch be, ' vecn the Bi « four Brotherhoods and the is* k*id *t «cooi Swaa- last April, will make a final effort to reach an agre * t ,T. tufcu”’ '".'ils *5! ( *> e present recurrence of the controversy. Monro »i* apllolatrd ww- - ^ V Magee Calkins, wh.n asked I Ml oruins If lie wee opposed to the council epproprlatlns «it.000 for an armory tor Compaajr K. the local military orvaalaatloa, to be used In connection with an. appropriation of 136,000 from the Stale and ISO.OOO | from the county, paid ‘You may aisle that 1 am not nent of Kosloeer to Ortks opposed to thU protect. It la tray rf A hellos Teobk Herons- <hal I bare no, esprMssod myself eo . us.ut. thualaatlrally aboul It fur th- reaaon ' 'hat we shall probably. hare la- the Pmposlttow creeled eapenace In our achoule and othar branches of the sovernment. Ilmel Charlie 8. Smlnclt. of]*" 1 '' 1 «#e P~Ple meet I" « -Ward. .Pi-ared before the 1 , a and advisory Commission 1 »ho«W like lo oeo lit armory iaior's o«cc last ulsht. .ad ereoledIfor the loeal military com- rramenta for thi pwryw of b.ny. hecauoe I cotmldcr It au aaaet OS lb# rommlaalou of the commeblty. but It should .1 MO of the Hood elluatioo In »»»» be bprne In uflnd that these end .nd Ihe propriety of the appropriation, mean additional cost, don laklas Ihe subject under »” > •>'»• ««' P**»le "Mr be per ' fmstflv »ll)ln> lo tha mam* Id The •I'ooUtl In |h« scries of t«-a» v The rnaltr on In honor of Mr. and Mri. John th- Plaindrld Toni Johansen. th- welUkftowa artists. an ] America. was * inhibition at «b.i»- work* A* b,ting quarter* fast r shown at Tie Koofcery on Sycamore v >* president. tree*. op.,oeUe tirade church, will G i orge T. *' he given ihlH afl.-rpoon by Mr*. rdtart pro George Mrgn w from * to C o’clock. fo*Ucilm She will be a-slsicd by .Mrs. William ,-d for the a Cooke. Mrs. V. Cos. Mrs. A. II. Heins ,he Alterbu Fy and -Mrs Mary Morel. .d„D(M an Mra. Cor end Mrs. Cobbs will pour or The entertainment siren by >flaa pan <f me roinsuttle met with the '*“ BuekrrCk and Ml. Huger. Sal- btw iy approval of Ihe entire council . urday afrernoon |o Mr. aad Mrs. ««>,„ narrative Jbhn n. Duty Johan.cn ... injured b, .bout par- |,|, for Ink, paat month-, eaty-ttve meets. This (. ihe .mood ., r)I . outlined the; sueceM with cxhlblilon uj famous pafnffnxs sfr->wbe-h Ihe mobtlluplon plaa for' ca by Mias van Hoakerck. the Oral t ,oopk ha. worked o»t. Durlns the heloa a collection of ralntlas by ro m „f pi. remark. e teat call was. Jonas Lie Mte> Vs. Bosh.rch from bead quart or. to Troop 1*.| trecaforma The Hooklry lo make ao T be abo uU of Troop It'were .cat-' approprlai. selling for oach s.hlhl „,loua! rads of the city. , . b'ut within Ihirtyvlwq mlnuten from Mr. Johansen. In as laformal talk , h , ( ime the call left heedqueercre at the openlus of the e.hlUfTou. Troo p |B, |p mil unltbrra and equlD-1 made clear the difference between a mint, reported wll»Tlfifi : per » pontnl. that I. finished wllh palpi .tt.pd.ace and the Msstnust.' aad esraleh. barlnf the appearance c h (t ThU wao the Brrt II m. of u entteu,. and on. that Mj lb , ,or Troop It. and complete, bcfmuae ft has expressed th , a M most srxtirylna The oa tun. the ch.raclerlatjre of the ^oi uecutlv. .nd sf.ccl member, person belns painted. He cnmpirod l of lb . Co „ad| warmly coalmtolated a poor portrait to a hsdly Planned tll J ho,, . D d complimented mem on, house ornamented tO corer up de- lb , uate of prepnreJaMS lo which! a i . Ithur *wu teuid. Tbit troop la ooa- 1 . Th* artlat Raid ihu whol* llf« «!•»• I crf? «rd »nh Hol^ < rbaa ehurrh In i ( ax>|iolt»tr4 DIPLOMATS THINK WAR J1AT END JOLT 1 fy Caned py»u: . . c . Wuhlnchm. March 11,—A pencr- al Peace move will he launched In three or four months, eccordlns lo rttwo ot dtidometa aad othcl.l. to- posslbully of any oua of the princi- pal nation, breaking .uddenly und-'r ihe mlllfory strain; and growlns be- lief that nellher side can achieve ao overwhelming victory, such as would force a strictly military peace, they believe point to an early rod of hoo- tllltfea. ' It is no. bellevod hero that, Preal- dent Wllaon'. .ugicted "peace without victory." will result In fact, aad poaMbly not later than July 1. Is Ineumhoal upon nse to see that '**0 group there er. red.I 1 the government la malnlalaeri at the «*“ ataolmely depend on. hlghut pusalbl. degree of efficiency, mostly men from tho .mall that we hare all the Improvement. Mhlle they may aot he able t, we ran get. and lane.,hut not lout. lh W « > ebatruct Ihe paa. that Ih. rod he kept down noxloo. lawa- ,• "We .ball moo molt, up .or bod- ^ «* *,Go«en :r« for thlo yoar aad will then know '**' Cn't* man explained. 11 lost what our Teoulfemenl. are. “f* , * wn Ul ^ n blm - f 0 ' lh ' "The .mount uhod lor lo Dot la f?* - w limit excaaelva. but when them cl' 1 -' '7' Mm wtth Murl. I several lucres, of Ukg amount ^ '»• Kwcutlv. the, ... ... . a .«« which tend. Ip boon the tax rale, god o.e» thou “*"*^ ** who look on approvingly when ai*.^ 1 10 'he tAgUUiare dl. : jewj- .ee, 1. od.ln.lly MMML 2Z,"“y£Z~ZCfu‘ ****** * *“• WnUH lO#7 *•«* 1 In I .mi IfiaMgr llamwVAT. I ou their tax U1U 1. Duemhe, £ZTnd ££r,. "W. are making man, M meata aad there are many more to . - - - M R 'he made all of whteh are eeuntlal , fb ueouhllcae r..rr and will be Of luil.g beers, ,0 lb. Zorn be Iut7LftaU city, bat we mud meuure. the cut. rM4rr „„„ lay by rb. Income. * - nun ID ! » I HSS n.-| bout lo hare b|, po r - M tau4lbg of lh« wlr«laM <lub should Meet aa artttt Mr pimtkford a brief oufllae pa conddeuca anil than of Ib , „ml-annn.l , Inspection of criticism. hollering lr0 opo this moolh. the patrol leaders' it palat-r will redact rbH which le being 1 organised to eo hi. can sea Improve the eltclee^y ot the boy of- ,—- Acer" Mr. Oudy announced the rE house in r*r-Js*“pSj: with Harold Punning VS get EVEHGE TldOT 1 leader al different limes. Allen K. Benia and Scout eofte EBeckt at •*• v * 1 . orranlwtlon of the tiy>ep g U Blown the older member, have .. with a far fsepar fntefe.t Up laa than heretofore, I, be, .... etght relder. o, '."n'.w Iroope, ‘Jl.*.?l!Tr/cir l k ,: ' ‘* ldh ‘* ,B - Ir '""ifnga with a. RELIEF Nl wttendenoe of ,.rob.hl( Hid more , r/LT q ..r.M Bcout KJ-iu A*dl. of Troon p if. is. I'd hid. grem.e.kl,, plnmhlng. “f unite P ind A^lltand wh^ lw * ia enimel", Utou|oMlln.. >*-wr..tle. n'.mrf {,y mnrkanianshlp. -«cont Wlggln. of closing and cd elin / run,,.Lb io Tro "* »• '"'m-erlng, Scout Hall of ,ho vldt.mr ••bta I'euplv Ilelectlve I Troop J huiid1cr.fi,, destroyed n m en J?“orrl, cTun y h-1lo.W Meld Scout fommlwbrn- K er H. M,- Butler, -ho la at -preeent 111 a bachelor nnrelghi eonduclldg a Opanclal k.mpalgn In ihel l3ore lb. second r-IJeabeth. almllar to the dnauclal nien he had Mol away .calnpalgn held In PlalnHel* rwcenlly. n.| thirty y*ar« old. w-hn h«. confurred an hocn upon Ihe hi hail— tor him. She Tlalnkcld »e«„t. by taking V-o of Ellecka' "taler lb* 8*OUl« IP 8lliab«l| lo itMlOt- nfeh named In ElleckV '.train to tbtf le.ta oorher. Jual trpthera of Mfa. Camer- what a regutar Bay -f oot la and ,ho are aren—d by him -b*l he can do rlfa end Harry Camer- Seoul. DuBavan and Hall of Slit and william lfcnry .Troop 9 gave an r.Mtiltlen last night > Solid hr believed they el VltaalTtb, and when Scout Dunx- f.rma Ini the ureat van was questioned at to what ,Mooting had 'meant'In hint, he Ba- —i llvered a 15-mlnute Impromptu tglk ' —, noon th* Boy Scout movement. , which eot.loi him the heartiest ap- R READERS *'•"»* »nr. airngker at the campaign , •upp*r.hiul yet received.- _ .... Among I hose pr-wpl wqre L. M. Idtak. Mr. Barlow, w*. Iloamer. We lu wtwriWn. Coancll member. Coti H.niing, I- 1 il l *m. * r *n**n : Abhe. Bond. Hobb.rd, nach. Br.l By L-alMd mm: | however, that g strike will not b iZ-e . WMblagtoa. March I#.—Prey! »' « row chunk.j«.»t wn»h today -A. told by ffr ..^^“ha ri^"-.'^ tma.ter | Big Brotherhood lender* I bat Ih cAse ThinAm ,. d t6 . Z.c- t tro«pul«f DO Mrike w „| railed oh (he mined effort to reach tome Mreo- 6 M , ‘* Kreal railroad »ysterns of the oouh- uient. The letter does not Jneutloa •evotarj lrr> . | a M llftter from , h< kroth^r- May Mtrik* order# (o be ue«d fn event ommta which reached White Home the Thursday mceilnc full*. Thta ^ todny. every ueeuruneu vu Riven ttrlke order, It It Mid. u«U Saturday ** nr th«t rallroud I rain men will •»tend night aa the time-for utnniHff a "pro* ^turned ( |h# pr^datal In ir«( of act&al grMalve •Irike" lo bMiu on Ejuitera i .cout- hoatllitiei." ^9 prone lap waa tuada roada and *i»read to others. * DENTISTS’ CONCERT j EASTER MONDAY MCHT mother pommtMloner ft A. Bal- lard aud all Juror* made a report la Common PJmmm Court. So. f. ad/ude- Ing him lasane. Aa order haa been ln-ued pladag Thaw |n cuetody of 8t. Mary a HoRpital. where he had b^n con need aiace hie attempt at aul.-lde- The move to have Thaw declared Inaano In r»nnhylvanla waa started Id order to hav# him oofit to aa OVKNIXa TMIH WKIR FUG PRESENTED TO CRAIGIfLEA LODGE 18 HRiH M-HCKJI. 'SZttVzzsztrtt “rs" rrsijjs srs. -Mtal huur i II- n..vA an# rrf~"-- Ibe High whool At I o'clqck tomor IStawZ .cf.wl row .ff.moon eng .H.nd the meet- log at which the Uev. MARKED IMPROVEMENT l “- lw * TlZtj? **"*• Follows transfusion Bra Whitney Fraxee. of South '— mmue. wkp underwent blood Irenw I Tb , BnaloeM Men a Aaaoclailon Men at Mublraberg Hospital, la .ill hold an adjourned meeting In •mpuedleg -promptly to the treat- firemen'. 11.U. 10» Par# avenue, to- aal. Kolfowlag the Br.t operation ,„ orro . night. H. E Kalmar, of the HiteM.y wb-B blood wee furolehed credit Keportlng Company of New- bl Mrs. Krax-e's buabaad. there was trb will make an addiitaa Arte l improvement In ihe rondl- j—.— VaTSfl blood ... .ran. ««* "* f»d. After the Br.l half-plot had , WtajM-d Mr.. Fraser r-o.ered The aalfnal crU:. and P"b*C'J •»le«.nend by the time .he n... were lople. touched upo. 8.1- M ree,.|",..| , b mi.nce Ih. color urd.y Bight by former Uiugremm.il *ea rmtoreil to her cheek. The Ch.rle. N. Fowler, at the Bfth en^ Ibjalctau. In charge pla. ro give no.1 dinner of Tompany T. Betoud { “taker trail- I't.Pin on Thursday. lafantry. N. a. N. J... Pi Elllaheth. j MEN’S CLUB TO HEAR BOROUGH PRINCIPAL PROSPECTIVE BRIDES GUESTS OF MISS COOPER Franklin K. „, unt |.,io b ih.i carrlea ins work, to the eatreme reache, of eh auditorium wllh Ihe result that hta bearer, under- stand every syllable. Mr. wnuaaae cornea hege Ahrll *. f under Ihe dlrectloo of the PlutnBeld Dental Seelety. Advance lltieta can be secured from any deptlat. TheM ' ran be exchanged for r-mrve seam at the Ideal Minin Store, lit East Front street, on .nd .ftor Saturday. March 24. AUTO RODS BREAK. THREE ARE INJURED Tho regular monthly meeflag of Aa an exprh Ihe Mea'd Club of the Walchun* I ** ‘“ J** avenue Prcebyterl.n church. North , J^’pZor* of1 Plainfield, w ill l(u held on Friday - , bl . evenl.g at f:lfi o'clock. Prlaelpal Cooper, of Par ailed In an Albert Earley of ;Che Uoroofh High f»l “j tol , l1 il. ge.prd.y ach.-! -Ill e.l.rlaln th. club ««|-Ci«eo.-j ! ? S*. I " b 'rt <fi« lr wtada with a lecture. ,, arl q llluattaled with tblrly-four laatbsh; Baal Blatt »t^ home In «» lh » famow. Cavern, of . ' "^"’n.'^tb *. i.ii rub- ID V Ir gib la. - - .flnu-nra fnarria , thr**F proaprvtl ' aad hff parrn dentj* of Tills « Harrr (>anlala. manager. ; aad Haary Chrhahn. Ilrlvrr far the Kel- ler's Cleaning Bhop. lrr, ot North avaciue. are recovering from cuts. bruUra aitd aliock a * antomobllr acddriti nlglit There waa a Ibe rar w)» waped mltN slight fn- Jorlca. 1* The men were returpii fhr company's ear after * basinets, and while drltvli . rhUDR svetise. near Grandview ave- noe, the boroagb, the radiator rods | broke and the auto partly over-' turned. Mlf. Uhrhahn driving J ibe mgfbJne and *)1 eonlr^ of It «as< lost with th« breaking of tjie rods. I IRCLK IBM »» NKW HlECHfPT King* a on •svenad. rellsblb . . The JimKenbur.d of the German Rt^ having, been proved b formed Church.-North PlalgOeld. will mrab^i of the ClUtMf. me-t at elgil o'clock this evening In The i book contain* lie church. soups, f * " oil kind' ropy ot hold. *- high pri— that will help tho careful In ecoriotniting. vorxa PKOPLITH TN hMKT FACTORY A aMtht Are broke out roatefday! Jn fbo toft of Lovy a Uctor/ on Watchung avenue, j fMiory for a time waa Ailed E* but the employes J* 1 ‘be factory without any panic. •J* Are wan extlncniabed by the Are ••rtmeu- UainAgo waa alight. rscelpt# for; Ash, menla. plea, pudding*. I The Rev. Dr In of bread and rakes, and a |T*feeeor of It should V* ,n * TCr T houao- effwl* In the (specially In these times of Seoilnary. Nee rices, for it coatalna receipts Le nt, n a^mon Charles C. Rdi General Theological Tork. will prearb the tn the- Church -of the omorrow evening, at llano for snUe Rre* elegant rabHIet ami : do storage. Aot quick. Player p party aa^riB player with c #175 cash, o Front street-


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7,905PLA13F1ELD, SEW aBRSBV, Tl EHDAY. MArt( H IS. 1917.



Tcfc Research and AdviioryCommission of Cause of

East End Floods


,) ni.-'ii of Engineer to »eTi»

. Tnmbto It'^-(im-

-.unmlHHloa to MHJJ

the I*r<ii>osltlon

r^uBciiman Charles 8. Smtnck, otfc« HW "Ward, appeared before thiBssearcti tind .Advisory Commlsslo]la the Mayor's office last ulght,afarcd arguments fi



Ha. Not Enthused Over Prop- Tells Women's Club Assem-oiition Because of Increas-. ed Cost of Government

blyraen Not Supposed toThink for Themselves

e poi- '

.connection i•(35,000 frot

opposed to

l h

Ibe1 purpose of

;h« Hood aitua.ti.in in

Mayor Calkins, when asked this.! Special to Ctmrler News:morning 11 he was opposed to the | Trenton, March li,—St.

.UDdl approprlatlDi. »IB.OOO for an . uictans have r e a o + tu. . - . .armory for Company K, the local i or lhe remarks rn.de by Amnblyiun

—"Usatlon, to be used In ; William N. liunyonj of Culon county,th an., appropriation of • before tye Women's! Club of Hoboken,the Stale and (20,000 | lhe other evi-ning iom-enitn* bis 1m-'ty, » w : ipressloHB «f the Legislature "and State!

state that 1 am not politics. Mr. |Iunyon!s comments are «t 'U project. It Is true ! more than ordinary interest by reason :

that I havf no) expressed myself eo- •>: ibe fact that h^ la a member ot ithuslastlcally about It for the reason (the majority party in tin? State at lhethat we shall probably, have in-, present ilMe, was Itrjpublican I cade i ofcreased expenses in- our schools an<1' the House in tbe session of 19)5-, fa-iaother branches ol the government.! twice been defeated as an Independentwhich the people • mt:.t meet In thel O. O. p. candidate f«r Speaker, and Isannual t»T le»j. -. I regarded as one of the ablest men In

'•I should like to see an armory i the Legislature^erected for the Iocs;), military com-) "Every Assemblyman goes to Tren-1&any. becitiise 1 consider it an asset | ton an idealist," declared Uunyon be-ito the t-nium unity, bttt It should al- fore the Women's Clitti." but it Is bard jways be borne In nftnd'tbat these I to kick


Second ol Series to be Givenat The Rookery From 4 to6 o'Clock This Afternoon




. . . !• Washington, Marclv |3 .—The United States Board ofro minutes 'Mediatiori and Conciliatiolj, \vhich failed to prevent an open

ijSa'3Sa"oi°.!"(i'"B<SXoS »'l ' j r e a c l 1 between the Big Fpur Brotherhoods and the railroadsuneijica, wa« ieid ; at Scout Vart-l last April, will make a final effort to reach an agreement in!Etej^,."t*P.*i5,155'°S !he Pre*»« recurrence bf the controversy.Jporge T. Woore waifa appointed "*•••- •

. Cooke. Mra; < V.tterbufy aid; Mrs.

Mrs C i

THINK WAR NAY END JULY 1Van Bo.keriik »»H Ml,. Roger, 9m- 11^,, ..'nrovai al I I I entire council I - WulUnStoji. Match 1 S _ A m<f- »«-oatlon, oreiklo. .uoo.nlr nnoir• * alieraoon io': Mr. »n4 Mr,! » „ " , m , | v , Jtho II D,,<!« •> •»«« »<»• "">' »• M««S>«I In •»• i»«K«M Mraln; .oa jrowln, be-f^l _ . ' . i . . - . . ' ' ^ ^ . . * fcoAH n _ / H . . i . . «._!_ »__ A, . lint" I h l l l H n l l ^ i l * nl.t *» n n _ _ . h l r

hfs repi

irtei-s to. Trw

Ibe ealt end and ThteomoiUsion taking teoasidcratloa with i

HMM ftbatlDi thiCBI Engineer TJi

Is notappropriation? mean additional&nd while our people may he pefectly willing to assume the cost.Is Incumbent upon ttte to see t h a t ' e v e r ^ fcroup there are certain men youth«> government is maintained at the c * n absolutely depend on, they are

'highest posaibh, degree of etBclency; { n"1*11? m*° *">"> «>• *n>«JI counties:

j fIbe itarne according iosuppoaed to ibtnk tor bltnsclf. F* r e granted through' "the boss.

was enjrij r-rl by about eev-[jr-nve SU4BU. This fs the second | wor», outlined t

by Miss Van BosKerck, the first ^OOp& Has workediug a collection of palotlnK by j - c o l l r w o ( his j-eniaiaas Lie. j Mlsa V»a Boakcrck ! s e n i f r o m n e o ( 1 (

iDSforins T ie Rookery to I M . C an T t w afiouta ol Trooni 18'were HIjropriate setting fair each ejftlbi-i,eterti l n m l D u | i ] » a > of the c

b'ut within thiirttf-twq minutes fiMr. Johanieii, m aa informal talk t b e time the call left headquan

the oiienlhg of tbe exhlbiiTon, Troop 18 in full linlform fad eqide clear the difference between a m^ati sported with: 100'per «rtralt thaf. Is flnurtied with pslnt l n attftndance and the Stontm*

rh.i having the appearance : l n chu-fte This wass the linrt tl

*-itti • v(*w» o E diplomats and officials to- overwhelming victory, such as wouldfor]diiy. • ' ' , torco a strictly military peace, theythel "' "i" inereasiiinjl}1 acute food aftua- believe.point to an early end of hoe-.wnajtlon in all the warring nmiona, par- tllitles. "is tieulnrly among the. Central Powers, It Is now believed here lhati Presf-

nat- » growing Unrest among the l>e*ple, dent Wilson's auggested "peaca-ity.jltidiiated by tbe dissatisfaction a»n- witnout victory," will result in ftfet,rom Ifested toward the Entente Cabinet*; and possibly not later than July 1.

mpkti'i d • and i

It haiUbe i:the i


Ry United PTCM;

Philadelphia., March 13.—The pl(

[KMMr. SmlDfk was accompanied by a i 1 0 " * ' 1 1

•Mseotative of the Baat End Civic \Moclailon. When Mr. Sminrk had |dsked his argumeni, Oeorge g. |»«»e™» incrwaT president of ihe comtntosion. I ">•* ***"**

» matter and aseured. Mr. iProposltion iimake a wry

, Hue engineering companies In Hs.ni-i burg. ;

FUchcr's daughter :» tbe wtt« of

ilreroents are.ed for ! • not li•when, there ar.

um which tend.-. and area tbofteI'Hnglj when

that a . «xm a .d« a report

Mr CUy e.plMned thaMOD has Just been O W

•HI t h e

rally ^prerta.es the grarlly of t n e | ' ^ b ^ the Income.•ttDalloa complained ot by tfa« peo- iPl, of ths eut end. and that It would j POLISH B A N D N O W

d dy • * soim ; _ . . . , - 1 M

upon him, lor there

chana for tboee who7' fannerty bowedto him. Mr Huilyon nsld honest m«ngoing to ih« Legislature discover thatrhVy must gfve somethlafc In order leobtain anything. He 'declared (wm»rGovernor Fielder. Democratic, banderGeran and Secn-lary of State Martinare "square men thougti on tbe otherside of the fence." Mr. Runyon pokedfun ai the Republican R H P I delegationwbotn be described u being withouta rudder since the' «eath of tbelr

mtnled to :cwrer up de-.the state of preparedness In which! N«vy Tard, which hai

J u .u \ , . . . , ! \ t h v r *?** found. Tnis troop Is COii-j.uit^ i n B , ^ wrests minent about the Americ

s s i s

I ba* feniaae-

, especisllj

Mr. iDuffy ftnnoa&crd tbe claesAti caine known that Adelbert Fischer,first aid whlrh wire being con-lODe 0 , t n 0 M I arretted. Is not onlj *

Ijy ,^ naint a xt t Tmtt it H I — — , t , . ^ > ^^^* *** »..« - .-. ^-.. • ^v*». •— •,<» «.j^ ,« (- m>->i • ir

U a V / u e C t e ^ V h o ^ l d ' ^ o M l c U 1 Ot 0W °T t M W^t.mm- «nDJ, :

In whom he has confldvnee and then , o f tbm Beml-annna! rin*pectlon of '- ' _ _ ^ ™ _ _

t»gge«t a remedyH It has had an opportunity t<Uto-thp matter and determine whatSbeaw be done.

Mr. sminck said:"Tke problem of> Hood waters

'. Iron (ireen "and teda* brooks basT*>ed Plalnfleld aud North Plsinlleldfor » n y years. No lUed plan bas ,,.„, m i t h i C

iT«r been agreed upon to remedy , Bei^Oo,,,• «!,. ,ronh,e. The C.y Is without . ^ ^ ^ . 0 . . '

Mliry it is now tip1 ' ****** Mnn>A_ 1*™


; The membert of tbe loeml PolishBand held Its 1r«t acnivvr»anT <"elr-bratlop on Saturday ereolnr st John o>:III Sobteakl Hall. K»M Second street. Bian

;leilek. the Instructor, was knowi


•cfraiD from critlolstti,right : palsiUit

i VlllliM U enok^ for're with tbe Kdlth nuber Trio. !Williams bus W i

Ibe Unite* state* for many

shoe 'ot the Sobieskl aoi-iel 1B honthine sii'niM be done by engaging

flW serilii-s of a consulting engineertosogsps! a practical relief and " • " ' T ^ ^ ' w e r e *pe«*e« of :eongratu-. h

' latory nature and a Collation w u f«If it 1st said that no cure |s pos- v p d O n A p r i | j < t h the.band will _

- M Is the only engineering h o | d R d a o ^ - a d ^ ^ D a y

tbe metroKolilan district ) b e r p w ) > ( fte a ^ , e n l o r j » j » r

<aa« aeiifa solution. ' t h Dn>»entatloi

The nt» city hall ia suppoaed t o | t n e Vr"'^a"1"0

U tbe formii

d far raauysabltatloa playwl '. year*. Tiiere Is probaMy no other mat*Among, the Bora 1 < singer who has given! no many eoi-jbeautiful horse- J certs ID tbt* country- Votally. Mr. WlM

ted by the senior mem-jliains ri>preF.enl* the id>iil singe l


Home at George Ellecks at "Stirling is Blown


n United Press: - > however, that a strike will not 1

:he ipatrql leaders'cliift whi'h le being; organised toLimprove: tbe efficiency iot the boy of-j«cers. " h

Mr,, pwlfy announced the reglsUa-jtlon and reorganisation of'Troop B, r : — . - — ••'• ' • j . T h ,

« «... Flrat Pr»brt,rt.» cb«nk.|M«> «"«» "aay »M toBb, t**'1 ,i!TS J?-W,U,^K ™u"™T(. »"."i"~™wit* Harold Imnninu U Scoutmaster | Big Brotherhood leaWers that In ewe Thilrsday; and then make a doter-T r -x .p l WM one of t i e . «rst troop*|«f war no fttrllce will be called oh *lje mined «ttort to reach some agree-organized In thin city »nd had M Ita g l e i u . r a l l r o B d B y s l P n l B o ( t h e O o « , - ment. The letter doe8 not mentionleader at different tirties. Secretary t r y _ , J n a ] e , t ? r r r o m t h f brtttlWr- any strike-orders to be ueedlh event

EL, Boats and Sfcout Commli-; h o l j d g f w h , c h cached White Ho^Uf the Thursdaj- meeting falls: ThisA. V. Searin*. Jr. In the re- to&li.w every aCBurtinVe was Kiven strike order. It is «afd. nets Saturday

tatlon of thfl trbop many o f t h a t KiUjoad trainmen will "itand nlghi M tbe tint* for starting a "Brtf-the older members! ftave returned, by ; t h f l P r ( .B idebt in ev«uit of actmal grewilve sirfke" to begin on Easter*ITICB A far deepPr ititefest In scout— liostiJltles '" -"^ h.nrAiao ^,—• •*..*J^ v^.ajB —n —nv , J <J. -*• Ilag than hereto'

..N'o promise was made roads and spread to others.

ice is lly of a beautiful andiiiality, find he delivers]

the trreatrst posaibM |id lintelllgence.: Onp of bl


irobJexc Iof the Polish <


of a greater Plain

>n page two)TKPPKR-S


lyl'KMMi THIS « 1IKK

ow.,Th«rmd»T, and FridayntHl'nerj opening days at»*OT«I, front street, where1 be. a splendid array of

smartlv-'trimmed bats 'on exhibition..Miss .Lillian Rogers, who is now sttbe head of this department, hasac-qulred varied expert?n

eiing of Cmlselca Lodge,•B of Scotia, WM held last t-vg-

•ing ID exempt Firemen's haJI, Parsknow, v-heu Grand Chief DaughterHrl Andrew Wallace, of Jeraey City.•M Chief Robtirt Bailer, of Clan Mac-kewte. .coke. They were followed by ^ ~ m i ~ F ~p*irain o i \ h i . t c*••* Cai*f Robert Murray who toresent- ; " ' "*« a Sue American fisg to Chief Daugb- j

, Mr of the PlBinfleld Branch. Mrs. An- , P.-T. SOTIETS1 TO MBET* «nm Petri. . tor tbe lodge. Mr. Hurray ' IN ti ll; II

tn Making the presentation called

w U , b e ( o


r residents I this

Bandffl tofifi tier like; »lgh I -raiders of'.lhe Kentucky h|l)B. five men i .s i irdiyrtyiianuu d tbe botne of Ueorge &llecfc.t, [

the Oreat S*aimp, SlieckB (old t h e ; 'authorities. Tttey returtiid later, '.<"said. an4 demanded that be quit thesection on pain of death. :

Ellecka tojrf tils story to Justthe Peace Karmbijd A. Attend, who is- ;sued a warraat for five men named by

Ellecks. who is a badhelor. fifty-eisht iyearR old, said Hi It before the second j"vtEit from H» trien lifli.nl eeut u-.s •.•a Miss Camereii.,thirly: years old, wBwJlliad been keeping houst for bim. --'I •Is at lh« home ojf Bllc«ks' sister.

'Three of lhe THUS nami-tl in Bllecks'


boys. C>UTlng tlie .paFtt luooth tbefo!U>*i;ia merit badR^fi have been,

1!. flfst aid, Sremaishln, plumbltkg.


molher. Comtulsalo&er It. A. Bat- .lard^and six Jurors made a report laCommon Pileae Court. No. S. adjudg-iiifi bfm inB&ne. AD order haa beenissued placing. Tho w In custody of £t.

Preas,: Mary's Hospital, wher* he had beeat, lad., March 13-—Pood, ' confined aince Ws attempt at dul.-ide.

r clothing and m«ney for lhe relief a t 1 , T l 1 * ' mo*j° » k » « Thaw declared': , insane ID pennijlv-finia was started

the victims- of the tornado W&l«ih ,„ o r d e r ( J h l i s e h l m tQ a n

destroyed morp than $l,u00.frOB asylum ln (this, State, and escaae' worth of property, and killed nlnr- trial 1n New York, on the charge of* teen persons in this tstr alone, was'having beaten Fred Gump, Jr ot! needed today, i '• • ; {Kansas Clt*.'

: Tjiree Dersons are ;»UU missing,[ and twenty-five are ln hospitals,, iously Injured. ' Two children

to Klizab^th Io Hoi

iplaint a what i believed their


•MAtry to respect tbe flag and all for '. rttth it stands. «

Al the close of the meeting the lodge j *<«W |olned by Clan Mackenzie mid a <t•Mai hour «ua passed and refrts'i- "•Mia wer- served.


All members of the 7&rent-TeachAssociation of the Washlngt

hool are requested by 'the prest-snt. Mrs. B. F. TaJlMny, to t e ate Kfgh school at 2 o'clqck loraor-

i fow afternoon and atfend the meet"Ing- at wbich the Rev."'/Franklin K.

I Mathlews. of New Tork, will speak.


wbb ;sre itcjised by him ,"hat 1:ure Jacob, Charlt-s and Harry ion. William T»»i«>r'*nd WlHlanil:dgar. Ellecks iald he believedall worU-d on thtmtSwmiap.

Henry iTroop a save «n eihlbltioti last nipht y i n n v V T U A W 1Ctl tbpy at ElteabMb :and when r>O.it Duns- " i U V R I IV. IClAfT ID : . . . .

ADJUDGED I N S A N E ' ^ "°eT."*,L,r

By UDlt«d. Press:

New York;. March 11,—-HerbertHoovar, director-general ot

Iseion'- [or Relief in Belgli

| enunciation thai•Hrhe.'

clear • and diminriea his work.


Mrs. Wbltn•nave, wbp •tafctt U -MllNSpOOdlDg ],'



e. of Southt blood tranB-

Hoapltal. lato the treat- >f

Tins IK.l l . Mehold an adjourned meetingnen's Hall. 109 Park avenue, iow night. H. E. Kel,iner. of t

[shed , credit Reporting Company

i with the result (hat his bearers undisund every syllable. I

Mr. Williams comes here April 9, |under lhe direction of the PlntnfleldDental Society. Advance, tickets canbe secured from any df^tlst. Thesecan be eicbanged tor restrve seats atth« Ideal Music Store. 16* East Frontstreet on and after Saturday, March

tion of (bp 1Jla all a n

tmt. Ah-

•••• i n - . n in t h e c o n d l -

tlenl.irt <tf blood waa trans-the first half-pint liadBfjrw Fraiee recovered.

iake an address.

, I o u I.Kit TAI KB «

The n»Ut»D.al criB:a and piepared-ness were topics touched, upon Sat-urday flight by former CoagressiDaiiCharles N Fowler, at the Btth an-nual dinner of romp^nxF. SecondInfantry. N. O. N. J... M Elte-J»th.The dinner »w h *


; in of-



broke out yesterdayho 16tt of Levy"*.

Watchung a

Several changes weretiif-x* and headR of depthe annual meeting ol tlMotors Corporation of

r»s held yesterday. Josephiody waa appointed produc-nager and will have entireit the manufacturing opera-

. __d the plant on West Front

rere; Lieutenant Btreet He succeeds Johi C. Spiers,Martin, Of th*- [ f()rtnerlj' gh-tifral manager^ w%0 IB no

tected with the corpora-

. chargesome fifty-fivemembers.

Other BPM#, Colonel William

VeJ^ , ^Becorid Infantry staff; Major. Conrad , i o n g e r »1 Hall commanding the Ue.tUl.on of Ulon.

npany F is a unit; Captain J T h e officers elated foilthe rnsu-mas ot tbe United States |^ng years are as follows: i President. {rence; Henry• l&eh. Jr.. aKs'illfam Howard It<iople;| vlce*Presi-|

OZ ' the s iotnpaay, iflent. L«wls Chevrolet; ^^e-cretary, ,$ Julian V. Wler, (proctor W. Hausl; t:

which Compai' J . J Thorn

: De,feimenbi

: fo (


. jipttioocdutioe had'meant ~to him. hrfii a 15'Biniit« impromptu talk' ju.n the Boy Scout \ movement. Bj UDited Press) ' ' r "KIchwoit for him tme Keartfest ap-| Ptm&delphU, '• March I3.-^Harry;1 fuse any sucker at tile campaign K. Thaw was adjudged insane iod«J-,; pper,had yet re«elvpd.: Dy alienlsti -who; examined hini iii pitnor.E IIIOBP present f»^rp L. M. tfle sanity inquiry started by liia t<ik. Mt- Barlow." ;Mi". Hosmer. [ - ,

Hew developments in reliefin 4elgfun; and northern

e causjed htm to drop his im-n can^palgn for financial sup-n the United States and baa-

>e, Bond. Hubbi . Best.



The regular «*on

.^e Men'g Club of

<11 avenue Presbyteriai


tltly meeting of


•lurniii^ home jnifter H) i* close ofdrtVlqs on Wat-Gr.iii<:vi'".i a v -

he radiator rods

;evenlng &t S:.lB;o'elo<

lAlberi Barley of,the 1

;Scboel win eatertaln t

'jbers and their fronds 1i Illustrated with thirty

ue, tbe borough,roke and the auto purLly oveurned. Mi#. Uhrhahn•] WB.B' drlvtihe ms^hino and all mntrn) of it wiost with thje breaking or t|ie rods.

pxprtaulon ot friendship Torrn-

embflrs ot the Korullmo Ho.

•ch,, North-i c l e t y - o l * b l c * ' tb*y i r e ******* <"><»

Principal Cooper, ot Park avenue, gave a delight-mgii 'High tui social fuijctlon at her home last

, h _ , night for mud. Annie SmltH, of Nether-Club mem- ^ ( a v ( , n u p . M l o g R u | h W e a r o t

i a lecture. |^park a v e n u e ^ n d M l B f i i{Uth Sadler, at

averns of-" L'nique faiofs with appropriate sen-

fthrpp proapcctt^e .brides. MIBB Sadler,• nd her parents, who liaw b»en real-

tblB uiij for some tlme.iwtll._iove io \VI!kcs-B«rrt. Ps_, ot

which Mace sb« will be married. Th«

The JungQDbund of thp Gjerman It«'ormed Chutch, North Hsinfleld. wl.llneet at plgbt o'clock ihlB evening infee church, i - ' I ' . I

—-Player ;planoparty sarr.firesplayer witlilcabm117S cash; Ion st


„ _ Daughters; hns bee* placed :on sale at Gstirs BocJt Shop, on Parkavenue. This Is a• booh or triad and |reliable receipts, everyone of them.having been proved, by the various jmembers of the circle. . - I

The i book contains receipts tor isoups,! nab. meats, pies, puddings; Iall ki'ndB of bread1 and cakes, and n irecopy of it.should ^e In every house- e$thold, especially 'In tbese timed of Stlhigh' prices, for it. coutaiDH recelp)B l,i ithat will help the cai-pful hbueettlle tie

' ;izing. '


The Rev. Dr| Charles C. RduiuRda,ofcssur of t^eek testament , ex-*sls In lhe ! General Theuloglcal

•»iHm'i|r* J*l., ("IlllTl^ll (if (llfl

V Jlarcb 1*. 1I1T cloudy tonight

&rob*b,P rtJn




T* Research and Advisory Onmission of Cause of

East End Floods ir i *" Washington, March- 13.'—The United State# Wmu es Mediation and Conciliation, which failed to prevent £■££!& o! brMch be,'vecn the Bi« four Brotherhoods and the is* k*id *t «cooi Swaa- last April, will make a final effort to reach an agre

*t,T. tufcu”’ '".'ils *5! (*>e present recurrence of the controversy. Monro »i* apllolatrd ww- ■■ - ^ V

Magee Calkins, wh.n asked I Ml oruins If lie wee opposed to the council epproprlatlns «it.000 for an armory tor Compaajr K. the local military orvaalaatloa, to be used In connection with an. appropriation of 136,000 from the Stale and ISO.OOO | from the county, paid ■‘You may aisle that 1 am not nent of Kosloeer to Ortks opposed to thU protect. It la tray rf A hellos Teobk Herons- <hal I bare no, esprMssod myself eo . us.ut. thualaatlrally aboul It fur th- reaaon ' 'hat we shall probably. hare la- the Pmposlttow creeled eapenace In our achoule and othar branches of the sovernment. ■Ilmel Charlie 8. Smlnclt. of]*"1''1 «#e P~Ple meet I" « -Ward. .Pi-ared before the 1, a and advisory Commission 1 »ho«W like lo oeo lit armory iaior's o«cc last ulsht. .ad ereoledIfor the loeal military com- ■rramenta for thi pwryw of b.ny. hecauoe I cotmldcr It au aaaet OS lb# rommlaalou of the '» commeblty. but It should .1 MO of the Hood elluatioo In »»»» be bprne In uflnd • that these end .nd Ihe propriety of the appropriation, mean additional cost, don laklas Ihe subject under »”■> •>'»• ««' P**»le "Mr be per ' fmstflv »ll)ln> lo tha mam* Id

The •I'ooUtl In |h« scries of t«-a» v The rnaltr on In honor of Mr. and Mri. John th- Plaindrld Toni Johansen. th- welUkftowa artists. an ] America. was * inhibition at «b.i»- work* A* b,ting quarter* fast r shown at Tie Koofcery on Sycamore v>* president. ■tree*. op.,oeUe tirade church, will Gi orge T. *' he given ihlH afl.-rpoon by Mr*. rdtart pro George Mrgn w from * to C o’clock. fo*Ucilm She will be a-slsicd by .Mrs. William ,-d for the a Cooke. Mrs. V. Cos. Mrs. A. II. Heins ,he Alterbu Fy and -Mrs Mary Morel. .d„D(M an Mra. Cor end Mrs. Cobbs will pour or The entertainment siren by >flaa pan <f me roinsuttle met with the '*“ BuekrrCk and Ml. Huger. Sal- btwiy approval of Ihe entire council . urday afrernoon |o Mr. aad Mrs. ««>,„ narrative Jbhn n. Duty Johan.cn ... injured b, .bout par- |,|, for Ink, paat month-, eaty-ttve meets. This (. ihe .mood .,r)I. outlined the; sueceM with cxhlblilon uj famous pafnffnxs sfr->wbe-h Ihe mobtlluplon plaa for' ca by Mias van Hoakerck. the Oral t,oopk ha. worked o»t. Durlns the heloa a collection of ralntlas by ro„m „f pi. remark. e teat call was. Jonas Lie Mte> Vs. Bosh.rch from bead quart or. to Troop 1*.| trecaforma The Hooklry lo make ao Tbe abouU of Troop It'were .cat-' approprlai. selling for oach s.hlhl „,loua! rads of the city.

„ , . b'ut within Ihirtyvlwq mlnuten from Mr. Johansen. In as laformal talk ,h, (ime the call left heedqueercre at the openlus of the e.hlUfTou. Troop |B, |p mil unltbrra and equlD-1 made clear the difference between a mint, reported wll»Tlfifi : per r» » pontnl. that I. finished wllh palpi .tt.pd.ace and the Msstnust.' aad esraleh. barlnf the appearance ch„(t ThU wao the Brrt II m. of u entteu,. and on. that Mjlb, ,or Troop It. and complete, bcfmuae ft has expressed th, aM most srxtirylna The oa tun. the ch.raclerlatjre of the ^oi uecutlv. .nd sf.ccl member, person belns painted. He cnmpirod lof lb. Co„ad| warmly coalmtolated a poor portrait to a hsdly Planned tllJ ho,, .Dd complimented mem on, house ornamented tO corer up de- lb, uate of prepnreJaMS lo which! a i . Ithur *wu teuid. Tbit troop la ooa-1. Th* artlat Raid ihu whol* llf« «!•»• I crf?«rd »nh Hol^ < rbaa ehurrh In i(


DIPLOMATS THINK WAR J1AT END JOLT 1 ■fy Caned py»u: . . c . Wuhlnchm. March 11,—A pencr- al Peace move will he launched In three or four months, eccordlns lo rttwo ot dtidometa aad othcl.l. to-

posslbully of any oua of the princi- pal nation, breaking .uddenly und-'r ihe mlllfory strain; and growlns be- lief that nellher side can achieve ao overwhelming victory, such as would force a strictly military peace, they believe point to an early rod of hoo- tllltfea. ' It is no. bellevod hero that, Preal- dent Wllaon'. .ugicted "peace without victory." will result In fact, aad poaMbly not later than July 1.

Is Ineumhoal upon nse to see that '**0 group there er. red.I 1 the government la malnlalaeri at the «*“ ataolmely depend on. hlghut pusalbl. degree of efficiency, mostly men from tho .mall that we hare all the Improvement. Mhlle they may aot he able t, we ran get. and lane.,hut not lout. lhW «■> ebatruct Ihe paa. that Ih. rod he kept down noxloo. lawa- ,• "We .ball moo molt, up .or bod- ^ «* *,Go«en :r« for thlo yoar aad will then know '**' Cn't* man explained. 11 lost what our Teoulfemenl. are. “f* ,*wn Ul^n blm- f0' lh' "The .mount uhod lor lo Dot la f?*- w

limit excaaelva. but when them cl'1-' '7' Mm wtth Murl. I several lucres, of Ukg amount ^ '»• Kwcutlv. the, ... ... . a .«« which tend. Ip boon the tax rale, god o.e» thou “*"*^ ** who look on approvingly when ai*.^1 10 'he tAgUUiare dl. : jewj- .ee, 1. od.ln.lly MMML 2Z,"“y£Z~ZCfu‘ ****** * *“• WnUH lO#7 *•«* 1 In I ■.mi IfiaMgr llamwVAT. I ou their tax U1U 1. Duemhe, £ZTnd ££r,. "W. are making man, M meata aad there are many more to „ . - - - M R 'he made all of whteh are eeuntlal , fb ueouhllcae r..rr and will be Of luil.g beers, ,0 lb. Zorn be Iut7LftaU city, bat we mud meuure. the cut. rM4rr „„„ lay by rb. Income.

• * - nun™ ID !■» • I HSS n.-| • bout lo hare b|, por- Mtau4lbg of lh« wlr«laM <lub should Meet aa artttt Mr pimtkford a brief oufllae pa conddeuca anil than of Ib, „ml-annn.l , Inspection of criticism. hollering lr0opo this moolh. the patrol leaders' it palat-r will redact rbH which le being 1 organised to eo hi. can sea Improve the eltclee^y ot the boy of- — ,—- Acer" Mr. Oudy announced the

rE house in r*r-Js*“pSj: with Harold Punning VS get EVEHGE TldOT 1 leader al different limes. Allen K. Benia and Scout eofte EBeckt at •*• v *■ 1

. orranlwtlon of the tiy>ep ■g U Blown the older member, have .. with a far fsepar fntefe.t Up laa than heretofore, I, be, .... etght relder. o, '."n'.w Iroope, ‘Jl.*.?l!Tr/cirlk,:' ‘*ldh‘* ,B-Ir '""ifnga with a. RELIEF Nl wttendenoe of ,.rob.hl( Hid more ,

r/LT q ..r.M Bcout KJ-iu A*dl. of Troon p if. is. I'd hid. grem.e.kl,, plnmhlng. “f unite P ind A^lltand wh^ lw *ia enimel", Utou|oMlln.. >*-wr..tle. n'.mrf {,y mnrkanianshlp. -«cont Wlggln. of closing and cd elin / run,,.Lb io Tro"* »• '"'m-erlng, Scout Hall of ,ho ■ vldt.mr ••bta I'euplv Ilelectlve I Troop J huiid1cr.fi,, destroyed n m en J?“orrl, cTun y h-1lo.W Meld Scout fommlwbrn- K er H. M,- Butler, -ho la at -preeent 111 a bachelor nnrelghi eonduclldg a Opanclal k.mpalgn In ihel l3ore lb. second r-IJeabeth. almllar to the dnauclal nien he had Mol away .calnpalgn held In PlalnHel* rwcenlly. n.| thirty y*ar« old. w-hn h«. confurred an hocn upon Ihe hi hail— tor him. She Tlalnkcld »e«„t. by taking V-o of .« Ellecka' "taler lb* 8*OUl« IP 8lliab«l| lo itMlOt- nfeh named In ElleckV '.train to tbtf le.ta oorher. Jual trpthera of Mfa. Camer- what a regutar Bay -f oot la and ,ho are aren—d by him -b*l he can do rlfa end Harry Camer- Seoul. DuBavan and Hall of Slit and william lfcnry .Troop 9 gave an r.Mtiltlen last night > Solid hr believed they el VltaalTtb, and when Scout Dunx- f.rma Ini the ureat van was questioned at to what ,Mooting had 'meant'In hint, he Ba- —i llvered a 15-mlnute Impromptu tglk ■ ' —, noon th* Boy Scout movement. , which eot.loi him the heartiest ap- R READERS *'•"»* »nr. airngker at the campaign , •upp*r.hiul yet received.- _ .... Among I hose pr-wpl wqre L. M. Idtak. Mr. Barlow, w*. Iloamer. We lu wtwriWn. Coancll member. Coti H.niing, I-1 il l *m. *r*n**n: Abhe. Bond. Hobb.rd, nach. Br.l

By L-alMd mm: | however, that g strike will not be iZ-e . ■ WMblagtoa. March I#.—Prey! ■»'►« row chunk.j«.»t wn»h today -A. told by ffr ..^^“ha ri^"-.'^ tma.ter | Big Brotherhood lender* I bat Ih cAse ThinAm,. „d t6„ . Z.c- t tro«pul«f DO Mrike w„| railed oh (he mined effort to reach tome Mreo- 6 M ,‘* Kreal railroad »ysterns of the oouh- uient. The letter does not Jneutloa •evotarj lrr> . |a M llftter from ,h< kroth^r- May Mtrik* order# (o be ue«d fn event ommta which reached White Home the Thursday mceilnc full*. Thta

^ todny. every ueeuruneu vu Riven ttrlke order, It It Mid. u«U Saturday **nr th«t rallroud I rain men will •»tend night aa the time-for utnniHff a "pro* ^turned ( |h# pr^datal In ir«( of act&al grMalve •Irike" lo bMiu on Ejuitera i .cout- hoatllitiei." ^9 prone lap waa tuada roada and *i»read to others. *


mother pommtMloner ft A. Bal- lard aud all Juror* made a report la Common PJmmm Court. So. f. ad/ude- Ing him lasane. Aa order haa been ln-ued pladag Thaw |n cuetody of 8t. Mary a HoRpital. where he had b^n con need aiace hie attempt at aul.-lde- The move to have Thaw declared Inaano In r»nnhylvanla waa started Id order to hav# him oofit to aa OVKNIXa TMIH WKIR



'SZttVzzsztrtt “rs" rrsijjs srs. -Mtal huur i II- n..vA an# rrf~"-- Ibe High whool At I o'clqck tomor IStawZ .cf.wl row .ff.moon eng .H.nd the meet- log at which the Uev. — MARKED IMPROVEMENT l“-lw * TlZtj? **"*•

Follows transfusion Bra Whitney Fraxee. of South '— mmue. wkp underwent blood Irenw I Tb, BnaloeM Men a Aaaoclailon Men at Mublraberg Hospital, la .ill hold an adjourned meeting In •mpuedleg -promptly to the treat- firemen'. 11.U. 10» Par# avenue, to- ■aal. Kolfowlag the Br.t operation ,„orro. night. H. E Kalmar, of the HiteM.y wb-B blood wee furolehed credit Keportlng Company of New- bl Mrs. Krax-e's buabaad. there was trb will make an addiitaa ■Arte l improvement In ihe rondl- j—.—

VaTSfl blood ... .ran. ««* "* f»d. After the Br.l half-plot had , WtajM-d Mr.. Fraser r-o.ered The aalfnal crU:. and P"b*C'J •»le«.nend by the time .he n... were lople. touched upo. 8.1- M ree,.|",..| ,b„ mi.nce Ih. color urd.y Bight by former Uiugremm.il *ea rmtoreil to her cheek. The • Ch.rle. N. Fowler, at the Bfth en^ Ibjalctau. In charge pla. ro give no.1 dinner of Tompany T. Betoud { “taker trail- I't.Pin on Thursday. lafantry. N. a. N. J... Pi Elllaheth. j


PROSPECTIVE BRIDES GUESTS OF MISS COOPER Franklin K. „,unt|.,iob ih.i carrlea ins work, to

the eatreme reache, of eh auditorium wllh Ihe result that hta bearer, under- stand every syllable. Mr. wnuaaae cornea hege Ahrll *. f under Ihe dlrectloo of the PlutnBeld Dental Seelety. Advance lltieta can be secured from any deptlat. TheM ' ran be exchanged for r-mrve seam at the Ideal Minin Store, lit East Front street, on .nd .ftor Saturday. March 24.

AUTO RODS BREAK. THREE ARE INJURED Tho regular monthly meeflag of Aa an exprh Ihe Mea'd Club of the Walchun* I “■ ** ■‘“■J** avenue Prcebyterl.n church. North , J^’pZor* of1 Plainfield, w ill l(u held on Friday - ,bl.

evenl.g at f:lfi o'clock. Prlaelpal Cooper, of Par ailed In an Albert Earley of ;Che Uoroofh High f»l “jtol ,“l1 il. ge.prd.y ach.-! -Ill e.l.rlaln th. club ««|-Ci«eo.-j ! ? S*. I" b'rt <fi«lr wtada with a lecture. ,,arl q llluattaled with tblrly-four laatbsh; Baal Blatt »t^

home In «» lh» famow. Cavern, of . ' "^"’n.'^tb *. i.ii rub- ID V Ir gib la. - - .flnu-nra fnarria , thr**F proaprvtl ' aad hff parrn dentj* of Tills «

Harrr (>anlala. manager.; aad Haary Chrhahn. Ilrlvrr far the Kel- ler's Cleaning Bhop. lrr, ot North avaciue. are recovering from cuts. bruUra aitd aliock a * antomobllr acddriti nlglit There waa a Ibe rar w)» waped mltN slight fn- Jorlca. 1* The men were returpii fhr company's ear after * basinets, and while drltvli . rhUDR svetise. near Grandview ave- noe, the boroagb, the radiator rods | broke and the auto partly over-' turned. Mlf. Uhrhahn driving J ibe mgfbJne and *)1 eonlr^ of It «as< lost with th« breaking of tjie rods. I


King* a on •svenad. rellsblb . . The JimKenbur.d of the German Rt^ having, been proved b formed Church.-North PlalgOeld. will mrab^i of the ClUtMf. me-t at elgil o'clock this evening In The i book contain* lie church. soups, f * " oil kind' ropy ot hold. *- high pri— that will help tho careful In ecoriotniting.

vorxa PKOPLITH TN hMKT FACTORY A aMtht Are broke out roatefday! Jn fbo toft of Lovy a Uctor/ on Watchung avenue, j fMiory for a time waa Ailed

E* but the employes J*1 ‘be factory without any panic. •J* Are wan extlncniabed by the Are ■■••rtmeu- UainAgo waa alight.

rscelpt# for; Ash, menla. plea, pudding*. I The Rev. Dr In of bread and rakes, and a |T*feeeor of It should V* ,n *TCrT houao- effwl* In the (specially In these times of Seoilnary. Nee rices, for it coatalna receipts Le nt, n a^mon

Charles C. Rdi General Theological Tork. will prearb the tn the- Church -of the omorrow evening, at

llano for snUe Rre* elegant rabHIet ami : do storage. Aot quick.

Player p party aa^riB player with c #175 cash, o Front street-


Have You a Vojice?The Oscar Saenger Course in Vocal Train-ing Will Enable You to Become- a Singer

n Jl'oeal iTramirtfc is a praeli-people! to siinj It is bas«<l

t principle, of all teaching,

nv applied'to, aingihs iii n new

« The Oscar Saeneer Counw'cal, efficient ft.vf.tein for teaehion tin- simplest end most ai lljfhoeli for (be first time is rand origins! way.

No matter where they m.iy live,, nil thost- ii-ho wish IDxing aiav now Wri t to <lo DO under the direction of a mas-ter MM has put.TfU more pupil* upon, nucccWtil operatic,oratorio or conwrt eRrcers than has any other HSiHiw in,HieI"ni!cii States. I . ,

The course consists of ten double-faee*! Victor recordi.which proride twenty lesion* in vocalization. '.. There is ii

• , scpir.it r set for 'each of the following five voices-. Soprano,Mexzo-Soprimo. Tenor. Unritrtiie ami H«ss. la, tW Meno-

'Koprano there »r« special i.natnif*tions. for flu* training; ofchildren's voices. ' v •

With each Bft nf records for any of the »bove voicesthere in also provided a textbook ofk siippiemefllary infor-mation for the student, wliii'li information is v i forth sodefinitely and clearly, that tin- art of iuffiiiK m;.y be fullyumlerttood by those who have had no fH-evions training.

The Oscar SaetiKer Courxe in Vocal Training for any ofS. the Voices mentioned above, may be procured -at; the cost nf

\ one-hour lesson at the Saenjrer Studio in New York. EachKH is furnished complete, securely )>n.•!.-•! m a Beat .earry-

iiu; ciiBv.For further particulars and' denionstralion^.' of this

course, call, write or phone.

u s i c C9Exclusive Victor WarerooinB.



A medicinal preparation like Dr.turner's S» ani|.-Root. itiai has realurattve value, mtaxoat tells it>elf.A a an endless fehain syBtcm the

•.:'••!'• l a ; - • - n , i . , ' • ; • ] ' • ' ! b y t h o s ethoso

Dr.are In need ojl it. Kilmer's airamp-Koot

i prescrli ••(••) for years i | d has h

uiTered.The success of Dr.

wamp-Root is d\ J to Ih<

omiiiK kidney, H^er am

who have

>r, Kilmer's'[he fact thatviah In overmd btaddeirj' ironblw! arid whieli


fCOiillRncd jfrora pass i t

and :that is one of the at songtasoss thai ju stifles the expenseL-Cfseary W Us ^te< tlon. In order• hare a ' s r e s t f t ' Plairflelfl It isecesaary jto' BO!V» this drainage


•Of •

bisd. thaie, large

t (iiiriMi;.- doa<

H i

on. N. T.. torVhpa H-riliJit' belie HamJi. I.I Oo

sample battle


would coreec^' the!valuable auil coastwould .'nun; Uj <>p<

: meat some; of iV- best I", aresidence un inn ikr eJtyThat would mean increased vand a' iri-pater Innome for tJf-This question 1B :ooe of inventfrom »ln •!) iric ciiy will in tb


•i a progress

le would bep in that ItMr develop.

limit B.


Labor Leaders Oppose Meas-

ure Introduced by Senator

Pierce of Union

Special to Courteri:ie*«:'! Trenton, Marchi 1" A reunion is f >>r

and : aeaiiisl (.be iF^tatilishmenjc ot «Oppiniopni of Sidtri tfollee ver'f heardyesterday by tbe jolni Ju.lkiarj- com-raitt^of the Leg|4at»r« at a| publl*Lesrtng.on the bill by senator [Pler^of rniOti County," treating sucH a <*e-naritoent. It 1* Sriikte bHl No. jz42. It

poiri^attd the Senate confirm a Chief of!- (;•!-' I't.i\r<\ his sulao 10 be 14,000 S

Police shall be ttiiteled for•potf would * be

lei ustekmnmby tte


Sarah Bern ha. rd t • ca nceled her en- .fMgemenf • lo appear 1n Sprfnfleld iMass.. last night and returned to



• eh the

tale oBcern doeedtfd 'In the Stnt-ouHerf.' rioting for

_ have; these,duty whWey.T\j

ime ot labW

1 be

n«int ' s im

rban es. ;fimliiiwi his md&sure.

wouli| create a dep.irt-tbalj Ir " f t i

sary Bro MnJit

li.-iv recovered irnin a severe cold.Mme. Berntiardt .-.rrw- d In NPWYork about S o'clock last night inher private cur and: vent to tne Sa-vor Hotel and reared soon Hft-r-

Th*- ail rneedaj nigwas caughrence, Massimprored a

i audit cold l»st UVtl-wiien her private cat

Law-er rpndltlon had lyty y»ierday, and ^er

private phyHirian after a c-onautta-tion nith other phralclans and Mme,Uernbardt's manager. William P.Connor decided It woiilil be best t«eaaeel her booklngs.lor tbe presetit.There w u a slight cpiigeMion In ose

was thou^hf un-




T O !

"IT IS clearly etldent that Dow Isthe time to'net h^fore the situationgoes from trad to worse.- "In jnstlde tn all taxpayers • It is

luiel.v sore bf. the results to be ac-•ihed—H

' "Tbe tsisli ] of'Uhe trouble Is:'lirainBK" nrfii. f'irn> and. Volume offlood: Green W.roa*', Blue BrooR. nia-iiH.u.i Brookj. j Ccdiftr BrOok. Kan-wood, Nether'cgood n HetffhtR; small

"^arTO win|? . of ne boos of Blueand Green Brooks by tbe operationof the Summit: Waj^r Works; daxusand <-n< ruacitmenis III the tieds of the'

•'The e«e<i fa the flooding or Ver-rill robd. N»'ih*T". oof. avpnue. CastFront strewij ^ackattk avenue. EastSecond street j Johnston avenue.

It Is generally admitted thW tl3iale' Constabulary ; Is a good ShinThi- friends of th^ bill told the MMi'i!ii i > that It should 1'i1 passed b^cau;It wojjtd Rive the ijtate pTOtect onUnlesiof I'Vibli' <ii lurliancfs liUf-•tnkf riots al ['iTtli ArooOT at


Every piano we nt-il

is the-BEST in its claji,

j made. Kvery one u" „ , "

! inBtriiment

I, No mutter which oa t ;

. vou deciilt upon the

choice is CERTAIN to,

: be a gooiil one—for w« '.

have no other kind

ii GOOD pianos -on

It is-merely a qon-

4:on o£ SELECTION.

May we sentl you an

i»rt catalog of the one

you would like to

know move about!


Griffith Piano Co.XAINFUU)


bqtweio the two countries. No note,! ' . ' • - . ri;it. '1 had be4n ha'nded ekther

to the [United State); Minister at poftaor to the^Statc Depsttment at Wssh-

Th. a nn on i) re men f- further dttnteda rtport/-which it; siid had bean incirculation, that the :»irteirian [Ml*-ist*r dt Wasliington: hsd; been| in-

"Spend a Night of Gladness" At TheApollo Club Dance i

Debele's Auditorium Wed. Ev'ir, March 14K»W. MAUKB1 BAHJ0 « | l l BKSTRA

Plans (or a card p>rt>- an.l.recep-

jiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiriKiiiiiiiiii fiiiiiiiiiifiiimitiiiiiMiiiiiiiiinjN

I SPECIAL SALE BEDS |We are placing on saJe for nuirli selling • maQiifaeturprV —

E line of sample Beits, comprising Brass Whiitp Koameb^l and. the ~2 new Wood flnishes. Only a limited number In the dot. so art S

1 S £ KoLhm.w"'.".".''°p"c"-.. $4.98 j W9.98 |I MATTRESSES and SPRWGS |— Order was placed before nianufaotlirerB advanced .prices. ~2 which means a saving well worth your investigation. I . - . -C ' MM I'TWUWll HPBIX.OH =

1 $2.25 ° $18.00 I $3.50 10 $8.50 |

ihuDR.it Isabella, held In| tbe ColumbusJluhilast night.

The affair will he I In Am of the

The following were named a <om-m4ttee to arraatre thj- affair: Mrs.

= H B. Arnold, vhai/nian; MIKH AnnaE !»'>;. ic, Miss Emma Sullivan. Miss~ Butty Mara Mrs. P -J. McDonoush.

Mi-.. Keenan MrB.'Warsan. Mrs." B-I. Flerins. Mrs. P. S. |Kli-ly and MissMary Rlelly.

Eleven applications for nwmber-•.•.:![. >V.TP turned In list nicht and1*decision -was reached "%o have m in-Illailon Bomp time during April.

The next in.' -tine ol the court • ! ! !be held on Min:<la>. March 2G. . 1

l.fland avpaup.; F»rr»gut road.niond stre«.f 'Kori^i av*nnc.Btreetn and pila«-s la the ierw and'

which msk^s thiK a ^"iiernl itro^osNlion atteciliipj ifte whole i-lty.

"The remtdj": CoiiUrol ot QreBn;

Brook to Parik av*-ntt«.S<-ur«tt Plelas:public i-OBtroil of Odnr Brook, a/emto prevent f ivfrraioii;. of water andthus prevent! flitod ffater KetttnR inthe boalneas • section, North avenueat the Nj.therwi.od station.

"After t»e«t^-fiv«i [or njore ycairs.of Inertia rli" iteople'are entitled toexpert "opinio* on lh*[subject by con-

Lonjf" Rraiichj, MHT.1I 1 3 . — M I

L. B. V A N C A M PFront and Somerset Streets ;

uu unit minimum nmumnmumn nit mi nu

— KXTRA SlIssltlN o r


Phona -2413


Demonstrations at any time. Immediate deliveries opall models. Distributor* of tiie famous Republic Tires andTubes; also a full lint of Accessories, Oils and Oreaiev


Waahlnteton. Mar A 13.- ThePresident" has Issiicil * proclamation,.oatltug an cxiMnnUnary session otConBreas w mse( on April 16. CoB-m-.-ss «ill be aaked to take up other

to former Mavor Thodiaa It. Woolley.at Miami. n*.. l Satiitflay, the occa-sioa beLng hi* >*«-,< iiiy-siilii btrtbday.

Mr. WooHet lost th- use of botnlimbs attout (.'liriptrmt. Jim*1 'and lanot aible to be! njoveiMioiae. He has

pTury ;iffit<> within the


.I'.-..-i,!• P. TomultJ-. lirlvat* secretary> to IT- i't'-'n- Wilson]. «iiMi.' the !;n--tj

of h»nar at a bnnifnpt at the RftbertTrent Hnlel. Newark.1' Tuesday aven-i n ^ . M a r c t t 2 « . 1 1 1 ! " I

Four {hundred of \Mt. Tumulty"*MradsJ moat in" r'i-7,1 from Hudsoncounty;}tb* New JersHy Congressmen.s-ii;,ior OMle JsuB^t. [of Keutncky,'and Jlepresentallvei J. JThomaB H^flin.of Alabama, will bd piiesent. SenatorJames land Coner^.^van Hcliin milspeak. I!' ij

- I UK\< 11 M \KK (JAIN

Sper-lal to Coork-p-KeiTH:

•Purls.; March fe, j-TJ>e French

ii.ii-fn' offensive last nigh*, accardlni;

day. At different .poSits along jthefront raids- and Oalrnl eitcountleranot tPd nuniber^ of p ri ?i<11\ers.

"The ptay's'the tlitn*"—ShakMpeare. >


Appofcntmeirts onlyTclephow) 96OS PlalnOeld. Befthtence: 1031 Arlington

" : ~ ^


3: Days—To4ity^-\HMRHRRT MEVoS r i M 1 » " '.

in "WAR BRIDES"fHt: H I U : BRotDW.iV TI


***Jor B»vehold

the Am»riian merchant marine. ;Secretary Tmnultj' jptated la cont

nwimn vnih tli« rresUleut'ii call foran extraordinary sesslit)] of Congreasthai the fr.- •>!'• [,' is .cm inc.-.i thatht- has the pnnrr to. arm American

a;u> legislation Is pressing for ron-ced that

tj-on«, nnil.r hi* Miller, tJordan Woolly.,

Mr. Wooley r»a» JoJaed byfo™"' Aaawnblyman B. Druwoolley. and »lf" a f.»r'nl»;Jit

i~hr—u—m>s QORN AT HKIt\AKUS\ U.I.K




f H l C W l

In Our NewWholesale


it is tbe bestto have an eaiifr.i Congressalso need In Ithe defence o

s of tire c ntrr '

iM r - a n l 1 Mr '» Basil >!

B<Tn»rdBrllle. are Jxtlng

1Hls will open.

breathf freely. Nd morv h»wkl«K,itOufflini;, blowing, headarhe, dryncks.No struggUDK for brfdtli at night;>our cold or catarrh »111 be gone '

6et a' pmall hotiJe of VAy'e CrrAteUulm from yniir drosicUt i o* . Ap-

(We' e no* pretty-mell s

f the Sixty- '


T«M"B Of-1 l-.tl

•Castle Point. I!obokpnp N. J., and 1|a Kreat-Krandsdn of B. A. Steve

HT:\TKS Wander of the 3t»Terts InsUt!iTechnoIony.

flirt comes Instantly. ;Us jo»t fine. Dop't aUy stuSOt

p with a <old or nasty catarrh—Rn.lea so Quickly.— Adr.

NEW STATEN ISLAND GOilO Watchung Ave. Near Front St.

Dry Cleaning and Fancy DyeingWe ara In a position to do all kinds ot dying a* -we have ths

oitau^ ot getttns all the different colors wanted.

Telephone IBI.1. . . -

New York. March 13.—Sen:Rubert M. L;i FolleUe-iws beenvltfd by th

stfreetj just a Je* steps fromket. Here i4 a building flcwith dftylight, n-ith eTearyprorsjrfacility'for storage, and i:onvf»-iftit clasfliiicatian. with an equip-.iiifin second 4a BO establish meatof its kind in.! Jersey, wie are pre:

pltred to expe^Ute orders as nev?rblM

At jour seiiice when you wain

Drugs, Chemicals, | ^

Drug Supplies,

Hospital Supplies. : .

. PainrU. Brashes, Etc. -

Gas, Electric and Combination Fixtures. Velvet

Glass Indirect Bowls with silk inserts are most ar-

. tistic and effective for home lighting. •'

,'T ' .; :J. W. GAVETT

318 WeS Front Street

What's the use of paying rentwhen yon can own » home ofyour own and save money? jCome in and let oi show 70aWhat an attractive, propositionwe can make to you.

INDECISIONHas IJ.-n r-nj,uHK!l>l» fur the fiiMnrr-s and liter mistakes ot inanj a ma!

jVour Immediate,decision lo rarry adequate insurance, with this, ac^nc:*^*'ill tw* the crirrect bej^lmiin^ for a HiiccfKaful cajTPtr. ' ?L

Auto fire, 75c.


WAX NOT A gpy.

Mar ': 13 The police A H Q M Fafe convinced that Man Hans LtidsiKWax, the German operator In wbosepossession a powerful portable wlre-

wltta the Teuton ', prnpajtannlists Inthis country. .OOrlato do not bellev«» spy would haVe jeopardized hiss»f»ty and risked tn« swim re ot hisinstruments'by atlemptlaB a swindle.Wax was arraigned yesterday on acharge of defraud En% Fraisk Stern-l»rc out Of i^.0'|0 and • bound overto Special Seasions. . i



'£? °n B INSURANCEtram- ' TUT? KIND


being . - .a d a p t - . M B I B ^ .

merchant, then buy jmr gar-ment! in the same manner thatyon vote.

Ton go to the ballot box;. pickout your candidate; give htmyour vote, which is your confl-'deuce, and let him run your gov-ernment. If he proves satisfac-tory, 70a retain him. :

"Practice the same principle on -

your clothier."

We are candidate* for ' yourSpring clothing business. All weask is a chance to make good. :


' Phone Mkt. 8631

J 1


i F. D O N A T OH A Rf 1 'HMOVI> ST.



The Four HayseedsAnd a Circat Itlll of ,


VAUDEVILLE, Arid Ftrct.Han I>hoto-I1>rs



Professmal Q B I GTry-Oata TR


^«I»AV—Matinee{and Night


! . w M l t r i « t a th"" M»*ttThe l*wr ,,r ni.'m All.




lined as a modable to the rt-qnirementsfnreign trade

Suits $15and upwards


206 West Froat St.1 H !



Old Flocr« UstoWMd.

IIS. E. WARD & CO.IO8 Depot Park. M.innlnK Itulldlsf..

I'lal.teirt. N. J . -l-booe 4T«.


»UNMMi * CURTIS•lOfl llei-o. Pi,rk

t .ar lPr-»»i U«nt Ads. Paj .

Bed Bugs and Roachestmall; ronntls. surprising. All kind*i t fumigat-loni diiiie by latest meta-KIs.


P. O. H»B«4T R . i'iUN*'ir.i.n. 1. *





SWNCK’S PLANS hiring ok toe


Labor Leaden Oppose Men .Q-.i^'r’-PM.n art ,ntrodoced by Senator Pierce orf Union

Have You a Voice? The Oscar Saenger Course in Vocal Train- ing Will Enable You to Become a Singer



Every piano w« |«|| in tho HE8T in if. cl**, taarle. Every one if gp instrument of JTY.

No matter which one you decide uj>on the choice in CERTAIN («( be a jjoor | one—for we have no other kind than (iOni> pjarwH on our flohn*.

It is merely a qaea- 4 nn oC SKI.Et 'TION. May wr m-rnl you an art catalog of the one you would like to know more about!

It field, and that U on* or the at rone smp-Koot IK K ,,.,0,, ,Ml Che n|*"» tlon. It KK» oeci-MKrr Co lis dreerion. lb order 1 has brought re- rmnn.-la it Is utubers Oku bsvr DMMMIT lhl, drain.... nr W(t.ner’a to tbs fUCtTbKl Tl"' «•'”*«’’ ,*“D« b> ,br A.. b, ,b. -nln I 1 ud I L,!b In nJsr- bunds I. Iksl It rsturds Cbe aro-ch >’«'*'•'«•* b> ,b* „d Judder of . tins Isrtte snd ln.Mrt.bl srt ilob mill- uf the LrrW.I.ir. , irlnsrj- troubles of ihr clef. Ii obacruc-ca urogrtod hearing; on fhs bill by Koiu uric belli whlCb s»d desir^ta >ala«a > l-lsu ihbl l„Uu County. tfrSlln* • would correct cbri trouble would bs bUI mi . boil In of r.fudble »Kd eon«ru.11en lu Ihdl It lh„ .ft,,,™,, or druagiat Bow would PmiKMIj onus IP fdr Ue.elo|n |n( l— Beq.r. conflrt. Mr meat snme or lb a heal —rations for Suni IWUer hi! atcliirv 10 .Uh Ural lo tr.l re.ld.ar. wllkls Ike dly limit. Tb- i.o nnmp'o.l Thr ■*°*‘f "l?n Pall-V sh.ll be enlisted for I -able '« "m '"*• The Purpose would ibe 10 , _nJ Inn Thl" uoe.lfco 1. o.n of Ipmarmeat g„j,’ oan r. do l-ollre dllfl " JJ. fro,“ •hlr“ '*>*■ *“» " 'b' needed -In Ihe Sum1 In l|n ' tore reop MtUstamlal dividend.. troubled., rioting for pay es, i» order to reath the goal of • „ gjfcjlar disturbances. I | »reater Plainfield It may he neeet- Senator Pla-rce cm lined hi I**-? »»ry la the f Stars to form a aw „a„og that It would creat.

Urjr.FMFNT "‘MBIT heeaoae the rtty and Its »c- *|«|lar to that In Pei TUrtUCmmi i|,t,te. are »lr*»tfj. reaching into wherf It la genera My admllt- — Koaieraet mad M 1441-sex counties. a,*,.. reiwabulsr, 1* a » canceled her en- Alan la order to correctly solve (ha Thv f^eada of tli» hin toll


• Hie Onear Saenirer Courae in .Vocal Tnttnitt^ in a pr.rti cal. efficient ayatcin for teaching peoplr to nm*. It ia I»»h-.| on the ftitnplent and moat direct principle of all teaching. V-lKteli for the first time i« now applied to^aing&g in a new and original way. No matter where they may live^ all thoKe tho wixh to aing atar now to /lo mo iiti/lrr thr direction of m mas- ter who has cub-red more pupil* upon »ucr<-*afiil operatie, oratorio or con« rt erfreeni than has any other taSrhw in .tho Tnited Statea. The roiimr consist* of ten double-faced Victor recordn. which provide twenty Iwalon* in voealixatiqn. * There i« a separate art for each of the following five voice* • Soprano. Me/zo Soprano. Tenor. Huritrtne 11*111**1. lu the M<•«.>- •Soprano there are special inslnietiona for the training of children 'a voices. With each net of record* for any of 1he flpove voire* Iberr IN alao pn»vi<l«-d a textbook of, Mipp4cnir*itar.v infor- mation for the student, which information is 4et forth ao definitely and clearly, that the art of singing may be fully undeHitiMnl by those who hare had no |H-evion* .training. The Oscar .Saenger Tours** in Vocal Training for any of , the voice* mentioned above, may In* procure,! -at. the coat of a one-hoar lemon at the Saenger Studio in Xew fork. Each set is furnished complete, securely paeke*i in a neat -carry- ing ease. For further particulars and' dcioon*tra!ivuii of this course, call, write or ’phone.

Griffith Piano Co. 239 WEST FRONT STREET. PLAU la Newark «0t Broad Ht.


BKK.lK Soda. March 13, I An offct.l de- nial was iraued herd yea erday of a report that the iiidgarian rov.-m- meat had addreaaed a note tc» the Pulled States which had rrsulied In the rijpiurc of diplomatic relajtloaa

“Spend a Night of Gladness” At The Apollo Club Dance < * ul-i n %T HK1.I> \T

Debele’s Auditorium Wed. Ev’g, March 14 . . I‘.DV. MARK*' l««ll ■


hoar anwt rialngold. lteahlmwo: 10.11 Arlington Ar» Mu$ic CQ

SPECIAL SALE BEDS anlc for aulck aelling a a nprkaln* Hru*. White Knai ily • i.mlted aamber In t “ <A <18

3 Days—Today—-Wed.—Thurs. Wa are placing line of nampln Bcda. new Wood anlabev qulek, a,a ch*r» will Prlqm from MME. NAZIMOVA “WAR BRIDES

L Klerlng. Mra. P. 8 jKlely and Mlaa -Mury Ktelly. Kteveo applicationi for nn-mber- nhlp were turned la Uat nlchl ao<l a <t*‘< Latow was rf.ad.ed t * I Mat Ion acme time d«r|B Tlia next niwtlw of be held on Monday. Mi

MATTRESSES and SPRINGS KkKM'H MAKE UAISH OrUur wws piicsd bolors msnulKO' brsrs hlrh nwans a rarluj wrll worth »our InvsslllLaliOD. MSrTKt>«l:» I HIHIXIM $2.25 “ $18.00 I $3.50 $8.

tint* WOMI.I.KT 70 Special to Coorti*+i*+3 •ParU. Man h 13 -The French made farther galqe tn the Cham- ogenalve lut night, accortltni; to an official announe^liirtit made to- day. At dIKereat pcfiita along the front raids and patrol encounters aatted number* of prubnera.

Long r.ranch March 13. Many magratuU<ory te*eRrnTn« w*re a**at to former Mayor Thiftfc.s It. WoolW-y. at Miami, ria. Saturday, the orea- a»o« being hia «ey^tity^lxth btrthday Mr. WooBey lomt <f»- use of both limb, about ChHstmqa time and ia not at la to be moved home h* ha. nearly of|re within the aeaalon or «,f| of ,h# haMBf been ehoaen Li Id. Com- “'TW a«*ea time-, bealdea being e up othar °ontcollar, freeholder and deputy defanea of •h'T‘tT the latter at :he age of twen- maiink. »»der hi. fgthar. the late


Front and Somerset Streets nnoM» trnn.

In Our New Wholesale -



THE M. & L AUTO CO., Inc . 322 WEST FRONT STREET Phona 2413


, »*l Ftrrt Kan KTmKo-flays TOXK1HT


EVTIHK IfEW rttOftKAU tHlUsBAY New York. March 13. Senator; Robert M l.a Kolielte has been tn- • tted t»> tbe Vtmevgpnry feare Fed- eration to Join the ruasi-io-roatst paa-e tour arranged by pad da t or- gaalaattona Thb federal Ion already has sent del«g«te« to participate to the aeaaion of pacifists at w.shlug- ton: Thonaaodn of . arUa are being sent to members of Coagrena urging a national a/tvlmnry rer^readoni rota on the question of de~|gring war.

Don't Judge a Suit of Clothes by Its Price Tag If yon don’t know annf about tbe clothing pat to ootfnMi tho merchant, then buy joar g»r- mmtt in tho some manner that yon you. Yon go to the ballot box;. pick out your candidate. fir* him your vota. which la your confl danoa, and lot him run your for- ‘ ” * tatisfia

THJ BMUV MOST Prolestkmal Q B I G i Try-0dt* “ACTS-


Itle* < ured la 6 to I Ptugalsta reda%d money OINTMENT tana La gun Blind. Blbedlng or Protrui Flrat application glsca re —;Adv. ALEXANDER



WUii lw» Hoyt. IMW Alls.. kw.I Jlll.LV HARK I.A IWK X..W Turk. March psUM «rr rnn.lnrs-l thal Max II.as Lu-lwla Wax, tbs Oarmaa op-rmlDr In a Box. poaa.walon a bowrrfnl portable wlrxr 1«wa as- was foand. has no coaaartlon with lb. Tsalon propagandlata Ip Ibis ronnlry offirlala do not ballara a apr would Bara Jropardlxwd M. aalaty and rtlksd tb. aalxura of kta inalruin.au' by ailnaptlaa » ..India Wdk was arralanad -ratarday on a charge of dafraudma Kraah Slarn- bara oat of »1J« and buind ,.c lb hpaclal Saaalona.

aruaanL If be proraa tory. yon ratals him. "PtmUoo the aame principle Gas, Electric and Combination Fixture* Vel

Glass Indirect Bowls with silk inserts are most tistic and effective for home lighting. , ,


HAIHIXO Bid IXJA.Y . . ISprelal to rouri«r-Naw.:^

[‘ Petrograd. Mar'll 13-^-Tha * row Corporation Is raising a l< Bjaoy a man 1«.»0*.(>00 roubles at 8 per c« this, agency, A merles for w«i*rwork«Oat>d • *»ji. A tnetcorpodum Las bre Rented to the Government pro ; f ti reorgsalgatioa of the ('ktsnfa n.loflrl-l Thr Adlrrlcan plan (a Tv-lcph-inc COB "Wd ea a modal, being more Babcock Md*. *ble to the requirement* kf R> .foreign trade.

INDECISION Has been responsible for the faltare* *nd life's misUkek Your immediate, decision to carry adaquatc insurance, a I will be the •orr*ft beginning for a aiKcessful career. Auto Are, 76c.

Sctantmcally exterminated.*' Coa •mall; reaulta aurprlslcg. All klw ot fumlgattonfi dong by latest metl ods. C, A C KYTEBMIXATINO CO. VllY SIND


"THWGS MEN WEAR" O 206 West Front St.


NEW STATEN ISLAND CO flO Watchung Ave. Near Front

Dry Cleaning and Fancy Dyeing St.

Wa mrs la a ponliion to do all kinds of dyjn, os means of getting all tbe different colors wanted. Telephone 1919.

»c bare the

' Hill t rOl"RlKR-\KWg. TCRfDAV, MARCH 13, I


Thursday and FJriday

Plainf ield'8 Choicest and Most Exclusive Presentation

of the New Season's Authentic Styles in

Millinery, Suits,Coats and Dress Accessories

! • • - • • ' • "'' ' • : \ \ H • : - i

i% MERlCAis fast becoming the World's Fashion Center: You will ^ssendto this 4 e n , y o t

* * • view the climax of our efforts in this preparation for Spring.

To be sure, foreign creators have sent us their quota of clever anj delightful models, but to

the American designers and originators belongs the credit pi wealth and variety of new ideasJThej

colors run from the sombre pastel to the most riotous color harmonies, the styles from conserva-

tive to the ultra-fashionable; but they are distinctly Xmeriatrvand will appeal to the American wo^

man of today, ' . • ' ' •

Be It Known To YeFashionable Women of Plainfield

that aeveral clianffca have been effected in our Mil- and will dtevUnexy Department. For many years this section has !j millinerybeen supplying the most exacting needs of the Phaini1 lurly well Wuitwl tfield woman lvho is smartly gowned and appreciatesexclosiveness of style. The ever in creasing patronsthat come here for thMr needs is the best proof of thissection's worth.

And Now We Save Gone a Step FurtherWe have been fortunate in securing the services of

Miss Rogers, who has spent a great deal of her time inconnection with a number of millinery salons of amoat exclusive rank, ami has kept in close touch with,.•oine of the mcfst distinguished etyle creators.

Enwrapped in, the pleasure of her task, she hasspent many years in the diligent study of the variousdevelopments of her choBen art. Miss Rogers will nowUk« complete charge .of our Millinery Department, dnrid.o»l nepd.

ote her entitle energy and abiliat is artisti<j, auttiaritative, a

bility toe eate I

Is of the fashionable

And, Lest We target* Miss FoubleResults!only determ

. the kind so, measured. For twelj fully serveii the Plainfield peopl| model that has won instant adi these years of faithful

•th iii the work of ;wtrs sli« has faith- ;id created many a '

3 miration. Now, after \'she ia relieved of her i

(••'lions tHsks in the work-room;; and will spend' time on the salesfloor. ' • '

There she will meet you personally. Milady ofPlainfield, study your1needs, add atf an experiencedmilliner her expert advice irill be most beoefWrial to

-you in the selection of the proper hat to suit your in-

We Cordially Request Your PresenceAt This Spring Opening

• ,

j •

- 1I j

'• I !



i M

Tro•thool g J

The iln

1•««ht in

Councilman Char tea Lolieaux 1

v.-.sicr'luy for Louisiana on a bu^ln

-is ' trip. lie will be away about two ww

'" I Captain S. A. Peck; o» West Pri

,se ' street, who has bc-< n'suffering froti

' i y Revere-cold, bas r. coVcrwl .ami Is afelo

, ii? he at business ag^ln.

, Zephyr. *°d Boy] M r u d „ ,„ . Ar«10r q N t e f w l 1 1

soon remove trim Wwt Front street

n's Club .willgym Wedne

7 meet la the High I


Ule localelefcrajih

his position.

mfthinBton •cho

Athli >,. sanies wlll ije coodU'

b th<j evergreen avenite school an

• QuH4 of I'lay In th« W«ahlaKlo

•chooi. on Wectnesdft7 afternoon.

j Vincent MullPH, operator i'office o( the Western Union

following an operatldO,• William BastUr niifl family, of Iland s.renm>, will renwve about April1 Mr BastW having been transfcrrtKlfrom lbs local plant, of the BoschMagneto Company to:the »n% s,t Sprlng-

'[ft«ldf Maw- . L

RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIESThe ordinance of baptism iclll be a$-tnlstered at the Park Avenue Bap'.lstmrch next Sund>y evening. It

Cottage prayer Berrtces are beingi.1.tiHi.d by the Park Avenue BsprNt

'church during the v .- k »t Marcb M.

I On Friday afternoon. Marcb 16, M'• the Y. W. C. A.. Rev. Thornton B. PtYt-fleld will deliver the second ot ft seof a4dj-esaffl on Sovili AmiTira.

A women's union niMionary meetingwill be held at the ' Iflnit 'BaptistCburch. FrWar evening ef thl> w^ek,at 8 o'clock. Lecture i y Dr. Brink, on

M: !'•:-• In l/iiin America."A reunion of the Bleflerwolf cam-

paign choir will be he^l ot the Plain-' neld^Thealre nt i l Sunday afternoon, at!a meeting to be held under tbeOt the Y. M. C. A.

The Men's Bible Clasp of the FirstBaptist Church wlll hold another of Its

[xet-togetber socials on Thursday tvea-

Ing of this »-fck. Prof. H. C Kr«bswlll give n Wlk on Oft PatrliA. Irishsongs by Wllfiam Holmes.

1>K( lsl»l\ To UK APPKALED

Special to CbuHpt-^fiwe:

WasMngtdo, Mr-rrh 13,-~Offlclalsof the Departro*r.t of Justice todayd glared th i t th^ decision of the

United States Circuit Court at SaltLake City, hati'W down' last Satur-<l.i>'; refusla^ to order The Soutbern

, Paotflc i:.,•;rij 11! to reilnriulBD i con-Uol »t the Central Pacific. Will be

[appealed to jtbe Supreme Court ofe United Siaf-s by the (iou-rn-ent.


Special to th^ CouriffrNew*:| New TorKj Marth 13.—^Gold coin' to the amount of $526,000 has beenwithdrawn From . the Sub-Trea»ury



Prtsctton, Miirch : i3 .^Contra4 'to all official German reiiorts. the <',••-1'ortatlon of both idl'' and emplo^ oJelglans ie bfing ciarrl«d ot\ with nii-abated fctlvlty, according to Profeji-BOT Paul van deniv«B of the Prlncf-toQ University. DrJ van den Ve>i;*as a p_rofwsor 1* the University itLaurain! before the *nr add w u inAntwerp during tb!e siege of the cltj.

: He left for Ed gland" just beforethe capture, comitic bo tae United

SIHOB in .!u!y. (»la. l!e la noWl>roieesor of ByiantiniR history «ndliterature in Princeton. He «btaloshis information from the BelgiumGovern meat at Havre, which publish-es, dally jbulletlns Df information ob-tained From- men . escaping- thihe fiprrasn lines to Franca

AT THE OPERA•i The minute yoo get a Virtrhli in your home you are

"ttn the wajr" to. heacing grant] OWTH by the world's great-est artists, i

At MATHUSHEK'SYou wiirfiuii all the Records of tiio - aame famous arristswho sing inthe Metropolitaa «nd ither great opera bouae*are always ready to sing for you at your pleasure—and allwithout you going a step away frojna home.


MATHUSHEK'SnnU ht ar Carusg, Melba, Tetrazcin^amHother noted artistson; the Vicfrpla. Let us- toil you hj>w you can easily get aVi^tmU (416 to $300) right now. 1

Plainfield's Leading Victrota StorePopular and Dance Records Are Here Galore—Come and

' - , H$ar Tham.j ' 'Mathusbek Victrola Record Service it Worthy of Your

Preference. '

Mathushek Piano CompanyTHE HOUSE OF QUAJLITY.

2V3 WEST FRONT ST., [| PLAINI*IJ;LD, H. ft.Telephone 1365 • . .

Resting Booms and Parlors in Balcony.Record Booths. 1st Floor and Balcony

The "Aln ruf* Busy**-

Ing. atoc* from the ''BhrtTea at prices (hat areeo appealing bo one - re- .fuse* to buy. | ,

. Yon state .wb»l youwant, in Men'c, Ladles',BoyV, Oirts' and Chll-drfin'a Shoes, and • pur

sod Kv«r willing to showand alt you with sho«e 'thHt jar« by I f sir muchlower in [irtat (h'aii you

appearing footwear.

ant) rt'-K-i-itir fi\rii aepitrate lln<

S page—so just itep into the

BOSTON SAMPLE SHOE HOUSE'•F^rS"".' «I>ere they glv*' g. ft H, Orefn Trailing GgSSSjft .J W K S J Stamp*, besides e*traOrdinary value In toot- JKJkSi


Do not be misled—This' is onr only branch is this city.

FURNITUREthat reproduces th«

<]iinmi. artistic lines

ot old period styles

(IHN . a dignity, an

impressive air of re-

finement and quality

that is. favorwj just

now. In

VARIETYquality. atj-V and' price we believe our stork of; (iire Fjirui-tuie is! imfxcelle<l. (.'all afltl let UH sllow it to j^u.


WIRELESS GOODSVacuum Cleaner Demonstrated Frea In Your Home—The Best

Gleaner on the Market.Onr Lamps give the best light and last longer than the ordinary

. , lamps. '




AT THE OPERA your home yon are by th«* worid’li great*

You will find all th»* R^-onia of umr famous artists who *ing in th«- Metropolitan and other great opera houses ah- always ready to sing for you at your pleasure—and all without you going a step away from home. COME IN TO

and hear Caruso. Me|ba, Tetrazzini aml<othef noted artists on the Viet’rrd*. het u* tell you ht»w you can easily get a Viftrola ($15 to *1001 *ight now. Plainfield's Leading Victrola Store

Popular and Dance Records Are Here Qalore—Come and 1 - Hear Them. ' ' Malhnehek Victrola Becord Service Is Worthy oi Your Preference. ■'

Plainfield’i ’s Choicest and Most Exclusive Presentation of the New Season’s Authentic Styles in

Millinery, Suits, Dresses,

Coats and Dress Accessories

Mathushek Piano Company THE HOUSE OP QUALITY.

238 WEST FRONT 8T., PLAWPlEU), N. 3. Telephone 1366

Resting Rooms and Parlors in Balcony.

The -Ahr I.ttlie- fttore Inc Sloe* shstves at pr so appealing fuse* lo buy. Von Ntatr . vhil you ^ want. In Men's. leadl**'. Hoys'. Olrla’ asd Chll- dr- n'n Shoe*, asd our Ww—fc. selesfore# la ever read* flih and rrsr willing to *how r{ and *U yon wtih mho»a that are ij far much < v.lrj lower In prl«*f than you . 9

ready **p»ct for *uch *. solid leather, seat appearing footwear. Be It Fashionable

Known To Ye Women of Plainfield

Ibat aereral chancre bare been effected in our Mil- linery Department. For many years this section has been supplying the moat exacting needs of the I’hinf field woman who ia hmartlv gowned and appreciatea exclusiveness of style. The ever inorrasing patrons that comr here for their needs is the best proof of this section '» worth. * And Now We Have Gone a Step Further

We have been fortunate in securing the services of Mins Rogers, who has spent a great deal of her time in connection with a number of millinery salons of a most exclusive rank, aiid has kept jo close touch with, some of the uxfst distinguished style creator".

Enwrapped in, the pleasure of her task, she has

and will <brvote her entire millinery that is sni-tic, larly well miited to the <|n women of Plainfield.

energy and ability to e authoritative, and pm

ideals of the-faghior BOSTON SAMPLE SHOE HOUSE

And, Lest We Forget, Miss Fouble Ki-Miltu only dr termini- ones worth in the work of the kind so measured. For twelve years she has faith-

fully served the Plainfield people and created many n model that has won inat.nl admiration. Now, after these years of faithful service,'she is relieved of her tedious tasks in the work room; and will spend her time on the sales floor.

There she will meet you personally. Milady of Plainfield, study your' nerds, and aa an experienred milliner her expert advioe will be moat beneficial to you in the selection of the proper hat to suit your in- dividual need.


that reproduces the 'plaint, artistic lines of old period sty lea I'M a dignity, an impressive air of re- finement and qnmlity that is. favored jvnt

We Cordially Request Your Presence

At This Spring Opening

it* Mom finality, style end price we believt, our stock of tin' Jure is ilO' Seslled. Call and let us allow it to you.



Councilman Charles Loltcaux fcfc /•aterday for Louisiana on a bu^lnrrs trip. H* will be swsf about two wreka

Captain 8. A. Peck, of West Frtmt street, who has auffarlng from a Sr ere-cold, has recovered .and la ab!*' be «t business stsfn

Mr. and Mss Artbsr Ulslwer sill soon runoff frdtu West Front atreeS lo Oratit avsnue beta! fourth streets. Vincent Mullen, opatitor at Ibe local office of me Western In Ion Telegraph Company. baa returnsdt'o ble ooeltlon.l fotloslns bn ot>eratio*.

DIX-IKION TO open tonight. PrlarMon. Marrh . IJ.-ug'ontri to ill official German reports. the I variation ol both

itnav: Idle and employed

rlglaas Is belnp rWrrled ot| sllb >k abated activity, afrordlnx to Pehfeff aor Paul tali den Ven of tbs I’rlorV- tnn University. Dr. . van den Von saa a j»rofesaor lb the 1'nlvereliy of Louvain before the war and was lb Antwerp during the siege of the ellf. He left for Kagland lust before -the rapture, enmlntc to IS# flitted -States In duty. ISIS. He le no* professor Of Byxsnllnvt history and literature In Prlneeton. Its obtains his iBtormalton Irom the Uel.lum government at Harrs. sblcS publish-, as dally bulletins of ia formation ob- talaed from men escaping throuch tbo dee Stan tinea to Franes or In to I

Ibe Y. W C. A . Bee. Thornton B P» [arid will deliver (he second ot a series of addrewu-a os South America _ A women's union mlsalanary meeting Third and ,m u held at the First Baptist Church. Friday evening nf title week, ,t 8 o’clorb Lecture by Dr. Brink, nil Missions In Latin America."

ipany.'has returnedtlo bin position. I A reunion of the Utegrrwolf cam- 'palm tholr .in be held st tbs Plato- . . 'aeld-Thestrs nest Bunder afternoon, it William Battier eng family, of Lc- g be held under the auaptcet

Ate;..,,., game. „U be conduced .« - Y “■ C *’ *■ lh« HvtTKrdM-n a*«D(M school and ‘ i,**! punt of the Boach i The Men a Bible < UM of Ih# Flrel • Ootid, of PI*t tn tft« Wz^lnzron *a,„,(oComp.nyurik#«Jn* -l Spring- t***«J*!?£t^£££ J j •*kool on Wednreday afterthoon. \tUld. M*»* . .1 ^gat tog.thw aooaia on »aureoaj .

b« nl.n« Zephyrs and Boy •P V»». 7 maat in th# High i ihip evening. i.-ificrl.M la to marl Miaa th«l Washington •chool T’JAlllghl. •jrfM.ToBgh'a dresaroahlng hare toolbar l***on to- W WaahlngUm school.

ooiti HgHPPKn to



TH R COIT11IEB-SEW8with which is tnarged -the


Publlnhed Every Ariei-noon(KSeept Sunday)

Coorler-Newn publishing Company.- at 130 Pnrk AVenm.

Plii.r.nel.1. Now J.-r-e>. .

ft-ed at ih»:pi«ln


Better sore than Ktrry.—infinitely so when yonrchildren arc coflcerned.There is no poitible excusefor the risk in unclean, im-pure milk, with' roar chil-dren 'a health at stake.Be SUREUse only CERTIFIED milk.

If you don't know why. it'shigh time yon found oat.Wood Brook Farms believesin saving the babies. WoodBrook Milk ifl CERTIFIEDmilk.Price—14 cents *• quart.


'Phone No: Metuchen 179

Annual March SalDinner _^^^^, Dinner

This March Sale offers you ani opportunity to purchase that Dinner Set

you've wantfed and on which you will save about a third. The prices quoted

below are based on purchases madjs before the big advance came. ,

Hpto Dollars Are MadeOne WayUS. Mini

«ii Another*..


this you. \nr fie-! answeredHlrary ;

The World War a Year AgoToday—March 13.

Two Year* Ago Today.(iertnany reported I bat French

uwd «n Infernal Vetiade In the" ttteW nliw explosiv

property*"-, The civilian%fRrm«tl»Oly. ' ""Well,

gun and get busy helping to defendit." It does not nert much argu-ment to persuade moat people thatthe dete'oee of »'e and propertyshould rest sbmewhaj, with the own-jera and not depend wholly upon tnemen who have voluntarily Joined thenational police as a pert of whatthey regard their d"t> lo their coun-try. These men who .wear' the uni-form of the army can do a whole lotby their example and energy lamaking our country . art*, from Inci-dental troubles, because they aremoar nearly ready, button* hundretthousand men in a Mending arm:cannot be expected to look ;ifr>-r thiwelfare of a iiundrnrt' mill lo as opeople in a' country »4 Vast' as oursTherefore the men' lit the rejulaiwalks or lit" should assume a littliresponsibility (or the safety of themselves and their property. To that vndthey shnuJd be willing io take train



Green and Gold Decoration,

1 0 0 - r W Set, $16.00] ' I P





Black and Gold Decoration.

100-Piwe Set; $18.5*

. - • . f i l l \


Tl'EMUAV, MAKCH 18, 1*17.ing or i kind.

KKHFOStMBIIJTY [theyo defend their ownofild know what to do

xperience! In Civtf^Wa

Gold Decoration.

1 0-P ece Set, $19.50


Whi e an<l Gold Decoration.

100-Piece Set, $14.50



White and Gold Decoration.;

190-Pi«e S«t, $42.50



Neat Oriental Decoration.

100-Piece Set, $16.00

_._!8 tugratea who would bite :tb«band that leeda tUem and flout theflag thai. stand* for the brotherhoodof man and the safety ol tbiobey the laws Of a free, law-abidingpeople.

I'M)1'I,K'S FOftl-M

A HDOW; Shore!o the Editor of Courter-Newa:Many so-called delia^aents were

Ited to appear before our genialCity Judse' BeMera. Some offered

ises »|)i(h were not clearly sub-itlated. Tney paid the fine. Oth-

ers got off free. Heretofore the cityhas cleared tbe walks from proper-ties tiwned at 'distances from o'wners'residences whp were willing lo »ayQie tax at the end of the year .lorthis work. DDea.it seem reasonableto ane an owner, a business man, Inviddition to tUe tax. especially, whenhe fiicls belli; absolutely impossibleu> procure? j ., •

; The snow ordinance is good, It) itsway, but on account of scarcity of.

. labor, and illness


of Valuable Real EstateRelmont Art

Saturday, March 24This desirable

>ts Is situatedf building 'n Jacksonue, aod sit-avenue and Belmont *vc

uated In ft very promising residen-tial neciton of the borough. A num-ber of new residences have been built 'there and. to any one anticipating .building a home or buying for I n -vestment this will give them an op-portunity to do so. Tbe hour and amore detailed ~ description of the.property will appear In a later data -

his paper. The properly will ba


b f

, beenT h e riter

f people at the firstiform aDd

•gainst the provision by Congress f.military training for young ni,n. "> Jnmu inio ineThere were pactusts during the!*1"1 6»n- b u t » !*American-, Revolution ot 1776. who B** acn.alntpd with myth Inobjected to carrying arms. One who!*""* ^rvice or ev«n toawtwd «onsider*bl« property thatf1"011*toy in (he line of an approaching1,"«rmy oT British hurried op to the,"

who was setting his


nen"into pos7- n a t l b e f o r e l n B m *° 1**!1 tne*ev a n d p x h n r t


e f o r f* t h

* " K u n f l ' o f t h e c i » f i i i v T

uvi. i» p—-i i *— -JT. "J»" ' * " " " :_,„„ „„ I^^L.

ed him i(i,'in all that was posslbito sate hU propertyIng officer., lookingd&in upon the s*v

~~ i who were wflt . trained.. So, todayter knowledge of mlli-, needed if we would pu>s poaltlon fur th-f. •: •.of thin people would

ipose a militarism liK<-

ring th

preachingServices -

Grace Church7th and Sycamore Streets

Beginning Sunday

EveningDecember 10th

And Continuing Every Ban-day Evening at 8 0'Clock.


PREACHERRev. Henry Tetter Cocke

St. Andrew's Church,Mount Holly, N. J.

Come and Bring YamFriends

The Church Reeds Ton andYou Head the Church.

'en a fire;iry affairs iiit-selves 'in a WKbe temper of Iever prewppoaeu t of the- old world. he>i

ave Imilt our civilizationnes of peace and hav»'orld and Its • fpudilasses, which have to be iy arms from the masses.n •[. * i- it this cannot arg>• as a nation rah be mianger In the dying strutffel** dynasties without m

•has about 300 teet of walk to clear;! has been proud of being .among tbe

,'flrit to attend to that work, tailen one's hack is turned, or during"•is' i', a number of school kiddies

> throw tiarV a 'quantity of enow lur! ih-ir sleds, then follows tbe lnii>ec-tol | who makes a charge against tfee

; property. Although the ownerthought he was immune, otherwise IIwbftld necessitate, bis playing' policy

I I liavf paid a snow lux (in proii'T(y t did not owa, but i>-id It to avoidarguments and delays from business.

S Is it not up to the city "to disctimi-f' nate in tbe face ot the above objee-"' ;«oda? ~

Of Che c

,! pos.Ible

id free and clFor furth


clearmt objeci.

>ne.r flop; yet how la itdo imi>o8sibH- things?


urage, no hesita-- shot* and shell,

In < msny cases

'or ire

ft t

I I U ' I r II .IIH S T I : i t

S o ( n e i d - a o l tii • w a y tttc <

iok t h e i

terlng Senators a week ago yester-day In the rloKinp hours of Comwhen tbey b«rtd up tbe majorllthpir colleagues who wanted toon the armed neutrality qupttlc•hown in the actions of the peoplfhack home In the past wc*k Oklahoma cltli^ai, tortnerly -fsouri. who always had a great admiration for' Senator S(oa>. of Misftonri. mefttlnK in Vlnlta. tolu

, the action of their oue-llm* ftCltUens in St. Louis deman

These areExMAttim Days of

Spring and Sumrker MillineryAlso displaying the chdicest and newest materials for making and trimming)

Yon are cordially invited to inspect the styles for present andcominj season wear.


New York. March 13.—X permanent,Ptatiorm or "working plans for tUefuinr' of the pariy" will be subniiu.-ato the Progressive convention called !•>•meeGln St. Loins April 12. 13 and H Acomnmicr on resolutions' will tneet -sinational hendnuaitterB here to reCf>i/i>

all I

RORKItT »nTRR.%V,I U'esi lr.-m.--i.. 1'4-inficlit. V. J. '"

The Leading AacttoneenWilliam A. Scfaorb & Co.

••r i ixi r rnK iioi'vHT Asn SOLO,12O MAlllsON AVK.NVfi.


at Aid to Capital in Sup-pressing Strikes

pedal to Courier -News: '-Trenton, March 13.—WJth- labor

Wderti charging that ihj' blU was con,elvpd In the Interests of the manufac-

e and B

1 Judiciary Coi n i t t

<• State Chamber

e StateOf

•league of liberals,1

; p.as.NOTESThe Senior nlay. "Mr. Peren


April !2oaeebali it-am1

iiBtpnpd to i •arguments for and against the propos-ed law to establish a State Consiahu- IJary )u tiev'J^re^i.

(Senator fierce, pf Union county. tWintroducer ot the measure, declared he •believed il'a preparedness measure and••', 'Other speakers In favor ot Ihe prouo- I -Billon sought to show that such a force I •won l,i be

edf 1

»e. f r o t h y and ; SW| , ; S e ^ t a, a ^ ! n l ' t T O m B C n o ° ' l ° n a c i Labor,

•eien Relations Committee. Som« > I'BKI'ARRD.N Msrt jeaaily <^maumed in the toittbuitioi1st that he sbould lie aajced to re- \ •—LJ— jthat follows the fimt c]««!i of armsn as Senator. ?.iissisalpplans l n m recent speech totmnr. Oov-.lt is unfortunate tliai -;to serin.detuning Senator Vard>man for e r B Or John Franklin Fortj speak ing peace a nation mnstlbe ready toi

part in ihe fllibusier ^inng him og ; |D e laxltr of &« Oov^rnmeot i^'arms, but the only safety If or a napfflfcy in Clarksdale. Wi^nusin is g.reparing for tbe'future, iaaid some, t ' a n-. loe same Be «iili lndlvldu«liensed at the attitude Oj Senator|thing* that ou«ht to be reniembered o f oppoaing juteresis. prefects ant

t-aFollette. These men w*e eipecl- ^ d Used as a basis tor futare policy.1 b e l l e ( a - l a to .cai-rjr th^ Boft najri iit to express the sentiments ol f | « - M i d l h a t if U years as» o n r t h e n»«ed fist. Their respective States. l»»t appar- novernment bad ; vatered upon a l h e Sf^dy individual, or iiBiion. theiUy tbey did .sdjuethSng |far fruiii Hhip-lj>iilding pro*jjram. which it la p i r m t*' *n* bandit, the outlaw or

iggraratjng ;.art of It h n o w starling, and:had provided f(

Miss Mildrsumed hertalned at ho

paring: fol

tidies aftvr being de-e by illnepa.

ins of the Omega 1-iterarythe 3eijlor class was heldafternoon -n the auditor-

irk cant Is out dally pre-he oomlnt: track

•tfujduied for -

be a farce to uw •.force of n>0 .State poltce to preserve order in sucliinstances where etrlkerhdo noi numb'T. 5more than arty or sixty men. Tbe op- 5ponania all contended fhat the police-at ttne different municipalises of the SUia h

• demon-

s.victj of the Seheld neii Mondaai'hnol auditorium.

B Alpha, Uteraryior class IWlI be


The Boice-Rnoyon Company, notwithstanding an unpre-- cedftnted call upon their stock for domestic sieei of coal,

still have an ample supply on hand.

Hud, snow, ilnth, condition! doe to the season of the'year, cause unavoidable delays in delivery. We wouldtherefore suggest that yon set your mind at ease by Or-dering now. 1 •

yWe Feature PLYMOUTH Coal."

Boice, Runyon CompanyEstablished 1837.



io restrl^on upou'tninioK a mllltonj younslength of debate and tli.ii H do/- y , ,a r a u r c o u

men could eo filibuster us to kill | a «. positiona meaitare that' the (treat ; majority .foreign nations and there would hn

: their wlleagiieH wanted u chance Wim w a r t . , k n o w ' j t ^y fclw) b evote on. H nwtst have,been a a - | M ^ that with •licit preparation oni

med by these BPO that tile major- o , , r p a r t ^ , s preafOt belBK»rent na-i Money la. the temporal p&wer Iny was agaioat them and that they, U o M might not harp be«q.lD war/some cases aa a rlTal to patriot tarn,

"•t were afraid of the rote. l^Pollette* lt mula have beea foreseen then So»e meo are willing to expatriatehall not be reappolntpd on the, appeared anu.nrily au io iu j t t a t th*j t n E t Just the p r e d i c a n t w . aro'themse^es and turn traitor! for the M

-?—. ! — — | » e « . r e should not be hro^ht to . M , ln would b ^ n . .OBW ^y „ ta a ( l t a d o l U r . H e t m m ^ QuPu.| A . ^ h ^ " o?Vew%1r? whTwatfor when It appea r^ that a ( o r t f l g n n » U o n B W B t to w r , , o r fc M l a d o o a t o a e i ] t ,„ c , , ^ ^ , Col-itli. ap«tal prearfcrf at « « « A ^ h "

" iBntry norW afle<-ts lege, waa. wllling to tik« J O.OOO of on Sunilay, and he» timer, «re hene-ney to foment an^uprlslog nclaiie« under thr will of their

KcnertAnent inj I ' l o t Q e r i Mrs. (iouldi ot Seneca Valla.ie tlma-uM*hl«l!f- T - ! " h l r n has Jnst been offered

probate la the;New York State

luatile in the cneeded the NaiionalQ for war purposes.

of the State Federation -.fposed of lOS.OftO men. .old J


IliabetD. March. II.—Mayor VictorMravlag and his official family are

Id Have been m0T* surely the prepared on* will bp : M l M i RShel H. Strong, a member, chagrined over the fours- ot Unionw L_. - let alone. fr "»»« >**''• graduating class, ha* County« three Assemblymen in sop-

l~turo^d to school; tor a post-gradu-jporting the Edge road" ux bills ande coiirse after attending Rutgers the Pierson municipal financing roea-ollet;« M ta member of the Fresh- suroe. The Mayor looks upon Charieaan class during the past yes-


was likely; astbp Senate. hey and resorted tostruct themessui

lalnxtshortfor thei to

the Itfce;

tponenta of t)je popn~iftnlar will, not only of their own States,|gu,but of the United Statef) Th»y r ^might have felt a Uttla assured U-£they bad been upheld by their OIQ!,rairi>aStatewhet



•JJ* b» c k ]a l l ; the countries of tbe world to!OeTinaa __ ..me tactics . greater or leas extent, and wlchi against the Eng

It thesej t e 0 : miuion Amerleans trained for J India, and at tht „ .• majority, B e r ^ i c e a ( tMu ttnie'BBd a coin pet en t poet t ion in the United 3ute4, a neu-a«; a little,naTy, foreign nations would nave 'trat country, for a baso of fa)s netar-

" ll*"«t>; readily seen the ; sign f 'Kwp off" lous operations. Happily thli aort ofP°"-|when. they aasumedito encroach up-,thing doe. not prevail among true

- ighta on sef or lanfl. Such Americana. They who'Gratw their.would not1 need to raise a lloease to the patriots, of Lexingtonrder.to enforce a wholesome and Bunker «ltl and in the kind of

They wotild not Meed to rnen, though poor, declined all oilersie standing: army, hut only of bribes when they arrested Major

„_ in a eauraje that is" both Andre, the co-Consptrator wftt Ben-agalbat the ottars, but g o o d p h y 8 ,C B l „ ,„ Mental e^rclse Ifiedict Arnold, think too ihuch of

°R | r e»°> ( o r emergeiK-F. The. nations tlwlr heritage as a free people to"a^,ot flarone have maintained beace IntempoHw for a foment over' foreignt [ o n | a l l their past hlstdry, when Ihep sold that would be offered to tempt"cn-;eith^r were formidable enough in them from thftir allegiance' They

Me it dangerous lior other^ tp a *:hose ancestors left forelgi lauds I**"* flavoring"KtuiiU-It or one did not:bave someiiuru to aeek a home in the land! of tliei**1*- *»«*»* . . . . . . J,.

• other wanted^ Treaties.: to free to work out their own successes ! p M r e B r * * k r " « Portia,. have bad a; little, but onlyluoder the lawa of freemen land at

to do ln kflpping peace,, aa'liberty to worship God according toItaly, which was bounb vp in|lUe tlictates of their own conscience

their constituents for theirft muat have been littla **tto them to have assumed iWhatever raay have been ]ibe re-sult ot the'vote that waa; neve»] t^_reached, the majority sentlident o ( ] t n a t t n i

:tb« country «eems to nave beenHbe uav

.crystallized in th* sentiment.^of the a l u t l e

'majority of Senators who w«e pre - j w i t n e # 8

Ueniad from voting by a small mi- an alliance with Germany, tend at 'are aUll loyal to the laiia"fif thei;best are merely "*cra«« of vaper."|adoDtlon, aUhough there may lw

With ,\ny of the Kpllowingi*ni* r.*init Batter] h1

J ^ f i J

L Uorgan. of this rtty. WllliaHunyon ot Plalnfield and Arthur N.Pierson ot Westrteld a« not having th*city's Interests at^Tfeart. The measuresmentioned oad the bitter oppositioniif tbe FUtabeih officials. ' •? The Majtor has said both privatelyand iniMlelv (bat Morgan eipVessedhimself aa not caring wbat the city.^Dou%ht of hls'jioune—that the rest ntThe county elected tiim. Morgan deniesUsing this language, explaining thatwttftt he eald was that he didn't -mreWhat the Mayor thought.

- Mayor Mravlag Oeclaren thai Morsanand Kunyon are both seeking office.Their names have, been mentioned tn

ectlon with the District Court andly Judgeshlps, respectively, and II.rieek th« places the Mayor will op- .them. There' arc several others

spoken of for these places. SenatorCarlton B. Pierce Is a county judpeshippossibility, while Donald Mcl«an andO, Bartram Woodruff are twin* booin-ed by their friends for the DistrictCourt bench, .

i i re Breohe-ponnd baa;Tea or Ooffee«in»untinn i


United lTeBB\ •


Front Htret'tifttt Ea»t F

'i [.ill

n . a o n b r gtk» country by Turkish trnmlgrants.U' caiiaing aarloua alarm In parti ofArgentina. Berlaco. with lO.OOq la-

hhabitanis. U said to have 1.200 caaea


Lljr tf ourirr-Hr** , THK COimiER-N’KWf With whir h la m«r««d tha l>UAWriKU> DAILY KllKM* .'MARUCS HAMILTON YRoOT.

publDhMl Bv*ry Aflr • Kacrpi I'oarkr-Xm libli«»ln*

; monftia (In advance). Mira rh»n* for

■«!•#» ^'j4arcB. puhtorrlbfff ■ <Hil of i

TRLKPHONK. PLAIN PI BU» »<• rrfi^:Ja,s8^a,Crtsssss»

Bettor ourt than oorry. —infinitely » wbra your children ore concerned There Is no po*»ibl« excuse for the risk in uoclaon. Im- pure milk, with your chil- dren's health at stake. Be SURE. Use only CERTIFIED nrilk. It eon don't know why. It's high time yon found out. Wood Brook Tanas believes in saving the boblea Wood Brook Milk is CERTIFIED milk. Price—14 cents »■ quart.

WOOD BROOK FARMS Plainfield.. B. X

•Phone No. Matnchen 17»

March Sale of



This March Sale offers you an opportunity to purchase that Dinner Set you've wanted and on which you will save about a third. The prices quoted below are based on purchases made before the big advance came. .

How Dollars Are Made One Way

U. S. Mint Another


' V' At

(See Window Display)

Wsmbir- - AtMflrs llahera soiUUoo.

' this your property?" Tbe drtlljui •* «-!•- insaerrd %ArmaU*«ly "W y then.", Mid *M oM nuke this.1

autiofiB inn hod get busy helping to defead ■ ■■ ■ it.” It dor* apt nerd much. mrgu- I ment to persuade motit people that i tli* detenu*- of life and property 'should rrst aorur-hsj with the on- < rrs and not drprnd wholly upon men who hav* volnrUHly Joined the ' national polk* »■ • of whmt

they regard their duty |o their oo try. Three men who ie*r the uni- form of the army can do a whole lot I by their example and energy In making our country Mf* from loci- 'denial trotiblea. be«ao*r they are < moat nearly ready, bat Tone hundred i i thousand men In a standing ar cannot b# expected to look after |welfare of a hundred' million* off people In a- country a* Vaat a* our a.> I Therefore th* men' la the regular A | walks of life rhoulo assume s little ! responsibility for the auf«>ty of them- ! aeivw and their property. To that end j they should be willing Is take train- ■ 1 ■■ .. —’**?■-- - —"=llRg of aom* kind, morn or less, an, TV$fANCH III. It«7. ‘that If they ate hands* a gun and - ■ ■ - - - 1 _ told to defend their own property

The World War a Year Ago Today—March Orman attack at Ter.I no sbltt- -I north ot thr forirawa Orrmaur'a <WP«uiv* to dale at Vardan were JOJJUO iwtometw. 41 mmum auil Zt! mocOlac xuua.

Two Yeara Ago Today. Harman; rrtHwlnd mat French used an infernal grenade In the Argunne lollleto nlao explosive and loremllar; bnllrta.

fKHMiNAI. KBtPlIJnlBIIJTr (hr; would know what to do with it. Jour experl.n.-. In t'Kil'Uar ahould Soma klrliug haa born brard hr all Ihr example wr nrrd In drm- atnons olhrr than the na.IBata—tratln. thb proposition Our, aialnal Iho prorlalon b; Coojrra. f..r people ««r mad; ai lhr Brat call _ aulltar; iralaias for ;oun* m,n. <" lamp Into the irel-orm and reltc! Tbrrr warn parlBat. during the. the inn. hot It loon >•>«* American i Revolution of I77S. who «« aranhlatrd with aailhlnc ll»r|" •hjrrird lo carrying Anna, lino who *™'7 "'r

•word oooalderotila propart; la; In Ihr liar of aa approaching; arm; ol Brltllh hnrrlrd tip to lhr 1

t«i -10 haow ,haTenough to look after personal welfare. Ws had. orerkholmlBK n mo hem of men on the pei(d, but !l


Green and Gold Decoration. 100-Piece Set. $16.00


Blue and Gold Decoration. 100-Piece Set, $19.50


While and Gold Decoration. 100-Piece Set, $14.50



Black and Gold Decoration. 100-Piece Set. $18.50 j


While and Gold Decoration. 190-Piece Set, $42.50


Neat Oriental Decoration, i 100-Piece Set, $16.00


Ingrain, who wonld hltr Ih“ hand that feed! them and Bout tb# Bag tare .lands for the brotherhood of man and I he nafet; of thono who 1 otter Iho land ol a fra*, tow-abiding pro pie. rroiWH roWM

A Mmm Hh.net Uuandar; To thr Kdltor of Coortar-Kowo: Man; no-callod delinquent. wrrr ettrd to appear before oor fatal Oil; Jiida*-' Deklexa. Some offered lexcurea which were not clearly auh- atantlatrd. Tho; paid the Bae. Oth- - rrt got on Ine. lirretatoro the elt; Mhos cleared the walk, from proper- . i tt**a hwned ot dtatanern from o'wnarat rraidoners whp wrre wllltag to pa; lhr tax at the end of the year Tor ■ thia work. Unea.lt irra reaaonablr to fine an owaer. a bnalheaa man. In l addition to ine tax, raped all; when hr flnda help abaolulrt; Impoaalbfo to procnrrf ow ui^(

baUnd7lli^UpMharpaMhiayiat ]“"l tr— knd clasp from all 1nraB. could not Imxa.bcan rnactad at a brancea. For further iBformatloa mori* iaopporiaua tlma. The wrlitrlapply1 jo the Auctioneer— * has about *00 feet of walk to cl*tr; haa bewn proud of being 3»ong tho UOBKRT Ml IIRAY. flrn to attend to that work, but ^ Wc+d FrwnV.He.. I^-inBcl.I. jf. i. when one's haa* is earned, or darjgrf. abaeno. a nntabor of school kiddle*| thro* <h#ck a quanUty of anon thf ^ !tM property. Although ihoiigbt hr *aa Imoiuoe. otherwise It would nereenfUla hi* playing police- map or do (hr work o*er again. , I have paid a an©* t*» on proper- ty « did not own. but paid It to avoid arguments and delay* from busln*aa- la l! not up to thr eJiy to dlacriaU- nmtf in the far* of the above nbjrr-' tiodar To properly clear the walks of the city is the paramount ob)«*ei. not tha mpner fine; yet how la It possible to do lt»}>o*alt>l» things? GROBC.K H. BfilSKft. -


Auction Sale of Valuable Real Estate On Helmoat Avenue, North Plalg.

Saturday, March 24 Thl# dealrnhl«a plot of building lot* la situated part on Jarksoa avenue and Belmont avenue, and alt. sated In a rery promising residen- tial section of the borough. A num- ber of new residences have been built

there and-to any od« aatlclpatlag bulldiag a home or buying for fa- vestment this wltl give them an op- portunity to do ao. The hour and a more detailed ' description of tb* property wltl appear In a later date

the|r sleds. Then follow, the inapec *n. f a tor, who makes a charge against the Im Leading Auctioneer* William A. Schorb & Co.


duimaoil-r of thr local militia • ho waa g-ttlog hia loco Into no.I tlon to raatat the an-m;. and vxhort- rri?-- - - - lng officer, looking *lth some dis- dain upon the civilian, asked ’ la

was a aad duty that the eommandera had befbre them to lead these men before tl|e guns of the enemy. There waa no lack of courage, no beaita-



Denounce State Constabulary a* Aid to Capital in Snp-

preuinr Strike*


Services • —AT—

Grace Church 7th and Sycamore Streets

Beginning Sunday Evening

December 10th And Continuing Every Bon- day Brettra* at 8 O’clock.


Rev. Henry Teller Cocke St. Andrew m Church, Mount Hotly, N. J.

Come and Bring Your Friends The Church Needs You and You Need tits Church.

murder in many caaea to ask men without asr military training to go up against (he hoata • bo were well . trained, today even a greater knok ledge of mill- tary affairs la needed If w« sou Id pn* ouraelvra la a position for defence The temper of thU people would aerer pWppiM* a militarym like that of thr old world, be^we ever ao well armed aad prepared, for wo havy built our civlllmtion upon the lines of peace and ha»e left the old World and ita feudal aystffm, Its claasee. whkh have to be di>frnd*’d by arms from the masses, far be- hind. ** B*il this caonot .argue that we as a nation cat, be safe from danger In the dying struggle* of effete dynasties vfHhont means It ward off auch ganger. Every cltl- ten 1* a defender of his own Ilf* and property against attack, and i united nation of such d-fendvr* trained In modern means of defense make a nation safe THAT FIIJIHHTKK

flojne idea of the way thr constitu- ents took the action of tb** flllbun tering Raaators a week ago yeater

These are * ■ { Exhibition Days of

Spring and Summer Millinery Abo displaying the choicest and newest material! for makingand trimming.

You are cordially invited ta inspect the styles for present and coming season wear.

Note York. March 11.—A pcrman-iH Iplatlotm or "»orttln« Plana tor H-0,s coiriar v— - futotr erf lhr nan;- will br aobmlllrfifu Cour,r' Sr“* 10 Ike rroxrrml.r convention called Trenton. Morch IS.—With, labor moat lo SI. Lome April 11. IS and It. A Isadora charxlox that the htU waa co, commuter on r-aoKitlona .lll mrci m crivrd In the Intrrmla or tho manufac- n"r"'w'"* ^'Lttrrr. „rth,.-s,.,r ud aprakcr. .... ' portto* to rcprr^oi ihr Stale Chaiohw ' MalbeJ^aH. aetlna ebrnm^^TTh- °' Co"“n'rN- *"d Ihr Hlatr Orahlje ra , Mathew Hair aetlns chairman ot th- H,. mbrf hand darlaHor tha. the Laa. 1 fro«r-.alv- National Committer. J that oirrturra have been made to pr> j W ^,Cy«fert.Tn,^ntW "uJZS jpartlb* to dla*1 uaa plana with the Prt* Rr(nmrnU for %nA lVt. greaalvt* for ihe formallwn of

tha other hand derlarlng [hat thr i ould br a grrat brj,».fl| lo lbr r*-‘ nltlea of the State, thr Jalat -**«•*■ 5 1**0She of llhrrotx-

P. as.NOTES j Tb* Senior play. "Mr. Perrr hon’a *Jourrtey,** will bo given April 2*.

Aaplranta for the ttaarhali tr*

arguments for and agalnrt thr propos- ed law to establish a SUle Coastabu- »: lary In .New 'Jersey. » Senator Clrrcr. of Union county, the Introducer of thr measure, declared h* brliried It u prvj.arrdnm* mraaiire and otirr speakers la favor ot lbr prouo- altlon Nought to alio* lhal au^h a fore* would be very valuable In the event » the United Stales needed the National teanw •"* unue ••arming up In the gynmaalurm'Gl*** «>■»« *0» war purpostw. On the other hand Henry F. Hilfrn, Tho Ml utler Dorothy and

Foreign Relations Com mi tty*. Some inalat that b- should l.e asked to re- sign aa Senator 1 condemning Beoalor V bla part in ths MllHNM (n efllgy <a Clarkadale. inernaed at th« attitude I^Follett*. The^e m exprea* the aent|ment


bseoi. from school of lllneea. Mla» Mildred Drake. ’17. haa re-^ W— . . ■ turned her stud.ea after being de- .. . , . • . .. talued at home bj Illness, eaaily consumed m the combustion ’that follow- the flr-f clash ot arm. A *•<■+«** ot the Omega Tdlerary Society of the Senior Haas waa held

Secretary of the State Federation of, Labor, composed of 10*.000

, , r*<*nt apaech former Ouv-.lt unfortdnate Hat to am^re OI tv*D,or WM

*r John t iaokllo Kortj ap-akinx PVOCV • oatlon moat V read, for[f£*"f*r * ,'n°*’ ’* ,h" »udlu,r- 01 of the lain; of th* tlovevnment to *r,>,*• l>"* ,h* •"'» •*'-'» for « aa '« |.MporlBt for the foturw, paid aome, th” •*"' oa with lodleldoala Dr|thloxa that ought to b. r.-memhered "PPoaln* liilervala. Projerla and

rMpertlvfi States.

The .rack leant la out dad; pr*- Hanalor’ |0|DC. lh„ oa,w ,0 b. rememh*Ted »' W-l '■»"»! BfjUtU I rnTT’S.'in't."'. 11 rCl'nt* *",? rxperft ^d uaed a, a booli tor Mtir. pollc;.,b**‘*- to corr; lh« aoft hand In' * lr

“I Ilv aold that If o-n reora oao ou, ,k* mxlled 4»t The aero aarol; had antered upoa a 'Oiled lit Thei . ho xrewd; tndfvlduot. or nation, the A »v*ttox of th* Atjiho Irflrrar; da; lo Ih* rltplnx hour, of Coh.r-a. Ib,lr Sm,„. felt .poor- , • hen th.; h-ld up th. aaloek, of ,.nU( lU., dld (ro„. ,Mr.,.profcoa rhlch It la k""»' “>* hand',, ih* outlaw or *oc'*1' ,h" th.tr rntlroBura who ..Bird to rot. „ Th. p,„ of |, I * ataruok. and hod provide for ■"* » .... — — -- ... atarUns, on th* aroi.d nmitrallt; qu.atlon l,‘,h.rr was on re»trt*Aloo upon iralnlnx o million ;oui •how* lo Ih* action* of ihr pmpl. uac'h or d^at. aod Hut a dor- rMr hock horn, lo thr that wa* I Ohio- ,n ^ could so Bltbu*t*r oa to hill , pool tlon to ao; aoow tblosa to hoaa eltliooa. furawrl; .from Bla , .u.ar. (hat th* «r~t nu>orll;.(0iwi,„ nation* and them would h« uurl. who had a areal ad of ,har vWa(dn waotad o chase. war talk now it mo; also h. ■ IraUcn for ttsoolor glorfr. of Bk-;,, ro» oo. ft moat ha,o Man a»- „M ,kal .tih mirfi prrparatloo on men that the major- Q.,r

other fellows aoHaly khow. th- •r*1 afterno prep^gTj .h€ tWhooVmmmorinr In the

eountrr would hare boon a,or9 acre); the prrporvd odo win h. Kthel H. filronr, ■ oci .o. Ic La/^L- ,nm,rr. alone. of loat rehr'. xrmdii.llu. el..., ion to soy some mine* to V.—,

•ourl. mewtlOK In Vlnlto. hluahed at.om.'d br th* action of their Cltlieo* to 8t

mrMK IM.RATHI KXIHT the prewrnt belHherrnt on-! Moo.; I* th. temporal power

DM returned to school tor a lioat-MMdu-. Ot* copra- after ntteuamit Rutgers Collexe oa. * member br the Fro.Ir- ma n etku during ths past ;n*r. . lelr uor-tlma farorlu Uy ... „.i,.t them and that the;.0„„ Mr, bew. ln war some com aa . rl.al to potrlotlom tarul. d.moud that were afraid of the rote. UPolletUd„ could hor. M forMe, then Some mao are wimu to ^patriots

"" appeared uuuaunllv aorlon* that tb” just rhe prmfteamaac wo are>'hemaef,e, nod turn trnttor foe the V* brodxht to * no* In would happen- some day It sake ot the dollar llaraiolto Qupu. A. oidba

Th* Boico-Runjon Company, notwithaunding on unpre- cedented coll upon their ilock for domeetlc uret of cool. itW hurt ta Ample supply oa hood. Mud, mow. lluh. condition! duo to the uoeon of the

•yeor, cense unavoidable deloyi in delivery We would therefor* suggest that you net your mind ot ease by Or- dering now.

■ We Feature PLYMOUTH Cool.”

Boice, Runyon Company Eetabliihed 1837


kn' quick!; and resorted lo actor tactics jbolrurt the-measure. If th,

, Bllaaheth. March. IS—star or Victor MravUx and hie official famll; are Cha*rlued orer the course of b'nloa Cnunty’a three Aaaembt;men In aup- purllnx the ICdse rood tax blllx and the Pierson municipal flBenelux mco- hurea. The Ma;or looks opon Chutes L. Vtorxan ol this ell;. William N. Buoron of Plainfield sod Arthur N. Pierson ol Went field os not horlnx th* clira loterest. otllvart. The meuorea — I mentioned hod th. hitler oppoelfioli Mm. Oldham, wife ot Her. Oemrxe jof th. Rlfmb.it, official. * ,""*00 Col- the special preacher at time."ehuT.** Jwk” mi“ll!^?uiwl loWaBeet. lexe. ... -min, to taka 140.000 of oa Bunds;, sad her *l*ter. ere bene- himself aa not earlac whai the eltr .a .... , J--' Oder th* will of their Ihouthl of hi. courwe-th.t the real ”f


be a farce to Uae a. force of Iff f State police to preierte order In »ncfc • lnaUncea where etr1krr*do not numb-t i morv than ffffy or alxly men The (+■ pooanta mil contended n»*( ih« polledc/ 1 Ihe different muntrlpallilm of the SUM 1 prr perfectly abJc. and bav* deinon- plraied. their ability to cope witk atrIke disorder*. ASSEMBLYMAN’S VOTE


ahould not be brought to a|BO* |„ WOb|4 happen- aona day If a*k« of the dollar vole, for when It appeared that a foreign nation* »ote waa like!;, a. he storied to'.h,! ,9„.„ „„„ c.atrr h_- ftosale. be t,,rn—I hockjril,()< coualrlea «f the world to Oermao money in foment a* uprlrfn. ItetartM . d resort.d to aom. tort lea . greater or lew. clem, and with a! ala a ihe Knitted xovemm.oi lo 0'»">tr. Mrs. (ioold, of Heoee. Valla. illltoo Americana Unload for Indio, sod ot the some time use hla ff- Y - whlih haa Joat beau offered for probate lo the New Tork Hlatr ■o owl rue, in. measure, it low,,,, million Americana trained for Indio, aad ot the aome time » hi. men rcllr bellced ihe Tn.Jorll; ,„rilr. „ ,hl. Urn. ond o competent po.llloo ip ,he lotted tkatei. o neo- ... axalnal them It "« a imielB,^._ fortoxn nation, weald Bor. trot eountrr. for . base of hla oafar- ■hort of axotlam. to aa; la*.t.',.^„, ^.n u,. „rf„„ „e i„„. .... the ; atm ' Keep off' Iona operation., Happll; thl* m>rt i rtmch up-.think doe. Tot prevail .mbn« true GRANUL’ATED

ekotiam. to im; th- loout.i,^*,,, for them to aauome that the; poa-| rnaaed the InlelU.etu- -of *e Beo-|on „„ rll|,M „ „B|1 gu,h Americana. The; who traco their !,•” *■“ ”7* “'"’J* 5*.fT*' “ *r“7-»<«ld hot need to rOUe a Ifaeute to the purtota ot Lexlaictoh

°y’JL “C,UD 'VrTJ°'"-,aTJ* * *nd B’"k" H,n •n‘’ “ “"d»' TW.rfopeet. The; would not oerf to men. Ihouxb poor, declined oil off«ra ■nut, hut OBI; of hrlhea when the; oreealed Major lh*c fe both Andre, the eo-consp4rotor wfih Ben-| but of tho Inltod Slate mlahf have fell a kill, aaaur.d If-^’is iho otondti Ihe; had been upheld h; I heir ow.|,„„Vd „ . «„«, . male, ereo agalhsl lha oibfra. hut tood j,brmeot aod meotol exorcise It edict Arnold, think” lol mu-h" of wh.n the, —re "ro«led" .moon ,cd; for omer*eoc; Tk. o.iloo. Ibelr herlu*. .. . fre. pm.pl. to their ooniUluenta for thole OlUtud, , g.repe hove molhtolued H»ee In temporlr. for a Aoment orre toretm1 Kith of ,h. KoBo^o. I, III must hare boeh Hills satisfaction .v.,r h.,MrY _h,„ ,h„ . .. . _ ”r ,',r'1*n »■ ,h” ' I'UowUo Item.: - ” • I ' ,**lr F"1 *«f* '"'V raid that would he Offered to tempt pren.i itottre.

SUGAR a PowrnK tor Ur.

l.ul them to hare I'halever mo; assumed Ml much lenh^r were tormldoble euiugh ave been th* re- ni„xr It daokeroua for others lo . that

them from thMr alleglepee.' The; whore anreatora left forelna lamia Phre Ptororta* Ktteret., tack or one did not have reaiethlni: Id seek a horns la the land' ot th. hottl. reoehed. th. matorlt; reoumeat olj(bat ,h. other waited. Treekee. to frvw to work out their owo nKeraac ,‘mrr ne»*k'"« ' oroo. the country reemx to hare here ho lure, hove had a little, hut oul;.under tho low. of freemen and at vTT‘KH'Hl!w'“e a Itttla. to do la keeplnk poaco. aallbertr to worahlp Ood m^ordlog (• | mnUotSjto

it; elected him. Moraan denies Sing Ihla laokuake, explalnln, that thl he said waa that he didn’t ”are what ihe Ma;or thought. Mayor Mr..lag declare* that .Morgan and Bonyoa or* both reeking office Th.tr oamm bore hero mentioned tn connection with th. District Court and reonty Judgeship*, respective!;, and If. they irek the places the Mayor will op pore them, ["here are several Dinars spoken of for mere p lares. Senator Coeften B. Pierce la a count; Judgeship possibility, while Donald McLean and O, Uartram Woodruff are being boom- ed hr their friends for th* Htatrtet Court banrh. TlmoMt 1SVADKH AnflKATINA

eryatstllaed to tb* reattment. or th* majority of 8*nstora who v«p prw-1 w-1Ci i«Df#d from aaOag by a axsaU ml | norily. Mill Itsiy, which wsa houiid up Id the dictate* of their own eon*cl*nC* . with carman;, aid at are still loyal to the I.Rraf tkalr icral; "aerope of poper.-^odoptloa. although there may hoi

25c 25c 25c . 9Cd» ' coma, said to have been brought lu>° rereV. i tha eouatr; br Turhlsh Immlgraola- ih causing oartoaa alarm In parts ol , ArgeaU.a. Brel—i. wire lO.oaO la- fhohltonla. la said to have l.Mb eaare.


SONG RECITALI t M M I . MARCH i n n , A T 3.^6 V M,MISS BKTtnr LANE -111 I ' l ln ; , , . «„„„„« .





FOR SALE—Houselarge garage, will eirAddreas "East End."N


FIFTEEN-ROOM HOUSE, eightrooms, Improvements' sevenbeautiful location; barn, Art-"Mountain," car* Courler-

OPERATORS on il)T-»S anil plainSinger machines; learners taken;good pay while learning. Schiller

street, two


OPERATOHS on musllo under*Nat tavy fc Co., 335 Wat-

chung aVenae. 10-5-ttRKSSMAMNO t>y

work home. Call »»tteet. Tel. 187-W.-

FOR SALE—Lot of farmi '•-.- : , , . Inaer-menu, consisting ot wagons.

I s blows, harrows cultivators, tan mO. Rj the month fl.OO a reaper corn shelters harness.Bj the yea* *O teata a line. | | « t y p r t o o l B , blackaalth forge,

ump dynamiting.. machine,her articles of use on a tarn

ANSWERS •T n l b—"""

KasI Fifth <>••2-21-im tkm..

WAWTEI>—Cook ando chambermaid-wait

f Apply Mrs,11,Park a»enu

FOR SALiE—Bungalow T rcom. Improvements: 1500 down, J.T

onth; prrce J5.00O. Addresgalow.'? care fourier-Nf*«. •

. >7-

l'01-OKED WOMAN' wants workWednesdays ami Tuesday*. 'Uun-drew," cave Courleir.-Ne«s, 3-»'-4t

W A NT E D —.Competent waistdraper and finishers: also errandgirl. 431 West Sixth afreet 3-9-tfSIX-ROOM HOUSE—410

nthly. buy* Alarge plot; Improvemenon, trolley,

ches. '-'BuildFOR SALE—A Sheri

cCourier-News.TO I.ET—Half hwusc,-

210B-W. !partly furnished, part Impr, 4.12 Wa(chui,B a

101; Board; Boi B;Chauffeur.. Coffee; Desirable; E A;E M : F !.. f, Good Wages; Gentle-

I man's R«.<da>nce; O Z: H S; Home;rusiii nts; J 1, E. l-.iriv;

[Colored La-nuOrew: M»w; M K:| Music; Nufrse; tiqit O; Owner:{Pocket Vdiii"; I'rlva'p; H G; St-iio;i South; S W'; Upright; Y ,S: T L"G;


200-20* Wwit Second St.H. T. offices. 1

RELIABLEparties and lijnchea.

TO XET— House. 6en'ts: moderatprt. Apply 3l j O

B A R G A I N — ThreP beaut«u— houses, all Improvements, on Madi

son awenu*. jDunellen; will sel'} 01; ca.Hj terms. ' For particulars writ'Plainfldld.

~FOR "RENT- -Modbouse with garage;ruled. hiijhire

2?d STal.. Gracercy 2094

Private Fnorml Chapeldesl

G*orge W. Coln'a services

HELP WAXTKl*—MALEMork in factory; Rood

work. Schiller Bros., 320street, two flights up.

ame o n (l'oor. 3-9-61

youngroad mar«; canmem Telephanh»lf pries. Come.

-6i ' convince yourself. Sample Cloti.lng- Store, 13 Somerset afreet, P'.alMlatd.

959 South IOUBC. 142*1 •• - • - —.wi.houae. 207 L WANTED—Apprentice to leirn

I BARGAIN-i-FIre beautifujuat completed, all modernrat nts near . stores, [actorlschools; must be solri at once; rea•onablc terms. .For particulars wrli3. H. Schwartz. ,1129 Weit Frostreet Plairideid, N. J- • 3-t3-6


BOLD—We aell furniture to yon WANTKD—Gtrl for Kfiieral offlcSrk: be^inaer preferred. Apply* L: Auto Co., B2Z WPSI Front




ANTED— Reliable ; : ] to rarebaby afternoons and evenings.y 332 Kast Front street. 3-13-21

FOB 8AL|S—Comfortable home,all Improvements: acre ground.barn fruit and abade trees; four

from; Netherwood station orUnion trolley: bargain for quirksale. Address "Desirable."* c*reCourlor-Newa.l


Pnneral Cltap*-!

A.M>noblte S*rwlc*.

EAL ESTATE FOB SALEFKFSH COWS and aprlngeri.Holatelns, Guernseys andCome and *ve;Doren, East Mala itreet. Som

ACRE FARH. near Bound'6 serf a woodland large

brook. l.QOfl peach trees; io-roomhouse, large ombulldinp?; silo, allIn fine condition; price «12G per

EXPKHIENCEDesmao for Plaiinding territory; ,iM«| opportunity. the right man. : Address Heat.

ft Broad street. Newark. , 3-13^2tWANTED—G001I. qober. reliab'ten. Apply evenlngaj Frank

— ! 227 West Front atre«

.SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE on trolleyine, all impj-overoents. 1700 cash.

ey R. i.in-1-11-tf

A Basket of Spring Flowers iVANTED—Eaiperierced walHliitc and colored;, good wagrs. Ap-

!plj- Mrs. Keller's Agpnry. 22 Somfr-1724-. 3-13-Bt

Hak« an ideal gift. We hare aUrge Variety .to select from. Quan-

ll kinds of Cut Flower*.P.anta, Palms and Ferna,

WeddlDK Boi«iuPtB. Floral DeaicnsU- * l B l t o u r *lOTe " n " COQ-

-trrttory at .1W Ka»t Front BU Thn

trAdFarther' par t icBox No. 334. BFOIt SAJ.B — Well established

her bU5]*if*A thoroughly e4iitp*Mculars call or address

Main strWt. Bound Brook.WANTED—iOli" false tectn.ALE OR EYOIANGE j __

; WANTED—BSALE Olt KXfllANGE - 'o drive nsilk

(1.300 CASHbnrojeli restthe reat *3,300,

if broken. J pay 11.00 to h

J Mail to U MA7.ER.

W.1NTI3)—IJUIK- ami j.luiirrtlJIJMt C»n 'l:il JUnl nii^ht I urn; alHO

labor irnublM. TBrcailwcll I-S*-•K Co.. KM&IOB, il'a. . 3 10-fct

"BETTING HENS wanted; will pay WANTED—A good plain cook at* price. Address 1*8 Grovei'OT Orescent avenue references re-&et. j 3,e-ln> qu'red. 3-lS-3t

FORSALan« Union aTobtn. 1 S

SALE —.Parfor rutnit«*e,•<- [ate 243 Somerset St.

3-s-etFOR SALE— 300 buiidinf lota onanil bath

It. large jardluqulr^ M


KIND1.1NO. M « * and grate "wood ts. Bve dollars down.paym^nta to be airaneed.a law boose* that can be bought

) . F. Gano. 315 '.Va• - 10-t-tf

SITTING HjRNS— Inra. State vnri'ty and pries, wJst be reasonable. ForeKate Fa

a. Telephone 1248-J. • ffi WANTED—Apprentice I8-fr-Bt ery «orkroom

wMch|i0B'Roekvlew avenue.


FOR RENT -April Ut.;fcosy 11Inqu

Rodtos. ::_•', Wfinest Imported; Addreaa "Pom Pom."

Neira. • . . 3-11-ltFl'KMSHFU ROOMS TO LET

\ T l u \ s WAXTE1>—MALE f work ; y Jrinlit man. ApylyLumlMT Co., BIICIWI

no washlngrApply 306 Stelle

. 383>M.EOGS WhiteIvegnorps R . I .

White ana Haired Kick's. 11ting; H SO hundredStout'Farro. ; Pftoue 2r.35M.



rark .\».i,n.-. near FouHh St.

9. PRANKKL ft SON »r.y* htf h-ear cash prlcoai for old autos ,and *UkliLdi of Junk. 316 Plalcfivld »r«oi».

; Telephone J « t S-U-tf WAITRESS WANTED for nursM'ine room. Apply (o Dietitian.

Dhlenbers Hospital. 3-12-21aorta ol S^.eonab pand Fern*. A large aaaorl-1 K

«a«t o( Cut Flower* (rpsh Mvery i^y .^ ln lFloral Work * 8|>ecinltr- posi

TWO OR THREE furnishedboUBPkceplug; alro o\v f

2t Gtnve atr«9t, 2d TO LET-pAPART-UKNTSmpfatelybath apa

•f\ vaitresR. 143Phone 1S61-W.


ipnts, centrally !lectric licats.

CEDARCROFT1003 Park Ave.

HA1 FPKL-n »i?li*« BMjsftion In) private' family . has bfeit. rity refer-ences. Address<"O. T. A."." careCo'irit r News. 1 . S-12-21

TWO Tarnished rooms tnr lightbouaekeepl-Dg. 321 East Firth street


liOOKKEtCPERl charttw, ieehu p^rfnanpntyment. A'lilrifB "TJ W.."

. marrleS. itootl me-of gnfrHonlng. t




juv,'B t


T Ile

WA.NTKfi129 East Fr


,-ow »nO K



t l


-Nl_ J


tec. \i3-13

d carif*1. A.l.trus. 3-12



r» l

tU URI hav<reff-reu

3-10 -*HASnY MEN

High Grade MonumentsOf Ercr j D^acrlptlon

John J. Brown

R gg jnirps permanftnt position nILI1011

pirtate. rtC 8 - ' ! ™re ~ — "

AUCTION SALE— 0 4 road from1 tp Mt. iBethel. nearFrltft?. March 18. at 12

sharp, houst-hold- goods, stockand machinery Sale positive, rain

. l larrr C. Zalaer. SouthJohn [C. Cooper. auctionr*r.

• 3-13-2t

ready fpr orrupancy .. lat. For further lntormaU#n nr

J,apply Frederick A. Martin Co. • F i ,

FL'RNISHEli ROOMS f_. .KinKt.' and- double. l i p East Fifth

St. "Phone 26S1. ) 3-12-3i;

APARTMF.N+SIprll let. 714-716 1

j Phone 89S-J. "

also forg; best prices paid*lag*, room 307. ttab-


I ET frommood s t r m * w U

3 1 0 * t pr

ANTED—Child's nurse (white)._ M d reffrences. A»p]y 1027pect avenue. 3-12-lt

146 m<

ROOM;—Two menlege of .houSe-Setiond afreet.

APARTMENT* FOR RES'T—April: WANTED—Maid tor?t,' 5-room apdrtmr^it all improve-'housework. *06 Mndisonicnts- low rental; healed.. Call Or, ,

-. Neth.


V: ]- I atreet. .

ranI ' H i l l •


i -




r tV


ait 8.'

RAi.Er batest Fn.

SA1S fei-• fan


j piano r\ West S

-^RbodPHog. $1.

$—-Portslion* Bybe «ePB

»ill HKtriflCP

« h Htrept.•J, 3-13-41

Island Redi0 ft setting

3-9-lm4e chicken

st 216 Neth-

i,OT of poultry rratofl at 30'Ivcr'erl reasonable distance. *•

East Front street. 3-12-3'

eaday.AUCTION 8A0.E—On Wed;. at l!:30 sharti. near tnehuTch South I'lattificld. on1 D* Fniippo farm, conalst-

ing of 2 eood. work, horsrg. botheuarantee<l - 2 *etn double harness.

" holt'.* 'farijtta. t >

fjooilred , | Wri

a p p o i n t m e n t a n d a t a U 'in.>'ifi' ..ti..i.^Dr Hioks S-nille l u i h , liolund firnok.


Developing, printing awl enlarging.Fred E. Setirlnp, At Walsh's CentralPharmacy. North «nd Watching *»•-

Particular WorK for Particn-

uj; or five rooms, reasonable.. 'Phone 666.is: rentrnl location-; ,. :.ult*. • care Courier- „ w VAN HER VI

Uo» 6. i-arp'Company. *23-n:3t,949.

R. I. HEDS—Co*kerela ^ ^ U 1 ^ ^ " " ' ^ ; ^ ' * 1 ^ " ^ 'f ^ . P f t S T E H S . APPLY feTANDA.il)>" a w a . i " * ,207 r < ^ sire w of. ijr; hre-krast « £ ! . * * •

ic-tj/i i--/\t>& • ^CB v*"»fc>Tn 'i\ 't-v 251 hfn MJssourl ^fialest, 1!*14; N, T., care Lourler-rfewa. H-i-tr ;^ AERO CORP.; ,8» XOflTII Vf t , ._ m ^ M Thorn... 0.11.- : A 1 * 0 APAJltolENI

3-1S-51 FOR SALE—Bungalow property ioe.nlB fine locajtlon, flAlbert Stelnwr. larg* moma, IfJ.Oft;

Tei. 1824-W. six (arpe rooms,l|21.00

3-12-Jt WANTED-^Girl fot fceneral house-,,t . wnrk: pmall family. Apply between

ent fiVB 6 a n t l 7 evening*. 6*6 West Frontai" SlxS street. Tol. 24«g-W. , Mt-tl

__ss_4_, i S1TU.ITIOKS . WANTKD—Mat* ati.lPeoiaU



197 Somerset atrt;nln( 3-10-l

'efOdd' floor t COLORED COUPLE dealnA. B. Stitttl 'wife BB cook, husband as buto. 3-12-tf,«»0 West Fourth Blreet.



; h.ith rooms, servants' Da'h. gaia«e ,b?iUt;if reqa'.ied. 'Phan* Mrs. Hall.1578i t-IS-tf

FOH SALE OR TO -LhET—Eight-roomL house, npar trolley; lmprov*'-menti. 3 acrea of land; plenty fruit;a store attached: cash bustnras; Rburgain: teusa. J. E. Van Orilpn.Jerusalem road Wcuneld. 3-l2-3t

F0UR ROO>JS. city walind loilet. near Salirer's; tenlarvcy R. Unuaiger, 197 Nc

dollars; j ,

1'20-tf * _


nion trftlley. Owner cane by paying for ad at Coiir-oBlee Knd proving property.

J 3-12-2t

r v TO }A>.\S

TWELVE-ROOMED HOtSfc forsale or r?nt. In best part of Plain-1Hold-; tverything modern; two batb Irooms, uud'-rground electtic, and Itelephone sBivli", bntler'a pantry. 'laundry garafce, two • acr^a of'grounds, etc.; exceptionally lo+ re« taktn at oore. Apply '•GcnilQman

,!« CourierNew^

1ONEV TO *.6AN"—OR LnortgBg«.4 I.O9T—I-ady's t»n pocketbook iq .ining ft Cnrtla.-l.oe Denot Park.! trolley waiting room on Watthimg•- i 4-20-tf-avgnne. Plainflel.t. Finder pleass

_i .^ . notify'.Mr*. Maynes. H2S Duriellen

and lotW. A.3-12-2t

FOR SALE -Acntie hatching : enick: big winners

:abeth;. also jwiin and Asaury,i0' per 15 egiga.lellcn, N. J. 1 T«

i White Wyao;H Irotn prl tit Trentoit "am

V. S. Smedley,, 2834-F!.


FOB SALB OR RENT-house. 12 rodus. 2 battia. ateaparquet floors. , flr»t afcdstories; flrst-cluss cenditidn; 1utea from etatlon.

MONET TO IJOAN tjrt«ase. J. T. Vsll.

MONET TO IiO. N- i6 and 5"4 per.n?nt.

Fkia. 146 Furt avi..||,ir?r envelope. Reward t

nut-'-rioria nskei.] If returned iter-Newa.



13-7-t( cf t , Tprop^rty. Harryi Flrat- National Bank n

FOR SALS—6-pasmen«tiFOR SALE-Brand new Cyphera Studfbaker: KM condltlo

wlrf«.vercd chick runajphone 7Icoops, verjj Cheap. I . Call 6!S


. .OIN our dob plan a»,l » a " 10ll-(«-Pod-tt-Mr cent. Eiftrtaiw aotonvlw »nd

~ ISniith moto^ wheel. Second-handin Improved-machines from *30 uu- ,,A1so blsh-

. ..'12-7-tf TNeniirk, N. J. ' 2_2*-lm



nt street. f - II »-«*->*j SCRIPPS-BOOTH roadster, new' • • ,, 1 -1 last August:7 run 2,500 miles; In

REFRIGERATOR for perfect condition; looks as good an •aa*. r31iBrkey. Rlch-j ne*-. w m sell for' I60O; cost *9E0.|

•t. grofef. 3-12-tf \v J Flammer. 1218 En«t Grand•t ,EHia6eth. N. J. j 3-13-21'1

, FRESH COWS and sprlcs. ."3-8-1 m •••'«- **• Vclinaky, 515 West Thfrd]dh:

ONET TO LAlortfage. Addre



°°? " d <: •**«** Rehearsal for "Land of{«"i4*-tt Mys te ry" Thursday Night.

MONET TO.LOAN oH. Ri, Llnbarger. \1f1 N.


lluildine.MONET TO LCJAN ON F1R3T,

i MORTGAGE. MpliFOBU, OPPO- !•!| SITE ;DEPOT. 12-SS-tf. a

la-a-tfil* B. P . O. E. vs. KOTOHTS OFCOLOMBlffS.

IHstrirt Deputy vistte us 1

SONG RECITAL' TFBMMY. MIRdl |*TH. AT B.M |» >1, MIHH HKTHY UA*K KtlFlf 1 Hit Ik. kto,,r„- 4-atatrd bj Mr, Kailolph Polk, Vlolinlal PI.AINFIBLD III OH SCHOOL AUtHTORItM " b» t,rd o' 'n,r~,*"lo°- "Mrt may b. oblhiaad trim VOGEL & BRIGGS ki>iw>m diamond dw -m m,) 'T"”‘ ' “PB- Wrat M. K. tli»r,h rail. Wrtla or ‘Ptionr *480.

s room. OPERATORS on tit .a* and plat* ' for low , Slmrer machine. Ic.rarra rakrn: Cdoriar- R®**1 P*> laaralo*. Sctlllar V J.jj.,f|Bro. , S70 Wret Proof alrrol. t»o > - | nights up; look for name oh door. S. *l*kt ' '• **J,“ ; STENCX1«APHERS- Sped Ctnireo P ‘ _l#r. : Thor*d*y evenings. llera‘a School.

FOR SALE He Iarge **r»«c. will Address "East En New*. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING

CLASSIFIED AD RATES OPERATORS on muslin under- wear. Nat Levy ft. Co.. 319 Wst- chung avenue. 10-5 U WANTED—Cook And CuntffMfl, ■ Iso chambermaid-waitress; good references. Apply Mr*. H. H. Pat- t«*n<on. 1111, Park *venue. 3-3-tf

I)HKS8MAI>INU I work home. Call ! aireet. Tel. !I7-W, SELL 7-room bouse. bath. profemenfc. $2,100. Estate. * ro orler-.N> w,. J-]

FOR 8ALE—-Lot of farm Imple- ments. consisting of wagons, carts. Mows, barrows, cultivator*, mower, reaper, corn shelter* haraeas. a var- iety of loot*, blacksmith forge, anvil, ktump dynamiting.. machine. and other article* of ase on a.farm. Can b* seen any day 1 to 2 p m Mrs W. Clark, Rahway road. 1-2- In

COLORED WOMj Wednesday* and Tu dress. “ care Courtel . FOR 8ALE—Bungalow 7 ft all. Improvements: 9500 down, |>er monthprice $5,000. A<1 •Bungalow. ' care Courier-New

wanta work line, lay*. “I-Aun- ___ ewa. 3-12-41 ^SS JLM. RUNYON & SON ^ANSWERS TO « CLASSIFIED ADS.

WHITS WOMANj.waa to take hum* . I--.i ireful drew "Competent."' car km A FlltBTrT.ASit oook dcatrra •Ition. AddreM "S *t ." earn «,'i Rt-km

POTR ROOMS. nil Wrat Third atreut, 111.00; c r..«ua all Im.n... •e-latl^k ,71 in .n^£ Vr.V"’ IT ..".***■ ” 1 *'**'• *zi J°'"1 «•»«. > •-«' IrurfiV1 Si*** ' T<> >-KT -Several hii.i.o. oal'o-

! lu"bto IhtlPlre Be,ae. Xelh- . 1 111-In. : ! TO I ACT. Half ttrie-/ ah roo a... R-. 110S-W. Ipprllr fiiralahed. pari liopru.emesta John K. Hlcli o. Maimer. 4.71 WtlrkShc avenue

8IX.KOOM HOt SK—»i00 l «™P"7 a»d XhUkara. HE moutlUr bura * w*" large plot; Improvt lion, trolley, .tore*. •ehea. f Builder 101 ietra. 1-27-11 WANTED—White rhambermaul- altress. Apply *20 Park avenue. * l-T-tf kxrKrnox.iT ——., ..-I »tnu*raphrr: .m ,« ; lot-3 6 feet handle corr<S.pi >m»c acr; si.u. mfer. Address *M.'* *alar> ami experience. Addieaa 3r»0-3f'•tKemw.” rare Courier-Vawa. 1-10-lt

ee beautiful I' GIRL to work on Singer ma- tt*. ua Mad!- chines; steady all year: week work. will sell on «ielgn.»n. *U West Fror& street. Hculsm writ- Plain geld, top floor. 3-i-9t ing Co.. Dun UIHLH to*Work fa factory, good ■ l>ay; clean work. Schiller Bros.. 120 tntlful houses )Vfm* Z^°®1 ,,,rr^,• !wo n**h'- U|>

EnfaMit! for n*m^ °n d0oT S 9tl factories «nd * WANTED -Olrl for general oflkft at oace; rea- work; begmaer preferred. Apply rtlealars write \f. * L. Auto t'o.. »22 W^»t Front West Front:street. 3-12-Xt . l-H-6t —: | WANTED -Relisbls girl to care irtable home. I for haby afternoon* and evenings. »cre ground. Apply 13? *ast Front street. 1-13-21

<i|.portanif| for MKIAITAN S.ll-it E: I I, C; Coud five*.. Geatle- J m.h . R.Mdt-nee; O *; H 8; Home; 1AJI1.R vnlor.d vtaltee.v Houe4; InathunviU; J E E; I-*dj; purlles and Itlurheu. ‘Phone t'olered l.auadreHi: Man; M K:; I-. 1-1-lm Muatc; Sufae: lit), O; Owner; Pocket Mono; Private; R O; kteno. kouth; S Wj ITpMght; T 8; TI.O: Hoi III lb,g J. Bor I; W; »n« "11; Bor "; 1 Bbr 4. Anaw.ra will be held la dart oulj. ,

rrk. CPf.ed R. Cole COLE & HIGH ■nomri to Oeorge W. Tola 'rronAi. dihki-torr ■ae-POl Mee. Hemnd At. H. T. officer. 10 Kaat !7d Struet T*l . <frao;ercg X0P4 Private Funeral ITvapel Aalu Ooetege when deatred Qmn. W, Cole’, aervlrop rill I

FOR SALE - Barr-d Rock gold r0 prise winner egga. acttloa of IS j 41.00. 400 Cllntoa arenue J-l-lm . BA, I CORftiaiTGame and~R'klte Wran- done egga. 41 15 petting E 8 Bird. 1S-A walnnt at root. E-ll-lt-19 3Ss2

'•BOUNII young driving horaeT goid ; eli5n‘ N road mare; ran be aeen by appoint- | — ment. Telephone 141-M. 1-11-lt . BARt

PURKTTITRE BOUGHT AND Hen I*** 801.0- We aell fumitory to you echoola rheap. We buy fond tar. from yon aoneM* tertna. roe eaab. In large or email guantltlee. a. H. Schwa. Cult or ‘phone 1741. Harrtpon'a Pnr-istrert Plainn* hllnre imlea Room. HI Weet Fropt i street, opposite orove street. for a a I. k 1-5-lm all ttnprorec

irler-Newa TO l-KT Horn. • room, all lm- pro w nleota: moderate ,en;; adult, preferred. Apply 311 Orange place, i Plainfield J-l-.lf FOR REST Modern ttine-ruoul bouao with garage, rektrally lo- cated. Inqbire K. * 'V 8.7*1,... 4-ll-dt

HELP WANTED MALI lid conrtnce ynurnelf. sample CloU*lnk Store. II Someraet etreet. Plaint!aid. S-ll-U

WANTED -Apprentice to lusrn plumbtug and hvatlng trade. Apply 23 Vine struet l-Wf Jacob s.cb.r. 4H | DE8lGNER87deuil'er. and wanted by large rompuny. located tn


UNDEBTAKERS WANTED A aewlng wol lady's maid, gcntonal rrferei qulrfd. • T*l. 20C5. PItf55 TOWS and aprtngera. IfoMelnn. Ouernners and Jaraeya Come and auu; a good lot. E. L. Van Dor«n. East M*I* *trm»t. tM«rVlll«. N. J. g-ii-tf

~~VOR SAtet—Buff Wyandnlto eimi for h.ttchli g. 114$ George street.

TO LET— Summit aitm gist. -Store, Somerset and I uu. .ultabfd. for drug- ll-S*-tf WANTED -r Maid for huusework *0* West street. 'Phone

I WANTED Experienced waitresses, white and rolored; good wages Ap- ;ply Mrs. Keller's Agency. 22 Rotner- I set ptare. 'Phone 1TI4-. 5-Il-tC ron sa IF — Well established butcher boa».rss thoroughly equip- ped. For pajtteulars tall or address 2«1 Main street. Bound Brook 1-tSjU KITCHBVJ bid-room fornlTufe. dishes. Address "Bargain/’ care Courier-New si MT-ln '

WANTED .Oil- f.lre teeth. Don’t UPTY more glrta waawd for mkttrr It broken, i pay II.do to Bond, embroidery oo frame learner. 1S.00 per act Mail to L MA7.F.R. pold while learning: atan home work. 2007 8 Fifth atreot. Philadelphia Only girl, wllllpg to Worn: no other. Pa. Will land caah by rot urn moil, "red apply. Boom 407. Rabcock I-13-lm building. 1-li-tl BETTING IIEN8 wanted; will Bay, WANTED—A good plain rook at uifffH orico a AtiTamm <7mi. : 1 0 7 CrMCfS' iVpntip • refrrpr.rpffi re-

1 $1,300 CASH oil! bur modem , borough residence, centrally located: tbs rest, $3,100. go** on rgortgage; owner leaving; splendid opportunity Address "Real ‘Bargain.’- egre Cour- I ler-Newa, : ; l-ll-H rt>R SALK OR Farm. <8 acres, atoel try; good buUdings: no bullillafu; very da ner. R. F. D. 1. Plaint

XCIIANOE and machli

XHAS.L. STANLEY lirahle. Kautk- leld. 1-12 It FOR RAT.K rues dishes, ef- S-g.ln, qulred.

WANTED] Ceseral housework, white, smalf* family. ‘Phone after 8 p ■*. 1-13-lt 'WANTKD^-Wh7te"glr1 as aewfiig maid and to take charge-of one child. 105 Rockrlew avenue. 3-11-tf

FORCE PUMP— Mud bs In good condition nstfl reasonable R P. Bremer. Terrlg roaft 3-lJ-lt FOR HKNT—SI* ropms and bath. gtuerTfug «”b.. I air Improvements, fruli, large yard. — — 451 OrchaifJ place. Inquire M. WANTED / Abrams' Shoe Htore 3-J3-3C *»• t< ——« h ‘-a—. -— 1 of Block; man| FOR RENT — April 1st ;rosy flve- dren preferred, room flat, all itsprnvementa. Inquire Murray s Auction Rooms. 32« West I — Front street. 'Phone 656. l-*-tf W4VTKD—X

KINDLING. bloVk and grati

SITTING KENS— In large nam- be**. SUte variety and pries. wl|ich milst be reasonable Forsguie Farm*. Dunellt-n. Telephone 1241-J. WANTED — Apprentice for mlllln- j workroom. TVpper a. 1-13-lt ROIL from **rde« for phone 7 J P-lf. ,_EGCt. White Legkorpt , Whits and Rarred Horks. 75e set- ting; 94 50 hundred dsMvured. Stout*Fit* Phone -53S M. 1-12-2m

THRER furnished room* housekeeping pn«ilegaa. nea cent avenue. Addre* ‘‘V, CoMrler-N**a. or 'phone 111 light 16c FOR ONE COPY of Issue. NEXT white maid for raneral June 1st. 1915, Courier-News Plsuae housework; no washing: small fam- brtog to Courier-News ofllte. ;1ly- Apply 30$ Stelle arenas or 1-1 Lit Tel. 383 M. 3-Tl-lt

IP-ll-lf FlRBT-f'LASS PAINTING and Mtuata l.uiniwr Co.. paper hanging 4®n^ *• *"•»•* russou- able price* Send a postal to 9. F Pearson. 10U East Front street Phone 1814-J. MMn

> A. K. LINCOLN 0V FUrk Avenue, near Fourth Kt. Telephone 2288 All sort* of Seasonable Plants. Palms and Vrms. A large kas-.rt- mset of Cut Flowers freuh every iky. Floral Work a RtwwtiiHy.

ft FRANK El. A BON per* high- i caah prices for old autos .and oil aids of Junk. '816 Plaloftrld arson*, let hone 241$. 6-lg-tf TWO furr'abed roofcetc light housekeeping. 17 Qroi MBCHAMt'Al. DRAWING • LAM. Heir's School. 171 KasUFront street.

_1-.?S7- WANTED— Young sdber. reliable^ nest mah Urho understands garden- ing and washing of nnldniobth'v one willing to make hlttiself useful around a prDate home.' Apply even- ings after 6:30. 4 18 K*«t Front St.

GOOD driving mare *nd two wag- ons for sale. K. t Bremer Terrtll road . $-12-lt ""FolTRALKi-$9 00 so|ld msborany ten piece illnl^g roam set. reasoa- able. Tel 8 24.W, .Westflrtd

EXPEUlK.^rED .hkufleur t mar-« ried tuan with small'family • desire* poBltlnn with prUatr family. «»r on gentlemen a place. Address "Chauf- fenr/‘ rare Courier-News. 3-10-Cr

TWO OR THREE furtitahad rooms for housekeeping; also one furnished room. 21 Ctove street, 2d floor; 1-13-St TWO fompldtelr r.- decorated Ms- room and hath apartments, cwntrully located; oao iwl'h cine trie lights, other gas. haat Included la rent: ready tpr oreupaaey before Match lot. For further Information 1 13 2t apply Frederick A. Martla Co. • ; l*10if, is Mr light . —— 4 *— 1 Fifth *treet APARTMENTS TO LET from 1-13*3t April 1st. 714-716 Richmond n»r*-et.*

» LET—To re tin family, room w A nesr station. CIIAl FFKI « ! private fanj||>. rural Address CptrlftfNfwi. hea position In bast eily refrr- EXPERIENCEP girls for embroid- ery on kfd glow machine, also for hem and binding; beat priors paid. Fisk. Clark * Flagg, room 307. Bab- .. $-12-21

FOR jtALft baby carriagt street. BOY WA.VTK Front jsirect. I cock Bonding. FOR HALE*-One p '►port suit, hike aerge all USPr. si to M. ‘Mi Courier-News. [ . '"auction bale South Htlrllng to ML Stirling. rrtda- *•— o'clock sharp, and maflil or shin« Htlrllng.

TWO famished housekeeping. 321 CIlAt'FPBCn and iuvful man ants place; references Addre k* M .” care Uourler-Npaa. 3-13-31 •stir* fr44cdom frotn the pre* heasekeffiping problems and k«"»« Large and email f**" ■replam. private laitha- So4nte<l. bright dJmng roor ssevl.-e. escellent Imme cook T4Hi.»: Roarp ARI iVliTON AVER UK c

WANTED—Man ft 'ork: must unders'au orae. «-ow and gsrdd -daw. ‘ rare Courler-Nhj WANTED—Child's non* (whiteI with, good references. Apply 102 P roo pc ct avenue. 3-12-1 rRNISHErt ROOMB to* repf. s aa«f double. lip Ka*t Fifth I Phone 2661. ] 3-12-3t

road from let del. near 16. at 12 •hoi* goods, stock ale positive, rain C. falser. South ooper. auctioneer. $-12-2t

BOOKKEEPER full charge, seeks ployment. M6M Courier-News. IFOR RENT—April' WANTED Maid rtme.n AH .improv- - si: healed Call rpll. kl- l.rland a« I*' *->2-

cara BUTLER 13-61 erparlcnce ‘Pbone 851. ANTEDifMi d pood ; n FURN1HHEU ROOM—Two men or couple. $2; privilege of house- keeping 145 Went S-oond street. WA«NrBI>-*—Girl for general hotnw- work; ■mall family. Apply beiween 5 and 7 oenlngs. «4€ West Front street Tel. 241$-W . 3-12-tf

»»frr YOUNG MAN. marrleil gooil ine- hanic. knowledge af garde,ilng. tree; larger*, dealre* permOaftot position • - STEAM RKAfKD roo Oil and b-it^. 3 strevt. . , TO LET—Nicely furnished room. all eoBvenieneas. with private fam- ily: breakfast If daa'rdd Address •N. T.." ear# Courl#r-Newa S-7df

•Is from *3-13-St WANTED FIRST- High Grade Monuments Of Ev«| D-.-Tlptloa

John J. Brown KM 4th and Itlcliniocd S»».

pen av. raging .207 egim sire son of. 261 hen Missouri cotlest. 1»14{ price $5. Richard Thomas. Galla- «her‘s Corner. Dunollms. S-13-5t PRIVATE PARTY 4fcll w rifle# very cheap for Jwsh or tom:* fln« ma- hogany upright piano purchased thl* year, fall *J« West Sixth street 3-13-41

apply Standard . 7«8 Nftferrii AVD- v $-1,0.31 pEnters BlTUpYTIOKS \V A \TEI>—Ms!* and

EXPBRIKNCED MAN desire* po- lion on form; has stlaii family; -Mi references Apply 216 Monroe FOR BALE—Bunp on Johnston Drive 197 Somerset street, evenings. property Steiner. 1184-W. 3-10-1 m

ii for office ibtltty; fine [t»ddr<^* la WANTED- Yot work with sfenog opportunity Tx>r t- oio handwriting. Cpurler-New*. A. Wilson. 136 Jobbing. Phone 11-f-tf TO LET -B#veiv-room apartment*, all lraproveme*ts. Inquire Grant avenue. WANTED—TO It ENT 181 FOUND—Lady’s umbrella ofl east —“ bound Union trolley. Owner can kaa 'have same by paying for ad at Codr- *r* Jer-Newa office and proving property. »v«* 1-12-St

t farmer hm| placet Write for iliftcatlons. md Brook. 3-10-4t

WANTED t Compel* wanted: good *nlar> I married man preforced. appoint, me lit and stale ql Dr IIfelrs. l-Oll* luck, lit

FOR SALE—Rhode eggs far hatching. $l.< 714 West Froiw stretf. FOR HALR-Portal bouse. 16 feet long by for $ld Can be seea

MISUICLVbA M«V$ FOUR ROQMS.otty and toilet, near Usurer’s; Harvey R. Llnbaffer. is; wanted—By and wll t. with li hlldren- A«f«ire Ourler-Now*. 3-13- Nortb AMATEUR FHOTOOR-tPHERB— Developing, printing sod enlarging Fred E. Re bring, at Walshs Central Phsrmary. North and Watehunj a*a- one*. “Particular Work for Psrtlcu lar People.” 3-2J-tf

MURRAY'S VoiploymJJt Registry1 ■ ■ - . office at 326 West Front ytreet. near WANTED -Good Grove, where We» endeavor only to .learn culling trade, fnrnlsh reliable help and good alt-1 j

chicken feet wide. 316 Neth- «-l$-3t IA)ST Persian lamb'mnff. «u!t- »lc reward at 214 Biot Siith street. FOR SALE OR TO IJ*T—Elghl- rooai house, near trolley; Improve-. menU. 3 acres of land: plenty fruit; a store attached; cash buslntse; a bargain; te^ma J E. Van Ordetj. Jerusalem road Wealfleld. 3 12 3t

KURSK «le* Ml»ate famlB ■rar trolley. ROkia TO |X>AN furnished room in Ip good Ideation and !*te price. Address ourler-New*.. 3-12-2t !.OT of poultry crate* at delivered reasonable dlatar East Front strert.

JfDKtT TO MuBlng ft Cm UVATE HpU AUCTION 8A.LE—On Wednesday, arch 14. at 1 JO shari». o***r the nboltc church. South llaihfield. on « 1 fSiiis De Filippo farm, consist g of 2 good work horses, both laranteed: 3 *et« double harness. ■Ingle 80 hrfl-bed sish. 40 new »t bed mats. 3 .rult|voior* plows, »k harrow. Idt of lumber, horse nnkets. farm +*KOO. top wagon. I 1 e-horse truck, small 'eels and lot other useful artlrles W A horb. auctioneer. 3-12-2t

AfldresM Roy • IA»ST .Diamond eolltalre Hi taper envelope. Reward and luesllons asked If returned to

Wanted flve moms. itral location, care Courler- M. I. VAN DEK VBtR. ladles’ halter, HO Depot Park, 'jjion« 227 4. A romRlete line of Spring Millinery I* now ready for your Inapeetlon A ■MM ini abowing «»f flrvsa and s-ml- dres* hats March 20th and 21st. MIse Bdythe Bechtel, who ia assist- ing me this sruaoti. has put In a" exclusive line of ehlldr'»‘* end niisaes hats. Before Ukbig the lit- tle folks to New York a4op in and .«• us Rpoclal sale of faring hats at }4 f«8 on March 13th abd 14th

MONEY TO LOAN rooms Ttyi^rr with reller. 514 Madison aver MOTORCYCLE* AND BICYCLES FOR BALK [age. You repay It in small: ily amounts, ?nd In a few years! home Is fra- Apply HMhsj Ing and Loan As^oelatlnn. ■ field. N. J. |‘ 1 l-f« ood-tf FOR BALE OR RENT -Brick house. 12 rodrcs. 2 baths, steam heat, parquet Boor*, first at.d atcond atorlea; first-class condition; 10 min-, utes from station. Apply J. T. Vslft

FURNISHED ROOMS lions!; improvements, svenne. insrd np- 5 North 3-13 lm FOn SALE— Acme White Wyan- dotte hatching eggs from prise afock; big winner* al Trenton and Elizabeth;- also winners at Morale- town and Aekury. 1916-17. price $2.$0‘ Per 15 eg**. V. $. 8medley, Donellcn. N. J. Trt. 2634-R 3-IP.4I TOR 8AT.B—i-pprarewr gtudebaker. floe condition phone 719-Af.

Rl HINKKH I »FI*41|tTU\iTIKS WANTED A ro«*<t paying huzi- proposition thyf can tie bought 6*R; no broker*. "C, care Cotir- Vrews.' 3 8 «t kN—»*lrst mort- .rty con trail y lo- ment, atterney. .8-9-tf-«

touring Tele- 2-23-ff STORAGE HATEH are very ROOM ble trunks and Ihousrt&old mea oi e and eeparate rooms for; rfiathmm ne We alto do coating and and guarantee our work. DE8IF Murray, general go. tlnneer.. single o L»te and appraiser. 'Phone 326-132 3 9 6t 501-R.

FOR SALE- hoover, also w(r »d coops, ver eet Front stri L*-erh( /.Wdgh mint pxmfiprr


* -Next Bcheuxal for "Land of Mystery" Thursday Night.

ON ODE ALLEYS THURSDAY N10HT ; B. P. O. E. rs. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. ■ IHUMft Iwpuf; ■ «• •■"""re""

furni.hM dtp; ffotr* Front iff SFRIPFSBOOTH roadst-r. n last Auausf: rup a.too mllre: IATOR for prrfoct condllloo; look, u rood tty. Hlrh- no"; will .*'11 for 4400; ro.| |4 I II If w J. Fl.wi*-r. 1218 Ka«l Ora «rref. Fllras-th. N J. »-»»

»f«00 optional: ft. Tel. ;ORQCER8 RlFIlIf de. »*rr rdioaf. 8; ond etreef. grofer. *tuautm^. pwdiiuag atud irtiu- 66 I au»o <«,p. at 11tews ibat will' — you. iVutouKibile letienas *, blty. Lstloiatea Uirvifully gi*- ‘ Ml_ A. A King. 39-31 Somerset |un|Ma It. -Phone 238C-M. ; ,qB pn

auttiolieer. ‘The 'K PRIVATE FAMILY lUffP." 123? Co-.commcKfofe two 2-24-lm | room and board. Addrcs$ — ——^—r— * ! c*re Courier-News. of quality Is our , „ —r loo big. none loo DE8IRAR(<lf BOARD, r careful, prompt Fifth street. 4 an opporfuolfr| — ■ — 1 — ~ orlnllDl rai,.Ire- TWO romnidunalln* r< T., PobHalfln* iololna !•*»>; »>•*' otP-r r.r ■ a.acsa, 'Pr.oaa; A. U Waldorf. 134 Creacrt

■Prlrato," 1 TWO HORM Rarrlg.n; S3. ! -Urea HIGH GUPDK anfo top and .rat , , ■ .— rare. Packard or , Cadillac 4tjlf. Fit hull t’OU'S a ail .prlrgcra for madr to ordar by 7ft tr Tork nu- ll. M. Vrllnalr. Ill Wrat Third ih.nlre, at 'rr> rraaonaSK- ptieM. rert. 1-37 It > H. Da l^r 4or«>rrl» a lt* Urrd.trr 1 1 1 - Nr. fork, .od Tt» Packard Co. Detroit. 34 Rdnirrret FreVh. BulJdlo*. Ihonr

AS on mortgat* 47 North aaraao * 1IM err gold, Motor Id; Ba»- -l....-t, jm-u'ms,

FUR 8ALK—Lot, >Hell* and Union street. 55*200. Tobin. 16 Stone street. av'euue Jas. J. 3-12 31

FDR SALE—300 bdildln Installments, flve dollar* do payment* to be arranged. 1 a few bouses that ran be easy pa> lOeats M. F. 0U°°- chuug avenue. ] *

lot. oo •a. oth.r alao hare l*-4-tf--


I «c*de» of th* NOtic* Anil new* of ttirlr (..«•* inother m l . ™ , of lit* paper »*s»headinga tram their IOWM wbra <.«b

. U uxi Ute loc Cbo rPi.-ul»r col-


: lfc-ll* ia I




• regular w;w

n t ie Bflptiso'clo


of. the

Schuyler, odelivered, an ,'£

King and lattructtva lei-ture [ ^merlcanizatlob" before the; fr,


eoropsoled by PhilipJ. D. Hall, a* dclegaiStrykT and Charlea •.

Pope, president

in.• i?.. A Hick^y .Iml lort, and H. 7.. P"**- The **Hoffman, a* " "Lodge. Si

Recorder David, - Campbell poied a wedding ceremony a: 11yesterday, unitlrie an Italian cou- C o l

pie in the boly toad* or matrfmony jat the borough b*llj They were MIM]Marion D. Bernard! and Francisco • o n

IReUtlTM ot the couple members of the Wofcen'a Club at the Iacted as witnesses. T The bridegroom \ meeting held in ton parish house of ; d

employed at the Lergar plant. the Presbyterian church yesterday j M' [afternoon. Professor Schujler pala,.ol

/ - [particular attention! to {he immi-, Voaalar Funeral TTinrwUy j grant In his addresaj and referred to

The funer.) of L*wl. Vo«ler will! £ o l ' I S e . ' ^ . j ' t a ^ K i £!•"-••_Wd on..Thurrijar afternoon, at ] lTy But 8ince t h e 1 tbU) aamheT

had been greatly reduced. He said.hat after the war was over the num-

ld Increaseintry w(wi1d

prayer meeting wl|l be held in tiltevening at eight ocelot.k.

Invitations are eat for tbe SL PatIck'a night di


Washing!.__.. will be held ; They liven your Jivex and bowels

Hall neit Saturday ! a n ( i clear yoOT

GuUniniTs oVchestra; , . Complexion. J

blliOMbeen•o Wfrthi.ig the Last few.daya. Mr. andMlehkeC Saserd are the parents•on and Mr. -and Mr*. Thomas

Sexton ar* the parents of a daugh-

!Port«d Don't rt»y headachy,b

Miss Miy purcbei

y| with breath bad and

stomach tour.


the servE r i will ' ,

I again thM <B tO* ilcinB

he home'of her jtarenU, MrMrs Joseph Purchase.

MISB K«therlne Bolan h ud to her home In Jersey Citypendi

yel cl«a

0erat box nowsure: T*k>? Csscareta andnicest gentlest liver andn>lng jo «rer pjprri

t fll

TO U.S. GUNNERS! • - *

, . ; — yFire on threatening U-Boats

"at Sight." Navy Deaee .lOXHeN POWIRS ARE NOTIFID

r-chant V . , , . 1 . ' G-«rd.


25-ceiit • Danderine will n.y\your hair and doable

its beauty

Tour hair get. ^vy, abundant andglowy at once

day*; with he

a n d f tneed. C a a e a r e U w i l l l i ven y o a r l ive riiiul clean your thirty feet nf bowels

- without jrrlping. You will wake up ituni"i!feeHiiji jrjind. Yqur h**d will b« I YVanlilngi•««*' clear | breath righS, to?iBii '""in- fiomRdi j«n- i . ey«s brig

N.vy Dep-rtm.nt t . -Cerrtr^ AH ; D B D d e r t n «i occa«lonairy to haMtvffntnu of Arm»«t Pancnowr and . h e a d o f he*rj. beautiful hair;Fr.,gh< Ships—3«ki Big Submarim lustrous, wavy and free fromChi..r FfML • • draff It Is easy and ) n e x l

pretty, chart1. March lS.-'Innal orders iof it. Just gel a

,v KiuiiK-rs who win. »ork ttie'Knowlton'B Dander•rmcil American merchi

pn*lT« taing liair and Mi

•ZO.-reht bott le ofine now—all drag.lt—apply a lit**ii

Title "ii hii!.. 10. and bt "-• Irom a I parts of th


All n ' t i t tn -• '• "Hundreds! of tickets were r*se

yesterday hs friends and well *l-of Hie Somtrvllle A. A. for the i"The Runaways." which will be £tomorrow and Thursday eveningtbe Itegeni Theatre, fio one w«s•tore than fiye neat* for either cveidespite many requests.

ftianballe bueinessm. A. c; Dell.)BTBin pomtniannounced Ihi

ley was abseni yesterday fromschool. J

• SRive

j '

Adolphif the (eld, spent Sman of jMr. t n * Mrs.

«« mv\ MfMROBi^the week, Mr. and


j Plaiday :\rUh his parentAdolph Steengrar, S READINGTOK

uaJ report of Ri d

I how jirpttyyour hair really is. moisteawith a lit»le Uanrterine attai draw it through your hair; one small strand at a time,i l r will b« iiotr. glosny aad

s , aa tbe em^st of hia mother Mrs. the Mn m? hi d^taiTof the val ihe ! i l a r S» r e * Hjanillton, ;bf Fords! njis townsM p officers for the; ye

I OtQcera.Dual i&Cetlng ui iuq 'erhuod of 0b* First : Joe Smtt&. or MB|^e avenue, was

rch. hel« in the chapel the gueat of friendSi (n New Yprk,e tolUwlng officpra City several! days agft '•

* ~ retfurfled fr«n * days"t City.

Etwood Johnson iitfs sold' hisorcycle. andj has port biased an auto-aoblle roadsii

ji- .

year 1

tit'* ufh t h e

forflffn guver•nt Ion ikuWacfta*cleared

f the•pdinii [January 1. 1917be (ijiilm-ial siiiii-lihe of th.-

p| to^that time. The uvui**:!o ,*•*•' •«*.», *vji~n*"Ftranik A. Coje cdllectOr*of ' Amwb%n rijartiprfe re»iln . .William T HotTman assessor; fW» the aeik The nnvj andv

SJ R«d , overaWr ol the [poor. ^ U m e n t s atjoB-*- wttle* Odynt to'thf

DANIEL C. BOPER..e P. Spart o

month; TBO planning (or,*SncipaJ G, H. ttkn

«et Bftard of Freeholders at 'neir attend the meeting of the Slate Su-•farch mci-titiE in the court house perintendenrs-of Schrfole to be held

The Chimney Itock.: t h e U l t ( . r p a r t o , n e l t week a f Newd will probably »e . Brunswick

, E. F. Blajrikford; second[dent, i: J. fohnsbn; thirddent. Harold!Welch; fourthildent. B. V. Huffman:

A. M. Towibend: treaanr-LeEHett; cliaplaln. Lester

ing pi em beIttee* Johy Mil

Code and David Iof Collector Frai^k A I •

leal>ng those taken up.

Crowd Waiihtw I^Mir

I The amnil-WitpH stotip will I f {til*.Itii

1 of tbe fefleralm NTEEDON COUNTYiellstic servicestie Rev. P. C. Bathe Preshyt#r(a<r. 'The Way' SiParent Teaclltir

hp local school" j?ment to'h«1d ao be held in M

The Ladles;' 0ome [(flrcle of thernn-d Churth at I>-II(IIKIII. will

tWntjUftH anniversarywithl special; «x. whtfca will )o4 followed by

jit it! mqlir, Dinner will

Ta totali of 130 79*"To Waahmpton. TbP ni-.siert nf the sh'| a total, of ISO ,97-10. [ a k p ,h<,i r ^ ^ , a M , „ , „ , ,

a I4.11J.2X bHM pad ;,„.„, SBlrt t h h l t l l p n a v v .K^rt™tfl>chool (Sx. *S,,

uc.i8.230 :ln distrid CatbolkOrange, will prolentminstrel show fnf thf Holy Trinity churcIf O)ght. T

the topiCB of discussiong of the Soraorvtll

A*irif|atiou to be held lorIn i in- Engine Company b

MethodlM cattrch is planning to glv*•» • ni.» VhD B r s t ^ h i n A|rtl. Those M- fi,(tuitlle

f c Lloyd atjd making1 i

Walter .Xb SB6.13.and GPOrije o n jJanua_ __.ade fd

benfeBtli'-M in

?pt •fi'mst)Mitip^ has deUt*tfo*< te pla«p upi


' foUowlneH. 8. O. Vail Doren;Samuel Scblaptir:

juniors ot \H<\ Fl^mingtonhool bave Bfle Ced a comedy. '•y's Wife," for (llelr class play i City. Is the Igueatr.i! . .t April IS in the aurii- «• C. Lucas, ot P

inirtitn'iit hn;. itln-ny* con t cm led. how- !'""• f>"-: l ; a s Bneini* «u>1 t*«wi-r co«i-j | e^ r . that munltf.n,^hl,H :».- well «* nil i ^ W . M'T'''« IfeHrtitM, X- V.: Oreit

i K. U U "tier nu-n-hnnt ,ves>cH were mifitle.1 I» | I-Bkl"1* ''i'"*' n» i l ( 1 1 1^ cuiLoimtluii. UD-BOUND BROOK

Serl»H - ly l.ijur-il

W* MlB- •>»=""*, Tbe Readiajrl| M Society of |(K, h a B r « O M W ( 1 T w i l h e . lM ot ^ ^

ireb «t Hamptoni : mittlng th f maljlng of a iaS m.p to *he

llnton bowline tp.imfl votflra at the nctT Eeneral r-l<-rtinn jinrt

Everyone; ShouldDrink Hot Water

inj the Morning

le for Uie bjie nfthe" lmildin-s

mise mure than :»#) 1h ^

AuKlist Hcnk^l. or Platnfleld. was ie: band will be M(alter at his ftji-mer

Lebanon.Ahram Rr-x p. has eanlzed 'D*x'» Briga

WhitPhonael Iiurp r.i'.m I :

, is payme a short:iTisit tbeen .parents. Mr. and Mra. Philip S.

f nor absent during Illie mtmlh gf I forduary: Walter Mnodan, Irene Ecta-le. Itussell Ackor, I^prvpj- .Mobil*' 1 Johnten Scljmldt. Edward Snod-n. i da;

"Curila. Eleanor tiarttls. Alice froMoore. Marian Papandrei. Mabel Sao-.I {

u- den. Margarrt Walker, Mraine <• Mary McLennan, Adeline U.

ot Winston Hedburg Hlesfer; Adelliert0(1 Mites, .ami Hocco Papaodrca.

way all th . atomaeh,'liverand bowel polaone befaro


ked to I*-i.-sl |Ki^iii!e nunihcf

Holloway W. Duiorrt »» ftblt after an ii lines! or a week

Of tMUi Plalnfield Townptilp Improve-it Socle'ty was hHd-la*t evening In

day the Improvement hall. i.Tae regularroutine of business Was foiioVcd. Pr.ja-

• Ident Anderson re ported, 'it hatRid. ron«lgninpn[ of game, had beedys Honed to the society fe jjtock tha

township. Tiie meeting «ju Conclotltaby a Vltaphone concprt by! tbe 's. O. S.Society nnd rpfreshraeni} scrred bythe Ladles' Auxiliary. j

Miss Adele Herrmann (wilt be tlicleader of the Christian Hud. a-.or meet-Ing Wednesday nveninK ln;, tile Wilsonchapel. 'The (opic is YKj.n ,-,.1 iuc fiejsbOood News" and a cordial (nvtextended to aU \o attend. 1

at colja. TheIstofaiHrh. y

i ^ lik.- you bathImport

Ypu WillNever Regrethaving your tt-plh pnl iii (endi-tlon- ThlnK itf.uir cBibrorl. thdsatisfaction and the blfcfa la be.

aHtng ^Ujtd. at-

'*d bvjjoor teeth. « - liir -iMi. in-"ii.i; la-te lak"ti

•c;n U i s i -L*"tI i . - •

your uliarmacistHon.! [ ft in^iP^nal'-*1 «nd almost laat<

. !• txrfpf a sourinh twinKP which IiFfiroDk, i,,M unpieWnt. Drink ] phbaphated

waftr every morning to rid*-:yourten\ of these vile, poisons * nil'-toalso to orevent theiKfurmaiton

•Eojfee;] lik^ youns fnlks Ie*l-!l a* 'youjw

became mturalatlbn of ijoiif poireatment arid tibovoAs snirp an.) hot «hla,

I The ladies' Auxiliary A ib(- NortiAmeri- PUInIu-ld^n.wi.,hip ImRTttVKpirnf .So




• , • ' illl:on ihp





WOMEN’S CLUB Meddteg Ml* U Borwuh Halt Recorder David Campbell per- formed a wadding t®r®mony at 11 a.] m. yesterday. uni Has an Italian cou- ple in tb® holy bo*da of matrfmony at the borough h»H. They wore Ml** Marlon O. Bernard! and Fraactaco Yonaetta. Relative* of the couple acted aa witneaora The bridegroom la employed at the Levgar plant.

fire on Threatening U-6oats “at Sight,” Navy Decree.


26-o«qt "Dandenne win jour hair and doubla

IU beauty liven your liver end

and clear your complexion.

Try thie! Your hair (eta a^ wavy, abundant and

IT." -T S... JW half R..utlf, „ "• “ T,k* "* la oalr a mailer ol u.in, . MJ! Nav, Oepertfweet t. •C.elrW All D.od.HD. ooca.lon.ir, ,» b,„ , ■ Mevemente ef Armed Paoaa.(ar aed bead of hear*, beautiful hair; M, Froi*M snip*—Saaha Bi| Submariea luatroua. >avy and frea from daa- Chiar Plaat. dr"® 1* •»» lueipraalea la ' hare pretty, rharmlna hair and Mi Wat.hli.Kluu. Man-h 13. -llnal ordrra : of It. dual net a SSr-nt bottle at to the navy *tumera who will work tho ■ Knowlton a Pandertne now—all Urw* Atu.-rlcal. mervbant *'oee« recommend It-apply a lltBa cuua on eratt-I »*«»<» merruaut ,, dlr„,^ .nc| ,|(hlQ mlDmM .hip. bate been drafted at a roofer lMr„ dppMI,noe of abm! ri.re between Se.'retery Of state lent d,„r,. rrr.ltnew. flumneaa and a. t.. -loir and Se-Tt-tary of the Nary .!►.0 comparable cloaa and luatre. and try lela. The ardrrm will lie truo. mil ted n. yon will yon can not nhd a traaa •llreetlj to the min rrew. by the .err of dandldiff or fill I OR h.ir; but yom tary of the'nnty. ’ real aurpi-a. will he after about t.„ They provide In detallTor eompltanre weeka* nae. when1 you will ,re nav with lbe attlttHle of ihe Tilled State’ hair—flue and downy at Aral—ym— In the wh..le k.tir lulrrtinllonol cootro hat reiHr new, hair—iprouttn* oat rer.y over Ihe uor of an all o.er your Or.lp n.nd.rin. la. "• — — — we believe, the only aure hair Kroa- er; destroyer of dandruff and car* for itchy scalp and It never falls la crop falling hair at once. If you aa-nl (o prove how pretty and "oft your hair really Is molatew a cloth with a lit*la ftonderlut sad carefully draw it through your hair —taking on- »«oatl strand at a Um, 7- . Your hair will t* aoft, glossy sad ’ beautiful In Jus* a few momenta—« '* rt*’ delightful surprise await* ooryoas who trio® this — Adv.

m. a In at men hnnt craft. The gnpiurn will f»rw at wltfht on an> subumri.* ap- proaching Hi n threatening manner, hut win re^K" t the right of the nut* marine to "Ylsit and, *ean l'" fnr'-con Sfter All Hut in Hew ••lluwaway"" Hundreds of tickets were reserved yesterday b* friend* and well wishers of the Somerville A. A. for the showr "The Runaways.' which will he «l*‘*n tomorro* and Thursday evenings l-i the Regent Them re No one w*a sold BH.rv than fV*e seal* for either evening, despite many request*.


An unusual amount of road bu*l-,- P'annm* .or . MB- will come up before the Corner- prtneipal O. H. Rk-ntsehl®r is to •rt Hoard of Freeholders at Jheir MX*nd the maetlns of th® State Su- fifsrch meeting In the court bou»e. porintendems;of Schools «o be held this afternoon. The Chimney Rock. thr u,ter p^, ot nexk werk «r New Martinsville road will probably b« Brunswick Among those taken up. The M|##w p,or#>nrd. .an<j Katb- erlne Shenk. of Reading. Ps . spent ,v_,. wmchew Itenalr W.wfc th» 0»8t thr ot ° 11

.nwd itstair R^tacblrr Dunelleo wremie. Hundreds ot people watched the • work of cleaning out tbe ruins of the Kvsngeltalk senlerh rontlaue trs- Kenney Bre today. Sls^r Bros are night, tbe Re*. P C. *aacom preach- Mins their large aum trucks, which in* at the Presbyterian church on they opera.r right w ithin ihe premise. . the topic The W ay plome , Ths Parrot-Tear h« Association .. _ of the local schools' lhaa .started a Merchants to Meet T.wworrow m<Mnt to h#ld UtMloir fwti- The CMusrr Rock road will be vt| lo 5,. hold in Mar. V

niscisi:? of rzaz*r\, I, the Kngtne CO«paw> house. Lllw

I A aumher of parents of the ehll- A number of the local clothing dren look advantage'of the Invlut- deait-m will attend a meetlag st the ,|OB gemerday and rldited the local

Lcslcr HUNTKRDON COUNTY The Ladli-a* floor C furiru-d rhurch at Lei brat® Its tweniy-Rftlt morrow wlthj special afternoon. whfrB wlllk rntertalnnlent at.ntgb be served st fioon free |o Ihe Htcrtalnift offering will be (akml n»e notltv-allon to the gm-erii'iieuta fhh world *f America's] let rut Inn to raect her "W cwumerrg *»■ clear, and to the point, it was sd- to «-a»k‘ .*f file goterimienta xewente.1 here gud aaU

tol, T.lulty younK Church at a h. Mu run! iwtalnmml. Ullon h.-ld e‘> «»t In r . dlrnliv H. south, in. hn II Pci- ,h* M hmr.,1, » laid ...*r W" 10 • ** noth. T*|» y. X. • .. MrlhudlM Chi Play the Aral "VS.. .nr:

At th» meeting of Building and J^»an A< Iasi nl.hl the electkia to take the place of j cheoa. who re«lgn*Mj. | until th« meeting next | G. n Mark ley, 'of K | a patient In the Ell* Hospital, where he wa [for appendicitis On Suqylay.

Connell. No ! luoyal rill hold Its mo thly m. iuiu hall uu Tint rad ay

! Hornby U pastor. | * -"d hei effort will be mad- to rw .State Clothiers' Aa- u- It tumj Snr ptYc*a»obt thf *afe»v at |h* p-ywim The Installation of fre lkrge plate ass windows In gtualky Bros', ore* were rompR-ted yeaierday. !

Several of the loral K. of C. mem- ber* attended the big clas* initlajlon held in* the Robert Treat lloiel In Me«krk Bundsy afternoon. >1 !»••-* Hess and Franres Kiln* are •Sending the da) in New York The V. M. It. A. will elect ofleers ol their n.o-ling tonight. .p. A. Hickey wsa fa Morristown ma business yesterday.

ttE'(•'Wrxl'** < • «r at. *rt.,.«*iiUVtoT,|!i' fc*Lir'nf The !«1enf»*' note mxl e.T|>lanatl«»n* made nt the «le|.n rtment made If elfar thst every Anteriegu chip i f.» tlw war so|te will Ih^. srmed

FLEMINOTON Paulks. I I A**o- PMlth. He leetlng Vagner. nUhf. Arrange

Bowlt Rlnels The Preabyterlnn Brotherhood Cnlo nibje rlaaa. at It* annual meetfog elation eliv-led the following officer* Presl In Arcs dent. H. S O Vnh f>or^n; *|ff presi- dent Samuel Sehlapfgr; secretary., A*a Jouws; »reasuref: Wm Krlulc.1 p ,e’ ’ , ,i • . urday for«« v|*R with Tl*e Junior* of tHd Plemlngton high afhnol have a romvdy. Mrs. F. M Eflston. I "Tommy’s Wife." for thHr elasa play City, la the guest Of hi the evening of April 1* in the sndi-.^ C- Lucaa. of Park s toriam. ! Tb, pUk Cammlaslui The rongregatlon of thd M*thodl«t, monthly meeting In t rhurch han .Mended n unajilmda* tomorrow night, request to Re*. Austin K Arriwtr<mr to remaiu a* pastor anbthtr year *n- Ann* Dtcker- street. Is vtsltlng rclat MIm Mary II ulsiierdf Johns Hop ark after- kln‘l Vnr».-r*lty. HalHmpro. la at the horn- Fiome of her parent*. Pd*tmast»r and 1 ) ,, |„ 'In. A. C. UBl.U.r,

l^fxwrd r*im|»*HHv of 8|<rrulation a* 1 Whether veshHs carrying inuuitUms : t war aa |«art a»f (their rprgn would he dportlol rull wotc-tlon The Mate <1*. drtnurut ha- nlwaya conleiulrd. hoW- ^r. that niunRk.ii- -hl|H as w ell a* all C^er fnerehant lte»a>l* were entitled 19 hr P»|l pr..t.M ifcm «.f iut«iriiatioCial-la** ml hey will be gnatal lu ‘acednlancw ‘llU llibt attltufle, } : Wants Submarine C^iaari. - the . : * uatl-m. Her- ! .1. up with k- prometu of fletd of sub , ICgrtemt type i i Hej-resell t ’ nug .

Cald.rw.HKi or relatives.

pnny. M»rrU Height4 N. Y.: Hied* l-ak.-" B-mt-Building eorp..rstl«.li. Mil- wanker,"Wig.; Hreeup-n ItgKUi sad Coustruefluu touipunj. tireeuport. Jt Y-: IlcrreshoO Mainda. tnrlng •««- IKiny, Bristol. II. 1.; It,d^n Jacob. 0*J 1 Is is ml. N. Y ; Lawltjriik >Oin. Nr(pcw !srt. Mssa.: Ludeiw Mferine' « ..n-inm- tlotr company. Mam fold. F-nn : MalMfe Yacht Rnlidlng r.iinpady. t’aniden. R. IJ-: Matthew, company, IN*rt CltaMi *►-. Murray A Trepufihn <orn|wsy, I Bouth Heaton, Maas.; N>w York Yacht, I I-aunt'll qnd Fjigloe t^tmwny. MoirlB J llelulit*. N V.. 'mini St William* cem- [I'Uny. ftnllnliuif. Md, fml Ihe Mans [Yacht Itnllding mmpaiiy. Halclmoc% ; Md . were at tli® enfft^ee After'm lew log (life ta* Mtlen arsA- 1al>le f.ir tl»e f.n*e of -Up the depart- ment wants the hill Idem were tinaMi to promise more than RN Imata In t<m V live months. Tbl* whs far be>ow Ihe «le"lre o'f |l%c department. Tlie da- pa rt men r wanr* motorO-xtr* |fo fc®» l-uiR. with Hie highest |M asllde .;wi and the hnlMrm nUI la* asked to iw- lheir eatliuate* In im effort lo aar Idy the greatest |K>s»llile uumher W

BOUND BROOK Hi* Riadlngton TowfcshlP Commlt- t*e has r*<onsldered the malt-T of mah witling the making of a velrr* st ftie nrxr gener will, at Its earliest cou» arrangemcfil^ to have 1 as poon as prartlrnble. nojvr rf, Han. •; N,« Iny a infant house i Lamlngton I^»d|ef his near East AVtiltehou*c ‘copied by George Elok. for Mr. Hall. The Mission Band of ]lhf..lleforn#i<d rhurch at Whltehou** «|tall«>n nettnl 1 about »t Ks entertainment Satpr day nfgh> The neat meeting of the I field, ws* ie- hand will he Mai-rh 24 at{ Mis* Theodo- bls former homc.at MS Reger's. The flrar meeting ot |h® newly #r- oi High Bridge, ha* gantjed ‘B^y's Brigade * " “ Be tin*' at Yonkers. Whlieliouee Meilmdlsi < held tomorrow afternoo - — ■ 1 lure room

— ■ ■■ -■ Charles A- Hjllenbe Bffs from New Brunswick Tl inary, will prrarh mao \ WhltChoure Reformed J day Mr“ Pf,'T & LiTour. t-) I tain the coin. Refedtng day afierndoii at her "l | Whlichoui-e, Station. Dirt road, l-adit. Inlo

•nlenue. the Hunter.! •! row night. MU* Carrie

tin work done Sp? J*anh-ia I ef* of SlOall ikying at *>nK ( York; Is biv- pnslrifrlrd at Inuntrg place. •It trill be oc- The MIotp tnrka CIu|»! will g|v« a -jusical In Odd Kcllows'iRall at llamje ton. Saturday night. I;

Mr and Mr*. Luther Cppe. of Ka»ion, are vloltlnx Mr. and Mr* Harry 3n>l d. of Fairi at Bloomsbtry. rislt to her August Henkgl. of lllp 9. Duf* rently a vlsltet I I >• ban on

Abram 'Sexto *»g been spending : n. y.

Th# Helping Hand Sow; of the Lutheran ehurc 1 this afternoon at the Mrs. Gilbert Hafford. Ml** Marfurte EHiffot d View, la payfdg a short r 4»arente. Mr and Mrs.

Soclstj Mll»»|e tile lh«*

fetuxslc your doc nr it will m'*n a fin* or Imprisonment, according to th* proclamation trued by th® Mat or. notice* of which hare been dU'iibuted In various sections of •th borongh.

WATI Everyone Should

Drink Hot Water in the Morning John Pfeiffer will re day after-an lllae*« of from ptomaine poison.

Mr*. Holloway W F to b® out after an illn< Mr*. Charles McCann ,IU with acute Indlgestloc

iithie work a^veral' we. gues's o* Mr and Mrs. , Kuxene i> . , T , isTiHir»iti< K,,.ik ,1a de®, Margaret Walker. I^ralne roatU. lAToureif. South Round Brook. Mmry MeLaman. Ad,„n, ^Tl1„r

Tlie Young Woman - Auxiliary of Wlnsion Hcdburg Kfosfcr. Adelbert fii itb -Bound Brook Reformed Mll#«,.M»fi Rocco l'apandrea. •Ii r h will meet with Mrs J\ A Ap- f • j v pi. uaic tonight. I ' • I The regular monthly nweflng of tho -Airs. Arthur A. R. ri^n will l-i North Plainfield Towfipl^p Improve, hostess tniwormw afternoon st the ment Hoc lei, mas held la«( evening In m»«tlog of the Pr-sbyterlan Sunday the Improvement hall. The regal** •chool. routine of buslnesa was folloVrd. Pr<>»- Ideut Anderson reported, that a la/xe cooslgnn.cnt of game had been appor- tioned to the society (o «tock the township The meetMig was Contlud- d

rk. a student i^oldgleul Sem- 11 dldate In *h® Sunch Sua- 1 cuhoX^M.,?;’ „s“ as -«—M-a- to tost your tongue and sicken your n*rtDr ™*P*tAO. th® os'y brnnth or dull jour head, no const!- *§d- >r» worked^iit pstlon. billou* attacks, sick headache,: A ^uh" ■"<! other luetu «^*l#s. rheumstism or ga*sy. . nr.td naval advlaory couneli. w1> stohw. h, you must bath® on the iq- Ing all of their time to this •till Ilk® you hath® outside. This Is doll I* at work on s «mok- vaMly more Httfiortaot.. because the reutton to protect n>e.vt,> •kin pores do not absorb Impurities. pke'vtoe on s’svstem uf

Jr&ii'ZL 8si rr s kian.j. nud konlf. drinn b.lor. «ork mnd. nr.*lir»i, far'1 d«r. a clou o( not »».T dcUatlmmt ■•Vaill'-d •»l»r with ■ lra«poon of llmoalonf ;Wmf oonir. u. for p'loaphafr In It. Thli «11| *nli th, n, ,.«.ry po«r, P'.yf? A”.'1 'A* vntlr, Allm.n- Th.y -HI err. armniu-ul

Mrs. Alrernest Hoffms

Mims Ruth Johns) •peat Ihe week-end Mmwrnm. tbe Pull- Never Regret hsving your lielb pul in Hon Think Of Hie .Os.fo satisfaction and the bfiq~pr d rived from l«4.vlng ^oun. trsctic tecib t

Food ma^ticlied by. pooi and dl*e*.-«l M-n.. fected with bstterU. Rise into the .,fo«.:*ili Sviiitfly Lre with niairjDbo. bfjiu* dirfurb d-rt-iliwi -ni- cannot be anything hut! Ill i

FANWOOD ksld®, ha* I>a*l J W. Th® Thursday Afternoon Hlh olnss will meet at th- home of Mi John II- Thompson, of Maitlne a» ■ u®. nsit Tliursday afternoon J 30 o'clock

in* *n<<r n visit Ml DIS motn- : ; 1 I«r, -III carry arum in* ii M.r,A. Hvnry. ho, I^banoa J"’ JJTlionla?? Inor* ,®«l j ApuArart. lo b* nuplh-l l>» I Of drf»rt- l-'iin pnrnHliof lioi.ll, P.rt. Ol * nuarlor pouNl of IlmMlon.i I L - n vUlllnij lira ll'rirr s Ua Ph«Pb«U from four i>K«r«.ru( 11 1 " ln,ip,naj>, and alnmm I’.trl*,,' ,’rfp, a Miuri’h iwfpR, Whirl, |, „ot ] unaln-anl. Urlr.k pl.o.ob.l.d kol •>“‘r v«rj morainn lo riff you, .... l,n( of 1dm« ni, poison, aad'toilna:. alM in prrv.nl Ibrir formallofl To f.-«l llkr round folks t«l. Ilk, yo,r fail brforr ‘oiir blood, nrrv.-, and mulclM Win- apturalrd with an ar- rotbulatlon of body polmli., h.-ln lbl« trralmrul add nl.ov, all. k„o It "O’ Aa aojrp and h*u walrr art on Ih" akin, rl,analfi«...•r»t.nii„ ,nd portfilna ao lUB.’lon, bhoapfculr and hoi walrr hofora hrr.kfa.1, art on lh« tlomacB.; Ilvpr. kldnrya and hndsta IS*

PXRBNTfi OF BOY BANDITS SPANK THEM IN COURT. A meetlns oi f can Bed froM S* derday afternoon Mr- Mb-rt Nle ittatlon

Cornell*:* A S the Kfans bin Alfred n. It. left for PlUi , *trM. ,-hunon. la' ri.inunii . ■•.loir., nmivt. *€W KAMI! FRONT NT. (Over schwed Ifms.) TH. asm

Heek. David W. St.srji Is j slowly from ptieumotia. eeoverlng Mrs. NmaiiCl W >l«.lne y. of Korth arwiu®. is visiting f;!enda In Mew York. Christian Kndc**c • ay aitStMoBn In Lfcj j Hlfch Bridge


Let Nature Show You How



Tb*Moth enctationa

lay eitend her hospilPatrick's party, as the very be

u s e Implies, will be found to coo- ofUIM delightful poaslbllittea In th* them in Vayera *h" a"toble decorations, as well aa a rarle-; eeptadfe <w l th paraffin"<, «f delicUma dishe. that may easllj m e e n them) and T u r y Inhe prepared in the home kitchen. rock salt sntEl ready to me

Th,, . . t .er f-ct is very Important, For Ihe St. P ^ c k ; c ake,^Ijen one must depend upon hei following: Lreani hair a c#WB efforts, laatead of employing an butter. Wj th one » d ft h a i terpensi*- caterer. Naturally. the of granulated *u(l»»itations will recefve the flrst con- gradually, add half

^ ™ U ^ . - A " ° ™ . ™ ^ . l 8 , . ! ? . . * r ^ "?.d ! w o a n d a h»"r

with iulmsifted

Then,of i

ot n,

I and withlettering with Die date. easily, for

y the "The Deeph an Derate.1' which hjm. |ul of translated means The last cup at the When the two old wltchea arrived1

pfuls door, may consist of a "tay punch," at tbe Ktlace Ihey feld the Kins1

any desired formal a, they had the only liagic medlclnle tea being allowed to marinat1th the fruit puree that forms'it

t h e .uld

go Bragh.' which

Jeeta in vtalew

«4ibles shallbe propaithe earlydifferent


: PIrat.b<- of i


d a

, aibo

i d

t h i it mo


Se1 fl


r astlf of

st of the

ihat thepossihli*'tlir tioli-

:hat would cure- the Princessthey would Kll it to him for a bar

f ld

When a plant IS dying, yon treatthe ground around the rooU. Whenynur hair is n£k; and falling but,nourish its root*.

cen pf Pnnpeisn HAIRUaMge ii due largely to iu methodof application. You massage it intothe scalp, Btimolatine the roots oft&c. hair: Thus its name Pallinghair 11 c i w d aioatly by D«ndruS,Pow.peian HAIR Massage will itopDandrafi. Follow the laws of aa>tore. Vm P.wnpeian HAIR M«*sage ac directed and your hair willgoon become full, vigorous and it-

/.?•])« E." PJrikham'sCompound la a dependab!" b itacdli J



'- Itself ogpeople, because

mi; the gTt

with j

a Ofsick

tried jit and proved thatiplieh All that Is claimedhlng ' unfavorable can

. honestly be said ajbout It~. It doe*

Jersey .CongressParent-Teacher Ashold m. 4Jnlott com

• couu*U^me>Llng In' the auilUorli'of the PtalbBeld High Scbodl tpnn

iloos at 11 o'clock, ' I • WL MIU um v IVIIICUJ iu,iitii>.'ii upuik

° S . "K f °^1 O C k ** " ^ i * Physicians prescription, and is. A bor luncheon will be;manufactured for a specific purpose,

served at noon. .' (That it accomplish** tots-purpose faMrs. Wellington Bechtel, o( Had- proved by thousand* and thousands

fiunflpid, president, and Mra, P. C.;of convincing testimonial*—AivCooper,; *tte^>resldent or His New j . _ _Jere-y Congress of Mothers, will be


itrengtken the work of the congressn Union county • and to bring the:ouaty members in closer toucb with! « ,„ , , , .he parent organisation ' i wranuigtoi

The president, secretary and onei l t s t ot Senate'ery Pareni-Teacher yesterday. Ne> county is expected ! publican and

There a:


The tableMr cloth i printed In

t l O T e r i l r s L - • ' , i O T i i ' i i l , ' • & 8 t h e : ' . ' > • • -

teas may prefer. place directly Inthe center, resting on a . , ,il Irishflag, a wide-mouthed vase filled withjrwen carnations, nut! feathery aspar-UUi fern, and at tbe-e«rners of thetable, set quaint. tiiasH , a nil lea ticks,•tied with green candles. Shade toelight from | Ihe candle with fluffy•badN ot white crept paper. adi>rned»irh roseices or green baby ribbonand small iir'n- i.tl .shautroc

Tbe following mean la suiMenu for St. 1'atrkk'* !>•Krln go Ilragh Graiw Ft

very well. Senatoribtaina two import-

In and public buildingsHugh.es ad-

ed to the chairmanship of thelone . committee^ one or tbe .eat in the entire Hat. and also

on'postofnee arid post roads,is most Irauortant membership.ta" ian.ee committee, which handles

d all othi-r revenue leg-r this

Inrphy !<•<St.

Pomptiin HAIR Massage is aclear amber liquid. Not oily. Notftickv 2r,C. SOf and, SI bottles attbe sv r:; Ma|de by the reliablemakers of. the- famous PbmpejanMASSAGE Cream.

H. Pf B., Baisett. la., says: VIhare ased your Pompeian HAIRMassage with excellent renilta. It 11far superior to any other hair tonic

;The King toil

after them if they cold wltcji* t thatQueen had outwitted the

y rpprpsenttng Inothers and |te«achersrIB there will be «-Iectldoption of constitution

noon Rev. :FianklChief .librarian of theorganization, will speaked.

and say the same. Adv.W.P.



It*T- Thornton W.of En^le,wood, will give the secoid In bla hfrlesOf four lectures on "South America."at the Y. W. C. A. rooms, FrUUy tft^noon at $H5 o'clock. . . •

und'It Sakeri bing Ipoor; Boughta odd jobs :to

|,ia p o r t |o i idid, for- they- y,e | , a d b i e

hey h«!!th

!en goes tocia-inia, coast (lerpuses, expenditures .in the Department of Jueticp. publichealth and national quarantine.andthe committee on transportation and



Tor the first coarse, whichfee on fhc [able before th<- announce-ment of supper, select grape fruit.After rattiu in halves, remove thepalp, clean (he skins, MDI ktneni atellcate green wlih a harmless ••••-••••table dye and set aside to dry. -'IIKII "er-the pulp Into fine particles, rejecting " o r

.Ihr membrane, and lor rach half of B° l d fl

""fnilt add one heaping tablespoonful wll<?n

of sugar (iiowderedi. a teaspoonful l o c u r

of orange juli-e and sufficient mint an^r>cordial to color. Fill into the pre- "*r u n

fared ikin* and garnish with ^ few, W _t

' "Take this and ; Mil it with thje' Htfrflt brotii. a»d;t!)e fairy W««9 tint thm li.mlgtr brolh." BBJI) thefa i ry . --and' would not (>e able |lo cure thejPrln-.' T h , c | j

! go to the K l n K . a M te]I him the »•«•. . _f - I U' t _ UnW- heriKmi rpceivj-d Jai

ttle Prlnijsa no toonciO l e i i n . l J i

(her died

ck lived tc


' pood-diods we do, and

ottm oraplojid I :1 iild W'bitney. I._

' u.,rk U s e fllT

he Princesa they »••d ;ald We should

: ner unlefi we ga*V ihem r« sold th.' King f i f e 1 us.1 (

! told [hem we never took g<. nwkrd fur whatfW* did.

' havP metf 10 gel t,rs (hf_.»lltW

broin fo alnyone, and ajth< ..

tha t they ihad helped him a,nd tha t h i m i a r e P a l .f:i!ri™ reatiy werfe in t b e world. seeing the labbrioBs ai

• •" J i In thp pr imit ive njolbods nt Tentor-' i - » • n •• j

T..»,,™U * „ _ . . , „ , „ « „ „ . !»«•»«•«« "»« «..t,o,,.b«,nw.,hj bnrnuig, achmg, calloused

i somb ortr Htote the modal.

tore fee cAulJ set a,patent

Rogiie Npxt Door"by many tonight in

.lap rthtrri on avenue school. NoTth'rtainfield.: This pjay willPftnied hy a few rtner small acts' U« Wednesday evening tbe Lenietiken by focal talent. '. . [preacher will be the Rev. J. &. Fair, uf

'Daucingj wilt follow until a I;."- JJiTiiai-dajvillc.h(Mir. A; good time Is anticipaied i Tha Woman's Guild will bold %for all who attend. . | Thimble party ln!*the' pariah houa?,

Thursday a tier-noon, at 2:30'o'clocic.

The Fndaj afiornoon Lenten' m r\»-j' for young people will In- hpld as U3ual.'Service will begin at 4:30 o'clock and

:ordlal Invitation It- eivtended toIts te attend. |L



13.—A Hun-i ot the Atner-


Perclval- Ctirystie. of High Bridge;secretary, Mies Marion Wflllama;ireasurer, Nedwill Sutpfaln; ejcecu-IIvp commfttcp, Mrs. F . H. Enge-man, Airs. Edward B. Allen. Mrs.Benjamin F. De^cy, MrB. Fred J. Bo-dine and Arthur Foran. Hiram B.

•ffered the organization alarge room in the Dcats buildln'K tobe used as a meeting place. A mem-tternhlp committee will, be selectedto enroll members In all parts o£


Beautiful SpringClothesAt prirrs j.iu ran afford to fMT-


SKIRTSA llllMljllli HBP nt m»dy-to-Wear.f i-lri.nifrt i» Ihe mitht approvfulittlM ami mvlr CMM.I pxcrflevtmaterial- of the newest iiattrrni.

orit HIKT.S ARS i,iirti;nt h i u i o t h e r s U ' iiu-t- t i e ;K " <<u< "3

t h e U m j e n l i l i N l r i c t — « n < l t h e n

w e dPHlgn a n i l m a n n f i i H u r r s l - t o .

B e s u r e t o m i i s l i s i i l i ' i . n r l i n e

hiT . i r f f i l l ' S i . i . h m .



403 Watchung Ave,jwUhilrillll In Plainflelil In I9O0

The Scrrell StudioTorl», b, ni)lill*Pllj 'j nirth.Iaj

Rlrthilny (.in-, Ulrllnln.V t arils

irould matia to fnirles. but i * did noi -L'fl tide dovm, eve at right «ftokl«ask any mbre quesiiiins,' for he was Cran*. ,


THE SMART SHOP172 East Front Street


h 4j Sou.t n c E. F. |courter : jws refused to in the Supreme OJuri lor toe recoverjlaryl for rejelectlon-fto the borough .of iJ.f.w) from Shapiro Bros, 171 ^aiia)

= Board of Kdiicttliw/ftils n l a c P 1B e x - s t r e e t7 ^ t b a l Cbariis M.:Lape. *b?US iliflit-ulty In finding a was In the [tlalnitlTs employ, as super-O will run to succeed him. Intendentof I heir J'!lt-i»ry, «ote rjaim-id itie I'.oard of KflucaMon , suits, infants' wrappiya. Deck »esr*

aniioosTto have him returned, j and other merchandise, shipped nin*I " h e r iwo rP«rlnK men.hers. .T! \ icen caBea to Sha^lml Bro.; and »aithompsorl and John Frost, hav* ;'I«W for tl>e goods.; ; .senr>d toj rim Tor rf-eiectianJ The ault was (lied ; by August G,

•lection i will tafce place March Sttellwolf, repreae^titi^ the • Elizabcinmerchant*. He made an afBQavlt that

cd f nun what w«r« d<-ip made by Laps


fert? | The many friends ot Mrs. McKelvey,* "!°«_ **•*•( wife of the Rev. Joseph O. McKelrey

11 >t ° ' ' '^G Watchung Avenue Church,j r i ' N o r t h PlalnfieW, will be pleased to

; ' - - ~ "•- ' she Is recuperating fromui that look place at •'!••

lenberg Hospital. - ' Wrs. ' McKel-idltlon was reported very com-.today. s '

iifiiiiiiiirtiiiiiMiiiiiiHimifiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiifiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiimimiIIIIII iMtiitmi « iiMiimininiiiiiMiiiiiii.iuiMi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIII

't'oday and Every Daythe Finest Groceries'obtainable.

m) brands-«w aeiected w tlf on<Mi)ea. In iiiiml—1-. get the best,fully filled and promptly delivered. GR« u- yoar lm-UE>pn a Uttle bMttrr "all-ways." These lire orir ufcifdM

s aije

i "1


il-NGTtlV K<;tih; none ovib/

;sT Toirf-. . . . 4 l r


.Els: B».

BITTHHn Creark ry; sure to

, . : 45c

t was d

•JUKT'-B Oats, . 1 i . l , IJfc

Marrow!,.2B3 Brdi

Sastonj .March 1?,—Among the .'p that |were picked to represent'

with < layette College in dehati|ig nn r . . - • 'rear laJpfan Leslie Parlfer of I*atersiParker, whv is a sophottiore In thatstltutton, ;waa one t i e jeam last yt

• • i n f i l l - - i . i . i u < i - - ; i - - H e w i l l p a r t i

Campbejl's Soup* '.Old Dutch Cleanter,Best Bt^rch. lb. l i .

Evap.' A jiplps. pk»;.Peeled f eachto, j b .Sim sy.\f\ kalslns .IleT Corhed Beef"..StiKTO- duhes. can: .


I Rose L. C. Peaches.

• Rose Sifted I*eas.

Moinp.Cor<er Garden3 Telephonei Part;

• - • • "

, cah U.tlSFM9. rah ta

une Pelaa.

p-.Bean^. can

i Beani.can

If*-T^rapinHigh OreV. R. ABparaglis Tips, enn »3cipubrii Lima Beans.]can .|'»pnrsity Tomatoes. S cans .&V-hecker*CBl-* Peaches,, c«n «Oi- 'f. K. Tuna Pish, can Ifd'-Wh->w Orleans Molasses, gal. 7Dcunrtkie toffee, lb ±Oc

Swar'hmore CollegA!ly i>TPTrfr«. at |

.77.. Mth t B#*r-i^v-Klr., Kt*.. ti..ii K.r.ll-ill !••>


tl!jt"»« S ' a-'.'u-r"-".' ! :"? ' "*'••-'- "'>r KV-'V^U'I'"! . Mrs. Li-ffs C. Tim] noil, of tills city,n - i l l • y

1 ~ '

1 = j* s

' 'r

-'•'-'- -* ' • ^ ' ^ • • ' ' • ' ' ' ' ;N

'i r

w h o l i a s l wL

i i : . A f i i * i ' K i t ' "1

w i n i ' T . n

M a r w ? -'••--"i '1 '1 *' •.':V'n"VJ..:.iy .''» N-«- Y.,rk; Has rVuirjlfd lu, Pl-.mn-Wj - , •• •'•• ,• . ; ^ ' . ^ ^ " j j ; 1 ™ * * ! r * r • f e * 1 fa-vs- I [-'., 11

\X • "*"•> - • • • • " ' ] • • ••'<•• I - - - — ' ; ' - • M r ; 1 . , t i: M r K . W i l l i i i i Frittr-lJ-rhy.

p a 6 •.: . - ':„•,„:- ;;,r;;v „, \- iwv«k .^ >» f i - « r " ° r

Hlark BfK Pea(

C f l * n i / r V ' C RICHMOND STREET

MtAKIttil 3 GROCERY228 RICHMOND ST. Cor. £ Third St Phone 584

HELPS FOR THE HOUSEWIFE mother* I■Til* E rtnhbam'e Ve«rt«bl. Compound la a dependable root and herb medicine. It haa thade a place for itaelf am one the areal maaa of people, because thousand, of alclt women bare tried It and prosed that it will accomplish all that Is claimed for It. N'othinn unfavorable can honestly be aald about Ir. II does loot contain Injurious druse. It la a root and herb remedy founded upon !» physician's prescription, and la ■ manufactured fpr a epeclllc purpose. I Thai It acromphshM thla purpoee le 1.:..iusands and thousands C.; of ronrtnrlnc testImonlala—Ads.

The N>« • Jersey congress of Mothers and I'lrent-Tencher Asao- r tall ana will hold n Colon couniy eoonsu moetin* In Ihe nulltlorium or the Jlalnocld Hl«h Srhooi Ipmor- rou »ijh seasiuna al 11 o'clock In the mornlns and 3 o'clock In thel sflernoon. A boa luncheon sill bef served si noon. • | _ Mr. WelllusioB Bsdital. of fUd-’ proved'by Iho* don lie Id. president, and Mrs. D. " ■ oopar. . vice-president of the New). Jersey Congross of Mothers, will be snests or honor at the eonfeeenre. j JERSEY SEI Ihe purpose of which win be to! Steeagthen the wova of the sonnies. IMPO In Union rounly tand to brtag the sr^rSrtJsii-sr 'o”n w,,N "-*»«•«. «-■> ■. «... The president. secreUry sad ona n*1 of «•»•<» cotiinillteno aunnunred delegale from every Parent Tdaeher yeeterday. New Jersey, with one Be- Aseoclatlon In the county le eiperiod publican and one Dem.s-r.tlc men. to attend the council There ate ... Iwenly-tlve 'Mocl.tlon. In Ihr co.n- ” .s ' ' S*“‘U,r ty representing In all 1,100 rholhees. Erehnghuyron obl.lna two Import- fathers and teachers. la tbs morn- *nt »nd Influential -assignments la Inn there will be rlwrtWni of officer*. “Mtary afTalrs and public buildings adoption of constitution. Informal re- *nd grounds. Senator Hughes ad- porln and at 2 o'clock la the after- »*“<**d to the chairmanship of tha noon It**. Franklin K. Mathlews.1 pensions comintite*, one of tha Chief librarian of ihe Bo, Scouts palest jn the eptlre list. and also organization, will apeak on "Recres- on post office and pool roads. ° ... — Ills aioat Important membership la the ft nance committee. which handles the tariff and all other revenue leg. Ulatlon. In the evqot of war thla would he a most important comrnlt-

tftble decorations. as well as a varle- eaptaclh (w v Of delicious dishes that ma, easily tween them go prepared In the homo kitchen. rock salt an This lattor f-*rt Is very Important, For the 9 when oae must depend upon bet folio*|nc «wa efforts, instead of employing an batter with •BTDiiw caterer- Naturally, the of granule Invitations will receive the ttrat eon- gradually, a •Iteration. A novel Idea Is to have and t*o an. (gem written on square, white cards, sifted with adorned with a genuine shamrock — front the "ould counthroc ” and baring the motto In green water • . fobr "Krln go Uragh." which •aaos "Ireland Forever.” Seal the •avdopes with a tin, green seal. | _ /JjP Select your menu for the refresh- pfiii Wtth -are and with two op \K« Jscts In view. Klrwt, that roost of ih« A \OV edibles Shall !>■• of a nature dial ran OH ps prcpar-d the day ( rev Ions, or In the early luornine Second, that the X^H

tha. hair Than its name. Palbna hair is caused mostly by Dandruff. Pompeian HA IP Massage will stop Dandmf! Follow tha laws of ma- ture. L'sa Pompeian HAIR Maa sage as directed and your hair will soon become full, vigorous and eV Pnmpfun HAIR Massage is a clear amber liquid Kot oily. Mot sticky 2St. and f 1 bottle, at thr stoves. MaHc by the reliable. makers of the famous Pompeian MASSAGE Cream ' ' . H. p B, Bahsett. la. says- tt' have used you* Pompeian HAIR Massage with excellent results It is far superior to mny other hair torso I ever iiscrl* i ...

Thr King told hla servants to I drive them awe, and to set the dogs after them If they came back, so the : Old witches \n«w (bat the rtdry Queen had outwitted them after all; but. of icourae. i they did not know hdw or gnythin* about Jack, so they could eofl barm him. JerlFs mothef was overjoyed to here him homo again, and Jack boeght a farm apd went there to live with his mother.; He bf-came a [very rh h man and he and Ids mother lived lu peace and Plonty. One dajt there rape to the door of park's hauae a beggar asking for food Und a place to sleep for thg night. I Jack rfco^ni; brother Ole. wh badly yogr* bef k now Jatk, an when he was g. 'Ola. don't you

(Copyright. III. Y. W. C. A. NOTES Thv table may be tit her covered elth a err pc paper cloth (printed In •lever dcalgn» or doilies, as the hoe- irm may prefer Hare directly In the center, resting on a small Irish gag. a wide mouthed vane Ailed with green carnation-- and feathery aspar- agus fern, and at tha earners of the (able act quaint, braes <-andlaa:l>-ka. filed with green randies Shade the light from .Ihe candle with fluffy •bsd~v of white crepe paper, adorned thou with rosettes of green baby ribbon and small artificial shamrocks. The following menu la suggested

• St. Patrick‘a Party liragh (irai-e Fruit Emerald Islet

Besides military affaire and public buildings, Mr. Frrllngbuysan goes* to claims, coast defenses, expenditure* In the Department of Justice, public health and aatlodal quarantine .and the enrornmee on transportation and [sale of meet products.

THE SECRET OF THE WITCHES-^Part H d tht beggar as hla had treated him no re. hut Ole Jld not the next' morning □g away Jack said now me? I am Jack..

JKk*okM^ljlho for It ... Input If-1 In. bo off and roail Ida fairy, hat he wg* too surprised to! I*alacc bcftorc ihe hid witches lUd •esk. and the f.|ry said. "I will h"! rJi, ,„u h«r«Bae- .he nt thJ lhr U,r> ’”'4 hurry. I you bmjiuse-.tha aecrct of the, ..Th# K|0|t miI* K,ve ,ou some ^aklc broth does got belong to u„Jd atnl it will 1^ right for you to - — * —•* *‘ J w||| do good

home t*d your e of her, and ■ 111 com* beg-


HOLY CROSS CHURCH "That. Little Itognr .Vxt DOor" Will bi‘ enjoyed by many tonight In the Harrison avenue school. North ■ rtalnfleld j This plsy will be aert.m-j peniod by a few other small acts, taken by local talaot Oancmg will follow until g late hour. A good time la anticipated for ell who attend.

and could not llj»* lony. Ole told Hla tmWher how wicked he •had been, and (Hat he had .never prospered since he stole from Jack ‘his portloh of fobd and money, that he had Mm aorpy many times and wanted to ask jfcek to forgive him, hat that A* could not And him. Thi old mother died happy be- her; sons mere friends again, rad Ole add Jack lived together hsp- P|ly the of tljclr Uvea But Jack • never toU< the wen t of thy magic broth fo anyone, and although he never again saw a fairy, he knew that they -bed helped him and that fairies reajly wert- In the world.

It was morning now. yird the dew was on the leaves and treaties glisten ing like t rystAlt Iff the sun. The fairy touched a dew drop with h*r wand, and jack saw a llttla all vrr botilg hanging on the bush ••Take this and till It with Up magic broth.” said ,hc f*iry. “and tha King and tell him the sent you and he will aak no questions. "He aept to our Queen, asking her to cure the I’rli.cwpa. Who la sick, snd sll the doc tors have fall. <1 to help her. ‘ Of course’ w# never ••kd any gold for Ihe good d« ' da we do. snd when the old wltqhes knew we sere to cure the Princess they wero' very angry and |ald w** should not care her unless we gsa'e them hhlt of the gold the King asVe us Our Qo.ren • old them we n-v«r took gold or any reward for what* we did. and ft ry time we have tried jo .get to tho pal- ace to rMrr thy Ilf (I* Princess the

Krln •sited Xl Chkhea Sslnd with Clnrney Stc Hhillelsb Sticks Marphy Ice < ream Deech an I>e at. Pat risk’s Cake For (ho Brsl ro«ros. which slyraM *“ be oa fbe table before the announce ■mat of supper, select grape fro It After cattiaj In halves, remove the palp, clean the skins, tint them a delicate green with a harm less vege- table dye sad eel aside to dry Shred the pulp Into line particles, rejecting .the membrane, and for each half of ^fralt add one heaping tablespoonfui of sagar (powdered*, a teaspooaful of orange juice and sufficient mint cordial to color. Fill into the pre- pared akin- and garnlah with a few creme d# menthe cherries. HP Emerald Isles are large, pu- l«d eMves. and the Blarucy Stone* tha capers that garnlmli the salad. •Ml. the shlllelsh sticks arc simple bread sticks, made with a hnoh at aae .ad AdJ a bit of chopped cab huge to the chicken ralad. In honor ef It being the national dish of Ire- Mad (unless challenged by the pota- to). and be sure that It Is crisp fftid cold and not uaed In sufficient quan- tity to flavor the salad too stcongly. Fancy forms of Ice cream are al- ways an expensive Hem for the hos- tess. tad an «ice||ent su6«tltutc will he found In the' Murphy Iqe Cream.” This consist a of very realistic pota- toes made from rhorolate Ice cream Rave Ihe cream Very llriu before be- flanln.: to make them and ahape each vegetable b> means of butter paddira that have been soaked In lee water The more Irregular they are In shape the better, and the "eye ef-

The Woman s Guild will hold % tillable party In "the' parish holts'*, huruday afternoon, al 2.19 o'clock. 11 women are Invited le attend. The Friday afternoon Lenten scr.vlce >r young people will be held as usual, vrvlce will begin at 4:20 o'clock and cordial Invitation Is entended 10 lulta tv attend. Tho Rev. C. S Wood. « Koaellc, will p the preacher negt .Sunday evening, ervlce will com si race al *:«5 o'clock.

The King rccelvf Uttlc l*rtr.< (ss no a medicine than ahe : The King waa de| ed to give jUck twoj Jack w.ts d<d greej


Thnai* * are a ith.-title quotations from Ihe (wmphlCt oa babies by Dr.1 I*. Km met i Holt ' of roiiynbi^. and l»r Henry L. K: ftbaw. of Vnlpii I'alvcrsity.; 1 J A <hild two lqrthree ysteaii old should haw for breakfast the Juh-e , of one aw«t*t orange or the pulp of, I or S shewed'prunes or apple saude.' , Either a well-ccit»ked oereal. com- , meal. ivitljohn. • oatmeal, cracked wheat, w bdatena.-all »’HI salbd gad ( not more ihan Otw-half t*>asi>oonfiil , of sagar. ahd milk,added. Or a soft , boiled or ixyachud egg wltlj slab- \ tirvad or crisp tdaal. Alao a glass of wari.Kwl milk. Give bltn 0 glass , [of warmed milk at l«1.30 also. .

-At last our Quoen d«M to make a uia-lc br*Hh, ard send It secretly tii U.e King, and she h*4 all the falrl.s gather.thp things to k«« In the brush uu«- eight Jugt ns th.- ek»ck waa striking 1 a and then next night wc were to iu*k. Jh« magic broth. "But the old wltrbrs sent a bid lilt le elf to Stial thv things w.; had gathered, and w.e wrre afraid to had lost tl'.cyn fo’revor," Jack forem hla ahynew. He waa so Interested, and asked. "Why didn’t your Queen have the fstrUw seath.-r soma more of tho juafie things and

s*>y* forred z °»* '*• d-fni.nil Iho 3«llox •round

Add 10 tie list of tblogs that an> had for nfl babies these; Sleeping on tbe mother's • breast>*rhlie nurslns. sleeping in »xsl wlik tjfc mother spit ling on handkerchief »o remove dirt frt»ip baby's face, snwxliyg and cougli- iijg In Ihe haby’B face, allowing n oer- .-on with a tough or cold to hold the baby, or mlldwlng ait, person wtth W berculoals to car*- for the baby. Tomor- row something aboiff the summer pire

•You arc a mortal and. of morse, ask mortal questions.’’' saij the dairy, shaking h.-r Jiead unil looking «l*e. lou s#e. mqytal koj. that arc fairies gather thr Ural growthg of everything wc use and the second will not do. Tharv was plenty of tjie same kind of (kings wc had gath ered. but It wax the tlrst. the very ’ Erst, that we bad lo have.” I Oh. I nee." Vald Jack, not at all understanding what difference that ; could make to falrleb. but !•*• did not

THE FIRST FLOWER Beautiful Spring Clothes

(imrrrtr* obtainable, ilnd—to grt Hie beat. Clive as par lad- imc arc oar cyeryday

iso(f yoa exfpevnely low |i»lcr*. fnrt - and brand* are selected with one* * arc carefully filled and promptly wli. wrw you a litflc better -j.II. w

SUITS, COATS, DRESSES and Jtcautitul Bust and'-Sliouldi

it -» • -b«..iir.i.r> price*: Ff.EHlXCiToN KtiCiS

Strictly frwjh: non#( over days old. dbx i. shipped blnw llros. and was

UB im n ri'-ni*u. - rill t^o pi.ci* March stc.il.olf, nproM.Unjl »h.i Mistletoe K'dncy Ticans. uirrchaoU. He made sn affidavit that the information coatalnad la the eon* plaint wks dsrlvtd Trum what were d-: dared lo toe conf»salons made by Lap* lo him at his off|ce.. 233 Broadway, Lape also made an affidavit in refer> cnee to the same subject, wbirtt tht lawyer has In his possession, the U‘i !

Qqaker or Moth#r*« Oats Pea Beans, lb. .L Marrow Beans, lb. ...... Fancy Rice. 2 Iba. . I . .t; Sweet Clover MHh Campbell s Soups Old Dutch Cleanser, * for Beat Bt«rch. lb. .... Tetley's j Tev Puffed Wheat Puffed Rice ..j.. . . Evap. Apples, pkg ...... ;Peeled peach*-*, lb Run. Maid Hal alas Ret Corned Beef t • Stteeroj Cuttes. can. Not-a flved Cal. Ijcnjona, dos Rwaat .cider, gsl Mistlefo* Orqer, Heans. ran White Tt«>*e Tomatoes, can

TO RELIEVE HEAD NOISES White Horn* 8lft-d Peas. can ........ crest Maine Corn, rag checker Cardan, Peas, ran Byron Telephone Peas, ma P.yrari Fnrly June Peas.

Shapiro Bros. hav« twenty days fhkh to answer thr et*uplalat murvi:***. sAtjs?. i*: ire .gainst their led by baKlnx. «hHr iwwd like * v-'.iplDR should five massursn to rad iW»>w jre al



403 Watchung Ave. KataMMled In Pin in Held In IF

r.*rrapln (Jreeu lirans. can High Grade Rud Beans, ran W. R. A-psraffhs Tips, can Steuben Lima Ileana. ran Varsity Tomatoes. I «ans . Cheeker»Cal.’ I*earhes, can \V. K. Tuna Pish, ran I Re- Now Orleans Molasses, gal. rSun.Moe Coffee, lb

LA PAYETTE DKIlATKft Easton. March 13L—. men that were picked I fayette College In debatt year Is John Leslie Pari Parker, who Is a sonhor st I tut Ion. .was one the and distinguished hlto* trreelleglate debate* l pate in a conteal lier« Swarthmora College

the sufferer Pl-te P-rvoui Styles The SerreU Studio

Today la -tomebody’■ lUHtotoy Birthday t.lh-, llirllolay t *r«U

Gold Medal Ilpcher’fc y, Meal. « lhs. PFRMltAL

on a ni/TV’C Richmond street 3ll/lKliLl 3 GROCERY 228 RICHMOND ST. Cor. E; Third St Phone 584 iHnaNiHMinniMiii* imimii!iniimiimramimnmiiiiii\!iiiinimiimMiimmi,|im

THE SMART SHOP Willlanl Mr. and; Mrs. 1 of New VoTk. wh« Mr. and M** Jo^r W.-st Fr«nt Street, have reftirt».*d.

HERSEY HAT MFG. & RENOVATING CO, 172 East Front Street

BITTER Flacoi Elgin Creainory;

24- 2000 HRS.. .LBS,

, MABOH I«, tnr.



Work Starts on freighterat New Yorik.

| Rigid Measure Now BeforeLegislature.

One LWiw of MWJT'R WnedtrtUI Rem-edy nrtita TIi«tn Out—


land Nov. Bei«a Arranaad — Bo tcal1on

Wll L.BV. Harbor at Niiht and Data [Append•f Departure W.N Be Kept a Secret ihe St m Laglalalion u R-gu lm Storaaa

of Pefvdw- and Dyna-

Hote l W a l d o r f School of Vocal MusicMarched Method Taufht

Mme. McNeffl Hopcraft


1.*DV* Plain Held—W«ek dan *«•'•.t.M. IMS a. m.; 100. ISO. 4.00 ».M.•.I*. •f-.OO, 10.J0. «U.l* p. m SunJ»y»—t.O* a. m.. 11.00 noon. 1.00, 4.00, !-«•.• »« p.m. RitumlW taM So. Pl»lo-Held halt hour 1al*r,

i )Mt> not run on Holldaj-a.*Saturdii.ra only.'



a- Sunday, Feb.further nollcaunit Htlrlin* win run

t ililali-K Satmrtlar

:zei) prntonjor Bfrmtmitraimrj".Perfect in



Sold at



i l f at itie fritnt end f ib-

JamcsC.HansenI IK t o KA TO It




I l l BAiST mo.VT flTIIKBT.

Don't wait until Spring to hiyour, car painted. Have It done nat the dull **»aan pric*.' Auto Topa,. AdrtCurtains and Upholstering. - First- I irltbclass work at reasonable price.. be we!

A. A. K1 N<. I2O-31 HoDKIMt St. ' Tel. COB.

111.- f tHUflMl n

T h r t a u n Strika.

i ikt ln. |.r<-„!,.,.< «.f

• n|I'<> Me



Himnonlon H«aidanta Pighground Location.

for chickens 1" (lie tm

Carkhufi's City Express;',






Pine Watcb and Clock Repairing a

Guarding yourTelephone Service

TH E telephone roust keep in lighting trim.

It must be ready to go into action for

. you night or da.f. year in and year out.

When minis are blocked, when trains are

stalled, when stornjs^weep down"'—the high-

ways of spcet h mast |>e kept cle**.

And seven on days that are clear and peaceful

your tclephorre is cuafded ajjuinst any disturb-

ance that might interrupt or delay your service.

T H E W I R E CHIEF on guard in the tele-

phone central office has every telephone line

unde} his watchful eyfc He is the guardian of

the Wires — the wtitchtnan whose special duty

it is tp see that the system is ready to respond

whenever you call upon it-

You can help to protect your service by guard-

ing t lie telephone instrument and fines against

damage. ,


Plainfield WindowCleaning Co.

H. MKItSTKH.H, I'rop.*' Stores, Office*, PHrale It, KMCD

Raw Buildings Clemped, Scrubbedand Olleit. O U n , 181 Liberty


COKE AMD WOOD(Mice Tel- 1132-rt.

chutiK i t M MYard Tel.. lDll-Wt^


Before Toa.Bnlld Wby Not 8e*



EatlftMtea Famished.

Prioea Reaaanable.


LET ME ESTIMATEOn your new flour. The advantage!or bardwood floors over carpet!many. They are cleaifer, eaaiei

, keep in order; perfectly sanitary andwill laat a lifeUin*.



KM McDowell St. PhoM 43O-*


Scrap Iron. Btr>p Metals. Kubber,«a and l'«i*r Stock; al*o old Aa-

'j Auto Tlrca.ttepaJreil Aulo Tlrea For


DENTIST171 RAST FIIOSTSTHKCTWoodhull * UArdn b :: r.tr

Tal*t)bona 1ST.


Gardeners-Attentioni n H l m K I ) 1-1MK i» ihi> ln'ti(, iiu-.-krM «nd moat economicalw;rnl for •wreti"nii»K licitt BOJI*. It Is twice n« effertjre mm- $l.nicstDiK'. NoW la the'tlBM to •p|»I.v It. W« b«ve il in haeasy luunllloc. Hid nm iMlirr at once.

Our I'VH.Ilzrn. bear th> b.Rl>ra. analjiala and Il>>- nepert ii«r(lrnm anil IradlDfr mcHrulrarttl atatktna. We arr.|irt>f»n-il to Alt' roar ^rdcra for. Frmli OrotUld Hone, I>»»ii

Hh««p Mmiurf anil Humw. (Jet thf beat.

or Your XMt HOI • Call oa

Henry Wierenga'•IHk: MOVtNU MAM"

fMkeO and Mured Wl 111

:ea. 421 K. I KO. St..


TUIDK for Hath Roanu, Veatlbnlea,ete. Andirons, peBdera. Pire Sew,Screens, G*a Loga, G M Grate*.I'a.ntn. Varnlaliea. BtalDti, Sbellax,

OUa, OJaaa. Wall I'ar«-r, ,«te.It. H. VAN AK^I>.M.K •

336 Park Ave, I'hone 1S5H-W

1917 Wall PapersIMl-OH tKli * AMKHK A \ GOODS

C. Conover & Co.Decoratora, PaJnten u d ; Paper-

ngera. Window and Pluto Oloaa.fc.ia.ti.KMl Place. Tel. (140


all fclnda aN|>rs>liiR Material*—I.1MK AXHI'VliOX, I'AIUH ORBBK.




119-121-123 Kiifi Front Si. • ,';' rialnflcl.I, If. J.

ei-tfl.ii BtBKiJ- o f e

, P q e i o by A m w . c s t . j W r M . A i t w K l a . t o i i . \Utyt I" o n l y i i lmut I

I Mil1

|>|f-V [TIL' Bf<t'il

LXnitt^ ii- rv i ISfr i «le tn a bis ' I ' " '"' ~—


bepii ordientry int• «rd to CMty rebp]

oiiol -Marlnj

In i,li:ui.),(i


I, 6ain Strategic Point. Win-ning Back lost Ground.




M M lltDlllllltlTIIIII iitititiiiiiitiiiiiiiniin

R.v#nOa Plot. 1 . \Sili;llhje. Mnrrli i:t.-Itiimlrx| pgqtn

likp ulL-lilriiliT-. of Ihe Kei.tijchy Still I

Kile iis In tlif>'<.n>m switni. Kilpck"

»a.<l. and <l.-mami«l n* qitit t U antlon

JusUoc of |t|rf ren.-p l; .;, ;,.-f::(i A^ Al

elor. fifrycltdit yrhrn old. finji]' lit [•<•:•l l i l - Ht^'diid vj-t^t f r n m t i l e n n * i be l imt

yoarsnUI, ivho had I>pnt kre ilup lion^' |

hoflSf* "i»f ri' rr i-lilia->" eovenimtiit p.

d i

Mountain Lakaa Hmi. Oramatitj Club.Why Piles?

ill ItM lift I

t«-mi«iiheirlirtin-thjhi'6on.- j A Frw t r ia l of Pyimmid Pile Tr«-t-

Will Aniirer the Qacstion

Hjiidiy., TM. *.«. i.s*. •>;*•..»"si.

. l i a t i i SanH. Wails«<,r<!i


Wash AwaySkin Sores


Lasts LongerGoes Fnrthtr

•thaii older J>HLooks Better Is Better

.- nadc from niat^rials thatit produce a satisfactory paint. Other prop,i yonrj -initfllHy feaye found it to their advan-(•r -• ,-ii.-1 1'ul.ijr cards from us .and no «"illilujte to

Use Moore's "Mnrcsco" Tints, madn in sixteen varin-ties; tlie he± wall (riiitiii^ made; ready for use with the ad-'tlition of hoping water. Artistic effects, easily applied,!shows no laps, absolutely sanitary.

.Also lint of Paint. Kaisowine mid Stucco Brushes, Uu-I

'age Paint.



KI,K('TR«\»j. si I'|-I,II-;S.PRpST STItKKr AKD PARK A\ KM K. Telepliune 89»

s no aps, lutely s t a r y; ? IAJSO liirie of Taint. KaiMwine

gredj Oil, Vaj-iiislt, Mtflii.s antf Car


JH E G l H

1.41. • " " - ' " - i * "• " Af.

•.l>. l U i a. m.i 6.4* p. i

; " u"i*s"«r"Taj, "°K

- U b BSBOU i auil.orlMoj Ijail dr>l,l«) i,i , , r e ,™.

3 vv eiso (irro Lirufi oiorf I?OI^""jjjStreet and Craig Place, Plal

' j •iM-Vlcl.

|..-. . p.'ljj.ir days. Nt!lje rpported Hierp.: The 8Hti»li

)|i i.ortJioa»t of HouchaTemiPB,PeroLnP. has bei-h imprbreil


One month more and all Aatomftbile Repair Shops will be

rushed to the limit. Avoid this Spring Rush and have your

cur overhauled: NOW:




repoHs tbat Settrn<1aptlve; ba!wLllf tbc B

epdrt ea;s nine GernUn marwet* KlnK*Kl.


North AvenueI Oppo»il« Fraight Hou.o


ar- poniu«i«(sws W*MI &DI BUND QUJOK EISBIM - • • '



!Work Starts on Freighter at New Yort.

I Rigid Measure Now Before Legislature.

MAYOR Ht RSIIf II IWTHl AUIMOR PASSENGER VESSELS K-ruii that cal late your vital*. < *«•-. lln« Oka Prcamirc. Indigestion. C©w- aUpatlon. Torpid I.tver. Auto-lntoxl- Beehingj Per Early 8e-liegs Far Enp-* Maw B*.*9 A-.n^d — Boat. Will Leave Ma'bo* at Niikt and Data ef Departure Mill Ba Kept a Secret Seaman Threaten to SV>k* Uelaaa They Oct 79 Fc- Cent W»r Benue.

Nt* York. March m -The artul work of arming AmeiWf men ha nt- wen ma baa an at New l#rk Monday. Tugs from ihc nary jard ran u'ong* tie an American frvigbicr ai.tl puf *1* a:d etewl l«a. and plate* fir ibe «•»*»• Nirin tion of f nn platform*: Neal In line tor nnnaicirni are Amer- lean passenger llacm. Faaeengors are l>*fng lx-ikrd f-r »l*e early Oe|»rtlire for England >4 ibe Hi. l,<*il*. No hoafclnjr*. hwwtfar. arc lie- ins made nnrll applicants far pa«*ag# •*hlbtt pe««»i*nct*. to ml erne then they are ooly In formed of tho m»rl ou wbk#i they may take passage. Pr-ia- P*ct1v» laitrnaeni are iWjuHiel id leave their addreakaa so il|ey ipay let notified by ieler>h*ne Just; when lb*

Pompton Lekaa Autmblywi" terccted Federal and Panic Authorities In Wevmmdrrt Fi form Legislation to Regulate and Carlin# e# Powder and Guarding Your

Telephone Service .r», Nunn, ■ Trrali.e. March IV Til. I.lll of **- rwoa of »t-' semblrineii li.urj li. IllrflkOrU. ma»- • own Drink-1 of l'*»M let— il. **».-,I In rr« "> nr. dor, nil* IV ibr insiuirai turf. * lorn If. rrau.- <o». Mnrr'nj pcnnSna aM nnl* ..r! on Weal i» »ei,|. mores that ltoo, „K| |i„,.klni irn.lil-a for tb.- — ,h* V*‘ rlntalkaifUfUw |-r..|.»o<l ;a.f. la orra(- "r™“, In* *.io.r,l irlanv of Ibo re iV. oil.rr o'lrmar.e "f rmlilllbr, wort. ... .u. .- Ikla rial. a'.o ll h tipo Ini In In* cSS.i5«S: ‘»- ie*uiiite- . l l1 [ b Alim.o la. Mb.nr U^rahArbl hi. l|r..r »rl|« ll- fe. I'bomiat. I*arrlal.».nr b.t.1 'Vnul.li.nlan ...-ri il>. lU or Mayr'a irwB#riiinii, of I’oi.ui. U,n‘a mal <4 ■on. raliod .onrmuu lo«ar4 ma fne uniform M or any roll- ■ ‘ulutlou -u il.o uunjo-i ’n'- relom jour anlMHIIn. It wnNt. >|. > i,n.ro or mb n»-iuiiiio|.i mu. awl If 11 ■ paraor Ibr Now Jormir lejilBtal.irr. II Morn*

TH K If leplione mull krrp in lighting trim, ll must be rrndy to go into action for you night or day. year in and year out.

Wlicn roads are blocked, when trains are stalled, when jtonm >*tep do»n — the high- ways of speech must be kept clear. And even on days that are clear and peaceful your telephone is guarded against any disturb- ance that might interrupt or delay your service. THB WIRE CHIEF on guard in the tele- phone central office has every telephone line undet his watrhl'ul eye. lie is the guardian of the wires —tbe watchman whose special duty it is to see that the syftem is ready to respond whenever you call upon it- You can help to protect your seyvice by guard- ing the telephone instrument and lines against damage. ,

Hotel Waldorf

Mine. McNeill Hopcraft «ao Babcurk DalMlag

SUBURBAN BUS LINE i. Juaixaaa —**' ■» ,h- •“* jinf . und . abln ur Ibird . Iata a ajrr rrasn ^as.ba ta Bail at Ni. • -- At ■ r«iffr#i'r Of ‘ D#»y y«nJ asd •irumidi VII I I? ll pcarflrtfly «ic- idod ▼ * for thr „r a!! at nlpbl. I*a»a«.iiprr» will Jt set atMiard before J <.>.0 k.

Gl0Vfc& A#enta lu N#tr V«K ot Br* VMVTCO Hnc bare brro oo||«*tl from Waatiloc- i^r ; ion that pcrb»l»a!.>a Lad l«4>n prantesl ;m tbt Frcn< h ;iner Him banibcau i<» Ct tn clear with pane m*»;ib?f**1 ftvfa ami afl QUALITY Tbc atate department ru’.etj that :h.- OCHA WASH- Ho*-ham beau, a* a | absent* rarrylus OESKIW j »eaacl plytnp uaual n-uiev. a |«-e abf# mereliaiitutan entitletl l» lake I At • ndeqaate pret aUtU iik aca uki, Ills gal at [N’S urr nwa .nm.ira. Tbla nitliur 11 nan *akf ll .htH’Uir OHT STREET u.-4 . erlirr. of ‘ S| - - 1 annum vea-cl% r«. the f..r»- Tl.r lb* . _ - _ rharabeau ha^ I teen ircar.I.il j« a leal E PMNTING ablp to aarenaln ibe polb j #>? |*h>. I’nlt- Sprlnp to have : *d Ftatea po*-emtDenr a hi h had r**tl HkTC it done now Bed the owner, of fhe \VhH9tttar liner price. Auto Topa. AdHatU- when that fekwel »rflu<Miere bolaterinp TTr#t- . with puna fore and aff.ilutlt would —'— ba well to dl«mount ih.. fotawnl pi*n» Aailae* Tbraatcn Strlha. P. A. a. Franklin, fre-blebt of da International Mercantile Matin*, cap ferred with Gugtav- Hraun. ae-^ret.iry of the InremaCeiial Seamen. nbe>n Brauo detuandetl lb#r I be men blcord to man the Hr 1.0*1* be |>a|tl a war rlak brnue of 75 per-cent. Franklin ref.iaetl to meet tlU demand.

I burp. TIh* Mi) i^rt.rhle* ilnt ail munition - fadorle* nad maga/ln* a must. 1* l<e • alrtl at a«-l (llataneeal frofei l-u|ld|i.pa ililw’liu ai a ami rnllionil-s. Th«>Ml ke.-|F iutf or ptf.c Inp etpi*»He* mu at |>a» au annual ihwnac fee Tor rti-ti mapaxlne if te.i In* (fen SI or tori I ban R*.V Ha h Ihevard Ta. l.rry orVungaz.m- In l« l*e Incite ir*l at least 00ec a 5»ar by tbe n.B>niM<"«r of fobot ot hla aA- * lata 1 No tin an 1 hnr red |>er*oii. or r|er««Kie h>a> enter nuy fa< l»r). btiildlnp. inava title tw .-ar . Mitaltilnp et|>lb«tre* Kteejr tehlele. nldlc earr fae* me>11 ibe pabUr' hla1

, tHaflaf. the lull «aya. ir.- fa«lr at tit* front end if » ami nt ail' ll n height that jieU.le from *11 tllre. tb iia with -be w.ird -l>nnBee+ 01 While letter.' el least all . belpht. ...• ^" - 1 norda "K he uaed.

| .-e.inidy w i of a blpti mi<ul--wlc*u*>r ai by E Bue nut 'ev-rc-lin* El prlwMtment. iflrb or w-itU. law. for one r#ar. «r hotlt.

re**e|« J

l eu of 4-I.Ja Ht .h>a l»«M. fan*' PAI.'TS, CHS, CLASS.


••ui(«nyi falling .vW.ua ‘f,r tk* la l>ui|iahe«I « or 1m- bard la

Carkhnffs City Express Buoceaaor to Hoa«l*nd ^t*pr*aa FRKIOHT AND FVRNlTl'HK MOVING. OFFICK: 4» WEST FOlRTH ST.


TUB T1LBR FI replace*. Porches and Vestibule* Tiled. Bathroom. Laundry and Kit- chen work a ape dally.

impc MairrUla—l.LMK IX, PARIS MRKFN. for rhlehetiH la the Imped why the many poaltry rr. abo'tta are In i-l-w ayniidib flpl»t >*lnp wtpril npal prounda of the Itethlel l#ny at Umy Mmllnp rotiltarer* ftt#r the tB 1*7 the firing «4 Ueav> 1 rent lha hat.-blnp of point out that the thn killed large .|iiantitle* ■ certain atage of rail- t'tn t- only ala ut Oft. Ilw pmitnp piyunda

bonus. A mas* Reeflnp of 1 been railed, ami a strike Is PLAIN FI FI.IVH RKMAIILK NKKIMMRN. itrtietl CtTBAK REVOLT CR1

L. Moraller & Sons fatiena 'Suaed 11^* W.m il jtr .-bvks. The> dtr.laiMi hare »f| • klf-kran In

Only Few fimall Bands of Ro|i Mstveeai Bays. } Havana. Man h Ul Hehi continues In Kila. Mil a >tm« sued from the i^kue .if l'r.-»U| Otpl pretl.-fe,! complete ifa soon of all t|:<> rotrel fown. T of many Mirreudet* vt »tnml \ rebels tn the pro* lure* of rainapue> auil Hantn naif.' ! As furtle-r pr***f tliat tin- j (ton I- near I up roni|Hete ro.lJ Meno'al stalemevit >Mits t lad *upnr mill In fulw I* c-lndj etredlly. Colonel Mails* Met

WATCHER. CliOCKS * iRWBLRY Pina Watch and Clock Repairing a Specialty. ■ 17 Park Are. Phone 17*9 Plainfield Window

Cleaning: Co. H. MERATRICH. Prop. For Tour .Ness IIOVB fau os

Henry Wierenga -THE MOVING MAN" FLIIMTUHB amt Pli.M* Parked and Moved With Ur*

Item. 42! K. Fifth 04. TtK.se (Ml-J

HOUSE WAS DYNA1 naval sffatik


N. MEYERS ft SONS Kilrlli.p, March III Renriet) like nlpht, rider# of the Kenulrky III! five m.-n dyuk:u|'e«l the Ixxne *** Llle>>* In Ibe Great *wani| t"H the aulliorltU*'. They rri aal<l. and ll••maa•le<l be' <)nlr t on pain or «lrolb. 1 JuatP-e Of me l.'eaee Kai m<

EHrrk* been orderetl to elmndoa hla entry Into Hanliapo da Cuba - eed to Guantanamo valley t nay rebel* l«e may dial there els aline their era nation of Nave separated .Into email 30 YEARS SPECIAL MAXTKLB. TILES, GRATES. Tlilac f-r Bath Rooms. Vestlhalea. etc. Andiron*. Fewiler*. Fire Bets, Hrrrena, Gan Ixtga. Has Grates. PaleU, Vamlshe*. MalaS, Hhellar. Olla. Glam. Wall Papm> .etc. R. B. VAN ARMDALB • 336 Park Are. Pho*e 1MH-W

Gain Strategic Point. Win- ning Back Lost 6round.

land .issued a warraut fi* j nallied by him. .CHeeka. wh«. I elor. fifty e|g»n yohm old. m I he awnfWl vl *11 from tile iti* sent away a Ml** l amer*, year* oUi. w bo had t»een ke*|.| for him

Use Moore’s Muitsco" TinU, made in aixteen varie- iea; llie bt**^ wall coNtiiiA inidi-; ready for use with the ad- lition of boiling water. Artistic effects, euily applied, hows no laps, absolutely sanitary. Alan line of I'nint, Kaho'giinc and Stucco Brushea, Liu- e^dj Oil, Vapnish, Staing and ^’arriagr Paint. l OTt SALK BY


• haeh l*efi*n* be had thirty 8U8PECT FOUL H. H. MILLER LocOon. Sfareh l.?| - Krem k troo| liare completed their «ooce*f ip t ban Hague by rletrlng the i>rBan* fr«i RIU 1S5. which dominate- the coontr ■for pillea around. All the impnrtat l*»*!tloa* the rnmn prlbce th*»k tn th retdiai li^ hi* attack oh Feb. 13 are mr *“ ' hands. itnck wa* male 00 little lie* fl.ii a mile

Bar den town Mini Body F#u"d I* Pennaaeken Creek. Bordent* wn. Man h J.T TUfend; of Jamea McIntyre, wn or Janiff »rln tyre. Hr., or Kordcniowa. Who »w* drowned Id the iH-laware tlwrr here from ibe llirlifer Italic, of' Ceoflte I.. Smith was captain. <d*bt of Bee 3. has hero f«um I'ttinaauken <-reek. W*ft I’ninij was twenty id we Jfttt o*d at rlad. f An examination will be mad* body, as euoplciou poiilta to fo

Chips'* Break With D*. Lt>4»n. Mar»h l». Tbt \ fM>a*e «if represent IMi»e* ba* k| Ibe •»ertnui'<il'a dl|4oinal lj aud ibe |in>ia»al for Imwklng lomallr n-'atlog* with Ueni coni Wig to a l(nuier*iU*i*at«|) /t king lu FreneV Ui» French front ..f - .... ...... - or tiie Mal*oas de nianiiwgiie farm, ai- mwl to th«- Kutte dvt Moult Rw:«le# re-capturing the bwt frvn>he« on Rill IRS the French took a fortified wY>rk. Egrller In the day itir Frfacdi made pHrw toward ibe. trer<-be* on the li(ll.ln a grenade a Hack ..amt 4n the ah- e*nfan eitended their gain* th the sum- mit. This is typical of the methods ot alep kj step attack by w fclch Uie French l»*J regalne.1 all Oielr lost ground In

fh^.lbe Homme asd Ancre fronts ae- tHtfr ..f immediate Imimrlanre second- ary Jo that In fluiaii«xne la r#port*d. A I'tiiietm from the Gerronn war offle* say# that on the Homme activity con 11 in lie* and e#at of the fiver the artil- lery In several sector* I* livelier than .1. prv*-edlng day* New devrlopmenta may be reported there The British po- alrton uortbcaaf of llouchavcatie^ north of Peronne. has been improved and l-atrots are wctlve. Another day nf great serial artlelty. such aa usual I r precedes infantry en- g*gemcn^s. war reported British ajr- - plane# were out to r>v out the Orrman , «xj , position*. Berlin rci»rt* that aewrnteen fcrvr airplane* and two daptlve. tBHoona tSm*. »***« brought down, while the British «■ it f>p»«r« says nine German mgehlnen ‘**up wrfe winged.

LET ME ESTIMATE Od your new floor. Tha advantages of hardwood floors ov*r carpets ar* many They are cleaner, vaster to keep In order; perfectly sanitary and will la*t a lifetime C. E. JOHNSON THK rUMUMAU 111 IteM Pro« M. . 'Flu,.. IOII

Why Piles? NEW JERSEY CENTRAL A In» Trial of Pjrmoid Fils Treat- Btmt Will Anratr tb« HooUw DO YOU RKALIZE THAT BPRINO IB ALMOST HERE? .

One month mor. end all Antomftbile Repair Shops will be riuhed to the limit. Avoid thi» Spring Ruth and have yonr car overhauled NOW. W* Vt ARA YfaS OI R WORK.


run Umbri <*a«ep< Mull Uoll#*y 11. 7.4

MARTIN AUTOMOBILE CO. Wash Away Skin Sores ^ JOHN S. HASKARD CABH niTVKR (M Scrap Ina, Hemp Metal*. Ilabbee, Rags and Faper Mark; alao Old Am- lomobUee and Auto Tlraa.


North Avenue Oppoeiie Freight Hou.o



ini’ ui.ia. wiaillng tuidayg * Mial urdAli COUPON f^Wtf*ARTj Ne Shae?*hlne at La'ayott*. Kaitnn, Much 18.- There wn. u In Hi*. *enkva • >a«a lu LafayeMg 4t> when tlie roemlmrw the c*. nuthorUlc* bad de>-;.|«.:| t« ,irt them with plain white |4rerVllpk nt rmduutlua Instead olf |l.e uuaipt plain wrapper^

Weis* Brro Hr UK Store. Horperset Street and Crni* I’lacc. Plaiftfleld. COURIXRJIBWa WiSI ADI RUItO QUICK RKSULTS -##

Hired 1 Ol

* « *


Eavesdropping Amongthe New Millinjbry

Subway « -Aetor p] a«.

that give individuality.

Pr«of bt it? Here is What we have heard shoppers say •

' / do not know of any collection in town that

presents so many conservative, good style hats as


"I Jo not know when I have teen suck a varied

and beautiful collection of hats."

Another;-describing the showing to a friend: ;

"The^collfcUon included every style feature of

note, flower-trimmed hats in profusion, combining

exquisite colorings, always well done. Especially

-~ good was the showing of tan-colored hats trimmed

' with flowers and fruits in variegated shades.

We have heard others say that the,collection! of black hamedium and large style* being so well represented; that iheattractive display of English and American hattj and that fiwear shop is better equipped than any other shop] in town

s is unusually good, .mailports hat shop ha, i . „m $6 to $25?tr,e ready-to-

FitM floor, Old BoiyUnc-

Swiss Taffeta—Another Lotfrom the Importer, $1.95 yd.

First purchase of 10,000 yards sold out rapidly No wonder. Mew York womin ap-preciate quality. Such smart checks, plaids, strifes h, soft, -leek taffeta are hard" to findthese days. Especially at a third less than the standard price—for since 1913 wx haveSOU these goods at $3 and $3.50 yard. ' /

Now the remainder that the importer had in his stockroom has arrived Plenty ofblack or gray and white, navy blue and other conservative,colors, 36 and 40 inrhesiwide.

Main floor. Old

So Many Spring Suits! forYoung Women and Girls

Three groups^ in particular, offer most invitir.^—at $25, $29.75 aid $35. In each group are a number ofnew. models, in Stfcs 14 to. 20 years, designed for ypungwomen, and quit*; different from the styles that 'mallwomen wear. SitiipJicity is the keynote of the collet tion.And how remarkable the variety that clever minds havedevised- (1

A gabardine Suit at $25, in gray, navy or b ack,

has pleats from.pVtall yoke in center of back ar d at

sides; no pockets! in coat, but two tn skirt; |>elt;

buttons as trimming;^.

A burella cloth suit at $29.75, in rose or fjneen,

is very Smart; shoulder yoke, pinch back, notchjcol-

lar; little 'kerchief and change pocket above belt.

Skirt shows the new fashion ; hfcm turned up outride.

• Another gabardine suit at $'35. in all -spHng

shades, has buttoning belt and tie sash, poclte.ts,

stitchery, box-pleats in back, secqpd floor, oin Building.

Fine Footwear for WomenWananmker footwear leritjs distinction to the

costume. Leathers show the siUi beauty of quality.Cut never falls a hair's breadth,"front grace and trim-ntjss. Perforation, stitching, tongue effects, add thedainty charm of femininity. •

In addition, ther* it great variety.

A woman can find footwear; to suit her taste, her

dress needs, the Kncs <j>l her ,f<jbtj Xo best bring out\ . ' • • : • ' ' .

lacVcalfsl n. Mack, white andto ?14. atcordiag

grace.HUh show—Tan and blac

bronze kidskin, and white b u c k s ^ T ? g

kind and style. . fi' ' .Low shoes—Pomps of white buckskin or calfskin, gray,

brown and tan ktdskm, dull black CaBiritin, patent leather;Oxfords of dull calfskin and plain black and tan. $8 to $11,according to kind. • M.I» floor, out uoiMtas.


ZForemost and Kleenmaid

BREADThe high prfce of flour and other ingredients i o u not

««wt the supreme quality of our product. Yo» g«t U» be*

when you ask for SEEKS BREAD.

Buy the lOc LoafAT Y0UB GKOCES 8

RHEUMATISMPhysician Bolter** \» Genuine K«n.

«'>• 'or the DiMJane H u * '••


'Union Chiefs Will ConferWith Roads Thursday.

.be. wonderfultlsm rcnip.ty gold by Weiss' _ .Drug Store, and all druggists, givesquicker and more UHIIKK relief thanother remedlM coaling many timesus nmoh. . : . [ 't 1

Raetima nAsses foe; deadly pal-! Washington. March ta—Report*;oiiouii secretions loto ; the bowels nwv rtrike onler l.j tie "Bi(t Fi

kldnejn. from w hii-h they are iinxim-booda on all the Rrea.1 ntilnkly thrown

Read wb»4 aays about Rheilost carWai In


eputable piivsir-ira: " i W n madefttigation of tl

! of Rheum*, and F heartily Mommend ft »R a remedy for all fomot rheunjB,UB». 1 Hud Rheuma f,In advance of the methods generalemployed in the treatment of rheumatiam. and altogether different I

| Udlly prescribed."—Dr., l,yon»., Tb)a should give an) stiffenfrom rheumatism confidence to tl

I Rheum*.—ASy.

w-Hred y q yItae brotberbood i-lii^r-j in Wnshiiitton.

1 President Stone of lh« Ilrmliprbood of: Engiuwnt m i d ; I

1 "I can rirlflier •fHrttl iKir t(i"ny that aPtriki? onior h a i h t v n iMuinl l u - ; n w 1i-cnnnt IIIS-UM the .«trfi.i> I ain In

i WuaMnf^on on »lh<r majllfrs. atid I do. ' not propoap to talk IIIOIJI Hie railniai]

eituation. The hrotherbood ht-ads ei-ln't tocuofer wiih (be i™fi-i -f cam-

i. I

will hare nothliiicTlie other luoilir

. Uv and Shopper

Mil', thai tim


y,Knl Jra.lpr*. CaHer

Ktiopprd. Mllownl. tlu> ln--hlnf I j

thc ;.(.s-i..i!:t> nf n. --rii..' I t Was i)n-ik -.(... ' howcviT, that i!!' hmthrrhoodChief* hn.l tmia'-l nW :•!>".HOSBIs (orthP setlli-nipnt of liielr tlimi-ullira withthe rallroailn hn-"i on [nv^m couJII-t'trtl.., whi.-tl wnul'l ]>.• r.iilim,tti-<] on

The h l ld re of iln- si<pfp.nie>(»urt togWv ft <t<v!«i(tTi «s to tin* constiint[on-alltj of thif A'Inni»M>n elfht Hour day|nn- hrdueli-, the whole1 rfeilreaif prttb-

for* sptl!-. pli-1 « nVrr.ttie s

in- C(>UM"K de-


Wn • Rapjblican Uadn-Jn N.w 4.*.•ay Far Many V « r i .

''•I*- MHV. N. J , Mflrrh iX KornirrSptiHtor Kobert K. Haiid; ilicl at hishome In Knon. near [MTP. frn'n EPUCHIIdebility. He hail t w n In failing healthfor the pant year. . He waa ahont nlxtj-Bi-v».n year* of i M and I(H<I Keen tlteHi']m1ili.-.in leoilPr in thlfi sprtion fornanny yearn, rrlirin^ In Kit-'! Kmlv trihis politicnl i-.ii.-r l ie V:A- a mcnihProf thf lioard of <-honcn freeholders mulBurned an slil-riff frimi I^M to 1R9B. lit?WHS ]ti the Btti'mhly in'1^1)7 qnfl tli^t


Great Lists of Great ValuesMany More Values Listed Herethan Most Advertisements OfferTHESE FOR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY:— '

J125 Cr .p , <U Chin... 40-Uefa .MFull c-r»p« weave, new mtrttk an4•v«ntn* colon. tlmll IS r.l*

11.49 Wosim'i Eni™ St»SUkataff P.Mico-i. . .

rinuni-en plealsd or tuckIena-tl.li — manufa*: turcr'a n

flttrf b d ll l

iwruige.—mini iianav. . Limit dffl .

• 1.98 Girl.- Wail. D r H H . . . . ) . M. Limn or ornndtt — naw moftaf.i

B9 ct. Babie." Omit*

Bftiaa with -warm rolling poliara.

:alMa1t'oltIrr»!1 UinSt"^^

S2.98 Little CUMm'i 'j * ' •

* ~ raw Han. . . . . .2.25

^V»!ej"w*th1Kwer« [Igg

08 ei. M M ' . Spri»« Skir t . . . . . . ?•• • " i t . Tapirs—aoft CIIITJ—nTl

' . . . • ' • • " ' , . , ' ' " " : " [ '

19 ct. M.»> 'Jnd,rw«r. . . 1 32Fln« Ot (.• mitka T— lone • ! « * « .

double .sat. ni«du,m weich(—abort|j> 1 ..'!(.m- -.ilk ttp I I H I I

•J«o oi- tr .mak*, Wratt fottn

49 .ni l 8 9 ptJ Women".Cotton' Union Suita. . . . . . . .37ow neck and •le^vrleaa—band flnlak

and7x,r«.7i-,Llmlt fmr

40 ct. CoiSun OruMibd CU


He na


m o w term*.a JMr^atc


•9 4 UtiU Tot.1 White

,•»•*• TO * Tf^ Lilltl!

. ritiKl«i_nr fltrlnoii •<

4 9 et. Boy>' C.p*.

' l . n M l #..11 ..T-i,ii'ih J


^ m d Jmlat'urf*. b

and fancies

AW SUHHEB SESSION .98 Bora' Spring Suit*...--. .3.1(5

Will Show President ViTtle.RefUsed to Sign.

M ' ij.4lmilJ> ( laik tthat if the mrannot ln» miioiiidt^' In BJX *&rta it '

. « i l f i l n i d ttinniL-li tlir raimnUr and '••;np to (In- iijwiilni; of tlii' reciilar «e4 !

K*y. Went. Kl*i 'M«n-h IX- Am Jamitt.« ' . t ^mi i l sip|iptil trotn^ t't>r Hnrarm-Kf.v Weal >>uBt }o Itoniilr HJj. train, fornjrMHBptW, •"'DP! i'( the oltteers ot (HaUUb . * • ! ' - ! t» tUbKtt b in of tbe bnr-<!.•!. of * n^mVi b h | vtlil'ti iwrnig bystmim from his Munililer* Mr. CeranlslKiKk hia licml. -Nm" FuMn tti<- day h,<

• hronslt Swiixrrlaiiid. jfmpw amiS;.:nr: IlltArid : i i i 1 :.' • i ir ' . .1 . • 1 "-

! in l,i p * " - e | H > . r ' ; ' • ! - . ; ;•! li:i-. h a u d l o l

. ChildrW. Pajam.i. .

pd p*n-»le*- -iifweHl pa1

D M M M MUored—striped prri-nlea and

• Un« rr.IH.-t- mil**


. Oar Eye-GlassFactory at •ffour

Service\ o more

for (IH.VM IInt

N'ew York.

ri^lit here 0

ises.' B r i n r

o us—wait

make you At

If you ha«

Wailing fo

I fhpy arr

We mak

n oar own

the broke

for it—T

w ones.

e a doctorwill fill i

• Icllsfs

• from



e will

m ! " • • ' -


l«*n Mtlli

Mft. tmt one of ihp |.ai"-i* no carerully .;B.mrd.-.l Is 11K- (^rnun drhft ot the OBJ i«fcpru&blnn tr<-aly wtiln-h tbe Uornian tot- ftmxhorelltii offlre was i t dtterBoimil thirt lie J w i i l f *nh»Hlil sUn. ti iKJiermlnation which lie 'V"lt'^ s

nii't with the Oeftant ilatemeut t» Xroiu for.'(<.uiit Itontgelaii '*Vou »IH (ri*ze ill 1 ' l f t | i n

bell Iteforo I siKtilhat paper." . ; Tbpj-* Mr. (Jeraril rtflalned ponw>s<iifu of guns.(hh :>.|.>r.-r.t1n« (l.»iiuient. In to Ji.i- HfJ Ih'lu*s vprkid o( •• 1111.1..11 ln-!"'.t.. herfleaned on V<-\> 10 1- iMirnM manibia private | 1 | V N and afcw many• !ol dxcameina MlUh he (lift not dit.i have the liertnxh.t eft. hut h>

Italned thedraffotthe |>rn]H>«*>d HJ«ed treaty «t> lai' preaid^nt' couldjor blniwlf bow rHr the p i u uemnifii! darpd venture. .

ond tt. ith l i g h l s o n i h f Ist

o f i l i s i i i i ' i iot l i iK


Arraat Pohtici.r. ULima. Man-h, 13. Tin- iiri'pst of i ' •"

•UnM Mf>ntf4lno>. w i i ' S T of Admiral(;m«. IIUK l«vh onl^red i(S. the i'eniTlan governowut. Tbe brolhpr of Adnilnil Gran bnn piibltcljJ diareedf.tf*|.inil of the roimhli.- with

Relur-md lo Work Too Saon, H u Ph/>aieian Styt. I

Washington. Marth )'l. ~ PresidentWiihi.ii went bark I«J wg)-k ,a «iii> toocoon, nrrnrillnK to tile JndKo)ent i f lilanlii and !*)-]« ;nn. Dr. I'lirv T. Gray,aon. who followtHB Ibe t^exfdent'd at-eMimii t» roofer with Kelistipr MsrtiDOrdered him promi'tl)' liai-k to bis bed.

Pr. «Jntymm M M that, ahh'tuKh thepw-ilJi'iit « ,-ftl.l WHS n)iM& better, hebad not mcaiiiPd hlM strength and that|f he expwtert ajHrmly ;ir».'OYery hecould not afford to sppnd it heedleHsly.IH><- president v"l inntructfiins and>Mlred. llf was wporteil]*$ weak, hutfeeling better lo*ar. ;



«I.9fl Maltim Suit C . . -j ^ ii^h—a(r«p» arounfl—r»lnro

m =(- Ck.r.

98 it- Chiffon Cloih. -d 7T40 iiwhe* wlrte^suitable ri.r-wal.ts.•owns nnd tr)inmtn«;ii^blaric. nhlta,colors. Umit IB >d«.

29 ct. Emb'f FtounciBga, 17-inch .22and corimt mvtrlnii on tjwlaa and.aiulTie phi,[|. ,,r -laljarat« d«-

•ifu umit in rif.

$1.76 H.nJb. , , .r,ly\rr- jwnrl Mid mnrwro

49 et. Collar. 38;


59 ct. Ro|<n S;i.cr Fl»t.d T M -apoona (per Jt.lf doi> .45

Latest d*al«n*. I.linil one .loi.n. \12 H Bt, Mm'a (Uodawrckufa, J

«*cfc...., | 0Corded >°£*Ji'jI ^ood^iM.

11.07 H'rmlit iM ShHli TT

t«« ct.' UabWcbad

% ct. CIMH* Cloih | 4 » |

2 ' , et. CurUin Muilin..nJ Doakt* Border Scrim.. BK

Assorted .slrltn. Limit 10 yfla.,

6 et I.ory Tint Dr«.in« C « b . .IT

LIB W..h«W» Ceveb Cvvari, T*

39 ct.Soft, lufitroua— rnikn pretty r»Ml-coai *—-In all tbp .new Aprtiiff colors.

^ ^ 4! • • " I • \7\ -, , >


T» > I W M rltwlco l-uysnjr. V


[ Yard wM*—Bftaortment .'of 31*MI

t lM KiM' ".r(Jl Snii.. A - . . .2AB

V r t ' IOTHIM THIBP ruKt*


a. In rt!


M ct. Link T«U' C.I'd D.


tS fwioii.1

«... 61

Skirt.. » « •• ana MurK

and mftkp you a pair ofV fid ri

ZEEK BAKING COYou will* Rod oursonable, but that imain object,You will hright artici'" and you 4iU be

S3sf£f2.IS W«l Nap i luk .1 . . 1.

Ciray or while—wlib coatrKRt bodfuff for good by rubbinfc e littlo oftbe genuine P*rtaian Sugf directly

Personafioans Promptly Madei l Ina>ats Onlv

Parisianthe germ* that cause thp dBndruff ioform. The acatp becompa ; hPsltbr,the Hair will grow better, iifcow morelife and vitality, and you nppd neverbe troubled by dandrulT aw1". Fad-ed, dull or llfeli)M hair la qbickiy r«-•tored to beauty by thla almpl«treatmenl, which Is absolutely bhrm-

ParisiBn 8ag«>*(-an\be [obtainedfrom I.. W. Randolph andBT*rywbere. It U not



TYPEWRITERSHow.rd W. B»i« .TkeLnn Stem 138 Norlk An.

Cave been paid Wid Int*


• - ~


RHEUMATISM ***** •« Nin<v

Eavesdropping Among

the New Millinery

Union GMefs Will Confer With Roads Thursday.

ICbeuma. the woerirrful rheums- Hem ranrady sold hr Weta* Boro' Uru« Store. «nd ml drawers, giro, eolcffer us more Ihetlne relief then other remedies cosllee ■mi’ llmee lit mush Rheums psseee the ileedlr pol- •ooose era ret tone Into the bowels end kidneys. from which they ere qulrklr thrown off Id e natural, healthy way. | ■ Heed whet e reputable physician says shoot llhrunia: "I ha., made a moat ear* fal lnvr.Hg.llon of Ihs formele employed la the maaofao- tura of Rheums, sad I heartily rec- ommend If ss a remedy for sll forms of rheumatism. I (tad Rheums far In ndruee of the methods generally employed la lie trcslmeot of rhnom- etism. sod altogether different la composition frost IhS remedies US- uslly prescribed.”—Dr., l.yoas. This Should give guy snleroy


WB«hln«tn».. Mars-h IX !U-|-.r»- rtf . nett xtriWr order by the "Big Fiair" brotherhoods an oil the great railroad* wer* rwefvcd by qnailfleit denials by the b ro< bar hood ehl*f« lu Whlngtnn. l'rr*kimt htoar of the l*rotherbo>*i at

urv hrinw7 Vr* r „ ™ “ WOrnan o( >as" delighri ,n.,he. ,l“*- RaviShinif beauty it i*. too—i l Mh,K b.eW"rh'nBly dfm,,ri* <1ro°P Col°' bltn

idualUy r,,St‘ ‘° ex<iuisitely ;oit and rich are they. ’ Here is what me have heard shopper* say: It know of any collection in town that / JH l con neither affirm W-r .|rtiy that a strike orilfr ha* been kOiiftl l*r«iiat I (VODot '«!Inruns the strike. 1 am lu Washington on ether mailers, aud I do ' not propose to talk shotfr thr railroad situation The brotherhood b*-sd* jg- I ret to roofer with the r^nfereitcr com- mittee of railroad managrrs ip \>w York nmrsrtsy' tatU, that time. I will bare nothing In miy.** The other brotherhood Trader-. I’nrirr tee aid Kbrpprrd. folUmed the etv r•»•arm’ chief In refusing td fllm-UR* the |»aribUJty of a_ strati'. It waa tin derafund. however, that life i'ltithrrhoral | rhl*#s had framed nr* ,pn.iH»*als tor I he settlement of their tftfb-utbMa wllh llie railroads Ni«c*l oil present coufll- Hod*. which would he submitted on Thursday. The fllUnre at the mipteme eanrt to tire a dMsiufi as to lin* . onttnation- ality of the Admi VKi eight hoar day law hr. Air If the whole m!lraa<1 prob lera to the fore again. Arlmlhlstratlna •mclal*. ptiilnly an* ton* nfer the rImm- lion. liec-rlhele** -xpromel ceulldeWr tliat the ndlroad men woaM not break with the r.mda pending tbe rinrt a de

a varied and beautiful collection of hats. Another; describing the showing t< "The.collection included e

note, flower-trimmed halt in profusion, combi, exquisite colorings, always well done. Especi good was the showir - -1 “n 1 " ■ , , . tan-colored hats trimmed ' with flowers and frusts in variegated shades

We have heard others shy that the collection o( black hat. .radium and large style being so well represented; that (be a attractive display of English and American hats; and that fro war shop is better equipped than any other shop, in town.

HEAAMBA L. OUFTA. small. « most- ady-to-

Swiss Taffeta—Another Lot from the Importer, $1.95 yd.

First purchase of 10,000 yardl sold out raptdly. No wonder. New York w. precis * c quslily. Such smart checks, plaids, strifes in soft, sleek taffeta are hai these dsys. Especially at a third less Dun the standard price—for since 1913 •old these goods at $3 and $3.50 yard. Now the remainder that the Importer had in his stockroom has arrived black or gray and white. ' -■ ■ --—- - .

taflVia Limit t>

»i>- to find e1 have — ex. Mu’. VJw4«nrMr... .fia. s»: .sssE-sswi ataavaa—rib bottom—silk rip t atoo o(^tr «n*K«, L4mtt fmu « «-d 5# et. W»n'i Cotton Onion Suit. Xx*w a* k and «n -band

FORMER SENATOR HAND DEAD Wat m Aepjbliean La*Mr In Now 4m*- -X Ft Many Vnr, 1 < ■!*• ll«y. N. Jra Mkrrh'lsT-Former (fruator Kobrrt I*. Iliad died at hi* h'T In nnnr brrr. from m*nrril debility. He had bran In telling health for tht* pa«t yttr II* win nf>o«if «l\fy yrorit of m and Im<I been U|* Hnp«h\l.nii W*ml*T in thU motion for tn*ny yemm. retiring is ipf.-l forty hi hi* p^itiml career he *«* ■ nv^nber of thr board of < henra firehoklen* ■ nerved sshbrl® tram 1MM. lo IM» lie WB* ill Ibe Biewmbly |n’lW7 ami nut f»U **« flehtnl lo thr n naie nnd *erf- e*1 rwo term* there l|.< h> Sru .tor Irww. v,.d lire., reel.-, Uwl for (wo more term. k<*I«k ouf In lt»ll lie wan a delegi.1.- ro the eo**enllnn Which nominate*! MeKhtiry and M*. hart. He wa* n Unto miirgrtor mill ItiUt many of the -tale liapiovr-l nacla la Mmib Jem*y.

oavy bine and other conservative colors, 36 and HUk ItorawU. Main floor.

So Many Spring Suits for Young Women and Girls V~V Three groups* in particular, offer most inviting e (jAsI —at $25. $29.75 and $35. In each group are a numl hr,f new< models, in sign 14 to 20 years, designed for > BBp women, and quit* different from the styles that r, \ women wear Simplicity is the keynote of the colic IX, And rew remarks^fe the variety that clever minds

A pbrdiM suit at $25. in gray, navy or b i—-has pleat; from. " ‘ '

»• St- Lints Tats’ wait. D*..—. .44 Tnhe. bstt-S or middy alyls — JS." °LuJ,!TSmL~

»l M Bey. TrsMsses I.XS ■HiralgV o. KrvIcknrWo- Vwr »1*l»a— chPTlM*. woratrd*. Iw*'il»- m'-'.laM

Millinery or «trdlo width mclr*«, ” LlqOt 10 yda

»• «t. Chi«*« Clark, yd 77 it Inc hen a Mw- suitable fur wniBta. rr?: “^as-r."1^* » el. EsiVy Flew else*. 17-i.rt. .11 »nO roraat fowrinw an flwln and ran»brl«—rtmplw ,,r -uyoral* dr . , tail yoke in center of back .

sides; no pockej; in coat, but two in skirt buttons as trinjttimgs.

A hurella cloth suit at $29.75. in rose or | is very smart; shoulder yoke, pinch back, note lar; little "kerchief and change pocket abovi Skirt shows the new fashion; wem turned up ot Another gabardine suit at $35. in all * shades, has buttoning bell and tie sash, po stitchcry, box -plt.its in back. se.,Wi n„». out 11


Will Show President What Tie Refused tu stitchcry, box-pl

Kay VM. Kla. M«e h IX A* Jam** U tieranl ateni. •! fmwi tke llnr«m K qpjr Bel I KM I |o hoor.i lata iraia for 'B'aatUnElon. oaei of Hie ottti er* «>f t»t to rf-He'e biki of tbs- bor- iV-n of ■ «lt-i»b 1} line *»14. b *wwn# by strap* from hi* Kliouldvr, Mr. *;TarU »tMA>k hla heaal. Sk$’- K* the flay he left Itorliu nuil In all the juararjtna* 'tbroaab Hwiln<r)Nn«l- r'niiee met Hj*aHi. I aland trarel atnlM uanU ink I.«tj eceepf Jfr. fTeranJ ka* haudrect

Fine Footwear for Women Wanamakcr footwear Iem|s distinction to the

El costume. Leathers show the setft beauty of quality. E 1 Cut never falls a hair's breadth‘from grace and tritn- . Pi n^ss. Perforation, stitching, tongue effects, add the

dainty charm of femininity. Vfei In addition, than u great vtsriety.

A woman can find footwear to suit her taste, her dress needs, the Lines Of her .foot to best bring out

• grace. s • \ • »i j /V Hiith shoes—Tan and blarW calfskin, black, whit* and l bronre Vidskin, and white bock-dcfti, >*<> to 514. according to . kind and atyle. \ ,. TVA Low ahoea —Pump* of white hock*kin or calfskin, gray, WpV brown and tan kid*kin. dull black calfskin, patent leather: Oxfords of doll calfskin and plain black and tan. $8 to $11,

ilMlon Ii


It baa »-K.n ajtlll hiW' wnkinj: m*1 ■iTfiine II* «W*« kno^a ai: ihaf U coutatn* tn the M*t «f iMnawnf* and inciuoratida f.»r ijtw ptrSldrat a prtvnu- r> «*. I«ut one of th* paper* ao cawfirHy fruanlnl I* ll*r Herman drtif» of ibr okl I'nisBiiB tiN«is wbt h the Honnan fot- cUn «u Jo Sefrrmlm-d that lm tab)miM *ixn. ■ dfjtrrmioadnii Mhl. h tie Wot arltb tbr Oeflanr stairnipu f '•>iint MouJiCPlaA “You Will fm bell before 1 .Sen that paper.*' * Mr. flerar.1 retained pooae**i«t tkl« Intereotlna d-- atuett. Id the aua- Um* period of •l.IUiik b»loro Uo releoaed am Ketx M be I aimed many of bla private |oper- and a Mo many *»<■•

Hrldsw-Vi. Conn.. M.r. » 1-L Hr.1 |st«|w III I no- |.ro|i,r.|lo*i> is IV.O.I Prtdon~tL VI- tan «C ArnsHra- *ln*i aiia<‘k l»y war rjwwla wrro Taken dlWn ,1 Jeutenani li It- 3-*liea| another e<.mtnl-K|.»ne.l om*-.*r and iwnl>«mi ealint4«l aira from the •rmt«-d Htalwi eswvj artillery «orpd frwoi Fort l| W. Wri*lu Taodrd on In 1 -leaMire RetarlL They Irftoight with tl'ra', three IteW of pntia. They are busy |ire}taring «*» for- tify the l»J*iaf a••«! t« | t»yf enarniatid peon-hllKtiia on the |al*iv1 f<n Hie |«r- poao of II lamina Mu* the j4^nd. Arrant PolitleWn In Fam. Lima. March. IS Tbe arar*t of Hoo to havo the Hortnam* *ei. hut tatord the draft of the |.r«t-.aed ed treaty mo tha pre-Wawt tin for hlniKeif how -far the llonm

MORNING SPECIALS—W^ossJ.y ud Thura, Until 1 P. M. TV. prornl tta.i«d burin*. «u**ltVtoa raa!rW-t*rt Mo Mall or Twlrpbona Ordcro. . Our Eye-Glass

Factory at Your Service Returned to Work Too goon, His Phy. •Hi** day*. tCaablnxfnn March f.% - PrevMent W*1 ««u vmi hack So work a day to»> Soon, ■nxirdinx to the jndiOnenr of In* aid and |dU*1<- an. Dr Cyry T. Gray, *on. who foliowluK «br pre*|4ent'« at- temid to ermfor with Hetiator Martin Onlmf ’lilo |^..ni|«fly lock lo bla tied l>r. Grayoue mid that, akbnuah the p*vat«lent‘" oold »"• bukB better, lie had not rcxaiiind hi* atrenieth and tliat |f he expected *|M*edv iwoirri he Could nut afford (o *|nnl It heed Irmly

No more waiting f.*r [•'lira, for days until thsy nrrita from New York. We mskr them right hero on onr own! prem- isra.' Bring the lirnkfij pieeen to us—was! lor it—4 make you Mw ones. !

If you have s doetorj aeriptinn. we will fill it strly. We employ two Optoi who will examine you ami make you a pair of You will- fio'l "nr prie ■tollable, but) that in n main object.,You will h right artiele and you v

The high price of flour sod other ingredlente doe. sot effect the supreme quality of our product. You get the beet ■hen you auk for ZEXK'B BREAD.

■ Buy the lOc Loaf AT TODS GROCER'S

of thirty 4 The rewrite tfaybarrr •


•* Thf only way to be permanently rid of dtajc anting, nntldy And ruff I* ni jtd correct Ita rauae. DMtroy the dandruff garni and g* rid of dan 4, 'idruff for good b* rubbing f> Hide or ,.r * the genuine Parialaa s*gf directly pa the bara aralp nntll iabeorbed. ! You will aurely .be amaxetf ht the re- sult of er*« one apt»aGdn. l Oalv a fa« «Uy*' tnasiMge wltJi 1 Parisian Hage are needed lb deatmy ; Ibe germ* that cause the dandruff to I form The acalp hecotnca 1 healthy, j ■ me Hair will crow brat.r, skow more life sod vitality, sod you nred nersr be troubled by dandruff seplu Fad- ed. doll or llfelsss bslr Is oblckly ra- slorsd to bssuly by Ibis simple trsstmrat. wbtrb Is abaoletfly hsns- ’ , ism. I’arlslan «sco.-*ean -be obtain-it ’ train L. W. Rsodolph bod drussl.l. ; ererysherr. It Is not aspen sire.— *V. 1


Personal Loans Promptly Made end nohorso " Leo BlonSm







romlnent among the powders


Plans Organization of High

' School Boys Into Their

Own Cbb


the 'face, biig and sedlltz van*have iheir iriumi'hi, too. " « «baa seen the ...rightly cock"fallen victim U> » »Q»:ri of thebrand from, a veil pocket howlt.Who but has witnessedot young men " * f c a )

*T*/ ll°.mplVdlTMm*ar^"or conflictshoulders: Arid who but

m ) W u a g

> held' J nthmvlasUc

Mike Gibbons, Ions recogie foremost middleweightmntry, and acknowledged t

to be the peer of any] la tinhas declared himself roampiocUn and say. he willjntett .ledgers, the only •tliulatloithat they agree to walgh In at Ipounds, give or take two pounds,

will adhere to tiie old rules




of Illscb*l-twing

t h e Londo p r i »i

pet ing

t the Grafai-moBt ot tjiehile Sullivan

d an enthmihSoer r * n B o r p

^ r i j a r e t last night , which was proi>er middleweighggered i amended by about i one hundred Mike has been ha»

members . Several nsatters or tm- bin life t r y l '

mi*» the i


-nK stomach

rtance were- dlat•embers.

. InI rea l

of let parcy dotngaroo jumper

morning after? Thenpowder of eyetry kind.

"WMther or

Some folks seem to

can't have a good nam*

ilme both at once.—OW


Among themBusiness Men's Rifle Clubdine, chairman of fh* colthe latter club. reportedcommittee will holft s meeting this if Mike wereafternoon, at which -.• plans will be' would put an e

_n>arl" to have all business men ID as that put on- town participate In the dub-and Sew York w&e

they shnt't twice a week. *' McCoy battled.eood Cftptain Thomas, president of the fur ail time any argument BB to

rifle club, stated thstt. a number ot whether Ai McCqv Is entitled to theIon for :•• r- championship. An a injalter of fact,for revolver McCoy isn't entitled tfo the chatn-unest would plonshlp aay more i m n i n y one elaa.itated plans To be a Champion * boxer -shoulda Hale club be able to defea! the be«> '•« his elitldents, and McCc

The Grammar School first,k pri'lne fast St. Mary's fli high si hoo! collet yesterdac

W m TL™'defeated It by the BernYm l n e i r Randolph, star etdtlb

Fourteenth Stra*ht Vk- j — n ^ ^ " a m ?

tory for the Season ji«d for the losers. 'T O FLE . The s*Jore: . |

Making their record of Mratshtl pLAJNFlBLD O.: 3.

e ' l h e Y. M. ;C. A . ' s e c o n d s look t h e L a m b e r t . " / •{• «

e'Travelers' A- C. flve Into camp 3at- 4J o w e n, f . . . J . ••.inlay eveaing ou the association Randolph, c . , , . . . « ' . I

f floor by a icore «f 2* to 16. The McCusker. g •;• 0: play?- Adelman, g J . , 0 .itcam^' 11 -LI

i ill- bffne In Jouin up until the last f. w; . I %w\arid moments oTi play. ! i ST MARfTS

i The Bret half wound up with a -11J ] _ng for boi l^s ' to 6 score in favorjof the association'

title. It tods. The second perwd opejed ,np ™ " ' ^ ; , ' Y 'ihlbitlona with a ruab, the vlittora managing to r""1""1*' * jT "le HK<> in tlf> the scone ID We first few mo- ' ** 1 * ' c *'. " " . :n and AI merits of ptoy. The hosts came J**'*' • J • • • - • • ; - «ould end b*eK strong secured a small lead v t * a ' - *t .- T


North PWnfieM Re«rve3,

Lost at Scotch Plain* Court

m ThiOer o{ a Game

;n« ur1, niB old-tintI banketins ot po«U

Ijohuston, g .The North PlainBeld Rea^rrea, a. Clotwortbr, ,gam not advertised about iieae! -

parts to any grettt extent' duritpast season, went diwi


• • [ • * . '

•• t * ' •

lurfnj the!. a forest'

1 4 House last evening by > 13 tg 280 score, thereby letting the subutbana Yates. f

;° get back mire a£aln Into a wlhninK CampbelT- streak, which has marked (be. bulk

of the season. Tbe contest was- on*of thrills and fast shooting.. not •dull moment being noticed tunjajfthout tbe entire haitle.

n Goldstein land Kulfloslws. for Hit



idles had i

.gain ami held It until the close of r

he contest. .Tbe scored

T. v. Cj. A.iSECONDS

,Q. F.Campbell. t\.\


The C. E, Society of Evona Chaf"=lwill me«t at i:3o o'clock on Frida> iif-tern »on.



, Georgsl

- School eoconds

: Dr. J. J. "elsb.

sfrtte he

club,ramliai h. wbo ha.'nlor Rifle Olub.

onejo\ chalked up asalnst Mikeof beean boxlDK in 19nS. and

when Jimmy Clattby wsis awarded a:•• decision aC the end of ten rounds,•d with the famous St. Paul flash, lirrs has shown .badly In one or two no-se decision contests. ainanR them beta^i

one with Soldier Bartfleld and on_ . of sharp- with Packey McFarland. He '. »••

wksn>4n in this generally rreditpd with havlnE neemorrow evening ai m« " e l ( l h a n d ^ l s bojUrd t o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ou,-boied In both of these affairs. 1

Tommy Apg*r. at winch time t n e | e l p e r t s b e f 6 r e l o n ( t .Medals for Ribbon* Bti#k9 to his claim and

New Circuit Will Hold Impor-

tant Session at Tom Ap-

gai's Home Tomorrow ! ^ WJfcZSf&Z ^The Central1 New Jersey Baseball this number." to 200. « J

league is toehold



tual working details of thebe discussed b

ruanl- high'1


beort>s (tnd

given t

;for .^uallftcatio

he raeubers ot this have plenty of suppoThomas urged the one will be witling


he willMoat anyede him

9 defeat at the hi* School by the score, or IS U6 Adams wag I he individual sUi0 Evergroeii. - while Chamberlain4 game famty- basket f-hooiiac for

23 The sco^e: •

P. Q. S.&BC^D^P.I [. I O. { F.7 C h » m b e r I 4 1 n . f . . . . J S J t6 Kenned*. |[ , . ' , .1 2 01. Spirer. c , j tt 02 Pavtes. gq.j J ,» . J 1 0

'D.Hubb«rd, g .- • -j ° *— Hadley, g | . . . . . . 0 ' . 0

Trenton, March i s .W. Uoethalv, famed for his pnglneer-

metl Postmaster-A. E. Hoagland say* he inK w o r k l n connection with ths•pen thinks he will he able to get In thetnew Panama Canal will beeome the bead13 i Federal building by May 1 if there Is o t t h e N e W l j^raey highway syaUBi,f o r ; no further delay on the part-of tbVoM»- if present Diana do not miscarry,didi! tractor.' • '•"; General Cotliale called ;upon Gover-n s The Earned WorkerB1 Bible clkri'ot ™>T E<»Ke this morning! by appoint-'

•Sunday school will hold a dime ment and was offered !the poslUsocial at -the residence of Mrn. HcoryDeMott, Somerset street, on Thursd»-pvenlng ot thlis week. '

The. contractors rompleted yi sit>iij3y* [the a ork of installing a atorm Sewer c?0'west Front street, extending from a2 JKHIH opposite: the plant of the Arneri-0 can Motors Corporation lo Grant «*f-

igin+pr of the new Hlghwajisltfoa at a salary to be Asedir h« will Rive tf*e tender f»-c consideration, j It was ar-I that- the Governor and Gea-loethals should take luncheOK

together In ord'r further to dlBcost*the proposition,

hoot. S3 he said the riftb wouldie a Hiiccess unless th#y- did.

Dr. W .L. Uoyd rn|ioni(l tbat B. MARTIN LEAVES FOR






The scued^e for the ««in« «--,= Ball had . offered « ^rav.te th. H K TRAINING CAMP 5?m%"T* * M *'*"* T° ' I* M w t O M - 8 V"lU''I1

™ will be one of the Important - P '* c e 9 r ° r t w o m o r e Wrgets on the . Plain tie Idert will endeavor to put a Malroim, \ . . . . „ . , . , 1 0*°a """ "* " " " h l „ ..indoor ranw free of charge. This . f f 'dent in the rtcord or the 6t. Joa^h!.. If. 1 L_«wlt«n considered at Ibis time. H o f f e r w a H a w e p l e d i Q e o r K e E Jaitk Martin of tha MHwaukne BOwllna; Club recor*. Hi can't ba> | T ' N

* Is proposed to get the teams under H a y i ? s r epo r . ,Pd tha.t a <?. Lucas'won Brewer* in tha American AsBOci«ilou d o n e _ b y th«: Iti.mbl*rs/P says Man-1 R e f e ™ 1 StanJw a y at the earnest jiosHible dale In a | , , n f l n o l ) o r B o n thf> r w ^ e I s w t w w k circuit left this tity yesterday [or l B ? e r Gatpa. : If nrtw remain* for I" 'i " ' i I

h t epresented i fc t h e c l u b ' B t r t t n t n « """"P « l«*E i T *

• I One of the ^taln Line trolley car".T , i westbound, carried 120 ^asaengerji-s'-I " t.-r leaving the business section of (far.-• [city Saturday nlgHt. and the conductor Special to Courl<P.; remarked; "Vfby. tbla'car is only b«lf i Wuhington, March 1I1 1 Sited." | . | Mtrioc.il of Cuba, has Issued

nt of (he Cm-iki the city at

will be held with

y of * * • ' m " t l o n W ' p g t h»l '.. trim ' a t t " l b e re-e*tablishm


ial Oovt

i e d . the club's trainingWichika. Texas. J . '1917 .

ignedr a t y p p G

awaiting ilfvelopments otj

Lake Kjesars. DUDI^ taylois'WorraJl and Hyrlip to pofcproittei


learn in the

I thai Unigbl's session. ;" Westneld.' PlainOeld, DunSomervllle have already encircuit and are prepared to•canon each with a flr*t-cli



any friends, both li1 the Western' circuita made good lost BPS:

IN.\U!.T1![VVI,I,K (VAM1.S

rening thi




neV. tnnelder: Mai Car.•nd WHIUm Fischer,not yet signed contracti


tontrart. follows:ns Wag-! A Brandutfielder,

been offeredmembirs oT


ley. as

[ *( the Paristo at Ipnd the ^t* hefrl und^rI "

I playArlinRion

rt. The

I i t an in

third (natch of a: series with

lace rridaj night oh Kflns-T'salleys at Bound • B rook; Each teats

us three gsaW to Its credit. It isiitterstobd that Helfln. Tayda. Still-ell. Searle and', Bedner will be th*ime talent in the deriding series. ••Wednesday ni([ht, .March 21. the

amblers are scheduled; to reduce[the tin-.-t I'M'itsKin nf thp Kaslr *ec-

Inner-Triangle* ond« on tbe Kast S«eonJl street alliry game witb t»yB. ! • Ithe;T. A. F

- There Is a remarkftblecant houses In tbe city renting frofli|25 to 130 a month and real

iroubte "Untune h rrTes for^prosme-. * u l 1 «" ' i a ire^ nanK_. rMldpnts 1 ; 1 Proclamation Is mad« neeessa:P r w l a * n t «- ,f / | coont of some compUcallons Ir\ The Apgar Canatructton Company, lion with the revolutionary. &,of Dunellen. ban about completed tb^e' ces there,erection of tbrae new houses on Kmrr» - -


, : I S M a i i v l l ! . . 1 cumMOItr: WAGKS


also copied the htourney tfau^ far. J

The scores: |

?itliln a-shoU time the PwWic Stf-! Special to Conrier-New«: Ithe Cleaners ae-i*l«e Corporattoh will begin, the work. Youngstown Ohio W e b,akers in two of >f double tracking its roadbed froW" Over 30 000 puddlera "and"-he*ky ,»r the Paper- 1V»tchunj, avenue and Fourth street \t> w o r k e r B w ) n „j^odve inore w i n .

of "fifth and Kichinond streets. T h e . * - March and AprTa. . « t u h o ^ n *ilnatlon of tbe Iron bar sale sheetathe Western Bar Iron Association.

I The sales entitle tfae< puddlers U1111.30 a ton. The highest rate

ijrovement. It is said, will greajtly i;ore for the: *£e service, for which many people wl» ,

k-ful. ; I , • . . ^, I,

121 165

4 nip h.play.

.f eeTeral. the Union Five-L-T.- d\scheduipd for Tharsday night,;

ie Men"* CJub. h a > bf.ea called off, and instead thatourney resulted as Triangles will line up against the

Bniployed Boys of the V. M. C.I. ' Hknd. 0. O, A preiioiinarj game wllr! be playe*

ran, 2. R. St. Vraln. 0. H. Tod*. b y l h e Comrade ClubK. I>l8boro..Kh, 0. A. Brandt. 2 ; , H 3 j u n io r sBryan. 0. I • _ ,


STADLER*SSpring Opening

A B P O R T S J M " K n " H M . \ - \ i ) '




Altho closed. It

1 Con

SATISFIED!l>cr- from ilc.nlit—tlint'i the nay

he> -.!> t" '•!<(, in a pair of I1M>*JC nt.yl-|>|i , n.ii model -.IMP*-, fur eartp

' HprtnR. Sflti~fleii And Kratitled!

niOTP-nillng, loiiK ivritr m n l o v u iin the rii-h Nliutlc yon like, or ralf inthe fiisliti.iuiJ.I.' riil(>r<i.: Tlie tooAt

SpeclBound Brook,

pool entbnsl&ata arc.roy«l treat Fridayward Ralph, or nsand former Statebilliard performer,nlbitton at Bflager'i

Harvey Sm»lley.pride on the ,gree

will !»• charged eil

igh noL ye;Tact thattbe borough pinochle contest

[ ' [will win tbe tournaments Only

lence!:. f e w m o r * K*mw are to; be played' , land tha barber shop team baa a good

i t - . . r T * jlead. At last nlgkfi K»mea the bar-to have a : b e r B w o n t h r e e a t n i g b t tTpm the In-

dependents. The Domino* defeatedOf three. .

& M

lleBt whe,tion«l re;, sit icnampiop pcwill give an

Bound Brook'n cloth, will b« fa

So tdmhsionVaii'. hiher in the after-;thig set

bileIteli for Mo;. Ala,. March 13.— Vy Pleh,

with the New York Amflri-s signed a contract to playson with Mobil* of the





Slum into. :

SL'ITS ,4S» TO"PCX>AHeady to Wf»t,


; Schiipp| LJnMn| Klalka



: '200

* t | *

r -United F; WashlLgtoi

ported i

paid in. tbe history of the Iron bu



t | *to tb

hland ,,o ^ . ^ I• country, carryitg valuabl*ainilfK1 has been captured b?i

i '

March 13f-e-The ntlra




128 E! FronTstreetPlainfield,N.J.



BelgSlie British. , •"Storstads*." which waj sunk oa"This vessel first surprised Amerf- Saturday by a submarihe, ha* baaa

cans by ristng out of the. sea at tlal-. accounted for, including the Amfrt-timore last summer, with Captain'.cans. Announcement to this efTMt

• * s Ktoentg In ch«r««, and eirtiwiainijwaa made by th* Admir*Ify today,"-r-jiaerchajuliBe, and Hillnaf *way againy ' " J—

• - . sinder convoy of American sKtemera,! 13,000,000. IN Mll.K IIKKH( td the three iblle limit She * H •_

pared tater at New Lo-4on wt«. *[ ogtJen.b.,^. > . T., ^Marcb I I . -

This T««M1 is Mid to b« only onjjpamme(j , h r o o g h u,iB c i t r Sundaj «»of fourteen tinders* cralt captured t h - w # ^ M e w T o r k , t w M m

Urgaat importation of Bilk ever r»>ceived through this p«rl and wal-rallied at approximately »3,0OG,*M>HEAR PROSPECTIVE PASTOR

On Thursday night, March i;., the : by British recently;T. A. B. ». will entertain t»e crack 1 jSt. Patrick's flve of Jersey City. Tbeeainti hare a great recojrd thlt

bare lost only one tame _,_ «,season. I^et aesso* they were "EJixabeth, March it.—Members ot:hamploqB of the Hudson County 1 tB"> y{™' Presbyterian church 9un-:ae and 'Friday nlchi they arr ''ay heard' two Bertoons by i Rev

scheduled to play the deriding gune! Charles At wood Campbell, of" Day-ln th t s year'* r«c«. . ! |toB. O. who ti»e been called

Dancing will folliw Thursday iU>» puluit mad<


light's gamej

Cleveland, Columbia, PlyingMerkle Bifiycles.

- When it comes to repairing a Bicycle we are unsurpassed.

No job is too difficult for us to do nor too small to get .our best

attention. Bring your Bicycle in now and let us fix it up. -


Everything for the Bicycle.




BIGYCHESlA Complete Line of New Models

HEN'S, LADIES* and CHILDREN'S •* Q A A up |BICYCLES .. . . . . t | . B .<J«WW 1

WeU Known Guaranteed Makjei.

TIRESOnr Stock is the largest in the City. Fresb Supply A|way3 i

on Hand.GUARANTEED A A A UPTIRES M » \ J \ f . 1

Indian Motorcycles iBicycle and; Motorcycle Repairs and Sundries. '•/_

LEO ZEISJEL JI222 Weslt Front Street, Plainfield i

Two" Doors From Proctor's. j [. =lIlllMlllillllilll lUllllllllllllllllillillllllltimillllUIIIIlllllllIllllllllllilMIIIIINIIIli

of. Re'Mr. Ca.

p«ci»l to (he Ceor lw-f l twi :

K*w York. March i:r. — Oold t»" amount of »8.BOO,flOO has bee*'

death; received from Canada anil depositedW l i i t a W . ' » t the Auwy o f l c e for (he account

K the fa l l? of 3. P . M o r B » n * CO. ',

Buying A New WheeliTMs Spring?

Let Us Show You the Famous


BICYCLEIt's the one you've heard about Not a hatter one on

; the marketi | Bicycles for Boys, Oirls, Mei and Womeo. *

Traveling Bags, Trunks, Etc.. "is one of oiir speciaVlinea. Wf can fill yonr requirementa; and at prices most reasonable. .




I " : l .• .• •' ; W< - •' •- ••

i RMfrvei, and Johnston,' of the PUJ*. •r» put op ih# bl^ gam*. iha uttar j showing something of nis old-0** form In arcurbta basketing of goafe , from the Arid. Tb** abort:



.The Grammar Sdjc



loi'*“ o«”the fail St. Marj'a B»« the blah school court yrstrrdu I 1 defeated It by the octire ef IS to Haodolpb. star ce«t»* ot the On mar School loom, osci moot of ietorta* for bio team, ehlle Sulll I1 led for the looera. Tbe aeore: PLAINFIELD O. 8.

PLAINS lortfa Plainfield Reserves, Lest at Scotch Plains Ceort

in Thillcr o( a Game ! Hodse. f Carrona.

tba cartb Ju.t now. ol powdar Bui lot ua U* fsca. b*»« *nd 1

hsvs tbrlr triumphs, baa tkv fallen vletlm brand from a Who bat baa ©f young mei away from lb* battle grot With the powder msr-“ on tbetr shoulders? An knows U>* g»©ry of a bi ardll't agalaat a rating atoralio after* There powder ol every bind.

I Jobnaton, g . ! The Nortlta Plainfleld Reserves. A Clotworlbr. ,g team not ndrertlaed about Ui.no1

parts to *nj great extent during tbe! paat aeaaon. weot dflun to a ffefdat XOrth PLA before tbe Scotch Plains Parish Ho nee last evening by a 33 to 26 •core, thereby letting tbe suburbans Yates. r gel bark once ajraln Into g winning Campbell, f . atreak. which baa marked the bulk Caraon. a ... of the aeaaob The contest waa one Ooldateln. g of thrtlla abd fast abooUna. .not a Kuldoshes. a dull moment being noticed through- out the entire battle. Goldateln and KulflosKra. for the Referee. Adi

-The Weal- the London print rib*/- M«be ¥•- W,M

_ . enthusiastic noaneed. -meeting allcomers. *\?e the •at pocket howttxer* mnetlng at tbe Ihdoor range on or lake two pounds from 156, the Tra*» rcaesa^d the agonies nroad street last night, which waa proper middleweight limit." uada: aa they staggered attended by about one hnndred Mike has been havldg the time of floor ground of'love meint>era. Several matters of Im- his life trjlflg«fO forte law Darcy, game irks of conflict portance were dlaeuaaed by the club the Australian. Into a tatrh with no logo ,d who but. members. Among them were the ,„rce« He now l* renby to pass up bAu attic won by {Business Men's Rifle Clob. Howard the famous Kangaroo Jumper awd mom. stomach the dine, chairman of tbs committee of |*t parry tto tbe cb3*f»g- Tb IS power ln ih« latter club. reported that the it would bd a One •.-.jng for bo*In* 10 b committee will hold a meeting this |f Mike were given khe title. It lads, afternoon, at which* - plans will be would put an end to aurh exhibitions with ^made to hare all business men In as that ptlt on a abort lime ago In <o" - town participate la tbs elub.and New York whea Jack Dillon and Al thlPk they »ho«»t twloe a week. MeCoy battled. Also. Ki would end and a rood Captain Thomas, president of the for ail lime any argument aa to* Man fiaae rifle c,ub* ■*•«©* lb»l » uumber of whether Al McCoy is oMltled to tb* ladles had made applleatlon for pbf- championship. As a natter of factM mission to »m the rshite for rfrolver McCoy isn't entitled tb the <ham, [fl All practice and that this 'r^uest would plonahlp aS> m<»rs tssn any one e|*V LDALL he granted. He alao stated plans To be a Champion a poxer should were being made to iofm a rifle club be able to defeat the be* :n his etas*

OMrrT •laon* **»• blarb school Students, and McCoy hasn't ersn kft>t pace wttb PILL I that Dr. J. J. Savlir. auperiiaing Freddie Wolsh. principal of schools, la going to call There Is only oRe real defeat a mass meeting of tfe* high school chalked up against Mike since he ii | boy* this week for the purpose ot began boslag In 1908. and that wa* >M1 imp Or- forming a club, when Jimmy (TaHby wgg guarded a • A __ F. S. Frambach. who baa charge decision at the end of* ten rounds OH1 ^ of the Junior Rifle (Sub. reported with the famous 8t. Papl flash. He lOTOW *bat the <lut has fifty two members has shown hadly In ©ns or two no- Walters. and that It is expected to Increase decision contests, among them belag Caraon. aey Baseball this number to 200. • ,] one with Soldier Hartfleli) and oae .ther session Thire are a numh-r of ahsrp- with Paekpy McFarland He w*s . home of shooters and marksnsOn In this generally credited with haTlng been * . ' Hub and It la hoped t© have aorne out boxed In both of the^ affairs. If ,eb time experts before long. Medals for Otbbons sticks to hip claim and In-’ f tbe organl high' a<orea and for qualiflcstions tends to defend the crown he will sad by dele- are to lie glren the members of this have plei ^ teams The *l»b. President Thomas Urged the one will itmmnil* mi n’^n,f*ers to come to (he range and tbe tlUe. k 1 7 shoot, as he said the club would not of Important j* a success unless they d»d. M A DTI up. Dr. W L. Lloyd repo/ted that B. i»IAIV 1J coming aea-.B- Ball had offered to exravste tbe ,e important for «*° ™orr largeu oo the -indoor range free of charge. This his tim off##r va| irP#p,^j ueorre e. Ja*'k


! i °'C,0<‘ °“ rr,a°’ **' I Tr.nion, Much |W Uoelhoto. f.mrd for hi. . m,( f-o.tmo.lrr A. *. Ho.jl.od uyh ho |„j »ork lo .onr.Mllon wl ■rri 'hlnh. h. will h» obi. lo jri In ib.«.w l-u.n,. c,a^ will bnramr l 13. fHml bolldlnj hf Moj I If Ihrro I. of ih. Now J.rwj hljOw.. no fnnlur d.htr on Ih. port-of lb« cn- If prM.nl pl.o. do not n did <mcu>r. ' Gnnrr.l GolbnM rollrd |Upon ■hi- Th. Bomnl Worlc.r.' BlhV rUa of nor Edo. Ikl. moro'.uo b> arm dndi) Kbool will bold o dim. «"il °ir*-r»f Ih. wwlol u lb. mlMn of Mr.. Hrarr °< »njlo«-r of Iho now i DrMMI. Boom.1 .mrt, on Thnrwdoy Comn.Ll.oo ot o ul.ry lo P .TMiloj of Ibl. ml lol'r. If h. will Jlv* in. 1.1

7 Tb. ronlmrlnr. rmnnl.l-d vi.l.rdov 'or*bl* ™n.ldrrollao 11 . .. ■ 'W'lr.clOfO lMlpiHM rmtMWP „n ^ ,h.l- thr Governor

SECONDS I*. Th. firvmm.r School .Mood. » def.ol .1 lb. hud. o Ih. Errrgr 4 School bp Ike rnoro. or IV Ii < Adorn. WO. I bn lodlVIdum .Ur 0 Kvnrjrnnn.. whll. C#»ralwrl.lo 4 m f.oor bo.hri .hootinj for — Grammar flr-hool \Z The acprw: l p a. 8.^icconi*

Campbell. Brandt, f Southard. Kuldoaltes. Del tele, g

TRAVKI.ERR' A. C. 7 fhamberlain. C Kennedy, f . 1 Uplcer. c t . . 2 Davies, g O.Hubbard, g . — Hadley, g . 1« Fuller. *|... BALLOT KAVTfAOO



EVERGREEN :tllr S.lard.y rljbt. *nd Ibr conductor Spccl.l to Courinr-N...: rrm.rknd: "Wbj. ibL cor I. onlj bolt. Wo.hlojloo. Morch IS rrr.ld.of Bltod " Mnnoml of Cobo bo. I.lund • l-roclfc T..,. ^ ^ molloo ..rln. lb.I within Inn d.rv r.rl liniinn. In III. city rmltnv from *fter fhe T-C.lobll^nonnt of Ibr C» »3S lo UO . mninb and m.l n.1.10 Uovcrnrannt ip (bn city ct fronbM >■ B-*LO liomn. for Oro.n^ ..Z

cotmt of some complications In connc© t The Aftgar ronatruettoo Company. Hon with tho revolutionary disturbs* or DuneUeu bss about completed the era there. , erectlaa of three new bouses on Kars* ' traet. which extends from Myrtle ay* 1M DDLF.RH TO RPXTirTF ue to W*st Front street, between US uAnp «»• finer, plocc and Cllolow .wnur. 1

Within a-Short time tbe Public 8ar*Vspeeial to Coorier-News: vice (ktrporatlon w|U begin, the work Youngstown Ohio March 12 — dr double tracking Ita rnsdhed fW 0v*rQ ,0 0^ n^dl^ uud m.fl Watchung .venue snd Fo.nh street M> SStoKWSSSl i Fifth and Richmond streets. Tbe HP- Marth and u a J^uU of „„ prov. incut, It la said, will greatly help -mlnal|on Qf the Iron bar sale sheets

t T'^,'°r ""C" bTuV W«. “ b17PIrS aT^LiS: ,l»e thankful. The sales entitle th- nuddlirs t#

Adams. 4 Bsker. f Gerlaeh. Mar tone. Malcolm.


. In the Johna-Man vllle bowUng tourney at Roller * MHeyn Somer- ville. last evening, the Clegoera de- feated the Pai>e(Vmakefs In two of three tllta. Sandusky ©f -the Paper- makers lu topping the hlnh acor*- of “the evening. 231, In Ale flint game, alao copped th,e high score for the tourney thua far. \ ' - | The scorpa: . CLEANERS OUeo 155 121 155 ; Kiser v..... 126 ' 1KI 133 | Koolik 112 207 14 4 j Matty 168 141 l«o iMeyera J 141 136 1811


inm:ii-tkia\gi.e gamer REPORT*! DCETCHHLAKD cJllTl HKn OH SI N*

l^y .railed Pr^>:w WashtLgton. March li.—It Is re- ported that tho merchant submarine tn ] Deutschland, wthlcta made two trip*.to

I to thi6 country, carryiflg valuablo laindon. merchandise, has been Captured by <wr « tie British. - • -Storstada. This vw.1 flrat surprised Anuif j Saturday t c*na by rialng out of the sea at bal-! timore last summer, wjth Captain!

Koenig In charge, and exchanging merchandise, and sailing away again' uader eonvoy or American simmer*, to the three mile limit. 8h« . sp- pared later at New Loadon with a cargo aivl sailed safely away. This vessel la paid to )» only one] of fourteen undersea craft captured by British recawtly.




THURSDAY AT T. A. B. S. FEATURE Special Correspondence.. Round Brook. March IP- Loral pool enthusiasts are alated to have a |’royal treat Friday night when Ed j ward Vlalph. of national reputation and former State champion pocket .billiard performer, will give an ex- hibition at Efinger’s emporium. Harvey Hmglley. Bound Brook's prldr on tbe green doth, will be Ralph's oppoaent No. admission , »HI charged either In the after- noon or evening ' •

On Thursday night, Marah 16, tbe T A. B. g. will entertain the rraeft 8t. Patrick's five of Jeraey CRy. The «alnta have a great record this year and bare lost only one game so far I this season I^-t araaou they were the champions of the Hudson County League and Friday night they are. scheduled to play (he deciding game in this year'h rr — Dancing will alght'a game.

MOKE OOUf FROM CANADA 1 Isabelh March 11— Members of Flrat Presbyterian church Sun- . , -—— l heard two sermons by Rev. Bpeelal to tba Couriei-flewa: rles Atwood Campbell, or' Day- Maw York. March 13 —Gold to O.. who has been called to All* tb* amount of f8.600.fl00 has besa pulpit made vacant by the death1 received from Canada and deposited Rev. William Force Whiiaker. »t the Aaany Oftc* for the accouaf Campbell Is consider!*g the call.? of J. P. Morgan '4 Co.


PUinfieU, N. J. follow ThUl

AVMA f (■li. in-* miMb-1 ehnen f«»r rorly Hpring. HallaAed and gratlflcl!

CalOTC-flttlng. long near cordovan In the rich aliade yon like, or calf in the fashionable rolora. The moat kiylHti atta-k In town. .At »0 a pair he'- aatl.fle«l!


BICYCLES Lng A New Wheel

This Spring? Let U« Show You tho Famon,


Cleveland. Columbio, 1 Merkle Bicycle.

Flyin* A Complete Line of New Model*


Yale Bicycles It’s the one you ve beard about. Not a better one on tbe market. | Bicyclflg for Boya, Oirli, Men and Women.

Traveling Bags, Trunks, Etc. 'lo one of OUT specioLline*. We con nil yonr requirement* ond ot price, moet reuonable. ' SPORT OOODS OF ALL KINDS FISHING TACKLE-


Supply Ahvi U».»T STOC K OK Aim


Indian Motorcycles Bicycle ond Motorcycle Repairs ond Bondrie..

- When it cornel to Trailing a Bicycle ere are nntw No job b too difficult for ua to do nor too .mall to get j attention. Bring your Bicycle In now and let n. IU it

vr N4 W vciuk ruH-rx PHILIP MECHANIK Rxprrt Krpalrlng. 3J« WKST fHOXT NriCRET


172 NORTH AVENUE. Well Front Street, Plainfield

Two Door. From Proctor’.. Everything for the Bicycle.



^ffhVI.'rriy^.^il'nVofiif-'-Klni! ^i V U £ w V > m m " r ° ° U " ^ "° ^!"„ .tvrnw ' •" i | «*• i J. Tli.it K.'itiun 1 (i <,f un "or-


Eckman'sm :ii iti.' Oenrl



Librarian Van Emburgb Re-signs After Many Years'

You Need ThisFor Lame Back

?A ^ p J K ST tfTSJ Death Caused by Explosion of: » ^ ;

for tied Cannon He Was Firing asSalute to Soldiers

B flfty-flftb af thje i


I DIP*linged \ Bible scl

it iof I'U! (t.-|.ii!-ni!pnt•anjaztioii. This n$eet-In (the Hi I'M srjuwti

H 1 *JjirM ' l h i * (*l*i fbtl TO« k lUe<1 b> t h e «apio-i l lbt 'flrlalli o r t h p 8<*oc*-I siou o( a oannoa tlwt-h* was firing us nation wae rpcolve.) with regre

*• P B r )a Mlute In honor Of tin' departure of : Sidney Fraiee m-asiappolntpd lej parJ the Ortt company, .oi soldiers from place. ' Mrs. F. M. hm;:n. of tti

; ' i Plainfipld, (ot tht yar, March 12. JS02. (KinnerB' Departineiit. also .resi. Tbe cantlont was drawn upon the old Miss M m DUts succeeds Mre.

dVtt I**•*• lo t- Wtich orrupit-d the sU« of'Mrs. J. T. BroeK succeeds Mrs

Foley Kidney' PilU SimplyDrive* The Cause of it

OM of Your Systemr,ttn<>i hack, stiff, sn-ollrii. irfitnc

ioliits, and rlieuiualic p»iiw a n tin1

reCuif *f weak, Mlncelsli. liwirtlvcLl'ijfi' , In tliis cindfli'-li. tlnTj'/'sui-

• notkivf) the blow! thnt fe«I* .rtiurbody fnte of the tnn>urliies ili*L'l"'l-son. jnij ana fsitw* t U w v t w t f D l

• eyinpt«iBS.Fo'cy ;K!tl«py PttU ore so »tmncly

ndvl'wd jnttd rn-^Ditonndod for Ihewtrouh]r^* iM'i.isaM: of tlielr ilirw^ an<llxHi''Jieinl offert on tbe kldncyn, l*nl-d « nufl-nrjnary nvsii-ni: iiml ni'lhii;li-.miiilt l!n>-,\ im[iortniit nrplTO/ nnllie hwiltli of tlti- pulln- ln»ly. ,Fo1pyKiducy I'll is lout- tip weak and aliis-g«h klilney n.tlon. t-ns«- n jwinfiiland i t r l t U e liiaiblur.'w.fl. vtina ntiiL-li!. Tfttiwr Ihc (aiusp (rf haliacliP.Umr toicfc. sli-m, (JIM1 loJiJjn!il<jr acti

alje at the head it the.Mi Lela W h e

inftstap. Plalnftold--,i having been pres- . ts Pi !NeWton r>rak». .

TrinUyi'schoover 1,150

•and: largest

fi uihi relief .ir. "-ikon BB I bunn tak*In* Uirm. llj- l.u»b«nd Is »£o much

• i . » H MM so much l»U*r

v u K» lama he cbuld not stoop, had

1 BO.- and II.no ,


Inilrr till.* bill n.t er nttr-i-t Mo I

iUbt,."f";;;f;',v;"i,,t, x r J K K ••*"«

crowd to the dilation to see the soldiers• ).•>•"[• It was about sight o'clock in

iC when the train putW out.inmin was' tiivd.framings, who was foremost

Hedden,- IIjrt, t h f i i p ^ i i t a 1 Hpdden tan .£."•* erythine lhai wag solne on oi nubile tendent, William F. OlivK; i " n 1 A-dent of intermediate

on August 2. . I Although the vaudeville at tie Plain- vehicle,The nominating; committee, of fle,d T^^, , . , , . WIU b e t h e m 8 f j p^i^ Johnso

'^^mz,""^-"*' """•»""••• ••«•»•" s"--;rrf,who were (manimousb elected: : . w l u ** » **»twre that will attract ^jyij,1-' Superintendes*. Kr-.-d E. Smith; many. The high coat of livingfcaa bar-- jbiians la •assistant #u peri n tea bent, Edgar l1'- red the giving of potatoes and onions, inc. . .S)-.. puaid. second assistant superb- but 925 In gold will be distributed t<>} Palhe-Hea:

nd otherslwlll Include: HoneyIn a return engagement; *

•'ITi the Shoe Shop," featuring'id.Bddfe AdMir. and the Twon an acrobatic novelty ofTir-

I,I m i BJ^VIII' in Mini. T[(p nmatr IS Per- << *\""m *»•«•* •»«« t v 1 ^ v»» v j» «.*..».mlrtv l lii Kpt .i d.Ur. fur the rontplwloii nature, hud taken opportunity to.use fendent jof intermediate d-°h.mhr<i"Vt«n ^ ^ ^ a u r ^ t M O a W e i i t h« d l d txnisftt that baa been lying on Mrs. U B. Smith: sup.th* L*in»n. I • . - r I the ground, on the clrcm, lot and ased Junior department; Ulsi




A Commercial Bant

With Savings and

Safe fhpotit



Oi Ufiite Accents

Fourth of July eelebiHf load-d the cann»n. plugging n

with sod so .in to inafci- the noise loud-{•T, then takinp a red hot poker be

iched it off. The cannon burKt, kill-

; superta-!the inekypartmeflt. The virinle'n'i'ait by "TheI,i na Bo-y depart- j

and Mutual com-edies round out today's program, whl'eFriday the laM episode of "Pearl of tiis

: ArmyT" will be shown.


rlaiend'rank t. *}

The ".Yew; Bon Toltoucnea it ort inr cannon Durisl, Kin- roll, Mr*, it. K. usyie; supermienw- • . ----- --»ing Mr. JennlBCT Imituilly. a Piece of ent home department. Mrs. Frank &. a t &* f'lajnfield Theatre next Mon- {the gun sirtkihg hitn in the side and Woodruff; juiperinlenaent of teniP<-(- day »fternoqn and night. Marcb I»- ,currying him up In the air as high a- ance, Henry P. Seadar, asstetant sup- . tverything in Ihe production Mone of the buildings. •rUilendcof homd depirlmrnt. Mra. A- «'*• J ™ n ' w !"i-- **TfVJ7-^\L '

unfortunate m.on a sliuit- r through Park aWest Froml s iwt . : to theMechanic (now West !•:-,,:

uwheeler; spcreury oi honje d«-

bartment; i ra . EdcarT"-Shept>ard; it t h t b i ^ e n

and Is




After Lively Fight AssemblySustains Action Taken I

TMin Kellogll'H octagoiruoin and was found In

j. i* occupied the prespr.W.1JLJ Smalley'S TO»rktf eaiijicwi has since been' keptlow atnoBg lW curios owr^d by>mpt FirflmenTu Association. Por'! .

ears.it wip In the lodge room In Cow- p,rd Hall at IM Park avenue. . dret

Sir. JenniBRSJ w u monrned by ••-'u»b<ilrcle of O-lendH. w*o knew, him ' \ o r t h piajuflfld. retoung man of sterling worth «id !Tflm , 8 i ,mess. ; Ille WM a son of Mann- -^ TbgynuioKtt. kho had * blarksmtth-walpr f ronl 'phlladeljiila.

of,(he lot where his, Mr i_,uotrQ8 provedjthe Uelter sail-!


alder! and Mra.; A M

oclared by <lunc-iiig eiperts to . hensurpassed. [ I . iA oharminJE chorus also has been

rovided lorithe show and cars haaeen exercised - to see to It that'lbi

-ell. Several novelties In the way tf scenery add" the desirable finish- b

rhes o a burlesque prcidu^- jhard to duplicate. .1

i .i Tottr. with "Bon Tuns" MI'Uinttvbi Tlte*tr« Monday,

l-inrr and nifElit

4 i - i -LktttB, Mr. sbd Mrs. W.< G»'Ing touches o

Charles! Doerinfier. o( tlon that will bi


rtnie wae, at ih.*' cotner ot West f•reet. and wli« Is iaow Madison iVc-

bout 20 ye»ra; ago. When J. W. j

_., Fred Kndr^s. he torp down llie .shop, which 11ad been used by Iron ^workers who »tro engaced on the con-struction of (tie Babcock building abrt't

bttdre. At tfte time of

. n i c n „.;•n n c down th'e coast^ Brides"! Will app

r Theatre, today, tomorr•sday. wlih M»ie. Na/imov

l \

he loe«K

)' leading role.I "War Brides'V b u . l Q do with condl- \' Lions brought about by war. hint l h « * [J are no battle E(*nea. A wench fa shown

j and the effect »f the flgiUng-Upon t ^ e !:roops, bnt no;bffttle

legislative br

btU tor Ibe • 0Ti !

br i 3 Of 30 (

miu «nr-""" I II

|Byear?*npir*beap1«lyiirbl**"'i foliowi. \ ' S 1 " tEIGHTOM <

Mr. - introdbill for the Mn'yor «n.I CPlain field, charged tha31 voles against.reconsi28 tor. *ad that de

the tally

t he


.o obtain; sin. M&17 4- '•'"'•llb' • ' ( l i | l J I a B t 'L4 In nirf- j,r her home on Orchard street, in the fell fr<he tower-nincty-fourth year trt her age. The ten tijht voted funeral will be '"held Km Thursday at-.. Thejilder tke temoon at 3 o'clock, ihe Rev. James A. trophieien.dment'smith, rector df St. Paul's church.', stories

j officiating. The Interment will be • —U—j L_i_the, made In Fairview cemetery. p i I U C DAD I F W K H

11 ofi Mrs. Combet was bom In London. T L A r t O V\M J t W l d Hwerej England and cknte 10 this country fiftyand I years ago. living for some y.

The crqns In KlorlU. especially, p r e s p n t c d ,„ , d < m i o n to thlp feature 1• orangH groves. Mive been b«dly p r < H i u c l ] o n mT,4 these thru? days will

s. Tillfilled with decaying fruit Ihifrom the Creea which were blhj froat,

ol! their trip {and pleat/ <if thfeir e^,kr%sces.


k. rro whence sfte ca e h*ryea ago. She bad ii

WAR RELIEF MEETING \ w i f ^: -H ; of laying two ;ten

ArrsngemenlB are being made by minim pTopeHyWilliam Sewforn. chairman of the gen- school, was talked

;est End Coninninlty C«ileetiag laM evening, inion seliool when the ma

1 Theatre today.- Inmbr.

\a> Th- prat -fn!W«» nf -Im Aforen.-iiil brl<-k jiAvem

•t*i ' •lT."<lneI Befct ot t h . City of

i»-I'M ,. 1 ...., 1 , , 1 11,. bordering n n ^"i*'

dotu ,1 ;iri<-


Hot Water atMinimum Co^t


t «

«™i»l»«> ' I »mtlM hot /pom B to fl d«jrs-Worki Uk» •• thtroio*. Bottla.i.rr cs SHOW IT t o vou INOPBRATIOlr.


Ruiiyon's bill was. passed by theHouse several weeks aw. It per^jmlta Becond-class municipalities to'hold elecUMB for the puirpose of as-certaining sentiment on any ques-tion of local government, which.[however, shall not b.- binding upon Ithe city go»ernlng body to carry ont.The danger of It being a local option yoa w COQ*, i t to suit y.bill caused an attempt, to have the>| to«bly it look* dead andmeasure *«*connldered. Rutty on. while- and hurts your


It tells your character

The first imprcstkwi of * pervon'aft d by the hair

nair allowyou best?d t l

largeSimilar meeting, all dmcontributinx to the fund.:

of people SrPKKlXTEMHKNT G1LDKO'OF 1.K11KMI ItAil.IU>.\l»

NOONDAY SEBVICE JTOMOBHoW j ! i-5L j i Offlcial aunopneement was

In the men'o nooni]#y today of the renlgnaUon. because ofto to held tottaorrow from tllness, of George J. Glldror,

21 to 1 o'clock la the hall on Madl- Urtendent of Ihe Mahanoy &wn avenue, will be F. jH. Andrews. Uon Division o^theL-ehUb^m. ^ u be good singing and a ttanrc


• jiP. J. Melvln. John Powera, WilliamHOY tfirake. Walter Crowley, John I>»

" 'Nine and John Sullivan. The Inter-KB*'tJ-!*l*fcBent was made in Hillside ceuietery.-

The spei


ItfDSt be

the move tomember hadand sent to 4gulai

bis rWory in



ehy glo

ymir partac y u r hai t h t

admired byJ

brief, bright (

1;!,*•<TK MIS;

f Ihe Hahanoy * fjifor Bfleen years ai

eompany's circular saya his ntioa was accepted with regret.' To succeed Mr. Gildroy. GSuperintendent C. T-, O'Neal

Valleri" » • * York, March- 13.—Arrivede*n Jit this morning:izletoa ! S 3. .Hsrde, from Havana.

John 8. Arohbold, from Ber-flj

S. It. Metapan.8. S. City of I

od.__ Jot Ii

LiSn .!Thoj- wram*enHudson.

T Hudsof-)ir»>HPiit

> fight.

*thy ««H local op-nnyon In, his fight,•ant. Rnpabllcan. orInfra. Dpaiorrat. oflid so. iHjHeving In

Ihe lilllls soonsor.

M s . >

ody. JDandruff kills the hair roots. To

•top it use Pomjwiait HAIR Mas-sage. It ii • dear aiaber flaid, notoily, not sticky, and ha* a verypleasant disappearing odor. Simplymassage it into; the scalp' two orthree times a week. Your Dandruffwill soon ditappear,' your hai* willberotne snft and brilliant, easy todrew, and you will point to it withpride.

Po.nr.cian HAIR Ma^uge is <okl' 25t", 5ft*. and SI

A praise and teatlihpny servicewill be held Jn the Rescue Mission cun ted the promotion of 5*. «•Rail Madlsonj avenue, hlB evening. «nuigaB, Bup«rlntendent «f the NewAll who attend will ftnd a warm ; york Division With iieadljuarters atwelcome I Jersey City. Succeeding. Mr, Mullh

} __^_^' | l n , Sidney 3. Storie, now a special

t the Btorc:mtties.M:ide by tbi :



A man Is as oldas his Arter ies . |Tohb-Z81taken regwUrly « '» keep, youf



S. S. Rio Grand>, from ^Bruna-I f * . •'.!•"• '

8. S. liudaon Maru, troni Phlla-elphla.

3. S. Ellza-b^ ?.:acrskr. from Clen-

1 Society of the Gei

I Mr. and Mrs. John Lohrman. ufRichmond Hill, I^BR Island, were

jguents over Sunday at the residenceidf Mr. an* Mrs. Frank Neldift. Lln-

l iOe ld . Mts« M.f New'York, was also.1 inorrow night at 8 o'clock, at the home -Reuter, _

— Kuenlen, 913 West Front affect j visitor at tha Neid'g


You Need This Common •ALKWl May* hereby «i»*n that > eh. ■ MDIKA.M B PORjTHE PERSIA - SKUtT IMPKO* EMK.TT OK CKRTAlN aTftKRTH >**» PUHTIONH OK —..acPtoJ Ob- THU < 'ITT IfK IM.AlN. Foley Kidney* Pill* Simply

Drive* The Cause. of it Oat of Your System feme hack, af«r. mmltMi. arblnc Joint*, and rheumatic itflu* are tla- rtoult Of w.nk. Hluulah. iaaetlv* kilim*)In thl* omdUkai. tliey.can- notk.vp the Wood that Te**lf ybar body fnte of the Inipurl t Ic* thaL'i-l- aou job and cauac tlifwA'ifiptral symptoms. Foley Kklary Pi 11# are *o ttfwufiy n<]«!*• nI and rrrontoomlfil for thew trouble* N'.nuar of their direct. and l-r.-lic!*! effect on the kidney*. Mn.l d<e nud urinary ayativa; and artliut Ihnnieh Ihwa Important ore*a*, on Ibe health or the eat In* body. Pole? Kidney 1*11 la lutm up wvaL aud aline-, fftth kidney action, ran* a latafiil and trrltnlih' llatVIar.'»t*n> rUhWt at nlgfct. r«WK»ve the tyiuw* c4 bartaielie. l»n*> hack. «tttr Joint" amt rheem.i- tlam, due to Imiarfect kidney aud bladder action. Mr and Mr. Frank P. Wo*5 of Morrell, Main-. Ho* It, Rf.P, J. afere both romcxxmA from th« effect o* Wr»h ■ lucirtah. Imperfect fclrtnr, 3Dr| bUdr d*r ac«a*f by th* «m of Foley KMn.J

Librarian Van Eraburgh After Many

iN ORtitMAMrn TO A XAXi'K KNTITUEI. providing n»M AM' R|C4ltrXaATIMU HAWKItitH CARY I OWNKKM AMiy'nm Cl.KM I'SlCh FOR, r crrmAu nmufir UUTK*tf> API-1 ART I*. Itlo. AKl 'wmvtM’K apPk i»i». "riie Inhahltanm of IHd. I>* t lid r t omni >

M RXD AN OIIDI San ofbnrAxcis IIK UCiatMSM i«»‘ pki*i»i.*:kh. Trinity Reformed » Blhlf artanol, re- lia hur-erint'-ndi nt. ; pj K «rd oual «»f the department jelecte* Smith. _ , ■■ “ «ii a •iiparni. by Explosion of h««■'« «' th, ot...|.nioo. n,» ■<> I- - ln* »'«* IB It hr milk «J Y»M rinng as room .cry ,lco>nEl>! -rru n UJ:„, ot Or year's worlf wec«/ aultalt o ooinirr. Aaaac the realinailAn. tad

1 nut o. H. C. l>n Ktoburgh. I - **'• "*««•»' »<*«•• “* • kill'd b, the esplo- Hbfarlan of lh. cahoot IIU — -- nation wm received with r**aret. | . „ **' —- Tpp<dnted In aoldlet* fruifi pi*«T Mrn. P M Hmiri*. of the; * Department. alao real*! lhe old Mian Mrtita DUta micoeeda Mr*. Pm Broek nicridi Mn.

* 1 Teaiend»y was ibe fifty fifth annlver- • h ah water level »«r) of the deatn. of Hv.iry JcnitlnH* Ihish water level lhiM - ^ , , aloo of a eaunoa that be »u Arina aa "*•»«» -I IB plk« I"" , ulul. lu honor of Uic Ooputnl* of Hldn.r Fr»i

•*' in H».| »r:ih, hr>i i——*• - - r*— a„. „u , PtalBS'U. lor .hr » «r. Marrh 12. 1105. | all ; Thrrrnnona.idil.DD. TToStSoVt'a'i h>'' *“l'“ ocropud I ho all. of Mr. J T. th. iiruruiu. 'ho Dr~.nl d-ix,l park, al lha Norlh pal), al lh. brad of lh. mlMfloaarj J? if*'T" Awn* Sullan oaal-hOimil aid., ahn. onuaim. Mias I^la Wh.rtr U , "nndrrd, of eoa.ffl.Irr. no. d.llr «rrW of .hi. 00*0,1.,rr ritllkt|d."..Cm7i‘ "• » '•*«Haltald- Trinity.‘arhoo) ha. an onroiliAat o'.aumu of 11.- rr* “* *-**"**? ~ I’AalBB h~n or.. ot ot,r , 160 n.nb.r., wltla the *1 U* lino. »l* r. 3d»W ton IWaVo. .«„.d |„,~i Homo Depart men! In rjfS.~r.hK tn.T ^ b™'";r ™***»«“ ,1b. State. 11 ... vned to hoU |ho

I he accident very well The, were hay* y noaiinatlOK commute* of depart. I. .a. about el.hl o'clock In

•ora' 1S7aj3r-n-^; .soperu^nd..,.”?^ K. Ui ^Henry Jenulnp. foremo.l *«»er..lc.o.a.. Kd,» F. .lib 1 he lale Wllllao. Hrdden. In of 8h.pp.fd:: ~oohd aaala'ant n.per(n- »•£ ery.hlna lha. ••• aolar no of pnbllc to«8.nt. VPU K. OUodr; anpoeM>- 1.0" natnre. had l.kot oppor.ual.y 10 nae feadont of lalecmodlito deparUoolt, !"'V tha oM ranoon thal had koa lyln( on »n- l- *• »BH.h. .nportalendwil lh. around, on lh. clrcue UI otld aied Junior departraanl. ' Mia* Lena Ho- "• In Pounh od July eelcbratloaa. han: I'lp-Mntcnd.n. Iprlmarr dapafl- He loaded .Oe cannon p.uitlnc I. mem. Mra H. Cooke: auperlB.en.l-

jiw-'ia approved A • la he "■ ft-llow. auction | ! pnratlon l» rej.rt

COUNTRY STORE AT PLAINFIELD THEATRE ad>iithr«atd Allhouch the vaudeville at liie Plain- vehicle, and Other» will Inclode: Honey field Theatre will be the maid portion Johnaon la a return engaKement; a of lb. union Uhl. "Oaioilry 8W-- ^edyMtUche,,.^ -Oood h. a fna.un- ,h.l .Hue,

maar. The bill: coal of ll>lai ha|a bar- Julian. In an arroballe novel.y offer- red Ibe glvloj. of pouloea and onUna. log hut t2S In gold >111 he dUtrlbnlfd to. Ivihe-Heaiw Ne*. and Mallll coni- Ihr lucky bnea. | ed.ea round out today a program, whfa The vaudeelllo bill >111 be hearted Friday the lax eplaoge of -pearl of lha ky -The Foar H.yurrda" la g alnilnr '• Army- >111 he altown.

brick paver Math' Street* t «u*« HeaWki

Public Mdder

EON TON GIRLS TO BE HERE MONDAY The 11 rule nil The •WfiW Boa Tob Girls" Bi-pear at Ibe Plainfield Thmlrr nem Mob day afternodii and ol«hu March T». Krerythhif In the production l» aew. from jBkoa to the aroaery. BBd no effort hab been spared |o we to It that the lively almoaphere of the show, la not |H*rmltted to U* onj- wher«v At the top of the-iitfuaually CleTer cast are Leo Hoyt. I^ater Alien and Babe leBTour and the p»eee had -lash , and frolic hr let ling all thmunh'/i. Capable aupF’ft «• !•«»« «he#e by 0 lady a Parkirr. June be Veay and Callahan and Jarkaon, the Inner o! whom do n whirlwind dance that la declared by dancing expert a to. bn unaurpamed. A char min* chorua nlao has beep provided for ilic show and car® hna W-en exercised • to are to IX thnt*|tn member* can both alng and dance well. Several noveltlca In the way of oceaary afid the denlrnblv fin tail- ing louche* >0 * burlr*<iue produc- tion that will be hard to duplicate. .

renty ' Inter**. tlon of evatrtly lid*- !•■»« alon* •» truth th scree Lh



or PUUNFKU Clafen' ittnutle'i 1 dney Frdneej oik; Afthu^ llarry Kenyon rttho«t

1*1 paaaenif^r t drier *levxn •Mock in ih»- f »e dodb'e «» H»e rh •*■•'* < m*In ascat>00 I atreeta and p- ib-d In Sectlor 1 entire Width I

WAR BRIDES” WITH NA3M0VA AT PROCTOR’S "War Bride**'. Will appear at «bc \ Proctor Thrair®“today, tomorrow Thursday. WHh Mine. Nasimova H* leading role • trdlns lk. ni brought .boat by Bar. but th-n' are BO bailie a~aea. A leeneb In .hown and .he effecl of .be flgkliag upon the troop., bnl no bgnle eccrr b. enncled. The mill .lory baa .o do a lib tup Buffering, ol I be Women a. home. . | Joan, the young wKkiw. defle. 'be military, authotlllc.. and nrgeo her tor ll. f. upoa Ibe 61 her inhaWlanla of Ibd. village. i Th. uioal gerl.l craalhjna >81 bet praaealCd la addlllon M Ikla fealun.' producvloa .n« raeae Ihtee dag. »U1 doabllra. prava eveniful one. In lha blarney of local Ibenlrlc.te

. All nntnibrr. ol ; ibe parly r» turned In eacellent health and) re- ' port a mpal ealoyable' a|gbla~lng irfp. They tnaebe.1 dll Ike Import- . not pknd aluan !»•' [ea.l and >cal^ 'coaala. -Deadlag ronal^rrable tlmp at Fori Meyer., Key Heal. Miami Palm ' Raaeb. JarkaoB.llla and Si. Au»u> line They Tlalird Al Smalley at , Poet Pierce. ' The croipi In Plot 14a. aapeclally Tim orangp grove., h*»e baea badly blighted by rba troala Tke graven are Sited wHh decaying fruit that feH from fhe troea which >.ra blt-

After Lively Fight Assembly Sustains Action Taken '

Twa Weeks Ago literal- tinny t*r -a-l. .nil half. ,na* dhUrtrew a*np*anc*n*ra If »ut>*p.nsW b> ^^Th-t any per*** Ipmiocn thm ordinance* mm Kaprc**n*Mf» HSKsr^fS: •IV Kfoni rnry polul within |i iioint «ithtn ih* houna.vr'e-* ae* in pwsrwnraph •**. t»»nty-n** cent from ...» P«|nt within |> mu, without uhl bound*Hr*, fwty «-*b1

,wpr Special lo tha CourWr-JbVwa: Mr Jcnnlag* was hoc <* several cnib Trenton. M.r.b IX A„er *” jj£S2 Sta

".af . ol Union ouuatg. comaience an al- ' ' ” _ ■!bvd |«k o. |he fatrueaa «lth which IJK-kTII Of MMM. <«*fB.M '*,*.'! Speaker Bckoeo handled-Ibe roll call — on the Union man a bill to obtain Mra Mary Corakv died la.l ingbt Irnr aeatl Bleat 00 public uueoU.ua In mle per home on Orchard elreet. In Ibe toier nlclpalltlee of tkla Slate, the lower nlnr'y-fonrik year of her age The leglalallve branch larft night ruled tnaafal >111 to held on TburwUr al- en*d down a motion to reron.lder Ibe 1,-meoa at 1 o'cleeh. the Rev Jamen A. bill tor the purpose ot amendment gm|th. reelor of 81. Paul', church, itojj- by m vole df 30 lo 2S olSclallag Tke Interment will b- 7j; Ur Runyon, who -Introduced fhe mode In Falrvlew eemcteey. fer bill for 'be Mnyor and Coanell ofi Mra- rombea “a. bom la I .onion, kJJJ PlainllrId. charged tnal Ibera aere Ragland and came 10 Ihfa cotmlry dfty 'll voleB again.! reconsideration ami .on ago. living for wane years to unHl'jg f„r. and that dellboratelr a Sew York, from wbe.ee aae came Wre , change In the tolly bad heea made-iwenty three yeare ago. She bad a, '!.nd the atonouarlng of lha reault remarkable memory and delighted her ... being held np. Loral option friend, with anecdotes of old lundon ... the question bahlnd th. paclH- laj. She >.< among the I'M to rtd- mentary encounter tot.yen tke on the underground railroad: .he ... riotm.nl" sad the weaker. and'I he wash, of Ouee. VlcttoU and h» vote — not Snally .noo„to-d -he -to . Jf?”.,,l*TLgT,.« jrtr: J rz^,~tz:v:'h Ruayon by dem.adln, that It be de.‘ the R.tbmbtol toui.l^to b^

■t-vc. inn with th* roll call nt tnc ncra n \+mArr Kh#


.■ciisir lion mori flsr<1 hcreii *4»t«rlcllon


The Weal Knd Community Cent* ,1 e.eeedina I wee I y deb llure nr ine licence wl ■en la.und. for any ogei 1 Ibe Ural Adopt'd by th. fdn arch 1 l*ll Approved PS lb. mo 1 ■ JiKiaHTOSf

illare. roan of Ibe «rn- arhool. was talked orar and wan left e .annual public with the Kteogloa committee, -btcb it (of Ibe Jewtob rommRleo hqr». to hove the court, by held at the ready lor uaa aarly to May en ' Tuesday It wa. proposed to amead the cun- lb.1 time these mttutlon ao aa to omit the regular Be a aubatantml social meeclnga Ibat are set tor j’vcrjr ■bird tvedosaday .vanlas thryagb- on,~rtartan aad „„ ,i„ .ear aad to boll aurb raeet- Vrtot-dauomliw- |DI, .rtba call ot tha preaidant only, b^ve a part. Mr. AcUon .in be taken on Ibis pro!ma|- : 10 aeeuro one or lloD „ ,k. Aprll bnaloeoa moouog. lnmr> from New ReporB. .bowed that all a mettle, nothing of what i„ , ttnurtahlng condition aod . to aid tha alff- lkero to a balance of OYijr »H>b to ’ *»r- *"■ "*r the treasury, a an secured at A Hager, ol people

THl FFMKKtl. OK MltH. t ATIIKHIXK MUK! JOHN Th'rfi The fuacral of Mra. Calbi I Hug. who died on Friday, wa. FI erb.

Ith stfdet.



lerlal to Coorler-Ncwa: New York. March If—Arrlred 1* BaMbi: 9 8. .Hard*, from Havana. 8. 8 John 8. A it h bold, from B*r- ■nd it* drw Doe* your hair allow yoo to con* it to *nit yoa he**P Poasibly it took* dead and strong and hurt* your appearance, llow mvcb a littla cor* on your fmit would hrint f*rl to four hair that healthy glow, admired by every- body. Dandruff kill* the hair root* To atop It use Pompeian HAIR Map Mir It i» » <*k*r aiaber i*id. not o*ly, not >t»cky, aad haa a very pleasant disappeanne odor. Simply mai«g* it into the acalp two or three tone* a week. Your Dandruff will non disappear.' your h*u» will become soft and halfiant. e«*y to dint and you will point to >t with pride. Poinpeian HAIR is *okl a.t the Horn. i.» 2i«-. Mk* and SI bottle*. Made br frlmhle maker* of Pompeian MASlGI Cream. Ad» up

Hot Water at Minimum Co& r R Metapan. from Jamaica. 8. 8. City of 8ava >nrh. from 8«- luuk. 8. R Sladlsoa. from Norfolk. R R. Rio Qrandr. from *“ •Irk. 1 8- 8. lludaon Mara, froi delphU. 9. 9. EllxabC*^ Muni, from Clea: fuecoa.

Phlla- iium to th* nd provided, nun Pie., of Ihr appoint- f.VHMAN LMMEH- AID jgf. uf Mr. John Igihrm.n. of MKKT TOMORHOW NIGHT Richmond Hill. I-ong Island, ware • — isuoata over flunday at the residence

■rti. Ladles' Aid Socle., of the fief-;*! «► *1"L nan llefutmcd Uhnrch will mc-t tncoln. place Nbrth rl.lng.ld M- morrown|gh. ait o’clock, allh. home fouler, of N» York. wiu. also. Of Mrs Kuettlea. »12 Weal Front .BocL rUltor at tk« Nold's home.

WINN & HIGGINS >n *«i<l lively. pi rMHlNH. RFAfWO AKl* TVKKIAG. ,30 WATCBl’NO AVENl'B Pboae C»ff •',*11

j brief, bright aerrira Non L ItKMY'K mwtltl

A pral»e aad lewlln • 01 be held In the Re 1 Hall. ModltOBi BYotnie. All. who attend will welcome.

may arrviie orue lllMli'B hi* even In*, find a warm

A man Is as his^Artcrics. taken rcgiilarly mil Arteries young. All Driii;#***—50

is old TokoZftl jkeep. your deau





The Plalnfleld Trust Company Is a, strong pobllc amet. It helpsto preserve firmui-in 1 sUtbtltty In UIIB communitj. Ita co-op***-tlon is not for the tew, bat 1- available to all win. wish to lm-provr their pros, {tei-!•<!.




Made-to-Measu re ShirtsOaf Specialty

The Men's ShopJ14 PABK AVEKDI


Harvey R. Linbarger

NOTICE!!ALPRIN & MILLERWish to announce to the public, that on SATURDAY,

MARCH 17th, they will open a branch store at

428 Watchung Ave.Formerly occupied by W. W. Dunn. We will offer a

complete line of the Finest Groceries, Fresh Fruits

aad Vegetables.

Watch this space for Spec'ils which wilt be advertised

Thursday and Friday. ; !

etJY FURSi\row

The but bargains of the year are offered from our

stock, which includes EVERY KIND OF FUR.


mj)cta higher.

RIGHT NOW we must dispose of all FOBS, and you

can bay for about ONE-THIRD WHAT TOD* WILL HAVE



Chas. Kurtzman's178 E. Front St., Plainfield




Photograph FramingIS A SI'KriAI.TV WITH L'H.


Easter Cards andBooklets

Artists' Supplies

BROAD SERVICEUO matter what yonr banking reqajnmsnto m»y bi, our bro«d f«-

cfltttai «««1 f>» comiflete, op-to-the-miiiute ^nlpnumt of onr new qMr.

M mibl, m to «*o*d yott «r»fc« th«» wlU prove .atiil»ctorr In the

imalleat detail «• weB u is tl» mo(t toportant. Our Departmenn i n :



REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTLiberal rate< of interest paid.

THE STATE TRUST COMPANYThe Bank by Uw Clock - p « * «*d H o r t h *T«nn«


517 W. FrontBt.23TAHM9I1KD I M I

PHOVR 1701

- T - - 4

DRUGSat Gut Prices

WvM oil ,Kc Milk U.«nF>lu, «-M*.Ma Humphrey** Sped flea .35c Klctrher's Cantoris . .60c Danderftie



Itnj n' Ofillnr Tick*-!, tt>»for » M » in •:• K »i»l -"the vutai for ytiur Khmi-.




I !•

Auto Distributing Co.Allen B. Laing, Mgr. '

410-416 Sycamore St.


The season's newest mod-

els in White Washable Kid

and Calf Boots. Prices—

$5.00 to $8.50


: Bole Agency tt'alk-Orer Sln>c.»Men •ml Women |

Easter-Yill Soon be HereAnd now Is th* tiinr to bur joarsi'HiMi BOtrFH, «ml Ui.-j are !•In jtcH"! variety, anil priced from

$4 r! $12We are proatl of th« linen TUB•howfns; this S|.rin^, mul v knowthe p r i m ar« aliM.liifl) rlirht. ITyou don't think no, -J.op


(JIJI^MW FittedAH Work (.-;«iiin(i'Cfl.

WP reepecKully solicit your pa-ronage when In need o? RIMMW, >Bre already have a larse -foliowinR Df

,jtisJic(l patlpntB in Plkfnfldft, Ourreglatered optometrist in charge ' !•

etent, and ciualLflejl to thor-.V a id scl«ntiflcallr examinefor the (Hiinjt of passes that£he beet vlalon results possible.

Our store is the only qpe in Piaio-flelil and vicinity wb«re an exclusive>pUcal Dullness la carried on.

t.1-.' l*rfwrl|>«lon«i Plllfd. ,us (or pronpt ind efficient

wrvtcP ';

Yes, the >VarIs To Blame

But we are still selling

White, Brown, Grey and

Combination Boots at

$6.50. Other Pools,

Plain Black, from

$2.50 upConsidering the increased

cost of everything today,Shoes are priced prettylow.


The Leading Auto Paint Shop

Our Queen Quality Shoe



- ^ * - sive walls, lined with heavy 'steel plates, top,

sides and floors, give the protection required for sil-

verware and valuables of any description. Do not

leave them in your home while away. It is better to

be careful, and place them here. Large and small

articles received with charges according to size.


are the best on earth (orthe money.

A.K.Wilkt107 Park Avenue

Oldest Shoe House in Town


Sl-ECIAMZIXO IS tBlB E-I.VK,We'furnish and act i'lntu Glass

Front*, also Mirrors of all site* anJth;ipes. Old -Mirrors r^-Bllvered.

Glazing in All Its Urmii he*.B. G O R K I N

*:% SonieraeC St. - 'I'hone Si *4PLAIKFIELD, N. }M A. KLAUS i

ALL KINDS OF GLA21NO• Done OD Short Notice.j


Prtcen IkswuuHf.

Amateur PhotographersThere's a Reason

Whj- o u r Hi'\.-!ri|iiiit aa r e rpu^^'H**: W P devel ' you r f

atisfactorY—In fac;r. ther«

((•,••• i !,'r-r tiic '. irk room until the}' leave It. This Iniurea.tbe best pi ISM hie resalts from your exposures, no matter how•widely they vary, . In" oMr PrtBting Departroef* we uae VELOX"rniii-fly. Tliis is the ipoet expensive [.aper of fire market todky,bpt we aitc after results. "VELOX" comes.1n three gradesRegular. Special and Contrast: You may have negatives ofwkioly vatvfng density—but one of these three grades will jelveyou the best possible print from one negative. Our expert* willselect the grade of paper and make the print, develop it WltB thebest a,Tid tu us t expend ve dev«lbpinaj afent on 'tbe market («v*|M*fi-c Isn't i-om.l'lcri'fl when '(unllij fs In tin1 balance) with thereeull that we have'a Kalffiflpd.ciistom.T. The prices Tor our de-veloping add printing are ho higher' titan any'establlehineat andless than some. . .

Film* Ih*vM(n*oil, «JI> -iw'roll,>x3% prints. 4*; postcard s t» . 3c.

c; 2',s prlntB, ftc;

In your films Indaj ami ftet your flniisbed prl


154 156 EAST FBONT ST. Phon« 51


Sit Wait Front StreetOpposite Proctor's


Exp«rt Watch Repairing.

BETWEEN FRIENDSThe true spirit of good will il best expressed by 10HM littleremembrance, conveying persotyil .thongfatfrUness. YOTjaPORTRAIT —nothing could be more fitting. Yob can have

. the lilting at the Studio or your own home.



$1,000 CHALLENGETo prove that the: Elgin Six is the greatest car value in the world at $985, as so

often expressed at the Big Chicago Auto Show, where hundreds of Motor Thor-

oughbreds stood is the limelight of the most critical public inspection, we make the

following challenge:

•ji '. I We offer to donate $1,000 to any worthy charity, if a car

; now on the market can be found at $1,000 or less, which i» I •

the equal of the Elgin Six in value. | !

The decision to rest with a jury of five, composed of— •

-A hlgh-clam anfo> n - \ rt-|mobile <ic.il.-r. -nil- *lnK car* iirtml »t u

S2.OOO or more. . bi

was called by criti-

cal New Yorkers, at

their Big Auto Show

's Value at a Popular Price

The beautlfiil Elgin Sit is tliein.iy oar ^ ' IH-I ; within *•-••'> "•'

' ' ' " ' • ihe^; .higft-

Specia) Elgin Features:

..htT»d qualftjy feetiHxtrero^ yacht i»ith faBhUiiuitile


ax2. -V-typp I radiator. I witli

" ' i (jlcndiiw; ar'tinlicaliyth^ bbdy.' r

This fettnii enables the car tVbe staTled ion high Rear,! U'nderall ordinary condltionsi ar.4practical)BblflinK,lust liarrjeasy drivi

practically eliminates j gearstiifttnir. thus -removing the -last harriei to thf naf4 and

her car bu^ the Elgin Six'

Klitin Improved CantileverHear1' Spring 3uspen#ion,which has set) a new alund-ard or mniortiiii; ease when

high speed, ajud give» lux-riding I


Vo., n will pWlwt

am] tin.

',' as™

The Blory1 of ' "Eldn Wlo-ningB," wbkh will he sent to

. you on request. contxl|hB a nies-k«ee of vital lnl«r»Btlto «very*

"intending p'urcbaser wlio prizes 'iiiotnr-i-iir stamina aifil L-IHIHI-

Can yon afford to b\ijr a small• *'rh«ip six," when"Torj a sllKht

t t l a . Qapable Six—this bis.

' of superior beauty aiicl com-

r;i,. y o u sjrfiinl to paL morethan the Elgin Six pri$e wh»i !"J I-4- "BcauTy of the Roild** em~bodies, evernninsy tbbt thetnost discrimlnatlnti motoristdeeires? ' , J-

Wrlte us torlar for )•> .••-.-••(••ACatalog "t"' and ••ftc-i.f"1. •.••••

Reduction of full page advertisement which was published in all Chicago daily

and Sunday papers three weeks ago, and tne failure of any car to accept this chal-lenge proves the Elgin Six champion car of the world in its price class. <* .

Andrew 6. Thompson Automobile CompanyDISTRIBUTORS FOR NORTHERN NEW JERSEY


Courier-News Want Ads. Bring Results


MANUFACTURER AND PROFESSIONAL MAN Ho trr— what your banking roqnlnmenta may bo, our broad (a-

duties and tbo oomploto, ap-to-tha-miiraU equipment of oar new qnw. tors enable ne to afford you eer-rle* that wlU prove edtlafootory In the cmaQeet detail a* well ee in the mo»t Important. Onr Department* ere:


Liberal rata* of internet paid.


Harvey R. Liabarger .ut >t)iiin ava- T*1 YOUR BUSINESS WILL BENEFIT BY THE BACKING OF THIS


The Bonk by the Clock

Queen City Optical Store BUM WATiMIMi AVK.UK, I'l/AIM'IKI.I), M..4. Next M» Hmil'm !>r»K Htorr. Amateur Photographers WHO FRAMES YOUR PICTURES? NOTICE!!


There’s a Reason Wli) our Devrlnjiln* null 1‘rlMlne le shtlafaclolV—In fe(l. there ere reeeu*-; We develop your Him* rererullr eud with no bur- ned work Thor ere‘under obeertallon of en e.perl from Ihe lime they enter the dorlt room until they ledve II. Thle Ineuret the beet poeidtile moll* frprri your expoinyee. no metier how widely they very. nr-olir Prloiln, Department w. nee VEI-OX" enlirely Thle le Ihe ipoet elpen.lv. paper od'lbe m.rkel lodey. bpt we are after result*. "VJtLOX" come*. In three gradea— Hecolar. Hpeel.I end Contreet. You may have n-jcatl.ea of widely vowing density—hut one of these three aredee will live you tte beet pOfODIc prlijt from one negative. Our aspen* will avlrrt (he nr.il* of p.per eud B»ke the prim, develop It with the heal end bidet eipen.lve developing *»ent on the market ie«- |ro.e Isn't ronalrlererl when qaalll) l« In the balance) with Ike mult that we have a aatfaOed .customer. TpO prices Tor our de- veloping end prlntln* ere ho higher' than any establishment end lees then some. -

Him. Developed, any .lie'roll. IO*i >14x114 prlete. Pol »H«JH ptinu. «*; poetenrd eke. Sc. firing la your films lodey-end get your Onlahed print* to- morrow. 1 . • t. f.


Wish to announce to the public, that on MARCH 17»b, they will open a branch

428 Watchung Ave. Formerly occupied by W W. Dunn. We will offer i complete line of the Fined Groceries, Fresh Fruit: and Vegetables.

I'. I*. ItlWf, Mgr KesWeml MHltnirti Ky«n Examined CJU. ,411 tt.** (riivsatr Ktrlmalvely an OpUMl We raspedfully eullcU trocage when to need at f W» already »»•*• a largw ito aataft+d patlrnta in Plalnf registered optometrist if « com pet eat. and qualified ooghiy and »clenttflcally

Photograph Framing Easter vYill Soon be Here IS A HPKCTALTY WITH VH. MANY >KW AND 1111*0*1 PATTER Yk. ,4*d non la ihe lime to hny joe* SI-HI Ml iwmiTH. awl they air here in |ood *Mietj, an. I priced from

Easter Cards Booklets lara that poMJh)*. in Plata- exclusive




SI* West Front Street Opposite Proctor *■


Expert Watch Repairing.

DON’T WAR UNTIL NEXT TEAR. Prices will Bpcb higher.

RIGHT NOW w* most dispose of all PURE, and can boy for shout ONE-THIRD WHAT YOU WILL HA TO PAT NEXT SEASON. Abrams

Chas. Kurtzman’s 178 E. Front St., Plainfield

To prove that the Elgin Six it the greated car value often expressed at the Big Chicago Auto Show, whe oughbreds stood m the limelight of the mod critical following challenge:

We ofigr to donate $ 1,000 to any worth] now on the market cm be found at Jl.Ol the equal of the Elgin Six in value.

The decision to red with a jury of five, composed of- I—A ilrll-knimn aurrewfiil B—A tirhnlrj) 4-4 •HW lo m»naf«iturrr rvpe-rt In mm- m- m. tl.e -ljl« jof quality au- tonmUlc en- ID. and l-anly. iMnoMle part*. «lr>c^ri.^. pai

Yes, the War Is To Blame

But we are dil telling White, Brown, Grey And Combination Boob at $6.50. Other Boot., Plain Black, from

$2.50 up Considering the increased cod of everything today, Shoes are priced pretty

The season’s newed mod- els in White Washable Kid and Calf Boots. Price.—

The best reason IN THE WORLD




Bc&J Elgin Sn

“The Millionaire’s Value at a Pt

Special Elgin Features: other cor bat Ihe Klsln Six

was called by criti- cal New Yorkers, at their Big Auto Show Huy Doffnr Tlrhet, r««l fur *1.1)0 ln Innl*. and n*ir live vote* for your friend-. Hprri»l -ale Wrdue-day and Hatarxlny. Our Queen Qnxfity Shoes

are the best on earth for the money. NAGLE’S

PHAR MACY Auto Distributing Co,

Allen B. Laing, Mgr. ‘ 410-416 Sycamore St.

Thu beaut,ful ingle FIX 1* ll|e only rar celling wttbm f2’*0.0'» of Ita price- having the* .h!gl>- priced quality features: 1. Extreme yacht *tyl« botiy with rwhtonable KUropeau center cowl. 2. "V‘-typr radiator. I with Itnes blending ar\l»Ucaiiy luto the body. 3. I tor* A 1 Beck I m pro > d vH- vet-actiag «lntch. which you flncl only'on Ulgh priced

Th« story of "Eltfn Wlo- nings." which will h# *»r to you on requeat. coaptlpa a mes- •Bga of Vital Interaal to every IntendlDB purchaser »t.o prlzea ■tnovor»car Mamina and endur- PAINTING

The Leading Auto PaintShop Mteii In and L«mh l'- 'her. • i*o KA.fr nio.xT si iticKT

4. Klicln Improved Cantilever ' Rear Spring, Suspension, which has art a new stand- ard of RtotorbiK ease whan running over fouph roads high speed. And glvea ins- urious riding comfort on ordinary road* not sprpaad- ! «’tl b7 ‘“y rar} at any prlrf. Yqu can with perfect safety and comrort. and! without dam- aging your car, an Elgin SlA at 35 to SO mile* per hour ovrr roads so rough that tho average car would not only be dabgeroua and ancomfortablp to rldo in at more than 15 to 20 tullva per hour, but wciuld *«»n be a eandidata for tha automobile graveyard.

A. K. Willett

107 Park Avenue I to buy a small hen-'for a slight t you c*n drive Six—this big. site quality oar. Duly and rom-

Can you afford rchoap aix," additional rdat Ibis. Capable [ORGANIZED 18751

Oldest Shoe House OUR STORAGE VAULTS Thle feature enables the car t*. be started «*n high gear, under all ordinaty rundltlim-, and practically eliminates gear shifting, thn- -removing the last harru-r to tlw uf4 and easy driviqg pf cars by . timid women

Can you gfford to pa* more than the Elgin Six prlte when mis -Denuty of the Rojur' em- hodiem. everything^ that the moat djacrltulnatlnj tpotorlal A RF. LARGE AND WELL CONSTRUCTED. Mai-

sive walls, lined wilh heavy sleel plates, lop, sides and floors, give the protection required lor sil- verware and valuables of any description. Do not leave them in your home while away. It is better to be careful, and place them here. Large and small articles received wilh charges according lo size.

’rite ua today for btfautifu! talog ’ T” and ap^rinoations. OfffAr CONCERN IN PI.AIXFfKle Sl-ECIAIJZING IN THIS LIVE. Wa fumlah and met ItmUs GUi Kronla. also Mirrors of all sir os an shapes. Old. Mirrors re ailvcrra. Glaslng la AD Its lira DC bos. B. GORKIN *3 SmneikW SL 'Pkon* SI

Reduction ol full page advertisement which was published in all Chicago dail and Sunday papers three weeks ago, and the failure ol any car to accept this cha lenge proves the Elgin Six champion car of the world in its price class. <

Andrew C. Thompson Automobile Company CITY NATIONAL BANK ■ rpalrlag of sill klada of *hoi. I‘aan A. KLAUS ALL KINDS OF GLAZINO Done op dhort Kotlce.! 4|7 PLAINP|RLD AVKVtf’R I'lalndtdd. N. 4. Send a |*<«tal and I Will (^alt


Courier-News Want Ads. Bring Results