"Software Quality Metrics Do’s and Don’ts" Philip Lew

software testing metrics do's - don'ts-XBOSoft-QAI Webinar

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"Software Quality Metrics Do’s and Don’ts"

Philip Lew

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Webinar Spirit and Expectations

•  Interactive-I hope you post questions •  We’ll have a couple of polls to get

your ideas flowing as we go along •  I won’t read the slides… •  Slides for you as a take-away •  I may ask questions

– And I hope you post answers J


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Understand, Evaluate and Improve

•  If our end goal is improvement then what? •  To improve, we need to evaluate •  In order to evaluate, we must understand what

we are evaluating •  To do this… We need metrics

Can you think of other examples in our lives where this applies? Where do you use metrics

to evaluate and improve? 3  

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Metrics in real life

Food  Eaten   Weight   Performance   Race  Results  


•  Calories •  Fat •  Carbohydrates •  Protein •  Time of day •  Vitamins •  …

•  Blood pressure •  Cholesterol •  Blood glucose •  Red cell count •  White cell count •  Hematocrit •  Hemoglobin •  Body fat % •  …

•  Placing •  …

•  Effort/Power •  Heart rate/Watts •  Speed •  Time

Intelligence Finesse

Context •  Training •  Sleep

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Think about the process you are measuring and measure all along the way at each step in

the process.

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Metrics - Benefits

•  Understand how QA, testing, and its processes and where the problems are

•  Evaluate the process and the product in the right context

•  Predict and control process and product qualities •  Reuse successful experiences

–  Feed back experience to current and future projects •  Monitor how something is performing •  Analyze the information provided to drive



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How can measurement help us (YOU) •  Create a organizational memory – baselines of current

practices-situation •  Determine strengths and weaknesses of the current

process and product –  What types of errors are most common?

•  Develop reasoning for adopting/refining techniques –  What techniques will minimize the problems?

•  Assess the impact of techniques –  Does more/less functional testing reduce defects?

•  Evaluate the quality of the process/product –  Are we applying inspections appropriately? –  What is the reliability of the product before/after

delivery? 7  

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Be clear about WHY you are measuring.

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Why we need to measure ?

•  Our bosses want us to… •  They want someone to point fingers at •  They want to fire some people and save money •  They need to report to their managers

•  They  want  some  basis  on  which  to  evaluate  us  and  give  us  a  raise!  

•  We  need  to  figure  out  a  way  to  do  beCer!  •  We  want  to  improve  our  work  and  improve  soFware  quality  


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The Metrics Conundrum

•  QA and Testing Language –  Defects –  Execution status –  Test cases –  Pass/fail rates –  DRE…

•  Business  Language  –  Cost  effecMve  –  ROI  –  Cost  of  ownership  –  Cost  of  poor  quality  –  ProducMvity  –  Calls  to  help  desk  –  Customer  saMsfacMon  

–  Customer  retenMon  10  

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In your organization…

•  What measurements do you take in your organization and why?

•  Who uses them and for what?


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POLL: How many metrics are you collecting on a regular basis within

your organization? A.  1-5 B.  6-10 C.  11-15 D.  0

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The Metric Reality

•  Measurement and metrics are like dinner. It takes 2-3 hours to make dinner, and 15 minutes to consume…

•  But… many metrics are never reviewed or analyzed (consumed)

•  WHY?


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The Metric Conundrum (cont.)

•  Test leads and test managers rarely have the right metrics to show or quantify value

•  Metric collection and reporting are a drag •  QA metrics usually focus only on test execution •  Test tools don’t have most of the metrics we

want •  Reports generated by QA are only rarely

reviewed •  Metrics are not connected to anything of value/

meaningful for ________. 14  

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Let’s look at some of the most common mistakes in implementing


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Don’t – Measure the wrong thing

•  Often times, we get an idea for a software quality metric from a person, company or article and begin using it without thinking ‘What am I trying to measure and why?” In the end, we sometimes get measurements that don’t matter relative to our goal.

•  Some sample metrics to review: –  Test Coverage = Number of units (KLOC/FP) tested / total size of

the system –  Test Density-Number of tests per unit size = Number of test

cases per KLOC/FP –  Acceptance criteria test coverage = Acceptance criteria tested /

total acceptance criteria –  Defects per size = Defects detected / system size –  Test cost (in %) = Cost of testing / total cost *100

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Don’t – Forget to differentiate between quality and defects

•  Metric becomes the goal •  Organizations concentrated on “the metrics”,

forget to understand the metric’s relationship to the goal or objective.

•  Defect counts need to be incorporated into an overall valuation because Quality is ultimately measured in the eyes of the end user.

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Don’t – Forget about context

•  Metrics don’t have consistent context so they are unreliable – Context needs to be defined and then maintained for measurements to be meaningful.

•  Difficult in today’s environment with changing test platforms and other contextual factors.

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What contextual factors could there be?

•  Release complexity •  Development methodology •  Software maturity •  Development team maturity and expertise •  Development team and QA integration •  Resources available •  User base

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All metrics need to be normalized for proper interpretation

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Metrics need context to tell the whole story

•  Normalized per function point (or per LOC) •  At product delivery (first X months or first year of

operation) •  Ongoing (per year of operation) •  By level of severity

–  Gross numbers don’t tell much •  By category or cause, e.g.: requirements defect,

design defect, code defect, documentation/on-line help defect, defect introduced by fixes, etc. –  Total numbers tell 0

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Don’t – Be sporadic or irregular

•  Measurements used are not consistent – Just as context needs to be consistent, so do the measurements, methods, and time intervals that you collect the measurements and calculate the metrics.

•  Just as in weighing yourself, it doesn’t make sense to drink 2 gallons one day and weigh in, and go jogging 10 miles the next day and weigh in.

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Don’t – Calculate metrics that don’t answer specific questions

•  Metrics don’t answer the questions you had to begin with

•  You run off collecting measurements and calculating metrics without thinking what answers will I get after getting this information?

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Poll: How many of you collect metrics that you don’t need or use?

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Don’t – Collect measurements that no one wants

•  Metrics have no audience – As a corollary to the previous factor, if there is no question to be answered, then there will also be no audience for the metric.

•  Metrics need to have an audience in order to have meaning.

•  How many of the metrics and reports that you generate are read?

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Do - Collect what “they” want

•  Ratios and percentages rather than absolutes •  Comparisons over time, or by release •  Report on typical project constraints:

–  Costs –  Time –  Quality

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Do - Collect what they want Costs (Some potential metrics include): •  Business losses per defect that occurs during operation •  Business interruption costs •  Costs of work-arounds •  Costs of reviews, inspections and preventive measures •  Costs of test planning and preparation •  Costs of test execution, defect tracking, version and change control •  Costs of test tools and tool support •  Costs of test case library maintenance •  Costs of testing & QA education associated with the product •  Re-work effort (hours, as a percentage of the original coding hours) •  Lost sales or goodwill •  Annual QA and testing cost (per function point)

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Do - Collect what they want

Time-Resources (Some potential metrics include): •  Labor hours/defect fix •  Turnaround time for defect fixes, by level of

severity •  Time for minor vs. major enhancements

– actual vs. planned elapsed time •  Effort for minor vs. major enhancements

•  actual vs. planned effort hours

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Do - Collect what they want

Quality (Some potential metrics include): •  Survey before, after (and ongoing) product delivery •  # system enhancement requests per year •  # maintenance fix requests per year •  User problems: call volume to customer service/Tech support •  User Satisfaction

–  training time per new user, time to reach task time of x –  # errors per new user

•  # product recalls or fix/patch releases/year •  # production re-runs •  Availability (time system is available/ time the system is needed to

be available)

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Collect what they want

•  Show them in combination and relative to each other –  Cost vs. quality –  Cost vs. time –  Quality vs. time

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Don’t – Make the collection effort the end game

•  Measurements are too hard to get – If you end up designing the right metric to answer the right question, it doesn’t matter if it takes several man days to get the data and do the calculations.

•  Unless the value and decisions made from these metrics have considerable value, they’ll soon be abandoned.

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Poll: How many of you started to collect metrics but then found it was too

difficult or time consuming and quit?

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Don’t – Forget indicators

•  Metrics have no indicators so cannot evaluate –  You collect mounds of data but then what? –  How do you determine what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’? –  Before you get started collecting and calculating you

need to put together a way to evaluate the numbers you get with meaningful indicators that can be used as benchmarks as your metrics program matures.

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•  Designing and implementing a software quality metrics program requires careful thought and planning.

•  First step is finding out the questions that you want to answer or goals of using metrics. –  Many refer to this as the goal-question-metric

paradigm, but in simple terms, what are you going to do with the numbers once you get them?

•  Most of the “Don’ts” are related to not thinking about the objectives of the metrics and actions you will take based on them.

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•  Develop a stakeholders and their goals-objectives

•  Develop a list of questions that, if answered, would determine if the goals are met

•  Develop a catalogue of metrics (that answer the questions) that can mix and match to apply to the goals depending on the stakeholder

•  Develop and collect metrics that accompany each part of the development process, not just testing –  There are many “defects” not directly in dev. Quest  2014   34  

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Coming up at the conference

Measurement  Framework   Improvement  




Questions and Answers

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Thanks Q&A

www.xbosoft.com @xbosoft 408-350-0508

Philip Lew @philiplew [email protected]

White Papers: http://www.xbosoft.com/knowledge_center/


Blog: http://blog.xbosoft.com/
