Sp Meridian

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  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


    Spleen Pathways

  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian



    begins at the medial side of the tip of the big toe at


    runs along the medial aspect of the foot, following

    the border where the skin changes color ascends in front of the medial malleolus at SP-5

    follows the posterior border of the tibia up the

    medial aspect of the leg to a point 8 cun superior tothe medial malleolus where it crosses (and then

    travels anterior to) the Liver channel

  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian



    ascends along the medial aspect of the knee and the

    antero-medial aspect of the thigh to the lower

    abdomen where it intersects the Conception vessel

    at REN-3, REN-4 and REN-10 before entering theSpleen and connecting with the Stomach

    emerges in the region of the Stomach and ascends

    first at 4 cun lateral to the midline then at 6 cun

    lateral to the midline, passing through GB-24, LIV-14

    and LU-1, and descends to terminate in the seventh

    intercostal space on the mid-axillary line at SP-21

  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian



    A branch

    ascends through the diaphragm, runs alongside the

    esophagus and spreads over the lower surface of the

    tongue A further branch

    ascends from the Stomach, passes through the

    diaphragm and flows to link with the Heart The Spleen primary channel connects with the

    following zangfu: Spleen, Stomach, Heart

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  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


    luo-connecting channel of the Spleen

    originates at SP-4

    connects with the Stomach channel

    enters the abdomen and connects with theintestines and Stomach

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  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


    divergent channel of the Spleen

    branches from the primary channel in the

    middle of the anterior thigh

    follows the Stomach divergent channel to the

    throat where it penetrates the tongue

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    great luo-connecting channel of the Spleen

    separates from the primary channel at SP-21

    on the lateral aspect of the chest

    spreads through the chest and lateral costal

    region gathering the blood of the luo-

    connecting channels of the whole body.

  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


    Spleen Sinew Channel begins at the medial side of the big toe at SP-1 and

    ascends the foot to bind at the medial malleolus at SP-5,

    ascends the medial aspect of the tibia to bind at the

    medial side of the knee at SP-9,

    follows the medial face of the thigh to bind in the groinbefore converging at the external genitalia,

    ascends the abdomen to bind at the umbilicus,

    enters the abdomen, binds at the ribs and spreads in thechest,

    from the inside of the chest a branch adheres to the


  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


    Spleen Meridian

    Foot Tai Yin

  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


    Spleen 1 (Yinbai / Hidden White)

    On the medial side of the

    great toe, 0.1 cunposterior to the corner of

    the nail.

    0.1 II or //, or prick to


  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


    Spleen 2 (Dadu /Great Metropolis)

    On the medial side of

    the great toe, distal andinferior to the 1st

    metatarso-digital joint,

    in the depression at the

    junction of the red andwhite skin.

    0.1 0.3 II or 0.3 0.5// inferiorly

  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


    Spleen 3 (Taibai / Supreme White)

    On the medial side of

    the foot, proximal andinferior to the 1st

    metatarso-digital joint,

    in the depression at the

    junction of the red andwhite skin.

    0.3 0.5 II

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    Spleen 4 (Gongsun / Grandfather Grandson)

    On the medial side of

    the foot, in the

    depression distal and

    inferior to the base of

    the 1st metatarsal bone,

    at the junction of the

    red and white skin.

    0.5 0.8 II

  • 7/29/2019 Sp Meridian


    Spleen 5 (Shangqiu / Shang Mound) In the depression anterior

    and inferior to the

    prominence of the medialmalleolus, midway betweenthe tuberosity of thenavicular bone andprominence of the malleolus.

    0.2 0.3 II or Sub Q belowtendon toward St 41

    Deadman: in the

    depression that lies at thejunction of straight linesdrawn along anterior andinferior borders of the medialmalleolus.

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    Spleen 1 - 5

    Sp 1 Sp 2

    Sp 5

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    Spleen 9 (Yinlingquan / Yin Mound Spring)

    On the lower border of

    the medial condyle of thetibia, in the depressionposterior and inferior tothe condyle.

    0.5 1.0 II

    Deadman: medial side

    of the lower leg, in thedepression in the angleformed by the medialcondyle and posteriorborder of the tibia.

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    **Spleen 6 (Sanyinjiao / Three Yin Intersection) **

    Three (3) cun directlyabove the prominence ofthe medial malleolus,posterior to the medialborder of the tibia (indepression next to the

    tibia). Meeting point ofSpleen, Liver and Kidneymeridians.

    0.5 1.0 II

    Contraindicated duringpregnancy!!

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    Spleen 7 (Lougu / Dripping Valley)

    Six (6) cun above the

    prominence of themedial malleolus, on

    the line connecting the

    prominence on the

    malleolus and Spleen 9,posterior to the medial

    border of the tibia.

    0.5 1.0 II

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    Spleen 8 (Diji / Earth Pivot)

    Three (3) cun below

    Spleen 9, on the lineconnecting Spleen 9

    and the prominence of

    the medial malleolus.

    Locate Spleen 9 first.

    0.5 1.0 II or //


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    Spleen 1 - 9

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    Spleen 10 (Xuehai / Sea of Blood)

    When the knee is

    flexed, 2 cun above themedio-superior border

    of the patella, on the

    bulge of the medial

    portion of m. vastusmedialis.

    0.5 1.2 II

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    Spleen 12 (Chongmen / Rushing Gate) Superior to the lateral end

    of the inguinal groove,

    lateral to the femoral artery,level with the upper borderof the pubic symphysis,3.5 cun lateral to theanterior midline. Palpate forfemoral artery!

    0.5 1.0 II

    Deadman: 1 handbreadth

    lateral to the midline,

    Caution! Femoral nerve,artery and vein

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    Spleen 11 (Jimen / Winnowing Gate) On the medial aspect of

    the thigh, 6 cun above

    Spleen 10, on the lineconnecting Spleen 10 andSpleen 12. Locate Spleen12 first.

    0.5 1.0 II

    Deadman: 2 handbreadths superior to

    Spleen 10, half-waybetween the tibio-femoral joint and Spleen12.

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    Spleen 15 (Daheng / Great Horizontal)

    4 cun lateral to the

    center of the umbilicus,on the lateral border of

    m. rectus abdominus

    (level with St 25).

    0.7 1.2 II

    Caution! Peritonealcavity

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    Spleen 13 (Fushe / Abode of the Fu)

    4.3 cun below the

    center of the umbilicus,0.7 cun superior to

    Spleen 12, 4 cun lateral

    to the midline (4.3 cun

    below Spleen 15).Locate Spleen 15 first.

    0.5 1.0 II

    Caution! Peritoneal



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    Spleen 14 (Fujie / Abdomen Knot)

    1.3 cun below Spleen 15,

    4 cun lateral to themidline, on the lateral

    border of m. rectus

    abdominus. Locate Spleen

    15 first. (Approximately the distance from Sp 15

    to pubic symphysis)

    0.5 1.0 II

    Caution! Peritoneal cavity


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    Spleen 16 (Fuai / Abdomen Sorrow)

    3 cun above the centerof the umbilicus/Sp 15,4 cun lateral to themidline (level with St22).

    0.5 1.0 II. If point is oncostal margin, needlemedially or sub q alongcostal margin.

    Caution! Peritonealcavity.


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    Spleen 17 (Shidou / Food Cavity)

    In the 5th ICS, 6 cun

    lateral to the anteriormidline (on line with

    Lung 1 & 2).

    0.3 0.5 // laterally or =

    Caution! Pneumothorax

    S l 18

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    Spleen 18 (Tianxi / Heavenly Stream)

    In the 4th ICS, 6 cun

    lateral to the anteriormidline (on line with

    Lung 1 & 2).

    0.3 0.5 // laterally or =

    Caution! Pneumothorax

    S l 19

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    Spleen 19 (Xiongxiang / Chest Village)

    In the 3rd ICS, 6 cun

    lateral to the anteriormidline (on line with

    Lung 1 & 2).

    0.3 0.5 // laterally or =

    Caution! Pneumothorax

    S l 20

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    Spleen 20 (Zhourong / Encircling Glory)

    In the 2nd ICS, 6 cun

    lateral to the anteriormidline (on line with

    Lung 1 & 2).

    0.3 0.5 // laterally or =

    Caution! Pneumothorax

    S l 21

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    Spleen 21 (Dabao / Great Wrapping)

    On the lateral side of

    the chest, on theaxillary midline, in the

    6th ICS.

    0.3 0.5 // or =

    Deadman: 7th ICS.

    Caution! Pneumothorax

    Spleen 14 21 Stomach 14 25

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    Spleen 14 21, Stomach 14 - 25