Cargo Special Logistic Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni transporti

Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

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Cargo Special LogisticSpecial oversized transportsSondertransporteSpecijalni transporti

Page 2: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

Cargo Special Logistic - Special oversize transportation / Sondertransporte / Specijalni transporti www.cslog.rs

Cargo Special Logistic is a team of young experienced, innovative people,who seek to establish and dictate the highest standards of business

of oversized goods transport, who will support the development and operation of yourCompany in the most professional and cost-effective manner.

Responsible, flexible, fast and fully committed to its customers,we are willing to accommodate your transportation needs and do what is

best for your Company, while building stable and long-lasting relationships.


Internal road oversized transport.International road oversized transport from and to all countries in the

Balkan region, European countries even till the Russian Federation and the Middle East...Short delivery times in Serbia and the world (after customs clearance).

Truck - complete shipment.Obtaining permits and approvals from the Government authorities in Serbia

and other countries your goods are going through.Technical guidance and co-ordination with control and traffic safety.

Ensuring that transport of your goods should be performed in linewith all imposed requirements by traffic laws, regulations or authorities.

Cargo Special Logistic čini tim mladih ali iskusnih, inovativnih ljudi,koji teže tome da uspostave i diktiraju najviše standarde poslovanja uoblasti vangabaritnog transporta robe, podržaće razvoj i rad VAŠEG

preduzeća na najprofesionalniji i najekonomičniji način.

Odgovorni, fleksibilni, brzi i do kraja posvećeni svojim klijentima,prilagodiće se vašim transportnim potrebama i uraditi ono što je

najbolje za Vaše preduzeće, gradeći pritom stabilne i dugotrajne odnose.


Unutrašnji drumski vangabaritni transport.Međunarodni drumski vangabaritni prevoz iz, i u sve države

bal kanskog regiona, zemlje Evrope, ali i do Ruske Federacije, Bliskog istoka...Kratki rokovi isporuke u Srbiji i svetu (nakon izvršenog carinjenja).

Kamionske - kompletne pošiljke rsz_vangb.Pribavljanje dozvola i odobrenja od državnih organa u Srbiji

i drugim zemljama kroz koje prolazi Vaša roba.Tehnička pratnja i koordinacija sa organima za kontrolu i bezbednost u saobraćaju.

Briga o tome da prevoz Vaše robe bude izveden u skladusa svim zahtevima koje propisuju saobraćajni zakoni i drugi akti ili organi.

Page 3: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni


Cargo Special Logistic is a team of young experienced, innovative people,who seek to establish and dictate the highest standards of business

of oversized goods transport, who will support the development and operation of yourCompany in the most professional and cost-effective manner.

Responsible, flexible, fast and fully committed to its customers,we are willing to accommodate your transportation needs and do what is

best for your Company, while building stable and long-lasting relationships.


Internal road oversized transport.International road oversized transport from and to all countries in the

Balkan region, European countries even till the Russian Federation and the Middle East...Short delivery times in Serbia and the world (after customs clearance).

Truck - complete shipment.Obtaining permits and approvals from the Government authorities in Serbia

and other countries your goods are going through.Technical guidance and co-ordination with control and traffic safety.

Ensuring that transport of your goods should be performed in linewith all imposed requirements by traffic laws, regulations or authorities.

Cargo Special Logistic - Special oversize transportation / Sondertransporte / Specijalni transporti

Page 4: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

www.cslog.rsCargo Special Logistic - Special oversize transportation / Sondertransporte / Specijalni transporti

Page 5: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

www.cslog.rsCargo Special Logistic - Special oversize transportation / Sondertransporte / Specijalni transporti

Page 6: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

www.cslog.rsCargo Special Logistic - Special oversize transportation / Sondertransporte / Specijalni transporti

Page 7: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

www.cslog.rsCargo Special Logistic - Special oversize transportation / Sondertransporte / Specijalni transporti

Page 8: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

www.cslog.rsCargo Special Logistic - Special oversize transportation / Sondertransporte / Specijalni transporti

Page 9: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

www.cslog.rsCargo Special Logistic - Special oversize transportation / Sondertransporte / Specijalni transporti

Page 10: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

www.cslog.rsCargo Special Logistic - Special oversize transportation / Sondertransporte / Specijalni transporti

Page 11: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

www.cslog.rsCargo Special Logistic - Special oversize transportation / Sondertransporte / Specijalni transporti

Page 12: Special oversized transports Sondertransporte Specijalni

Cargo Special LogisticSpecial oversized transports

Special überdimensionalen transportVanredni prevozi

www.cslog.rs [email protected] Beograd 11070, Dr Agostina Neta 82/82

Telefoni: +381 11 615 4243 / +381 63 209 675