Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths

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  • 8/2/2019 Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths


    lr-rFl )- It tzi - ^ \)a )V' t ' ,'\, 'Qul *f,lrr'n-, f f-r. \/ i5- >ral!1^2.\ '''h*) =7. A person sold a horse at a gain of 15Vo.Had he bought it for"25Vo less and sold itfor Rs. 60 less. he rvould have made aprofit of 32o/o. TLre cost price o[ the horse

    f-^ \\ -rr^L_)l. t)trt * rtts -41l3. rlren (r + y - 1)3 + 27xv--ffi '"wrc) _1, @) 272. tt l7l7,,hJ7* = (i13)r-t, rhenl,is equal

    (B) I(D)*

    =2, then (c+ l) is equal ro

    , l. The missing term in the sequence J" 2. 3. 5. 7. ll t\ t7 ro ic ,t'"t. lB. t7, Igisit;"t" ftnfi,


    8. A sells an ar.ricle ro B at a gain of Z5Vo,B sells it to C ar a gain-of 2TVoand C sellsit to D at a gain of l\Vo.lf D pays Rs. 330, for ighow much did ir cosr j ?-Vkfps.zoo (B) Rs.25o(C) Rs. 275 @) .Rs.2909. By selling an arricle for Rs.21, a man lostsuch that the percentage loss was equal tothe cost price. The cost price of the articlen,&* 3o or Rs.7o tA*' 1 6(B) Rs. 35 or Rs.60

    Xi*, ,,0y.i,efx".tts

    (C) Rs.45(D) Rs.50

    L->* )t+j* a4'


    lr -\l,-

    (A) 16

    the sequence

    /t\/ kr\J

    . Ir-\'t) r- C,lrr \- ^tt ) " lQrr)) - MN2oro .-*;;;L

    price of each article was{A)-Rs. l0 (B) Rs. 15gPf Rs.20 (D) Rs.30

    ?-a - Zq

    x l,l : (=1t

  • 8/2/2019 Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths


    'B r,\ \-,/_ f--: 1 N-0 ?

    \.!:r ,612. A dealer'marks his goods 30Vo above his


    72Vp of tt+e students of a certain class tookBiology and 44Vo rook Mathematics. Ifeacl-r student took at.least one of Biology orMarhemarics and 40 students took boih ofthese sirbjects, the total number of studentsin the class is

    ...-!g-$i8l'4. -- -)ry."-q---l'f rx*e

    (A) 200WGo2-to

    *l (oS'tv*'ur rvql

    coit price and then aliows l5Zo discount onit. Whayjs llre cost price ol an arricle on'whicltie gains Rs. 64 ?.', (B) Rs.56ot (Ct Rs.373.33 ,(D) Rs.280'Y -'4:. O shopkeeper wishcs to give 5Vo commis-) sron on the marked price bf an articie but",2---tlso wants ro eam a pr.ofit ol 107o. If his. cosl price is Rs.95. then the marked price


    t-A"t,t^ _ rt:J- _.'-- "'/18. Rs.-l-O5de divided among A, B and C in

    . The sidesofa righr-angled triangle fonningright angle are in the ratio 5 : 12. If the areaof the triangle is 270 cmz, then the len-ethof the lypotenuse is\Lkis rm (B) 42 cm t'n'(C) 45 cm - (D) 5l cm +

    such a way thar rhc shrre of A is ? of.rhe 6 Fc6mbined shrre of a nd e44wiil get tsu 7u(A) Rs.2oo Vffis.3oo .4 C..^(c) Rs.32o 11t) Rs.42o 'f{1

    4) Rj-3400 (B) Rs.3000\ffiyiyy^-. ,,tDl R:,4s-Ya g1,S\44,v"rrlt e Stsr)15. Iwo nurhbers are respectively l2\Vo and> ,,ZsVa more than a third number. The firstz'gnumbetiahow much per cent of the second,' nugfii ?UFt go (B) 87.5- (c) 25 (D n.5)16. Population of a town increases 2.5Voannually but is decreased by 0.5Vo every.15n lear due to migrarion. What2ill be thlpercentage of increase in 2r{ears ?(A)5 \ffi(c) 4 (D) 3.e6


    !:20. Two numbers are in the ratio 5 :6. If-their

    2l.If a+b+c=l and ab+bc+.a={ theno:b:cis(B)(D) \


  • 8/2/2019 Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths


    .6.8 s



    22. A and B enter into partnershif with capitalsin the ratio 5 : 6. At the end of 8 monthsA u ithdlaws lris c:rpital. They receivedptofits in the ratio 5.:9. B invested t_ capital f,or/ (A) 6 months (B) 8 months(C) 10 rnonths u{Dfi -orrrh"

    23. What is the length of the radius of thecircum-circle of the eqr-rilateral triangle, the

    (C) 5.4 cm (D) 3J6 crn24. If the measures of a diagonal and the

    area of a rectangle are 25 cm and l68,crir2respectively, what is the length of the

    (c) 500 (D) 48026. If the radius of a sphere is incredsed by

    2 m. irs surface-area is increased by 704 rnl.What is the radius oF the originel spher-e ?I-. ?r\\use 7r = 7/(A) 16 m (B) 15 m(C) 14 m 1-Ivf1i n

    l>t'4 ?-25. The number of coins, each of radius0.75 cm and thickness 0.2 cm, to be meltedto make a right circular cylinder of height annum tsro Yra x 11\' (A\ 129ocm and radius 3 cm, is,r*6-640 (B)

    such that their bases are. The latio of their volumes is

    simple interest. If his annual income frominterests is Rs.56l, the capital investedwas(A) Rs. 6()00 (B) Rs. 5o{)0yi6 Rs.6600 (D) Rs Tl()(r

    29. The compound interest on Rs.6250 atI2c/o per annum for I year, compounded

    30. A sum of money lent at compound interestamounts to Rs. 1460 in 2 years and toRs. 1606 in 3 yars. The rate olintcrest pere rete ol tntcrcst peru6.(B) il7c ^

  • 8/2/2019 Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths


    6*@>32. A General. while arrtrnging his men, who

    ">TI[2_y'ob9/12- x=4, then'the value7.'rf a2 it? +\+

    (A) I,,&

    >r"fl+r l/

    34. A number, when divided by 296,g to ,.-\ef o'rzs

    of ttz + h? wi LPr( q* ttl(B)(D)

    t+ ,/ u)

    (c) r Upr o0.1 x0 I x0.l + 0.02 x0.02 x 0 02 is equal0.2 x 0.2 x0.2 { 0.04 x 0.04 x 0.04

    kK) 0.12s (B) 0.250(c) 0.500 (D). 0.855

    (B) 0(D) -2

    2'+ &*33. A number. when divided successively by4, 5 hnd 6, leaves remainders 2,3 and 4

    respectivell'. Jhc least such number is.g'. /'(A) 50.x" frr{l .o-(c) 58 v\ VlPYaru 5 'as the iemainder. If the same

    (c) 1e (D)35. The square root of

    divi@d6y 37 then the remainderr.t{, (B) 2 / i40, If- r*1 = 2, then the value of "to9 +;#ts /2'.-f6 z(c) I(o'7t)t *[o.rr*(o.zl-0.75 r- /

    4L lf x3 + 3x2 + 3x = 7,Sen .r is equal to(A) 2 't\ (B) -V6wQrt , ^6 r.,.Lol;l r: ' , \+t>.'-'42. Il 2x + i = l, ,tt"n the value of -r'.+ i is(A) + v{-+product of two numbers are

    12 and 35 respectively. The sum of their (c) + (D) -+43. The greatest number o*ong 16, W, W,

    (A) 1(c) 3

    recipr-ocals will be(Ai +{et&

    7$ it(A) 3"[96 J-s


    2(D) 4

    18) +(D) # (B)(D) w.56

    I r, 9iFJ)/ t 3-2'-t)

    oD-MN20l0 I --+ -{L*I

  • 8/2/2019 Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths


    J-\) -_ lqcG e_ q--- =G-fofixed price.0-o -44. 1/(13.608)2 -(13.3942 is equai to ;a 50. An article is sold at a ce

    .- I t t r I 'l4:l- I-r-

    !_ |[rxz 2xJ -rx4 """ggxloo]is equrl to. --..- eg(A) ffi \--taf :tc -

    1Uf, By selling it at J of price, one loses107o. The gain per on selling it at theoriginal price is (B) 33+

    (D) 4o;o s5'51. A sells to B for Rs. 45,000 losingljVo transaction. B sells it to C at arvould have given a profit ofto A. By what per cent does B gain ?

    (A) 0.6J4t'8

    (c) 548. A person bought a

    Rs. 20q00. Later, he

    (A) 20 -\Jg"{(g) .06: (D) 2.6

    --{c) # (D) 5f(\u. )n* ,u,n of all rhe digiis of the numbcrs\ /Es!o-l-ro-{oo lsv /ter JqUl (B) eojxTw (D) eoo47, A shopkeeper sells sugar in such athat the selling price df 950 g of sug

    the same as the cost price of I kg ofWhat ! his gain pel cent ? 'y$r s; (B) s+(D)

    and a carriase for.1the horse at 20ol,profit and the carrj at 107o losi. Thushe gained 27o in whole transaction. Thecost price ofeach costing ks.310. should he purchuse ?(A)ro (B)7 ,,U)(c) 6 ,-wfs />?


    (A) Rs.\ was(B) Rs.7s00(D) Rs.9000

    49. A sells article to B at l5Vo profit. B sellsit to it 10% loss. If C pays Rs.517.50n A purchased it atRs.500 (B) Rs. 7s0(D) Rs. 1250C) Rs.1000,. ,. SIA^CE FOR ROUGH TVORK

    tYd \rlr'"*.-L-g\-.,-,\e_ o-.oo .v\l ,'lf-4,/ 10 .t-

    5,1. A merchant purchases a rvristwatch forRs.450 and fixes its list price in such away that after allowing a discount ol l\Vo,he eams a profit of 207o. Then the list price-q


  • 8/2/2019 Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths


    q,s4 .s= ;lqA reduction of l09o in the price of teaen"ables a dealer to purchase 25 kg more teaior Rs.22500. Whlt is rhe?duced priceper kg of tea ?(A) Rs.70 (B) Rs. S0vl?ffr.oo . 1o; ns. iOo5(;"Ram donatetl 4% ofltisincorne to u.ho.ity" and deposited l07a of the rest in a Bank. Ifnow he hns Rs. E6-{0 lcir wirh him. then hislncome ts(A) Rs.12,500 (B) Rp. 12,000.'.(c) Rs. 10.500 , (2f Rs. 10,000\--

    '.: e? !o

  • 8/2/2019 Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths


    65. A wire, when bent in the form of a square' What is the difference between the com-pound interest and simPle onencloses a region o[ area l2l cmz' lf the I ["."}j':::'il J:"^";l'JZ.';';.;;ri

    ively. The rate of interest

    '(C) 36 cm (D) 40 cm - t/"in of a kilomltre in 15 minutes and

    hka'--2"rf r V LZn>>r/"^ o'Y 1 '4clrsrosss 4 ttrBrulr '": ^: ':'- [ ns.qooo at 5Ta persame wire is bent into the fonn of a circle, | '.'//:';:- --t;i I vxnt to

    yexfs I (+_'? )/[Tfr:#:?:#TI;i*';='+ll#tz fl": 64JtE^::: l3l ;;il; (A;'T::#/T:H*JH:ffi1;66. The rrrio o[ the area of r sector of a circle I Rs.8652 reyhcttuely. lhe rate o' ItffFt -(ro tlre arer of the circle is I :4. If tlre area I pcrfnumfs \D1- :rof the circle is l5-1 cm2. the perimercr.of ,l y 1dl ov"/ (B) 7'5vo --l{tz -

    the secror i" .. Ls " t , s7 (D) 4'5Vo -wrn(A) 20 cm xA z5 cm ^lP'tt. AArn "ur', row against the cunent th'"t-'-'

    1,n$ lLJ r' \ (N 4ft1 square unit ,r6 r\a ,,* ( ,,:;:r;;,,,,;;;;;;,, ^y/"; \r' ulr 'in the same direction at a constant speed'-' th"u meet in 5 hours- lf the cars travel'7.- ' totuurds each othet. they meet in I hr- Whatis the-speed of the car runrring faster ?\ \Prfoo tmlnr G) 5o km/hrtn (c) 4o km/hr (D) 32 km/hr

    relurns the same distance in l0 minutes'The ratio ol his speed to that of the curreru q1-ffi

    67. The tength of the diagonal of a cub3 i9- i c,". Tlie volume ol rie yle (in cm3) is(A) 18."6 gaxfztJi(c) 28J3 (Dt 30.6f-/'\[os. f f I of radius r is divide

    n\-#y :1, l,'i:., iY :l'j':' ^:


    I 23, t*o places A and B are 100 knr apart on a: highway. One car statls from A and anotherY from A at the same time. tf the cars travel

    *1'.*rY5ffiF;4 / i; Y'.a.fp - (D) 3tr" square unrl \"r1'- 6e. A sum "r *r "v/,9,1":11-::-:"T.::

    Sar" square untt

    per cent per any(m of compound interest,doubles itself fd 4 years. In how many yearswill itrate] l6 times of itselfat the same

    \r,0. ocan complete a piece of work in 12 deys') B i. 607o morc efficient than A' The num-ber of days, that B will take to complete thesame work. k -/.-/(A) 6 \-6 7+rat !--/-.(1 rc(c) l0 ID)c) 8(B) 12(D) 8

    5L,l't- 1--'ve\^6s"r'

    q[ ret(i/.U-nIas/-, | -4


    , tL{tIYT',ls 4?,a') |\),*Y+ t Prt,4

    o t'hr/ -vT -:1.-0..\ --: )'*-''J'D-MN20l0 *tAL\-4/ \-----%v*-/- .. \tL/'x{4 j3q= Yfi

  • 8/2/2019 Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths


    75. Two pipes can fill an empty tank separatelyin 24 minutes and 40 ininutes respectivelyand a third pipe can empty 30 gallons ofwater per minute. If all the three pipes areopen, empty tank becomes full in one hour.The capacity of thc tank tjqc6llons) is(A) 800 'rl.sfsoo(c) 500 (D) 400

    76. A batsman, in his l2th innings, makes ascore of 63 runs and thereby increases hisaverage score by 2. The average of hisscorgafter l2th innings istH 4t (B) 42

    '(ry ' '-./, \sr.rrzr+f=6.then t/*.eguarro. . ,(A) 4 /,",, i il o,(A)-4 /,"r r fi o' 'vft; / '31,i, /" x=t,fy/tl+ rhen the varue or' / I 6 -r I(c) 34

    { @) _2i \.-^t -e) zJt. @) -J,;' ;(' -+X'-tJ ('-e (' lfX'-ii)

    P6@ -.\,(D) 35

    sides are 20 cm, 21 cm,respectively is

    \t 1

    (A) fr \-(ar+ '. . | _rL(c)* (D)+ q*b7E. --t _'"1rcy2!L_Uar+ Lffi***'l'v r':"'(n) i ,u, ) ch*t "6'

    cmL (B) 8555 cm2cm2-

    (D) llj25 cm2-:>F>)*0. ,#.ou"r. ,nn, n52an9o%*f,9 1,/-/ -*'u-*fr ts (B) 45 5 ^ )'(c) 75 @) 225


    ( isen,,,rrov rlq'as ofthe l0 squares; the ss. trl!y2:h+6y+10=0,thenthevalue,L,-+y--L\+oy+ru=u,tlrclrutcvatue/ofix2+;1'2;is .'- ,(l I

    t3I5(D)ae+ffin,i.,'or,r',g lengths of rufd


    *, ./ ^rl/.1 ,'. - v// VJ"v"D - MN20l0

    ;ri.'ivlr':i::A) 4 (B)(c) 8 VD86. The largest among the numbers Ine rargest among tne numDersJj_Jt.Jt_Jt.Je_J1,Jn_Jei6) l1-Jt \.-+Bf ls'-Ji-1-Js





  • 8/2/2019 Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths


    in 18 seconds. The speed oTTG second I anstue' question nos. 91trafi is(A) 26 kmihr

    glaf36 knthr

    (A) 30(c) 24

    (B) 35 km/ht(D) 63 km/hr @

    88. A and B together can complete a piece ofwork in 12 days and B and C together in15 days. If A is twice as good a wolknihnas C, then in how many days will B alonecomplete the sarne work ?, (B) 25

    \-p\'fr ,BL$+c

    Ic/ lI9. 4 men and 6 women together cana rvork in 8 days while 3 men atogether can complete it in days. 20rvornen working togetherin


    36 days ) 32 days(C) 24 days ) 20 days

    90. The averase numbers 4 and B is ?0,that of B21. What C is 19 and of C andA it is


    income of the family for thewas Rs. i.50,000 then the91, lf the totalyear 2009difference b;:tween the expenditures onhouslg4-dfid transpoit was(C) Rs. 12,000 (D)

    92. Maximun"r.expenditure of the family otherthrn on food, was on

    Rs. 10,000Rs.7,500

    the value of A ?t"W{n(D) 18

    Ad r:p9itE FoR^::(* +\"

    (A) Houting(B) Clothing\@)(D)-Education o[ children 7o+l\r)G+ 6t(, 6.

    *i)=+r/a-1--}- J- -- _:' \) l;; F^v*yA:-=---'D_M

  • 8/2/2019 Ssc Cgl 2010 Tier 2 Maths


    .y3. The savings of the family for the year wereequal to the expenditure on(A) food \.r', -gf Housing- (C) Education of children - /.(D) Clothing.o . \'"e294. The o.r..n,u'{"tir Lhe ifo,',.,e rvhich ivasspent on clothing. eduCation of childrenand transport together isG) 20(c) 22 Df 27'\./95. If the total incoYe of the farnilvRs. i,50,000 then the money spenr on loodwas(A) Rs. 20,000 (B) \s. 23,000(C) Rs. 30,000 \-.@r)-x.s.:a,soo

    Study the bar diagram and answer question nos.96 to 100 based on it.Z Persons kilted in industrial accidenr(c,+

    2006 7007 2008 2009

    illed in mlnesas what per cent bf killed inaccidents in that v{ar ?

    (A) 4(c) 36

    25(D) 300

    97. In which year, number of personskilled in ial accidents and coal.mines to-'1.ther ?

    In which year, maximum number of per-sons were killed in industrial accidentsother than those killed in coal mines ?(B) 2007(D) 2009

    100. In a year, on average, how many personswere killed in industrial accidents and.coalmines together ?


    (A) (B) 2007


    ,7*trE 8oooo3 ooooEE qoo

    (A)r21.2s - '(B)1000



    L:ll P.t6fililbin coal mines-+,uosJ1200 +';; / \.

    D - MN20t0 qr'q