1617 W. Pine Street | Appleton, WI 54914 | 920.739.0331 Welcome and inspire all to share Christ’s love through faith and service. St. Bernard Congregation of Appleton SAT 4:30 pm SUN 8:00 am/10:00 am TUE 8:00 am WED 8:00 am THU 8:00 am FRI 8:00 am MASS TIMES CONNECT: ONLINE stbernardappleton.org FACEBOOK stbernardappleton EMAIL [email protected] 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 16, 2020 PRIEST: Father Jude Egbuna ACTIVE DEACON: Mike Eash RETIRED DEACONS: Don Nass Maury Reed Bob Vincent

St. Bernard Congregation all to share Christ’s love of

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1617 W. Pine Street | Appleton, WI 54914 | 920.739.0331

Welcome and inspire all to share Christ’s love

through faith and service.

St. Bernard Congregation of Appleton

SAT 4:30 pm SUN 8:00 am/10:00 am TUE 8:00 am WED 8:00 am THU 8:00 am FRI 8:00 am


ONLINE stbernardappleton.org

FACEBOOK stbernardappleton

EMAIL [email protected]

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 16, 2020

PRIEST: Father Jude Egbuna


RETIRED DEACONS: Don Nass Maury Reed Bob Vincent

MON 17 TUE 18

SUN 16


6:30 pm Handbells Music Rm.

Salvation Army Needs Volunteers St. Bernard Salvation Army Team is in need of new team members to help serve lunch on holidays. No experience needed. Our Teams will show you what needs to be done. A great way to serve others in our Community. If you have some extra time on your hands, our next service day is on Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 17, 11:30 am. If interested or would like more information please call Sheila or Al, 733-1102 or email [email protected].


8:00 am Mass

9:00 am Crafty Ladies

Act. Ctr.

6:00 pm Parish Council Act. Ctr.

Saturday, February 15

4:30 pm In Memory of Dick Faltynski Sunday, February 16

8:00 am In Memory of Mike Tassoul

10:00 am In Memory of Kenneth Fulcer AND Members of St. Bernard Tuesday, February 18

8:00 am In Memory of Richard Pechotta Wednesday, February 19

8:00 am In Memory of Bob Wisneski Thursday, February 20

8:00 am In Memory of Bernadette Bachman Friday, February 21

8:00 am In Memory of Connie Fresbie Saturday, February 22

4:30 pm In Memory of Patricia Sengstock AND Members of St. Bernard Sunday, February 23

8:00 am In Memory of Stan & Gladys Helminski

10:00 am In Memory of Edward & Loretta Slavik & Family

Uh…Well…Maybe… Most of us learn at an early age that there are consequences for our actions. All you need to do is listen to a three-year-old spin a tale of how something became broken to realize that as quickly as we learn there are consequences, we try and find ways of defending our actions. I think that (over time) most Christians learn that trying to defend actions we know are wrong goes against the gospel message. At the end of today’s gospel, Jesus sums it up this way, “Let your ‘yes’ mean ‘yes’, and your ‘no’ mean ‘no’.” It is his way of telling his followers that the covenant (think Ten Commandments) handed to the Israelites is not compromised by his coming but is being brought to its fullness. What this says to us is that we know what is right and what is wrong and any attempt on our part to circumvent what is righteous does not come from God. This often takes the form of the “yeah-buts.” This is what we say when we do or say something we know is not totally true or just. When I was younger, it usually involved those I hung out with… “yeah-but my friends were doing it!” As we mature, life becomes more complex and arguments become more nuanced. For most of us the yeah-buts still hang around and the consequences became more serious. Trust is compromised, integrity is surrendered, and hearts are broken. What we say and do matters. Yes or No? Deacon Mike

7:30 am Rosary

8:00 am Mass

9:45 am

10:00 am

11:00 am

1st Eucharist/Rite of Enrollment

H.S. Lifenight Winter Mini-retreat



THU 20 FRI 21

WED 19 8:00 am Mass


Parish Prayer Chain If you or someone you know is in need of prayers and would like to be added to the St. Bernard Prayer Chain, call Donna Alferi at 734-0933.

8:00 am Mass

1:00 pm Care Ministers Mtg

Act. Ctr.

6:30 pm Choir Music Rm.

Praying The Rosary

Join us before Mass in the Marian Chapel. Saturdays, 4:00 pm and Sundays, 7:30 am to pray the Rosary.

8:00 am Mass

6:00 pm Parish Council

Parish Hall

6:30 pm Card Ministry

Rm. 112


Green Bay Marriage Encounter March 27-29 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality at St. Norbert Abbey in De Pere, for an enriching experience you will treasure for a lifetime. Call 920-544-5166

St. Bernard Parish Bishop’s Appeal Goal is $52,268

In October 2018, we introduced a new dynamic online platform called FORMED. Many of our parishioners have used this as a resource to access Catholic e-books, videos and movies on any device, including your computer, smartphone and tablet. With FORMED you’ll find videos that explain the Catholic faith, explore the deepest meaning of relationships, receive bible studies on a variety of topics and include inspiring audio talks. Let the journey begin; give it a try this Lent. Already have a Formed Account? Need to create a Formed Account 1. Visit FORMED.org 1. Visit FORMED.org 2. Click Sign In 2. Click Sign Up 3. Enter your email 3. Enter parish code XMJM3V 4. Click the link in your email 4. Enter your email—and you’re in 5. You’re in

Where do we find complete joy and complete happiness? It’s a question many of us ask ourselves often. What job will bring us happiness? What activities will bring us happiness?

Check out What is a Vocation? With Father Scott Traynor Season 16 Episode 1 in YDisciple in FORMED.

The questions we really yearn to answer are: “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” To truly find these answers, we need to bring with an understanding of the true desires of our hearts and how those desires align with the God who loves us more than we love ourselves. Fr. Traynor is engaging; there is time to stop and reflect and/or discuss.....our vocation is NOT our jobs; Our Vocations are where God leads us. Let Him show us the way. Submitted weekly by a St. Bernard Parishioner

Reporting Sexual Abuse

If you know of an incident of sexual abuse of a person who is now under the age of 18 by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer, please immediately call the civil authorities and the Diocese. If the person was abused as a minor but is now an adult, please contact Diocese of Green Bay at 1-877-270-8174 (toll free).

“When was the last time someone confused you for Jesus?”

Matthew Kelly Rediscover Jesus

SUN 23 SAT 22


Bookkeeper Barb Hoffman Bulletin Editor Lisa Hecht Business Administrator Dr. Colleen Sargent-Day Care Ministry Coordinator Cathy Kulibert Director of Communication, A/V Tech. Rhonda Uschan Evangelization Coordinator Emily Jenks Faith Formation Coordinator Deb Holzem Maintenance Supervisor Jim Piette Office Manager Edna Ulrich

7:30 am Rosary

8:00 am Mass

10:00 am Mass/J.A.M.



Weekly Scrip Update: Scrip Sales $2,980 Cost $2,844 Rebate $136


St. Bernard Parish is grateful for your continued support of all our ministries. We are blessed by your generosity!

2/14/2020 Wk 32 Fiscal YTD Total

Env. $ 9,413 YTD Actual Env. $449,309

Budget Env. $16,538 YTD Budget Env. $529,231

Env. Over/(Under) ($ 79,922)

Loose $ 654 YTD Loose $ 19,708

Budget Loose $ 712 YTD Budget Loose $ 22,769

Loose Over/(Under) ($ 3,061)

$ 27,161


Sunday: Sir 15:15-20/Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34 [1b]/1 Cor 2:6-10/Mt 5:17-37 or 5:20-22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37

Monday: Jas 1:1-11/Ps 119:67, 68, 71, 72, 75, 76 [77a]/Mk 8:11-13

Tuesday: Jas 1:12-18/Ps 94:12-13a, 14-15, 18-19 [12a]/Mk 8:14-21

Wednesday: Jas 1:19-27/Ps 15:2-3a, 3bc-4ab, 5 [1b]/Mk 8:22-26

Thursday: Jas 2:1-9/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [7a]/Mk 8:27-33

Friday: Jas 2:14-24, 26/Ps 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [cf. 1b]/Mk 8:34—9:1

Saturday: 1 Pt 5:1-4/Ps 23:1-3a, 4, 5, 6 [1]/Mt 16:13-19

Next Sunday: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13 [8a]/1 Cor 3:16-23/Mt 5:38-4

3:00 pm Reconciliation

4:00 pm Rosary

4:30 pm Mass

Coffee & Rolls Sunday in our Parish Hall after both Masses Lent Kick Off Weekend

After our 4:30 pm Mass there will be Anointing of the Sick 5:30 pm Wine & Cheese Social Lent Kick Off Weekend


Wednesday, February 26 Mass Times

8:00 am and 6:00 pm

Make this Lent your best ever. Journey with the Dynamic Catholic Team by receiving an email with a short inspirational video each day. There are amazing possibilities. It’s not what you give up, it’s who you become. A group discussion will be available on Sunday evenings, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm with an optional dinner. To sign up for the Best Lent Ever daily videos go the following address: https://dynamiccatholic.com/best-lent-ever/ Sign up at our Welcome Counter in the Narthex or in our Parish Office.