St. Cloud State University IEC 2014/ Spring Magazine

St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

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Page 1: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

St. Cloud State University

IEC2014/ Spring


Page 2: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

Back Row (from left to right): Christine Tempel, Merve Akin, Douchi Yang (Instructor), Abdullah Aldaej, Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: Sugayyer Alajmi Missing: Sakinah Alhayiki, Mahmmod Albanawi

Back Row(from left to right): Abdullah Alsaffar, Rhoda Fagerland, Hussain Al Marhoon, Basam Alabdalull, Wahab Al Khawaher

Front Row(from left to right): Mahmmod Alsaigh, Mohand Alfaraj

IEC Magazine Staff

Neeta Niraula

Carlos Aremeshe

Hyun Chang Moon

Teddy ParePrithvi Saripalli

Aysha Sawadogo

Kholoud Althobaiti

Abdulmajeed Madkhali

Levels of the IECPre-Level 1

Level 1A

Suhaib Kazzaz

Thank you to the IEC Magazine staff who worked so hard on this project during the semester. Also, thank you to all of the contributing students from the different levels in the IEC. Your essays and artwork really made this semester’s magazine special. Cheers,

Mr. O

Page 3: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald Hafing, Mohamed Ba

Front Row (left to right): Lydia Dieterich, Zainab Alasker, Shaimaa Alhabib, Hasnaa Al Dahnim, Carlos Ausset, Mohammed Al Shaikhnasser

Missing: Saud Alhajri & Abdullah Alotebi

Back Row (from left to right): Faisal, Steve, Rayan, Sheryl, Zeta, Sakina

Front Row (from left to right): Faisal, Mohammed, Danny

Back Row (from left to right): Hussain, Ahmed, Osama, Rita, Fati-ma, Ibtihal, Zainab

Front Row (from left to right): Mohanad, Naif, Ali, Moon, Olena

Back Row (from left to right): Hydar, Hamad, Hassan, Ahmed

Front Row (from left to right): Hussian, Pearl, Nasser

Level 1B

Level 2A

Level 3A

Level 3B

Page 4: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

My Experience in the IEC

What a great semester I had. Before I came to the IEC, the hardest thing I can think of is “make an essay”. Even in my native language, but in the IEC I discovered that I have a talent in making good stories. Infect, I am in the process in making a mystery story. The IEC helped me to improve my language a discovering my talent. I am proud to be an IEC student. Also I want to give an advice. If you challenge your mind your mind will accept that and will improve and will solve things better and faster. I used to complain about the homework and the activity we had to do outside the campus, but if you stopped for a second and think about it, it is for you to help you to improve. So stop being the lazy guy that you were and work for your future.

by Osama Alshamrani

Student Reflections and Artwork

Touring New York City

Last year my friends and I went to New York. I had a nice trip in New York. First, we flew to New York. Then we went to the zoo which was called Central Park Zoo. Later own, we visited my friend and stayed in his house for one week, we went swimming in our hotel which we stayed in, and hiking in a gym. We relaxed a little bit and went back to the hotel, and then we went home next day. It was nice travel and I was happy because I had a wonderful travel with my friends. Finally, we derived back to Minnesota on our way we had a flat tire that we stopped in the way to fix it.

Ghassan Alabdalull

Back Row (left to right): Warshani, YuanCheng Gu, Cisse, Haoua Diarra, Mamadou I Mutoni, Mynchka C Alkhaldi, Owyed A Teixerira, Andre Ansaif, Hussain Khalid

Front Row (left to right): Alabdalull, Ghassan A Alabbas, Zakaria Abbas A

Back Row (from left to right): Abdulmajeed Madkhali, Teddy Pare, Suhaib Kazzaz, Carlos Aremeshe, Prithvi Saripalli

Front Row (from left to right): Neeta Niraula, Aysha Sawadogo, Hyun Chang Moon

Level 4A

Level 5

Picture by Rasha Masri

Page 5: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

Korea Night at... St. Cloud State

Page 6: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

Living in a New Place I’m international student from China. I’m very surprised to come to USA and live with my first host family. Because I felt very different life from China. My first host family name is John. He’s American, and he had two kids younger than me. I didn’t do anything when I just came here. I went to school every day. After classroom, I was back to have dinner and go to sleep. I was afraid to talk with them, when I ate dinner already, I put my place in the kitchen, because I was during that in China, and my mom will wash that. But his son never told me, “Yilang, you need come and wash your dishes. No one will do the dishes for you. We all do this by myself.” And I went to ask John, “We need wash dishes by ourself?” John told me yes and his kids start to do this when they are ten years old. Well, I think there is different education for America and Chna. The China family want to do everything for their child and don’t want their kids do any job or work. But America family is so different. They have more different way to teach their kids. They want them have more skill and independence. So they just tell the kids do what they can. It’s so different.

By Yilang Chen

Cultural Comparisons

High School and IEC Before studying at the IEC, I went to high school in Ukraine. Both of them are great plac-es for learning. There are professional teachers, who love their job in high school in my country as well as at the IEC in the USA. Also, they use innovative technology for teaching. The next similarity between these learning places is policy about homework and attendance. At the IEC, just like in high school, a student’s participation in class is key to good grades. Moreover, both of them have same vacation time every season and entertainment parties dedicated to holidays (New Year, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and etc.)However, there are few differences. Firstly, in high school students are of the same age, language and nationality. Compared to high school, the IEC has international students, who speak differ-ent languages and international teachers too. Secondly, in contrast to Saudi Arabia’s high school, the IEC mixes male and female stu-dents in the class and doesn’t require uniform.Thirdly, each school day at the IES last longer, than in high school, but also IES has a longer break time.The main difference is that at the IEC, we learn more consciously. We study harder than in school to get good jobs and have a successful career. One the other hand, there are more subjects in school. However, at the IES, we have an opportunity to learn them deeper. For these goals, we have a wonderful library, where we can study hard until 2 a. m., unlike in high school.

The Education School System in Germany I would like to describe our school system in Germany. It is different from state to state in my Country. You have to know that we have 16 states: 10 states in the west and 6 states in the former east of Germany. Since October 3, 1990, the two parts of Germany were united. Before, both parts had different governments and also different cultures: In the western part, the culture is based on evangelical and catholic tradition. The eastern part had to believe in their government and eventually in their religion. Most of them are evangelical or non-denominational. The former east was named “DDR”= Deutsche Demokratische Republik, in the western part “BRD” = Bundesrepublik Deutschland. At that time Berlin was divided in two parts. Nowadays, Berlin is our capital city. All of us have the equal laws to obey. But our school system is very different. Some states have a hard school system and have a good ranking (it means a high level). For exam-ple: Baden-Württemberg, in the south, Bavaria, in the south, Saxony, in the east, Thuringia, in the east, and maybe Rheinland-Palatinate (Pfalz), in the middle. They have high levels of ed-ucation. The rest has a lower ranking level. Every state has one’s own rules for the education system. They have different textbooks and another way to teach. It means different system of teaching. If teachers like to work in another state, they have to pass their terminal examination again for the state they want to go teach in, like an entrance exam. The student has to do a qualifying examination. If you like to study at a University from a high level state, and you come from a low level state, you get a “Malus” this is called Bo-nu-Malus-System. In this case, you get minus points, and you have to catch up to the other students by taking addition courses. The English word is “incentive System”. Additionally, this depends on your grade point average. To sum up, I think that we have a very difficult school system. The different states, the different teaching methods, and the difficult methods of evaluation are like a jungle. The par-ents, the students, the teachers, and last but not least, the state government have to decide on the best way in a micro or macro perspective to resolve the “educational jungle”.

By Christine Tempel

In contrast to constantly moving from one building to another for different classes at the IEC, schools usually have only one building for learning. Instead of high school morning exer-cises, the IEC proposes different activities, such as snow walking, cross country, skiing, skating, hiking, and etc. For these activities there is a beautiful Hockey Center, Helenback Hall and more than 250 clubs. Although there are many differences between high school and the IEC, they have one major similarity. Learning time is amazing time because every day we study something new and in front us open s the marvelous world that is called “knowledge.”

By Olena Okhina

Page 7: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

I have visited St. Benedict’s senior community to volunteer three times on Tuesday, February 13th, 20th, and 27th. Since I have been interested in volunteering and unexpectedly had good opportunity through the class of cultural orientation, I was really looking forward to the class and meeting new experience. Fortunately, every-thing is going smoothly with my teacher’s help.

In the first session, I could look around inside the center and listen to the explanation about its functions and facilities offering a wide range of health care and housing places for older adults. These types of amenities were unfamiliar to me while they looked so beautiful, spacious and com-fortable. When spring comes here, I am expecting that they would be more lovely surroundings in the St. Benedict area. Moreover, they offer a variety of services including the chapel, library, beauty shop, therapy room and so on. The community I saw was just like a self-supportive city with all necessary functions.

In the second session, I attended a volunteer orientation in order to be aware of caution and safety for all residents. A coordinator man-aging the center explained meticulously what I must do and not do. Those purposes are to provide and improve continuous human life after seniors’ retirement. Their philosophy “All shall be treated as Christ” was sufficient to inspire me during the volunteer day. What’s more, she informed me about respecting resident’s rights and acknowledging characteristics of vulnerable adults. I have complied with its confidenti-ality and infection policy because infections are the key cause of illness and death for older people. Additionally, I followed directions during an emergency code that was very vital to all residents. If someone dis-covers a fire, volunteers also must follow the necessary procedure. I suppose that the size of the center is so large that its rules and regulations should be as much thorough and rigorous as it does. In the third session, I did person to person practice for the first time. For example, I talked with the elderly during happy hour, and then pushed their wheelchairs after learning how to load a wheel chair on and off the elevator. I must leave the doors in a locked position. I was pretty nervous because some of elderly people were much more weak and careful than what I heard from the last orientation. I tried to do my best with its members’ help.

Reflection Journal: St. Benedict’s Care Center Volunteer

Different Creativity between America and China I am a new student in America. I found many differences of creativity between America and China. Firstly, I think American and Chinese have different ways to thinking about the same thing. Chinese always use traditional ways to do something, but American people can use different ways to solve the problem. So, I think American has more creativity than China. Secondly, in China, when we are studying in the classroom. We are always learning and studying by ourselves. We rarely talk to each other and discuss some questions. But in IEC, we always works groups and communicate with others. I think it can improve our creativity and improve the quality of our learning. Finally, the writers of China have less creativity than America. In China, more writers like to write traditional books. But in America there has many kinds of books.I think creativity is so important during our life. Good creativity can help us to create many use-ful things.

Witten by Rita, Level 3 student

Meeting International People Meeting international people is such traveling to many different countries. It is not real-ly hard to meet new people in your life, but meeting new people from several countries in one place is the hardest. A year from now, I met a lot of international people. And I learned too many things from them. When I was young my dream was traveling to many different countries. But now my dream becomes true by meeting new international people. I’m so glad to meet all my interna-tional friends. I learned a lot of things about my friends. It really impacts on me. Also, I learned their cultures traditions. And I learned couples words from them.

Written by Ali Alanbry, Level 3 student

Cultural Comparisons Continued...

Written by Hyun Chang Moon

Page 8: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

New Experiences at Powder Ridge

We had good times in the IEC with some of our teachers at Powder Ridge in Kimball. It was extremly cold, but there we was sliding in the smooth snow of Minnesota. For some of us, it was our first experience of snowboard-ing and skiing, and we enjoyed falling down because the contact of our body with the snow slope was a good feeling despite the freezing temperature. The night fell, but we kept our smiles on the faces as if it was our last. And we did not want to leave the place. Spring has knocked on the door. I wish I could go back skiing right now, but I know it will not take long to enjoy our severe cold weather again and go snowboarding and skiing.

Written by Carlos Aremeshe

Page 9: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

IEC Group Picture

Intensive English Center Spring 2014

Page 10: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

Celebrating International Achievement

They did very good job in presenting IEC to visitors. The president, Earl H. Potter III, gave an introductory speech. He emphasized the importance of the international students, say-ing, “Our international students add vibrancy to our academic community, and their pres-ence in our classes brings an important inter-national perspective to all students.” After that, many other scholars presented different topics about the St. Cloud State University achieve-ments and the future plans. Moreover, IEC

students were part of the event. All level 5 stu-dents did a presentation individually. Each one shared a short story about a funny situation he or she had when he or she came here. Almost all of the IEC students and staff from all the levels were gathered at the event. There was great food, beverages, and deserts. We took a lot of pictures. It was a very good experience. by Suhaib Kazzaz

What makes the Intensive English Center better than a normal English institute? What are the benefits that you get beside learning academic English? In fact, the IEC offers the opportunity for its students to be part of many events and activities which happen on cam-pus. This gives them the opportunity to explore and get familiar with not only American culture, but also with variety of other cultures.

One of the greatest events that I attended was “Celebrating International Achievement.” This celebration was because St. Cloud State Univer-sity had received the 2013 Simon award and the 2013 Heiskell award. It was a really amazing cel-ebration. It took place in the Atwood Memorial Center’s Ballroom. Nearly every organization and club on campus had a booth there. The IEC had its own booth which was managed by IEC staff and students .

Page 11: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

An Interview on skiing and snow boarding

Me: Hello!Anais: Hi!!!

Q: Could you please give a short introduction of yourself?A: Sure! My name is Anais Kaneza I’m in IEC level four here at SCSU and this is my secondsemester here.Q: Did you go for skiing and snowboarding?A: Yes of course I did.Q: How was it?A: It was pretty good and we had fun in the snow, though it is very cold.Q: Were you covered fully well to stay warm?A: Not really because I was dressed in my my casual clothes.Q: Ooh....! You mean it was your first time.A: Yeah it was my first time to step outside in the cold for a long timeQ: Most of the people get challenged when wearing snow boots. Was it the case to you?A: Don’t even remind me of how many hours I took trying to put them on and trying to remove them.Q: Are those the only challenges you faced?A: No! Actually the main one was falling down like a thousand times being very difficult of standing up because of ski shoes that I was wearing.Q: So generally did you enjoy it?A: Not that much, but I was able to figure out what I had been seeing in TV.Q: What would tell people who snowboard or ski? Or what would say if you were a professionalone?A: I would keep practicing thoroughly so that I become better. And one trick that I was taught about it is that, whenever you feel like falling do not hesitate just fall.

I really appreciate spending this time with you and thank you very much.You are welcome.

Interview conducted by Carlos Aremeshe

Interview with...Ms. Anais

Interview Summary of... Mr. Robert Hage

I wrote ten interesting questions for my Reading and Writing teacher Mr. Robert Hage. Robert Hage is teaching in IEC for the first time, so it is also his first semester. He has a plan on teaching in the IEC for two years as he said in the beginning of the interview. He is teaching a different level every new semester. One thing teacher Robert thinks that his student have to en-joy is watching funny videos in his classes. He thinks that games can be used as learn-ing tools sometimes because they are a way for students to interact more. Especially, when working with level 1 student, he thinks that pic-tures and stories help a lot. Teacher Robert mentioned that structure classes are the most difficult and students also learn the most in them. Also, He said that listening and speaking classes are the easiest for students. Teacher Robert helps his students by making his students always on top of their homework and he thinks it is sad when one of his students ends up getting a poor grade. We finished up the interview by teacher Robert talking about his plan on going to teach in South Korea this summer. He definitely thinks that an En-glish teacher would appreciate the experience of teaching in a foreign country, and that is why he chose South Korea over Chile to go this summer. So he could experience others cultures this way as well. Finally, I think that teacher Robert is a very cool English teacher and I wish him the best.

Ahweed Faisal (Student in IEC-Level 3B)

Page 12: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

(Pictured from left to right: Dr. Schwartz (Director of IEC) and Abdulmajeed Madkhali)

What is your job?The Director of IEC and Assistant Professor of TESL program.

How long have you been working as a director of IEC?I have been working as a director of IEC since Aug 2012.

What is your main aim?My main goal is to provide program that help international students with academic skills to be prepared for university.

What is your advice for English learners?My advices for ESL learners are: -Read every thing you find. That’s the fastest way to learn English. -Make friends to practice your English.

What are your targets to develop IEC?My targets for developing IEC in the future are:1- Create for IEC students an online component for reading, writing, TOEFL, and test prepa-ration.2- Train new English teachers exclusively for the IEC.3- Expand the diversity of race and traditions in the IEC, including students as well as teachers.

By Teddy Pare and Abdulmajeed Madkhali


(Pictured from left to right: Teddy Pare, Moka, and Stephanie)

Q: How long have you been working in IEC?A: Stephany- For 4 years Moka- For 3 moths so far

Q: What are your main goals here at St Cloud State University?A: Stephany- I’m also a student in IEC and my major is Global studies. I want to graduate here in SCSU and get a Master Degree in my major. Moka- I am a graduate student in TESOL program and my goal is to graduate first and after I hope that I might get a job as an Administrator in a society here.

Q: Could you give us some advice to improve our English at IEC?A: Stephany- Study really hard and go to your classes and talk to a lot of native English speaker. Mookoi- Do not study, but do your homework and go outside to participate in many activi- ties as many as you can.

By Teddy Pare and Abdulmajeed Madkhali

Interview with...Stephanie and Moka

Page 13: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

Q: Do you like IEC?A: Yes, I really like IEC because I think that it is a very good center for English teaching, but the only thing that I hate is the weather here in Minnesota. It is so cold!!!

Q: How did you discover or hear about IEC in your country?A: First of all, I had one of my friend who was studying in IEC and told me every things about that institution. In addition, he added that it was a quiet, professional and useful center for him because, as a native French speaker, he wanted to learn and speak English like me. So, I asked him to register me here and I came finally.

Q: How far is your English improving now?A: I was here since 2 months, and I can notice that my English is growing grad-ually because I am able now to speak with native Americans and understand their discussions.

Interview with...Donald

Q: Could you introduce yourself, please?A: My name is Nix. I am level two and three teacher.

Q: What is your advice to ESL learners?A: Her advice is: -Reading a lot of English books. -Involving in outside activities to practice real English.

Q:What do you suggest to Dr. Mike to do for enhancing IEC?A:My suggestion is that to bring ESL teachers from different countries and students, as well. Because learning English becomes easier with learning other cultures.

Q: Have been involved in any activities?A: Yes, I used to teach Yoga.

By Teddy Pare and Abdulmajeed Madkhali

Interview with...Ms. Nix

Pictured from left to right: Teddy Pare, Ms. Nix, and Abdulmajeed

Page 14: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

Interview with Kholoud Kholoud is an IEC Level 5 student who started in the IEC at Level 1. She is talking about her experiences.-How long have you been in IEC? Since 2012, this is my 5th semester.-In one word how do you qualify IEC ?Helpful.-How was your first impression when you start level 1?Very excited-What did you like the most about level 1?It was easier.-Are you satisfied with your English progress?Not yet because I still have many things to learn about.-What is one of your main reason you are learning English?Because English become the most spoken language.-How do you find your actual level? Level 5?Difficult but interesting.-What is your expectation after completing level 5?Enrolling in communication studies.-What do you like about IEC?Teachers are very patient while they are helping us improve our English’s skills.-Will you advise your friend back home to come to IEC to learn English?Yes why not! I have a good experience here may be they will like it too.-Is there big differences between what you have learned in level 1 and what you are learning now in level 5? Yes a big gap.-What’s your favorite hobbit?Trying some dishes.-How will you qualify yourself?Shy and reserved-What’s your first language?Arabic.-After class which language do you speak usually?English most of the time.-How do you see yourself in 2 years?Studying for my PHD.

Interview with Aysha, a new IEC Level 5 student -What characteristics does a person need to have to be successful in the IEC?There is no specifics character attached to success, you just have to be determinate and willing to succeed-Using only two words, describe yourself.It’s difficult to describe myself by using words, but I will say determined and reserved -Did the IEC improve your English?I think yes, in a certain way.-What three main skills do you think are most important for IEC students? Patience and perseverance and curiosity -What kind of things do you do to motivate the people that you study with?I try to excel and improve my skills in order to show a good example. -How do you see yourself in five years from now?I hope to see my self-done with school, having a good job and an happy family -What is your native language? French-What is your major? Human resources management-How have you been in the IEC?This is my first semester in IEC-Which level are you in?Level 5-What your recommendation for the new student in the IEC? Never be afraid about mistakes and go ahead to grap whatever you need for your success.-Do you think learning another language is hard?No, it depends on your goals and your ability to learn very easly and fast.- Are you satisfy about you r English level? Yes I am kind of satisfy but I still have a lot to learn about.-What’s your plan for the summer?I don’t know yet. I think I still have time to decide.

Thank you and have a good life.

Written by Aysha Sawadogo

Written by Kholoud Althobaiti

Pictured from left to right: Kholoud and Aysha

Page 15: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

Q: How is the IEC improving your English skills?

A: IEC focuses on many things in English languages and how to practice English. At IEC, students are given a lot of homework that is relating to English practice and under-standing.

Q: How is the mood of everyone here in Minnesota? Are people nice or rough?

A: Indeed, the environment here in St Cloud State University is very nice. The bulk of Minnesotans and international students here are kind and friendly. This nice environ-ment helps us to improve our English easily because we have opportunities to speak in English with every one without cultural barriers.

Student interview with... Abdulmajeed

Pictured from left to right: Abdulmajeed, Moka, and Stephanie

Our Students are Artist: Henna Tattoos

Q. What is Henna? What is it made of? Henna is an art done on hand. Henna is made from the paste of leaves of tree called Henna. It has no harmful effects because it is made by griding the leaves of Henna Tree.

Q. Why types of art you make? Can you do on my hand right now? I can make any kind of art. If anybody allows me to do, ofcourse, i can do anytime. It just take s 30 mins for me to finsh a good design.

Q. When did you start to do it? Is this your hobby or you want to make it your carrer? I used to love art from my childhood. I really like the way people can visualise their imagination. It’s my hobby plus interest. Right now i am at IEC Level 4, but I am planning to choose desining as my major. I want to continue my carrer in this field.

Q. How long does this Henna tattoo lasts? Does it pain while making these tattoos? It lasts form one week to two weeks depending upon how much you make your hands in contact with water. No, it is purely hygenic and it doesn’t pain at all.

By Neeta Niraula

Sumaiya Ahmed Raka is an IEC student who came in IEC from an Asian Country, Bangladesh. She was here in IEC since 2013 Fall Semester. She is now in Level 4 Section B. Her subject of interest is Arts. She does Henna Tatoos just by using her hands in just 30 minutes. I asked her about her art, let’s see what she says.

Page 16: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald

Kiosk of Thoughts Hey!! STOP BY

WHAT HAPPENS EVERY TIME!!Let’s illustrate it this way; *KNOCKS ON DOOR*- Hey! Cristal, it’s Jay! I have a dope ideaWe are going to start a shoe company buying and selling shoes. You know all the sneakers head and I know all the shoe suppliers. -Cristal “Damn Jay! You’re right. Why I haven’t been doing this?” .. Then jay walks off feeling motivat-ed. He starts thinking of pans and the more he was thinking of plans the more he realizes he doesn’t have the money to create business cards flyers and website and some inventory. He then thinks about how he has a full time job, school, and a family to take care of. Then what happens? Days pass by, jays no longer motivat-ed about his good idea. Month passed, years passed and jay is still doing the exact same things he has been doing foreverWhat stopped him? The biggest virus and negative thoughts you can possible create in your mind. Fear! Fear is the root problem to all problems in life. Jay had a list of problems that all had solutions but his untrained mind allowed those problems to be looked as negative which turned into fear. Fear of instability, fear of failure, fear of going out of his usual routine of life.A message to whoever was meant to read this, including me, is that the opposite of fear is cou-cage. Courage doesn’t eliminate fear, it answers it. Answer your fear when it knocks and don’t have the fear to look through an open window.

Written By Aysha Sawadogo

Guess the Teacher!

Answer Key: 1-Kristen, 2-Robyn, 3-Pearl, 4-Nix, 5-Megan, 6-Warshani, 7-Lydia, 8-Julia, 9-Casey

By Shaima Alhabib10 Interesting Facts about English

1. One two words in current use end with “-gry”, angry and hungry.2. The following sentence contains all 26 letters of the alphabet: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”3. The word “alphabet” comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet: alpha, bēta.4. The dot over the letter “i” and the letter “j” is called a “superscript dot”.5. The shortest complete sentence in English is, “I am.”6. The longest English word without a true vowel (a, e, i, o or u) is “rhythm”.7. The oldest word is town.8. Approximately 4,000 new words are added to the dictionary every year9. “Underground” is the only word that begins and ends with “und”.10. “Four” is the only word, which has number of alphabets equal to its numerical value.

Reference: Make me Genius, Interesting Facts about English. From: http://www.makemegenius.com/cool-facts/interesting-facts-about-english-language

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Page 17: St. Cloud State UniversityIEC 2014/ Spring Magazine · Abdulrahman Alnajrani, Jean Takoudjou, Mustafa AlGhawas Front Row: ... Mr. O . Back Row (left to right): Ahmed Masri, Donald