St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (214) One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church www.stmarkindy.org Sunday, June 28, 2015

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Page 1: St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (214) One Holy ...az480170.vo.msecnd.net/20023795-7120-47b2-a0a0-432799cde7d2/docs/... · St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (214) One

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (214) One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church www.stmarkindy.org Sunday, June 28, 2015

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St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (214) One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church www.stmarkindy.org Sunday, June 28, 2015

Question of the Week News from Father Todd Dear friends,

I think most fair minded people would admit that Chris-tianity has been under attack in the United States. Christian faith in the sanctity of all human life from the moment of conception until natural death and the un-derstanding of marriage as designed by God to be

between a man and a woman in which procreation is not just acci-dental to marriage but central to the divine plan are Christian beliefs that are most openly mocked today.

Part of the attack on Christianity is the attempt to marginalize it – confining it to the sacristy. Many would tell us that we can do whatev-er we want in our churches but what we do there should have no effect on what we believe or do once we leave church. We can have a moral code as long as it doesn’t originate in faith.

But something happened last week that I think may change the way people look at faith and religion. A group of men and women were participating in a bible study at the Emanuel African Methodist Epis-copal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. A man opened fire on the congregation killing nine members of the church. It was an act of racism, an act of terrorism and an act of cruelty. Following in the wake of events in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, this act of a deranged white supremacist had the potential of bringing chaos and rioting to Charleston. But it didn’t. Why not? What is different about Charleston?

The difference is faith. After the apprehension of Dylan Roof and his first court appearance, nine relatives of the murdered members of the AME Church spoke about how their lives had been forever changed by his act of terrorism. One of the relatives said, “Every fiber of my being hurts.” But then, one by one, the relatives extended for-giveness to Dylan Roof. They did what their faith demanded of them. And in that act of living their faith, not just in church but in the public square, they showed the world what is at the heart of a faith that is often times ridiculed and demonized. At the heart of Christianity is love – heroic love.

By living their faith in the way they did, the relatives of Dylan Roof’s victims averted the scenes of violence and destruction that could have so easily erupted. By responding to the events that had taken place in Charleston before Al Sharpton could arrive, they set a very different course for their city. Instead of riots, citizens came together, black and white, to pray for those who had died and for the man who had wreaked carnage on their city.

Perhaps, just perhaps, our country would be much better off if our faith wasn’t left in the sacristy but lived in the public square. Chris-tians owe a debt of gratitude to the members of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. They have reminded us of what it means to be Christian. At a time when some would argue that setting the country free from the ‘shackles’ of Christianity is the answer to all of our problems, the people of Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church have shown that perhaps just the opposite it true! See you at Mass!

Q. Why do you think that there is so much animosity against Christians in general and Catholics in particular in the United States today? We used to be proud to call ourselves a Christian nation.

A. The animosity exists. The reasons for the animosity are many. Some of the intellectual elites in our country tell us that we live in a ‘post-Christian era’ in which Christianity no longer has a place. Some revisionists’ historians would tell us that Christianity never really had an influence on our country, its founding or its history. And many of those who control the media and shape the popular culture today use Christianity as fodder for jokes. When was the last time you saw a family on any prime time drama or comedy going to church on Sun-day? From the looks of parking lots, many Americans do go to church on Sunday. Popular culture would tell us that churches don’t exist in America.

While recent polls show that fewer people in the United States identify themselves as Christians today, the truth is the majority of Americans are Christians. I think the animosity toward Christians stems from an almost adolescent view of freedom. Many people think that the free-dom we enjoy in our country is a freedom to do whatever we want. I know many veterans who fought for the freedoms we enjoy who would be appalled at the idea that they fought so that we could do whatever we want. There is resentment toward authority of all kinds and espe-cially against a Church that speaks of freedom not as a freedom to do whatever you want, but the freedom to do what is right and just. Be-ginning in the 1960’s many people began to believe that if the shack-les of authority of any kind (government, church and family) could be overthrown, the result would be a utopia. Certainly the sexual revolu-tion of the 1960’s promised nirvana to those who would “do their own thing”.

While that promised nirvana has never materialized, a distrust of au-thority of any kind has remained a legacy of the ‘60’s. Catholicism recognizes both a supreme authority, God, and absolute truths. We should not be surprised that this Church would be a target for those who reject any kind of authority.

While an animosity exists, we should not play the victim card. We have the right and the freedom to practice our faith. We will only lose that right if we refuse to exercise it. Unfortunately, many of us do just that. What witness do we give when we choose not to exercise our freedom to come to Mass on Sunday? What does it say about God and the place of God in our lives? If Christianity falls in the United States it will not be from outside forces, but from forces within. If Christianity is marginalized in public life it will because we have al-lowed ourselves to be marginalized. If Christianity is discounted, it will be because we have allowed it to be discounted. While a country cannot be ‘Christian,’ its citizens can be. May we be proud to be just that!

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St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (214) One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church www.stmarkindy.org Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday: Wis 1:13-15; 1:23-24; 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mk 5:21-43

Monday: Acts 12:1-11; 2 Tim 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19

Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29; Mt 8:23-27

Wednesday: Gn 21:5,8-20a; Mt 8:28-34

Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19; Mt 9:1-8

Friday: Eph 2:19-22; Jn 20:24-29

Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Mt 9:14-17

Sunday: Ez 2:2-5; 2 Cor 12:7-10; Mk 6:1-6a

Sunday, June 28 - Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. — Gladys Oberting 9:30 a.m. — Parishioners of Saint Mark 11:45 p.m. — Elsa Galido

Monday, June 29 – Saints Peter and Paul 9:00 a.m. — Communion Service

Tuesday, June 30 – Weekday; The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church

9:00 a.m. — Diane Komlanc Wednesday, July 1 - Weekday; Blessed Juniperto Serra 9:00 a.m. — Jim and Mary Berger Thursday, July 2 - Weekday 9:00 a.m. — John Scheible Friday, July 3 - Saint Thomas 8:15 a.m. — Jack Burkert Saturday, July 4 - Weekday; Independence Day 5:30 p.m. — Matthew J. Dillane, Jr. Sunday, July 5 - Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. — Parishioners of Saint Mark 9:30 a.m. — Marybeth Bowling 11:45 p.m. — Libby Thomas

Vincent Gillmore Home Parish: St. Monica, Indianapolis, Saint Meinrad Seminary

Sr. Hannah Corbin, SP Home Parish: St. Thomas Aquinas Temporary Professed, Saint Mary of the Woods

Mark your calendars, Monday, July 13 at 7pm, Deacon Meril will lead a Holy Hour and Benediction at Saint Barnabas Church. All are welcomed!

Prayer for Vocations

Most generous Father, thank you for calling men and women into Your service especially those You are calling to serve as

priests or religious. I prayer especially for them during times of doubt and fear. May they be open to Your protection and love

and trust in Your plan. Amen.

Mass Intentions Readings for 6/28~ 7/05/2015


Eleanor Sowder, Lorraine Braasch, Samantha Hampton and Baby, Chris Gough, Mark Smith, John Perkins, Linda Lilly, Elaine Alexander, Don Bowling, Ron Shockey, Noah Duffer, Sue Marshall, Charles & Mildred Ragon, Barbara Beaton, Betty Newman,

Sarah Clements, Jim Reed, Sandra Wheeler, Betty Mouser, Elizabeth Wilhite, Steve Chaplin, Lisa Engelking, Joan Matthews, Molly Brown, Mike Hendrickson, Carolyn Walters, Margaret Strack, Kim Huffman, Melanie Brady, Penny Bowling, Lucy Hopkins, Brenda Wheeler, Tanja Wozniewski, Nicole Richards, Judy Weaver, Alex Stavrou, Vince Huber, Cyril DesJean, Bill Rowley, Bernard & Elizabeth Price, Nick Kreuzman, Michelle Oberting, Jane Rosebrock, Don Pearson, Don Courteau, John Conover, Jean Nightingale, Katie Nightingale, Alicia Keaton, Joanne Scifres, Dick Schott, Molly Russell, Nick Kreuzman, Margaret Payne and Terri Rottler-Means.

MILITARY: Please pray for our women and men in the

Armed Forces and their families.

Please pray for…

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St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (214) One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church www.stmarkindy.org Sunday, June 28, 2015

NOCTURNAL ADORATION—JULY: First Friday Nocturnal Adoration for July 2015 will be, Friday, July 3rd form 7pm until midnight. Due to the Holiday Weekend, we will combine teams

normally scheduled from midnight until 6am with teams sched-uled between the hours of 7pm and Midnight (similar to our Holy Thursday Adoration practice). Hourly assignments will be made via notification post cards or you may call the Parish Office in the meantime. Your dedication to this Eucharistic devotion is greatly appreciated.

INCLUSION MINISTRY: When your thoughts are occupied with wondering what life is like for someone with an obvious disability, then there’s not enough room left for what counts. Namely, discovering common interests and making true human connection with the real, whole person. BURMESE MINISTRY: Housekeeping— Some of our Burmese parishioners were highly educated and employed in cities but many were farmers with few luxuries who have difficul-ty adjusting to our apartment life, electric appliances, heating and cooling systems and other lifestyle changes. Some had never seen canned goods or a can opener, ovens, washing machines and dryers or flush toilets. Some Burmese have moved here for a job and were forced to leave their possessions behind. Many newcomers don’t have beds, tables and chairs, or enough dishes for everyone in their households. If you have to donate, please let us know. Thank you to those who have already donated! TRASH BAGS: We have the Boy Scout Trash Bags in the parish office. This year they have included a “pumpkin” trash bag used around Halloween. We have a limited supply and will not replenish once they have all been sold. Early bird gets the pumpkin!!!

FESTIVAL YARD SIGN: Thank you for helping promote our festival this year by placing a yard sign in your yard. We can reuse the signs next year. Please return the sign to Church or bring it to the parish office. Thank you for your support.

Parish Life ENGLISH CLASSES Central Nine is pleased to offer English classes at St. Mark Catholic School! These clas-ses are free of charge and focus on reading, writing , lis-tening, and speaking English. Classes meet two evenings a week for three hours. The first step is to register and attend an orientation. To sign up for an orientation or for questions, please call 317-888-4401 ext 222. Para preguntas en Espanol, contactar a Evelyn Cruz al 317-888-4401 ext 320. If you would like to register in person, Cen-tral Nine Career Center is located at 1999 U.S. 31 South, Greenwood, IN 46143. OPEN ENROLLMENT: Any St. Mark Parishioner that does not currently have children enrolled at St. Mark Cath-olic School and is interested in enrolling their children for the 2015-2016 school year, please contact Mr. Albertson, Principal, to set up a tour of the school, [email protected] or call him at 786-4013.

The Class of 2016 is having a garage sale to help fund their eighth grade trip. A FREE car wash will be there too! Donations accepted.

Please come and support our Saint Mark youth by shopping our sale and getting your car washed.

WHEN: SAT JULY 25th 7am - 3pm

WHERE: Knights Of Columbus parking lot

(US 31 and Thompson Rd)

God Bless you Saint Mark Parishioners!!!


The Annual Parish Picnic is scheduled for Sunday, August 23

Mass at 12 noon (in place of 11:45am)

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St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (214) One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church www.stmarkindy.org Sunday, June 28, 2015

Vacation Bible School Will be held from 6-8pm each night starting June 28th and concludes the evening of July 2nd. Walk up registrations will be accepted. For additional details please contact Deacon Tom (787-8246 or [email protected])

July Nocturnal Adoration First Friday Nocturnal Adoration for July 2015 will take place on Friday, July 3rd from 7pm until midnight. Due the Holiday Week-end, we will combine teams normally scheduled from midnight until 6am with teams scheduled between the hours of 7pm and Midnight (similar to our Holy Thursday Adoration practice). Hourly assignments will be made via notification post cards or you may call the Parish Office in the meantime. Your continued dedication to this Eucharistic devotion is greatly appreciated.

Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP-pronounced chirp)

WOMEN: the women’s retreat weekend is scheduled for Saturday, July 18 and Sunday, July 19. JESUS , fill us with Your Fire! Are you searching for that spir-itual spark? Ladies, mark your calendars for the upcoming Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) weekend scheduled for July 18th and 19th This is a great opportunity to fan the flames of your relationship with the Lord and forge lasting friendships with your sisters in Christ. It’s a free gift from your parish! Questions? Contact Laura Crowley at (317) 340-6709 or at [email protected] or call the parish office. MEN: the next men’s retreat is scheduled for Saturday, August 15 and Sunday, August 16. Come as you are to this 2 day retreat that is presented by St Mark parishioners. You will experience a time of renewal, reflection and reconciliation. Please consider attending for a weekend of spiritual renewal, fellowship, new friends and good food. The CRHP weekend is offered to parishioners at no charge. Information regarding sign-up will be in future bulletins. Reserve the date and join us for an opportunity to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and your awareness of God in your life. If you should have any questions, please contact Mike Swift at 885-1641 or [email protected].

Eagle Scout Congratulations to St. Mark parishioner Louis Hibner whose Eagle Scout Court of Honor was held Sunday, June7. Louie joins an elite group of people who have been awarded Scouting’s highest honor in recognition of his leader-ship abilities, character and citizenship. Louie is the son of John and Marie Hibner and a member of Troop 92 sponsored by St. Mark. Congratulations to Louie, his parents and his Scout lead-ers!

Pentecost Concert The Intercultural Ministry Office of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis will sponsor a Pentecost Concert at Saint Michael Catholic Church on Sunday, July 12, 2015. The concert will begin at 3:00 pm. and will offer an afternoon of praise, music and fellowship celebrating the many cultures that make up the Church in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. To register call 317-788-7581 BIRTHLINE—Clothing NEEDED: Birthline provides assis-tance to pregnant women and mothers of infants in need. Our current needs are sizes 0-3 months and 3-6 months clothes, (pants, tops, sweaters, jackets, and pajamas) for both girls and boys, and maternity clothes always welcome. Donations can be dropped off at the Catholic Center on Mondays and Wednes-days until 3:00pm, or place in the bassinette in the Narthex. CAREGIVERS: Catholic Charities Indianapolis sponsors monthly caregiver support groups for family members who are caregivers of older adults. For additional information, please contact Monica Woodsworth at 261-3378 or [email protected]. HOPE AND HEALING SOS GROUP: Our ongoing support group is for those who have attempted suicide and their loved ones, for those whose loved one has died and for those trying to prevent suicide. If you have any questions please call Judy Proctor, 851-8344 or visit the website: www.hopeandhealingsos.com.

The Family of Patricia A. Hurley would like to thank Fr. Todd, Fr. Kirkhoff, Deacon Tom, Patty Brown, the St. Mark Funeral Choir, and all the folks who prepared and donated food for the luncheon enjoyed by the family. Patricia came to worship at St. Mark and was very grateful for the hearing assistance devic-es. Thank you to the Sister Circle for sending cards and treats to Pat at St. Paul Hermitage. Thank you for all who have sent con-dolences. Bob, Christine & Matthew Hurley, Eileen & Karla Browne

Community Faith Formation

Christ Renews His Parish

Thank You

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St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (214) One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church www.stmarkindy.org Sunday, June 28, 2015

NCYC Kickoff Meeting All high school youth who plan to attend NCYC (National Catho-lic Youth Conference) November 19-21 need to attend a meet-ing July 12 at 5 p.m. in the basement of Schafer Hall. Registra-tion forms will be distributed. A $100 deposit will be due July 20th. Please email Julie Albertson with any questions [email protected].

Flamingos Flying South The flamingo flockings courtesy of St. Mark Youth will be disap-pearing in the coming days. If you would like to participate you only have a few more days. Please contact John Hibner at [email protected] or stop by the parish office for an order form.

The Young Adult Ministry meets in the Cenacle every Monday evening. If you are between the ages of 21 and 35 and would like to share your Catholic Faith with others your age, this is a great opportunity.

Every Monday night begins with dinner at 6:30 p.m. then we study the bible or reflect on the readings for the next Sunday or work on a particular study that was chosen. If you would like more information contact Julie Albertson at [email protected] or Matt Sierp at [email protected].

NEXT MEETING: Mon June 29 @ 6:30 p.m. In the Cenacle

SOUTHSIDE FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE: St. Mark Ath-letic Committee is accepting flag football registration for 2015. Boys and girls entering grades K-2 are eligible to play and the registration fee is $55. Registration forms can be downloaded from the St. Mark web site “CYO Athletics” page located at www.stmarkindy.org and returned to the St. Mark Parish Office by August 14. Practices will begin after Labor Day with the first games scheduled for September 19. Games are held on Satur-days at St. Mark with one game being played at Roncalli Stadi-um. For further information, please contact Patrick Collier at [email protected]

Youth Ministry

Young Adults

You must be a registered parishioner to reserve a meeting space

Please understand that meeting space is in high demand. We will do our best to accommodate your room request, however, please note your group may be moved to a space which is more appropri-ate for the size and purpose of your meeting. Please always sub-mit your room requests in advance of your event to avoid interrup-tions of other parish ministries and / or scheduling conflicts.

All facility requests must be submitted for approval to the Parish office. To make your request for space, please email Kevin Sweeney, Business Manager at [email protected]

QUALIFICATION FOR USE OF THE FACILITIES Priority for the use of facilities shall be given to parish staff and organized groups that are a part of the ministry, organization, or sponsored activities of St. Mark Catholic Church as follows: 1st Priority – All Sacrament/Liturgies 2nd Priority – Parish, School or Pastoral Staff 3rd Priority –Parish or school, CYO sponsored committees and councils and Parish-recognized ministries/programs overseen by parish staff members. Archindy scheduled events and meetings. 4th Priority – St. Mark parishioner private events, rentals, meetings. 5th Priority Non-parish organizations Parish space is not available to non-parish groups unless the event is hosted by a parish ministry and the focus of the event reflects the parish mission. Parish space and facilities are not available to individuals / groups for the purpose of fundraising activities or programs /activities for profit. CANCELLATION / RESCHEDULING EVENTS This is an active parish with limited meeting space. If you find you do not need the meeting space your group has reserved, please be considerate and contact the parish office [email protected] as soon as possible, so that we may offer the space to other groups who may need it.

Please do not assume you are scheduled in a space or facility by simply asking a staff member. To AVOID scheduling conflicts please contact the parish office officially to schedule all events. If you do not see your activities listed on the parish website please contact us to be sure you are on the schedule.



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St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church (214) One Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church www.stmarkindy.org Sunday, June 28, 2015

Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00AM - 5:00PM Parish Center Phone: 317-787-8246 Pastor Fr. Todd Riebe Ext. 106 [email protected] Administrative Assistant Chris Guedel Ext. 100 [email protected] Dir. Of Youth Ministry Julie Albertson Ext. 101 [email protected] Business Manager Kevin Sweeney Ext. 102 [email protected] Music Director Andy Eagan Ext. 105 [email protected] Director of Faith Formation Deacon Tom Horn Ext. 103 [email protected]

St. Mark Catholic School 541 E Edgewood. Av

Indianapolis, IN 46227 317-786-4013 School Principal Rusty Albertson Ext. 201 [email protected]

CONTACTS Sunday, June 28, 2015 MASS - Church 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:45 AM CRHP-Wm 19 - Media Center (3:30 PM) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL in SCHOOL (6:00 PM) CRHP M19 - Cenacle (6:00 PM) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Church (7:30 PM) Monday, June 29, 2015 Communion Service - Church (9:00 AM) Quilters - Parish Center Upstairs (10:00 AM) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL in SCHOOL (6:00 PM) YOUNG ADULT - Cenacle (6:30 PM) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Church (7:30 PM) Tuesday, June 30, 2015 MASS - Church (9:00 AM) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL in SCHOOL (6:00 PM) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL in CHURCH (7:30PM) Wednesday, July 01, 2015 MASS - Church (9:00 AM) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL in SCHOOL (6:00 PM) School Commission - Classroom 8 (6:30 PM) Quilters-Parish Center Upstairs - (7:00 PM) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Church (7:30 PM) Thursday, July 02, 2015 MASS - Church (9:00 AM) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL in SCHOOL (6:00 PM) CRHP W #1 - Cenacle (7:00 PM) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - Church (7:30 PM) Friday, July 03, 2015 MASS - Church (8:15 AM) Adoration - Church 7:00 PM - 11 PM Saturday, July 04, 2015 Reconciliation - Reconciliation Room (9:00 AM) MASS - Church (5:30 PM) Sunday, July 05, 2015 MASS - Church 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:45 AM CRHP-Wm 19 - Media Center (3:30 PM) CRHP M19 - Cenacle (6:00 PM)

Calendar Of Events