https://www.stmarysbattersea.org.uk St Mary’s Weekly News 1 st September 2019

St Mary’s Weekly News...St. Mary’s hurch, attersea 1st September 2019 This Sunday Sunday 1st September The 11th Sunday after Trinity 8.30am Holy Communion (Traditional Language)

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Page 1: St Mary’s Weekly News...St. Mary’s hurch, attersea 1st September 2019 This Sunday Sunday 1st September The 11th Sunday after Trinity 8.30am Holy Communion (Traditional Language)


St Mary’s Weekly News1st September 2019

Page 2: St Mary’s Weekly News...St. Mary’s hurch, attersea 1st September 2019 This Sunday Sunday 1st September The 11th Sunday after Trinity 8.30am Holy Communion (Traditional Language)

St. Mary’s Church, Battersea1st September 2019

This SundaySunday 1st SeptemberThe 11th Sunday after Trinity

8.30am Holy Communion (Traditional Language)The service is led by Reverend Aaron Kennedy, who also preaches

11.00am Parish Eucharist for the Summer WeeksThe service is led by Reverend Aaron Kennedy, who also preaches

6.00pm Evening PrayerThe service is led by Colin Pinnell, one of our Evensong Ministers

This Week’s Focus Bible Reading

Ephesians 5:3-203 But fornication and impurity of any kind, or greed, must not even be mentioned among you, as is proper among saints. 4 Entirely out of place is obscene, silly, and vulgar talk; but instead, let there be thanksgiving. 5 Be sure of this, that no fornicator or impure person, or one who is greedy (that is, an idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes on those who are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be associated with them. 8 For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light— 9 for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. 10 Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to mention what such people do secretly; 13 but everything exposed by the light becomes visible, 14 for everything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,‘Sleeper, awake! Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’15 Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, 16 making the most of the time, because the days are evil. 17 So do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, 19 as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts, 20 giving thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This Week:Canon Simon Butler is on holiday returning to public ministry on Sunday 8th September

Monday Morning Prayer at 8.30am (Choir Vestry)

Tuesday Holy Communion Service at 8.30am (at Sacred Heart, Trott Street)

Wednesday Morning Prayer at 8.30am (tbc)

Thursday Holy Communion at 12.30pm (at Sacred Heart, Trott Street)

Next Sunday: The Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary8.30am Holy Communion (Traditional Language)11am Festival Eucharist with the Launch of St Mary’s Rule of Life

with the baptisms of Charles Johannesson-Wilson & Joshua Wilson 6.00pm Choral Evensong

Page 3: St Mary’s Weekly News...St. Mary’s hurch, attersea 1st September 2019 This Sunday Sunday 1st September The 11th Sunday after Trinity 8.30am Holy Communion (Traditional Language)

For Your Prayers

Individuals in need: Nikki Yates, Jodie Murphy, Georgia

Dickman, Russel D’Souza, Alfonso, Obe Akoni, Fela Akoni,

Comfort Moses & family, Cassidy Cline, Felix Still, Hugh

Gillespie, Mark Mercer & Family, William Gallacher

The departed and their families: Alfred Hey, Betty

Dobinson, Sue Sorkin, Bill Lidell, Kate Gurney

This Week’s Notices

James Potter: Very sadly, and with much reluctance, James our Director of Music has told us he will be leaving his post after Christmas. James has found the complexities of a portfolio career difficult to maintain alongside the professional standards he expects of himself and needs to create some space for his career to flourish. We are naturally very sad to hear this and will be wishing James every good wish as he leaves us. We are very grateful that he has given us time to prepare for this by recruiting his successor. Plans for this are well advanced.

Mary & Sven Tester’s 50th Wedding Anniversary: Mary and Sven will be marking their Golden Wedding in the 11am Service on Sunday 8th September. There will be bubbly and cake after the service to which members of St Mary’s are warmly invited.

Interfaith Conversations on Climate Change: These panel-led discussions are taking place at All Saints’ Battersea Fields on Tuesday 10th & Tuesday 17th September, 7pm to 9.30pm. Details are available at the back of church.

Home/Study Groups: These resume in the coming weeks, with groups meeting on Sunday morning 9.30am, Tuesday evening and Thursday afternoon. We warmly encourage folk to join these groups. Please let the Office know if you are interested.

Community Outreach: Battersea Communities is looking for volunteers to help with a community listening exercise, to determine the need for a potential new public space on the Surrey Lane Estate, as part of the Council's proposed redevelopment of Randall Close. This is an important issue for residents of the estate, and it is a great opportunity for us to build bridges in our community. Speak to Aaron if you are interested, and come along to our meeting on the 10th September, 7.30-9.00pm, at Salesian House, 47 Surrey Lane.

Summer in the Square 2020: If you might be interested in

helping in a group to plan this community event, which we

held very successfully last year, please email Simon as

soon as possible ([email protected])

Invitation Services: This Autumn we are trying something new with our First Sunday Services, by making them special Invitation Services. These will be special one-off services to which we hope you will feel able to invite family and friends. Invitation flyers will be available for you take to send to people soon. The first of these will be on Sunday October 6th and will be our popular Blessing of Pets Service. Take an invitation or two for friends today. There will also be a Pets’ Parish Lunch that day.

Assisi Update: Owing to the uncertainty around the costs

of a trip to Assisi (with Brexit scheduled to take place

between now and the date of the trip) we have decided to

postpone this trip for the time being. Once things become

clearer, we hope to replan. On the positive side, David and

I are exploring the possibility of a pilgrimage to the north-

east next year, based in Durham, including visits to

Lindisfarne, Jarrow and York. More details soon. Simon

Coming Soon…

• Sunday 29th September: Harvest Festival at 11am

• Sunday 6th October: Blessing of Pets at 11amThe first of our new Invitation Services. Followed by a Pets’ Parish Lunch

• Wednesday 16th October at 7pm: An Open Meeting about Community Organising. We will be discussing the possibility of St Mary’s re-joining Wandsworth Citizens, part of Citizens UK.

• Sunday 20th October at 11am: The Admission of Children to Holy Communion. Fifteen of our children join the Eucharistic community. Preacher: Rt. Revd. Tim Thornton

St. Mary’s Church, Battersea1st September 2019

Page 4: St Mary’s Weekly News...St. Mary’s hurch, attersea 1st September 2019 This Sunday Sunday 1st September The 11th Sunday after Trinity 8.30am Holy Communion (Traditional Language)

A Rule of Life for St Mary’sCanon Simon Butler

Following Jesus Christ in daily life has always been a challenge.

In our busy 24/7 city, with all the competing demands upon our time and attention, it’s so very easy to let our discipleship slip into the occasional nod to God’s presence, and a quick emergency prayer when things go wrong. Many of us long to find more faithful ways of making our faith in Jesus Christ real in every aspect of our living.

In earlier days, especially in religious houses such as monasteries, communities of Christians did this by following a Rule, which detailed – often in minute detail –what it meant in terms of actions and activities for Christians to live together in prayer and service.

Of course, in Battersea and London in the 21st century we don’t live together in the proximity of religious houses. But we do nevertheless aspire to share our faith and our service in common. It can be a tremendous encouragement in our following of Jesus Christ to know that we are engaged in a shared activity, each trying to live out the Gospel in our own setting. It can really help those new to the life of St Mary’s or even the life of faith to know what being a Christian disciple means to us in this place.

Earlier this year we began thinking about adopting a simple Rule of Life for St Mary’s. You may remember hearing our Lent Sermons on the subject – you can check

them out still on our website. On Sunday 8th September, we shall be launching this rule, and giving you the chance to begin following it. There’s no compulsion in this: just an opportunity to join in with others if you would like. There will be some resources to help you available, and from time to time we will make reference to the Rule and give you a chance to share – in whatever way you feel comfortable – your own experience of trying to follow such a Rule.

The Rule is quite simple, with this as a basis from which to build:

Pray: Say the Lord’s Prayer dailyRead: Read a passage of the bible each dayLearn: Take part in some Christian learning

Tell: Bring one friend to church each yearServe: Do Ten Things to bring more justiceGive: Give generously of what you have

Both Aaron and I stand ready to assist, advise, suggest or listen to your questions about this. You can find out more in the booklet we are publishing next Sunday or on the website ruleoflife.org.uk

We hope this will mark an exciting new development of our life together at St Mary’s.

See you at church before long!

St. Mary’s Church, Battersea1st of September 2019

Page 5: St Mary’s Weekly News...St. Mary’s hurch, attersea 1st September 2019 This Sunday Sunday 1st September The 11th Sunday after Trinity 8.30am Holy Communion (Traditional Language)

St Mary’s Fair21st September 2019, Noon to 4pm

Getting Involved

Donation of Items: Despite the limitations of space at the moment, we will most definitely belooking for donations of items for stalls, prizes, refreshments, sale etc. We shall be collectingthese from Sunday 25th August. Please bring them to church and place them in the Gallery.We especially need: Bric-a-brac, Books, Gifts, Bottles and Children’s Toys & Games. If you haveany Jewellery, please hand these items directly to Sue Lucas, Anne Hull, Ian Hankins or CynthiaNewman. Thank you.Flyers: We will be looking for volunteers to distribute flyers around the neighbourhood in thefortnight before the Fair. Details soon.

Volunteers on the Day: Help is going to be needed in many ways, including:•Setting up and dismantling the Fair•Blowing Up Balloons•Picking Up Rubbish•Helping with the Dog Show•Plenty of other ways

Sign up from today at the back of the church or email Debbie at [email protected]

Dog Show: We will be having a dog show this year, so get your friends to come along with their caninefriends. Prizes for best small dog, best large dog, best in show.

St. Mary’s Church, Battersea1st of September 2019

Page 6: St Mary’s Weekly News...St. Mary’s hurch, attersea 1st September 2019 This Sunday Sunday 1st September The 11th Sunday after Trinity 8.30am Holy Communion (Traditional Language)

About St Mary’s e-newsletter

Many of you will know that we have had a both weekly ‘hard copy’ notice sheet and a monthly e-newsletter for

some time, although the latter hasn’t been published for a few months. Happily we are now launching a weekly e-

newsletter to enable us all to be kept up to date on what’s happening at St Mary’s on a weekly basis, which is

ideal when we aren’t able to come to church every Sunday. If you want to receive this weekly newsletter, all

you need to do is register on the website (https://www.stmarysbattersea.org.uk/newsletters/) and

you will receive it in your inbox every Friday. This will include details of the Sunday services, readings for the

week, stories that will encourage, notices about activities and occasional articles on specific subjects. We will no longer be producing a monthly e-newsletter, although

hard copies of the weekly version will be included in the Sunday service sheets.


St. Mary's ChurchThe Parish Office, St. Mary's Crypt Battersea Church Road London, SW11 3NAOpen Monday to Friday 9.30am to 12.30pmTel 020 7228 9648

[email protected]

Canon Simon ButlerVicar (Day Off: Thursday Evening/Friday)[email protected] 552407

Reverend Aaron KennedyAssociate Vicar for Community Development & Mission (Day Off: Friday)[email protected] 180273

The clergy are always ready to visit, or to offer confidential pastoral care. Please contact them directly. If you hear that a member of the parish is unwell or needs a visit or a call from one of the clergy, please let the clergy know. They may not have heard and are grateful to be kept informed.