Study- Pessimists Live Longer, Healthier Lives

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  • 8/13/2019 Study- Pessimists Live Longer, Healthier Lives


    Study: Pessimists Live Longer,Healthier LivesBy Lisa Collier CoolFeb 28, 2013





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    Pessimists rejoice: Low expectations about the future and a gloomy outlook

    could be the keys to a longer, healthier life, according to a surprising new study
  • 8/13/2019 Study- Pessimists Live Longer, Healthier Lives


    published by the American Psychological Association (APA).

    In the study, older people, ages 65 to 96, who thought life would get worse had

    much better health outcomes and lived longer than those who anticipated better

    days ahead.

    "Our findings revealed that being overly optimistic in predicting a better future

    was associated with a greater risk of disability and death within the following

    decade," lead author Frieder R. Lang, PhD, of the University of Erlangen-

    Nuremberg in Germanytold the APA.

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    Why Do Pessimists Live Longer?

    Pessimism about the future may encourage people to live more carefully, taking

    health and safety precautions, theorized Lang. The research was published

    online in the journal Psychology and Aging.

    The researchers also point out that optimists may look at life through rose-

    colored glasses and ignore the truth about the health risks associated with aging,

    while the pessimists have a more realistic view of the threats ahead and thusmay be more proactive about taking care of themselves.

    For example, seniors who anticipate that their health is likely to decline may get

    more medical exams, exercise more, lose weight, avoid smoking, or eat a better

    diet to ward off disease, while those with a dont worry, be happy outlook may

    not consider it necessary to take steps to protect themselves.

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    How Was the Study Conducted?

    The researchers analyzed data collected between 1993 and 2003 from the

    German Socio-Economic Panel, an annual survey that includes about 40,000

    people ages 18 to 96. Participants were divided into three age groups: 18 to 39,
  • 8/13/2019 Study- Pessimists Live Longer, Healthier Lives


    40 to 64, and 65 and older. Each group was then asked to rate how satisfied they

    were with their lives currently and how satisfied they expected to be in five years.

    To find out how accurate the participants expectations about the future were, the

    researchers contacted the participants five years after the initial interview. They

    also tracked rates of death and disability during that time span, with the following


    43 percent of the oldest group (the pessimists) had underestimated how

    satisfied they would be

    25 percent predicted accurately

    32 percent (the optimists) had overestimated their future satisfaction

    The more overly optimistic the seniors were about the future, the higher their

    rates of disability and death were during the study period. Each increase in

    overestimating future life satisfaction was associated with a 9.5 percent rise in

    disabilities and 10 percent increased risk of death, the study found.

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    Are There Any Health Benefits to Optimism?

    The Mayo Clinicreportsthat positive thinking can boost health by reducing

    stress. Tension and worry take a toll on the immune system by reducing its ability

    to fight disease. In addition, some previous studies link optimism to longer life.

    While that may seem to directly contradict the new study, its important to note

    the German researchers were evaluating the effects of unrealistic optimismthe

    type of people who bury their head in the sand and refuse to face factsnot

    those who correctly anticipate that things will go well.

    Researchers have also linked looking on the bright side to these benefits:

    Greater resistance to colds and other infections

    Lower risk of death from heart disease. Duke researchers tracked 2,800

    patients who had been hospitalized for heart disease. Patients were asked

    to fill out a questionnaire about their feelings about their diagnosis,
  • 8/13/2019 Study- Pessimists Live Longer, Healthier Lives


    treatment, and prospects for recovery. Ten years later, 46 percent of those

    with a bleak outlook had died, compared to 32 percent of those with the

    positive outlook.

    Better emotional health

    Superior athletic performance.A study by Martin Seligman found that

    optimistic sports teams were more successful than those who expected to

    lose.Greater career success.Another Duke study found that MBA students with anupbeat attitude received more job offers and were promoted faster than theirgloomier counterparts.