Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan Chau-Ling Tyan Chief of water resource management division, WRA,MOEA tel:04-22501158 Fax: 04-22501608 E-mail:[email protected] ABSTRACT Water Resources available for each person in Taiwan is only 1/7 of the world average due to uneven precipitation distribution in time and space as well as high population density. In the past, agricultural use was the major water consumption of water resources. Agricultural production might be adjusted according to the amount of precipitation received, irrigated area might be increased during wet period, and decreased or even cease planting when there is water shortage, living conditions and -the social economic development would not be severely affected unless there is severe drought. In recent years, because of urbanization and change in industries, Taiwan is gradually changed from developing century into industrized country, therefore water consumption is also changed from agricultural use to domestic and industrial use. These changes have increased water consumption and the requirements of water quality as well as water supply stability. In addition, these changes have also decreased tolerance to water shortage and affected living conditions as well caused lost is industries. Therefore, the competition among various users for water have become very intense. Water is a limited resource, development beyond the normal limit would damage the environment and rights of our next generation. Under the unfavorable hydrological conditions in Taiwan, water resource related agencies have devoted a tremendous effort to achieve the goal of sustainable use of water resources to meet various reasonable water consumptions with sufficient quantity and good quality. Key words: sustainable water resource l.WATER RESOURCE CHARACTERISTICS IN TAIWAN The average annual precipitation reaches 2,SI Smm in Taiwan, which yields 90.S x 10 9m3 of water, however, water resources available for each person is only 1/7 of the would average, 1/8 of the United States and 1/4 of Japan due to high population density. In addition, precipitation is unevenly distributed in time and space, the average ratio of wet to dry season in northern, central and southern regions are 6:4, 8:2 and 9:1 respectively, it indicates that the precipitation ratio of wet to dry season is more pronounced toward south of the island. Besides, there is also large difference is annual precipitation, in wet years, annual precipitation reaches 3,2S0mm which is approximately two times of those in dry years (1,600 mrn). This situation is worse in southern region where annual precipitation of the most wet year is seven times of the most dry year. All above-mentioned factors indicate unfavorable hydrological conditions in Taiwan. There are 3/4 of Taiwan is mountainous area causing steep slope and rapid flow in rivers. The annual usable water is relatively low in quantity because 3/4 of runoff flows directly into ocean. The annual usable water is only 1/6 of that in North America and 1/19 of that in South America, which indicates the lack of water resources in Taiwan. Traditionally, reservoirs and weirs are built to store and regulate water, however, storage efficiency in relatively low due to steep terrain and narrow valleys. For example, the Three- 481

Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

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Page 1: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan

Chau-Ling Tyan

Chiefofwater resource management division WRAMOEA tel04-22501158 Fax 04-22501608 E-maila620010ms1wragovtw


Water Resources available for each person in Taiwan is only 17 of the world average due to uneven precipitation distribution in time and space as well as high population density In the past agricultural use was the major water consumption of water resources Agricultural production might be adjusted according to the amount of precipitation received irrigated area might be increased during wet period and decreased or even cease planting when there is water shortage living conditions and -the social economic development would not be severely affected unless there is severe drought In recent years because of urbanization and change in industries Taiwan is gradually changed from developing century into industrized country therefore water consumption is also changed from agricultural use to domestic and industrial use These changes have increased water consumption and the requirements of water quality as well as water supply stability In addition these changes have also decreased tolerance to water shortage and affected living conditions as well caused lost is industries Therefore the competition among various users for water have become very intense Water is a limited resource development beyond the normal limit would damage the environment and rights of our next generation Under the unfavorable hydrological conditions in Taiwan water resource related agencies have devoted a tremendous effort to achieve the goal of sustainable use of water resources to meet various reasonable water consumptions with sufficient quantity and good quality Key words sustainable water resource


The average annual precipitation reaches 2SI Smm in Taiwan which yields 90Sx 109m3 of water however water resources available for each person is only 17 of the would average 18 of the United States and 14 of Japan due to high population density In addition precipitation is unevenly distributed in time and space the average ratio of wet to dry season in northern central and southern regions are 64 82 and 91 respectively it indicates that the precipitation ratio of wet to dry season is more pronounced toward south of the island Besides there is also large difference is annual precipitation in wet years annual precipitation reaches 32S0mm which is approximately two times of those in dry years (1600 mrn) This situation is worse in southern region where annual precipitation of the most wet year is seven times of the most dry year All above-mentioned factors indicate unfavorable hydrological conditions in Taiwan

There are 34 of Taiwan is mountainous area causing steep slope and rapid flow in rivers The annual usable water is relatively low in quantity because 34 of runoff flows directly into ocean The annual usable water is only 16 of that in North America and 119 of that in South America which indicates the lack of water resources in Taiwan

Traditionally reservoirs and weirs are built to store and regulate water however storage efficiency in relatively low due to steep terrain and narrow valleys For example the Threeshy


Gorge dam in China is 185m high with storage volume of393xl09m3 which is approximately 170 times of Deji Reservoir in Taiwan with dam height of 180m and storage volume of 023 x109m3 Water resources development and utilization are difficult in Taiwan


21 Present Water Utilization

According to the Summary Report of Various Water Consumptions in Taiwan year 2001 the total water consumption was 1848x 109m3 in year 2001 As shown in Figure 1 a~ricultural water used the largest quantity of 1301 x109m3 (704) domestic water used 373 x10 m3 (202) and industrial water used 174x 109m3 (94) they are described as follows

211 Agricultural Water Use As indicated in Table 1 the total agricultural water consumption is 1301 x109m3

in which irrigation uses 1148x109m3 (882) pisiculture uses 142xl09m3 (109) and live stock uses 011 x109m3 (09) When agricultural water use is summarized by regions Central Region uses the largest quantity of 572 xl09m3

the Northern Southern and Eastern Regions are 229 x109m3

257x 109m3 and 243 xl 09m3 respectively

212 Domestic Water Use As indicated in Table 2 the total domestic water consumption is 373 x109m3

in which 347xI09m3 (930) of water is supplied by Water Company and 026x109m3 (70) is self supplied When domestic water use is summarized by regions Northern Region uses the largest quantity of 197xl 09m3 Central Southern and Eastern Regions are 081 x109m3

085 xI09m3 and 01Ox 109m3 respectively

213 Industrial Water Use 9m3As indicated in Table 3 the total industrial water consumption is 174X10 in which

053x109m3 (305) is supplied by Water Company and 121xI09m3 (695) is self supplied When industrial water use is summarized by regions Northern Region uses the largest quantity of

9 3 9 3 9 3 d 0 0 109 3063xl0 m Central Southern and Eastern Regions are 05xlO m 055 xlO m an 6x m respectively

22 Trend of Water Resources Utilization

Various water consumption from year 1983 to 2001 are summarized in Table 4 and Figure 2 The trend of water resources utilization indicates that agricultural water consumption has been decreased however it increases after year 1999 domestic water consumption have increased 127 from 164xl09m3 in year 1983 to 373 x109m3 in year 2001 and industrial water

9m3consumptions have increased 15 from 151 xl 09m3 in year 1983 to 174x 10 in year 2001



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which is self largest 3 m and

which pplied rtity of [109m 3

ure 2

~ been reased [water ~l

23 Estimate of Future Water Demands

After joining WTO agricultural policies should be adjusted accordingly The import of rice change planting of rice fields and release of farmland would reduce irrigational water consumption to some extent however the reduced amount of irrigational water consumption is not clear at the present time because of the agricultural policy has not yet been settled As indicated in Table 5 the promotion of tourism industries by the government would increase the future domestic water consumption to 422x109m3 in year 2021 According to the National Science Committee and Industrial Bureau of MOEA the future industrial water demands under the assumptions of low medium and high growth in year 2021 will be 124 x109m3

171 x109m3

and 201x109m3 respectively Under the condition that agricultural water consumption remains the same as current (120 x109m by adding 15x109m3 of conservation water the total water demands in year 2021 could add up to 207 x109m3

212x109m3 and 215x109m3 respectively depending on the growth of industrial water consumptions


After reviewing the water resources characteristics current utilization and future trends m Taiwan problems need to be resolved including the following issues

31 Decrease of Water Shortage Tolerant Extent and Increase of Water Quality and quantify Requirements Cause by Raising Living Standards and Changing of Industries

Agriculture was the main industry in the past in Taiwan Water for agricultural use has a large flexibility it can be reduced when necessary for supporting domestic water supply therefore water shortage would not significantly affect economy and peoples livelihood unless there is a severe drought Recently economy is developing toward electronic industries the needs for stable water supply have been increased because the industries can not stand any water shortage and water shortage would cause severe loss to the economy (for example 2 water shortage would cause suspension of 50 of production work) The high water quality standards required for domestic and high technology industries would also cause lost of water during treatment processes and therefore increase water demands indirectly

32 Lack of Water Supply Stability

The water consumption in Taiwan from year 1998 to 2001 (Figure 3) indicated that average annual total water consumption is approximately 180x 109m3

in which agricultural water consumption is 124x109m3

domestic and industrial water consumptions are 51 x109m3 and

conservation water is 05xI09m3 Under the condition of 90 water supply stability domestic

and industrial water consumption need 51 x109m3 of reliable water sources Reservoirs in Taiwan have a total storage volume of20x109m3 which can provide approximately 46 xI09m3 of water annually after subtracting 15x 109m3 for agricultural use there is only 31 x109m3 of water left for domestic and industrial consumptions with about 60 stability To make up the demand of 51x109m3

the remaining 20x109m3 has to be taken from surface runoff and groundwater However groundwater has been over drawn in some areas recently surface runoff with 95 stability has to be reserved for conservation water In addition water quality in mid and


downstream of rivers are polluted and the recent meteorological conditions have been changed The above-motioned reasons have made water storage for present conditions and water shortage will become worse as the water demands increase in the future

33 Low Efficiency ofWater Transmission and Distribution Systems

According to annual report of Taiwan Water Company and Taipei City Water Company the trend of water sale rate from year 1992 to 2001 is shown in Figure 4 As indicated in the figure water sale rate of Taiwan Water Company increased from 7514 in year 1992 to 8130 in year 1996 and decreased gradually down to 6795 in year 2001 water sale rate of Taipei City Water Company decreased from 7337 in year 1992 down to 5420 in year 2001

The historical data indicated a low water sale rate in addition to the fire fighting water water leakage is the main reason It is also indicated from other relevant information transmission loss of irrigation water reaches 25 to 40 The leakage might be used for groundwater recharge however it indicates that the water resources utilization efficiency is relatively low for water resources developed in the upstream reach The loss of 20xI09m3 to 30xl09m3 of water has indirectly caused the pressure for water resource development

34 Insufficient Water Storage and Regulating Capability

Owning to the geological and geographical limitation reservoirs have small storage volumes in Taiwan The largest reservoir in Taiwan Zengwen Reservoir has a storage volume ofO6x 109m3

which is incompatible to reservoirs with similar dam height having more than 1OOx 109m3 of storage volume in continental countries Reservoirs in Taiwan can only be operated is annual basis because of the hydrological characteristics of significant difference in wet and dry seasons While reservoirs in other countries can supply water for many years when they are full reservoirs in Taiwan have to be operated many times a year For example Shimen Reservoir needs to be full for 365 times a year in order to meet water demands in Taoyuan area otherwise there will insufficient water resource to meet the demand goal Water storage and regulating capability is insufficient in Taiwan a comparison is made between Taiwan and Beijing City both have similar population however reservoir storage capacity is 20x 109m3 in Taiwan while reservoirs storage capacity is 40xl 09m3 of only a Mi-Yueu reservoir in Beijing City In addition to improve water storage and regulating capability a reserve of 15 should be provided for emergency use

35 Globe Meteorological Change and Increasing Uncertainty of Hydrological Meteorology

The Greenhouse Effect has made globe meteorological change in recent years the globe average temperature has been increased for 2degC and there is a tendency of reducing rainfall duration and increasing rainfall intensity in Taiwan In the last couple of years rainfall has been concentrated in plain and city and rainfall in mountainous area has been decreased in Taiwan The continuous drought in year 2002 and 2003 has broken the past record Since June 2003 precipitation in the whole island is very low and even no precipitation in some areas Feicui Reservoir received only 364mm of rainfall in July 2003 which made the record of both lowest rainfall in July and any single month since the completion of the reservoir The change in meteorological conditions has made the planning and allocation of water resources more difficult and uncertain


en changed tter shortage

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volumes in 3o6x109 m

Ix109m3 of I is annual ry seasons reservoirs eeds to be there will

pability is rve similar irs storage ove water ise


e average ation and centrated 11 The ie 2003 I Feicui th lowest hange in i difficult


41 Total Quantity Control ofWater Resources Utilization

The conservation of water within watershed is limited due to geolographical features in Taiwan As indicated from summary data in year 1998 to year 2001 the average total annual water consumption is 180xl09m3

in which 77xI09m3 of water is from runoff 46xI09m3 is from reservoirs and 57xl09m3 is from groundwater (exceed the natural recharge) From estimation in previous section the total water demand in year 2021 would reach 215 xI09m3

which exceeds the upper limit of 200x 109m3 publicized in National Territory and Water Resource Meeting 1998 For sustainable development in Taiwan the development of water resources should be limited in order not to make significant influence to our environment To reasonably set up a limit of total water resources utilization and to allocate and fixable dispatch of various water consumption the Water Resources Agency of MOEA is conducting a study Planning of Total Water Resources Control Measures in Taiwan to establish the total water resources control limits control principles control systems and associated measure for each region such as review inspection and adjustment systems of water use plan for various water users in order to carry out the spirit of total quantity control ofwater resources utilization

42 Reinforcement of Water Resources Management for Regions Already Reached Their

Development Limits

For areas where water resources have been developed up to their limits problem solving measure will be the reinforcement of managing current facilities instead of developing new water resources to meet regional water demands Solving measures include improvements ofefficiency and facilities as described in the following paragraphs

421 Improvement of Efficiency The following measures could be used to improve efficiency of existing water resource facilities

A Water resource utilization efficiency could be increased by coordination of reviewing existing hydrology local features flood control and water utilization adjusting reservoir rule curves conjunctive use of adjacent facilities (reservoirs and weirs) and designing of sophisticated operation systems

B Agricultural water use is 70 of the total water consumption with high tolerance to water shortage the fixable dispatch of agricultural water for supporting domestic and industrial water demand will be a goal to be promoted by both agriculture and water resources agencies The strategy ofWater Resource Agency follows

Establishment of Guidelines for Negotiating Agricultural Water for Transfering to Other Users for the reference of the procedures and pricing principles for negotiating agricultural water for transfering to other users

Promotion of Water Resources Allocation Plan in coordination with WTO Rice Field Adjustment The Agriculture Development Council have practiced Rice Field Adjustment Plan and Continuous Plan for Rice Field Adjustment Since 1997 according to administrative districts Those plans are non-forcible and taking


the change or cease planting of second cropping period during wet season as promotion goal therefore the benefit of water transfering to other users is limited Water Resource Agency suggested that the above-mentioned plans would be better practiced in water shortage areas such as Taoyuan Xinzhu Zhangyun and Jianan during dry season The change or cease planting should be planned using irrigation system as a unit to solve water competitions between users during dry season when this is water shortage Since the first cropping period has a better harvest than the second copping period it is also suggested to pay more compensations for those change or cease planting in the first coping period The compensation will be paid by domestic and industrial water users or assisted by the government when it is necessary

C Establishment of Transfer and Warning Index of Water Use and Transfering Mechnisum for regional water resources Use of scientific technology for prediction and reporting as well as information management of water resources information Establishment of warning index and publicize hydrologic meteorological and water consumption situation on regional basis for public to realize current water resource information In addition standard operation procedures related to water transfering and water saving should also be established for adopting relevant measures in time to reduce water shortage impacts to society by warning and reacting at proper time

422 Improvement Facilities A Improvement of existing facilities such as reservoir dredging and reservoir

rehabilitation to increase storage and regulating capability For example Water Resources Agency is currently conducting dredging for many reservoirs and sediment removal for Chengqinhu Water Resource Agency has also completed raising of Xinshan Dam leakage restoration of Xiaochi Reservoir and is currently working on the rehabilitation of Akangtian Reservoir by removing 1120x 106m3 of sediment and will increase 80000m3 of daily water supply upon completion

B Improvement of water supply facilities and increasing water utilization efficiency including reinforcement of replacing old water distribution lines and repairing leaking irrigation ditches Currently both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies have made plans to invest 40 to 50 billion NT dollars for replacing distribution lines It is expected to reduce water leakage rate by 5 Since the distribution line replacing work would take a longtime and a lot of money with limited benefit the reduction of water leakage rate could not be treated as expected water resources

C Reinforcement of installing and improving regional water transmission lines to improve utilization rate of existing water resources Water resources should be used conjunctively of all resources within a river basin for regional allocation and then transfered between regions to balance excessive and shortage of water Currently regional systems undergo improving by both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies include Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project (Xindian River to Dahan River) Xinzhu Scientific Park Water Supply Project (Taoyuan Pingzhen to Xinzhu Hukou) Liyutan Reservoir Transfering Toward North Project (Daan River to Maoli) Ganzilin Downstream Project (Wu River to Zhoushui River) Jiji Downstream



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Water Supply Project (Zhoushui River to Jiayi) Connection Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping Weir Project (Zengwen River to Gaoping River) Water Resource Agency is also actively Carrying out the Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project (Gaoping River to Zengwen River)

43Development of New Water Resources for Regions yet to Reach Their Limits

For regions where water resources have not yet developed to their limits diversified water resources including traditional and new categories should be developed to meet the demand goal

431 Development of Traditional Water Resources The Traditional Water Resources developments include building reservoirs or storing and regulating river runoff py reservoir and weirs for water supply The traditional water resources have the advantages of low development costs large supply capacity low cost and ease of operation and maintenance long useful life and relatively stable when it is compared with river runoff After evaluation by the Water Resources Agency the traditional water resources will be continue to develop for stabilizing water supply Traditional water resources projects being planned and undertaken as listed in the following table

Category Northern Region Central

Region Southern Region

Eastern Region

Undertaking +Lodong Weir +Baoshan second Reservoir

+First phase of Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project

+Hushan Reservoir

-Connecticn Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping weir

+Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project

Under +Second Phase of -Dajia River +Shiwen +Hualian Maan Planning Banxin Water

Supply Improvement Project

+Xishi Reservoir Raising Project

+Dahan River Water Resource Development

+Xindian River Water Resource Development

Babao Weir +Tianhuahu Reservoir

+Wu River and Zhoushui River Downstream Water Resource Development

Reservoir River Water Resource Development

+Taidong Overall Water Supply Project


432 Development of New Water Resources New water resources are those water resources other than reservoirs and weirs In order to ease the pressure of traditional water resources development and reduce influences to watersheds water resources developments will actively introduce man-made lakes water reuse collection of rain water desalination or semi-desalination of sea water Projects are currently undertaken by the Water Resources Agency follows

A Man-made Lakes

a Jiyang Man-made Lake

The project currently under planning is located at Taiwan Sugar Companys farmland at the confluence ofLaonong River and Ailiao River This project could supply 340OOOm3 ofwater per day for Gaoping area recharge 30x 106m3 of groundwater per year and provide approximately 65 x106m3 ofsand and gravel

b Storage Ponds in Taoyuan Area

All small ponds in Taoyuan Area have a total volume of 20x 106m3 They were the

main water resources for irrigation It is currently under study to improve their capability and increase their utilization efficiency

B Water Reuse

In the past domestic and industrial water were released directly due to the high costs of recycling for reuse However it becomes feasible to reuse water because of the improved technologies and the impacts ofwater shortage to industries Contently it is required for new industrial districts to recycling and reuse waste water according to the Guidelines for Reviewing Water Use Plan enforced by the Water Resources Agency In addition the project ofOverall Evaluation of Waste Water Reuse Potential in Taiwan is undergoing this fiscal year to identify all waste water treatment plants that are suitable of water recycling and to establish their priority for related agencies to gradually take it into action in order to put the limited water resources into sustainable use A planning project will be undertaken for recycling waste water at Bali Waste Water Treatment Plant and studied the feasibility of using recycled water for industrial and agricultural use

C Collection of Rain Water

Collection of rain water is an economical and practical method of water resources development because it does not use energy easy to obtain without water right dispute and good water quality The Water Resources Agency have conducted overall planning for mid and long terms of rain water collection and utilization it is expected to establish a large scale rain water collection and storage demonstration project provide personnel training conduct research and development of new technologies and design a data bank

D Sea Water Desalination

Traditional water resources facilities would have water supply threat during dry year Sea water desalination would be a new water resource in the future for its stable source and gradually improved technology Sea water desalination has only been used in outlaying islands for domestic water use due to its height cost and influences


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to ocean environments Currently a sea water desalination plant with a daily production of30000 m3 is under planning and feasibility study stage to increase water supply stability and reduce risk of water shortage for Xinzhu Scientific Park It is expected to be approved by the Executive Yuan in November 2003

44 Enforcement ofWater Saving

Currentannual water consumption is approximately lS0x 109m3 which is less than the upper

limitof200x 109m3 publicized in 1995 However the annual water consumption is estimated to reach 215x 109m3 in year 2021 including 120x 109m3 ofagricultural use 42X 109m3 of domestic use 3Sx109m3 of industrial use and 15x109m3 of conservation water Water saving should be enforced in order to keep annual water consumption under the limit of200x 109m3

Based on the waterconsuming characteristics it is suggested that agricultural water use should be reduced 10domestic water should be limited to 250Adayperson industrial water use should be recovered up to 65 for water saving goal by year 2021 to balance water supply and demands


51 The annual precipitation in Taiwan is approximately 26 times of the world average that is 973mm Because of the high population density there is only 4753m3 of water available for each person per year which is only 17 of the world average of 33975m3

In addition to the fact mentioned above the uneven distribution of precipitation in time and space has made water resources utilization extremely difficult in Taiwan

52 Because of the raising living standards change of international environments and change of industries the requirement of stable water supply has been increase in Taiwan It is an important issue in the future that water resource facilities need to be increased and water consumption among various users need to be reasonably allocated to increase water quantity and water supply stability

53 The total quantity of water resources utilization should be limited due to its natural constraints For sustainable development in the future the limitation of water resources should be forced in other word the development strategy should be based on sustainable use of water resources and total quantity control principles to develop and save water resources in order to meet all water demands as well as keep a good water use environment for our next generation

54 Water resources related agencies should actively undertake policies of water recycling and reuse collection of rain water water saving and enforcement of flexible transfering agriculture water with coordinations of other agencies including modification of relevant regulations construction of sewer lines and waste water treatment plants agricultural policies related to rice fields adjustment and better understanding on water saving There should be a nation wide efforts in order to achieve stable water supply and happy life



1 New strategies for conservation operation and Management of Water Resources Jiin-Shan Huang Proceedings ofInternational watershed conservation conference April 1998

2 Water Resources Allocation and Development Strategies in Taiwan The Water Resources Agency MOEA May 2001

3 Feasibility planning study of Jiyang Man-made Lake The Planning and Testing Institute of Water Resource Agency MOEA December 2000

4 Surface and Groundwater Conjunctive Use of Zhoushui River Alluvial Fan The Water Resources Agency March 2001

5 Water Resources Development Outlines in Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs June 2002

6 The Project of Sustainable Water Resources Management for 21 Century in Taiwan JiinshyShan Huang Proceedings of the 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference July 2001

7 Hydrological Annual Report 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA June 2002

8 Comprehensive Water Resources Development Plans for Northern Central Southern and Eastern Regions in Taiwan the Water Resources Agency MOEA June 1999

9 Summary Report on Water Consumptions of Various Users in Taiwan 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA February 2003


Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 2: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

Gorge dam in China is 185m high with storage volume of393xl09m3 which is approximately 170 times of Deji Reservoir in Taiwan with dam height of 180m and storage volume of 023 x109m3 Water resources development and utilization are difficult in Taiwan


21 Present Water Utilization

According to the Summary Report of Various Water Consumptions in Taiwan year 2001 the total water consumption was 1848x 109m3 in year 2001 As shown in Figure 1 a~ricultural water used the largest quantity of 1301 x109m3 (704) domestic water used 373 x10 m3 (202) and industrial water used 174x 109m3 (94) they are described as follows

211 Agricultural Water Use As indicated in Table 1 the total agricultural water consumption is 1301 x109m3

in which irrigation uses 1148x109m3 (882) pisiculture uses 142xl09m3 (109) and live stock uses 011 x109m3 (09) When agricultural water use is summarized by regions Central Region uses the largest quantity of 572 xl09m3

the Northern Southern and Eastern Regions are 229 x109m3

257x 109m3 and 243 xl 09m3 respectively

212 Domestic Water Use As indicated in Table 2 the total domestic water consumption is 373 x109m3

in which 347xI09m3 (930) of water is supplied by Water Company and 026x109m3 (70) is self supplied When domestic water use is summarized by regions Northern Region uses the largest quantity of 197xl 09m3 Central Southern and Eastern Regions are 081 x109m3

085 xI09m3 and 01Ox 109m3 respectively

213 Industrial Water Use 9m3As indicated in Table 3 the total industrial water consumption is 174X10 in which

053x109m3 (305) is supplied by Water Company and 121xI09m3 (695) is self supplied When industrial water use is summarized by regions Northern Region uses the largest quantity of

9 3 9 3 9 3 d 0 0 109 3063xl0 m Central Southern and Eastern Regions are 05xlO m 055 xlO m an 6x m respectively

22 Trend of Water Resources Utilization

Various water consumption from year 1983 to 2001 are summarized in Table 4 and Figure 2 The trend of water resources utilization indicates that agricultural water consumption has been decreased however it increases after year 1999 domestic water consumption have increased 127 from 164xl09m3 in year 1983 to 373 x109m3 in year 2001 and industrial water

9m3consumptions have increased 15 from 151 xl 09m3 in year 1983 to 174x 10 in year 2001



Ai ch co nc 101

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J f s

oximately olume of

)01 the ral water 2)and

n which )ck uses Ion uses x109m3

which is self largest 3 m and

which pplied rtity of [109m 3

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~ been reased [water ~l

23 Estimate of Future Water Demands

After joining WTO agricultural policies should be adjusted accordingly The import of rice change planting of rice fields and release of farmland would reduce irrigational water consumption to some extent however the reduced amount of irrigational water consumption is not clear at the present time because of the agricultural policy has not yet been settled As indicated in Table 5 the promotion of tourism industries by the government would increase the future domestic water consumption to 422x109m3 in year 2021 According to the National Science Committee and Industrial Bureau of MOEA the future industrial water demands under the assumptions of low medium and high growth in year 2021 will be 124 x109m3

171 x109m3

and 201x109m3 respectively Under the condition that agricultural water consumption remains the same as current (120 x109m by adding 15x109m3 of conservation water the total water demands in year 2021 could add up to 207 x109m3

212x109m3 and 215x109m3 respectively depending on the growth of industrial water consumptions


After reviewing the water resources characteristics current utilization and future trends m Taiwan problems need to be resolved including the following issues

31 Decrease of Water Shortage Tolerant Extent and Increase of Water Quality and quantify Requirements Cause by Raising Living Standards and Changing of Industries

Agriculture was the main industry in the past in Taiwan Water for agricultural use has a large flexibility it can be reduced when necessary for supporting domestic water supply therefore water shortage would not significantly affect economy and peoples livelihood unless there is a severe drought Recently economy is developing toward electronic industries the needs for stable water supply have been increased because the industries can not stand any water shortage and water shortage would cause severe loss to the economy (for example 2 water shortage would cause suspension of 50 of production work) The high water quality standards required for domestic and high technology industries would also cause lost of water during treatment processes and therefore increase water demands indirectly

32 Lack of Water Supply Stability

The water consumption in Taiwan from year 1998 to 2001 (Figure 3) indicated that average annual total water consumption is approximately 180x 109m3

in which agricultural water consumption is 124x109m3

domestic and industrial water consumptions are 51 x109m3 and

conservation water is 05xI09m3 Under the condition of 90 water supply stability domestic

and industrial water consumption need 51 x109m3 of reliable water sources Reservoirs in Taiwan have a total storage volume of20x109m3 which can provide approximately 46 xI09m3 of water annually after subtracting 15x 109m3 for agricultural use there is only 31 x109m3 of water left for domestic and industrial consumptions with about 60 stability To make up the demand of 51x109m3

the remaining 20x109m3 has to be taken from surface runoff and groundwater However groundwater has been over drawn in some areas recently surface runoff with 95 stability has to be reserved for conservation water In addition water quality in mid and


downstream of rivers are polluted and the recent meteorological conditions have been changed The above-motioned reasons have made water storage for present conditions and water shortage will become worse as the water demands increase in the future

33 Low Efficiency ofWater Transmission and Distribution Systems

According to annual report of Taiwan Water Company and Taipei City Water Company the trend of water sale rate from year 1992 to 2001 is shown in Figure 4 As indicated in the figure water sale rate of Taiwan Water Company increased from 7514 in year 1992 to 8130 in year 1996 and decreased gradually down to 6795 in year 2001 water sale rate of Taipei City Water Company decreased from 7337 in year 1992 down to 5420 in year 2001

The historical data indicated a low water sale rate in addition to the fire fighting water water leakage is the main reason It is also indicated from other relevant information transmission loss of irrigation water reaches 25 to 40 The leakage might be used for groundwater recharge however it indicates that the water resources utilization efficiency is relatively low for water resources developed in the upstream reach The loss of 20xI09m3 to 30xl09m3 of water has indirectly caused the pressure for water resource development

34 Insufficient Water Storage and Regulating Capability

Owning to the geological and geographical limitation reservoirs have small storage volumes in Taiwan The largest reservoir in Taiwan Zengwen Reservoir has a storage volume ofO6x 109m3

which is incompatible to reservoirs with similar dam height having more than 1OOx 109m3 of storage volume in continental countries Reservoirs in Taiwan can only be operated is annual basis because of the hydrological characteristics of significant difference in wet and dry seasons While reservoirs in other countries can supply water for many years when they are full reservoirs in Taiwan have to be operated many times a year For example Shimen Reservoir needs to be full for 365 times a year in order to meet water demands in Taoyuan area otherwise there will insufficient water resource to meet the demand goal Water storage and regulating capability is insufficient in Taiwan a comparison is made between Taiwan and Beijing City both have similar population however reservoir storage capacity is 20x 109m3 in Taiwan while reservoirs storage capacity is 40xl 09m3 of only a Mi-Yueu reservoir in Beijing City In addition to improve water storage and regulating capability a reserve of 15 should be provided for emergency use

35 Globe Meteorological Change and Increasing Uncertainty of Hydrological Meteorology

The Greenhouse Effect has made globe meteorological change in recent years the globe average temperature has been increased for 2degC and there is a tendency of reducing rainfall duration and increasing rainfall intensity in Taiwan In the last couple of years rainfall has been concentrated in plain and city and rainfall in mountainous area has been decreased in Taiwan The continuous drought in year 2002 and 2003 has broken the past record Since June 2003 precipitation in the whole island is very low and even no precipitation in some areas Feicui Reservoir received only 364mm of rainfall in July 2003 which made the record of both lowest rainfall in July and any single month since the completion of the reservoir The change in meteorological conditions has made the planning and allocation of water resources more difficult and uncertain


en changed tter shortage

impany the 1 the figure 30 in year City Water

vater water nission loss er recharge v for water fwater has

volumes in 3o6x109 m

Ix109m3 of I is annual ry seasons reservoirs eeds to be there will

pability is rve similar irs storage ove water ise


e average ation and centrated 11 The ie 2003 I Feicui th lowest hange in i difficult


41 Total Quantity Control ofWater Resources Utilization

The conservation of water within watershed is limited due to geolographical features in Taiwan As indicated from summary data in year 1998 to year 2001 the average total annual water consumption is 180xl09m3

in which 77xI09m3 of water is from runoff 46xI09m3 is from reservoirs and 57xl09m3 is from groundwater (exceed the natural recharge) From estimation in previous section the total water demand in year 2021 would reach 215 xI09m3

which exceeds the upper limit of 200x 109m3 publicized in National Territory and Water Resource Meeting 1998 For sustainable development in Taiwan the development of water resources should be limited in order not to make significant influence to our environment To reasonably set up a limit of total water resources utilization and to allocate and fixable dispatch of various water consumption the Water Resources Agency of MOEA is conducting a study Planning of Total Water Resources Control Measures in Taiwan to establish the total water resources control limits control principles control systems and associated measure for each region such as review inspection and adjustment systems of water use plan for various water users in order to carry out the spirit of total quantity control ofwater resources utilization

42 Reinforcement of Water Resources Management for Regions Already Reached Their

Development Limits

For areas where water resources have been developed up to their limits problem solving measure will be the reinforcement of managing current facilities instead of developing new water resources to meet regional water demands Solving measures include improvements ofefficiency and facilities as described in the following paragraphs

421 Improvement of Efficiency The following measures could be used to improve efficiency of existing water resource facilities

A Water resource utilization efficiency could be increased by coordination of reviewing existing hydrology local features flood control and water utilization adjusting reservoir rule curves conjunctive use of adjacent facilities (reservoirs and weirs) and designing of sophisticated operation systems

B Agricultural water use is 70 of the total water consumption with high tolerance to water shortage the fixable dispatch of agricultural water for supporting domestic and industrial water demand will be a goal to be promoted by both agriculture and water resources agencies The strategy ofWater Resource Agency follows

Establishment of Guidelines for Negotiating Agricultural Water for Transfering to Other Users for the reference of the procedures and pricing principles for negotiating agricultural water for transfering to other users

Promotion of Water Resources Allocation Plan in coordination with WTO Rice Field Adjustment The Agriculture Development Council have practiced Rice Field Adjustment Plan and Continuous Plan for Rice Field Adjustment Since 1997 according to administrative districts Those plans are non-forcible and taking


the change or cease planting of second cropping period during wet season as promotion goal therefore the benefit of water transfering to other users is limited Water Resource Agency suggested that the above-mentioned plans would be better practiced in water shortage areas such as Taoyuan Xinzhu Zhangyun and Jianan during dry season The change or cease planting should be planned using irrigation system as a unit to solve water competitions between users during dry season when this is water shortage Since the first cropping period has a better harvest than the second copping period it is also suggested to pay more compensations for those change or cease planting in the first coping period The compensation will be paid by domestic and industrial water users or assisted by the government when it is necessary

C Establishment of Transfer and Warning Index of Water Use and Transfering Mechnisum for regional water resources Use of scientific technology for prediction and reporting as well as information management of water resources information Establishment of warning index and publicize hydrologic meteorological and water consumption situation on regional basis for public to realize current water resource information In addition standard operation procedures related to water transfering and water saving should also be established for adopting relevant measures in time to reduce water shortage impacts to society by warning and reacting at proper time

422 Improvement Facilities A Improvement of existing facilities such as reservoir dredging and reservoir

rehabilitation to increase storage and regulating capability For example Water Resources Agency is currently conducting dredging for many reservoirs and sediment removal for Chengqinhu Water Resource Agency has also completed raising of Xinshan Dam leakage restoration of Xiaochi Reservoir and is currently working on the rehabilitation of Akangtian Reservoir by removing 1120x 106m3 of sediment and will increase 80000m3 of daily water supply upon completion

B Improvement of water supply facilities and increasing water utilization efficiency including reinforcement of replacing old water distribution lines and repairing leaking irrigation ditches Currently both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies have made plans to invest 40 to 50 billion NT dollars for replacing distribution lines It is expected to reduce water leakage rate by 5 Since the distribution line replacing work would take a longtime and a lot of money with limited benefit the reduction of water leakage rate could not be treated as expected water resources

C Reinforcement of installing and improving regional water transmission lines to improve utilization rate of existing water resources Water resources should be used conjunctively of all resources within a river basin for regional allocation and then transfered between regions to balance excessive and shortage of water Currently regional systems undergo improving by both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies include Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project (Xindian River to Dahan River) Xinzhu Scientific Park Water Supply Project (Taoyuan Pingzhen to Xinzhu Hukou) Liyutan Reservoir Transfering Toward North Project (Daan River to Maoli) Ganzilin Downstream Project (Wu River to Zhoushui River) Jiji Downstream



on en


ng for es rc to on ed ~ty

nr er ld ed ly of


to d n

tr o o o n

Water Supply Project (Zhoushui River to Jiayi) Connection Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping Weir Project (Zengwen River to Gaoping River) Water Resource Agency is also actively Carrying out the Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project (Gaoping River to Zengwen River)

43Development of New Water Resources for Regions yet to Reach Their Limits

For regions where water resources have not yet developed to their limits diversified water resources including traditional and new categories should be developed to meet the demand goal

431 Development of Traditional Water Resources The Traditional Water Resources developments include building reservoirs or storing and regulating river runoff py reservoir and weirs for water supply The traditional water resources have the advantages of low development costs large supply capacity low cost and ease of operation and maintenance long useful life and relatively stable when it is compared with river runoff After evaluation by the Water Resources Agency the traditional water resources will be continue to develop for stabilizing water supply Traditional water resources projects being planned and undertaken as listed in the following table

Category Northern Region Central

Region Southern Region

Eastern Region

Undertaking +Lodong Weir +Baoshan second Reservoir

+First phase of Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project

+Hushan Reservoir

-Connecticn Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping weir

+Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project

Under +Second Phase of -Dajia River +Shiwen +Hualian Maan Planning Banxin Water

Supply Improvement Project

+Xishi Reservoir Raising Project

+Dahan River Water Resource Development

+Xindian River Water Resource Development

Babao Weir +Tianhuahu Reservoir

+Wu River and Zhoushui River Downstream Water Resource Development

Reservoir River Water Resource Development

+Taidong Overall Water Supply Project


432 Development of New Water Resources New water resources are those water resources other than reservoirs and weirs In order to ease the pressure of traditional water resources development and reduce influences to watersheds water resources developments will actively introduce man-made lakes water reuse collection of rain water desalination or semi-desalination of sea water Projects are currently undertaken by the Water Resources Agency follows

A Man-made Lakes

a Jiyang Man-made Lake

The project currently under planning is located at Taiwan Sugar Companys farmland at the confluence ofLaonong River and Ailiao River This project could supply 340OOOm3 ofwater per day for Gaoping area recharge 30x 106m3 of groundwater per year and provide approximately 65 x106m3 ofsand and gravel

b Storage Ponds in Taoyuan Area

All small ponds in Taoyuan Area have a total volume of 20x 106m3 They were the

main water resources for irrigation It is currently under study to improve their capability and increase their utilization efficiency

B Water Reuse

In the past domestic and industrial water were released directly due to the high costs of recycling for reuse However it becomes feasible to reuse water because of the improved technologies and the impacts ofwater shortage to industries Contently it is required for new industrial districts to recycling and reuse waste water according to the Guidelines for Reviewing Water Use Plan enforced by the Water Resources Agency In addition the project ofOverall Evaluation of Waste Water Reuse Potential in Taiwan is undergoing this fiscal year to identify all waste water treatment plants that are suitable of water recycling and to establish their priority for related agencies to gradually take it into action in order to put the limited water resources into sustainable use A planning project will be undertaken for recycling waste water at Bali Waste Water Treatment Plant and studied the feasibility of using recycled water for industrial and agricultural use

C Collection of Rain Water

Collection of rain water is an economical and practical method of water resources development because it does not use energy easy to obtain without water right dispute and good water quality The Water Resources Agency have conducted overall planning for mid and long terms of rain water collection and utilization it is expected to establish a large scale rain water collection and storage demonstration project provide personnel training conduct research and development of new technologies and design a data bank

D Sea Water Desalination

Traditional water resources facilities would have water supply threat during dry year Sea water desalination would be a new water resource in the future for its stable source and gradually improved technology Sea water desalination has only been used in outlaying islands for domestic water use due to its height cost and influences


erto ease rsheds llection of taken by

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to ocean environments Currently a sea water desalination plant with a daily production of30000 m3 is under planning and feasibility study stage to increase water supply stability and reduce risk of water shortage for Xinzhu Scientific Park It is expected to be approved by the Executive Yuan in November 2003

44 Enforcement ofWater Saving

Currentannual water consumption is approximately lS0x 109m3 which is less than the upper

limitof200x 109m3 publicized in 1995 However the annual water consumption is estimated to reach 215x 109m3 in year 2021 including 120x 109m3 ofagricultural use 42X 109m3 of domestic use 3Sx109m3 of industrial use and 15x109m3 of conservation water Water saving should be enforced in order to keep annual water consumption under the limit of200x 109m3

Based on the waterconsuming characteristics it is suggested that agricultural water use should be reduced 10domestic water should be limited to 250Adayperson industrial water use should be recovered up to 65 for water saving goal by year 2021 to balance water supply and demands


51 The annual precipitation in Taiwan is approximately 26 times of the world average that is 973mm Because of the high population density there is only 4753m3 of water available for each person per year which is only 17 of the world average of 33975m3

In addition to the fact mentioned above the uneven distribution of precipitation in time and space has made water resources utilization extremely difficult in Taiwan

52 Because of the raising living standards change of international environments and change of industries the requirement of stable water supply has been increase in Taiwan It is an important issue in the future that water resource facilities need to be increased and water consumption among various users need to be reasonably allocated to increase water quantity and water supply stability

53 The total quantity of water resources utilization should be limited due to its natural constraints For sustainable development in the future the limitation of water resources should be forced in other word the development strategy should be based on sustainable use of water resources and total quantity control principles to develop and save water resources in order to meet all water demands as well as keep a good water use environment for our next generation

54 Water resources related agencies should actively undertake policies of water recycling and reuse collection of rain water water saving and enforcement of flexible transfering agriculture water with coordinations of other agencies including modification of relevant regulations construction of sewer lines and waste water treatment plants agricultural policies related to rice fields adjustment and better understanding on water saving There should be a nation wide efforts in order to achieve stable water supply and happy life



1 New strategies for conservation operation and Management of Water Resources Jiin-Shan Huang Proceedings ofInternational watershed conservation conference April 1998

2 Water Resources Allocation and Development Strategies in Taiwan The Water Resources Agency MOEA May 2001

3 Feasibility planning study of Jiyang Man-made Lake The Planning and Testing Institute of Water Resource Agency MOEA December 2000

4 Surface and Groundwater Conjunctive Use of Zhoushui River Alluvial Fan The Water Resources Agency March 2001

5 Water Resources Development Outlines in Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs June 2002

6 The Project of Sustainable Water Resources Management for 21 Century in Taiwan JiinshyShan Huang Proceedings of the 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference July 2001

7 Hydrological Annual Report 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA June 2002

8 Comprehensive Water Resources Development Plans for Northern Central Southern and Eastern Regions in Taiwan the Water Resources Agency MOEA June 1999

9 Summary Report on Water Consumptions of Various Users in Taiwan 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA February 2003


Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 3: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

oximately olume of

)01 the ral water 2)and

n which )ck uses Ion uses x109m3

which is self largest 3 m and

which pplied rtity of [109m 3

ure 2

~ been reased [water ~l

23 Estimate of Future Water Demands

After joining WTO agricultural policies should be adjusted accordingly The import of rice change planting of rice fields and release of farmland would reduce irrigational water consumption to some extent however the reduced amount of irrigational water consumption is not clear at the present time because of the agricultural policy has not yet been settled As indicated in Table 5 the promotion of tourism industries by the government would increase the future domestic water consumption to 422x109m3 in year 2021 According to the National Science Committee and Industrial Bureau of MOEA the future industrial water demands under the assumptions of low medium and high growth in year 2021 will be 124 x109m3

171 x109m3

and 201x109m3 respectively Under the condition that agricultural water consumption remains the same as current (120 x109m by adding 15x109m3 of conservation water the total water demands in year 2021 could add up to 207 x109m3

212x109m3 and 215x109m3 respectively depending on the growth of industrial water consumptions


After reviewing the water resources characteristics current utilization and future trends m Taiwan problems need to be resolved including the following issues

31 Decrease of Water Shortage Tolerant Extent and Increase of Water Quality and quantify Requirements Cause by Raising Living Standards and Changing of Industries

Agriculture was the main industry in the past in Taiwan Water for agricultural use has a large flexibility it can be reduced when necessary for supporting domestic water supply therefore water shortage would not significantly affect economy and peoples livelihood unless there is a severe drought Recently economy is developing toward electronic industries the needs for stable water supply have been increased because the industries can not stand any water shortage and water shortage would cause severe loss to the economy (for example 2 water shortage would cause suspension of 50 of production work) The high water quality standards required for domestic and high technology industries would also cause lost of water during treatment processes and therefore increase water demands indirectly

32 Lack of Water Supply Stability

The water consumption in Taiwan from year 1998 to 2001 (Figure 3) indicated that average annual total water consumption is approximately 180x 109m3

in which agricultural water consumption is 124x109m3

domestic and industrial water consumptions are 51 x109m3 and

conservation water is 05xI09m3 Under the condition of 90 water supply stability domestic

and industrial water consumption need 51 x109m3 of reliable water sources Reservoirs in Taiwan have a total storage volume of20x109m3 which can provide approximately 46 xI09m3 of water annually after subtracting 15x 109m3 for agricultural use there is only 31 x109m3 of water left for domestic and industrial consumptions with about 60 stability To make up the demand of 51x109m3

the remaining 20x109m3 has to be taken from surface runoff and groundwater However groundwater has been over drawn in some areas recently surface runoff with 95 stability has to be reserved for conservation water In addition water quality in mid and


downstream of rivers are polluted and the recent meteorological conditions have been changed The above-motioned reasons have made water storage for present conditions and water shortage will become worse as the water demands increase in the future

33 Low Efficiency ofWater Transmission and Distribution Systems

According to annual report of Taiwan Water Company and Taipei City Water Company the trend of water sale rate from year 1992 to 2001 is shown in Figure 4 As indicated in the figure water sale rate of Taiwan Water Company increased from 7514 in year 1992 to 8130 in year 1996 and decreased gradually down to 6795 in year 2001 water sale rate of Taipei City Water Company decreased from 7337 in year 1992 down to 5420 in year 2001

The historical data indicated a low water sale rate in addition to the fire fighting water water leakage is the main reason It is also indicated from other relevant information transmission loss of irrigation water reaches 25 to 40 The leakage might be used for groundwater recharge however it indicates that the water resources utilization efficiency is relatively low for water resources developed in the upstream reach The loss of 20xI09m3 to 30xl09m3 of water has indirectly caused the pressure for water resource development

34 Insufficient Water Storage and Regulating Capability

Owning to the geological and geographical limitation reservoirs have small storage volumes in Taiwan The largest reservoir in Taiwan Zengwen Reservoir has a storage volume ofO6x 109m3

which is incompatible to reservoirs with similar dam height having more than 1OOx 109m3 of storage volume in continental countries Reservoirs in Taiwan can only be operated is annual basis because of the hydrological characteristics of significant difference in wet and dry seasons While reservoirs in other countries can supply water for many years when they are full reservoirs in Taiwan have to be operated many times a year For example Shimen Reservoir needs to be full for 365 times a year in order to meet water demands in Taoyuan area otherwise there will insufficient water resource to meet the demand goal Water storage and regulating capability is insufficient in Taiwan a comparison is made between Taiwan and Beijing City both have similar population however reservoir storage capacity is 20x 109m3 in Taiwan while reservoirs storage capacity is 40xl 09m3 of only a Mi-Yueu reservoir in Beijing City In addition to improve water storage and regulating capability a reserve of 15 should be provided for emergency use

35 Globe Meteorological Change and Increasing Uncertainty of Hydrological Meteorology

The Greenhouse Effect has made globe meteorological change in recent years the globe average temperature has been increased for 2degC and there is a tendency of reducing rainfall duration and increasing rainfall intensity in Taiwan In the last couple of years rainfall has been concentrated in plain and city and rainfall in mountainous area has been decreased in Taiwan The continuous drought in year 2002 and 2003 has broken the past record Since June 2003 precipitation in the whole island is very low and even no precipitation in some areas Feicui Reservoir received only 364mm of rainfall in July 2003 which made the record of both lowest rainfall in July and any single month since the completion of the reservoir The change in meteorological conditions has made the planning and allocation of water resources more difficult and uncertain


en changed tter shortage

impany the 1 the figure 30 in year City Water

vater water nission loss er recharge v for water fwater has

volumes in 3o6x109 m

Ix109m3 of I is annual ry seasons reservoirs eeds to be there will

pability is rve similar irs storage ove water ise


e average ation and centrated 11 The ie 2003 I Feicui th lowest hange in i difficult


41 Total Quantity Control ofWater Resources Utilization

The conservation of water within watershed is limited due to geolographical features in Taiwan As indicated from summary data in year 1998 to year 2001 the average total annual water consumption is 180xl09m3

in which 77xI09m3 of water is from runoff 46xI09m3 is from reservoirs and 57xl09m3 is from groundwater (exceed the natural recharge) From estimation in previous section the total water demand in year 2021 would reach 215 xI09m3

which exceeds the upper limit of 200x 109m3 publicized in National Territory and Water Resource Meeting 1998 For sustainable development in Taiwan the development of water resources should be limited in order not to make significant influence to our environment To reasonably set up a limit of total water resources utilization and to allocate and fixable dispatch of various water consumption the Water Resources Agency of MOEA is conducting a study Planning of Total Water Resources Control Measures in Taiwan to establish the total water resources control limits control principles control systems and associated measure for each region such as review inspection and adjustment systems of water use plan for various water users in order to carry out the spirit of total quantity control ofwater resources utilization

42 Reinforcement of Water Resources Management for Regions Already Reached Their

Development Limits

For areas where water resources have been developed up to their limits problem solving measure will be the reinforcement of managing current facilities instead of developing new water resources to meet regional water demands Solving measures include improvements ofefficiency and facilities as described in the following paragraphs

421 Improvement of Efficiency The following measures could be used to improve efficiency of existing water resource facilities

A Water resource utilization efficiency could be increased by coordination of reviewing existing hydrology local features flood control and water utilization adjusting reservoir rule curves conjunctive use of adjacent facilities (reservoirs and weirs) and designing of sophisticated operation systems

B Agricultural water use is 70 of the total water consumption with high tolerance to water shortage the fixable dispatch of agricultural water for supporting domestic and industrial water demand will be a goal to be promoted by both agriculture and water resources agencies The strategy ofWater Resource Agency follows

Establishment of Guidelines for Negotiating Agricultural Water for Transfering to Other Users for the reference of the procedures and pricing principles for negotiating agricultural water for transfering to other users

Promotion of Water Resources Allocation Plan in coordination with WTO Rice Field Adjustment The Agriculture Development Council have practiced Rice Field Adjustment Plan and Continuous Plan for Rice Field Adjustment Since 1997 according to administrative districts Those plans are non-forcible and taking


the change or cease planting of second cropping period during wet season as promotion goal therefore the benefit of water transfering to other users is limited Water Resource Agency suggested that the above-mentioned plans would be better practiced in water shortage areas such as Taoyuan Xinzhu Zhangyun and Jianan during dry season The change or cease planting should be planned using irrigation system as a unit to solve water competitions between users during dry season when this is water shortage Since the first cropping period has a better harvest than the second copping period it is also suggested to pay more compensations for those change or cease planting in the first coping period The compensation will be paid by domestic and industrial water users or assisted by the government when it is necessary

C Establishment of Transfer and Warning Index of Water Use and Transfering Mechnisum for regional water resources Use of scientific technology for prediction and reporting as well as information management of water resources information Establishment of warning index and publicize hydrologic meteorological and water consumption situation on regional basis for public to realize current water resource information In addition standard operation procedures related to water transfering and water saving should also be established for adopting relevant measures in time to reduce water shortage impacts to society by warning and reacting at proper time

422 Improvement Facilities A Improvement of existing facilities such as reservoir dredging and reservoir

rehabilitation to increase storage and regulating capability For example Water Resources Agency is currently conducting dredging for many reservoirs and sediment removal for Chengqinhu Water Resource Agency has also completed raising of Xinshan Dam leakage restoration of Xiaochi Reservoir and is currently working on the rehabilitation of Akangtian Reservoir by removing 1120x 106m3 of sediment and will increase 80000m3 of daily water supply upon completion

B Improvement of water supply facilities and increasing water utilization efficiency including reinforcement of replacing old water distribution lines and repairing leaking irrigation ditches Currently both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies have made plans to invest 40 to 50 billion NT dollars for replacing distribution lines It is expected to reduce water leakage rate by 5 Since the distribution line replacing work would take a longtime and a lot of money with limited benefit the reduction of water leakage rate could not be treated as expected water resources

C Reinforcement of installing and improving regional water transmission lines to improve utilization rate of existing water resources Water resources should be used conjunctively of all resources within a river basin for regional allocation and then transfered between regions to balance excessive and shortage of water Currently regional systems undergo improving by both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies include Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project (Xindian River to Dahan River) Xinzhu Scientific Park Water Supply Project (Taoyuan Pingzhen to Xinzhu Hukou) Liyutan Reservoir Transfering Toward North Project (Daan River to Maoli) Ganzilin Downstream Project (Wu River to Zhoushui River) Jiji Downstream



on en


ng for es rc to on ed ~ty

nr er ld ed ly of


to d n

tr o o o n

Water Supply Project (Zhoushui River to Jiayi) Connection Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping Weir Project (Zengwen River to Gaoping River) Water Resource Agency is also actively Carrying out the Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project (Gaoping River to Zengwen River)

43Development of New Water Resources for Regions yet to Reach Their Limits

For regions where water resources have not yet developed to their limits diversified water resources including traditional and new categories should be developed to meet the demand goal

431 Development of Traditional Water Resources The Traditional Water Resources developments include building reservoirs or storing and regulating river runoff py reservoir and weirs for water supply The traditional water resources have the advantages of low development costs large supply capacity low cost and ease of operation and maintenance long useful life and relatively stable when it is compared with river runoff After evaluation by the Water Resources Agency the traditional water resources will be continue to develop for stabilizing water supply Traditional water resources projects being planned and undertaken as listed in the following table

Category Northern Region Central

Region Southern Region

Eastern Region

Undertaking +Lodong Weir +Baoshan second Reservoir

+First phase of Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project

+Hushan Reservoir

-Connecticn Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping weir

+Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project

Under +Second Phase of -Dajia River +Shiwen +Hualian Maan Planning Banxin Water

Supply Improvement Project

+Xishi Reservoir Raising Project

+Dahan River Water Resource Development

+Xindian River Water Resource Development

Babao Weir +Tianhuahu Reservoir

+Wu River and Zhoushui River Downstream Water Resource Development

Reservoir River Water Resource Development

+Taidong Overall Water Supply Project


432 Development of New Water Resources New water resources are those water resources other than reservoirs and weirs In order to ease the pressure of traditional water resources development and reduce influences to watersheds water resources developments will actively introduce man-made lakes water reuse collection of rain water desalination or semi-desalination of sea water Projects are currently undertaken by the Water Resources Agency follows

A Man-made Lakes

a Jiyang Man-made Lake

The project currently under planning is located at Taiwan Sugar Companys farmland at the confluence ofLaonong River and Ailiao River This project could supply 340OOOm3 ofwater per day for Gaoping area recharge 30x 106m3 of groundwater per year and provide approximately 65 x106m3 ofsand and gravel

b Storage Ponds in Taoyuan Area

All small ponds in Taoyuan Area have a total volume of 20x 106m3 They were the

main water resources for irrigation It is currently under study to improve their capability and increase their utilization efficiency

B Water Reuse

In the past domestic and industrial water were released directly due to the high costs of recycling for reuse However it becomes feasible to reuse water because of the improved technologies and the impacts ofwater shortage to industries Contently it is required for new industrial districts to recycling and reuse waste water according to the Guidelines for Reviewing Water Use Plan enforced by the Water Resources Agency In addition the project ofOverall Evaluation of Waste Water Reuse Potential in Taiwan is undergoing this fiscal year to identify all waste water treatment plants that are suitable of water recycling and to establish their priority for related agencies to gradually take it into action in order to put the limited water resources into sustainable use A planning project will be undertaken for recycling waste water at Bali Waste Water Treatment Plant and studied the feasibility of using recycled water for industrial and agricultural use

C Collection of Rain Water

Collection of rain water is an economical and practical method of water resources development because it does not use energy easy to obtain without water right dispute and good water quality The Water Resources Agency have conducted overall planning for mid and long terms of rain water collection and utilization it is expected to establish a large scale rain water collection and storage demonstration project provide personnel training conduct research and development of new technologies and design a data bank

D Sea Water Desalination

Traditional water resources facilities would have water supply threat during dry year Sea water desalination would be a new water resource in the future for its stable source and gradually improved technology Sea water desalination has only been used in outlaying islands for domestic water use due to its height cost and influences


erto ease rsheds llection of taken by

s ct could )f livel

were the heir

iigh costs eof the ntently it cording esources use r iority for iter cycling of using

urces ght ted on it is ration w

Iryyear ble been luences

to ocean environments Currently a sea water desalination plant with a daily production of30000 m3 is under planning and feasibility study stage to increase water supply stability and reduce risk of water shortage for Xinzhu Scientific Park It is expected to be approved by the Executive Yuan in November 2003

44 Enforcement ofWater Saving

Currentannual water consumption is approximately lS0x 109m3 which is less than the upper

limitof200x 109m3 publicized in 1995 However the annual water consumption is estimated to reach 215x 109m3 in year 2021 including 120x 109m3 ofagricultural use 42X 109m3 of domestic use 3Sx109m3 of industrial use and 15x109m3 of conservation water Water saving should be enforced in order to keep annual water consumption under the limit of200x 109m3

Based on the waterconsuming characteristics it is suggested that agricultural water use should be reduced 10domestic water should be limited to 250Adayperson industrial water use should be recovered up to 65 for water saving goal by year 2021 to balance water supply and demands


51 The annual precipitation in Taiwan is approximately 26 times of the world average that is 973mm Because of the high population density there is only 4753m3 of water available for each person per year which is only 17 of the world average of 33975m3

In addition to the fact mentioned above the uneven distribution of precipitation in time and space has made water resources utilization extremely difficult in Taiwan

52 Because of the raising living standards change of international environments and change of industries the requirement of stable water supply has been increase in Taiwan It is an important issue in the future that water resource facilities need to be increased and water consumption among various users need to be reasonably allocated to increase water quantity and water supply stability

53 The total quantity of water resources utilization should be limited due to its natural constraints For sustainable development in the future the limitation of water resources should be forced in other word the development strategy should be based on sustainable use of water resources and total quantity control principles to develop and save water resources in order to meet all water demands as well as keep a good water use environment for our next generation

54 Water resources related agencies should actively undertake policies of water recycling and reuse collection of rain water water saving and enforcement of flexible transfering agriculture water with coordinations of other agencies including modification of relevant regulations construction of sewer lines and waste water treatment plants agricultural policies related to rice fields adjustment and better understanding on water saving There should be a nation wide efforts in order to achieve stable water supply and happy life



1 New strategies for conservation operation and Management of Water Resources Jiin-Shan Huang Proceedings ofInternational watershed conservation conference April 1998

2 Water Resources Allocation and Development Strategies in Taiwan The Water Resources Agency MOEA May 2001

3 Feasibility planning study of Jiyang Man-made Lake The Planning and Testing Institute of Water Resource Agency MOEA December 2000

4 Surface and Groundwater Conjunctive Use of Zhoushui River Alluvial Fan The Water Resources Agency March 2001

5 Water Resources Development Outlines in Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs June 2002

6 The Project of Sustainable Water Resources Management for 21 Century in Taiwan JiinshyShan Huang Proceedings of the 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference July 2001

7 Hydrological Annual Report 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA June 2002

8 Comprehensive Water Resources Development Plans for Northern Central Southern and Eastern Regions in Taiwan the Water Resources Agency MOEA June 1999

9 Summary Report on Water Consumptions of Various Users in Taiwan 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA February 2003


Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 4: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

downstream of rivers are polluted and the recent meteorological conditions have been changed The above-motioned reasons have made water storage for present conditions and water shortage will become worse as the water demands increase in the future

33 Low Efficiency ofWater Transmission and Distribution Systems

According to annual report of Taiwan Water Company and Taipei City Water Company the trend of water sale rate from year 1992 to 2001 is shown in Figure 4 As indicated in the figure water sale rate of Taiwan Water Company increased from 7514 in year 1992 to 8130 in year 1996 and decreased gradually down to 6795 in year 2001 water sale rate of Taipei City Water Company decreased from 7337 in year 1992 down to 5420 in year 2001

The historical data indicated a low water sale rate in addition to the fire fighting water water leakage is the main reason It is also indicated from other relevant information transmission loss of irrigation water reaches 25 to 40 The leakage might be used for groundwater recharge however it indicates that the water resources utilization efficiency is relatively low for water resources developed in the upstream reach The loss of 20xI09m3 to 30xl09m3 of water has indirectly caused the pressure for water resource development

34 Insufficient Water Storage and Regulating Capability

Owning to the geological and geographical limitation reservoirs have small storage volumes in Taiwan The largest reservoir in Taiwan Zengwen Reservoir has a storage volume ofO6x 109m3

which is incompatible to reservoirs with similar dam height having more than 1OOx 109m3 of storage volume in continental countries Reservoirs in Taiwan can only be operated is annual basis because of the hydrological characteristics of significant difference in wet and dry seasons While reservoirs in other countries can supply water for many years when they are full reservoirs in Taiwan have to be operated many times a year For example Shimen Reservoir needs to be full for 365 times a year in order to meet water demands in Taoyuan area otherwise there will insufficient water resource to meet the demand goal Water storage and regulating capability is insufficient in Taiwan a comparison is made between Taiwan and Beijing City both have similar population however reservoir storage capacity is 20x 109m3 in Taiwan while reservoirs storage capacity is 40xl 09m3 of only a Mi-Yueu reservoir in Beijing City In addition to improve water storage and regulating capability a reserve of 15 should be provided for emergency use

35 Globe Meteorological Change and Increasing Uncertainty of Hydrological Meteorology

The Greenhouse Effect has made globe meteorological change in recent years the globe average temperature has been increased for 2degC and there is a tendency of reducing rainfall duration and increasing rainfall intensity in Taiwan In the last couple of years rainfall has been concentrated in plain and city and rainfall in mountainous area has been decreased in Taiwan The continuous drought in year 2002 and 2003 has broken the past record Since June 2003 precipitation in the whole island is very low and even no precipitation in some areas Feicui Reservoir received only 364mm of rainfall in July 2003 which made the record of both lowest rainfall in July and any single month since the completion of the reservoir The change in meteorological conditions has made the planning and allocation of water resources more difficult and uncertain


en changed tter shortage

impany the 1 the figure 30 in year City Water

vater water nission loss er recharge v for water fwater has

volumes in 3o6x109 m

Ix109m3 of I is annual ry seasons reservoirs eeds to be there will

pability is rve similar irs storage ove water ise


e average ation and centrated 11 The ie 2003 I Feicui th lowest hange in i difficult


41 Total Quantity Control ofWater Resources Utilization

The conservation of water within watershed is limited due to geolographical features in Taiwan As indicated from summary data in year 1998 to year 2001 the average total annual water consumption is 180xl09m3

in which 77xI09m3 of water is from runoff 46xI09m3 is from reservoirs and 57xl09m3 is from groundwater (exceed the natural recharge) From estimation in previous section the total water demand in year 2021 would reach 215 xI09m3

which exceeds the upper limit of 200x 109m3 publicized in National Territory and Water Resource Meeting 1998 For sustainable development in Taiwan the development of water resources should be limited in order not to make significant influence to our environment To reasonably set up a limit of total water resources utilization and to allocate and fixable dispatch of various water consumption the Water Resources Agency of MOEA is conducting a study Planning of Total Water Resources Control Measures in Taiwan to establish the total water resources control limits control principles control systems and associated measure for each region such as review inspection and adjustment systems of water use plan for various water users in order to carry out the spirit of total quantity control ofwater resources utilization

42 Reinforcement of Water Resources Management for Regions Already Reached Their

Development Limits

For areas where water resources have been developed up to their limits problem solving measure will be the reinforcement of managing current facilities instead of developing new water resources to meet regional water demands Solving measures include improvements ofefficiency and facilities as described in the following paragraphs

421 Improvement of Efficiency The following measures could be used to improve efficiency of existing water resource facilities

A Water resource utilization efficiency could be increased by coordination of reviewing existing hydrology local features flood control and water utilization adjusting reservoir rule curves conjunctive use of adjacent facilities (reservoirs and weirs) and designing of sophisticated operation systems

B Agricultural water use is 70 of the total water consumption with high tolerance to water shortage the fixable dispatch of agricultural water for supporting domestic and industrial water demand will be a goal to be promoted by both agriculture and water resources agencies The strategy ofWater Resource Agency follows

Establishment of Guidelines for Negotiating Agricultural Water for Transfering to Other Users for the reference of the procedures and pricing principles for negotiating agricultural water for transfering to other users

Promotion of Water Resources Allocation Plan in coordination with WTO Rice Field Adjustment The Agriculture Development Council have practiced Rice Field Adjustment Plan and Continuous Plan for Rice Field Adjustment Since 1997 according to administrative districts Those plans are non-forcible and taking


the change or cease planting of second cropping period during wet season as promotion goal therefore the benefit of water transfering to other users is limited Water Resource Agency suggested that the above-mentioned plans would be better practiced in water shortage areas such as Taoyuan Xinzhu Zhangyun and Jianan during dry season The change or cease planting should be planned using irrigation system as a unit to solve water competitions between users during dry season when this is water shortage Since the first cropping period has a better harvest than the second copping period it is also suggested to pay more compensations for those change or cease planting in the first coping period The compensation will be paid by domestic and industrial water users or assisted by the government when it is necessary

C Establishment of Transfer and Warning Index of Water Use and Transfering Mechnisum for regional water resources Use of scientific technology for prediction and reporting as well as information management of water resources information Establishment of warning index and publicize hydrologic meteorological and water consumption situation on regional basis for public to realize current water resource information In addition standard operation procedures related to water transfering and water saving should also be established for adopting relevant measures in time to reduce water shortage impacts to society by warning and reacting at proper time

422 Improvement Facilities A Improvement of existing facilities such as reservoir dredging and reservoir

rehabilitation to increase storage and regulating capability For example Water Resources Agency is currently conducting dredging for many reservoirs and sediment removal for Chengqinhu Water Resource Agency has also completed raising of Xinshan Dam leakage restoration of Xiaochi Reservoir and is currently working on the rehabilitation of Akangtian Reservoir by removing 1120x 106m3 of sediment and will increase 80000m3 of daily water supply upon completion

B Improvement of water supply facilities and increasing water utilization efficiency including reinforcement of replacing old water distribution lines and repairing leaking irrigation ditches Currently both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies have made plans to invest 40 to 50 billion NT dollars for replacing distribution lines It is expected to reduce water leakage rate by 5 Since the distribution line replacing work would take a longtime and a lot of money with limited benefit the reduction of water leakage rate could not be treated as expected water resources

C Reinforcement of installing and improving regional water transmission lines to improve utilization rate of existing water resources Water resources should be used conjunctively of all resources within a river basin for regional allocation and then transfered between regions to balance excessive and shortage of water Currently regional systems undergo improving by both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies include Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project (Xindian River to Dahan River) Xinzhu Scientific Park Water Supply Project (Taoyuan Pingzhen to Xinzhu Hukou) Liyutan Reservoir Transfering Toward North Project (Daan River to Maoli) Ganzilin Downstream Project (Wu River to Zhoushui River) Jiji Downstream



on en


ng for es rc to on ed ~ty

nr er ld ed ly of


to d n

tr o o o n

Water Supply Project (Zhoushui River to Jiayi) Connection Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping Weir Project (Zengwen River to Gaoping River) Water Resource Agency is also actively Carrying out the Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project (Gaoping River to Zengwen River)

43Development of New Water Resources for Regions yet to Reach Their Limits

For regions where water resources have not yet developed to their limits diversified water resources including traditional and new categories should be developed to meet the demand goal

431 Development of Traditional Water Resources The Traditional Water Resources developments include building reservoirs or storing and regulating river runoff py reservoir and weirs for water supply The traditional water resources have the advantages of low development costs large supply capacity low cost and ease of operation and maintenance long useful life and relatively stable when it is compared with river runoff After evaluation by the Water Resources Agency the traditional water resources will be continue to develop for stabilizing water supply Traditional water resources projects being planned and undertaken as listed in the following table

Category Northern Region Central

Region Southern Region

Eastern Region

Undertaking +Lodong Weir +Baoshan second Reservoir

+First phase of Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project

+Hushan Reservoir

-Connecticn Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping weir

+Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project

Under +Second Phase of -Dajia River +Shiwen +Hualian Maan Planning Banxin Water

Supply Improvement Project

+Xishi Reservoir Raising Project

+Dahan River Water Resource Development

+Xindian River Water Resource Development

Babao Weir +Tianhuahu Reservoir

+Wu River and Zhoushui River Downstream Water Resource Development

Reservoir River Water Resource Development

+Taidong Overall Water Supply Project


432 Development of New Water Resources New water resources are those water resources other than reservoirs and weirs In order to ease the pressure of traditional water resources development and reduce influences to watersheds water resources developments will actively introduce man-made lakes water reuse collection of rain water desalination or semi-desalination of sea water Projects are currently undertaken by the Water Resources Agency follows

A Man-made Lakes

a Jiyang Man-made Lake

The project currently under planning is located at Taiwan Sugar Companys farmland at the confluence ofLaonong River and Ailiao River This project could supply 340OOOm3 ofwater per day for Gaoping area recharge 30x 106m3 of groundwater per year and provide approximately 65 x106m3 ofsand and gravel

b Storage Ponds in Taoyuan Area

All small ponds in Taoyuan Area have a total volume of 20x 106m3 They were the

main water resources for irrigation It is currently under study to improve their capability and increase their utilization efficiency

B Water Reuse

In the past domestic and industrial water were released directly due to the high costs of recycling for reuse However it becomes feasible to reuse water because of the improved technologies and the impacts ofwater shortage to industries Contently it is required for new industrial districts to recycling and reuse waste water according to the Guidelines for Reviewing Water Use Plan enforced by the Water Resources Agency In addition the project ofOverall Evaluation of Waste Water Reuse Potential in Taiwan is undergoing this fiscal year to identify all waste water treatment plants that are suitable of water recycling and to establish their priority for related agencies to gradually take it into action in order to put the limited water resources into sustainable use A planning project will be undertaken for recycling waste water at Bali Waste Water Treatment Plant and studied the feasibility of using recycled water for industrial and agricultural use

C Collection of Rain Water

Collection of rain water is an economical and practical method of water resources development because it does not use energy easy to obtain without water right dispute and good water quality The Water Resources Agency have conducted overall planning for mid and long terms of rain water collection and utilization it is expected to establish a large scale rain water collection and storage demonstration project provide personnel training conduct research and development of new technologies and design a data bank

D Sea Water Desalination

Traditional water resources facilities would have water supply threat during dry year Sea water desalination would be a new water resource in the future for its stable source and gradually improved technology Sea water desalination has only been used in outlaying islands for domestic water use due to its height cost and influences


erto ease rsheds llection of taken by

s ct could )f livel

were the heir

iigh costs eof the ntently it cording esources use r iority for iter cycling of using

urces ght ted on it is ration w

Iryyear ble been luences

to ocean environments Currently a sea water desalination plant with a daily production of30000 m3 is under planning and feasibility study stage to increase water supply stability and reduce risk of water shortage for Xinzhu Scientific Park It is expected to be approved by the Executive Yuan in November 2003

44 Enforcement ofWater Saving

Currentannual water consumption is approximately lS0x 109m3 which is less than the upper

limitof200x 109m3 publicized in 1995 However the annual water consumption is estimated to reach 215x 109m3 in year 2021 including 120x 109m3 ofagricultural use 42X 109m3 of domestic use 3Sx109m3 of industrial use and 15x109m3 of conservation water Water saving should be enforced in order to keep annual water consumption under the limit of200x 109m3

Based on the waterconsuming characteristics it is suggested that agricultural water use should be reduced 10domestic water should be limited to 250Adayperson industrial water use should be recovered up to 65 for water saving goal by year 2021 to balance water supply and demands


51 The annual precipitation in Taiwan is approximately 26 times of the world average that is 973mm Because of the high population density there is only 4753m3 of water available for each person per year which is only 17 of the world average of 33975m3

In addition to the fact mentioned above the uneven distribution of precipitation in time and space has made water resources utilization extremely difficult in Taiwan

52 Because of the raising living standards change of international environments and change of industries the requirement of stable water supply has been increase in Taiwan It is an important issue in the future that water resource facilities need to be increased and water consumption among various users need to be reasonably allocated to increase water quantity and water supply stability

53 The total quantity of water resources utilization should be limited due to its natural constraints For sustainable development in the future the limitation of water resources should be forced in other word the development strategy should be based on sustainable use of water resources and total quantity control principles to develop and save water resources in order to meet all water demands as well as keep a good water use environment for our next generation

54 Water resources related agencies should actively undertake policies of water recycling and reuse collection of rain water water saving and enforcement of flexible transfering agriculture water with coordinations of other agencies including modification of relevant regulations construction of sewer lines and waste water treatment plants agricultural policies related to rice fields adjustment and better understanding on water saving There should be a nation wide efforts in order to achieve stable water supply and happy life



1 New strategies for conservation operation and Management of Water Resources Jiin-Shan Huang Proceedings ofInternational watershed conservation conference April 1998

2 Water Resources Allocation and Development Strategies in Taiwan The Water Resources Agency MOEA May 2001

3 Feasibility planning study of Jiyang Man-made Lake The Planning and Testing Institute of Water Resource Agency MOEA December 2000

4 Surface and Groundwater Conjunctive Use of Zhoushui River Alluvial Fan The Water Resources Agency March 2001

5 Water Resources Development Outlines in Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs June 2002

6 The Project of Sustainable Water Resources Management for 21 Century in Taiwan JiinshyShan Huang Proceedings of the 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference July 2001

7 Hydrological Annual Report 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA June 2002

8 Comprehensive Water Resources Development Plans for Northern Central Southern and Eastern Regions in Taiwan the Water Resources Agency MOEA June 1999

9 Summary Report on Water Consumptions of Various Users in Taiwan 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA February 2003


Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 5: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

en changed tter shortage

impany the 1 the figure 30 in year City Water

vater water nission loss er recharge v for water fwater has

volumes in 3o6x109 m

Ix109m3 of I is annual ry seasons reservoirs eeds to be there will

pability is rve similar irs storage ove water ise


e average ation and centrated 11 The ie 2003 I Feicui th lowest hange in i difficult


41 Total Quantity Control ofWater Resources Utilization

The conservation of water within watershed is limited due to geolographical features in Taiwan As indicated from summary data in year 1998 to year 2001 the average total annual water consumption is 180xl09m3

in which 77xI09m3 of water is from runoff 46xI09m3 is from reservoirs and 57xl09m3 is from groundwater (exceed the natural recharge) From estimation in previous section the total water demand in year 2021 would reach 215 xI09m3

which exceeds the upper limit of 200x 109m3 publicized in National Territory and Water Resource Meeting 1998 For sustainable development in Taiwan the development of water resources should be limited in order not to make significant influence to our environment To reasonably set up a limit of total water resources utilization and to allocate and fixable dispatch of various water consumption the Water Resources Agency of MOEA is conducting a study Planning of Total Water Resources Control Measures in Taiwan to establish the total water resources control limits control principles control systems and associated measure for each region such as review inspection and adjustment systems of water use plan for various water users in order to carry out the spirit of total quantity control ofwater resources utilization

42 Reinforcement of Water Resources Management for Regions Already Reached Their

Development Limits

For areas where water resources have been developed up to their limits problem solving measure will be the reinforcement of managing current facilities instead of developing new water resources to meet regional water demands Solving measures include improvements ofefficiency and facilities as described in the following paragraphs

421 Improvement of Efficiency The following measures could be used to improve efficiency of existing water resource facilities

A Water resource utilization efficiency could be increased by coordination of reviewing existing hydrology local features flood control and water utilization adjusting reservoir rule curves conjunctive use of adjacent facilities (reservoirs and weirs) and designing of sophisticated operation systems

B Agricultural water use is 70 of the total water consumption with high tolerance to water shortage the fixable dispatch of agricultural water for supporting domestic and industrial water demand will be a goal to be promoted by both agriculture and water resources agencies The strategy ofWater Resource Agency follows

Establishment of Guidelines for Negotiating Agricultural Water for Transfering to Other Users for the reference of the procedures and pricing principles for negotiating agricultural water for transfering to other users

Promotion of Water Resources Allocation Plan in coordination with WTO Rice Field Adjustment The Agriculture Development Council have practiced Rice Field Adjustment Plan and Continuous Plan for Rice Field Adjustment Since 1997 according to administrative districts Those plans are non-forcible and taking


the change or cease planting of second cropping period during wet season as promotion goal therefore the benefit of water transfering to other users is limited Water Resource Agency suggested that the above-mentioned plans would be better practiced in water shortage areas such as Taoyuan Xinzhu Zhangyun and Jianan during dry season The change or cease planting should be planned using irrigation system as a unit to solve water competitions between users during dry season when this is water shortage Since the first cropping period has a better harvest than the second copping period it is also suggested to pay more compensations for those change or cease planting in the first coping period The compensation will be paid by domestic and industrial water users or assisted by the government when it is necessary

C Establishment of Transfer and Warning Index of Water Use and Transfering Mechnisum for regional water resources Use of scientific technology for prediction and reporting as well as information management of water resources information Establishment of warning index and publicize hydrologic meteorological and water consumption situation on regional basis for public to realize current water resource information In addition standard operation procedures related to water transfering and water saving should also be established for adopting relevant measures in time to reduce water shortage impacts to society by warning and reacting at proper time

422 Improvement Facilities A Improvement of existing facilities such as reservoir dredging and reservoir

rehabilitation to increase storage and regulating capability For example Water Resources Agency is currently conducting dredging for many reservoirs and sediment removal for Chengqinhu Water Resource Agency has also completed raising of Xinshan Dam leakage restoration of Xiaochi Reservoir and is currently working on the rehabilitation of Akangtian Reservoir by removing 1120x 106m3 of sediment and will increase 80000m3 of daily water supply upon completion

B Improvement of water supply facilities and increasing water utilization efficiency including reinforcement of replacing old water distribution lines and repairing leaking irrigation ditches Currently both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies have made plans to invest 40 to 50 billion NT dollars for replacing distribution lines It is expected to reduce water leakage rate by 5 Since the distribution line replacing work would take a longtime and a lot of money with limited benefit the reduction of water leakage rate could not be treated as expected water resources

C Reinforcement of installing and improving regional water transmission lines to improve utilization rate of existing water resources Water resources should be used conjunctively of all resources within a river basin for regional allocation and then transfered between regions to balance excessive and shortage of water Currently regional systems undergo improving by both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies include Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project (Xindian River to Dahan River) Xinzhu Scientific Park Water Supply Project (Taoyuan Pingzhen to Xinzhu Hukou) Liyutan Reservoir Transfering Toward North Project (Daan River to Maoli) Ganzilin Downstream Project (Wu River to Zhoushui River) Jiji Downstream



on en


ng for es rc to on ed ~ty

nr er ld ed ly of


to d n

tr o o o n

Water Supply Project (Zhoushui River to Jiayi) Connection Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping Weir Project (Zengwen River to Gaoping River) Water Resource Agency is also actively Carrying out the Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project (Gaoping River to Zengwen River)

43Development of New Water Resources for Regions yet to Reach Their Limits

For regions where water resources have not yet developed to their limits diversified water resources including traditional and new categories should be developed to meet the demand goal

431 Development of Traditional Water Resources The Traditional Water Resources developments include building reservoirs or storing and regulating river runoff py reservoir and weirs for water supply The traditional water resources have the advantages of low development costs large supply capacity low cost and ease of operation and maintenance long useful life and relatively stable when it is compared with river runoff After evaluation by the Water Resources Agency the traditional water resources will be continue to develop for stabilizing water supply Traditional water resources projects being planned and undertaken as listed in the following table

Category Northern Region Central

Region Southern Region

Eastern Region

Undertaking +Lodong Weir +Baoshan second Reservoir

+First phase of Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project

+Hushan Reservoir

-Connecticn Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping weir

+Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project

Under +Second Phase of -Dajia River +Shiwen +Hualian Maan Planning Banxin Water

Supply Improvement Project

+Xishi Reservoir Raising Project

+Dahan River Water Resource Development

+Xindian River Water Resource Development

Babao Weir +Tianhuahu Reservoir

+Wu River and Zhoushui River Downstream Water Resource Development

Reservoir River Water Resource Development

+Taidong Overall Water Supply Project


432 Development of New Water Resources New water resources are those water resources other than reservoirs and weirs In order to ease the pressure of traditional water resources development and reduce influences to watersheds water resources developments will actively introduce man-made lakes water reuse collection of rain water desalination or semi-desalination of sea water Projects are currently undertaken by the Water Resources Agency follows

A Man-made Lakes

a Jiyang Man-made Lake

The project currently under planning is located at Taiwan Sugar Companys farmland at the confluence ofLaonong River and Ailiao River This project could supply 340OOOm3 ofwater per day for Gaoping area recharge 30x 106m3 of groundwater per year and provide approximately 65 x106m3 ofsand and gravel

b Storage Ponds in Taoyuan Area

All small ponds in Taoyuan Area have a total volume of 20x 106m3 They were the

main water resources for irrigation It is currently under study to improve their capability and increase their utilization efficiency

B Water Reuse

In the past domestic and industrial water were released directly due to the high costs of recycling for reuse However it becomes feasible to reuse water because of the improved technologies and the impacts ofwater shortage to industries Contently it is required for new industrial districts to recycling and reuse waste water according to the Guidelines for Reviewing Water Use Plan enforced by the Water Resources Agency In addition the project ofOverall Evaluation of Waste Water Reuse Potential in Taiwan is undergoing this fiscal year to identify all waste water treatment plants that are suitable of water recycling and to establish their priority for related agencies to gradually take it into action in order to put the limited water resources into sustainable use A planning project will be undertaken for recycling waste water at Bali Waste Water Treatment Plant and studied the feasibility of using recycled water for industrial and agricultural use

C Collection of Rain Water

Collection of rain water is an economical and practical method of water resources development because it does not use energy easy to obtain without water right dispute and good water quality The Water Resources Agency have conducted overall planning for mid and long terms of rain water collection and utilization it is expected to establish a large scale rain water collection and storage demonstration project provide personnel training conduct research and development of new technologies and design a data bank

D Sea Water Desalination

Traditional water resources facilities would have water supply threat during dry year Sea water desalination would be a new water resource in the future for its stable source and gradually improved technology Sea water desalination has only been used in outlaying islands for domestic water use due to its height cost and influences


erto ease rsheds llection of taken by

s ct could )f livel

were the heir

iigh costs eof the ntently it cording esources use r iority for iter cycling of using

urces ght ted on it is ration w

Iryyear ble been luences

to ocean environments Currently a sea water desalination plant with a daily production of30000 m3 is under planning and feasibility study stage to increase water supply stability and reduce risk of water shortage for Xinzhu Scientific Park It is expected to be approved by the Executive Yuan in November 2003

44 Enforcement ofWater Saving

Currentannual water consumption is approximately lS0x 109m3 which is less than the upper

limitof200x 109m3 publicized in 1995 However the annual water consumption is estimated to reach 215x 109m3 in year 2021 including 120x 109m3 ofagricultural use 42X 109m3 of domestic use 3Sx109m3 of industrial use and 15x109m3 of conservation water Water saving should be enforced in order to keep annual water consumption under the limit of200x 109m3

Based on the waterconsuming characteristics it is suggested that agricultural water use should be reduced 10domestic water should be limited to 250Adayperson industrial water use should be recovered up to 65 for water saving goal by year 2021 to balance water supply and demands


51 The annual precipitation in Taiwan is approximately 26 times of the world average that is 973mm Because of the high population density there is only 4753m3 of water available for each person per year which is only 17 of the world average of 33975m3

In addition to the fact mentioned above the uneven distribution of precipitation in time and space has made water resources utilization extremely difficult in Taiwan

52 Because of the raising living standards change of international environments and change of industries the requirement of stable water supply has been increase in Taiwan It is an important issue in the future that water resource facilities need to be increased and water consumption among various users need to be reasonably allocated to increase water quantity and water supply stability

53 The total quantity of water resources utilization should be limited due to its natural constraints For sustainable development in the future the limitation of water resources should be forced in other word the development strategy should be based on sustainable use of water resources and total quantity control principles to develop and save water resources in order to meet all water demands as well as keep a good water use environment for our next generation

54 Water resources related agencies should actively undertake policies of water recycling and reuse collection of rain water water saving and enforcement of flexible transfering agriculture water with coordinations of other agencies including modification of relevant regulations construction of sewer lines and waste water treatment plants agricultural policies related to rice fields adjustment and better understanding on water saving There should be a nation wide efforts in order to achieve stable water supply and happy life



1 New strategies for conservation operation and Management of Water Resources Jiin-Shan Huang Proceedings ofInternational watershed conservation conference April 1998

2 Water Resources Allocation and Development Strategies in Taiwan The Water Resources Agency MOEA May 2001

3 Feasibility planning study of Jiyang Man-made Lake The Planning and Testing Institute of Water Resource Agency MOEA December 2000

4 Surface and Groundwater Conjunctive Use of Zhoushui River Alluvial Fan The Water Resources Agency March 2001

5 Water Resources Development Outlines in Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs June 2002

6 The Project of Sustainable Water Resources Management for 21 Century in Taiwan JiinshyShan Huang Proceedings of the 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference July 2001

7 Hydrological Annual Report 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA June 2002

8 Comprehensive Water Resources Development Plans for Northern Central Southern and Eastern Regions in Taiwan the Water Resources Agency MOEA June 1999

9 Summary Report on Water Consumptions of Various Users in Taiwan 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA February 2003


Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 6: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

the change or cease planting of second cropping period during wet season as promotion goal therefore the benefit of water transfering to other users is limited Water Resource Agency suggested that the above-mentioned plans would be better practiced in water shortage areas such as Taoyuan Xinzhu Zhangyun and Jianan during dry season The change or cease planting should be planned using irrigation system as a unit to solve water competitions between users during dry season when this is water shortage Since the first cropping period has a better harvest than the second copping period it is also suggested to pay more compensations for those change or cease planting in the first coping period The compensation will be paid by domestic and industrial water users or assisted by the government when it is necessary

C Establishment of Transfer and Warning Index of Water Use and Transfering Mechnisum for regional water resources Use of scientific technology for prediction and reporting as well as information management of water resources information Establishment of warning index and publicize hydrologic meteorological and water consumption situation on regional basis for public to realize current water resource information In addition standard operation procedures related to water transfering and water saving should also be established for adopting relevant measures in time to reduce water shortage impacts to society by warning and reacting at proper time

422 Improvement Facilities A Improvement of existing facilities such as reservoir dredging and reservoir

rehabilitation to increase storage and regulating capability For example Water Resources Agency is currently conducting dredging for many reservoirs and sediment removal for Chengqinhu Water Resource Agency has also completed raising of Xinshan Dam leakage restoration of Xiaochi Reservoir and is currently working on the rehabilitation of Akangtian Reservoir by removing 1120x 106m3 of sediment and will increase 80000m3 of daily water supply upon completion

B Improvement of water supply facilities and increasing water utilization efficiency including reinforcement of replacing old water distribution lines and repairing leaking irrigation ditches Currently both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies have made plans to invest 40 to 50 billion NT dollars for replacing distribution lines It is expected to reduce water leakage rate by 5 Since the distribution line replacing work would take a longtime and a lot of money with limited benefit the reduction of water leakage rate could not be treated as expected water resources

C Reinforcement of installing and improving regional water transmission lines to improve utilization rate of existing water resources Water resources should be used conjunctively of all resources within a river basin for regional allocation and then transfered between regions to balance excessive and shortage of water Currently regional systems undergo improving by both Taiwan and Taipei City Water Companies include Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project (Xindian River to Dahan River) Xinzhu Scientific Park Water Supply Project (Taoyuan Pingzhen to Xinzhu Hukou) Liyutan Reservoir Transfering Toward North Project (Daan River to Maoli) Ganzilin Downstream Project (Wu River to Zhoushui River) Jiji Downstream



on en


ng for es rc to on ed ~ty

nr er ld ed ly of


to d n

tr o o o n

Water Supply Project (Zhoushui River to Jiayi) Connection Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping Weir Project (Zengwen River to Gaoping River) Water Resource Agency is also actively Carrying out the Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project (Gaoping River to Zengwen River)

43Development of New Water Resources for Regions yet to Reach Their Limits

For regions where water resources have not yet developed to their limits diversified water resources including traditional and new categories should be developed to meet the demand goal

431 Development of Traditional Water Resources The Traditional Water Resources developments include building reservoirs or storing and regulating river runoff py reservoir and weirs for water supply The traditional water resources have the advantages of low development costs large supply capacity low cost and ease of operation and maintenance long useful life and relatively stable when it is compared with river runoff After evaluation by the Water Resources Agency the traditional water resources will be continue to develop for stabilizing water supply Traditional water resources projects being planned and undertaken as listed in the following table

Category Northern Region Central

Region Southern Region

Eastern Region

Undertaking +Lodong Weir +Baoshan second Reservoir

+First phase of Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project

+Hushan Reservoir

-Connecticn Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping weir

+Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project

Under +Second Phase of -Dajia River +Shiwen +Hualian Maan Planning Banxin Water

Supply Improvement Project

+Xishi Reservoir Raising Project

+Dahan River Water Resource Development

+Xindian River Water Resource Development

Babao Weir +Tianhuahu Reservoir

+Wu River and Zhoushui River Downstream Water Resource Development

Reservoir River Water Resource Development

+Taidong Overall Water Supply Project


432 Development of New Water Resources New water resources are those water resources other than reservoirs and weirs In order to ease the pressure of traditional water resources development and reduce influences to watersheds water resources developments will actively introduce man-made lakes water reuse collection of rain water desalination or semi-desalination of sea water Projects are currently undertaken by the Water Resources Agency follows

A Man-made Lakes

a Jiyang Man-made Lake

The project currently under planning is located at Taiwan Sugar Companys farmland at the confluence ofLaonong River and Ailiao River This project could supply 340OOOm3 ofwater per day for Gaoping area recharge 30x 106m3 of groundwater per year and provide approximately 65 x106m3 ofsand and gravel

b Storage Ponds in Taoyuan Area

All small ponds in Taoyuan Area have a total volume of 20x 106m3 They were the

main water resources for irrigation It is currently under study to improve their capability and increase their utilization efficiency

B Water Reuse

In the past domestic and industrial water were released directly due to the high costs of recycling for reuse However it becomes feasible to reuse water because of the improved technologies and the impacts ofwater shortage to industries Contently it is required for new industrial districts to recycling and reuse waste water according to the Guidelines for Reviewing Water Use Plan enforced by the Water Resources Agency In addition the project ofOverall Evaluation of Waste Water Reuse Potential in Taiwan is undergoing this fiscal year to identify all waste water treatment plants that are suitable of water recycling and to establish their priority for related agencies to gradually take it into action in order to put the limited water resources into sustainable use A planning project will be undertaken for recycling waste water at Bali Waste Water Treatment Plant and studied the feasibility of using recycled water for industrial and agricultural use

C Collection of Rain Water

Collection of rain water is an economical and practical method of water resources development because it does not use energy easy to obtain without water right dispute and good water quality The Water Resources Agency have conducted overall planning for mid and long terms of rain water collection and utilization it is expected to establish a large scale rain water collection and storage demonstration project provide personnel training conduct research and development of new technologies and design a data bank

D Sea Water Desalination

Traditional water resources facilities would have water supply threat during dry year Sea water desalination would be a new water resource in the future for its stable source and gradually improved technology Sea water desalination has only been used in outlaying islands for domestic water use due to its height cost and influences


erto ease rsheds llection of taken by

s ct could )f livel

were the heir

iigh costs eof the ntently it cording esources use r iority for iter cycling of using

urces ght ted on it is ration w

Iryyear ble been luences

to ocean environments Currently a sea water desalination plant with a daily production of30000 m3 is under planning and feasibility study stage to increase water supply stability and reduce risk of water shortage for Xinzhu Scientific Park It is expected to be approved by the Executive Yuan in November 2003

44 Enforcement ofWater Saving

Currentannual water consumption is approximately lS0x 109m3 which is less than the upper

limitof200x 109m3 publicized in 1995 However the annual water consumption is estimated to reach 215x 109m3 in year 2021 including 120x 109m3 ofagricultural use 42X 109m3 of domestic use 3Sx109m3 of industrial use and 15x109m3 of conservation water Water saving should be enforced in order to keep annual water consumption under the limit of200x 109m3

Based on the waterconsuming characteristics it is suggested that agricultural water use should be reduced 10domestic water should be limited to 250Adayperson industrial water use should be recovered up to 65 for water saving goal by year 2021 to balance water supply and demands


51 The annual precipitation in Taiwan is approximately 26 times of the world average that is 973mm Because of the high population density there is only 4753m3 of water available for each person per year which is only 17 of the world average of 33975m3

In addition to the fact mentioned above the uneven distribution of precipitation in time and space has made water resources utilization extremely difficult in Taiwan

52 Because of the raising living standards change of international environments and change of industries the requirement of stable water supply has been increase in Taiwan It is an important issue in the future that water resource facilities need to be increased and water consumption among various users need to be reasonably allocated to increase water quantity and water supply stability

53 The total quantity of water resources utilization should be limited due to its natural constraints For sustainable development in the future the limitation of water resources should be forced in other word the development strategy should be based on sustainable use of water resources and total quantity control principles to develop and save water resources in order to meet all water demands as well as keep a good water use environment for our next generation

54 Water resources related agencies should actively undertake policies of water recycling and reuse collection of rain water water saving and enforcement of flexible transfering agriculture water with coordinations of other agencies including modification of relevant regulations construction of sewer lines and waste water treatment plants agricultural policies related to rice fields adjustment and better understanding on water saving There should be a nation wide efforts in order to achieve stable water supply and happy life



1 New strategies for conservation operation and Management of Water Resources Jiin-Shan Huang Proceedings ofInternational watershed conservation conference April 1998

2 Water Resources Allocation and Development Strategies in Taiwan The Water Resources Agency MOEA May 2001

3 Feasibility planning study of Jiyang Man-made Lake The Planning and Testing Institute of Water Resource Agency MOEA December 2000

4 Surface and Groundwater Conjunctive Use of Zhoushui River Alluvial Fan The Water Resources Agency March 2001

5 Water Resources Development Outlines in Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs June 2002

6 The Project of Sustainable Water Resources Management for 21 Century in Taiwan JiinshyShan Huang Proceedings of the 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference July 2001

7 Hydrological Annual Report 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA June 2002

8 Comprehensive Water Resources Development Plans for Northern Central Southern and Eastern Regions in Taiwan the Water Resources Agency MOEA June 1999

9 Summary Report on Water Consumptions of Various Users in Taiwan 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA February 2003


Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 7: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management


on en


ng for es rc to on ed ~ty

nr er ld ed ly of


to d n

tr o o o n

Water Supply Project (Zhoushui River to Jiayi) Connection Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping Weir Project (Zengwen River to Gaoping River) Water Resource Agency is also actively Carrying out the Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project (Gaoping River to Zengwen River)

43Development of New Water Resources for Regions yet to Reach Their Limits

For regions where water resources have not yet developed to their limits diversified water resources including traditional and new categories should be developed to meet the demand goal

431 Development of Traditional Water Resources The Traditional Water Resources developments include building reservoirs or storing and regulating river runoff py reservoir and weirs for water supply The traditional water resources have the advantages of low development costs large supply capacity low cost and ease of operation and maintenance long useful life and relatively stable when it is compared with river runoff After evaluation by the Water Resources Agency the traditional water resources will be continue to develop for stabilizing water supply Traditional water resources projects being planned and undertaken as listed in the following table

Category Northern Region Central

Region Southern Region

Eastern Region

Undertaking +Lodong Weir +Baoshan second Reservoir

+First phase of Banxin Water Supply Improvement Project

+Hushan Reservoir

-Connecticn Line between Nanhua Reservoir and Gaoping weir

+Zengwen Reservoir Transbasin Diversion Project

Under +Second Phase of -Dajia River +Shiwen +Hualian Maan Planning Banxin Water

Supply Improvement Project

+Xishi Reservoir Raising Project

+Dahan River Water Resource Development

+Xindian River Water Resource Development

Babao Weir +Tianhuahu Reservoir

+Wu River and Zhoushui River Downstream Water Resource Development

Reservoir River Water Resource Development

+Taidong Overall Water Supply Project


432 Development of New Water Resources New water resources are those water resources other than reservoirs and weirs In order to ease the pressure of traditional water resources development and reduce influences to watersheds water resources developments will actively introduce man-made lakes water reuse collection of rain water desalination or semi-desalination of sea water Projects are currently undertaken by the Water Resources Agency follows

A Man-made Lakes

a Jiyang Man-made Lake

The project currently under planning is located at Taiwan Sugar Companys farmland at the confluence ofLaonong River and Ailiao River This project could supply 340OOOm3 ofwater per day for Gaoping area recharge 30x 106m3 of groundwater per year and provide approximately 65 x106m3 ofsand and gravel

b Storage Ponds in Taoyuan Area

All small ponds in Taoyuan Area have a total volume of 20x 106m3 They were the

main water resources for irrigation It is currently under study to improve their capability and increase their utilization efficiency

B Water Reuse

In the past domestic and industrial water were released directly due to the high costs of recycling for reuse However it becomes feasible to reuse water because of the improved technologies and the impacts ofwater shortage to industries Contently it is required for new industrial districts to recycling and reuse waste water according to the Guidelines for Reviewing Water Use Plan enforced by the Water Resources Agency In addition the project ofOverall Evaluation of Waste Water Reuse Potential in Taiwan is undergoing this fiscal year to identify all waste water treatment plants that are suitable of water recycling and to establish their priority for related agencies to gradually take it into action in order to put the limited water resources into sustainable use A planning project will be undertaken for recycling waste water at Bali Waste Water Treatment Plant and studied the feasibility of using recycled water for industrial and agricultural use

C Collection of Rain Water

Collection of rain water is an economical and practical method of water resources development because it does not use energy easy to obtain without water right dispute and good water quality The Water Resources Agency have conducted overall planning for mid and long terms of rain water collection and utilization it is expected to establish a large scale rain water collection and storage demonstration project provide personnel training conduct research and development of new technologies and design a data bank

D Sea Water Desalination

Traditional water resources facilities would have water supply threat during dry year Sea water desalination would be a new water resource in the future for its stable source and gradually improved technology Sea water desalination has only been used in outlaying islands for domestic water use due to its height cost and influences


erto ease rsheds llection of taken by

s ct could )f livel

were the heir

iigh costs eof the ntently it cording esources use r iority for iter cycling of using

urces ght ted on it is ration w

Iryyear ble been luences

to ocean environments Currently a sea water desalination plant with a daily production of30000 m3 is under planning and feasibility study stage to increase water supply stability and reduce risk of water shortage for Xinzhu Scientific Park It is expected to be approved by the Executive Yuan in November 2003

44 Enforcement ofWater Saving

Currentannual water consumption is approximately lS0x 109m3 which is less than the upper

limitof200x 109m3 publicized in 1995 However the annual water consumption is estimated to reach 215x 109m3 in year 2021 including 120x 109m3 ofagricultural use 42X 109m3 of domestic use 3Sx109m3 of industrial use and 15x109m3 of conservation water Water saving should be enforced in order to keep annual water consumption under the limit of200x 109m3

Based on the waterconsuming characteristics it is suggested that agricultural water use should be reduced 10domestic water should be limited to 250Adayperson industrial water use should be recovered up to 65 for water saving goal by year 2021 to balance water supply and demands


51 The annual precipitation in Taiwan is approximately 26 times of the world average that is 973mm Because of the high population density there is only 4753m3 of water available for each person per year which is only 17 of the world average of 33975m3

In addition to the fact mentioned above the uneven distribution of precipitation in time and space has made water resources utilization extremely difficult in Taiwan

52 Because of the raising living standards change of international environments and change of industries the requirement of stable water supply has been increase in Taiwan It is an important issue in the future that water resource facilities need to be increased and water consumption among various users need to be reasonably allocated to increase water quantity and water supply stability

53 The total quantity of water resources utilization should be limited due to its natural constraints For sustainable development in the future the limitation of water resources should be forced in other word the development strategy should be based on sustainable use of water resources and total quantity control principles to develop and save water resources in order to meet all water demands as well as keep a good water use environment for our next generation

54 Water resources related agencies should actively undertake policies of water recycling and reuse collection of rain water water saving and enforcement of flexible transfering agriculture water with coordinations of other agencies including modification of relevant regulations construction of sewer lines and waste water treatment plants agricultural policies related to rice fields adjustment and better understanding on water saving There should be a nation wide efforts in order to achieve stable water supply and happy life



1 New strategies for conservation operation and Management of Water Resources Jiin-Shan Huang Proceedings ofInternational watershed conservation conference April 1998

2 Water Resources Allocation and Development Strategies in Taiwan The Water Resources Agency MOEA May 2001

3 Feasibility planning study of Jiyang Man-made Lake The Planning and Testing Institute of Water Resource Agency MOEA December 2000

4 Surface and Groundwater Conjunctive Use of Zhoushui River Alluvial Fan The Water Resources Agency March 2001

5 Water Resources Development Outlines in Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs June 2002

6 The Project of Sustainable Water Resources Management for 21 Century in Taiwan JiinshyShan Huang Proceedings of the 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference July 2001

7 Hydrological Annual Report 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA June 2002

8 Comprehensive Water Resources Development Plans for Northern Central Southern and Eastern Regions in Taiwan the Water Resources Agency MOEA June 1999

9 Summary Report on Water Consumptions of Various Users in Taiwan 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA February 2003


Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 8: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

432 Development of New Water Resources New water resources are those water resources other than reservoirs and weirs In order to ease the pressure of traditional water resources development and reduce influences to watersheds water resources developments will actively introduce man-made lakes water reuse collection of rain water desalination or semi-desalination of sea water Projects are currently undertaken by the Water Resources Agency follows

A Man-made Lakes

a Jiyang Man-made Lake

The project currently under planning is located at Taiwan Sugar Companys farmland at the confluence ofLaonong River and Ailiao River This project could supply 340OOOm3 ofwater per day for Gaoping area recharge 30x 106m3 of groundwater per year and provide approximately 65 x106m3 ofsand and gravel

b Storage Ponds in Taoyuan Area

All small ponds in Taoyuan Area have a total volume of 20x 106m3 They were the

main water resources for irrigation It is currently under study to improve their capability and increase their utilization efficiency

B Water Reuse

In the past domestic and industrial water were released directly due to the high costs of recycling for reuse However it becomes feasible to reuse water because of the improved technologies and the impacts ofwater shortage to industries Contently it is required for new industrial districts to recycling and reuse waste water according to the Guidelines for Reviewing Water Use Plan enforced by the Water Resources Agency In addition the project ofOverall Evaluation of Waste Water Reuse Potential in Taiwan is undergoing this fiscal year to identify all waste water treatment plants that are suitable of water recycling and to establish their priority for related agencies to gradually take it into action in order to put the limited water resources into sustainable use A planning project will be undertaken for recycling waste water at Bali Waste Water Treatment Plant and studied the feasibility of using recycled water for industrial and agricultural use

C Collection of Rain Water

Collection of rain water is an economical and practical method of water resources development because it does not use energy easy to obtain without water right dispute and good water quality The Water Resources Agency have conducted overall planning for mid and long terms of rain water collection and utilization it is expected to establish a large scale rain water collection and storage demonstration project provide personnel training conduct research and development of new technologies and design a data bank

D Sea Water Desalination

Traditional water resources facilities would have water supply threat during dry year Sea water desalination would be a new water resource in the future for its stable source and gradually improved technology Sea water desalination has only been used in outlaying islands for domestic water use due to its height cost and influences


erto ease rsheds llection of taken by

s ct could )f livel

were the heir

iigh costs eof the ntently it cording esources use r iority for iter cycling of using

urces ght ted on it is ration w

Iryyear ble been luences

to ocean environments Currently a sea water desalination plant with a daily production of30000 m3 is under planning and feasibility study stage to increase water supply stability and reduce risk of water shortage for Xinzhu Scientific Park It is expected to be approved by the Executive Yuan in November 2003

44 Enforcement ofWater Saving

Currentannual water consumption is approximately lS0x 109m3 which is less than the upper

limitof200x 109m3 publicized in 1995 However the annual water consumption is estimated to reach 215x 109m3 in year 2021 including 120x 109m3 ofagricultural use 42X 109m3 of domestic use 3Sx109m3 of industrial use and 15x109m3 of conservation water Water saving should be enforced in order to keep annual water consumption under the limit of200x 109m3

Based on the waterconsuming characteristics it is suggested that agricultural water use should be reduced 10domestic water should be limited to 250Adayperson industrial water use should be recovered up to 65 for water saving goal by year 2021 to balance water supply and demands


51 The annual precipitation in Taiwan is approximately 26 times of the world average that is 973mm Because of the high population density there is only 4753m3 of water available for each person per year which is only 17 of the world average of 33975m3

In addition to the fact mentioned above the uneven distribution of precipitation in time and space has made water resources utilization extremely difficult in Taiwan

52 Because of the raising living standards change of international environments and change of industries the requirement of stable water supply has been increase in Taiwan It is an important issue in the future that water resource facilities need to be increased and water consumption among various users need to be reasonably allocated to increase water quantity and water supply stability

53 The total quantity of water resources utilization should be limited due to its natural constraints For sustainable development in the future the limitation of water resources should be forced in other word the development strategy should be based on sustainable use of water resources and total quantity control principles to develop and save water resources in order to meet all water demands as well as keep a good water use environment for our next generation

54 Water resources related agencies should actively undertake policies of water recycling and reuse collection of rain water water saving and enforcement of flexible transfering agriculture water with coordinations of other agencies including modification of relevant regulations construction of sewer lines and waste water treatment plants agricultural policies related to rice fields adjustment and better understanding on water saving There should be a nation wide efforts in order to achieve stable water supply and happy life



1 New strategies for conservation operation and Management of Water Resources Jiin-Shan Huang Proceedings ofInternational watershed conservation conference April 1998

2 Water Resources Allocation and Development Strategies in Taiwan The Water Resources Agency MOEA May 2001

3 Feasibility planning study of Jiyang Man-made Lake The Planning and Testing Institute of Water Resource Agency MOEA December 2000

4 Surface and Groundwater Conjunctive Use of Zhoushui River Alluvial Fan The Water Resources Agency March 2001

5 Water Resources Development Outlines in Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs June 2002

6 The Project of Sustainable Water Resources Management for 21 Century in Taiwan JiinshyShan Huang Proceedings of the 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference July 2001

7 Hydrological Annual Report 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA June 2002

8 Comprehensive Water Resources Development Plans for Northern Central Southern and Eastern Regions in Taiwan the Water Resources Agency MOEA June 1999

9 Summary Report on Water Consumptions of Various Users in Taiwan 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA February 2003


Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 9: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

erto ease rsheds llection of taken by

s ct could )f livel

were the heir

iigh costs eof the ntently it cording esources use r iority for iter cycling of using

urces ght ted on it is ration w

Iryyear ble been luences

to ocean environments Currently a sea water desalination plant with a daily production of30000 m3 is under planning and feasibility study stage to increase water supply stability and reduce risk of water shortage for Xinzhu Scientific Park It is expected to be approved by the Executive Yuan in November 2003

44 Enforcement ofWater Saving

Currentannual water consumption is approximately lS0x 109m3 which is less than the upper

limitof200x 109m3 publicized in 1995 However the annual water consumption is estimated to reach 215x 109m3 in year 2021 including 120x 109m3 ofagricultural use 42X 109m3 of domestic use 3Sx109m3 of industrial use and 15x109m3 of conservation water Water saving should be enforced in order to keep annual water consumption under the limit of200x 109m3

Based on the waterconsuming characteristics it is suggested that agricultural water use should be reduced 10domestic water should be limited to 250Adayperson industrial water use should be recovered up to 65 for water saving goal by year 2021 to balance water supply and demands


51 The annual precipitation in Taiwan is approximately 26 times of the world average that is 973mm Because of the high population density there is only 4753m3 of water available for each person per year which is only 17 of the world average of 33975m3

In addition to the fact mentioned above the uneven distribution of precipitation in time and space has made water resources utilization extremely difficult in Taiwan

52 Because of the raising living standards change of international environments and change of industries the requirement of stable water supply has been increase in Taiwan It is an important issue in the future that water resource facilities need to be increased and water consumption among various users need to be reasonably allocated to increase water quantity and water supply stability

53 The total quantity of water resources utilization should be limited due to its natural constraints For sustainable development in the future the limitation of water resources should be forced in other word the development strategy should be based on sustainable use of water resources and total quantity control principles to develop and save water resources in order to meet all water demands as well as keep a good water use environment for our next generation

54 Water resources related agencies should actively undertake policies of water recycling and reuse collection of rain water water saving and enforcement of flexible transfering agriculture water with coordinations of other agencies including modification of relevant regulations construction of sewer lines and waste water treatment plants agricultural policies related to rice fields adjustment and better understanding on water saving There should be a nation wide efforts in order to achieve stable water supply and happy life



1 New strategies for conservation operation and Management of Water Resources Jiin-Shan Huang Proceedings ofInternational watershed conservation conference April 1998

2 Water Resources Allocation and Development Strategies in Taiwan The Water Resources Agency MOEA May 2001

3 Feasibility planning study of Jiyang Man-made Lake The Planning and Testing Institute of Water Resource Agency MOEA December 2000

4 Surface and Groundwater Conjunctive Use of Zhoushui River Alluvial Fan The Water Resources Agency March 2001

5 Water Resources Development Outlines in Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs June 2002

6 The Project of Sustainable Water Resources Management for 21 Century in Taiwan JiinshyShan Huang Proceedings of the 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference July 2001

7 Hydrological Annual Report 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA June 2002

8 Comprehensive Water Resources Development Plans for Northern Central Southern and Eastern Regions in Taiwan the Water Resources Agency MOEA June 1999

9 Summary Report on Water Consumptions of Various Users in Taiwan 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA February 2003


Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 10: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management


1 New strategies for conservation operation and Management of Water Resources Jiin-Shan Huang Proceedings ofInternational watershed conservation conference April 1998

2 Water Resources Allocation and Development Strategies in Taiwan The Water Resources Agency MOEA May 2001

3 Feasibility planning study of Jiyang Man-made Lake The Planning and Testing Institute of Water Resource Agency MOEA December 2000

4 Surface and Groundwater Conjunctive Use of Zhoushui River Alluvial Fan The Water Resources Agency March 2001

5 Water Resources Development Outlines in Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs June 2002

6 The Project of Sustainable Water Resources Management for 21 Century in Taiwan JiinshyShan Huang Proceedings of the 12th Hydraulic Engineering Conference July 2001

7 Hydrological Annual Report 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA June 2002

8 Comprehensive Water Resources Development Plans for Northern Central Southern and Eastern Regions in Taiwan the Water Resources Agency MOEA June 1999

9 Summary Report on Water Consumptions of Various Users in Taiwan 2001 The Water Resources Agency MOEA February 2003


Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 11: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

Table 1 Summary ofAgricultural Water Use in Year 2001



ititute of

e Water

s June

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Irrigation 219 512 177 240 1148


Live Stock 001 005 005 000 011


Pisciculture 009 055 075 003 142


Total 229

(176) 572

(440) 257

(197) 243

(187) 1301


Table 2 Summary of Domestic Water Use in Year 2001


em and

i Water

Table 3 Summary of Industrial Water Use in Year 2001

Category Northern Region

Central Region

Southern Region

Eastern Region


Water Company Supplied

191 072 076 008 347


Self Supplied 006 009 009 002 026


Total 197

(528) 081

(217) 085

(228) 010

(27) 373


Central Southern EasternNorthern TotalCategory RegionRegionRegion Region 053Water

000 (305)030019 004Company I

Supplied 121

006025044 046Self Supplied (695) 174006055050063

Total (100)(316) (34)(288)(362)


Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 12: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

Table 4 Summary ofVarious Water Use in Year 1983-2001

Year Total Agricultural Domestic Industrial

1983 1909 1593 164 151

1984 1835 1509 170 156

1985 1840 1501 183 156

1986 1817 1490 190 136

1987 1824 1483 201 141

1988 1826 1468 214 144

1989 1871 1497 226 147

1990 1928 1539 238 150

1991 1757 1355 249 153

1992 1765 1350 260 155

1993 1711 1265 277 168

1994 1760 1318 282 160

1995 1884 1446 275 163

1996 1812 1350 286 177

1997 1803 1351 291 161

1998 1688 1226 293 170

1999 1687 1205 31 0 172

2000 1781 1231 363 187

2001 1848 1301 373 174


Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 13: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

Table 5 Estimate of Various Stage Water Demand in Taiwan

Unit 1Q9m3year

Purpose of Water Use Current Average


Year 2006

Year 2011

Year 2016

Year 2021

IConservation (A) 050 150 1500 150 150

Agricultural (B) 1240 1200 1200 1200 1200

Domestic (C) 334 388 397 406 422

Industrial (Low Growth) (D)

176 246 271 278 300

Industrial (Medium Growth) (E)

176 271 310 319 347

Industrial (High Growth) (F)

176 283 334 349 378

Total Demand

(Low Growth) (A+B+C+D) 1800 1984 2018 2034 2072

Total Demand

(Medium Growth) (A+B+C+E) 1800 2009 2057 2075 2119

Total Demand

(High Growth) (A+B+C+F) 1800 2021 2081 2105 2150

Annual Water Use




Agricultural Water 1301


Unit 109m3

94 Industrial

Water 174




Domestic Water 373


193 0 305 69 5882109 109 1

Water WaterIrrigation Live Stock Piscicuelure OthersOthersCompany Company026 1210111148142347 053

Figure 1 Various Water Use in Taiwan Year 2001


25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 14: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

25 I


20 M shy e 0

15 I I

--- Tola 10

Agricultural -I -amp-- Domestic

~ Industrial5


bull 198319841985198619871988198919901991 1992 1993 1994 1995199619771998199920002001


Figure 2 Various Past Water Use in Taiwan

Groundwater 57

Current Average (Year 1998-2001)

Water Demand 180

~ ~ ~ + ~ r-l r-I r-=l ~~~~

~~ WControlandWOControl(J Measures Water Saving


I IWater Demand 200

+ rr-l + ~~ r-l r-l ~~~~

Figure 3 Current and Year 2021 Water Demand in Taiwan


90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years


Page 15: Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwanpublications.iwmi.org/pdf/H033369.pdf · Sustainable Water Resource Policy in Taiwan . Chau-Ling Tyan . Chiefofwater resource management

90 ------ ---shy


~ - c 70OJ

rIl ~ ~ 0 eo~ ~




--+-- Taiwan WaterC0rJ1l3Y

- TaipeiWaterCO~3Y

40 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001


Figure 4 Variation of Rate of Water Sale in Past Years