The Second Edition

T1 biz buzz 2

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The Second Edition

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Page 3 ……………………… Rocks and % Completion T1 2015 4 ……………………… Performance vs Target 2015 5 ……………………… BE interesting facts 6 ……………………… BA interesting facts 7 ……………………… Profile of a bizzer 8 ..…………………….Milestones 9……………………….Client highlights 11 …………………….Testimonials 13 …………………….biz-fun 15 …………………….Social Media Links 17 …………………….Values Stories 21 …………………….Shout outs 29 …………………….Monthly prize winners

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Single Source ofTruth (MJ)

Reports &Manuals (HC)

Events Sheet in BE(AF)

Operaion DeepDive (MW)

New office -project planning


Commission &Expense Claim


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We are pleased that Paddy Nolan has joined the team! Our latest Event Manager, Paddy hails from

Ireland and is a keen sportsman (football, rugby, squash, boxing) who loves hanging out on a weekend

in the sun(!)

We continued to have a busy April, running 26 client event days, with the largest group being an In

the Picture for 400 people. We also ran several Go Teams: Aramex with 275 people (which took place

across the city – teams going to Dubai Mall, Mall of the Emirates and Madinat), in Jeddah for 230

people and a complex spy themed Go Team for 80 people around the Bastakiya area. We have run

Orchestrate (14 now this year), GOALL and Guinness World Records Team Challenge, as well as a large

230 person Chariot Challenge at Atlantis. Phew!

The warehouse team are gearing up for the big warehouse move – it’s a big job and let’s all do

our bit to support them however we can.

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After a really creative proposal with collaborators HC, Bev and Archana and then a lively pitch with Bev and HC (accompanied by the wonderful Cube that Lani and Jhon put together) we won our first customer service project at NBAD. Previously we have been recognized only to work at leadership levels. This is an exciting new horizon for us with this large client with an audience of 1800.

After exhaustive research and design phase Luke and Hazel presented to the Stakeholders at NBAD who were delighted with the result thanks to the hard background work of Shamna, Lani and Jhon and Archana on logistics. It’s not all over yet though as they announced last night after the run through that they had increased numbers to 2,900! Well we aren’t sure where they are finding these people but we aren’t complaining!

We of course, as the client is, are looking forward to starting rolling which will happen on 14 May. Watch this space for updates!

We got some amazing feedback from the ILM on our recent assignment submission for Level 5 Leadership.

“Dear Hazel and Rosalyn,

I wanted to congratulate you both on the standard of the ILM work at level 5 which I released tonight. I have also advised DCS for level 5 with just a few minor improvement points which will be reviewed on Annual verification in future.

Well done to all of the Biz Team, enjoy throwing the ball and telling them all.

Yours Aye,

Colin, ILM External Verifier”

Because of the quality of work submitted, the ILM have now granted us Direct Claim Status which means ILM will no longer involved in evaluating the assignments! Very few centres in the region are given this status, biz-ability are the first for Level 5. Well done to Barbara and Archana for making the necessary changes to the Alshaya assignments to ensure quality and alignment with the ILM process.

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Charisma Dimacali

her Native Genius Label reads Design Artist

So who is this mysterious, quiet girl we see at reception every day? Charisma holds an Accounting degree While studying at the University of the Philippines she took an educational trip to Bangkok, Thailand and had an opportunity to interview the Philippine Ambassador to Thailand plus representatives from both the Senate and House of Representatives. Charisma is also a keen blogger and avid photographer – ask her to tell you more about this. Take a trip through the biz Dreams Book and pause for a moment on Charisma’s page. What you will find is a creative and deep soul who aims to own her own café & bookshop one day, learn Lomography (you need to consult Google on that one), and wants to go on a long seemingly endless road trip. Through her pictures you can see the dreamer but with her feet firmly on the ground. Puffins and possibly polar bears are clearly her favourite animals. Her creativity knows no bounds and her canvass is paper or cake and her tools sugar & marshmallows or coloured pens or a camera.

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Sabiha, Anup & Arjaan is awaiting their new arrival

Zeeba Baig Malang

3 Years with biz

3 May Darryl 10 May Maria 21 May Nicola Augusti 27 May Matt J

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• Ooredoo ILM Leadership Journey • Darryls arrival will be good for all of our clients

Business Won • Pepsico Presentation Skills • Tav Construction Leadership • Premier Group, Presentation Skills • Mackenzie Jones – Leadership Training • SIG Development Centre

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A great month in April with 20% of our clients being NEW BUSINESS NEW CLIENTS Purchasing their first ever event with us this month: YPO – GO TEAM “Stolen Painting Detective Case” Farah Leisure Parks Management- GO TEAM H2Q Events purchased on behalf of Lipton - In the Picture Creative Crew – Flat Out Formula 1 Aspect Ltd – Flat Out Chariots Matrix Tourism – Bridging The Divide TOP 5 SPENDERS ARAMEX Leading the way with 156,000 IAG CONSULTANCY- ASPECT LTD- DOLPHIN ENERGY AND BRITISH AMERICAN TABACCO all spending over 50,000 in April

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Thank you for sharing this. It makes me so happy when I see examples of such meaningful reflection and excellent quality work from our participants.

It was a shame you weren’t able to attend the graduation event on 22nd March – we incorporate a ‘report out’ element to the event which requires participants to share the highlights of their GDP learning journey in terms of what has been most impactful for them (professionally and personally). We were blown away by the feedback from our participants, many of whom talked about the transformational impact the programme had had on them with numerous supporting examples to reinforce why they felt this.

The credit for this goes to you and the team for all you do to ensure that GDP is an engaging and effective development programme. You and Hazel have built an amazing company and the delivery team are a credit to you.

Best regards,

Christine Lewis Manager, Management Development, Al Tayer

Thanks and it was really a pleasure to have had your company for the ride to Shahdag. It was 3 hours and we had some interesting stuff to talk about.

I was also very impressed the way you conducted the work-shop and as I mentioned ‘ I did not feel the need to say anything to the participants at the end’ as you nicely ‘welded’ them to a homogeneous bunch of great managers.

All is going well in anticipation of our preparation for the two new hotels and the closing of the Shahdag Hotels.

And do let me know when you are coming to Baku for some quality leisure time !!


Marc Ehler

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Just a small note to THANK YOU for a great fun day yesterday

We enjoyed A LOT and received many positive feedback from the team

You are amazing and talented and successfully made everyone from the team interact and enjoy the game

Best regards ,

Oroba Ali Mousa Hussein

Senior Executive Follow up & Coordination

Dubai Events and Convention Bureau

It was our pleasure, moreover, everyone here can’t stop talking about how much fun they had yesterday.

yes of course, trust me you will be seeing us again with greater numbers of people, to increase the challenge for you :)

In addition we loved your spirit and the the Biz events team as well, and most of all everyone else did.

Thanks again Nici for a job well done and for your efforts.

Have a great day

Best regards,

Ahmed Kishk

Creative Crew

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1. Who is this bizzer? a) This bizzer won all the

brainteasers in the previous biz-buzz page

b) This bizzer has worked directly, and personally, with Neil Armstrong (first man on the moon), Glenn Frey (lead singer of The Eagles) and Leon Panetta (Former White House Chief Of Staff, CIA Director and US Secretary of Defense)

c) This person’s blog articles have received over 100,000 hits in the past 12 months

2. Who is this bizzer?

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*You can send your answer to [email protected]

3. The following test was set for 14-year-olds in the Singapore

and Asian Schools Math Olympiad. Albert and Bernard just

became friends with Cheryl, and they want to know when her

birthday is. Cheryl gives them a list of 10 possible dates:

May 15, May 16, May 19, June 17, June 18, July 14, July 16,

August 14, August 15, August 17

Cheryl then tells Albert and Bernard separately the month and

the day of her birthday respectively.

Albert: I don’t know when Cheryl’s birthday is, but I know that

Bernard does not know too.

Bernard: At first I don’t know when Cheryl’s birthday is, but I

know now.

Albert: Then I also know when Cheryl’s birthday is.

So when is Cheryl’s birthday?

4. There is a Monosyllable word, which, if

you add one single letter to the word, it

becomes a word of three syllables.

What is it?

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The Story Of April Fools At biz-group Orchestrate! Teambuilding Advert Great Place To Work Breakfast Celebration

The team celebrating our GPTW achievement The biz rocks police! The biz-balls on the Inca Trail in Peru

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Combining Strengths

The saga goes on with this big NBAD project in more great examples of combining strengths with Archana masterminding liaison with procurement to ensure payment gets made and with a complex schedule to hit the target of the roll out. Shamna for taking the design from HC and very quickly making it look fantastic with great theming and visuals too. Zeeba for her expertise on Go Team to make it come alive and give it the further spice and competition element it needs to keep the audience happy. Jhon and Barry for contributions to the videos which are still to be done – fingers crossed for a smooth run on this – we need it!

Unfortunately, after an incredible amount of hard work in preparation, ADCB Service Excellence Training has been postponed until after Ramadan. Nadeen, Archana, Bev, plus the entire Consulting Services team pulled together and put a lot of extra hours in to get the training material prepared in time (in spite of Archana being off sick). Only to be told that it has now been postponed. Allison has also worked hard finalising a very complicated contract and payment terms and conditions.

Genuinely Care About Delivering Results

HC had a day of proud moments at Al Tayer Group when delivering to the line managers of those who attend GDP our Leadership programme in there which appears to be staying fresh and vibrant even though its 6 years old! She had participants in the room who attended in the past and have been promoted feeling that GDP was the reason why they got promoted! Great testament. The whole day they talked about how much is it being implemented and what is changing as a result – I feel a whole load of video testimonials on this one but daren’t ask Barry who I think is sick of the sight of HC currently! Those who had attended the training couldn’t stop talking about the dedication and skill of the team, Barbara, Nicky and Noel and how impactful they have been on their work and home lives – I only wish you could have been there to hear it – it’s what gets us all out of bed in the morning!

Archana worked through illness the week before last to get a number of rushed RFP’s out of the door demonstrating the desire to make sure we kept filling that all important biz-ability pipeline and real dedication. This was much appreciated and fingers crossed that we can celebrate the positive outcomes.

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This week saw a major drive around some challenging NBAD deadlines and client needs around the CUBE that is now famous or is it now infamous in biz! This really did have the team leveraging every inch of combining strengths they have; Lani with her tireless pursuing of vendors and her efforts to combine a lot of detailed feedback into an end result, Jhon with his expertise on Illustrator, HC with her liaison with the client and actually the client who gave great input and turned each approval round in record time. The client is delighted and is

now getting approval to have everyone in NBAD use this as their desk toy! This is a fabulous outcome from a lot of hard work and late nights this week – well done and thank you to all involved. Client is overwhelmed and wrote:

Awesome! Love the cube. Great teamwork. It looks brilliant.

Great work everyone – this cube will really be a buzz creator and a talking point, not to mention obviously it’ll be a great reinforcer of the key messages for Strikers once they leave the room and onward.

HC met the top guys at a ceremony in NBAD and the buzz is everywhere thanks to the great efforts of the biz team – well done all!

Believe Anything Is Possible

In the true spirit of believe anything is possible TECOM blew us out of the water when they, after a very long silence, informed us that we could have back the office in IMPZ originally promised. Reality has set in and biz-group will have a new home in Trimester 3 of 2015. To put the cherry on the cake for us we received further great news from the KHDA (Knowledge & Human Development Authority). Well done Charmaine for all your hard work for making this happen

Sabrina and one of our freelancers, Shari McKitterick, went to Baku in Azerbaijan for an event, and I thought I’d share Shari’s epic story with you. Sabrina had a direct flight to Baku but by the time Shari got her visa, that flight was full so she had to go via Doha. She flew out of Dubai on the day of the sandstorms and missed her connection to Baku from Doha. Sheilvy had to repack a replacement suitcase with the equipment that Shari had in her suitcase and race to the airport to give that to Sabrina. Meanwhile Shari flew on to Moscow and got a connector to Baku (minus her suitcase which got lost), arriving 27 hours later with an hour to spare before the event started! She had enough time for a shower and without any sleep

went straight into the event which as a fantastic success. What an incredible display of commitment – way to go, Shari!

Meanwhile Sheilvy was turned away at the airport on her way to Doha for an event as her passport didn’t have enough time left in it. Nicole quickly called Karen who thought she was going to have a nice last day or two off, but rose to the challenge of replacing Sheilvy and dashed off to the airport to go and help Nicole out on a 2 day event in Doha. Yet more fabulous commitment, thank you Karen!

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Tell You What You Need to Hear

Brett conducted a great Native Genius session for: Barry, Jhon, Darryl, Carolyn,

Nadia, Kathryn, Basil Charisma and Shamna. New bizzers in the biz-events team will be

next …..check out the Native Genius book soon where these new bizzers Native Genius details

will be published. Great to find out more about each other!

Supporting People’s Personal Growth

In two separate sessions over 4 full days, Hazel Cowling, Luke Tuffin, Nicky Samuels and

Cynthia Vincent took a number of bizzers through Think On Your Feet – a great workshop to

help you present your ideas with Clarity, Brevity and Impact. There was a lot of role-playing

going on, from wannabe Madonna’s to Tiger Woods hopefuls, as participants jostled and

lobbied to perfect those on the spot statements.

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To Message From

Noel Thank you for giving up Kenny on so many occassions to assist Laura, all of us appreciate your kindness

Charmaine & Laura

Matt Thank you so much for stepping in & attending L'oreal meeting on my behalf & then doing such an awesome presentation for them!


Rose Thank you so much for steeping in & taking the ADCB brief from Nadeen in Archana's absence. Your support is amazing


Charisma, Shamna &


Thanks for helping out with ADCB materials when I was off sick. You took a huge load of stress off me. Appreciate it!


Jhon I am truly grateful for your help on the NBAD cube. Thank you for your patience and being always available, even working extra hours to help me.


Vallery You are a superstar thank you so much for producing the GPTW score on a chart for me so quickly for my GPTW keynote


Archana, HC, Lani, Matt &


Thank you all for helping with the MDP Ooredoo RFP. Could not have done it without you


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To Message From

Matt J Who went above & beyond with National Paints board presentations - over 2 hours on his feet! Thanks you!


Sabirna & Shari A big shout out & thank you for going to Baku & delivering a big event up there for biz. You guys are amazing


Shari McKitterick

For never stopping on our journey to Baku. For freshening up & getting straight to work on an 8 hours event after travelling 26 hours due to flight delays. You smiles all day & expresses nothing but gratitude & jopy. You are amazing! Thanks so much!


Archana Thank you so much for all your hardwork on ADCB this week inspite of being ill! (& booked off sick)


Rose Thanks for managing du - know it's not been easy with all the feedback & changes, but managing a project of this size for the 1st time with all the different elements - you are doing brilliantly! Massive learning for all us!


Laura Inspite of all your recent operations you still came to the L'oreal meeting - thank you so much, you are amazing!


Archana Thanks for helping in Ooredoo pricing eventhough she was home sick. You are amazing! Carolyn

Bev Thanks for helping with Vox cinema proposal & pitch, whenyou have so many other things on your plate. You are a star!


Nicky Thanks for coming to my Mastercard pitch and being such a great ambassador for biz & consulting. You rock!


Nicky You was brilliant on 2 sales calls - Mastercard & DFSA. Her presence and demostration of skills was awesome. Thank you!


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To Message From

Dennis For delivering a tough event in Saudi for a very tough client. Enjoy a well deserved break!


Sheilvy For calmly re-printing & re-packing equipment & delivering it to airport half an hour before check in to Baku. I couldn't do this job without you. You blow my mind. Thanks so much!


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To Message From

Jhon Thank you for the hysterical April fool video! You rock! Bev

Sheilvy Thank you rushing to the airport in the terrible sand storm on Thursday to deliver event items for Sabrina. You are amazing!


Jay Well done for attending the 26 team Chariot event at a short notice getting ready for a sun burn. Thanks!


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To Message From

Lani Can't thank you enough for always helping out with my last minute request & telling me to relax. Thank you for being such a wonderful caring team member


HC Thanks for the excellent Think on Your Feet session you delviered in April


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To Message From

Bizzers Words cannot describe the gratitude and love I fell for each and everyone of you. Thanks for all the memories and I'm sure I'll see you again soon. Make sure to hit the rocks this trimester! Go karting will be amazing.


Luke Thanks for the brilliant info you passed our way during Think on Your Feet session


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Matt J Barry Jhon