Talking about our feelings - A Tribute To Rogers, Perls and Yalom

Talking aboutourfeelings A Tribute To Rogers, PerlsandYalom · Otto Rank. Otto Rank-Dependence-Weak-Will -Passivity. Otto Rank-Independence-Will power-Activity. 1. to get e 3. to

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Page 1: Talking aboutourfeelings A Tribute To Rogers, PerlsandYalom · Otto Rank. Otto Rank-Dependence-Weak-Will -Passivity. Otto Rank-Independence-Will power-Activity. 1. to get e 3. to

Talking about our feelings-

A Tribute ToRogers, Perls and Yalom

Page 2: Talking aboutourfeelings A Tribute To Rogers, PerlsandYalom · Otto Rank. Otto Rank-Dependence-Weak-Will -Passivity. Otto Rank-Independence-Will power-Activity. 1. to get e 3. to

07.12.19 2

Kommt ein Fisch in Beratung...„

„Was soll ich ?“

„Du hast die !“

Page 3: Talking aboutourfeelings A Tribute To Rogers, PerlsandYalom · Otto Rank. Otto Rank-Dependence-Weak-Will -Passivity. Otto Rank-Independence-Will power-Activity. 1. to get e 3. to

They feed me, they care for me, they must be Gods

They feed me, they care for me, I must be a God.

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God, grant me the serenityto accept the thingsI cannot change,the Courage to change the thingsI can,And the wisdom to knowthe difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr

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I havethe serenityto accept the thingsI cannot change,the Courage to change the thingsI can,And the wisdom to knowthe difference.

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"Rank brought the human relationshipdirectly into his office. He influenced analysts to take seriouslythe actual present interaction between therapistand patient, rather than maintain the fixed, distant, 'as though' relationship that had givenprevious analysts an emotional buffer forexamining the intensities of therapeutic sensationand wish. Rank's contributions opened the way forencounter to becomeaccepted as a deep therapeutic agent" (p. 6).

Otto Rank

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Rank affected the practiceof action-oriented andreflective therapiessuch as Gestalt, Person-centered, and psychodrama.

Otto Rank

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The feeling of anxiety, writes Rank in Will Therapy (1929–31), divides into two currents, running in opposite directions: one toward separation and individuation; the other toward union and collectivity.

Otto Rank

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Otto Rank

-Dependence-Weak-Will -Passivity

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Otto Rank

-Independence-Will power-Activity

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1. to get aware

3. to understand

4. tovalue

2. to verbalize

Carl Rogers

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1. to get aware

3. to understand

4. tocherish

2. to verbalize

Carl Rogers

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1. to get aware

3. to understand

4. toeste


2. to verbalize

Carl Rogers

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Empathy„It means entering the private perceptualworld of the other and becoming thoroughlyat home in it“

„It means temporarily living in his/her life“

Carl Rogers

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„but not trying to uncover feelings of which theperson is totally unaware, since this would betoo threatening.“

Carl Rogers

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„Empathy is correlated with self-exploration and process movement. It has been learnedthat a relationship climate with a high degreeof empathy is associated with various aspectsof process and progress in the therapy.“

Carl Rogers

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Carl Rogers„Very early in my work as a therapistI discovered that simply listening to myclient,very attentively, was an important way of being helpful. So when I was in doubt as to what I should do, in some active way, I listened. It seemed surprising to methat such a passive kind of interactioncould be so useful.“

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Carl Rogers„A little later a social worker whohad a background of Rankiantraining, helped me to learn thatthe most effective approach was to listen for the feelings, theemotions whose patterns couldbe discerned through the client'swords.“

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Carl Rogers

„best response was to"reflect" these feelings back tothe client - "reflect" becomingin time a word which mademe cringe.“

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Carl Rogers

„The better integratedthe therapist is withinhimself, the higher thedegree of empathy he exhibits.“

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Fritz Perls

1. Here-and Now2. Awereness3. Konfrontation4. I-You-Relashionship

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Here-and Now

There is just one time worth to get awake.

It is now.


Fritz Perls

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Durch die Wahrnehmung des augenblicklichen Moments, kann man sich seiner Gefühle und Gedanken bewusst werden und lernen mit ihnen umzugehen.

Hier und Jetzt

Fritz Perls

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Hier und Jetzt

„Die Bedeutung der Vergangenheit

ergibt sich aus dem Entwurf der Zukunft in der


Jean Paul Sartre

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Mental Research Institute(Bateson, Haley, Satir, Watzlawick)

Zwei Grundannahmen:

1. Probleme können nur weiterbestehen, wenn sie durch“kontinnuierliches Verhalten des Klienten im Hier und Jetzt in Interaktion mit anderen aktiv aufrechterhalten werden” (Von Schlippe/Schweitzer 2012, 45)

2. Wenn diese verändert werden, löst sich das Problem.

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Fritz Perls

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Martin BuberIch-Du ("I-Thou" or "I-You") is a relationship thatstresses the mutual, holistic existence of twobeings. It is a concrete encounter, because thesebeings meet one another in their authenticexistence, without any qualification orobjectification of one another. Even imaginationand ideas do not play a role in this relation. In an I–Thou encounter, infinity and universality aremade actual (rather than being merelyconcepts).

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Martin BuberBuber stressed that an Ich-Du-relationship lacksany composition (e. g., structure) andcommunicates no content (e. g., information). Despite the fact that Ich-Du cannot be proven tohappen as an event (e. g., it cannot bemeasured), Buber stressed that it is real andperceivable.“

Kramer, Kenneth; Gawlick, Mechthild (November 2003). Martin Buber's I and thou: practicing living dialogue. Paulist Press. p. 39. ISBN 978-0-8091-4158-6.

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"Gestalt ist keine Technik, kein therapeutisches Schnellverfahren, sondern ein ernster Weg, sich selbst zu finden und zu wachsen.Wachstum aber ist ein Prozess, der Zeit braucht."

Fritz Perls

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„Ich akzeptiere niemanden als kompetenten Gestalttherapeuten, solange er noch Techniken benutzt. Wenn er seinen eigenen Stil nicht gefunden hat, wenn er sich selbst nicht ins Spiel bringen kann und den Modus (oder die Technik), die die Situation verlangt, nicht der Eingebung des Augenblicks folgend erfindet, ist er kein Gestalttherapeut.”

Fritz Perls

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07.12.19 33Film über Therapie von Fritz PERLShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y5tuJ3Sojc

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Beratungsübung im Tandem (Zweiergruppen)

Der bewusste Spaziergang

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Talking about our feelings-

A Tribute ToRogers, Perls and Yalom

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„Whom do we want tofeel clever?“

Charles Deutsch

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