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  • 8/6/2019 technol06



    Engenharia Trmica (Thermal Engineering), Vol. 5 No 02 December 2006 p. 36-4136



    R. Barbosaa,

    and C. Pinhob

    a DEMGI

    Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Viseu

    Campus Politcnico de Repeses

    3504-510, Viseu, Portugal

    [email protected], FEUP

    Universidade do Porto

    Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n Engineering

    4200-465 Porto, [email protected]

    Corresponding author


    The pneumatic conveying of cork stoppers is used in the cork processingindustries with equipments designed and built purely on an empirical basis.Experimental studies to characterize this type of pneumatic transportationhave been, so far, oriented towards the study of horizontal conveying

    processes, either for steady state transportation or for the acceleration zone.However studies were carried out on the determination of the pressure dropon vertical transportation of cork stoppers. Here the experimental apparatusand procedure are described, and the first experimental data that have beenobtained are shown. In consequence a simple correlation for the pressuredrop in the steady state region of the conveying pipe is proposed. Thecorrelation is a function of dimensionless parameters used to characterizethe two phase flow under analysis. Three standard stoppers sizes and asingle pipe diameter were used in the experiments, all carried out at ambient


    Keywords: Vertical pneumatic conveying, pressure drop, cork stoppers.


    a fitting parameter, Eq. (2)b fitting parameter, Eq. (2)c fitting parameter, Eq. (2)d fitting parameter, Eq. (2)ds diameter of the stopper, mdeq equivalent diameter of a stopper, mdp particle diameter, mD pipe diameter, m

    Fr Froude number, f/ gU D

    g acceleration of gravity, m s-2l length of the stopper, mL pipe length, mN number of experimentsp pressure, N m-2

    Re Reynolds number, ff fU D

    Uf intersiticial gas velocity, m s-1

    Greek symbols

    loading factort overall friction factorf fluid viscosity, N s m

    -2f fluid density, kg/m

    3p gas density, kg/m

    3 sphericity of the stopper


    tcal total calculated

    texp total experimental


    Pneumatic conveying is used in some steps ofthe production of cork stoppers, where particledamage through interparticle or particle andconfining walls impaction has a minor effect uponthe quality of the stoppers. The development of smalldistance transport systems for stoppers has beenessentially an empirical process and only recently has been subjected of a systematic experimentalapproach. The research work that has been carriedout so far refers only to horizontal pneumaticconveying, either in steady state (Neto and Pinho,1998), or during acceleration conditions (Pinho,1999; Pinho, 2001).

    In the horizontal pneumatic conveying of corkstoppers, fine cork dust is released and acts as alubricant reducing friction effects, Neto and Pinho(1998). The deposition of this fine dust is stillenhanced by electrostatic generation, Smeltzer et al(1982). The conveying air pressure drop is thenreduced, with the increase of the solids mass loading.This situation has already been found on solid-liquidsystems; Lee et al (1974) studied polymeric solutionscontaining suspended fibbers and Radin et al (1975)studied the drag reduction in several dilute solid-liquid suspensions. Szikszay (1988) argued that, asthe measured experimental data referred to both thesolids and the conveying air pressure drop, it wasunreasonable to separate them. Weber (1991) alsosuggested that a single friction factor for the gas-

    solid mixture should be used, instead of two separatefriction factors, one for the air and the other for thesolids. This question of drag reduction with the

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  • 8/6/2019 technol06


    Tecnologia/Technology Barbosa and Pinho. Dilute phase vertical

    Engenharia Trmica (Thermal Engineering), Vol. 5 No 02 December 2006 p. 36-4138

    Along the vertical testing section, pressure tapswere fitted half a meter apart. The first pressure tap is0.5 m away from the bend connecting the horizontalfeeding section to the vertical testing section. Formeasurements of the pressure drop along theconveying pipe, differential pressure transducers in

    the 0 to 490 Pa range were used. The transducerswere from Series T of Modus Instruments, Inc., andhad output signals of 0-1 V dc. The transducersoutputs were checked towards U-type watermanometer readings. A data acquisition system(DAS 1601 plus EXP 16 boards) installed on a personal computer received information from thedifferential pressure transducers on use (for theorifice plate pressure drop and the conveyingpressure drop), as well as temperature readings of theconveying air through a type T thermocouple. Theaccuracy of differential pressure drop measurements

    considering also the data acquisition process was of9.7 Pa for the 0 - 1245 Pa pressure transducer, and of7.9 Pa for the 0 - 490 Pa pressure transducer.

    Figure 2. Experimental installation. In the first plan itcan be seen the orifice plate air flow meter and the

    corks feeding hopper.

    For each tested situation characterized by adefinite air flow rate and solids loading factor (ratio between the solids mass flow rate and theconveying air mass flow rate), pressure dropmeasurements were made throughout the straightvertical transporting pipe, using all the availablepressure taps. Through the adequate grouping of the pressure drop measurements, like for example thesequential combination between the first and

    subsequent pressure taps, it was possible to get anoverall idea of the evolution of the pressure drop, asa function of particle entrance effects in the vertical portion of the pipe and also of the particleacceleration. Afterwards, by knowing the length ofthe steady state conveying region, pressure drop data

    obtained in this portion of the vertical pipe weretreated in order to obtain an empirical correlation.To calculate the mass flow rate of transported

    cork stoppers, a basket was used as collection devicefor conveyed particles. The batch of collectedstoppers during a finite time interval was weightedand the solids mass flow rate could then becalculated. The measurement of the voidage fractionduring pneumatic conveying was carried out throughthe knowledge of the amount of cork stoppers that ina given instant remain inside the pipe. Having theexperimental installation working in steady stateconditions, the feeding hopper was suddenly stoppedand all the cork stoppers being conveyed wereimmediately collected and weighted. This was, forthe stoppage instant, the amount of particlesremaining inside the conveying system. Comparisons between the overall volume of the corks and theinside volume of conveying pipe, gave the voidagefractions under normal conveying conditions.

    Table 1 presents the physical characteristics ofthe tested cork stoppers, size, sphericity and density.

    Table 1. Characteristics of cork stoppers.

    Size (lds)

    (mmmm) 38 22 38 24 45 24


    (m) 0.0302 0.0320 0.0339

    0.85 0.85 0.84p

    (kg/m3)167 155 139


    The first approach towards the experiments wasto analyze the importance of the acceleration regionon the evolution of the pressure drop. As can be seenfrom Fig. 3, where some typical results are presentedfor the differential pressure drop between the firstpressure tap and the subsequent ones, after a suddeninitial rise in the pressure drop due to the entranceeffects, the acceleration of the particles justifies thefollowing strong reduction in the measured values.

    Only after steady state transportation conditionsare reached, the evolution of the pressure dropfollows a smooth trend. This steady state situationarrives at around 3.5 to 4 meters beyond the entranceof the stoppers. This order of magnitude of theentrance/acceleration length is similar to what wasfound for the horizontal conveying of cork stoppers(Pinho, 1999; Pinho 2001). On the other end,

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    Tecnologia/Technology Barbosa and Pinho. Dilute phase vertical

    Engenharia Trmica (Thermal Engineering), Vol. 5 No 02 December 2006 p. 36-41 39

    pressure drop data obtained with pressure taps closeto the end of the vertical conveying pipe were notplotted as the flow deceleration induces the increaseof the pressure drop, and again unsteady conveyingconditions are obtained. From this figure it is evidentthat, to get reliable pressure drop data for steady state

    pneumatic conveying, values beyond 4 m should beused for the determination of empirical correlations.










    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000











    L [mm]

    Figure 3. Evolution of overall pressure drop alongthe conveying pipe.

    The plot of pressure drop per unit length as afunction of several parameters, to characterize theoperation of a pneumatic conveying system, is atypical procedure found in the technical literature(Marcus et al, 1990; Rhodes, 1998); in the situationof Fig. 3 it allows a quick definition of theacceleration region.

    In classical models for pneumatic conveying,Barth (1960a; 1960b), Yang (1973; 1974; 1978) andYang and Keairns (1973; 1976), the steady stateoverall pressure drop is considered to be the additionof two individual contributions, the gas and the solids pressure drop. More recently, Rhodes (1998)

    continues to adopt, as a general approach, theaddition of individual pressure drop contributions. Inthese approaches, it is implicitly assumed that theoverall pressure drop for a pneumatic conveyingsituation should be higher than any individualcontribution. However, this is not always the realsituation and the application of any of such models,or others following the same philosophy, wouldmean that some individual contributions should benegative, leading to a physically inaccuratecondition. For horizontal pneumatic conveying ofcork stoppers such is the situation, the overall, gasplus solid, pressure drop, is smaller than the pressure

    drop corresponding to the exclusive flow of air (Netoand Pinho, 1998; Pinho, 1999; Pinho, 2001). For the

    vertical pneumatic conveying such abnormalsituation does not happen, as the experiments haveshown, Fig. 4. Total, gas plus solids, pressure drop ishigher than the pressure drop corresponding to thesole flow of air, as the experimental points in Fig. 4stand, comparatively to the corresponding values

    obtained through the Blasius equation.










    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

    45x24, = 0.226, Fr = 23.42

    Blasius' equation



    L [mm]

    Figure 4. The overall, air plus solids, pressure dropand the corresponding values calculated through the

    Blasius equation.

    However, as a first approach to the treatment ofthe experimental results, the adopted methodologywas again to consider a unique overall friction factor

    for the gas-solid mixture, as suggested by Weber(1991). This is tempting, because the experimentaldetermination of pneumatic conveying pressure dropis effectively the measurement of a combined (gasplus solid) pressure drop, and consequently the totalpressure will then be given by,




    t ft


    D= (1)

    where the global friction factor t , is written as asimple function of dimensionless parameters,

    Szikszay (1988),ed

    p pb ct


    da Fr




    Knowing experimental data oftp L , for

    different tested situations covering several stoppersdiameters pd and densities p , loading factors

    and air interstitial velocities Uf, t is calculated bymeans of Eq. (1) and correlated with thedimensionless numbers referred in Eq. (2), , Fr,

    dp/D and p/f, through fitting parameters a, b, c, dand e, obtained through the application of a

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    Tecnologia/Technology Barbosa and Pinho. Dilute phase vertical

    Engenharia Trmica (Thermal Engineering), Vol. 5 No 02 December 2006 p. 36-4140

    commercial software for nonlinear regressionanalysis NLREG. The obtained values for those parameters guarantee the best fit to the set of provided experimental data obtained in theexperiments.






    0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03







    Figure 5. Comparison between experimental andcalculated values for the overall friction factor.

    For the determination of steady state pressuredrop in horizontal pneumatic conveying, as referredin Tab. 1, three stoppers sizes were used, 3822,3824, 4524 (mmmm). Tested loading factorscovered the range from 0.10 to 0.35, the air flowReynolds number ( ff fRe U D = ) went from

    1.3105 to 2.6105, while the Froude number( f/ gUFr D= ) ranged from 15.3 to 30.7, all

    values typical for cork stoppers conveying systems.In the definition of the Reynolds number,

    f is the

    dynamic viscosity of the conveying air. Small valuesfor the loading factor are common in the pneumaticconveying of stoppers, because of the combinedinfluence of having to transport large size particleswith the use of centrifugal fans having flat workingcurves promoting flow blockage situations, Wirthand Molerus (1986). This affects minimum

    conveying conditions and imposes restrictions on themaximum possible loading factor. At the same time,the extreme fragility of stoppers imposes somelimitations on the maximum recommended transportvelocity, reducing even further the range of workingconditions.

    The obtained correlation was then,

    0 8300 830

    3 1 70 0 8771 97 10


    eq p. .t


    d. Fr


    = (3)

    The maximum absolute deviation betweenexperimental t exp and calculated data tcal with

    this formula is of 17.4 % whereas the meandeviation, calculated through


    100tcal t exp


    Mean Deviation % N



    as defined by Wen and Chen (1982), is 9.2 %.Experimental and calculated t are compared in Fig.

    5.If an alternative and more elegant correlation is

    adopted through the use of rounded values for thefitting parameters a, b, c, d and e, the result is

    4 54 5

    3 1 5 4 5102


    eq p/ /t






    In these circumstances the absolute deviation

    between experimental t exp and calculated data

    tcal with Eq. (5) is of 17.5 %, while the meandeviation calculated again through Eq. (4) will be 9.4%.

    These data were obtained through a set of about40 experimental runs, for each run twenty results fortwelve pressure differentials were registered and eachregistered value corresponded to an average of a

    1000 readings.


    From the preliminary results of a study onvertical pneumatic conveying of cork stoppers, it wasrealized that contrary to what was found forhorizontal conveying, in the vertical transportationregime the total pressure drop is higher than thepressure drop corresponding to the single flow of air.

    The order of magnitude of the accelerationlength is identical to that of horizontal conveying,although a deeper analysis of the experimental results

    is still under way.Finally, as a preliminary approach, a simpleempirical correlation for the overall (gas plus solid) pressure drop in the steady state conveying regimewas proposed. By sacrificing a little of the accuracyof the original correlation, a more elegant one can beobtained through the use of rounded fittingparameters.


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