Hey Guys and Gals, Most of you know who I am so, no big intro here...Lets get right into the subject matter. Today I want to talk to you about moving up to the next level beyond “White Belt” telemarketing , which is basically what I have been teaching telemarketing newbie’s for a year now. In white belt Telemarketing, we were throwing kicks and punches all over the place and only making a connection once in awhile. We were using sort of a shot gun approach which consisted of... “Go for the easy Obvious Targets”. In other words: Call hundreds of numbers, and if someone objects, don’t worry about them, just say goodbye and move on, eventually you will come to someone who is “glad you called”. Its true. Hi probability selling absolutely works. That’s why I teach it to newbies. It works on two levels. It works for beginners...who don’t know how to fully pitch yet, to get the law of numbers working for them, and it works for “Jedi” level telemarketers who get so good they can feel peoples vibe on the phone or be able to immediately mimic another person’s tone or energy, and thus can relate to more people and get through more pitches and closes. It takes awhile of practicing systems to get to Jedi level. Some believe they already are, because they find it easy to converse with people, or have what we call the “gift of Gab” in the south. A lot of those don’t close sales though. They are good at Talking but not closing. There is a difference, and only a lot of training can bring you to the Jedi level. By lots of trainingI don’t mean “listening to Zig Ziglar Audios, although that’s good, I mean; jogging the trail and hitting the speed bag, or, in our language “Being in the booth for long periods”. You have to be willing to do that to be at the Jedi level of telemarketing. Most of you however will hire salespeople as soon as you learn the systems to train them, so you wont ever need to go there. In fact you can also develop sort of a Jedi mindset just from supervising the thousands of calls your TMs make. More on Jedi’s.. Jedi’s can work with almost any persons energy and have a very high closing ratio. On the other hand, if they don’t feel like working with anyones energy, they can utilize a keen sense to tell when someone can vibe with their own and they see more chances to capitalize than the average practitioner. Again, those who have not yet made it to that level, get there by practicing systems. They can get the same end result (lots of sales) but they just follow a system instead of winging it.

Telemarketing Kung Fu- The Art of Closing on the Phone

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Page 1: Telemarketing Kung Fu- The Art of Closing on the Phone

Hey Guys and Gals,

Most of you know who I am so, no big intro here...Lets get right into the subject matter.

Today I want to talk to you about moving up to the next level beyond “White Belt” telemarketing, which

is basically what I have been teaching telemarketing newbie’s for a year now.

In white belt Telemarketing, we were throwing kicks and punches all over the place and only making a

connection once in awhile. We were using sort of a shot gun approach which consisted of...

“Go for the easy Obvious Targets”.

In other words:

Call hundreds of numbers, and if someone objects, don’t worry about them, just say goodbye and move

on, eventually you will come to someone who is “glad you called”.

Its true. Hi probability selling absolutely works. That’s why I teach it to newbies. It works on two levels.

It works for beginners...who don’t know how to fully pitch yet, to get the law of numbers working for

them, and it works for “Jedi” level telemarketers who get so good they can feel peoples vibe on the

phone or be able to immediately mimic another person’s tone or energy, and thus can relate to more

people and get through more pitches and closes.

It takes awhile of practicing systems to get to Jedi level. Some believe they already are, because they

find it easy to converse with people, or have what we call the “gift of Gab” in the south.

A lot of those don’t close sales though. They are good at Talking but not closing. There is a difference,

and only a lot of training can bring you to the Jedi level.

By lots of “training” I don’t mean “listening to Zig Ziglar Audios”, although that’s good, I mean; jogging

the trail and hitting the speed bag, or, in our language “Being in the booth for long periods”.

You have to be willing to do that to be at the Jedi level of telemarketing. Most of you however will hire

salespeople as soon as you learn the systems to train them, so you wont ever need to go there. In fact

you can also develop sort of a Jedi mindset just from supervising the thousands of calls your TMs make.

More on Jedi’s..

Jedi’s can work with almost any persons energy and have a very high closing ratio.

On the other hand, if they don’t feel like working with anyones energy, they can utilize a keen sense to

tell when someone can vibe with their own and they see more chances to capitalize than the average


Again, those who have not yet made it to that level, get there by practicing systems. They can get the

same end result (lots of sales) but they just follow a system instead of winging it.

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The first system we practiced in white belt telemarketing was “learning to ride out the law of numbers”.

The second level, where we are going now, is “learning to LEVERAGE them”, or “Bend them to our will”.

Now when a person signs up for a call center they are immediately thrown into the kung fu world and

they by pass the white belt training...

Because in a telemarketing call center,...you give a person a pitch and tie downs and rebuttals, and tell


“you are required to use the pitch verbatim with all tie downs included, and you are required to rebuttal

at least three times before you let a person off the phone with rare reasonable exception. I don’t care

how weird it feels or how tired you get...this is what we do for eight hours per day, even if you got drunk

last night and have a hangover, or your girlfriend just left you...come rain, sleet or shine...your job is to

come in 5 days a week and say this verbatim for eight hour per day, using the system verbatim...with

your best energy. If you miss 1 day in your first week or 2 days in your first 30 days...we let go of you.

That’s the job. Can you handle it?”.

They agree to that prior to being hired and those are the terms. Can you imagine?

I did; I signed up for that. lol

You also have to maintain a certain dial to pitch ratio, and pitch to close ratio...

All of their co workers signed up for the same thing, so you don’t really have to keep newbies in line too

much, because their co workers will eventually tell them to get over it if they cry too much.

If they say “Everyone on this list has already heard it”, a co worker will say “We are all using the same

leads and that’s not stopping me from getting sales, just keep going. More dialing less crying....”.

So in a call center, you take someone right directly into the kung fu, and make them fight their way

through it.

But that’s not the way it works online...especially when it’s a teaching environment and not a “crew”.

In an online “teaching” environment, there isn’t that iron handed kind of supervision or direct peer

pressure...and we have to work with peoples, and our own will.

The difference between a telemarketer and YOU, is that a telemarketer cant do it of his own free will. It

requires rules and protocol and security and supervision...

One thing I admire more than a person who can rock in a call center, is one who can rock at HOME by

themselves, now THAT is admirable.

The disadvantage that many face working from home is that we have a choice.

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So we aren’t governed by a bosses will, we are governed by our own will. If you are human, sometimes

that can be weak.

Learning to work with it is what makes the difference between a work at home success or a work at

home failure.

When we begin, if we don’t see results fast, its easy to go follow another shiny bell or whistle and

abandon our discipline.

The easiest way to get to success without having to overcome too much stubborn will is by picking only

“low hanging fruit”... (ie; :”White belt style Telemarketing”).

After you get one (a sale) , that provides the motivation to keep developing.

Without a fast success though, working from home, most tend to give up too easily.

Going for laydowns is the quickest way to that first encouraging sale without a lot of learning or skills,

that’s why we teach extremely high probability selling online to newbies.

Its important to note that:

There is much to teach and much to learn, but a good teacher knows what and when the students can

assimilate and how much. You don’t give them TMI until they are ready, or else it will overload them too


Sometimes teaching can be comprehensive , but” ineffective”, because no one succeeds with it.

What is a laydown again?

It basically means that; even if you have no sales ability, and you want to sell something, as long as you

are working the numbers and doing the right thing (dialing) , then the natural laws will yield for you and

you will get an easy sale eventually, just for running the race.

Fast Forward

Now we are going to move onto more of a Kung Fu style of telemarketing, where you don’t necessarily

dodge resistance, but rather you meet resistance at its level and use its weight to parlay the customer

further into your pitch... in white belt telemarketing we counted “dials” as “points”, but in Kung Fu

telemarketing only “getting through the whole pitch system” is counted as a “point”.

You win when you get to 20 points!

This style is what you see happening in most call centers, its in between “white belt” and “Jedi”. Its what

the guys in call centers practice on their way to becoming a Jedi.

In this style, you don’t necessarily just depend on the law of large numbers, but you “Bend it To your


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Advanced telemarketing is about, “learning to bend the law of numbers to your will”.

Today we are going to add another step, that will increase your chances for a sale by 3-4 times!

So lets learn a new level of how to become even MORE successful and tripling or quadrupling your


Lets learn some hardcore Telemarketing Kung Fu together shall we?

Full contact baby!

Its on like donkey kong!

Like Ponce Deleon... Like me bein the mower and you bein the Lawn...

Okay, okay...nuff smack talk. You get it Im sure.

We are going to increase our possibility for a sale even more than merely dialing. We are going to move

beyond the white belt together

Now, Do I know anything about martial arts?

No but I admire Yip Man a lot, and when I was a kid my favorite show was “Hong Kong Phooey”(Number

one super guy)!

First lets talk about Goals REAl quickly, and keep it simple... It shouldnt be complicated. If so it can

become unclear.

1st Level: Goals.

I am going to add my own personal advice, please skip this paragraph if you don’t want opinions... and

say, “Pay your tithes”. I don’t care what you believe about God or the universe, it’s a natural law. Give

at least 10% to something meaningful that contributes to lifes grand procession into the infinite. That’s

one way to make sure you meet your goals. That’s all I will say on that. Thank you for kindly indulging

my humble opinion there.

Now on to more practical applications.

How much do you need in the next 72 hours? How many sales will it take to get there?

Firstly, what is your cash number? There is a magic to putting your cash number on the wall in front of

you. You have to know exactly, not “’ish”, what that number is. I do it every single month myself. I have

the last 6 months cash numbers on the wall in front of me and 5 out of 6 are exceeded, the other wasn’t

far off if I had stayed focused, ALL of them are beyond what I thought was reasonably possible just a bit.

Know your cash number. You have to know where you are going or you can end up anywhere.

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Know how many sales it takes to get to that number. Know that even if you miss any given day, by the

allotted time, that is the number you must have by weeks end or months end....I promise you, we

always create what we know we need. The bare minimum maybe, but we always create what we have

to have.

Example” “Worse case scenario is that I end up living in my sisters attic...”. If that is the minimum

standard you have set, surely you will at least reach that. Lol. We always reach what we know we have

to have at least. It just depends on what you feel you have to have as to what that number is.

What do you have to have? Put it in front of you. Make it your objective to hit that number. Put a smiley

face on it. My October goals I drew a pumpkin out of the “O” in October. I make it a joy to look at. In any

event you have to be clear about your minimum number. Lets say its $3,000 per month. So you put a

sign in front of you “October Objective= $3000”

That’s not my objective but an example one. I also tend to go back to my sheet and make updates on it

and mark the progress... or notes... I keep it interesting to pass by...and look at on the wall. It becomes a

part of the energy of my going about daily.

The first time I put one up months ago and hit my target early, I was able to look back on my notes and

all that good stuff and it made me excited to do the next month... and it was easier to believe I could hit

it with the constant reminder of the month before right there in front of me.

Know your number and keep it in front of you. That’s my best advice on goals. Make sure you are clear

about it, even if it’s a little out of reach, and keep it in the fore front of your mind, doing the count down

as you incrementally make your way to it, and celebrating when you get to write the result at the

beginning of the next month.

Now lets talk about energy level and sounding good that’s another basic before we think of anything

more methodical...

There are some more scientific like, kung fu grips and keys Im going to give you ahead, but because I

understand their importance, lets cover some of the more subliminal ones first like goal setting, and.....

drum roll please...

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“Being Enthusiastic And Sounding Good”.


You can have a hangover and sound like you have a mouth full of peanut butter and ask enough people,

eventually someone will say yes, that’s the law of numbers at its finest. Someone will eventually say yes

just because they feel sorry for you and admire your effort for even existing...lol

BUT, if you greet each prospect with enthusiasm and speak clearly, then you will dramatically increase

your chances to get through more pitches and more people will want to listen to you.

Most new telemarketers who haven’t learned to balance and ration their energy throughout a call

session, start losing energy if a sale doesnt happen within 10 or twenty calls and it begins to affect their

tone, which then becomes increasingly more defeated sounding with each call.

You begin to get the feeling that everyone has already heard your pitch and they are as tired of hearing

it as you are saying it.

That is a psychological trap of the mind.

Don’t be weary, EVERY PERSON YOU TALK TO is an opportunity and they might be the one!

The truth is, even if you have made a hundred calls, and you have been getting turned down all day, the

next person you call doesn’t know that. He hasn’t been with you all day. You may have said your pitch

100 times today but “THIS IS THE FIRST TIME HE’S EVER HEARD IT”.

So he deserves your best pitch, with your best energy don’t you think?

You are “Fresh” in his perspective. Give him your best. He deserves that chance to decide if he likes it or

not...dont make the choice for him that he’s bored already!

What always helped me was to remember “Keep treating every call like it’s the first one of the day”,

because in reality, for your prospect it “is”.

Also, don’t carry baggage from one call to the next, don’t generalize about “everyone is not interested”,

because its simply not true, some people ARE interested and you just have to uncover them, the thing is,

you will decrease your probability of doing it if you begin to sound defeated on the phone.

So, bring your best winning energy to each call, and don’t drag down each fresh prospect with baggage

from the last. Each call deserves your best. You never know, the next call may be the one, but you didn’t

give him a chance because you gave him a defeated pitch. Repetition is mastery. Each call, even the

200th is an opportunity to become more of a master.

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Og Mandino says “Success could be around any curve, even the next one, but we never know which one

it is unless we go around the bend”.

“Sounding Good”.

You can talk anyone into almost anything if you SOUND good. People respond to a pleasant tone.

As an example when you look back at some of the dumbest things you have ever done in your life, why

did you do them, even though they didn’t make any sense at all?

Because they “Sounded like good ideas”at the time. They “sounded good”.

Your tone has to say “Im successful and people want to work with me, and I don’t blame them because

this deal is so good”, even if you just got turned down 100 times, you have to continue to “sound good”.

That’s a key.

Also pronounce your words as well as you can. Speak clearly... Lets say you have ten chances out of 100

to get a sale... but you keep mispronouncing a word, or you aren’t speaking clearly . 10 out of 100

prospects will be turned off by that, so you just lost a chance for a sale. If you have a ten percent

pitching ratio and a 10% closing ratio..., now you only have nine chances out of 100... each little detail

you don’t have together cuts another chance out till its 8 then 7 then 6...till you are all the way back to

just relying on the law of averages again, and it will happen but it might be a long run...Thats why

systems are important, and that’s why SOUNDING GOOD is important.

You can avoid losing that particular prospect (and you never know who they are) by paying attention to

your tone, and speaking more clearly. Now your chances go from nine out of 100 back up to ten.

So pay attention to the way you sound, the way you pronounce words, your level of enthusiasm...Each

of these elements represent a potential point that you could either win or lose, and at the end of the

day, every point counts.

Try to maintain a pleasant tone on the phone, and you will score more points. If you sound defeated,

you just lost 8 out of ten of your points, you just lost 8 out of 10 of the people you could have pitched.

20 pitches per day is the prescription for consistent success.

Stay enthusiastic and “sound good”. Everyone can do it.

Now, not to get too philosophical on you but as a “Jedi” level telemarketer, I know a natural way to

change your tone and sound good... its to really change your “real” posture about calling from an inside

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perspective, and that can easily be accomplished by reading the “love scroll” posted at the

telemarketing forum before your sessions.

It will change the way you really “view” your customers, and from that viewpoint comes a natural tone

that is unmistakably something people want to hear.

A tone that NOBODY wants to hear is the tone of being talked down to as Paul Myers says...or the tone

that says “Im sure you wouldn’t be interested”... No one responds positively to those tones.

How do you know? How do you know Im not interested? Why aren’t you giving me your best?

That’s offensive energy to some. Lol.

We have to be careful that we give off a successful tone, and that our tone says “Im genuinely glad to

meet you, and people like talking to me, you will too. I really have something special for you today”.Just

because the last guy didn’t want your special gift, don’t assume that this one wont. You cheat your

prospects when you don’t give each one your best.

Whew, I have not only said all of those things a million times, but I have memorized them as a young

telemarketer myself, a million times... Repetition is mastery. Understanding comes with it.

- Moving on.... Lets talk a bit more methodical...

How are you keeping score?

A New Kind Of Score Keeping System.

In white belt telemarketing as stated, it was all about dialing a TON of numbers (No contact)...and each

dial counted as a point. You reach a certain number of dials, you hit a “lay down” by natural law.

But dials don’t count in Kung Fu. Only complete pitches. Its full contact.

What is getting through a complete pitch?

What counts as a pitch in my experience, is getting through your complete presentation all the way to

the close, with three tie downs, and at least two rebuttals if needed.

What counts at this level, isn’t how many dials, but how many “Pitches” you give, eventually if you dial

enough you will get to pitch here and there even unintentionally, but in kung fu...We are Dead serious,

deliberate and 200% intentional about every move.

What is a system?

A system is a “an organized way of moving a prospect along from one juncture in the pitching process

to the next ,in order to get them to the close” ~ John Durham.

We make sure each pitch has all the proper elements by laying it out ahead of time. We have our

rebuttals laid out.

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Greeting Rebuttal A:

Greeting Rebuttal B:

Greeting Rebuttal C:

In other words, if the customer zigs we zag, and get right back into the pitch.

There is no guess work, because we have it all laid out in front of us and we say it verbatim every time,

so we can hone it and perfect it. I believe it was Dale Carnegie who said that “multi million dollar

empires were built by the perfected turn of a single phrase”.

So we hone the way we say things, or handle objections through repetition.

The customer says ___________ we immediately say____________. Bamm!Bamm!

Even an average person following a system can out sell a one with a big personality who has no idea

where they are trying to go. We practice systems , so we ALWAYS know exactly where we are going. Its

always toward the close.

In Telemarketing Kung Fu, we have rebuttals and redirects for the greeting, the pitch body , the close...

its all laid out and we don’t need a millisecond to know what to say... In the flowing style of kung fu, it

doesn’t even matter what you say almost, its more about redirecting the energy back to the pitch.

“Tie Downs”.

You pre-plan your pitch to include them... and you work yourself through the system and make sure you

hit each one along the way and this decreases your chance of getting resistance at the close.

Again, we do this very intentionally, and we set our selves up for a smooth close, without it the close can

go anywhere. It’s the meaning of “Always Be Closing”.

You build tie downs into your pitch depending on your offer and how you plan to close.

Tie down

A: Isnt that right Bob?

B; Anybody would take a deal like that wouldn’t they, Bob?

C: Doesnt that sound fair Bob?

You make sure you hit them all...when a person has been through the tie down process, they are ready

to close, and you will be fascinated as to how these are used as we explain further.

Moving on...

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Also in your system you have all of your credit card rebuttals ready... After you spent all that time

getting them to the close, you don’t want to be lost for something to say when they object (if) to giving

you billing info.

Having all of these things laid out in front of us, helps to remind us of what we are trying to accomplish,

and keep us and our conversations on track.


When we decide to sit down and make calls, we are clear about our objective... Our objective is to get


But somewhere in the middle of that, if we aren’t sticking to a system, our objective gets diluted with

objectives to “not get on peoples nerves”, or to “Be well liked”, or to “Not stretch ourselves too hard”...

“play it on the safe side”...We develop all kinds of new objectives.

We forget our objective is to make a sale so we can move on and make another one.

Having a system helps us to stay on our main objective. We always use the system, and everything in it is

designed to do only one thing...get the pitch back headed toward a close.

Remember that objective? Closing people?

In order to do that you have to be able to get through your pitches, through your tie downs and

transitions, and once all of that is done, then a person is ready to close.

So now we look at your closing ratio.

You are not closing 1 out of 100 dials anymore, now you are closing 3 out of ten “pitches”.

We have a new goal, its not to dial a lot, its to “Pitch” a lot.

How do I get through 20 Pitches Per Day?

That number on the wall that you want to reach is going to require that you set your price and complete

full pitch 20 people per day if you are doing offline cold calling to reach it..

So Write that down too... I need to do 20 full pitches today.

It is widely accepted in the call center industry that to get a bare minimum of a couple of sales per day a

person should do 20 full pitches, a twenty percent “pitch to close” ratio is average. Some have 30-40%

closing ratios. That’s hard to imagine when you base your ratios on numbers of dials instead of complete

full pitches.

So the next level of goal setting and achieving is to incrementally chop down 20 full pitches per day,

whether that takes 200 numbers or 400 dials.

Lets get into a little bit about how you can make that more like 200 or less.

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By following a system.


Greeting rebuttals


Pitch rebuttals and tie downs

Transition to close tie downs.


Close rebuttals


Billing rebuttals.

We are going to cover most of this ahead...As I said it is a system whereby we are totally completely,

200% deliberate in every movement, we stay centered and focused on getting through the pitch to the


Constantly redirecting the energy back to the pitch.

Are you going to be able to fully pitch everyone, even with a system?

No but having a system is the way to fully pitch as many as humanly possible, and not miss

opportunities. We could triple our daily production by simply just “not missing the opportunities we

normally miss”.

You know how it feels when one gets away and you think later “I should have just said___________”,

having a system keeps you from having ones like that get away.

How many times do you get brushed off the phone and you say “Darn I should have just___________”.

That was one time you wouldn’t have gotten brushed off if you had your system laid out.

In telemarketing Kung fu, you have an arsenal of rebuttals prepared which keep you from missing all

those chances.

If a person says they don’t have a credit card on them you say______________ or if a person says they

are uncomfortable giving it on the phone, you say____________ or if a person is still uncomfortable

after that you say ____________ , or if a person has a credit card but no money on it today you


We Are About To Get Deep!

Now I want you to see something here:

Just in the close alone, by having 4 credit card rebuttals prepared, you increase your chances for a

close by 5 times. Once for actually making it to the close and asking for the sale, and 4 times by actually

having something prepared to say no matter what came at you.

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You literally have 4 times the chance of getting a sale.

Now, rebutting isn’t about arguing with your customer, its about offering solutions...

For instance, lets say you are running a one time offer for a web page for $97.00 , and usually its $199,

but the special is running this week only... and they say:

Customer: “I wont have any money till next week...you’ll have to call me back then”

What are you going to say? “Okay”?

In white belt telemarketing we might do that.

I know what “I’m” going to say though, because I have five solutions printed out in front of me that I

can read off any second...There wont even be an awkward millisecond.

While most would say “Duh okay Ill call you back next week”, I would immediately jump to my rebuttals

and say:

“Well the thing is Mary, the offer will be back to normal price then... I’d hate to see you miss out...tell

you what I could do, if it would help you... I “could” go ahead and reserve your special price with post

dated billing information, now, of course, I cant deliver the product until payment has been processed

but I CAN reserve your price till your specified billing date...That way you wont have to pay double next

week...Would that help you out Mari”?

And that would increase my chances of still closing the sale... despite her objection.

If she objected to that I would offer yet another solution... Why?

Because I have my pitching process laid out and systemized, and my mind is on closing the sale.

Back to the report:

When you add up all of your tie downs and rebuttals... you can see that the ones in the beginning

increase your chance for actually “Getting to pitch”, the ones in the middle increase your chances of

“getting to the close”, and the ones at the end increase your chances of “getting a sale at the close”.

It all adds up to a lot more closing.

In white belt telemarketing we weren’t doing any of this, again, just going straight for the laydowns,

depending 100% on the law of numbers, but not doing much to bend it to our will.

*Note: Just the ONE rebuttal I just gave you could make you thousands of dollars in sales you may have

lost otherwise... Don’t you agree?

(That was ME tying YOU the reader Down)

Lets talk about tie downs...

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“ALWAYS BE CLOSING” (What does this mean?)

The next understanding in telemarketing kung fu, is to know that you have to “ABC” (Always be closing).

A person isn’t ready to close yet unless they have been through a few tie downs. Many newby

telemarketers try to short cut this and close without tying down first and they lose perfectly good closes

because of it.

The trouble many run into at the close is that they haven’t prepped the customer on the “pre closes” or

“Tie Downs”..., so they get all kinds of objections at the end, and they cant work around them...

Tie downs are what let you know the customer is ready to be closed. They also commit the customer to

certain things prior to close, and prevent certain things from becoming objections at the close..

If they get through enough tie downs then chances are they are going to make it through the close.

Tie downs are “pre closes”.

They are techniques you use in the body of your pitch to get a person ready to move to the next place in

the process.

In other words... Lets give some off the cuff, possibly extreme examples so you understand this.

You may be pitching along and every once in awhile you come to a point where you say something like ,

“A lot of business owners come to us because they are so frustrated with waiting on web designers to

follow through with it...Ever had a web designer string you out like that Bob?”.

(Customer: “Yeah I hate that”).

You aren’t alone ...For me, sometimes going back and forth and waiting around becomes such a

headache that I think, “Man I should just have just hired some Phillipino to knock this out in 2 hours

instead of doing all this waiting around...I’d rather just be done with it...”

(Customer says “Yeah that thought has crossed my mind several times actually lol...but I’ve heard those

outsourcers are so expensive... ).

Just out of curiosity, how much have web designers been quoting you Bob, I mean THAT shouldn’t be

very expensive at all...?

Bob: “usually they want a couple thousand down just to get started..., more than Im wanting to pay to

someone I don’t know...” (he’s prepping you here... but you ignore it...).

Really? Wow that does seem kind of high...

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Well, anyway, back to the reason I called. (Go back to pitch, you got your points that you needed).

Those were tie downs. You got him to agree with you that its frustrating waiting on shade tree web

designers, he’s admitted that doesn’t feel like he has gotten a fair deal, also that he sometimes thinks

about hiring an outsourcer just to be done with it, because quotes in the past have been too high or else

he might have hired one, and you also found out that anything below 4 figures would be a relief to him.

Telemarketing Kung Fu Experts are always setting up their next move they are “Always Closing”. So now,

if you ever wondered, you know what “ABC” means.

In this example, by his own agreement, you are tying him down to statements which he now cant use

as objections at the close

This is what it means to “Always Be Closing”. Always be setting up your call for a close...dont just let it

wander everywhere.

In every pitch you want to tie them down 2-4 times, before they are ready to close...

Or else you will get the ole “My webdesigner is working on it...”, or something like that at the end.

Now that you have tied him down you can close like this:

Okay Bob, now, you told me that you can relate to my other customers about having to wait on

webdesigners and I agree with you its irritating... and also that you are overpaying like a lot of other

people, and you cant find a quote where someone doesn’t want an arm and a leg...I agree with you I’d

be pulling my hair out...Now I cant do this for like 10 bucks or anything (lol) But, lets say I could knock

this out for you completely within 24 hours and you would be done with it , no muss no fuss, and I could

give you a break and do it for $600 bucks straight across and let you pay it off in two installments...”.

Would that save you some headaches?

Alright well, lets go ahead and do it then, I’ll be giving you a discount but its worth it to earn your

business , fair enough”?

Now what can Bob say?

There is really only one thing he can say “Yeah that would save me some headaches and it’sa fair deal


Now he has agreed that you could save him some headaches and your price is fair... So we take it to the

next level.

If you learn to get that agreement ahead of time, you will close sales “on the phone” at three times the

rate you would have otherwise. It just smooths out the closing process. These are what tie downs are

for, always be closing.

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(Now wouldn’t you agree that this ONE technique, could make you a THOUSAND times the money you

just paid for this report? )

So anyway,

Don’t try to close without making sure a person is tied down good.

In “closing” on this (corny pun intended fully...Kung Fu telemarketers are ALWAYS intentional. Lol) :

The particular tie downs that you use in a pitch depends on your offer, and they depend on the

objections that you know may come up... You take care of those objections in the pitch itself through tie

downs so they don’t come up at the “close”. This is telemarketing Kung Fu.

Now you know what tie downs are, and how they can help you get through more pitches without so

many objections at the end.

Tie downs are an important part of getting completely through a pitching process, and the way you set

them up is your “system” for pitching your product.

And you know what rebuttals are, so let quickly talk about how to set up a pitching system.


First you want to greet the secretary.

Have your greeting laid out and also two rebuttals just in case she doesn’t let you through.

Now, are they going to get you through every secretary? No, but each rebuttal increases your chances

of getting through one and on to your pitch.

Here’s an example:

Secretary: We don’t take sales calls.

“This isn’t sales call maam, its more a courtesy call, there is a potential concern with your website that I

came across visiting it..., I wanted to call and alert the owner... ... You might be able to help me, who do

I need to speak with about this, is it someone other than the owner”?

You have redirected her attention back to her job which is “being helpful”... Now she is searching her

mind for you, and comes to the conclusion, “Well, yeah Bob is the person you need to speak with, let me

see if he is in...”.

(Note: – Wouldn’t you agree that based on just learning that rebuttal alone, a person would be crazy not

to think this knowledge isn’t worth what they paid for this report? – Me too Bob!...

ABC!!!! Always be looking for a chance to tie down!!! It is the way of the telemarketing Ninjas! Practice

it everywhere you go today, try to tie down everyone you meet on something, in every conversation, till

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you master this and it becomes second nature! Then come back to them later and try to get a desired

result using their agreements...lol Have fun with it, this is supposed to be fun learning!)

Back to secretaries...

You need to have two or 3 secretary rebuttals laid out. The particular rebuttals you use will depend on

your offer and what you are trying to accomplish.

So that’s the first level..

Moving On....

Second level of designing your pitch is an owner greeting and rebuttal (remember, Bob is going to

object and try lead you away from getting into your pitch nine times out of ten, but you wont lose him

this time...you have preset rebuttals handy to lead him right back in... Where you use to lose 10 out of

10 who said this, now you will still pitch 5 of them...Warning About Rebuttals: If you don’t have them

laid out though, you wont use them:

Hi __________ This is ____________ with ____________ Carrie was kind enough to put me through,

she thought this might be something important for you to hear... We are a marketing company

company who manages several local clients here in town, and...

Bob: I already have a website...

(Whats a white belt gonna do? Okay, thanks for your time...)

But we aren’t white belts now – A Kung Fu Expert Will Suck the Prospect Back into the pitch, just for

the challenge if nothing else... because we are always trying to master our craft of getting to the close.

So Bob Says “I already have a website”, and interrupts your beautiful greeting... trying to brush you

off. Now we switch to the AIDA system for a second and get his attention and pull him into interest.

Yeah I know Bob that’s what Im calling about actually I noticed when visiting your website that there

is a concern with your...and I just thought you might want to know.

Bob: Well Yeah thanks for telling me... I will point that out to my webdesigner...

(still trying to brush you off...)

No prob, Just so you know that’s a pretty easy fix... Im surprised your webdesigner didn’t catch this... is

it just one of those deals where they design your website and do just minimal maintenance for a

monthly fee..?

(Suck the prospect in with a question)

Bob: Well, yeah, they are supposed to be maintaining it... Heck I pay 100 bucks per month...

Im shocked Bob... Your site isn’t even optimized , let alone has any back links...

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(playing on the fact that he’s already wondering what he’s paying for... So you ask another question)

How long have you been waiting on this designer to finish this stuff...?

Bob: For about 2 months now, he was supposed to be finished already I thought... heck honestly I’d

forgotten all about it...

(He’s still trying to brush you off...)

I understand Bob, and that says a lot honestly...I know business owners like yourself tend to keep their

minds focused only on the things that are bringing in money... I mean if it was pulling orders daily you

probably wouldn’t be forgetting about it... Would you? Frankly, it should be pulling at least some...

Bob: Listen Im running short on time and I gotta go...

I understand, let me ask real quick before I go...with google places supporting most websites with

backlinks these days, even a bad website should give you some customers... google gave you one for

free...has he even claimed your places listing for you yet?

Bob: Im not sure, whats a places listing?..?

Well, have you ever noticed when you shop for a used car or something on google the listings all come

up for used car dealers in your local town and you are thinking to yourself “How the heck did they know

Im located”?

Bob: Yes. Lol I have always wondered that...

Those are places listings and that’s how they work. They are very powerful, they always come up first in

the search results, and google gives every business owner like yourself one for free... because its helps

their search engine to be more relevant...YOU HAVE ONE BOB, but it doesn’t appear to be claimed or

optimized, Im surprised your web designer hasn’t done this for you... The trouble with NOT claiming one

is that...if you don’t claim it , ANYBODY can be redirecting your traffic right now...which we don’t know,

could be pretty significant, (Explain how it works...) I hate to say it, but this guy isn’t looking out for you

very well, who knows how many sales opportunities you missed last month over that alone...

Go back to ptich...

Tell you what this is an easy fix, and I know you are in a hurry...(drop his guard). Let me tell you what

we do...real quick.

How do you get through all of this?:

You are able to consistently direct the conversation around objections and get it back on course by

having an arsenal of rebuttals redirects and tie downs at your disposal. Printed out, right in front of you.

These are kind of random, because I don’t know what the particular offers of the readers here are, but

YOU know your offer and you can design rebuttals that are harmonious with your particular pitch.

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How do you know the conversation is going to go like this.

You don’t, You never know which one rebuttal you are going to use, but they are all laid out, so you can

use one easily at any time... and get more full pitches in.

The system is Rebuttal then redirect back to pitch. (Also try to get a tie down in when there is an

opportunity). So try to rack up tie down points, and pitch points, you will get sales.

Now you have opened back up the opportunity to pitch; one that might have closed had you not picked

up this information.

Tell you what Bob, right now we are offering a special package that includes... (go back into your


Point: we didn’t blow our chance to pitch over a greeting objection, we used the objection to parlay the

prospect back into our pitch. Why? Because our goal is to get through as many entire pitches as we can.

20 to be exact.

Some call what Im sharing with you, creating a “mind map”... but frankly, a mind map is useless if you

don’t understand what you are doing. This report will help that.

Do you see all the opportunities there were to lose Bob in the greeting, and how by having prepared

rebuttals we were able to not freeze up and lose our chance to pitch?

Do you also see a couple of tie downs in there?

But by having a system of rebuttaling and redirecting, you were able to steer him back into the groove..

Why do you do that, why do you keep it so focused?

Because you need to ask for the sale so you can get a “point”. And you need 20 points per day. That’s

not going to happen unless you can keep people on pitch.

Now Lets Design the Body of Your Pitch.

If you have made it to this point , you have gotten through Bobs main objections, he is probably going to

listen to your pitch paragraph, so you want to have a couple of rebuttals prepared for this section of

your pitch, but mostly its about getting interest, because you already have their attention... and creating

some tie downs.

First lets talk about your offer.

Depending on how the pitch flows you want to make this section be exciting but go by fairly fast.

The first thing you need to do is take a piece of paper and write out the top 6 benefits and features of

your offer.

Features might be as below, and I will highlight the benefits in yellow. You might say

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This week only we can offer you a small business start up package that includes:

5 full web pages. To give you maximum exposure.

Professionally written ad copy. Designed to make people take action and direct them to the

contact form.

Keyword rich content, meta tagging, and back linking. To insure that you get a strong pull from

the search engines and so that your site doesn’t perform weakly as it appears to be now...

Interactive forms- So that your customer can take action immediately , and you can receive their

submissions in real time and not miss opportunities .

5 email addresses- So that each of your employees can answer email from a corporate company

address, which looks much more professional and establishes credibility.

You might add:

‘I don’t know about you Bob, but I don’t trust anyone who emails from an anonymous free email

address, you ever feel that way? (Tie down)

A lot of people do. They are afraid of viruses... So having a corporate email address helps out. Do

your employees have corporate email addresses currently? Well that’s easy... As I was saying

Bob, you also get...

Your own unique domain- So that you can develop your own brand and own your own internet

real estate as opposed to renting it from someone else.

So, the pitch body contains the features and benefits of your offer... and some tie downs.

Once the person is adequately interested and tied down... You move on to your close transition.

So anyway, as far as price Bob...

First of all let me say that paying even 20 dollars per month for what you currently have is too much if it

isn’t making you enough sales to notice..., you are missing a lot of potential sales going on this way.

Secondly, you say you are paying 100 dollars per month, and your designer hasn’t even confirmed your

FREE google listing... which is a major traffic source for you and an excellent back link for your site...

Tell you what I usually charge a lot more, but just to help you out and earn your business, and because

I take this stuff personally as a slam against my industry...I could fix all of this and be done with it in 24

hours for _____________ plus I would give you 60 days of maintenance for FREE!

Is that fair enough?

Whats he going to say here?

Bob: Well yeah that sounds like a fair deal... I don’t have $600 today though...

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No problem, tell you what, I will do it for $600 total, and let you just put half down today if that would

help, or we could post date your billing, and you don’t like my work and you want to cancel before you

even finish paying out the $600, then you only risked $300... If you still think you want to pay someone

else 100 bucks per month after that sixty days, you will own the site still...

Cant get more fair than that can you Bob ?

Whats he going to say?

Still resistance?

Bob: Sounds fair enough but Im have to be at an appointment in 30 minutes we really have to wrap this

up quickly.

Don’t be too shy to close him down, you have come this far, scored all these points, now get the darn


Now you might be thinking you wont have the guts to say all these things, but you don’t need guts if you

follow the system and have them laid out in front of you, you will just go to all of your pre planned

directions by “protocol” and there wont be any insecurity to it.

Now start assuming the close. If you get through it, that’s one point, and maybe even a phone sale.

Transitioning to the close:

You don’t just immediately close at this point, however quickly you get through this section, because

now you want to feel the situation out and make sure the climate is right to get the credit card..., you

double check the persons climate and make sure they are ready with a smooth “transition to close”.

In this case, we are going to start assuming the close and transitioning with “questions”.

No problem Bob, I can wrap this up in 2 minutes, let me ask you a couple of quick questions ... (move

fast now)

Is this your official logo that’s on your current site? Great

... and these are your company colors... Okay

...and I take it “this” is the correct contact number to list on your site...

okay and how about the email address you want your contact form linked to... (Go on and ask a few

more questions that are relevant to your offer)...

How many employees do you have that will need their own email addresses?

Okay great... I think I have all I need there...

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Let me give you my number real quick, have you got a pen... alright its, ____________

Now if you have any questions in between now and when I get this done, feel free to give me a call

He’s relieved because he thinks its done, or at least winding down...

Now you close him while he’s feeling relieved).

Last thing, as far as billing goes Bob, we like to do all of that by credit card or check by phone, whats

gonna work best for you today?


You have your credit card rebuttals all lined out.

Now, if you have gotten this far, there is a DARN good chance you are going to close this pitch right

here on the phone, however, if not, you can mark off a “point” for getting through it to the close, and

you know that you need twenty of those a day to at least meet your minimum sales...

If you hadn’t taken the kung fu approach with rebuttals and tie downs, and if you hadn’t had a system in

place to keep you on track YOU DEFINITELY WOULD NTO CLOSE THIS ONE!!!

How many opportunities are you missing daily?

Its not about having the “Guts” to push for a close...Its about “Not having your arsenal of rebuttalos laid

out in front of you, and not knowing where to go...not knowing how to zig when a customer zags.

Do you see now how telemarketers in call centers make multiple sales every day?

They have a system, and their job is to lead everyone they can down the path to a close.

You have asked me how to Phone close...Now I have delivered: This is how we phone close.

You see why I didn’t try to teach it to white belts?

Now you are ready to get more serious though, and you have enough numbers behind you to

understand some of this... I made the above conversation as hard core as possible by the way. When

you get into real conversations, you may encounter objections, but this one above is extreme on

purpose. Most will be easier to guide around. But in the worse case scenario, with the hardest ball, you

now have an example of how to crack the hardest nut. Most will be much easier!

Wasn’t this worth the money___________?

So lets close this up now with another reminder of the basics.

I cant give you all of your rebuttals here, and I dont know what your specific offers are or how they are

structured, aside from that, it would cheat my pitch writing clients if I gave you all of their material... but

knowing that you need to have this stuff laid out and systemized, you can strategize your next call

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session with the information you gained here... and organize your main objections and have rebuttals

laid out for each section of your pitch.

However (Quick plug) I do offer professional pitch writing services. If you want me to write a

professional pitch for your offer, complete with greeting rebuttals, pitch rebuttals, tie downs and five or

6 credit card closes... Then just simply email me at [email protected], and I will send you a

form to fill out so we can get started. (End of Plug).

In closing,

Its not even so much what you say, its that you don’t freeze up, and that you say SOMETHING, and

redirect them back to the pitch.

The secretary greeting and rebuttals

The owner greeting and rebuttals

The features and benefits of the pitch body and rebuttals

The tie downs for your transition to close....

Closing rebuttals

Billing rebuttals...

If you take a day and lay all that out in front of you before your next call session, and decide to USE them

to get through 20 pitches per day...YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A TON OF SALES, and surprisingly, it may

not take twenty pitches.

Some of you are going to use this information to transition from appointment setting to phone closing...

I look forward to hearing those results.

Here’s another example, where the customer interrupts your pitch and says...: “Where are you calling

from, I dont see your number on my caller ID, I only deal with companies locally...”

What are you gonna say “Sorry, thanks for your time”? Most freeze up there and say “Uh...kentucky”?

They would just give a direct answer and not parlay the customer back into the pitch...Maybe if you are

wearing a white belt you would say that, but as a telemarketing kung fu practitioner you are going to


“Well maam, as a premier national web marketing company, we actually specialize in dealing with

business owners on a local level, Im actually calling you from our central location here in _____ which is

where we manage all call center activity to keep costs down for our customers..., Like I was saying...”

How did you come up with that?

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You didn’t come up with it off the cuff...you had it laid out ahead of time just in case, so if it came up you

could refer to it within a millisecond and not lose your rhythm.

Go back into pitch. Always redirect back to pitch. Doesn’t matter what you say almost – Distract from

the objection with a disclaimer..., or answer it directly...and redirect back to the pitch. That’s how you

do it like a “Phone Pro”.

Why go back to pitch if they said they only deal locally...?

Because you might still hook them with something, but you WONT if you don’t continue on. You’ll be

surprised at how many people will say yes who initially said no, if you actually get through your pitches.

That’s the key.

Now I think most of you will agree that the knowledge gained in this 25 pages was well worth the price

of the report. I hope it serves you well and that you are able to use it to craft your own pitches, and to

increase your closing ratio.

Mostly Im hoping that some of the people who have been doing appointment setting, because they

didn’t know how to phone close will come back and say “Im closing credit cards on the phone now”.

That would be the icing on the cake to my work here.

In closing, do read the scroll we gave you in the first chapter before your call sessions, that will help a lot

too. If you make love your creed in all of this you simply cannot fail.

Until next time this is Phone Pro saying “You know how...Now go close somebody”!

Good luck everyone and as always, this empowering sales book is dedicated to my grandsons, and to all

the great people of TMF. Much love to all.

-John Durham