Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny

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Tenacious D in The Pick Of Destiny

Tenacious D in The Pick Of DestinyOpening scene analysis

Establishing shot of a white bungalow, the nature of the shot is simply to show where the first peace of action takes place. The rest of the shot is blacked out so that the focus is on the house

The shot brightens up to show the area around the house and simple white text appears that tells the viewer where we are exactly. The music is fast and simple

mise en scne: The house is white to contrast with the black sky, representing the innocents and religious nature of its residents

Jack Blacks voice starts to sing and the camera zooms into the crossed part of the window frame and then the shot changes to zoom out of a cross on a wall to transition from shots.

This shows the viewer that the family is religious and blends well with the song

mise en scne: The cross shows the purity of the family and the shadow cast represents Young JB and his contrasting personality.

The camera zooms out and shows the family who are sitting around there table praying. There is one empty seat tells us that something is not right.

The bright whiteness of the walls contrasts to the dark night of the previous shot. The cross on the wall is highlighted using a spotlight.

The shot then cuts to the chair up close and then a mid shot of the mother and son. There is finally a close up of the fathers face so that it is clear that he looks to the empty chair then up at his wife.

mise en scne: All of the shots are white and the family are dressed in light colours to show purity and either side of the son and mother is almost symmetrical to show balance

mise en scne: The camera cuts to a panning shot across posters, CDs and an upside down cross that is brown.

This shows the viewer that the main character is into rock music and is not religious, the fact that the cross is brown hints that Young JB in darker than the rest of his family.

The camera cuts and zooms in as a childe wearing black and holding a pick and guitar jumps from the corner. The music stops and then stars up again but with a more hard-core tone

mise en scne: The black cloths show that he is not innocent and his long hair and facial expressions contrast from the rest of the family.

The camera zooms into Yong JBs face and he starts to mouth what the narrator is singing as the family looks on shocked, his face is very expressive just like Jack Blacks.

During the song the father smiles as if he is enjoying the music and performance

But the previous scene ends with him dragging Young JB into his room and beating him with his belt., The camera zooms out from Young JBs screaming face.

The camera follows the father as he gets up and walks around as he starts to sing and lecture his son. (the father is played by meatloaf) the music now features trumpets and brass intruments.

The father then proceeds to tear all of the posters off of the wall and turn the cross the right way round as the camera follows him

The camera periodically cuts back to JB

At this final line the father slams the door as he leaves.mise en scne: The cross isUpside down to show Young JBIs not religious.

It cuts to a wide shot of Young JBs room to show the aftermath of his fathers rampage, and to show the one poster that is left. (A poster of Dio) the music fades

The camera fades into a zooming mid shot of Young JB praying to Dio and mouthing what the narrator is singing again. There is then an over the shoulder shot. The music as slow and acoustic

mise en scne: The red of the poster directly contrasts the blue walls to focus on it

There is a mid shot of the poster as it suddenly becomes animated and Dio starts to sing to Young JB. The music takes another hard-core turn. The camera occasionally cuts to Young JB to show his reaction to Dio.

The camera cuts back to Young JB as he jumps up and desperately looks around before there are close ups of

There are then close ups of all of the items that Young JBsmise en scne: The room is messy Again to show the difference between Young JB and his family

It cuts to an over the sholder shot of Young JB sliding open his window and throwing his guitar out of it. The shot is dark a not much is visible save the guitar

It cuts to a mid shot of him sliding comically out of the window into a bush. The shot is brighter so that you can clearly see the house and bush.mise en scne: This shot could symboliseJB leaving his past (the white wall) and jumping unprepared into the future (the black bush)

The camera cuts to a close up shot of Young JBs back and as he runs away he stays central to the shot as he gets further away

Young JB is green screened onto the places he has travelled, his then coved up by his wrist giving a thumb up to show he is hitchhiking, this transitions into a Indiana jones-esc map scene

The map shows him going to many hollywoods around America until he finally finds the right one from which a sign fades into the camera o transition into the next shot.

The next shot being a close up of Jack Black writing and singing the song, (he was the narrator who was singing through out) This establishes our hero as Jack Black and sets up the rest of the film as his quest to find a counterpart and to form the worlds most awesome bandThe bus stops and Jack jumps up, the shot cuts to a wide shot of the bus alley as he runs down it and out of the bus.

The holly wood sign is shot so that Jack can walk in front of I and then the camera blurs the sign to focus on him

mise en scne: The Hollywood sign is supposed to show the audience exactly where the action is taking place