The Biblical Principles of Love - Copy

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  • 8/7/2019 The Biblical Principles of Love - Copy


    Biblical Principles of Love

    I Corinthians 13:13


    Hollywood has given us a woodennickel definition of love. Says Dr.Ken Matto

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    Biblical Definition of Love

    Remember LOVE is the GreatCommandment

    1. The definition according to JesusChrist, Matthew 22:37-40

    John 14:15

    John 14:21

    John 14:23

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    John 15:10

    I John 2:5

    I John 5:2

    I John 5:3II John 1:6

    The most basic definition of"love"

    from the standpoint of Jesus Himselfinvolves knowing and keeping Hiscommandments.

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    This means:

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    The definition according to apostle Paul,I Corinthians 13.

    1 Corinthians 13:4-8a gives us sixteen definingaspects of love.

    1. Love is patient - The old English says of this phrase:Charity suffereth long" -- The original word

    MAKROTHYMEI, includes the idea of patient forbearing.We give of ourselves in love to endure evil, injury, andprovocation, without being filled with resentment,indignation, or revenge. Love takes power over the angrypassions of our sin natures, and furnishes with a persevering

    patience, that should rather wait and wish for thereformation and growth of a person rather than fly out inresentment of his conduct. Love given will put up with manyslights and neglects from the person it loves, and wait longto see the effects of such patience

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    2. Love is Kind (and is kind) The originalword, CHRESTEFETAI, means kind, gentlebehavior. Love is courteous and obliging. The

    heart of love is large and her hand open. Loveis ready to show favors and to do good. Sheseeks to be useful; and not only seizes on

    opportunities of doing good, but searches forthem. This is the general character of love.Love is patient under injuries, and inclined todo all that can be done in kindness.

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    3. Love Does Not Envy (Charity envieth not) Lovesuppresses envy: The original word encompasses both envyand jealousy. Love does not express itself in envy nor

    jealousy. It is not grieved at the good of others; neither attheir gifts nor at their good qualities, their honors nor theirestates. If we love another we do not envy their position orprosperity in life, nor are we displeased with it to destroyit. In expressing love, we should share in it and rejoice at it.

    The prosperity of those to whom we wish well should nevergrieve us. Our positions in life are established by the Lordin connection with our obedient responses to Him. Lovegives in that it remains free of envy.

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    4. Love Does Not Brag (Charity vaunteth itself) - Thebelievers who are seeking to give true Biblical love do notcompete for the applause and admiration of others.Instead, it will, in honor, prefer one another, (Romans

    12:10). Such a love will do nothing out of a spirit ofcontention or vain-glory, but in lowliness of mind willesteem others better than themselves, (Philippians 2:3).True love will give us an esteem of the other person, andraise our value for them. Doing this will also limit our

    esteem of ourselves, and prevent self-conceit andarrogance. The original word as translated into the Syriacmeans that Biblical Love does not raise tumults anddisturbances. Biblical Love seeks to calm angry passions,instead of raising them.

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    5. Love is not Arrogant (is not puffed up) - Theoriginal word speaks of being conceited or proud.Biblical love is not displayed by thinking that we

    totally understand the other person; that we canread their minds and actions; and that we canpredict what they will do in the future. This isconceit and arrogance. On the other hand, BiblicalLove is modest, expecting change, and awaiting theexpression of the true mind, thoughts, and actionsof the one who is loved.

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    6. Love Does not act Unbecomingly(Doth not behaveitself unseemly) - Biblical Love is careful not to pass thebounds of decency. The original word, ASCHEMONEO,speaks of defying moral and mannerly standards. Biblical

    love gives by not acting ill-mannered or rude. It doesnothing indecorous, nothing that in the common account ofmen is base or vile. It does nothing out of place or time; butbehaves towards all men as becomes their rank and ours,

    with reverence and respect to superiors, with kindness andcondescension to inferiors, with courtesy and good-willtowards all men. Biblical Love is not for breaking God'sorder, but for keeping up the distinction God has madebetween men and women and all in their orders .

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    y 7. Love Does Not Seek its Own (seeketh not herown) This is the principle of the unselfish nature ofBiblical Love. It does not desire nor seek its own praise, orhonor, or profit, or pleasure. The love of self, in some

    degree, is natural to all men. It enters into our veryconstitution. A reasonable love of self is made themeasure of our love to others when Jesus commandedthat, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Thisprinciple does not mean that Biblical love destroys allregard to self. It does mean however, that a Biblical love is

    to be defined by giving and not by taking. By our verynature we are largely"takers." Biblical love involves ourmaking continual decisions to be givers of ourselves tothose to whom we express Biblical Love. It is, "What can Ido to serve you;" rather than, "What is in it for me."

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    8. Love is not provoked (is not easilyprovoked) Biblical love gives by makingdecisions that do not seek to irritate. The idea of

    the original word, PAROXYNETAI, is to stimulatein a negative way, to irritate or to upset. Biblicallove seeks NOT TO DO THAT. It involvesdecisions that corrects a sharpness of temper,sweetens and softens the mind, so that it does notsuddenly conceive, nor long continue, a vehementpassion. It is not quick tempered.

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    9. Love does not take into account a wrong suffered (thinkethno evil) - The aspect here is giving by making decisions NOT TOGET EVEN. Many times our actions are dictated by an effort to makeanother PAY or to somehow get even in little revenge schemes of theheart. Biblical love is not soon, nor long, angry. It is never

    mischievous, nor inclined to revenge. It does not suspect evil ofothers. Biblical Love does not reason out evil, charge guilt upon theother by inference and innuendo, when nothing of this sort appearsopen. love makes decisions to not be apt to be jealous and suspicious.It seeks to hide faults that appear, and draw a veil over them, insteadof hunting and raking out those that lie covered and concealed. Itmakes decisions to never indulge suspicion without proofs, but will

    rather incline to darken and disbelieve evidence against the person itaffects. It will hardly give into an ill opinion of another, and it will doit with regret and reluctance when the evidence cannot be resisted;hence it will never be forward to suspect evil. It will not make theworst construction of things, but put the best face that it can oncircumstances that have no good appearance.

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    10. Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness(Rejoiceth not in iniquity) - Biblical Love takes nopleasure in doing injury or hurt to anybody. It does

    not think evil of any, without very clear proof. Itwishes ill to none. It does not wish hurt or wrongagainst the object. Biblical love does not make thesins and failings of others a matter of its delight. Itdoes not rejoice in doing harm and mischief. Biblical

    love makes decisions to respond to the failings ofothers with compassion rather than sport andentertainment. Decisions are made to extend helpand restoration.

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    11. Love rejoices with the truth (but rejoicethin truth) Biblical love rejoices over expressionsand applications of God's Truth. It rejoices in seeing

    justice whether blessing for obedience or disciplinefor disobedience. Biblical love decides to rejoiceover the prevailing of truth: the truth conqueringsinful men, the principles of God's Word applied in

    a life, and a life changed to conform to God's Word.It rejoices in the prosperity of those following truth,in well-doing, and in the growth of faith within theobject loved.

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    12. Love bears all things (Beareth all things) Theoriginal word, STEGO, means "to cover, keep silent about,keep confidential." It also carries the idea of "enduring,"or "putting up with." Biblical love will make good choicesto be aware of the nature of the object loved and keep thefaults of such a one confidential. Biblical love makedecisions to protect unless duty demands revelation. Thisaspect of Biblical Love involves allowing the loved to

    expose his or her faults without making them public.Protection, unless other Biblical duties demanddifferently, is granted. The believers love seeks first toprotect rather than publish.

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    y On the other hand, Biblical love makeschoices to pass by and put up with injuries,

    without indulging anger or cherishingrevenge. It will be patient upon provocation,and long suffering. The lover will endure forthe beloved many slights, injuries, hurts,and slights by making decisions to bear suchthings for the sake of the beloved.

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    13. Love believes all things (believeth all things)Biblical love makes decisions not to be suspicious untilthe evidence is overbearing. Biblical Love entertains agood opinion of them when there is no appearance to thecontrary. It seeks to believe well when there may be somedark appearances, if the evidence of wrong is not clear.Biblical Love is apt to make the best of every thing, andput on it the best face and appearance. It will judge well,

    and believe well, as far as it can with any reason, and willrather stretch its faith beyond appearances for thesupport of a good opinion. It is involved with the benefitof the doubt.

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    14. Love hopes all things (hopeth allthings) Love hopes for the best in all of theobjects of love. Conscious decisions aremade to look for the best, encourage andexhort for the best in all men. This istempered by the knowledge of sin and yet

    the person exercising Biblical love seeks thepositive appearance rather than the negativeappearance.

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    15. Love Endures all things (endurethall things) The original word carries the idea

    of "standing one's ground." It is a militaryword that means to hold on regardless of theassaults, the barrages, and the troubles facedin any love relationship. Love is learned. Part

    of love are the decisions to give regardless ofwhat is sometimes received. In the end, trulyapplied Biblical Love can win out.

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    16. Love never fails (Charitynever faileth) God's simplestatement on the power ofBiblical Love should be believedand applied to all situations

    where we are facing trial andtroubles. It will never fail!

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    What is Biblical love?

    1. From the standpoint of Jesus

    Himself involves knowing andkeeping His commandments.

    2. From the standpoint of apostlePaul Love is defined bysixteendefining aspects.

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    If you are saved and born again Gods love wasshed abroad in your hearts, Romans 5:5

    If not you need to be born again.

    Jesus said to Nicodemus, Jesus

    answered and said unto him,Verily, verily, I say unto thee,Except a man be born again,he cannot see the kingdom ofGod. John 3:3