II 1I 7 h 0 1 ir4ry r a fJ hr o1A7d 1 If l p THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS IIALL THE NEWS THATS FIT TO PRINT ill l VOL XXVIII CLOVERPORT KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1903 8 Pages NO71I s ACTIVITY IN REAL ESTATE New Buildings Nearing Comple ¬ tion and Others to l be Erected J iNUMBER OF CHOICE LOTS SOLD ifi During the past few weeks there estatet i A nnmber of choice building lots have Sohanged hands the new buildings are nearing completion and a number k of citizens have announced their in ¬ 1I1tlntluu of building business houses Clover port in certainly enjoying anoth ¬ er onlldtng boom which is yet in iits infancy but will see the entire burned district rebuilt in a few years ourt rwlll build who would not if Clover t had not secured new industries year As everyone has remarked 11 11port thing leads to another T Heyser will erect two business Iii houses on the part of the Jas Moor ¬ tman lot he bought from Short 8 Hay < nes He will conduct his restaurant Iand confectionary in one and will rrent the other Judson Coombs has T spoken for part of the latter building where he will locate his tonsorial parlors He contemplates putting in a number of bath rooms which will be rented to the public Dr F L Lightfoots new office building will consist of four rooms and be a model of convenience The building will be a brick structure and will have a porch on one side ex ¬ tending the length of the building Dr Lightfoot will reserve part of the building for his own use r It is now almost a certainty that W Cloverport will have a new hotel to be built by u local party If all tne arrangements now under considera ¬ i tlon can be made the hotel will be a certainty Further particulars will be given when every arrangement is completed f Conrad Sippel bought the Wm Bea vin lot frontage twenty two feet on the north side of Main street Tne lot is the second one on the east side of Fred Mays butcher shop Mr Sippel bought it at Commissioners sale and contemplates building a shoe J shop for his cwn use F T Heysers new residence on t tFIrst street and the two residences on Main street built by the Clover port Rent Estate and Improvement Company are nearing completion companyst f self ilton lot Ht will complete it himI I The Cloverport Real Estate and Im ¬ provement Company is now waiting for a deed to the Reid lot east of Pate Oelzus grainary and are contemplate ¬ i ing the purchase of five acres of the f Breckenridge Cannel Coal Companys e late addition to the city of Cloverport This land will make excellent build ¬ ing lets both on account of location and drainage I NEED MORE HANDS NOW 1More Tomatoes Delivered at Can ¬ nery and Preparations Made I for Big Run The Polk Packing Companyn can ¬ nery was in operation several days last week and several thousand cans of tomatoes were put up The rain caused the delivery of the tomatoes to be a little slow and although only about half a force of hands were em ¬ ployed it was sufficient to handle what tomatoes were delivered During the days last week when the caanery preparationst f Thouasnds of can were placed in the factory last week and as the delivery of the tomatoes is improving a larger j 7 number of hands will be employed this week The capacity of the factory is 30000 cans per day and the scarcity j of the tomatoes just at present pre- vents ¬ these many from being oannedI I The rain of four or five weeks ago I damaged the crop and caused a part of it to rot The piping in the well at the can- nery ¬ has been bursfed and Styles Morgan are drilling another well BOTH LABORED FOR THE GOOD Mrs Martha E Varble Of Owens boro Passes Away In This City MRS NANCY JPULLIAM DEAD I Mrs Martha E Varble died at the home of her daughter Mrs J O Stevens of this city at 11 oclock Sunday mrrnlng of dropsy superin duced by Brights disease The funeral was held from the family residence at 2 oclock Monday afternoon and the interment was in the Cloverport cem ¬ etery The services were conducted by Rev J F Vines of the Baptist church of this city in the presence of relatives and friends of tne diseased in this city and from Owensboro and other points Mrs Varble was a widow her hus band J C Varble having died about twenty years ago She was born in OMham county in 1847 but has resid ¬ ed in Owensooro during the greater part of her life About six months ago she came to this city fur net health and has since resided with Mr and Mrs btevens The following children are the near- est ¬ relatives of Mrs Varble Mrs J 10 Stevens of this city Walter and Clay Varble of Owensboro Pink Varble and Mrs Robt Babcock of LouisvilleMrs also leaves three half sisters They are Mrs David Adams and Mrs D Mercer of Owensboro and Mrs Hocker of Pateaville Mrs Varble had been in failing health for several years She had not been bedfast but a part of the time Thursday evening she became muchI worse and was not able to speak She knew that her death was near and was prepared At the age of fifteen Mrs Varblo was united with the Third Baptist church at Owensboru She was aI devoted Christian and a most excellent woman She bore her illness witbI great patience and was loved by allI who knew her- Summons Was Sudden Hardinsburg Kvf Sept lSpeoI I ial Mrs Nancy J Pnlliam widow I of Joseph R Pulliam died at herC home near this place very suddenly t on Tuesday morning Aug 25 Heart trouble was the cause though she had I been in her usual health apparently The funeral services were held at the M E church South the pastor Rev W F Hogard conducting the services The interment was in the 4 Hardinsburg ceaetery The deceas ed leaves two sons James of this place and John of St Louis Mo to mourn her loss Mrs Pulliam was a devoted Chris tian woman and a member for many years of the M E church South at this place Her whole life was spent in faihfnl devotion to duty and all her influence was always on the side of the rightI One of the Best Meetings Irvington Ky Sept 1Special- The j ladles Mission Society of tne ElIzabethtown District was in session J here Saturday and Sunday I The meeting was well attended and was the best one held for sometime I i More delegates and societies were represented than at any former meet- Ing Mrs Bettie Whitehead thatI i very efficient officer was present andI that in itself was enough to make i the meeting good Miss Tula Daniels was just in her element in the miss ionary work and a very rare treat was enjoyed when Dr Julia Donahue was on the platform The meetings closed Sunday evening by a sermon from Rev Russell of Big Spring A Purgative Pleasure If you ever took DeWitts Little Early Risers for biliousness or con ¬ t stipation you know what a purgative I pleasure is These pleasant little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without producing unpleasant effects They do not gripe sicken or weaken but give tone and strength to the tissues and organs in ¬ a volved W H Howell of Houston Tex says No better Pills can be used than Little Early Risers for constipation sick headache etc Sold by All Druggists SECURE NEW INDUSTRY Citizens of Cloverport Become Stockholders i in Machine Shops and Foundry That Will Locate Here WILL BE A BIG THING FOR THE TOWN Cloverport has secured another new industry in the way of a machine shops and foundry The affair will be strictly local as it will be owned and managed bv local parties ft will be capitalized and incorporated and will probably be known us the Christian Machine Shops and Found- ry ¬ Its name however will be decided upon later by the stockholders The new concern will repair all kinds of machinery and manufacture wire goods Repairs on farming and household implements and machinery used in all kinds of manufacturing plants will be made here and work formerly done in St Louis Owensboro and Louisville for parties and firms in this part of the State will be done here This will be a big saving for those who have had the worK done and at the same time will bring mon ¬ ey Into the town The L H St L Railroad Company has already promised the plant all the work that it has previously sent to St Louis and Louisville As the Henderson Route shops are located here the work done by the foundry for the shops can be secured at less expeuse and in less time than formerly The railroad shops in the last tew years has had all its castings made in outside cities This item alone will be a big thing for the new foundry Mr Madison L Christian of Louis- ville ¬ owns sixty shares in the new concern and the remaining sixty are owned by local parties Mr Chris- tian was born in this city and will move bucK here witli his family He is a son of Dr Christian a former Cloverport citizen who in the fifties conducted some of the most enthusias ¬ tic revivals ever held in this part of the State Mr Christian is a man of enterprise and high principles More ¬ over he is a good business man and an experienced machinist He has 1 peen in tnis business for years and in conversant with it in every depart- ment ¬ He will make an excellent citizen and is welcomed to Clover port Mr Christians love for his old home and the enterprise and busi- ness ¬ foresight of the citizens of NAVE BOOKED BIG ORDERS Output of Roofing Tile Factory Will Have to be Increased to Meet Demand The starting up of the Murray Roofing Tile Cos factory is still prevented by the delayed shipment of some of the necessary machinery from Bnnyrus O They had up steam last week to test the machinery All- ot it is in very good order except toe shafting which will need some re- pairing ¬ It is probable that the fac ¬ tory will not be in operation before the last of this month The Company has had to cancel three big orders for tiling as it could nct fill them i In time One of the orders was from Birmingham Ala While the delay in starting up the factory has caused this loss to the company the big orders received for the product have shown that the demand from all parts of the country will be such that when the factory is in operation the output will have to be great to meet it The factory will employ thirty or forty men this fall but next year the payroll will have to be increased as the demand for the product is be ¬ coming greater every year Buys Cottage In Woodland Irvington Ky Sept 1Spenlal John Henry has purcnased the cot- tage ¬ in Woodland of Mr Montgomery and will move here in October Con- sideration ¬ 1450 Arm Broken by Fall Union Star Ky Sept ISpeclal Howard Pute a young boy fell from fence Sunday and broke his right arm Drs Milner set the bone and the boy is doing well FoLElor x TAR facbttdr ataala awn No aplata Cloverport have led to this city secur ¬ foundryThe tried to induce Mr Christian to locate in that city It is a beautiful place as Mr Christian says but he is a Kentuckian and old Kentucky i s the best place on earth for him He was here last month to confer with the citizens in regard to the matter of locating a machine shops and foundry here A public meeting was held and much enthusiasm shownas all realiz ¬ ed the benefit that Cloverport would derive from such an industry Stock waj liberally subscribed by the citi- zens ¬ and Mr Christian annnounced that he would locate here as soon as all necessary arrangements could be madeThe following letter in part was received from Mr Christian by Mar Ion Wen therholt last week Franklin 0 Ang27 1003 M Weatherholt Esq Dear Sit I closed deal here yesterday for machi- nery ¬ and building 30 x 60 feet frame in good condition I took the build ¬ ing to get all the machinery and got more machinery than I had hoped for The building will make a good found- ry building At present I am wreck ¬ ing it and will ship it the fore part of next week Please rent a good house of seven or night rooms for me and I will order furniture shipped at once Hoping to see you soon and to be a citizen of Cloverport I am Yours truly I Madison L Christian Mr Christian has two sons who are machinists and will worn in the foundry His brother Mr Nobe Christian who is an evangelist may I move to this city with his family also The location for the machine shops and foundry has not been determined upon yet The Industry will be oper- ated ¬ on a small plan at first bpt the patronage it is expected to receive will steadily increase and then the plant will have to be enlarged and more labor employed The manage ¬ ment hopes to have it in operation within the next sixty days VISIT WYANDOTTE CAVE Party of TwentyFive Left Monday on the Thomas to See the Oreat Natural Wonder A party of twenty five boarded the steamer John W Thomas at this point Monday afternoon for Leavenworth From there they will og to Wyandotte Cave and will traverse the largest avenues and rooms in this great na ¬ tural wonder They expect to return today or tomorrow The party was composed of the following persons Miss Annie Hambleton of Sorgho Miss Connie Williams of Hawesvill Misses Kate and Mary Oglesby Stella and Cleona Weatherholt Georgia White Josie Raitt Ethel Oelze Mamie DeHaven Mnnle Gregory Ruth Haynes and Julia Hills Isles dames G W Short S P Conrad and Fannie Lisbon and Messrs Shelby Conrad C E Lightfoot Lafe Behen Wallace and Carl Llehen Leon Greg ¬ ory O T Skillman Wickllffe De Haven and Sam Conrad of this city Wyandotte Cave lion twentythree miles of explored underground passa ¬ ges and a number of unexplored branches It as stalactites and stata ¬ gmites are among the most beautiful in the world and in this respect it excells Mammoth Cave Is Now at Hawesvllle Chas Rice was at Hawesvllle last week with his floating picture gallery boat He has at last got started on his trip to the Worlds Fair He will take pictures at points along the low ¬ er Ohio and the upper Mississippi and at the Worlds Fair For the greater part of the past year Mr Rice has Ijeen taking photographs in Cloverp ort and vicinity and hits made many friends while here who wish him sac ¬ cess on his trip TO ORGANIZE IN NOVEMBER Baptist Churches of This County- to Have an Association- of Their Own MEET AT CLOVER CREEK CHURCH Tnt Baptist delegates who met in Hardinsburg Aug 24 us published in the News were from the following churches Clover Creek Friendship Gurfieid Goshen Hardlnsbnrg Hites Run Lost Run New Bethel Steph enjport and Walnut Grove The fol ¬ lowing are the resolutions that were adopted Resolved That we recommend that each of the said churches and such others as so desire cause to be placed in their letters to the Associa ¬ tion a request for letters of dismission Resolved That the churches receiv ¬ ing letters of dismission be requested to appoint messengers to bear their letters of dismission and meet In council at Clover Creek church on Nov 27 1003at 11 oclock a m for the purpose of organizing an assocla tion and transacting such business as may be necessary for the successful working of the body during its first yearResolved That the brethren com ¬ posing the council now convened be requested to lay the matters hereIn contained before their respective churchesResolved That Goshen Salem and Perry connty Ind associations be requested to send brethren to sit with us in council at the above named time and place and aid us in effect ¬ ing the new organization in regular orderResolved FurtherTnat committee be now appointed to prepare suitable articles of faith and constitution and bylaws and present them for cousin ¬ eration of the body that shall convene to organize the new association here in contemplated C M Payne clerk Beat His Hoard Bill Jatiief Casey was arrested and taken oefore Justice Rodmaon yesterday on the charge of beating Jys board bill at Mrs Ida Wares house to the amount of J8 The case was continu ¬ ed and he went to jail to await his trial next Wednesday Saturdays Owensboro Messenger James Kasey was arrested in this city Friday and taken to Owensborn by Marshal Willi- sImportant Council Meeting The city council will meet In regu- lar ¬ session next Monday night This will be an important meeting as the report of the committee appointed to investigate the legality of issuing bonds for waterworks and the cost of same is due to be made The called meeting have been held last week was not held as City Clerk Oelze was not in the city and most of the councilmen were absent Became III While on Visit Miss Alberta Hilton of Lancaster who has been the guest of W H Lynch of Mattingly returned home Monday She became ill while on her visit and was accompanied home by Mrs Lynch Friday evening Mr and Mrs Lynch entertained a number of young people in honor of Miss Hilton Plalndealer Improving The Hawesvllle Plalndealer under new management and in new form is rapidly Improving Will Sterrett son of the late publisher Jeff Sterrett is editing the paper Sam Jackson of Hawesville Is a new contributor both in prose and verse Tom Caley Seriously Hurt Glenwood Iowa Aug 98Thom- as ¬ Caley of Owensboro Ky was seriously hurt here by a runaway team He was unconscious fourteen hours and may not recover His rel- atives at Owensboro have been noti ¬ tied No news has been received In this city by Mrs John Burk Mr Caleys sister and it is thought that the dis ¬ patch is an error Mr Caley as is wellknown resided in this city for years TO BE SOLD IN TEN DAYS Is Patton Brick Yard if Wages of Employes Are Not Paid After Judgment F TRIAL IS SET FOR MONDAY t The trial of the suits brought against the Perfect Combustion Com- pany of America and the Central Clay Product Company by twenty ¬ nine former employes of the Patton brick yard for wages for labor per ¬ formed is set for next Monday before Police Judge Wills In the city court If judgment against the two compa ¬ nies named is secured by the plain ¬ tiffs and the claims are not paid an p execution will be served and the Pat ton bncK yard will be sold in order to secure the amounts for which the com ¬ panies areinsolvent As yet the defendants have not filed an answer to the suits but this can be done by motion on the day of the trialThe following Is a list of tne claims and the plaintiffs Juke Weatherholt 15804 David Swearns Jr f20 H L Stader f34 50 Sam Deane f 5 James Rickotts 3 Court Babbage Jr 2 Marvle Green p02Tohn R Hyde 1180 John Cummings 675 Will Jarboe 819 Charles Worley 1275 Ander son DeHaven 812 Horace Newton 8 iJ85 Henry Parson 975 Wm Pine 14 John Board 825 A F Farber tOOO R Williams 18 30 George Graham 1225 James Pleas ¬ ant 454 Tom Singleton I Ell Walker 375 Clyde Sanders f4 i John W Allen 11020 E H Weath ruAt 14 40 J R Polk 1100 Matt Harper 10 Loge Fisher 8 74 George Weatherholt 140 Erby Hanks 750 The claims filed in the Breckenridge Circuit Court are as previously pub ¬ lished Chas E Ken 211 David H Swearns Mr 185 i and Chas Bohler 155 Hal Murray of this city nUll Gus Brown of Hardinsburg attorneys for the plaintiffs are confident of win- Ing ¬ their cases The outcome of the trial is causing much speculation and the court room will be parsed next Monday to hear the arguments in the rases The Genuine vs Counterfeits The genuine is always better than a counterfeit but the truth of this statement is never more forcibly re- alized ¬ or more thoroughly appreciated than when you compare the genuine DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve with the many counterfeits and worthless sub ¬ stitutes that are on the market W S Ledbetter of Shrevesport La saysII After using numerous other remedies without benefit one box of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cured me IIFor blind bleeding itching and protruding piles no remedy Is equal to DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve Sold by All Druggists County Teachers Institute Hardinsburg Ky Sept1Speclal The teachers institute will be held here during tho week beginning Sept 28 Prof J C Willis of Lexington will be the instructor assisted by Mrs Olcott of Ellzabethtown Col George W Bain of Lexington will deliver two of his best known lectures dnrlng the week and the Ladies Aid Society will give an ice cream supper in the Court House Hall on the same evening First Visit In Eighteen Years Mrs William Evertou and two children of Wichita Kan are visit ¬ ing her sister Mrs Jeff Miller and brother J D Seaton Mrs Everton was born and reared in Breckenridge county This is her first visit home In eighteen years At present she is with her auntMrs Luther Hendricks Big Spring Wins Games Big Spring Ky SeptlSlleola1 The Big Spring ball team defeated the Irvington nine last Saturday morning in a game of 14 to 12 and defeated Buwleyvlllc In a game Satur ¬ day afternoon by a score of 21 to 6 Webster defeated the Woodland ball team he re Wednesday afternoon by the score of 20 to 13

The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1903-09-02 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j391f7m/data/0055.pdf · worse and was not able to speak She knew that her death was near and was prepared

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Page 1: The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1903-09-02 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j391f7m/data/0055.pdf · worse and was not able to speak She knew that her death was near and was prepared


7 h0 1 ir4ry r a fJ

hr o1A7d 1 If lp




New Buildings Nearing Comple ¬

tion and Others to

l be Erected



ifiDuring the past few weeks thereestateti A nnmber of choice building lots have

Sohanged hands the new buildingsare nearing completion and a number

k of citizens have announced their in ¬

1I1tlntluu of building business housesClover port in certainly enjoying anoth ¬

er onlldtng boom which is yet iniits infancy but will see the entireburned district rebuilt in a few yearsourtrwlll build who would not if Clovert

had not secured new industriesyear As everyone has remarked1111port thing leads to anotherT Heyser will erect two business

Iii houses on the part of the Jas Moor ¬

tman lot he bought from Short 8 Hay< nes He will conduct his restaurantIand confectionary in one and will

rrent the other Judson Coombs hasT spoken for part of the latter building

where he will locate his tonsorialparlors He contemplates putting ina number of bath rooms which willbe rented to the public

Dr F L Lightfoots new officebuilding will consist of four roomsand be a model of convenience Thebuilding will be a brick structureand will have a porch on one side ex ¬

tending the length of the buildingDr Lightfoot will reserve part of thebuilding for his own use

r It is now almost a certainty thatW Cloverport will have a new hotel to

be built by u local party If all tnearrangements now under considera ¬

i tlon can be made the hotel will be acertainty Further particulars willbe given when every arrangement iscompleted

f Conrad Sippel bought the Wm Beavin lot frontage twenty two feet onthe north side of Main street Tnelot is the second one on the east sideof Fred Mays butcher shop MrSippel bought it at Commissionerssale and contemplates building a shoe

J shop for his cwn use

F T Heysers new residence on

ttFIrst street and the two residenceson Main street built by the Cloverport Rent Estate and ImprovementCompany are nearing completioncompanyst

fselfilton lot Ht will complete it himI


The Cloverport Real Estate and Im ¬

provement Company is now waitingfor a deed to the Reid lot east of Pate

Oelzus grainary and are contemplate ¬

i ing the purchase of five acres of thef Breckenridge Cannel Coal Companyse late addition to the city of Cloverport

This land will make excellent build ¬

ing lets both on account of locationand drainage


1More Tomatoes Delivered at Can ¬

nery and Preparations MadeI

for Big Run

The Polk Packing Companyn can ¬

nery was in operation several dayslast week and several thousand cans oftomatoes were put up The raincaused the delivery of the tomatoes tobe a little slow and although onlyabout half a force of hands were em ¬

ployed it was sufficient to handle whattomatoes were delivered Duringthe days last week when the caanery

preparationstf Thouasnds of can were placed in the

factory last week and as the deliveryof the tomatoes is improving a larger j

7 number of hands will be employedthis week The capacity of the factoryis 30000 cans per day and the scarcity j

of the tomatoes just at present pre-


these many from being oannedI I

The rain of four or five weeks ago I

damaged the crop and caused a partof it to rot

The piping in the well at the can-


has been bursfed and StylesMorgan are drilling another well



Mrs Martha E Varble Of Owens

boro Passes Away In

This City



Mrs Martha E Varble died at thehome of her daughter Mrs J OStevens of this city at 11 oclockSunday mrrnlng of dropsy superinduced by Brights disease The funeralwas held from the family residence at2 oclock Monday afternoon and theinterment was in the Cloverport cem ¬

etery The services were conductedby Rev J F Vines of the Baptistchurch of this city in the presence ofrelatives and friends of tne diseased inthis city and from Owensboro andother points

Mrs Varble was a widow her husband J C Varble having died abouttwenty years ago She was born inOMham county in 1847 but has resid ¬

ed in Owensooro during the greaterpart of her life About six monthsago she came to this city fur nethealth and has since resided with Mrand Mrs btevens

The following children are the near-est


relatives of Mrs Varble Mrs J10 Stevens of this city Walter andClay Varble of Owensboro PinkVarble and Mrs Robt Babcock of

LouisvilleMrsalso leaves three half

sisters They are Mrs David Adamsand Mrs D Mercer of Owensboroand Mrs Hocker of Pateaville

Mrs Varble had been in failinghealth for several years She had notbeen bedfast but a part of the timeThursday evening she became muchIworse and was not able to speakShe knew that her death was near andwas prepared

At the age of fifteen Mrs Varblowas united with the Third Baptistchurch at Owensboru She was aIdevoted Christian and a most excellentwoman She bore her illness witbIgreat patience and was loved by allIwho knew her-

Summons Was Sudden

Hardinsburg Kvf Sept lSpeoII

ial Mrs Nancy J Pnlliam widowI

of Joseph R Pulliam died at herChome near this place very suddenly

ton Tuesday morning Aug 25 Hearttrouble was the cause though she had


been in her usual health apparentlyThe funeral services were held at

the M E church South the pastorRev W F Hogard conducting theservices The interment was in the


Hardinsburg ceaetery The deceased leaves two sons James of thisplace and John of St Louis Mo tomourn her loss

Mrs Pulliam was a devoted Christian woman and a member for manyyears of the M E church South atthis place Her whole life was spentin faihfnl devotion to duty and allher influence was always on the sideof therightIOne of the Best Meetings

Irvington Ky Sept 1Special-The


ladles Mission Society of tneElIzabethtown District was in session J

here Saturday and Sunday I

The meeting was well attended andwas the best one held for sometime Ii

More delegates and societies wererepresented than at any former meet-Ing Mrs Bettie Whitehead thatI i

very efficient officer was present andIthat in itself was enough to make i

the meeting good Miss Tula Danielswas just in her element in the missionary work and a very rare treatwas enjoyed when Dr Julia Donahuewas on the platform The meetingsclosed Sunday evening by a sermonfrom Rev Russell of Big Spring

A Purgative Pleasure

If you ever took DeWitts LittleEarly Risers for biliousness or con ¬ t

stipation you know what a purgative I

pleasure is These pleasant littlepills cleanse the liver and rid thesystem of all bile without producingunpleasant effects They do not gripesicken or weaken but give tone andstrength to the tissues and organs in ¬ avolved W H Howell of HoustonTex says No better Pills can beused than Little Early Risers forconstipation sick headache etcSold by All Druggists


Citizens of Cloverport Become Stockholders iin

Machine Shops and Foundry That

Will Locate Here


Cloverport has secured another newindustry in the way of a machineshops and foundry The affair willbe strictly local as it will be ownedand managed bv local parties ftwill be capitalized and incorporatedand will probably be known us theChristian Machine Shops and Found-ry


Its name however will be decidedupon later by the stockholders

The new concern will repair allkinds of machinery and manufacturewire goods Repairs on farming andhousehold implements and machineryused in all kinds of manufacturingplants will be made here and workformerly done in St Louis Owensboroand Louisville for parties and firmsin this part of the State will be donehere This will be a big saving forthose who have had the worK doneand at the same time will bring mon ¬

ey Into the town The L H StL Railroad Company has alreadypromised the plant all the work thatit has previously sent to St Louis andLouisville As the Henderson Routeshops are located here the work doneby the foundry for the shops can besecured at less expeuse and in lesstime than formerly The railroadshops in the last tew years has hadall its castings made in outside citiesThis item alone will be a big thingfor the new foundry

Mr Madison L Christian of Louis-ville


owns sixty shares in the newconcern and the remaining sixty areowned by local parties Mr Chris-tian was born in this city and willmove bucK here witli his family Heis a son of Dr Christian a formerCloverport citizen who in the fiftiesconducted some of the most enthusias ¬

tic revivals ever held in this part ofthe State Mr Christian is a man ofenterprise and high principles More ¬

over he is a good business man andan experienced machinist He has1peen in tnis business for years and inconversant with it in every depart-ment


He will make an excellentcitizen and is welcomed to Cloverport Mr Christians love for hisold home and the enterprise and busi-ness


foresight of the citizens of


Output of Roofing Tile Factory WillHave to be Increased to

Meet Demand

The starting up of the MurrayRoofing Tile Cos factory is stillprevented by the delayed shipment ofsome of the necessary machinery fromBnnyrus O They had up steam lastweek to test the machinery All-ot it is in very good order except toeshafting which will need some re-


It is probable that the fac ¬

tory will not be in operation beforethe last of this month The Companyhas had to cancel three big ordersfor tiling as it could nct fill them iIntime One of the orders was fromBirmingham Ala While the delayin starting up the factory has causedthis loss to the company the bigorders received for the product haveshown that the demand from all partsof the country will be such thatwhen the factory is in operation theoutput will have to be great to meetit The factory will employ thirtyor forty men this fall but next yearthe payroll will have to be increasedas the demand for the product is be ¬

coming greater every year

Buys Cottage In Woodland

Irvington Ky Sept 1SpenlalJohn Henry has purcnased the cot-


in Woodland of Mr Montgomeryand will move here in October Con-



Arm Broken by Fall

Union Star Ky Sept ISpeclalHoward Pute a young boy fell fromfence Sunday and broke his right

arm Drs Milner set the bone and theboy is doing well

FoLElor x TARfacbttdr ataala awn No aplata

Cloverport have led to this city secur ¬

foundryThetried to induce Mr Christian to locatein that city It is a beautiful placeas Mr Christian says but he is aKentuckian and old Kentucky i s thebest place on earth for him He washere last month to confer with thecitizens in regard to the matter oflocating a machine shops and foundryhere A public meeting was held andmuch enthusiasm shownas all realiz ¬

ed the benefit that Cloverport wouldderive from such an industry Stockwaj liberally subscribed by the citi-zens


and Mr Christian annnouncedthat he would locate here as soon asall necessary arrangements could be

madeThefollowing letter in part was

received from Mr Christian by MarIon Wen therholt last week

Franklin 0 Ang27 1003M Weatherholt Esq Dear Sit

I closed deal here yesterday for machi-nery


and building 30 x 60 feet framein good condition I took the build ¬

ing to get all the machinery and gotmore machinery than I had hoped forThe building will make a good found-ry building At present I am wreck ¬

ing it and will ship it the fore partof next week

Please rent a good house of sevenor night rooms for me and I will orderfurniture shipped at once

Hoping to see you soon and to bea citizen of Cloverport I am Yourstruly I

Madison L ChristianMr Christian has two sons who are

machinists and will worn in thefoundry His brother Mr NobeChristian who is an evangelist may I

move to this city with his family alsoThe location for the machine shops

and foundry has not been determinedupon yet The Industry will be oper-


on a small plan at first bpt thepatronage it is expected to receivewill steadily increase and then theplant will have to be enlarged andmore labor employed The manage ¬

ment hopes to have it in operationwithin the next sixty days


Party of TwentyFive Left Monday

on the Thomas to See theOreat Natural Wonder

A party of twenty five boarded thesteamer John W Thomas at this pointMonday afternoon for LeavenworthFrom there they will og to WyandotteCave and will traverse the largestavenues and rooms in this great na ¬

tural wonder They expect to returntoday or tomorrow The party wascomposed of the following personsMiss Annie Hambleton of SorghoMiss Connie Williams of HawesvillMisses Kate and Mary Oglesby Stellaand Cleona Weatherholt GeorgiaWhite Josie Raitt Ethel OelzeMamie DeHaven Mnnle GregoryRuth Haynes and Julia Hills Islesdames G W Short S P Conrad andFannie Lisbon and Messrs ShelbyConrad C E Lightfoot Lafe BehenWallace and Carl Llehen Leon Greg ¬

ory O T Skillman Wickllffe DeHaven and Sam Conrad of this city

Wyandotte Cave lion twentythreemiles of explored underground passa ¬

ges and a number of unexploredbranches It as stalactites and stata ¬

gmites are among the most beautifulin the world and in this respect itexcells Mammoth Cave

Is Now at Hawesvllle

Chas Rice was at Hawesvllle lastweek with his floating picture galleryboat He has at last got started onhis trip to the Worlds Fair He willtake pictures at points along the low ¬

er Ohio and the upper Mississippi andat the Worlds Fair For the greaterpart of the past year Mr Rice hasIjeen taking photographs in Cloverp ortand vicinity and hits made manyfriends while here who wish him sac ¬

cess on his trip



Baptist Churches of This County-

to Have an Association-

of Their Own


Tnt Baptist delegates who met inHardinsburg Aug 24 us published inthe News were from the followingchurches Clover Creek FriendshipGurfieid Goshen Hardlnsbnrg HitesRun Lost Run New Bethel Stephenjport and Walnut Grove The fol ¬

lowing are the resolutions that wereadopted

Resolved That we recommendthat each of the said churches andsuch others as so desire cause to beplaced in their letters to the Associa ¬

tion a request for letters of dismissionResolved That the churches receiv ¬

ing letters of dismission be requestedto appoint messengers to bear theirletters of dismission and meet Incouncil at Clover Creek church onNov 27 1003at 11 oclock a m forthe purpose of organizing an assoclation and transacting such businessas may be necessary for the successfulworking of the body during its first

yearResolvedThat the brethren com ¬

posing the council now convened berequested to lay the matters hereIncontained before their respectivechurchesResolved

That Goshen Salem andPerry connty Ind associations berequested to send brethren to sit withus in council at the above namedtime and place and aid us in effect ¬

ing the new organization in regular

orderResolvedFurtherTnat committee

be now appointed to prepare suitablearticles of faith and constitution andbylaws and present them for cousin ¬

eration of the body that shall conveneto organize the new association herein contemplated

C M Payne clerk

Beat His Hoard Bill

Jatiief Casey was arrested and takenoefore Justice Rodmaon yesterday onthe charge of beating Jys board billat Mrs Ida Wares house to theamount of J8 The case was continu ¬

ed and he went to jail to await histrial next Wednesday Saturdays

Owensboro MessengerJames Kasey was arrested in this

city Friday and taken to Owensbornby Marshal Willi-

sImportant Council Meeting

The city council will meet In regu-lar


session next Monday night Thiswill be an important meeting as thereport of the committee appointed toinvestigate the legality of issuingbonds for waterworks and the costof same is due to be made Thecalled meeting have been held lastweek was not held as City ClerkOelze was not in the city and most ofthe councilmen were absent

Became III While on Visit

Miss Alberta Hilton of Lancasterwho has been the guest of W HLynch of Mattingly returned homeMonday She became ill while on hervisit and was accompanied home byMrs Lynch Friday evening Mr andMrs Lynch entertained a number ofyoung people in honor of Miss Hilton

Plalndealer Improving

The Hawesvllle Plalndealer undernew management and in new formis rapidly Improving Will Sterrettson of the late publisher Jeff Sterrettis editing the paper Sam Jacksonof Hawesville Is a new contributorboth in prose and verse

Tom Caley Seriously Hurt

Glenwood Iowa Aug 98Thom-as


Caley of Owensboro Ky wasseriously hurt here by a runawayteam He was unconscious fourteenhours and may not recover His rel-atives at Owensboro have been noti ¬


No news has been received In thiscity by Mrs John Burk Mr Caleyssister and it is thought that the dis ¬

patch is an error Mr Caley as iswellknown resided in this city foryears



Is Patton Brick Yard if Wages

of Employes Are Not Paid

After Judgment




The trial of the suits broughtagainst the Perfect Combustion Com-pany of America and the CentralClay Product Company by twenty ¬

nine former employes of the Pattonbrick yard for wages for labor per ¬

formed is set for next Monday beforePolice Judge Wills In the city courtIf judgment against the two compa ¬

nies named is secured by the plain ¬

tiffs and the claims are not paid an p

execution will be served and the Patton bncK yard will be sold in order tosecure the amounts for which the com ¬

panies areinsolventAs yet the defendants have not filed

an answer to the suits but this canbe done by motion on the day of thetrialThe

following Is a list of tne claimsand the plaintiffs

Juke Weatherholt 15804 DavidSwearns Jr f20 H L Stader f3450 Sam Deane f5 James Rickotts

3 Court Babbage Jr 2 MarvleGreen p02Tohn R Hyde 1180John Cummings 675 Will Jarboe

819 Charles Worley 1275 Anderson DeHaven 812 Horace Newton

8iJ85 Henry Parson 975 WmPine 14 John Board 825 A FFarber tOOO R Williams 18 30George Graham 1225 James Pleas ¬

ant 454 Tom Singleton I EllWalker 375 Clyde Sanders f4 i

John W Allen 11020 E H WeathruAt 14 40 J R Polk 1100Matt Harper 10 Loge Fisher 8 74George Weatherholt 140 ErbyHanks 750

The claims filed in the BreckenridgeCircuit Court are as previously pub ¬

lished Chas E Ken 211 DavidH Swearns Mr 185 i and ChasBohler 155

Hal Murray of this city nUll GusBrown of Hardinsburg attorneys forthe plaintiffs are confident of win-Ing


their cases The outcome of thetrial is causing much speculationand the court room will be parsednext Monday to hear the argumentsin the rases

The Genuine vs Counterfeits

The genuine is always better thana counterfeit but the truth of thisstatement is never more forcibly re-


or more thoroughly appreciatedthan when you compare the genuineDeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve with themany counterfeits and worthless sub ¬

stitutes that are on the market WS Ledbetter of Shrevesport LasaysII After using numerous otherremedies without benefit one box ofDeWitts Witch Hazel Salve curedme IIFor blind bleeding itchingand protruding piles no remedy Isequal to DeWitts Witch Hazel SalveSold by All Druggists

County Teachers InstituteHardinsburg Ky Sept1SpeclalThe teachers institute will be held

here during tho week beginning Sept28 Prof J C Willis of Lexingtonwill be the instructor assisted byMrs Olcott of Ellzabethtown ColGeorge W Bain of Lexington willdeliver two of his best known lecturesdnrlng the week and the Ladies AidSociety will give an ice cream supperin the Court House Hall on the sameevening

First Visit In Eighteen Years

Mrs William Evertou and twochildren of Wichita Kan are visit ¬

ing her sister Mrs Jeff Miller andbrother J D Seaton Mrs Evertonwas born and reared in Breckenridgecounty This is her first visit homeIn eighteen years At present she iswith her auntMrs Luther Hendricks

Big Spring Wins Games

Big Spring Ky SeptlSlleola1The Big Spring ball team defeated

the Irvington nine last Saturdaymorning in a game of 14 to 12 anddefeated Buwleyvlllc In a game Satur ¬

day afternoon by a score of 21 to 6

Webster defeated the Woodland ballteam he re Wednesday afternoon bythe score of 20 to 13