i + y yntwr h w n AMtr t j I y l L I I t I1JII 01 IIIo III 101 I Q Q BEST ° t ill has the cream blend flavor Cream li U blend flour flour In buying flour its II ny n j because it has cream blend It is 1 BEST because it is a perfect fl- ouriIt is BEST because it has been weighed in the balance and has al ¬ ways met the requirements in the- o best homes It is BEST becausea u I it is made of the choicest winter wheat and invarably makes the most delibiour and nurishing bread rolls biscuits cakes pastries Etc i Ask your grocer for Lewisport Hills 1 111 HI BEST FLOUR ° El and have no otheJ E FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS ° I Q LEWISPORT MILL COMPANY g lt1JLEWISPORT KENTUCKY llli- II E t0 111 la i 111 10II 0 t I RURAL TELEPHONES n J Mr Farmer are you interested If so call on the 5j manager of tho Cumberland Telephone Telegraph Company and have him explain tho special Far jfe S Ssuers Line rate x r t CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE Incorporated TELEGRAPH 1 I Real Estate Department Do you want to buy a farm or businees I If you do you may find just what you need in this department If you are interest- ed ¬ in any of the following proprieties write us at onto for owner mime and address If none of these places suit you write usut once telling us what you want and where you want it and let us introduce you to the man who has the very property yo are looking for Wo recommend the following properties as being productive and fair in price Do You Want to Sell your farm or business If you want cash for your property send price and description at once and loti us show you how wo bring buyer and seller together This department is conducted solely for the purpose of enabling f buyers and sellers of farms or business proprieties to make quick sales Jno D Babbage Sales 6000 A Year A splendid business stand store- house stock of goods good will etcI Annual s tics 5000 to 6000 a yearI Post office in connection which pIYS about 120 per year Three miles from railroad station on the branch Her is a fine opportunity for a mm with j n small cipitxl to drop right into a goo 1 business For further particulars write JNO D BAUBAGE Cloverport Kv < 950 aE cres on HtirtllnHbun and 3 3 > t Kails of alnklii road 2 mllns onestorydwcUln ti I blacksmith Miiop nil necessary outhomos 180 acre under cultivation and pasture acres In tluilwr white oak bluuk oak beech and sugar tree all good size Ilonty of Kood water tho year round Ono thlyd cash and good easy terms on balance Cnn 7j acres situated 1H idles from pOUU Molt Joins Gilbo Pierce Hideo land In Rood shape good foucluff one good dwel ¬ ling house 3 roomy 1 good cistern 1 bar pondsThis acres In timber white ak sugar tree and beech balance cleared Plenty of good fruit- Good road to StophensportBW miles and goo i road to Hoi IK miles This farm Is not worn out it Is good land and In good fix Just the farm for u man with a small family I AvenueWoll Si I 750 lbb acres on Hardlnsburg and milesCram alld11tCJod beets good tie timber bhauled elunrl both bottom and hill Suitable for tobacco and fruit r yend ° easy payments > I FOR SdEA farm contuinhig2 ucresan e l flveft it store room over It two pool stock burns i peachtrues all kinds of small trolls Including u nice rlesredbulnnde tcwire L II St L utlong COn SALE A splendid stand for a druggist 1and surroundep tbo place for soon young physician to stop businessi e Is the reason for selling Kor further partie Cloverpurl J IMV1UJitli1 r 1Ii1H21- i IANNUAL MEETING I I Travelers Protective Association I I I II j i I f t Railway1t thist riv I 5 I opportunity of going to Asheville and visiting the beautiful tml ous section of Western North Carolina j Ask any Southern Railway Ticket Agent for fare and mountainI or write ale- x It x ° t I J C BEAM Jr A G P A I t ST LOUIS MO jjL I ri1 i o = II IIA Gentleman I From Mississippi By THOMAS A WISE JVoOclisctl From the Play by FredericK R Toombs COPYRIGHT 1DOO BY THOMAS A WISE CHAPTER XXIII THE DOSS OK THE SENATE GAINS A- NEW ALLY RS SPA GLER would bare flattered herself on guessing N correctly as to Senator Pen bodys uneasiness had she heard Und seen all that had taken place in his apartment at the Louis Napoleon hotel where ho had hurried ¬ ly taken Senator Stevens on leaving the Lnngdon house Not only would the two senators lose their Immense profits on the Attn coola transaction If Langdon persisted In his opposition but they would lose as well the thousands of dollars spent by their agents In purchasing options on hundreds of acres and where they could not get options the land itself This land would be on their hands un ¬ salable If the base went somewhere else Moreover they feared that Lang dons revolt would bring unpleasant newspaper publicity to their opera ¬ tons Theres only one course to pursue Stevens snapped Peabody as they toolc off their overcoats That is to be prepared as best we can for the very worst and meet it in some way yet to be determined But first we must try to figure out what Lan don r Is going to do what it can be that he says he will tell us to ¬ morrow at 1230 if we appear lie q must have some ¬ thing very star- tling ¬ up his sleeve if he makes good his assertions I cant see how Nor I frown cd Stevens and my political eye- sight is far bet tcrtuan that fool Langdons Un Im Qotmj to send for der ordinary clr Jake Stclncrt curastanccs we could let him go ahead with his mInor- ity I report for Gulf City but as things stand hell Intro every newspaper re ¬ porter in Washington buzzing around and asking impertinent questionst SYes and you and I would have to go to Paris to live with our life insur ante friends from New York wouldnt sarcasticallyu j5he Stelnert Stevens ejaculated What Oh thats all right Maybe he can suggest something said Peabody go ing to the telephone Weve too much at stake to make a mistake ar l Jake to may see n point that weve overlooked Luckily I saw him downstairs In the grill room ns we came through to the elevator Stelnert is nit right himscf con- tinued Stevens but his methods Caut bo too particular now about 1mbull j I political china shop Fortune and rep utntlon are both fragile the al of Jake Stelnert whose reputation as a lobbyist of advanced ability had spread wide In the twenty years he had spent In Washington Of medium be ed the doorway as ho entered An illy lip of as some of the language he used His eyes darted first to Peabody and then JJTto gThe my who swing the biggest deals con 10jcan OIline JQthey web of 0intrigue lured into the glistening meshesBe BeOnly too the legislators in the open in the hom tels and cafes and In the capitol corri rnU take SteInert did not belong in either of these classes ho ranked somewhere between the biggest and tho glHo of most expert knowledge of nil the IntrIB cute workings of tho congressional demechnnlsm ennmong cla the money in his own pocket and for = a comparatively small sum defeat it by influencing the employees through whose hands it must pass Sit down Juice Something to drink asked Peabody reaching for a tJ decauterj j No grunted the lobbyist dont drink durln business hours only durln tho day Welt Juke said the Pennsylvanian you probably know something of whats going on in tho naval affairs committeeYou the blggstjob of tho session Yes Sure thing senator Its tho work l of air artist J ii + t- q ii P t The boss of the senate smiled grimlyNow suppose n committeeman named Langdon absolutely refused to It i bo taken cure of and insisted on hand Ing in a minority report tomorrow with a speech that read like the Decla ¬ ration of Independence Steinert Jerked his head forwar- uickly You mean what would I do i- fwaserif I I was runnln the Job Yes Steinert leaned toward Peabody Where do I come In on this he welted suspiciously Come come man was the Irritable retort I never let a few dollars stand between myself and my friends All right senator The lobbyist thrust himself down In his chair putted slowly at n cigar and gazed thoughtfully at the ceiling Few years ago he began after a minute or two there was n feller who was goln to squeal about a bond Issue lie had his speech nil ready to warn he country that he thought a crowd of the plutocracy was ain to get tho to resell to the public at advanced lntesf l Well sir t ar ¬ V ranged to have a He was at the insane carriage a closed asylum carriage cell that night to take him see the president for he was told the president sent the carriage for him When he got out ho was at the Insane asylum an I can tell you he was bun- dled Into a padded cell lu Jig time where ho stayed for three days He thinks hes n member of congress I told this two huskies that handled him gave em each a twenty case note doctor that signed the necessary papers got considerable more Stevens gasp of amazement caused e narrator genuine enjoyment I know of a1 certain senator who was drunk an laid away in n Turkish bath when the roll was called on a cer- taIn ¬ bill ne was n friend of Pea odys laughed tlfe lobbyist to the MlsslsslpplanBut cast said Stevens we must be very careful Possibly some your methods In handling the men you go after Say Interposed Steinertuyou I dont do all pursuin all the In after any more than others In business Why senator some of these congressmen worry the life out us fouls that sprinkle the sugar hey accuse us of not lettln em In things when they havent been fed some time They come down the like greyhounds coursln a coy¬ e The speaker paused and glanced at Peabody who however was busily engaged In writing In a taduln book to notice him Why Senator Stevens went on lobbyist only today a down cast member held me up to tell mo that he was strong for that proposition to the A K and L railroad grunts government timber land In Oregon says to me ho says What n hl my constituents in New England about things way out on the Pa ¬ coast Id clvo em Yellowstone SEE Fresh fellable Puts Guarantied to Plecsa t Plantertbowutoattheeuperiorrierltaof EverY GlLdve r n NorLc ell < r< if Sel SPECICL CF 4i1 FOR 10 CENTS we rnll i lend postpaid our I COLLECTION Siphconay ent lea1ptDadf lollt AIM lawerlelbe Cholw IMK It f di We or + i dpaetlnr I thfr with ot N fw enA hy nriv in fl iH OHKAriCOJfl > 3 t IZGIJtOlrtl St f it J p r I National park for n freight sklln If twas tiny use to em he says So you see I must fie broke In Stevens ris ¬ ing amlplnnclii nt his watch It will soon bo daylight- If you must have sleep go but you must be here nt 0 oclock sharp In the morning wild Peabody Stelnert will sleep hero with me Well nil have breakfast together hero In m ro om s and consults tionYou wont plan really desperate Peabody will 1 I think Id rather Ste of course Our game will be to try to weaken Lang don to prove him tho morn ¬ that he alone Idwill suffer be Suppose namedocsnotwcakcnr do not appear 1 in the laud deals The options signed and the deeds signed by on agents Dont you see Whereas hi daughter and son and future soninlaw actually took laud In their own names elumsyia I Yes Such amateurism lowers the dignity of the United States senate Peabody answered dryly But suppose Lnngdon does not weaken asked Stevens anxiously na he picked up his hat and coat Then we will go Into action with our guns loaded the reply CHAPTER XXIV TilE lIONEYBIlll the African juugle dwells a pretty IN little bird that lives on honey The saccharine dainty is they found in the hollows of trees nn knowd as the carpenter ice bores and depos ¬ its his extract from the buds blossoms of the tropical forest nndI I The bird Is called the hoijeyblrd because it is a sure guide to the de posits of the delicacy The bird dis ¬ likes the laborious task of pecking its way through the bark to reach the honey and so wise in the ways of men It procures help It locates n nest of hooey files about until it 1It 1 to treasure store Following the j bird which tilts Just In advance the reach the cache of dripping sweetness I and readily lay it open with hatchets or knives Taking what they want there is always enough left clinging to the tree and easily accessible to sat ¬ isfy the appetite of the clover little bird = Senator Stevens of Mississippi bears a marked resem ¬ blance to the honeybirdsomuch has well won the birds appella ¬ tion for himself Abnormally keen at locating pos ¬ sibilities for ex- tracting ¬ honey from the govern mental affairs In Washington he Invariably led Peabody repro ¬ senting the hunt ¬ er with the ax to the repository He would then final ¬ anything you Nonsense ¬ vens not to in fug wer was then the rely on the Penn fjj i JJrior lStbrenk > eVC1lS barriers Stevens would flutter about find gather up the leavings Equally as mercenary as the boss of the senate he lacked Pcabodys iron nerve determination resourcefulness and daring He needed many hours of sleep Peabody could work twenty hours at a stretch He had to have his meals regularly or else suffer from indigestion Peabody sometimes did a days work on two boiled eggs and a cup of coffee The senior senator from Mississippi had been the first to point out to Pea body tho possibilities for profit in tho gulf naval base project but tho morn- ing St following the conference with Stelnert when he rejoined them for breakfast at the Louis Napoleon he was far from comfortable He did not mind fighting brain against brain even though unprincipled methods were resorted to but Indications were that more violent agencies would be called Into play owing to the complica ¬ tions that had arisen Stevens ate heartily to strengthen his courage SteInert ate hugely to a strengthen his body Peabody ate scarcely anything at allto strengthen brainWaving away the hotel waiter who had brought tho breakfast to his apartment Senator Peabody outlined p the probable campaign of the day If our best efforts to weaken qnd scare off Langdon fall today he said it wilt naturally develop that we mustI render It impossible in some WI1 him to appear in the senate at all or we must delay his arrival until after the report of tho committee on naval A1affulrs evout ho would not have another op ¬ portunity to speak on that subject = Of course later at 1230 we will canI act to the very point but we must be prepared for any situation that can J f ariseCannot the president of tho senate bo persuaded not to rccoznlae Lang tier Continued on page sven J I i iJ f KILL THE POUCH tr AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr Kings New Discoveryb 60oBkIaFoOa SOLDS Trial Bottle Free- ANDALLTIIfi0p7ANDLUNOTROUBLES GUARANTEED SATISFAOXOB OR MONEY REFUNDED IF it is the surest and safest place you want to have yourr watch repaired go to T C LEWIS her thes fittest collections of beautiful upto date JEWELRYx all good not shoddy at the l very lowest prices goldand silver can bo bought for Remember it is the same T C Lewis Come he is glad to welcome youand give you satisfaction 1 k TV C Lewis eNome Jeweler Hardinsburg Ky e- reROVSN STYLISH COMFORTABLE Tailor Made Clothes All the latest patterns for Suits and Trou ers in highgrade fob ¬ rics Clothes made by modern methods Fit guaranteed Mod emy ployed J Ii 1 HUNSCHEs- rMay Co Can eltonInd T 4 AJ r EXPERIENCEA A TRno1 lJ DESIGNSl1 i l1 COPYRIGHTS t1 Anyone lending a sketch und description may l tralclclr ascertain our opinion free whether an CommunlcattoneetrtctlyconddontlaL tent free Oldest aeencrror socurliitr patent receiveepeeial Scientific American- A t handsomely illustrated weekly Largest cir ¬ culation of any sclonttuo Journal Termtta a io years t our months SL Sold by all newsdealers YOIkDranch4tnce L If r ST L TIME TABLE 1 EAST HOUND OloverportSOT Stites and JUedora only arrive at lioulsvllle 725 A M No i43 Tally Mall and Kxpress leaves Olo rerportlOiOT A M stops at all way stations arrives 1 Train No 141 Dullyeast mall loaves Olu vorport 468 p m stops at all way stations atLoulnl11o accomctotatlon ¬ WEST BOUND accommodationloaves waystations retieloavoaClover Qawesvllle Lewlsport Mateo Owonsooro Rtanloy Qenderaon and Evansville strives IL1 Louis 750 p m 1 a Train No 143 Mall and Express dally ar ¬ rives Cloyerport 748 p m Evansvllle 1036 pm S fops at all stations No 145 daily St Louis fast train leaveaOlo AM IIawesvllleOwensboro Chair cars on trains 141 143 143 144 between it Louisville and Kransvllle Through sleeping r cars and free reclining cbalr cars on trains 145 andSt Fordsvllle Branch EASTBOUND Train No 2 dally except Hsndayj leaves Fordsvllle 800 au jrtlvea Irvington 840 Train leavesFoMsv111o 6180pTrain t Fordyillo700 a m Irvlnitton996 a in WEST BOUND vIrvlngton mTrain pm 1 r W M CASPER k DENTIST k Oloverport every Wednesday and Tuurf day ntir LfglitfootsOSSleer H JDeip DOORMAN > i itT > ilAibrney + at Law I HARDINSBURG kY t theOourW Jr Special attention given to collection LlcellaetO Qaice over flank of UardlnsburKi 1r J U

The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1909-05-12 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m919q4h/data/0150.pdf · i + y yntwr h w n AMt r t j I y l L I I t I1JII 01 IIIo III 101 I Q BEST Q°

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Page 1: The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1909-05-12 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m919q4h/data/0150.pdf · i + y yntwr h w n AMt r t j I y l L I I t I1JII 01 IIIo III 101 I Q BEST Q°

i + y yntwr h w n AMtr t


I yl





I1JII 01 IIIo III 101 I


t ill has the cream blend flavor Cream li

U blend flour flour In buying flour its IInynj

because it has cream blend It is1

BEST because it is a perfect fl-ouriIt is BEST because it has beenweighed in the balance and has al ¬

ways met the requirements in the-

o best homes It is BEST becauseau

I it is made of the choicest winterwheat and invarably makes themost delibiour and nurishing breadrolls biscuits cakes pastries Etc


Ask your grocer for Lewisport Hills1 111






IIE t0 111 lai 111 10II 0


I RURAL TELEPHONESnJ Mr Farmer are you interested If so call on the 5j

manager of tho Cumberland Telephone TelegraphCompany and have him explain tho special Far jfe

SSsuers Line rate x



Real Estate DepartmentDo you want to buy a farm or businees I If you do you

may find just what you need in this department If you are interest-ed


in any of the following proprieties write us at onto for ownermime and address If none of these places suit you write usut oncetelling us what you want and where you want it and letus introduce you to the man who has the very property yoare looking for

Wo recommend the following properties as being productiveand fair in price

Do You Want to Sell your farm or business If youwant cash for your property send price and description at onceand loti us show you how wo bring buyer and seller together

This department is conducted solely for the purpose of enablingf buyers and sellers of farms or business proprieties to make quick sales

Jno D BabbageSales 6000 A Year

A splendid business stand store-house stock of goods good will etcIAnnual s tics 5000 to 6000 a yearIPost office in connection which pIYSabout 120 per year Three miles fromrailroad station on the branch Heris a fine opportunity for a mm withjn small cipitxl to drop right into a goo 1

business For further particulars writeJNO D BAUBAGE

Cloverport Kv

< 950 aE cres on HtirtllnHbun and33> t Kails of alnklii road 2 mllnsonestorydwcUlntiI

blacksmith Miiop nil necessary outhomos180 acre under cultivation and pastureacres In tluilwr white oak bluuk oak beechand sugar tree all good size Ilonty of Koodwater tho year round Ono thlyd cash andgood easy terms on balance

Cnn 7j acres situated 1H idles frompOUU Molt Joins Gilbo Pierce Hideo landIn Rood shape good foucluff one good dwel¬ling house 3 roomy 1 good cistern 1 barpondsThisacres In timber white ak sugar tree andbeech balance cleared Plenty of good fruit-Good road to StophensportBW miles and goo i

road to Hoi IK miles This farm Is not wornout it Is good land and In good fix Just thefarm for u man with a small family

I AvenueWollSiI 750 lbb acres on Hardlnsburg andmilesCramalld11tCJodbeetsgood tie timberbhauledelunrl both bottom and hill Suitable fortobacco and fruit ryend°easy payments

> I

FOR SdEA farm contuinhig2 ucresanelflveftit store room over It two pool stock burns ipeachtruesall kinds of small trolls Including u nicerlesredbulnndetcwireL II St LutlongCOn SALE A splendid stand for a druggist1andsurroundeptbo place for soon young physician to stopbusinessi eIs the reason for selling Kor further partieCloverpurl



I Travelers Protective Association IIIIIji



tRailway1tthistriv I5 Iopportunity of going to Asheville and visiting the beautiful

tml ous section of Western North Carolina

j Ask any Southern Railway Ticket Agent for fare andmountainIor write ale-


°t I J C BEAM Jr A G P A It


i o


IIIIA Gentleman I

From MississippiBy THOMAS A WISE

JVoOclisctl From the Play by FredericK R Toombs




flattered herself on guessingN correctly as to Senator Penbodys uneasiness had she

heard Und seen all that had takenplace in his apartment at the LouisNapoleon hotel where ho had hurried ¬

ly taken Senator Stevens on leavingthe Lnngdon house

Not only would the two senatorslose their Immense profits on the Attncoola transaction If Langdon persistedIn his opposition but they would loseas well the thousands of dollars spentby their agents In purchasing optionson hundreds of acres and where theycould not get options the land itselfThis land would be on their hands un ¬

salable If the base went somewhereelse Moreover they feared that Langdons revolt would bring unpleasantnewspaper publicity to their opera ¬

tonsTheres only one course to pursue

Stevens snapped Peabody as theytoolc off their overcoats That is tobe prepared as best we can for thevery worst and meet it in some wayyet to be determined But first wemust try to figure out what Lan don r

Is going to dowhat it can bethat he says hewill tell us to ¬

morrow at 1230if we appear lie q

must have some ¬

thing very star-tling


up hissleeve if hemakes good hisassertions Icant see how

Nor I frowncd Stevens andmy political eye-sight is far bettcrtuan that foolLangdons Un

Im Qotmj to send for der ordinary clrJake Stclncrt curastanccs we

could let him go ahead with his mInor-ity


report for Gulf City but as thingsstand hell Intro every newspaper re ¬

porter in Washington buzzing aroundand asking impertinent questionstSYes and you and I would have togo to Paris to live with our life insurante friends from New York wouldntsarcasticallyuj5heStelnert Stevens ejaculatedWhat

Oh thats all right Maybe he cansuggest something said Peabody going to the telephone Weve too muchat stake to make a mistake ar l Jake tomay see n point that weve overlookedLuckily I saw him downstairs In thegrill room ns we came through to theelevator

Stelnert is nit right himscf con-tinued Stevens but his methods

Caut bo too particular now about1mbullj


political china shop Fortune and reputntlon are both fragiletheal of Jake Stelnert whose reputationas a lobbyist of advanced ability hadspread wide In the twenty years hehad spent In Washington Of mediumbeed the doorway as ho entered An illylip ofas some of the language he used Hiseyes darted first to Peabody and thenJJTtogThemywho swing the biggest deals con10jcanOIlineJQtheyweb of0intriguelured into the glistening meshesBeBeOnlytoothe legislators in the open in the homtels and cafes and In the capitol corrirnUtake SteInert did not belong in eitherof these classes ho ranked somewherebetween the biggest and thoglHoofmost expert knowledge of nil the IntrIBcute workings of tho congressionaldemechnnlsmennmongclathe money in his own pocket and for =a comparatively small sum defeat itby influencing the employees throughwhose hands it must pass

Sit down Juice Something todrink asked Peabody reaching for a tJdecauterj j

No grunted the lobbyist dontdrink durln business hours only durlntho day

Welt Juke said the Pennsylvanianyou probably know something of

whats going on in tho naval affairscommitteeYou

the blggstjob of thosession

YesSure thing senator Its tho work l

of air artist


ii+ t-

qii P


The boss of the senate smiledgrimlyNow

suppose n committeemannamed Langdon absolutely refused to

It ibo taken cure of and insisted on handIng in a minority report tomorrowwith a speech that read like the Decla ¬

ration of IndependenceSteinert Jerked his head forwar-uickly

You mean what would I do i-fwaserif

II was runnln the Job

YesSteinert leaned toward Peabody

Where do I come In on this hewelted suspiciously

Come come man was the Irritableretort I never let a few dollarsstand between myself and my friends

All right senatorThe lobbyist thrust himself down In

his chair putted slowly at n cigar andgazed thoughtfully at the ceiling

Few years ago he began after aminute or two there was n feller whowas goln tosqueal about abond Issue liehad his speechnil ready to warnhe country that

he thought acrowd of theplutocracy was

ain to get thoto resell

to the public atadvanced lntesf l

Well sir t ar ¬ V

ranged to have a He was at the insanecarriage a closed asylumcarriage cell that night to take him

see the president for he was toldthe president sent the carriage for himWhen he got out ho was at the Insaneasylum an I can tell you he was bun-dled Into a padded cell lu Jig timewhere ho stayed for three days Hethinks hes n member of congress Itold this two huskies that handled him

gave em each a twenty case notedoctor that signed the necessary

papers got considerable moreStevens gasp of amazement causede narrator genuine enjoymentI know of a1 certain senator who

was drunk an laid away in n Turkishbath when the roll was called on a cer-taIn


bill ne was n friend of Peaodys laughed tlfe lobbyist to the

MlsslsslpplanButcast said Stevens we

must be very careful Possibly someyour methods In handling the men

you go afterSay Interposed Steinertuyou

I dont do all pursuin all theIn after any more than others In

business Why senator some ofthese congressmen worry the life out

us fouls that sprinkle the sugarhey accuse us of not lettln em In

things when they havent been fedsome time They come down the

like greyhounds coursln a coy¬

eThe speaker paused and glanced

at Peabody who however wasbusily engaged In writing In a

taduln book to notice himWhy Senator Stevens went onlobbyist only today a down cast

member held me up to tell mo that hewas strong for that proposition to

the A K and L railroad gruntsgovernment timber land In Oregonsays to me ho says What n hlmy constituents in New England

about things way out on the Pa ¬

coast Id clvo em Yellowstone

SEEFresh fellable PutsGuarantied to Plecsa


EverY GlLdve r n

NorLc ell < r< if SelSPECICL CF 4i1

FOR 10 CENTSwe rnlli lend postpaid our I

COLLECTIONSiphconay entlea1ptDadflolltAIM lawerlelbe Cholw IMK It f di Weor

+ idpaetlnrI

thfr with ot N fw enA hy nriv in fl iHOHKAriCOJfl > 3 t

IZGIJtOlrtl Stfit




National park for n freight sklln Iftwas tiny use to em he says So

you seeI must fie broke In Stevens ris ¬

ing amlplnnclii nt his watch Itwill soon bo daylight-

If you must have sleep go but youmust be here nt 0 oclock sharp In themorning wild Peabody Stelnertwill sleep hero with me Well nilhave breakfast together hero In m

ro o m s andconsults

tionYou wontplanreally desperatePeabody will1

I think Idrather

Steof courseOur game

will be to tryto weaken Langdon to provehim tho morn ¬

that he alone

Idwill suffer beSupposenamedocsnotwcakcnrdo not appear 1in

the laud deals The optionssigned and the deeds signed by onagents Dont you see Whereas hidaughter and son and future soninlawactually took laud In their ownnames

elumsyia I

Yes Such amateurism lowers thedignity of the United States senatePeabody answered dryly

But suppose Lnngdon does notweaken asked Stevens anxiously nahe picked up his hat and coat

Then we will go Into action withour guns loaded the reply


the African juugle dwells a pretty

IN little bird that lives on honeyThe saccharine dainty is theyfound in the hollows of trees nnknowdas the carpenter ice bores and depos ¬

its his extract from the budsblossoms of the tropical forest nndII

The bird Is called the hoijeyblrdbecause it is a sure guide to the deposits of the delicacy The bird dis ¬

likes the laborious task of pecking itsway through the bark to reach thehoney and so wise in the ways ofmen It procures help It locates nnest of hooey files about until it1It1

to treasure store Following the j

bird which tilts Just In advance thereach the cache of dripping sweetness I

and readily lay it open with hatchetsor knives Taking what they wantthere is always enough left clingingto the tree and easily accessible to sat ¬

isfy the appetite of the clover littlebird =

Senator Stevens of Mississippi bearsa marked resem ¬

blance to thehoneybirdsomuch

has well won thebirds appella ¬

tion for himselfAbnormally keenat locating pos¬

sibilities for ex-


honeyfrom the governmental affairs InWashington heInvariably ledPeabody repro ¬

senting the hunt¬

er with the axto the repositoryHe would then

final ¬



Nonsense ¬








rely on the Penn fjjiJJriorlStbrenk> eVC1lS

barriers Stevens would flutter aboutfind gather up the leavings

Equally as mercenary as the boss ofthe senate he lacked Pcabodys ironnerve determination resourcefulnessand daring He needed many hoursof sleep Peabody could work twentyhours at a stretch He had to havehis meals regularly or else suffer fromindigestion Peabody sometimes dida days work on two boiled eggs anda cup of coffee

The senior senator from Mississippihad been the first to point out to Peabody tho possibilities for profit in thogulf naval base project but tho morn-ing

Stfollowing the conference with

Stelnert when he rejoined them forbreakfast at the Louis Napoleon hewas far from comfortable He didnot mind fighting brain against braineven though unprincipled methodswere resorted to but Indications werethat more violent agencies would becalled Into play owing to the complica ¬

tions that had arisenStevens ate heartily to strengthen

his courage SteInert ate hugely to astrengthen his body Peabody atescarcely anything at allto strengthen

brainWaving away the hotel waiter whohad brought tho breakfast to hisapartment Senator Peabody outlined pthe probable campaign of the day

If our best efforts to weaken qndscare off Langdon fall today he saidit wilt naturally develop that we mustIrender It impossible in some WI1

him to appear in the senate at all orwe must delay his arrival until afterthe report of tho committee on navalA1affulrsevout ho would not have another op¬

portunity to speak on that subject =Of course later at 1230 we willcanIact to the very point but we must be

prepared for any situation that can JfariseCannot

the president of tho senatebo persuaded not to rccoznlae Lang tier

Continued on page sven


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