rrrT + fiCtl + +e s Consumption is less deadly than it used to be Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following treatment I Hope rest fresh air andScotts I EmulsionALL l BOo AND 8100 OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO u mu t JUDGMENT SUSTAINED t Damagest f fi MFrankfort Ky June 29A damage I ° N Judgment of the Clark circuit court i awarding to Mrs Abrolla Marcum J t 3 wIdow of Attorney James B Marcum J J who was assassinated at Jackson r Breathltt county and her children i f fSQOO to be recovered of Judge James argfs and Edward Callahan on the t ound that they had caused Marcum C 4 to be shot and killed has been upheld by the Kentucky court of appeals < Hargls Wu the county judge and Cal I J lahan the sheriff of Breathitt county J when Marcum was assassinated while Undine in the courthouse door at t Sv c Itokson several years ago Curt Jett aKjhe f f In the state penlteatlary here jffwfy9 charged with having committed fVuithe crime as a result of feud trou iblee i 4t I tcmen the baby Is teething It is cross I laud restless it becomes feeverish and Sl in many cases vomits a great deal and 1 1oftentimes cannot even keep cool water t ton the stomach AU the delicate little organs of the stomach are affected bringing on colic and diarrhoea Cas I casweet for babies andchildren makes Line stomach right and allays inflimma Lion and prevents Irritation Cases Jr54 sweet makes the baby happy and well 0 Sold by all druggists VrM tpBig Cattleman Indicted Mont July IJohn T 1Helean I cattleman In Montana and I plantation owner In Florida has been t I grandt 4 V 240 acres of public land situated In p Yellowstone and Fergus counties He- Ws arrested and Is out on bond Ir aBig Meeting of Turners ant ¬ nual turnfest of the Indiana district of the North American Turnerbund Is In progess here with over 3000 visitors t and 500 athletes from the states of i ckyJ t ttrka Drowned In the Ohio River Tilton KY June 29Ralph the TaylorK it drowned while bathing In the S river with a boy companion A Sharp Political Contest Rome July 2A sharp contest be- tween ¬ the ClerlcoConservatlves and S the Socialists marked the municipal elections the latter winning c is Bile Poison has a very bad effect on your syst- em r It disorders your stomach and digestive apparatus taints your blood and causes constipation with t all Its tearful Ills Thedfords u 4 BlackDraught J r et < a bland tonic Uver regulator and cod purifier It gets rid of the poisons caused t by oversupply of bile and quickly cures bilious headaches dizziness loss of appetite nausea Indiges- tion constipation malaria chills fever Jaundice nervousness f fand Irritability melancholia and all J Geo sickness due to disordered liver 1 orest It Is not a cathartic but a gentle Diiia herbal liver medicine which eases f without irritating Price 25c at all Druggists t A Few of the Lecturers l GOV FOLK DR GRAY GOO STUART SPURGEON of England i PRES EVERETT CAPT I IIOBSON AS of E OPIE READ 1BISHOP GALLOWAY FATHER VAUGHN 3 r PainUville Ky July 4 While 11s toning to the arguments In a case in the Prestonburg courthouse yesterday Toe FitzpatrIck It Is alleged walked up behind Andy Coburn and shot him three times In the back killing him Coburn was sitting near the bar and knew nothing of the mans movements until he was shot During the panic which ensued FitzpatrIck and a crowd of relatives quietly left the courtroom and went home No attempt was made to arrest him Coburn was late- ly indicted upon a charge of killing a cousin of Fitzpatrick and the caso was set for hearing this term A cleansing clean cooling soothing healing household remedy is DeWitts I Carbolizad Witch Hazel Salve For burns cuts scratches bruises insect unequaledGood Get DeWitts It is the beet Sold b- all druggists RACING PLANT SOLD Dcuglas Park Taken Over by State of Kentucky Louisville Ky Jury 1Douglas Park the racing plant equipped and put into commission last year as a western jockey club course following the formation of the American Turf association has been sold to the Ken ¬ tucky state board of agriculture for 290000 The plant will hereafter be the home of the Kentucky state fair association The plant was sold by Louis A Cella of St Louis No In ¬ formation could be had as to whether the racing dates allotted for this year to the Western Jockey club would be raced at Douglas Park or not but in view of the truce recently brought about between that organization and the American Turf association it is thought probable that the dates will be filled at Churchill Downs THE TEX4S WONDER Cures all Kidney Bladder and Rheu ¬ matic troubles sold by all druggists or two months treatment by mail fo 1 Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive street I St Louis Mo Send for Kentucky estimonials An Alleged Conspiracy Boise Idaho July IThe alleged conspiracy of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency under retainer from the mine owners association and the Citizens Alliance of Colorado and Ida ¬ ho to destroy the Western Federation of Miners was taken up this morning when the trial of Wllllim D Haywood was resumed at 10 oclock Two Men Held on Suspicion Wausau Wis July 2Jennle Rehle daughter of John E Rehle aged six ¬ teen years was assaulted and mur- dered ¬ In a strip of woods along the road near her home It was shown at an autopsy that the girl had been choked to death Two men have been arrested on suspicion Mormons Going Ou of Business Salt Lake City July 3Two car flrmatlon of the report given ort some time ago that the Mormon church has decided to retire from business Is the announcement made by the Deseret News that the church has sold the Grass Creek coal mines near Coalville for 300000 The Days Harvest of Death Chicago July 5 Thirtysix persons were killed and 1471 injured while celebrating Independence Day accord ¬ tag to the RecordHerald which made a canvass of the accidents in the en ¬ tire United States during the past twentyfour hours Pittsfield Mass July 5Jolm D Rockefeller left Pittsfield last night for Chicago where on Saturday he will be interrogated in the federal court regarding the affairs of the Stan ¬ dard OH company Memorable Day One of the days we remember with pleasure as well as with profit to our health is one which we became ac ¬ quainted with Dr Kings New Life Pills the painless purifiers that cure headache and biliousness and keep the bowels right 25c at Severs Drug- Store AfT A1JtN1Itdi 4SMMAkls- Vest i M taye They MiiH Quit Qlv Inf Prank Attorneydime tram Attorney General Bonaparte aft ¬ er conferences with him In Washing- ton ¬ and in pursuance of authority con ¬ tamped In the Elklns law as amended by the Hepburn act has filed suit against five of the big express compa ¬ ales in the United States circuit court asking for an Injunction to prevent further alleged violations of the new rate laws in so far as they relate to the Issuance of express franks The five companies against which the government seeks injunctions are United States National American WelJsFargo and Adams Express com- panies ¬ BUMPED BY A MOTOR CAR C B Reynolds and Wife Figure In Automobile Accident Danville 111 July GA northbound electric car crashed Into C B Rey- nolds big automobile in Vermillion street and Mrs Reynolds who was riding with her husband vas cut and bruised by the impact whflp the ton neau of the auto was mashed and an axle bent The sudden stop of the motor car prevented fatal results While Mr and Mrs Ralph Holmes were driving In their automobile Wal- ter ¬ Dye seven years old son of Mr and Mrs W W Dye ran out from andy knocked down his leg being broken between the hip and knee Lone Live The King is the popular cry throughout European countries while in America the cry of- the present day is Long live DrKlnes New Discovery King of Throat and Lung Remedies of which Mrs Julia Ryder Paine Truro Mass says It never fails to give immediate relief and to quickly cure A cough or cold Mrs Paines opinion is shared by a mej irity of the inhabitants of this country New Discovery cures weak lungs and sore throats after all other remedies have failed and for coughs and colds its the proven remedy Guaranteed bv Severd Drug Co 50c and 100 Trial tottle free Ralsulls Bold Stroke Tangiers July 4Cald General Sir Harry MacLean commander of the sultans bodyguard and next to the ultan the mqst Influential man in Morocco has been captured by Ralsull the bandit chief Ralsull has announc ¬ ed that he will hold the general pris- oner ¬ until the sultan grants the terms which he Ralsull demands for his releaser IWithout Food for a Month Ill July IAfter fasting since May 30 during which time he tasted nothing but water Dr I J Eales broke his fast Sunday by par ¬ taking of a small quantity of malted milk Beginning his fast at 192 pounds he had lost 28 pounds His chest measurement has been reduced from 43 to 40 Inches and waist from 44 to 34 inches WINCHESTER L to Shotgun Shells II Leader and II Repeater and Repeating Shotguns make a killing combina ¬ tion forfieldfowl or trap shooting No smokeless powder shells enjoy such a reputation for uniform ¬ ity of loading and strong shooting qualities as Leader and Repeater brands do and no shotgun made shoots harder or better than the Winchester THEY ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER ONE BARE ROUND Australian Mystory Soon Solved by His American Opponent Pan Francisco Cal July Gnt1 Soulres the mystery from Australia lasted a portion of a round with Tom ¬ my Burns when Burns solved the mystery with a succession of right blows to the Jaw and the fight was over The fact that Squires was an unknown quantity had lent interest to the fight and an immense crowd assembled just outside San Francisco to witness the contest Fully 9000 people were In the arena and paid all the way from 2 to 20 to see two minutes and eight seconds fight ¬ ing EXTENSIVE PLOT Russian Revolutionists Are Evidently Well Financed- St Petersburg July GThe Novoe Vremya declares it has learned from an official English source that the recent seizure of arms and ammuni ¬ tion which was intended to smuggle Into Russia totalled 90000 rifles and several million roubles worth of am ¬ munition All this war material came from Germany and was reshipped via Newcastle Tho size of the shipment the paper says is taken to indicate that the purchasers are Finns as none of the Russian revolutionaries are sufficiently wealthy to operate on this scale Circus Must Bear the Blame Cincinnati July 5 Railroad com ¬ panies are not liable for accidents suffered by employes of circuses or other companies In transit under spe- cial contracts for transportation en ¬ tered Into by such company and the railroad That Is the general mean Ing of an opinion announced by the United States circuit court of appeals today George Clough a circus em ¬ ploye sustained physical Injuries while traveling on the Grand Trunk railroad The circus company fur ¬ nished its own cars which the rail ¬ road company manned aud ran The court finds that doughs remedy Is against the circus and not against tho railroad When there is the slightest indication of indigestion heart burn flatulence or any form of stomach trouble take a little Kodol occasionally and you will be afforded prompt relief Koaol is a compound of vegetable acids aud ro j talus the juices found in a healthy stomach Kodol digests what you eat makes your food do you good Sold by all druggists This Burglar Trap Worked Lyons France July 5A fconb l which had been placed In a desk by a manufacturer of Vllleurbanne to de tect robbers exploded when the latter visited the factory Several of the robbers were wounded one fatally Sir Chentung Going Home Washington July GSir Chentung LiangChens the retiring Chinese min ister took his departure today for San Francisco where he will sail on the 9th Inst aboard the steamer Korea tor his home in China THE MARKETS Current Quotations on Grain and Live ¬ stock at Leading Points Indianapolis Grain and Livestock WheatWagon 90c No 2 red 92c CorDNo2 53c OatsNo 2 mixed 45c HayClover 1700 2000 timothy 18002000 millet 12001400 Cattle4250 Q 665 Hogs500620 Sheep300525 Lambs550600At WheatNo 2 red 96c CornNo 2 56c OatsNO 2 47c Cattle 475585 Hogs450615 Sheep J225g 4 65 Lambs50075- At Chicago WheatNo2 red 98c Corn No 2 54c OatsNo2 43c Cat tie Steers J450715 stockers and feeders 300500 Hogs550 605 Sheep400600 Lambs 600800Livestock at New York Cattle 4508 6G5 Hogs550 675 Sheep 350500 Lambs650 800I I Cattle 400675 Hogs650 650 Sheep 300575 Lambs600 I 800 Wheat at Toledo Sept 99c Dec 10274 j cash99c Nearly all oldfo shinned Cough Syrups are constipating especially those containing opiates They dont act just right Kennedys Laxative Cough Syrup contains no opiates It drives the cold out of the system by gently moving the bowels Contains Honey and Tar an l tastes nearly as good as maple syrup Children like it Sold by all druggists TIRED AND SICK YET MUST WORK- Man may work from bun to sun but womans work Is never done In order to keep the home neat and pretty the children well dressed and tidy women overdo and often suffer in silence drifting along from bad to worse knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which dally make life a burden It Is to these women that Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs comes as n blessing When the snir Us are depressed the head and back MRS AUG L TUN aches there are draggingdown palm nervousness sleeplessness and reluctance to go anywhere these are only symptoms which unless heeded are soon followed by the worst forms of Female Complaints Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound keeps the feminine organism ina strong and healthy condition Itcures Inflammation Ulceration displacements and organic troubles In preparing for childbirth and to carry women safely through the Change of Life it is most efficient Mrs Augustus Lyon of East Earl Pa writes Dear Mrs Pin- khamFor a long time I suffered from female troubles and had all kinds of aches and pains in the lower part of back and sides I could not sleep and had no appetite Since taking Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and following the advice which you gave me 1 feel like a new woman and I cannot praise your medicine too highly Mrs Pinkhams Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass Out of her vast volume of ex perienceshe probably has the very knowledge that will help your case Her advice is free and always helpful i DEATH OF FRANCIS MURPHY Great Apostle of Temperance Passes Away in California Los Angeles Cal July tFrancls Murphy the wellknown temperance lecturer died at 1030 a m Sunday Plttsburg July tFrancls Murphy irst came Into prominence as a tem- perance advocate In this city in 187G Under his leadership a blue ribbon propaganda resulted in thousands of men signing the Murphy pledge and attracting national attention Fifteen meetings were held In Library hall following which a call for funds was made to carry on the campaign in other cities In a few minutes prom ¬ inent and wealthy men who had be ¬ come followers of Mr Murphy sub ¬ scribed 15000 Subsequently meet ¬ ings wore held throughout the United States THE Just acres Two College Drowned East Northfield Mass July 3 Philip K Green instructor of English and and Prof David A Durward assistant in the at the Mount Hermon school for boys were drowned while canoeing In the river by the of their craft A bronze statue of Captain William Bucky ONeill the Rider who was killed in the Cuban campaign was unveiled at Ariz in the presence of of people Piles get and certain relief from Dr Shoops Ointment Please note it is made alone for Piles and its action is positive and Itching painful or blind piles disap ¬ pear like magic by its use Large nick ¬ glass jars SO cents Sold by Severs Drug Co ttliNNNNNt + NNN The Bank of Hardinsburg- and Trust Company CAPITAL 5000000 B F PRESIDENT M H BEARD Cashier PAUl COMPTON Assistant Cashier Morris Eakildge G W Beard Lafe Green 0 Vic Robertson BF Beard Dr A M Kincheloe D S Richardson Does a General Banking Business Acts as Trustee Executor Adminis ¬ trator Guardian and in every Fiduciary Capacity Intrest Paid on Time Deposits Insured against Loss by Fire or Burglary NN NN N + N + OI NNNINN NNtNNNNN- f U THE LEADING AMERICAN MAGAZINE tt ThECENTURY1N Three Great Serial Novels THE SHUTTLE An International Novel By Frances Hodgson Burnett COME AND FIND ME A Novel of the Far North By Elizabeth Robins RUNNING WATER- A Novel of Travel and Adventure By the Author of The Four Feathers AN IMPORTANT ARTICLE BY THEODORE ROOSEVELT THE PANAMA CANAL By Secretary William H Taft THE GERMAN EMPERORS VOICE WHISTLER IN PARIS AND IN VENICR PAPERS ON GARDENING FARMING AaD FKENUI CATHPDRUS IIMSTRATHO- StvENi v FM it SHORT STJRIE PAPERS ox ART AMERICAN CIVIL Three Short Serials Supplementing the Centurys Famous War Series IIOW THE WAR GENERAL HOWARDS LINCOLN IN THE WAS FINANCED TELEGRAPH OFFICE An account of the career of Personal recollections of Lin The story of exciting days JayCooke From unpublished coin Grant and other lead contributed by the telegra documents Illustrated ens of the time Illustrated pher of the War Department THE COLOR OF THE MAGAZINES- NEW SUBSCRIBERS who begin with 1906 in which number Mrs Burnett gteat International novel The Shuttle begin my obtain free of charge If they ask for them on subscribing the August September and Octo bar Jg06 numbers and thus get firt chapters of Running Water the S strong novel by A EW Mason author of The Four Feathers Thus sub scriben get fifteen numbers for the price of twelve Subscription price 1100 Century Co Union Square New YorK City I IThe SEVENf J AUGUST 1 114 9 OWENSBORO KENTUCKY The worlds greatest Lecturers and Entertainers Ten Great Schools Season ticket 250 Daily Admission 25c the place for your vacation or church picnic Thirtyfour in Park Boating Bathing Fishing Professors mathematics agricultural department Connecticut upsetting Rough Prescott hundreds quick Magic certain protruding elcapped BEARD DIRECTORS ARCHITECTURE WAR REMINISCENCES FINEST WORK November summer Three Bands ROUNDS 1 IMPERIALLadies JEFFRIES THIRD REGIMENT Two Male Quartets Readers Etc Wonderful Trained Animals t fiWrite W F Maylott Superintendent Owensboro Ky for 34 Page Program 1 T1- I1 I1 i I 0 rwrl ew1 a T Ryia Wua oay4rr WJW- r sy 3 p vvr >

The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1907-07-10 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069309/1907-07-10/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · ffi MFrankfort Ky June 29A damage I ... organs of the

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Page 1: The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, KY) 1907-07-10 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069309/1907-07-10/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · ffi MFrankfort Ky June 29A damage I ... organs of the

rrrT + fiCtl + +e

sConsumption is less deadly than it used to beCertain relief and usually complete recovery

will result from the following treatmentI

Hope rest fresh air andScottsI

EmulsionALLl BOo AND 8100



tDamagestffi MFrankfort Ky June 29A damageI

°N Judgment of the Clark circuit courti awarding to Mrs Abrolla Marcum

Jt 3 wIdow of Attorney James B MarcumJ J who was assassinated at Jacksonr Breathltt county and her children

i f fSQOO to be recovered of Judge Jamesargfs and Edward Callahan on the

t ound that they had caused MarcumC 4 to be shot and killed has been upheld

by the Kentucky court of appeals< Hargls Wu the county judge and Cal

I J lahan the sheriff of Breathitt countyJ when Marcum was assassinated while

Undine in the courthouse door att Sv c Itokson several years ago Curt Jett

aKjhe ff In the state penlteatlary herejffwfy9 charged with having committedfVuithe crime as a result of feud trou

ibleei4t I

tcmen the baby Is teething It is cross I

laud restless it becomes feeverish andSl in many cases vomits a great deal and

11oftentimes cannot even keep cool watert ton the stomach AU the delicate littleorgans of the stomach are affectedbringing on colic and diarrhoea Cas

I casweet for babies andchildren makesLine stomach right and allays inflimma

Lion and prevents Irritation CasesJr54 sweet makes the baby happy and well0 Sold by all druggists

VrMtpBig Cattleman IndictedMont July IJohn T1HeleanI cattleman In Montana and

I plantation owner In Florida has beent

I grandt4

V 240 acres of public land situated Inp Yellowstone and Fergus counties He-

Ws arrested and Is out on bond

Ir aBig Meeting of Turnersant ¬

nual turnfest of the Indiana district ofthe North American Turnerbund Is Inprogess here with over 3000 visitors

t and 500 athletes from the states ofickyJtttrka Drowned In the Ohio River

Tilton KY June 29Ralph theTaylorKit drowned while bathing In theS river with a boy companion

A Sharp Political ContestRome July 2A sharp contest be-


the ClerlcoConservatlves andS the Socialists marked the municipal

elections the latter winningc



has a very bad effect on your syst-emr It disorders your stomachand digestive apparatus taints yourblood and causes constipation with

t all Its tearful Ills



BlackDraughtJ r et< a bland tonic Uver regulator and

cod purifierIt gets rid of the poisons caused

t by oversupply of bile and quicklycures bilious headaches dizzinessloss of appetite nausea Indiges-tion constipation malaria chills

fever Jaundice nervousnessffandIrritability melancholia and allJ Geo sickness due to disordered liver

1 orest It Is not a cathartic but a gentle

Diiia herbal liver medicine which easesf without irritating

Price 25c at all Druggists


A Few of the Lecturers






PainUville Ky July 4 While 11s

toning to the arguments In a case inthe Prestonburg courthouse yesterdayToe FitzpatrIck It Is alleged walkedup behind Andy Coburn and shot himthree times In the back killing himCoburn was sitting near the bar andknew nothing of the mans movementsuntil he was shot During the panicwhich ensued FitzpatrIck and a crowdof relatives quietly left the courtroomand went home No attempt wasmade to arrest him Coburn was late-ly indicted upon a charge of killing acousin of Fitzpatrick and the caso wasset for hearing this term

A cleansing clean cooling soothinghealing household remedy is DeWitts I

Carbolizad Witch Hazel Salve Forburns cuts scratches bruises insect

unequaledGoodGet DeWitts It is the beet Sold b-

all druggists


Dcuglas Park Taken Over by Stateof Kentucky

Louisville Ky Jury 1DouglasPark the racing plant equipped andput into commission last year as awestern jockey club course followingthe formation of the American Turfassociation has been sold to the Ken ¬

tucky state board of agriculture for290000 The plant will hereafter be

the home of the Kentucky state fairassociation The plant was sold byLouis A Cella of St Louis No In ¬

formation could be had as to whetherthe racing dates allotted for this yearto the Western Jockey club would beraced at Douglas Park or not but inview of the truce recently broughtabout between that organization andthe American Turf association it isthought probable that the dates willbe filled at Churchill Downs


Cures all Kidney Bladder and Rheu¬

matic troubles sold by all druggistsor two months treatment by mail fo

1 Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive street I

St Louis Mo Send for Kentuckyestimonials

An Alleged ConspiracyBoise Idaho July IThe alleged

conspiracy of the Pinkerton NationalDetective Agency under retainer fromthe mine owners association and theCitizens Alliance of Colorado and Ida ¬

ho to destroy the Western Federationof Miners was taken up this morningwhen the trial of Wllllim D Haywoodwas resumed at 10 oclock

Two Men Held on SuspicionWausau Wis July 2Jennle Rehle

daughter of John E Rehle aged six ¬

teen years was assaulted and mur-dered


In a strip of woods along theroad near her home It was shown atan autopsy that the girl had beenchoked to death Two men have beenarrested on suspicion

Mormons Going Ou of BusinessSalt Lake City July 3Two car

flrmatlon of the report given ort sometime ago that the Mormon church hasdecided to retire from business Is theannouncement made by the DeseretNews that the church has sold theGrass Creek coal mines near Coalvillefor 300000

The Days Harvest of DeathChicago July 5 Thirtysix persons

were killed and 1471 injured whilecelebrating Independence Day accord ¬

tag to the RecordHerald which madea canvass of the accidents in the en ¬

tire United States during the pasttwentyfour hours

Pittsfield Mass July 5Jolm DRockefeller left Pittsfield last nightfor Chicago where on Saturday hewill be interrogated in the federalcourt regarding the affairs of the Stan ¬

dard OH company

Memorable Day

One of the days we remember withpleasure as well as with profit to ourhealth is one which we became ac¬

quainted with Dr Kings New LifePills the painless purifiers that cureheadache and biliousness and keep thebowels right 25c at Severs Drug-Store

AfT A1JtN1Itdi 4SMMAkls-

Vest i M taye They MiiH Quit QlvInf Prank

Attorneydimetram Attorney General Bonaparte aft ¬

er conferences with him In Washing-ton


and in pursuance of authority con ¬

tamped In the Elklns law as amendedby the Hepburn act has filed suitagainst five of the big express compa ¬

ales in the United States circuit courtasking for an Injunction to preventfurther alleged violations of the newrate laws in so far as they relate tothe Issuance of express franks Thefive companies against which thegovernment seeks injunctions areUnited States National AmericanWelJsFargo and Adams Express com-



C B Reynolds and Wife Figure In

Automobile AccidentDanville 111 July GA northbound

electric car crashed Into C B Rey-nolds big automobile in Vermillionstreet and Mrs Reynolds who wasriding with her husband vas cut andbruised by the impact whflp the tonneau of the auto was mashed and anaxle bent The sudden stop of themotor car prevented fatal resultsWhile Mr and Mrs Ralph Holmeswere driving In their automobile Wal-


Dye seven years old son of Mrand Mrs W W Dye ran out fromandyknocked down his leg being brokenbetween the hip and knee

Lone Live The King

is the popular cry throughout Europeancountries while in America the cry of-

the present day is Long live DrKlnesNew Discovery King of Throat andLung Remedies of which Mrs JuliaRyder Paine Truro Mass says Itnever fails to give immediate relief andto quickly cure A cough or cold MrsPaines opinion is shared by a mej irityof the inhabitants of this country NewDiscovery cures weak lungs and sorethroats after all other remedies havefailed and for coughs and colds its theproven remedy Guaranteed bv SeverdDrug Co 50c and 100 Trial tottlefree

Ralsulls Bold StrokeTangiers July 4Cald General Sir

Harry MacLean commander of thesultans bodyguard and next to theultan the mqst Influential man inMorocco has been captured by Ralsullthe bandit chief Ralsull has announc ¬

ed that he will hold the general pris-


until the sultan grants the termswhich he Ralsull demands for hisreleaserIWithout Food for a Month

Ill July IAfter fastingsince May 30 during which time hetasted nothing but water Dr I JEales broke his fast Sunday by par¬

taking of a small quantity of maltedmilk Beginning his fast at 192pounds he had lost 28 pounds Hischest measurement has been reducedfrom 43 to 40 Inches and waist from44 to 34 inches


Shotgun ShellsII Leader and II Repeater and

Repeating Shotgunsmake a killing combina¬

tion forfieldfowl or trapshooting No smokelesspowder shells enjoy sucha reputation for uniform ¬

ity of loading and strongshooting qualities asLeader and Repeater

brands do and noshotgun made shootsharder or better thanthe Winchester



Australian Mystory Soon Solved byHis American Opponent

Pan Francisco Cal July Gnt1Soulres the mystery from Australialasted a portion of a round with Tom ¬

my Burns when Burns solved themystery with a succession of rightblows to the Jaw and the fight wasover The fact that Squires was anunknown quantity had lent interestto the fight and an immense crowdassembled just outside San Franciscoto witness the contest Fully 9000people were In the arena and paidall the way from 2 to 20 to seetwo minutes and eight seconds fight ¬



Russian Revolutionists Are EvidentlyWell Financed-

St Petersburg July GThe NovoeVremya declares it has learned froman official English source that therecent seizure of arms and ammuni ¬

tion which was intended to smuggleInto Russia totalled 90000 rifles andseveral million roubles worth of am ¬

munition All this war material camefrom Germany and was reshipped viaNewcastle Tho size of the shipmentthe paper says is taken to indicatethat the purchasers are Finns as noneof the Russian revolutionaries aresufficiently wealthy to operate on thisscale

Circus Must Bear the BlameCincinnati July 5 Railroad com¬

panies are not liable for accidentssuffered by employes of circuses orother companies In transit under spe-cial contracts for transportation en ¬

tered Into by such company and therailroad That Is the general meanIng of an opinion announced by theUnited States circuit court of appealstoday George Clough a circus em ¬

ploye sustained physical Injurieswhile traveling on the Grand Trunkrailroad The circus company fur¬

nished its own cars which the rail ¬

road company manned aud ran Thecourt finds that doughs remedy Isagainst the circus and not againsttho railroad

When there is the slightest indicationof indigestion heart burn flatulence orany form of stomach trouble take alittle Kodol occasionally and you willbe afforded prompt relief Koaol is acompound of vegetable acids aud ro jtalus the juices found in a healthystomach Kodol digests what you eatmakes your food do you good Sold byall druggists

This Burglar Trap WorkedLyons France July 5A fconbl

which had been placed In a desk by amanufacturer of Vllleurbanne to detect robbers exploded when the lattervisited the factory Several of therobbers were wounded one fatally

Sir Chentung Going HomeWashington July GSir Chentung

LiangChens the retiring Chinese minister took his departure today for SanFrancisco where he will sail on the9th Inst aboard the steamer Koreator his home in China


Current Quotations on Grain and Live ¬

stock at Leading Points

Indianapolis Grain and LivestockWheatWagon 90c No 2 red

92c CorDNo2 53c OatsNo2 mixed 45c HayClover 1700

2000 timothy 18002000 millet12001400 Cattle4250 Q 665

Hogs500620 Sheep300525Lambs550600At

WheatNo 2 red 96c CornNo2 56c OatsNO 2 47c Cattle475585 Hogs450615 SheepJ225g 4 65 Lambs50075-

At ChicagoWheatNo2 red 98c Corn

No 2 54c OatsNo2 43c Cattie Steers J450715 stockers andfeeders 300500 Hogs550605 Sheep400600 Lambs

600800Livestock at New YorkCattle 4508 6G5 Hogs550

675 Sheep 350500 Lambs650800II

Cattle 400675 Hogs650650 Sheep 300575 Lambs600 I

800Wheat at Toledo

Sept 99c Dec 10274 j cash99cNearly all oldfo shinned Cough

Syrups are constipating especiallythose containing opiates They dontact just right Kennedys LaxativeCough Syrup contains no opiates Itdrives the cold out of the system bygently moving the bowels ContainsHoney and Tar an l tastes nearly asgood as maple syrup Children like itSold by all druggists



Man may work from bun to sunbut womans work Is never done

In order to keep the home neatand pretty the children well dressedand tidy women overdo and oftensuffer in silence drifting along frombad to worse knowing well thatthey ought to have help to overcomethe pains and aches which dallymake life a burden

It Is to these women that LydiaE Pinkhams Vegetable Compoundmade from native roots and herbscomes as n blessing When the snirUs are depressed the head and back MRS AUG L TUNaches there are draggingdown palm nervousness sleeplessness andreluctance to go anywhere these are only symptoms which unlessheeded are soon followed by the worst forms of Female Complaints

Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compoundkeeps the feminine organism ina strong and healthy condition ItcuresInflammation Ulceration displacements and organic troubles Inpreparing for childbirth and to carry women safely through the Changeof Life it is most efficient

Mrs Augustus Lyon of East Earl Pa writes Dear Mrs Pin-khamFor a long time I suffered from female troubles and had all kindsof aches and pains in the lower part of back and sides I could notsleep and had no appetite Since taking Lydia E Pinkhams VegetableCompound and following the advice which you gave me 1 feel like anew woman and I cannot praise your medicine too highly

Mrs Pinkhams Invitation to WomenWomen suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to

write Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass Out of her vast volume of experienceshe probably has the very knowledge that will help yourcase Her advice is free and always helpfuliDEATH OF FRANCIS MURPHY

Great Apostle of Temperance PassesAway in California

Los Angeles Cal July tFranclsMurphy the wellknown temperancelecturer died at 1030 a m Sunday

Plttsburg July tFrancls Murphyirst came Into prominence as a tem-perance advocate In this city in 187GUnder his leadership a blue ribbonpropaganda resulted in thousands ofmen signing the Murphy pledge andattracting national attention Fifteenmeetings were held In Library hallfollowing which a call for funds wasmade to carry on the campaign inother cities In a few minutes prom ¬

inent and wealthy men who had be¬

come followers of Mr Murphy sub ¬

scribed 15000 Subsequently meet ¬

ings wore held throughout the UnitedStates



Two College DrownedEast Northfield Mass July 3

Philip K Green instructor of Englishand and Prof David ADurward assistant in the

at the Mount Hermonschool for boys were drowned whilecanoeing In the river bythe of their craft

A bronze statue of Captain WilliamBucky ONeill the Rider who

was killed in the Cuban campaign wasunveiled at Ariz in thepresence of of people

Piles get and certain relief from

Dr Shoops Ointment Pleasenote it is made alone for Piles and itsaction is positive and Itching

painful or blind piles disap ¬

pear like magic by its use Large nick ¬

glass jars SO cents Sold bySevers Drug Co

ttliNNNNNt +NNNThe Bank of Hardinsburg-

and Trust CompanyCAPITAL 5000000


Morris Eakildge G W Beard Lafe Green 0 Vic Robertson BF BeardDr A M Kincheloe D S Richardson

Does a General Banking Business Acts as Trustee Executor Adminis ¬

trator Guardian and in every Fiduciary CapacityIntrest Paid on Time Deposits Insured against Loss by Fire or Burglary



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