N THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS I ALL THE NEWS THATS FIT TO PRINT = VOL XXXIH CLOVERPORT KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY APRIL 28 1909 8 Pages NO 42 I ITWO DROWN I Peter Wilson And Clarence Rob ¬ inson Fishermen Lose Lives Near Kosmosdale tl 4 Ester Wilson aged thirtyeight years and Clarence Robinson aged thirty1 i fouryoars fishermen were drowned in- Cite Ohio river near Kosmosdale at 10 qclock Thursday morning They Started out to cross tho river to the Indiana side to run their fishing line t when the wind caused the water to be ¬ come rough and overturned the skiff Bothwore rubber boots and heavy clothes and sank after floundering t about for a fewminutes Squire White a fisherman and Har ¬ 4in Applegate a farmer saw the men the water and started to their aid in a skiff but the men sank for the last ry time before the rescuers could reach them Wilson was an excellent swim ¬ neli but Robinson was not Wilson and Robinson had been fish ¬ 4 ermen In the neighborhood of Kosmos Male for two years Both were married Wilson is survived by his widow Rob- ins fc leaves a widow and six children Both men were members of the Kosmos ¬ dale Lodge Of Modern Wooden and th organization offered a reward of 15 each for the recovery of the bodies Wilson wore a Masonic emblem on his coat and Robinson wore a Woodmen 1eiublemLouisville Times What time will the clock stop THE CIRCUS HAS i COME TO TOWN Howes Wonderful London Shows r Pitch TheirTents In Cloverprort Folks Get Up Early To See Show Men Unload Trains 4 And Have Lots Of R Fun With Them < v e GREAT CROWDS IS EXPECTED Brass Bands PeanutsI r Clowns Caged Lions Red Lemonades Il < Green Balloons Monkeys all kinds have hit Clover port wlth the circus today Early this morning the long show train pulled I in the City and were unloaded in the c tBreckenrldge addition where the show l men pitched their tents In a hurry A I1 large crowd of small boys were on the grQundsto welcome them and within a y short whiles bunch of girls from uptown wee on the scene eagerly watching for i KateDooley the circus beauty About a y jnjne oclock Miss Dooley slipped from her private car and went to the big tent V where a good looking man met her at l W the entrance The girls forgot Rat rlhenand the next time they saw her bjjie was in Mrs Polks store buying a ttibhat Emma La Low Queen of the high wires tripped over toa trio of boys and asked where is Ed Alexanders store pltched1 The boys were scared to dkathuiid said lIar Unsbtirg but they meantIrvtngton She passed on and j l iwt as she darted Into a side show she f ewldsstoa man from Noltes store that was down there trying to wiUihe show people butter and eggs jt One little ragamuffin that evident jy belonged to the show came In the nk of Cloverport crying and said was looking for Sawyers store vvhere o Mamma was atJ tut when his itr ma was foUnd she was In Sever s Store buying face and lip paint jlttle l boy and his Mamma went to < MHasa d jf JollysJfvlngfon E isE i 1 hall the buelaess > it J ridge i County One intelli Brackr r 1 rmtd ifclf Jj Bacons was the only storein L jnliylUe Tim Lion Trainer and the Elephant I > e mostenthusiastc over i tordhtevebti ee andInquirradofa Ne U j Y i arus et and Irv ton wfi P from tlM jlace said they opted to oto Mhcrafts and Taylor i inters store be jpee they read their hitMN ii Jtweek Of t04PQW1ff II i < 1 Ii a theyX o 1r TAYLOR Can Come Home A Free Man Gov Wilson Issues Pardon To Long Fugitives From Kentucky s adv Willson Friday evening issued Taylorsand fugitives in the State of Indiana for nine years to John Powers brother of Caleb Powers who is believed to be In Honduras to Holland Whittaker of Butler county John Davis of Louis ¬ ville and Zach Steele of Bell county all underindictment for alleged com- plicity ¬ In the murder of Gov William Goebel in January 1900 What time will the clock sfop 1 DEMOCRATSDELIGHTED Friends of lion Ben Johnson In Cloverport Rejoice Over The News That He Wants to Be Governor JUST THE MAN THEY NEEDED When the word came from Washing ¬ ton that Hon Ben Johnson will make the race for Governor of Kentucky there was much rejoicing among tho Delegates of this City and for several days they have been talking the good news over continually Just who wore the prowI dest smUeTom Tousey or James Young ¬ er over the announcement could not be decided by the happy Democrats entail of them are more than pleased- It is said that Mr Johnson does not mean he has begun or expects to soon begin anything like a canvass for the important office mentioned for ho has other political plans to accomplish first In Washington Mr Johnsou is known as j1 the silent man who does things The Democratic lenders throughout the state are saying that Johnson is the man needed to redeem their party in Kentucky been reading u copy of the Brecken ¬ ridge news The afternoon performances will be ¬ gin at 2 and the night at 8 oclock EKRON Will Have a Nice New School Building Work of Erection Begins at Once V Contractor J K Bramlettc has just closed a nice contract with the citizen- of Ekron for a large two story school Building Mr Bramlette will employ from fifteen to twenty men and they will begin work about the first o dese 1 on hands fora handsome residence in Hardinsburg Mrs Moremen III 7 r At Brandenburg Mrs W Morqmen one of the best known and loved women of Meade County Is ill at her home nearBranden ¬ burg Dr and Mrs L B Moreman of Irvlngton were called to Jier bedside Saturday Marries Rich Word has been received that Miss Pearl Gregory of Frankfortand Mr W M Martin of Denver Col are married Miss Gregory is remembered here Mr Martin i is a multimilHoniare r Sunday School Convention The District Sunday School Conven ¬ Magisterials C Presbyterian church at Garfield May 29Programe will appear In next weeks Paper C 14 BmNGTON Press N Sectws Glasscocki Butler Mr Levi Butler son of John Butler and Miss Laura Glasscock went to Can I TheI l H Glasscpck of McDaniels Q i HARDINSBURG Judge Moorman was in LouisVille a few days last week Mrs E B Euglish of Owensboro visited her sister Mrs Marvin Beard several days of last week Gus Shellman is having a plated glass front put iu his store Two show win ¬ dows will also be added to better dis ¬ i play his growing variety of goods Joe Trent of Custer was in town SaturdaySheriff Finley Miller wont to Leitch field Friday to take Aruon Hook who was arrested here after having been in ¬ dicted by the Grayson county grand jury on the charge of forgery- H C Woosley of the U S Depart ¬ ment of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry with head quarters at Lex ¬ ington has beeu here for several days arranging to start an Agricultural Ex ¬ periment Station He has secured six acres of land from Taylor Beard at the depot upon which the work will be gin this year As the work grows the acres will be increased to twenty Uph on these twenty acres tests of and crop rotation will be made with a view to acquainting our farmers with the actual needs of Breckenridge county soils Mr Woosley has two other sta ¬ tions one in Christian county and one in Fayette One third of hU time will be spent here and the rest at the other two points News has been received here of the Nebraska State Legislatures purchas- ing ¬ the school property and equipment of the late Jas M Pile at Wayne Nebraska for 90000 Fred M Pile son of the founder of the school has leased the school plant for the next two years after which it will pass into the possess ¬ ion of the State for State Normal use Dr A M Kincheloe has a dog Teddy which as a doer of stunts re ¬ minds us of another illustrious Teddy Teds latest was to climb a sixteen foot ladder which leaned against the side of the house Unable to descend he set- up a pitiful crying like unto a childs which brought a boy to his rescue Teddy and terra firma wont part company now- Commissioner Lee Walls mado three sales at the Court Hous6vdoor Monday Two tracts of land belonging to the Bennett heirs near Helm Spring Branch to J Finley Miller for 250 A threefifths interest in the old Harrison B West farm nearConatantne80 acres to Steve Whjtwoith for 100 Two tracts of the Shrewsberry land near Mc Quady to Ben T Miller for 1250 In the County court Monday a change In the road from Kingswood to Harned was granted as petitioned for by Rev J W Hughes and others The will of the late Joe Shorshell was admitted to probate Monday Charley T Miller of Cannelton Ind nephew of the deceased was made administra ¬ torStephensport will take a vote on the graded school proposition Owing to petsd ¬ e JulyCharley Durham is out again after illnessf Paul Compton and family were guests of Mr and Mrs M P Cjompton of Garfield Sunday County Road Supervisor Mike Mill ¬ er has appointed Magisterial District Supervisors Cloverport John Jennings Union Star Wni Gilbert Hudson Miles Drain Bewleyville Eugene Beauchnmp for n part of the district and Gilbert Kasey for the remainder Wash Robbins has the lower end of the sixth Hawkins Smith Saturday sold a pair of fine mules to the Road Committee for the Hardinsburg District Supt Pile is in Richmond a few days this week attending an educational meetingJ Edwards of Columbus has been employed as Principal of the High School which opens in September Mr Edwards who holds an A B Degree has been a student in the Chicago University and isbath a student and a teacher possessing a laudable ambition for n young man of twentysix John P Haswell was in Louisville last week SAD DEATH h Harry Conover Dies Near Cinci ¬ nnati Leaves A Young Wife Well Known Here Word was received here Thursday morning by Mrs Virge Babbage of the death of Mr Harry Conover who died at his home in Gosheu Ohio near Cinci- nnati ¬ heret having visited in the City several time- with his wife who was Miss Grac Foote of Owensboro Mr Conover had been in ill health since Christmas and just a few ago he and Mrs Conover returned frc Hot Springs Ark where they had been thinking the place would help him The funeral was held at Cincinnati i Friday afternoon Miss Cecil Foote ar- rived ¬ there Wednesday to be with Dlr Conover who will return to Owensbo- with her soon Mrs Conovers Mr Ed Foot has come home from Tex ¬ as to be with his daughter for several days Judge Wills At The Jewish Hospital Judge and Mrs Wills and little Mb Gense Wills are in Louisville whet- Judge Wills went to consult a physician in regard to his health He is now at the Jewish Hospital for several wee treatment While his condition is not serious the doctors say it will be some- time before he will be entirely well Painting Their Home Mr and Mrs Joe Fitch are having their home on Second in West End Newly Painted and beautified Busy At Webster Mayor Harris has resigned his posi ¬ tion at the L H d St L shops in thisi city and is now devoting his time to b- rock y crusher at Webster Mr Harris is doing an extensive buslnessand goes back and forth from this city to the quary every day or two MISS FRONNIE DEAN One of the prettiest and most attractive young girls of Cloverport H pleasing and agreeable man cris winning for her manygood friends l q 1Atdi I 1 17Bakin i Powder 4 + 1 1Abs1utelyrFur I The only baking powder L made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar I os1J IRVINGTONS NEWSY LOCAL ITEMS Hundreds Moving To The Little CityMr Penick Will Build A New Residence On College Street PERSONAL NOTES OF INTEREST bees n rae ¬ turned home Mr F H McGehee spent the pasI week at Stephensport with her sister rnMrs Dick ykiIluranI Mrs D S Wilson and little left Tuesday for Ora more Oklahoma t u be the guest of his daughter for two veeks Mr Wilson will visit other 9points of interest on a prospecting tour Misses Eva and Mabel l McGlothlan 0who have been visiting Miss Essie m Louisville for the past ten days have returned home Mrs Nannie J Wathen of Louisville was a visitor in town last week ¬ Brandenburg a Hale Saturday Miss Annie Lee Bandy has returned oss from f Blanche Claycomb Mrs W J Piggott and daughter Miss Diks r and Mrs Julius Sippeland Mrs H HII Kemper were visitors in Louisville week Cora few daysshoppingI Jordan has kbeen visiting Mr and Mrs R S Bandy since Satur ¬ websIter y from Elizabethtown after quite a long tar vvisit to relat va- se = to MeGotblanjX oats for your Royal Fencing Mrs C S Neafus and children have returned from Guston where she was the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs John Childs Mr Roscoe Pearson of Cecilian was a visitor in town Saturday and Sunday Mr and Mrs J 11 Herndon are moving from their country home to town this week and have rented the vacant cottage on Maple Ave We are glad to welcome them to our little city Mr Alford Hawes of Owensboro was the guest of Mr and Mrs Charlie Hawes last week Dont forget you can get the Royal wire Fencing at McGlothlan Piggottss- MoGlothlan Peggott have just re ¬ ceived a car load of fresh new field fenceDr and Mrs P E Dempster and children of Glendeane were visitors of Mr and Mrs Foster Lyons last week Mr Alex Dent of Louisville was the guest of Miss Mary Peyton Sun1nyi i Buy the Royal wire Fencing Mrs Charlie Pemberton of Louisville r Is the guest of her sister Mrs Li B Henderson at Basin Springs this week r Mrs Bone Roberts left Saturday for Cloverport for an indefinite visit to her cousin Miss Maggie Carter Miss Bessie Foote of Bewtleyville spent a few days last week here visit ¬ ing Mrs Sue Jolly Mr A B Suter of Custer made a business trip to Louisville last Monday Miss Rebecca Childs of Ekron came Thursday to be the guest of her sister Miss Nannie Childs for a few daysI Mrs Adam Anspaugh of Rome Indian- who has been visiting his sister MraTi N McGlothlan left for her home Satur ¬ day Mr George Barkely of Stephensport BateT e Washington Mr and Mrs Alvin Withers of Kirk I Pl tJ were visitors of Mr and Mrs T A Bliythe for a few days last week Get prices on the Royal Fence Mrs Lawrence J Minish and little daughter Louise of Frankfort Ky arriv ¬ ed Friday to visit Mr and Mrs H H Kemper for a week Mrs Annie Ousley after being the guest of her aunt Mrs G J Marshall for a few weeks left for White Mills SaturdayMrs N McGlothlan spent Friday in Ekron the guest of her cousin Mrs Dock Frymire Mrs Perry Weaver and two children after a stay for a week visiting her par ¬ Washingtonleft Mr C A Penick will erect in the near future a nice two story residence I in the East end of town on College St Mr Penick has just hold his new home himselfu I leaveI some time this week for Owensboro for an indefinite visit to relatives and friends returneds from Owensboro where she spent a week the guest of Mr and Mrs Arthur Villiams Mondayfrom The Rev J L Lewis eras sold his residence in this city to Lon Dowell Consideration 1600 The house Is now occupied by Mr and Mrs Kemper Miss Laura Hall has just receiveda complete line of beautiful summer hats Go to her if you want reasonable prices- It does not pay to go to Louisville to buy your Millinery Goods Call to see Miss Hale and she can till your orders with more satisfaction REVIVAL CONTINUES Rev Currie And Members Having A Good Revival At The Methodist Church The Methodist revival will continue through the week services every after ¬ noon at 230 and every night a 730 oclock The attendance is splendid but made up mostly of church mem ¬ bers The young people sing In the choh and have been most willing to help Rev Currie In every way Sunday night a collection of 13 was taken to pay for the new song books and aside from this there Is no other expenseThe Sunday School was unusually large Sunday and the scholars are still at work on the Red and Blue contest the latter being in the lead What time will the clock stop The Editors Day Cloverport to have a circus on next Wednesday on which occasion we con- fidently ¬ expect John Babbage to take a day off and bo foolishly extravagant with anickels worth of peanuts Hancock Clarion j Louisville Market Louisville April 26lIolI 71 cents Lambs 9 cents Veal calves 0 cents steersl 136IEgiS J Youngchickens Is to 20 cents Wool clear N unwashed medium 25 cents 28a and 32 cents Mr Kiels Mother Dead Chas Kiel was called to Wechaw kee N J Friday on account of the death oi his mother Mrs Christine IIDel U U I

VOL XXXIH CLOVERPORT KENTUCKY IITWO I 1Atdichroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069309/1909-04-28/ed... · 2009-02-26 · THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS N I ALL THE NEWS THATS FIT TO PRINT

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Peter Wilson And Clarence Rob ¬

inson Fishermen Lose Lives

Near Kosmosdale

tl 4 Ester Wilson aged thirtyeight years

and Clarence Robinson aged thirty1

i fouryoars fishermen were drowned in-

Cite Ohio river near Kosmosdale at 10

qclock Thursday morning TheyStarted out to cross tho river to theIndiana side to run their fishing line

t when the wind caused the water to be ¬

come rough and overturned the skiffBothwore rubber boots and heavyclothes and sank after floundering

t about for a fewminutesSquire White a fisherman and Har ¬

4in Applegate a farmer saw the menthe water and started to their aid in

a skiff but the men sank for the lastry time before the rescuers could reach

them Wilson was an excellent swim ¬

neli but Robinson was notWilson and Robinson had been fish ¬

4 ermen In the neighborhood of KosmosMale for two years Both were marriedWilson is survived by his widow Rob-


leaves a widow and six childrenBoth men were members of the Kosmos ¬

dale Lodge Of Modern Wooden andth organization offered a reward of

15 each for the recovery of the bodiesWilson wore a Masonic emblem on his

coat and Robinson wore a Woodmen

1eiublemLouisville Times

What time will the clock stop



Howes Wonderful London Shows

r Pitch TheirTents In Cloverprort

Folks Get Up Early To See

Show Men Unload Trains4

And Have Lots OfR

Fun With Them< v e


Brass Bands

PeanutsIr Clowns

Caged LionsRed Lemonades Il

< Green BalloonsMonkeys all kinds have hit Clover

port wlth the circus today Early thismorning the long show train pulled Iinthe City and were unloaded in the

c tBreckenrldge addition where the show

lmen pitched their tents In a hurry AI1large crowd of small boys were on the

grQundsto welcome them and within ay

short whiles bunch of girls from uptownwee on the scene eagerly watching for


KateDooley the circus beauty Abouta

yjnjne oclock Miss Dooley slipped fromher private car and went to the big tent

V where a good looking man met her atlW the entrance The girls forgot Rat

rlhenand the next time they saw herbjjie was in Mrs Polks store buying a

ttibhatEmma La Low Queen of the high

wires tripped over toa trio of boys andasked where is Ed Alexanders storepltched1 The boys were scared todkathuiid said lIar Unsbtirg but theymeantIrvtngton She passed on and

j liwt as she darted Into a side show shef ewldsstoa man from Noltes

store that was down there trying towiUihe show people butter and eggs

jt One little ragamuffin that evidentjy belonged to the show came In the

nk of Cloverport crying and saidwas looking for Sawyers store vvhereo

Mamma was atJ tut when hisitr ma was foUnd she was In Sever sStore buying face and lip paint

jlttlel boy and his Mamma went to

<MHasa djf JollysJfvlngfon


hall the buelaess

> itJ

ridgei County One intelliBrackrr1rmtd ifclf Jj Bacons was the only

storein L jnliylUe

Tim Lion Trainer and the ElephantI

>e mostenthusiastc over

i tordhtevebti ee andInquirradofa NeU j Y i arus et and Irv

ton wfi P from tlMjlace said theyopted to oto Mhcrafts and Taylor

i inters store bejpee they read theirhitMNiiJtweek Of

t04PQW1ff I I



1Iia theyX



Can Come Home A Free Man

Gov Wilson Issues Pardon To

Long Fugitives From


adv Willson Friday evening issued

Taylorsandfugitives in the State of Indiana fornine years to John Powers brother ofCaleb Powers who is believed to be InHonduras to Holland Whittaker ofButler county John Davis of Louis ¬

ville and Zach Steele of Bell countyall underindictment for alleged com-plicity


In the murder of Gov WilliamGoebel in January 1900

What time will the clock sfop1


Friends of lion Ben Johnson In

Cloverport Rejoice Over The

News That He Wants to

Be Governor


When the word came from Washing ¬

ton that Hon Ben Johnson will makethe race for Governor of Kentucky therewas much rejoicing among tho Delegatesof this City and for several days theyhave been talking the good news overcontinually Just who wore the prowIdest smUeTom Tousey or James Young ¬

er over the announcement could not bedecided by the happy Democrats entailof them are more than pleased-

It is said that Mr Johnson does notmean he has begun or expects to soonbegin anything like a canvass for theimportant office mentioned for ho hasother political plans to accomplish first

In Washington Mr Johnsou is knownas j1 the silent man who does thingsThe Democratic lenders throughout thestate are saying that Johnson is theman needed to redeem their party inKentucky

been reading u copy of the Brecken ¬

ridge newsThe afternoon performances will be ¬

gin at 2 and the night at 8 oclock


Will Have a Nice New School

Building Work of Erection

Begins at OnceV

Contractor J K Bramlettc has justclosed a nice contract with the citizen-of Ekron for a large two storyschool Building Mr Bramlette willemploy from fifteen to twenty men andthey will begin work about the first odese 1

on hands fora handsome residence inHardinsburg

Mrs Moremen III

7r At Brandenburg

Mrs W Morqmen one of the bestknown and loved women of MeadeCounty Is ill at her home nearBranden ¬

burgDr and Mrs L B Moreman of

Irvlngton were called to Jier bedsideSaturday

Marries Rich

Word has been received that MissPearl Gregory of Frankfortand MrW M Martin of Denver Col aremarried

Miss Gregory is remembered hereMr Martin iis a multimilHoniarerSunday School Convention

The District Sunday School Conven ¬MagisterialsC

Presbyterian church at Garfield May

29Programe will appear In next weeksPaper

C 14 BmNGTON PressNSectwsGlasscocki Butler

Mr Levi Butler son of John Butlerand Miss Laura Glasscock went to Can ITheIl

H Glasscpck of McDaniels




Judge Moorman was in LouisVillea few days last week

Mrs E B Euglish of Owensborovisited her sister Mrs Marvin Beardseveral days of last week

Gus Shellman is having a plated glassfront put iu his store Two show win ¬

dows will also be added to better dis ¬

i play his growing variety of goodsJoe Trent of Custer was in town


Finley Miller wont to Leitchfield Friday to take Aruon Hook whowas arrested here after having been in ¬

dicted by the Grayson county grandjury on the charge of forgery-

H C Woosley of the U S Depart ¬

ment of Agriculture Bureau of PlantIndustry with head quarters at Lex¬ington has beeu here for several daysarranging to start an Agricultural Ex¬

periment Station He has secured sixacres of land from Taylor Beard atthe depot upon which the work will begin this year As the work grows theacres will be increased to twenty Uphon these twenty acres tests ofand crop rotation will be made with aview to acquainting our farmers withthe actual needs of Breckenridge countysoils Mr Woosley has two other sta ¬

tions one in Christian county and onein Fayette One third of hU time willbe spent here and the rest at the othertwo points

News has been received here of theNebraska State Legislatures purchas-ing


the school property and equipmentof the late Jas M Pile at WayneNebraska for 90000 Fred M Pile sonof the founder of the school has leasedthe school plant for the next two yearsafter which it will pass into the possess ¬

ion of the State for State Normal useDr A M Kincheloe has a dog

Teddy which as a doer of stunts re ¬

minds us of another illustrious TeddyTeds latest was to climb a sixteen footladder which leaned against the sideof the house Unable to descend he set-

up a pitiful crying like unto a childswhich brought a boy to his rescue

Teddy and terra firma wont partcompany now-

Commissioner Lee Walls mado threesales at the Court Hous6vdoor MondayTwo tracts of land belonging to theBennett heirs near Helm SpringBranch to J Finley Miller for 250 Athreefifths interest in the old HarrisonB West farm nearConatantne80 acresto Steve Whjtwoith for 100 Twotracts of the Shrewsberry land near McQuady to Ben T Miller for 1250

In the County court Monday a changeIn the road from Kingswood to Harnedwas granted as petitioned for by RevJ W Hughes and others

The will of the late Joe Shorshell wasadmitted to probate Monday CharleyT Miller of Cannelton Ind nephewof the deceased was made administra ¬

torStephensportwill take a vote on the

graded school proposition Owing topetsd ¬


JulyCharleyDurham is out again afterillnessfPaul Compton and family were guests

of Mr and Mrs M P Cjompton ofGarfield Sunday

County Road Supervisor Mike Mill ¬

er has appointed Magisterial DistrictSupervisors Cloverport John JenningsUnion Star Wni Gilbert HudsonMiles Drain Bewleyville EugeneBeauchnmp for n part of the district andGilbert Kasey for the remainder WashRobbins has the lower end of the sixth

Hawkins Smith Saturday sold a pairof fine mules to the Road Committee forthe Hardinsburg District

Supt Pile is in Richmond a few daysthis week attending an educational

meetingJEdwards of Columbus has

been employed as Principal of the HighSchool which opens in September MrEdwards who holds an A B Degreehas been a student in the ChicagoUniversity and isbath a student and ateacher possessing a laudable ambitionfor n young man of twentysix

John P Haswell was in Louisville lastweek


hHarry Conover Dies Near Cinci ¬

nnati Leaves A Young Wife

Well Known Here

Word was received here Thursdaymorning by Mrs Virge Babbage of thedeath of Mr Harry Conover who died athis home in Gosheu Ohio near Cinci-


herethaving visited in the City several time-

with his wife who was Miss GracFoote of Owensboro

Mr Conover had been in ill healthsince Christmas and just a fewago he and Mrs Conover returned frc

Hot Springs Ark where they had beenthinking the place would help him

The funeral was held at Cincinnati i

Friday afternoon Miss Cecil Foote ar-


there Wednesday to be with Dlr

Conover who will return to Owensbo-with her soon Mrs ConoversMr Ed Foot has come home from Tex ¬

as to be with his daughter for severaldays

Judge Wills At The

Jewish Hospital

Judge and Mrs Wills and little MbGense Wills are in Louisville whet-

Judge Wills went to consult a physicianin regard to his health He is now atthe Jewish Hospital for several weetreatment While his condition is notserious the doctors say it will be some-

time before he will be entirely well

Painting Their Home

Mr and Mrs Joe Fitch are havingtheir home on Second in West EndNewly Painted and beautified

Busy At Webster

Mayor Harris has resigned his posi ¬

tion at the L H d St L shops in thisi

city and is now devoting his time to b-


crusher at Webster Mr Harrisis doing an extensive buslnessand goesback and forth from this city to thequary every day or two

MISS FRONNIE DEANOne of the prettiest and most attractive young girls of Cloverport H

pleasing and agreeable man cris winning for her manygood friends



1AtdiI117Bakin i

Powder 4+11Abs1utelyrFur I

The only baking powder

L made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar



Hundreds Moving To The Little

CityMr Penick Will Build

A New Residence On

College Street


beesnrae ¬

turned homeMr F H McGehee spent the pasI

week at Stephensport with her sisterrnMrs Dick ykiIluranIMrs D S Wilson and little

left Tuesday for Ora more Oklahoma tu

be the guest of his daughter for twoveeks Mr Wilson will visit other

9points of interest on a prospecting tourMisses Eva and MabellMcGlothlan

0who have been visiting Miss Essiem Louisville for the past ten days havereturned home

Mrs Nannie J Wathen of Louisvillewas a visitor in town last week

¬Brandenburg aHale Saturday

Miss Annie Lee Bandy has returnedossfrom fBlancheClaycombMrs W J Piggott and daughter MissDiks r

and Mrs Julius Sippeland Mrs H HIIKemper were visitors in Louisvilleweek Cora few daysshoppingI

Jordan has kbeen visitingMr and Mrs R S Bandy since Satur ¬

websIteryfrom Elizabethtown after quite a longtar vvisit to relat va-se =toMeGotblanjX oats for yourRoyal Fencing

Mrs C S Neafus and childrenhave returned from Guston whereshe was the guest of her parents Mrand Mrs John Childs

Mr Roscoe Pearson of Cecilian wasa visitor in town Saturday and Sunday

Mr and Mrs J 11 Herndon aremoving from their country home to townthis week and have rented the vacantcottage on Maple Ave We are glad towelcome them to our little city

Mr Alford Hawes of Owensboro wasthe guest of Mr and Mrs Charlie Haweslast week

Dont forget you can get the Royalwire Fencing at McGlothlan Piggottss-

MoGlothlan Peggott have just re ¬

ceived a car load of fresh new field

fenceDrand Mrs P E Dempster and

children of Glendeane were visitors ofMr and Mrs Foster Lyons last week

Mr Alex Dent of Louisville was theguest of Miss Mary Peyton Sun1nyi i

Buy the Royal wire FencingMrs Charlie Pemberton of Louisville r

Is the guest of her sister Mrs Li BHenderson at Basin Springs this week r

Mrs Bone Roberts left Saturday forCloverport for an indefinite visit to hercousin Miss Maggie Carter

Miss Bessie Foote of Bewtleyvillespent a few days last week here visit ¬

ing Mrs Sue JollyMr A B Suter of Custer made a

business trip to Louisville last MondayMiss Rebecca Childs of Ekron came

Thursday to be the guest of her sisterMiss Nannie Childs for a few daysI

Mrs Adam Anspaugh of Rome Indian-who has been visiting his sister MraTiN McGlothlan left for her home Satur ¬

dayMr George Barkely of StephensportBateT e

WashingtonMr and Mrs Alvin Withers of Kirk I


were visitors of Mr and Mrs T ABliythe for a few days last week

Get prices on the Royal FenceMrs Lawrence J Minish and littledaughter Louise of Frankfort Ky arriv ¬

ed Friday to visit Mr and Mrs H HKemper for a week

Mrs Annie Ousley after being theguest of her aunt Mrs G J Marshallfor a few weeks left for White MillsSaturdayMrs

N McGlothlan spent Fridayin Ekron the guest of her cousin MrsDock Frymire

Mrs Perry Weaver and two childrenafter a stay for a week visiting her par ¬

WashingtonleftMr C A Penick will erect in the

near future a nice two story residenceIin the East end of town on College StMr Penick has just hold his new home


leaveIsome time this week for Owensboro foran indefinite visit to relatives andfriends

returnedsfrom Owensboro where she spent aweek the guest of Mr and Mrs ArthurVilliams

MondayfromThe Rev J L Lewis eras sold his

residence in this city to Lon DowellConsideration 1600 The house Is nowoccupied by Mr and Mrs Kemper

Miss Laura Hall has just receivedacomplete line of beautiful summer hatsGo to her if you want reasonable prices-

It does not pay to go to Louisville tobuy your Millinery Goods Call to seeMiss Hale and she can till your orderswith more satisfaction


Rev Currie And Members Having

A Good Revival At The

Methodist Church

The Methodist revival will continuethrough the week services every after ¬

noon at 230 and every night a 730oclock The attendance is splendidbut made up mostly of church mem ¬

bersThe young people sing In the choh

and have been most willing to helpRev Currie In every way

Sunday night a collection of 13 wastaken to pay for the new song booksand aside from this there Is no otherexpenseThe

Sunday School was unusuallylarge Sunday and the scholars are stillat work on the Red and Blue contestthe latter being in the lead

What time will the clock stop

The Editors Day

Cloverport to have a circus on nextWednesday on which occasion we con-


expect John Babbage to take aday off and bo foolishly extravagant withanickels worth of peanuts HancockClarion


Louisville MarketLouisville April 26lIolI 71 cents

Lambs 9 cents Veal calves 0 centssteersl136IEgiSJ

Youngchickens Is to 20 cents Woolclear N unwashed medium 25 cents28aand 32 cents

Mr Kiels Mother Dead

Chas Kiel was called to Wechawkee N J Friday on account of thedeath oi his mother Mrs Christine