The Encourager Church of Christ 140 West 15th Street Front Royal Virginia 22630 540 635 2613 FrontRoyalChurchofChrist.com SimpleBibleLessons.com We Welcome Our Guest! We are so glad youve come for worship today! Our prayer is you will be blessed by your me with us. Please feel free to ask us any quesons you may have concerning our worship. December 3, 2017 Sunday Services Bible class 10:00 am Worship 11:00 am Evening 6:00 pm Tuesday Ladies Class 11:00 am Wednesday Service 7:00 pm Personal Bible Study SimpleBibleLessons.com Online Correspondence In Home RSW Jail Ministry Correspondence 2nd & 4th In House Food Pantry By Appointment Minister John Stephen Smith 540-635-2613 [email protected] Let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven. Mahew 5:16

The Encourager - Front Royal Church of Christ · 2017-12-01 · Sermon Points ... us and only He could do this to take away our sins. The ... Love covers a multitude of sins. Proverbs

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The Encourager

Church of Christ

140 West 15th Street

Front Royal Virginia 22630

540 635 2613



We Welcome Our Guest! We are so glad you’ve come for worship today!

Our prayer is you will be blessed by your time with us. Please feel free to ask us any questions you may have concerning our worship.

December 3, 2017

Sunday Service’s

Bible class 10:00 am

Worship 11:00 am

Evening 6:00 pm

Tuesday Ladies Class

11:00 am

Wednesday Service

7:00 pm

Personal Bible Study




In Home

RSW Jail Ministry


2nd & 4th In House

Food Pantry

By Appointment


John Stephen Smith


[email protected]

“Let your light so shine before others, that

they may see your good works and glorify

your Father in Heaven. Matthew 5:16

Balaam the Reluctant Servant-


Sermon Title


Speaker Date

Scriptures Used :__________________________________________________



Sermon Points












December 3, 2017

Immediately after

Am Worship Today

Considering Seasonal

Meeting Hour 2:00pm Sunday PM Service

Begin January 7th 2018

Thru March

Proposed Class

Christian Evidences

Members Proposals

Men’s Meeting To Follow

In Need of Our Prayers & Our Benevolence

Names On This Page Will Periodically be Removed. Please Keep Tenia

Informed as to there Condition & or Status

Chris Tewalt

Blaine Tewalt

Debbie Martin

Jaden Turner

Karen Woodall

Kim Wines

Remi Wines

Doug Ritenour

Carol Ritenour

RSW Jail Ministry

Our nation and lawmakers

The Lord’s church meeting here.

The Lord’s church worldwide.

Military men and women

First Responders

Our missionaries

Our Homebound

Larry & Audrey Herring

John Woodall

Nancy Barnes

Julia Souders

Cancer Diagnosis

Blaine Tewalt

Ryan Denharat

Sandy Holzhauser

Vita Torres

Viola Menefee

Nancy Barnes

Jeff Pingley

Betty Martin

Wendy Willoughby

Elaine Appleton

Robert Jenkins

Ongoing Concerns

Bobby Jo Henderson

Pop Funk

Kenny Henderson Jr.

Ruth Martin

Ruth Brooks

Scott McCool

Sharon Jenkins

Richy E.

Sharon Derflinger

Gloria Van Arsdall

Carson Van Arsdall

Jamie Shell

Linda York

Tim Gunter

Marty Jones

Jamie James

John Taylor

Gary May

Ron Parks

Miranda & children

Irene Alger

Lisa Settle

The Cracked Acorn

Flower Bed December 3 , 2017

c.r. van arsdall

In the midst of our circular backyard flower bed is a small angel, a gift from a friend. The angel is holding a small bird, like one of the wrens that live in the house that swings from an overhanging maple branch. This reminds me of the care God has for even the smallest of His creation. The outer edge is framed by multiple dusty millers looking like small angels that could have administered to Jesus in the wilderness. Jesus could have at any time called down thousands of angels to free him from the cross. The petunias are lovely with their large blossoms. The purple reminds me of the color that only a king should wear and that would be our Lord. There are the white with red streaks. Yes, these portray the stripes He bore for us and only He could do this to take away our sins. The whites show the purity of the church without stain, blemish, and without spot. In the background are the marigolds. They rise in different colors and show stur-diness and persistence only the massive crowds showed when they followed Jesus. They asked to be healed from their diseases and to be fed.

Last there in the midst is the unloved geranium. I call it the Lord of all. It thrives in all kinds of conditions and still blooms a pink welcome to all. Yes, there is only one Lord to whom we shall have to answer, the Lord of heaven and earth.

I am a lover of the old flower from my childhood, the hollyhock. They also come in different colors and usual-ly come back year after year. They love a hidden nook in the garden, a south side of a garage or storage shed.

Somehow, I see their yearly message as a warning to the folly of mankind. Houses may rise and fall or be blown away, the hollyhocks always come back. It says "don't rise too high into the heavens but remember who you are and from whence you came."

Who am I that the king would bleed and die for

Who am I that he would pray not my will, O lord

The answer I may never know

Why he ever loved me so

But to that old rugged cross he'd go

For who am i?

When I think of how he came so far from glory

Came to dwell among the lowly such as i

To suffer shame and such disgrace

Then I ask myself this question

Who am i?

Oh I wonder what I could have done

To deserve god's only son

To fight my battles until they'd won

For who am i?

Charles Goodman

"Blessed are the poor in

spirit, For theirs is the kingdom

of heaven." Matthew 5:1

Mark Your Calendar’s

& Check Bulletin Boards

Congregational Singing tonight,

Song leaders have your songs ready

Front Royal Oratorio Society

Concert Saturday, Dec. 10th /check

BB for time and place.

December —9th

Ornament Exchange.

At Jane McCool’s house.

Time: 2:00 p.m.

Relay for Life: Recyclables in blue

tote in main foyer. Plastic cola caps,

tabs, ink cartridges, aluminum cans.

Serving Today Bob Baleskie

Wilson Diaz

Eddie Benfit

Mike McCool

Song Service

Tim Tewalt am

Singing pm

Scripture Reading Art Candenquist

Eddie & Marian 12

David & Brenda 22

Joel & Janet 25

Collection for:

Holiday Baskets

If you wish to contribute, please

give your contribution to Eugene or mark

it and drop in contribution tray.

If you have any families who need help,

please give information to Juanita or

Deborah. We need to know number of

people and ages of children.

Potter’s Coin Cans pick-up ,

must be in by today, coming

Monday the 4th!!

Sunday Evening Fellowship after

PM services will be finger foods.

Thank you!

Wilson Diaz, for clean

dining room floors.

Attention!! zip code for Hazel Clark is


Linda Sullivan 22

Mark Derflinger 31

What’s Love Got

to Do With It? This title was a song by Tina

Turner in 1984. Love songs

have been around for a very

long time. Even Solomon

wrote love songs, Songs of

Solomon .

Love makes the world go

round, love is in the air, love

sayings we have heard time

and time again.

Songs like “Love Lifted Me”,

or “God is Love”, or “Why Did

My Savior Come To Earth”

should bring joy and peace to

the Christians life.

Just saying the word, love is

no guarantee of conviction on

what it takes to really love


Jesus says “if you love me, keep my commandment.” John 14:15

In asking Peter three times

about loving him, Jesus was

asking Peter to be sure of his

love for the Lord. John 21:15-17

In Mark 12:30-31 Jesus tells

us how we are to love God.

With all the mind, heart, soul

and strength (body).

Loving our neighbor, as we

love ourselves is right up

there in the commandments. James 2:8 So what’s love got to do with

the church? Everything!

1 Peter 2:17 “Love the

brotherhood.” Each Christian

should consider the impact

of this instruction for our

faithful service to the Lord.

Ephesians 4:15-16 The body,

the church, with Christ as its

head, as the body we are to

build in love.

Love for the brotherhood will

guide us in appropriately

addressing all issues, in

keeping with Romans 14:19

Love will temper the way in

which we deal with matters of

contention. Avoiding to

address problems arising in

the church, will not build up,

but tear down. Love covers a

multitude of sins. Proverbs 10:12

Often, however, we treat the

church as a burden to bear

rather than a blessing to

enjoy. We must be careful, for

love is essential for

evangelism, love is the central

element of edification.

When we are passionately in

love with the church, we can

not be complacent in sharing

the good news of salvation

with others.

In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul talks

about love and about not

having love, what love does

and what not having love does

as well.

So what does love got to do

with anything?

John 3:16-17 "For God so

loved the world that He gave

His only begotten Son, that

whoever believes in Him

should not perish but have

everlasting life. 17"For God

did not send His Son into the

world to condemn the world,

but that the world through

Him might be saved.

BSGFAA Lesson 175 AHIJAH—1 Kings 12 King of Judah King of Israel

Bible Quiz:

1. Yes or no did God tell Jacob to leave Paddan Aram and return to Canaan? Genesis 31:3

2. Name the Babylonian king who took captives from Judah, Daniel 1:1

3. Who wrote the book of Acts? Acts 1:1

4. Why did the Queen of Sheba come to visit Solomon? How did she test Solomon? 1 Kings 10:1

5. Did Solomon worship idols? 1 Kings 11:4-8

6. Who reigned as king after Solomon died? 1 Kings 11:43

7. Yes or no Did Solomon refuse himself any pleasure that he desired? Ecclesiastes 2:10

8. What did the preacher (Solomon) say would happen to the things in which he had worked so hard?

Ecclesiastes 2:18-21

9. Who wrote most of Proverbs? Provebs1:1 How many Provers did Solomon write? 1 Kings 4:32

10. Name the subjects taught in Proverbs. Proverbs. 1:7; 3:5-7; 3:19; 6:1-19, 15:25; 21:1; 4:23; 6:6; 7:2;

11:28-30; 1:8; 10:1; 12:4; 13:1, 24; 3:27-29; 12:25; 14:21, 31; 1:10; 4:14; 22:24; 14:6-8; 16:12;


According to the Dictionary:

1. Who were Jesse and Adoniram? 1 Samuel 16:1, 2 Samuel 20:24, 1 Kings 4:6


1. Under what conditions did the people of Israel say they would follow Rehoboam, Solomon’s son? 1 Kings


2. Rehoboam followed the counsel of (a) the elders who had served his father or (b) the young men who

had grown up with him. 1 Kings 12:8, 13-14

3. Rehoboam said he would make the yoke of the people (a) heavy or (b) light. 1 Kings 12:14

4. Rehoboam, Solomon’s son reigned only over the tribe of ________. 1 Kings 12:17

5. Jeroboam ruled over all the tribes except _______. 1 Kings 12:20

6. Why did Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, and the warriors from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, not

attack Israel as planned? 1 Kings 12:21-24

7. To encourage worship Jeroboam did not (a) place a golden calf at Bethel and at Dan, (b) make priests

other than the sons of Levi, © institute a feast, or (d) send the people to the temple at Jerusalem. 1

Kings 12:26-33

Application: on counsel—1 Kings 12:13-14

BSGFAA Lesson 176 AHIJAH—1 Kings 13 Jeroboam’s Doom Prophesied

Bible Quiz:

1. In prayer Jacob said that when leaving Canaan, he had crossed the Jordan with only ____and on his return, he had become two ____. Genesis 32:10

2. How did Esau greet Jacob? How did Jacob greet Esau? Genesis 33:3-5

3. Who, according to Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, would set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed? Daniel 2:44

4. Because Solomon was unfaithful to God, God told him He would give all but one tribe to Solo-mon’s ____. Why did God say He would give one tribe to Solomon’s son? 1 Kings 11:13

5. Yes or no Did the preacher (Solomon) say the eye is satisfied with seeing? Ecclesiastes 1:8

6. Yes or no Is there a time for everything? Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

7. What is a proverb? Proverbs 1:1; 25:1; 30:1; 31:1 A book of wise sayings concerning moral and religious truth as applied to life.

According to the Dictionary:

1. Kingdom had lasted united 120 years,—Saul ruled 40 years Acts 13:21, David 40 years 2 Samuel 5:4, and Solomon 40 years 1 Kings 11:42. After Solomon, the kingdom was divided about 950 B.C. Israel, the 10 northern tribes, lasted about 200 years and was destroyed by Assyria, Judah, the two southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin, lasted about 300 years and was destroyed by Babylon.

2. Priest—from the tribe of Levi, Genesis 35:23; Exodus 4:14 From the family of Aaron, Exodus 28:1; 29:9 they was the ones who served God, offered sacrifices, taught the Law, and cared for the tabernacle and later the temple.

3. Prophet—was chosen by God to give his message to the people


1. What would be the fate of Jeroboam according to the prophet of God from Judah? What was the sign which proved the prophet’s words? 1 Kings 13:2-3, 5

2. Why would the prophet of God not eat and drink with Jeroboam? 1 Kings 13:7-9

3. The man from Bethel who lied to the prophet from Judah was (a) a prophet, (b) a king, (c) a judge, or (d) a

4. Describe the lie which the prophet from Bethel told the prophet from Judah. 1 Kings 13:15, 18

5. What did the Lord say would be the punishment of the prophet from Judah for not obeying? 1 Kings 13:20-22

6. How did the prophet from Judah die? Who buried him? Where? 1 Kings 13:24, 30

7. What did the prophet of Bethel say concerning the prophecies against the alter in Bethel and against the high places which the prophet of Judah had made? 1 Kings 13:32

Application— on prayer for others—1 Kings 13:6