Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017 The Essentials: The Tools You Need to Make Change Stephen Ashkin President, The Ashkin Group Grandfather of Green Cleaning

The Essentials: The Tools You Need to Make Change

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Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

The Essentials: The Tools You Need to Make Change

Stephen AshkinPresident, The Ashkin Group

Grandfather of Green Cleaning

Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

Redefining Green Cleaning

Green Cleaning is a platformthat can be used to change

the cleaning industry

We define the directionthat change takes


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

The Tools You Need to Make Change Agenda

• Crib notes – what you need to know about schools and kids to make change

• We can’t do it ourselves – the importance of partners and allies

• Speaking change in their language

• If you want to drive change – make it personal


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

Crib Notes


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

We should have a clear vision and mission

• Every student, faculty and staff member, regardless of race or socioeconomic background, has equal access to a healthy school environment.

• Schools serve as leaders making the critical connection between learning and health.

• Students have fewer risks of disease, lead healthier adult lives, act as stewards of the environment and achieve their highest potential.


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

We should have shared values

• We believe that families should have confidence that the school environment will be healthy and that school leaders will promote healthy behaviors.

• We believe that students learn from example. A healthy school teaches students to value their own health and that of their environment.

• We are concerned about the growing disparities in our country and believe that a quality education for all students is a necessary ingredient in a civil society.

• We believe that all families, faculty, staff, students and community members must have a voice in decisions that affect the school environment.

• We believe that meaningful and sustainable change occurs when informed, engaged and empowered stakeholders collaborate with school officials and policymakers.


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

We should know this about schools

• 100,000+ school buildings

• Nearly 1 in 4 schools have one or more buildings in need of extensive repair or replacement

• Nearly 1 in 2 have reported problems related to indoor air quality (IAQ).

• $8 Billion budget shortfall on just O&M and additional $38 Billion shortfall for construction


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

We should know the problems from poor IEQ

• Impact student and staff attendance, comfort and performance

• Accelerate the deterioration and reduce the efficiency of the school’s physical plant and equipment

• Increase potential for school closings or relocation of occupants

• Create negative publicity, adversely impact community trust and create liability problems


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

What we should know about kids

• Kids are not miniature adults

• Kids eat, drink and inhale more than adults (pound for pound)

• Kids bodies are developing

• Kids play and lack of knowledge places them at greater risk compared to adults


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

We can’t drive change without partners and allies


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

We have an ally in the cleaning industryMarket Segments Sales % of Total

Educational (schools, colleges, universities) $3,691,000,000 15.0%

Health Care (hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, medical, dental offices) $3,568,000,000 14.5%

Contract Cleaners $3,445,000,000 14.0%

Industrial (manufacturing plants, food processing, utilities, warehouses) $3,420,000,000 13.9%

Commercial (office buildings, property management firms) $2,067,000,000 8.4%

Governmental (federal, state, county, municipal) $1,919,000,000 7.8%

Retail (grocery, shopping malls, department stores, auto dealers, misc. retail) $1,329,000,000 5.4%

Restaurants/Clubs (stand-alone, country clubs) $1,181,000,000 4.8%

Hotels/Motels $1,083,000,000 4.4%

Recreation (stadiums, health clubs, movie theaters, casinos, bowling alleys) $1,033,000,000 4.2%

Religious (churches, convents, etc. excluding schools and hospitals) $837,000,000 3.4%

Transportation (airports, public transit, airlines, bus and rail stations) $714,000,000 2.9%

Residential (apartment buildings, condominiums) $320,000,000 1.3%

TOTAL $24,606,000,000


Schools are #1

Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

Over 25 years of innovation - and more to come

• Green products in multiple categories• Chemicals• Sanitary Paper• Plastic Liners• Powered Equipment• Pads, buckets, carts, microfiber, etc

• Products are cost competitive• Products have comparable performance in most

categories• Products are widely available• Use of third-party standards make it easy• Approximately 30 percent of products are “green”


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

Other industry tools and opportunities

• ISSA Clean Standard: K12

• Encourage innovative products• On-Site chemical production• Tree-free and rapidly renewable fibers• Improved battery technology• Connected devices• Robots

• Encourage tools, transparency and reporting• ISSA Distributor Efficiency, Analytics & Learning

Program (DEAL)

• Network: 24 Hour Rule


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

Learn to speak their language


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

• SPORTS: 7 in 10 are passionate about sports

• ENGLISH: 8 in 10 are proficient in English

• FOOD: 4 in 10 are passionate about food and cooking

• VIDEO GAMES: 1 in 4 are passionate about video games

• ARTS ENTERTAINMENT: 99 percent of waitresses in LA are aspiring actresses

• FINANCE: For change to happen, this matters

Learn to speak their language


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

Maintenance & Operations Spending


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

Local Communities Support School Funding


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

Modern Standards for K-12 Facilities


If communities have stable funding at these levels, they should be able to deliver healthy, safe,

educationally appropriate, and environmentally

sustainable school facilities.

Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

We need data to help us drive change

• How is O&M funded in your school?

• How much is spent on cleaning per square foot?

• How much is spent on cleaning per student?

• How many square feet are cleaned per custodial FTE?

• How many students per custodial FTE?

• What and how much should your budget be increased or decreased?


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

Terrific Resources

• Center for Green Schoolso https://www.centerforgreenschools.org/resources

• 21st Century School Fundo http://www.21csf.org/csf-home/view_PubList.asp

• Educational Clearinghouseo http://www.ncef.org/resource-lists

• EPA Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schoolso https://www.epa.gov/iaq-schools/indoor-air-



Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

If you want to drive change, make it personal


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

If you want to drive change, make it personal

• CANCER: Approximately 4 in 10 of adults will be diagnosed with cancer

• OVERWEIGHT: More than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese.

• DIABETES: Roughly 3 in 10 of overweight people have diabetes

• DISABILITIES: Nearly 1 in 5 have a disability

• INJURIES: Janitors are injured on the job more than twice the average injury rate for all workers


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

It’s very personal for kids and their families

• CANCER: Up 27 percent since 1975 and is the leading cause of death by disease

• OVERWEIGHT: Obesity affects more than 1 in 7children and adolescents

• ASTHMA: 1 in 12 have asthma

• ABSENTEEISM: Asthma accounts for 10.5 million missed school days annually

• PERFORMANCE: There is a connection between school facilities and student performance


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

It’s personal to me


Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017Green Clean Schools Leadership Institute --- Park City, Utah --- July 13-14, 2017

Thank You