The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

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Author: Meir ShaharThe Evolution of Shaolin Hand combat - Extract from Shaolin Gong Fu Collection Phase 2 (少林功夫文集 第二期 )

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Page 1: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )
Page 2: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

" 少林功夫文集

The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat Israel> Tel Aviv Universitv Meir Shahar

Martial tel'hniqu凹 m"¥叫Ulfe centuries 10 evolve , ~h川Ìn monh

had been pral'ticing the staff for several hundred years before it w国 lauJ"d

in late - Ming lileralure as an outstanding fighting mt"thod. Sirnilarly their

bare - handecl techniques - now famo\ls the woclJ O\Tf - ~川 e Leen un

folding for some four hund陀d 斗'ears: As t'arly as the sixtl、enth - l'吧ntury ,

60日】e Shaolin lTIonks pracliced unarmed fightin阳 in the ‘:ourst' of the ~e毛

enteenth , they dewloped 倒lphisticated emply - handed te(.hnÌ(jll帖, ancl

by the mid - Qing period (tt肥 eight四nth , and eady nin创e..nth , eenlu­

ries) , hand combat (quan) had erlipsed the staff as the dOTl IÎn8nl form of

ShaoJin martial train川gi

The teml quan , which 1 rε阳:!er " hand comna\ ," m..ans literal\v "

fi !:òt." During the lale - impt>riaJ period it fÌesignated unarmed fighting

lechniques , all of wbieh made USP - in addilion to aπns -υf Jegs; kic

king figures prominenlly in al! quan styles , in 执 hich senS f" " hälld ('01ηhat"

is misleading. "Boxin笆 which has al50 been used to translate qua口,

1:.> r ,1主磁襟语言 。娘费撒雄辩如 c海幽幽雄也罐罐醋棋如

Page 3: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

j)", E""lul;,川,,1 刊 IJaoJil1 H时啊1 Comha• 39

s l! ffer~ from the add t>d di叫ilvanla!!e that it C{)Jlnolt's II speeifi( 飞l-estern spoJi, 1 have opl('d

Ih俨『俨仇'"民汀 "hand c(川1hat ," but where il sound但 too uwkward 一俨~~pecia l! y Itl tfw m也 mp~ i>f in

dividlllll ,;Iyl('~ - 1 Iou\l' re叹orled 10 111<" likr<1 1 "fì叫" <1;; \\, pll

The earJie币1 rt'ft' re们ee , 1 arn awu陀 of , to Sh 1川 Hl hand combllt OCCUI5 in T川吕 Shunzhi 's

(1507-1560) J川t"'rlI "Song of llw Emei Motlk:~ Fi ,;l" ("Ernf'i dao陀 n (juan ge" ), w >ich e\

lols /l(此。nh th t' Emei nlOna、 len阳 en巧"、 hand('d 们在hling , hl川自 Iso the Shaolin s. However

in hi~ 口)mpreht'nsive 1'realise on l\'li!itar} Affair,; (Wll !Jl1tn) , wh f're he lists conkrul'ora!)' 1削"

handt'd 圳、 !t'S ~tj(' h 出" [恼'吨F.rnperor I Zh削 Tn山';; Iρ吨- Range ri~t" (Zhao T¥ !ZU

ehallg quan " ) al叶 "\Y(' l! Famth Fist 刊 (\ii t'njia quan) , tlw same author does lwt lllludt, to

Shaulin , indiealiug Ihal Ihe mona~ler~ had 阳)1 d('\(:'!(鸣叫 aS\' f'tar仅:ognized t' lllpt飞- handed

sty \c. ln thc mililary f'n('yeJupedill , Tang - lik f' (叫 llE' r ~ixteellth - Cf"时ury l1l ililw 飞 experls …

allude~ 10 tlw Shao!in ~taff instead. ,)

:-ie\'eral de( 时凹 later , allusiolls 10 har!(l ("ombat bf'gan 10 叩pf' ar in the lra叶。阴阳 and po

em~ 0(" lat t' - Ming visitnrs 10 SI剧Jlin sllch as \\i al哨 Shixing (who f'xptoæJ it JI) 1 58l ), Gong

Nai(jinshi 1601) , WPll Xiang{eng (j Ìl恼hi 1610) , anJ Yua lJ IfOllgd削, (whn \"Îsi it'd the mon

a、"巧," 1配 9). Hnwever , it 15 h凶rd to gauge Ll te importan('e of unarmed fightitlg il1 Shaolin s

regim f'n from !heir í灿el!C凹mposJt川}时, which Wf'rf' Illeanl 10 {'mlVf'y the mnna吨\('1\';" ambiafl('e 守

not analyze i臼 military te(:hniqlles ,

Curi饥lsly , lhe d f'aH'st indieatiou Ihat lat f' - Mill ll," Shaolin lIlonks were luming their atten

linn 10 hand eumhal 附 provided b) thc J1tO,;\ vocal f'xpOllcn\ of their staff melhod. U川19 Zongy

ouln his Exposil阳川f Ih t' Original Shao!in ~taff 1配thod (Shaolill gunfa ("han ZOllg) (('u. (610)

Ihp staff 叫peJi has u hypothptical Înterloeutor ask; Why 巾 Shaolin ffiOllks f肌tdi('e hafe

hUllded fìghting? 山附g; answer aeknowledW'H that 50111 f' mOllks wer铲 ~i-fiously t'llga阳1 il1 halld

comhal , even as it lean-s nn doubt that , for tl附m , ltwa~an俨wly → acq\l1 f叫"民hling 过vly

Furthennore , Clwng explains thal throughllul China e叫Jty - hand叫 teehniqu归 11ft' not yel

widely pntclieed , whieh i自 P陀ci5ely why Shanlin monks explofe jhem - they wisl> 10 develop

hand comhat lo the same level 01' l't'rff'l.tion as thpir arlcienl 到aff nlt'lhod. Cheng 向 rep!yemploJ's

th町 Ruddhi:;l v{)('abula阿 of enlighlenm但01ωdescrilJt' Ilte exeellell('!-' jo whieh Shuolin monks 出

pire in their nowl fìghting metlwd

Somer川 e rn<l~ ask: "As 10 the 怜lafT, the Shaolin [1时thOt] Jωadmirf"d. '1 叫HV there Hre

many 剑1aolin monks who pradiee hand eOJllh<l1 (quall) , and do IH此 pracn附

Page 4: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

40 少林功夫文集

The Hand Combat Clas~ic und Xuanjis ACUpUl){'ture - rOÎ时片

1月/hÎch 自hape dirl seventeenth - centu巧 Shanlin hand 山rnbat take? A possibl!' an喃喃 1;::'

provided by !wo Qin在 -perio,-j (1644-1911) manu曲, ...hi l'h 阳甲川 10 ret咽1 it. The two

treatÎses , which share Huch strikin只 similarities thal the\' hav俨 been treated bv ~cholar~ as two

versiolls of ()nc w创k , cin咀l 创I:'d in Qing manuseript editiOl恼, before being publi;;hed in st刷g

hai during the Republican 俨阳 (1912-1949). Theyare; lIandComhat Cl耐isic , Hand - Com

bat Method (ρJleetion (Quan jing; Quan fa 1月iyao) , with a prefac f' ()f 1784 hy Cll!l Huandou

(slyle: Zaidon刑, aml Xua町 i 's Secret Transrnission of Al'upu配ture Purnts' Hand - Combat

Fonnulas (Xuanji mi shou XUpdll() quan jue) , which carries an undal时 p陀阳 t' hv one Zha吨

Minge 也

The Hand Comhat ClassÎe and Xuanji :'l Acupullcture l'oÎnts traee Iheir milit 'dry leιhniquefi

- Ihrough an almost iJentical linpage of lay praetit Î(mers - tυIhe Shaolin Monllsten;. In h凶

1784 p陀face to Hand Combat Classi(' , Cao Huandou 俨xplain5 thal lhe manllal he mJllotated had

been authored over a century earlier hy one Zhang Kongzhao (styl!"; Hengqiu ). He fur

ther note5 that Zhang Kongzhao studied his Shaoli l! method with Zhang Minge , who is given 118

author of Ihe preface to Xuanji '5 Acupunclum Points. The latter manllal al:;o m!"nlinn5 Zhang

Kongzhao 5 name 也 Finally , preeeding these lay dÎsópl凹, Ihe Iwo manuals irl(~lllifv the SIi!llf'

Shaolin deric as the source of their teachings. This is the monk Xuanji , wh回!" narne appea陀 m

Ihe litle Xuanjis Acupuncture Poinls (see illustration no. 1) 在

The Hand Combat Clas哑cs and Xuanji 包 Acupu rJιlure Points'daims of conlmOJl origins arr­

home out hy their teaehings. The two nmnuals .~x严JUnd the 5ame fi þ;1>ting principl r-s 川ld r-mplo、

an identical martial vocahularv. The陀 is also texlual conv!"fgence - almost half the text , as

weH as some illu5trations , are identical. The时 is no doubt th f'"ll , that Ihe two Iwoks afe 1I0t

merely rellective of the same oraltradition , but afe also derivative fmm the sanw wrÎlh'll text. ,')

Jud~ing by ιao Huandous dating of ZhHng Kongzhao , this original manual of thc Shaolir> slvl E'

must have been authoreù in the 日evenh~enth centul)

The Repuhlican period witnessed the puhli!'ation of numenJUs treatise~ , wh Ì(.h just like

Hand Combat Cla55ic and Xllanji s Acupuncture Points ('Iaim to record the origÎl泊 I Shaolin Fist

The m05t famous is Seeret F ormulas of the Shaulin Hand 斗。πbat Method (Sh削lin quanshu

mijue) (1915) , which i5 still regarded hy some as an authenti(' eumposilion. Howt'ver ,时001

ars have shown that mos址。f these publications have nuthing 10 do with the


Page 5: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

1'1,俨 l 、'01"11" ,, "f Sh~oli" H~ncl Co",bal 41



.ll ~tr 吨






Illu<lraliun no. 1, "Th,' l>oJ\' lIlf'thod tau民 hy th" Shaol in _ Mona时町 M,叫

Xuanji ," from Xu~nji~ Ar:"I'",,,,rure p"j,巾

\\'hereas mt创 Repuhliean Shaolin manuals derive from la!e - Qing 10陀, the Haml Combal

C!assic and Xuanji 's Acupunelure Poinls share a sevent阴nth - rentury referem'p frame. The

martial techniques th町 mentwn \H're. praeh回d during the !ate Ming , Itlltl even tht三 1,伊r 电 thev

pllraphrase dBle from thal period. COllsider , for e咄mple , the opening paragraph u( Hand Com

Page 6: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

42 少林功夫立集

b" ιJas~i(

The hisl川ì' 01" hand eombat 乱 )rÎginate(j al th!' ShaoJin Monasleη F:ver since Emperor Son在

Taizu studied there , the monash'ry 约 {am俨 spre,j{j througl川Jt the land. Thereafter , there hωe

been " Well FamiJy Seventy - two Posture MO\川g Form ," "Thi川y - six Pos!ure Locking

fonn." "Twenty - four Throws Pat on Horse ," "Eight Evasivp Maneuvers ," aml tt Tw扒h、w守何时d由lveθ川p气'0;;附一

t阳u,"臼s CJose - Ha皿n,区萨号衍沪 F日"盹t七" Lu H胁0ω川n吨】哨宵 hn】'"时,1 '刊!叩Ei胁在曲卢h灿I Thr.

nu坷qu阴. Eagd Cla且w \Xian】宵毡 gra句"ψp】 jing t阴chni】uq甲u附e , am<I Zha拟n咱g J且mg纠}月 i slrikin庆 h~('hlliil U1" Tlwse

techniques are 311 famous throughout the land , each having its OWH \l' onderful a叮》创刊 Howev

er , they a陀 all guilty of either emph龄izing the t叫】 10 the negleel of the I灿Uo阳,川 the hoUom

lu the neglect nf the top. Even jf one 叫时essfully rdi!',; on them 10 ()ven:m1W an oppollenl , they

eannol h". l'onsidered penect in e\cry rcspect 饥

The entirf' paragraph ha'l been bOITOwed from the sixteenlh - cenlury gelWfa! Qi Jiguang's

Essenlials of 让 e Haml Combat CJassic (Quan jing ji凹 ao) (叫 J562).:!zn忧 UJ1 Jv differenc(>

clJncems the Shaolins role in the evolution of J浏阳 handed 且ghting. Tlre lale - Min饵 genf'rul

dirl nol as脱Jciate the monastery with empty - hanrled teehn Í(jues , mentioning tltl'lr 由Iff ntethod

instead. Furthermore , Qi Jigtlang did not relat俨 thf' Song Dyna",ty Founder , ~mpemr Zhao Tai­

",(陀.",】ed 960 -975) , to the !llona"tery. Ming - period lore altrif.川led to the enJ [lf'ror a popu

lar bare - handed technique known as "Zhao Taizu s L lOg - Hange 们的t" (Zlwo Tnizu chang

quan) , A!'. befitting a Shaolin manual , IIand Combat Cla臼ic twisted the legend 守 h山 ing the

emperor study his method at the monastery. 1:1

The Jate - Ming con!ext of Hand Comba此川剧sic and Xuanji 筒 Acupunctuft> Poi 1l1H sup严Hts

Cao Huandous 1784 e1 aim that th f' manual he at口lUlaled had been authon~(l over u ('f'Jt tu町f'arli

er. It would "eem that Ihe two manuals (lerived from an earlier text that had het'1l ull\hored 'iI

rouncl the Ming - Qing trallsition , Further support for Ihis lime fJ百me. aH wt' JJ as for I he rnanual

Í:l Shao!in 严刀venance , is provided by Ihe name "Xuanji ," 10 whiC'h 1川hm诅nuul" ullribul俨 Ih t: ir

teaching;; , A 1631 Shaolin s枪1e in咄咄ion alJudes 10 a monk named Xuanji as a dutidiau(" su

perinlcndent") , wbich tenn was commonly applied 10 mililary appointees in tlw mona号lery :S tn

ternal administration, It is likely , therefore , that Xuanji was a seventeenth - cenlury Shaolin

fighting monk , as asserted hy the Ireatises that pu甲odtomoxd hls teaeh$11gs d

If Ihe Shaolin melhod

(古籍撞撞摇撞才滋滋滋草总能 J硝也蹲在如A幽斟-";i-o:

Page 7: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

Tlw b"lu!川汗, 01 Sha"lin Hanol Combal 4}

cunw I川 Ig - nmg!' hllnd ('ombal" (duan da shengζhang quan) , for "short - nmgf' makes it

easl~r to n~a【 h the adversar飞虫}州h. Ji" The Hand Cnmbat Classic inc!uJes an t>nlin. text - iL

IS 1111制 ng: from theυl扣r mutl\lul - titled "Cumprellf'lIsive aml Original 'frpatisp o( the Shaolin

Mona叶俨叮包 Close - Rall i2P Fi~t Hod) M川hod" (" Shaolin si rlll(Hl da shen fa lon在 zon~ qmlll

pu) 涡 For its pal1 , Xuanjis Aeupundure Pl)inls elaborates another short - rangf' style ealled "

Yue Ffunil} C! os证 Rangt> Fisl" (Ìuejia dllanda). !7 'fhe emphasis hoth mallua ],; plac t> on "

d阳p - range hand comhat" 凶 typK飞al of lal(' - \1 ing am] earl} - Qing military literature , whith

"叫13 l! y distingu附herl hetwCCJl tWH tvpt>" of haml eombat: "long - runge" (ehang quall) and "

dose - range" 们luanda). Sixlt 川11h and seV f' IIIt)enlh e创ltUry mi Ji tury expe巾 allud t> to varioll>'

slu川- ran阵各tv!ps indudi吨 "Cotton Zhungs Close - Hunge F'ist" (Mian Zhang duand叫"

H" t) F'umily Clos~ - Ranl!,e 日创" (Henjia ,luanda) and " Liu [ family J Close - Run悖Fist"

(I.iu duan,!a). Jð

A约 sug也-es \t(] hv it向 tille , Xuanji ~~ Aeupuneturt' Poinls , th t' s伐。nd manual al50 expoumls

the tedllliqm弛, auributed 10 the ShaoJin JJlunk , of stúking thf' oppol1fmt i; r: aviti阳, or a川punc

t l1 fe 阳ints , (xuedao) 白四川neept W2脑 b"πDwed lfum traditiona! medicine , wherf' it de

以 ribed 附nsilJve spnt民 along the body s ÍnlernaI ciITuit5 of en f>rgy (qi). Aeupune\ure treatment

is applied tn these 户)ints , which ill肝 nul only recepl川 e to trealment Iml also sw快:f'ptible IυIII J II

ry. 11 is 10 them , Ihe lIlanllal f' xplil阳, Ihal the ueeu lIlpIislwd Shaolin wamor d川ets his hJo阳

lhe aul l!o( empJnys Ihe Zhuatl !!Ji !l>etHphor of Cook Oing 10 曰 plain Ih f-' technique: T/w legend

a巧 ('ook s knife 陀maiw.d as good as new , eV t'n after [l ineteen years of butche 巾 19 , for it had al

响 avs followed the !l(!!ural ea~ities in Ih t' oxens hodv. Hand eomhat shollld similarl、 1矶gel acu

f阳ncture pomt!>

The hook l Zhuang;叫崎)'剖rib. in the hig hollo啊,阴性 the kn川l

penm吨gs. 'Wh}刊、 d巾oe臼"川t 盹v s割剧妇划υ? B,町"削'"衍, w时h阳e臼e"骂~n Cook D川'"吨g cul 叩 0旧xen he把e no lon吨巨F俨er 削、w 111趾E陀, w时hole

ο旧λ a扮-~ 1 s崎a町) ,此, ,阳s lh崎e 峭盯 'w阳"由h hanJ ('川、combat 飞w飞Why? Be飞川1U Sf' 1 am looking for my oppo时nt;' 创,ft

pOilIlS, acupundure poinls , and those furbidden to ~trike anJ 1 engrave them in my lIlind s eye

F'or this reason , the moment 1 lif! mr halld , 1 am able to target m ~ opponel四、t' lllpty plJlnls ,

ilnd strike at his acupuncture p()int~ 叼 1\(1 1o l1g巳:r sef' Ìng the whol t' w'rson. >l

The manual identifi臼 acupundure points tlw striking of which wiIl叫U忧Ìtumediate or

postponed dellth , as well a~ those !ea


Page 8: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )











ν.~jIJ 人正钗










E‘ pounrltn& 勘 Iht") \!'1 011 ..1111", n,htlOg !'!H!!刷Illh ) 协执俨11 峰、,t5 t!1\t'r-. ' J IlI)I"'Ii I'口'协,

'I lìnd LUlllh.ll UKl\IIh dlll l 、 UOIII' '" \.UpUlll' W..... I\lirtl售 r,创刊.....arichk叶J'hn tl'!l 1 \, (~.;t hul ,jrv. <1'

Ilw 1!(1"'r i; I'rt(HCf> J~rt刷刷mte~

111 t'fl" uw vanlJlL;j j ,ω...1 1" 11川川训 i吨,出j. J( w IllI 州 ~ UWI1叫rrn~h: !,oIl\P , 'wd lIt 11011111

mrd,od { 忍 1Utnll. l; nlt' " 、川"时1Il~ l'a1 m~ (~ I仙I1l11dng J. " f111JI川'以 Palrn" I 仙 111 1山II Ii 1. ..刊i仁

rl'nn~ p川In " t IU..thω1.1', ). ~吨。IUlm严 PKll11" ( ImlZhll叩). .. ÙI""nltling Plllm" (h.li恼川萨,. "

Page 9: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

川w F 、 ol \l t; ,川,, 1 ::'Ioaollll ~"md (丁ω川民" 4;

Sweepul只 Pu!m" (础。7h 乱ngl , "、"咱!t' I'allll" (danzhan严) ,川Ilo\l bl俨 Palm" (...hWI11gzIHl11g)

allJ "Mundarin - [)uek Piilm" (\11<\1> yang zl11mg) a!l di仔凹

知Hnf' f' X( 叫 in fi\咱tm俨,"刷I (quHn): TI1f~" A川。rdin在 Fist" (~hUn{lUall) , "Flipplll民日叫"

( f'anqlllHll , "SU1耳 )ortin f! Fi~l" (dlf'ngquan) , "ln';PI1ing f'i咕" (..haqllan) , "I'llHill!! Fist"

(qian{ju1!/J), "钊f"冠川时 Fi~l" (hmg(1υ1H1) , "A('('orrl r-础nied Fisl" (jUql附Il), and "Jì t'H'rc; iug

+比1" (kmqu1咽) a l1 di f!ιr

Some exee( in ellH川 meth叫( ZhOll ) : The " Flipping EJho叭" (f'allzho\l 1 ,们仙飞 onling U

hO\\." (~hunzhou) , "Horizonlal Elho叭" (ht-'lI g~holl ) , "刊lraighl ElI的叭川 (~1lI7holl) , "Angl t'd

ElIH阳" (xiezhou) , "Da咄'"在 Elhow" (du!lehnn严z1\1川) , and "Hack Flbow'i" (、川ngzllOl1 )

aJl varv

Sorne excel 川队川、Illdhoù (sllf'n): '1'11<' " .\dvaneing R(川d\' 川( jinslwH ) , " H t'l r俨,It 11平

Bodv" (tuishen) , "Stret('hing /1 0 1l\'"" (剖 I!f' n~herl ), "ContradiJ]在/1ody" (目1I0~lt t' 11 ), "I .-t' i

~l1 re(1 ß(l{ly" ({'hang~hen) , "D叫织i Jlg H叫y" (shanshl'n) , "、ìlirr /1oJy ,?" (,.hellg~I H'1I ) ωnd

"1呵)l !l铠 Rod飞" (~ueHh(,!l) are all di~~imilar

Son>e eXI'e) in kn时 method (xi): Tlw, " I kfl - lhru;;li吨 K时e (m叩iexi) , " j{ i在hl

Thrusli吨 K,附" (yollpiexi) , "Kneelin自 Krlf'e" (~uÎxi) , "HäCk Knee'!" (xi i1 llg\I) , "C(川

lrarting KfWt'" (slloxi) , aml "H问:eÎvÎng Krw('" (yingxi ) M t:' 11)1 clÎslincl

Smne exeel jfl lq;: method ( 1υ忡。 rh f> "Sinp: le LI:'''''们laullll) , "Twü I k'g~" (~llllangtui)

"Changing Lt'.gs" (huantlli) "Splnning 11'g" (xuanlul) "Ðri()lng Lt'g" ('1Wllllui) , "Tllru~I'1叩

Le民" (pÎetui) , "Follov..ing l .e凉" (genLui) , "Fa('ing r kg川( mianlui) , m叫川"时ul!' - llo\' 1I

Leg" (dianlui) a陀 a!l differe 悦

出Jrne ex('e] in 艳tep method (1旧): Hw "Lo!】民汽qJ" (川langhll) , "Sho川、h'p" (tlllall

bu) , " Angl!'d Step" (hengbu) , "Slrai !ð>I Sk,p ( zhibll ), "。叫ge - Ikan - lIu('k SLep"

(shandian bu) , "R t'verse Slep" (fanhu) , "A( ‘、ordillg 、i \t'p" (ShUllhu) , "Ew l! all扫 i l1 A SIt' 1川

(huanbu) , "Traeing SLt'p" (zonghu) , "Full St吓,"自hibu) , "F.lllply Step" (xuhu) , "

Cur、 ed Step" (qubu) , "Dir刷、 1 Slep" (tingbll) , aml "CyJi ndrÎ("al S廿p" (J:!."l川 nhll) art' all

Jistingui9hahle. ~

The Xuauji s Aeupu阳 I lI re - I'oinls气l恼川rssion of varÎow吨 p:dlll Jloslurf'片 IS il( 吁I>IlI pmli f' d 1叭

an jlJ uslratioll thal fwlravs Buddhisl illJ1l1enCe ((例IIpare i!luslratioll'" 3 aml 4) 飞 1 lt'<1st ill Îb

grapbu: 世m伊 , if not in ils 叩eCl白 l' finger positior帖 , Ihe ,-刊arH川f州州圳阳』川~ 1阳圳lm s叫盹山la

i归u山t呻吃响ion of 飞 s钊阳yJl川n川山,/阳'0叫0/如陀c hand 甲 g萨β田s剖圳1m肘'f'S (San】s达krit: 11川H川川Ira; Chi!时】陀阳e归民附r 育归刊Hη川】队川x浏a旧""氧肘) ill > HII川t山If川川吗咐t 川W削C川I叫1刊i】

lure!;. T~

飞 z 峦t,.<

Page 10: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

少林J)1 )::.文集








飞才F 神


也t 1"










ll1 u约\ratioll llO. 3: I'alm I")~巾lr",~ bet川、 mg 山.. inl1时眈θof B叫.Jhist

~}'lllblJ\ic hand g..~tllr"-' (m毗'âs) , from Xuanji 's A附阳ncture


Followìng theìr exposìtion of ha阳fωmual prineipl时, the two nl1tnuaLs d t'lail specìfi(

fi自htìng ~句les , firsl of which ìs the "Drunken Ei~;-ht - Immortals Fìsl" (Zui haxian quan ) (树e

ilJustratio /J nn. 5). n The eìghl DaoÎsl immortals hav t' 1附n horrowed from late - Ming 10陀) 1I1

which Ihey were depieted as earefrel、 often la阳~ivi{)us , drunks. Nove1s and plays Il sually 由四­

riate each "f the ins 川 ant sainls with a given emblem: a flute) fl。附r - basket ,酬时,

whisk , etc. The martial artist mimieH wielding the icon în Ilis training routine , which , even as

-l:(若"键时毒害撞机回蹦黝~E豪感襟善~" ~毯摇撼梅兰总

Page 11: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

川lC /.飞。 /u(j州T "j'月", 1 1'】 I I>",d Co",h;J1 47

ÎI appears Înloxi('aled , is pprlédlv ~υI H'L ., Drunkpn Ei~ht - ImmoI1als FÎ~t 、"向'"忖 tlln t"~ rt"­

ft~rred 10 shoI1!v制 "Dnlllken Fi~t ," is sl iJ l praduTd loday. (n ree t" nt dt'('lHl t"s il !nlo. bt"('om t"

intpmationally fPnll\VI附~1 through .Ia‘ ky Challs (Cht,")!."lol!!;l (b. 1954) tlwat阳 al rPllditillll in

hi ,; blockhus[('f /J川 i t" DJlmkt'Jl ~a~lt"f (Zui f(Un巳) (J叨g). 2; Thp ,;Ivle:" m'('UlTPI J("e in Hallt]

Comhal Clns~咐(' 1lllfl Xuanjis >\eupU\ \('luH. I'oints mi~JII indjeute Ihal it has l)et~n pnJcti( 川] al jlu

Sh‘\Ol;n ,""lona约1俨fV a~ eurlv a~ the ';<P\"enle t-' nlh (吧ntun




llluHlralion no. 4 日讪h叫叭 1111川i<. haml g. 剖 Un'" ( llludrIìs)




Another ~tyle uepid t>d in thp two manuals!s !lw "Confoumling Fi;;t" (Miqwl!l)削 nam...d

beeause its quick and unexppcted m川剧" ar吧 impo.;<sibl t" for Ihe PV俨甘 10 foll川 "无 "[1川!(JllI1-

ding Fist" might be thp aneestor of a mndem 由 l f< knu\\ !l出 1忡" Confl山nding - Track Fist"

( Mizong (jIHlll) , whi('h similar nan l{" is matcfwd by all id t"nlÍcal elymology; a川川i川职 I () ()]I(

t帆 entieth - century e ll.pe I1 tI陀 "Confounding - Trurk t 叫" i~ ,,0 ealled " l附川use ItH u JlI qu俨 fuot

wor北 deceiv阳 th f' a(h-PJ"~a川、t'Vt'~. " r.

Tlw modern 剖ty!e iH al削阶仇 rrpd to h\" variol时 other Il a盯凹, ~ome of 川lich 3rt' homοplrυ

nous with Mizong quan ( " ConfoulHJing - Traek Fist") bul di fTer fmm it semantieally , beir邬

Page 12: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

wrillen in otlu:r d l1:Haders. It is known as thp 11 TalllrÎ(' F 址 11 (Mizong quan) a((d Ihe 11 而i!d

Belisl FÎsl" (Niw呻 quan) 出川 H 阳 "Yan-Vingtïsl" (Yanqi吨 quan)

lJ(-s 叩惧"约 t lhat th俨[e(.II!! Îqu俨 klS e \"Oln"d , al ]('asl partially , within an Î I! i 仲1'al l"' en川ronment

B、 the IÉmp 巾 pradJI10Uers 创l\Jght 10 write iI dO\\Jl, th肝、rariously interprett'd ils phonetic pro-

1H1I1('(Ut lO l> MIZOHK13

The~f' diverse ti












llJustralion no. 5 胁 "Ei!(ht -lmnJ nrtal, IJrunken 如p , fmltl Ih(' Hm川­Comhal Classi(

From another al地le , the technÍt lues diverse appellatiω11;; refleet the la咆;e bod l' ()f 10re t}JaI

Mizung quan is sum)uncled by Jegemls ,凹 any of which a凶;suciule ÎI with the

才2必;继斟斟翻附疆醋锺锺iiUciγ;在滋滋滋,- :J草除撞躏黠锵

grew IifOuncl it

Page 13: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

111<' l' 飞 ..luI."" o[ Sh"oli" 1/"...忖"川川 "" 日}川。HH Mona川的飞 Ac{'onling to ()!\f', llw hcdlllÎq\H 川时('ff'Cl lpd jJì (l T川职 ppr!od ShaolÎJI

lIlonk - În some n.. rt;i川队 11<' lS th f' muna~terl 主 lutt' lary t!f> ll\ \ajrn阳川(.I inhalt川、) hÎ !ll ~I ,1f

whu wa~ "0 Îrnprt' ~~{'d 的th tlw agilil 、 ()f ,1Il al附 likp <Tpuln l'f' Ih ,,( 11<' nam刷 I hi同 Ilghllll f! 1刷 h

I1 ÎIIIII' af卡r JJl rtl. "\Vild- 1l♂丛 ~l F叫, (NlzolIg- qUWI) 飞/10th,刊"‘川"们fIl l a同 Sl lClah问 tlw h i 均lυn

('al m{)na~l~ry wilh Ih(.. fidional prola剪刀li~l~ 01 Ihe \lin严t}oveJ Wält'f I\hrgin. Tlw h俨rυi" 1.11 J lI­

Jl VI I~ 叩1 10 ha \f' dt 川o[lt' d lhis dp('ppli\"e nwlho(l 川 Iht' Sh叫in Monaskrv alld lakr lnul" lTl it

If'd it 10 his di吗 '1让e Yan Qing. \\ \1(川 t\w lath、 r W ,I~ e~(飞吨)11l在 from 真:()\, enlllWlll Inrpp~ 10 tlll

harlllil自 hav f'JI 且 1 I.langshan. he rt' l时 OJl it 10 hi飞JI' hi~ roolprinlS > 11 the sn()w , I'a !l ill乒 il 1111" "

COllliHHlding - Traek Fi~t" (Mizl川g qu叫). ):tln Qil阳、 disl' ipl归 nauwd 1111:' I f' dullqu俨 ill hω川

of Iheir ma"t t>r , ,. Yan Qing Fi呐" 1凡11 ill del'c n:rt('ι1011月 Buddhi:>1 provell(! lI( 'e rl'll" l1'l'd 10 il al

~U tlS [11俨 "Tanlri l' FÎ~I" (Mizong qlla!l)

r!lI' n:peal l'd aJl usio)l" 10 民haollll În 1111' legt'Jl(I~ 同IJrrOUndlrl在 \1Î 7.011 在fJuan ( Cll lI ll Jl llldlllg

T,趴:k Fisl) 制用psl lhal lhe n>onaskry migl川It (!V~ pl的例1 ~()mt, rol俨 III ils e\"olulÎIH\. Fllrlher

叫川J()rl f(J r lhis h) pothc~i~ is su川"时间J b\ tlw jilll f' \\-f' krJO \I' ahml! Ilw lI!odern 山 1,吗"叫mi('al

lineagt': Seholars usually Ifll l'e Ihe kchnique to a l1 ~i只hleellth - eenlurv Shandollg 111 <1巾。 I m1i ,,1

nameò Sun Tong ( style-; Li Kuan) 叶川 might ha、【 S吨山,"川川ιdi川1叫 a挝I tlw>" 忖川山h川!i n 1\1 0川川"

刊"峭R盯ihlψ f竹}陀r陀.~foυr陀e , t巾h】al the Mizu川ng Qu匈刷刷n (Lr川 fi)川峭u川n【巾h口m呻l哩乒 T,刷 k F盯1叫、叶t川). w附"山h 川】H阳Î l' h 飞叭、 良 ζ孔"陀专?且 J'n t

m>li!iar today , derive - at le,川严1!1iall 、 from t!w MÎquan ((onfOllmllll在于 1叫) l't'l'ordl'd ÎII

Hand CornIJat Cla fJsie and Xuanji" A‘咀pWI(' IU fP Pninl、

A third fighting 由 k. dpscrilwd Íl I J I川I Clllllbal Classir' 1川川】削"日 f川11 \1I<l rlj】片飞 1-11

punelUfI: Poin J,;, is 1hl" plum - FloI甘, f 叫( \'leihua q lJ1ill) • which i~ I'Ili1 n ll'lt' rized I 州 a Ille

1"刷t川l~ fed rou1inf'叮lI<lmf'IJ <lft....r t!w 110、~t' rs fiv t' pdal~ 栩 F 飞t'1l lhough il figllre~ I't"olllir川 \th

in loday i-冉h,叫 În regirtwn , llw Plum - nlJ\\N Fisl pfl叶Jahh- did )101υ门问阳11' al llt" 111川 l :1 sl川、

rhat il 附 rnenlÎoneu in Hand Coml陆1 C1a气、 i(' on!y (and nol in Xwmji S .\"llfHl lll'l lIl"t' 1'oÎIII,,)

mÌ!-;-ht indical l' that it was I川 part of Ihe ori阳 mtl IW \I 'nl f'f'ntll - , :pnlllll 叭haoliu 11"\1, \I-'hil ,h h 川

州rvecl a~ lllf~ rnar>uals' ~州 rt:e. h l1iltermorl' , stlldie~ ()fωh~r Qìn严 I fI 'rilld manual~ 加 wt>lI

a;电 the Plum - Flowef pracliLimlt' f筒 'famil 飞 genealogies - ~U 在e.:('st Ihul Ihe t刷 h T1 ique \\川 OT1~llm!­

!y develuped in Xuzhυu , Jiangsu , by mP lTl hl'rS of Ilw Zou

吃苦 「琼A

Page 14: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

50 少件均犬定自t

r巳.><川5 of fl:' be Jl i()ll~ lll'l i\'iti(~S 川 tb俨 prü飞 in(' t': Members of the fa i!ed 1813 Eight 'I' rigrarr附 Upn5

inp: in HuaCount布, tlorthern H巳I!<in 叫 udied !lw Plum - Flower Fisl. (叨



r飞.,,、、 .. ""-' "、_.._ _r

Neihua吱e i' 飞守'剧III 、

Hua11 @飞/,

",_.1/"'1 SH刷∞NGt, 七..L.. Chenjiagou

主出眨巳LrLHf'Luoyan 91

:1'、哈d,-" V

Sìshui .一、飞、,Kaifeng \

.. HENAN ,,--_....-、~"'Shaolin Monsstory

some Hanan s幅..篇幅啪18d_1he曲咱1l8r1Od m副也l 甸甸:

1lIJJlqu剧。"91闹闹d al ch钳制Fω,恤ng Zo吨Y睛. .u曲。( of Talj阳翩翩翩翩8,恤咽u •• L_咱剧111 剧协咽;四18I1g N自国刷刷币-阳..._.回出.. at SI9h咄 Yana 曲111COI四川剧嗣同1m_睛,阳翩翩跑.. N捕、uang 曲回ty;剧1118崎蛐 P础"向阳'回 In Ihe B崎幽呻幽幽唱"陆且

Orre reason for the rf' lative wealth üf information orr Plum Flρwer histü町, i" the rnethod 剖

assoeiutiorr with the late - nin f'leenth cf'ntury Boxer lipri5irrg ( Yih(' quan ). ß飞 thal tirne , th f'

lerm "Plum - Fïsl" J t'bignated rwt unly a tedmique , !lul al ;;o aT\ organÌ1.ation; Tlw North - Chi

na plain5 witrressed th t' spre部1 ()f militaηbrolherhoods with r护ligious ()飞 erl川1 式, which wen'

瓢'"创 imes refe町eJ 10 us "Plum - Flm~er Fist - A~suôati()ns" (Meihuu quanhur) and smllt

times as " Plum - FIOIwr Fist - Il el叩UII" (M t> ihua quanjiao ). Mpn!],ers of 11川f 启川'p'

whieh comhirred martial pradice with 陀ligious 飞 eneration of valiant deities sw.h 旧 the JouHle\"

to tl陀\\'P.5!S heroi t: Sun \Vllkong (Monkey) - played an impt川anl rol俨 in the ellrl\,叫ages of

the anti - Christian Roxer rcvoll , aroll创ng !he altenliofl of scholarH , whose fieldwurk has 1111-

e吼叫hecl Qing - period 创】U陀回 on Plll ll1 - f'IO\wr Fist 提

We may corrdude our brief corn ll1ents on lIaJl(1 Cornbat Classie a时 Xuanji ;.气 eupund lJ rt

Puinls wilh Cao Huandous 1784 irrtmdudÎoll to ,111-' la !ter. Cao豆 autubiographic<ll p陀fat:e "h.-:d"

light IIfr hi5 町lcial haekgroUl时, whieh was probabl} shared by uther literate martial artÌsts. The

Shaolill praetitiorrer w,拙 bom irrto a family of sma]] landowners belünging lo tht、 lower 肘hd(川

of the loeal gentry. The dan was promÌrrent enuugh 10 have its 仆wn sehool , whi("h Cuo <lHen

deJ , and the immediate family was 5uffieienlly aff1uent fur his father !o hife hirn a priyate mar

h 且 I ~ art ill~trud()r , with WhOlll tlle 拙ly practiced after sehool. Neverthele喘, Cao rf'peatedl~

failed the licerrtiate (~xams , and henee he could nol (1叮lÌre to an educational , lel alOllt' a gnvern

melll , cart 时 H, 正如悦肝, thereIore , the martial arts as his \'ocation

Hand combat is arr excellenl 口 ethod f()r prottt:t ing ones body und p陀venting humiliation

,罐罐路 撇撇蜘:削础晶晶心曲曲酷主川?

Page 15: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

1川】俨 t 川IUli,川川 "ha"liJl 11 ,, 1101 COlllha• 写 i

1I urigin创刊1 allb f' Sh川lin MOl丑川f' 1"'- , -'1、仆Ilow hn\ Il ~n】an Lharrp: KU11 p:zhaoOlw t' Ilwt a rn~喻的 i

OU~ per;;o t] ()'J 陀n ) \\'1 11) InH门】U萨l ,.;J问叫"口x灿阳11川1川11帕帕"卡4←俨,叶》

电At the tÎmt" t川i、m俨r叶r 叭'PH硬 川,n、 叭 ho川υ 卅呻11川d.怦俨刊叫d iLo 111川川" ,削川川t队h、 l山hn附俨 who 阿附、r付"川v刊t'rI i Mι川俨pr Z川:h山a创川11眼K豆问l ‘a刷i机"川』川川tIleε;n】巾"阳11‘ I阳口阳11川lI ~mission; Cheng .l in同aυ 守 111 1 飞、 叮 lall京 aml Zhan民 Zlwllp; llw 气。刊'ward it

hranιhed into num f'roUH ~ub 州、 11'''; ,庐radllall 、 looHing t!w original m刑h时!. Si川11山 IIli、叼 gi Ct刊 i

pn以:tltJOner~ nsl' to prorrunell(T ,川.1守 for a whilt"川、('()!TIf faln(贝 JS. How f'Yt'r , f'JI" tlw mo~t

J地此, tfwy stm l!l th刷 r musdl 鸭山1( 1.λjlOH(' 111刷 r h附IIe 吨 wask !h归 r .'Jl盯即( qil 山H! 11电 fm飞 4

NOJlt' 01 them has beanl of \lasÌt'JχhalJ前 !f'dmiqlJl'目川~l'nl()U同 appli l'!ltionH , of tlw ~llbtl l'l、 o f'

its 1i mitlt',柑 Irans f'1 Jrlllal i. 川 1"

Pradicing Ihe Mas!er 钩 h出ld - ('011让泊 1 1lll'1hod ωw g归ards his spirit helw. Ot'll !hc ('."1:'­

hro、~H , a阳 1 dir阴阳 hi~ qi Iυthe low!'r llf'lh. Fi民hti Jl严 il i~ likf~ a 1 1[">11山 ful WOlllnll plueking

flowers. Re叶 l吨, II r,时mhles a lil f'mlu川川ng down hi~ hru"h. lt 川lld !Jt 们川川l'I,d 10 Zhu)!:1:'

Liang日 (Hìl -234) s(.h川盯ly cap and f('ath何制jJall , toYan♂ y,川、 (221 - 278) d t"ga Jl t 州白h

and dignified robes. 11川 eould il pOi;,.; ibl) hav t' ~harp ('dgcs?

W'I~ are four brolfH' r~ in my famil) , Il le beillg lhin l. \-1:: e!巾 ~1 hroth肝 is ) HlH'11I1II , 81vl('

I'eiY lJ. Jn ollr nalive 川 lla前 Ihe weak 阳同 insult t"d and tJw few IJIIllied. 1 \\'斟 ah~H\.~ afraid 1)1'

being ahm同时,"】d tlwrl'('ore 1 "'a~ devolt'd 10 tht" martiuJ HrtS. -'1:;- ('ather did not ol ,j!'d to lll~

Iramm区 。II the l" olllrar飞, 111: ilwit叭1 f]'(J ll> afur un 川川叫dlldillg mu川 ial art!st 10 lea('h IllP 气 t tJu

timc 1 \HJ.::; thirteen , llI!d 1 WIlS :-;ludying tlw dass川 '"οu, εlclJJ玩 h(){)l. \'í Jwn J 川uld 附turH

from ::;dH用 I 1 would praιtiee wilh hlln.

W'hell J wus eighkf' IJ 1 obtaitlell Masler Zh川平K.oll {{Zh剧 's Halld Colllbal Cb~~u' (QL阳H

J'n日), wllJch h<," ιompilα1 whil<," _~I:'n in!< umJer my clan 鸣 r<'"nlotl:'在f<'"al - lIJld俨 in HII严1Il 1 !l ("ol!l川、

( in 位川Ihea,乌lern Shunxi , near Henan豆 l川rder). 1 took il wilh nw to sl' ho(】1m叫 11\\ (革tigalt'd it

day and nighl , 1刊 ating il as i(' I hme ohtain叫 u rar.. tl它a~llre. \\I lf:' llJa盯iv..d 101111' 11 l SIIaolill

Close - Range rIand Comhal J 1'<'"11 - I-'rirwiples ()f Striking-" (da shi ze) 盯 m、 n:~ollllion wa~

firm and my spiril l明】centralt~d. 1 阳lldered il slrelluousJy , ulltil ~Udl扣nlv J dreamt Il l<il IWO old

mell explain it to me. Thereafter 1 dreamt abtλ11 tJlt"m st'veral lin 削 My hody 民 e\\' ~lJ ppJer and

my lwnds oeeal附 livelie r. My mind graspf'd llle suJ此lel)' 1)( "euhivalin在 ({i" (lia l\qi)

1比 hell J reaehed tw肝nty eighl , h叭 ause I J】以1" 严,aledly laken the licl:' ll

Page 16: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

" 少林功k 文it

the lIulH! Conlhat Cl a~~i ‘ MOreOH' l" I illustrated f'lH'h position with a drawing By Illt'rely casling

II glarwe th俨 rf' ad t'f t 肌 llnd俨rsland il , making it JlJosl ~uitahle f()f praetice

However , the subtle吨v of th俨 m俨th阳ls applieuti01I df'pf'nd日俨ntirl:' lv on "川l'r1lul 峰 rength"

(neili ). It can not bf' exha卧kdJ阿 won!". Lik t' an old hUllChha('k who ealches eÎ( 门ada~抖, likt

urcher Yung yt川Iji;Ç who 5hol li<: t'. V/hen olle"s I'f' solulion 临"让 distrad刷1 , wlwn h附~,川nt

(巾t>n) 1'; ('mH'f' ntr川例 1 , ht' will I附在m 10 a叫uire the agilit、 ()f "mir叫‘ onet'Îvillg , hands rt'­

'1川lding" (dl'X În yi吨s l!ou). .-\1 lhis point there is surt' 10 hf' 110 ~Lraining of mu悦 le,; nor expo

忖ure ()f hune吨 Would nol th萨 1)(> illm,时 lik t' lraciJ昭J\ihlSler~ ZhangJ K阳市..:haos aull lt'u!ie llilll~-

!1l1SS10n 10 I\>' 归川 )"('{"I

1 h出(' fl'spf'(.tfu 11¥ prefaeed 11忧阳tl lJaJs nr阴阳; the time: QianlongS 陀明白 r"由 ninth ,

jÎa('flt'n y俨 lr ( 17民4) , ,Hl ~1阳 l创刊 mid -I f'nth monlh Cau Iluandnu , , 5tylE': Zωd川咆得

Cao Huandos prt' tiw!' 町、wals Ihe multifarious rol,肯 Ihat the martial arl!; h川 e plaYf'd in his

life. I hs 川 ilial inkr阳 I waH dl陀 10 the 飞 io1f. nl (l I IlH附phere in hi". Jl(lIÎve vîllagE', wherr- Ihe weak

wen' IJUlliE'l] ,l!l(! hurnillalE'd , hul lw alHo pntclirE'd for !IlNlical 陀aSOIl S , (fw had sufTr-red fI'

llt' a1f'"dJ~ fn 币 illnes叶 anJ a':\ a foml nf ;wlr - eultivution. ln atldilion , Cao a~pired in his mar

lial pm川 ice f(汀 whal could hp dpsnil阳] as ar1 islie pE'rfedioH: lIe does not hid(' fllsωlltem严

for c l"lHl" 1叭 hniqu仲 Ihal rt' ly 01> forel' (川ly and invol Vf' tt ':\tntinillg mu.wl l:"':\ ul>d f'xposin!!

bones. tt Th附ωarl:" far infE'rÎυ , tυhis own sophisli("ated fighting syslE'm , whi('h rpsE'mbles a tt

heauliful woman plu l'king f1owcn;... a lit E'rutu~ 1盯 mg down hi自 bnl自h. " Fioally , rl'ligious uv t" r

tones are Iwl laek ing either: Zhang Kongzhao 陀("E'iH'S hi<; leu("hing'" fronl u "mystt 川)l!S person"

(yiren) , and Cao Huandou i忡 iH~tru('\ed in th俨坦rl of lhe Shaolin CloSE' - RangE' Fi向 I hv (livi附

叩iphany - vl:"uerable teacher臼 appf' ar in his drt"am , following whirh "his h叫飞阳附有 suppler

all([ his hands Iw(:ome liveli肘, as his mÌm] gra叩同 IhE' suhtlely of qi - lraining ( lialll]!). "

C剧) lIuandou aUlhored his pn'[;剑ICf' 10 Hand Combat Cla附ic in 1784. Four de('adE's IlI ter ,

in 1828 , 11 prominent Mam'hu ofTi("ial naID叫 Lin Qi吨 (1791 -184的) visited th!~ 灿aolin Tem

ple. By tht泪, [)(.Ire - ha阳1e!1 leehniques have ('咆ml】letdy edipsed lhe monastl:"r:.<~ anrient stafT

method毡, and , insteaJ of au 鸪m叭1 display , Ihe dîslingui;;hed guesl was E'川ertairwd bv d 吨"气

ring demonstralÎo rl

ln Ihe evening Wf' relurned 10 tllE' Shaulin Monastery , and paid our respe<"'ts 1It IhE' Jin Í1aluo

HalI. The deitys imagE' ìs musl awesnme. Ik WPaTS thin gannents , a时 wields a 的"附 pokr-r

( huo 阳11). Tr 臼 Jition has il thal on('(~ lle display刷 1 hìs divin Ìlv and 阳rded off ha lH lils. Toda、

tw is lhe mona约l"可毡 g"'时时n spirit (<j wlan). Praying 10 him is im'ariably effi('a!'i川lS

1 P'田eeded 10 a~k th t" monks ahoul th f' ir hand - (恻bal method (quan fa) 守 1m! they f(

fuser! 10 utler a w,叫,1阳1I it. I made it ('lear that I huve h f'ard about thf' Shaolin Fisl long 咕;n , and J k[)ow ît ha~、 bee[) relîe(] U[lnn solel、 for guanling monasli(' regulatio[)日 and jl fI州 ecting the

famOlls lem陀 Theref,附 th t'y 附ed Iwl make prde[)('E'

fhe ahhnl laugllf"d and aSSE'ntcl1. He sE'led例[ sE'\"E'ral sturd:y monks 10 llPd川 II in [ronl 01'

thE' hal l. Thf,ir" bear - hallgings 11町1 binl streld>illgS" :J防 were ind问.J artfu l. Afìer the perform

;3籍善撞撞~, x谶跑单路边远 础蜘品结挫罐罐斟嗤

Page 17: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

1'.. i.. 忡.". 1..1 叫, - Jw 11 ,11;1 1 崎川、ρ 4马'

"" ,巾 .mlll~ -. 0"'''';.1'- I 、d L..:: 1阳灿、1" ,.., 1".. , 1 ,,;喻刊咽~. \\1", h fl'" ",1.1. 1 ..叫'1'1". •

'川 1.. ,, 1 执时, 1111 ,1' 1111" ..11ll.; 1响 I 1". 妈 ι. ,也'机4 、川,叫川'"~ ω叫 ,,,.1.. 1.1 :.m" " 111. ,1.. .1 、. 11+) I~"h

1",1 "" ",,' 1\,....叫It lll ‘ ,1 ,...,., 1.1.. 川., .1 1" -1 ,1" .内川 11111.1" •

叭 .101 , ..1....1 II! 1 ::; ""叫 1 .,~ \'"1)1' ,. ,,".,1ι1 I ,,~ .~,.响,- .,.川州巾 111....1 It\ ...协 ''''111 ,1,. " , 111卜

11' , 1 制It ..1 、 11 , ...1111 111"1' 1... "., 11. ", ÎI..".I '"叫 01' 11.. 1制川1., 1 ,叫 1..1. \"" .h.州 l' '11101,., IIn一 L:. I­

州川 ..1 , 1.1.蝴 _11 11"-,,川"川、",川 、 ".11'.111川 .1." '''10I. ! 11.. "、íJ川 ".. 1 .... 1 .州 1'11 咐 11 协川φ

.1" .1 11 。如 101. , 11111 11,1 11.. \1"" 1". ,.Ih. 1.,1 111 .叫, l' '''1忡 .1 , .'1' '1 ,, 1 ".1...... 11川、""川川.1111 七、 1" ..

.'111川1M霉' 叫咱" ......" '1' 11 ,. 1 '1' 11.仲 '"、01 1. 飞! '1"'" 1111 \ 1 ,. 胸 1- 1:.....,川。 1 . .1 1 .飞 11.;, 1~'rl"ul.

11"'" .飞、 1"'1内胁 11 ,0." 1.1.1.- .11 ..j >l,..1 11"" , 1."", 1 鲁 \1111'巳 ttl" ,. I ,11' 1 ,..11." 内. ~ 1 111 1,1" ,…."",. 111 ." , 1" ..

叫川,,,梢..".11 11 ,<, 111.111/..1 川川'川 1"、, ,、. ,. 1111 ,叶",11",..." h 1

1 tt 4~、 'Y



IU"州刷唰.", " t ‘叫翩翩10" 阳"'~" .I""~"'.l'''' I!" 11",,, I时守扣。币--.. ", .h. 、而..~ 1." ..111. ,~I '-..' ,/咽.., ..11.1.. ~ ,11" "",, d"~t .1 "..1 I~ψ

'11' 1). ,.1/, ," 1>,""11 ,'... ~ .ll , ... h11t"" 1.....1. '1" 11, ún. .t I"1 ".lft.' 1 1. .1 崎 .1.... 电,仆"."l,、仆..1'1., 1 , ...

III.h ,' 叫"十 il"" r.. ,.Itf., 啡,仙,hu ‘ 飞飞 \,," 、 I! lr,'I! Ih lJ • n. lI\I 11",,1 , ,.. ;!.-"IIhlB',1 ,,,41 , 111 1...,1‘ 川w.t. 'f' ltlt, • ."'"....川r.l I .. , li仙,,,恨 ,,,.m、 时, 用 d,陆画,川,巾 II!'!. ,h" 1r ",,"' h...川,..I.. l, .lh

川、,-,."鸣 .hl'1I lt.fr.. 民 1"'"时的 1." ~,巾 n"忡川『而'"川、 11 "" 1=1叫'‘ "t. nlth...t 川, "ι If '1""'" 、-

" • • 1.1"1'" fI" .1 I 叭 11" ,1.1"., 1111 "'+!rdl }).,\l IIt""‘1<1 .11 t,.. .11,."""... ,t 1.、 11 1< ,,, , 1"11""咱川川、

叫 .. , IIII~U , .I ,."" "" 'J 川" 川"川~I" 怀 /!r... 刷刷‘"叭\llr , t 1.1111 !-u,'h 1111. "".." .".1叶。川

Page 18: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

气; ''';本 JIJ t t4

tIωl 叫11110" mnd,>rl! l'阳d i!!O I !I'户 m. <lhl t"" I I! uhõn!ih 111 il 1)1 ,. 11IIr.' - IU Ll III‘,1,则叫'"川 11" 、 prw'lu"



3 •

1111-1,划州 11 11". 叫伽,Iin t""'l~、』川 r"""ill!'- ,,,、 '-1111吧。h剧阳rw,: "'11 I 、 IUllt巾1 川" 川唰川、、,Im"h"fh唱,'0

1111川 hll"'1I川" K 、1 ,,11.1111 UI叫,1..._ 1" 01,咐'川'萨川、 l叶。"岖oI')1'11 I<1 n ,‘ 01 <'1.,, 1 ,叶 1', 1111 """响叮叮Irh - '-"11

111..... 、h川IU 1 1"<吨吁,

Page 19: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

I'lw ho]nlio" or Shao];" H川 Ld Corn]ω s:写

~'l ill日 FOUlld(lti( O)]>、

H\' 1阳 InJlf:' spvenl俨t'nlh - c t'nlur斗 Slläolitl !IIυIIb w俨T俨 I lI min!! tllf'ir attenlioll 10 il , ha阳i

川?让)<1 1 had alr叫dy lwt'1l higld~ dp\ f:' IOI阳1. Tfw Min在 pf'n阳 1 \\illl f:' ~~ed Ihe enwrgf' l lI俨 ()f indi

VHlual hUH' - ha叫刊J M\lf'~, \\hi(.h \\'cr‘ id f' nll阳l 叫ch bv ils 0\\'11 training roulin t' ()f fixed PO­

~ilion~ (~fll ). I.ul!' - l\1 il咱 mihlar、 (~ru 、 ("Iopedia恼。"、I'ry !:'anw compilatHm~ (lIal JalHJl:'d

t!lf' SIHiOlill 吨.!;lff - ('IllHT 凹\le O\rf ‘川(,附 11 lJUall 内lð ,川 Judil陪"',' SongJ E lI1 p{'ror 刀l(I(l Tai­

lII:' J.,cm京→ Rangt'川叶" "C(川川 Zhan宵同C!ose - Hangf' Fi~l ,川" \colyt守 \Voßhiping Guanyin

~lifilt' ulou~ Fi、1" (TolI但zÎ Lai gml1】、 in ,,1lf'11 qlla !l ), "Zhall;< Fei lHjraculoll~ Fi.~t" (.'-hang Ft' i

sheJl qIJH fI). "Sun Fallli I~ Annon.d Fi~l" (SUII jia plgua ljuall) , "Ruler '" Fi"l" l Hawang

q lJa fl ) , "付lX -约i们P ri~l" (Lillbll qllan ), "J)仅'OY Fi~l" (F quan ), and " \1川,k问 Fi~l"

(Il川J quan)')'. H¥ Ihp parl斗 ~ixh'enlh (肘""川, al lf'a'-I SOlllP fighting SdH削I吨 alrf' ad 、 had haD(l­

writlen - if 1川 Pllbhshed - malluak ln his 1'fl:'创刊1:' 011 Milil,盯气ffalrs. Tang Shu川hi (1507

→i5削) quolps frorn a han晶。"k 叫t!w " Wl:'n Family Fi"I." ).1

nu~ IIU叫 rωmprt'hrn .si\ 1'山川lIlt of Ming - perlOd unarmed fi g-hül>g is Qi J阳旧Ilg~~ ( 1528

~ 1588) Es~{'nlials 01' tf附 Hand Combul Clas,; i(' (Vu丛盯 Jlll Jr J If'YBυ ), inelud!'d in his New

rH'ali~走。f ~iJila r,' E fTi{"H~lI(飞( Ji'\i 川 xinshu). ()i wus alllo叩 thr J\1osl S !l cef'阳ful aud inllo~a

Ilve gel>erals ()f 旧 x(eenlh - cenlur)' U lI na. He play t'd u rnaJor rolt: in Ih f' suppn 川1011 !)f 阴阳t"V

along Chinas 州)uthea~krn 1:0元"飞 ωwell a约 i Jl the paeification 01 11 日 nOlthern horders. In hi .s

N们w Treali.~t~ of Mililm、 Effi川f'IIC飞 11Jt' H-'!IOwneJ gen f'wl t: overt'Jθ\' t'f)' aspf'd o[ rfHl~~ warhm

/'rom Ih町忧Jectioll and training of In叫时 10 di~t: jpli肘, ωmmund , 11:ldies , logi~li( 吨 alld weap

uu町阳e book did nol r咱U嗯ilalr f'ar! il:'r 11Iililary ('01l1piJations - it w出 based UpOll the 川m

mande的 hard - won {'),,!附nene归川山e baltl t'firld. Cornpleted in la\e 1561 or ‘丛dy 1562 , Nt,W

I'r俨alise allud削怡 ιalllp(lIgn~ \\'川 1 by Qi onlv a f!~w 1II 0ntl恬 !'arli刊抖

Vi f; Esselllials 01' llw Hand C(町】bal Ua崎Î l' i~ 1101 onh a suπ叫 of ('on \t'mponuy baw

han{l!~d I f'chniqu时, hut al回 Ilw !'adiesl I:'xtanl lIIanuaJ 01' any. 'J"lw general .~un('y(~d ~i耻的】

spamnι~tyles , aJl 01' wh H' h , he eoneluded , were "guilty of eilher emphωlZIIl严 111" 10μlu Ihe

neglecl of Ihe h川10m , or Ihe 1川10m 10 [11 f' neglecl ()f 11附 lop. ., ." Tn order [0 1I m"l川 thr d f'fi

elenelf'!吨。f imli\, idual 向 t~'I f'S , ()i e]'!阳ted a 剖 ntl lf';;is. H肘 chuse wllitt 11护 ('onsiclered WI'fC t\ie hest

,"时y - two poslure~ of all ml:'lh叫s ‘ pxph l' aling eaeh with an illu ,;lra!ioll a Jld a rh可 millg fom lU

la. Hi.~ Ir代alist' i~ tlwft' fuH:' a ImndlJOok nf IJÍ~ (JwtJ ~ld [J dardizf'd hand - com !Jal tf'chnique


,. " , 1:;;

Page 20: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

写的 4仁林功 λt 1,/:、

pmdicing tlw rnarll川江rt~ (lnl- ~h()llld IWl! lll \\ ÎtI! Iwnd ('(l ml川1 lIlId prOIT~仆川、lι11 1' 1I山 Illn旦

飞飞 hpn th~ , nwll)(川、 or li~1 川\(1 ~I丛忏 arp υIId俨 r"lood. IIJt 、恼。川、 ~ppar and all ull ll' r kl'hnÎljlll 、

MmJd 11('ι 、1"咒 Îalh 川村、 lυιU"lu'rt'

仆1 \\'<1、l'I' Îtic lI J υ1 nllWpn 刊叫\U"P叫 叭 hwh 1IIOIIgh 削叫 J lI' tÎ('all飞1' 1('出川职 Iwd 110 (""lII bat

Î llI pIÎ('utÎOII~" LHï( 川川、"】 battlt' \\<1" III lJl"P si乒nÎfÎc lIlI 1 Ihm】 1 ,俨 ml\、 ()f [H:'rj(ll"ItI<IIlt"P" FurtJwr­

IIIOn' Hl !w\ lJal 川n l"n川 lalH川川、、根"川V川 l r\ I lJ川 lw\()w! Ilw lï\('d II1l Îlilll 1! I(川剧 I'I IC 1!~'1If' 1

且 1 ([11川pd a ('(川lmO I1 mn巾 al - a叫叫飞 ill p:. a("("nrdill p: 10 whi , -h: 飞,\ Îlhl归1υi川 I' Jl I~ [l oHlu!('"吨{汀

IpC'!川I([ue飞 \"011 will be t"fft飞"、 t 飞、 illl 0]1(' tllO\(, d \"O lJ do m;l k(' Iltf' mi!>take ,,1 po~tllrill严"lIld

pmm>g. yOll ", illlu"" jlwff",o:t iVt" \\ilh lt'n mIJ\e~" rt 1,: [llJllgl1lS 轧 t仆 l、 a~ demOll~\rakd tlH-11 Ihj"~ \"1('\、

wa,、 shared h飞出 10th川、j"j俨叫 llh - ("t'nlu l"\ militar、奇、1"川、 rU Il饵川hu川~hi (1507 - 1560): "'1' 111

rf'a~"n for [J o:-.!t u作 ill tlw rna叫 ial arl喝川叭fJ lt 吨 rung. I~ 10 fil("ilil 刊 1(. tγall"叭lúrm川 Î"ll"'" Form、

川,,'屹立 111 fix l:"d P()~lllfl'~ , hlJ l 111 a!"1 ual pradicl:" t/wn. ilW 1m fixnl poslun'" 飞飞 )WII appli(吨 J Ihp\

l附州w nuid ‘ b lJ l 山 11 mainl<l În 11 1( '11 ~lrlH 'tllral <"hara("\('ri 吨,,,喝

EV f" 11 Ihou只h rrwrLial - a叫 hi~I Ul i剖忖Ul IHl lllllO川、 pranw il. Vi Wll~ uml , i乒忡忡川、 山。111 III~

I咽,enlia)s 01" tlw Iland Con让lal U旧川 ,\s t!w 川lll111êlJu !t 'r 川 T俨在ular <lm\川、 Vi 、川。 III lllkn. ,~1

!av in wp吓}O1l~ În"lruclinn f()r rna~" 1n叫'但 Tlw hart' - hand('d ~kill民。f indi 、 idlliil a川川、阳'"

not UH signifi(门êlnl. (jrl( l mighl ha、 l' Iwt-'Il ev俨" 吼叫K气 1 lor II lf' ir uss< l(" i<llion 飞飞 ilh • h" 1 ,民,"t' I" 川ιH

衍情 {巾)i i; a叩PI严汗附俨呻IlI' n阳叫川川"f飞 S阳rrm吨只 阳 咄、川刊川]χ-)()U盯l怕5 fn川"川1

h】1陀S N( 叭 r,附ea圳"怕伟崎, "川I川1 1\"li山litu内 F们{拙凶 ‘ '"铲、"阳" 、 }川" 销 ha山1川川'"叶d -{川吨呐1m】i 川川al 11川"】 凶川川1们lllal 、M、 aωS !川1 1-'吗,~('俨、2叫,,-叫d ,川1川11011](' ))(川k 、

h叶 ('h,叩 I f"r , )ln'('ed叫 by a di ",('laÎlll问 "B<lff" - h;lIldl'd le("hniq lJt"~附叫"盯俨 1 ,、 111110 tl 1/.、 a l" l ,,1

rna~s wmfarl:"" How f"\ 时 • ex t"ITI阳川N川'"在 " 陀 lim巾h刊F忖;aJl(川d川kω飞U川》川j tml川1m】扭 t山1,】 (, II(川》川川dv 1仰ο f叫i仙TOI"川I川t ;11 飞 1山l七11' fOI川"川川H L!

IÍon of p阴1门川'"旧Wfη-y IlI J山h】 larv 5叫血,,,ιd

"fl怔1 【川川Jr ml讨lil aJ川、 rm才 h,仆州"川tdl 1HI 币。 1 、.H'll竹 、俨四rs lulε , - 树 JI/'n Ihe hitlt"l 归 Ill' rill , W! lOl llad 1 W(' 1l r叫"、叫

from offi时, sal duwn 10 revi~e h刊 writingi', lw (lpcid时 10 ('x('i ,,(. hand 们)mh<l t J"l"mn llwm alto

gelher, ln 1584 , 111' deleted t1\t' EHHI-' ll!ω15 of t/lt' Hllnd Comhal 仁 1,灿Í(' from t!w ~ lIowaduv"

rareJ y 陀ad ~ fou川Pf" n - ehll[阳.rs \"f" rsÌoll of tlu飞、咱们、 Treali;w on Mililan I<:ffi('i('IH 飞 可

电局 Ma MÎII俘la ha、旧』盹啊!刷l

t ;1磁摇撞在;t; 1;滋差多滋路拟可 i 心\h:J:ìtd如蛐收蹦脑;Ùl..,

Page 21: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

'1'11<' E\'olution of 另h8nli Jl Ha川1 (:,川,bat " the \\/ csl ( 1592) ha吨!:'\'("Il the quillL户~:3e川 ial staff -帆aITH汀民uu 轧 "k川咯自).!;hl wilh IllS fists. In

t川(' jnstanc(' , lh ", valiu lJl monkl 、 j~ d叮川、f'd of lt比 weapoll b飞 u demoll , who snah' hes it ‘川uy

wjth a ma用r: filk l. The u l1urtned SU Il \Vukong res(I1is !o hand (吨lmhut 叮 giving ttw iluthor an op­

严内lH1ih [0 di吁.I Il Y hi" familiarit飞 with tlw l"on[l'mpo rHl)' jar在on of "postures" (~hi at叶 jiazi )、

" LO lJ!; - Ruug<" ~川"们 hangl]lHill )守旧ld "Uost' - Hange FisL" (duanquan)

Opt' lling wid f' the Four Levt' l~ !'o5Iure~: (J

The doubl(' - ki("kin~ fed 丑¥\l p


Tfwy 剖ab 川只阳all" 丛口d hea叫h

'I'he hmno叫且I pointing the \\'a飞,

t 1l0 川 Ridil毕 the Crarn、'

A Hungrv Ti冉、r I'ou !lein在 ml 111(' I汁?飞 18 11](的t hurtful;

A ])ragl川 Playing with \\/(ltn' i的 qUlte vi('iollS

l'hl' demoll king u冉冉 a Serpelll Turninp; Arolllld ';

rhe Great Sage l'l1Iploys a Deer T川 lillg Loose i 忖J-Ioms

rhe dragon plungl 约 10 Earth with heds upturned;

The wrist twiHts am l1nd to seize flea¥ pn包 hag

A green lion S upf'n • mouthed lun阵.

A carps ~n叫吁民 d - back flip

Sprinkling flowel宵1)H~r th(可 h('ad;

Tying a ropp aro l1nd the waisl;

A fan moving \o\.ilh lhe wind;

fhe rain driving 巾Iwn the flower吨

The rnonster - f\pirit the l1 \lses Ihe Cuanyin Palm , ,

AnJ pilp;rin> counlerH \'i ith the :-\rhal Fe时'

The LJ 呗 Range Fist', strekhi吨, is muæ slack , of eOUfse

Ho\'i川I1 ld it comp<lfe with lflP t:lose -Itange Fi.~ts'sharp jabs?

The !w() ()f them fought for 111刷1)' rou J\tI"

None was the strunger , for they are evenlv matched 月

Pu>òsibly Ihe cleare同 t indi,况lioll that bare - ham !t'd techniques be r:ame all inlegral dellwnl

of lale - Ming ('叫u川ltur凹'(: J怕>, pr。肝"挝de刨叫d h怡v 俨川"川【 l叮叩】edi阳as for da创t叶h' use. 1η川E陀e SIX叫x刘1怡e阴们叩自川川I川1山h - t'e付叩n】刊'uη 、叭w阳飞v凹!吁1

E肘陀s饨s阳e刨叫刊吐d the 阴mef.鸣gellc町eofanew ι♂‘ n阳 of hou旧"优叫d由ho叫old manual飞s吗 , which wp陀 inlellded nol only for

the male IJUfeaucratie dite , Lut al韧 for othcr scgmellb of society thal had 陀ce1V阳1 a modicum

of edueation: women , merchants , art臼ans ,町1(1 Ih f' like. Sometirnef\ ref.εrred !o Ly tlw generÌ(

title CIJJJlplete Hook of Myriad Treasures (Wanhau quanshu ). Ihey covered ev t' ry aspect of

knuwledge- neCf'ssary f(lr maîntaining a I>ousehold: f rorn prar:ti ‘ "1 副I\'iee on maki l1l' a li川v叽阳m吨1珞, Iω 0

阳川10川(:a咄咀咀1<川【0ω3忧川1\, ntua让l. a副u】叫,1 ω阳"

0川r s吐咄h阳m川t怕ha创n】叶d chara献-[忙阶~呜 (s咀ul<归皿z囚i ), the encyclopediai' leatu陀d"刊n伏S on such diversp tnpics as

, J川剧配问幽幽且每叫"皿问叫叫叫"咀甲 -圄·器问战略过如是飞

Page 22: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

58 己仁林功J、文集

fannÎng , liVf>s!o('k bre臼li Jlg , tradl、, arithnwl陀、 di川 rlllliOIl, nulrilion , h!:'!l lth , ('ulli在raph斗, IIlU

苗ie , j{)ke~ , and even rnmalle!-'羊

HouseholJ enqdopedîa i' ll]怕 devoted SP<I('!" fur hand combat. \\'hit'b wa~ (υ Jl Hitlewd u~f'ful

for health and ~eJf - defen5ρ ali山likf~优e. The 1599 a刮'"川【d 160旧7 盯叫j;山t,阳lμ【唰肌附吨 of the Al剧11 - Pu气讪"叫i叫叫阳X川'附肘s附p Cor肝r怦俨叭肘叫"川t吐l

飞轧w元布f、a町y (W即a 盯O阳"咆"址~h f' n !,wn区 ), j岛"' < 咀m叫n呵3刊pJ!:' , Ji 、剑;ts 川1肾e hv Ollf' th>w f;缸an阳U贝l仙S Ullrl' - handed teeh

Il ique~ of the day sueh af气" Emp('ror 、叫mg Tai :m '5 Long - RHnp;e Fist ," \V t' ll Family 'VlOVHlg

Fist ," "Sand - W'ashing -矶山t's Fi" t" (l .an gl阳osha quun ) , and "Spear - S f'i-t. i咱们旷

(Qingqiang quan ). I"or their real!ers'benefit , the 俨d巾r污 sdet'lPd ehoi阳 pnsitio[]s from t1 H~,.;!:'

"可ing 5lyles , explieating each with (l rhyming !(Jrmu!a and an i1!lJslflltion. '"卡飞 id!:'lltlv , SIJ(,1>

manuaJs as All - PU巾'附 Cnnecl 矶时 mirror the gmwing popularity of bare - halldpd fighlÎn区,

cvenωthev 口,ntribu tt-u 10 il;; di i>5eminatinn

Ming - pt'ri时 unanr 吐 techniques , which art" recorded in ;;íxteenth - e t"lltll r; literatun.

served as the foundation for new hare - handed slyles , which f'merged in lhe l'IIHII IIl属 centur飞

Some of t1w most im拟)rtant martial 5v~tems ""iLh whieh \w a陀 familiar today - Taijj Quan (Sn

preme - Ultíma配 Fisl) , XinF;yi Qnun (}'orm - und - fnl俨川 Fi ;>,t) , a时, lIf l'OU川 Shaolin

飞}uan → origínatt'd 111 Ihe sevt'nlf>enth - century \1 in在。ing trunsition pt'riod , For (>ur pur

pose , it is signifieant thal nlueh 01" thiH npvelopmellt took plaee within rangl' of tllP叫}凶)Iin Mor>


Other Fighling Styles

In Ihe winter of 1930 , pi川附ring l1Iartial - m1 h州tori !l n Ta吨 Hao (IR97 -1959) travf' led

to Chen FamiJy V illage (Chcnjiagou) in 'Ve!l Cou川 y of northern Hl:'nan. Tang , WhllHI:' r阳县reh

comhined texlual scholarsbip wiLll field work , W2凶蛇arching f()r malerials on the 川-igills of Taiji

Quan. which was known to hu\"e I)een deyeloped at 出 e villagt' , He un曲同hed tlwre two Qinp:

documents whieh suggelltclj that Ihe fnundatinns ()f the world - renowneJ te < Imiqup had lot't'n

laid in the 附venteenth l:enturv 过 fnmily history (jiupu ), which attrilJll ted 111<' C/Wil harf'

handed slyle to the cl扫a皿口 S I1I】n时th - J!严‘ n附era‘-atioωn'山r

and a r酣~mb问Y t即h趾, I阳础甜附t怦忻铲付'T , d由i怡e阳挝盯,;1副n吨 hi山剖 m川n阳¥H'n凹m削n川'"刷0ω川I川1 nf a 【qψ帆l'阳l旧础山削n t阳刊 hni叫1肌叫qu时e. Mo耐s引t ,刨ehn川0仙lar川~ h旧avt' ac­

eepted Tang Haos \.iew thal Chen ,民 all l--,.-f ings martial 川轨制 eith e-r the sam e- IlS - tlf th(:' imn附一

diate aneeslor o[ - the Taiji Quan \\.ith which we aæ famìliar [lIday , even \houg\> ill Chens 、.\lf­

viving writìngs the tenn "1

C Cb描昌都始 啤守法 4 庐 i ).."'. "昼,',~呐,.,..:.:;μ

Page 23: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

1'1,.. t 、。i川 i"" (lf 叫u叫 in HUlld ü ,mhat 当9



the I Dll州的'1 1川队飞 elll川 Court川 to kf'ep (J\(> ("咆mJl llll."'. \\:ht旧j,Of叫‘ 1 inVf' lll t ,"t'hniquf 吨。f

hand ('mnl泊t (!j uan) ; d \l rîn军 th俨 1"附V ~f' llSO([ , 1 till Ih~ land; lèlkin严 Hd、 fmta~t'" (11" my l f'i阳时,

1 im;lrucl a few di~t" ipl f''' anJ t!esc t'ndatlls , t'nabling Ih f'1II 10 he{'olllP f" 15ilo,.' H筑业ron区划 (lmg01附

and li 民t'rs. ,, "1


Chen W'lH1glÎn民 S nali l"f' villa~I' , Ch f'1可'"在:011 , WH.,、 1(1(' al俨d approximatelv 主5 rnilrs nnrth of

thl~ Sh川lin 肌ma"kry (附萨 tllap). HO\w\'时,肝 k川w th~!1 tlu、 Taiji Quan fuund t' r~ 叫附r har1

bHJught 111( 11 t'wn CI帆 r 10 the tll(H1u"h叮 Chen I ,ad 阳rticlllil.ted in an ('XI阳Iitioll against a

D..I\旷阳在 C川mh landlord narn‘ .1 Li J川 u , W]IO durin f!" lIw Min j!: Dyna,,!、 s wan口'在 y(~ar向 wa.;;

engagf'd III I部门,,'、 l.i I11-HI f的时llishe(忖1i" basf' 111叩 tbe Song \1ountain's " lJllp" rial Forl"

(YIJlhai) - tlw \"e r) place Whf'fI',副 (:ording t价 Jq;川ld , Sh拟, Ii l\'~ I\ltelary d削,"、、 alraparJl ,

( d川 U阳托r th f' Jl) (lah"r 叫llf'd Ji l1 nal \lIl), had rerealed his dimul)" as a slaIÎ 一川俨Jding gi-

• 101 afll



! 11.. , 1 ,州州悦。 nμ~UI山Illt' - IJl iUnut c- r: i .c如!刊孙('J'"iJi !'il l>U) , "

f'()L lI th' !1:1wl -1.:,川h~1 Cl~"啡【

电飞 飞机络组酷 K川、 !;>ff

Page 24: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )









plains is atte~ted h斗 comlllon J\omendature: \\'e hav t> st"en aIH)\T lhat Plu f1l - Flow t'f was th俨

name of a bare - hand叫 styJe ( (!lI1I11) as weU 凶 a rdigÎ()JJ (j i阳) , and our earlit'",叭 idellet 叫

Eigh! - Trigram;号 PaJm (Bagua Zhar 但). eomes from t1w rel吃IOll剖 upn归fl!!: o f' lhal Ilallle

1786 , and again in 1813 , the Eighl-Trigrams sect rebelled!n H('bei und N川 1 1I-'rtl Henan

The confe旧iOlls of its 叫ptured Illt'mber窗口luny of whom came from Hua CO\lIl!\, lIemm

provide is wÍlh the earli帖t ac们川剧~ of the ha陀- hanued slvle of that Ilalllt 川

Another unarmeJ style that 白'"陀d in Qing - perÎOIj Henan 附 Xin何yi QU!l.ll ( Fnrn>(lnd

lnlent Fi;;t) , also known 副 Xinyi I.iuhe Quun (1\'li [l(1 - und - Inlent Six - Halllmllies 盯>òt)

Qing - period manuals and family hislories su四川 tha! il was createfl hv Ji Jikd 11. 1650) 吁

who wa电 a native of Henru凶 neighboring 约 lUllXl pruv lIlce. Ji i" ,.aid 10 h 川!'ft'al叫 his f'mpfy

handed 5tyle on the lJa呗自 of a 5pear method , in wll Î! :h he had 俨引俨lIed. FoIIO\\il以!lw Malwhll

conqu酬, he wa5 reported to havt: ~aitl lhat bart" - hand时 fighting w出/11tH刑叩propriate than

anned combat for peaedul time5. By the eighlef'lI lh - !',卅,,,ηat any ratt", Ji 、 \illgyi Quall

had been lransmitt阳d to Henan , where a local suh - style emt' rge!L One of tlw t'arlie5t extant

Xingyi treati盹5 , Mind - and - Inlent 创x - Ilarllluni t'& Fi"t 毡 Mallual (Xillyi Liul l<' Q lIan pU)

wa5 likely authon凹J in Henan , WfWft, il was di5covere,1 by Tang Hao m llw ear il' 1\"'<-' l1 lielh I'en­

tury. The manuaJ CaJTÎes four prefac f'吨 d"叫 1733 , 1735 , 1754 , and 177Y

authors 惊

一山11 hy I\en !Hl




Aceording to 50me Xingyi malluals , 1i Jike had spent over ten year将 al 111(叫l i1 0lin Monas­

tery , wht~r俨 he studied - and f'\'t'n taught - fighting. 'ψHowevf'r , this daim slmBld be trealed

cautious1y: Wi>ereas the fighting 叫 les IIeuan eonneetion i5 undoubted , its fO lJlId,'r:" pel"5onal

a.ffiliation wîth the mona5teηshoul!1 hc question叫 if for no oth俨r reason than !wl'a IlSf' il isω

5u5piciously recurring moLif in the hagiographies of numerous martial - aπpalriarch~

斗民 ~ !d 一


Chen \\'an伴m但(Tf'al!刊 1 his I旧n" - handed stY}俨 in th f' V H'Hl ih of the SI】川 lill M川川由 O.

ùuring Ihe sallw peri叫 the se\'enleenth cenlu fI - ' .. dl~n th俨划Jaolin mOl1 ks 飞ww lurmll严

their Iltt f'ntinn to hand corr山at. 11 巾,川 Id nol C01l1 P 丛s a s叫,rist', thert"foff', thal 1 1I~ '1 叫 i ()u础。

sha陀d comn川n Ira写乱"川Is - ~阳uch a.~川 丛川n 们ω『阳叫N川,, 1什l1 a怜圳a怕约 叮叩'"川川"> 川l

w,此lh 、纣J旭υ叫lin Quan , 1'h>, ,廿俨问111卫n "taiψjμi" (S仙毛叽"1山 IIlt' 1 ilti川m旧"忧e) fì尽g"山z陀它忖 m> 忖haoli口m 、 H‘川"】K川d ιomhal

Classie (5肘 i Jlustration no , 9) , lusl as th f' mon邮作叮 s lel!;end of th俨 staff - wieldi l1).!: Vajrapani

found its way into the Chen Family's military wrilings 悟 "Mo的t rwople 守" write~ -"1ιltsuda Bv'/

chi , "believe Ihat Taiji Quan aJld SII剧 Ilin QUHn a陀 ι'Ornpl俨tdv dilferent form约川l1alld eombal

Aeluall)' , in 11附ir ba~ic postures , hand - method,、, lf'g - m叫hωI~ , an!1 !咣 Iwr 们目hling aspeets

:he iwe, bdyies ame tBxdv allke""

T"ψQ"且n was n创 the nnl) hMe - handt'J 同 tyle whi('h emerged at the Shaolin \1onaf吗t f'rv ;.,

vicinity , BegÎuuÎng in Ihe sevent f'f'nth eentury , and all Ihnlugh Ihe Qing - period , Il f'nan was a

hotbe!1 01' mmtial m1s. Along the Ydlow - TIiver basin (from Shan :>..Í, thmugh I It:mlll , to Shan

(!ong) , I1U/IIt"fOU5 fighting styles emergt~d , many of th f'/II in the 【 onteλt of 吨t'dariH Il rehf'J1ion

啊1e intimatf' ponn刷 lion hetween martial arl aml 陀 li自IOU!; 5eelanan凶m in t!w 1\1川 h - Chillll

J 现

Page 25: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )


the Qing pt"fiod , a 宫h叫 in ('O !l nf:'t'l wn 呵 )Iwars tυbaH. be们川 lt" II pn:r<叫".州 I t" i11 maltial - a r1

mythoiop:y ,勘 th t' iJlVt"nlors 01' J\{'Wι p:hling slylt"s \\'t' rt' ~uPf附叫 to have trav t"lt"d 10 Ilw fl)onas­

len and 凹 aslf:'wd ib t川 Jtrlique~ !川()feιrpuling th!'Jr ()wn supt"rior on!'s. The 1‘,eo川lary fou叫"

of tbe "lnterllaJ Sehonl" (Neijia ), ZhU11g Sa11rl 。在 (11. 14CX1 ,?). i~ sai{l to haH' thofoughl)

studied the SbaoJin ~t~lt" fwfore "w\ersin旷 ÎIs prlll('\pl t's. "何imiJarly , '\1/ang Laug (11. \7, 1,

口 uluη) , pfe叩 mcd (陀 ator of 11](' I'mying - Ma Il ti;; Fi叫( Tan民 1 ang: Quan ) ,、\'a~ J附 lie\ed tO

havl号 re~ided at the Sbaolin Mona附凹, wh俨 rt' he \\'a~ rep!'at何lJy defealt"d hy it筒。ut~tandillg

L!'aving the rnona、\ery in d!'~pair ,飞~':ang ‘ p!'Tl t s俨 w'ral ~.ear飞 O!l \h t' IlJðd , until

ht" happl'w:Il OTle day 1J[lon a prayî川在 ηHl1l tis ('atdling a ei('ada. Imitating th‘ in~t' d;' l'orelimbs

he invl河 lted his IIniqll !, ~ty!t", WIll'ft'UpO)l hp retuflwd to Shaolin , and fìna \1 y (川lTam!' his ad

versanes 圳


61 Tflt' F 、 olulion ..f 业1aoli" Ha..d C"n让川



ma r1 ial a巾约t~

lf we lum our a1tention frorll \11t' ('onsi(lemtion 01 individual 圳 1. 吨 \0 th俨 ~xamill <l \i()n of \il

eratuH', we are 咱am 同trllck by Ilt'nan 's significan l'e. Even though impmtant h<m.> - hand时

机'a 1i8e.~ were a180 written elsewhne - tlw Inlt:nml … Sd川1 F'i ,;1 Methml (NI'ijia quan fa )

( 1676) , for t"xarnple , in Zhejinag -创)me ()f t!](' n帆寸 in l1 uential Qin j!: - period 11怯lIluaJs wt"re

authored within a dav or two '.'; mule rid t" fro 响 \he ~haolifl J\.lonH叫l~ry. Chang Nιlizhou (11

1740) (K:flned his l川rtial - art lreuti;;e" at Si"hui , ~"'ne thirty )nÎI t";; north of th!' l1lonasteη ‘

andWall~ZtJllgyue (0.1780) , alheita 灿anxi nativt: , probabl~' auth 刊J his theo fl'lieal Taiji

Quan essays either in J.uoynag or 1n Kaifeng , whf"fe he f{'sided in t\w 1790s 制 Likl'wi仰, Cher>

Changxing (1771 -1853) anrt ChpJ\ Xin (1849 -1929) 川口lpiled their THÎJi manual民'"

H,雪nan号1) and ,出 we haVf~ seen ,、 ang Bîng (h. 1672) au\ l!off'd hi" P!um - Flow('f Ot1t" in \Ìw

province Í; Neihuang County (SI'(' map) , Th俨 Xin阴. "地nual Mind - and 一 Jnt创刊 Six - Harmo

nies Fist was pmhabi)' written in the pr川口付 a5 wdL \\/t"口 'Y .吁mdude , llwr山附叼 lhat Sha­

olin hand comhal pro5pt'1"ecl 111 a r它庐ion lhat had (l la、 e(! a majnr role ill lhe evolutiofl of Chine剖

bare - handed fi~hling

'fhe lale - Min在 alul early - Qing \\'e陀 plY创al fwriod约 in the histoη 。f Chir lt'HI' hand {'om­

Drawing on ear\ ier , Ming - p!'riod , quan t刺 Imiqlles , th l:' 、,ev t"nteellth 付ntll1飞、~itne55ed

Ihe 仙lf:rgence ()f 时w bare - hand叫 st"II:~ , whi巾, three - hundrr-d H"U阳 lat r-\", \\"'W 10 叩ft'ad

all over the world , The ori伊n刊 of 1、'aiji Quall , Xin l!:yi Qllan m>d Shaolin Quall - tht' earlit'..\

V四tiges ()f which ar(' fl'corded in Hand Comhat ClassÌI' alld Xumljis 气cupunl"lllr(' I'"inls - ('an

be traeed equaUy 10 the Ming - Qing transition !'ra



(f)On lbe e、."olulioll of 业130lin slafT t t'dl叫川,"" Mt' j[' 'ih"har "Ming:"" Pni叫 E\'idcll"" 川、l凶叫ill Ma!tial

I二nK'tÎc,," Harvard lournal o[ Asiati,. Sl川l阳、。1. 61: "0. 2 (f)",叽..1比:r 2仙 1 ) , 359 • 41) t , m临lated b\' I.i

飞例,\,'Xin ( 1l<'11 1(f',川职 Shanlin , hlL Jianqin , "Mir耶阳 Shaoli" Wl山II kao" , in 叫酬li" goι1.. 协'"""J' . g"" 叫

川 2003 )问). 16 -48

ctn叫 Shunz), i. "EmcÎ da()ren qumì 原" i" Jingchuan ~ian咖ng wt'nji , Wanli 吨川,内叫酬5舶仲 fflt;

头沪、, 卜


Page 26: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )




print in SilHl川咄an (Shanghai: Shang川, 1922) , 2.81 ,

@Tang Shunzhi , \\'u hian '1 ia叩, 5.37丛 5.3%

(4)鸭 a吨 Shixi吨 a l1 ud,'" to ShωJi n M川k~} - ~t).le fight川Lg (H川川, ~cr his "Song you ji" 川 hiH Wl1n Lt"

V川《阳( 1593 e.J it川'), 1. 2h - 3a; , ee a180 Gongnai , "'ihaolill gu回附】但 i川hi g..ρ(" \V IlI,.!o in)'; 1灿灿aol川

l\1:onks r.Ol11 p,.t,." ) • , .. 盯 1 W'en Xian!'f..,屯"、 ouSbaolinji" ("AJ 町ne ,' to Sbaolin门川崎aolin 8i zhi

( prefar 俨 174!!) , mmpil"d hy y" F .. 叩川 a1. , r..vis"rJ hy Shi Yizao 1 (r.opy ..t th 俨 HarvaTII - 'r俨川 hing Li ],mr­

}}., 7.2aa阳 13.23" ''(''I-''.'<"I i ,'屿 aml 川 S 盼山 Ji 川("盯lbl Al'l"uunl uf a juurn町 lu So,,~ ~Iou"lai,,") i"

Yuan Hongdao , Yuan Hon醉创 J' J山 jiao , a""ollll..d !川 ()iarr H 灾 h..ng (Shanghai: Sha吨刷刑i , 1981)

5 1. 1475


后fN 把






(.5)CI,.."区 7""岛四, Shaolin gUlúa ('hanω吨, in hi川 .e咔}" sb.. ,,1ti i(T,凹, b"iqll"~ fo甲 After -- FannÌ!唱 Pa5

time) (1621 ..diliorr) , 3. 7h

值~,, ()uan jjng: ~)u<m fa h"ipo , antho1'S giwn a' ZI川军 b吁zhao 山,,1 Cω lIuanrJOlJ • in \l iaoyuan

,,,)1\也巾l (Shanghai: Chanyin ln , 1936) , (lJlso ",'ailllbh. in 忡。阳在呻怡陀prinl in vol. 101 川 t川."吨巾巾"川ljid叶ILt"ng

兑阳u[,ia础an (T血b阮凹ei: Xin

hai: Clloji xn{'sh" , 1927) (川'1')' ~司"吨hai T.ibra盯)

(Jy如 Qllarr jl吨, Qι"" 也 kivω I'wfar 俨 1 a - 2a , 1. 1 , and 1. 7 , wh..rf' Cao expl创n , IJwl ZI胞吨 K川职

zhaos manual hωhpen transmitted in hi时阳lily 阳例臼 a ('f'ntu巧 Cmη阳怦 Xua叩刷 6holl 立lI"dno quan ju俨

preface 1 a , and 1. 14a. Two olher lllm1ial nrtisls wlou aw l11f'nlωned in [,(1), manual纳 are CI]('n~ Jir刷刷 and Hu

W叩a昭 {'Ol11pil陀 Quan jin饵, Qllan fa bt'i}'~阳, prt'fa f'c 1 a , and Xna叩阳的hou XlJ时HO quan jut', j. 3a. '0,,, jut

阳 manual a11udes aJ附 to ~nothcr milila1)' exp..rt 仁hen Songquan 叶剧, 7.hal唱 Ming'e 叫山川,阳约!ois

teacher; see Xuanji mi 臼hOll xU l':dliO qllan jup , prefa,'~ 2a

也 Com飞pare QuaJl jin饵 QUHn fa IIl': i)'山,2. 4a , 2.15a , and Xllmψm ,州hou xuedau qnau j ,w. illuslration,;

1. 1 侃, 1. 4a ,

(⑩9丁》冶阳肘 Tang Ha.剖3 缸川时 Cu I.iuxi

and Mal盹Isud血. Ry归uchi , ZJlI川"川"川"叩t咿严照J且民l附10 Wl川"由ho 封shi诅10盼e (1恤",0刑Nι!阳翩刷l仰 "叫.fZm忧"恒"" 口η 仰】此"阳"ωtυ"叫u川t阳s队W忱川'"呻hi) (Ta丛吁,.. i: [)a沁"叫1吁'l1H~

,",川s阳, 198陋6) , pp.34-3始5 , 57 -曲

(5ee Tang Hao , Shaolin qllanslm rniju" kaozhe吨 (目叫hai , Sha吨hai (;lI oshu 川咐 nhlli , I94I) ,,,"1'

pp. 70 -74 , 99 - 138. The Shaolin 'luanshn mijlle r叫~r" jo Ilnng'l nan 刮目飞、山l'地川

@Qulln jing; Quan fa heiyω1. 1 a. This is larg..lv 1川军las Wi!I': S llanslatinn of l l1e Qi Ji~ lI a叩民阳叫p

that had 附rverl ,."仇俨 Quan阳吨。 S()l!l\'r; c,,'C Douglω \\, il ,,_ T旧 Cllis A肘 fsl"Jb T怜!tlaking "f 川 I lJ lernaJ Arl

(New ιtv , Swe<川 Ch\ Pre"~ , 1999) 阿). 1H - 19

( In Qi Jigu~ng , Jixiao xinshll: "hilm juall hen (('a. 1362) , ann刷刷 I hv (齿。 \Ven山咔川! l.ii 'r; >";..",bi

, in Qi Jigllan~ yanjill congshu (B..iji。在刀川ghull , 2∞ 1) , 14.227 -22'>; Douglas '>\'il .. <_ In",~刑 1师斗 T 山

Chi毡 Ancestor毡, pp.18--19

( Ming - perind 1附 attrihutedωSong Taizu also 由何阳 hniques ,川山i , 'h th.. histolÌelll ,'mperor mighl

have be四 V('f!<pd; see MlI Mingda ,她Uf1 Jlan ...ong 隅。{ 1 anlllOu: l.anzh创, d肌U附 2悦)Q l. jJJl.77-82;o"

ω川 ..mporllry Song Taizu p贸部地』附 Y俨仁川 irl K Ka~h , "T1... Original F.lllperur~ L:mg FiHl S、叫r旷. Kung Fu 'L丛l

Chj (F "hmary 2闹剧,阳 10 ← 19

@!'he 附"协 titled .. Chongxill I \t-n阴山ng ji ( " H... 叫,,[即 SUSI-", nd..,I- E''''' l"H ld '>'n ,lIi"n" He"()ll

stmclÌon" 1. Thc 1677 刽町 a Insc lÌpti f1n "f Sha峭的山hot Nirr严ran (叫川旦( " Ni"Wan C"i~,川职 taming l,..il)

allude. lo Xu!!'呗叮 edfiωLlI)' a, a "fighti吨 monk" (WUS""I< aZ 1 ). Hρ" t"\t"r , , t 恼 rite8 his U8 1t1 t' "ilh 1/'" ""'1"/

radical: xuan 1 h. 1 am gr冠 leful to A,/俨 for both lrm椒 n1此J()tl 飞


Page 27: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )

TI". ~、,, 1111;011 "f 啡h才,,,1;1】I-land ct响Ih~1

何(:OHl U附 ()uun jing:, (,)uun f~ 1民 i \llO .I.2ha川川川'"川民川i 飞川i叩J川1 】川u川i , 1巾,0>川"川" λ灿.."川例叫巾i旭ωaω" 吨啊i川川】

1μJ扣1附阳, JII川峭1略硝&饵4 巾M川川1> fa 1怡w川l川\'U(ω'. p附p , 101七, -1 页ha

何 X阳"" 川 i ,hou .\U丧气 !UO ljUdll j仙 1. 11h-12a

6 ::1

呻Stt ~)i J阳叫 Ji\i ,lO ~jll恰hu; , Idha j阳!Jell , 14.229; H俨 L;ul' g:(.h,'n Cougsllll in'h..Jlg ,.d;lion

(纠huug-h拍 Sh"咱'"'11. 1939\.2_ 26: Ch..川~ Z"" I-"OlJ,叫,~oli" 严m fa. 3_ 11 ,,: ""'\ Ta'哝吗'1I 1"hi. W" hiall

'l ianji.5.3n, 日伴 "Iso "duanrlu叫 '"χIwng停刊 \\w.hu 1川 k.. 'l uun岳阳, (/kij>ng-, ZhOllg-得Jt) dahaik俨 quall ,lm

1998) , p_ 171

t~如 Bll川飞恪划川 \ran" , '['1 ,.. (;0"' 1' 1巾叽 ork , 01 ChUIIllg Tw (N号"、创k , C,山""I , ia [I "i\,川t、

f'I'P".196R) 弓 50 号 l

绚X,川 'J' I川咄咄川l阴阳 q础。 J山, 1. 31>

⑨如同h"" - YU 1 明 11nd W~n 山町、 u. lI.叫 Fu 协""~I吐_<, \\'ushu Train;ng <l nd M ;o内, 1 ,-\rl~ 忡

pl; ,明 1;"" Manu"l , ~dυ"'11'θ I:! tt' ikr _ \\ 11 (I':a~! P""'id.. ,,,.,., Way o[ th<, Il",)!:,川,, 200川, p. .163

⑧Xuur可; ", i sh"u X l1俨 ao q l1an )11俨 1. la - h; ", I,.. r(' IIw l~'nl~ ar.. sli lJ 1,<, iHA 1I"<,d 1 \',川",, 11叫、市川 )"

Llan!\ a阳! \1/"11 - Ching \l/lI

@、坠槌吧啊e凹e .,出刷1川ri ,. k巾krna町'", 陪M肌恤f仨f"且皿川屋川,"【ras耐?骑斗 d业i咱t 、W驰'"川川bri町皿ri05' rR H 川d巾仙11仙!h,刊,~'"引'" 丁Tar川川川n川"盯q阳,.. μ,. ,." 口山llllf、 (川p"、'"胁i~ , Gω赳d圳1;,川"川I

串航ι p阳a阳 Q山川川唱肌; 1胆J讪u山""臼}协bpi削l川"叭、1. 2川911 - 31a , awl XlI aoji 阳川 ~updao quun 刊", 1. 1010

llb; se~ also "wi q山川"川:r.hon阻帕叭1J~!o ll balk.. qUHn~I Il', 1'1'. 131 - 132

a亏、仍在 S!ud~ of [如 Hooj!, "叩笋 Mllrtial i\ rt~ Film (I! tln['. K川j!,: (山川(峭川1.1相)) . 1'. 216

(() .. 皿扒吨; Quan Ja kiyao , l. 16[,; ('o"' I'<l))' Xω叩川崎hou xu俨山。申"" j".. , 1.91 ,

⑤Mllt圳"laRy ,! ,.l,i. l" 127

精到<'~ Malsιa Ih'! ,.h>, pp. 123 - 125; 附俨 111 ,0 "、阳''lin l' quan in /JH>"~飞1'\'" "'!l "I'lll'lI i~ ,. oJ"",,,hll , 1'1'

122-123 , a叫 Hoo K. 1肘。"Th俨 fi<,ul ri白 of t 1Jr\': Tlw .-\r1 i~b alld . .\rL川r\ of MiztlI驭。WII" K"叩 Fu Tui

Chi (1'吨ruarv 2剧的 48 -53

⑧写..." Mals1Iu Ry? ehi. 1'. 129

( See Qu札 JI jing; Qu~o fa b"i}'Uo , 1.181人2. 1 9a; s..~ also Yih叫M 川ldoH民 qiYlllln 1副川, ,刊1. 1,\1 'r d"

(Jinan: Shandon!( d""ue , 1990) , p. 89; "M f'ihuH 'luan" in Zhon阳"阳山IJ baik.' quan~h". 1" 122;ω叫

Ch恤11011ιS 叫】 o quall Luolll 阳巾吨,叫 I ,u Hai ,'hao '1 H '/ i1 W 刊1"阳h川!J,."an I....,i. 1994) , 1

409 -453

f刷刷, y忡罕lan yundûoll qiyllao lall 川 pp 盯 88 川1 Zhotl W<,il叫, Zhol聊阳","~hu 喝hi (lki

jing: Ga刷j~ng ji部'yu , 2(K13) , pp , 86 -88

晤fJw n阳M川川川1川a叫i 阳 叫,r<)d归u阳时1 ;0 Yilwq川叫E阳 刊川"阳"川"川i

en>俨"k τ 山e Ori区悍'"附s of 币 t胁b俨 l:Iûx对('f l!pri 吗别'"呻g (B,'rk,'什1 ,.\吨 l. nl川1 、\'<,',, '1竹v ,,1' ( 臼州lifo,ω丁w讪 , p冉n 附 , 1987) , 1" 1 --1抖9

,J;:Þ~f'.f'. SUßafl Naquin , Mill f'flHrian !l ~bdlion 川川ina ( N.. ", Hav~n: ì' al ,' r "ivrr~it\' P"'''' 1976). f'

31 ;把t. also Esh臼 k , jbid

:!þS明 Yihf'quao y l1ndor咯 q!) uan 13ωIJO , pp. 83 - 102: bh"ri ,'k , pjJ. 14R - 155: and 刀μIII Wt' ;lian~

7JHJf陀 Uo wushu ,巾 i , pp. 86-88

⑧ 11,时恼。,...It' rem'e 10 th ,' l..n prlm'I"I,.~ of Shωliud肘俨叫 rik;n~ (叫lAoljn dum' 巾) 咄呻 "ft. ..Iaf"川

le.J ;11 lh,.归an jing Quan f" h,.iyao. pp_ 阳J.'''''

~"fhi >i is an aI!u~ion j{)仙 Zhuan四"、"/h~r' C"nhl(' ;u ,; \,泊 on hj~ 川、,,,川 Û. h.. ]J叫 ~S<'气1 "川I)(h " 1",

叫 wh俨,... 1,.. ~a飞向 u h lJ""iJIoH("k 叶\l"hing 川叫挝、., ;lh a 刑 j(.~"凹I~ a" t"a~il\" ,轩山。此Jgh h.. n,训鼠叫山jng rlwm

Wllh h; ‘ ha".J, "吗 e H,川011 Watson , l , an怜, TI... Compl ,.1l' \\ "rk~ of Chu<l rlιr~.川市川、。.. 1-.. (川N川}阳 I.u'

,."",jl)' J)re~" 196R) , 19.199

l 扛蜡蛙黯& 瑞如主必胁。~.~州越晦淄黝精描酶盒5指 .K(

Page 28: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )




@'Yan l\ Yo"ji "'"'" fahuloll鸣"川,,-r ,址 tlw 冲ring - and - A川umn 1-气叩川、lal" "f Chu: S" ,. ( * )

甜。川】 J'吨 Quan f1l h"i}'ao , I Jl ~1趴-'e. 111 - 2扭

曲 rhi~ Î川内re",'~ tυthe ZhuallgZÎ: "T" I四川, '"阳忏 to hail. to 呻 to ~pll 唰山 olrl breath and

dmw i" 仙'"川, pradÎ"Îng b"ar - hanging, anrl hird 叫川 hir盼 (xiong jin在 niao ~h"" ) , longf'v山 hi , (ln

Iv CO I](.t'm -‘ ll<'h i~ lhp lil" lavoff'lll l\' the sl' h(帕础。 pra川U'PS i\yrnlli叫川 (rllloyin ), llw 11111 1\ II' bn 川n

~1H'S hωhody , who h叫附 10 li ",- 10 h.. a~ 叫d as I'l'!咆Z比" Se'- Allrl"" W alH'川, trans. , The C""'plet.. Wnrh of

Chuang '['zu , 15.167 -168 {~jighll}' ah<'1'e<l)

iJlH.in Qi吨 11m驭 X附",,,, uan 1町 i (Ill ustral叫 Hecoro of 山~,. I.ir.." Trm'"s in llw 仙川) {1849;Phc

t咱'"'山w 叫.r;nl, H..iji吨 H"iji且在 guji , 1州41 ,曾clion 1 : 011 I.in Qing 时 Art!to!' Hun川萨1 , ,..-1., Eminent

C"in"",,- 01' Lh,- Chíng p~ri(xl (1 ó44 -1(12) (\\.'a~hin伴。们I.ibrary ofιongrp巾, 1943 -44) 川,, 506-507

的飞飞m 、 llch"ng 附I'p('ulate, lhal I.1Il Qi吨川IS11 川川",,,d Lh.. mural 民阳inting: ~e.. hi , Sh1l0lin fall阳l

(Tillnjill: flaihua 耻"νi , 1999) , p_ 355 , 1.111 R协,han;; Taguo S('h(k,1 of Shao!in lïghting ,.]"i"" Lo t,,<u.h on)~

lhose fonns lhal shown in the 缸川 se.. Gene Chlllg , "13 酬) Warrio ]1; "r T.咱川 KUllg F" T"i Chi ( D... 付l护

64 少林J)J夫义算是


ber 2C朋), p. 49

Ii!~Cor叩叶。i 1iI<Il11吨, J且lao XlIl州州M阳nh.." , 14.227-230; H俨 tiangdlen , Zlwllji , 2.26 - 27;

Zheng Hurw"ng , Ji"'l阴阳n Jl吨, (pr..liJ"" 15(8) Siku q l1an~hEJ "diLion , 8a 丐[, -4,,; 山ul 'j'ml~ SllUnzhi , W"

bian qianji , 5. 37b; 阳 al~ Cheng Dllli , n Mingdai wu~l , u n , in Zhon陀EJ() wushu baike 明创hhu 怦曲


¢白争肝T副'"驭庐 Sh",叩l~hi. ~鄂\:11 hi制 c叩pμ阳aω削"叩1

⑩~盯 C削飞嚼昆 cnn川""吨g萨s int川】咀'ro咆d也IW川附h川ωllüQψiJ且'g凯""吨毡 Ji川λ川t削凡川μ川】冉卅巾h】lU: ~h圳hi且blljuanben , pp. 4-5 、 础。 Jiguang

~e" C-"刷 Iri"h , 1 :220 - 24 , and Huang. 1587 A Year of ~o Si伊lificance. pp. 156 -188

串Wile , Tâi-ehi" A"""sLor钩, 1'. 19; th" O){伺 nal is Qi J耶E呵, Jixian ~ill巾,圳阳川"ben.14.229

@Wile , Tãi -chis Ancestors , p. 19; lh.. nriginal i~ Qi Ji民旧吨扒出l 川川h 油iI,,, ju<lIl l...n , 14.229


勘H" Lillng"hen , Zhenj>, 2.26

母W,le , Tãi - chi毛 A,附川师, pp. 12 , 18: th" original is Qi Jiguan~ , Jlxiao xinshu: Rhi lo., juan hen , 14


晤Wil.. , T Íli -chi毡 Anceslors , p. 12; the 叫inal i~ Ta ,,~ Shunzhi , \'fu hian '1叫 5 号7"

母Qi Jiguang , Jixiao ~inshu: shiha juωl刷, 14.227; 川叩ar.. also Wi!.., Irans]"t川 I'IÎ 山l主 A",...,

ω内, p. 18. EWI11Ually , the general 副Ided four Ch3附 rS I() his buok , hul h.. ke~此 lhis l'lJImJl~1I 1 , i ", li""IÎ吨 lhal

Quan j时只eyao was 。吨inally inlendftl f,时 lhl' la

@缸t" QiJ且!gl.l an吨gι, Jix肌m别Xl llO X川XlllS由hl.l: sl-由1阳 jURn ben , a酬m川a划1叫 bv F川 Z刀hOllj!:yi (ß飞叫m吨n吨g χ刀l川乒灿内h,阳附, 20帕恻O刷1) :

see a1 &ωo Ma M阳t吨d血a , S铀h"ω阳 J'恤an , p. 31ωO 削川1叫d Wil",. T创 叮 hi i; An何叩"'切0"" 仰 16 -17

@明.M吨血, Shuojian , p, 311

晤See Jin Ping Mei eihu鸣, 90.1244

~tmle 刷l<'our -l,e,'els" (siping) poslure 自gured in Illtf' - Mi吨 armed , and unanned , f:】 ~hti吨 lllike , 81'1'

Cheng ZOIl防 01.1, Shaolin gll~ 缸, 2. I卜剖 Tang Shllnzhi , WII bian q 叫, 5.37抖。 Jipwll饵, Jixiao xin

~hu: shiha jURn b咽 14.234-35 , Rnd Wile. Tài-Chi‘也neestors. 27 - 30

(!)A"出ony Yu , Iran~l lItor , The JOllm .. y 10 lhe West (Chle吨。 llni" l'rsity of Chicagu Pr..~~ , 1977 - 83)

3 :1 4-15

@\'fu Hllifan饵, V/anhao quamhu: Ming Qîng sh叩<1(' mi叮ian ~henghuo shilu , (Tai !Jei , 7,hω19zhi da、

肘, 2凶 1 )

S E白

E £


j气ιL f

Page 29: The Evolution of Shaolin Hand Combat (Extract From 少林功夫文集 第二期 )




rS~s..,,. Sar山i W~川侧目才,,.ng~川严 (159'J ,.t! ili川) μlnl ,,!,r叩 hi( 叫川川川叭l]um"s 3 气 ()I Ch ,! goku

ni("hiv'i ruisho 、h'/ 'f】例 lil代 1 hv Sak~i 1',1(1ω~akade y"时hil!!!o , a阳10μW州 Y'! iehi (K\ ,? l... 2创)0), 14

1, • Ih; H"d \Vu Iluifang , 1'.34陷 and n..tc 4lJ 1. (The" S~lld - V;,' lls l1 ing 飞飞<:l\('S Fist" <:l训 "、'1" 川 Seizin民

Fi,t" HW rnent川n, 'd in th(' I削7 刊lition. )

f,j}S,.,. Tan !, ]]".. and r;u l. i ,, ~in. 1'1'. 179 - Hß; 'I1i!b川Ia Ry'l dli , pp

haik俨'luanghu. 1']>. 71 , 91

(,9,\n i"nu,.ntiHI DU""l dHSHi飞 tlw ~句 ri]>l"'''' ,,1" lh" Y,.lI川、 CO"'1 (H lJ "n~tinf': j'吨 {("U. lhinl ,.,、nlun'

<'. ) (JutlitH"' r叫>lra阳"怕也叫u,'s ,.,川,,1叫川 1 , m,.rhtHl; (J!l "" Ihe t~~ly'~ inl<'rnul diviniti,.川川I'md Kwl!吨

paJ1iHI lflm民1",ω". 日 ~h (.(Mh、 aJUI Illnpr 飞 i~iou." i" Donald 1 ,刊附孟 汇'd. . R f'iigio 刊 o[ ChillH in Pmetir吁

( Pri阳,..tou: Pri ,,,,,.lon Uni""' '>Iity Pre'" 1飞色剧, pp. 149 一 155

WQ川剧1 in Tauf! H~() 创ld Gu Li u\in 机 180

{DS,.,. TWlg lIao a川 1 (;u Liuxin , 1"剧 c(J rnf""~ al;训 th" 盯Oll l1 1 h\' Ch,.n 鸭阳回l叩轧机川i础。 Chp!l

Xiu(l84θ 1929) , ill Ti! iji 'luan pu , 1" '"四吨 Zon/<yu" 俨1. al. (Il叫"叫!:\: Hpnmin tiyu , 1991 ì. p. 356

由、,." Tung Hωa"d Gu Liu~jn , 1'- 15

前M叫何uda Ry': ,']'i , P 曲

怕,Zhou 鸭 p;lia"!;. Zhon胃110 川 U 巾,问剧帕,如,. ul~o N叩;n. 'I1 illenariau H.,. I ,,.lI i ,川 m 山m

pp. 31 , 8R , 313

6弘S",. Ma 以 tda Ryη 巾,阳 135 -138; and Zh川\\ ~jliHn真 Zh<>,,~uo '\ll~hu shi , p. 89

@Se~ Ma lil'mg m,d Sun Yamin , "Xil附,' i shi Zl1 Ji I 川旷'"t1!\ > \V"Jin aZ a l. 84 (1988 ,帆 9) . 1']>. 36

37; and "Ji J;ke" in Zhonggω 川~hu haik l' qw肌气hu , p, 538

即rhe legen.1 fiffit appea 叫 in Huan启 Baijia<' (1643 门. N叫ia quanla ( 1676) , i" Zhaod~i "0'非ho

hieji , p. I~; 忧 e al~o Douglas 币 a的 lranslatÎoll i" hi冉l" ãi - Chi 只 A",-esIOJ有 p. 58

幢See MatslI巾 R,川 hi , pp. 183 -184; c飞川阳,. al~" Shou - Y 11 l.iH叩却叫币四-口川职执 U. p. 447

@ChangN创zhou 汇 M吨圳叫t 巾. ",1. 1川 Xu Zh"n (1932. Re阳川 rHip..i: Y阳 t1. 1996) , Lmus

]ated and analyz",j h~' Dougla阴离i!.., Tâi - ,'h刊 An('p归自川j. 71 -188. Wall但/例吆 PS WrJ ll!阳、丛1'1" inrlurl

ed itl Taiji阴阳凹, pp , 24 -39. A叭 'jrdi ,,!\ to TlIng H刷刷,C:I Gu Lim..in (p_ 1 R3 ).. \\' Htl事 !)[ol ,,, hh' "ludi..d

Chen - Family T叫i Qu剧. .,.,. h",n h" residρd iH ""uJ"h}' LUOyH叩 and KHif..ng

⑩Theic 刷刷als are in<"luded in THijiquan pu ,即 245 -275 aud 276 -339 附pe('lj ,',..ly

65 Tlw E ,'()\uli佣 ()f ~haoli" Hand Cm川,,'




lìl -83: m川 ZhO!l阴阳叫而且E


" dri



盖酷刑ρ 二,k