RichardGC.com 2018 The Home Business Cheat Sheet Prosper with 8 risk free Home Business essentials! Richard Crandall

The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

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Page 1: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

R i c h a r d G C . c o m


The Home Business

Cheat Sheet Prosper with 8 risk free Home Business


Richard Crandall

Page 2: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home


Hey there, as a fellow entrepreneur to

Make Money from Home, it’s great to

make your acquaintance. I’m excited that

our paths have crossed.

There really is a way to better yourself and

your lifestyle rather than to rely on investments that may

go awry, or jobs and careers that may turn out


So honestly it’s just awesome that you’re checking out

how to make an additional income from home.

Making money from home is a tremendous way to take

control of your finances.

There are so many people who are already happily

succeeding in their own Home Based Business, that

exemplify what you can do. Home business is a

simplified way for you to make money from a company

without you having to be employed, so you have all of the


Home Business Cheat Sheet

Page 3: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

You’ll benefit greatly from what I have to tell you in this

cheat sheet if…….you are a……

Stay at home mom looking to also make a good

living from the comfort of your home and have fun

doing it

Student wishing to make an income to pay for your


Anybody seeking for an honest chance to gain time

and financial freedom without much expense

Anybody seeking a retirement source…people really

aren’t saving enough for the future so why not do

Home Based Business to build a safety net for that


By the way, I’m Rich Crandall and what you’ll learn about

me is my sincerity in making this about you, as I show you

the skills that I’ve found can make you successful at

making money from Home in something called Home

Based Business.

If you’d like to snoop in on my life, to find out whether or

not you should be listening to me, you can visit My Blog

here (www.RichardGC.com).

Page 4: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

Most of my teaching is about what I call Home Business

Franchise style of making money independently of a job.

That simply means that your home business has some of

the qualities of a franchise like independence and 100%

your responsibility and none of the disadvantages like

high cost and having to pay employees like a franchise



Some people overlook the opportunities that Home

Business Franchise style of making money from home can

provide, because they still think it’s too risky, expensive or

complicated, or even a little dishonest or shady….there is

a lot of WRONG INFORMATION out there!

I hope to dispel negativity that is gathered thru wrong

information by giving you knowledge as to what works in

this way to make money from home, so that you can find

your passion.

So let’s get started! I’m going to discuss 8 ideas,

attitudes, or skills you should develop, that will enhance

your Home Business Franchise style of making additional

Page 5: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

income, and just about any style of making money from


The first thing you do to pursue Home Based Business is

to find a company that has an opportunity for you to

make money at home.

You may have seen a friend or someone else marketing or

in other words asking if you’d be interested in making

money from home, or you may have seen an

advertisement about making money from home.

Googling or using another browser like Bing, something

like “home business opportunities”, or “make money

from Home”, or make “addition income” is another way

to find opportunity.


Warning: Keep in mind that if you google to research you

are bound to find some negative reviews about the

business you are considering.

1 Find an Established Biz Op

Page 6: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

That is because in my experience somebody has

something negative to say about even the best of plans

and they make income from home opportunities look like

a scams.

Also, friends and neighbors may have miss-informed pre-

conceived negative thoughts about Home Business


I have read more reviews than I would like to admit to

and I’ve even found that some people do negative

reviews so that they can recommend their opportunity

over the one you are reviewing.

So be warned that what these reviews say is not always

accurate. Do your own research and follow your instincts

and you’re sure to find a perfectly safe, legitimate and

solid opportunity making it possible for you to find

financial freedom.


Here, in my opinion and experience, is what you look

for…and believe me these opportunities do exist and are

making a lot of people a great satisfying income.

Page 7: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

1. For best results, look for an opportunity that is

sponsored by an established and growing

company that has lasted the test of time. I don’t

recommend risky start-ups unless you are willing

to take a chance and not be devastated if it

doesn’t work out. I always recommend looking

for safety.

2. The opportunity you find should have appealing

high quality tangible products or services that

suit a larger mix of people like, for example:

travel, health & wellness, weight Loss programs,

security services, up to date digital products,

etc., to name only a few. Startups and niche

products can still work but I don’t discuss them

because I’m giving my opinion on the highest

chances for your success.

3. It only makes sense that the company’s products

should be consumable, so that people will use

them up and thusly continue needing and buying


Example: One reason why I’m in the health and

wellness personal care and household cleaning

industry is because people consume and need

Page 8: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

these products every day….. and with a high

quality product, people are all the more

interested. There are other industries like this. I

think for example that the travel industry meets

the consumable test, etc.

4. Another way to increase your chances for long

term success is….. the company behind the

opportunity must pay you RESIDUAL INCOME

instead of just the usual bonuses and incentives

that pay for one success at a time. One of the

most beneficial aspects of residual or recurring

income is that you get paid again and again for

doing something once. There is nothing better

than residual income (passive income, recurring

income) and if the company and product are

excellent, that residual income has a greater

chance of continuing indefinitely!

5. Choose an opportunity that makes money WITH

people not FROM people. From people means

you receive money from enrollment fees. With

people means they become your customer and

you receive pay from the company each time

Page 9: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

they purchase consumable products from the


6. Make sure there is no new out of pocket

expense when you buy the products you need.

It’s fine to pay an inexpensive membership fee

annually, but make sure that if you have an

automatic order (autoship) requirement of

products each month, that the products are

things you absolutely need and use. Then buy

them from your company instead of from where

you used to buy them…then you are making your

new business very inexpensive with no out of

pocket risks and expenses.

If you have a business that pays residual income,

you’re set for the future, the bonuses and incentive

pay, which all good opportunities have, will help pay

for the present.

“I can do this” Attitude

Productive Biz Op


Page 10: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

We’ve all experienced….that success promotes an “I Can

Do it” attitude. But before you are successful, what?

Before you have success, and to gain a successful

attitude, in this making money from home franchise style

industry, you must understand (thru the research I’ve

suggested) that others really are successful in this

industry and that you can be as well. There’s too much

proof out there, not to believe, even though there is a lot

of miss-information available.

All of the successful people began like you did and stayed

with it and believed that they could do it.

Access the process that your great new company’s

opportunity has, follow it and be confident that you can

duplicate what others have accomplished.

The good honest and successful home business

opportunities WILL SUPPORT YOU.

You don’t need to know everything about how to perform

your work at first because, as I’ve mentioned, good

excellent Home Business opportunity that you’ve

researched will have a mentor to support you while you

are learning.

Page 11: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

It’s important to your success, to research, and confirm

for yourself the company’s viability so you can have this “I

can do this” confidence, because this way of making

money from home, is as legitimate as a job

You must believe you can do it and learn how to do it (this

guide will help as will mentors in the business opportunity

you choose. Good companies also give you training)…

… then, go straight forward with blinders until you’ve

gained the success you’re looking for.

Respect legitimate make money from home industry,

then move forward and care less what “nay-sayers” think.

Get any negative thinking about Home Based Business

behind you. Replace it with the “I can Do It” attitude and

move on to the next skill I have for you.

“I’ll Do What It Takes” 3

Page 12: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

Without an “I’ll Do What It Takes” attitude you’re going to

have a difficult time being a successful Home Business


It’s a fact that most things in life require a proper mindset

of “I’ll Do What It Takes” to prompt and guide your

success and to keep you going. That applies to Home

Business as well.

Every successful Home Business person has had bumps in

the road and has felt they can’t go on, but the successful

ones persevered and kept at it. Because of that

consistent “I’ll do what it takes, nothing can stop me”

attitude, they succeeded.

The people that fail at Home Business simply give up

before they get on the right track. Discouragement has

no place here. It’s necessary to look at your challenges as

learning experiences because they ARE getting you closer

to being successful.

You must have an “I’ll do what it takes attitude”…. so you

won’t quit before you reach your financial goal.

Page 13: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

Experience shows that if you’re always out there in the

world or cyberspace providing good news, giving help and

providing service, without thought for a return in kind,

then more referrals will come and customers and

associates will join with you in your successful venture.

It’s a well-known fact that people do business with people

they know, like and trust.

So, you put yourself out there on the internet and in

everyday personal situations, providing information and

assistance to others.

You market yourself and your business, you may make

prospecting phone calls (ugh), you may market on and off

line. You give something of value away to people, and

you don’t always spend your time asking for their


You need to realize that your potential prospects and

enrollees in your business are the lifeblood of your

Be Service Oriented 4

Page 14: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

business, so treating them with respect is required…. Fail

them and your business fails.

For example: You’ve seen how the successful business

builders give away free reports, e-books, etc.. that’s a

sincere action on their part, and one way of giving back

and respecting potential business partners and

customers... You’re giving them valuable information.

This lets prospects understand that you are in this

business for them (You can’t make money without them).

Never think of the money when you serve people, let that

come naturally.

Always have the “attitude of gratitude” and service,

because people can see that attitude even in the small

things you do… People buy from people they know, like

and trust.

If you are a person who gives, that will go a long way in

convincing people that you are someone they wish to

work with.

5 Treat People With Respect!


Page 15: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

You need to know that working on or offline in Home

Business is a people business.

You should understand that good human relations and

treating all people with respect, is necessary.

As an example, I have found that one of the best and

easiest ways to treat people respectfully is to pay them

sincere compliments.

Everybody does something well and it’s our responsibility

as sincere marketers to point it out to them.

So congratulate them on being smart enough to research

Home Business opportunities.

While talking to them and you notice they have a nice

pleasant, compassionate personality, point that out to


e.g. “I notice that you speak very well, that should be

helpful in this business.” and or ‘I see that you are

concerned about other peoples’ feelings, that should take

you a long way in this type of business.” and “I’m

Page 16: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

impressed that you are taking the time to see for yourself

if this business is right for you.”

In some of the best Home Businesses, telephoning (or

directly contacting friends & family) is one of the fastest

ways to get the word out that you are in business and you

have something valuable that they may be interested in.

History shows, that in Home Business, calling and

contacting people directly is productive, it is also an

intimidating practice, TO SOME PEOPLE, and it

unfortunately deters them from getting involved in a

home business.


In our current societal configuration…It isn’t necessary to

prospect people by telephoning, or other direct methods.

As a matter of fact there are many other ways to let

people know you have something of value for them.

Phone Friends and Neighbors - What? 6

Page 17: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

I happen to use social media as a method of finding

interested people.

And once social media, or whatever marketing means you

use, has identified that somebody is right and prepared

for a business like yours, you’ll usually make telephone

contact with them at that time.

Making contact, after someone has responded to your

social media prospecting, should not be intimidating.

This is because they have “raised their hand”, so to speak,

and have given you permission to contact them, unlike

making prospecting calls.

The good news is, if you’ve done social media effectively,

you’ll only be talking to people who have directly

expressed their interest in what you have to offer, so the

intimidation factor should be negated.

You’re typically only contacting them to arrange a time

for them to see a video overview (sizzle, Explanation, etc.)

about your business. As you can see then that most of

the actual selling and telling is done by video

presentations and not by you or at overview parties or


Page 18: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home


In the most effective home businesses you’ll have a

support team who will help and support you with this

coordination. Your support will not do the work for you

but they can give you their suggestions and assistance

and marketing materials etc..


Here are some suggestions for what to say if you are

going to contact people directly. This has always worked

for me and has eliminated the intimidation factor….

For example, when I contact friends, neighbors and

family, I always lead with something like this…”You know

I’m in an awesome business that I run from my home that

has great products and excellent income potential. We

are expanding….

….and I wondered if you know anybody who would

benefit from making an extra income from home.”

If they are interested, they’ll take the hint and say “Well,

I’m interested” and then you may be able to proceed to

invite them to an overview.

Page 19: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

Or they may give you a referral. In either case you’re

coming from a comfortable indirect position and

shouldn’t feel as though you are being at all pushy.

It’s absolutely necessary to market your business, just like

in any other business. This can be done either on or

offline. Without some sort of marketing you are really

not in business.

Marketing lets people know that you are in business,

showing people your product, service or business


In this Home Business industry there’s the knowledge that

if nobody knows you’re around and in business they

won’t have the opportunity to consider buying what you

have for them, so YOU MARKET!

Marketing, can be done on the internet, with e-mails,

solo-advertisements, keyword optimization, blogging,

Facebooking, etc. Off Line marketing includes calling

Marketing – You Must, Must, Must! 7

Page 20: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

leads, placing newspaper advertisements, radio

advertisements, telling your friends, neighbors, family and

acquaintances, etc..

Now, many people avoid Home Businesses because they

think marketing only means chasing your friends or family

and talking to strangers at the mall.

Well, of course that can work, why not? If you’ve got a

great opportunity and an excellent product, that is the

quickest way to get new customers. Still feel “ugh”?.....

In the previous section I gave a perfect non intimidating

way to talk to someone about what you have. Use it and

you’ll be surprised how unintimidating it is.

But in this electronic society you can also market online

and be very successful. As I said, that is what I do…social

media marketing.

Remember you can Google and find out more specifically

how to market online.

So, Market - Market - Market and then Market some

More, and realize it is necessary for your success.

Page 21: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

Now here is a seemingly obvious activity, like Section 2’s

“I’ll Do What It Takes”, that will bring you success more

than anything else, but it’s one many people overlook,

whether they are aware of it or not…Stick To It!

Don’t get me wrong, all other activities are very

important, and if you miss many of the other skills or

activities, you might still succeed, but if you QUIT you are

absolutely doomed.

If you STICK –IT- OUT you can even gain success when

success didn’t seem apparent.

That’s because, if you stick to it, you are at the very least,

naturally learning what does and what doesn’t work,

often by trial and error, and you will surely find what does


Parting Words

Stick To It! 8

Page 22: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

I/ we sincerely hope you feel that

you received valuable

information to help you be more

successful in your making money

from home business.

Since Home Business has brought financial

freedom to many, I thought this document

should help you to proceed with confidence.

Sincerely, Richard G Crandall

If you’d like, follow me on Facebook, or my Blog.

www.Facebook.com/richard.crandall.75 www.RichardGC.com

If you have any interest in working with me, read on, but if not let me

say it’s been a pleasure sharing this information with you……

Page 23: The Home Business Cheat Sheet · money from home, or you may have seen an advertisement about making money from home. Googling or using another browser like Bing, something like home

P.S. Perhaps you’d like to learn more about one of my favorite work at

home business models, I’m actually using this exact system.

My wife and I totally love the products (for 15 years as of this writing).

The business opportunity is already helping hundreds and thousands of

moms & dads, students and retirees, etc.

Getting connected with our community of awesome associates and

mentors will help make success happen.

You can work it online or offline whatever the case is for you. But if you

sincerely have the desire and are not just a “tire kicker”, CLICK HERE to

learn more and we’ll be in touch. This link goes to my website, so go

ahead and take a look around while you are there.