PRIVATE COACHING Ultimate Access. Elevated Strategy. The Influencer Tier

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Ultimate Access. Elevated Strategy.

The Influencer Tier

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The INFLUENCER Track Programs Consists of a Team of Consultants, Coaches, Experts, and Advisors Hand-Picked by Reinvention Strategist & Life Catalyst

Marshawn Evans.

Each Team Member is a Connoisseur of Marketplace Mastery in their Area of Expertise. And, Each Guru – Along with Marshawn –

Focuses Solely on Building Brand Y-O-U.

So. You Tel l ME…

Is a High Level, Personalized, All-About-You Approach What

YOU Have Been Looking For?

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Hey there L IFE -CHANGERPRENEUR! I’m delighted that you’re interested in the GODFIDENCE® Business School’s INFLUENCER Tier. This elite track is for ESTABLISHED INFLUENCERS ready to expand their already successful platform, profile and business but looking to access our MILLION-DOLLAR Influencer curriculum and “Coachsulting” program called AMPLIFY™. As a team of Coachsultants, Brand Experts, Business Advisors, Presentation Pros, and Influence Maximizers– we strategize with you like a consulting firm, but also guide you like the business and faith strategists we are. Our team has worked with experienced and emerging entrepreneurs from all around the globe, celebrities, athletes, entertainers, and some of the biggest brands on the planet (Delta, HP, Rolls Royce, Tiffany & Co, CNN, McDonalds, to name a few). We’ve discovered that not everyone is ready for or commit ted to private brand + business coachsul t ing. Working with ME and my handcrafted team of experts, gurus, coaches and advisers is an investment. They are the best in the business with regard to their respective niche. Additionally, they are incredibly generous with their wisdom (we all LOVE what we do), and they know their stuff! This is the same team that I personally use to build my brand, advise on my next steps, and run my million-dollar business. They. Are. The. Best. The INFLUENCER track is designed for those who are already comfortable on stage, successful and making a nice living but looking to significantly catapult their income and influence quickly to the next level - or as we like to say, add a zero (or two) to your income! To be eligible and suited for this exclusive, comprehensive and intensive level of support from our team of business & brand advisors, you must already be generating close to a six-figure income (or more) as a speaker, coach, author, entrepreneur, media personality, minister, athlete, celebrity, or thought-leader. P lease note that th is program is not for those who are jus t get t ing s tar ted. At this stage, you’ve probably already written a book, produced coaching programs, secured paid speaking engagements, and launched your own product line. You may have recently completed one of our other Presentation or Speakerpreneur™ programs in the GODFIDENCE Business School. Now you’re ready to work on WEALTH MASTERY and significant INCOME-EXPANSION.


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In short, you know where you want to go, you know the type of impact and legacy you’re here to have, and you’re ready to go for it in a BIG way. You don’t have time waste. You’re ready to maximize your potential with a team of marketplace maximizers. You specifically want private coaching. More access. More 1-on-1 time. More advice. And, more income…more quickly. The INFLUENCER tier is for you if who are actively looking for coaching, mentorship, spiritual encouragement and business support.

I f th is sounds l ike what you’re looking for, you may very wel l be in the r ight place. Perhaps you are the type of visionary that would thrive in the INFLUENCER track. This is the type of program I wish I had (but struggled to find) when I was trying to grow my brand. The GODFIDENCE® team would be delighted to learn more about you and how we can best serve you and partner with you. I review the applications personally. The application is confidential. If we are not a mutual fit, then we will let you know.


FIRST, read the enclosed overview closely. Listen with you’re heart. You’ll likely know right away if this is the right track and investment for you. We believe in decisiveness, and moving forward confidently and in faith. It’s okay if you’re a bit nervous…especially if this is one of your bigger investments in yourself and your business. I’ve invested over $150k in private coaching in last few years, which has enabled my million-dollar return. You are the brand…your best investment. And, brand amplification is what we do. We’ve got you! NEXT, i t ’s t ime to apply. Space is very, very l imi ted. We l imi t access to AMPLIFY™ to 10 part ic ipants at a t ime and only 4 in ACCELERATE. Both program ut i l ize the AMPLIFY™ curr icu lum core focus areas. If we are unable to admit you at this time, your application will still be reviewed and evaluated. You’ll then be put on our wait-list and notified when a space comes available. Please take the application very seriously.


As someone who has been investing in private coaching for over 20 years, I can tell you that it is an amazing, life-elevating experience…if you’re with the right coach of course! Our mission at the GODFIDENCE® Business School is to change the lives of those who change lives. If you’re a life-changerpreneur who is willing to invest the time, resources, and commitment necessary to go to the next level…to catapult your calling…increase your income…and expand your

brand influence for such a time as this…we invite you to apply.


We look forward to reviewing your application. Best Blessings,

ME :: Marshawn Evans Founder, The GODFIDENCE® Ins t i tu te & Business School


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IS THIS YOU? “ I ’m a successfu l and establ ished inf luencer, entrepreneur, speaker, author, coach, celebri ty, media personali ty or thought leader with an exis t ing plat form. I make good income but now I’m looking for an experienced coach or team that can help me expand my brand empire in to the mul t ip le s ix or seven f igures.”


You know your cal l ing & gif ts. You have your message, and love to speak, wri te and coach (and you’re GREAT at i t ! ) , but i t is t ime to go to the next level. You’re wildly passionate about your mission and message, have a successful platform, and you’ve built a great following. Now it’s for more. You’re ready to elevate your brand empire into the multiple 6- or 7-Figures. You’d love have to you’re your own radio or tv show or have a column in a major magazine. You’re ready to publish a book with a major publishing house. And, you’re ready to establish high-level partnerships and sponsorships with corporations, media outlets, and even non-profit organizations. You are not interested in just “taking your time” and unwilling to “waste” any more time.

You’re looking for higher paying keynote ta lks, nat ional media exposure, corporate partnerships & sponsorships, and to take your programs, products and services to the next level. You’d like to have a systematized way of launching your programs, teleseminars, webinars, and events. In fact, you’re ready to start doing book tours, major media appearances, speaking tours, and holding your own live events and

seminars. You also want to be able to give more and write the “big checks” to the charities and causes of your choice. You’re ready to learn how to leverage your time and package your brilliance, ideas, creativity, know-how and years of experience into premium-priced, high-dollar programs, products and offerings. You’d love, love, love to have a coach to call upon and work with on a consistent, on-going basis so that you can ask questions as needed and get laser insight. You’d also love to feel more confident when it comes to selling and making offers (and to know WHAT to offer) from the stage.

Finally, your brand and website could use a boost from a bonafide, next-level design team of experts. You are the brand. You have the brilliance. You know it’s time to amplify, accelerate and be a blessing to others at a much BIGGER level.


Lack of CONSISTENCY + OVERWHELM! You’re ready to elevate your income, cl ients, and exposure, but you’re s t ruggling with capaci ty. Maybe you’ve hired a few people, but i t ’s t ime now for your dream team. You need to learn how to leverage your time, prioritize your launches and product offerings, and create predictability so that you do not always have to wear yourself out to bring in income.

You’ve not sure how to profitably structure six-figure launches, online marketing sequences, big-ticket programs, and your own multi-day events, tours or seminars. So you’re kinda flying blind or just learning (ahem!) by watching other people online – but you don’t really have a proven, behind-the-scenes playbook or game plan.



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You’re not sure how to break into major media (which you KNOW, would be a game changer) and you need higher paying, higher profile speaking gigs in front of your ideal clients. You’re not sure how to increase your prices, get that book published by a major publishing house (you’ve got great content!), and how to implement next-level systems, online automation, technology, and joint ventures.

Final ly, you’re spending tooooooo much t ime working IN your business and not ON your business as opposed to running i t l ike a CEO and operat ing sole ly in your creat ive gif ts. This is wearing you out and preventing you from going to the next level and spending more quality time with your family and friends.


You need a bigger PLATFORM, higher paying PROGRAMS & a next-level income PLAN with multiple income streams. You need to leverage your time and build a VISIBLE BRAND as the go-to expert in your space. Higher paying speaking engagements and a true business infrastructure is critical. You have lots of ideas but need help prioritizing. You’ll thrive when surrounded by an elevated team of coaches and strategists. You need on-going laser consulting and advice to strategize your next moves, and to trouble shoot issues and “what-do-I-do-now” questions as they arise.

You need infrast ructure and to upgrade your team and support so that you can move from your speaker business being “band-aid” operat ion and s tar t running i t l ike CEO so that you can leave a legacy and take vacations! From time to time you need spiritual encouragement because you’re the one always encouraging and inspiring others. Having a coach that can help you think bigger, believe bigger and move past your limiting beliefs will help you to overcome inevitable turbulence that comes when flying at higher altitudes. You need time to do deep-dive planning sessions, and for your coaches to share best-practices, push and hold you accountable.

You’ll easily elevate when you get the RIGHT STEPS & SYSTEMS in place since you’re the type who will follow the plan if it’s laid out. If you want next-level clients to invest you, you need to invest in yourself at the next level. You need a team who has been where you want to go…and is excited and committed to taking you there. You’ l l thr ive best in our AMPLIFY™ or ACCLERATE Private Coachsul t ing Program.


Our INFLUENCER Track offers a two options: AMPLFY™ or ACCELERATE programs. They are the answer i f you’re looking for plat form expansion and “al l access.” These private client programs are for the highly established influencer and successful entrepreneur ready to expand and elevate in a much bigger way and who require direct access to their mentor, to ensure quantum leaps in record time—with ongoing private coaching and access to Marshawn and her Team of Maximizers over the phone, via SKYPE as well as in person.

These programs are for the highest level speakerpreneur™ (making well above $100K) and requires an application and a private, confidential phone interview to determine whether you’re truly ready for this type of intensive coaching and regular direct access.

We can also help you determine which of the two programs would best suit you and help you reach your brand, influence and income goals more quickly.



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AMPLIFY™ is designed to give you, the multiple six-figure speaker, influencer and business owner exponential growth, the specific guidance you need for increasing your income, influence and impact at the next level. We

limit space to just 10 people at a time in this exclusive program. These are the topics we cover.


SAMPLE TOPICS COVERED - Million-Dollar Messaging™

- Branding & Marketing

- Premium Client Attraction

- Creating High-End Programs & Product Lines

- Platform Selling

- Strategic Online Positioning

- National Media Exposure

- Corporate Sponsorships & High-Level Partnerships

- Creating Irresistible Sales Pages and Copy

- Million-Dollar Income Generation™

- High Profile & High Paying Speaking Engagements

- Six-Figure Launch Mastery

- Producing High-End Events

- Outsourcing, Hiring, Delegation & Management

- Systems & Leverage

- Email Automation

- Advanced List-Building

- Million-Dollar Story Telling


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As a member of the AMPLIFY™ PROGRAM, you would receive an unprecedented amount of access to Marshawn Daniels and her

team of Business School Faculty. Below is a description of the exclusive features included.


! AMPLIFY Your Inf luence™ In-Depth Brand & Business Audit ($497) (100+ questions to answer about your Sales

and Marketing, Management, Team, Financials, etc.) that you’ll complete before getting started to get you crystal clear on what gaping holes need to be addressed first in your brand and business, and over the course of your AMPLIFY™ program. This, and your stated goals, become the starting point for all your coaching. Many AMPLIFY™ clients report that just filling out this audit is priceless and worth the price of admission because of the clarity it gives.

! 60-Minute Quick Start Vision Mapping & Amplif ication™ Session with Marshawn Daniels (value $997).

The jump-start strategy session will give you the clarity and direction you need for the coming 12 months. You will have a one-on-one 60-minute strategy call with Marshawn to plan your entire year and create solutions using team, systems, marketing and leveraging best practices. This will set you up for a successful experience.

! 7-Hour Ful l-Day VIP Brand Strategy Day w/ Marshawn in Atlanta ( includes a private lunch) (value $12,000)

for big picture planning, vision, marketing and implementation strategy (with a healthy dose of mindset), including a beautiful lunch! Marshawn recommends that you schedule your private full-day toward the beginning of your program.

! 4-Hour Bonus Half-Day VIP Strategy Session in Atlanta with Marshawn (value $6500) – In addition to your

full-day you’ll have access to an ADDITIONAL half-day of coaching in person with Marshawn…she recommends you schedule this one either half-way or three-quarters of the way through your program.

! BONUS: Bring your spouse or key employee to the FULL DAY or ½ day in-person strategy session, to any of the calls, or any live workshops,

at no charge. Having your business spouse or team member on the same page as you’re stretching to the next level in your business is recommended as it often allows you to double the amount of implementation and therefore speeds up results.

! Four (4) Discretionary 45-minute Fol low-up Sessions with Marshawn and/or the Coach of your choice to use

when needed. ! Two (2) 10-Minute “Ask Me Quick” Calls with Marshawn via Phone as Needed ($997 value) – As an advancing

influencer, from time to time you’ll have “quick” unforeseen questions where you need laser advice before you deliver a talk, do a media appearance, or launch a program. These calls give you keen as-you-go insight.

! Ful l Access to All LAUNCH ME! Mastermind Meetings, Events, Online Member Forum, Perks and Online Curriculum. ! Light Email Coaching as Needed – Ability to Send Laser Questions and Materials for Review During Your Time in

the Program (priceless!) ! Audio or Video Recordings of Your Strategy Sessions ($997 value) ! VIP Ful l Access Ticket to a LIVE 3-Day Event ($4997 value)

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“Power is essential for success in the accumulation of money. Power is necessary for the retention of money after it has been

accumulated. No individual may have great power without availing himself of the ‘master mind.’ Great power can be accumulated through no other principle.”

Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich


Participation with in the AMPLIFY™ PROGRAM also includes access to the CAPTIVATE! and LAUNCH ME

Mastermind Programs so that you can maintain community and accountability with like-minded influencers.

The programs perfectly flow in harmony with each other.

The LAUNCH ME Mastermind Program provides you with a community of support with other purpose-minded, visionary, faith-centered entrepreneurs who are

launching, elevating, expanding and influencing in dynamic and inspiring ways to transform the world…one person at a time.

(Please See the LAUNCH ME Application for More Information)

We find that success in the marketplace is a product of having mentorship

combined with consistent accountability, encouragement and community. The LAUNCH ME Mastermind will guide your steps, provide you with on-going (structured) training modules, live breakthrough retreats, an online community

forum, accountability partners, and sample checklists, documents, and worksheets. The same one that Team ME uses. Think of LAUNCH ME as your brand class, and AMPLIFY™ + ACCELERATE as high-end private-tutoring!

Together the programs will nurture your heart, renew your mind, rejuvenate your spirit and ignite your soul like

never before. Yes. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to far go together.

AMPLIFY INVESTMENT ● AMPLIFY TUITION: $25,000 payment-in-full or an initial deposit of $5,000 plus 5 monthly

installments of $5,000 each (totaling $30,000 on the installment plan).

● PAY-IN-FULL BONUS: Save $5000 (best value)

AMPLIFY includes approximately 20+ hours of pr ivate coaching s t ra tegy t ime plus access to the

LAUNCH ME curr icu lum, the Captivate Program and al l l ive mastermind retreats!


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EXPERT INSIGHT WITH YOUR OWN “BRAND ADVISORY” TEAM AMPLIFY™ PERKS INCLUDED ! AMPLIFY Your Inf luence™ In-Depth Brand & Business Audit ($497) (100+ questions to answer about your Sales

and Marketing, Management, Team, Financials, etc.) that you’ll complete before getting started to get you crystal clear on what gaping holes need to be addressed first in your brand and business, and over the course of your program. This, and your stated goals, become the starting point for all your coaching. Many clients report that just filling out this audit is priceless and worth the price of admission because of the clarity it gives.

! 60-Minute Quick Start Vision Mapping & Amplif ication™ Session with Marshawn Daniels (value $997). The jump-start strategy session will give you the clarity and direction you need for the coming 12 months. You will have a one-on-one 60-minute strategy call with Marshawn to plan your entire year and create solutions using team, systems, marketing and leveraging best practices. This will set you up for a successful experience.

! Ful l Access to All CAPTIVATE! and LAUNCH ME! Masterminds and Online Curriculum (AMPLIFY only includes Launch ME) ($15,000 value)

! Light Email Coaching as Needed – Ability to Send Laser Questions and Materials for Review During Your Time in the Program (priceless!)

! Audio or Video Recordings of Your Strategy Sessions ($997 value)

ADDITIONAL ACCELERATE PROGRAM FEATURES ! ACCELERATE BONUS: Two (2) Ful l-Day 7-Hour VIP Brand Acceleration Strategy Days w/ Marshawn in

Atlanta ( includes a private lunch) (value $35,000 + 14 Hours of Personal Coaching) for big picture planning, vision, marketing and implementation strategy (with a healthy dose of mindset), including a beautiful lunch! Marshawn recommends that you schedule your private full-day toward the beginning of your program.

! ACCELERATE BONUS: Six (6) Discretionary 45-minute Fol low-up Strategy Sessions with Marshawn to use when needed on Revenue Mapping, Marketing, Mindset & Business. ($5997)

! ACCELERATE BONUS: Four (4) 10-Minute “Ask Me Quick” Calls with Marshawn via Phone as Needed ($997 value) – As an advancing influencer, from time to time you’ll have “quick” unforeseen questions where you need laser advice before you deliver a talk, do a media appearance, or launch a program. These calls give you keen as-you-go insight.

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! ACCELERATE BONUS: Ful l Access to the Entire Godfidence Business School Catalog of Online Courses:

Find Your Purpose, Find Your Voice, The Getting Started System for Speakers, The Focus ME Challenge, Media Masterclass, Brand Class, Author Success Secrets, and Attract Sponsors…and others as added! You’ll attend any event, course or program offered by the Godfidence Business School complimentary all year long!

! ACCELERATE BONUS: Glam Squad Image Makeover + Photo Shoot with a Celebri ty Photographer in Atlanta (includes photo session and hair & make-up services provided Marshawn’s Glam Squad

! ACCELERATE BONUS : Periodic Review of Your Branding & Marketing Materials as needed ($297 value)

! ACCELERATE BONUS : TWO (2) VIP Ful l Access Tickets to a LIVE 3-Day Event ($4997 value)


EXPERT INSIGHT WITH YOUR OWN “BRAND ADVISORY” TEAM ACCELERATE offers additional coaching hours and structured EXPERT INSIGHT Strategy Sessions – each with an expert who is at

the top of their game in their niche. Because you don’t know what you don’t know about going to the next level, we’ve already

outlined your profitability and productivity path. Strategy sessions are approximately 30 to 45 minutes with your advisor. Note –

these do NOT count against your discretionary hours…these EXPERT INSIGHT calls are in addition! You can’t find another program

with level of structured access, tailored insight, and diversified support. ! Brand Strategy + Col lect ive Brains torming Sessions by Your Team of Coachsul tants ($3997 value) ! SESSION #1 - INCOME + INFRASTRUCTURE™ Strategy Session ($997 value)

! SESSION #2 - One Media Pitching Strategy Session ($997 value)

! SESSION #3 - One Social Media Strategy Session ($997 value)

! SESSION #4 - One Irresistible Bio Creation Consult & Critique ($1497 value)

! SESSION #5 - One Advanced Story Telling Session ($997 value)

! SESSION #6 - One “Doing Business” with Corporate America Strategy Session ($997)

POTENTIAL “EXPERT INSIGHT” STRATEGY SESSION TOPICS: Remember, in addition to “EXPERT INSIGHT” Acceleration Strategy Calls, you’ll still have an additional 6 hours of discretionary coaching hours to use when

needed as outlined above. Topics can include Brand Moniker, Audience Discovery, Your Magnetic Story, Brand Messaging, Packaging & Positioning,

Media, Corporate Partnerships, Brand Platform, Speaking, and Publishing. Your sessions are about YOU. Once we do a diagnosis for your needs and

establish your next-level, quantum-leap launch strategy, we will determine the right course of action and focus areas for you.


! PROGRAM TUITION INVESTMENT - $40,000 payment - in - fu l l (best value) or an ini t ia l deposi t of $10,000

plus 6 monthly ins tal lments of $6,000 each ( to tal ing $46,000)

! PAY-IN-FULL BONUS: Save $6000 ACCELERATE includes approximately 35 hours of pr ivate coaching s t ra tegy t ime plus access to the LAUNCH ME curr icu lum and l ive re t reats!

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