Established 1914 Volume XVII, Number 138 13th Waxing of Tawthalin 1371 ME Tuesday, 1 September, 2009 * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participa- tion in terms of technical know-how and invest- ments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and pres- ervation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation * Stability of the State, community peace and tran- quillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives Four social objectives Four political objectives Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Leader of Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya NAY PYI TAW, 1 Sept—Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Colonel Muammar Al-Gadafi, Leader of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, on the occasion of the Revolution Day of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya which falls on 1 September 2009.—MNA Senior General Than Shwe felicitates President of Republic of Uzbekistan NAY PYI TAW, 1 Sept—Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Islam Abduganievich Karimov, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan which falls on 1 September 2009.—MNA Lt-Gen Myint Swe visits Nyaunghnapin Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Special Zone, Kalihtaw Dam YANGON, 31 Aug — Lt-Gen Myint Swe of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Win Myint and Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, visited Myanma Paddy Research Department in Hmawby Township, Yangon North District, this morning. (See page 7) Magway Division; inexhaustible source of edible oil Byline: Tin Win Lay (Kyimyindine); Photos: Htay Aung (Kyemon) Just as we set foot in Magway, Magway Division, we enjoyed a fantastic scenery of rural life featuring crop plantations stretching to the horizon, piles of reaped groundnuts and workers winnowing sesame amidst sesame fields, which were like a serene natural painting. In order to get detailed facts about regional development, (See page7) Production line at Amay Htwar Edible Oil Mill. 1-9-09 NL 7/29/18, 9:51 PM 1

The New Light of Myanmar 01-09-2009

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Daily English Newspaper of Myanmar

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Page 1: The New Light of Myanmar 01-09-2009

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 138 13th Waxing of Tawthalin 1371 ME Tuesday, 1 September, 2009

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participa-tion in terms of technical know-how and invest-ments from sources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must bekept in the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entirenation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity and pres-ervation and safeguarding of cultural heritageand national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education standards

of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peace and tran-quillity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives

Four social objectives

Four political objectives

Senior General Than Shwe sendsfelicitations to Leader of Great Socialist

People’s Libyan Arab JamahiriyaNAY PYI TAW, 1 Sept—Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and

Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to HisExcellency Colonel Muammar Al-Gadafi, Leader of the Great Socialist People’s LibyanArab Jamahiriya, on the occasion of the Revolution Day of the Great Socialist People’sLibyan Arab Jamahiriya which falls on 1 September 2009.—MNA

Senior General Than Shwe felicitatesPresident of Republic of Uzbekistan

NAY PYI TAW, 1 Sept—Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace andDevelopment Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to HisExcellency Mr Islam Abduganievich Karimov, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, onthe occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan which falls on 1September 2009.—MNA

Lt-Gen Myint Swe visits Nyaunghnapin Agricultureand Livestock Breeding Special Zone, Kalihtaw Dam

YANGON, 31 Aug — Lt-Gen Myint Swe of theMinistry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman ofYangon Division Peace and Development Council

Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen WinMyint and Chairman of Yangon City DevelopmentCommittee Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, visited

Myanma Paddy Research Department in HmawbyTownship, Yangon North District, this morning.

(See page 7)

Magway Division; inexhaustible source of edible oilByline:

Tin Win Lay(Kyimyindine);

Photos: Htay Aung(Kyemon)

Just as we set foot inMagway, MagwayDivision, we enjoyed afantastic scenery of rurallife featuring cropplantations stretching tothe horizon, piles ofreaped groundnuts andworkers winnowingsesame amidst sesamefields, which were like aserene natural painting.

In order to getdetailed facts aboutregional development,

(See page7)Production line at Amay Htwar Edible Oil Mill.

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Page 2: The New Light of Myanmar 01-09-2009

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009

Tuesday, 1 September, 2009 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy


Strive for further development

of border tradeEvery nation in the world is working

hard for their economic development by trying

to produce and export agricultural, marine

and forest products more and more to the

international market.

As trade is the driving force for economic

development, Myanmar is trying to export its

products and measures are being taken for

boosting trade. In the past, the only trade

route was by sea from the Yangon port. But

now, inland trade routes have been introduced.

There are regular trade zones in Muse,

Myawady and Tamu at Myannmar-China,

Myanmar-Thailand and Myanmar-India

borders respectively. Out of them, Muse 105-

mile trade zone has the largest trade volume.

Through this trade zone, Myanmar exports

agricultural produce, marine and forest

products and minerals - most of them rice,

beans and pulses, mango, water melon, pepper,

rubber, fish and prawn and jade.

Construction materials, machines and

equipment, computers and accessories, farm

implements and consumer goods and home

appliances are imported through these trade


Muse 105-mile trade zone has been

expanding regular trade since 2006. Now,

steps are being taken to speedily transport

goods from Mandalay to Muse 105-mile trade

zone by container trucks.

We believe that if Union of Myanmar

Federation of Chambers of Commerce and

Industry, entrepreneurs and regional

authorities work in concert, border trade will

further develop.

Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein addresses coord meeting for boosting marine product

of Taninthayi Division.—L&F

Township Education Officer U Tun Win

Than delivers an address at the educative talk

on traffic rules at No. 1 Basic Education

High School in Aungmyethazan Township of

Mandalay Division on 18 August.—NLM

Deputy Minister Dr Mya Oo gives a speech at Dissemination Workshop

on Adopting the International Standard for Tuberculosis Care (ISTC)

in Myanmar.—MNA

Foreign Minister sends

felicitations to Uzbekistan


FM felicitates Secretary of General

People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison

and International Cooperation of GSPLAJ

NAY PYI TAW, 1 Sept—On the occasion of the

Revolution Day of the Great Socialist People’s

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya which falls on 1 September

2009, U Nyan Win, Minister for Foreign Affairs of

the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of

felicitations to His Excellency Mr Musa M.

Abdussalam Kousa, Secretary of the General

People’s Committee for Foreign Liaison and

International Cooperation of the Great Socialist

People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.—MNA

YANGON, 31 Aug — Chairman of Taninthayi

Division Peace and Development Council Commander

of Coastal Region Command Maj-Gen Khin Zaw Oo

and Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen

Maung Maung Thein addressed the coordination

meeting for boosting marine product of Taninthayi

Coordination meeting for boosting marine product of Taninthayi Division held

Division at the Division Fisheries Department in Myeik

on 29August.

The commander and the minister heard the reports

presented by the Chairman of Division Fisheries

Department, the Head of Division Fisheries Department

and entrepreneurs and fulfilled the needs.—MNA

Workshop on

TB care

commencesNAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug

— The opening of

Dissemination Workshop

on Adopting the

International Standard for

Tuberculosis Care (ISTC)

in Myanmar was held at the

meeting hall of Kumudra

Hotel here today, with an

opening speech of Deputy

Minister for Health Dr Mya


Also present on the

occasion were Directors-

General, Rectors, Deputy

D i r e c t o r s - G e n e r a l ,

Directors, Deputy

Directors, Professors,

Physicians, State and

Division TB specialists.


NAY PYI TAW, 1 Sept—U Nyan Win, Minister

for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar,

has sent a message of felicitations to His

Excellency Mr Vladimir Imamovish, Minister

of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan,

on the occasion of the Independence Day of the

Republic of Uzbekistan which falls on 1

September 2009.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009 3

UK considered oil deal in Lockerbie case

Two dozen NATO supply tankersburnt in Pakistan border

ISLAMABAD, 31 Aug—At least two dozen oil tank-ers and trailers carrying supplies for NATO forces inAfghanistan were destroyed by fire after a rocket at-tack in the Pakistani border, local media reports saidon Monday.

According to officials, unidentified men fired rock-ets at the containers and NATO oil tankers in Chamanarea of Pak-Afghan border on Sunday evening, set-ting vehicles on blaze.

Reports said over 25 containers, oil tankers, trailersand the vehicles mounted on trailers were all destroyedwith three people injured.—Xinhua

Civilian killed, 14 wounded in Iraq’s violence

Mexican shooting kills eight; vigilantes suspected

Immigrationcentres hold470 children

LONDON, 31 Aug—More than 400 childrenwere being held in immi-gration detention centreswith their families, a re-port said on Monday, cit-ing official figures.

The Guardian newspa-per said 470 children,many from countries suf-fering poverty and con-flict such as Zimbabwe,Sudan, Sri Lanka andDemocratic Republic ofCongo, were locked upafter arriving in Britain.

The figures from theHome Office were pro-vided for a single day, on30 June this year. Most ofthe children were aged un-der five, and almost onethird were held for longerthan 28 days, the newspa-per said. Out of 225children released fromdetention in the secondquarter of this year, only100 were then removedfrom Britain.—Internet

LONDON, 31 Aug—TheBritish government al-lowed the Lockerbiebomber to be covered by aprisoner transfer agree-ment with Libya becausethat was in the “over-whelming interests of theUnited Kingdom” as amajor oil deal was beingnegotiated, a newspaperreported on Sunday.

The Sunday Times, cit-ing leaked correspondencebetween Justice SecretaryJack Straw and his Scot-tish counterpart KennyMacAskill, said the deci-

sion was made as “widernegotiations” with thegovernment of Libya con-tinued.

On Sunday, Straw dis-missed as “simply untrue”any suggestion that eco-nomic considerations hadan effect on the decision torelease Abdel Baset al-Megrahi.

“The suggestion that atany stage there was somekind of backdoor dealdone over (al-Megrahi’s)transfer because of trade issimply untrue,” Straw saidin an interview with the

BBC. Al-Megrahi’s re-quest to serve out his lifesentence in Libya was laterdenied by MacAskill, buthe released the Libyan oncompassionate groundsbecause the 57-year-old isterminally ill. Al-Megrahireturned to Libya earlierthis month.

The Sunday Times re-ported that Straw hadoriginally tried to keep al-Megrahi, the only personconvicted of the attack onPan Am Flight 103, frombeing included in theagreement.—Internet

Brahmos Missiles replicas are displayed during a parade in New Delhi.Previously, to source its military hardware, India had previously ignored theIndian private sector because of its total dependence on the Soviet Union for

weapons imports.—INTERNET

BAGHDAD, 31 Aug—Acivilian was killed and 14people were wounded inbomb attacks in Baghdadand Diyala Province onSunday, a well-informedpolice source said.

A civilian was killedand five others injured ina roadside bomb explo-sion at a main road in

Baghdad’s eastern districtof Kamaliyah, the sourcetold Xinhua on conditionof anonymity.

Three more peoplewere wounded in a bombexplosion at a popularmarket in Baghdad’ssouthern district of Doura,the source said.

In the volatile province

of Diyala, in northeast ofBaghdad, five policemenand a civilian werewounded when a road-side bomb struck a policepatrol in the provincialcapital of Baquba, some65 km northeast of theIraqi capital, the sourceadded.


A worker cleans the exterior of the National Stadium, also known as the“Bird’s Nest”, in Beijing, on 30 Aug, 2009. The cleaning is part of prepara-

tions for October’s 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republicof China.—INTERNET

Johannesburg launches newbuses in World Cup build up

JOHANNESBURG, 31 Aug—South Africa rolled out outa new rapid bus network on Sunday in its largest cityJohannesburg ahead of next year’s Football World Cup,seeking to shore up its image as a safe destination.

The gleaming red and blue Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)stations finished in steel and glass already dot the cityand the red and blue buses are a far cry from the di-lapidated mini-buses that are known for deadly acci-dents.

“I am looking forward to the system at least it issafe. When you take a taxi (mini-bus) you never knowif you will reach your destination alive,” said TeresaChalatsi from Johannesburg’s famed Soweto townshipafter her first ride.

“This is much faster, cheaper and reliable, I will beusing it from now on.”—Internet

CULIACAN, 31 Aug—A shooting thatkilled eight people partying on a sea-side boulevard in northwestern Mexicomay have been the work of vigilantestargeting car thieves, a prosecutor said.

The gunmen drove up in a white SUVand fired on the festive crowd withoutsaying a word, Sinaloa state deputy At-torney General Jose Luis Leyva said onSunday.

A 15-year-old boy and a 17-year-oldgirl were among the youngest killed onSaturday night in the Pacific coast townof Navolato. Four people werewounded.

Also among the dead were two broth-

ers in their 30s who had a record of cartheft, Leyva told The Associated Press.He said investigators were consideringthe possibility that the gunmen belongedto a criminal gang known as the “DeathSquad,” which has been killing carthieves in the region.

“It’s one line of the investigation, andof course we are going to follow it,”Levya said.He said ballistic evidencesuggested that some people may havefired back at the gunmen.Sinaloa, a statestraddling Mexico’s northern Pacificcoast, is cradle of at least two main drugcartels and a longtime hotspot for gangviolence.—Internet

File photo of a low-cost carrier Tiger Airways jet at Changi InternationalAirport in Singapore. Tiger Airways is also becoming a mainstay in the

travel industry, having established a wide network across the Asia-Pacificregion with flights to 19 destinations from Singapore.—INTERNET

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009

TOUISHA, 31 Aug—Libyan leader MoamerKadhafi and Italian PrimeMinister Silvio Berlus-coni laid the foundationstone on Sunday for anambitious highway stret-ching along the entireLibyan coast, an AFP cor-respondent said.

The 1,200 kilometre(750 mile) highway haslong been demanded byLibya as compensation forRome’s occupation andcolonial rule over thenorth African countryfrom 1911 until WorldWar II.

The foundation stonefor the road, which will

Nissan cars are seen lined up for domestic deliveryat the company’s Oppama wharf in Yokosuka,

Kanagawa prefecture. Japan’s factory output roseby 1.9 percent in July from June, marking a fifthstraight monthly gain, as the world’s number two

economy slowly pulls out of recession, official datashowed on Monday.—INTERNET

The Auckland

skyline. New

Zealand’s economy

is recovering from

the impact of the

global crisis but the

progress of the

upturn is uncertain,

central bank

governor Alan

Bollard said

on Monday.


An Indian gas station employee refuels an auto-rickshaw in New Delhi.India’s biggest oil find in decades is now on stream but the country, with its

rapidly growing economy, will still be one of the hungriest consumers offoreign crude, analysts say.—INTERNET

India posts 6.1 pct quarterlygrowth

NEW DELHI, 31 Aug—India’s economy expandedby 6.1 percent in the three months to June, picking uppace from the previous quarter, official data showedon Monday, helped by government stimulus.

The quarterly growth was up from the 5.8 percentposted in the January-March quarter and broadly inline with forecasts, but analysts say the economy mayface a struggle in the coming months because of awidespread drought.—Internet

Kadhafi and Berlusconilaunch Libya highway project

stretch from the Tunisianborder in the west to theEgyptian frontier in theeast, was laid at Touisha,about 50 kilometres (31miles) east of Tripoli.

Berlusconi arrived inLibya in early afternoonand was to share an iftarmeal breaking the Muslimdawn-to-dusk Ramadanfast with Kadhafi beforereturning to Rome later onSunday, an Italian officialsaid.

His visit and thelaunch of the highwayproject formed part of cel-ebrations marking the firstanniversary of a friend-ship treaty signed be-

tween Libya and Italy ayear ago.

Under the treaty,Rome will pay five billiondollars (3.5 billion euros)in compensation in theform of investments overthe next 25 years.

In return, Libya is tocrack down on illegal mi-gration from its shores.

Since May, Italy hasreturned around 1,000 il-legal immigrants toLibya, according to esti-mates by Italian newsagency ANSA.—Internet

HAVANA, 31 Aug—Pressured by a global eco-nomic crisis and a sternUS economic blockadethat has lasted nearly halfa century, Cuba is activelyseeking ways to boost itsagricultural production.

The measures includeturning over land close tocities to residents to plow,replacing fuel-burning

JAKARTA, 31 Aug—In-donesia’s second largeststate-run bank, BankRakyat Indonesia (BRI),posted a 3.492 trillionrupiah (about 346.9 mil-lion US dollars) of profitin the first half this year,23 percent higher than2.818 trillion rupiah(about 279.9 million dol-lars) in the correspondingperiod last year, thebank’s financial reportsaid on Monday.

According to the re-port, the bank’s interestrate income increase inthe period has signifi-cantly contributed to itsnet profit growth.

The bank’s booked in-terest rate revenue was16.840 trillion rupiah(about 1.6 billion dollars)in the first half this year,higher than the same pe-riod of last year, that stoodat 13.208 trillion rupiah

CANBERRA, 31 Aug—Australian TreasurerWayne Swan said onMonday that to withdrawthe economic stimulusnow would threaten thenation’s recovery.

“Economic stimulus isthe only reason why Aus-tralia is one of two of theadvanced economies thatgrew in the March quar-ter,” Swan told reporters.

“To withdraw thestimulus now would sim-

TOKYO, 31 Aug— Japanese industrial productionin July rose a seasonally adjusted 1.9 percent from theprevious month for the fifth straight month of gain,Kyodo News reported.

The index of output at mines and factories stood at82.4 against the base of 100 for 2005, the Ministry ofEconomy, Trade and Industry said in a preliminaryreport. The headline reading compares with the aver-age market forecast of a 1.6 percent growth in a KyodoNews survey.

The index of industrial shipments gained 2.3 per-cent to 83.6 while that of industrial inventories wasdown 0.2 percent to 95.1.—Xinhua

Japan’s July industrial outputrise 1.9%

Indonesia’s 2nd largest state bankposts 23% net profit growth in H1

(about 1.3 billion dollars).The bank that particu-

larly serves low-middleclass business in the coun-try raked 10.931 trillionrupiah (about 1.08 billiondollars) of net profit in theperiod. That figure washigher than it was in thesame period last year thatstood at 9.547 trillion(about 948.5 million dol-lars).—Xinhua

Cuba endeavours to raise farmoutput amid economic downturn

tractors with oxen, redis-tributing fallow land andraising the prices of state-regulated farm products.

Without rich naturalresources, Cuba has tospend at least 1.6 billionUS dollars a year import-ing food.

Food production,therefore, is a matter ofnational survival.

Cuban President RaulCastro had repeatedlyurged people to boost theproduction of local foodcrops. To raise food pro-duction and cut fuel use,the Cuban governmenthas been running a subur-ban agriculture pro-gramme since January,which covers every pro-vincial capital.—Xinhua

Australian Treasurer says economic stimulus vital for recoveryply knee-cap the recoveryand lead to much higherunemployment,” he said.

“That is the advice thegovernment has receivedfrom the Treasury.”

“The economic stimulusat the moment is vital tosupporting business to keepcustomers coming throughthe door,” Swan said.

“Of course the stimu-lus is temporary and istargeted and it is designedto be withdrawn from

year’s end as the economyrecovers.” Meanwhile,Opposition Treasurer JoeHockey rejected Swan’sassessment and reiteratedhis call for the spendingto be cut back.

“There will always besome rent seekers aroundthe place who are keen toget more handouts fromthe government, but ulti-mately this is borrowedmoney,” Hockey said.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009 5

Colombia isolated in S American countries

Two firefighters killed while battlingwildfire in Los Angeles

34 feared dead as boatsinks in Indonesia

Indian village asks AIDScommunity care centre to move out

NEW DELHI, 31 Aug—A village administration inNalgonda district of Andhra Pradesh, south-centralIndia, has passed a resolution asking a community carecenter for people living with HIV or AIDS to be shiftedout of the village, said a source quoting a local vil-lager on Monday.

The villagers want the centre to be shifted out be-cause they fear they will get those diseases, said thesource. The centre has 10 beds and is funded by Na-tional Aids Control Organization (NACO). It is nowrun by a corporate hospital after moving in the villagein June.

The authorities say though the resolution is passedby a democratic body, it has no legal validity and mustbe annulled. Villagers have written a letter to the localadministration, saying: “Let them locate the centre onekilometre away from the village or shift it back intothe main hospital premises.”—Xinhua

CARACAS, 31 Aug—Co-lombia has found itself iso-lated at Friday’s SouthAmerican summit due to itsintention to allow more USmilitary presence in theSouth American country,Hugo Chavez of Venezuelasaid here on Sunday.

The extraordinary sum-mit of South AmericanUnion of Nations (Unasur)is called to discuss the de-cision made by ColombianPresident Alvaro Uribe toallow the installation ofseven US military bases onthe Colombian territory.

The move has come

under strong criticism asmany countries warned ofUS military expansion inthe region.

“We don’t want yankeebases in South America,”the out-spoken Chaveztold foreign media atMiraflores Palace, thepresident’s official resi-dence in Caracas.

The 12-nation meetingshowed that SouthAmerica had backed self-determination in an un-precedented way and re-jected US hegemony,Chavez said.

On Sunday, Chavez

slammed Uribe for failingto understand the concernsof regional leaders whoasked him for a copy of thefinal US-Colombia mili-tary agreement.

Chavez also said thattrade relations with Co-lombia have remained fro-zen since a 28 July deci-sion to freeze fuel exportsand trade agreementsworth around 7 billion dol-lars with the country.

Chavez had threatenedto cut ties with Colombiaif the agreement wassigned.


A Los Angeles County firefighter looks at boxes left near a home as theStation Fire burns through the Angeles National Forest in Acton, California.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger headed close to where wildfires wereravaging a vast area north of Los Angeles, where three people have been hurt

and authorities evacuated 4,000 homes.—XINHUA

Graduates make consultation during a job fair sponsorsed by the localgovernment for graduates in Haining, east China’s Zhejiang Province,

on 29 Aug, 2009.—XINHUA

LOS ANGELES, 31Aug—Two firefighterswere killed on Sundaywhile battling a massivefire on the northwesternhills of Los Angeles, au-thorities said.

The two firefighterswere killed when the ve-hicle they were in wentover the side of a road inthe Angeles National For-est, according to the LosAngeles County Fire De-partment (LACFD).

LACFD spokesmanMike Bryant said thedeaths occurred during“intense fire activity” nearMount Gleason.

Their names were notimmediately released, al-though their families havebeen notified, Bryant said.

“We ask for your un-derstanding, for your pa-tience as we movethrough this difficult time,and please, prayers for thefamilies of our two broth-

ers that we lost,” Bryanttold a press conference.

The blaze was onlyabout 5 percent containedand had scorched 66square miles (about 106square kilometres) in theAngeles National Forest.

Mandatory evacuationswere in effect for neigh-bourhoods in Glendale,Pasadena and other citiesand towns north of LosAngeles.


Sugar shortage arisesin Malaysia during festive

seasonsKUALA LUMPUR, 31 Aug—It has been the norm for

Malaysia to face sugar shortage during festive sea-sons and this year is no exception, with the first short-age reported early this month.

Whenever a shortage of the item arises, stakeholdersinvolving the Malaysian government, consumers andsugar traders will start pointing fingers at each other,making the root cause behind the shortage vague.

While the Malaysian government said there wasenough supply of sugar in the market, there were iso-lated cases reporting a lack of sugar supply.

From the Malaysian government’s perspective, sugarshortage is caused by illegal hoarding of sugar.

Irresponsible sellers are said to have hoarded thestock in order to assert pressure on the Malaysian gov-ernment to raise the sugar’s prices.

In August alone, at least 60 metric tons of sugarworth about 84,000 ringgit (24,000 US dollars) wasseized from various parties illegally hoarding the sugar.

To halt the illegal act, the Malaysian governmenthas offered to reward 10,000 ringgit (2,857.14 USdollars) to those who successfully inform the authori-ties of sugar hoarding.


All items from XinhuaNews Agency

People pours into aflea market kicked off

on Saturday in thedowntown of Nanjing,east China’s JiangsuProvince, on 29 Aug,

2009. The flea market,the first one of its kindin the city, was organ-

ized to save and recyclevarious resources.


JAKARTA, 31 Aug—Thirty-four people might havebeen dead as an overloaded cargo vessel sank on a riveroff Borneo island, rescuers said on Monday.

Rusli Ansyah, head of the rescue team in Banjarmasintown where the boat departed, said that 21 bodies havebeen found and search is still under way for the missing13 others in the tragedy that occurred three days ago.“The missing persons could be dead as they have goneunder water for 3 days,” he told Xinhua from the sceneof the accident. The boat, Sari Mulia, sank late Fridayafter hitting strong currents on the Bataras, 100 km fromBanjarmasin town, in southern Kalimantan Province.

Ansyah said that 116 people have survived.Boats are favourable and chief transport mean in

Indonesia, home of over 230 million people. But lackof safety standard has been frequently blamed for theaccident in waters in the archipelago country with17,500 islands. —Xinhua

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009


Mom, 80, shoots at deputies as son hides in closetAn 80-year-old West Tennessee woman and her son are being held in

jail after deputies said she shot at them when they came to arrest theman. Sheriff Melvin Bond said the elderly woman fired several shots at of-ficers in a standoff that began when deputies tried to capture her 60-year-oldson.

The Jackson Sun quoted Bond who said four deputies went to the woman’smobile home on a tip that her son was there. Bond said officers heard the mantalking inside the trailer and — when they knocked on the door — the womanopened it, slammed it shut and fired a shot through it.

The deputies took cover and, during the hour-long standoff, two more shotswere fired through the door.

There were no injuries. The man was found hiding in a closet.

Japan’s Keio University Prof. HiroshiSimizu shows his prototype electriccars, Eliica, left, and KAZ, during apress conference in Tokyo, Japan.Shimizu of Faculty of EnvironmentalInformation Graduate School of Mediaand Governance said he establishedSIM-Drive Corporation, a venturebusiness at the university, to promoteelectric cars, hoping to ensure a cleanerenvironment for the next generation.The eight-wheeled Eliica, or theElectric Lithium-Ion Car, was designedby a team at Keio University, led byShimizu, as a revamped model of KAZ, or Keio Advanced Zero-Emission


A blue guitar sits on the floor at HirschMemorial Coliseum in Shreveport, LaIt was one of about 800 used in anattempt to break the Guinness Book ofWorld Records for the most acousticguitars and unplugged electric guitarsplayed in unison for a five-minuteperiod. Guitarist James Burton, who isknown for working with the ElvisPresley and Ricky Nelson bands, ledthe ensemble of guitar players in acelebration of his 70th birthday, butfailed in his attempt to make theGuinness Book of World Records.

A model holds up a robot, called “Be-Robot” at the International RobotShow in Taipei. The “Be-Robot” is9cm tall and can walk, kick andperform push-ups. It is priced at 12,000NTD ($366) and is awaiting verifi-cation by Guinness World Records toreplace its predecessor, the 15cmversion, as the world’s smallest humanoid robot.

Man allegedly bites offlove rival’s ear lobe

A southeast Missouri man was ac-cused of biting off the ear lobe of a loverival. The Southeast Missourian re-ported that a 23-year-old man wascharged with felony assault and bur-glary and was jailed on $50,000 bond.

Police said the suspect and the vic-tim were arguing over a woman justbefore midnight on Tuesday. The sus-pect allegedly displayed a butcher knife,but the victim and the woman pushedhim out the door.

A fight allegedly began after the sus-pect knocked loudly at a window. Po-lice said the two men fell to the groundand the suspect bit off the victim’s earlobe.

Police recovered the severed lobe,but doctors were unable to reattach it.

Woman awarded $2mafter dentist pulls 16 teeth

A South Carolina woman has won a$2 million jury verdict against a dentalclinic that mistakenly pulled 13 teeth.The State reported that 28-year-oldElizabeth Smith wanted three teethpulled when she went to the SextonDental Clinic in Florence in 2006. Herlawsuit said a dentist at the clinic pulledall 16 of her upper teeth.

State court records in Florence indi-cate the jury returned the award late lastweek.

One of Smith’s lawyers, Robert Ran-som, said the woman plans to have re-storative surgery as soon as possible.That’s estimated to cost about $80,000.

Clinic attorney Saunders Bridgessaid he is considering an appeal.

CABO SAN LUCAS, 31Aug— Residents stockedup on food and authoritiesset up shelters as astrengthening HurricaneJimena pushed towardMexico’s resort-studdedBaja California peninsulaon Monday.

Mexico issued a hurri-cane watch for the south-ern portion of Baja, mean-ing hurricane conditionsare possible within 36hours.

Jimena, a dangerous

NAIROBI, 31 Aug— TheUkrainian crew of a cargoship held for more thanthree months by Somalipirates pleaded on Sundayfor authorities to speed upefforts to gain their releaseand urgently evacuate afemale hostage.

“We are exhausted anddesperate,” the Ukrainianskipper of the MV Ariana,who gave his name onlyas Captain Voronov, toldAFP by phone from theship anchored off north-ern Somalia.

One of two femalemembers of the 24-strongcrew “risks death” with-out proper medical treat-ment, according to aUkrainian doctor whospoke to her by phonefrom the Kenyan capitalNairobi.

The tearful youngwoman pleaded for helpin the phone call, said thedoctor, who said she ranthe risk of generalised in-fection due to a gynaeco-logical condition.


PANAJI, 31 Aug—Thehead of India’s state-runspace agency on Sundayhailed the country’s firstmoon mission a success,despite losing contactwith the spacecraft.

“The mission was agreat success,” G Mad-havan Nair, chairman ofthe Indian Space Re-search Organization(ISRO), told reporters inthe state capital of Goa,Panaji, where a confer-

TSAVO WEST NATIONAL PARK, 31 Aug— Kenya’s per-sistent and bruising drought is having a serious im-pact on the country’s wildlife, one of its main touristattractions, obliging the Kenya Wildlife Service(KWS) to feed hippos to keep them alive.

In Tsavo West national park, a vast expanse ofshrubby savannah and majestic rocky outcrops in thesouth east of the country, hippos are dying in largenumbers and other species have been forced to changetheir diet. Some 15 hippos have been found dead inthe park in the past few weeks for lack of any grass tograze on around the pools where they spend their dayssubmerged to keep out of the sun.

“For the past one month, the research team has rec-ommended that in order to have the hippos in (good)condition... we give them four bales of hay every twodays,” KWS ranger Edward Njuguna told AFP.


Kenya’s hippos hard hitby drought

A group of hippos bathe in a shallow pool of waterin the Tsavo West National Park, in southern

Kenya. Kenya’s persistant and bruising drought ishaving a serious impact on the country’s wildlife,

one of its main tourist attractions, obliging theKenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to feed hippos to

keep them alive.—INTERNET

CapturedUkrainian crewplead for help

Category 4 hurricane threatensMexico’s west coast

Category 4 storm, couldrake southern Baja Cali-fornia by on Tuesdayevening, forecasters said,

“I think it’s going to bea substantial hurricane bythe time it approaches,”said Richard Pasch, a sen-ior specialist with the Na-tional Hurricane Center inMiami.

Economists fromaround the world werescheduled to attend a con-ference sponsored by theParis-based Organization

of Economic Cooperationand Development on Tues-day and Wednesday in LosCabos at the southern tip ofthe peninsula. It was notclear if the conference willstill take place; the organi-zation’s office was closedon Sunday.

Brenda Munoz, wholost her home when Hur-ricane Juliette struck Bajain 2001, was taking nochances, stocking up onfood this time around.


Indian scientists hail abortedlunar missionence on low-budget spacemissions opens this week.

Nair, who said 95 per-cent of the Chandrayaan-I project’s objectives hadbeen completed, admittedscientists were disap-pointed with the develop-ment, but said a “largevolume” of data was col-lected, including 70,000images of the moon.

India launched theunmanned satellite andput a probe on the moon’s

surface to great fanfareand national pride late lastyear, propelling the coun-try into the league ofspace-faring nations.

ISRO announced onSaturday that the 80-mil-lion-dollar project wasover after losing radiocontact with the satelliteearly on Friday, blaminga computer malfunctionfor cutting communica-tions.


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Page 7: The New Light of Myanmar 01-09-2009

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009 7

Lt-Gen Myint SwevisitsNyaunghnapin …

Magway Division; inexhaustible source of edible oil

(from page 1)Officials concerned

explained processingof natural fertilizers,methods of using naturaland chemical fertilizersin combinationand pro-duction of hybrid paddystrains.

Next, Lt-Gen MyintSwe and party went toNyaunghnapin Agri-culture and LivestockBreeding Special Zoneand inspected the

plantation of U Tin Tun inZone (1) and the plantationof Dr Daw Hla Hla Theinin Zone (2). Then, Lt-Gen

Myint Swe and partyvisited Kalihtaw Dam nearPyinmadaw Village, HleguTownship, inspected flow

of water into the dam, thecontrol tower and the damand left necessaryinstructions.— MNA

Byline: Tin Win Lay (Kyimyindine); Photos: Htay Aung (Kyemon)

(from page1)we interviewed PresidentU Tun Hsai of MagwayDivision Chambers ofCommerce and Industry.He told the Kyemon,“Here, major productsare edible oil crops, chilli,onion, potato, jaggeryand tamarind. Wedistribute our productsand get some productssuch as rice from otherregions in coordinationwith the association.”

Vice-President of theassociation U Kyon Seinsaid, “We fix prices forcrops at rates acceptableto both farmers andcostumers.”

While we wereabsorbed in conv-ersation, an executivewas busy, exchanginginformation on com-modity prices on phonewith partners from thefour corners of the nation.

President U Tun Hsaisaid that merchants fromother regions shouldcoordinate with the

association first wheneverthey had to purchase localgoods to be able tostabilize prices.

The association putsthe interest of localfarmers in the fore andgets deeply involved inpublic welfare servicesuch as donating firestations worth millions ofkyats and local productsand relief supplies worthover 1.2 million kyats tovictims to the storm

Magway Division Chambers of Commerceand Industry President U Tun Hsai (L) and

Vice-President U Kyon Sein.

We also visitedseveral other edible oilfactories in the region.On our way from theregion, we sawstockpiles of bags ofgroundnut and sesame,and piles of red sesameand whiter sesame.

According to ourfirst-hand experiences,Magway Division, theedible oi l bowl ofMyanmar, i s aninexhaustible source ofedible oil.

Translation: MSKyemon: 30-8-2009


Groundnut is exposed to the sun before milling it.

Proprietor U Htay Aung of Amay HtwarEdible Oil Mill.

Wholesale centres in Magway are lively with trade activities.

“Nargis”.We proceeded to

wholesale centres inMyothit Ward. ThukhitaStreet was found bustlingwith trade activities.

Under thearrangements made byPresident U Tun Hsai, wevisited U Kyaw Than(Thamadi WholesaleCentre). Our visitcoincided with the harvestof sesame in the region.According to theproprietor of the centre,sesame and groundnutwere mostly fromMigyaungye, Thitya-kauk, Saingkya,Kokkowa, Nyaunggonand O-gon villages.

In an interview, afarmer said that he was UAung San fromHtanbinsan Village inthityakauk Station; that hewas there to sell sesameto the centre; that themajor source of incomeof the whole village was agricultural farming; and

that they were getting onwith their businesses.

We also visited AmayHtwar and Sons EdibleOil Refinery and Mill onTaunggyi Street in AungSaydana (B) Ward.Owner U Htay Aung saidthat they started to runtheir business in 2000;that in order to get qualitygroundnut oil, thegroundnut had to be ofquality species and theproduce had to be freefrom unnecessary thingsin it; and that he exposedgroundnut to the sun

several times beforemilling it.

I was impressed bythe 600’ x 600’compound of the millwith huge boilersproduced locally.

U Htay Aung saidthat they had their edibleoil mill examined by theFood and DrugsAdministration.

Near the workerssorting beans was a hugepile of butter beans ofmarketable quality. Theyexported butter beans tothe Republic of Koreaand Japan.

Lt-Gen Myint Swe of the Ministry of Defenceinspects Nyaunghnapin Agriculture and

Livestock Breeding Special Zone.MNA

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009

Minister Maj-Gen Aung Min views locomotives, coaches and freight

carriages presented by People’s Republic of China.—MNA

Locomotives, coaches and freight carriages presented by People’s

Republic of China.—MNA

Managing Director U Khin Maung Hse of

Public Works addresses the concluding

ceremony of Advanced Course for Assistant

Engineers (Civil) and opening ceremony of

Course for Road Workers.—CONSTRUCTION

PRC hands locomotives, passenger and

freight coaches over to Myanmar

YANGON, 31 Aug—

The People’s Republic of

China handed

locomotives, passenger

and freight coaches over

to the Union of Myanmar

at Yangon Railway Station

this morning.

The ceremony

was attended by Minister

for Rail Transportation

Maj-Gen Aung Min,

Deputy Ministers Thura U

Thaung Lwin and U Pe

Than, Director-General of

International Cooperation

Department of Ministry of

Railways of the PRC Mr

Chen Juemin,

departmental officials and


At the outset, Mr Chen

Juemin explained the

purpose of handing

locomotives over to

Myanmar as friendship

gifts while Managing

Director of Myanma

Railways U Thein Swe

spoke words of thanks.

After signing the

agreements, Mr Chen

Juemin handed related

documents over to U Thein

Swe. Having sprinkled

scented water on new

locomotives, the minister

and deputy ministers as

well as officials viewed


The PRC had been

sending five locomotives,

20 passenger coaches and

200 freight coaches since

2009 May for the second-

time friendship gifts. It

was learnt that 130

passenger coaches had

been sent to Myanmar for

the first-time friendship

gifts in 2006. The present

new passenger coaches

the PRC sent will be used

for Yangon-Mandalay

Express railways section,

freight coaches (open) for

upgrading railways and

new railways projects and

freight coaches for

Y a n g o n - M a n d a l a y ,


Mandalay-Myitkyina and

M a n d a l a y - L a s h i o

railways sections for

ensuring the swift flow of


YANGON, 31 Aug — Ceremonies to conclude

Advanced Course for Assistant Engineers (Civil) and

open Course for Road Workers were held at the hall of the

central training school (Thuwanna) this morning, with an

address of U Khin Maung Hse, Managing Director of

Public Works under the Ministry of Construction.

A total of 104 trainees are attending the four-week


Advanced Course for AE (Civil)

concludes and Course for Road

Workers commences

During the visit, U

Kyaw Thu paid a visit to

the Yunnan University of

Nationalities and Yunnan

Nationality Museum and

cordially discussed and

exchanged views with

officials concerned. He

also inspected the new

construction site of the

Office and Apartments of

the Consulate General of

the Union of Myanmar,

in Kunming. Later on, he

visited the Yunnan

Athlete Skills College

CSSTB Chairman arrives back from Chinaand Kung Fu Training

Centre. Mr. Gu Zhaoxi,

Vice Governor of Yunnan

Province, hosted a

welcoming dinner in

honour of U Kyaw Thu

and delegation at the

Green Lake Hotel in

Kunming that evening.

Chairman U Kyaw

Thu and delegation also

visited Lijiang City from

20th to 21st August 2009

accompanied by Madame

Zhou Hong, Director

General of Foreign Affairs

Office of the Yunna


Together with the

Chairman of the Civil

Service Selection and

Training Board U Kyaw

Thu, Assistant Director U

Kyaw Swar Oo from the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

also arrived back. — MNA


— Chairman of the Civil

Service Selection and

Training Board U Kyaw

Thu arrived back here on

23rd August, 2009 after

paying goodwill and study

visit to Kunming, Yunnan

Province of the People’s

Republic of China from

18th to 23rd August, 2009

at the invitation of the

People’s Government of

Yunnan Province of the

People’s Republic of


Educative talks on revenue held

in MawlamyineYANGON, 31 Aug — Organized by Mon State Internal

Revenue Department under the Ministry of Finance and

Revenue, educative talks on revenue for foodstuff

entrepreneurs in Mawlamyine Township were held at the

hall of Mon State Internal Revenue Department. It was

attended by Chairman of Mawlamyine Township Peace

and Development Council U San Myint and party,

township departmental personnel, Chairmen of Ward

PDCs and 200 entrepreneurs.

Head of Mawlamyine District Internal Revenue

Department U Hla Myint extended greetings and head of

Township Internal Revenue Department U Aye Kyu gave

talks relating to revenue of foodstuff and answered the

queries raised by the entrepreneurs.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009 9

NAY PYI TAW, 31Aug— Mandalay CityDevelopment Committeeorganized monsoon treeplanting ceremony andsowing ceremony atYaydagun Mountain inPathein Township on 25August. Chairman of

Commander attends monsoon treesplanting ceremony and sowing ceremony

Mandalay Division Peaceand Development CouncilCommander of CentralCommand Maj-Gen TinNgwe planted trees andviewed the participationof those present in theactivity.

Next, the commander

and personnel attendedsowing ceremony andsowed seeds. Thecommander inspectedcultivation of paddy at thefarm of Mandalay CityDevelopment Committeeand stressed the needs.


State and Division Women’sFootball (open) Tournament

2009 kicks offNAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—The 14th State/Division

Women’s Football (open) Tournament 2009 kickedoff at Yamanya Stadium in Mawlamyine of Mon Stateyesterday evening, attended by Chairman of MonState Peace and Development Council Commander ofSouth-East Command Maj-Gen Thet Naing Win,Chairman of Myanma Olympic Committee Ministerfor Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, departmentalpersonnel and guests.

The commander and the minister welcomed thefootball teams at the Hall of Mon State in the morning.

In the evening, the minister formally opened thetournament. In the opening match, Mon State hammeredBago 6-1in Group-A.


NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug —The first round matchesof the 14th State/Division women's footballtournament continued at designated places at 3.30pm today.

In the group-A in Mawlamyine Zone,Ayeyawady Division beat Kachin State 5-0; in thegroup-B in Thaton Zone Yangon Division beat MagwayDivision 8-0; in the group-C in Mudon Zone KayinState beat Sagaing Division 4-0; and in the group-D inThanphyuzayat Zone Mandalay Division beat ShanState (East) 4-0.


NAY PYI TAW, 31Aug—A ceremony tohand over new schoolbuilding to EducationDepartment was held atthe Post Basic EducationPrimary School inAungmyay village, KawaTownship, Bago Division,attended by Chairman ofBago Division Peace andDevelopment Council

Commander Maj-Gen Hla Minattends ceremony to hand over

new school buildingCommander of SouthernCommand Maj-Gen HlaMin.

Responsible personscut the ribbon to open thenew school building. Thecommander then made aspeech, and the well-wisher presented thedocuments related to thebuilding to Head ofDivision Education

Department.On 24 August,

Physical Culture and Misscompetitions of studentsof Bago Degree Collegewere held in conjunctionwith prize presentation atthe college. Thecommander and officialswatched the competitionand presented prizes to thewinners. —MNA

MTBF Vice-President andexecutive leave for ROK

YANGON, 31 Aug—Vice-President of MyanmarTraditional Boxing Federation (External Relations) UWin Zin Oo and executive U Soe Than Win left herefor the Republic of Korea by air yesterday to attendOrganizing Programme of the Publication Exhibitionto be held in Pyongyang on 1 and 2 September.

They were seen off at Yangon InternationalAirport by Joint-Secretary U Than Zaw and executives.

So as to enlarge bilateral relations in the sportsarea, book on traditional martial arts and periodicals,historical backgrounds of international martial artsfederation, guide book on martial arts, video tapes,VCDs and E books will be on display at OrganizingProgram of the Publication Exhibition. Myanmardelegation also brought books on Myanamr traditionalboxing and VCDs on traditional boxing competitionswith them—MNA

14th State/Divisionwomen’s football

(open) tournamentgoes on

Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint addressesIthe 14th State/Division Women’s Football

(open) Tournament 2009.SPORTS

Vice-President of Myanmar TraditionalBoxing Federation (External Relations) UWin Zin Oo and executive U Soe Than Winseen at Yangon International Airport.—MNA

Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen MaungMaung Swe and wife being welcomed by Malaysian Ambassador Mr

Dato' Mazlan Muhammad and wife at the reception to mark theNational Day of Malaysia at Park Royal Hotel on 31st Aug, 2009.—MNA

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Page 10: The New Light of Myanmar 01-09-2009

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009

Lt-Gen Ko Ko of Ministry of …

Yesagyo Township with self-reliant librariesByline: Pe Htun Zaw (Yesagyo); Photos: Township IPRD

(from page 16)On arrival at the briefing hall of Public Works

Road Group (8) in Mya Yar Village in TaungupTownship, Lt-Gen Ko Ko heard reports by officialsconcerned on work progress, and gave instructions onconstruction tasks.

He also inspected expansion of Padaung-Taungup Road, and teak plantations along the road.

He held a meeting with service personnel, rep-resentatives of social organizations and townselders atthe town hall of Taungup Township. The chairman ofTownship PDC gave an account of work progress forregional development. Lt-Gen Ko Ko gave instruc-tions on regional development tasks, and presentedsports equipment, exercise books, uniforms and corru-gated iron sheets.

Next, he inspected the pontoon at Taungup portand cargo vessels and trawlers and instructed officialsto keep the port clean.

He visited the Plywood Factory Project of the

Myanma Timber Enterprise of the Ministry of Forestryin Taungup, and heard reports on work progress.

He inspected the progress of Taungup in amotorcade.—MNA

(from page 16)IPRD said that openingthe self- reliant librarywill contribute to dis-seminating knowledge,being able to decide right

and knowing people’s de-sires and implementingadministrative matters ef-fectively and swiftly.

Under the supervi-sion of Township PDCand under the arrange-ment of the Department,plans are laid down toopen rural self-reliant li-braries starting from2004-2005 year, sheadded. Self-reliant librar-ies were opened at 245villages in the townshipon 25 May 2005.

For the perpetual ex-istence of the already-opened libraries, fivetasks have been under-taken with four addedstrengths.

As a result, 98 librar-

Head Daw San YuMaw of YesagyoTownship IPRD.

Thutapadetha Library in Hinghaung village

donated by Minister for Religious Affairs

Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung family.

Okaw Maung Library in Paunglaung village.

ies that meet five stand-ards emerged till July 2009and the rest 147 librariesare under way to be likeabove ones. I am pleasedto see neat libraries do-nated by wellwishers ofYesagyo Township.

Opening rural librar-ies contribute to readingwithout discriminationagainst people, age andeducation.

In particular, readingleads to positive attitude

toward anyone. I ampleased to read newsabout donation of books,magazines, journals andlibraries and organizingeducative talks.

People on their partare to work for perpetualexistence of rural librar-ies with national dutiesand awareness.

******Translation: MT

Kyemon: 26.8.2009******

Lt-Gen Ko Ko of the Ministry of Defenceinspects condition of Taungup Pass.


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Page 11: The New Light of Myanmar 01-09-2009

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009 11

BEIJING, 31 Aug—Beijing has seenbetter air quality in August, according todata released by the municipalenvironmental protection bureau onMonday.

The Chinese capital had 28 “bluesky” days this month, three days morethan the average level since 2000 andalso that in July.

Beijing, however, reported 30 suchdays in August last year when a massiveeffort was made to improve the air qualityfor that month’s Olympic Games.Measures implemented at the time, suchas keeping half the city’s autos off theroads each day, are unrepeatable in thelong term.

Beijing uses a five-gradeclassification of air quality on the basis

XINING, 31 Aug —Anearthquake measuring 5.9on the Richter scale struckremote Qinghai Provincein northwest China at 6:15p m on Monday, the ChinaEarthquake Adm-inistration said.

There were noimmediate reports ofcasualties or propertylosses, local governmentsaid. The epicenter waslocated at 37.7 degreesnorth and 95.9 degreeseast, said theadministration.

The quake, whichoccurred three days aftera 6.4-magnitude quake hitthe region, was felt inGolmud, a city 160 kmaway from the epicenter.


KOKRAJHAR (Assam), 31 Aug—A rare species of butterfly, believed to beextinct, has been sighted and documented in Assam’s Kokrajhar district.

Researcher Kushal Choudhury who spotted the Yellow-Crested Spangle(Papilio elephenor), last sighted hundred years ago, photographed and documentedit at Phipsu in Ripu-Chirang reserve forest in the district.

This is the first-ever photograph of the live species to be taken in the world afterit was first recorded by naturalist C T Bingham in 1907, Divisional Forest Officer(Wildlife Division) Sonali Ghosh said.

Choudhury said he had documented the butterfly on 22 May in the Ripu-Chirang reserve forest.

The species is included in the red data book (list of species whose continuedexistence is threatened) of the International Union for Conservation of NaturalResources. Choudhury has been studying swallow-tail butterflies on the northbank of river Brahmaputra from Sonkosh to Dhansiri river since 2002.—Internet

Beijing sees better air qualityin August

of pollution indices, with Grade I beingthe best and Grade V the worst. Dayswith Grade I and II air quality areregarded as “blue sky” days. There was0.106 mg of inhaled particle matter percubic meter of air in August.

China’s air quality index usesdifferent measures to that used by theWorld Health Organization.

Beijing had 199 “blue sky” days inthe year to August, 20 days more thanthe same period last year. It needs further61 such days to meet the governmenttarget.

In 2008, Beijing had 274 “blue-sky” days, the result of vehiclerestrictions for the Olympic Games anda 15-billion-U.S-dollar investment inair quality.—Xinhua

A health official guards at the entrance of a middle school in Lanzhou,capital of northwest China’s Gansu Province, on 31 Aug , 2009. A/H1N1 flucases broked out in the middle school there since 28 Aug , and the confirmed

infected patients grew to 26 till 3 pm on 30 Aug.—INTERNET

Rare butterfly species sighted in Assam 5.9-magnitudeearthquake

jolts NWChina

Hurricane Jimena is seen in an infrared satelliteimage from the NOAA.—INTERNET

BEIJING, 31 Aug—China’s trade surplus withthe European Union (EU)for 2009 will be less thanlast year, a senior official ofthe Ministry of Commerce(MOC) said on Monday.Trade surplus with the EUhas already eased so far thisyear, said Sun Yongfu, theministry’s department chiefin charge of Europeanaffairs.

Customs figures showChina’s surplus with EUwas about 55.7 billion U.S.dollars in the first seven

Ministry: China’s trade surplus with EUto ease from last year

months of the year, less thanhalf of last year’s total of160 billion U.S. dollars. Hesaid the decline in China’sexport to the EU hasaccelerated while the fall inthe country’s imports to theEU has eased. China’sexports to EU were worth103.5 billion U.S. dollarsin the first half, down 24.5percent from a year earlier.

China’s imports to EUstood at 56.5 billion U.S.dollars in the first sixmonths, down 13.1 percentfrom a year ago and easing

from 15.1 percent in thefirst quarter.

“There has alreadybeen a sharp fall in China’strade surplus with the EUso far, and the figure for thewhole year will not be aslarge as that of last year,”he said, “Trade between thetwo sides will become morebalanced.” Sun said hehoped the EU would checkpotential protectionismarising in the EU, as withincreasing trade there hadbeen friction between thetwo partners.—Xinhua

A Toyota Motorsengineer blows into ahand-held breathalyserand camera unit duringa press preview byToyota Motors on theirbreath-alcohol ignition-interlock system inTokyo, on 31 August.Toyota said on Mondayit was developing theanti-drunk driving equ-ipment that would lockthe ignition of a vehicleif high levels of alcoholare detected in the


Hospital foundation collapsekills four workers in N China

SHIJIAZHUANG, 31 Aug—The collapse of thefoundation of a building at a hospital construction sitein north China’s Hebei Province killed four workers,the hospital said on Monday.

The four were buried in the foundation at the HebeiPeople’s Hospital Monday noon. They were rescuedbut died in hospital because they had stopped breathingtoo long, doctors said.

The emergency rescue stopped at 4:20 pm. Theconstruction team started the building about two weeksago, a worker said.

Continuous rains made the soil soft, which mayhave caused the collapse, he said. Local authoritieswere investigating its cause.—Xinhua

A female gorillaat the

WashigtnonZoo.Three female

gorillas atLondon Zoo arewaiting for their

new French lover— and were givena sneak preview

of the Gallic studcoming their way

this week.INTERNET

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Page 12: The New Light of Myanmar 01-09-2009

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KMA III VOYNO (904) are here by notified that the vessels will bearriving on 1.9.2009 and cargo will be discharged intothe premises of B.S.W.(3) where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S KMA SHIPPING CO., LTDPhone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV VASCO DAGAMA VOY NO (183) are here by notified that thevessels will be arriving on 1.9.2009 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S INTERASIA LINESPhone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA RUKUNVOY NO (505) are here by notified that the vessels willbe arriving on 31.8.2009 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

A oxcart powerd by a little girl parades at NottingHill Carnival in west London, on 30 Aug, 2009.The

Europe’s largest street party got under way onSunday as festivities began with hundreds of

thousands of visitors coming to enjoy the first dayof the annual carnival. —XINHUA

Moderate earthquakejolts northeast India

Ban for Australian zoo thatsold antelope to hunter

SYDNEY, 31 Aug—An Australian zoo that sold endangeredantelope to a hunting enthusiast has been barred from trad-ing in animals until an investigation into the incident is com-pleted, a media report said on Monday.The Sydney Morn-ing Herald said authorities in New South Wales state im-posed the ban after the Western Plains Zoo sold 16 blackbuckantelope to Bob McComb, who owns a property he wantsto turn into a game reserve. Blackbuck antelope, which arelisted as threatened in India and Nepal, are prized by hunt-ers for their large spiral horns.The Herald said McComb, amember of pro-hunting political group called The ShootersParty, was part of a push to allow trophy hunting on spe-cially designated game reserves, including his own prop-erty, the Dongadale Deer Park and Stud.

The newspaper said documents acquired under govern-ment freedom of information laws showed that the state-run zoo, located in the rural town of Dubbo, sold the ani-mals to McComb for less than half their market value.Itclaimed the documents also showed that assurances fromthe zoo that it insisted on safeguards in the sale contractpreventing the antelope from being hunted were untrue.


NEW DELHI, 31 Aug—An earthquake measuring5.3 on the Richter Scaleshook India’s northeaston Monday, the region inthe region this month, re-ported Indo-Asian NewsService.

The news servicequoted officials the re-gional seismologicalcenter in Shillong, capi-tal of Meghalaya state, assaying the tremor was feltat 00:58 am (19:28 GMTSunday) and had its

epicenter at the tri-junc-tion of the borders of theIndian states of Manipurand Nagaland withneighbouring Myanmar.

The quake lasted 12 to15 seconds, shakinghouses and other struc-tures in Assam, Naga-land, Manipur andTripura, causing panicamong local people whorun out of their houses,said the report.

There has been noimmediate report of dam-age caused by the quake,said the report.This is thethird tremor which joltedthe region this month.An earthquake measuring4.9 on the Richterscale took place on19 Aug, followed by an-other measuring 5.6 on11 Aug.


First Australian-builthybrid car launched

CANBERRA, 31 Aug—Toyota officially launched thefirst Australian-built hybrid car on Monday as pro-duction began at its Altona assembly plant in Mel-bourne. Last year the Australian Federal Governmentcontributed 35 million Australian dollars (29.4 mil-lion US dollars) to help support Toyota’s plans to build10,000 Camry hybrids each year at the plant from2010. “The Hybrid Camry is a significant step towardsa greener, more sustainable automotive industry,” Fed-eral Industry Minister Kim Carr said in a statement.The car will give Australians a choice if they prefer ahybrid, he said. “This is a major achievement forToyota Australia—this plant is one of only five Toyotaplants in the world making hybrid vehicles.”— Xinhua

Rare Indian Blackbuckslock horns. An Austral-ian zoo that sold endan-

gered antelope to ahunting enthusiast has

been barred fromtrading in animals untilan investigation into theincident is completed, a

media report said onMonday.—INTERNET

Colombian President comesdown with the swine flu

BOGOTA, 31 Aug—Colombian President Alvaro Uribehas the swine flu and officials have advised other SouthAmerican leaders who met with him at a summit of theinfection, authorities said Sunday. The 57-year-old Uribebegan feeling symptoms on Friday, the same day as a meet-ing of South American presidents in Bariloche, Argentina,and he was confirmed to have swine flu after returninghome, Social Protection Minister Diego Palacio said.

“This isn’t something that has us scared,” Palacio saidat a news conference. Uribe, a key US ally in LatinAmerica, is not considered a high-risk patient and willcontinue working from his computer, officials said.

Public health director Gilberto Alvarez said in a tel-ephone interview that there was no need to put the presi-dent in isolation and that his condition would monitoredfor three days to a week.

During a Union of South American Nations summit ofthe region’s presidents on Friday, Uribe spent hours de-fending his plan to give US troops more access to Co-lombian bases as part of his government’s fight againstdrug traffickers and leftist rebels. Many of his colleagueshave voiced concerns about the idea.—Internet



1. Sealed Tenders are invited for Myanma Radio andTelevision of Ministry of Information for supply of thefollowing—Inscription Quantity33 KV Line (4 miles) -1 Lot33/11 KV, 2.5 MVA -1 Lotsub power stations2. Tender closing date will be at 16:30 hrs on 15September, 2009.3. Please contact 534886 for further information.4. Tender documents can be obtained at the below-mentioned address.

Procurement CommitteeMinistry of Information

Myanma Motion Picture EnterpriseNo.28, Kokkine Yeiktha Street,

Bahan Township, Yangon

China’s A/H1N1 vaccine setfor final experts approval

BEIJING, 31 Aug—China’s State Food and Drug Ad-ministration will hold an experts certification meet-ing at 2 pm on Monday, to test the reliability of its A/H1N1 vaccine, according to a news report from ChinaCentral Television (CCTV) on Monday morning.

The vaccine has already finished clinical trials, andthe test result will be released at 5 pm. If safe, thevaccine will be formally released for use on people,the report said.—Xinhua

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009 13

Gold nanotech breath test may showlung cancer early

Exercise beats angioplastyfor some heart patients

LONDON, 31 Aug—Asensor made with goldnanoparticles can detectlung cancer in a patient’sbreath and may offer adiagnosis before tumorsshow up on an X-ray, Israeliscientists said on Sunday.

The device, which thedevelopers say would becheap enough for everydayuse by family doctors,detected lung cancer with86 percent accuracy andmay offer a way to screenfor a disease not usuallydiagnosed until it has spreadand is no longer curable.

It uses sensors based ongold nanoparticles todetect specific compounds

— volatile organic com-pounds (VOC) — that lungcancer patients have inhigh levels in exhaledbreath.

Breath testing is alreadyrecognized as a way oflinking specific VOCs inexhaled breath to a certainmedical conditions.

In 2006, researchersfound dogs could betrained to smell cancer onthe breath of patients with99 percent accuracy.Hossam Haick, one of thescientists working on thesensor, said he hoped itcould soon allow doctorsto have a simple test athand to screen people

during routine appo-intments.

“Conventional dia-gnostic methods for lungcancer are unsuitable forwidespread screeningbecause they are expensiveand occasionally misstumors,” Haick andcolleagues wrote in NatureNanotechnology.

“This device is not at allexpensive. The whole ideain this development was todevise something verysensitive, and very cheapand very portable,” Haick,of the Technion-IsraelInstitute of Technology inHaifa, told Reuters.


A commuter wears a face mask in Bogota, Colombia. Deaths from swine fluacross Latin America — the worst-hit region in the world — rose to over

1,300 this month.—INTERNET

Hong Kong reports A/H1N1flu death case

HONG KONG, 31 Aug — Hong Kong’s Tuen MunHospital announced on Sunday that a female patientwho had been infected with InfluenzaA/H1N1 virus died in the hospital on the same day.

The 43-year-old patient, who was a chronic smoker,developed flu symptoms on 23 Aug and attended theDesignated Flu Clinic on 24 Aug. The patient attendedthe Accident and Emergency Department of the hospitalon 26 Aug and was admitted to the Isolation Ward,according to a statement from the hospital.

On 26 Aug, the patient was tested positive forInfluenza A/H1N1 virus. She received Tamiflu,Relenza and antibiotics treatment. With her conditiondeteriorating, she was transferred to Intensive CareUnit on the same day.—Xinhua

Vietnam’s A/H1N1 flu casesrise to 2,724

HANOI, 31 Aug— Vietnam confirmed 312 morecases of A/H1N1 influenza over the past two days ofthe weekend, raising the total number of flu patientsin the country to 2,724, said a report of the website ofVietnam’s Ministry of Health on Monday. Among the newly- reported cases, 225 were in thesouth, 17 in the north and 70 in the central highlandprovinces of Vietnam, said the report. So far, 1,328 patients have recovered and beendischarged from hospitals. The rest are beingquarantined and treated. Vietnam has reported two deaths of the A/H1N1flu since its outbreak.—Xinhua

Bangladesh announces firstA/H1N1 flu death case

DHAKA, 31 Aug — Bangladesh’s Lab Aid hospitalannounced on Sunday that a female patient who hadbeen infected with the A/H1N1 flu virus died in thehospital. It was the first H1N1 flu death case inBangladesh.

The patient, Mita Charkrabortee, 37, came fromSavar aera, some30 km northwest of capital Dhaka,died at 10:30 pm local time, said Mejba Azad, mediacoordinator of the Lab Aid hospital.


Virus blamed for halfof penile cancers

A laboratory workershows a tick, at themolecular centre ofButantan Institute, in Sao

Paulo, Brazil, on 25August. One of nature’s

repulsive little blood-sucking parasites, the

tick, could yield a futurecure for cancers of the

skin, liver and pancreas,Brazilian researchers

have discovered.INTERNET

Astra drug beats Plavix without major bleed risk

BARCELONA, 31 Aug—Working up a sweat maybe even better thanangioplasty for someheart patients, expertssay.

Studies have shownheart patients benefitfrom exercise, and somehave even shown it worksbetter than surgicalprocedures. At a meetingof the European Societyof Cardiology on Sunday,several experts saiddoctors should focusmore on persuading theirpatients to exercise ratherthan simply doing angio-plasties.

Angioplasty is the toptreatment for peoplehaving a heart attackor hospitalized withworsening symptoms.It involves using a tinyballoon to flatten ablockage and propping

the heart artery open witha mesh tube called a stent.Most angioplasties aredone on a nonemergencybasis, to relieve chest paincaused by cloggedarteries cutting off theheart’s blood supply.

“It’s difficult to con-vince people to exerciseinstead of having anangioplasty, but itworks,” said RainerHambrecht of KlinikumLinks der Weser inBremen, Germany.


LONDON, 31 Aug—Asexually transmitted virusthat causes cervical canceris also to blame for half ofall cases of cancer of thepenis, Spanish researcherssaid on Tuesday.

The finding suggestsalready available humanpapillomavirus (HPV)vaccines for cervicalcancer are also likely to beeffective in the fightagainst penile cancer,doctors from the CatalanInstitute of Oncology inBarcelona said. Merck &

Co’s Gardasil and Glaxo-SmithKline’s Cervarix areboth used widely toimmunize girls againstHPV infection, which canlead to cancer of the cervix.

Penile cancer is muchrarer, accounting for lessthan 1 percent of adult malecancers in Europe andNorth America, althoughthe incidence can be ashigh as 10 percent in partsof Africa and Asia. World-wide, there are more than26,000 new cases everyyear.—Internet

BARCELONA, 31 Aug—AstraZeneca’s new pillBrilinta for preventing heartattacks works better thanPlavix, the world’s secondbiggest selling drug,without increasing theamount of life-threateningbleeding, researchers said

on Sunday.The positive clinical

trial result should ensurethe blood thinner wins aslice of the Plavix market,worth $9 billion last year,and is likely to triggerupgrades in analystforecasts for the drug,

which AstraZeneca hopesto launch in 2010.

Some analysts believeit could be a $2 billion-plus seller. Plavix is soldby Sanofi-Aventis andBristol-Myers Squibb’s.It already faces one rivalin Eli Lilly and DaiichiSankyo’s recently launchEffient, which has alsooutperformed Plavix intests.—Internet

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Page 14: The New Light of Myanmar 01-09-2009

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009

S P O R T SCapello keeps Owenin World Cup exile

Manchester United’sEnglish forwardMichael Owen

Dazzling Diego downs rusty RomaROME, 31 Aug—Brazilian magician Diego teased

and toyed with AS Roma as he inspired Juventus to acrucial 3-1 victory over their Serie A rivals in the Ital-ian capital on Sunday.The Turin giants went top of thetable after the former Werder Bremen star’s brace atthe Stadio Olimpico secured a second consecutive winand condemned Roma to a second defeat in two games.

Juventus coach Ciro Ferrara paid tribute to his starplayer.”He already showed last week the quality hehas. Technically he is very good but he’s also veryuseful in the defensive phase,” said Ferrara.

“Of course we had some difficulties during the gamebut overall we played as we should and deserved towin.”This win gives us confidence and confirms thatwe have great players here but I’m not reading any-thing into the six points at this time, even if we aredoing well.”—Internet

Juventus Brazilianmidfielder Diego (R)celebrates with his

teammates after scoringagainst AS Roma for-

ward during their ItalianSerie A football match at

Rome’s Olympic sta-dium.—INTERNET

Kanoute off as Valencia de-feat Sevilla

Valencia’s Juan Mata(L) celebrates his goal

with David Villa duringa Spanish league

football match againstSevilla at Mestalla

Stadium in Valencia.INTERNETTrochowski

penalty putsHamburg topBERLIN, 31 Aug—A late

penalty from Hamburgwinger Piotr Trochowskiput Hamburg top of theBundesliga on Sundayand sealed a 3-1 win overCologne.

Goals either side ofhalf-time by Peru strikerJose Paolo Guerrero hadput Hamburg 2-0 ahead,but Germany wingerTrochowski’s late spotkick made sure of the winto put the north Germanteam ahead of BayerLeverkusen.

With Bayern Munich’snew signing ArjenRobben scoring twice inthe 3-0 win over champi-ons Wolfsburg on Satur-day, Hamburg took theirchance to keep their un-beaten record and gotop.—Internet

Hamburg’sPeruvian striker

Jose Paolo Guerrero

Bordeaux top despite end of record winningFrench run

PARIS, 31 Aug—French champions Bordeaux saw their record of 14 consecu-tive league victories come to an end in a tight 0-0 draw with title rivals Marseille

Marseille’s forward Mathieu Valbuena(R) vies with Bordeaux’ defender YoanGouffran (L) during their French L1football match Marseille vs. Bordeaux,at the Velodrome stadium in Marseille,

southern France.—INTERNET

Heath Slocum becomes sur-prise winner at Barclays

Heath Slocum cel-ebrates his putt for paron the 18th hole to win

The Barclays golftournament at LibertyNational Golf Club on30 Aug, 2009, in Jersey


Guardiola cools talkof Robinho swoop

Roddick chases Open titleafter Wimbledon heartbreaker

NEW YORK, 31 Aug—Andy Roddick has bouncedback from the heartbreak of an epic five-set loss toRoger Federer in the Wimbledon final eight weeks agoto serve notice he will be a contender again at the USOpen.”You play the hand you are dealt,” Roddicksaid.”I don’t think at any point that I sit around andfeel sorry for myself. I feel pretty fortunate... therehave been great champions that you have to go throughevery era in tennis.”

Roddick’s 27th birthday came Sunday on the eveof the year’s last Grand Slam tournament on the Flush-

Hughes impressed by revital-ised Adebayor

PORTSMOUTH, 31 Aug—Manchester City managerMark Hughes believes Togo striker EmmanuelAdebayor is flourishing again because he is happy tohave found a club that appreciates him.

Adebayor wasn’t missed by many at Arsenal whenCity paid 25 million pounds to sign him during theclose-season after an acrimonious final 12 months innorth London.Arsenal fans were angered byAdebayor’s constant flirtations with the likes of ACMilan, Barcelona and Chelsea, while several Gunnersplayers hinted that the dressing room was a happierplace without the forward.


LONDON, 31 Aug—Michael Owen’s chancesof playing in the WorldCup finals suffered an-other blow on Sundaywhen coach FabioCapello snubbed thestriker for next month’squalifier with Croatia.The

29-year-old ManchesterUnited player, who scoredhis first competitive goalfor the English championsin last week’s PremierLeague defeat of Wigan,is his country’s fourth-highest goalscorer.

But Capello was notconvinced enough by thestriker’s form to includehim the squad which facesSlovenia in a friendly atWembley on Saturday orthe Group Six qualifierwith Croatia on 9 Septem-ber where vic-tory would guaranteeEngland’s place in the fi-nals in South Africa.


JERSEY CITY, 31 Aug—The little guy from thesticks beat Tiger Woodsand a cast of big stars inperhaps the most urbansetting in PGA Tour his-tory.

Heath Slocum, the 5-foot-7, 150-pound grinderwho went to high schoolwith country-as-they-come Boo Weekley in theFlorida Panhandle townof Milton, won TheBarclays on Sunday atlengthy Liberty National— a couple of par 5s fromthe Statue of Liberty.

With the Manhattanskyline looming in thebackground on a clear,breezy day, Slocum madea 20-foot par putt on the

18th hole for a one-strokevictory over Woods, ErnieEls, Padraig Harringtonand playing partner SteveStricker.


on Sunday.But the point was enough toput them back on top of the table on goaldifference from Paris St Germain andLyon, who also have 10 points.

In a game of few opportunities at theStade Velodrome, Marseille’s Brazilianstriker Brandao saw a fierce drive comeback off the post while Benoit Cheyrouhit the crossbar.Bordeaux thought theyhad stolen the three points at the death,but Brazilian substitute Jussie’s headerfrom a Yoann Gourcuff corner was ruledout for a foul by Mickael Ciani on Mar-seille defender Taye Taiwo.


MADRID, 31 Aug—Cash-strapped Valenciastarted the new season onthe right note with a 2-0home win over rivalsSevilla who were reducedto 10 men following thedismissal of FredericKanoute.

Mali internationalKanoute was sent off closeto half-time for two danger-ous aerial challenges andValencia took full advan-tage with second half goalsfrom Juan Mata and PabloHernandez.

Valencia were poor athome last season so thiswas the perfect start againstone of their direct rivals fora Champions League spot.“We have passed one testand will continue studyingfor the next one,” said Va-lencia coach Unai Emery.

David Villa was ex-pected to be one of the bigname exits this summerwith Valencia’s financialtroubles well-documented.However, Villa saw poten-tial moves to Barcelona andReal Madrid fall throughand appears to be focussedon Valencia.


MADRID, 31 Aug—Bar-celona coach PepGuardiola insisted on Sun-day that Manchester City’sBrazilian winger Robinhowas not on the Europeanchampions’ shopping list.

There had been reportsin Spain that treble winnersBarcelona were preparinga 40-million-euro move forRobinho, but Guardiolasaid that it was highly un-

likely that either the Bra-zilian or any other playerwould be recruited for thenew season.”He(Robinho) will not come.He was Manchester City’sstar signing last season andit would not make sensefor them to part with himnow,” Guardiola wasquoted by Spanish newsagency EFE.—Internet

L-R: Andy Roddick of the US,Roger Federer of Switzerland,actor Will Ferrell and MariaSharapova of Russia are seenduring the Arthur Ashe Kids

Day in Flushing,New York.—INTERNET

ing Meadowshardcourts where theAmerican won hisonly Slam crown in2003. Roddick hopesto add another magicmemory in twoweeks. “There wasnever a point where Iwas going to just laydown afterwards ornot come back andplay hard,” Roddicksaid.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 1 September, 2009 15

Tuesday, 1September

View on today

7:00 am 1. rif;uGef;q&mawmf



7:25 am 2. To be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 3. Morning News7:40 am 4. t*¾HZ,r*FvH

(,Ofa0,HxGef;? aw;a&;-


7:50 am 5. tqdkNydKifyGJ

Local Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Fantastic Scenic Sunsets of Myanmar* Myanmar Jaggery* The Gok Hteik Viaduct* Myanmar Martial Arts (Part-1)* Myanmar Modern Song ‘‘Keeping on hoping...Kay

Thi Khaing”* Biological Expedition to Hponkan Razi Region(IV)

(Ziadam Village-Wang Mung Camps 1&2)* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Europe/ North America Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Fantastic Scenic Sunsets of Myanmar* Myanmar Jaggery* Healthy Babies, Sweety Smiles* Myanmar Martial Arts (Part-1)* Myanmar Modern Song ‘‘Keeping on hoping...Kay

Thi Khaing”* Biological Expedition to Hponkan Razi Region(IV)

(Ziadam Village-Wang Mung Camps 1&2)* Myanmar Modern Song “I’ll remain in Shwe Myaing”* Kids Talents* Expedition of Rare Crocodile Species Inhbiting in

Fresh and Seawaters(I)* The Gok Hteik Viaduct* Song “Nearly to fall in Love”* Architecture of the Great Ananda* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Website: www.mrtv3.net.mm


Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MSTEurope - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MSTNorth America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST


R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

MRTV-3Programme Schedule

(1-9-2009) (Tuesday)

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr MST:During the past 24 hours, rain or thurdershowers have beenscattered in upper Sagaing Division, fairly widespread inKachin, Chin and Rakhine States, Bago, Magway andAyeyawady Divisions and widespread in the remainingareas with locally heavyfall in Mandalay Divisioin. Thenoteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Nay Pyi Taw(Thapyaygon) (1.53) inches, Nay Pyi Taw (Lewe) (0.24)inch, Nay Pyi Taw (Pyinmana) (0.12) inch, Nay Pyi Taw(Tatkon) (0.09) inch, Tataroo (4.61) inches, Putao (3.03)inches, PyinOo Lwin (2.52) inches, Sagaing (2.33) inches,Kengtung (2.04) inches, Myeik (1.89) inches, Mandalay(1.77) inches, Kawkareik (1.57) inches and Aunglan (1.54)inches.

Maximum temperature on 30-8-2009 was 87°F.Minimum temperature on 31-8-2009 was 69°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 31-8-2009 was 96%.Total sun shine hours on 30-8-2009 was (0.9) hour approx.

Rainfall on 31-8-2009 was (0.67)inch at Mingaladon,(0.74) inch at Kaba-Aye and (0.91) inch Central Yangon.Total rainfall since 1-1-2009 was (85.59) inches atMingaladon, (97.16) inches at Kaba-Aye and (100.71)inches at Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon(Kaba-Aye) was (6) mph from East at (12:40) hours MSTon 30-8-2009.

Bay inference: Monsoon is moderate in the AndamanSea and Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 1st September 2009:Rain or thundershowers will be widespread in Mon State,Taninthayi, Yangon and Ayeyawady Divisions, fairlywidespread in Kachin, Chin, Rakhine, Kayin States andupper Sagaing Division and isolated to scattered in theremaining areas. Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmarwaters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Moderate monsoon.Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for

1-9-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for1-9-2009: One or two rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for1-9-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

WEATHERMonday, 31st August, 2009

8:00 am 6. qdyfuRef;a&xdef;wHcg;

8:05 am 7. Songs of Yesteryears

8:15 am 8. Dance of National


8:20 am 9. ]]ZifZifESifhjcifusm;}}

8:30 am10. 2009ckESpf? (17)Budrfajrmuf

jrefrmh½kd;&m,Ofaus;rI tqkd?

tu? ta&;? twD;NydKifyGJ?



a[mif;aw;) (0goem&Sif

(yxrwef;) tqifh)


8:40 am11. International News

8:50 am12. Musical Programme

4:00 pm 1. Martial Song

4:10 pm 2. twD;NydKifyGJ

4:20 pm 3. MuHcif;bdvyfajrpuf½Hk

4:30 pm 4. Musical Programme4:45 pm 5. ta0;oifwuúodkvfynma&;


yxrESpf ("gwkaA'txl;jyK)


5:00 pm 6. Songs for Uphold

National Spirit5:10 pm 7. ]]reDjyHK;EdkifNyD}}

5:25 pm 8. The Mirror Images

of The MusicalOldies

5:35 pm 9. 2009ckESpf? (17)Budrfajrmuf

jrefrmh½kd;&m,Ofaus;rI tqkd?

tu? ta&;? twD;NydKifyGJ?



a[mif;aw;) (0goem&Sif

(yxrwef;) tqifh)


5:45 pm10. &ifrSmpGJxifaw;tvSoHpOf


6:00 pm11. Evening News6:15 pm12. Weather Report6:20 pm13. Mu,fyGifhrsm;&JU&ifckefoH

6:35 pm14. qdkvdkufMupdkY

7:00 pm15. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ



8:00 pm16. News17. International News18. Weather Report19. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ



A cowboy competes in the bulldog event duringthe Barretos Rodeo festival in Barretos, 438 km

(272 miles) northwest of Sao Paulo, on 30August, 2009.—INTERNET

DUBAI, 31 Aug—The alternative energy sectoris expected to grow 25 per cent annually and wouldaccount for almost 70 per cent of the global energymarket by 2030, organizers of an alternative energyconvention has said.

The sector’s current USD 150 billion share ofthe estimated USD 800 billion worldwide energyinfrastructure will rise by then to around USD 600billion, they said.

Key issues related to this growth and the MiddleEast’s push towards alternative energy will beexamined during the 2009 Alter Energy Conventionhere from 27-29 October.

Gulf countries are expected to collectively spendaround USD 70 billion in energy projects in 2009to accommodate massive energy consumption.


Renewable energy market togrow 25 pc annually

1-9-2009.pmd 9/1/2009, 3:51 AM15

Page 16: The New Light of Myanmar 01-09-2009

13th Waxing of Tawthalin 1371 ME Tuesday, 1 September, 2009

Lt-Gen Ko Ko of Ministry of Defencemakes tour around Rakhine State

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy★ Riots beget riots, not democracy★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC - sowing hatred among thepeople

■ RFA, DVB - generating public outrage■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed■ By broadcasts designed to cause


■ We favour peace and stability■ We favour development■ We oppose unrest and violence■ Wipe out those inciting unrest

and violence

NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—A 58-year old womanwas discharged from Webagi Specialist Hospitaltoday having restored former condition and surveil-lance over those who came into contact with her wereceased.

A total of 30 have suffered from the illness todate, 25 of whom had been discharged form hospitalsafter their recovery and the remaining five are stillunder special medical treatment.

National Health Laboratory has conductedmedical check-ups on 214 flu suspected persons and30 out of them were found to have been infected withthe virus.


NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—Lt-Gen Ko Ko of theMinistry of Defence, accompanied by Vice-Chairmanof Bago Division Peace and Development CouncilBrig-Gen Sein Myint, inspected Nyaungkyo Camp inPadaung Township on 25 August.

Officials concerned reported on work progress.

Lt-Gen Ko Ko called for regular maintenance ofroads for their durability.

Together with Chairman of Rakhine State PDCCommander of Western Command Maj-Gen ThaungAye, Lt-Gen Ko Ko inspected Taungup valley road.

(See page 10)

The 25th flu patientdischarged from hospital,remaining five recovering

High tide warningYANGON, 31 Aug — The Myanmar Port

Authority issued a warning today that exceptionallyhigh of spring of from 20.0 feet to 20.6 feet above thedatum are expected to occur in Yangon River duringthe period from 4th to 10th September 2009. It is notserious because the high tides have reached up to21.7 feet high above datum in the years 2007 and2008.


Earthquake ReportNAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug — A moderate earth-

quake of intensity 5.3 Richter Scale with its epicenterinside Myanmar (near Myanmar-India border) about580 miles north-northwest of Kaba-Aye seismologi-cal observatory was recorded at 01 hur 57 min 15 secMST today.


Yesagyo Township withself-reliant libraries

Mwayyatmyay Library in Zegon village donated by U Thaung Htayand wife Daw Myint Ye family.

Byline: Pe Htun Zaw (Yesagyo); Photos: Township IPRD

In building a mod-ern developed nation, itis important for a coun-try to have people hav-

ing a vast amount ofknowledge. Thus, emer-gence of well-educatedhuman resources plays an

important role. With aview to disseminatingknowledge among the na-tional races, plans have

been laid down by Infor-mation and Public Rela-tions Department underthe Ministry of Informa-tion starting from 2004-2005. As a result, ruralself-reliant libraries havebeen opened in 55,755villages out of 60,000 thelength and breadth of thenation.

Yesagyo Townshipin Magway Division isone of them. Informationand Public Relations De-partment of YesagyoTownship is actively par-ticipating in implement-ing ten tasks under theleadership of TownshipPeace and DevelopmentCouncil. Head Daw SanYu Maw of Township

(See page 10)

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