Established 1914 Volume XVII, Number 184 14 th Waning of Thadingyut 1371 ME Saturday, 17 October, 2009 * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round devel- opment of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Con- stitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives Four social objectives Four political objectives NAY PYI TAW, 16 Oct—World Food Day 2009 was marked at Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation here this morning. Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar General Thein Sein delivered an address at the ceremony and awarded outstanding persons. Also present were ministers, deputy ministers, the Director-General of Government Office, Paddy output well exceeds domestic consumption, surplus exported, thereby contributing to world food sufficiency Myanmar has abundant resources to keep good balance among Food-Feed-Fuel without infringing crop cultivation patterns in producing bio-energy Prime Minister General Thein Sein attends ceremony to mark World Food Day 2009 departmental heads, Ambassadors and personnel of foreign embassies, resident representative of United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization Dr Shin Imai, resident representatives of UN agencies, members of central committee and work committees for observing World Food Day, representatives of prize- winning townships, prize winners, organizations, students and guests. Prime Minister General Thein Sein delivered an address at the ceremony. In his address, the Prime Minister said: Today is the 64th anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) founded on 16th October 1945 with the noble objectives of ensuring food security for the people all over the world. Myanmar is commemorating the ceremony of the World Food Day today like all other member countries. Nowadays, food security has become a major challenge especially for the developing countries due to the growing number of the world population. The World Food Summit in 1996 passed a resolution to reduce by half the number of poverty and hunger on the Earth by the year 2015. However, the tasks to achieve that lofty goal cannot be fully expedited due to major challenges of global warming, climate change, growing demand of bio-energy, high food prices and world financial crisis. Climate change affects the entire population of the world, especially millions of people with low income in the developing countries that have not enjoyed food security. Food insecurity brings poverty and hunger along with health problems, short life- span, and decline in working capacity, and less access to education not only to present generation but also to future generation. (See page 8) Prime Minister General Thein Sein views showrooms displayed at ceremony to mark World Food Day 2009. MNA Prime Minister General Thein Sein addresses ceremony to mark World Food Day 2009.—MNA 17-10-09 NL 8/22/18, 4:12 PM 1

The New Light of Myanmar 17-10-2009

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Daily English Newspaper of Myanmar

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Page 1: The New Light of Myanmar 17-10-2009

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 184 14th Waning of Thadingyut 1371 ME Saturday, 17 October, 2009

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round devel-opment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms

of technical know-how and investments from sources insidethe country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept inthe hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Con-

stitution* Building of a new modern developed nation

in accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 16 Oct—World Food Day 2009was marked at Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigationhere this morning. Prime Minister of the Union ofMyanmar General Thein Sein delivered an address atthe ceremony and awarded outstanding persons.

Also present were ministers, deputy ministers,the Director-General of Government Office,

Paddy output well exceeds domestic consumption, surplusexported, thereby contributing to world food sufficiency

Myanmar has abundant resources to keep good balance among Food-Feed-Fuelwithout infringing crop cultivation patterns in producing bio-energy

Prime Minister General Thein Sein attends ceremony to mark World Food Day 2009

departmental heads, Ambassadors and personnel offoreign embassies, resident representative of UnitedNations Food and Agricultural Organization Dr ShinImai, resident representatives of UN agencies, membersof central committee and work committees forobserving World Food Day, representatives of prize-winning townships, prize winners, organizations,

students and guests.Prime Minister General Thein Sein delivered an

address at the ceremony. In his address, the PrimeMinister said: Today is the 64th anniversary of theFood and Agriculture Organization (FAO) founded on16th October 1945 with the noble objectives of ensuringfood security for the people all over the world. Myanmaris commemorating the ceremony of the World FoodDay today like all other member countries.

Nowadays, food security has become a majorchallenge especially for the developing countries dueto the growing number of the world population. TheWorld Food Summit in 1996 passed a resolution toreduce by half the number of poverty and hunger on theEarth by the year 2015. However, the tasks to achievethat lofty goal cannot be fully expedited due to majorchallenges of global warming, climate change, growingdemand of bio-energy, high food prices and worldfinancial crisis.

Climate change affects the entire population ofthe world, especially millions of people with lowincome in the developing countries that have notenjoyed food security. Food insecurity brings povertyand hunger along with health problems, short life-span, and decline in working capacity, and less accessto education not only to present generation but also tofuture generation.

(See page 8)





Sein views





to mark


Food Day



Prime Minister General Thein Sein addresses ceremony to mark World Food Day 2009.—MNA

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Page 2: The New Light of Myanmar 17-10-2009

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009

Saturday, 17 October, 2009 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy


Pay serious attention toeye health for better future

The World Health Organization withthe motto “Gender and Eye Health—EqualAccess to Care” has been trying its utmost toput an end to all the eye complaints includingones that can be treated and ones can be pre-vented in the year 2020.

In proving health care services of thepeople, the government is paying serious atten-tion to providing eye health care that is themost important integral part of the body.

At present, eye specialists are provid-ing eye health care right down to villages of thestates and divisions. From 18 to 20 September2009, they performed free surgical operationson eye patients of Myingyan, Natogyi andTaungtha Townships at the Taungtha Town-ship People’s Hospital, Myingyan District, Man-dalay Division for the second time in coopera-tion with social organizations.

Likewise, from 10 to 13 October 2009,the eye specialists performed free surgical op-erations on those with eye complaints ofKyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Divisionat Kyaukpadaung Township People’s Hospi-tal. In the process, they have been able toprovide medical treatment to 5,175 eye pa-tients from Kyaukpadaung, Popa, NyaungU,Chauk, Yenangyoung, Natmauk, Taungtha andMyingyan Townships. The eye specialists suc-cessfully performed surgical operations on 521cataract patients, minor operations on 28 cases,surgical operations on four in-born cataractpatients and eight cross-eyed patients.

The success in the performance of sur-gical operations on eye patients means the suc-cessful realization of the objectives of the Min-istry of Health, thereby imparting knowledgeon eye health to the rural people.

The building of a new modern and de-veloped nation calls for the fit and strong peo-ple. To ensure this, the entire people are to beequipped with knowledge on health includingknowledge on eye health.

YANGON, 16 Oct—Chairman of YangonDivision Peace and De-velopment CouncilCommander of YangonCommand Maj-GenWin Myint attended theceremony of one-daynourishing and provid-ing assistance to thepatients of MentalHealth Hospital(Yangon) in DagonMyothit (East) Town-ship here on 13 Octo-ber.

The commander andofficials accepted thecash and assistance do-nation by the well-

YANGON, 16 Oct—Minister for Communi-

One-day nourishing ceremony held in Mental Health Hospital

wishers and presentedthe honouring certifi-cates.

Afterwards, the com-

mander and guestsviewed the photo and artgallery, donated the uten-sils to the patients and in-

CPT Minister inspects communication stations

cations, Posts and Tel-egraphs Brig-Gen Thein

Zaw on 11 October wentto auto-exchange in

Thingangyun, Yangonwhere chief engineer ex-plained connection ofexchange machines andfollow-up matters tohim.

Next, the ministercalled for maintenance ofauto-exchange and GSMstation in Thanlyin, auto-exchange in Thongwa,auto-exchange, micro-wave and CDMA towerin Khayan and auto-ex-change and GSM stationin Bago, and gave neces-sary instructions on staffwelfare.


NAY PYI TAW, 16 Oct—The Work ProficiencyCourse No. 31 for Auditors concluded at the trainingschool, here, this morning, with an address by Auditor-General Maj-Gen Lun Maung.

It was also attended by the deputy director-general, directors, officials of the training school and95 trainees.

More training courses for grade-I, grade-II,grade-III for service personnel and work efficiencycourses and DA courses auditors will be conducted inNay Pyi Taw.—MNA

YANGON, 16 Oct—Myanmar Cricket Federa-tion continues the Inter-School New Recruit Tour-nament 2009 at the pitchesof Ahlon BEHS No. 4 andLanmadaw BEHS No. 1this morning.

Mingala TaungnyuntBEHS No. 3 beatThingangyun BEHS No.2 by 8 wicket in the wom-en’s event.

Mingaladon BEHSNo. 5 beat ThuwunnaBEHS of ThingangyunTownship by 7 wicket,while Botahtaung BEHSNo. 6 beat Bahan BEHSNo. 1 by 32 Runs. Among

Inter-School New Recruit Tournament continues

the spectators were Presi-dent of Myanmar Cricket

Federation U Nyunt Win,General Secretary U Kyi

Min and executives andguests.—MNA

Work Proficiency Coursefor Auditors concludes

spected the nourishing tothe patients,library, learn-ing hall and the inside ofthe hospital.—MNA


Maj-GenWin Myint

presentscash andassistanceto Yangon



Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw inspects Thingangyunauto-exchange.—MNA

Students participating in Inter-School New Recruit CricketTournament 2009 at Lanmadaw BEHS No 1.—MCF

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Page 3: The New Light of Myanmar 17-10-2009

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009 3

South Korean workersassemble cars at a plantin Pyeongtaek. Europehas inked a free-tradedeal with South Korea,ignoring anger from

automakers echoing UScaution running all the

way up to PresidentBarack Obama.


A container vessel sits at the Keppel port terminal inSingapore. Members of a police rescue team carrythe remains of a landslide victim in Puguis in thenorthern Philippine province of Benguet. The city-state’s key exports fell for the 17th consecutive monthin September as demand from crucial markets in-cluding the US and European Union continued todecline, data released on Friday showed.—INTERNET

File photo shows the cityskyscrapers of Singa-pore. A 75-year-oldSingaporean woman hasdonated one of her kid-neys to save her ailingdaughter’s life, becom-ing the city-state’s oldestliving organ donor, hos-pital officials said onThursday.—INTERNET

Mexican government slams possibleracist attack on its citizen in US

Pentagon gets budgetnumbers wrong

WASHINGTON, 16 Oct — The US Defence Departmenthas complicated its effort to increase funding for propa-ganda by getting its numbers wrong, officials say.Whenthe Pentagon first submitted its requested appropriation toCongress months ago, it asked for $988 million for Infor-mation Operations. Congress halved the amount. Officialscame back with a request to put the money back but alsosaid their original request was too large by more than $300million, Politico reported on Thursday. They said they ac-tually needed only $626.2 million.

“The information war is off to a bad start with badinformation,” said Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., the chair-man of the House Defence Appropriationssubcommittee.Murtha, who served in the Marines inKorea and Vietnam, said he would like to see Infor-mation Operations moved out of the Defence Depart-ment to the State Department.—Internet

Sarkozy says no moreFrench troops

Search under way afterF-16s collide

MEXICO CITY, 16 Oct— Mexico’s ForeignMinistry issued a state-ment on Thursdaystrongly protesting a vio-lent attack on its citizenMario Vera Rivera inNew York, and describedit as “possibly a racistcrime.”

Vera has been in NewYork’s Beth Israel Hospi-tal for over three weeksafter being severely in-jured in an attack in Sep-tember, during whichthree men beat him whilechanting anti-immigrantslogans Doctors said Veramay suffer lasting mental

and physical impairment. “The ministry, via itsNew York Consulate Gen-eral, gives Vera full sup-port and attention, “thestatement said. “TheMexican government de-clares such treatment of aMexican citizen is unac-ceptable and as such theconsulate has demandedthe authorities take all themeasures needed to cap-ture those responsible andbring them to justice.” The statement said theMexican governmentviews these acts as theexpression of racial hatredThe consulate is alsoworking to provide visasfor Vera’s father and otherrelatives to facilitate theirvisit to Vera in hospital. Xinhua

Venezueladetains suspectedColombian drug

trafficker CARACAS, 16 Oct — TheVenezuelan authoritieshave detained a suspectedColombian drug trafficker,who would be extradited tothe United States if con-victed, Interior and JusticeMinister Tarek El Aissamisaid on Thursday. The suspect, namedLuis Fernando Cediel, wasdetained on Wednesday inFalcon state by the Ven-ezuelan National Guard, ElAissami told a press con-ference. According to theminister, Cediel is wantedby the U.S. authorities foralleged drug traffickingand conspiracy on moneylaundering. — Xinhua

Quake hitseastern

Indonesia JAKARTA, 16 Oct —An earthquake of mag-nitude 5.8 rocked theeastern parts of Indone-sia on Friday morning,with no immediate re-ports of damage orcasualty, the country’sMeteorology and Geo-physics Agency saidhere. The quake occurredat about 1:33 amJakarta time (1833GMT Thursday) with itsepicenter some 88 kmnortheast of Kendari inSoutheast Sulawesi andat a depth of 20 km, theagency said.— Xinhua

WASHINGTON , 16 Oct— The US militarylaunched a night-timesearch for a pilot missingin the Atlantic ocean onThursday after two F-16fighter jets collided, theUS Air Force said.

One of the two aircraftlanded safely at an airforce base nearCharleston in the south-eastern state of SouthCarolina, from where thesingle-pilot fighters wereconducting a night profi-ciency training mission.

“There is a search un-der way for one pilot,”Air Force Technical Ser-geant Vincent Mouzontold AFP, adding that thesearch was continuinginto today.

The US Coast Guardlaunched search and res-cue teams in two vesselsand a helicopter to try and

locate the pilot some 48kilometres off the coast ofCharleston, a CoastGuard official said.Thejets involved in the colli-sion are stationed at ShawAir Force Base, where pi-lots routinely practicewith night-vision equip-ment as part of their com-bat training. —Internet

PARIS, 16 Oct — Presi-dent Nicolas Sarkozy ofFrance says he wants to seevictory in Afghanistan buthas no plans to send moreFrench troops to that coun-try. Speaking to the LeFigaro newspaper, theFrench leader said he be-lieves there should be abuild-up of more Afghantroops, CNN reported.

As for staying on in Af-

ghanistan, Sarkozy toldthe newspaper: “I answeryes — and stay to win.”

But France will notsend one more soldier,” headded. “My belief is thatmore Afghan soldiers areneeded. It is them who willbe the most efficient to winthis war because it is theircountry.” About 3,070French troops, part of theNATO-led InternationalSecurity Assistance Force,are in Afghanistan.Britainannounced plans this weekto send an additional 500soldiers, raising its Afghantroop strength to 9,500.


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Page 4: The New Light of Myanmar 17-10-2009

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009

Following is the text of UN Secretary-GeneralBan Ki-moon’s message for the International Dayfor The Eradication of Poverty, to be observed on

17 October.Today we recognize the daily struggles and contri-

butions of those living in poverty and resolve to inten-sify efforts to eliminate the scourge once and for all.

At a time of multiple global crises, the poorest andmost vulnerable have a special claim on ourattention. We know that, in any recession, those hurtfirst — and worst — are the poor. According to re-cent estimates, the global economics crisis has claimedat least 50 million jobs this year. As many as 100 mil-lion more people are expected to fall below the pov-erty line in 2009. Climate change further compoundsthe problem.

The theme of this year’s observance, “Children andFamilies Speak Out Against Poverty”, coincides withthe twentieth anniversary of The Convention on theRights of the Child. We recognize that investing inchildren and securing their rights is one of the surestways to ending poverty.

Despite our world of plenty, children’s basic needsare still being sidelined. Millions of children continueto be deprived of an education, with many more atrisk of dropping out of school. This is particularly truefor girl children.

Yet we also know that common sense investmentsto meet the Millennium Development Goals can makea profound difference. In areas where global invest-ments have been scaled up — such as AIDS, TB,malaria and vaccine-preventable diseases — we areseeing heartening progress. There has also been nota-ble success in reducing under-five mortality. Thesegains suggest how we can accelerate progress towardthose MDG targets where the world is still far behind— by investing in key areas such as primary educa-tion, basic infrastructure and maternalhealth.

The United Nations system is responding to thecrisis on a number of fronts —promoting food secu-rity, building a greener economy, ensuring strongersafety nets and putting forward a Global Jobs Pact.We are also developing a Global Impact and Vulner-ability Alert System — GIVAS — to create a net-worked capacity for real-time data collection andanalysis. Policies must be driven by a solid picture ofdevelopments on the ground.

We are at a critical juncture in the fight againstpoverty. Now is the time to amplify the voices of thevulnerable and ensure that the world follows up on itspledges. With the right investments and concrete ac-tion, we can build upon the gains, fulfill our commit-ments, and ensure that every man, woman and childhas the opportunity to make the most of their poten-tial.


The Millennium Bridgeon the river facade of theTate Modern in London,in 2008. A pitch-black art

installation at the TateModern in London

claimed its first victim onthe opening day as a man

walked straight into awall, a report said on

Wednesday. INTERNET

A man watches a series of newly released Windowsphone at a press conference in Beijing, China, on

15 Oct , 2009. The Microsoft launched its Windowsphone jointly with most of Chinese mobile telecom-munication operators on Thursday and disclosed

that about 17 intelligent mobile phones usingMicriosoft’s new Chinese operating system wouldbe released to the chinese market late this year.


UN Secretary-General’smessage on the

International Day forThe Eradication of Poverty

17 October 2009

SEOUL, 16 Oct — South Korea agreed to extendthe existing currency swap line with Japan by addi-tional three months to stabilize local financial mar-kets, the central bank said on Friday. According to theBank of Korea (BOK), the latest agreement enabledthe swap facility to be extended until 1 Feb, 2010.

Last December the BOK reached an agreement withthe Bank of Japan to increase its existing won-yen swapline to 20 billion US dollars from 3 billion US dollars.Later in March, the two sides agreed to extend theswap facility by six months until 30 Oct. In additionto the won-yen swap line, South Korea also has a won-dollar swap arrangement worth 10 billion US dollarswith Japan.

“We believe this action will contribute to secur-ing stability in regional financial markets,” the BOKsaid in a statement.South Korea’s central bank had ear-lier achieved extending its currency swap line withthe US Federal Reserve, securing 30 billion-US dol-lar swap line until 1 Feb.South Korea’s foreign re-serves, the world’s sixth-largest, totaled 254.25 bil-lion US dollars as of end-September.—Xinhua

S Korea, Japan agree onextending currency swap line

TOKYO, 16 Oct —Twitter Inc now speaksJapanese — and it plansto be multilingual withinmonths.

The popular micro-blogging service launch-ed a Japan-based mobileversion on Thursday,hoping to penetrate acountry where other USsocial networking sites in-cluding Facebook andMySpace have failed tocapture much ground.

Japanese is Twitter’ssole foreign language

STOCKHOLM, 16 Oct—Mobile phone makerSony Ericsson reportedon Friday a sharply widerthird-quarter net loss anda 42-percent plunge insales.

The joint Japanese-Swedish enterpriseformed in 2001 said netearnings came to 164 mil-lion euros (244 milliondollars) in the July-Sep-tember period after ashortfall of 25 millioneuros in third quarter2008.

Third quarter sales fell42 percent to 1.62 billion

Sony Ericsson reportswidening loss on sales plunge

Visitors queue up at a Sony Ericsson servicepoint at a technology fair. Mobile phone maker

Sony Ericsson reported on Friday a sharply widerthird-quarter net loss and a 42-percent plunge in


euros from 2.80 billion ayear earlier. Comparedwith the second quartersales were down 4.0 per-cent.—Internet

SAN FRANCISCO, 16 Oct— IBM Corp is a rare ex-ample of a company thathas kept boosting profitand jacking up its guid-ance even as the recessionhas sapped its sales.

The ability comesfrom IBM’s transforma-tion from a hardwarecompany on the brink ofcollapse in the 1990s to aone-stop technology shopthat rivals are trying toemulate.

IBM now focuses onoutsourcing and otherservices that save clientsmoney are more profit-able than selling hard-ware.

A flurry of recent ac-quisitions from Hewlett-Packard Co, Dell Inc,Xerox Corp and OracleCorp have thrust thosecompanies deeper intoIBM’s turf.


IBM seesbetter profitdespite techsales slump

Twitter launches Japanese mobile siteplatform so far, and thecompany’s efforts hereindicate it’s serious aboutmaking it big in Japan —and eventually all over theworld.Twitter teamed upwith Tokyo-basedInternet firm Digital Ga-rage Inc in early 2008. Itlaunched a Japanese-lan-guage platform for cellphones and other mobiledevices in the spring of2008, and hired a Japancountry manager earlierthis year.

“It’s an excellent op-

portunity for us to seewhere we can go in Asiain general because Japanrepresents a leading edge,with advanced mobile us-age,” said Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, whotraveled to Tokyo thisweek for the launch.

“Mobile is in Twitter’sDNA.” The companywill roll out the site inSpanish, German, Frenchand Italian over thenext few months, Stoneadded.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009 5

A girl reads a book during the Frankfurt International Book Fair, inFrankfurt, Germany, on 15 Oct, 2009. The five-day Frankfurt International

Book Fair started on 13 October. — XINHUA

CHENGDU, 16 Oct—Chinese Premier WenJiabao and his counterpartSoro Guillaume fromCote d’Ivoire pledgedhere on Friday to boostbilateral trade, economicties and China-Africa co-operation. China attachesimportance to its relationswith Africa and will en-hance exchange with theWest African state, Wensaid, labelling Cote

Chinese, Cote d’Ivoire PMs vowto boost economic, trade ties

All items from XinhuaNews Agency

d’Ivoire as China’s goodfriend and partner in thecontinent.

During a half-hourmeeting with Soro fol-lowing the opening cer-emony of an internationaltrade fair in the capital ofsouthwest China’s SichuanProvince, Wen vowed toencourage capable Chi-nese companies withgood credit to invest inCote d’Ivoire, especially

in such sectors as trans-portation, telecommuni-cation and electricity.

Soro appreciated Chi-na’s support to the peaceprogress and economic re-construction of his coun-try, pledging to stick to theone-China policy. Coted’Ivoire will promotehigh-level visits, trade andeconomic ties with China,he said.


A dog romps through a snow-covered meadow in the small village ofSemmering about 85 km (53 mi) south of Vienna on 15 Oct, 2009 after first

snowfall in eastern Austria.—XINHUA

The conference hall during the opening ceremony of the 10th Western ChinaInternational Economy and Trade Fair and the Second Western China Forum

on International Cooperation held in Chengdu, southwest China’s SichuanProvince on 16 Nov , 2009. — XINHUA

BEIJING, 16 Oct — Boeing has opened an aircraftmaintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) two-bayhangar at Pudong International Airport as scheduleddespite the sluggish aviation market, China Daily re-ported on Friday. The hangar, capable of housing twoB747 airplanes, is also the first MRO facility at theairport, said the newspaper.

The factory is operated by Boeing Shanghai Avia-tion Services Co, a joint venture in which the US air-craft manufacturer controls a 60-percent stake, whileShanghai Airport Authority and Shanghai Airlines re-spectively hold the remaining 25-percent and 15-per-cent stake.—Xinhua

MONTEVIDEO, 16 Oct— Uruguay’s army seized2.174 tons of cocaine, thelargest catch in the na-tion’s history, a boardyacht near the nation’scapital Montevideo onThursday, officials an-nounced.

The brigade officersfound drugs worth 150million US dollars on theyacht in Santiago Vaz-quez, 15 kilometers westof Montevideo, the headof the nation’s Anti-DrugBrigade, Julio Guarteche,told media.

Officers arrested twodrug dealers. However,Guarteche did not dis-close any further informa-tion, saying that he did notwant the investigation tobe impeded.


MEXICO CITY, 16 Oct — Four people suspected ofsmuggling Mexican women and forcing them intoprostitution in the United States have been arrested,the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) said in a state-ment on Thursday.

Ramirez Morales, Saul Romero Rugerio, MiguelAngel Rugerio and Cristina Hernandez were capturedin separate operations in central Mexican state ofTlaxcala, said the PGR. They are members of a gangthat trafficked women from Tlaxcala, as well as east-ern Mexican states of Tabasco and Veracruz, into theUS state of Georgia, where they were forced into pros-titution. The Mexican government enhanced surveil-lance against the group after the Georgia authoritiesfreed the women in an operation, who described howthey were hoaxed to leave their homes and embarkedon the road to the United States.—Xinhua

HANOI, 16 Oct — TheVietnamese Ministry ofHealth confirmed 32more cases of A/H1N1influenza, bringing thetotal number of flu pa-tients in the country to10,156, local newspaperthe People reported onFriday.

Of the total, 9,489 pa-tients have been dis-charged from hospitals

LOS ANGELES, 16 Oct— A total of 293 gangmembers in Los Angelesarea were arrested overthe last six months fortheir roles in cross-bordersmuggling, drug traffick-ing, identity theft andother related crimes, TheLos Angeles Times re-ported on Thursday.

Uruguayauthoritiesnet record


Vietnam’s A/H1N1 flu cases rise to 10,156thanks to their recovery,said the ministry.The min-istry said relevant agen-cies are purchasing medi-cal equipments to dealwith the A/H1N1 influ-enza as the flu cases areexpected to reach a peakin November.

The ministry has al-located 17,000 tablets ofTamiflu to 18 municipali-ties and provinces in needin the country to ensuresufficient medicine fortreatment, said the news-paper.


Boeing opens new hangar atPudong International Airport

Four int’l human traffickersarrested in Mexico

293 gang members arrested in LosAngeles area for cross-border crimes

The arrests were part ofOperation CommunityShield, a coordinated effortby local, state and federallaw enforcement agenciesthat was launched by USImmigration and CustomsEnforcement in 2005, thenewspaper, quoting au-thorities, said.

The latest sweep in-

cluded the arrest of 78 al-leged members or associ-ates of the Avenues gangon federal charges relatedto drug dealing and pre-viously unsolved killings,said Jorge Guzman, anassistant special agentwith Immigration andCustoms Enforcement.


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009

NEWS ALBUMMon Dieu! Coloradanmay teach French to

CanadiansThe Canadian military plans to hire

a Colorado woman to teach some of itssoldiers to speak French — one ofCanada’s official languages.

The proposed deal is raisingeyebrows in Canada, but the teacher,Fadia Gnoske (FAH’-dee-yah NOSS-key), calls it “a big storm in a teacup.”

If the contract is finalized, Canadawill pay Gnoske’s company up to$270,000 to tutor Canadians assignedto NORAD, a joint US-Canadiancommand in Colorado Springs.

The Canadian military is trying toimprove its French after faring poorlyin a review. It says Gnoske’s companyis the only one it found in ColoradoSprings that understands the military’slanguage programme.

Clown-costume suspectscharged in Mexico heist

They aren’t laughing now.Prosecutors in western Mexico say

they have filed robbery charges againsttwo alleged members of a gang of thievesblamed for a “clown jewels” caper.

The gang — some of whosemembers dressed up in clown costumes— burst into a jewelry store in thewestern city of Guadalajara on 26 Julyand made off with at least 1.2 millionpesos ($900,000) worth of booty. Theclown costumes were later foundabandoned in a car. In an announcementissued on Thursday, the prosecutor’soffice in the state of Jalisco says two ofsix suspects have been caught and chargedwhile a third has been detained pendinginvestigation.

Point and shoot: A red rose in liquidnitrogen explodes on contact with abullet in one of Alan Sailer’s dra-

matic high-speed photographs.

New flying reptile fossils found

Vatican to host Galileo exhibit

Researchers in China and the UK saythey have discovered the fossils of a newtype of flying reptile that lived more than160 million years ago.The find is namedDarwinopterus, after Charles Darwin.Experts say it provides the first clear evi-dence of a controversial idea calledmodular evolution.

The 20 new fossils found in north-east China show similarities to bothprimitive and more advanced pterosaurs,or flying reptiles.The research is pub-lished in the journal, Proceedings of theRoyal Society B. Pterosaurs were flyingreptiles that flourished between 65 and220 million years ago.

Until now, scientists had known abouttwo distinct groups of these creatures —primitive, long-tailed pterosaurs andmore advanced short-tailed ones, sepa-

Early telescopes and model celestialglobes are on display.

The reptile possessed primitive andmore advanced traits.

A new exhibition marking the 400th

anniversary of Galileo’s work is set toopen in the Vatican.The Catholic Churchonce labelled Galileo, now regarded asmodern astronomy’s founding father, aheretic.He was tried for challenging thewidely held belief that the sun travelledaround the Earth.

Although Copernicus did muchground-breaking work on the link be-tween the sun and the Earth, it was Gali-leo’s instruments that proved the theory.

It was not until 1992 that Pope John PaulII declared that the Church’s ruling wasan error and that Catholics were not hos-tile to science.

Now a selection of Galileo’s instru-ments — along with those of other keyfigures in astronomy — are being puton display in the Vatican.There will alsobe some of Galileo’s original documentsin which he excitedly recorded his firstdiscoveries.The exhibition runs untilJanuary.

rated by a gap in the fossil record. Butthe discovery of more than 20 new fos-sil skeletons in north-east China sits inthe gap in this evolutionary chain.

WELLINGTON, 16 Oct — An earthquake of magni-tude 6.0 struck off the South Pacific island nation ofSamoa on Thursday, seismologists reported, twoweeks after a violent quake caused a tsunami that dev-astated Tonga, Samoa and American Samoa.

No immediate tsunami alert was issued by the Pa-cific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii following thequake, which struck at 6:00 am (1800 GMT Wednes-day) at a narrow depth of 10 kilometres (six miles).The epicentre was 365 kilometres southwest the Sa-moan capital of Apia, the US Geological Survey said.

Samoa was devastated by huge waves that struckon 29 September after an 8.0 magnitude earthquakesmashed into the southern coast of the most populatedisland of Upolu. Nearly 150 people were killed in Sa-moa while another 32 were confirmed dead in neigh-bouring American Samoa and nine on Tonga’s north-ern island of Niuatoputapu.—Internet

NEW DELHI , 16 Oct —A notebook, tucked awayamong thousands ofmanuscripts at Visva-Bharati, has yielded atreasure trove — 16 un-published poems ofRabindranath Tagore.

What’s even better, allthese poems are amongthe rare ones inspired byhis own paintings.

In fact, Tagore has leftnotes at the end of eachpoem, which painting itcorresponds to.

Tagore’s rare poems inspired by art

USGS reports 6.0 magnitudeearthquake off tsunami-hit Samoa

The Litia Sini Beach Resort lies in ruins in thetsunami devastated village of Lalomanu in Samoa

on 5 October, after being battered by a tsunami.INTERNET

KALA LUMPUR, 16 Oct— The Malaysian govern-ment is studying a lightrail transit (LRT) line of42.8 km for Klang Valleyin Malaysia, a Malaysianofficial said on Thursday.Malaysian Transport Mini-ster Ong Tee Keat said inhis opening speech at theNational Summit on Ur-ban Public Transport thatthe LRT line aimed to en-hance the LRT networkand the public transportsystem coverage.

Klang Valley in Malay-sia comprises KualaLumpur, its suburbs andadjoining cities and townsin the state of Selangor.Due to his absence, Ong’sspeech was delivered bythe ministry’s Deputy Sec-retary General (Planning)Long See Wool here.Ongsaid that in Klang Valley,the rail coverage repre-sented only 19 km of trackper million populationwhile it represented 31kmin Singapore, 45 km inNew York City and 58 kmin London.—Xinhua

New light railtransit lineunder study

These works had beencatalogued way back inthe 1940s, but were for-gotten.

Scholars at theRabindra Bhavan ar-chives literally stumbledupon them.

Tagore scholar Nilan-jan Bandyopadhyay feelsthat the Nobel Laureatecomposed poems in-spired by the paintings,hoping that they would bepublished together afterhis death.

“He was perhaps fedup with the way Visva-Bharati officials were de-laying the publication ofChitralipi — the onlybook of his paintings pub-lished during his lifetime(in 1940).

But at the fag end ofhis life, he was too tiredto take it up. So, he bus-ied himself with these po-ems in the belief that oneday these would be pub-lished,” Bandy opadhyaysaid.—Internet

PHNOM PENH, 16 Oct— Cambodia is plannedto hold the first nationalforum on climate changenext week, one of the glo-bal moves and coalitionfighting against the cli-mate change.

A statement released onThursday by the UnitedNations Development Pro-gramme (UNDP) in Cam-bodia, said the forum isscheduled on 19 Octthrough 21 in Phnom Penh.

It said the forum will

Cambodia to hold first national forumon climate change

involve and be partici-pated by many stake-holders coming from vari-ous sources including thegovernment, internationalorganizations, and ex-perts.

Preparing a symbolicmove along with the fo-rum, the Oxfam Cambo-dia set on 21 Oct as a dayto alert the world aboutthe adverse impact of cli-mate change on Cambo-dia.

The event is open to

the public and will takeplace for one hour at WatPhnom, the heart of Cam-bodia’s Phnom Penh capi-tal with a message saying“time is running out” and“time for climate change”.

According to the state-ment, the objective of theevent is to wake up theworld to tackle climatechange and agree on aglobal deal and to tell theworld of the adverse im-pact of climate change onCambodia.—Xinhua

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009 7

YANGON, 16 Oct—Diploma inBanking Course No (3), organized bythe Myanmar Bank Association underthe Ministry of Finance and Revenue,was opened at Zaburit Shwezin Hall ofMyanmar Banking Training Centre herethis afternoon, attended by Deputy Min-ister for Finance and Revenue Col HlaThein Swe.

On the occasion, the deputyminister extended greetings. Also presenton the occasion were Directors-Generaland Managing Directors of Departments

NAY PYI TAW, 16 Oct—Membersof the panel of judges, managers andcontestants of the State and Divisioncultural troupes that will take part in the17th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Per-forming Arts Competitions arrived hereby train and car beginning 14 October.

On 14 October, members of thepanel of judges, managers, contestantsand excursion team members fromRakhine State arrived here by car at 10am, the central members of the panel ofjudges from Mandalay Division by trainat 3.30 pm and those from Yangon Divi-sion by train at 5.30 pm.

On 15 October, members of thepanel of judges, managers and contest-ants of Chin State arrived here by trainat 3 am, those from Kayah State by train

NAY PYI TAW, 16Oct—A delegation led byDeputy Minister for For-eign Affairs U MaungMyint arrived back fromThailand on 13 Octoberafter attending the minis-terial meeting on illegalworkers held on 11 and12 October at the invita-tion of Thai Minister forLabour Mr PhaithoonKaeothong.

The delegation metwith Thai RepresentativeGroup and discussed andsecured the agreementson matter related to thebilateral cooperation inlabours, contributingMyanmar illegal work-ers to be legally regis-tered, reducing visa fees,signing employer-em-ployee contract, mini-mizing services of theagencies and ensuringregistered workers toextend the duration.

They also discussedmatter on systematicsending of recruitments toThailand. Myanmar del-egation also comprisedMyanmar Ambassador toThailand U Aung Theinand Counsellor U WinZayar Tun.

NAY PYI TAW,16 Oct—A ceremonyto mark World Teachers’ Day, tookplace at the hall of No. (6) Basic Educa-tion High School in Mawlamyine Town-ship, on 5 October, attended by Chair-man of Mon State Peace and Develop-

NAY PYI TAW, 16 Oct—A com-bined force exposed 201 drug-relatedcases in September 2009. Seizures ofthe drug-related cases were 21.7 kilos ofopium in 23 cases, 15.9984 kilos ofheroine in 56 cases, 223.1445 kilos ofmorphine in two cases, 1.5525 kilos ofopium oil in 9 cases, 7.4582 kilos ofmarijuana in 12 cases, 4685214.5 stimu-lant tablets in 52 cases, 1.2873 kilos ofopium speciosa in eight cases, 3.6805

Mawlamyine marks World Teachers’ Dayment Council Commander of SoutheastCommand Maj-Gen Thet Naing Win.

At the ceremony, the commanderdelivered an address and presented prizesto outstanding students and gifts toteachers.—MNA

Cultural troupes from States, Divisionsarrive in Nay Pyi Taw

at 7 am, those of Ayeyawady Division bytrain at 2.30 pm, those of Kachin State bytrain at 3 pm, those of Taninthayi Divi-sion by car at 4 pm, those of YangonDivision by train at 5.40 pm, those ofShan State by car at 7 pm and those ofMon State by train at 7.30 pm.

Today, members of the panel ofjudges, managers and contestants ofSagaing Division also arrived here bytrain at 4 am and those of MandalayDivision by train at 12 noon.

Chairman of Reception and Accom-modation Subcommittee Police Col TunOhn and party, the chairman of Nay PyiTaw Pyinmana Township Peace andDevelopment Council and officials wel-comed them and accommodated them atthe hostels.—MNA

201 drug-related cases exposed in Septemberkilos of stimulant powder in one case, 34kilos of caffeine in one case, 0.29 kilos ofIce in one case, 19301.9344 litres ofchemical liquid and 986.5 kilos of Chemi-cal Powder in 17 cases, 1325.906 kilos ofephedrine in 3 cases, 20000 tablets ofAlprazolam in one case, 4950 shots ofdiazepam, 1850 shots of pethidine andthree other cases. Action was takenagainst 274 persons—211 men and 63women—in cases.—MNA

Dip in Banking course openedand Enterprises under the Ministry, Gov-ernor and Vice-Governors of CentralBank of Myanmar, Chairmen of Govern-ment and Private Banks, Managing Di-rectors, CEC members of the associa-tion, senior bankers and faculty membersof Yangon Institute of Economics, Prin-cipal and trainers of the training centreand trainees.

A total of 63 trainees including39 trainees from government and privatebanks, are attending the one year course.


Myanmar delegation arrives backfrom Thailand

Commander Maj-Gen Thet Naing Win addresses ceremony to markWorld Teachers’ Day.—MNA

Deputy Minister Col Hla Thein Swe addresses opening ofDiploma in Banking Course.—MNA

CulturaltroupesarrivesNay Pyi




The deputy ministeralso met with the groupProtecting MyanmarWorkers in Thailand atMyanmar Embassy,Bangkok, on 11 Octobermorning and discussed thematter on legalizingMyanmar workers inThailand and protectingtheir interests. TheMyanmar ambassador toThailand acts as the pa-tron of the group, the coun-sellor as the chairman,the military attaché andbusinessmen as members.

The delegation ac-companied by officialsfrom the Ministry of Thai-land visited Chicken FoodProcessing Factory ofGranpiam Foods Siam(GFS) in Nakornnayok,Thailand, and viewed theproduction process of thefactory. The deputy min-ister met with Myanmarworkers of the factory andexplained to them the situ-ation of legalizing theMyanmar workers, ensur-ing their rights and good-will of the Head of Statetowards them.

Later, the deputy min-ister and officials an-swered the queries raised

by the Myanmar workers.The members of the

Myanmar delegationwere Director-General UMin Lwin of Consularand Legal Affairs De-partment under the Min-istry of Foreign Affairs,Director-General U ChitShein of Labour Depart-ment under the Ministryof Labour, Deputy Di-rector-General U KhinMaung Myint of Immi-gration and NationalRegistration Departmentunder the Ministry of Im-migration and Popula-tion, Deputy Commanderof Special Branch ofMyanmar Police ForcePolice Col Win NaingTun, Deputy Director-General U Aung Myintand Head of Branch DawKhine Su Lin of Consu-lar and Legal AffairsDepartment under theMinistry of ForeignAffairs.—MNA

Please read DepavaliDay in stead of DevapaliDay on the back page ofyesterday issue of thispaper. Error is regretted.



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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009

Prime Minister General Thein Sein awarding a representative of prizewinning township.—MNA

Paddy output well exceeds domesticconsumption, surplus…


RepresentativeDr Shin Imai

reads themessage sent

by thedirector-

general ofFAO.—MNA

FAO Resident Representative Dr Shin Imaiawarding to a winner.—MNA

Minister for Forestry Brig-Gen Thein Aungawarding a representative of prize winning


(from page 1)Moreover, every

nation has already beenhit by the rising prices offood and high energyprices. At that time, thefood price indicator hasrisen up to 52 per cent inthe world market. Hence,the number of povertyand hunger has increasedto 75 million in late 2007.It was found that thenumber of poverty andhunger has not declinedyet even though theprices were dropped later.Global economicdownturn in late 2008 hasadverse effects to notonly white collarworkers in urban and butalso peasants with smallfarm and their familiesin rural areas. So, thedaily food security forthe poor is still far awayto achieve. According tothe forecast of FAO, theworld population ofpoverty and hunger willincrease up to 105million in 2009. Thepopulation of chronicallyunder-nourished peoplewill be 1.2 billion that is1/6 of the worldpopulation.

The developedcountries are trying toremedy the globalfinancial crisis by layingdown emergency policiesto spend trillions ofdollars. But still there isno answer for the poorrural people. Nowadays,the world has transformedinto a global villagebecause of rapid changingdevelopments ofinformation and com-munication technology.On the other hand, theglobal citizens are hard hitby floods, drought, forestfire and storm due to theclimate change. As aresult, their lives and

properties were lost, cropsplantations destroyed andagricultural productioncapacity declined. The fallof present crops prices isstill higher than the pricesof early 2007. Actually,the food sufficiency washindeed due to littleinvestment in agriculturesector and failing to heedresearch work on majorcrops production for thehunger.

Because of lack ofenough funding, limitedutilization of land andwater resources and thedecline of crops export toworld market, thepeasants with small farmhave declined theirproduction capacityeffecting slow growth ofagricultural production.World cereal cropsproduction was boostedin 2008 and FAOpredicted that theproduction capacity willmeet the demand ofannual consumption. Infact, 11 per cent ofproduction developmentbelongs to developedcountries and only 1 percent to developingcountries. It is because ofinsufficient investmentand lack of marketopportunities for the poorand food insufficientfarmers.

The CycloneNargis that hit hardMyanmar in early May,2008 ravaged paddyfields, farm implementsfish and prawn farms, saltfarms and lives andproperty of the people ofthe southern part ofAyeyawady Division,which is the nation’smain contributor to rice,fish and meat. Rescue,relief and rehabilitationworks have beensuccessfully carried out

by the harmonizedcooperation of the State,the people, the Tatmadawand world nations led bythe UN, UNorganizations of FAOand WFP and otherINGOs. Ravaged paddyfields could be put underthe crop in time thismonsoon season.Furthermore, efforts havealso been made for theincrease of cropproduction in all potentialareas throughout thecountry to compensatethe possible reduction infood production of thearea.

Now, we arestriving to improve thesocio-economic life ofrural people through nobleobjective for boostingproduction in theagricultural sector, whichis vital for foodproduction. Myanmar hasa sown acreage of morethan 22 million hectares,out of which more than8.1 million hectares areunder paddy, the staplefood crop of the nation.The paddy production is18.8 million tons a year.Paddy output wellexceeds domesticconsumption, and thesurplus is exported,thereby contributing toworld food sufficiency.Programmes for region-wise rice sufficiency hasbeen carried out and as aresult, almost all the statesand divisions haveenjoyed rice security. Atthe national level, it canbe considered that the

paddy production is insurplus.

Moreover, outputsof such basic crops ascorn, beans and pulses,edible oil crops andkitchen crops have metdomestic demand. Now,Myanmar is leading asthe largest producer andexporter of beans andpulses among theASEAN countries. Theamount of water flowannually from the majorrivers of the country;Ayeyawady, Chindwin,Sittoung and Thanlwin isaround 870 million acre-ft. So far, our country hasbeen able to harness only10 per cent of the totalwater sources for theagricultural purpose. Inorder to overcome thedifficulties caused by theclimate change, theGovernment isimplementing to supplysufficient irrigation waterfor boosting agricultureproduction. And allpossible water sourcesare being exploited at the

national level to supplyirrigation water to be ableto grow crops all year-round.

From 1988-89 todate, 255 dams,reservoirs and sluicegates as well as 322 riverwater pumping stationswere constructed andthese irrigation facilitiescan benefit over 1.3

million hectares of cropsplantations. In theprocess large, medium,small dams, river waterpumping stations, andunderground watersources project are beingconstructed wherevernecessary based on thegeographical features. Upto the end of September2009, artesian wells andtube wells totaling 7,661have already been tappedand it can benefit over90,000 acres of farmland. Some dams are alsodesigned to generatelarge, medium and smallscale hydropower fornearby villages in the

drive for development ofrural areas.

In this regard, Iwould like to say that plansare well under way to useirrigation water mostefficiently. The Ministry ofAgriculture and Irrigationis now working togetherwith social organizationsto tap underground waterfor irrigating farmlands in

the arid zones. InMyanmar, the meat andfish sector contributes to7.6 per cent of GDP. Inlivestock and fisherysector, priority is beinggiven to breeding andproduction of more qualityspecies and promotion ofmodern technologies soalso conservation ofMyanma fish, prawn andmarine resources, andprotection of endangeredspecies. The State is alsosupporting the breeding ofsuitable local species withcorrect methods instead ofrelying on importedspecies.

(See page 9)

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009 9

(from page 8)Steps are being taken to breed and produce

fish and prawn from the rivers, creeks and lakesfor long-term interests. As part of the programme,billions of fingerlings are distributed to the fish

Paddy output well exceedsdomestic consumption, surplus…

and prawn farms in rural areas, while fingerlingsare released into the water sources such as dams,rivers and creeks every year. Methods andfingerlings are provided for integrated farming inrural areas for local food sufficiency. Necessaryregulations are enforced for prevention ofextinction of fish and prawn species and themangrove forests and tidal forests along the coastare conserved for protection of biological diversity.

Myanmar’s forest coverage stands at 34million hectares, which help conserve theenvironment and keep the climate temperate. Toensure sustainable development of the forests, theGovernment is supervising extraction of timber,nurturing and reforestation, conservation of

greening the arid zones, conserve natural forests,produce alternative fuel and reforestation ofvaluable teak and hard wood along Bago Yomamountain range and conduct nurturing the depletedforests. There also achieves greater success inestablishing private forest plantations incollaboration with rural community and authoritiesconcerned.

Myanmar is a peaceful and stable country.It is laying down prudent policies and long-termprojects in various sectors. In dealing withconsequences of climate change, the nation hasfavourable conditions for production of bio-fuelon a large scale from industrial raw crops likeJatropha curcas (physic nut), rather than fromedible crops. Myanmar has abundant resources tokeep a good balance among Food-Feed-Fuelwithout infringing the crop cultivation patterns inproducing bio-energy, so I believe Myanmar doesnot need to be worried about food security now,and the country will not face food insecurity infuture, either. And it will be able to contributetowards food security of Asia and the world as far

keep on working hand in hand with them in future.In conclusion, I would like to call on all to

work collectively according to the motto“Achieving Food Security in Times of Crisis” withthe realization that daily food security plays vitalfor global citizens who are suffering from povertyand hunger while encountering the dauntingchallenges of natural disasters and other crises with

perseverance.FAO Resident Representative Dr Shin Imai

read the message sent by the director-general ofFAO.

Next, the documentary video to mark the2009 World Food Day was presented to thosepresent.

The Prime Minister presented prize to farmerU Win Oo of Pantin Village-tract in OkpoTownship of Bago Division (West) for his excellentperformance in high yield production of monsoonpaddy, an honorary prize to Yangon Divisionbroiler breeder association for its performance instabilizing the prices of breeding products and thefirst prize to Ottwin Township Forest Departmentfor its performance in establishment of forestplantations.

The Prime Minister cordially greeted thosepresent.

Next, the Prime Minister and party visitedthe booths and display of farming machinery.

Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Htay Oo awarded Hinthada Township ofAyeyawady Division for outstanding performancein monsoon paddy production, Pwintpyu Townshipof Magway Division for summer paddy productionand farmer U Aye Than of Hleseik Village ofKyaiklat Township for summer paddy production.

Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein awarded MyanmaLivestock and Fisheries Development Bank Ltd,Deputy Head of Bago Township FisheriesDepartment U Tun Win Myint and U Kyar Maungof Kyaw Kyaw Phyo Co Ltd of Myeik.

Minister for Forestry Brig-Gen Thein Aungpresented prizes to U Phe of Ottwin Township,Kanbalu Township Forest Department and TaikkyiTownship Forest Department.

Ministers Vice-Admiral Soe Thein, Maj-GenSoe Naing, Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe and Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Deputy Ministers Thura U ThaungLwin, U Kyaw Soe, Brig-Gen Tin Tun Aung and UOhn Myint, FAO Resident Representative Dr ShinImai and officials gave prizes to the respectiveoutstanding persons and winners in the basiceducation primary, middle, high and agriculturalinstitute level essay and poster competitions.—MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Htay Oo awards anoutstanding prize winner.—MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Soe Naing awards anoutstanding prize winner.—MNA

Minister Vice-Admiral Soe Thein awards anoutstanding prize winner.—MNA

Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Theinawards an outstanding prize winner.—MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe awardsan outstanding prize winner.—MNA

mangrove forests in accordance with the ForestLaws. In order to conserve land and waterresources, wildlife, biodiversity and theenvironment, natural resources managementprojects are ongoing to extend the area of reservedforests, natural forests and establish NationalSanctuaries. As the conservation of Myanmavaluable forests, unpopular forest woods areintroduced as the alternative way to promote value-added eco-friendly new forest products.

Furthermore, measures are being taken toestablish 100,000 acres of forests annually inSagaing, Magway and Mandalay divisions for

as it can.Besides, Myanmar together with regional

bodies such as ASEAN, GMS, ACMECS andBIMSTEC, UN agencies like UNDP, WFP, WHO,UNICEF and UNESCAP and internationalorganizations of ICIMOD, IRRI, ICRISAT,SEAMEO, SEARCA and CIRDAP, is in pursuanceof the policies to create job opportunities andincrease the income of the poor laid down at theWorld Food Summit to alleviate poverty andimprove economic growth, programmes to ensurefood security, and development programmes foragricultural sector and rural area. And we will

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009

(from page 16)To know the de-

velopment of the town-ship and its agriculturesector, I had an interviewwith Chairman ofKyaukdaga TownshipPeace and DevelopmentCouncil U Myo Tint.

“A total of 155,742acres of land has beenput under monsoon

Making Kyaukdaga…

Penwegon Auto-Exchange in Kyaukdaga Township.

crops, beans and pulsesand other crops thanks tothe irrigation facility,” ex-plained the chairman.

Yenwe DiversionWeir is located sevenmiles down stream ofYenwe Dam. The diver-sion weir is of reinforcedconcrete type, 18 feet highand 99 feet wide. Thesluice gate has two six

feet by seven feet valveson the right side and eight8 feet by 8 feet valves onthe left side. Two maincanals stretch 7.11 miles.A total of 100 tributarycanals is 309 miles long toirrigate 118,500 acres offarmlands.

“In the communica-tion sector, a total of 938auto-telephones are in usein Kyaukdaga andPenwegon plaus 248 GSM and 295 CDMA-450 mo-

bile phones. For ensuringeasy telecommunicationaccess, CDMA-450 mobilephones have been installedin the villages besideYangon-Mandalay Ex-pressway ” said U Myo Tint.

Peinzalok Village-tract of Kyaukdaga Town-ship is my native. In thepast, I had faced the diffi-culty to make a call wait-ing for dialing the wholeday. The telephone serv-ice is fully provided to thelocal people at present.They are enjoying fruitsof communication devel-opment by having access

throughout the world inaddition to all regions ofthe country.

He continued to say“In the health sector, thetownship has one townshiphospital, Penwegon StationHospital, Pado Village-tract16-bed hospital, nine ruralhealth centres, 36 ruralhealth branches, two dis-ease control units, one tra-ditional medicine clinic, 12private clinics and one clinicof Maternal and Child Wel-fare Association.”

On arrival at the of-fice of Township Educa-tion Officer, TEO U SawBi Thein said, “The town-ship has four Basic Educa-tion High Schools, twoBEHS (Branches), threeAffiliated BEHSs, eightBEMSs, three BEMS(Branches), two AffiliatedBEMSs, 40 Basic Educa-tion Post-PrimarySchools, nine AffiliatedBEPSs and 20 Pre-Pri-mary Schools. After1988, the township wasequipped with one BEMSand eight BEPSs. In 2009-2010 financial year, onemore BEHS and six moreBEPSs were opened.”

I proceeded to theoffice of Township De-

velopment AffairsCommittee and metwith Assistant DirectorU Thinn Oo and Assist-ant Engineer U MaungMaung Naing Min.They explained devel-opment undertakings inthe township, saying,“The tarred roads andrural roads such asgravel, laterite and earthroads were maintainedand more new roadswere also constructedyearly. While the watersupply task is system-atically carried out, ef-forts are being made tokeep the local roads neatand tidy. The lush andgreen tasks have beenundertaken at the arch-way of the town andSeinle Kantha Park.”

During my trip, Isaw the improvement ineconomic, education andhealth sectors Plus trans-portation sector. Formany days after the visit,I was not able to forgetthe scenes on socio-eco-nomic development ofthe local people there.

*****Translation: TTA

Myanma Alin:15-10-2009

NAY PYI TAW, 16Oct— Minister for Hotelsand Tourism Maj-Gen SoeNaing receivedAmbassador of theRepublic of Philipines Ms.Maria Hellen M.Barber atthe ministry here today.

Deputy MinisterBrig-Gen Aye MyintKyu, departmental headsand officials concernedwere present at the callwhich focused onpromoting bilateralcooperation between thetwo countries.


H&T Minister receives Filipino Ambassador Eye Specialists’ Conferenceto be held in Yangon

YANGON, 16 Oct—The 21st Eye Specialists’Conference is to be heldby eye specialist group ofMyanmar MedicalAssociation at ChatriumHotel, Yangon, from 9 to

10 November.Eye specialists and

those interested mayregister at the meetinghall of Yangon EyeHospital starting from 6November.


Basic Education Primary School built in Thamin Ingon Village ofKyaukdaga Township.

Eight left valves seen at Yenwe Diversion Weir.

paddy in 2009-2010 cul-tivation season, exceed-ing 354 acres of the tar-get. In addition to paddy,groundnut, sesame, sun-flower, mung bean,green gram, cow pea,sugarcane, fruits andvegetables, summerpaddy were grown in thetownship. To cultivatecold season crops andbeans and pulses, YenweDam and Yenwe Diver-sion Weir are irrigatingthe farmlands. So, thelocal farmers can extendcultivation of summerpaddy, cold season

Minister Maj-Gen Soe Naing receives Ambassador of the Republic ofPhilippines Ms. Maria Hellen M.Barber.—MNA

Tobacco kills.

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009 11

(Continued from yesterday)Next, thousands of thin steel wires were strung

from Brooklyn to New York. It was called spinningcable. Bundles of galvanized wires were wrappedtogether to make four main cables and each cablecontained more than 3,500 miles of wire. The wireswere spun across the river individually, and thenworkers went aloft and lashed them into cablenearly 16 inches thick. When the main cables werecompleted, hundreds of vertical ropes weresuspended from them. Those suspenders wereattached to the main cables at the top, and to thefloor beams at the bottom. A cage-like trusswork ofgirders was installed on top of the floor beams tostiffen the entire bridge deck against high winds andvibrations. The trusses also enclosed and definedthe roadway, with two outer lanes for carriages, twoinner lanes for cable cars, and the elevated promenadefor pedestrians in the centre. Extra cables calleddiagonal stays also provided additional stiffeningand support to the strength of the bridge.

It took more than six years to stretch the cablesand build the roadway. When the bridge was finallyopened on 24 May, 1883, it was hailed as “the eighthwonder of the world” because of its magnificentsite, breathtaking span, cutting-edge technologyand sheer beauty. The bridge has stood for morethan 100 years, and its rigid and super-strongstructure still shows the marvelous expertise of theRoeblings. The structure was so solid that the bridgehad needed very little repair over the years. Only thewooden central walkway was replaced in 1930 butthe bridge was completely restored in the 1980s.

Although the Roeblings are “conservativelyinnovative” engineers, whose designs are derivedfrom the best available practice, combining withnew technologies and materials, their BrooklynBridge opened a new chapter in bridge buildinghistory. Every single step of the construction processhad been a technical innovation — the sinking ofenormous underwater caissons, the raising of greattowers, the unique design of the anchorages, thespinning of cable wires in the air, the galvanizing ofall wire and wire ropes, extensive system of trussesthat made the superstructure rigid. The bridge’soutstanding design was enhanced by using slimstays more as stabilizers for the cables and suspenderrods than as props for the platform.

Roebling’s decision to use steel in bridge for the

An Engineering Feat of the 19th CenturyThet Han Soe

first time was a substantial engineering advance inhistory as well. Since then, only steel has been usedin bridge construction. The way he used iron in thebridge opened the new possibilities of using steel inbuildings at the beginning of the skyscraper age andarchitects began to think in terms of high-riseconstruction. For example, the steel wires hadprofound influence on steel framework for building.

Although the Brooklyn Bridge lost its status asthe world’s longest bridge within 50 years of opening,other longer suspension bridges owed their success tothe design principles invented and developed by theRoeblings. Other bridge builders came to realize thatthe stiffness of a suspension bridge was the mostfundamental factor contributing to its stability;“Weight is a most essential condition, where stiffnessis a great object” and this led to the assumption thatweight was stiffening. That knowledge led to thefurther understanding of the “elastic” theory ofsuspension bridges — any load applied to the cablewill pull it into a “V” shape. Again, it led to theassumption that most of the live load is carried by thestiffening truss while the dead load by the cable.

The Williamsburg Bridge, a single-spansuspension bridge, was the first bridge using theelastic theory. Based on the calculations, withoutdepending on the stiffening effect of the cable, thebridge should be built with the stiffening trusseswhich are very deep and heavy. With thisunderstanding, there came a major step forward in thedevelopment of the “deflection” theory. It states thata cable carrying a high dead-load tension will notstraighten out under the weight of a load passing overthe bridge. It also assumes that the dead-load tensionalso permits the cable to resist wind forces both in itsplan and perpendicular to its plane.

The first application of this “deflection” theorywas in the computations for the Manhattan Bridge inthe 1900s. With deep trusses and suspended side spans,the bridge has much slender towers to accommodatethe cable motion. Further understanding of suspensionbridge can be seen in the George Washington Bridgewhich is famous for its radical departures in design,size and weight. Calculations based on the deflectiontheory showed that as the dead load weight of thebridge increased, the stiffening truss size could decrease.The bridge was actually built with no stiffening truss,and the side spans are very short. Then, the deflectiontheory reached its logical conclusion with the Golden

Gate Bridge. With only 25 feet deep stiffening truss,the bridge “continued the trend toward the longer andthe shallower.” However, “increasingly greaterflexibility and longer spans caused the structure to besubject to a degree of wind sensitivity that Roeblingwas aware of but that was forgotten by his successors.”

The gradual development of suspension bridgeled to the construction of more economical and moreambitious structures. Tacoma Narrows Bridge wasbuilt with the plate girders but, unfortunately, itcollapsed in a few months because of its slenderdesign and the excessive oscillations in a transversewind. I think it was kind of failure Roeblingsuccessfully avoided by using deep stiffening trusses,massive towers and inclined cable stays. Peoplecame to understand much more about aerodynamiceffects, and learnt that it was not the grid but thetruss which helps stiffen the bridge. The bridgebuilding style returned to deep stiffening trusses.Alongside this development came a new approach—using the wing-shape section, which is tested in awind tunnel.

Another inspiring style of bridge derived fromthe Brooklyn Bridge is the cable-stayed bridgewhich makes use of the inclined cables of theBrooklyn Bridge and completely eliminates theparabolic cables. The Germans started buildingthem in the 1950s, and one of the first cable-stayedbridges in the United States is the Sunshine SkywayBridge. Its span is supported only by the 21 steelcables along the centerline of the bridge. Othervariations include the side-span cable-stayed bridgeand the self-anchored suspension bridge. There isno doubt that Tatara Bridge of Japan, which has thelargest span of any cable-stayed bridge, and SantiagoCalatrava’s Sundial Bridge, a single spar pedestrianbridge, have some of their origins in the radiatingstays of the Brooklyn Bridge.

The Brooklyn Bridge’s influence is so powerfulthat we can still find the design principles inventedand developed by the Roeblings in the modernconventional suspension bridges. For example, wecan take a close look at the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridgewhich currently has the longest span in the world. Inspite of the 100-year age different between thebridges, the similarities in appearance and designare very striking. For example, we can find out thatboth bridges possess a dominant center span andtwo shorter side spans, parabolic cables which arevery small relative to the size of the bridges carrythe bulk of the bridges’ weight, and wind loads andthe weight of the bridge are carried by the towers tothe foundations.

Few other works of engineering have evercaptured the public imagination in the same way asBrooklyn Bridge. The elegant high arches of thestone towers, the graceful swoop of the main cables,and the pattern created by the suspender cables andthe diagonal stays make Brooklyn Bridge the grandest,and perhaps the most important structure built inAmerican during the nineteenth century. It goesdown into history as one of the finest engineeringachievement of human spirit, contributing to the verysubstantial advance in the understanding of suspensionbridge design. “It also happens that the work whichis likely to be our most durable monument, and toconvey some knowledge of us to the most remoteprosperity, is a work of bare utility; not a shrine, nota fortress, not a palace, but a bridge.”The Sundial Bridge.

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009


Consignees of cargo carried on MV XIANG DAVOY NO (9040) are here by notified that the vesselswill be arriving on 17.10.2009 and cargo will be dis-charged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

INVITATIONSThe Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in-

vites all qualified contractors to submit their bestcost proposal for renovation of a traditional Indone-sian house and replacement of steel gate in theIndonesian Embassy office compound.

For further information, please contact Ms.Kalista Siregar or Mr. Achmad Rozak at the Em-bassy by phone: 254465, 254469 or fax: 254468.

Interested contractors may come to the Embassyduring office hours (09.00 am-04.00pm) from 19 to23 October 2009.

The proposals are to be submitted by 26 October2009. Late bids will not be accepted.

Yangon, 15 October 2009

Bloc looks to boost cross-border trade A visitor walks past amodel of a Spanish operahouse designed by Japa-nese architect KengoKuma during a previewof the exhibition of hisworks these years in To-kyo, capital of Japan, on14 Oct, 2009. Models andphotos of about 150works of the interna-tional well-known archi-tect would be displayed on the exhibition. XinHUA

Alberto Alvarez, a mouth and foot painting artist, works on a piece during anexhibition at Sivori Museum in Buenos Aires, on 13 Oct, 2009. The first

international exhibit of the World Association of Mouth and Foot PaintingArtists (VDMFK for its German name) will run until 23 Oct. —XINHUA

Couples from aroundthe world participatein the mass weddingceremony at a SunMoon University in

Asan, south of Seoul,South Korea, on

Wednesday, 14 Oct,2009. The Unifica-tion Church organ-

ized biggest masswedding in a decade,a spectacle church

officials said involves40,000 people

around the world. INTERNET

BEIJING, 16 Oct— A blocof nations that includesChina and five Eurasiancountries pledged to boostcross-border trade yester-day and explore the shareduse of each other’s curren-cies. At the 8th annual primeministers’ summit inBeijing, the Shanghai Co-operation Organization(SCO) member states -China, Russia, Kazakh-stan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajiki-

stan and Uzbekistan —broadly discussed enhanc-ing economic ties. Though the summit in-cluded representativesfrom observer nationsMongolia, Pakistan andIran as well as guest coun-try Afghanistan, PremierWen Jiabao did not men-tion the ongoing wars inAfghanistan and Pakistan. Chaired by Wen, themeeting created “a uniqueopportunity for exchang-ing opinions and workingout a specific plan”, hesaid. He said all memberstates agreed to open a“special SCO bank ac-

count to resolve the fi-nancing problem of co-operation on largeprojects”. The agreement alsocalled for finance minis-ters and central bank gov-ernors from the countriesto meet later this year inKazakhstan to explore theuse of each memberstates’ currencies inintergroup trade.


Two Indian businessmeninjured in Nepal shoot out KATHMANDU, 16 Oct —Two Indian-origin business-

men have been seriously injured in a series of shootingincidents in a southern Nepali town. Raju Prasad Guptaand Manoj Harlalka, both garment merchants were in-jured when an unidentified groups opened fire at them,according to Nepal Police spokesman Binod Singh.

The duo have been brought to Kathmandu for treat-ment, he said. The incident took place two days aftera businessman Binod Kumar Agrawal was shot deadby gunmen in the same town situated in Nepal-Indiaborder. —MNA/PTI

Clinton says US supportsRussia’s bid to join WTOMOSCOW, 16 Oct — The United States is support-

ive of Russia’s bid to join the World Trade Organiza-tion (WTO), visiting US Secretary of State HillaryClinton said on Wednesday.

In a speech at the Moscow State University, Clintonsaid the United States believed that within a globalrange innovation should be encouraged through con-solidating financial stability and ensuring free tradeand investment. This is why the United States sup-ports Russia’s efforts to become a WTO member, shesaid.

Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan agreed in earlyJune to form a Customs bloc and seek joint accessionto the WTO, a decision opposed by the European Un-ion and the United States. First Deputy Prime Minis-ter Igor Shuvalov confirmed in August that Russia willjoin the WTO as a single nation, but it will keep closecoordination with Belarus and Kazakhstan during theaccession negotiations.

Russia, which has been seeking WTO member-ship for more than 15 years, is the largest economystill outside the global trade body.

MNA /Xinhua

Over 39,000 New Yorkers sleepingin shelters

NEW YORK, 16 Oct —More than 39,000 NewYorkers are spending theirnights in shelters, whichis a record high since thecity began keeping track25 years ago, according tolocal media reports onWednesday.

The number of home-less sheltered by the cityreached an all-time highof 39,243, including16,500 children, last

month, the Coalition forthe Homeless, the oldestnot-for-profit advocacygroup focused on home-lessness in the UnitedStates, reported on Tues-day.

This represents a 45-per-cent increase sinceNew York Mayor MichaelBloomberg took officeeight years ago, accordingto the group.

In 2002, about

31,000 people were us-ing city shelters — andthose numbers havesteadily increased eachyear, the group said. Inreleasing the figures, thegroup called on the USAdministration to givepriority to the homelessfor federal housing pro-grammes and to expandthe number of shelterbeds.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009 13

Marko vision : Dancersof the Hungarian

Festival Ballet performas part of a three-partdance collection cho-

reographed by Hungar-ian Ivan Marko at the

National Dance Theatreof Budapest.—INTERNET

Canadian applies for Guinnessrecord for largest coloured gemstone

OTTAWA, 16 Oct —Canadian financier Vin-cent Boucher is applyingfor the Guinness WorldRecords for verificationof his192-carat Paraibatourmaline as the world’slargest gemstone. He issure to succeed as hisstone shatters the currentGuinness World Recordsholder with its mass ofjust under 52 carats.

Boucher presentedwhat he has named theEthereal Carolina DivineParaiba at Kaufmann deSuisse jewelry boutique inMontreal on Wednesday,saying he will tour theglobe with the oval-shaped clear turquoisegem once it is officiallyrecognized as the biggest.He told Canwest NewsService he expects histourmaline to soon be cer-tified by Guinness and in-

cluded in 2011 edition ofthe Guinness Book ofWorld Records. The 2010edition has already comeout.

Boucher got the stonesix months ago for anamount of money hewould not reveal. He nowputs its value at between25 million Canadian dol-

lars (24 million US dol-lars) and 125 million Ca-nadian dollars (122 mil-lion US dollars) but saidit is not for sale. Tourma-line, the world’s rarest andprecious gemstone,mainly originates fromthe Paraiba State in Bra-zil.


Tsunami drill acrossIndian Ocean

BANDA ACEH, 15 Oct — Eighteen countries aroundthe Indian Ocean have held a mass drill aimed at test-ing tsunami early warning systems.

The UN-backed drill simulated the 2004 quake offthe coast of Sumatra which killed more than 200,000people, half of them in Indonesia’s Aceh Province.

The exercise comes two weeks after a tsunami inthe Pacific Ocean killed almost 200 people in Samoa,American Samoa and Tonga.

UN officials are due to issue an assessment of thedrill within days. Exercise Indian Ocean Wave 09tested warning systems and preparedness in nationsin Asia, Australasia, the Middle East and Africa.


The tsunami test and monitoring stations.INTERNET

S’pore, Thailand enhance Coopbetween civil services

Faroe Islands becomesassociate member of


China’s forex reserve hitsrecord $2.27t

BEIJING, 16 Oct — China’s foreign exchange re-serve hit a new high of 2.27 trillion US dollars by theend of September, up 19.26 per cent year on year, thePeople’s Bank of China, the central bank, said Wednes-day.

In the first three quarters, China’s foreign exchangereserve increased 326.6 billion US dollars, and the in-crease was 50.7 billion less than the same period lastyear, the bank said. China’s foreign exchange reserveadded by 43 billion in July, 36.2 billion in August and61.8 billion US dollars in September.

At the end of June, China’s foreign exchange re-serve surpassed 2 trillion US dollars for the first timeby 131.6 billion. The market exchange rate of RMBto US dollars was 6.8269 Wednesday. — MNA/Xinhua

PARIS, 16 Oct — TheUnited Nations Educa-tional, Scientific andCultural Organizationannounced on Tuesdaythat Faroe Islands hasjoined the Paris-basedorganization as its firstassociate member fromEurope.

The Faroe Islands is anarchipelago of 18 islandslocated in the North Atlan-tic Ocean, between Scot-land and Iceland, with apopulation of about49,000 people.

The islands region wasaccepted as the seventhassociate member statesof the organization, whichalready counts 193 mem-ber states, a UNESCOstatement said.

Denmark’s ForeignMinister Per Stig

The Aletsch glacier, located near the mountain re-sort of Bettmeralp, pictured in 2007. Swiss research-ers have found that Alpine glaciers melting underthe impact of climate change are releasing highlytoxic pollutants that had been absorbed by the ice

for decades.—INTERNET

SINGAPORE, 16 Oct —Singapore and Thailandagreed here on Wednes-day to enhance coopera-tion during the 9th Coor-dinating Meeting of theT h a i l a n d - S i n g a p o r eCivil Service ExchangeProgramme (CSEP).

The Meeting re-viewed identified futureareas of collaborationbetween the two civilservices, such as con-tinuing the “Singapore-Thailand Leadership De-velopment Prgramme”,and initiating newprojects to enhance theemployability of disa-bled people, promoting

occupational safety man-agement systems and en-forcement of occupa-tional safety and healthin SMEs.

The two sides alsoagreed to enhance coop-eration on informationand communicationtechnology projects to

empower persons withdisabilities, and increaseexchanges on capacitybuilding and skills en-hancement as well as ex-perience and knowledgesharing on the destituteand homeless, children,youth and aging issues.


Moeller filed the appli-cation on behalf ofFaroes last July becausethe archipelago has beenan autonomous region ofDenmark since 1948, thestatement said. Accord-ing to UNESCO’s Con-stitution, “territories orgroups of territories thatare not responsible forthe conducts of their in-ternational relations maybe admitted to UNESCOas Associate Members ...Their admission and theirrights and obligations aredetermined by the Gen-eral Conference”.

The other six associatemembers are British Vir-gin Islands, NetherlandsAntilles, Aruba, China’sMacao, Cayman Islandsand Tokelau.


Fact file on thebrain’s white

matter.Neuroscientistshave discoveredthat learning tojuggle causes

changes in whitematter, the nerve

strands which helpdifferent parts of

the brain communi-cate with each


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009

S P O R T SIOC chief hails first Chinatrip since Beijing Olympics JINAN, 16 Oct — International Olympic Com-

mittee (IOC) President Jacques Rogge visited the larg-est-ever Chinese Sports Art Exhibition on Friday inJinan of eastern China’s Shandong province, praisingthe great Chinese artworks which embody the valueof the Olympic movement.

As part of his on-going China trip, Rogge attendedthe opening ceremony of the exhibition together withChinese State Councilor Liu Yandong. Addressing theoccasion, he said the exhibition highlights how muchsport combines with art and culture, which is the heartof the philosophy and value of the Olympic move-ment.

“Such an exhibition has also an important educa-tional significance to the artists inspired by sports orthe visitors who have the pleasure to discover howthis has done,” said the 67-year-old, who was re-electedas the IOC president last Friday at the 121st IOC Ses-sion in Copenhagen. The exhibition, which featurescreativity and innovation, is the largest national artexhibition with the theme of sports. Altogether 368works from artists around China, including oil and liq-uor paintings, printmaking, posters and sculptures, areon display from 16-22 Oct.— Xinhua

AFA president justifiesMaradona’s sharp words

BUENOS AIRES, 16 Oct — The Argentine FootballAssociation (AFA) president Julio Grondona justifiedon Thursday the sharp words Argentina coach DiegoMaradona, and said that people “must understand” hisanger.During the celebration for booking a trip to the2010 World Cup, Maradona criticized Argentine me-dia which had questioned his abilities as national teamcoach.

The soccer great said after his team won 1-0 overUruguay in the South America zone qualifying onWednesday, “This is for those who did not believe inme and treated me as garbage.” “It happens to every-body. It happens in life. It even happens when you aredriving your car. Life is like this,” Grondona said dur-ing an interview with local radio Radio 10.— Xinhua

Pele to bring African NationsCup to Uganda

KAMPALA, 16 Oct — Ugandan football fans willget the opportunity to behold the ultimate prize in Af-rican football as legend Abedi Pele is expected onThursday to bring the African Nations Cup trophy tothe country.

Pele, Standard Bank’s football ambassador is sched-uled to arrive Thursday evening in the East Africancountry with the trophy that will see 16 nations battlefor it next year in Angola.The trophy has already touredGhana, Zambia, Botswana and Namibia.— Xinhua

Russia has good chance tohost 2018 World Cup

MOSCOW, 16 Oct — Russia has a good chance ofwinning the right to host the 2018 football World Cup,local media quoted FIFA President Sepp Blatter as say-ing on Thursday.Speaking at a meeting with RussianPrime Minister Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Blatter saidRussia had a “very good chance” of winning the rightto stage the world’s most popular sporting event.

“I believe that the World Cup should leave a legacy,and this idea is coming to life here in Russia. That iswhy I feel a whole-hearted affinity for the Russian bid,”Blatter was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti newsagency. Holding such a major event will certainly boostthe development of football in the post-Soviet regionand in Eastern Europe, Putin said.

The Russian bid, which was officially launched laston Friday, has won the government’s support, with abidding commission chaired by First Deputy PrimeMinister Igor Shuvalov.Russia has never hosted a ma-jor football tournament, although Moscow was the hostcity for the 1980 Olympic Games and the Black Searesort of Sochi will stage the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Russia has seven competitors to host the 2018 WorldCup, including England, Australia, Belgium and theNetherlands, Spain and Portugal, and the United States.FIFA will vote on the host nations for the 2018 and2022 tournaments in December 2010.


SHANGHAI, 16 Oct —Rafael Nadal and NovakDjokovic kept the excite-ment high at the Shang-hai Open Thursday as thetop-seeded pair bookedinto the quarter-finalswith ease.

Nadal, vowing toovercome his semi-finalcrash last week inBeijing, did just that ashe rousted TommyRobredo 6-1, 6-4,achieving a 5-0 careerrecord over his compa-triot without the loss of aset.


The medals for the 2010 Olympic Winter Gamesare put on display following their unveiling inVancouver, British Columbia on 15 Oct, 2009.


Triumphant Slovaks celebrateWorld Cup debut

BRATISLAVA, 16 Oct — Slovakia woke to a jubilantmorning on Thursday, a day after its footballers stunnedrivals in the qualifying Group Three to clinch a WorldCup debut in South Africa next year.” Boys, We LoveYou,” read a front-page headline on the Plus jeden dentabloid, next to a picture of the Slovak team celebrat-ing in a snowstorm that boosted their defence in their1-0 away victory over Poland on Wednesday.

The Slovaks, led by 22-year-old Napoli midfielderMarek Hamsik, capitalised on an early own goal towin the game that triggered an unprecedented party inthe nation of five million people.”All in all, we madeonly one mistake in this campaign — at home withSlovenia,” said coach Vladimir Weiss, pointing to lastSaturday’s game that put off Slovak celebrations asthe guests won 2-0 in Bratislava

“So we converted the second matchpoint,” addedWeiss, who took the team over in mid-2008 to steer itthrough the campaign.”A Dream Come True,” wrotethe Pravda daily, while the Sport newspaper splasheda headline saying “We’re Going To Africa!” over itsfront page on Thursday.—Internet

Guivarc’h takes aim at ‘worststriker’ poll

PARIS, 16 Oct —Former Newcastle forwardStephane Guivarc’h has lashed out at a poll in a Brit-ish newspaper which named the 1998 World Cup win-ner as the worst striker ever to appear in the PremierLeague. Guivarc’h, who played under Kenny Dalglishand then Ruud Gullit at Newcastle in 1998, was re-sponding to a survey published in The Daily Mai lastweek.He told Friday’s edition of French newspaper 10Sport: “I couldn’t care less about this Daily Mail poll.It’s really a crap paper, how can they judge that?

“At Newcastle I only started in two games andplayed in four in total. And I scored once, againstLiverpool.”After two matches Kenny Dalglish, whosigned me and who wanted to use me with Alan Shearer,was fired. Ruud Gullit arrived and sidelined me straightaway.”Guivarc’h, who retired in 2002 and now coachesa French amateur side in Brittany, dismissed Gullit as“a tourist”.—Internet

Spain’s Rafael Nadalhits a return to compa-triot Tommy Robredo intheir third round match

at the ATP ShanghaiMasters in Shanghai onOctober 15.—INTERNET

Former Newcastle forward Stephane Guivarc’h.

Nadal, Djokovic live up toseedings in Shanghai tennis

Supporters of Slovakia celebrate after their teamwon 1-0 over Poland in the World Cup 2010qualifier in Chorzow near Katowice, Poland.


Seeds named forEuropean World Cup

playoffsZURICH , 16 Oct — France, Portugal, Russia and

Greece will be seeded in the playoffs to decide thefinal four European spots at the 2010 World Cup.

They were the four highest-ranked of the playoffteams in the FIFA world rankings published Friday,meaning they cannot face each other in the two-leg-ged playoffs on 14 and 18 Nov.

Instead they will be paired against the four non-seeded teams — Ukraine, Ireland, Bosnia and Slovenia— with the draw to be announced Monday.

FIFA was criticized for waiting until last monthbefore deciding to seed the playoffs.


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Page 15: The New Light of Myanmar 17-10-2009

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 17 October, 2009 15

7:00 am 1. rif;uGef;q&mawmf


7:15 am 2. t*¾HZ,r*FvH

(,Ofa0,HxGef;? aw;a&;-


7:25 am 3. To Be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 4. Morning News7:40 am 5. Nice & Sweet

Song7:55 am 6. uAsmyef;O,smOf

8:10 am 7. tuNydKifyJG

Saturday, 17October

View on today

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

Local Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Mandalay’s Grand Walls and Moat...* Where The Rhododendron Blooms* Myanmar-Sri Lanka Cultural and Hostorical

Relations* The Art of Aesthetic Mosaic* Myanmar Modern Song* Thabotseik Village On Seaside* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Europe/ North America Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Mandalay’s Grand Walls and Moat...* Where The Rhododendron Blooms* Myanmar-Sri Lanka Cultural and Historical

Relations* The Art of Aesthetic Mosaic* Myanmar Modern Song* Thabotseik Village On Seaside* Myanmar Modern Song* Water Fountain Garden (Nay Pyi Taw) Blessed

with a Variety of Beauties* Myanmar Movies Impact* Pickled Fish From Shwe Kyin* Myanmar Modern Song* Biological Expedition To Hponkan Razi Region

(Ziadam Village-Wang Mung Camps 1 & 2)* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Website: www.mrtv3.net.mm

MRTV-3Programme Schedule(17-10-2009) (Saturday)

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MSTEurope - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MSTNorth America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr MST:During the past 24 hours, rain or thundershowers have beenwidespread in upper Sagaing, fairly widespread in Kachin,Chin States and Mandalay Division, scattered in Shan,Rakhine States and lower Sagaing, Magway, Ayeyawadyand Taninthayi Divisions, isolated in Kayin State and BagoDivision, and weather has been partly cloudy in theremaining States and Divisions with isolated heavyfall inRakhine State and lower Sagaing and Mandalay Divisions.The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Nay PyiTaw (Yezin) (2.64) inches, Nay Pyi Taw (0.16) inch,Maungdaw (3.66) inches, Kawkareik (2.60) inches, Sittwe(2.48) inches, Machanbaw (1.69) inches, Shwebo (1.58)inches and Minbu (0.35) inch.

Maximum temperature on 15-10-2009 was 90°F.Minimum temperature on 16-10-2009 was 68°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 16-10-2009 was 79%.Total sun shine hours on 15-10-2009 was (2.8) hours approx.

Rainfall on 16-10-2009 was Nil at Mingaladon, Kaba-Aye and Central Yangon each. Total rainfall since 1-1-2009 was (110.83) inches at Mingaladon, (120.87) inchesat Kaba-Aye and (127.72) inches at Central Yangon.Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (5) mphfrom Southwest at (15:30) hours MST on 15-10-2009.

Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in AndamanSea and North Bay and generally fair elsewhere in the Bayof Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 17th October 2009:Rain or thundershowers will be isolated in Kayah State,lower Sagaing Division, fairly widespread in Chin State,upper Sagaing Division and scattered in the remainingStates and Divisions. Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmarwaters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Increase of rain inthe Southern Myanmar areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for17-10-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for17-10-2009: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcertainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for17-10-2009: Likelihood of isolated rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (60%).

Weather outlook for third weekend of October 2009:During the coming weekend, rain or thundeershowers willbe isolated in Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon and Mandalay Divisions.

WEATHERFriday, 16th October, 2009

8:20 am 8. Musical Programme8:30 am 9. apwemxm;umukoay;


8:40 am10. International News8:45 am11. “Connect with

English” (Episode-17)(Casey At The Bat)

11:00 am 1. Martial Song11:10 am 2. Musical Programme11:20 am 3. Game for Children11:50 am 4. Round Up of the

Week’s TV LocalNews

12:30 pm 5. Yan Can Cook12:50 pm 6. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ

]][mourÇm}} (tydkif;-37)

1:50 pm 7. oufwHa&mifoHpOf

2:05 pm 8. pHcsdefrDvdkUvlBuKdufrsm;


2:20 pm 9. Dance of National

Races2:30 pm10. twD;NyKdifyGJ

2:55 pm11. International News4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:10 pm 2. ta&;NyKdifyGJ

4:15 pm 3. jrL;jrL;<u<u,Ofaus;rItu

4:25 pm 4. Musical Programme4:40 pm 5. ta0;oifwuúodkvfynma&;


'kwd,ESpf (½ku©aA'

txl;jyK) (½ku©aA')

4:55 pm 6. Songs to Uphold

National Spirit5:00 pm 7. EdkifiHpD;yGm;tav;xm;


5:15 pm 8. Musical Programme5:30 pm 9. Game for Children

6:00 pm10. Evening News6:10 pm11. Weather Report6:20 pm12. tvS&Smr,fvSurÇm0,f

6:40 pm13. ,Ofwpfudk,fr,f



(tdacsmydk? ydk;0wfrIef)


7:00 pm14. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ

]]rdk;ajrcspfol}} (tydkif;-13)

8:00 pm15. News16. International News17. Weather Report18. umwGef;tpDtpOf



19. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ



20. *DwwHcg;av;zGifhygOD;

21. rif;uGef;q&mawmfbk&m;BuD;



Lloyds to axe another460 jobs

State-rescued LloydsBanking Group said itwould cut up to 460 morepositions, bringing toabout 8,000 the totalnumber of job losses it hasannounced since the startof the year.—INTERNET

LONDON, 16 Oct—State-rescued LloydsBanking Group onFriday said it would cutup to 460 morepositions, bringing toabout 8,000 the totalnumber of job losses ithas announced since thestart of the year.

LBG said more jobswould disappear as aresult of an agreement tosell its loss-makingHalifax Estate Agencybusiness to LSL PropertyServices for the nominalfee of one pound.

“As part of thetransaction, there are

121 ... banking counterslocated within the estateagent offices which willclose early in the NewYear,” said LBG.

“It is anticipated thatas a result of the counterclosures, up to 460colleagues will beaffected.”

An additional 1,050staff currently workingacross LBG’s 218 estateagency offices willtransfer to LSL PropertyServices on completionof the sale that isexpected to conclude inJanuary.

LBG, which is 43percent owned by thetaxpayer after a massivegovernment bailout, hasslashed thousands ofjobs since its creationearlier this yearfollowing Lloyds TSB’stakeover of rival bankinggroup Halifax Bank ofScotland (HBOS).

Lloyds TSB tookover HBOS when thelatter faced possiblecollapse with the creditcrunch hitting its abilityto raise funds.


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Page 16: The New Light of Myanmar 17-10-2009

14th Waning of Thadingyut 1371 ME Saturday, 17 October, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy★ Riots beget riots, not democracy★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC-sowing hatred amongthe people

■ RFA, DVB-generating publicoutrage

■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed■ By broadcasts designed to cause


■ We favour peace and stability■ We favour development■ We oppose unrest and violence■ Wipe out those inciting unrest

and violence

NAY PYI TAW, 16 Oct—A strong earth quakeof intensity (6.5) Richter Scale with its epicenteroutside Myanmar (Indonesia) about (1800) milessoutheast of Kaba-Aye seismological observatorywas recorded at (16) hrs (22) min (52) sec M.S.T on16th October 2009.—MNA

Earthquake Report

Survey data supports rapid ice loss:Largely open Arctic Seas in summer

within 10 yearsSCIENCE DAILY, 16

Oct — New research, re-leased by the Catlin ArcticSurvey and WWF, pro-vides further evidence thatthe Arctic Ocean sea ice isthinning, supporting theemerging thinking that theOcean will be largely ice-free during summer withina decade.The Catlin Arc-

The Arctic Ocean seaice is thinning, new

data show, supportingthe emerging thinkingthat the Ocean will belargely ice-free during

summer within adecade.

tic Survey, completed ear-lier this year, provides thelatest ice thickness record,drawn from the only sur-vey capturing surfacemeasurements conductedduring winter and spring2009.

The data, col-lected by manual drillingand observations on a 450-kilometre route across thenorthern part of the Beau-fort Sea, suggests the sur-vey area is comprised al-most exclusively of first-year ice.

This is a signifi-cant finding because theregion has traditionallycontained older, thickermulti-year ice. The aver-age thickness of the ice-floes measured 1.8 metres,a depth considered too thinto survive the next sum-mer’s ice melt.


Making Kyaukdaga Township ona par with urban areas

Article & Photos: ReporterPeinzalok Thein Nyunt

Photo shows Yenwe Diversion Weir in Kyaukdaga Township.

Nowadays, progress can be witnessed in ruraland urban areas of the entire Union. Especially,everybody can see development of urban regions andimprovement of rural areas after 1988.

Indeed, Kyaukdaga Township of Bago Divisionis one of the developing metropolises. Kyaukdaga islocated beside Yangon-Mandalay Highway, 114 milesfrom Yangon and 314 miles from Mandalay. Thetownship is sharing border with Pyu Township in thenorth, Nyaunglebin and DaikU Townships in the south,

Kyaukkyi and Shwegyin Townships in the east and thelush and green Bago mountain ranges in the west.

It has an area of 1093 square miles. The town-ship is formed with 13 wards and 283 villages in 47village-tracts which are home to over 250,000 people.

(See page 10)

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