Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 1 The QuickInsite Report Prepared for: MissionInsite Study area: 3 mile radius Base State: CA Current Year Estimate: 2015 5 Year Projection: 2020 10 Year Projection: 2025 Date: 7/2/2015 Semi-Annual Projection: Spring About the QuicklInsite Report Two Sections The QuickInsite report is designed to provide a quick look at a geography defined by a user. It provides an initial impression of a study area through a set of 12 demographic variables, the top 10 Mosaic Segments and 5 Religious Beliefs and Practices derived from the Simmons National Consumer research data. Two reports are provided on the following pages. • The Story View Report presents 10 demographic indicators of your study area. • The ThemeView Report presents greater detail about those 10 indicators but organized around themes. NOTE: Not all of the demographic variables available in the MI System are found in this report. The FullInsite or ExecutiveInsite Reports will give a more comprehensive view of an area's demographics and ViewPoint a fuller view of its beliefs and practices. For more information on interpreting the various data on this report, please refer to the Supporting Information on the final page. THE STUDY AREA More Information Please refer to the last page of the report for additional notes and interpretation aides in reading the report.

The QuickInsite Report Prepared for: MissionInsitemissioninsite.com/images/reports/pdfs/quickinsite-sample.pdf · Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian,

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Page 1: The QuickInsite Report Prepared for: MissionInsitemissioninsite.com/images/reports/pdfs/quickinsite-sample.pdf · Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian,

Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 1

The QuickInsite ReportPrepared for: MissionInsiteStudy area: 3 mile radius

Base State: CACurrent Year Estimate: 2015

5 Year Projection: 202010 Year Projection: 2025

Date: 7/2/2015Semi-Annual Projection: Spring

About the QuicklInsite Report Two SectionsThe QuickInsite report is designed to provide a quick look at ageography defined by a user. It provides an initial impressionof a study area through a set of 12 demographic variables, thetop 10 Mosaic Segments and 5 Religious Beliefs and Practicesderived from the Simmons National Consumer research data.

Two reports are provided on the following pages.• The Story View  Report presents 10 demographic indicators ofyour study area.

• The ThemeView  Report presents greater detail about those 10indicators but organized around themes.

NOTE: Not all of the demographic variables available in theMI System are found in this report. The FullInsite orExecutiveInsite Reports will give a more comprehensive viewof an area's demographics and ViewPoint a fuller view of itsbeliefs and practices.

For more information on interpreting the various data on thisreport, please refer to the Supporting Information on the finalpage.


More InformationPlease refer to the last page of the report for additional notes and interpretation aides in reading the report.

Page 2: The QuickInsite Report Prepared for: MissionInsitemissioninsite.com/images/reports/pdfs/quickinsite-sample.pdf · Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian,

Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 2

StoryViewSignificant Demographic Indicators of the Study Area's Story

1Population Change

In the 10 year future, how is this area expected to change? SignificantDecline


Little ChangeModerateGrowth


(See Population and Families Theme)

2School Age Change

In the 10 year future, how is the population of school age childrenin this area expected to change?


ModerateDecline Little Change Moderate


(See Age Theme)

3Families with Children

Compared to the state, are families with children more or lesslikely to live in two parent households?

Significantly Less Somewhat LessAbout theSame



(See Population and Families Theme)

4Adult Educational Attainment

For this area, what is the general level of education of the adults 25and older?

Very Low Low Mixed High Very High

(See Education and Career Status Theme)

5Community Diversity Index

How diverse is the racial/ethnic mix of this area? Very Homogeneous HomgeneousModeratelyDiverse

Very DiverseExtremelyDiverse

(See Community Diversity Theme)

6Median Family Income

How does the median family income compare to the state forthis area?

Significantly Less Somewhat LessAbout theSame



(See Financial Resources Theme)


Compared to the state, is the number of families in poverty aboveor below the state average?


Somewhat Below

About theSame



(See Financial Resources Theme)

8Blue to White Collar Occupations

On a continuum between blue collar and white collar occupations,where does this area fall?

Very Blue CollarSomewhat 

BlueClosely Split


Very WhiteCollar

(See Education and Career Status Theme)

9Largest Racial/Ethnic Group

In this area, which racial/ethnic group is the largest percentage ofthe population?

Asian (NH)Black/Afri

American (NH)White (NH)

Hispanic orLatino

Pac Is/AmerInd/Other

(See Community Diversity Theme)


What is the level of religiosity in this study area? Very LowSomewhat 



Very High

(See Religiosity Theme)

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Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 3 

ThemeViewDemographic Descriptions of the Study Area

Study area: 3 mile radius Date: 7/2/2015

Population and Households ThemePopulation is the most basic demographic characteristic. It indicates how many persons reside within an area and how thattotal changes over time. In addition, future population is forecasted looking out 10 years.

Population and Household History with 5 and 10 Year Projected Change

NOTE: Family Household data is not projected out 10 years.

Population, Households & Families2000 2010 2015 2020 2025

Population 211,201 220,303 226,313 231,674 238,391

  Population Change 9,102 6,010 5,361 6,717

  Percent Change 4.3% 2.7% 2.4% 2.9%

Households 64,249 65,745 67,525 69,078 71,078

  Households Change 1,496 1,780 1,553 2,000

  Percent Change 2.3% 2.7% 2.3% 0.0%

Population / Households 3.29 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35

  Population / Households Change 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00

  Percent Change 1.9% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0%

Family Households 46,192 47,115 48,748 49,986

  Family Households Change 923 1,633 1,238

  Percent Change 2.0% 3.5% 2.5%






02000 2010 2015 2020 2025

History and 10 Year Forecast: Population and Households




Page 4: The QuickInsite Report Prepared for: MissionInsitemissioninsite.com/images/reports/pdfs/quickinsite-sample.pdf · Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian,

Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 4 

Population and Households ThemePopulation and Household History with 5 and 10 Year Projected Percentage Change

Family HouseholdsFamily households with children are changing. The traditional married couple structure is evolving into many different familyexpressions in which children are being raised. These data provide an insight into the family structures within the study areaand then compares them to the state.

This table presents both the history and projections for family structures in the study area. Take note of the change column todiscern how these family structures have changed and are projected to change in the future.Households with Children Actual Hhlds by Year 2010 to 2020

ChangePercent of all Hhlds by Year 2010 to 2020

% Change2010 2015 2020 2010% 2015% 2020%Family: Married-couple 19,172 17,685 17,347 -1825 70.2% 71.3% 69.9% -0.3%Family: Single Mother 5,607 5,426 5,691 84 20.5% 21.9% 22.9% 2.4%Family: Single Father 2,546 1,677 1,781 -765 9.3% 6.8% 7.2% -2.1%

Total: 27,325 24,788 24,819 -2,506 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Population and Household Percentage Change

2000-2010 2010-2015 2015-2020 2020-2025


% Pop Change

% HH Change









0%Married-couple Single Mother Single Father

Family Households with Children by Type

Study Area

State: CA

Page 5: The QuickInsite Report Prepared for: MissionInsitemissioninsite.com/images/reports/pdfs/quickinsite-sample.pdf · Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian,

Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 5 

Age Theme10 Year Average Age and Children 0 to 17 TrendsThe age history and forecast reflects change in a community. Many are aging as a consequence of the aging Baby Boomgeneration and the decline in live births for many years in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Phase of LifeThe Phase of Life 10 Year Change graph highlights life phases that will increase or decrease as a percentage of the totalpopulation in the forecasted 10 year future.

Phase of Life presents how a community changes and people age through their various life phases.Phase of Life Actual Population by Year & Phase Percent of Pop by Year & Phase

2010 2015 2020 2025 2010% 2015% 2020% 2025%Before Formal Schooling:  0 to 4 16,108 16,466 16,645 16,731 7.3% 7.3% 7.2% 7.0%Required Formal Schooling:  5 to 17 42,453 40,674 40,389 41,413 19.3% 18.0% 17.4% 17.4%College/Career Starts:  18 to 24 28,010 27,430 25,237 24,107 12.7% 12.1% 10.9% 10.1%Singles & Young Families:  25 to 34 33,645 34,458 34,020 32,250 15.3% 15.2% 14.7% 13.5%Families & Empty Nesters:  35 to 54 59,891 60,553 61,437 62,542 27.2% 26.8% 26.5% 26.2%Enrichment Yrs Singles/Cpls:  55 to 64 18,849 22,720 26,045 27,610 8.6% 10.0% 11.2% 11.6%Retirement Opportunities:  65 & over 21,347 24,013 27,900 33,739 9.7% 10.6% 12.0% 14.2%

Total: 220,303 226,314 231,673 238,392 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%






322010 2015 2020 2025

Average Population Age: History and Trend

16,466 16,645 16,731

40,674 40,389 41,41360000



02015 2020 2025

10 Year Projection: Children 0 to 17

5 to 17

0 to 4












-3% 0 to 4 5 to 17 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 54 55 to 64 65 & over

Phase of Life: 10 Year Change

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Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 6 

Education and Career Status ThemeThe Education/Career Status theme portrays the level of education and the career types by the categories of Blue Collar andWhite Collar in the study area.

Adult Educational AttainmentThe following graphs present the adult population within the study area 25 years of age and older by the level of educationcompleted.

Adult Educational Attainment Compared to the State of CA

Education Level of Adults 18 Years and Older Actual Hhlds by Year 2015 to 2020 Change

Percent of all Hhlds by Year 2015 to 2020 % Change2015 2020 2015% 2020%

Less than 9th Grade 20,240 20,966 726 14.3% 14.0% -0.2%Some High School, No diploma 15,553 15,969 416 11.0% 10.7% -0.3%High School Graduate (or GED) 30,099 32,363 2264 21.2% 21.7% 0.4%Some College, No degree 29,094 30,379 1285 20.5% 20.3% -0.2%Associate Degree 9,414 9,893 479 6.6% 6.6% 0.0%Bachelor's Degree 24,949 26,864 1915 17.6% 18.0% 0.4%Graduate or Professional school degree 12,395 12,969 574 8.7% 8.7% -0.1%

Total: 141,744 149,403 7,659 100.0% 100.0%

Career Types: Blue Collar and White Collar









9th Grd.

Some HS No d ipl.

HS Grad

. (or G


Some Coll N

o deg.






fess deg


Level of Adult Education

Study Area

State: CA


Percentage Blue Collar to White Collar

Blue CollarWhite Collar

Page 7: The QuickInsite Report Prepared for: MissionInsitemissioninsite.com/images/reports/pdfs/quickinsite-sample.pdf · Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian,

Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 7 

Community Diversity ThemeThe diversity of a community is shaped by the racial/ethnicity of the people who reside in it but also people's age, income andeducation.

Study Area Racial and Ethnic Diversity

NOTE: Race and ethnicity breakouts are based upon Census Bureau categories. Only those groups for which the Bureau providesextended detail can be reported.

Race and Ethnic History and TrendsRacial/Ethnicity by Year Actual Population by Year 2010 to 2020

ChangePercent of all Pop by Year 2010 to 2020

% Change2010 2015 2020 2010% 2015% 2020%Asian (Non-Hisp) 31,200 32,043 32,627 1,427 14.2% 14.2% 14.1% -0.1%Black/African American (Non-Hisp)  4,239 4,349 4,453 214 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 0.0%White (Non-Hisp) 62,570 63,843 65,042 2,472 28.4% 28.2% 28.1% -0.3%Hispanic or Latino 117,310 120,970 124,337 7,027 53.2% 53.5% 53.7% 0.4%Pac Is/Am Ind/Oth (Non-Hisp) 4,984 5,108 5,214 230 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 0.0%

Total: 220,303 226,313 231,673 11,370 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

14.2% 1.9%


2.3%Current Year Racial/Ethnic Percentages

Asian (Non-Hisp)Black/African American (Non-Hisp)

White (Non-Hisp)Hispanic or Latino

Pac Is/Am Ind/Oth (Non-Hisp)

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Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 8 

Community Diversity ThemeMosaic Lifestyle Segmentation TypesMosaic Lifestyle Types provides insight into the behaviors, attitudes and preferences of the households within the Study Area.The result is a fuller multidimensional understanding of a community, neighborhood, zip code or other geography.

Mosaic Study Area State Comparative Index

I32 Family Union - Steadfast Conventionalists 11,576 17.1% 733,138 5.6% 306H26 Middle-class Melting Pot - Progressive Potpourri 9,119 13.5% 682,038 5.2% 259P60 Cultural Connections - Striving Forward 8,761 13.0% 650,367 5.0% 261O54 Singles and Starters - Striving Single Scene 4,828 7.2% 490,750 3.8% 190B10 Flourishing Families - Cosmopolitan Achievers 3,521 5.2% 614,731 4.7% 111C13 Booming with Confidence - Silver Sophisticates 2,984 4.4% 524,187 4.0% 110P61 Cultural Connections - Humble Beginnings 2,825 4.2% 228,112 1.7% 240C11 Booming with Confidence - Aging of Aquarius 2,072 3.1% 410,641 3.1% 98D16 Suburban Style - Settled in Suburbia 1,970 2.9% 148,380 1.1% 257Q65 Golden Year Guardians - Senior Discounts 1,928 2.9% 283,969 2.2% 131

49,584 4,766,313

Top 10 Mosaic Segments

I32 Family Union - Steadfast Conventionalists

H26 Middle-class Melting Pot - Progressive Potpourri

P60 Cultural Connections - Striving Forward

O54 Singles and Starters - Striving Single Scene

B10 Flourishing Families - Cosmopolitan Achievers

C13 Booming with Confidence - Silver Sophisticates

P61 Cultural Connections - Humble Beginnings

C11 Booming with Confidence - Aging of Aquarius

D16 Suburban Style - Settled in Suburbia

Q65 Golden Year Guardians - Senior Discounts

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Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 9 

Financial Resources ThemeFinancial resources available is an indicator of community opportunity or distress. Three variables are presented in thiscategory: 1) Household Income, 2) Family Income and 3) Poverty.

Household Income

Income Trends: Households and Families 2010 to 2020 Change2010 2015 2020

Average Household Income 75,035 79,676 85,687 10,652Median Household Income 58,875 62,609 66,894 8,019Per Capita Income 22,393 23,773 25,549 3157

Median Family Income 62,369 66,634 66,634


Poverty Level Pop Area CA% Pop % Pop

Above poverty level 41,451 85.0% 88.3%Below poverty level 7,297 15.0% 11.7%

48,748 100.0% 100.0%


Study Area

State of CA

Percentage of Families Below Poverty Line: CurrentYear





Average Household Income Trends


Study Area

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Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 10 

Religiosity ThemeThe Religiosity provides insight into the level of religiosity of a study area. It is based upon the strength of each of the following fivevariables.

Religious Beliefs and PracticesEstimated Percent of

the Study AreaEstimated Percent of

the State of CAComparative Index*

Conservative Evangelical Christian 37.1 36 103Consider Myself A Spiritual Person 48 46 104Enjoy Watching Religious TV Programs 18.6 17 109Important to Attend Religious Services 21.1 21 100My Faith Is Really Important To Me 24.3 21 116

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Sources: US Census Bureau, Synergos Technologies Inc., Experian, DecisionInsite/MissionInsite Page 11

Supporting Information

Correlating the StoryView and DetailView ReportsThe Detail View Report presents the important demographic detail behind the Demographic Indicators found on theQuickView page. It is organized around six themes.

DetailView Themes StoryView Number DetailView Themes StoryView Number

1. Population, Households &Families

1 & 3 4. Community Diversity 5 & 9

2. Age 2 5. Financial Resources 6 & 7

3. Education/Career Status 4 & 8 6. Religiosity 10

Interpreting the ReportThe QuickInsite report is formatted to help you interpretdata at a glance.  

Indexes:  Some variables will have a column called"Comparative Index." An index is an easy way to compare astudy area with a larger area. For this report, all comparisonsare with the state or states within which the study area falls.The indexes can be interpreted as follows.

Change over time:  Several trend tables have a columnindicating a change over time. Generally these tablesbegin with the last census, include the current yearestimate, a five year projection and if available, a 10 yearforecast. The data in each cell represents a percentagechange up or down. • Indexes of 100 mean the study area variable is the same as

its base area.

• Indexes greater than 100 mean the study area variable isabove the base area. The higher the number, the greater itis above the base.

Color Coding:   Both   the   "Change   over   Time"   and"Comparative   Indexes"   columns  are   color   coded   to  easilyspot any change and the direction of that change. • Indexes less than 100 mean the study area variable is

below the base area. The lower the number, the greater it isbelow the base.

Change: Increasing Stable DecliningIndex: Above Ave Ave Below Ave.

Variable Definitions SupportFull variable definitions can be found in the MIDemographic Reference Guide. Download it free fromthe Help/Documents menu located on the map screen ofyour study area on the MissionInsite website.

If you need support with this report, please emailMissionInsite at [email protected].