The research acTiviTies aT The MUseO TriDeNTiNO Di scieNZe ...€¦ · 9 1r 2r 3r 4r 5r 6r The Museo TridenTino di scienze naTurali (Trento Natural Science Museum, MTSN) traces back

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Report 2008-2009Report 2008-2009

The research acTiviTies aT The MUseO TriDeNTiNO Di scieNZe NaTUraLiTh

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Report 2008-2009

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The research acTiviTies aT The MUseO TriDeNTiNO Di scieNZe NaTUraLi

repOrT 2008-2009

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Museo TridenTino di scienze naTurali

PresidentGiuliano castelli

DirectorMichele lanzinger

MTsn research report 2008-2009

© 2010 Museo Tridentino di scienze naturali, Via calepina 14, 38122 Trento, italy

Managing editorValeria lencioni

Editorial committeeMarco avanzini, costantino Bonomi, Marco cantonati, Giampaolo dalmeri, Valeria lencioni,Paolo Pedrini, Francesco rovero

Editorial assistantMaria chiara deflorian

Cover and layout designroberto nova

PrintingTipografia Esperia Srl - Lavis (TN)

isBn 978-88-531-0011-5

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ParT 1

1. The research of the Museo Tridentino di scienze naturali

2. The research programmes

Programme 1recology and biodiversity of mountain ecosystems in relation to environmental and climate change

Programme 2rdocumenting and conserving nature

Programme 3rPlant conservation: seedbanking and plant translocation

Programme 4rTropical Biodiversity

Programme 5rearth sciences

Programme 6ralpine Prehistory

3. The research staff and activities

4. The scientific collections

5. The main results and projects

ParT 2

appendix 1: The research staff

appendix 2: research projects, high education and teaching

appendix 3: Publications

appendix 4: collaborations: the research national network

appendix 5: collaborations: the research international network


















The research acTiviTies aT The MUseO TriDeNTiNO Di scieNZe NaTUraLirepOrT 2008-2009

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Fully developed as natural history museum since the beginning of the 1900, the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali (MTSN) over the past decade has developed a new cultural approach through innovative exhibitions and public programs which prompted a wider interpretation of its strictly naturalistic in-stitutional scope. Nowadays the museum manages, besides the head centre in Trento, a whole network of centers for scientific dissemination, established during the last 70 years: Botanical Alpine Garden on Viotte di Monte Bon-done, Museum on the Bronze Age at the Lago di Ledro, Arco Arboretum, Glaciology Museum “J. Payer”, Aeronautic Museum “G. Caproni” in Trento, Bosco Caproni at Arco, Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre (Tanzania) and Lymnological Field Station at the Lago di Tovel. The MTSN has grown and evolved over time, and specifically in 2008-2009 thirty new people were employed in the permanent staff. Since 2009 it com-prises more than sixty employees of which seven curators heads of scientific sections (Botany, Limnology and Phychology, Invertebrate Zoology and Hyd-robiology, Vertebrate Zoology, Tropical Biodiversity, Prehistory and Geology) and five technicians involved in the research and conservation activities plus seven cultural mediators and a plethora of more than thirty “unstructured” collaborators (Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows, research assistants and visitor researchers). In the biennium 2008-2009 the MTSN promoted and participated even with a role of coordinator to several research projects in collaboration with local research institutes such as the Edmund Mach Foun-dation, the Kessler Foundation, the University of Trento and the Centre of Integrative Biology in response to the Trento Province’s demands. In particu-lar, within the projects ACE-SAP and OPENLOC, both financed on the 2008 grant of the Province, the cooperation with all these research centers have been strengthened. In the last two years also the national and international collaborations with other museums and research institutes increased, also thanks to the activation of innovative large-scale research programmes in Asia and Africa in the fields of biodiversity and adaptation to climate change, sustainable development, environmental education. Quantitative indicators of such activities are reported in this document, with a focus on the main re-sults obtained in 2008-2009 published in scientific journals. The implementa-tion of MTSN’s collections thanks to these researches contributes to increase the relevance of such results (at present about 5 millions of specimens/items are preserved at the museum). Furthermore, in these last two years, the 450 m2 surface of permanent gallery have been renovated, devoting the major part of exhibits to the field of nature and biodiversity with special regards to the research activities of the MTSN and other local institutes, providing the diffusion of scientific data to the public in form of easily accessible contents. The total renovation of the museum and its relocation in a new building (ex-Michelin area) will be in 2012. It will change its name into Museo delle Sci-enze (Science Museum, MUSE), and it will be the first museum in Italy that harmoniously blends nature, science and technology, including also basic contemporary ethical and social issues. This has been requiring a consider-able strategic and managerial effort that involves all the MTSN’s staff, being the major challenge for the next future. In conclusion, I am grateful to all the personnel who contributed with constant care, dedication, enthusiasm and professionalism to the performance of the MTSN, included the administrative employers. A special mention to the Auton-omous Province of Trento for its financial support to our research programmes and to all the sponsors who support our activities in the last two years.

Michele LanzingerDirector of the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali

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The research Of The MUseO TriDeNTiNODi scieNZe NaTUraLi1

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The Museo TridenTino di scienze naTurali (Trento Natural Science Museum, MTSN) traces back its origin in the mid XIX century. Since then it has evolved into a modern museum, addressing research, visitor interpreta-tion and education. Research at MTSN is articulated into two mainstream ar-eas: a multidisciplinary investigation of nature and an interest for science in-terpretation, education and training, based on the interconnection between nature science and society.

Environmental research focuses on the Alpine region, and aims at attaining both local and global relevance, trying to be effective, integrated and useful to the local community and research area but also strategically placed at Euro-pean level in key research networks, valuing international research cooperation and participation to consortia and competitive projects, delivering research products relevant at global level.

Education research continuously develops new means to raise awareness of the alpine environment, promoting the sustainable use of its resources, nec-essary to grant an environmentally friendly development of the local society, highlighting local assets and natural heritage, promoting public understanding of science. This is a key role that will be further enhanced in view of the future opening of the new science museum of Trentino, Museo delle Scienze (Science Museum, MUSE).

In this context the role of new museum will be to investigate and explain the environment with the scientific method, addressing the challenges posed by the modern times and promoting the value of science, innovation and sustainable development.

The present and future research activities of the MTSN includes:

investigate the alpine geodynamic system, its endogenous and exog-enous processes, in order to clarify the active forces, its evolution, the biological component, the first human settlements and their evolution in relation to geography and climate;

promote a biodiversity database built on museum collections and field records as part of long standing monitoring and research activities;

improve our understanding of local plant and animal life and ecosystem functioning both aquatic and terrestrial, focusing on indicator species and adaptive potential;

produce distribution maps of priority species and habitats, to develop interpretation and prediction models that take into account global change, in order to develop local management plans for forestry, agri-culture, hunting and fishing;

investigate global change through proxy data derived from limnology, analysing sediments, karst, hypogeous water tables;

interconnect science with society to promote local assets and natural heritage on solid scientific grounds; on a wider scope educate and inspire the general public in an open discussion on nature science and sustainable development;

actively engage with European museums in a benchmarking analysis to better define the research mission of the new museum (MUSE).

The research of the MTsn

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The research prOgraMMes 2

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








The research activities of MTSN are grouped in six general Programmes (1R-6R) accounting each a variable number projects and involving each different Section of the museum. A brief description of these Programmes is given.

PrograMMe 1recology and biodiversiTy of MounTain ecosysTeMs in relaTion To environMenTal and cliMaTe change

In the framework of the Programme 1, research activities on the biodiversity of ter-restrial and freshwater ecosystems of mountain areas in Italy and abroad are carried out in collaboration with regional, national, and international outstanding research institutes. These investigations are mostly fundamental research, devoted to eco-systems and to organisms (from morphology to physiology, genetics and bioorgan-ic chemistry), to their distribution (both in the individual habitats and global from a biogeographic perspective), to their ecological preferences (including their even-tual use as biological monitors), and to the community they belong to (structure, di-versity, characteristic assemblages). The projects included in this Programme focus on specific environments, such as -with reference to aquatic systems- spring-habi-tats, spring-fed streams, rivers, lakes and high-mountain lakes, and -with reference to terrestrial systems- grasslands, woodlands, and glacier forelands. Cyanobacteria, diatoms, bryophytes, chironomid midges and other aquatic insects, and carabid beetles are the groups of organisms on which a highly developed expertise has been achieved as concerns their taxonomy, distribution, physiology, genetics. One of the main goals is the use of target species as indicators of envi-ronmental change caused by local and global impacts (warming, increasing UV ra-diation, acidification, diversion of water for hydroelectric purposes, eutrophication, habitat fragmentation, agriculture pressures, etc.). This Programme includes also bird population studies (reproductive biology and raptors overwintering, trends of local and migrating populations in Trentino) again in relation to climate change and land use.The results of these investigations are made available to Institutes and Agencies in charge for the monitoring, control, management, protection of the territory of the Autonomous Province of Trento to foster a land-use planning oriented to the respect of organisms and natural systems in a perspective of sustainable develop-ment. This Programme also includes several bachelor and M.Sc. theses, doctoral and post- doctoral studies etc. that MTSN runs in co-operation with Italian and foreign Universities. The topics investigated are manifold, because ecology is per se a multi-disciplinary and trans-ecosystemic study, in which, as a consequence, all biological Sections of the MTSN are involved.

PrograMMe 2r docuMenTing and conserving naTure

The Programme 2 is dedicated to research on distribution, ecology and conservation of the flora and fauna of Trento Province, with marked applied implications. It aims to document and monitor biodiversity over time, through field data collection, analysis of both historical (from collections or project reports) and recent data-sets (collected during monitoring campaigns) and predictive modelling. The research elaborates the databases in support of sustainable land use planning, with particular relevance to Rete Natura 2000 and other protected areas. To this end the Programme collaborates with local parks and other relevant Government agencies (such as the Nature Con-

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servation service of Trento Autonomous Province (PAT), Wildlife service of PAT, Trento municipality, Parco Naturale Adamello-Brenta, Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Parco Naturale di Paneveggio - Pale di San Martino, and Agenzia Provinciale per la Protezi-one dell’Ambiente), which are all stakeholders using the Museum research results to orient land use planning. Programme 2 includes publication of results on scientific journals, popular science magazine and technical reports. It supports the organization of conferences, public seminars, temporal exhibits, and school practical lessons. The Programme currently includes 15 projects and it overall involves the Geology and Vertebrate Zoology Sections, e to a less extent Invertebrate Zoology and Botany Sections.

PrograMMe 3rPlanT conservaTion: seedbanking and PlanT TranslocaTion

The ex situ plant conservation and translocation Programme focuses on seed col-lection in the wild, their long term conservation, germination, propagation, plant reintroduction and reinforcement. This action is particularly relevant for narrow endemics and threatened species. These activities are complementary to the ex-pertise present in the other research centres present in Trentino, such as the plant distribution mapping project carried out at Rovereto museum, the genetic investi-gations Programme at FEM-environment, the in situ conservation and monitoring actions carried out by the protected areas. In an integrated vision all these actions put together will lay the foundations for an integrated strategy for plant conser-vation in Trentino, capable to deliver management plans and mitigation tools to mend negative impacts on flora and vegetations caused by human activities. These activities are consistent with the key international conventions and agreements in this area such as art. 8 & 9 of the CBD; target 8 of the GSPC, target 2.5 of the EPCS, the Bern Convention, the Habitat Directive. MTSN plant conservation unit plays a key role on a national level, providing the secretariat of the Italian network for seed conservation and is involved in international networks as detailed at point 5.

PrograMMe 4rTroPical biodiversiTy

The research is generally aimed at determining the diversity, evolutionary patterns, ecological adaptations - and at promoting the conservation - of biodiversity-rich ar-eas in Eastern Africa, especially the mountain rainforests of Tanzania, with a marked target on the vertebrates. This area is led by the Tropical Biodiversity Section that has been established in 2008. Museum researchers were however involved since before on zoological inventories and ecological research in Tanzania. The activities originated in 2004 a coordinated Programme integrating research and applied conservation with the latter component being especially developed in the Udzungwa Mountains, one of the most important sites in Africa for biodiversity conservation. Here Trento Museum established the Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre, a field station annexed to the Udzungwa Mountains National Park and dedicated to enhancing ecological monitor-ing and supporting local and international researchers. Scientific and applied research moves from inventories of vertebrates in poorly known forests, population and ecology studies on forest mammals especially primates and ungulates, diversity and biogeog-raphy of amphibians and reptiles. Conservation-relevant results are used to provide technical support to local stakeholders for enhancing protection of these sites.

The research programmes

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








PrograMMe 5rearTh sciences

Activity comprised in the Programme 5, Earth Sciences, concerns general geology and palaeontology. Research involves stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment recon-struction. In the last 10 years the team has focused on vertebrate palaeontology, in particular palaeoichnology and palaeoecology of dinosaurs and other reptiles reaching an acknowledged international role in this field of research. The team has experience in palaeontological excavations and the geological mapping of the area. The group is part of the research group joined by the Italian Geological Survey and the Trento Autonomous Province to review the Italian lithostratigraphical nomencla-ture (“Catalogue of the Italian Geological Formations”), and edit the new Geologi-cal Map of Italy (CARG Project). The Section coordinates all the palaeontological activities that are developed in the area by universities and research institutes. The Section has in his tasks the preservation and valorisation of natural beauties and aims to guarantee the population the right use of the interesting sites.Team research is also working on palaeoclimate dynamics using Quaternary cave deposits (speleothemes) as proxy with high temporal resolution. Present day climate is analysed studying underground karsic systems focusing on hydrology and glaciers responses to climate change.

PrograMMe 6ralPine PrehisTory

The Programme 6 “Alpine Prehistory” deals with topics about the society, the economy, and the culture of the populations of hunters and gatherers who lived in the alpine environment during Late Glacial and Ancient Holocene. This first alpine settlement is strictly connected with the events of the natural environment and the deep environmental changes of Pleistocene. The experimental approach turns into research projects on the area with stratigraphic excavation activities. The study of the archaeological finds aims to the interpretation of the human strategies in the alpine ecosystem, between Late Glacial and the present environment. This allows the research on the strategies of the occupation of the Adige Valley and the centre Alpine area and the elaboration of mobility - nomadism and successively transhumance models, by paying attention to the economic and social activities.The research on the prehistoric art archaeological finds discovered in the Museum's archaeological sites are particularly important.The prehistoric research makes use of all the scientific disciplines that define the culture and environmental sets; for example: Geoarchaeology, the study of Qua-ternary through datation techniques, paleoclimatic researches, Pedology, Paleo-botany and Archaeozoology.

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The research sTaff aND acTiviTies3

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








Seven scientific Sections are involved in research activities.

section name head of section

Tropical Biodiversity Francesco Rovero

Botany Costantino Bonomi

Limnology and Phycology Marco Cantonati

Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology Valeria Lencioni

Vertebrate Zoology Paolo Pedrini

Geology Marco Avanzini

Prehistory Giampaolo Dalmeri

Each working group (Section) is represented by a curator (with the role of coordi-nator), one technician and a variable number of researchers, grant positions, and students (master, Ph.D.) (Table 1; Appendix 1).

Table 1 - Research staff in 2008-2009 (as full time equivalent).

research staff (2008-2009) fte

Curators - chief-researchers, Section coordinators 7

Researchers 16

Technicians 10

Scientific communicators 7

Post docs 3

Ph.Ds 13

Total 56

In Table 2 and Appendix 2 data referred to teaching and research activity carried out in 2008-2009 are given.

Table 2 - Quantitative data on research and teaching activities (2008-2009).

research and teaching activities (2008-2009) nr.

Research projects 59

Teaching activity (masters, training courses) 29

Seminars c/o universities and museums 7

Lectures 36

In-house workshops and congresses organizations 8

Post-doc grants 3

Ph.Ds 13

Masters and degrees 19

Other research grants 2

Trainings 9

Volunteers 13

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In 2008-2009 more than 200 publications have been produced by the MTSN re-search staff as author/co-author (see Table 3 and Appendix 3).

Table 3 - Number of publications by MTSN researchers (2008-2009).

Publications (2008-2009) nr.

Scientific papers on peer-reviewed journals (with IF or ISI) 44

Scientific papers on peer-reviewed but not ISI journals 67

Scientific papers on un-reviewed journals 4

Books or book chapters 28

Popular Science papers 28

Oral communications (with published abstract) 39

Oral communications (without published abstract) 22

Posters (with published abstract) 20

Posters (without published abstract) 11

Congress attendances 64

Among the outputs of the MTSN research activities the scientific journals edited by the MTSN: Preistoria Alpina (since 1963), Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali (since 1926), Monografie del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali (since 2004) and Quad-erni del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali (since 2007). The scientific committee is represented by curators of the MTSN and Italian and foreign experts in the dif-ferent disciplines. As a mean in the last 5 years, about 1000 pages/year have been published. In 2008-2009, 11 volumes were printed for a total of 2327 printed pages (Table 4).

Table 4 - Publications edited by MTSN in 2008-2009.

Journal, volume Title Print year n. pages

Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 83 Italian Ichnology 2008 347

Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 84 Miscellanea 2009 160

Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 85 Suoli degli ambienti alpini 2009 169

Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 86 Atti Congresso Gadio 2008 2009 175

Preistoria Alpina, suppl., 42 Abitare il Neolitico 2008 480

Preistoria Alpina, 43 Miscellanea 2008 315

Preistoria Alpina, 44Atti Convegno Obermaier +miscellanea

2009 270

Quaderni del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, 3 La fauna del suolo 2008 191

Natura Alpina, 3-4.2007 2008 108

Natura Alpina, 1.2008   2009 58

Natura Alpina, 2-3.2009   2009 54

Total 2327

The research staff and activities

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








Overall, the MTSN collaborates with about 200 research institutes, museums, scientific associations etc., in Italy and abroad (Table 5, Appendix 4).

Table 5 - Number of collaborations of the research staff of MTSN.

collaborations 2008 - 2009 in italy abroad

Universities 21 35

Research Institutes 12 19

Museums 4 10

Private and public institutions/associations 38 30

Total 75 94

Funds for research activities amount at 2,446,195 Euros in 2008 and at 2,733,382 Euros in 2009. The research activities were financed mainly by the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) as reported in Tables 6 and 7. Table 6 - Funds for research activities (2008-2009).

Funds for research activities (2008-2009) 2008 2009

grant-in-aid by PaT - research and university service

1,600,000.00 1,900,000.00

PaT - grant projects 237,537.00 232,507.00

other revenues 608,658.00 600,875.00

Total 2,446,195.00 2,733,382.00

Table 7 - MTSN research funds: Trend in the last 5-years.

year grant-in-aid by PaT other revenues% other revenues/grant-in-aid by PaT

2005 820,000.00 1,254,017.47 60.5%

2006 820,000.00 936,022.19 53.3%

2007 820,000.00 858,484.56 51.1%

2008 1,600,000.00 846,194.69 34.6%

2009 1,900,000.00 833,382.00 30.5%

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The research staff and activities

The figure shows the repartition of the research projects in three categories depending on the source of revenue: - institutional projects : supported by the Grant-in-aid - grant based projects: financed by PAT or other institutions through grant

competitions - on agreement projects: financed within an agreement subscribed with other

institutions for research consultancies or services.

Number of research projects (2008-2009).

In 2009 the number of projects (and the total amount of funds) on agreements heavily decreased (from 16 to 9) whereas those on grants and institutional slightly increased. This is mainly due to the end of several projects funded on agreements and the involvement of the research staff in activities regarding the realization of the new Science Museum (MUSE).All these data were performed by the administration staff (Massimo Eder, Alberta Giovannini, Sabrina Candioli).

11   13  

10   12  

16   9  






2008   2009  

N.  p


Ins-tu-onal   Grant   Agreement  

n. p



Institutional Grant Agreement

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The scieNTific cOLLecTiONs 4

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








The natural history and archaeological collections of the Museo Tridentino di Scien-ze Naturali (about 300 collections and more than 4,5 millions objects) are of great interest for their close relationship with the Trentino area. Besides the objects of local origin, there are many specimens coming from the rest of Italy and from for-eign countries, obtained through donations, travels, exchanges and research expe-ditions abroad. The oldest materials were collected more than two centuries ago and the collections increase every year through many new acquisitions. As vouchers of the natural and human diversity in time and space, the collections are precious research infrastractures, always available to the research community.

sections n. collections objects estimated items/specimens

Tropical Biodiversity 1 3,800 3,800

Botany 44 150,000 370,000

Limnology and Phycology 12 7,000 8,500

Invertebrate Zoology 17 4,500 1,200,000

Vertebrate Zoology 18 10,700 12,000

Geology 8 17,000 42,000

Prehistory 200 95,000 3,250,000

Total 300 288,000 4,886,100

The MTSN collections are constantly investigated and cared for by the staff, in or-der to go in depth in their documentation and study, and to make them available to the research community as to the general public. At present more than half of the preserved heritage (53.2%) is fully catalogued with a specific software in accord-ance with the national standards. This also thanks to 13 volunteers of Civil Service involved in sixprojects (see Appendix 2).In 2008-2009 MTSN received several loan requests: 54 outgoing loans were ap-proved, 44 for research purposes and 10 for temporary exhibitions. The MTSN col-lections specimens were described or used as material in 38 different publications written by the museum staff or by other researchers who borrowed MTSN collec-tions objects. Acquisition and documentation increased conspicuously with 50,330 new specimens, 16,291 new catalogue cards digitized and 78,480 revised.

Collections 2008-2009: loans, publications, acquisitions and cataloguing (digitization).

collections 2008 2009

Research outgoing loans 22 22

Exhibitions outgoing loans 4 6

Publications about collections 15 23

New acquisitions (specimens) 22,530 27,800

New catalogue cards 7,751 8,540

Catalogue card revised 59,993 18,487

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The scientific colllections

TROPICAL BIODIVERSITySince 1998 MTSN has conducted several research expeditions in the mountain rainforests of Tanzania, that have led to a collection of 3,800 specimens of am-phibians and reptiles (and mammals to a much less extent). These include over 40 species that are new to science. The herpetological collection of MTSN is now recognized one of the most important with regards to the mountain for-ests of Tanzania. Among the mammals, the collection includes Rhynchocyon udzungwensis, the giant elephant-shrew discovered by MTSN researchers and described in 2008.

BOTANy Botany collections are made up by the herbarium and the living collections of the museum’s two botanic gardens (Viotte Alpine Garden and Arco Arbotretum) and the seed bank.The Herbarium (TR) accounts for approx. 150,000 specimens mainly collected from the mid eighteen century to the mid nineteen century. The major component is naturally local from Trentino and Tirol but a significant part of the collections origi-nate from other parts of Italy, Europe and North Africa. Viotte alpine garden grows more than 1,200 alpine species from the major mountain chains of the world, with a special interest for endemic and threatened species, Arco arboretum includes nearly 200 species of fine and tender trees of garden interest. The seeds bank fo-cuses on threatened and endemic species of conservation interest originating from the Eastern Alps.

LIMNOLOGy AND PHyCOLOGyPhycological and limnological collections of the MTSN include more than 5,000 items collected in the frame of the numerous research projects carried out by the Section. These are mostly samples of microscopic organisms - such as diatoms, cyanobacteria, algae, zoobenthos and zooplankton - collected mainly in the Alps, and namely in the Autonomous Province of Trento. Besides these recently started collections, the Section also curates two historical algae collections including exsic-cata of marine and freshwater algae originating from different locations worldwide and collected mainly in the Nineteenth Century.

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INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGy AND HyDROBIOLOGy Invertebrate collections of the MTSN include more than 1.4 million of specimens, aquatic and terrestrial. Historical collections (1850-1950 yr) include mainly terres-trial insects (about 175,000 specimens) and marine, freshwater and terrestrial mol-luscs. Most part of specimens (terrestrial and aquatic) are preserved in ethanol and were collected mainly in mountain regions in Italy but also abroad (Svalbard Islands, Pakistan-Karakorum, France-Pyrenees, etc.). A collection of more than 5,000 micro-scope slides of aquatic insects and crustaceans is also present.

VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGyThe Vertebrate Zoology collections of MTSN include all classes of this taxon, with a marked prevalence of birds and mammals. Overall there are more than 10,000 specimens, of which 4,000 collected between 1850 and 1950, while the rest are from recent donations, acquisitions and MTSN own research. It is especially interest-ing the small mammal collection, that counts 6,000 among insectivors and rodents. The material demonstrates the tight link of MTSN with the local environment, and it overall  includes whole animals prepared as skins or wet specimens, bird nests, eggs, prepared skeletons.

GEOLOGyGeological collections of the MTSN are constituted of rocks, minerals and fossils collected form the main localities of the Trentino Alto Adige region and, in mi-nor part, from Italian and foreign sites. The 17,000 specimens come from different sources, and became part of the museum heritage thanks to research activities, donations or occasional findings by privates or collaborators of the museum. Speci-mens, collected in a temporal range of more then two centuries, well document the local territory and testify the geological research enterprise of the Trentino area.

PREHISTORyMTSN’s archaeological collections are referred to lithic materials, ceramics, bone and horn manufacts, art manufacts, wood, vegetal fibres, metal manufacts and fau-nas. MTSN’s archaeological finds are more than 3 millions. They mostly belong to 40 provincial prehistoric sites, studied by the Museum from the 60’s. The precious paleolithic painted stones (almost 300) with zoomorphic, antropomorphic and schematic pictures, coming from Riparo Dalmeri (Trento) are exceptionally relevant.

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The MaiN resULTs aND prOjecTs5

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Classical ecological theory states that two species should have different niches to coexist, otherwise one outcompetes the other. In the past decade, however, the role of negative interactions (competition) has been resized on the basis of increased evi-dence of positive interactions (facilitation).

Current theory predicts that the balance between competition and facilitation chang-es along a gradient of stress, so that facilita-tion predominates in environmentally stress-ful conditions, while competition prevails in more favourable conditions. The mecha-nisms by which these species interactions occur can be different. For bryophytes, one of the main mechanism involves water avail-ability. Bryophytes are like sponges, gaining and retaining water through small chambers and capillary spaces. In this experiment we evaluated the conditions in which a bryo-phyte species facilitates or competes in rela-tion to the level of stress and to the duration of this stress.

Simulating drought events of differ-ent intensity and duration, we noted that the species interactions changed but not according to the current theory. The shift between competition and facilitation and viceversa, can change with time also within a seasonal scale, probably following the cli-mate fluctuation.

Even though the experiment was not conclusive, with this study we identified the spatial and temporal context within which the processes operate, increasing our un-derstanding of the causes of spatial and temporal variability.

This work was funded by the University and Scientific Research Section of the Autonomous Province of Trento to the Limnology and Phycol-ogy Section of the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali (CRENODAT Project: Biodiversity as-sessment and integrity evaluation of springs of Trentino - Italian Alps - and long-term ecological research, 2004-2008).

Spitale D., 2009 - Switch between competition and facilitation within a seasonal scale at colony level in bryophytes. Oecologia 160/3: 471-482.


can a species aid another species when the situation becomes hard? an answer from a field experiment using bryophytesSection of Limnology and Phycology

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Since several decades diatoms are increasingly used for the assessment of the trophic status of different freshwater ecosystems. However, spring habitats have been only marginally considered concerning this topic.

The purpose of this research was to compare the diatom assemblages of two groups of carbonate, low-altitude springs, affected by different levels of anthropogenic disturbances.

Two datasets were considered: the first (CESSPA) includes carbonate springs located within the River Adige catchment while the second (CRENO-DAT, selected springs) includes springs located not exclusively within the same basin, and very similar to the previous ones, as regards lithological substratum, altitude range, shading.

Environmental quality indices, to-gether with statistical analysis, were used to assess differences between the dia-tom assemblages in the two datasets. In-dices revealed higher trophic and sapro-bity levels for the CESSPA springs than for the other group (CRENODAT).

Values of the Shannon-Wiener diver-sity index were similar for the two groups

while the average species richness was slightly higher in nature-near springs (CRENODAT); higher percentages of endangered or rare taxa (Red List) were found only in the nature-near springs.

The main impacts affecting the CESSPA springs were found to be both anthropogenic disturbances, such us wa-ter abstraction and spring-bed modifica-tion, and higher nitrate values.

This work was funded by the the Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Adige and Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona to the Limnology and Phy-cology Section of the Museo Tridentino di Sci-enze Naturali (CESSPA Project, Censimento e studio di sorgenti e pozzi del Bacino dell’Adige = Inventory and investigation of springs and wells in the River Adige basin, 2007-2009) and by the University and Scientific Research Sec-tion of the Autonomous Province of Trento (CRENODAT Project).

Angeli N., Cantonati M., Spitale D. & Lange-Bertalot H., 2010 - A comparison between diatom assemblages in two groups of car-bonate, low-altitude springs with different levels of anthropogenic disturbances. Fot-tea, 10: 115-128.

Torricelle captured spring (CESSPA) and Brenta Alta close-to-pristine spring (CRENODAT).


a comparison between diatom assemblages in two groupsof carbonate, low-altitude springs with different levels of anthropogenic disturbancesSection of Limnology and Phycology

The main results and projects 2008-2009

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Bangia atropurpurea is widely distrib-uted in freshwater habitats (rivers and lakes in North America, Europe, and Asia).

In Lake Garda, B. atropurpurea oc-curs mainly on rocky substrata in the central-northern part, and only sporadi-cally in the southern part. B. atropurpu-rea typically occurs in the upper and mid eulittoral zones. Here it experiences, both diurnally and seasonally, extreme environmental fluctuations, resulting in desiccation, freezing, osmotic and radi-ation stress. Since L. Garda experiences relatively ample seasonal water-level fluctuations, Bangia is supposed to be adapted to a very stressful habitat. Un-derstanding the mechanisms of resist-ance to UV exposition and desiccation of B. atropurpurea is the main aim of our study within the ACE-SAP Project.

To shed some light on the mecha-nisms conferring its ability to colonize such a stressful habitat, currently we are carrying out a field experiment in which artificial substrata colonized by B. atro-purpurea are translocated to obtain two main treatments, moisture level (hydrat-ed and exposed to air) and radiation (am-

bient, ambient minus UVA, and ambient minus UVA and UVB). Within these main treatments, we will study the response of B. atropurpurea with ecological, mor-phological, metabolomic, and genetic approaches. Candidate genes will be selected on the basis of literature and preliminary ecological, morphological, ultrastructural, and bioorganic analyses. The expression of the selected genes at the different experimental conditions will be assessed by RT-PCR and/or real time PCR. Stress induced by desiccation and by different radiation types will be evalu-ated by morphological and ultrastruc-tural analysis, paying special attention to cellular membranes organization and to the stress-protection compounds.

This work (ACE-SAP.A2.WP2) was funded by the University and Scientific Research Section of the Autonomous Province of Trento (ACE-SAP Project - Alpine ecosystems in a chang-ing environment: biodiversity sensitivity and adaptive potential, 2008-2011). Collabora-tions (ACE-SAP.A2.WP2): University of Trento (Bioorganic chemistry Lab, CIBIO), University of Padua (Phycology Lab).

Bangia atropurpurea, an invasive red alga in lake garda. Jack of all trades, master of some? Section of Limnology and Phycology


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Diatoms are unicellular microalgae. Their cell is enclosed within a silica frus-tule formed by two valves with complex ultrastructure. They are very biodiverse (estimates of worldwide species richness range from 200.000 to 2.000.000), and, being dominant also in the phytoplank-ton of the oceans, they contribute to glo-bal primary production with a proportion as large as 20%. They can be found eve-rywhere there is a little bit of moisture, and in aquatic habitats. Most of them have very precise preferences as con-cerns ecological factors of paramount relevance in environmental quality as-sessments, such as pH, mineralization, nutrients’ levels etc.

The amorphous-silica frustules al-low species identification, and are usu-ally preserved in sediments, thus being a precious tool for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. All this characteristics have fostered the use of diatoms in a wide array of disciplines: environmental biology (as monitors), geology, paleolim-nology, archeology, phorensics, nanote-chnologies etc. This relevance in many branches explains why there are, world-wide, numerous researchers specialized on this group, some specialized journals (Diatom Research etc.) and even a “Dia-tom Institute” in Japan.

Diatom mounts are excellent col-lection objects, and therefore dia-tomists are present in many natural History Museums. The 2nd Central Eu-ropean Diatom Meeting was organized

by the Limnology and Phycology Section and took place in the Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali (Trento, Italy) from the 12th to the 15th of June 2008. It was at-tended by about hundred delegates from 21 countries (in decreasing order by number of registered participants): Ger-many, Italy, Czech Republic, Austria, Rus-sia, Spain, Hungary, Poland, United King-dom, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Croatia, Belgium, Israel, Sweden, Serbia, Macedonia, Canda. Bosna, Netherlands). There have been 71 contributions (21 talks + 50 posters).

The Congress was held under the Patronage of the Autonomous Province of Trento. Sponsors: University and Scientific Research Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Trentino S.p.A. and APT Trento (Trentino and Trento Marketing Companies respectively), Centro Duplicazioni PAT (Printing Center of Autono-mous Province of Trento), Foradori (wine tast-ing at the end of the excursion), Koeltz Scien-tific Books (book exhibition), Italian Ministry of the Environment and Territory Protection Friuli Museum of Natural History (Italian Habitats).

Cantonati M., Scalfi A. & Bertuzzi E. (eds), 2008 - Abstract Book of the 2nd Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM2). Trento, Italy, 12-15 June 2008, 98 pp.

Cantonati M. (Ed.), 2009 - Papers presented at the 2nd Central European Diatom Meet-ing, and submitted for publication on Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali. In: Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 84: 103-160.

international diatomists met at the Museum in Trento in 2008Section of Limnology and Phycology

The main results and projects 2008-2009


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Diptera Chironomidae (non biting midges) represent up to 100% of the fauna of cold alpine streams. Because they survive stress conditions such as ex-tremely low temperature (annual mean of 4°C), these animals represent a good organism model to analyze the effects of temperature and oxygen saturation on survival, basal respiration rate and the synthesis of chaperons as Heat shock proteins 70 kDa.

Data on fourth instar larvae of ten spe-cies of cold-stenothermal chironomids (Pseudodiamesa branickii, Diamesa latitar-sis, Diamesa laticauda, Diamesa cinerella, Diamesa insignipes, Diamesa zernyi, Di-amesa vaillanti, Orthocladius (Orthocladi-us) frigidus, Orthocladius (Euorthocladius) thienemanni and Paratriclochladius niva-lis) from glacier-fed streams in the Noce Bianco basin (Trentino, N.E. Italy, 1300-2600 m a.s.l.) are available.

Overall, lower levels of Hsp70 (as sum of constitutive and inducible detected by western blotting) and an oxy-conformer behaviour (i.e. higher critical pressure and initial decrease; lower regulation value, respiration rate at 25% oxygen saturation and slope ratio in piecewise linear regression) were observed in the most cold stenothermal species whereas lower amounts of stress proteins and an

oxy-regulatory behaviour were common in the less cold stenothermal species.

These differences are explained by different autoecology of the investigated species. These results provide information on biochemical strategies of alpine midg-es to face cold temperatures under natu-ral conditions and new insights into their possible response to global warming.

This work was carried out within the projects: “Ambienti estremi: cambiamenti climatici e strategie adattative in invertebrati acquatici di alta quota”, funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (2006-2008); “ACE-SAP” (Ecosistemi alpini e cambiamento ambientale: sensibilità e potenziale adattativo della biodiversità), funded by the University and Scientific Research Section of the Autono-mous Province of Trento (2008-2011).

Lencioni V., Bernabò P., Vanin S., Di Muro P. & Beltramini M., 2008 - Respiration rate and oxy-regulatory capacity in cold stenother-mal chironomids. Journal of Insect Physiol-ogy, 54/9: 1337-1342.

Lencioni V., Boschini D. & Rebecchi L., 2009 - Expression of the 70 kDa Heat shock protein family in Alpine freshwater chi-ronomids (Diptera, Chironomidae) under natural conditions. Journal of Limnology, 68/2: 251-256.

adaptation capacity to variable temperatures in aquatic insects: the case study of non-biting midges from cold streamsSection of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology

Oxy-regulation plots obtained with Diamesa insignipes at 4 °C.

Diamesa insignipes


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Societies and Sections of environ-ment protection refer to biodiversity as number of species: “high species rich-ness is quality of life”.

Our study, performed using ground beetles (Carabidae) as study model due to their well known sensibility to habitat changes, introduces a non-tax-onomic method to classify habitats with different level of stability. If we assume forests as habitats with low human in-terference and high natural quality, our data show that these habitats have the lowest ground dwelling beetle species richness, in opposition to the rural hab-itats, which are richer in species. For this reason, species richness, as similar-ity of species composition, may not be good descriptors of habitat quality, un-less we use a low number of species as descriptor of good habitat quality.

On the contrary, functional traits (dispersal capacity, diet and body length) of species assemblages result good indicators of habitat quality. The

results obtained by our research sug-gest that the analysis of ground beetle assemblages could be of help in land-scape ecology studies to determine habitat stability.

Lower number of species, but high-er frequency of predator, wingless and large species, as we found in forest habitats, are connected to stability and, therefore, environmental quality.

We also show that the main problem of the agroecosystems is not the loss of biodiversity as species richness, but the loss of biodiversity functions.

Patches with predator species could be considered sink of diet specialists of pest insects, patches with lager body spe-cies may favour the presence of mammals and bird, as these vertebrates prefer to prey few specimens with high biomass than many specimens with low biomass.

During the last century, wingless, large bodied and diet specialists’ ground beetle populations quickly declined in Europe, mainly in lowlands (and the bottom of the alpine valley) that were rapidly changing.

Gobbi M. & Fontaneto D., 2008 - Biodiversity of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in different habitats of the Italian Po low-land. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environ-ment, 127/3-4: 273-276.

high species richness means quality of life: it is not always trueSection of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology

The main results and projects 2008-2009


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At high latitudes and altitudes, ice formation is a major variable affecting survival of freshwater fauna and hence the abundance and composition of inver-tebrate communities. Freezing, but also desiccation and anoxia, are lethal threats to all life stages of aquatic insects, from the eggs to the adults. Since 1996 the Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hy-drobiology is carrying out ecological re-searches on fauna living “at the edge”, in cold freshwater in the Italian Alps, in the Artic (Svalbard Islands) since 1997 and, since 2008, in Karakorum (Pakistan).

In these regions, the growing season is reduced to a few weeks, and insects have developed a complex of strategies to survive at their physiological tempera-ture minimum, comprising (a) morpho-logical (melanism, reduction in size, hairi-ness/pubescence, brachyptery and ap-tery), (b) behavioural (basking in the sun, changes in feeding and mating habit, parthenogenesis, polyploidy, ovovivipar-ity, habitat selection, and cocoon build-

ing), (c) ecological (extension of develop-ment to several years by quiescence or diapause and reduction of the number of generations per year), (d) physiological and biochemical (freezing tolerance and freezing avoidance) adaptations.

More than 100 thousands of speci-mens were collected and several special-ized involved in identifying them to spe-cies. About ten new species have been identified and others are suspected to be present in the collected material, high-lighting the value of such environments as biodiversity hotspot still little known.

Collaborations with the KIU (Karako-rum International University), the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona and the Bicocca University of Milan have been activated in 2008.

The research expeditions to Svalbard were supported in 1997 by VI FP (Arctic and Alpine Stream Ecosystem Research ENV-CT95-0164) and in 2003 by MTSN, those to Karakorum in 2008 by EV-K2-CNR Comittee.

life at the edge: from the alps to the arctic (svalbard, norway) and karakorum (Pakistan)Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology

Karakorum (Pakistan), June and October 2008.

Svalbard Islands (Ny-Ålesund), August 1997 and 2003.


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Recent changes to the natural world provide strong evidence for the power-ful effects of environmental changes on biodiversity.

Shifts in the abundance and distribu-tion can lead to marked changes in the composition of ecological communities, with implications for the structure and function of ecosystems, and for the serv-ices that they provide.

The research programme on Biodi-versity and Environmental Change of the Vertebrate Zoology Section at the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali is driven by three unifying question: 1) how does climate drive biodiversity in moun-tain environments? 2) how might current and future environmental changes affect alpine biodiversity? 3) how can alpine biodiversity be conserved considered present and future challenges?

During the year 2009 the Vertebrate Zoology Section conducted a study on the impacts of future land cover land cover changes on the distribution breeding birds in the province of Tren-to, in collaboration with the Centre for

Ecology and Hydrology (UK). The base-line data were derived from the Italian Breeding Bird Survey (MITO). The study involved the use of a series of advanced modelling techniques to predict chang-es the distribution of 57 of species of birds in relation to three future land cover scenarios.

The main results indicate that future land cover changes could cause a de-crease in the distribution of 46 of spe-cies by the year 2080, and, that provincial areas located at mid-altitudes will expe-rience the highest loss in species diver-sity. Researchers are currently examining the relationship between the probability of species extinction relation to a series biological traits. This trait-based analy-sis will shed more light on the biological characteristics that predispose a species to extinction.

The Vertebrate Zoology Section ul-timately aims to use the results of this resarch to inform local conservation decisions and the development of ac-tion plans to conserve highly sensitive species.

Result of model predictions: an example of consensus forecasts for water pipit Anthus spinoletta (28% reduction in range).

The main results and projects 2008-2009

biodiversity and enviromental changeSection of Vertebrate Zoology



A2 scenario 2020

B2 scenario 2020

A2 scenario 2050

B2 scenario 2050

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This project is focussed on quanti-fying the spatio-temporal dynamics of migratory birds in the Italian Alps, us-ing a series of advanced analytical ap-proaches. Expected results will provide a deeper understanding of the environ-mental and biological drivers of abun-dance in migrating birds and the role of migrants as indicators of environmental change. The project is highly relevant for understanding future threats to mi-gratory species at the large scale.

It makes use of the data generated by the “Progetto Alpi”network, coor-dinated by the Italian Ringing Scheme and the Vertebrate Zoology Section of the Natural Science Museum of Trento.

The “Progetto Alpi”, started up in 1997, is already active with more than 30 ringing stations where data on post-nup-tial bird migration are collected. Up to now more than 300’000 records, referred

to over 170 species, were gathered.By using a series of robust model-

ling techniques, ranging from statistical to machine learning, the project deals with the following specific objectives: 1) to explore the importance both species and site components of the variation in species abundance and fuelling rates, 2) to understand how global environmen-tal processes affect species abundance and stopover behaviour, 3) to test the importance of migrants as indicators of environmental change, within a predic-tive modelling framework.

The work will be undertaken within three-year Ph.D. project, jointly supervised by the University of Pavia (Giuseppe Bogliano), Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (Oxford, UK), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate-Italian National Research Council, and the Institute for Environmental Protec-tion and Research.

Stazioni aderenti al Progetto Alpi nel periodo 1997-20081. La Tesa - UD 20. Colle Gallo - BG2. Sella Carnizza - UD 21. La Passata - BG3. Portis - UD 22. Capannelle - BG4. Casera Doana - BL 23. Roccolo Zois - BG5. Ciano Val di Buratto - TV 24. Cascina Lodoletta - CO6. Passo del Brocon - TN 25. Costa Perla - LC7. Lago di Caldaro - BZ 26. Bolle di Magadino - CH8. Passo del Mesole - VI 27. Isolino - VB9. Foci dell’Avisio - TN 28. Palude San Genuario - VC10. Malga Derocon - VR 29. Lago di Candia - TO11. Vajo Galina - VR 30. Carnino - CN12. San Mauro - TN 31. La Vedetta - TO13. Cà de la Pela - VR 32. Colle del Lys - TO14. Bocca di Caset – TN 33. Colle dell’Ortiga - CN15. Passo di Spino – BS 34. Colle Vaccera - TO16. Passo della Berga, Maniva - BS 35. Pracatinat - TO17. Palazzina - BS 36. Balboutet - TO18. Roccolo Campiani - BS 37. Prati del Vallone - CN19. Campiani Pedrina - BS





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Col de Bretolet





Modelling spatio-temporal dynamics of bird migration across the italian alpsSection of Vertebrate Zoology


Ringing Stations of the Progetto Alpi for the period 1997-2008

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The main results and projects 2008-2009


The Limnology and Phycology Sec-tion of the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali is dealing, since the beginning of the 1990s with a very peculiar type of freshwater habitats: springs. These envi-ronments are known to the wider public almost exclusively because they are often exploited to gain drinking water. On the contrary, it is scarcely known that the fre-quently particularly stable environmental conditions, and the waters, usually of very high quality, allow these habitats to host rare, Red List, or even new-to-sci-ence species. The most important spring study co-ordinated by the Limnology and Phycology Section has been CRENODAT (details below).

This Project made possible the dis-covery of a notable number of new taxa (genera, subgenera, species) of different groups of organisms. The most relevant taxonomic result has been the discovery of a diatom genus new to science, that has been named Microfissurata Lange-Bertalot, Cantonati et Van de Vijver. The description was published in 2009 in the renowned phycological journal J. Phycol. The main morphological character of the new genus is that the so-called “striae”, that in most diatoms are formed by rows of perforations (areolae), are simple slits (microfissures). The species on which the description of the new genus is based is Microfissurata paludosa Cantonati et

Lange-Bertalot discovered in a spring in the Fumo Valley (that now thus is the so-called locus typicus of the new species). From the study of materials deposited in the diatom collection of the Museum and from the analysis of published data ecological preferences and distribution of the new species could be reconstruct-ed. It lives, on the Alps and in northern Europe, on aquatic and semi-aquatic plants in mires, springs, and lake shores affected by seasonal water-level fluctua-tions and with acidic waters due to the presence of organic acids (dystrophic en-vironments). On a sub-Antarctic Island, another species that can be assigned to this genus was recently discovered (Microfissurata australis Van de Vijver et Lange-Bertalot).

This work was financed by the University and Scientific Research Section of the Autono-mous Province of Trento to the Limnology and Phycology Section of the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali (CRENODAT Project: Bio-diversity assessment and integrity evaluation of springs of Trentino - Italian Alps - and long-term ecological research, 2004-2008).

Cantonati M., Van de Vijver & Lange-Bertalot H., 2009 - Microfissurata gen. nov. (Bacil-lariophyta), a new diatom genus from dys-trophic and intermittently-wet terrestrial habitats. Journal of Phycology, 45: 732-741.

The discovery of a diatom genus new to science in a spring of the fumo valley (adamello-brenta natural Park)Section of Limnology and Phycology

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More than one hundred springs of the Province of Trento have been exten-sively studied during a recent research project (CRENODAT). Even though people know springs mainly as a source of drinking water, they are in fact also important habitats which host a high number of specialized and sometimes rare species. Understanding the main factors controlling the species diversity is therefore a crucial step to plan effi-cient conservation strategies.

With this objective, we developed and tested a model able to predict the number of species of bryophytes and vascular plants in springs. It was demon-strated that the effects of canopy and li-thology on bryophyte and vascular plant richness are different: for bryophytes the increased richness with altitude is more related to lithology, whereas vas-cular plant richness increased because of the reduction of canopy cover. In ad-dition, the model explained how the spring area is related to discharge, and how, in turn, they influence the spe-cies diversity. The variables area and discharge are particularly relevant for spring conservation, because, as the de-mand for potable water increases, the spring area decreases, determining the loss of species diversity.

This work was financed by the University and Scientific Research Section of the Autono-mous Province of Trento to the Limnology and Phycology Section of the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali (CRENODAT Project: Bio-diversity assessment and integrity evaluation of springs of Trentino - Italian Alps - and long-term ecological research, 2004-2008).

Spitale D., Petraglia A. & Tomaselli M., 2009- Structural equation modelling detects un-expected differences between bryophyte and vascular plant richness along multiple environmental gradients. Journal of Bioge-ography, 36: 745-755.

bryophyte and vascular plant diversity in springs: understanding the role of the environment to improve our conservation effortsSection of Limnology and Phycology

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The main results and projects 2008-2009

The longhorned beetles (Cerambycidae) can be con-sidered one of the most rich-ness families in the animal kind with about 35,000 de-scribed species. In Europe the species richness amount to a total of 677 species. Cerambicids are strictly phy-tophagous occurring herba-ceous, shrubby and arboreal vegetation. From the eco-logical point of view, long-horned beetles might po-tentially be excellent indica-tor species of the health of the wood saproxylic coenoses because of their habitat specificities. For the Ital-ian peninsula are known 274 species be-longing to 119 genera representing one of the nations with the highest species richness in Europe.

On the base of historical literature

data and recent field survey, covering a total of sixty year (1947-2007) of bio-diversity monitoring, we have studied the longhorned beetle fauna of the Val Genova (Parco Naturale Adamello-Brenta). During the period 1947-2007 a total of 88 species of longhorned beetles has been observed. This value represents the 60% of the Trentino Alto-Adige Province cerambicids rich-ness, the 32% of the Italian cerambicids fauna and the 13% of the European ce-rambicids richness.

The species richness results nega-tively correlated to the elevation above 1700 m a.s.l.. A not-significant changing in species richness found between 800 and 1700 m is probably due to a high heterogeneity in the human managed habitat patches (mixed wood, pastures and meadows). In 2007 has been ob-served a new species never found along the valley (Phytoecia cylindrica).

The un-expected cerambicids rich-ness underline the importance of the Val Genova as high quality valley from the ecological point of view. Many species, at the adult stages, have an important role as pollinators and mainly the lar-vae, but also the adult, are an abundant component in the diet of forest birds like the woodpeckers.

exceptional hot spot of longhorned beetle’s diversity along the val genova (Parco naturale adamello-brenta)Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology


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aquatic insects as indicators of freshwater habitat quality: a new protocol to define the ecological status of the italian lakesSection of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology

The MTSN research activity on lakes includes the developing and testing of ecological indicators and functional rela-tionships between chemical and biologi-cal quality of surface waters, for Water Framework Directive (WFD) compliant assessment and classification of aquatic ecosystem health. At European level there is currently lack of experience in using biological elements for assessment of the ecological status of lakes and for management purposes.

This is special true for macroinverte-brates, which are required to be includ-ed in the ecological assessment by the European Water Framework Directive. Macroinvertebrates have a great poten-tial as biological indicators due to their ubiquity, low mobility, because they in-tegrate the effect of multiple stressors on the aquatic system, and are relatively easy to sample and to identify. However, their use in monitoring programmes is currently hampered by a lack of under-standing of how they respond to envi-ronmental pressures. Within this context, several experts and Italian research insti-tutes have been involved by the National Environmental Agency and the Environ-ment Ministry to develop a quality index based on macroinvertebrates for Italian lakes. Several papers on peer-reviewed journals and a new protocol to Environ-mental Agencies were published in the last 5 years (the protocol was published in 2009). This protocol includes sampling

techniques and sampling analyses. The research is undergoing within a nation-al network involving all Environmental Agencies, CNRs and several universities. The final outcome will be a new multi-metric index incorporating pollution tol-erance, diversity and ecological function-ing of the invertebrate community.

The MTSN database on lowland lakes refer mainly to LESMA project (The assessment of the ecological status of lakes by macroin-vertebrates in Trentino), funded by “Euro-pean Commission-Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainabil-ity” (JRC), Ispra (VA) (2005).

Bazzanti M., Boggero A., Lencioni V., Mast-rantuono L., Rossaro B. & Solimini A., 2007 - Protocollo di campionamento e analisi dei macroinvertebrati negli ambienti lacustri. APAT-MATTM, pp. 19 (+ updating 2009).

Lencioni V., Marziali L. & Rossaro B., 2007- Assessment of the ecological status of lakes by macroinvertebrates: a case study. Atti del XVI Congresso della Società Ital-iana di Ecologia “Cambiamenti Globali, Diversità Ecologica e Sostenibilità”, 2006, http://www.ecologia.it/congressi/XVI/arti-cles/, paper n. 125, 6 pp.

Rossaro B., Lencioni V., Boggero A. & Mar-ziali L., 2009 - A new benthic quality index for Italian lakes: how to face with different lake types? Verhandlugen der Internation-ale Vereinigung für Theoretische und An-gewandte Limnologie, 30/5: 790-793.


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Natura 2000 is an ecological network of protected areas in the territory of the European Union designed to protect the habitats and the species ranked as priority across Europe. The natural sites belonging to the Natura 2000 network are especially important for biodiversity conservation because thy host the most seriously threatened species.

The group of cartography and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) mod-elling deals with applied research to land management. Statistical analysis coupled with digital cartography can give useful

information for wildlife management, in the framework of the agreements be-tween the MTSN and the Natura 2000 office of the Trento province.

MTSN has a database of field surveys recording bird occurrences from over a decade, which provides the source for the analysis regarding the current status, distribution and environmental preferences of many species.

Environmental modelling assess-ments are a useful tool to identify the suitable places for a given species in a geographical area. Data collected in the field and a set variables describing the environment where the species oc-curs (such as morphology, land-cover, vegetation) are the inputs for modeling. The statistical analysis can quantify the relationship between the presence of the species and the environmental fea-tures while the GIS can apply the result to the whole study area thus creating habitat suitability maps.

The occurrence of many species can be recorded in sample areas and not in the whole province for time and cost constraints, while a habitat suitability map covers the whole province. For this reasons those maps are being often used in planning, when a global view is required to define conservation meas-ures and to address optional surveys in certain cases.

The research is currently focused on priority species from the Annex I of the European directive 79/409/CEE, mod-els and maps have already been evalu-ated for the Red-backed Shrike (Lan-ius collurio),  the corncrake (Crex crex) and the Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius) and the work is in progress for other species.

Habitat suitability maps can sup-port decision making at the scale of the Province as well as in the process of as-sessments such as the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

cartography and gis modellingSection of Vertebrate Zoology

The main results and projects 2008-2009


Red-backed shrike

Habitat Suitability0) null1) low2) average3) elevate

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Monitoring plan for terrestrial vertebrates in the natura 2000 network in TrentinoSection of Vertebrate Zoology


Within the framework of the Euro-pean strategies for biodiversity conser-vation, EC directives request monitor-ing the conservation status of habitats and species of Community interest. Monitoring should define the conser-vation status of habitats and species of Community interest and the respective trends at different levels, indicating the effectiveness of directives for nature conservation.

We developed a proposal for a monitoring plan aiming at 1) monitor-ing species of Community interest in Trentino, within and outside the Natura 2000 Network; 2) monitoring health of habitats in the Network, throughout the information collected on terrestrial vertebrates, which are often good indi-cators of ecosystem status.

The monitoring plan has been de-veloped as to apply to different spa-tial scales, in order to consider such a large number of species and habitats, with different habits and requirements in terms of habitats, elevation, climate, sensitivity to human activities, etc.

This plan integrates in the same framework the monitoring systems

already existing, putting them into a common perspective targeted at sites, species and habitats of Community interest; the plan also indicates sub-jects and partners potentially involved in the monitoring, acknowledges and promotes local knowledge, includes information coming from previous re-searches and projects.

The plan has been prepared as to allow without additional costs the col-lection of data on species of local inter-est while monitoring species of Com-munity interest.

The proposal starts with the state of the art of knowledge of about target species, demographic trends, popula-tion estimates and species relationships with different ecological contexts. Data collected since 80s have been cata-logued, archived and, whenever pos-sible, georeferenced.

The second step involves a field-val-idation of the monitoring plan, which is currently being carried out to check methods, techniques, field efforts and network of partners. The third phase implies the full field implementation of the plan, to define distribution and trend of target species and to evaluate habitat quality by means of selected in-dicator species.

Species have been subdivided ac-cording to their taxonomical group, as to account for the large heteroge-neity in habits, movements, biology and ecology of target groups/species. The following groups were considered: Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles, Chirop-ters, Lagomorphs, Rodents, Artiodac-tyls and Carnivores.

The plan is divided into sections con-sidering the above mentioned groups; each section includes a specific intro-duction, the state of the art of knowl-edge, a description of criteria used for species selection, and a description of methods proposed for monitoring.

The Lesser Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus hipposi-deros). (Photo by Karol Tabarelli de Fatis).

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The main results and projects 2008-2009


In 2009 Viotte Alpine Botanic Garden was appointed by the Italian network of Botanic Gardens (part of the Italian Botanical Society) as its national repres- entative in the European Consortium of Botanic Gardens.

The consortium was established in 1990 as the European branch of BGCI (Botanic Gardens Conservation Interna-tional), an NGO that connects all Botan-ic Gardens worldwide; it meets twice a year bringing together representatives of the national networks of all European countries. The role of the consortium is twofold: first of all it collects informa-tion on the activities carried out by each Botanic Garden for plant conservation and the associated scientific research, producing regular reports and mono-graphs on relevant topics; secondly it issues guidelines and recommendations agreed at European level in order to at-

tain strategic goals for plant conserva-tion at global level.

The current consortium activities include: the management of a glo-bal database of plant collections in botanic gardens called plant search, (www.bgci.org/plant_search.php); the development and regulation of a seed exchange scheme compliant with the CBD, called IPEN (International Plant Exchange Network); the maintenance of a check-list of European Invasive plants complemented by recommen-dations for their control.

In 2009 the consortium met in Finland at the Finnish Natural History Museum and in Portugal at the botanic garden of the Azores.

The consortium welcomed the new Italian representative wishing a fruitful col-laboration and a closer connection with the Italian community of Botanic Gardens.

Trento alpine garden represents italy in the european consortium of botanic gardensSection of Botany

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native seed science meets in TrentoSection of Botany

Trento Natural Science Museum played host to the final meeting of EN-SCONET - The European Native Seed Conservation Network, an FP6 coor-dination action project operating in the EU research infrastructures frame-work. From the 24th of June to the 2nd of July 2009, eighty delegates from 26 Institutions belonging to 17 EU mem-ber states met in Trento, Campitello di Fassa and Riva del Garda. The meeting released two key documents: the Seed Collecting Manual for Wild Species and the Curation Protocols and Recommen-dations, that were produced by a 5 year joint network confrontation and cooper-ation effort. Trento Museum gave a key contribution in the curation document editing the sections dedicated to dry-ing, moisture monitoring and packag-ing. Trento museum and Pisa university jointly prepared the Italian versions of the two manuals.

A parallel practical workshop on seed collecting took place from the 28th of June to the 4th of July in the Dolo-mites and around Lake Garda. This two meetings gave the ideal opportunity to present to a wider European audience a

newly developed tool: an electronic data collecting sheet for pocket PCs (PDAs). This original piece of software was de-veloped by the local high school for IT technicians (ITI Marconi, Rovereto) and allows to record electronically, directly in the field, all the relevant site information.

This data can then be downloaded directly to a database saving time and potential operator errors such as typing mistakes that can be often made when copying large amount of information to a database. Data such as date and GPS co-ordinates are directly provided by the PDA, the operator only needs to confirm the information is correct. Many drop down menus are employed to pro-vide all the required choices, minimising typing errors.

ENSCONET was funded by the EU under the 6th Framework programme for research, tech-nological development and demonstration.

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The main results and projects 2008-2009

Crop Wild Relatives, landraces and Neglected and Underutilised Crops (NUCs) lie at the edges of two scientific communities: crop breeders and plant conservationists. They very often fall into the cracks of the conservation action and are woefully neglected by both commu-nities. yet they are an essential compo-nent of agrobiodiversity and are includ-ed in the scope of the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, the EU rural devel-opment plan and the UN Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Trento Museum aims to fill this gap in Trentino promot-ing a rescue operation for seed bearing landraces and NUCs starting from late 2009 within the scope of the museum genebank activities.

In this context it is important to seek a direct connection with farmers, farmers’

associations and all relevant stakehold-ers operating on the land. In this area of agrobiodiversity conservation it is partic-ularly important to gather all the farmer knowledge connected to the traditional practice that is at risk to be lost forever together with the landrace. The museum will then store this information together with an adequate sample of the landrace granting its long term conservation in the genebank for many hundreds of years.

The genebank will be at the service of the local community being ready to supply the material and the connected knowledge to the local farmers and am-ateur wishing to restore a agricultural traditional practice greatly enhancing agrobiodiversity. This project is greatly benefiting from the support of volun-teers from the national scheme of com-munity service.

rescuing landraces and neglected and underutilised cropsSection of Botany

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cracking dormancy in one of the most famous alpine endemicsSection of Botany

The germination lab of Trento genebank has been recently engaged in the investigation of the reproductive bi-ology of one of the most interesting and celebrated endemic species of the whole alpine chain: Mt. Baldo white buttercup, Callianthemum kernerianum, that is also the cover species of Flora Alpina.

This species attracted the lab re-search interest for many reasons. It is distributed only on the three summits of Monte Baldo, an isolated massif in the southern part of the Alps, its reproduc-tive capacity is very low, on average only 10% of its flowers are fertilised and its diaspores have a very low mobility and very complicated germination require-ments. All this things together contrib-ute to create a worrying scenario that put this species at high risk of extinc-tion. In the context of global change, in order to survive plants need to be able

to migrate very swiftly, but Kerner’s but-tercup seems incapable to do so pro-ducing few diaspore not very mobile. Trento genebank has been investigating this species for two years, studying its population structure, its pollination ca-pability, its fruit set and seeds set, and analysing in detail its complex dorman-cy. Two yeas of more than 100 parallel germination trials in more that 10 main germination cycles and relative controls so far failed to disclose the germination requirements of this species. However a set of promising hints is now leading the way to finally crack one of the most complex dormancy encountered in a lo-cal alpine species.

A sequential warm/cold/warm strati-fication and dark requirement seems to do the trick. The lab is currently verify-ing this hypothesis. Stay tuned for more news in the future.


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The main results and projects 2008-2009


Viotte Alpine Botanic Garden was founded more than 70 years ago, in 1938 and extends for more than 10 hectares.

A large area in its inner portion was forested with a thick implant of Norway spruce, generating a biodiversity poor, artificial and trivial vegetation that badly matched with the mission of the garden to showcase high diversity and natural vegetation.

A re-development of the area was therefore urgently needed.

Two years ago a whole lot of 2 hec-tares of these plantation was cleared leaving a consistent portion of the gar-den to be re-designed and landscaped anew. In order to facilitate this new de-velopment, the garden sought a strategic alliance with landscape architects promot-ing an international workshop that took

place in July 2009. Twenty freshly gradu-ated architects were lead by 5 supervisors of international reputation, among the others the Swiss landscape designer Pao-lo Burghi and the Spanish Imma Jansana.

The workshop produced two sce-narios of possible garden development, a first one emphasising a re-connection with the local landscape, opening long range view points inside and outside the garden, canopy walks and buried trails, water gardens, and a second one devel-oping patches of diversity within the gar-den, finding places for wooded gardens, vegetable gardens, new rock gardens, flower beds.

These inspirational ideas will need to be implemented and developed in fu-ture years for the benefit of the botanic garden and plant diversity.

landscape design architects meet at viotte alpine gardenSection of Botany

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A significant result of re-search conducted on mam-mals using camera-traps (the same tool that allowed the discovery of the giant elephant-shrew) was pub-lished in 2009 in the pres-tigious Journal of Applied Ecology (Rovero & Mar-shall, 46: 1011-1017).

Remotely-set, automatic cameras capturing images of passing animals have become one of the most widely used tools in wildlife research, especially for stud-ying elusive mammals. The basic information obtained from camera traps is the number of images per sam-pling time, or “capture rate”.

This metric has been commonly used as a proxy of animal abundance, as in-tuitively the rate of photographs will in-crease with increasing density of animals.

As for any index, however, proving its validity requires calibration to densi-ties obtained using alternative methods.

Despite the enormous advance in camera trapping technology and analyt-ical frameworks, there remained a con-sistent lack of data, and much debate in the literature, over the usefulness of such an index. By setting camera traps

at fixed intervals along six line-transects used to count animals in the rain forest, the authors found that photographic rate relates linearly to density derived from visual censuses, according to a highly significant regression model.

The study shows that if calibration is properly performed, the camera trap-ping index is a valid proxy for animal density.

As such, camera trapping can be de-veloped as a much cost-effective tool to infer the abundance of elusive mammal populations, and to enhance wildlife monitoring programmes especially in remote areas.









0 5 10 15

Density (km-2)






camera-trapping to estimate density of forest ungulatesSection of Tropical Biodiversity

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“say hello, sengi”: the amazing discovery of a new mammal from the remote forests of TanzaniaSection of Tropical Biodiversity

The main results and projects 2008-2009


Elephant-shrews, or sengis, are a small group of African mammals be-longing to the ancient lineage of the Afrotheria, grouping elephants, hy-raxes, sea cows and other little-known animals. The grey-faced sengi, Rhyn-chocyon udzungwensis, was described in 2008 as the forth species of the ge-nus that groups “giant” sengi, with the other three species being described be-fore 1871. The new species is endemic to only two montane forests in the Ud-zungwa Mountains of southcentral Tan-zania, and such restricted distribution underlines its late appearance to the scientists’ eyes. The first evidence of this new species was collected using au-tomatic camera-traps set by Francesco Rovero in 2005 in the course of surveys conducted for his research on forest mammals. These first photos prompted Francesco to form a team that described the species in 2008 (Rovero et al. 2008, Journal of Zoology, 274: 126-133).

The description of R. udzungwensis followed the current taxonomy, which is mainly based on the peculiar pelage pattern and unique distribution. Inter-estingly moreover, morphometric re-vealed that the size of this species was particularly giant, i.e. the body mass up to 50% larger than other sengi. For the description we also presented available information on the distribution and rela-tive abundance, based on survey walks

and camera trapping. We then inte-grated these data with historical habitat change analysis, and could assess the new sengi as IUCN Vulnerable (IUCN 2009), with the low population number and vulnerability to forest loss and to stochastic events as the main threats.

The new sengi soon raised several fascinating research questions for fur-ther work, first of all the evolutionary history of this species. These questions prompted some of us to enrol in addi-tional research that begun in the fall of 2008 thanks to a grant from the Nation-al Geographic Society and co-funding from Italy’s Museo Tridentino di Sci-enze Naturali. With colleague Silva Ricci (Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali), Galen Rathbun (California Academy of Sciences) and Cristiano Vernesi (Fon-dazione Edmund Mach), this research involved 2 main components: (a) a ge-netic analysis of the new species and its relatedness with R. cirnei, and (b) a re-finement of the distribution and habitat preferences. The research is currently at the final stages of data analysis. We hope this research will shed more light in the evolutionary history and ecology of this fascinating and recently found creature. The knowledge will also help addressing conservation concerns; to-wards this end, it remains critical to as-sess population abundance: a next step planned for the coming years.

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The Southern Highlands and Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania are part of the larger Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot, remarkable for its high species richness and levels of endemism.

Diversity and distribution within the forest-associated amphibians and rep-tiles of the Eastern Arc mountains of Kenya and Tanzania, have revealed a complex picture reflecting recent cli-matic fluctuations and of the long-term persistence of rainforests.

The latter has probably been critical in structuring present biodiversity across the region.

This is demonstrated by the preva-lence of deeply divergent endemic monophyletic taxa. Combining both large scale and finer detailed phyloge-netic surveys may provide great insight into these biologically rich tropical rain-forests and permit an evaluation of eco-logical and biogeographical factors that influence the occurrence, distribution and abundance of the Tanzanian mon-

tane herpetofauna. These data may also allow predictions to be made regarding the responses of species to environmen-tal change and enable the mapping of multi-taxon evolutionary information into reserve design algorithms and more in general to determine the evolutionary, ecological and biogeographical factors that influence the distribution and abun-dance of the herpetofauna of the mon-tane forest of Tanzania and to use these data to predict future responses of key species to environmental change.

Combined ecological niche model-ling and molecular phylogeography of key taxa will be used to reveal the evo-lutionary history of niche differentiation and to evaluate the risk extinction under different scenarios of climate change and/or continued habitat loss.

In collaboration with Dr. Stuart Marsden, Uni-versity of Manchester, Dr. Simon Loader, Uni-versity of Basel, Dr. Tim Davenport, Wildlife Conservation Society.

The herpetofauna of the eastern afromontane biodiversity hotspot: understanding evolutionary history to identify extinction risk and key areas for conservationSection of Tropical Biodiversity

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The main results and projects 2008-2009


Obtaining accurate estimates for species diversity in tropical rainforest habitats has proven to be difficult, and this has hindered prioritising conserva-tion in these areas.

Poor coverage in sampling and lim-ited morphological estimates of species differences undoubtedly under-esti-mate species richness. Because of this “taxonomic” hiatus, our understand-ing of diversity patterns in some of the biologically richest parts of the globe is incomplete. One such area, the East-ern Arc Mountains and the southern highlands of Tanzania- part of the East-ern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot - remains poorly understood. Current species estimates of many groups are mainly based on survey and taxonomic work completed over 50 years ago. Re-liable biodiversity estimates are neces-sary if conservation policy is to be for-mulated on such measures.  Over the last 12 years we’ve been conducting field research in the area on amphibians and reptiles. Through a number of pro-grams our group has aimed to better evaluate species diversity, particularly in the more poorly known areas of the Tanzanian mountains. Our group using traditional morphological and molecular

systematic methods is currently analyz-ing the data collected. We have identi-fied a number of evolutionary significant units, revealing a number of new distri-bution records (approx. 300) and an un-precedented number of un-described endemic amphibian and reptile species (approximately 70- nearly doubling the number of amphibian species).

These results put into question cur-rent species estimates and point to a need for a re-evaluation of biodiversity estimates in this area. The biodiversity data will also be made available to end users through a web-based interactive taxonomic portal that has been set up (www.tanzaniaherps.org). To build long-term benefits this program will are involving and training Tanzanian students to utilise spatial planning tools in conservation work. This will ensure a long-term intel-lectual legacy in conservation science in Tanzania.  The EAM is a recognized glo-bal biodiversity hotspot and given the priority of this area for conservation, the interpretation and dissemination of this data is both important and urgent.

In collaboration with Dr. Simon Loader, Uni-versity of Basel, Dr. Cristiano Vernesi e Elena Pecchioli, FEM.

species richness and endemism assessment in the eastern afromontane biodiversity hotspotSection of Tropical Biodiversity

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geological exploration of the territorySection of Geology

new mineralogical discoveries in the cima d’asta massifSection of Geology

The Geology group is concerned in studies on the stratigraphy and past en-vironments reconstructions. These are performed in collaboration with the Ital-ian Geological Survey and the Provincia Autonoma di Trento and will lead to the compiling of a new geological map of It-aly (CARG project). In 2009 research has focused on laboratory analyses, comput-ing and editing for the Trento geological sheet (scale 1:50.000).

Applied research has focused on the candidature of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park to the European Geoparks Network, for which the group covered the role of scientific consultant. Once approved, the newly instituted Adamel-

lo-Brenta Geopark has assigned to the MTSN all the tasks linked with the pres-ervation, the valorization and the out-reach activities to the geodiversity for the quadrennium 2008-2012.

Form the end of the XIX century the Cima d’Asta granitic massif has been the focus of numerous geological and petro-graphic researches. Studies on its pecu-liar mineralogy have however been quite rare, being represented only by notes on hyaline quartz and pyrite findings near the Cima d’Asta peak (e.g., Gasser, 1913; Andreatta, 1932; Exel, 1987) and those on the presence of fluorite on the northern side on the massif (e.g., Gasser, 1913).

New research conducted by Marco Masetto (GMT) e Paolo Ferretti (MTSN) on the eastern and western sides of the massif since 2000 lead to the discov-

ery of pegmatitic rocks (that were only marginally cited by Trener, 1957a and D’Amico, 1974). Those are NyF pegma-tites hosting cavities were large ortho-clase, quartz, albite and prehnite crystals have been found.

This discovery has been documented on the Rivista Mineralogica Italiana jour-nal N.4/2008. Description of microminer-al findings, among those are few species (e.g., bavenite) previously unknown in the Trentino region, is still undergoing in collaboration with the Structural Chemis-try Section of the Milano University. This study will lead to a new specialized pu-blication.


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The main results and projects 2008-2009

glaciological researchesSection of Geology

In the Trentino region, glaciological surveys are assigned to MTSN in collab-oration with the Provincia Autonoma di Trento, the Trentino Glaciological Com-mette and the University of Trento.

In 2009 measures of snow accumu-lation and ablation have been record-ed and new ablatometric stakes have been positioned. Research has been performed in several glaciers that have been considered representative for the different mountain groups of the region:

• Ghiacciaio dell’Agola;• Ghiacciaio del Careser;

• Ghiacciaio de La Mare;• Ghiacciaio del Mandrone;• Ghiacciaio della Lobbia;• Ghiacciaio della Marmolada.As part of the experimental project

for the mitigation of the anthropic impact on the Presena glacier two automatic me-teorological stations have been installed. A web cam has been placed on the Pas-so Presena; this will record 4 photos of the Lobbia and Adammello-Mandrone glaciers per day. Qualitative data will be elaborated in glacial dynamics and geo-morphological evolution studies.

Assembly of digital camera, Passo Presenta (Trentino - Italy). The digital camera takes 3-4 pictures daily to supervise the decrease of Lobbia and Mandrone glaciers during the summer and to quantify the snow cover during the winter.

Glacier La Mare, 31 August 2009.

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009









The Geology Section of the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali has suc-cessfully carried out a number of re-searches concerning the study of dino-saur and other reptile tracks. DINOGEO project has the main goal of improving our knowledge of Southern Alps and central and Southern Apennines Meso-zoic paleogeography by means of dino-saur tracks analysis. Research involved the test of new digital methodologies (3D modeling by means of high reso-lution digital photogrammetry and/or laser scanner) applied to the study of trace fossils. These new methods were tested in some ichnosites of the South-ern Alps. Coste dell’Anglone (Trentino), Monte Finonchio (Trentino), Mezzoco-rona (Trentino), Lavini di Marco (Trentino) e Zone (Lombardia). The 3D modelling, obtained with the cooperation of the 3D Optical Metrology Group of the Fondazi-one Bruno Kessler (Trento), revealed as crucial in the analyses of dinosaur tracks morphology and morphometry allowing more confident taxonomical attributions of the studied specimens.

The Coste dell’Anglone tracksite has been studied with particular effort. This site rock surfaces were scanned, 3D modeled and mapped and all individual tracks were documented, measured and georeferentiated using GPS Systems in cooperation with Geological Survey of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento. The obtained ichnological analysis suggested that all the tracks were produced by indi-viduals with the same functional anatomy of the hind foot, and are well compara-ble to specimens discovered in North America and northern Europe. Cerato-saurian dinosaurs, such as Dilophosaurus have been found to be the best candi-date trackmakers. As a consequence, a new palaeogeographical interpretation of the southern alpine region has been proposed in particular in relation with a possible connection between the south-ern Alps sector and southern margin of the Laurasia mainland (North America and Europe) during the Early Jurassic. Coste dell’Anglone ichnosite: map of the dinosaur-trampled surface.

Photogrammetry derived 3D models, digitally reconstructed using dif-ferent convergent images, and here shown in colour-code mode (Coste dell’Anglone tracksite, Dro, Trentino Alto-Adige).

dinogeo ProjectSection of Geology

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The main results and projects 2008-2009


Palaeontological exploration of the dinosaurian tracksite of the Coste dell’Anglone, Valle del Sarca, lead to the first report of the presence of the trace fossil Asteriacites lumbricalis in the Early Jurassic rocks of our region. This trace is produced by the activity of ophiuroids on the sea floor, echino-derms closely related with common sea

stars. The study suggested that during the lower Jurassic this geographical sec-tor was occupied by marginal-marine, low depth embayments with clear wa-ters. This discovery contributes to the endeavor of reconstructing the distribu-tion of the land masses and the seas in the Early Jurassic, in particular in relation with the reconstruction of the environ-ments that sustained the existence of the sedentary populations of dinosaurs recorded in several sites of the Trentino region in the last 20 years.

In the spring of 2009, several other trace fossils were discovered near Telve, Valsugana (Trentino). This have been found in the youngest rocks of our re-gion, wich are Oligocene in age, circa 30 million years ago. The traces, named Bichordites monastiriensis have been left by sea urchins while digging in the sea bottom. Exceptional conditions of preservation of one specimen gave the opportunity to document the effects of various environments on the preserva-tion of this traces and to build a general method for the interpretation of sea ur-chins behavior.

fleeting traces of past life: ichnology of the invertebratesSection of Geology

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The OPENLOC project (Public poli-cies and local development 2008-2011) is funded by the Research Section, of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento, leaded by the Trento University, and conducted by the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Natu-rali in collaboration with the University of Bologna, the University of Manches-ter, and the Edmund Mach Foundation. The scope of the project is to define and measure the role that resources as natu-ral patrimony and social capital can have in determining the economical competi-tion of local systems.

Understand and quantify the fluxes of values and knowledge of a particular natural environment can support the lo-cal policies of rural and mountain com-munities.

In this respect the contribution of the MTSN consists in the naturalistic explora-tion of few key zones in which the natural and environmental patrimony is studied and documented.

On these data, local communities ac-tion plans may find quantitative support to stimulate innovative processes and forms of sustainable development.

oPenloc projectSections of Geology, Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology, Vertebrate Zoology and Botany


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The main results and projects 2008-2009


Dalmeri rockshelter offers a rare op-portunity to study both art and ritu-als of a group of hunter-gatherers of the late Paleolithic who frequent-ed the foothills of the eastern Alps. A large amount of stones (267) with paintings in ocher were revealed after the removal of sediment and concre-tion that covered them, anthropomor-phic figures and animals, schematic and handprints. The context of discovery of the paintings assumes a great symbolic meaning, while they are located in the area outside of a hut and their testimony is limited to the first seasonal occupa-tions. It is a pictorial language innovator of considerable scientific interest and is part of a wider problem interpretation and meaning of art produced by the

European Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers. The site may have been a meeting place where seasonal hunter-gatherers were grouped, thus activating a complex com-munication system connected to the pro-pitiatory magic-religious rites, probably linked to success in the hunt which was at that time the main source of livelihood. In support of this, of paramount archaeo-logical interest, was the finding of three deep-aligned and structured deposits containing abundant intentional with a selection of horns and skulls of ibex and stones with ocher.

That of painting represents a point of excellent that can be considered a vital hub for the understanding and the role of this settlement in the alpine epi-gravettian communities.

dalmeri shelter (sette comuni Plateau - grigno, Tn): the conclusion of research.Section of Prehistory

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The research sTaff

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








TroPical biodiversiTy research grouP

FRANCESCO ROVEROHead of the Tropical Biodiversity Section

Born in Firenze in 1970, he is a zoologist and conservation biologist. He obtained a degree in Natural Sciences in 1995 at the University of Florence with eco-ethological research thesis, and a Ph.D. in Animal Ecol-ogy in 2000 at the University of Wales (Ban-gor), UK. Since 1999 is conducting research and environmental cooperation activities in eastern Africa. Since 2003 he is affiliated to MTSN, and conducted during 2004-2007 a post-doctoral research project funded by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento on ecol-ogy and conservation of primates and for-est ungulates in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania, where he has been working since 2002. In 2008 he became the Curator of the newly-established Tropical Biodiversity Sec-tion within MTSN. His main research interests

are on threathened populations of forest mammals in Tanzania; research aims include abundance estimation, habitat use, habitat modelling, conservation status assessment. Besides pure and applied research, he developed a keen interest in ecological monitoring, tecnica support to protected areas, habitat connectivity analysis, development of community conservation plans. This lead to the establishment of the Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre (www.ud-zungwacentre.org) that he directs since 2006. It is a field station annexed to the Udzungwa Mountains National Park that facilitates researchers and provides technical support to the park, also serving as a bridge between park manage-ment and community’s environmental attitudes. The station becasme the first site in Africa of the Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) net-work, managed by Conservation International. He wrote over 40 scientific and public science papers, and book chapters (see selected list).

MICHELE MENEGONResearch technician

Born in Montebelluna (VI) in 1969, since 1998 he is affiliated to MTSN where he contributes to the establishment of the Tropical Biodi-versity Section. Since 1998 he has also been conductiong research and environmental co-operation in East Africa. In 2009 he started a Ph.D. at the Tropical Ecology of the University of Manchester. The research is focused on global diversification patterns, species phylo-genetic relationships and radiation and specia-tions patterns of Amphibians and Reptiles that represent the model groups. Various tecniques

are involved: field research, taxonomy, morphological and molecular systematics and biogeographic analysis based both on traditional descriptive methods and



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on molecular analysis. Combined ecological niche modelling and molecular phy-logeography in order to reveal the evolutionary history of niche differentiation and to evaluate the risk extinction under different scenarios of climate change and/or continued habitat loss recently became part of the adopted tecniques. Multi-taxon mapping of evolutionary information is also used in order to define optimal conservation areas for threatened species of montane Amphibians and Reptiles. He set up the website Tanzaniaherps.org on the montane herpetofauna of Tanzanian mountains in collaboration with the University of Dar es Salaam and Wildlife Conservation Society. He wrote over 40 scientific and public science pa-pers, books and book chapters (see selected list).

FABIO PUPINResearch fellow

Born in Asiago (VI) in 1978, since 2009 he collaborates with MTSN where he contrib-utes to the various projects on East Africa herpetofauna leaded by Michele Menegon. In particular, he has been involved in a re-search program on the herpetofauna of the Albertine Rift and he is implementing the contents of the website Tanzaniaherps.org. Before joining the Tropical Biodiversity Sec-tion he collaborated with the Animal Biol-ogy Section of the University of Pavia (Italy) on various researches on ecology, behav-

iour and morphology of amphibians and reptiles. In the same university he achieved his bachelor and Ph.D. degrees.

SILVIA RICCIResearch fellow

Born in Firenze in 1970, she is a zoologist and a public science writer. She obtained a degree in Natural Sciences in 1995 at the University of Florence and a Ph.D. with a research thesis on population dynamics and trophic ecology of desert rodents in 2003 at the University of Sydney, Australia. Since 2004 she has been working for dif-ferent publishing houses for which she has published books and articles of scientific popularization. Since 2006 she worked as scientific consultant for faunal surveys,

environmental educator, tutor of formative courses and translator. From 2005 to 2007 she has been Assistant Editor of the international journal Tropical Zoology. During 2008 and 2009 she had a research collaboration contract with Trento Museum for the research project on the new species of elephant-shrew, Rhynchocyon udzungwensis, coordinated by Francesco Rovero and funded by the National Geographic. Her research interests in-clude population dynamics and trophic ecology of small mammals, habitat use and fauna surveys. She is also interested in environmental education, popularization, conservation and environmental cooperation activities.



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The research staff

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








EMANUEL H. MARTINResearch fellow

Born in Arusha in 1977, he is a Tanzanian zoologist with a degree in wildlife manage-ment obtained at the Sokoine University of Agricolture, Tanzania (2002), and a Master in management of protected areas obtained at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria (2009). During 2003-2007, he worked as a Conserva-tion Officer at the Mokolodi Nature Reserve, in Botswana, gaining wide experience in the field of biodiversity monitoring and protect-ed area management. He was also extensive-ly involved with training park personnel on

monitoring capacity. In 2009 he was recruited as full-time research collaborator by Trento Museum to cover the position of Site Manager of the newly estab-lished TEAM project (Tropical Ecology, Assessment and Monitoring), managed by Conservation International, funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foun-dation, and coordinated in the Udzungwa Mountains by Trento Museum.

• Selection of papers (2008-2009) - IF 2008-09: 18.369

DeFries R., Rovero F., Wright P., Ahumada J., Andelman S., Brandon K., Dempewolf J., Hansen A., Hewson J. & Liu J., (2009) - From plot to landscape scale: linking tropical biodiversity measurements across spatial scales. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, doi:10.1890/080104 (in press). [IF 2008: 5.065]

Loader S.P., Gower D. & Menegon M., (2009) - Description and phylogenetic relationships of three critically endangered species of Callulina Nieder (Amphibia: Anura: Afrobatrachia: Brevicipitidae) from the Pare Mountains, Tanzania. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (in press). [IF 2008: 2.019]

Marshall A.R., Jørgensbye H.I.O., Rovero F., Platts P.J., White P.C.L. & Lovett J.C., (2009) - The species-area relationship and confounding variables in a threatened monkey community. American Journal of Primatology (in press). [IF 2008: 1.159]

Menegon M., Loader S., Burgess N., Doggart N. & Owen N., 2009 - The South Nguru Mountains - a new Jewel in the Eastern Arc crown. Oryx, 43/2: 174-175. [IF 2008: 1.381]

Menegon M., Tolley K., Jones T., Rovero F., Marshall A.R. & Tilbury C., (2009) - A new species of chameleon (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae: Kinyongia) from the Magombera forest and the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania. African Journal of Herpetology (in press). [IF 2008: 0.618]

Poynton J.C., Menegon M, & Loader S.P., 2008 - A new giant species of Arthroleptis (Amphibia: Anura) from the montane forests of the Nguru Mountains, Tanzania. African Journal of Herpetology, 57/2: 63-74. [IF 2008: 0.618]

Rovero F. & Marshall A.R., 2009 - Camera trapping photographic rate as an index of density in forest ungulates. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46: 1011-1017 [IF 2008: 4.560].

Rovero F., Marshall A.R., Jones T. & Perkin A., 2009 - The primates of the Udzungwa Mountains: diversity, ecology and conservation. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 87: 93-126. [IF 2008: 0.440]

Rovero F., Menegon M., Leonard C., Perkin A., Doggart N., Mbilinyi M. & Mlawila L., 2008 - A previously unsurveyed forest in the Rubeho Mountains of Tanzania reveals new species and range records. Oryx, 42: 16-17. [IF 2008: 1.381]

Rovero F., Rathbun G.B., Perkin A., Jones T., Ribble D.O., Leonard C., Mwakisoma

R.R. & Doggart N., 2008 - A new species of giant sengi or elephant-shrew (genus Rhynchocyon) highlights the exceptional biodiversity of the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Journal of Zoology, 274: 126-133. [IF 2008: 1.669]



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The research staff

boTany research grouP

COSTANTINO BONOMIHead of the Botany Section

M.Sc. in Biology (Padua, 1997) M.Phil. in Bo-tanical Diversity (Reading and Birmingham, 2000). Keeper of the herbarium, curator of the museum’s two botanic gardens. His main research interests are plant conservation bi-ology and seed ecology. Since 2001 he is in charge of the museum’s plant conservation projects, and botanic garden management. He promoted and developed Trentino Seed Bank, now a member of Ensconet, the Eu-ropean Native Seed Conservation Network, funded by the EU under FP6 research infre-structures. He contributed to Plant Science Gardens, an European education project funded by the EU under FP6 Science and So-

ciety. He provides the secretariat for RIBES, the Italian network of seed banks. He is the Italian delegate in the European Consortium of Botanic Gardens.

GILBERTO PAROLOResearch fellow

M.Sc. in Natural Sciences (Pavia, 1999) Ph.D. in Plant Ecology (Pavia, 2004), research fel-low at Pavia University 2004-09. His main research interest lies in plant population bi-ology of rare and threatened species, plant taxonomy (Festuca), conservation biology, ecology of extreme mountain ecosystem in relation to global change, effects on flora and vegetation in the Alps and in the Ap-pennines, vegetation ecology. More than 50 papers published on peer reviewed jour-nals (Basic and Applied Ecology, Biological

Conservation, Biodiversity and Conservation, Journal of Applied Ecology, Ecological Modelling, Plant Biosystems). He contributed to the Eurpean projects GLORIA in FP5; ENSCONET in FP6, and various other projects pro-moted locally by Region Lombardy, and the Provinces of Sondrio and Trento (ACE-SAP, OPENLOC).

RENZO VICENTINIResearch assistant

M.Sc. in Ecology (Ferrara, 2008) with a year abroad in Uppsala university (Sweden) on flora and vegetaion of peat bogs. He con-tributed to the Eurpean project ENSCONET in FP6 and to the local project ACE-SAP. He is now working on the survey of alpoine grasslands useful for hay-bathing therapy.

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








ANDREA MONDONIResearch fellow

M.Sc. in Natural Sciences (Pavia, 2003), Ph.D. in Plant Ecology (Pavia, 2007). Research fel-low at the Pavia University. His main resarch interest is germination ecology and seed bank management. He investigated in de-tail dormancy and germination in the genus Anemone and has a keen intesest in seed longevity of alpine endemics. He is curator of the Lombardy Seed Bank. He contributed to the Eurpean project ENSCONET in FP6 and to the local project ACE-SAP.

THOMAS ABELIResearch fellow

M.Sc. in Natural Science (Pavia, 2005), Ph.D. student in Plant Ecology (Pavia), investigat-ing the survival of small isolated plant pop-ulations: using an integrated approach to evaluate population viability for future con-servation actions. Keen interest for IUCN red listing, ecology of thratened specie. He con-tributed to the Eurpean projects GLORIA in FP5; ENSCONET in FP6 and to the local project ACE-SAP.

• Selection of papers (2008-2009) - IF 2008-09: 18.885

Abeli T., Gentili R., Rossi G., Bedini G. & Foggi B., 2009 - Can the IUCN criteria be effectively applied to peripheral isolated plant populations (PIPPs)? Biodiversity and Conservation, 18: 3877-3890. [IF 2008: 1.473]

Ferrarini A., Rossi G., Parolo G. & Ferloni M., 2008 - Planning low-impact tourist paths through the optimisation of biological and logistic criteria. Biological Conservation, 141: 1067-1077. [IF 2008: 1.473]

Mondoni A., Daws M.I., Belotti J. & Rossi G., 2009 - Germination requirements of the alpine endemic Silene elisabethae Jan: effects of cold stratification, light and GA3. Seed Science and Technology, 37: 79-87. [IF 2008: 0.660]

Mondoni A., Probert R., Rossi G. & Hay F., 2009 - Habitat-related germination behaviour and emergence phenology in the woodland geophyte Anemone ranunculoides L. (Ranunculaceae) from northern Italy. Seed Science Research, 19: 137-144. [IF 2008: 1.482]

Mondoni A., Probert R., Rossi G., Hay F. & Bonomi C., 2008 - Habitat-correlated seed germination behaviour in populations of wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa L.) from Northern Italy. Seed Science Research, 18: 213-222. [IF 2008: 1.482]

Parolo G. & Rossi G., 2008 - Upward migration of vascular plants following a climate warming trend in the Alps. Basic and Applied Ecology, 9: 100-107. [IF 2008: 2.584]

Parolo G., Ferrarini A. & Rossi G., 2009 - Optimization of tourism impacts within protected areas by means of genetic algorithms. Ecological Modelling, 220: 1138-1147. [IF 5-year average: 2.478]



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The research staff

Parolo G., Rossi G. & Ferrarini A., 2008 - Toward improved predictions of species distributions by handling overlooked topics. Arnica montana in the Alps as a case study. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45: 1410-1418. [IF 5-year average: 4,560]

Rossi G., Parolo G. & Ferrarini A., 2009 - A rapid and cost-effective tool for managing habitats of the European Natura 2000 network: a case study in the Italian Alps. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18: 1375-1388. [IF 2008: 1.473]

Rossi G., Parolo G. & Ulian T., 2009 - Human trampling as threat factor for the conservation of peripheral plant populations. Plant Biosystems, 143/1: 104-113. [IF 2008: 0.517]

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








liMnology & Phycology research grouP

MARCO CANTONATIHead of the Limnology and Phycology Section

Born in Neuburg Donau (Germany) in 1967; M.Sc. in Biology (1990), and Natural Sciences (1992) at the University of Pavia (Italy); Ph.D. in Aquatic sciences (1998) at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). He initially dealt with several hydrobiological topics, including zo-oplankton, aquatic carnivorous plants, fito-benthos, biological monitoring. His present research interests focus on benthic diatoms and cyanoprokaryotes with special reference to their autecology, geographic distribution (e.g., comparison between the Alps and the Himalaya), longitudinal distribution in streams, colonization of the different sub-strata, community structure and diversity. He is referee for the main limnological and algological journals, member of the most relevant international societies of these dis-ciplines, and organizer of special sessions

and internazional congresses. He has been and is Guest Editor for Special issues of renowned journals. He carries out academic teaching at the Univer-sity of Innsbruck (Austria), he is member of the Doctoral Studies Committee (Ecology) of the University of Parma. Ph.Ds for Italian and foreign Universi-ties: external supervisor (3), opponent or reviewer (5). External supervisor of several Masters and Bachelors. He has described (ecological and taxonomical characterization) two genera and several species of diatoms new to science.

DANIEL SPITALEResearch fellow

Born in Lennep - Remscheid (Germany) in 1976, he is a Research Fellow of the MTSN Limnology and Phycology Section. M.Sc. in Biology (2003) at the University of Padua (Italy); Ph.D. in Ecology at the University of Parma (2007). He initially dealt with lake phytoplankton (SALTO Project), and then with the ecology of bryophytes and vascu-lar plants in spring habitats (CRENODAT Project). He recently started investingating the physiological adaptations of the red alga Bangia atropurpurea in Lake Garda

(ACE-SAP Project). His most relevant skills are related to bryology (with spe-cial reference to their distribution and ecology in aquatic environments) and to the statistical analysis of ecological data. He is an author and referee for several International journals in the ecological disciplines.



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NICOLA ANGELITechnical assistant

Born in Trento in 1975, he is the Techni-cal Assistant of the MTSN Limnology and Phycology Section. M.Sc. in Natural Sci-ences (2000) at the University of Padua (Italy) with a thesis on high-mountain-lakes zooplankton; Ph.D. in Ecology (Paleolim-nology) at the University of Parma (2006). Since 2000 he collaborates with the Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali and, in par-ticolar with the Limnology and Phycology Section dealing with high-mountain lakes (lake inventory and biological database of

the lakes of the River Avisio Basin), paleolimnology and diatoms in the frame of the research Projects SALTO / BEST (Blooms and Environment: Science for Tovel), OLOAMBIENT (Environmental and ecosystem respons-es to Holocene climate variability in Trentino based on multi proxy-data from lacustrine environments, calcareous tufa and moonmilk) during his Ph.D. thesis. He has recently contributed to the crenbiological studies carried out by the Limnology and Phycology Section for the CRENODAT (Biodiversity assessment and integrity evaluation of springs of Trentino - Italian Alps - and long-term ecological research) Research Project. Moreo-ver, since 2005 he has gained a good experience in scanning electron microscopy, having been appointed to be in charge for the SEM of the Museo Tridentino Scienze Naturali (Zeiss EVO40 XVP). Since 2009 he is also in charge for the Hydrochemistry Lab and for the Collections of the Limnology and Phycology Section.

ALESSIA SCALFIResearch assistant

Born in Tione di Trento (TN) in 1983, she is Project-based Research Assistant of the MTSN Limnology and Phycology Section. Bachelor in Natural Sciences (2005) at the University of Padua (Italy) and M.Sc. in Biodiversity and Biomonitoring (2008) at the University of Trieste. She has contributed to limnological and phycological research projects, focusing on spring habitats and diatom taxonomy. She has contributed to the organization of an international congress. At present she is collaborating

to the WP2 ACE-SAP Project aiming at the ecological and physiological study of the red alga Bangia atropurpurea in Lake Garda. She also devotes relevant amounts of her working time to educational, cultural-mediation, and environmental-interpretation activities in the headquarters and field stations of the Museum.



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Born in Cles (TN) in 1973, he is MTSN Cultural Mediator for projects on the ter-ritory. M.Sc. in Biology (2001) at the Uni-versity of Bologna (Italy) with a thesis on mesocosm-studies on the phytoplankton of Lake Tovel; Ph.D. in Evolutionistic Biology at the University of Pisa (2007) specilising on dinoflagellates, in particular on their use as biological monitors in hyperdiluted high-mountain lakes and as a proxy (dinocysts) in paleolimnology. At present he is mainly

dealing with cultural mediation and environmental interpretation (he is co-ordinator and supervisor of the activities at the Tovel Limnological Station of the MTSN).

• Selection of papers (2008-2009) - IF 2008-09: 25.564

Cantonati M. & Lange-Bertalot H., 2009 - Geissleria gereckei sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from leaf-litter covered stones of very shaded carbonate mountain springs with extremely low discharge. Phycological Research, 57: 171-177. [IF 2008: 0.9]

Cantonati M. & Spitale D., 2009 - The role of environmental variables in structuring epiphytic and epilithic diatom assemblages in springs and streams of the Dolo-miti Bellunesi National Park (south-eastern Alps). Fundamental and Applied Limnology - Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 174/2: 117-133. [IF 2008: 1.293+0.558]

Cantonati M., 2008 - Cyanoprokaryotes and algae other than diatoms in springs and streams of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park (Northern Italy). Algological Studies (Suppl. Arch. Hydrobiol.), 126: 113-136. [IF 2008: 1.293]

Cantonati M., Silvia S., Angeli N., Guella G. & Frassanito R., 2009 - Environmental con-trols of epilithic diatom depth-distribution in an oligotrophic lake characterised by marked water-level fluctuations. European Journal of Phycology 44/1: 15-29. [IF 2008: 1.826]

Cantonati M., Van de Vijver B. & Lange-Bertalot H., 2009 - Microfissurata gen. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new diatom genus from dystrophic and intermittently-wet terrestrial habitats. Journal of Phycology, 45/3: 732-741. [IF 2008: 2.811]

Frassanito R., Cantonati M., Flaim G., Mancini I. & Guella G., 2008 - A new method for the identification and the structural characterisation of carotenoid esters in freshwater microorganisms by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisa-tion tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrom-etry, 22: 3531-3539. [IF 2008: 2.772]

Leira M. & Cantonati M., 2008 - Effects of water-level fluctuations on lakes: an an-notated bibliography. In: Wantzen K.M., Rothhaupt K.-O., Mörtl M., Cantonati M., Lászlo G.-T. & Fischer P. (eds), Ecological Effects of Water-Level Fluctua-tions in Lakes. Developments of Hydrobiology, Hydrobiologia, 613: 171-184. [IF 2008: 1.449]

Spitale D., 2009 - Switch between competition and facilitation within a seasonal scale at colony level in bryophytes. Oecologia, 160/3: 471-482. [IF 2008: 3.008]

Spitale D., Petraglia A. & Tomaselli M., 2009 - Structural equation model detects unexpected differences between bryophyte and vascular plant richness along multiple environmental gradients. Journal of Biogeography, 36: 745-755. [IF 2008: 4.566]

Tardio M., Ellegaard M., Lundholm N., Sangiorgi F. & Di Giuseppe G., 2009 - A hy-pocystal archeopyle in a freshwater dinoflagellate from the Peridinium umbon-atum group (Dinophyceae) from Lake Nero di Cornisello, South Eastern Alps, Italy. European Journal of Phycology, 44/2: 241-250. [IF 2008: 1.826]



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inverTebraTe zoology and hydrobiology research grouP

VALERIA LENCIONIHead of the Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology Section

Born in Salò (BS) in 1970, obtained a degree in Biological Sciences in 1996 at the University of Milan working on plancton communities from alpine lakes, and a Ph.D. in Natural Sciences in 2000 at the University of Innsbruck (A) on tax-onomy and ecology of macroinvertebrates in alpine springs and streams. She collaborates with the MTSN since 1996, is the referent per-son for the MTSN collections and scientific publishing since 2003 and the head of Inverte-brate Zoology and Hydrobiology Section from January 2009. In the last ten years she carried out studies mainly on the ecological valency of meiofauna and macroinvertebrates (mainly Diptera Chironomidae) and on the adaptive capacity of target species of aquatic insects in relation to environmental stressors (e.g. tem-perature variations, presence of pollutants)

from a molecular point of view (e.g., metabolic rate, expression of hsp70, afps, cyp450, etc.). Since 2005 she was involved in the ministerial programme for the elaboration of the national quality index for lakes according to the WFD 60/2000. She has been co-supervisor of more than 20 master theses and two Ph.Ds; since 2007 she coordinates summer schools for master students from several Italian and foreign universities. She attended more than 60 congresses/workshops with 40 posters and 66 oral presentations and is author/co-author of about 80 re-viewed papers (including book chapters) and 20 popular science papers.

MAURO GOBBIResearch assistant

Born in Milan in 1979, he undertaken re-searches in ecological entomology focused on the use of bioindicators, and on the ef-fects of climate and environmental changes on alpine and lowland terrestrial arthropod coenoses. Specifically, he has dealt with the succession of epigean arthropods in space and in time in grasslands (M.Sc. Thesis, 2003yr), forests and along glacier forelands (Ph.D. Thesis, 2007yr). He is an expertise on the ecology of ground beetle (Coleoptera Carabidae), and their use as bioindicators of

human impact and climate change on the ecosystems. His scientific activity is testified by international collaborations and by publications on international journals. He wrote, coordinates and developed many national and interna-tional research projects on the use of insects for the management and natural-istic enhancement of the natural and man-managed lowland and alpine eco-systems. He is author of about 50 papers on national and IF-ranked journals. He won three research fellows (2001, 2003), one prize for the best M.Sc. thesis



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(2004) and in 2009 he received the award for the best Italian young entomolo-gist conferred by the Italian Academy of Entomology. He is research assistant at the MTSN (Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology Section) since 2007.

LUIGI CAPUTIResearch assistant

Born in Naples in 1975, he is graduated in Bio-logical Sciences at the University ‘Federico II’ of Naples. His thesis project was on the neu-rophysiology of cephalopods (Loligo vulgaris, Octopus vulgaris). He received a Ph.D. in Life Science of the Open University (London) do-ing work on speciation and population genet-ics in Ciona intestinalis at the Zoological Sta-tion ‘A. Dohrn ‘of Naples. His scientific knowl-edge concernes methods of cloning and DNA sequencing, sequence analysis, construction of phylogenetic trees by the methods of maxi-

mum likelihood and bayesian analysis, via SNP genotyping and gene expression analysis. From February 2009 he is involved in the ACE-SAP project, Activity 2, work package 3, specifically in gene expression analyses and genebank creation.

PAOLA BERNABòPh.D. student

Born in Trento in 1982, she is graduated at the University of Padua in Evolutionary Biology (2006), italian degree “laurea specialistica”). Since 2007 is a Ph.D. student in Evolutionary and Environmental Biology at the University of Modena and Reggio-Emilia in collabora-tion with the Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the MTSN with a thesis titled “Global climate changes and adapta-tive strategies in two mountain’s chironomids: Pseudodiamesa branickii and Diamesa ciner-ella”. Since 2008 is involved in the ACE-SAP

project, Activity 2 of work package 3, regarding the study of the physiological and molecular bases of the cold and warm adaptations in target species of insects threatened of extinction by the global climate change.


Born in Genoa in 1981, she was graduated at the University of Genoa in Sciences of Natu-ral Systems (2006). From 2005 to 2007 she collaborated with ARPAL (Regional Agency Environment Protection-Liguria, Italy) and with different parks, to study macroben-thic communities in Apennine streams and springs. Since 2007 she is a Ph.D. student in Naturalistic and Environmental Sciences at the University of Milan, in collaboration with the University Bicocca (Milan) and,



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since 2009, with the Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the MTSN. At MTSN she carries out studies on toxic resistance in Chironomus riparius (Diptera Chironomidae) within the work package 3, Activity 2, of the ACE-SAP project, from an ecotossicological (toxicity tests) and genetic (gene expression analysis) point of view.


Born in Venice in 1967, she obtained a de-gree in Biological Science at the University of Padua in hydrobiology and macroinver-tebrates. Since 1993 she collaborates with the Section of Invertebrate Zoology and Hy-drobiology of the MTSN within projects on riparian zonen of rivers, mountain streams and alpine lakes. She focused on riparian fauna (mainly Coleoptera Carbidae) and aquatic insects (mainly Plecoptera). She was teacher for the IBE quality index application (“Metodi biologici pratici per il mappaggio

di qualità dei corsi d’acqua: analisi comunità macroinvertebrati”) and co-author of the IFF index “Applicazione dell’Indice di Funzionalità Fluviale”. In 2008 she was technician at the Environmental Agency of Trento in the chemical laboratory, since 2009 she technical assistant of the Section of In-vertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the MTSN.

ELISA RISERVATOResearch assistant

Born in Novara in 1977, she collaborates with the MTSN from November 2009 as entomologist. She achieved a bachelor and a Ph.D. degree in University of Pavia (Italy) on dragonflies ecology and conservation. As expert odonatologist, she co-authored, among other publications, the only two exi-sting atlas of Italy (Atlante del Piemonte e Val d’Aosta, Atlante della Provincia di Nova-ra), and she deeply collaborates with IUCN on European and Mediterranean basin dra-gonflies red list assessing. In 2009 she co-

founded Odonata.it -the Italian society of dragonfly study and conservation- of which she is the current president.

In 2008, other people participated to some activity research of the Section for some months: Bruno Maiolini (head of the Section from 1995 to 2008), Maria Cristina Bruno (research assistant), Luana Silveri (Ph.D. student) and Mauro Carolli (technical assistant). Since 2008/January 2009 they are working at the Foundation E. Mach in San Michele a/Adige (TN, Italy).



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• Selection of papers (2008-2009) - IF 2008-09: 10.937

Bernabò P., Jousson O., Latella L., Martinez-Guitarte J.L., Rebecchi L., Lencioni V., 2009 - Comparative analysis of Heat shock proteins and thermoresistance in stenothermal insects from caves and cold streams (NE, Italy). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 154/1, Page S4, ISSN 1095-6433, DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2009.05.023. [IF 2009: 2.196]

Filippi M.L., Angeli N., Marziali L., Matouk A.H.I., Bertuzzi E., Lencioni V. & Cantonati M., 2008 - Paleolimnological techniques applied to springs habitats: Challenges and limits as highlighted by the CRENODAT project (SE Alps, Italy). Verhandlugen der Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, 30/3: 329-332.

Gobbi M. & Fontaneto D., 2008 - Biodiversity of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in different habitats of the Italian Po lowland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 127/3-4: 273-276. [IF 2008: 2.884]

Latella L., Bernabò P. & Lencioni V., 2008 - Distribution pattern and thermal tolerance in two cave dwelling Leptodirinae (Coleoptera, Cholevidae). Subterranean Biology, 6: 81-86. [ISI Journal]

Lencioni V., Bernabò P., Vanin S., Di Muro P. & Beltramini M., 2008 - Respiration rate and oxy-regulatory capacity in cold stenothermal chironomids. Journal of Insect Physiology, 54/9: 1337-1342. [IF 2008: 2.155]

Lencioni V., Boschini D. & Rebecchi L., 2009 - Expression of the 70 kDa Heat shock protein family in Alpine freshwater chironomids (Diptera, Chironomidae) under natural conditions. Journal of Limnology, 68/2: 251-256. [IF 2009: 0.932]

Lencioni V., Marziali L. & Rossaro B., 2008 - Hyporheic chironomids in alpine streams. Boletim of the Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural), Sup. N. 13: 127-132.

Maiolini B., 2009 - Il Po, ecologia di un grande fiume:le sfide del clima e dell’Uomo. In: Fuchs G. & Tasser B. (Eds), Obiettivo sulla Pianura Padana, Innsbruck University Press:101-112.

Marziali L. Lencioni V., Parenti P. & Rossaro B., 2008 - Benthic macroinvertebrates as water quality indicators in Italian lakes. Boletim of the Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural), Sup. N. 13: 51-59.

Rebecchi L., Boschini D., Cesari M., Lencioni V., Bertolani R. & Guidetti R., 2009 - Stress response of a boreo-alpine species of tardigrade, Borealibius zetlandicus (Eutardigrada, Hypsibiidae). Journal of Limnology, 68/1: 64-70. [IF 2009: 0.932]

Rossaro B., Lencioni V., Boggero A. & Marziali L., 2009 - A new benthic quality index for Italian lakes: how to face with different lake types? Verhandlugen der Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, 30/5: 790-793.



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verTebraTe zoology research grouP

PAOLO PEDRINIHead of the Vertebrate Zoology Section

Born in Trento in 1958, he obtained a de-gree in Natural Sciences, with a post-de-gree specialization in “Nature conservation and land planning and development” (Uni-versity of Pavia) and “Vertebrate manage-ment” (University of Pavia). From 1983 to 1995 he has been working as consultant for several institution within the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT) and for several National universities and research institu-tions; he has also been teaching in high schools. From 1995 is curator of the Verte-brate Zoology Section at the MTSN, he has also been the curator of the Environmental education Section of the same museum un-til 2001. He has been the supervisor of sev-eral degree theses and the author of over a hundred of scientific publication, mainly focusing on bird ecology, distribution and

conservation. He attended and coordinated national and international re-search projects on birds (among which the projects “BIODIVERSITÀ”; RETE NATURA 2000; PROGETTO ALPI) on distribution, population trend and re-production and ecology of alpine birds; he has been the coordinator of the action plan on threatened species conservation, of the atlas of local species distribution as well as of the red-list species assessment (Amphibians, Rep-tiles, Birds and Mammals).

FRANCO RIZZOLLIResearch assistant

Born in Trento in 1968, he obtained a de-gree in Natural Sciences at the Padova Uni-versity with a dissertation on Hydrobiology. He works as researcher in ornithology, with a special focus on monitoring activities and databases management aimed to data anal-ysis. He collaborates with the Vertebrate Zo-ology Section on researches on bird migra-tion, nesting ecology and faunal censuses. He work on management and implementa-tion of GIS databases; he is author of several scientific publications published both on na-

tional and international journals, especially on subjects dealing with raptors breeding ecology, bird migration and wintering water birds. He collaborated to the realization of technical documents on land planning and nature man-agement for the Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT).



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DAVIDE DALPIAZResearch assistant

Born in Bolzano in 1971, he graduated in biol-ogy in Bologna University with a degree the-sis about ichtyofauna. In the same University he achieved in 2002 a Ph.D. degree in animal biology, working on Common toad and other Anurans. He took part to the compilation of fish censuses and management plans of Emilia-Romagna Region and Autonomous Province of Trento, and worked in LIFE projects as fish expert. Since 2003 he collaborates with Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, where he deals with didactics, divulgation and research. He

coordinates the communication projects “Learn to know the brown bear” and “Forests”, in collaboration with the Forest and Wildlife Service of the Autono-mous Province of Trento.


Born in Trento in 1976, she obtained a degree in Natural Sciences at the University of Pavia with a dissertation on the Ecology of the European Badger (Meles meles). Since 2000 she collabo-rates with the MTSN, where she mainly deals with the digitalization and data management of the scientific collections. In 2004 she attended a Master in scientific museology at the University of Padova and in 2007 she attended a course CNRS (in France) on scientific collection man-agement. She collaborates to the research ac-tivities of the Vertebrate Zoology Section and

since 2003 collaborates to the realization of the distribution atlas of mammals of the Trento province. She is a skilled and experienced expert on the identifi-cation of mammals’ presence indexes, on which topic she works as consultant, especially as far as big carnivores are concerned. She has been working as op-erator on the environmental education and she collaborated in the realization of temporary exhibitions. Moreover she has been teaching in secondary and high schools and she has collaborated to a research project on Alpine hibex in the Parco Naturale di Paneveggio - Pale di S. Martino.


He graduated in Natural Sciences at University of Milan in April 2003, and continued at Milan with his Ph.D. (discussed Jan. 2007). His main interests are bird ecology and conservation, evolution and phylogeography. He is involved in research projects on farmland habitats, with particular reference to breeding birds; he has contributed to the Monitoring plan of terrestrial Vertebrates in Trentino and to the analysis of ef-fects of Rural Development Plan on biodiversity; now he works mainly on ecology and conserva-



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tion of corncrake and other rallids, red-backed shrike and other passerines of open habitats. He has been working also in other institutions on projects in-cluding regional ecological network in Lombardy, ecological network among Natura 2000 sites in Varese province, Monitoring plan for terrestrial Verte-brates of Community interest in Lombardy, conservation and management of areas and species of Community interest. He has contributed to the “Assess-ment of conservation status of Italian avifauna” (LIPU - MATTM, 2008-2009). He has published 15 articles in ISI-ranked journals (2004-2009).


Born in 1977, he obtained a degree in Zool-ogy from the University of Abeerdeen (UK) and a Ph.D. degree in Biology from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK). During his Ph.D. he carried out a resarch project on the application of machine-learning methods to species distribution modelling. His main research interests are concered with understanding the determi-nants of species distributions at the large scale, and predicting how these distribu-tions change through time. He has worked

on several collaborative projects with various research institutes, both in Italy and Europe. His main contribution to these projects has been the ap-plication spatio-temporal modelling techniques to study the dynamics of plant and animal populations. He authour of several pubblications on In-ternational peer-reviewed journals. From June 2009 he works as Quanti-tative Ecologist at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK). He has been collaborating with the Vertebtrate Zoology Section at the MTSN since 2009. His work has focussed on developing predictive models for breeding birds in the province of Trento to assess the potential impacts of land cover changes in the breeding birds.

CLARA TATTONIResearch fellow

Born in Milan in 1976, she holds a mas-ter’s degree in Environmetal Science at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) and a Ph.D. in “Analysis, protection and manage-ment of biodiversity” from the University of Insubria, Italy. She received various re-search grants to study in Italy and abroad (Erasmus, Fratelli Confalonieri, Parco Ad-amello Brenta, DiCA) . Since 2006 she has been working with the Laboratory of Forest Ecology at the University of Trento (Italy) in research and teaching activities. Her re-

search area is applying GIS to wildlife and ecology studies, with a special in-terest for bird migration and conservation. With the MTSN she is currently working with the avian data base in modeling habitat for species ranked as priority by the european community in the framework of the Natura 2000 network. She is author of 4 ISI-ranked publications from 2005 to 2009.



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SIMONE TENANResearch fellow

Born in Rovigo in 1974, M.Sc. (Hons) in Natural Science at the University of Padua (Italy) with a dissertation focussed on ecology of bird migration across the Mediterranean Sea. Since 1995, he has been participating in different projects on bird migration and breeding birds, as collaborator of the Italian Ringing Scheme of the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA). He has been collaborating with the Vertabrate Zoology Section of the MTSN since 2008, on the data analyses related to

the “Progetto Alpi”, on the post-nuptial bird migration. Ph.D. student at the University of Pavia (Italy) since November 2009, with a Ph.D. fellowship from the MTSN, his dissertation is focussed on modelling the spatio-temporal dynamics of bird migration across the Italian Alps.


Born in Trento in 1981, he is currently study-ing for a degree in Natural Sciences at Pa-dova University specializing in Natural Re-sources Conservation. He has conducted research and training activities since 1997 within the vertebrate zoology Section of the Natural Sciences Museum of Trento, Italy. In 2003 he completed his B.Sc. Univer-sity thesis working on times and patterns of bird migrations through the Alps, in collab-oration with the MTSN. He collaborated to several wildlife monitoring projects, mostly

with birds, and he is actively involved in the education Section of the Mu-seum pertaining to zoology topics. He has also been recognized by the province of Trento as a professional taxidermist.

FRANCESCA ROSSITechnical assistant

Born in Firenze in 1972, she obtained a de-gree in Forestry at the University of Firenze in 1998. From 2001 to 2009 she collaborat-ed on bird research and monitoring projects, both on migrantory and resident species. Together with Stefano Noselli, she is the ref-erent person for the Bird Ringing Station at Passo del Broccon, which is part of the “Pro-getto ALPI”. For the same project, during 2001-2008 she was involved in data man-agement and preparation of annual reports. She also conducted fieldwork, management

and analysis of data on the Progetto Biodiversità. She has collaborated to the provisioning of data to the Autonomous Province of Trento about faunal



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databases, status and phenology of faunal species of conservation relevance; assessment of the conservation value of selected sites and related manage-ment issueszone e relative problematiche gestionali; monitoring work in the context of the “Rete Natura 2000 “ of Trento province.

• Selection of papers (2008-2009) - IF 2008-09: 1.903

AA.VV., (2009) - Atlante Ornitologico Italiano Progetto M.I.T.O. Avocetta. Contribuiti di: Pedrini P., Segata M., Rizzolli F., Rossi F., Volcan G. (in press).

Brambilla M. & Jenkins R.K.B., 2009 - Cost-effective estimates of Water Rail Rallus aquaticus breeding population size. Ardeola, 56: 95-102. [IF 2008: 0.46]

Dalpiaz D., Frapporti C., Groff C. & Zanghellini P., 2008 - Bear Report 2007. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, January 2008.

Dalpiaz D., Frapporti C., Groff C. & Zanghellini P., 2009 - Bear Report 2008. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, January 2009.

Deflorian M. C., Menegon M. & Pedrini P. V., 2009 - Le collezioni erpetologiche del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali di Trento. In: Mazzotti S. (ed.), Le collezi-oni erpetologiche in Italia. Censimento e analisi delle collezioni di Anfibi e Rettili dei musei italiani per la loro valorizzazione scientifica. Museologia Sci-entifica. Memorie, 5/2009: 74-80.

Deflorian M.C., Rigobello F., Bertuzzi E., Lencioni V., 2009 - Il materiale esotico nelle collezioni del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali. Atti del XVII Congresso ANMS “Al di là delle Alpi e del Mediterraneo - il significato delle collezioni “esotiche” nei musei naturalistici”. Verona, 4-7 dicembre 2007. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona. 2. Serie. Monografie Naturalistiche, 4; Museologia Scientifica. Memorie, 4: 32-40.

Pedrini P., Rossi F., Rizzolli F. & Spina F., 2008 - Le Alpi italiane quale barriera ecologica nel corso della migrazione post-riproduttiva attraverso l’Europa: risultati gene-rali della prima fase del Progetto (1997-2002). Biol. Cons. Fauna, 116: 1-336.

Sergio F., Marchesi L. & Pedrini P., 2009 - Conservation of Scops Owl Otus scops in the Alps: relationships with grassland management, predation risk and wider biodiversity. Ibis, 151: 40-50. [IF 2008: 1.443]



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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








geology research grouP

MARCO AVANZINIHead of the Geology Section

Born in Rovereto (TN) in 1963. His re-search focus on stratigraphy and pal-aeoenvironment reconstruction of Mesozoic ecosystems in the Southern Alps and Southern Europe. In the last 10 years he has mainly focused on ver-tebrate palaeontology, in particular palaeoichnology and palaeoecology of dinosaurs and other reptiles. Has expe-rience in palaeontological excavations and the geological mapping of the al-pine area. Is part of the research group joined by the Italian Geological Survey to edit the new Geological Map of Italy (CARG Project). He has great experi-ence in the protection and valorisa-tion of palaentological and geological sites, as well as with public outreach.

He is member of the scientific board of the Società Paleontologica italiana, regional referee of the Società Geologica Italiana and of the Società Italiana di Geografia e Geologia militare. Is author of more than 300 publications in national and international journals concern-ing the study of tetrapod footprints, geology and stratigraphy of the mesozoic of the Southern Alps.

PAOLO FERRETTITechnical assistant

Born in Rovereto (TN) in 1972. Since 2001 is member of the Geology Section of the MTSN, where he firstly joined several research activities regarding hydrogeology and quaternary geology. Afterwards he addressed his activity to-wards mineralogy and petrography with important discoveries in the Alpine re-gion. He is also involved in ichnological and paleoecological studies of verte-brate tracks discovered in the Permian and Triassic deposits of the Southalpine

region and in the realization of several stratigraphic studies. From 2003 he participate as a compiler, to the the 1:50.000-scale geological map-ping project of the Trentino Alto Adige region (CARG Project).





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Born in Rovereto (TN) in 1972. From 1999 he is a member of the Geology and Paleon-tology Section of the MTSN. He took part to several ichnological and paleoecological research activities on vertebrate tracks dis-covered in the Permian and Triassic depos-its of the Southalpine region. From 1999 he participate to the the 1:50.000-scale geo-logical mapping project of Italy, as a com-piler designated by the geological Survey of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento. With-in this project he is a member of the task

group “Alps” of the Italian Commission on Stratigraphy. He is also involved, as an expert, in the management of the Unesco Geopark Adamello- Brenta.


Born in Roma in 1972. Holding a Ph.D. in Paleontology, from 200 to 2006 he was a member of the task group, controlled and coordinated by the Italian Commission on Stratigraphy, that realized an updated “Catalogue of the Italian Geological For-mations”, one of the projects connected to the of the new Geological Map of Italy on a scale of 1:50.000 (CARG project). From 2007 he cooperates with the Geology and Paleontology Section of the MTSN, benefit-ing of a post-doc grant funded by the Pro-

vincia Autonoma di Trento. The topic of the post-doc project is the study of dinosaur footprints as constraints in the palaeogeographical and palaeoeco-logical reconstructions of the Central Mediterranean area during the Late Triassic-Late Cretaceous interval.


Born in Busto Arsizio (VA) in 1975. Since 2003 he is member of the Geology and Educa-tional Section of the MTSN. He firstly took part to educational activities; afterwards he addressed his activity towards monitoring of alpine glacial also as part of Comitato Glaci-ologico Trentino. He is involved in territorial studies of sustainable development through the valorisation of natural heritage. He join his research activities with the popularization of study results in several meeting and public communication.








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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








MICHELE ZANDONATITechnical assistant

Born in Trento in 1969. Regional guide of the special list of the Alpine Guides. He is the op-erative responsible of the Alpine Rescue team of Rovereto (TN). From 2004 he works in the Geology Section of the MTSN mainly cooper-ating with research activities on hydrogeology and karstification. He has a well-established experience in speleological explorations and is specialized in database creation, GIS systems and high-resolution monitoring instruments.

ANDREA BORSATOResearch fellow

Born in Trento in 1960. Conjoint Senior Lec-turer at the University of Newcastle (Aus-tralia), School of Environmental and Life Sci-ences, Environmental and Climate Change Research Group, field trip tutor at the l’University of Newcastle (Australia) School of Environmental and Life Sciences and Skilled user at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France). His studies mainly deals with Quaternary geol-ogy, hydrogeology and geochemistry. In the

last fifteen years he contributed to the improvement of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironment reconstruction performed by means of speleothems and continental carbonates through radiometric dating, isotopic analyses, geo-chemical studies of trace elements and microstratigraphy.

RENZA MIORANDIResearch fellow

Born in Rovereto (TN) in 1975. She has a degree in Letters and Philosophy from the Trento University with a thesis on cultural geography concerning the Monte Pasubio springs. Skilled speleologist (in activity since 1991) and speleology instructor of the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) since January 2007, she is an operator of National Alpine Res-cue team. Sicne 2001 she cooperates with the Geology Section of the MTSN, being involved in several paleoclimatic studies with monthly sampling in hypogean environ-

ments and their digital elaboration. In 2008 she is involved in the “Trentino Clima 2008” exhbit, organised by the MTSN in cooperation with the Provin-cia Autonoma di Trento. From 2005 to 2009 she participates to the triennial research program on the paleoclimatic reconstruction from speleothems, co-ordinated by the University of Heidelberg “DAPHNE - DFG-Forschergruppe dated speleothems archives of the peleoenvironment”.





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• Selection of papers (2008-2009) - IF 2008-09: 0.788

Avanzini M. & Cavin L., 2009 - A new Isochirotherium trackway from the Triassic of Vieux Emosson, SW Switzerland: stratigraphic implications. Swiss Journal of Geoscience, 102/1: 1-9. [IF 2008: 0.788]

Avanzini M. & Mietto P., 2008 - Lower and Middle Triassic footprint-based Biochronol-ogy in the Italian Southern Alps. Oryctos, 8: 3-13.

Avanzini M., Mietto P., De Angelis M., Panarello A. & Rolandi G., 2008 - The Devil’s Trails: Middle Pleistocene Human Footprints Preserved in a Volcanoclastic De-posit of Southern Italy. In: Lockley M.G. & Kim y.J. (eds), Hominid Ichnology. Ichnos, 16/1-2 (2009): 2-21.

Becker M., Bellin A. & Borsato A., 2008 - Fractionated Drainage in a Karstic Alpine System: The Italian Dolomites. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Sec-tion of the Geological Society of America, Buffalo, New york, 27-29 March 2008.

Ferretti P. & Masetto M., 2008 - Cima d’Asta. Recenti ritrovamenti nelle pegmatiti del massiccio granitico (Trentino orientale). Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 4/2008: 210-228.

Houck K.J., Lockley M.G. & Avanzini M., 2009 - A survey of Tetrapod tracksites pre-served in pyroclastic sediments, with special reference to footprints of homin-ids, other mammals and birds. Ichnos, 16/1-2: 76-97.

Lockley, M., Garcia-Ramos J.C., Pinuela L. & Avanzini M., 2008 - A review of verte-brate track assemblages from the Late Jurassic of Asturias, Spain with com-parative notes on coeval ichnofaunas from the western USA: implications for faunal diversity in siliciclastica facies assemblages. Oryctos, 8: 53-70.

Petti F.M., Avanzini M., Belvedere M., De Gasperi M., Ferretti P., Girardi S., Remond-ino F. & Tomasoni R., 2008 - Digital 3D modelling of dinosaur footprints by photogrammetry and laser scanning techniques: integrated approach at the Coste dell’Anglone tracksite (Lower Jurassic, central-eastern Southern Alps, northern Italy). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Geologica, 83: 303-316.

Petti F.M., Avanzini M., Nicosia, U., Girardi, S., Bernardi M., Ferretti P., Schirolli, P. & Dal Sasso C., 2009 - Late Triassic (Early - middle Carnian) chirotherian tracks from the Val Sabbia sandstone (Eastern Lombardy, Brescian Prealps, Northern Italy). Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia, 115, 3: 277-290.








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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








PrehisTory research grouP

GIAMPAOLO DALMERI Head of the Prehistory Section

Born in Pergine (TN) in 1952, he obtained his degree in Geology in 1977 at the University of Ferrara, School of Mathematical, Chemi-cal, Physical and Natural Sciences with a degree in Human Paleontology with the thesis “Il Giacimento Quaternario di Prades-tel presso Trento”, a sedimentological and stratigraphic study of the Epipalaeolitic lith-ic industries and series. He has worked for about 30 years in prehistoric antiquity and conducts research projects related to the oldest alpine human population, especially in Trentino, sponsored by the Museum. He has published numerous scientific articles and informatives on this subject and is actu-ally leading the excavation and palaeoenvi-ronmental studies at Dalmeri rockshelter in

Grigno (Tn). He conducted research projects at the Cogola rockshelter and in the wetland site of Palù Echen (both in Folgaria, Tn) and Lago delle Regole in Val di Non (Tn). In the 80ies and 90ies he collaborated with the Soprintenden-za Archeologica di Trento for numerous research projects on the Mesolithic in Val d’Adige and West Trentino (Tn). In 1990 he discovered the Dalmeri rockshelter; the interdisciplinary researches followed under his direction have shown exceptional aspects related to human behaviour, such as residential mobility, ways of life and hunting, art and rituals of the ancient hunter-gather-ers of the late Upper Palaeolithic. The archaeological discoveries of Dalmeri rockshelter are internationally recognized. Since 1997, he coordinated more than 20 theses in Prehistoric Sciences and Archaeological and Cultural Herit-age. He has took part in person or as a co-author in 40 conferences, national and international workshops, 20 posters and 30 oral communications. He is co-author of about 80 works in scientific journals. He has published over 100 scientific articles, popular writings and book chapters.

STEFANO NERITechnical assistant

Born in Trento in 1980, has been working since 2005 at the MTSN first as educators, then from 2007 as technical of the Prehis-tory Section. He received the 2004-2005 Academic year Degree in Cultural Herit-age, Archaeological and at the University of Trento, Faculty of Humanities, with the thesis “Catalogazione e analisi GIS delle testimonianze archeologiche relative alla frequentazione degli ultimi cacciatori-rac-coglitori in Trentino”. Currently enrolled in the degree in Management of Cultural

Heritage at the University of Trento. He is involved in technical and scientific





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researches on the regional territory, the archaeological excavations logistic, data processing of archaeological excavation, inventory of the archaeologi-cal collections, collaboration in the activity editor of scientific journal “Pre-historic Alpine “. In the year 2009 he was one of the curators of the tem-porary exhibition “Quando eravamo cacciatori” built in Grigno (Valsugana, Tn) and editor with Giampaolo Dalmeri in the remaking of the permanent exhibition halls at the Museum. Participation in archaeological excavations: - 2002, lake-dwelling site of Ledro (Tn), directed by the Laboratory of Palaeon-tology of the University of Trento. - 2003, archaeological excavations in Portugal, “Arqueologia na Ribeira da Ponte Pedra 2003”, organized by the Center for Archeology of Vila Nova da Barquinha and the University of Tomar in Portugal, on behalf of the University of Trento (tutor Dr. Sefano Grimaldi).- 2003, archaeological excavations in Spain, “L’Abri Romani” in the province of Barcelona in Spain, with the Atapuerca team headed by Professor Eudald Carbonell i Roura. - Since 2007, technical management and logistics of the archaeological exca-vations promoted by the Tridentine Museum of Natural Sciences and under the direction of Dr. Giampaolo Dalmeri.

ELISABETTA FLORResearch assistant

Born in Cles (TN) in 1982, she received her Master Degree in Prehistoric Sciences at University of Ferrara in 2009, with the the-sis “Contributo allo studio dei sistemi tec-nici sauveterriani: analisi tecnologica dei livelli AF-AC1 del riparo di Romagnano Loc III (Tn)”. In 2005 she received his Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Heritage, Archaeological and at the University of Trento, with the the-sis “Ambiente e occupazione umana nella Conca di Trento durante il Mesolitico antico: l’esempio del riparo di Pradestel (Tn)”, a

technological analysis of the sauveterian lithic industries of Pradestel rock-shelter (Tn). She has been collaborating since 2006 with the Museum as a technical/scientific collaborator for inventory of the collection. She has taken part to the research project OPENLOC “Social capital and environmental capital. The possible contribution to local development in a global context, in which she operates to define and study the archaeological character of two areas of Trentino (Leno and Ledro Valley). She has so far parteciped in the creation of two scientific articles and in-formative text, acquiring a position to present an in-depth knowledge of prehistoric archaeology of Trentino.








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• Selection of papers (2008-2009)

Bassetti M., Cusinato A., Dalmeri G., Kompatscher K., Hrozny Kompatscher M. & Wierer U., 2009 - Updating on the Final Palaeolithic-Mesolithic transition in Trentino (NE Italy). Hugo Obermaier Society. 49 th Annual Meeting in Trento (10-14 of April, 2007). Preistoria Alpina, 44: 121-135.

Belli R., Dalmeri G., Gialanella S., Mandelli M., Mattarelli M., Montagna M. & Quaranta A., 2009 - Raman characterization of prehistoric pigments. In: Gueli A. (a cura di), Atti del V Congresso Nazionale di Archeometria A.I.A.R “Scienza e Beni Culturali.” Morrone Editore, Siracusa: 81-90.

Belli R., Lonardelli I., Quaranta A., Girardi F., Cusinato A. & Dalmeri G., 2008 - A methodological approach to discriminate between natural and synthetic haematite used as prehistoric pigments: preliminary results (Riparo Dalmeri - Trentino, Italy). In: Proceedings of AIAr Firenze 2007.. Pàtron Editore, Bologna: 179-185.

Dalmeri G. & Neri S., 2008 - Riparo Dalmeri: l’uomo e due stili di raffigurazione. Analisi formale di quattro pietre decorate con figure antropomorfe. In: Dalmeri G. & Neri S. (a cura di), Riparo Dalmeri e l’occupazione epigravettiana. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 299-315.

Dalmeri G., Cusinato A., Frisia S., Hrozny Kompatscher M., Kompatscher K., Bassetti M. & Belli R., 2009 - The Palaeolithic naturalistic art at the Dalmeri rockshelter and climate variability. In: Atti della UISPP Conference, Lisbona: 89-97.

Dalmeri G., Cusinato A., Neri S. & Nicolodi F., 2008 - Le industrie mesolitiche di Riparo Pradestel (Trento). Aspetti tipologici ed evolutivi. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 131-186.

Dalmeri G., Kompatscher K., Hrozny Kompatscher M., Bassetti M. & Cusinato A., 2009 - The colonisation of eastern alpine territories: the Val di Non case study and the “Regole” field camps (Trento, Italy). In: Mesolithic Horizons. Papers presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Mesolithic. Dublin, Oxbow Books: 60-67.

Dalmeri G., Kompatscher K., Kompatscher M.H., Cusinato A., Bassetti M. & Neri S., (2009) - Le pietre con pitture in ocra di Riparo Dalmeri (Trento). Sviluppi delle ricerche sull’arte e la ritualità del sito epigravettiano. In: Atti Convegno IIPP, Trento (in press).

Venzo G.A., Dalmeri G., Neri S. & Pontalti L., (2009) - Geomorfologia e ambiente dei territori frequentati dai cacciatori - raccoglitori epigravettiani del Riparo Dalmeri nel paleolitico superiore. Atti dell’istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 167 (in press).

Ziggiotti S. & Dalmeri G., 2008 - Strategie di caccia degli ultimi epigravettiani. Lo studio funzionale delle armature litiche di Riparo Cogola, livello 19. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 13-24.





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The research staff

Name Section E-mail address Telephone

abeli Thomas Botany [email protected] +39 0461 270381angeli  nicola limnology and Phycology [email protected] +39 0461 270342avanzini Marco Geology [email protected] +39 0461 270312Bernabò Paola invertebrate zoology and

[email protected] +39 0461 270371

Bonomi costantino Botany [email protected] +39 0461 270381Borsato andrea Geology [email protected] +39 0461 270312Brambilla Mattia Vertebrate zoology [email protected] +39 0461 270340cantonati Marco limnology and Phycology [email protected]  +39 0461 270342caputi luigi invertebrate zoology and

[email protected] +39 0461 270371

casarotto christian Geology [email protected] +39 0461 270345dalmeri Giampaolo Prehistory [email protected] +39 0461 270314dalpiaz davide Vertebrate zoology [email protected] +39 0461 270340deflorian Maria chiara Vertebrate zoology [email protected] +39 0461 270340Ferretti Paolo Geology [email protected] +39 0461 270344Flor elisabetta Prehistory [email protected] +39 0461 270314Franceschini alessandra invertebrate zoology and

[email protected] +39 0461 270372

Girardello Marco Vertebrate zoology [email protected] +39 0461 270340Gobbi Mauro invertebrate zoology and

[email protected] +39 0461 270372

Grazioli Valentina invertebrate zoology and Hydrobiology

[email protected] +39 0461 270371

lencioni Valeria invertebrate zoology and Hydrobiology

[email protected] +39 0461 270371

Martin emanuel H. Tropical Biodiversity [email protected] +255 785274469Menegon Michele Tropical Biodiversity [email protected] +39 0461 270374Miorandi renza Geology [email protected] +39 0461 270312Mondoni andrea Botany [email protected] +39 0461 270381neri stefano Prehistory [email protected] +39 0461 270314Parolo Gilberto Botany [email protected] +39 0461 270381Pedrini Paolo Vertebrate zoology [email protected] +39 0461 270310Petti Fabio Massimo Geology [email protected] +39 0461 270312Pupin Fabio Tropical Biodiversity [email protected] +39 0461 270374ricci silvia Tropical Biodiversity [email protected] +39 3201992969riservato elisa invertebrate zoology and

[email protected] +39 0461 270372

rizzolli Franco Vertebrate zoology [email protected] +39 0461 270340rossi Francesca Vertebrate zoology [email protected] +39 0461 270340rovero Francesco Tropical Biodiversity [email protected] +39 0461 270374scalfi alessia  limnology and Phycology [email protected] +39 0461 270342spitale daniel limnology and Phycology [email protected] +39 0461 270342Tabarelli de Fatis Karol Vertebrate zoology [email protected] +39 0461 270310Tardio Massimiliano limnology and Phycology [email protected] +39 0461 270383Tattoni clara Vertebrate zoology [email protected] +39 0461 270310Tenan simone Vertebrate zoology [email protected] +39 0461 270310Tomasoni riccardo Geology [email protected] +39 0461 270312Vicentini renzo Botany [email protected] +39 0461 270313zandonati Michele Geology [email protected] +39 0461 270312

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research prOjecTs, high eDUcaTiON aND TeachiNg

appeNDix 2

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








research and teaching activities (2008-2009) nr.

Research projects 59

Teaching activity (masters, training courses) 29

Seminars c/o universities and museums 7

Lectures 36

In-house workshops and congresses organizations 8

Post-doc grants 3

Ph.Ds 13

Masters and degrees 19

Other research grants 2

Trainings 9

Volunteers 13

research projects1. ABOVO - research on italian bird nests. In collaboration with ISPRA, funded by MTSN

from 2000.2. ACE-SAP - Alpine ecosystems in a Changing Environment: Biodiversity Sensitivity

and Adaptive Potentia”. Project funded by Autonomous Province of Trento Servizio Università e Ricerca. (2008-2011).

3. Ambienti estremi: cambiamenti climatici e strategie adattative in invertebrati acquatici di alta quota. Project funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto (2006-2008).

4. ACQUA-TEST_PNAB - Habitat acquatici del Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta: testimoni del cambiamento climatico e ambientale / Aquatic Habitats of the Adamello-Brenta Natural Park; sentinels of climate and environmental change. Project co-funded by the Adamello-Brenta Natural Park. (Long-term ecological research from 2008)

5. ARPAV - Metalli pesanti e humus nei suoli della Regione Veneto / Heavy metals and humus in the soils of Veneto Region. Funded by ARPAV Regione Veneto (2008-2009).

6. Azioni propedeutiche alla redazione di un piano di gestione degli invertebrati nella Rete Natura 2000. Project funded by Servizio Conservazione della Natura e Valorizzazione Ambientale PAT (2009-2010).

7. Biodiversity in Trentino: studies and updating of the Trentino province database. In collaboration with University of Pavia, Centre of Ecology and Hidrology, Oxford (UK), ISPRA-Ministero dell’Ambiente; funded by MTSN e Autonomous province of Trento from 2001.

8. Cartografia geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000 / Italian geological cartography 1:50.000. Funded by Servizio Geologico Autonomous Province of Trento (2000-2009).

9. Cartografia geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000 - direzione rilevamento fogli Trento e Mezzolombardo - provincia di Trento. Funded by Servizio Geologico Autonomous Province of Trento (2000-2009).

10. Cartografia geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000 - geologia del quaternario fogli Trento, Mezzolombardo e Bagolino - provincia di Trento. Funded by Servizio Geologico Autonomous Province of Trento (2000-2009).

11. Cartografia geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000 - rilevamento fogli Trento e Mezzolombardo - provincia di Trento. Funded by Servizio Geologico Autonomous Province of Trento (2000-2009).

12. CESSPA - Censimento e studio delle sorgenti e dei pozzi del territorio alpino e prealpino di competenza dell’Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Adige / Inventory and investigation of springs and wells in the River Adige basin. Project funded by Autorità di Bacino dell’Adige / River-Adige Basin Authority. In collaboration with Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona / Natural History Museum of Verona, Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Adige, University of Frankfurt (2007-2009).

13. CLIPAST - Clima e Paleoclima da speleotemi / Climate and Paleoclimate reconstructions

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from spaeleothems. Funded by MTSN (2006-2008).14. CRENODAT - Biodiversità, valutazione dell’integrità delle sorgenti del Trentino e

ricerche ecologiche a lungo termine / Biodiversity assessment and integrity evaluation of springs of Trentino - Italian Alps - and long-term ecological research. Funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento. In collaboration with University of Innsbruck, University of Parma, University of Trento, University of Pisa, Istituto Agrario di S. Michele all’Adige (TN), University of Ceske Budejovice, University of Frankfurt (2004-2008).

15. DINOGEO - Le orme dei dinosauri come vincoli nella ricostruzione paleogeografica e paleo ambientale dell’area centro-mediterranea durante l’intervallo Triassico superiore - Cretacico superiore / The dinosaurs tracks as key in the palaegegraphical reconstruction of the center-Mediterranean area during the interval Late Triassic - Early Cretaceous interval. Project funded by Servizio Università e Ricerca Autonomous Province of Trento (2007-2010).

16. RD / Riparo Dalmeri - Dalmeri Rockshelter / MTSN / (1990 - in corso) Pluriannuale. Eight interdisciplinary palaeoenvironmental and palethnologists researches about the Upper Paleolithic site of Dalmeri rockshelter (Sette Comuni Plateau, Trento) (MTSN) Entities involved: CORA, Ricerche Archeologiche, Trento, Studio Arch. Kompatscher, Bolzano, Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Storiche, Università di Trento, Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e Culturali, Università di Ferrara, Soprintendenza Speciale al Museo Preistorico ed Etnografico “L. Pigorini, Roma, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Università di Aix-en-Provence, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Laboratori della FBK, Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica, Trento, GEA indagini archeologiche e antropologiche S.C.a.r.l., Roma, Velluti Restauratori, Villabruna, Belluno.

24. ENSCONET - the European Native Seed COnservation NETwork, EU FP6 (2004-2009).25. Entomofauna del Settore trentino del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio: documentazione

della biodiversità in relazione agli habitat, alla presenza dell’uomo e alla fauna vertebrata. In collaboration with Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Settore Trentino (2008-2011).

26. GEO-BIO - Progetto Banche Dati Autonomous Province of Trento, Servizio Foreste (2009).27. Investigation on the impact of turism on the vertebrate fauna. In collaboration with

University of Trento DICA. Project funded by Servizio Conservazione della Natura e Valorizzazione Ambientale Autonomous Province of Trento (2008-2009).

28. Indexing and protecting the notable trees of the city of Trento, Trento city council (2009).29. International Project Beared Volture, Rete Trentina per il monitoraggio del Gipeto. In

collaboration with Servizio Foreste e Fauna (2009).30. Investigating social and tourist use of the prospective natural park on Mt. Bondone,

Trento city council (2009).31. IWC - International Waterfowl Census. In collaboration with Servizio Foreste e Fauna

Autonomous Province of Trento and ISPRA (1995).32. Landscape design of Viotte Alpine Botanic Garden. Funded by MTSN (2009).33. Limnological Station of the Museum at Lake Tovel, Field Station of the Museo Tridentino

di Scienze Naturali in agreement with the Municipality of Tuenno. Main collaborations: Adamello-Brenta Natural Park; Municipality of Tuenno.

34. MEPESA - Influenza dei fattori pedo-ambientali e climatici sulla mobilità dei metalli pesanti in zone alpine / Influence of the pedo-environmental and climatic factors on the mobility of the heavy metals in the alpine environment. Funded by ISSDS (Istituto Sperimentale per la Difesa e lo Studio del Suolo - Firenze) (2006-2009).

35. MIB - Monitoraggio Idrogeologico Dolomiti di Brenta. Funded by Servizio Geologico Autonomous Province of Trento (2006-2008).

36. MITO - Italian Ornithological Monitoring (Farmland Bird Index e Atlante specie comuni in Trentino). In collaboration with Fauna Viva, LIPU Parma; funded by MTSN (2000).

37. OPENLOC - Politiche pubbliche e sviluppo locale: politiche per l’innovazione e ricadute locali di dinamiche globali / Public policies and local development: innovation policy and its effects on locally embedded global dynamics. Project funded by Servizio Università e Ricerca Autonomous Province of Trento (2008-2011).

38. Vertebrate monitoring plan in the Nature 2000 Network, Plan validation. Funded by Servizio Conservazione della Natura e Valorizzazione Ambientale Autonomous Province of Trento (In collaboration University of Pavia 2008-2009).

39. Faunistic plan of Trentino. Funded by Servizio Foreste e Fauna Autonomous Province of Trento (2009).

40. Popularization editorial initiatives of the Limnology and Phycology Section. Popular book on the lakes of the Adamello-Brenta Natural Park and on the most beautiful


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springs of Trentino. Main collaborations: Adamello-Brenta Natural Park; Autonomous Province of Trento, University and Scientific Research Service.

41. PRISCO - Progetto di Inanellamento a Sforzo Costante (Constant Effort Site), monitoring of the breeding success of common birds. Funded by MTSN in collaboration with ISPRA (from 2004).

42. Progetto ALPI, multiannual investigation aimed to the study of post-breeding migration. In collaboration with Schwezerische Vogelwarte Sempach (CH), EURING, ISPRA - Centro Nazionale di Inanellamento, Ministero dell’Ambiente, Centre of Ecology and Hidrology, Oxford (UK); funded by MTSN (from 1997).

43. Ornithological data base, Ornitho.it. Funded by MTSN, in collaboration with LIPU, EBN Italia, CISO and ISPRA.

44. Bear project in Trentino. In collaboration with Servizio Foreste Autonomous Province of Trento (from 2006).

45. Ranger-based monitoring in the Udzungwa Mountains National Park. Rufford Foundation and MTSN (2008-2009).

46. PARTy - Public pARticipation and cost-benefiT analysis. Financed by Autority of Adige River (2009).

47. REPORT - Regolazione delle portate, ecosistemi e dinamica fluviale: linee guida per una gestione eco-compatibile. Financed by Autority of Adige River (2008-2009).

48. Revealing the phylogenetic history and ecological adaptations of Rhynchocyon udzungwensis, a newly-discovered, living fossil of giant elephant-shrews from the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. National Geographic Society (2008-2010).

49. RIBES - the Italian Network for the ex situ conservation of the Italian native flora (2009).50. PECH / Palù Echen 1 / MTSN / (since 2004) long-term research. Second year of

palethnologists and palaeoenvironmental researches in Palù Echen 1 (Folgaria plateau, Tn). Entities involved: Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, Section Paleoclima; University of Innsbruck, Palinology.

51. Seed germination ecology. Funded by MTSN (2009).52. Sorting and scanning TR herbarium. Funded by MTSN, (2009).53. Studio delle relazioni tra cenosi a Coleotteri Carabidi e formazioni vegetali nel Parco

Naturale Paneveggio - Pale di S. Martino. Funded by Parco Naturale Paneveggio - Pale di S. Martino (2009-2010).

54. TEAM network (Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring): long-term biodiversity monitoring in the Udzungwa Mountains. Conservation International, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, first phase 2009-2013.

55. Tecniche di misura e modellizzazione tridimensionale applicate all’archeologia e alla geologia.

56. The herpetofauna of the Eastern Afromontane biodiversity hotspot: understanding evolutionary history to identify extinction risk and key areas for conservation, in collaboration with University of Manchester Metropolitan. Partly funded by Wildlife Conservation Society. Duration: 2009 - 2012.

57. Trentino Seedbank. Funded by MTSN (2009).58. UNESCO European Geoparks - Adamello Brenta Geopark. Project funded by Adamello

Brenta Park (2008-2009).59. Vertebrati fossili e paleoambienti del sudalpino / Fossil vertebrates and paleonvironments

in the Southern Alps. Funded by MTSN.

Teaching activity (masters, training courses)1. Avanzini M., 2008 - Geografia e analisi morfologica del territorio. University of Trento,

Literary Section, Degree Course in Cultural Heritage. 2. Avanzini M., 2008 - Geologia regionale. University of Padova, Geoscience Section,

Degree Course in Geology and Technical Geology. 3. Avanzini M., 2008 - Museologia naturalistica. University of Padova, Geoscience Section,

Degree Course in Geology.4. Brambilla M., 2009 - I Rallidi degli Ambienti umidi: riconoscimento, biologia e tecniche

di censimento. MTSN, Trento, 3 April 2009.5. Cantonati M., 2008 - Ecology & taxonomy of benthic diatoms in oligotrophic freshwater

habitats. Practical course organizer and instructor. Limnological Station of the MTSN at Lake Tovel, 16-20 June 2008.

6. Cantonati M., 2008 - Diatoms. Practical course. Limnological Station of the MTSN at

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Lake Tovel, 6-10 July 2009.7. Cantonati M., 2009 - Introduction to Hydrobotany. Course held in collaboration with

Prof. Eugen Rott. University of Innsbruck, Botany Institute. 8. Cantonati M., 2009/10 - Algal Ecology. Advanced course. University of Innsbruck,

Botany Institute.9. Dalpiaz D., 2009 - I percorsi didattici: criteri di progettazione, aspetti tecnici e

comunicativi. Course for Environment-Forestry Expert, Istituto Agrario di San Michele all’Adige - Fondazione E. Mach.

10. Gobbi M. 2008 - Gli Insetti; vita, morte e miracoli in un batter d’ali. Corso di Formazione per Accompagnatori del Territorio, Collegio Regionale delle Guide Alpine della Lombardia.

11. Gobbi M., 2008 - Fauna alpina. Università della Montagna di Edolo, April-May 2008.12. Gobbi M., 2008, 2009 - Fauna del Suolo. Limnological Station of the Museum at Lake

Tovel, 7-11 July 2008, 20-24 July 2009.13. Lencioni V., 2008, 2009 - Chironomidi. Limnological Station of the Museum at Lake

Tovel, 1-4 September 2008, September 2009.14. Lencioni V., 2008, 2009 - Laghi e fiumi del Trentino. Corso di Formazione per

Accompagnatori del Territorio, Collegio delle Guide Alpine della Provincia di Trento.18. Menegon M., 2008 - Rettili e Anfibi in Trentino. Corso di Formazione per Accompagnatori

del Territorio, Collegio delle Guide Alpine della Provincia di Trento.19. Menegon M., 2009 - Anfibi e Rettili del Trentino. Course in 2 lessons, MTSN, Trento,

June 2009.20. Pedrini P., 2008 - Il verde urbano e la fauna vertebrata. Istituto Agrario San Michele

all’Adige.21. Pedrini P., 2008 - Raccolta di dati zoologici e utilizzo informatico: un esempio. I Corso di

formazione specialistica per catalogatori di beni naturalistici, ANMS, Regione Veneto, Museo di Storia Naturale di Verona, 4 March 2008.

22. Pedrini P., 2008 - Rapaci, tetraonidi e gipeto in Trentino. Corso di Formazione per Accompagnatori del Territorio, Collegio delle Guide Alpine della Provincia di Trento.

23. Pedrini P., 2008 - Studi e ricerche sulla Biodiversità e in Vertebrati in Trentino. Istituto Agrario San Michele all’Adige.

24. Pedrini P., 2009 - La migrazione degli Uccelli attraverso le Alpi. Biologia ed ecologia dei migratori e tecniche di studio. Istituto Agrario di S. Michele all’Adige, 7 June 2009.

25. Pedrini P., 2009 - Rapaci, tetraonidi e gipeto in Trentino. Corso di Formazione per Accompagnatori del Territorio, Collegio delle Guide Alpine della Provincia di Trento.

26. Pedrini P., Negra O., Menegon M. & Rovero F., 2008 - Siamo tutti Biodiversi. Course for school teachers, MTSN, Trento, Autumn 2008.

27. Botany Section, 2008 - Siamo tutti Biodiversi. Course for school teachers, six lectures, MTSN, Trento, Autumn 2008.

28. Tabarelli de Fatis K., 2008 - Rapaci, tetraonidi e gipeto in Trentino. Corso di Formazione per Accompagnatori del Territorio, Collegio delle Guide Alpine della Provincia di Trento.

29. Tabarelli de Fatis K., 2009 - Osservazione della Fauna selvatica e riconoscimento dei suoi indici di presenza. Corso di Formazione per Accompagnatori del Territorio, Collegio delle Guide Alpine della Provincia di Trento, 16 June 2009.

seminars c/o universities and museums1. Bonomi C., 2008 - Dormienza nei semi delle piante alpine. University of Pavia, Ecology

Section, 3 October 2008. 2. Bonomi C., 2008 - Studi di Ageing e longevità dei semi. University of Pavia, Ecology

Section, 17 March 2008. 3. Dalmeri G., 2008 - Interdisciplinary research at Dalmeri Shelter. University of Trento.4. Menegon M., 2008 - The herpetological fauna of the Eastern Arc Mountains. Field

Museum, Chicago, USA.5. Menegon M., 2008 - The herpetological fauna of the Eastern Arc Mountains. Wildlife

Conservation Society, Kampala, Uganda.6. Rovero F. 2008 - Nuovo toporagno elefante dalle foreste della Tanzania: un nuovo tassello

nel cammino della specie. Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, 12 February 2008.7. Rovero F. 2009 - Una nuova specie dalle foreste della Tanzania: ricerca e conservazione

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del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali in un hotspot di biodiversità. Museo di Scienze Naturali di Bolzano, 10 February 2009.

lectures1. Bonomi C., 2008 - Piante e cambiamenti climatici: minacce e strategie di conservazione.

Orto Botanico Forestale dell’Abetone, Programmaestate2008 dell’Abetone, 8 August 2008.

2. Bonomi C., 2008 - Trentino Seed Bank Project Trento - NE Italy. Kings Park and Botanic Garden, Perth, Western Australia, 4 April 2008.

3. Dalmeri G. & Neri S. 2009 - Three conferences on Dalmeri rockshelter and presentation of the exhibition “When we were hunter”. Grigno, 2009.

6. Dalmeri G. & Neri S., 2008 - Le ricerche sulla preistoria antica della Val di Non. Museo Retico di Sanzeno, 2008.

7. Dalmeri G. & Neri S., 2008 - Ten lectures regional/extra-regional, research at the Dalmeri Shelter.

8. Dalmeri G. & Neri S., 2009 - Five regional conferences related searches Dalmeri Shelter and presenting the exhibition “when we were hunter” (Grigno 2009).

9. Dalmeri G. & Neri S., 2009 - Six regional/extra-regional conferences, research at the Dalmeri Shelter.

28. Dalmeri G., & Neri S. 2009 - Prehistory of Marcesina Plateau. Quinto Vicentino (VI), 2009.29. Gobbi M. & Lencioni V., 2008 - Insetti di ambienti estremi (alpini): Gli ambienti terrestri:

aree glacializzate, deglacializzate (ritiro dei ghiacciai) e grotte. Lecture held during the event “Secondo Me”, MTSN, 13 May 2008.

30. Lencioni V., 2008 - Gli ecosistemi acquatici alpini: la fauna bentonica e il clima che cambia. Milano, 8 May 2008.

31. Lencioni V., 2008 - Study on Biodiversity of CKNP (Central Karakorum National Park) and surrounding areas. Gilgit (Pakistan), 9 november 2008.

32. Pedrini P., 2008 - Il Trentino, crocevia della migrazione. MTSN, Incontri la Museo per parlare di fauna, Trento, 4 March 2009.

33. Pedrini P., 2008 - Incontri nel cielo: i rapaci diurni. Gruppo Italiano parapendio, Mori (TN), 4 March 2008.

34. Pedrini P., 2008 - La migrazione degli Uccelli: biodiversità in transito attraverso le Alpi italiane. Museo Civico di Rovereto, 27 March 2008.

35. Geology Section, 2008 - Trento cambiamenti climatici 2008.36. Invertebrate Section, 2009 - Gli adattamenti al clima montano come fatti dell’evoluzione.

Darwin year 2009, MTSN, 12 February 2009.

in-house workshops and congresses organizations1. 2nd Central European Diatom Meeting, Trento, 12-15 June 2008. 2. ACE-SAP Project (Alpine ecosystems in a changing environment: Biodiversity Sensitivity

and Adaptive Potential), 2nd Annual General Meeting, Trento, Italy, 7 May 2009.3. Riconoscere e contare gli Uccelli acquatici in natura. Practical course for waterfowls

census. 5 lessons, MTSN, April-June 2008.4. Ecology & taxonomy of benthic diatoms in oligotrophic freshwater habitats. Trento,

16-20 June 2008. 10 instructors of 9 different Countries; 18 students of 11 different nationalities.

5. ENSCONET 5th Annual General Meeting, Trento & Campitello di Fassa, 24 June - 2 July 2009

6. ENSCONET Seed Collecting Practical Workshop, Campitello di Fassa & Riva del Garda 28 June - 4 July 2009

7. Incontri al Museo per parlare di fauna 2008-2009. Organisation of 8 lectures on fauna.8. Incontri al Museo per parlare di fauna 2009-2010: Organisation of 8 lectures on fauna.

Post-doc grants1. Studio di terremoti fossili nel Massiccio dell’Adamello (Trentino occidentale). In

collaboration with the University of Padova. Funded by CARITRO.2. DINOGEO - Le orme dinosauri come vincoli nella ricostruzione paleogeografica e

paleoambientale dell’area centro-mediterranea durante l’intervallo triassico superiore-cretacico superiore: un approccio integrato geologico-paleontologico. Funded by Autonomous Province of Trento.





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3. Manel Leira Campos, 2007-2008 - Paleolimnology of high-mountain lakes exploited for hydropower production. University La Coruna, Spain.

Ph.ds1. Abeli Thomas, 2007-2009 - Population biology and ecology of endemic species in

the Central Alps (N-Italy). Ph.D. Programme in Experimental Ecology and Geobotany, University of Pavia. Supervisors: G. Rossi, C. Bonomi.

2. Bernabò Paola, 2007-2009 - Strategie adattative in chironomidi d’alta quota (Diptera, Chironomidae) e cambiamenti climatici. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Tutor: L. Rebecchi, co-tutor: V. Lencioni.

3. Bertuzzi Ermanno, 2006-2008 - Springs of the Alps: complexity, biodiversity and naturalness/integrity indicators. Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, University of Urbino. Supervisor: A. Farina.

4. Bottazzi Elisa, 2006-2008 - Caratterizzazione ecologica di ambienti lotici e sorgentizi dell’alto Appennino parmense. Ph.D. Programme in Ecology. Supervisors: G. Rossetti, S. Fenoglio, B. Maiolini.

5. Duches Rossella - Pratiche venatorie e dinamiche comportamentali dei gruppi tardo glaciali dell’Italia nord-orientale: analisi tecnologica, economica e funzionale delle armature litiche. University of Ferrara. Tutors: M. Peresani, G. Dalmeri.

6. Franceschi Marco, 2007-2009 - Tecniche di misura e modellazione tridimensionale applicate all’archeologia e alla geologia - applicazione della tecnologia laser-scanner alla stratigrafia fisica. Ph.D. Programme funded by MTSN, in collaboration with ITC IRST and University of Padova.

7. Grazioli Valentina, 2008-2010 - Approfondimento delle conoscenze sull’ecologia e la tassonomia dei Ditteri Chironomidi nelle acque interne Italiane. University of Milan, DiPSA. Tutor: B. Rossaro, co-tutor: V. Lencioni.

8. Menegon Michele, 2009-2011 - The herpetofauna of the Eastern Afromontane biodi-versity hotspot: understanding evolutionary history to identify extinction risk and key areas for conservation. University of Manchester. Director of Study: S. Marsden, External supervisors: T. Davenport, S. Loader.

9. Mondoni Andrea, 2006-2008 - Geographical and environmental influences on seed germination and longevity of endemic species in the Central Alps (N-Italy). Ph.D. Programme in Experimental Ecology and Geobotany, University of Pavia. Supervisors: G. Rossi, S. Linington, C. Bonomi.

10. Silveri Luana, 2006-2008 - Plecoptera in Alpine streams and springs. Ph.D. Programme in Ecology, Università di Parma. Supervisors: G. Rossetti, B. Maiolini.

11. Spitale Daniel, 2006-2008 - Bryophytes and vascular plants in springs of the Italian alps: Biodiversity analysis at large spatial scale and mechanisms of distribution at fine spatial scale - Ph.D. in Ecology, University of Parma. Supervisors: Dr. G. Rossetti, Dr. M. Cantonati. (date of defence: 03/03/2008)

12. Taxböck L., 2008-2009 - Algae in Swiss springs (biodiversity, seasonality, population dynamics). Ph.D. Project. University of Zürich. Supervisors: Prof. H.R. Preisig, Dr. M. Cantonati, Dr. J. Hürlimann.

13. Tenan Simone - Modellizzazione delle dinamiche spaziotemporali della migrazione degli uccelli attraverso le Alpi italiane. University of Pavia. Supervisors: G. Bogliani, P. Pedrini, M. Girardello, A. Provenzale.

Masters and degrees 1. Baccarani Gianluca, 2007/2008 - Resistenza al freddo in chironomidi di torrenti montani.

Master degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 96 pp.. Tutors: R. Bertolani, V. Lencioni.

2. Battistotti M., 2008/2009 - Spatio-temporal variability of diatoms epiphyitic on Bangia atropurpurea (Rhodophyta, Bangiales) in Lake Garda. Bachelor in Environmental Sciences, University of Padova, 64 pp.. Tutors: P. Cordella, M. Cantonati.

3. Cau Paolo, 2008/2009 - Allestimento di un percorso espositivo per una serra tanzaniana. Master Degree in Natural Sciences, University of Pavia. Tutors: G. Rossi, C. Bonomi.

4. Ceresa Francesco, 2007/2008 - La comunità degli Uccelli nidificanti nella ZPS Pasubio (Trentino). Bachelor in Natural Sciences, University of Pavia. Tutors: G. Bogliani, P. Pedrini.

5. Ferretti Silvia, 2007/2008 - Il progetto Alpi per lo studio della migrazione post-riproduttiva attraverso la catena alpina: tempi e modalità di transito di alcune specie di

research Projects, high education and teaching

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Passeriformi. Master degree in Natural Sciences, University of Bologna. Tutor: P. Pedrini.6. Flor Elisabetta, 2007/2008 - Contributo allo studio dei sistemi tecnici sauveterriani: i

livelli AF-AC1 del Riparo di Romagnano Loc. III TN. Master Degree Course in Science Prehistoric, University of Ferrara. Tutors: F. Fontana, M. Peresani, A. Broglio, G. Dalmeri.

7. Franzoi Alessandro, 2007/2008 - La comunità degli Uccelli nidificanti nella ZPS Monte Baldo di Brentonico (Trentino). Bachelor in Natural Sciences, University of Pavia. Tutors: G. Bogliani, P. Pedrini.

8. Gatti Davide, 2008/2009 - Primates and vegetation in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania: ecological models of abundance and methodological aspects. University of Bologna. Tutor: S. Tommasini, co-tutor: F. Rovero.

9. Trivella Maria Teresa, 2008/2009 - Evaluation of an environmental education programme for primary schools in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania. University of Bologna. Tutor: S. Tommasini, co-tutor: F. Rovero.

10. Ejaz Hussain , 2008/2009 - Stream macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Bagrot Valley (Gilgit District, Northern Areas, Pakistan). Degree in Biology, Karakorum International University, Gilgit. Tutors: Samina Mumtaz M.Phil, V. Lencioni).

11. Lampo Chiara, 2009/2010 - Odonatofauna in aree protette del Trentino. Master degree in Natural Sciences, University of Padova. Tutors: A. Minelli, V. Lencioni, M. Gobbi. (ongoing)

12. Priore Cristiana, 2008/2009 - Studio della distribuzione di Rosalia alpina (Coleoptera Cerambycidae) e di Euplagia quadripunctaria (Lepidoptera Arctiidae) nel Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta e analisi spazio temporale delle comunità di Coleotteri Cerambicidi della Val Genova (Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta). Bachelor in Natural Sciences, University of Padova. Tutors: A. Minelli, M. Gobbi, V. Lencioni. (ongoing)

13. Sartori Gianni, 2008/2009 - Diversità e distribuzione dei Chironomidi (Diptera: Chironomidae) in 27 sorgenti alpine e prealpine (Trentino, Veneto). Master Degree in Natural Sciences, University of Padova, 61 pp.. Tutors: A. Minelli, V. Lencioni.

14. Sartori Matteo, 2008/2009 - Revisione delle conoscenze della distribuzione di Coronella girondica e Vipera ammodytes nella provincia di Trento. Bachelor in Natural Sciences, University of Bologna. Tutors: M. Marini, P. Pedrini, M. Menegon.

15. Scalfi Alessia, 2006/2007 - Seasonality and ecophysiology of micro- and macroalgae in spring habitats. Master Degree in Biodiversity and Biomonitoring, University of Trieste, 85 pp.. Tutors: G. Bressan, M. Cantonati (date of defence: 29/03/2008).

16. Segnana Michela, 2009/2010 - Benthic diatoms in aquatic ecosystems with hyperdilute waters in the Adamello-Brenta Natural Park). Master Degree in Natural Sciences. University of Padova. Tutors: Trevisan R. & M. Cantonati. (ongoing)

17. Toldo Luca, 2009/2010 - Chironomidofauna di sorgenti montane. Master Degree in Natural Sciences. Tutors: Guidolin, V. Lencioni (ongoing).

18. Toloni Flavia, 2007/2008 - Variazioni giornaliere del drift dei Ditteri Chironomidi: Rio Larcher (Alpi) e Westbyelva (Isole Svalbard) a confronto. Master Degree in Natural Sciences. University of Milano, 124 pp.. Tutors: B. Rossaro, V. Lencioni, L. Marziali.

19. Tomio Cristina, 2007/2008 - I grattatoi delle industrie epigravettiane delle Alpi italiane orientali in rapporto ai cambiamenti nei sistemi tecno-economici. University of Ferrara, Master Degree in Science Prehistoric. Tutors: M. Peresani, G. Dalmeri.

other research grants1. Corezzola Serena, 2009 - Censimento e strumenti di tutela degli alberi monumentali

nel comune di Trento e territori limitrofi. Funded by Trento City Council. Tutors: R. Leonardelli, C. Bonomi.

2. Dal Prà Stefania, 2009 - Parco Monte Bondone una cultura per l’uso sociale, scientifico, ricreativo, turistico e sportivo,. Funded by Trento City Council. Tutors: G. Segatta, C.Bonomi.

Trainings1. Beber Anna, Ist. Curie Pergine. 27 July - 8 August 2009 c/o Section of Invertebrate

Zoology and Hydrobiology.2. Belloti Ruben, liceo scientifico Galilei, Trento. Progetto DEDALUS: 6 - 25 July 2009,

Seedbank and Viotte Alpine Garden.3. Dalponte Arianna, Istituto De Carneri, Civezzano (40 hours)4. Giuliani Anna, liceo scientifico Galilei, Trento. Progetto DEDALUS: 30 June - 12 July

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2008, Seedbank and Viotte Alpine Garden.5. Kirchner Davide, liceo scientifico Galilei, Trento. Progetto DEDALUS: 30 June - 12 July

2008, Seedbank and Viotte Alpine Garden.6. Pilia Oriana, London College, Ph.D. student - Synergistic effects of climate change and

habitat fragmentation on invertebrate biodiversity. Imperial College of London, UK. Supervisor: Dr Simon Leather, Co-supervisor: Dr Robert M. Ewers. (4 months)

7. Rattini Bruno, Istituto De Carneri, Civezzano (40 ore)8. Tabarelli De Fatis Irene, liceo scientifico Da Vinci, Trento. Progetto DEDALUS: 6 - 25 July

2009, Seedbank and Viotte Alpine Garden.9. Tonon Emil, liceo classico Prati Trento: 22 June - 3 July 2009 c/o Section of Invertebrate

Zoology and Hydrobiology and CIBIO (Centre of Integrative Biology - University of Trento).

volunteers1. Anesi Umberto - Catalogazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio naturalistico del Museo

tridentino di scienze naturali. 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2009. 2. Angelini Lisa - Antiche varietà e piante uniche, una diversità da proteggere. From 28

September 2009.3. Bernardi Massimo - Catalogazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio naturalistico del Mu-

seo tridentino di scienze naturali. 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2009.4. Bolognesi Maddalena - Conservazione diversità vegetale. Seedbank and Viotte Alpine

Garden, 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2009.5. Bortoluzzi Elena - Conservazione diversità vegetale. Seedbank and Viotte Alpine Gar-

den, 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2009.6. Fontanari Martina - Inventario e gestione delle collezioni naturalistiche del Museo Tri-

dentino di Scienze Naturali. From 28 September 2009. 7. Gobbato Stefano - Romagnano Loc: cataloging as an instrument of exploitation of

Bronze Age archaeological site. 1 March - 31 August 2009.8. Menegoz Giuseppe - Antiche varietà e piante uniche, una diversità da proteggere. From

28 September 2009.9. Micheli Silvia - Catalogazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio naturalistico del Museo

tridentino di scienze naturali. 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2009. 10. Perli Riccardo - Catalogazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio naturalistico del Museo

tridentino di scienze naturali. 1 September 2008 - 20 November 2008. 11. Plank Rachele - Inventario e gestione delle collezioni naturalistiche del Museo Tridentino

di Scienze Naturali. From 28 September 2009.12. Todesco Rossana - Inventario e gestione delle collezioni naturalistiche del Museo Tri-

dentino di Scienze Naturali. From 28 September 2009. 13. Toldo Luca - Inventario e gestione delle collezioni naturalistiche del Museo Tridentino di

Scienze Naturali. From 28 September 2009.

research Projects, high education and teaching

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appeNDix 3

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








Publications (2008-2009) nr.

Scientific papers on peer-reviewed journals (with IF or ISI) 44

Scientific papers on peer-reviewed but not ISI journals 67

Scientific papers on un-reviewed journals 4

Books or book chapters 28

Popular science papers 28

Oral communications (with published abstract) 39

Oral communications (without published abstract) 22

Posters (with published abstract) 20

Posters (without published abstract) 11

Congress attendances 64

scientific papers on peer-reviewed journals (with if or isi)1. Abeli T., Gentili R., Rossi G., Bedini G. & Foggi B., 2009 - Can the IUCN criteria be

effectively applied to peripheral isolated plant populations (PIPPs)? Biodiversity and Conservation, 18: 3877-3890. [IF 2008: 1.473]

2. Avanzini M. & Cavin L., 2009 - A new Isochirotherium trackway from the Triassic of Vieux Emosson, SW Switzerland: stratigraphic implications. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 102/1: 1-9. [IF 2008: 0.788]

3. Bernabò P., Jousson O., Latella L., Martinez-Guitarte J.L., Rebecchi L. & Lencioni V., 2009 - Comparative analysis of Heat shock proteins and thermoresistance in stenothermal insects from caves and cold streams (NE, Italy). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 154/1, Page S4, ISSN 1095-6433, DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2009.05.023. [IF 2009: 2.196]

4. Bowkett A. E., Rovero F. & Marshall A.R., 2008 - The use of camera-trap data to model habitat use by antelope species in the Udzungwa Mountain forests, Tanzania. African Journal of Ecology, 46: 479-487. [IF 2008: 0.618]

5. Brambilla M. & Jenkins R.K.B., 2009 - Cost-effective estimates of Water Rail Rallus aquaticus breeding population size. Ardeola, 56: 95-102. [IF 2008: 0.46]

6. Cantonati M. & Lange-Bertalot H., 2009 - Geissleria gereckei sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from leaf-litter covered stones of very shaded carbonate mountain springs with extremely low discharge. Phycological Research, 57: 171-177. [IF 2008: 0.9]

7. Cantonati M. & Lange-Bertalot H., 2009 - On the ultrastructure of Chamaepinnularia schauppiana Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin (Naviculaceae s. l.). Diatom Research, 24/1: 225-231. [IF 2008: 0.607]

8. Cantonati M. & Spitale D., 2009 - The role of environmental variables in structuring epiphytic and epilithic diatom assemblages in springs and streams of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park (south-eastern Alps). Fundamental and Applied Limnology - Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 174/2: 117-133. [IF 2008: 1.293+0.558]

9. Cantonati M., 2008 - Cyanoprokaryotes and algae other than diatoms in springs and streams of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park (Northern Italy). Algological Studies (Suppl. Arch. Hydrobiol.), 126: 113-136. [IF 2008: 1.293]

10. Cantonati M., Silvia S., Angeli N., Guella G. & Frassanito R., 2009 - Environmental controls of epilithic diatom depth-distribution in an oligotrophic lake characterised by marked water-level fluctuations. European Journal of Phycology, 44/1: 15-29. [IF 2008: 1.826]

11. Cantonati M., Van de Vijver B. & Lange-Bertalot H., 2009 - Microfissurata gen. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new diatom genus from dystrophic and intermittently-wet terrestrial habitats. Journal of Phycology, 45/3: 732-741. [IF 2008: 2.811]

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12. DeFries R., Rovero F., Wright P., Ahumada J., Andelman S., Brandon K., Dempewolf J., Hansen A., Hewson J. & Liu J., (2009) - From plot to landscape scale: linking tropical biodiversity measurements across spatial scales. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, doi:10.1890/080104 (in press). [IF 2008: 5.065]

13. Ferrarini A., Rossi G., Parolo G. & Ferloni M., 2008 - Planning low-impact tourist paths through the optimisation of biological and logistic criteria. Biological Conservation, 141: 1067-1077. [IF 5-year average: 3.819].

14. Frassanito R., Cantonati M., Flaim G., Mancini I. & Guella G., 2008 - A new method for the identification and the structural characterisation of carotenoid esters in freshwater microorganisms by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 22: 3531-3539. [IF 2008: 2.772]

15. Gobbi M. & Fontaneto D., 2008 - Biodiversity of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in different habitats of the Italian Po lowland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 127/3-4: 273-276. [IF 2008: 2.884]

16. Latella L., Bernabò P. & Lencioni V., 2008 - Distribution pattern and thermal tolerance in two cave dwelling Leptodirinae (Coleoptera, Cholevidae). Subterranean Biology, 6: 81-86. [ISI journal]

17. Leira M. & Cantonati M., 2008 - Effects of water-level fluctuations on lakes: an annotated bibliography. In: Wantzen K.M., Rothhaupt K.-O., Mörtl M., Cantonati M., Lászlo G.-T. & Fischer P. (eds), Ecological Effects of Water-Level Fluctuations in Lakes. Developments of Hydrobiology, Hydrobiologia, 613: 171-184. [IF 2008: 1.449]

18. Lencioni V., Bernabò P., Vanin S., Di Muro P. & Beltramini M., 2008 - Respiration rate and oxy-regulatory capacity in cold stenothermal chironomids. Journal of Insect Physiology, 54/9: 1337-1342. [IF 2008: 2.155].

19. Lencioni V., Boschini D. & Rebecchi L., 2009 - Expression of the 70 kDa Heat shock protein family in Alpine freshwater chironomids (Diptera, Chironomidae) under natural conditions. Journal of Limnology, 68/2: 251-256. [IF 2009: 0.932]

20. Loader S.P., Gower D. & Menegon M., (2009) - Description and phylogenetic relationships of three critically endangered species of Callulina Nieder (Amphibia: Anura: Afrobatrachia: Brevicipitidae) from the Pare Mountains, Tanzania. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (in press). [IF 2008: 2.019]

21. Marshall A.R., Jørgensbye H.I.O., Rovero F., Platts P.J., White P.C.L. & Lovett J.C. (2009) - The species-area relationship and confounding variables in a threatened monkey community. American Journal of Primatology (in press). [IF 2008: 1.159]

22. Menegon M., Doggart N. & Owen N., 2008 - The Nguru mountains of Tanzania, an outstanding hotspot of herpetofaunal diversity. Acta Herpetologica, 3/2: 107-127. [ISI Journal]

23. Menegon M., Loader S., Burgess N., Doggart N. & Owen N., 2009 - The South Nguru Mountains - a new Jewel in the Eastern Arc crown. Oryx, 43/2: 174-175. [IF 2008: 1.381]

24. Menegon M., Tolley K., Jones T., Rovero F., Marshall A.R. & Tilbury C., (2009) - A new species of chameleon (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae: Kinyongia) from the Magombera forest and the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania. African Journal of Herpetology (in press). [IF 2008: 0,618]

25. Mondoni A., Daws M.I., Belotti J. & Rossi G., 2009 - Germination requirements of the alpine endemic Silene elisabethae Jan: effects of cold stratification, light and GA3. Seed Science and Technology. 37, 79-87. [IF 2008: 0,66]

26. Mondoni A., Probert R., Rossi G. & Hay F., 2009 - Habitat-related germination behaviour and emergence phenology in the woodland geophyte Anemone ranunculoides L. (Ranunculaceae) from northern Italy. Seed Science Research, 19: 137-144. [IF 2008: 1.482]

27. Mondoni A., Probert R., Rossi G., Hay F. & Bonomi C., 2008 - Habitat-correlated seed germination behaviour in populations of wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa L.) from Northern Italy. Seed Science Research, 18: 213-222. [IF 2008: 1.482]

28. Parolo G. & Rossi G., 2008 - Upward migration of vascular plants following a climate warming trend in the Alps. Basic and Applied Ecology, 9: 100-107. [IF 2008: 2.584].

29. Parolo G., Ferrarini A. & Rossi G., 2009 - Optimization of tourism impacts within protected areas by means of genetic algorithms. Ecological Modelling, 220: 1138-1147. [IF 2008: 2.176]

30. Parolo G., Rossi G. & Ferrarini A., 2008 - Toward improved predictions of species distributions by handling overlooked topics. Arnica montana in the Alps as a case study. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45: 1410-1418. [IF 5-year average: 4.560].

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








31. Poynton J.C., Menegon M, & Loader S.P., 2008 - A new giant species of Arthroleptis (Amphibia: Anura) from the montane forests of the Nguru Mountains, Tanzania. African Journal of Herpetology, 57/2: 63-74. [IF 2008: 0.618]

32. Rebecchi L., Boschini D., Cesari M., Lencioni V., Bertolani R. & Guidetti R., 2009 - Stress response of a boreo-alpine species of tardigrade, Borealibius zetlandicus (Eutardigrada, Hypsibiidae). Journal of Limnology, 68/1: 64-70. [IF 2009: 0.932]

33. Rossi G., Parolo G. & Ferrarini A., 2009 - A rapid and cost-effective tool for managing habitats of the European Natura 2000 network: a case study in the Italian Alps. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18: 1375-1388. [IF 2008: 1.473]

34. Rossi G., Parolo G. & Ulian T., 2009 - Human trampling as threat factor for the conservation of peripheral plant populations. Plant Biosystems, 143/1: 104-113. [IF 2008: 0.517]

35. Rovero F. & Marshall A.R., (2009) - Camera trapping photographic rate as an index of density in forest ungulates. Journal of Applied Ecology (in press). [IF 2008: 4.560].

36. Rovero F., Marshall A.R., Jones T. & Perkin A., 2009 - The primates of the Udzungwa Mountains: diversity, ecology and conservation. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 87: 93-126. [IF 2008: 0.440]

37. Rovero F., Menegon M., Leonard C., Perkin A., Doggart N., Mbilinyi M & Mlawila L., 2008 - A previously unsurveyed forest in the Rubeho Mountains of Tanzania reveals new species and range records. Oryx, 42: 16-17. [IF 2008: 1.381]

38. Rovero F., Rathbun G.B., Perkin A., Jones T., Ribble D.O., Leonard C., Mwakisoma R.R. & Doggart N., 2008 - A new species of giant sengi or elephant-shrew (genus Rhynchocyon) highlights the exceptional biodiversity of the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Journal of Zoology, 274: 126-133. [IF 2008: 1.669]

39. Sergio F., Marchesi L. & Pedrini P., 2009 - Conservation of Scops Owl Otus scops in the Alps: relationships with grassland management, predation risk and wider biodiversity. Ibis, 151: 40-50. [IF 2008: 1.443]

40. Spitale D., 2009 - Spatial distribution of bryophytes along a moisture gradient: an approach using photosynthetic pigments as indicators of stress. Ecological Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11284-009-0614-5. [IF 2008: 1.206]

41. Spitale D., 2009 - Switch between competition and facilitation within a seasonal scale at colony level in bryophytes. Oecologia, 160/3: 471-482. [IF 2008: 3.008]

42. Spitale D., Petraglia A. & Tomaselli M., 2009 - Structural equation model detects unexpected differences between bryophyte and vascular plant richness along multiple environmental gradients. Journal of Biogeography, 36: 745-755. [IF 2008: 4.566]

43. Tardio M., Ellegaard M., Lundholm N., Sangiorgi F. & Di Giuseppe G., 2009 - A hypocystal archeopyle in a freshwater dinoflagellate from the Peridinium umbonatum group (Dinophyceae) from Lake Nero di Cornisello, South Eastern Alps, Italy. European Journal of Phycology, 44/2: 241-250. [IF 2008: 1.826]

44. Wantzen K.M., Rothhaupt K.-O., Mörtl M., Cantonati M., Lászlo T. & Fischer P., 2008 - Ecological effects of water-level fluctuations in lakes: An urgent issue. In: Wantzen K.M., Rothhaupt K.-O., Mörtl M., Cantonati M., Lászlo G.-T. & Fischer P. (eds), Ecological Effects of Water-Level Fluctuations in Lakes. Developments of Hydrobiology, Hydrobiologia, 613: 1-4. [IF 2008: 1.449]

scientific papers on peer-reviewed journals (not isi journals)1. AA.VV., (2009). Atlante Ornitologico Italiano Progetto M.I.T.O. Avocetta. Contribuiti di:

Pedrini P., Segata M., Rizzolli F., Rossi F., Volcan G. (in press).2. Angelucci E.D. & Bassetti M., 2009 - Human and their landscape from the Alpine Last

Glacial Maximum to the Middle Holocene in Trentino: geoarcheological considerations. Hugo Obermaier Society. 49 th Annual Meeting in Trento (10-14 of April, 2007). Preistoria Alpina, 44: 59-78.

3. Avanzini M. & Mietto P., 2008 - Lower and Middle Triassic footprint-based Biochronology in the Italian Southern Alps. Oryctos, 8: 3-13.

4. Avanzini M. & Mietto P., 2008 - The occurrence of the vertebrate ichnogenus Synaptichnium in the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Southern Alps. Studi Trentini di Scienze. Naturali, Acta Geologica, 83: 289-302.

5. Avanzini M., Franceschi M., Petti F.M., Girardi S., Ferretti P. & Tomasoni R., 2008 - New Early Jurassic (Hettangian-Sinemurian) sauropodomorph traks from the Trento carbonate Platform (Southern Alps, Northern Italy). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Geologica, 83: 317-322.

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6. Avanzini M., Mietto P., De Angelis M., Panarello A. & Rolandi G., 2008 - The Devil’s Trails: Middle Pleistocene Human Footprints Preserved in a Volcanoclastic Deposit of Southern Italy. In: Lockley M.G. & Kim y.J. (eds), Hominid Ichnology. Ichnos, 15/3-4: 106-125.

7. Avanzini M., Neri C., Nicosia U. & Conti M.A., 2008 - A new Early Permian ichnocoenosis from the “Gruppo vulcanico atesino” (Mt. Luco, Southern Alps). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Geologica, 83: 231-236.

8. Avanzini M., Pinuela L. & Garcia-Ramos J.C., 2008 - Theropod Palaeopathology inferred from a Late Jurassic trackway,Asturias (N. Spain). Oryctos, 8: 71-75.

9. Bassetti M., Cusinato A., Dalmeri G., Kompatscher K., Hrozny Kompatscher M. & Wierer U., 2009 - Updating on the Final Palaeolithic-Mesolithic transition in Trentino (NE Italy). Hugo Obermaier Society. 49 th Annual Meeting in Trento (10-14 of April, 2007). Preistoria Alpina, 44: 121-135.

10. Bassetti M., Dalmeri G., Mottes E. & Nicolis F., 2009 - La frequentazione delle alte quote nell’età del Bronzo. Il sito di Storo-Dosso Rotondo. In: Archeologia lungo il Chiese, Atti del 1° Convegno Interregionale Storo 24-25 ottobre 2003. Provincia Autonoma di Trento-Centro Studi Judicaria. EFFE e ERRE, Trento: 107-127.

11. Bassetti M., Ferraro F. & Peresani M., 2008 - Analisi sedimentologica e micromorfologica delle unità epigravettiane di Riparo Cogola - Carbonare di Folgaria (Trento). Preistoria Alpina, 43: 25-47.

12. Baucon A. & Avanzini M., 2008 - Zoophycos-like structures associated with dinosaur tracks in a tidal-flat environment: Lower Jurassic (Southern Alps, Italy). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Geologica, 83: 123-132.

13. Belli R., Dalmeri G., Gialanella S., Mandelli M., Mattarelli M., Montagna M. & Quaranta A., 2009 - Raman characterization of prehistoric pigments. In: Gueli A. (a cura di), Atti del V Congresso Nazionale di Archeometria A.I.A.R “Scienza e Beni Culturali.” Morrone Editore, Siracusa: 81-90.

14. Belli R., Frisia S., Drysdale R. & Borsato A., 2009 - A Multidisciplinary Approach To The Study Of An Archaeological Site. The Case Of Riparo Dalmeri (Trentino, Italy). Quaternary Australasia, Focus on IAG Geomorphology conference, Melbourne (Australia), 26/2: 2-7.

15. Belli R., Lonardelli I., Quaranta A., Girardi F., Cusinato A. & Dalmeri G., 2008 - A methodological approach to discriminate between natural and synthetic haematite used as prehistoric pigments: preliminary results (Riparo Dalmeri - Trentino, Italy). In: Proceedings of AIAr Firenze 2007. Pàtron Editore, Bologna: 179-185.

16. Bertola S., 2008 - Ricerche sulle ocre e sui minerali potenzialmente coloranti nel settore orientale dell’Altopiano di Asiago. In: Dalmeri G. & Neri S. (a cura di), Riparo Dalmeri e l’occupazione epigravettiana. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 289-298.

17. Bon M., Confortini I., Latella L., Lencioni V. & Mizzan L., 2009 - Specie animali alloctone in Veneto e Trentino: distribuzione, vie di penetrazione e dispersione. Atti XVIII Convegno del Gruppo per l’Ecologia di Base “G. Gadio”, Un mondo che cambia: successioni ecologiche, invasioni biologiche ed alterazioni antropiche. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 86: 161.

18. Bonomi C., 2008 - Opportunities through ENSCONET. Proceedings of 5th Planta Europa Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants “Working together for Plants”, 5-9 September 2007, Cluj Napoca, Romania. Available on line @ www.plantaeuropa.org and on CD-ROM.

19. Bonomi C., Campegiani S., Kapelari S., Bertsch C., Bromley G., Welsby C., Johnson S., Marsh G., Kossev K., Grancharova V. & Petkova L., 2008 - Investigating Plants and Sustainability in Botanic Gardens and Primary schools. Proceedings of 5th Planta Europa Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants “Working together for Plants”, 5-9 September 2007, Cluj Napoca, Romania. Available on line @ www.plantaeuropa.org and on CD-ROM.

20. Bonomi C., Castellani C. & Longo M., 2008 - Aquilegia thalictrifolia Schott & Kotschy.. Flora da conservare: implementazione delle categorie e dei criteri IUCN (2001) per la redazione di nuove Liste Rosse. Informatore Botanico Italiano, 40/1: 58-61.

21. Bonomi C., Longo M. & Castellani C., 2008 - Hypochaeris facchiniana Ambrosi. Flora da conservare: implementazione delle categorie e dei criteri IUCN (2001) per la redazione di nuove Liste Rosse. Informatore Botanico Italiano, 40/1: 82-83.


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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








22. Bonomi C., Piovesana S., Longo M. & Castellani C., 2008 - Erysimum aurantiacum (Leyb.) Leyb. Flora da conservare: implementazione delle categorie e dei criteri IUCN (2001) per la redazione di nuove Liste Rosse. Informatore Botanico Italiano, 40/1: 75-76.

23. Cantonati M., Bertuzzi E., Scalfi A. & Campana V., 2009 - The potential importance for spring conservation of residual habitats after flow capturing: A case study. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 30: 1267-1270.

24. Cristiani E., 2009 - Aggiornamento dei manufatti in materia dura animale dal Riparo Dalmeri (TN). Inquadramento morfologico ed analisi tecno-funzionale. Preistoria Alpina, 44: 173-178.

25. Cristiani E., 2009 - Morphology , tecnology and function of osseous tools at Pradestel rockshelter mesolithic levels (TN). Preistoria Alpina, 44: 179-204.

26. Cristiani E., 2008 - Analisi funzionale dei manufatti in materia dura animale del Riparo Dalmeri (Altopiano della Marcesina, Trento). In: Dalmeri G. & Neri S. (a cura di), Riparo Dalmeri e l’occupazione epigravettiana. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 259-287.

27. Dalmeri G. & Neri S., 2008 - Riparo Dalmeri: l’uomo e due stili di raffigurazione. Analisi formale di quattro pietre decorate con figure antropomorfe. In: Dalmeri G. & Neri S. (a cura di), Riparo Dalmeri e l’occupazione epigravettiana. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 299-315.

28. Dalmeri G. & Nicolis F., 2008 - La Grotta di Ernesto. Archeologia, Conservazione, Gestione. Atti del Convegno “Toirano e la Grotta della Bàsura”, Bordighera: 95-100.

29. Dalmeri G., Cusinato A. & Segata M., 2008 - Risultati preliminari di un sondaggio stratigrafico nel Riparo Gadena (Enego, Vicenza). Preistoria Alpina, 43: 125-129.

30. Dalmeri G., Cusinato A., Frisia S., Hrozny Kompatscher M., Kompatscher K., Bassetti M. & Belli R., 2009 - The Palaeolithic naturalistic art at the Dalmeri rockshelter and climate variability. In: Atti della UISPP Conference, Lisbona: 89-97.

31. Dalmeri G., Cusinato A., Kompatscher K., Hrozny Kompatscher M., Bassetti M. & Neri S., 2009 - The ochre painted stones from the Riparo Dalmeri (Trento). Development of the research on the art and rituality of the Epigravettian sit. Hugo Obermaier Society. 49 th Annual Meeting in Trento (10-14 of April, 2007). Preistoria Alpina, 44: 95-119.

32. Dalmeri G., Cusinato A., Neri S. & Nicolodi F., 2008 - Le industrie mesolitiche di Riparo Pradestel (Trento). Aspetti tipologici ed evolutivi. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 131-186.

33. Dalmeri G., Duches R. & Rosà V., 2008 - Nuovi ritrovamenti del Paleolitico medio sul Monte Baldo settentrionale. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 5-11.

34. Dalmeri G., Kompatscher K., Hrozny Kompatscher M., Bassetti M. & Cusinato A., 2009 - The colonisation of eastern alpine territories: the Val di Non case study and the “Regole” field camps (Trento, Italy). In: Mesolithic Horizons. Papers presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Mesolithic. Oxbow Books: 60-67.

35. Dalmeri G., Kompatscher K., Kompatscher M.H., Cusinato A., Bassetti M. & Neri S., (2009) - Le pietre con pitture in ocra di Riparo Dalmeri (Trento). Sviluppi delle ricerche sull’arte e la ritualità del sito epigravettiano. In: Atti Convegno IIPP, Trento (in press).

36. Deflorian M.C., Rigobello F., Bertuzzi E. & Lencioni V., 2009 - Il materiale esotico nelle collezioni del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali. Atti del XVII Congresso ANMS “Al di là delle Alpi e del Mediterraneo - il significato delle collezioni “esotiche” nei musei naturalistici”. Verona, 4-7 dicembre 2007. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona. 2. Serie. Monografie Naturalistiche, 4; Museologia Scientifica. Memorie, 4: 32-40.

37. Deflorian M.C., Valdiserri D. & Avanzini M., 2008 - Le collezioni mineralogiche del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali: recupero e valorizzazione. In: Cilli C., Malerba G & Giacobini G. (a cura di), Atti del XIV Convegno ANMS “Il patrimonio della scienza. Le collezioni di interesse storico”. Museologia scientifica - Memorie, 2/2008: 70-76.

38. Döppes D., Rosendahl W., Pacher M. Imhof W., Dalmeri G. & Bocherens H., (2009) - Stabile Isotopenuntersuchungen an spätglazialen und holozänen Braunbärenfunden aus Höhlen im Alpenraum. Stalactite, 58/2 (2008) (in press).

39. D’Orazi Porchetti S., Nicosia U., Mietto P. & Avanzini M., 2008 - Atreipus-like footprints and their co-occurence with Evazoum from the upper Carnian (Tuvalian) of Trentino-Alto Adige. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Geologica, 83: 277-288.

40. Ferretti P. & Masetto M., 2008 - Cima d’Asta. Recenti ritrovamenti nelle pegmatiti del massiccio granitico (Trentino orientale). Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 4/2008: 210-228.

41. Filippi M.L., Angeli N., Marziali L., Matouk A.H.I., Bertuzzi E., Lencioni V. & Cantonati M., 2008 - Paleolimnological techniques applied to spring habitats: Challenges and limits as highlighted by the CRENODAT Project (SE Alps, Italy). Verhandlungen der Internationalen

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Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie, 30/3: 329-332.42. Fiore I. & Tagliacozzo A., 2009 - Strategie di caccia durante il Paleolitico Superiore nelle

Prealpi orientali. Preistoria Alpina, 44: 79-94.43. Fiore I. & Tagliacozzo A., 2008 - La caccia a Riparo Dalmeri nel Tardiglaciale dell’Italia

nord-orientale. In: Mussi M. (a cura di), Il Tardiglaciale in Italia - Lavori in corso. BAR International Series, 1859: 55-65.

44. Fiore I. & Tagliacozzo A., 2008 - Oltre lo stambecco: gli altri mammiferi della struttura abitativa dell’U.S. 26c a Riparo Dalmeri (Trento). In: Dalmeri G. & Neri S. (a cura di), Riparo Dalmeri e l’occupazione epigravettiana. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 209-236.

45. Fiore I. & Tagliacozzo A., 2009 - Una preda occasionale nell’Epigravettiano di Riparo Dalmeri: lo sfruttamento del cervo. Atti del 5° Convegno Nazionale di Archeozoologia (Rovereto, 2006).

46. Gerecke R., Franz H. & Cantonati M., 2009 - Invertebrate diversity in springs: Longitudinal distribution, mobility, turnover and conservation. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie, 30/8: 1229-1233.

47. Gobbi M., 2009 - Influenza dei caratteri del suolo e delle tipologie di uso del suolo sulle comunità di Carabidi (Insecta: Coleoptera). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 85: 131-134.

48. Gurioli F., 2008 - Analisi tecnologica dei manufatti in materia dura animale dell’Epigravettiano recente di Riparo Dalmeri (Altopiano della Marcesina, Trento). In: Dalmeri G. & Neri S. (a cura di), Riparo Dalmeri e l’occupazione epigravettiana. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 237-258.

49. Gusmeroli F., Della Marianna G. & Parolo G., 2008 - I prati della Media Valtellina. Regione Lombardia, Quaderni della ricerca, 81.

50. Houck K.J., Lockley M.G. & Avanzini M., 2009 - A survey of Tetrapod tracksites preserved in pyroclastic sediments, with special reference to footprints of hominids, other mammals and birds. Ichnos, 16/1-2: 76-97.

51. Lencioni V., Marziali L. & Rossaro B., 2008 - Hyporheic chironomids in alpine streams. Boletim of the Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural), Sup. 13: 127-132.

52. Marziali L. Lencioni V., Parenti P. & Rossaro B., 2008 - Benthic macroinvertebrates as water quality indicators in Italian lakes. Boletim of the Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural), Sup. 13: 51-59.

53. Marziali L., Gozzini M., Rossaro B. & Lencioni V., 2009 - Drift patterns of Chironomidae (Insecta, Diptera) in an arctic stream (Svalbard Islands): an experimental approach. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 84: 87-96.

54. Marziali L., Lencioni V. & Rossaro B., 2009 - Chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) from 108 Italian Alpine springs. XXX Congresso della Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL) - International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, 30/9: 1467-1470.

55. Montoya C., 2008 - Apport de l’analyse technique à la compréhension de l’évolution des groupes humains épigravettiens d’Italie Nord Orientale: la production lithique de l’US 15a-65 du Riparo Dalmeri. In: Dalmeri G. & Neri S. (a cura di), Riparo Dalmeri e l’occupazione epigravettiana. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 191-208.

56. Nicolodi F., 2008 - Il “Castello” di Zuclo nelle Giudicarie (Trento). Preistoria Alpina, 43: 87-100.

57. Parolo G. & Rossi G., 2008 - Studio popolazionistico di Leucojum aestivum L., specie vegetale minacciata in Pianura Padana. Informatore Botanico Italiano, 40 (suppl.1): 173-174.

58. Petti F.M., Avanzini M., Belvedere M., De Gasperi M., Ferretti P., Girardi S., Remondino F. & Tomasoni R., 2008 - Digital 3D modelling of dinosaur footprints by photogrammetry and laser scanning techniques: integrated approach at the Coste dell’Anglone tracksite (Lower Jurassic, central-eastern Southern Alps, northern Italy). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Geologica, 83: 303-316.

59. Rossaro B., Lencioni V., Boggero A. & Marziali L., 2009 - A new benthic quality index for Italian lakes: how to face with different lake types? Verhandlugen der Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, 30/5: 790-793.

60. Rossaro B., Lencioni V. & Marziali L., 2009 - Micropsectra sofiae Stur & Ekrem, 2006 (Diptera, Chironomidae) redescribed. Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e Bachicoltura, Ser. II, 41/2: 129-139.

61. Rossi G. & Bonomi C., 2008 - A review of plant reintroduction practice., Proceedings of 5th Planta Europa Conference on the Conservation of Wild Plants “Working together for Plants”, 5-9.9.2007, Cluj Napoca, Romania. Available on line @ www.plantaeuropa.org and on CD-ROM.


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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








62. Spitale D. & Petraglia A., 2009 - Springs like islands: implications on richness and species density. Verhandlugen der Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, 30: 1279-1282.

63. Todesco R. & Avanzini M., 2008 - First record of the trace fossil Undichna from the Middle Triassic of Italy. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Geologica, 83: 253-258.

64. Todesco R., Wachtler M., Dellantonio E. & Avanzini M.A., 2008 - First report on a new Late Anisian (Illyrian) vertebrate tracksite from the Dolomites (Northern Italy). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Geologica, 83: 247-252.

65. Todesco R., Wachtler M., Kustatscher E. & Avanzini M., 2008 - Preliminary report on a new vertebrate track and flora site from Piz da Peres (Anisian-Illyrian): Olang Dolomites, Northern Italy. Geo.Alp, 5: 121-137.

66. Venzo G.A., Dalmeri G., Neri S. & Pontalti L., (2009) - Geomorfologia e ambiente dei territori frequentati dai cacciatori - raccoglitori epigravettiani del Riparo Dalmeri nel paleolitico superiore. Atti dell’istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 167 (in press).

67. Ziggiotti S. & Dalmeri G., 2008 - Strategie di caccia degli ultimi epigravettiani. Lo studio funzionale delle armature litiche di Riparo Cogola, livello 19. Preistoria Alpina, 43: 13-24.

scientific papers on un-reviewed journals1. Boggero A., Rossaro B. & Lencioni V., Bazzanti M., Mastrantuono L. & Solimini A., 2009 -

Macroinvertebrati di acque lacustri: stato attuale delle conoscenze e prospettive future. VIII Giornata mondiale dell’acqua “Acque interne in Italia: uomo e natura”, Accademia dei Lincei, Roma 28 March 2008. Atti dei Convegni Lincei, 250: 177-184.

2. Cresti I. & Menegon M., 2008 - Conservare la pioggia: esperienze di gestione sostenibile della foresta tropicale in Tanzania. Silis, annali di civiltà dell’acqua, 4-5.

3. Maiolini B. & Montero Ramirez M., 2008 – Analisi delle caratteristiche delle acque superficiali nel bacino dell’Adige: corpi idrici superficiali e condizioni di riferimento. Adige Etsch, 1-2: 31-35.

4. Maiolini B., Tubino M., Zolezzi G., Sartori P., Bruno .C. & Siviglia A., 2009 - Progetto “Report” regolazione delle portate, ecosistemi e dinamica fluviale: linee guida per una gestione eco-compatibile. Relazione tecnica. Adige Etsch 1-2: I-XXXV.

books or book chapters1. Avanzini M., 2009 - Archeologia. In: Martin S. & Montresor L., (eds) Tavola 25 II Bresimo.

Carta Geologica della Provincia autonoma di Trento, Trento: 103-104.2. Avanzini M., 2009 - Successioni mesozoico-cenozoiche delle Alpi meridionali. In: Martin

S. & Montresor L., (eds), Tavola 25 II Bresimo. Carta Geologica della Provincia autonoma di Trento, Trento: 44-52.

3. Avanzini M., Flaim M.P., Tomasoni R. & Torchio F., 2009 - Rock Trail: Voices of the Landscape. Alcione ed., Lavis, 84 pp.

4. Avanzini M., Flaim M.P., Tomasoni R. & Torchio F., 2009 - Percorsi di roccia: Voci del territorio. Alcione ed., Lavis, 84 pp.

5. Avanzini M., Flaim M.P., Tomasoni R. & Torchio F., 2009 - Wege in Fels: Eindrucke eines Landes. Alcione ed., Lavis, 84 pp.

6. Bonomi C., Rossi G. & Bedini G., 2008 - A National Italian Network to improve seed conservation of wild native Species (‘RIBES’). In: Maxted N., Ford-Lloyd B.V., Kell S., Iriondo J.M., Dolloo E., Turok J. (eds.), Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. CAB International, Wallingford.

7. Cantonati M, Scalfi A. & Bertuzzi E. (eds), 2008 - Abstract Book of the 2nd Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM2). Trento, Italy, 12-15 June 2008. 98 pp.

8. Cantonati M. & Bertuzzi E., 2008 - La preparazione dei materiali algologici (acque interne). In: Barbagli F. (Eds), Preparazione, conservazione e restauro dei reperti naturalistici: metodologie ed esperienze. Atti dei Seminari ANMS di Pavia. Museologia Scientifica. Memorie, 3: 39-49.

9. Cantonati M. (ed.), 2009 - Papers presented at the 2nd Central European Diatom Meeting, and submitted for publication on Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 84: 103-160.

10. Carton A., Tomasoni R., Ferrari C. & Avanzini M., 2009 - L’Adamello Brenta Geopark: dossier di candidatura e piano d’azione. Parco naturale Adamello Brenta, Strembo, 80 pp.

11. Casarotto C., 2008 - Pole Position. Catalogo della Mostra. Trento, 258 pp.12. Dalpiaz D., Frapporti C., Groff C. & Zanghellini P., 2008 - Bear Report 2007. Provincia

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Autonoma di Trento, January 2008. 13. Dalpiaz D., Frapporti C., Groff C. & Zanghellini P., 2009 - Bear Report 2008. Provincia

Autonoma di Trento, January 2009. 14. Deflorian M. C., Menegon M. & Pedrini P., 2009 - Le collezioni erpetologiche del Museo

Tridentino di Scienze Naturali di Trento. In: Mazzotti S. (ed.), Le collezioni erpetologiche in Italia. Censimento e analisi delle collezioni di Anfibi e Rettili dei musei italiani per la loro valorizzazione scientifica. Museologia Scientifica. Memorie, 5/2009: 74-80.

15. ENSCONET, 2009 - Curation protocols and reccomandations. 32 pp.16. ENSCONET, 2009 - Manuale per la raccolta dei semi delle piante spontanee. 36pp.

Italian translation by Bonomi, Rossi, Bolognesi, Bortoluzzi, Vicentini.17. ENSCONET, 2009 - Seed collecting manual for wild species. 32 pp. 18. Kingdon J. & Rovero F., (2009) - Harveys’ duiker. In: Kingdon J.S. & Hoffmann M. (eds),

The Mammals of Africa. Vol. 6. Pigs, Deer, Giraffe, Bovids and Hippos. Academic Press, Amsterdam (in press).

19. Latella L. & Gobbi M. (a cura di), 2008 - La Fauna del Suolo: tassonomia, ecologia e metodi di studio dei principali gruppi di invertebrati terrestri italiani. Quaderni del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali, 3, 192 pp.

20. Lencioni V. & Maiolini B., 2008 - Le spedizioni di ricerca in Artico dei ricercatori del Museo. In: Casarotto C. (a cura di), Pole position. Catalogo della mostra. Trento: 77-81.

21. Maiolini B., 2009 – Il Po, ecologia di un grande fiume:le sfide del clima e dell’Uomo. In: Fuchs G. & Tasser B. (Eds), Obiettivo sulla Pianura Padana, Innsbruck University Press: 101-112.

22. Marshall A.R., Rovero F. & Struhsaker T.T., (2009) - Procolobus gordonorum. In: Rowe N. (ed), All the World’s Primates. Pogonias Press (in press).

23. Menegon M. & Davenport T., 2008 - The Amphibian Fauna of the Eastern Arc Mountains. In: Threatened Amphibians of the World. Lynx Edicions in association with IUCN.

24. Pedrini P., Rossi F., Rizzolli F. & Spina F., 2008 - Le Alpi italiane quale barriera ecologica nel corso della migrazione post-riproduttiva attraverso l’Europa: risultati generali della prima fase del Progetto (1997-2002). Biol. Cons. Fauna, 116: 1-336.

25. Petti F.M. & Avanzini M., 2008 - Dinosauri polari / Polar dinosaurs. In: Casarotto C. (a cura di), Pole Position. Catalogo della Mostra, 258 pp.

26. Rovero F. & Doggart N., 2008 - Rhynchocyon udzungwensis. In: IUCN, 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <www.iucnredlist.org>.

27. Rovero F., Davenport T.R.B. & Jones T., (2009) - Abbott’s duiker. In: Kingdon J.S. & Hoffmann M. (eds), The Mammals of Africa. Vol. 6. Pigs, Deer, Giraffe, Bovids and Hippos. Academic Press, Amsterdam (in press).

28. Wantzen K.M., Rothhaupt K.-O., Mörtl M., Cantonati M., Lászlo G.-T. & Fischer P., 2008 - Ecological Effects of Water-Level Fluctuations in Lakes. Developments of Hydrobiology, Hydrobiologia, 613: 1-184.

Popular science papers1. Avanzini M. & Kustatscher E., 2008 - Alla scoperta di rettili e piante preistoriche. Parco

naturale Fanes-Sennes-Braies.2. Avanzini M. & Zambotto P. 2009, - Paleontologi in guerra. Paleoitalia: newsletter della

Società paleontologica italiana, 20 (giu. 2009): 17-20.3. Avanzini M. & Zambotto P., 2008 - Geologi in guerra sul fronte trentino. L’Alpe 19: 29-35.4. Avanzini M., 2008 - I dinosauri: storie di mari caldi e spiagge tropicali in epoche

preistoriche. Economia Trentina, 57/3-4 (Suppl): 30-31.5. Bernardi M., 2009 - Tracce fossili di arcosauri vicino a Zone (Brescia). Paleoitalia:

newsletter della Società paleontologica italiana, 20 (giu. 2009): 21-24.6. Bonomi C. & Coser E., 2008 - Delectus Seminum 35 (2008) quae Hortus Botanicus

Alpinus ‘Viotte’ Musei Tridentini Scientiarum Naturalium pro mutua commutatione offert Semina Anno 2007 in Horto Botanico collecta.

7. Bonomi C. & Coser E., 2009 - Delectus Seminum 36 (2009) quae Hortus Botanicus Alpinus ‘Viotte’ Musei Tridentini Scientiarum Naturalium pro mutua commutatione offert Semina Anno 2007 in Horto Botanico collecta.

8. Cantonati M., 2008 - La biodiversità invisibile. In: Lasen C. (Ed.), Tesori naturalistici. Alla scoperta dei paesaggi e della biodiversità, dalla montagna al mare, nelle province di Belluno, Vicenza, Verona, Mantova e Ancona, Arsenale Editore, Verona: 22-23.

9. Cantonati M., 2008 - La Finlandia delle Alpi. Un moderno database per i laghi e le


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sorgenti del trentino. Economia Trentina, 57/3-4 (suppl.): 36-39.10. Dalmeri G., 2008 - Il mistero delle pietre dipinte. Il popolamento preistorico della regione

dolomitica e le più antiche forme dell’arte. Economia Trentina, 57/3-4 (suppl.): 32-35.11. Dalmeri G., 2009 - I cacciatori di stambecchi del Riparo Dalmeri. Edizioni CIERRE,

Verona.12. Dalmeri G., Duches R., Rosà V., 2009 - L’uomo di Neanderthal sul Monte Baldo. La

Giurisdizione di Pénede, Quaderno periodico di ricerca storica, pp. 111-120. Arco (TN).13. Dalpiaz D., 2008 - L’orso bruno in Trentino: aggiornamento 2007. Bollettino SAT, 2008/1.14. Dalpiaz D., 2008 - L’orso bruno in Trentino: la situazione a fine 2007. Terra Trentina,

2008/4.15. Dalpiaz D., 2009 - L’orso bruno nelle Alpi Centrali 1999-2009. I primi dieci anni. Bollettino

del Corpo Forestale Provinciale della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, 2009/1: 70-73.16. Flor E., 2009 - Sulla Piana della Marcesina alla scoperta dei suoi primi abitanti. Itinerari

Preistorici, guida. A-P.T. Valsugana-Lagorai-Terme-Laghi. Borgo Valsugana (Trento).17. Groff C. & Dalpiaz D., 2008 - Genetic monitoring of bears in Trentino - Italy (2007). I.B.A.

News, Vol. 16 n. 2, June 2008.18. Lencioni V., 2008 - Vita nel mondo glaciale. Economia trentina, 3/4 (Suppl.): 40-43.19. Loader S. & Menegon M., 2009 - Remarkable amphibian diversity in the South Nguru

Mountains, Tanzania. Froglog, newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group, 91/March: 8-10.

20. Nicolodi F., 2009 - L’uomo e l’orso: due leali avversari da migliaia di anni. Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta, Newsletter, 20: 11-13.

21. Nicolodi F., Dalmeri G., 2009 - Il primo popolamento del Chiese trentino: dati e resoconti. Centro Studi Judicaria, Judicaria, 72 (dicembre 2009): 21-30.

22. Pedrini P., 2009 - L’attività di inanellamento del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali. Il cacciatore trentino, 76: 20-23.

23. Rovero F. & Jones T., 2008 - The naming of the shrew. Africa Geographic, 16/5: 18-19.24. Rovero F., 2008 - L’emozione della scoperta. Oasis, 174: 13.25. Rovero F., 2008 - Pachiderma bonsai. National Geographic Italia, 21/3.26. Rovero F., 2008 - Per la prima volta alla luce del sole. Il cefalofo di Abbott (Cephalophus

spadix) in attività diurna. Natura Alpina, 2007/1-2: 48.27. Rovero F., 2008 - Un nuovo mammifero dalla foreste della Tanzania. Darwin, 25: 14-19.28. Società Alpinisti Tridentini & Provincia Autonoma di Trento, 2009 - Sui sentieri del

Lagorai - Viaggio alla scoperta di Natura 2000. Società degli Alpinisti Tridentini, Trento, 84 pp. Contribution of P. Pedrini.

29. Tolotti M., Forsström L., Morabito G., Thaler B., Stoyneva M., Cantonati M., Šiško M. & Lotter A., 2009. Biogeographical characterisation of phytoplankton assemblages in high altitude, and high latitude European lakes. In (J. Catalan, C.J. Curtis & M. Kernan Eds.) Patterns and factors of biota distribution in remote European lakes. Advances in Limnology, 62: 55-75.

oral communications (with published abstract)1. Avanzini M., De Angelis M., Mietto P., Panarello A., Santello L. & Rolandi G., 2008 -

Walking on a volcano: Middle Pleistocene human footprints preserved in a volcanoclastic deposit of Southern Italy - (Conferencias invitadas). Symposio SEP 2008, MUJA, Colunga Asturias (Spain).

2. Avanzini M., Petti F.M., Bernardi M., Dal Sasso C.,M., Ferretti P., Nicosia U. & Schirolli P., 2009 - Crurotarsan tracks from the Iseo lake area (Late Triassic, Eastern Lombardy, Northern Italy). IX Giornate di paleontologia, Apricena (Italy), 2009. Abstract Book: 27.

3. Becker M., Bellin A. & Borsato A., 2008 - Fractionated Drainage in a Karstic Alpine System: The Italian Dolomites. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, Buffalo (New york), 27-29 March 2008.

4. Bernardi M., Boschele S., Ferretti P. & Avanzini M., 2009 - Spatangoid (Echinoidea) burrows from the Oligocene of Valsugana (Borgo Valsugana, Trentino, NW Italy). IX Giornate di paleontologia, Apricena (Italy), 2009. Abstract Book: 42.

5. Bernardi M., Ferretti P., Petti F.M. & Avanzini M., 2009 - Asteriacites sp. from the Coste dell’Anglone dinosaur ichnosite (Valle del Sarca, Trentino, NW Italy). IX Giornate di paleontologia, Apricena (Italy), 2009. Abstract Book: 43.

6. Bertuzzi E., Angeli N. & Cantonati M., 2008 - Diatom indices and springs. 2nd Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM2), Trento (Italy), 12-15 June 2008.

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7. Bon M., Confortini I., Latella L., Lencioni V. & Mizzan L., 2008 - Specie animali alloctone in Veneto e Trentino: distribuzione, vie di penetrazione e dispersione. XVIII Convegno del Gruppo per l’Ecologia di Base “G. Gadio”, Un mondo che cambia: successioni ecologiche, invasioni biologiche ed alterazioni antropiche, Alessandria (Italy), 9-11 May 2008. Abstract Book: 36.

8. Bonomi C., 2008 - Seeds for the future through Ensconet. Alliances workshop 815 - Partnerships for plant conservation Linking in situ and ex situ conservation in Europe. 4th IUCN World Conservation Congress, Barcelona (Spain), 5-14 October 2008.

9. Bonomi C., 2009 - A joint curation protocol to maximise seed longevity in the ENSCONET seed bank network. Eurogard V, Botanic Gardens in the age of Climate Change, Helsinki (Finland), 7-12 June 2009. Abstract Book: 44.

10. Bonomi C., 2009 - Enquiry centred education for alpine Botanic Gardens: case studies from the EU project: “Plant Scientists Investigate”. 2nd International Alpine and Arctic Botanic Garden Congress, Munich (Germany), 22-25 April 2009. Abstract Book: 6.

11. Borsato A., Frisia S., Richards D.A., Miorandi R., Spötl C., van der Borg K., Richards D.A. & Villa I.M., 2008 - Temperature and rainfall variability during the Holocene: reconstruction from speleothem δ18O in northeast Italy. MedCLIVAR Workshop Oxygen isotopes tracers of Mediterranean climate variability, Pisa (Italy), 11-13 june 2008.

12. Caldonazzi M., Pedrini P. & Zanghellini S., 2008 - Dall’Atlante dei Mammiferi del Trentino la Lista Rossa locale. Convegno Nazionale Associazione Teriologica Italiana, Cles (Italy), 17-18 April 2008.

13. Cantonati M., Angeli N., Bertuzzi E., Lange-Bertalot H., Spitale D. & Scalfi A., 2008 - Diatoms in springs of the Alps: Ecology and taxonomy. 20th International Diatom Symposium, Dubrovnik (Croatia), 7-13 September 2008. Abstract Book: 39.

14. Cantonati M., Lange-Bertalot H., Angeli N., Bertuzzi E., Scalfi A. & Spitale D., 2008 - New diatom genera and species in springs of the Alps, and their suitability for an ecological characterization of springs. 2nd Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM2), Trento (Italy), 12-15 June 2008.

15. Cantonati M., Lange-Bertalot H., Komárek J., Angeli N., Frassanito R., Scalfi A. & Guella G., 2008 - Tassonomia ed ecologia di nuovi generi e specie di diatomee e cianobatteri di sorgenti delle Alpi. Annual Meeting of the Italian Phycology Working Group. Abano Terme (Italy), 14-15 November 2008. Atti: 19.

16. Cantonati M., Scalfi A., Spitale D. & Lange-Bertalot H., 2009 - Using epilithic and epiphytic (on the rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea) diatoms to assess the environmental quality of the shores of the largest Italian lake (L. Garda). 7th International Symposium “Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers” (7th ISUAMR), Luxembourg, 23-25 November 2009. Programme - Abstracts: 37-38.

17. Cantonati M., Spitale D. & Gerecke R., 2009 - Use of benthic organisms from multiple taxonomic groups for the conservation-oriented classification of spring habitats: Neglected and threatened key habitats for biodiversity conservation. North American Benthological Society 57th Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids (MI, USA), 17-22 May 2009.

18. Cantonati M., Spitale D., Scalfi A. & Battistotti M., 2009 - Epiphytic (on the rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea) and epilithic littoral diatoms of Lake Garda (Italy) studied in the frame of the ACE_SAP Project (2008-2011). 3rd Central European Diatom Meeting, CEDIATOM3, Utrecht (The Netherlands), 27-29 March 2009. Abstract Book Diatomededelingen, 33: 43.

19. Gobbi M., 2008 - Diversity patterns of ground dwelling arthropods succession on alpine glacier foreland. Ber. Nat. -med. Verein Innsbruck, Suppl. 18: 15.

20. Gobbi M., 2009 - Effetti dei cambiamenti climatici recenti sulle cenosi di artropodi: le piane proglaciali come modello di studio. Congresso Nazionale di Entomologia, Ancona (Italy), 15-18 June 2009. Proceedings: 61.

21. Lami A., Marchetto A., Musazzi S., Manca M., Salerno F., Tartari G., Boggero A., Lencioni V., Guilizzoni P. & Tartari G.A., 2009 - Effetti sulle caratteristiche chimiche e biologiche di un lago di alta quota, Valle del Khumbhu, Nepal alle oscillazioni del clima sulla base delle indicazioni ottenute dal monitoraggio a lungo termine e da indagini paleolimnologiche. XIX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia A.I.O.L., Venezia Isola di San Servolo (Italy), 22-25 September 2009. Libro dei Riassunti: 33.

22. Leira M., Filippi M. & Cantonati M., 2008 - Water-level changes in Alpine lakes (NE Italy), and their reflection in the diatom sediment record. 2nd Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM2), Trento (Italy), 12-15 June 2008.


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23. Lencioni V., Marziali L. & Rossaro B., 2009 - Diversity and distribution of chironomids in natural and impacted springs in the Italian Prealps and Alps. XVII International Symposium on Chironomidae, Tianjin (China), 5-10 July 2009. Program and Abstract book: 35.

24. Mondoni A., Probert R., Rossi G. & Bonomi C., 2008 - A comparative study of post-dispersal embryo development and germination phenology in populations of Anemone nemorosa L. and A. ranunculoides L. from Northern Italy. 9 th International Seed Science Society Conference on Seed Biology, Olsztyn (Poland), 6-11 July 2008.

25. Pedrini P., Sottovia L. & Brambilla M., 2009 - Proposta di piano per il monitoraggio di specie ornitiche di interesse comunitario e locale in provincia di Trento. XV Congresso Italiano di Ornitologia, Parco Nazionale del Circeo, Sabaudia (Italy), 14-18 October 2009. Abstract book: 60-61.

26. Petti F.M., Avanzini M., Belvedere M., Degasperi M., Ferretti P., Franceschi M., Girardi S., Remomndino F. & Tomasoni R., 2008 - New approaches to study dinosaur tracks: 30 digital modelling by photogrammetry and active sensors. Second International Congress on Ichnology, Kracow (Poland), 29 August - 8 September 2008.

27. Pinuela L., Farlow J., Garcia Ramos J.C., Ruiz Omenaca J.C., Avanzini M. & Lockley M., 2008 - Probable Anomoepus from the late Jurassic of Asturias, Spain. Second International Congress on Ichnology, Kracow (Poland), 29 August - 8 September 2008.

28. Rossaro B., Marziali L., Lencioni V. & Boggero A., 2009 - Response of benthic macroinvertebrates to environmental factors in Italian lakes. XVII International Symposium on Chironomidae, 5-10 July 2009. Program and Abstract book: 40.

29. Rossaro B., Boggero A., Marziali L. & Lencioni V., 2009 - Benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators in lakes. XIX Congresso S.It.E., Bolzano, 15-18 settembre 2009. Libro dei riassunti: 75.

30. Rossaro B., Lencioni V., Boggero A., Grazioli V. & Marziali L., 2009 - DNA barcode in chironomid classification. UZI, settembre 2009.

31. Rott, E., Hotzy R. & Cantonati M., 2009 - Tufa spring protection status in the Central Eastern Alps with special reference to the desmid Oocardium stratum, a frequently overlooked key element. 2nd ECCB, Prague (Czech Republic), 1-5 September 2009.

32. Rovero F. & DeFries R., 2009 - Towards the definition of a “Zone of Interaction” of protected areas to quantify and monitor the human impact on biodiversity. XIX Congresso S.It.E., Bolzano (Italy), 15-18 September 2009.

33. Rovero F. & Hewson J., 2008 - The importance of monitoring human activities in the Zone of Interaction to interpret biodiversity measurements: case study from the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Paramaribo (Suriname), 9-13 June 2008.

34. Rovero F. & Mtui A.S., 2009 - The effect of human disturbance on primate abundance in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania, as revealed by fine-scale habitat modelling. Proceedings of the 19th meeting of the Italian Primatological Society, Asti (Italy), April 2009.

35. Rovero F. & Struhsaker T.T., 2008 - Habitat determinants of primate abundance in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania: conservation relevance of a fine-scale analysis. Folia Primatologica, 79: 127-128.

36. Rovero F., Marshall A.R., Jones T. & Perkin A., 2009 - The primates of the Udzungwa Mountains:a brief review of current knowledge. Proceedings 7th TAWIRI conference, Arusha (Tanzania), 2-4 december 2009.

37. Santello L., Avanzini M., De Angelis M. Mietto P., Panarello A. & Rolandi G., 2008 - Stratigraphic features of Roccamonfina volcano (Caserta, Southern Italy) related to the presence of Pleistocene human. AVCEI 2008 General assembly, Reykjavìk (Iceland).

38. Santello L., Avanzini M., De Angelis M., Mietto P., Panarello A. & Rolandi G., 2008 - Stratigraphic features of Brown Leucitic Tuff (Roccamonfina volcano, Southern Italy) related to the presence of Pleistocene human footprints. Rendiconti Soc. Geol. It., 2 (2008): 1-3.

39. Tenan S., Girardello M., Pedrini P. & Spina F., 2009 - Inter- and intra-specific determinants of abundance in birds migrating across the Italian Alps. XIX Congresso S.It.E., Bolzano (Italy), 15-18 September 2009. Abstract book: 28.

oral communications (without published abstract)1. Belli R., Dalmeri G., Gialanella S., Mattarelli M., Montagna M., Quaranta A. & Toniutti L.,

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2008 - Palaeolithic Paintings at Riparo Dalmeri, a Northern Italian Rockshelter: Materials, Technologies, Techniques. 37 International Symposium on Archaeometry, Siena (Italy), 12-16 May 2008.

2. Boggero A., Lencioni V. & Rossaro B., 2008 - Le condizioni di riferimento delle acque lacustri basate sui macroinvertebrati - Attuazione della Direttiva 2000/60/CE: Condizioni e siti di riferimento per le tipologie di corpi idrici nel bacino del fiume Po, Parma (Italy), 23-24 January 2008.

3. Boggero A., Rossaro B., Lencioni V., Bazzanti M., Mastrantuono L. & Solimini A., 2008 - Macroinvertebrati di acque lacustri: stato attuale delle conoscenze e prospettive future. Accademia dei Lincei, VIII Giornata Mondiale dell’acqua - Acque interne in Italia: uomo e natura, Roma (Italy), 28 March 2008.

4. Bonomi C., 2008 - Giardini botanici e conservazione della flora. Convegno “Conoscenza e conservazione della biodiversità nelle aree naturali protette delle Dolomiti”, Parco Nazionale delle Dolomiti Bellunesi (Italy), 11-12 April 2008.

5. Bonomi C., 2008 - Proteggere ed educare, l’impegno del Giardino Botanico Alpino delle Viotte (Trento). Incontri di Oropa, Biella (Italy), 13 June 2008.

6. Bonomi C., 2008 - Valutazione dello stato di rischio IUCN di Aquilegia thalictrifolia Schott et Kotschy. Riunione del gruppo di lavoro per la conservazione della natura della Società Botanica Italiana, Roma (Italy), 15 March 2008.

7. Bonomi C., 2009 - Gli aspetti della conservazione ex situ. Simposio “Gli Orti Botanici italiani nel XXI secolo: nuovi ruoli e strategie”, Camerino (Italy), 30 May 2009.

8. Bonomi C., 2009 - Importanza di Giardini e Orti Botanici Alpini. Eventi dell’Orto Botanico del Monte Baldo: Buon compleanno Orto: L’Orto Botanico compie 20 anni, Ferrara di Monte Baldo (Italy), 11 July 2009.

9. Bonomi C., 2009 - La strategia Europea per la conservazione ex situ della biodiversità. Inaugurazione della Banca del germoplasma per la conservazione delle specie anfiadriatiche dell’Orto Botanico Selva di Gallignano, Ancona (Italy), 28-29 May 2009.

10. Bonomi C., Abeli T. & Rossi G., 2009 - Callianthemum kernerianum. Workshop “Le TOP 50 piante Vascolari più minacciate d’Italia”. Gruppo di conservazione, Società Botanica Italiana, Dipartimento di Biologia, Università La Sapienza, Roma (Italy), 27 February 2009.

11. Cantonati M., 2009 - 3. Internationale Quellwoche im Nationalpark Gesäuse. [invited]. National Park Research Program - LIFE Project, 12-20 July 2009.

12. Cantonati M., 2009 - Diatomee come indicatori di integrità e qualità negli habitat sorgivi (progetto CESSPA e progetto CRENODAT). Workshop 05 organized by the River Adige Basin Authority, Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige, Bolzano (Italy), 18 March 2009.

13. Cantonati M., 2009 - Ecological and morphological data on some of the main Achnanthidium species in spring habitats of natural preserves of the Alps (carbonate substratum). 1st European Workshop on Diatom Taxonomy (1st EWDT), Luxembourg, 26-27 November 2009.

14. Cusinato A., Dalmeri G., Fontana F. & Guerreschi A., 2008 - Stratégies d’exploitation des Alpes sud-orientales du Tardigliaciaire au début de l’Holocene ancien. Table Ronde Archéologie de l’espace montagnard: confrontation d’expériences européennes, Musée-museum départemental de Gap (Hautes-Alpes, France), 29-30 septembre 2008.

15. Döppes D., Rosendahl W., Pacher M., Imhof W., Dalmeri G. & Bocherens H., 2008 - Stable isotopes investigations of Late Glacial and Early Holocene brown bear finds from caves in the alpine region. Convegno ICBS 2008, Vienna (Austria), August 2008.

16. Festi D., Oeggl K. & Dalmeri G., 2008 - Impact of Palaeolithic Hunters and Gatherers Society on the Environment: a case study from the north-eastern Italian Alps. International Palinological Congress , Innsbruck (Austria), August 2008.

17. Lencioni V., 2009 - Analisi della biodiversità animale nel Central Karakorum National Park - Invertebrati acquatici di sorgenti e torrenti del CKNP e zone limitrofe risultati preliminari. Workshop Ev-K2-CNR: Le ricerche nel Parco Nazionale del Karakoram Centrale (CKNP), Pakistan: risultati e prospettive. Centro Studi per l’Ambiente Alpino “Lucio Susmel”, S. Vito di Cadore (Italy), 1-2 April 2009.

18. Lencioni V., Rovero F., Menegon M. & Lanzinger M., 2008 - Trento Natural Science Museum towards 2010: promoting biodiversity of Alpine and tropic hotspots. EDIT Public Awareness Workshop “The Biodiversity Year Schedule of Events 2010”, Bruxelles (Belgium), 12-14 march 2008. (http://www.e-taxonomy.eu/files/edit_Lencioni_2008.ppt)


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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








19. Pedrini P. & Brambilla M., 2008 - Criteri generali del piano di monitoraggio faunistico della Rete Natura 2000 in Trentino. Convegno Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nelle aree protette alpine: esperienze a confronto. Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.

20. Pedrini P. & Rossi F., 2008 - Progetto Alpi: Programmazione attività, stato del progetto. Workshop Progetto Alpi, ISPRA, Ozzano nell’Emilia (Italy), 20 June 2008.

21. Pedrini P., 2009 - Dalle ricerche sui Vertebrati, indicazioni sullo stato di conservazione della Biodiversità in Trentino. Convegno “Ecologie e Ambienti in Trentino: l’ombra del Futuro”, Società di Scienze Naturali del Trentino, Ronzone (Italy), 23-24 May 2009.

22. Pedrini P., Rizzolli F., Rossi F. & Spina F., 2008 - Aggiornamenti e considerazioni dal Progetto Alpi. L’inanellamento: strumento di monitoraggio dell’ambiente e dei mutamenti climatici in atto. Pescara (Italy), 2-3 February 2008.

Posters (with published abstract)1. Bernabò P., Caputi L., Frassanito R., Guella G., Jousson O. & Lencioni V., 2009 -

Cold resistance in pseudodiamesa branickii (Nowicki): physiological, molecular and biochemical aspects. XVII International Symposium on Chironomidae, 5-10 July 2009, Program and Abstract book: 69.

2. Bernabò P., Jousson O., Latella L., Martinez-Guitarte J.L., Rebecchi L. & Lencioni V., 2009 - Comparative analysis of Heat shock proteins and thermoresistance in stenothermal insects from caves and cold streams (NE, Italy). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 154/1, Page S4, ISSN 1095-6433, DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2009.05.023.

3. Bernabò P., Jousson O., Rebecchi L. & Lencioni V., 2009 - Termotolleranza in Diamesa cinerella (Diptera, Chironomidae): un approccio molecolare. XIX Congresso S.It.E., Bolzano (Italy), 15-18 September 2009. Abstract Book: 126.

4. Bertocchi A., Pedrini P., Rizzolli F., Rossi F. & Torboli C., 2009 - Il censimento degli uccelli acquatici svernanti in Trentino (2000-2009). XV Congresso Italiano di Ornitologia, Parco Nazionale del Circeo, Sabaudia (Italy), 14-18 October 2009. Abstract book: 38.

5. Bertocchi A., Rizzolli F., Torboli C. & Pedrini P., 2009 - La moretta Aythya fuligula in Trentino: evoluzione di una popolazione dai primi casi di svernamento all’insediamento come nidificante. XV Congresso Italiano di Ornitologia, Parco Nazionale del Circeo, Sabaudia (Italy), 14-18 October 2009. Abstract book: 27-28.

6. Cantonati M., Spitale D., Scalfi A., Angeli N., Guella G., Frassanito R., Andreoli C., La Rocca N., Moro I. & Sciuto K., 2009 - A2-WP2 Target species Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) C. Agardh. ACE-SAP Project (Alpine ecosystems in a changing environment: Biodiversity Sensitivity and Adaptive Potential), 2nd Annual General Meeting, Trento (Italy), 7 May 2009. Abstract Book: 11-12.

7. Deflorian M.C. & Pedrini P., 2009 - Le collezioni ornitologiche del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali. XV Congresso Italiano di Ornitologia, Parco Nazionale del Circeo, Sabaudia (Italy), 14-18 October 2009. Abstract book: 100-101.

8. Frassanito R., Mancini I., Cantonati M. & Guella G., 2008 - Modern mass spectrometric strategies in “lipidomics”. 1st French-Italian Conference on Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals and applications of mass spectrometry.

9. Gatti D., Marshall A.R. & Rovero F., 2009 - Primati e vegetazione arborea nei Monti Udzungwa, Tanzania: effetto del metodo di campionamento della vegetazione sull’analisi delle determinanti di abbondanza dei primati. 19th meeting of the Italian Primatological Society, Asti (Italy), April 2009.

10. Gobbi M., Caccianiga M., Cerabolini B., De Bernardi F., Luzzaro A. & Pierce S., 2008 - Ecosystem dynamics triggered by climate change along a glacier foreland: a quantitative and functional approach on plant and arthopod assemblages. Ber. Nat.-med. Verein Innsbruck, Suppl. 18: 38.

11. Gobbi M., Pilia O. & Lencioni V., 2009 - Biodiversità entomologica negli habitat naturali e antropizzati del settore trentino del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio. XXII Congresso Nazionale di Entomologia, Ancona (Italy), 15-18 June 2009. Proceedings: 78.

12. Gobbi M., Bragalanti N. & Lencioni V., 2009 - Biodiversità delle comunità di coleotteri carabidi nei siti forestali del Settore Trentino del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio. XIX Congresso S.It.E., Bolzano (Italy), 15-18 September 2009. Abstract Book: 138.

13. Lencioni V. & Rossaro B., 2009 - Chironomids of springs, rivers and lakes in five provinces and in the Beijing Municipality of the People’s Republic of China. XVII International Symposium on Chironomidae, Tianjin (China), 5-10 July 2009. Program and Abstract book: 68.

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14. Marziali L., Rossaro B. & Lencioni V., 2009 - Chironomid drift behavior (Insecta, Diptera) in an arctic stream (Svalbard Islands) under natural and induced light conditions. XVII International Symposium on Chironomidae, Tianjin (China), 5-10 July 2009. Program and Abstract book: 72.

15. Rott E., Cantonati M. & Füreder L., 2009 - Airborne acidification of headwaters: Can it be differentiated from natural conditions using biota? American Society of Limnology and Oceanography ASLO Meeting, Nice (France), 25-30 January 2009. Abstract Book: 231.

16. Rovero F., 2008 - A newly-established centre for monitoring primates in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. Folia Primatologica, 79: 157.

17. Rovero F., Marshall A.R. & Mtui A.S., 2009 - The use of camera trapping to estimate density of forest ungulates by calibrating trapping rate to density. Proceedings 7th

TAWIRI conference, Arusha (Tanzania), 2-4 december 2009.18. Scalfi A., Spitale D. & Cantonati M., 2009 - Littoral phytobenthos of the largest Italian

lake (L. Garda), with focus on the adaptive traits of the rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea in relation to water-level-fluctuations-related stressors. North American Benthological Society, 57th Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids (MI USA), 17-22 May 2009. Session 45 (Periphyton) (305).

19. Tattoni C., Ferrari M., Rizzolli F., Geneletti D. & Pedrini P., 2009 - Confronto tra modelli predittivi per la distribuzione specie di interesse comunitario della Direttiva Uccelli. XIX Congresso S.It.E., Bolzano (Italy), 15-18 September 2009. Abstract book: 124.

20. Tenan S., Pedrini P., Rizzolli F. & Spina F., 2009 - Differenze altitudinali nelle condizioni energetiche di tre specie di Passeriformi durante la migrazione post-riproduttiva attraverso le Prealpi centrali. XIX Congresso S.It.E., Bolzano (Italy), 15-18 September 2009. Abstract book: 140.

Posters (without published abstract)1. Bernabò P., Rebecchi L. & Lencioni V., 2008 - Resistenza al freddo e allo shock da

calore in ditteri chironomidi d’alta quota. Incontro dei dottorandi in scienze dei sistemi acquatici, Istituto Agrario di San Michele all’Adige - Fondazione Mach, S. Michele a/Adige (Italy), 14-16 April 2008.

2. Cantonati M. & Angeli N., 2008 - La biodiversità nascosta del Parco Naturale Adamello-Brenta: specie e generi nuovi per la scienza scoperti negli habitat sorgivi (Progetto CRENODAT). Convegno Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nella aree protette alpine: esperienze a confronto, Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.

3. Cantonati M., Tardio M., Spitale D. & Angeli N., 2008 - Ricerche ecologiche di lungo corso e biodiversità acquatica per il monitoraggio dei cambiamenti climatici e ambientali. Il Progetto ACQUA_TEST-PNAB. Convegno Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nella aree protette alpine: esperienze a confronto, Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.

4. Gobbi M., Priore C & Lencioni V., 2008 - Indagine storica sulla biodiversità di Coleotteri Cerambicidi della Val Genova (Parco Naturale Adamello-Brenta). Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nelle aree protette alpine: esperienze a confronto, Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.

5. Lencioni V. & Maiolini B., 2008 - Nuove specie per la scienza nelle acque del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, hotspot di biodiversità. Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nelle aree protette alpine: esperienze a confronto, Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.

6. Lencioni V., Gobbi M. & Pilia O., 2008 - Entomofauna del Settore trentino del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio: documentazione della biodiversità in relazione agli habitat, alla presenza dell’uomo e alla fauna vertebrata. Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nelle aree protette alpine: esperienze a confronto, Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.

7. Lupo Stanghellini P. S., Maiolini B. & Perghem G., 2008 - Integrating public participation and cost-benefit analysis into water decision making processes: the PARTy project. 4th

ECRR Conference on River Restoration, Venice, Italy – 16-21 June 2008.8. Pedrini P., Nones S., Rizzolli F. & Volcan G., 2008 - L’importanza degli ambienti umidi

di fondovalle per i Passeriformi durante la fase premigratoria. Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nelle aree protette alpine: esperienze a confronto, Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.

9. Pedrini P., Rizzolli F. & Rossi F., 2008 - Status e distribuzione del re di quaglie (Crex crex) in provincia di Trento. Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nelle aree protette alpine: esperienze a confronto, Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.


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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








10. Pedrini P., Rizzolli F., Negra O., Brugnoli A., Marchesi L., Pallaveri A. & Tomasi C., 2008 - Il Biotopo Foci dell’Avisio (Valle dell’Adige, Trentino) quale luogo di sosta dei Passeriformi migratori. Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nelle aree protette alpine: esperienze a confronto, Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.

11. Torboli C., Agostini A. & Pedrini P., 2008 - Studi e ricerche sui Chirotteri nella Rete Natura 2000 del Trentino. Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nelle aree protette alpine: esperienze a confronto, Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.

congress attendances1. 103° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana. Reggio Calabria (Italy), 17-21 September

2008.2. 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. Riva del Garda

(Italy), 15-20 September 2009.3. 19th Meeting of the Italian Primatological Society. Asti (Italy), April 2009. 4. 1st annual meeting of the European consortium of Botanic Gardens. Botanic Garden of

Helsinki (Finland), 7 June 2009. 5. 1st European Workshop on Diatom Taxonomy. Luxembourg, 26-27 November 2009.6. 1st French-Italian Conference on Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals and applications of

mass spectrometry.7. 20th International Diatom Symposium. Dubrovnik (Croatia), 7-13 September 2008.8. 2nd annual Meeting of the European consortium of Botanic Gardens. San Miguel, Azores

Islands (Portugal), 20-22 November 2009. 9. 2nd Central European Diatom Meeting (CEDIATOM2). Trento (Italy), 12-15 June 2008.10. 2nd International Alpine and Arctic Botanic Garden Congress. Munich (Germany), 22-25

April 2009.11. 37th International Symposium on Archaeometry. Siena (Italy), 12-16 May 2008. 12. 3rd Central European Diatom Meeting, CEDIATOM3. Utrecht (The Netherlands), 27-29

March 2009.13. 3rd Internationale Quellwoche im Nationalpark Gesäuse. National Park Research

Program - LIFE Project, 12-20 July 2009.14. 4th IUCN World Conservation Congress. Barcelona (Spain), 5-14 October 2008.15. 5° convegno Ricerca zoologica e botanica in Alto Adige. Bolzano (Italy), 4-5 September

2008. 16. 7th International Symposium “Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers” (7th ISUAMR).

Luxembourg, 23-25 November 2009.17. 7th Tawiri Wildlife Conference. Arusha (Tanzania), 2-4 december 2009.18. African Amphibian Working Group. Ilboro Safari Lodge, Arusha (Tanzania), 11-13 April

2008.19. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography ASLO Meeting. Nice (France), 25-30

January 2009.20. Annual Beared Volture Meeting. Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Bormio-Valfurva (Italy),

23-25 October 2009.21. Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. Paramaribo

(Suriname), 9-13 June 2008. 22. Annual Meeting of the Italian Phycology Working Group. Abano Terme (Italy), 14-15

November 2008.23. AVCEI 2008 General assembly. Reykjavìk (Iceland).24. Conoscenza e conservazione della biodiversità nelle aree naturali protette delle

Dolomiti. Parco Nazionale delle Dolomiti Bellunesi (Italy), 11-12 April 2008.25. Convegno ICBS 2008. Vienna, August 2008.26. Convegno internazionale Les serres: Aspects techniques, scientifiques, muséographiques

et pédagogiques. Lyon (France), 21-24 octobre 2008.27. Convegno Nazionale Associazione Teriologica Italiana. Cles (Italy), 17-18 April 2008.28. ECCB 2009 - 2nd European Conference of Conservation Biology. Prague (Czech

Republic), 1-5 September 2009.29. ECSITE Annual Conference 2009, Workshop T-Nature group. Milano (Italy), 6 June 2009.30. ECSITE Annual Conference 2008, Budapest, Hungary, May 29-31, 2008.31. Ecologie e Ambienti in Trentino: l’ombra del Futuro. Società di Scienze Naturali del

Trentino, Ronzone (Italy), 23-24 May 2009.

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32. Eurogard V, Botanic Gardens in the age of Climate Change. Helsinki (Finland), 8-12 June 2009.

33. Eventi dell’Orto Botanico del Monte Baldo: Buon compleanno Orto: L’Orto Botanico compie 20 anni. Ferrara di Monte Baldo (Italy), 11 July 2009.

34. Gli Orti Botanici italiani nel XXI secolo: nuovi ruoli e strategie. Camerino (Italy), 30 May 2009.

35. I Sistemi Informativi Territoriali negli Enti Locali ed in altre realtà: esperienze a confronto. Rovereto (Italy), 14 October 2008.

36. Incontri di Oropa. Biella (Italy), 13 June 2008.37. Intenational Conference: Plant Conservation for the Next Decade: A Celebration of

Kew’s 250th Anniversary. Kew, London (UK), 12-16 October 2009.38. International Palinological Congress , Innsbruck (Austria), August 2008. 39. IX Giornate di paleontologia. Apricena (Italy), 2009.40. L’inanellamento: strumento di monitoraggio dell’ambiente e dei mutamenti climatici in

atto. Pescara (Italy), 2-3 February 2008.41. Le foreste dei cacciatori paleolitici. Convegno nazionale Tambre (Italy), June 2008. 42. Meeting Commissione Italiana Ornitologia. ISPRA, Ozzano nell’Emilia (Italy), 12

October.2008.43. Meeting of the European consortium of Botanic Gardens. Botanic Garden of Helsinki

(Finland), 7 June 2009. 44. North American Benthological Society, 57th Annual Meeting. Grand Rapids (MI, USA),

17-22 May 2009. 45. Pan European Conference on Population level Management Plans for Large Carnivores.

Postumia (Slovenia), 10-11 June 2008.46. Pianificazione e gestione della biodiversità nelle aree protette alpine: esperienze a

confronto. Trento (Italy), 27-28 November 2008.47. Problematiche ambientali del Lago di Garda, approfondimenti e proposte di

risanamento. Torri del Benaco (Italy), 13 March 2009.48. Riparo Tagliente (1958-2008) 50 anni dalla scoperta… Convegno nazionale. Cuzzano-

Grezzana, Verona (Italy), 18 October 2008.49. Riunione del gruppo di lavoro per la conservazione della natura della Società Botanica

Italiana. Roma (Italy), 15 March 2008.50. Second International Congress on Ichnology. Kracow (Poland), 29 August - 8 September

2008.51. SPNHC 2009 Bridging Continents, Annual Meeting of the Society for Preservation of

Natural History Collections. Leiden (The Netherlands), 6-11 July 2009.52. Symposio SEP 2008, MUJA. Colunga Asturias (Spain).53. Table Ronde Archéologie de l’espace montagnard: confrontation d’expériences

européennes. Musée-museum départemental de Gap (Hautes-Alpes, France), 29-30 septembre 2008.

54. Uso sostenibile delle piante della flora spontanea. Milano (Italy), 5 June 2009.55. Ville Europeenne des sciences con esposizione progetto Plascigarden. Paris (France),

12-19 November 2008.56. Workshop “Le TOP 50 piante Vascolari più minacciate d’Italia”. Gruppo di conservazione,

Società Botanica Italiana. Roma (Italy), 27 February 2009.57. Workshop 05 organizzato dall’Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Adige. Museo di Scienze

Naturali dell’Alto Adige, Bolzano (Italy), 18 March 2009.58. Workshop Ev-K2-CNR: “Le ricerche nel Parco Nazionale del Karakoram Centrale (CKNP),

Pakistan: risultati e prospettive”. Centro Studi per l’Ambiente Alpino “Lucio Susmel”, S. Vito di Cadore (Italy), 1-2 April 2009.

59. Workshop Lifewatch Italia “Una piattaforma europea per la biodiversità”. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma (Italy), 9 October 2009.

60. Workshop Progetto Alpi. ISPRA, Ozzano nell’Emilia (Italy), 20 June 2008.61. Workshop sulla digitalizzazione delle collezioni naturalistiche. Promosso da Sistema

Museale Naturalistico della Regione Lazio con il patrocinio di ANMS, Roma (Italy), 3 December 2009.

62. XIX Congresso S.It.E.. Bolzano (Italy), 15-18 September 2009.63. XV Congresso Italiano di Ornitologia. Parco Nazionale del Circeo, Sabaudia (Italy), 14-

18 October 2009.64. XVII International Symposium on Chironomidae. Beijng (China), 5-10 July 2009.


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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








collaborations (2008-2009) in italy

Universities (Sections/Laboratories) 21 (42)

Research Institutes 12

Museums 4

Private and public institutions/associations 38

Total 75 (101)


1. Università del Molise, Banca del germoplasma del Molise2. Università dell’Aquila3. Università della Montagna, sede di Edolo (BS)4. Università della Tuscia, Banca del germoplasma dell’Orto Botanico di Viterbo5. Università di Bologna, Istituto Nazionale di Speleologia 6. Università di Cagliari, Banca del germoplasma della Sardegna (BG-SAR) 7. Università di Catania, Banca del germoplasma dell’Orto Botanico di Catania8. Università di Ferrara, Dipartimento delle Risorse Naturali e Culturali9. Università di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Geologia10. Università di Genova, Centro Universitario di Servizi Giardini Botanici Hanbury11. Università di Genova, Dipartimento per lo studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse12. Università di Genova, Laboratorio per la conservazione della diversità vegetale ligure13. Università di Milano, Dipartimento di Agraria14. Università di Milano, Dipartimento di Biologia15. Università di Milano, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze16. Università di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Istituto di Mineralogia17. Università di Milano-Bicocca, Milano18. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento del Museo e dell’Orto Botanico19. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento di Biologia Animale20. Università di Padova, Banca del germoplasma dell’Orto Botanico di Padova21. Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Biologia22. Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Entomologia23. Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Geografia 24. Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Geologia, Paleontologia e Geofisica 25. Università di Palermo, Banca del germoplasma dell’Orto Botanico di Palermo26. Università di Parma, Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva e Funzionale27. Università di Parma, Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali28. Università di Parma, Laboratorio di Geochimica Isotopica 29. Università di Pavia, Dipartimento di Biologia Animale30. Università di Pavia, Dipartimento di Ecologia del Territorio31. Università di Pisa, Banca del germoplasma dell’Orto Botanico di Pisa32. Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Etologia, Ecologia, Evoluzione33. Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Scienze Botaniche34. Università di Roma La Sapienza, Banca del germoplasma dell’Orto Botanico di Roma35. Università di Roma La Sapienza, Museo delle Origini36. Università di Torino, Istituto di Anatomia37. Università di Trento, Centro Interdipartimentale di Biologia Integrata 38. Università di Trento, Dipartmento di Fisica 39. Università di Trento, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale40. Università di Trento, Dipartimento di Scienze filologiche e storiche41. Università di Varese, Dipartimento di Scienze Naturali42. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Banca del germoplasma per la conservazione delle

specie anfiadriatiche

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Research institutes

1. CNR-CeFSA, Centro per la Fisica degli Stati Aggregati, Trento 2. CNR-IGAG, Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria, Roma3. CNR-IRSA, Istituto di Ricerca sulle Acque, Brugherio (MI)4. CNR-ISAC, Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima, Bologna 5. CNR-ISE, Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi, Verbania Pallanza6. ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Dipartimento Studio del Quaternario, Roma7. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Settore ricerca scientifica (ex IRST)8. Fondazione Edmund Mach, Centro di Ecologia Alpina, Viote del Monte Bondone, Trento9. Fondazione Edmund Mach, Istituto Agrario di S. Michele all’Adige, Centro Ricerca e

Innovazione (TN)10. Fondazione Minoprio, Vertemate, Lecco11. Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale, Borgo Grotta Gigante (TS)12. Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale - ex INFS


1. Museo Civico di Rovereto (TN)2. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano3. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona4. Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige (BZ)

Other institutes and associations

1. Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Adige, Trento2. Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici3. CODRA Mediterranea s.r.l., Banca del germoplasma4. Comitato Ev-K2-CNR (BG)5. Comune di Arco (TN)6. Comune di Trento7. Consorzio Parco Monte Barro, Lombardy Seed Bank LSB8. CORA Ricerche Archeologiche, Trento9. Ente di Gestione dei Parchi e delle Riserve Naturali Cuneesi, Banca del germoplasma

delle Alpi sud occidentali10. Garden Club Trento11. Gruppo Micologico “G. Bresaola”, Trento12. Laboratorio tecnico Velluti Restauratori, Villabruna (BL)13. LIPU 14. Mediterraneo® ONLUS, Banca del germoplasma15. Ministero per l’Ambiente16. Osservatorio Climatico di Milano-Brera 17. Parco Naturale Adamello-Brenta18. Parco Naturale Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino19. Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga, Banca del germoplasma

dell'Appennino Centrale20. Parco Nazionale della Majella, Banca del germoplasma della Majella21. Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Settore Lombardo22. Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Settore trentino23. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Agenzia Provinciale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente24. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Servizio Agricoltura e Montagna25. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Servizio Beni culturali26. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Servizio Conservazione della Natura e Valorizzazione

Ambientale27. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Servizio emigrazione e solidarietà Internazionale28. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Servizio Foreste e Fauna29. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Servizio Geologico30. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Ufficio Archeologico31. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Ufficio Faunistico32. Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Ufficio previsioni e organizzazione33. Provincia di Livorno, Banche del Germoplasma Livornesi34. Società Alpinisti Tridentini 35. Società Alpinisti Tridentini, Sezione di Arco36. Società di Scienze Naturali del Trentino37. Soprintendenza Speciale al Museo Preistorico ed Etnografico “L. Pigorini“, Roma38. WWF

collaborations: the research national network

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The research activities at MTsn: report 2008-2009








collaborations (2008-2009) abroad

Universities (Sections/Laboratories) 35 (38)

Research Institutes 19

Museums 10

Private and public institutions/associations 30

Total 94 (97)


1. Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK2. Duke University, Section of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy, USA3. Karakorum International University, Gilgit, Pakistan4. Keele University, Institute of Geology, Dept. of Geography, UK5. Manchester Metropolitan University, Section of Tropical Ecology, UK6. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece7. Trinity College Dublin, Eire8. UNED, Madrid, Spain9. Universidad de Oviedo, Dep. Ci. Geologicas, Spain10. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain11. Universität Basel, Institute of Biogeography, Switzerland12. Universität Bern, Lab. Isotopengeologie, Institut für Geologie, Switzerland13. Universitat de Girona, Spain14. Universitat de Valencia Estudi General, Spain15. Universität Frankfurt, Germany16. Universität Heidelberg, Germany17. Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Ökologie, Austria18. Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Botanik, Austria19. Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Geologie und Palaeontologie, Austria20. Universität Innsbruck, International Ecology Institute, Austria21. Universität Tübingen, Germany22. Universität Wien, Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden, Austria23. Université Aix-en-Provence, Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, France24. University of Birmingham, UK25. University of Bristol, Geochronology Laboratory, UK26. University of Colorado, Denver, USA 27. University of Copenhagen, EDIT Network, Danimarca28. University of Dar es Salaam, Section of Zoology and Wildlife Conservation, Tanzania29. University of Davis, California, USA30. University of Iceland, Institute of Biology, Reykjavik, Iceland31. University of Olomouc, Czech Republic32. University of Oslo, Natural History Museum & Botanical Garden, Norway33. University of Plymouth, Section of Geographical Sciences, UK34. University of Saint-Paul Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA35. University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic36. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands37. University of Utrecht, van de Graaff Laboratorium, The Netherlands38. University of york, UK

Research institutes

1. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Botany Institute, Třeboň, Czech Republic2. Agricultural Research Institute, Lefkosia, Cyprus3. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany, Bulgaria4. Centre of Ecology and Hydrology Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK5. CNRS, Laboratoire Traces, Universitè de Toulouse le Mirail, France6. CNRS, Universitè Paris III, France

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collaborations: the research international network

7. CSIC, Doňana Biological Station, Section of Conservation Biology, Spain 8. CSIC, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia, Spain 9. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland10. Institut für Atmosphäre und Klima, Switzerland11. Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete, Greece12. National Center of Competence in Research in Climate, Bern, Switzerland13. Polish Academy of Sciences, Botany Institute, Krakow, Poland14. Polish Academy of Sciences, Center for Biological Diversity Conservation & Botanical

Garden, Warsaw, Poland15. Polish Academy of Sciences, Istitute of Nature Conservation, Krakow, Poland16. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK17. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany, Bratislava, Slovakia18. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Applied Biodiversity Research Centre,

Cape Town, South Africa19. Stazione Ornitologica Sempach, Switzerland


1. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA2. Field Museum, Chicago, USA3. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest4. Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Genève, Switzerland5. Museum für Naturkunde, EDIT Network, Berlin, Germany6. Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France7. National Museum & Galleries, Cardiff, UK8. Russian Academy of Sciences, Museum of Zoology, Russia9. The Natural History Museum, London, Botany Section, UK10. The Natural History Museum, London, UK

Other institutes and associations

1. Bird Life International2. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Germany3. Botanic Gardens Conservation International4. Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden, Hungary 5. Conservation International, Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring Network, USA6. Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, USA7. EDIT Network8. European Consortium of Botanic Gardens9. Forestry and Beekeeping Division, Tanzania10. Fundación Pública Municipal Jardin Botánico de Córdoba, Spain11. Glacier National Park, Montana, USA12. Helsinki University Botanic Garden, Finland13. Jardí Botànic de Sóller, Spain14. Jardin Botanico Viera y Clavijo, Gran Canaria, Spain15. Landesbund fuer Vogleschutz, Bayern, Germany16. Lisbon Botanical Garden, Portugal17. National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Meise, Belgium18. National Geographic Society, Waswhington DC, USA19. Nationalpark Berchtesgaden, Germany20. Nationalpark Gesäuse, Austria21. Rufford Foundation, UK22. Tanzania Forest Consevation Group23. Tanzania National Parks, Tanzania24. Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute25. Vulture Conservation Foundation, International Bearded Vulture Monitoring26. Wildlife Conservation Society, Democratic Republic of Congo27. Wildlife Conservation Society, Rwanda28. Wildlife Conservation Society, Tanzania29. Wildlife Conservation Society, USA30. WWF - Tanzania Programme

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Report 2008-2009Report 2008-2009

The research acTiviTies aT The MUseO TriDeNTiNO Di scieNZe NaTUraLi

The resea



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eport 2008-2009